A new species of coccidia (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) is described from the saffron finch, Sicalis flaveola, is reported from Brazil. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora bertoi n. sp. are spherical to subspherical; 23.6 (21.1-26.5) x 22.0 (19.4-24.6) µm; shape Index (L/W ratio) 1.1 (1.0-1.2) µm; with bilayer smooth walls, ~1.1 μm. Micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent, but polar granules are present. Sporocysts are elongated ellipsoidal, 16.2 (13.6-17.9) x 10.1 (8.9-12.4) µm. Stieda body is button-shaped and Sub-Stieda and Para-Stieda body are absent. Sporocyst residuum is compact and composed of hundreds of granules scattered among the sporozoites. The sporozoite is claviform with an elongated posterior refractile body and nucleus.
Uma nova espécie de coccídio (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) do canário-da-terra, Sicalis flaveola, é relatada no Brasil. Oocistos esporulados de Isospora bertoi n. sp. são esféricos a subesféricos; 23,6 (21,1-26,5) x 22,0 (19,4-24,6) µm com índice morfométrico (L/W) de 1,1 (1,0-1,2); com parede lisa constituída por duas camadas com ~1,1 μm. Micrópila e resíduo de oocisto estão ausentes, mas grânulos polares estão presentes. Os esporocistos são elipsoidais alongados, 16,2 (13,6-17,9) x 10,1 (8,9-12,4) µm;. O corpo Stieda é em forma de botão, enquanto que os corpos de Sub-Stieda e Para-Stieda estão ausentes. O resíduo do esporocisto é compacto e constituido por centenas de grânulos espalhados entre os esporozoítos. O esporozoíto é claviforme com corpo e núcleo refráteis posteriores alongados.
Animais , Canários/classificação , Biodiversidade , Passeriformes/parasitologia , Isospora/classificaçãoResumo
Trichomoniasis, caused by the protozoan Trichomonas gallinae, has as main hosts birds of the Columbidae family, which have a high prevalence of the protozoan without manifesting the disease. The continuous growth of the pigeon population and its cosmopolitan nature mean that today there is a worldwide distribution of this species, being responsible for the distribution and maintenance of the prevalence of trichomoniasis in almost the entire world. The transmission of the disease may be by direct contact, or indirect, through food or water. This indirect route is the reason why such a wide range of bird orders can be infected, very different from columbids such as falconiformes, strigiformes, passerines, piciformes, psittaciformes, gruiformes, galliformes or anseriformes. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of T. gallinae in passerines received at a Wild Animal Screening Center. In order to carry out this study, 300 birds of the order Passerine corresponding to 23 different species were analyzed, received at the Wild Fauna Rehabilitation Center (NURFS) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), in different seasons of the year between the months of March to October 2021. Samples of swabs from the oropharynx were collected from all individuals, the material was immediately placed in a falcon tube containing Trypticase-Yeast Extract-Maltose (TYM) culture medium and sent to the Laboratory of Protozoology and Entomology (LAPEn), for incubation in a bacteriological growth greenhouse and subsequent identification of the protozoan on a slide in wet mounting under an optical microscope in a 40X objective. Wet mounting on a slide was performed in triplicate and analyzed in its entirety. Of the 300 birds evaluated in in vitro culture for T. gallinae, 25 had inconclusive results and were submitted to PCR analysis, being negative for T. gallinae. Although no positive Passeriformes was found, the monitoring of the occurrence of this protozoan must continue, as it is known that it may easily cause a possible epidemic, leading to losses for the wild fauna that has endangered birds.
Tricomoníase, causada pelo protozoário Trichomonas gallinae, tem como principais hospedeiros aves da família Columbidae, que apresentam alta prevalência do protozoário sem manifestar a doença. O contínuo crescimento da população de pombos e sua natureza cosmopolita fazem com que hoje exista uma distribuição mundial desta espécie, sendo responsável pela distribuição e manutenção da prevalência da tricomoníase em quase todo o mundo. A transmissão da doença pode ser por contato direto, ou indireto, por meio de alimentos ou água. Essa rota indireta é a razão pela qual uma gama tão ampla de ordens de aves pode ser infectada, muito diferente dos columbídeos, como falconiformes, strigiformes, passeriformes, piciformes, psittaciformes, gruiformes, galliformes ou anseriformes. Desta forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a presença de T. gallinae em passeriformes recebidos em um Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres. Para a realização deste estudo foram analisados 300 aves por conveniência da ordem Passeriforme correpondente a 23 espécies diferentes recebidos no Núcleo de Reabilitação da Fauna Silvestres (NURFS) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), em estações distintas do ano comprendidas entre os meses de março a outubro de 2021. De todos os indivíduos foram colhidas amostra de suabe da orofaringe, o material foi imediatamente acondicionado em tubo falcon contendo meio de cultura Tripticase-Yeast Extract-Maltose (TYM) e encaminhado ao Laboratório de Protozoologia e Entomologia (LAPEn), para incubação em estufa de crecimento bacteriologico e posterior identificação em lamina em montagem úmida no microscópio óptico em objetivo de 40X do protozoário. A montagem úmida em lamina, foi feita em triplicata e analisada em sua totalidade. Das 300 aves avaliadas no cultivo in vitro para T. gallinae, 25 tiveram resultado inconclusivo e foram sumetidas a análise de PCR, sendo negativas para T. gallinae. Embora não tenha sido encontrado nenhum Passeriformes positivo, o monitoramento da ocorrência desse protozoário deve continuar, pois sabe-se que ele pode causar uma possível epidemia facilmente, levando a perdas para a fauna silvestre que possuí aves ameaçadas de extinção.
Animais , Trichomonas , Tricomoníase/veterinária , Doenças das Aves , Passeriformes/parasitologia , Animais SelvagensResumo
The genus Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 has six valid species recorded in birds Phalacrocoracidae, namely Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) and B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz and Nasincová, 1994. Helminthological tests carried out on cormorants of the species Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), a migratory bird that occurs in the northeast of the State of Pará, Brazil, demonstrate B. appendiculata parasitizing the cloaca of these birds, through light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and molecular biology. These studies allowed a redescription of males and females of this nematode in these hosts and in this geographical area through integrative taxonomy. The occurrence of lesions in the cloaca caused by this nematode parasite was registered using histological analysis. This is a new geographic report for this nematode.(AU)
O gênero Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 possui seis espécies válidas registradas em aves Phalacrocoracidae, sendo Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) e B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz & Nasincová, 1994. Exames helmintológicos realizados em mergulhões da espécie Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), aves migratórias que ocorrem no nordeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil, demonstram B. appendiculata parasitando a cloaca dessas aves, através de microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e biologia molecular. Estes estudos permitiram uma redescrição de machos e fêmeas deste nematódeo, neste hospedeiro e nesta área geográfica, através da taxonomia integrativa. Foi registrada a ocorrência de lesões na cloaca causadas pelo parasitismo desse nematódeo, por meio de análise histológica, sendo um novo registro geográfico elw.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita/fisiologia , Nematoides/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
Traumatic injuries are a significant cause of death for birds worldwide, as they are at an increased risk of collisions and other injuries due to man-made environments. This study examined the frequency and morphological characteristics of fatal traumatic injuries in endemic and migratory Passeriformes and Psittaciformes from the Cerrado Biome, a biodiverse but threatened area in Brazil. Results showed that fatal traumatic injuries were found in 21.8% of birds (285/1305), mainly in spring and summer, during the birds' reproductive period. The yellow-chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) and Passeriformes from the Thraupidae family were the most affected. Nearly 70% of the fatal injuries observed were to the thoracic, pelvic limbs, and skull, and types of fractures and affected bones were thoroughly evaluated. Blunt traumas were one of the most frequent causes of injuries. Injuries affecting the appendicular skeleton and head represented significant causes of traumatic death for Passeriformes and Psittaciformes. The frequency of these fatal injuries has been increasing in recent years, which may be related to the remarkable environmental changes in the Cerrado Biome and jeopardize the survival of many bird species.
As lesões traumáticas são uma causa significativa de morte nas aves em todo o mundo, pois apresentam um risco maior de colisões e outras lesões devido aos ambientes degradados e criados pelo homem. Este estudo examinou a frequência e as características morfológicas das lesões traumáticas fatais em Passeriformes e Psittaciformes endêmicos e migratórios do Bioma Cerrado, uma área com rica biodiversidade, mas ameaçada no Brasil. Os resultados demostraram que as lesões traumáticas fatais foram observadas em 21,8% das aves (285/1305), principalmente na primavera e verão, durante a época reprodutiva das aves. O periquito-do-encontro-amarelo (Brotogeris chiriri) e Passeriformes da família Thraupidae foram as aves mais frequentemente acometidas. Por volta de 70% das lesões fatais observadas foram nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, e crânio, e os tipos de fraturas e ossos afetados foram minuciosamente avaliados. Os traumas contudentes foram as principais causas das lesões. As injúrias que afetaram o esqueleto apendicular e a cabeça representaram as mais importantes causas de morte traumática para Passeriformes e Psittaciformes. A frequência dessas lesões fatais vem aumentando nos últimos anos, o que pode estar relacionado às mudanças ambientais marcantes no Bioma Cerrado e colocar em risco a sobrevivência de muitas espécies de aves.
Animais , Psittaciformes/lesões , Passeriformes/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/mortalidade , Fraturas Ósseas/epidemiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/mortalidade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pradaria , Fraturas Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
The Rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) belongs to family corvidae, order Passeriformes which includes about 100 species. The current study was conducted to gather information about the Population distribution and habitat analysis of D. vagabunda at District Abbottabad, Pakistan. The data were collected on monthly basis both morning and evening times (2018-2019). The "Point count Method" was used for population estimation and "Quadrates Method" for habitat analysis of study area. The result shows an average month-wise population density of D. vagabunda was maximum at Jhangra 0.14±0.039/ha, whereas minimum at Havelian 0.11±0.022/ha. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among monthly population densities of D. vagabunda, however, a significant difference (p<0.05) was found between morning and evening times population of the specie. The present study revealed that importance value index (IVI) of plants species at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 59.6±12.6, 50.1±6.9, 53.4±6.3, 66.8±10 and 60.1±7.7. Likewise, the frequency of shrubs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 33.3±4.2, 45±9.4, 46.7±8.2, 55.6±22.2 and 37.5±8.5. Similarly, the frequency of herbs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 40.4±6.0, 37.5±5.6, 53.3±7.4, 48.5±5.2 and 46.9±7.4 respectively. Our results show the study area as suitable habitat for D. vagabunda.
A trepadeira Rufous (Dendrocitta vagabunda) pertence à família corvidae, ordem Passeriformes que inclui cerca de 100 espécies. O estudo atual foi realizado para reunir informações sobre a distribuição da população e análise do habitat de D. vagabunda no distrito de Abbottabad, Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente pela manhã e à noite (2018-2019). O "método de contagem de pontos" foi usado para estimativa da população e o "método dos quadrados" para análise de habitat da área de estudo. O resultado mostra que uma densidade populacional média mensal de D. vagabunda foi máxima em Jhangra 0,14 ± 0,039 / ha, enquanto a mínima em Havelian 0,11 ± 0,022/ha. Não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05) entre as densidades populacionais mensais de D. vagabunda, entretanto foi encontrada diferença significativa (p <0,05) entre os períodos matutino e noturno da população da espécie. O presente estudo revelou que o índice de valor de importância (IVI) das espécies de plantas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 59,6 ± 12,6, 50,1 ± 6,9, 53,4 ± 6,3, 66,8 ± 10 e 60,1 ± 7,7. Da mesma forma, a frequência de arbustos em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 33,3 ± 4,2, 45 ± 9,4, 46,7 ± 8,2, 55,6 ± 22,2 e 37,5 ± 8,5. Da mesma forma, a frequência de ervas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi: 40,4 ± 6,0, 37,5 ± 5,6, 53,3 ± 7,4, 48,5 ± 5,2 e 46,9 ± 7,4, respectivamente. Nossos resultados mostram a área de estudo como habitat adequado para D. vagabunda.
Animais , Corvos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Passeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The Rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) belongs to family corvidae, order Passeriformes which includes about 100 species. The current study was conducted to gather information about the Population distribution and habitat analysis of D. vagabunda at District Abbottabad, Pakistan. The data were collected on monthly basis both morning and evening times (2018-2019). The "Point count Method" was used for population estimation and "Quadrates Method" for habitat analysis of study area. The result shows an average month-wise population density of D. vagabunda was maximum at Jhangra 0.14±0.039/ha, whereas minimum at Havelian 0.11±0.022/ha. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among monthly population densities of D. vagabunda, however, a significant difference (p<0.05) was found between morning and evening times population of the specie. The present study revealed that importance value index (IVI) of plants species at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 59.6±12.6, 50.1±6.9, 53.4±6.3, 66.8±10 and 60.1±7.7. Likewise, the frequency of shrubs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 33.3±4.2, 45±9.4, 46.7±8.2, 55.6±22.2 and 37.5±8.5. Similarly, the frequency of herbs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 40.4±6.0, 37.5±5.6, 53.3±7.4, 48.5±5.2 and 46.9±7.4 respectively. Our results show the study area as suitable habitat for D. vagabunda.(AU)
A trepadeira Rufous (Dendrocitta vagabunda) pertence à família corvidae, ordem Passeriformes que inclui cerca de 100 espécies. O estudo atual foi realizado para reunir informações sobre a distribuição da população e análise do habitat de D. vagabunda no distrito de Abbottabad, Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente pela manhã e à noite (2018-2019). O "método de contagem de pontos" foi usado para estimativa da população e o "método dos quadrados" para análise de habitat da área de estudo. O resultado mostra que uma densidade populacional média mensal de D. vagabunda foi máxima em Jhangra 0,14 ± 0,039 / ha, enquanto a mínima em Havelian 0,11 ± 0,022/ha. Não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05) entre as densidades populacionais mensais de D. vagabunda, entretanto foi encontrada diferença significativa (p <0,05) entre os períodos matutino e noturno da população da espécie. O presente estudo revelou que o índice de valor de importância (IVI) das espécies de plantas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 59,6 ± 12,6, 50,1 ± 6,9, 53,4 ± 6,3, 66,8 ± 10 e 60,1 ± 7,7. Da mesma forma, a frequência de arbustos em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 33,3 ± 4,2, 45 ± 9,4, 46,7 ± 8,2, 55,6 ± 22,2 e 37,5 ± 8,5. Da mesma forma, a frequência de ervas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi: 40,4 ± 6,0, 37,5 ± 5,6, 53,3 ± 7,4, 48,5 ± 5,2 e 46,9 ± 7,4, respectivamente. Nossos resultados mostram a área de estudo como habitat adequado para D. vagabunda.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corvos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Estudos de Avaliação como AssuntoResumo
Abstract The Rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) belongs to family corvidae, order Passeriformes which includes about 100 species. The current study was conducted to gather information about the Population distribution and habitat analysis of D. vagabunda at District Abbottabad, Pakistan. The data were collected on monthly basis both morning and evening times (2018-2019). The Point count Method was used for population estimation and Quadrates Method for habitat analysis of study area. The result shows an average month-wise population density of D. vagabunda was maximum at Jhangra 0.14±0.039/ha, whereas minimum at Havelian 0.11±0.022/ha. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among monthly population densities of D. vagabunda, however, a significant difference (p 0.05) was found between morning and evening times population of the specie. The present study revealed that importance value index (IVI) of plants species at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 59.6±12.6, 50.1±6.9, 53.4±6.3, 66.8±10 and 60.1±7.7. Likewise, the frequency of shrubs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 33.3±4.2, 45±9.4, 46.7±8.2, 55.6±22.2 and 37.5±8.5. Similarly, the frequency of herbs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 40.4±6.0, 37.5±5.6, 53.3±7.4, 48.5±5.2 and 46.9±7.4 respectively. Our results show the study area as suitable habitat for D. vagabunda.
Resumo A trepadeira Rufous (Dendrocitta vagabunda) pertence à família corvidae, ordem Passeriformes que inclui cerca de 100 espécies. O estudo atual foi realizado para reunir informações sobre a distribuição da população e análise do habitat de D. vagabunda no distrito de Abbottabad, Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente pela manhã e à noite (2018-2019). O método de contagem de pontos foi usado para estimativa da população e o método dos quadrados para análise de habitat da área de estudo. O resultado mostra que uma densidade populacional média mensal de D. vagabunda foi máxima em Jhangra 0,14 ± 0,039 / ha, enquanto a mínima em Havelian 0,11 ± 0,022/ha. Não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05) entre as densidades populacionais mensais de D. vagabunda, entretanto foi encontrada diferença significativa (p 0,05) entre os períodos matutino e noturno da população da espécie. O presente estudo revelou que o índice de valor de importância (IVI) das espécies de plantas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 59,6 ± 12,6, 50,1 ± 6,9, 53,4 ± 6,3, 66,8 ± 10 e 60,1 ± 7,7. Da mesma forma, a frequência de arbustos em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 33,3 ± 4,2, 45 ± 9,4, 46,7 ± 8,2, 55,6 ± 22,2 e 37,5 ± 8,5. Da mesma forma, a frequência de ervas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi: 40,4 ± 6,0, 37,5 ± 5,6, 53,3 ± 7,4, 48,5 ± 5,2 e 46,9 ± 7,4, respectivamente. Nossos resultados mostram a área de estudo como habitat adequado para D. vagabunda.
Abstract The Rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) belongs to family corvidae, order Passeriformes which includes about 100 species. The current study was conducted to gather information about the Population distribution and habitat analysis of D. vagabunda at District Abbottabad, Pakistan. The data were collected on monthly basis both morning and evening times (2018-2019). "The ''Point count Method" was used for population estimation and ''Quadrates Method" for habitat analysis of study area. The result shows an average month-wise population density of D. vagabunda was maximum at Jhangra 0.14±0.039/ha, whereas minimum at Havelian 0.11±0.022/ha. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among monthly population densities of D. vagabunda, however, a significant difference (p<0.05) was found between morning and evening times population of the specie. The present study revealed that importance value index (IVI) of plants species at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 59.6±12.6, 50.1±6.9, 53.4±6.3, 66.8±10 and 60.1±7.7. Likewise, the frequency of shrubs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 33.3±4.2, 45±9.4, 46.7±8.2, 55.6±22.2 and 37.5±8.5. Similarly, the frequency of herbs at Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra and Jhangra were 40.4±6.0, 37.5±5.6, 53.3±7.4, 48.5±5.2 and 46.9±7.4 respectively. Our results show the study area as suitable habitat for D. vagabunda.
Resumo A trepadeira Rufous (Dendrocitta vagabunda) pertence à família corvidae, ordem Passeriformes que inclui cerca de 100 espécies. O estudo atual foi realizado para reunir informações sobre a distribuição da população e análise do habitat de D. vagabunda no distrito de Abbottabad, Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente pela manhã e à noite (2018-2019). O "método de contagem de pontos" foi usado para estimativa da população e o "método dos quadrados" para análise de habitat da área de estudo. O resultado mostra que uma densidade populacional média mensal de D. vagabunda foi máxima em Jhangra 0,14 ± 0,039 / ha, enquanto a mínima em Havelian 0,11 ± 0,022/ha. Não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05) entre as densidades populacionais mensais de D. vagabunda, entretanto foi encontrada diferença significativa (p <0,05) entre os períodos matutino e noturno da população da espécie. O presente estudo revelou que o índice de valor de importância (IVI) das espécies de plantas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 59,6 ± 12,6, 50,1 ± 6,9, 53,4 ± 6,3, 66,8 ± 10 e 60,1 ± 7,7. Da mesma forma, a frequência de arbustos em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi de: 33,3 ± 4,2, 45 ± 9,4, 46,7 ± 8,2, 55,6 ± 22,2 e 37,5 ± 8,5. Da mesma forma, a frequência de ervas em Sherwan, Bakot, Havelian, Langra e Jhangra foi: 40,4 ± 6,0, 37,5 ± 5,6, 53,3 ± 7,4, 48,5 ± 5,2 e 46,9 ± 7,4, respectivamente. Nossos resultados mostram a área de estudo como habitat adequado para D. vagabunda.
Animais , Ecossistema , Paquistão , Densidade DemográficaResumo
Nocardiosis is a multi-systemic disease that has been reported in several species of birds. It is characterized by the development of granulomatous inflammation in several organs, mainly affecting the respiratory system. An adult male domestic canary (Serinus canaria domestica) weighing 14.5 g was received for examination. Multiple nodules were identified in the epicardium, air sacs, and lungs. Histologically these nodules corresponded to granulomas, in which numerous thin, filamentous branching bacteria were identified. Gram stains of the epicardium, air sacs, and lungs revealed many filamentous branching Gram-positive bacteria. These bacteria were also strongly acid-fast positive by Fite-Faraco stain. PCR end-point analysis and sequencing using total DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of lungs, heart, and air sacs confirmed the presence of Nocardia asteroides. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report of nocardiosis associated with Nocardia asteroides in a Domestic Canary (Serinus canaria domestica) in Mexico.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Canários/microbiologia , Nocardiose/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , México , Nocardia asteroides/patogenicidadeResumo
Mixed flocks are associations of two or more species that are formed and maintained through mutual behavioral responses, with advantages such as maximizing foraging and protecting against predation. This study aimed to evaluate the composition, temporal dynamics, and presence of core species in mixed flocks of birds in a remnant of the Submontane Atlantic Rain Forest in the Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra, southern Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Data collection took place from October 2016 to September 2017 through monthly campaigns, consisting of three consecutive observation days, with sampling sessions of six hours per day, resulting in a total effort of 216 h of observations. For each contact with the flocks, we recorded the species and number of individuals, stratum of occurrence, substrates of search, and agonistic interactions. We recorded 152 mixed flocks, with a total of 76 species belonging to 24 families, and five orders, with Thraupidae, Tyrannidae, Furnariidae, and Rhynchocyclidae being the richest. The flocks had an average of 4.5 ± 2.7 species and 8.7 ± 5.8 individuals, with richness and the number of individuals being positively correlated (R² = 0.8). Mixed flocks occurred throughout the year. There was a great variation in the number of contacts from October to February (from 5 to 20 contacts). Meanwhile from March to September, the coldest period of the year in the region, the number of contacts did not vary (from 9 to 14 contacts). However, there was no difference in the number of contacts between these months (z = 0.37; p = 0.691). Basileuterus culicivorus and Habia rubica were the core species because, in addition to their high participation (46.7 and 32.9%, respectively), they showed frequent and conspicuous movement and vocalization. Thus, a high capacity to enlist a greater number of individuals from different species for the flocks was demonstrated.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/fisiologia , Distribuição Temporal , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , BiotaResumo
The Serra de Itabaiana National Park (PARNASI) is known as an important conservation area in the ecotone between the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga in Northeast Brazil and is one of the main areas of fauna and flora studies in Sergipe. For this reason, there are some studies on its avifauna, which date back to its creation in 2005. However, after 15 years of establishment of PARNASI, an update of the inventory of birds is necessary due to adjustments in the management of the park. The present study aimed to update the bird inventory of the Serra de Itabaiana National Park, chronologically comparing the new ornithological records obtained, aiming to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of Sergipe's avifauna. The data were compiled from scientific publications, personal files and from documented records on a specialized website. The resulting list includes 227 bird species belonging to 49 families, including Thraupidae (28 species; 12.4%), Tyrannidae (25 species; 11.1%) and Accipitridae (17 species; 7.5%) as the most representative. The most representative guilds were insectivorous (87 species; 38.3%) and omnivorous (60 species; 26.4%), and by species independent of the forest environment (87 species; 38.3%). Fourteen bird species are threatened with extinction. Nine species are endemic to the Caatinga biome, eight to the Atlantic Forest and one to the Cerrado. We added 104 species to the first checklist produced for the PARNASI created in 2005, including Nyctibius grandis (Nyctibiidae), a new record for the state of Sergipe. PARNASI's updated list of bird species allows for a better assessment of its effectiveness in the conservation of the local avifauna, facilitating management actions that allow the coexistence and perpetuation of species over time.(AU)
Aves , Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Falcões , PasseriformesResumo
The majority of the birds in different habitats are stressed due to alteration in multiple climate factors contributing to their loss. The present study has been planned to find the roosts composition of passerine birds in different major and sub-habitats of Punjab, Pakistan. In Faisalabad, of the four species, the higher number of exits was almost comparable, while Passer domesticus and Pastor roseus were more abundant than Tachycinet bicolor and Lanius cristatus. For the three remaining birds, total exits and returns were 180 for P. roseus, 181 for T. bicolor, and 179 for L. cristatus, respectively. Considering the exits in morning hours, a total of 314, 256, 246 and 210, were recorded from Sheikhupura. In Khanewal, of the four species, the highest exits and returns were that of P. domesticus (407; 451), followed by that of the P. roseus (273; 336), T. bicolor (242; 319) and L. cristatus (220; 397). The temperature imposed serious effects on roost exits for the four birds. The varied P-values which were higher (< 0.001***, < 0.001***, 0.002 **, <0.001***) appeared to limit the roost exits for them. Nonetheless, the impact of relative humidity exerted a strong influence on the T. bicolor (0.003**). In roosts return, it was seen that roost returns were even likely in warm temperatures and precipitation did not impose seriously on returns, and even in light rainfall. Nonetheless, relative humidity (RH) strongly impacted the sparrow. The T. bicolor and L. cristatus were adversely affected with the slopes (1.37) and (2.06), indicated with each percentage increase of relative humidity, and slope variations became least.
A maioria das aves em diferentes habitats está estressada devido à alteração em vários fatores climáticos que contribuem para sua perda. O presente estudo foi planejado para encontrar a composição dos poleiros de aves passeriformes em diferentes, grandes e sub-habitats de Punjab, no Paquistão. Em Faisalabad, das quatro espécies, tem-se que o maior número de saídas foi quase comparável, enquanto que as espécies Passer domesticus e Pastor roseus foram mais abundantes que Tachycinet bicolor e Lanius cristatus. Para as três aves restantes, o total de saídas e retornos foi de 180 para P. roseus, 181 para T. bicolor e 179 para L. cristatus, respectivamente. Considerando as saídas nas horas da manhã, um total de 314, 256, 246 e 210 foi registrado de Sheikhupura. Em Khanewal, das quatro espécies, as maiores saídas e retornos foram de P. domesticus (407; 451), seguidas de P. roseus (273; 336), T. bicolor (242; 319) e L. cristatus (220; 397). A temperatura impôs sérios efeitos nas saídas dos poleiros para as quatro aves. Os maiores valores de p variados (< 0,001***, < 0,001***, 0,002 **, <0,001***) pareceram limitar as saídas de poleiro para os pássaros. No entanto, o impacto da Umidade Relativa (UR) exerceu forte influência sobre o T. bicolor (0,003**). Com relação ao retorno dos poleiros, verificou-se que esses retornos eram até prováveis ââem temperaturas quentes, visto que a precipitação não foi um fator extremamente determinante para os retornos, mesmo em chuvas fracas. No entanto, a UR impactou fortemente o pardal. O T. bicolor e L. cristatus foram prejudicados com as declividades (1,37) e (2,06), que foram indicadas a cada percentual de aumento de UR, ao passo que as variações de declividade tornaram-se menores.
Animais , Mudança Climática , Aves , Passeriformes , Pardais , PaquistãoResumo
Salmonellosis is a disease that worries poultry farmers and can seriously impact the food safety of the population that consumes products of animal origin. The present study sought to detect the presence of Salmonella spp. in eggs intended for consumption from family poultry farms in municipalities of Alagoas State. The study was carried out from eight farms, where the sample from each farm was obtained by making pools of shell and internal contents of six randomly selected eggs. The pools were submitted to microbiological culture and the colonies were characterized and evaluated by means of laboratory tests. To this end, 50% (4/8) of the shell samples and 75% (6/8) of the internal contents of the eggs were positive for Salmonella spp. In addition, Klebsiella pneumoniae 12.5% (1/8) and Proteus spp. 25% (2/8) were found in the shell samples, and Yersinia spp. 12.5% (1/8) in the internal contents of the eggs. Salmonella spp. and other enterobacteria were confirmed to occur in eggs intended for consumption. The way the birds were raised did not seem to have a significant influence on the results obtained, and the presence of passerines on the farms may have contributed to the existence of bacteria there. Being aware of the risk to public health that some of these bacteria can present, it is necessary to take decisions that support the small producer in search of food safety for all.(AU)
A Salmonelose é uma doença que preocupa os criadores de aves e pode impactar seriamente a segurança alimentar da população que consome produtos de origem animal. O presente estudo buscou detectar a presença de Salmonella spp. em ovos destinados ao consumo provindos de aviculturas familiares de municípios do Estado de Alagoas. O estudo foi realizado a partir de oito granjas, onde a amostra de cada uma delas foi obtida pela confecção de pools de casca e de conteúdo interno de seis ovos selecionados aleatoriamente. Os pools foram submetidos a cultivo microbiológico e as colônias caracterizadas e avaliadas por meio de testes laboratoriais. Para tanto, 50% (4/8) das amostras de casca e 75% (6/8) das amostras de conteúdo interno dos ovos foram positivos para Salmonella spp. Além disso, também fora constatada a presença de Klebsiella pneumoniae12.5% (1/8) e Proteus spp. 25% (2/8) nas amostras de casca, e a presença de Yersinia spp. 12.5% (1/8) no conteúdo interno dos ovos. Foi confirmada a ocorrência de Salmonella spp. e outras enterobactérias em ovos destinados ao consumo. O modo de criação das aves não parece ter influenciado significativamente nos resultados obtidos e a presença de passeriformes nas granjas podem ter contribuído com a existência das bactérias no local. Tendo ciência do risco à saúde pública que algumas dessas bactérias podem apresentar, se faz necessária a tomada de decisões que apoiem o pequeno produtor em busca de uma segurança alimentar para todos.(AU)
Infecções por Salmonella/diagnóstico , Ovos/microbiologia , Brasil , Abastecimento de AlimentosResumo
Informações sobre a biologia reprodutiva da maioria das aves neotropicais e comparações interpopulacionais são insuficientes. O Manakin de Capacete, Antilophia galeata(Lichtenstein, 1823), é um passeriforme de sub-bosque comumente encontrado nas matas de galeria do bioma Cerrado tipo savana tropical. Fornecemos informações sobre a fenologia de nidificação, ciclo de nidificação, ninhos, ovos, filhotes e características do local de nidificação de uma população de Manakin-de-capacete no estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Durante duas estações reprodutivas encontramos 16 ninhos ativos e 30 ninhos inativos. As atividades reprodutivas ocorreram de meados de agosto a meados de janeiro, e os ninhos foram construídos em arbustos e mudas no sub-bosque da floresta, 0,45-3,48 m acima do solo (1,56 ± 0,66 m). O tamanho da ninhada foi de dois ovos, que foram colocados em intervalos de um a três dias. Foram observados três padrões notáveis de variação de coloração e marcação dos ovos entre as ninhadas. O período de incubação de dois ninhos foi de 18 e 19 dias, e os períodos de nidificação foram de 16,3 ± 0. 6 dias (16-17 dias, n = 3 ninhos). A sobrevivência aparente do ninho de 11 ninhos cuidadosamente monitorados foi de 36,4%. Além da primeira descrição das variações do padrão de ovos entre ninhadas, as seguintes informações diferem dos dados anteriores da literatura: intervalo de postura e períodos de nidificação. Nossos dados contribuem para o conhecimento geral das variações nos parâmetros de reprodução do Manakin de Capacete.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/anatomia & histologia , Passeriformes/classificação , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Hemangiosarcomas are malignant neoplasms arising from endothelial cells of blood vessels. A three-year-old male buff-throated saltator (Saltator maximus) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (HV-UFPB) due to a recurrent tan nodular mass in the pericloacal region. Surgery for excision of the mass was attempted but the bird died during the surgical procedure. The nodule and the carcass were sent for gross and histological evaluation. Histopathology revealed large blood-filled vascular spaces lined by pleomorphic endothelial cells, which were also observed in the lungs. These findings suggested the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma that was confirmed by immunohistochemistry against factor VIII-related antigen.
Animais , Hemangiossarcoma/fisiopatologia , Metástase Neoplásica/patologia , Passeriformes/lesões , Pulmão/patologiaResumo
Information on the breeding biology of most Neotropical birds, and interpopulation comparisons, are insufficient. The Helmeted Manakin, Antilophia galeata (Lichtenstein, 1823), is a forest understory passerine commonly found in the gallery forests of the tropical savanna-like Cerrado biome. We provide information about the nesting phenology, nesting cycle, nests, eggs, nestlings, and nest-site characteristics of a population of the Helmeted Manakin in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. During two breeding seasons we found 16 active, and 30 inactive nests. Breeding activities occurred from mid- August to mid- January, and nests were constructed in bushes and saplings in the forest's understory, 0.45-3.48 m above ground (1.56 ± 0.66 m). Clutch size was two eggs, which were laid in intervals of one to three days. Three remarkable patterns of interclutch egg color and marking variations were observed. The incubation period of two nests was 18 and 19 days, and nestling periods were 16.3 ± 0.6 days (16-17 days, n = 3 nests). The apparent nest survival of 11 thoroughly monitored nests was 36.4%. In addition to the first description of the interclutch egg pattern variations, the following information differs from previous literature data: egg laying interval and nestling periods. Our data contribute to the overall knowledge of the variations in breeding parameters of the Helmeted Manakin.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Passeriformes/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
Hemangiosarcomas are malignant neoplasms arising from endothelial cells of blood vessels. A three-year-old male buff-throated saltator (Saltator maximus) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (HV-UFPB) due to a recurrent tan nodular mass in the pericloacal region. Surgery for excision of the mass was attempted but the bird died during the surgical procedure. The nodule and the carcass were sent for gross and histological evaluation. Histopathology revealed large blood-filled vascular spaces lined by pleomorphic endothelial cells, which were also observed in the lungs. These findings suggested the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma that was confirmed by immunohistochemistry against factor VIII-related antigen.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/lesões , Hemangiossarcoma/fisiopatologia , Metástase Neoplásica/patologia , Pulmão/patologiaResumo
Culicivora caudacuta occurs in the Cerrado, Pampa and Chaco grasslands of Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. Its breeding biology is poorly known. Here, I present a summary of the published information and new data gathered between 2003 and 2009 in southeast Brazil at Tapira, Minas Gerais. Breeding occurred during the rainy season (October to March), clutch size being three eggs. Juveniles and immatures show a different plumage from the adults, mostly brownish orange. All nests studied at Tapira showed evidence of cooperative breeding, with one helper engaged in incubation and provisioning the young. This is the first observations of this behavior for the species. The species has a wider range than currently understood and its presence in protected areas is similarly more common.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Sexual Animal , PastagensResumo
Cinclodes pabsti is an endemic passerine restricted to the highland areas in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to provide information on its breeding biology. The nesting cavities along road cuts were monitored from May 2008 to March 2011. The survey was carried out monthly from May to July 2008, February to July 2009, 2010 (non-breeding season), weekly from August 2008 to January 2009, 2010 (breeding season), and on a 2 to 4-days basis from August 2010 to January 2011. The geographic location, physical characteristics, and soil/substrate type in which the nesting cavities were situated were recorded. The total number of cavities used in the three breeding seasons was 136, resulting in 295 nests. The distance of a nest to its nearest neighbor ranged from 24-2,368 m, with a higher number of nests (n = 34; 59.7%) in the distance interval of 24-500 m. There was a greater usage of cavities located in Inceptisols, and the distances of nesting cavity entrances to the ground and to the top of road cuts were 1.6 ± 0.9 m and 0.8 ± 0.62 m, respectively. The breeding season lasted 148 days from mid-August to early January. Clutch size (n = 256) varied from 2 to 3 eggs, and the eggs (n = 155) had a total length of 27.2 ± 1.3 mm, breadth of 20.9 ± 0.8 mm, and mass of 6.2 ± 0.7 g. The incubation phase lasted 17.3 ± 0.8 days and the nestling phase for 18.3 ± 1.5 days. The body mass of the chicks was 6.0 ± 1.0 g just after hatching and reached a maximum of 59.6 ± 2.4 g at 16 days of age. Our results can contribute to filling the gaps in knowledge of C. pabsti ecology, because its habitat is under high anthropic pressures and the information on its life history is yet limited.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Comportamento Sexual AnimalResumo
In the last decade, studies in bird breeding biology have shown that infidelity is prevalent in socially monogamous species. Here, we describe an extra-pair copulation (EPC) event in the Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus), a socially monogamous bird with year-round territoriality and low levels of extra-pair paternity. Before the EPC, a within-pair copulation (WPC) occurred inside the pairs territory. The WPC occurred on the ground and between a banded male (ca. 6 years-old) and an unbanded female. Ten minutes later this breeding pair invaded a neighboring territory, presumably to forage. The territorial male was chased back to its territory by an unbanded male neighbor after being detected. The male neighbor was paired with an unbanded female that did not participate in the aggressive interaction. When flying back to its territory the male neighbor copulated with the territorial female on the ground (ie. EPC). The territorial male flew, vocalized, and perched above the male neighbor, interrupting the EPC. The aggressive interaction then ceased as each pair resumed foraging in their respective territories. These observations suggest that Rufous Horneros can use EPC to obtain immediate benefits (food access in a neighbors territory). Moreover, WPC may be detected by neighbors and physical mate guarding and/or frequent WPC may be necessary to prevent EPC in the Rufous Hornero.(AU)