Abstract Seaweeds are a major marine resource that can be explored to develop novel pharmaceutical molecules. The present study showed the presence of unique bioactive components in the petroleum ether extract (PEE) and methanolic extract (ME) of Sargassum tenerrimum. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis suggested that the PEE of S. tenerrimum contained antibacterial biomolecules: hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester, 17-pentatriacontene, dasycarpidan-1-methanol, and acetate (ester). However, the ME of S. tenerrimum exhibited better antibacterial effect than the PEE due to the presence of the bioactive compounds 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, diisooctyl ester, tetratetracontane, 1-docosene, 1,2-benzenediol, and benzoic acid. Thus, promising antibacterial molecules can be isolated from S. tenerrimum for better therapeutic use.
Resumo As algas marinhas são um importante recurso marinho que pode ser explorado para desenvolver novas moléculas farmacêuticas. O presente estudo mostrou a presença de componentes bioativos únicos no extrato etéreo de petróleo (PEE) e no extrato metanólico (ME) de Sargassum tenerrimum. A análise por cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa sugeriu que o PEE de S. tenerrimum continha biomoléculas antibacterianas: ácido hexadecanoico, éster metílico, 17-pentatriaconteno, dasycarpidan-1-metanol e acetato (éster). Entretanto, o ME de S. tenerrimum exibiu melhor efeito antibacteriano do que o PEE devido à presença dos compostos bioativos ácido 1,2-benzenodicarboxílico, éster diisooctil, tetratetracontano, 1-docosene, 1,2-benzoenodiol e ácido benzoico. Assim, moléculas antibacterianas promissoras podem ser isoladas de S. tenerrimum para melhor uso terapêutico.
Sargassum , Arábia Saudita , Extratos Vegetais , Oceano Índico , Antibacterianos/farmacologiaResumo
Abstract Trypanosomiasis is a protozoan infection affecting both human and animals in almost all parts of the world. It can affect a very large range of domestic and wild hosts including camelids, equines, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and other carnivores, deer, gazelles and elephants. This review paper was designed to address the effect of this economically important disease in countries on the Red Sea, especially in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, and Saudi Arabia during the period 2010 to 2020. The prevalence of trypanosomiasis is different between these countries due to different types of diagnostic methods (Giemsa-stained blood smears, Hematocrit centrifugation, Serological test, and molecular analysis PCR) used and differential distribution of vector (Tse tse) flies. In current review, retrospective studies of published literature on distribution and prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infection in the Red Sea Countries was conducted [Google Scholar and PubMed were used to retrieve the published literature from 2000-2020. A total of 77 published articles met the eligibility criteria and were reviewed. A total of 16 reports have been reported on the prevalence and distribution of Trypnosoma evansi infection in the Red Sea Countries have been from 2010-2020]. According to the published literature, we can say that trypanosomiasis in camels are more prevalent in Sudan than in other countries, followed by 17% and 51.78% in both clinical and non-clinical cases. Hence, the reliable diagnostic tests should be used for rapid treatment or control of the disease as if not treated appropriately in early-stage, can lead to death of the camels.
Resumo A tripanossomíase é uma infecção por protozoário que afeta humanos e animais em quase todas as partes do mundo. Pode afetar grande variedade de hospedeiros domésticos e selvagens, incluindo camelídeos, equinos, gado, búfalos, ovelhas, cabras, porcos, cães e outros carnívoros, veados, gazelas e elefantes. Este artigo de revisão foi elaborado para abordar o efeito dessa doença economicamente importante em países do mar Vermelho, especialmente Egito, Sudão, Somália e Arábia Saudita, durante o período de 2010 a 2020. A prevalência de tripanossomíase é diferente entre esses países devido a tipos distintos de métodos diagnósticos (esfregaços de sangue corados com Giemsa, centrifugação de hematócrito, teste sorológico e PCR de análise molecular) usados e distribuição diferencial de moscas vetoras (tsé-tsé). Na revisão atual, foram realizados estudos retrospectivos da literatura publicada sobre distribuição e prevalência da infecção por Trypanosoma evansi nos países do mar Vermelho [Google Scholar e PubMed foram usados para recuperar a literatura publicada de 2000 a 2020. Um total de 77 artigos publicados preencheu os critérios de elegibilidade e foi revisado. E há também 16 relatos sobre a prevalência e distribuição da infecção por Trypnosoma evansi nos países do mar Vermelho, de 2010 a 2020]. De acordo com a literatura publicada, podemos afirmar que a tripanossomíase em camelos é mais prevalente no Sudão do que em outros países, seguida por 17% e 51,78% em casos clínicos e não clínicos. Assim, os testes diagnósticos confiáveis devem ser utilizados para o tratamento rápido ou controle da doença, pois, se eles não forem tratados de forma adequada na fase inicial, isso pode levar à morte dos camelos.
Animais , Cães , Tripanossomíase/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Tripanossomíase/epidemiologia , Cervos , Bovinos , Ovinos , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Oceano Índico , CavalosResumo
In the present study, the biochemical composition of some Echinodermata (Holothuroidea, Echinoidea) from the Red Sea, Egypt was investigated. The results showed that the highest percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) was in Holothuria nobilis and the lowest percentage was recorded in Holothuria scabra. The highest percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was recorded in Pearsonothuria graeffei while the lowest percentage was recorded in Holothuria atra. The highest percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was recorded in Holothuria nobilis and the lowest percentage was recorded in Holothuria atra. The highest percentage of omega-3 fatty acids was recorded in Stichopus hermanni however, the lowest percentage was recorded in Diadema setosum. The highest percentage of omega-6 fatty acids was recorded in Bohadschia vitiensis where, the lowest percentage was recorded in Holothuria atra. In addition, nonessential amino acid (NEAA) glycine were the highest in all species and serine was the lowest while Essential amino acid (EAA) arginine was the highest and cysteine was the lowest. All of the NEAA recorded highest concentrations in S. hermanni except proline. The recorded essential amino acids were histidine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and leucine. The latter was high in Pearsonothuria graeffei. Tyrosine, valine, threonine, and arginine were high in Stichopus hermanni. The present study proved that sea cucumbers has great nutritional value.
No presente estudo, investigou-se a composição bioquímica de algumas espécies Echinodermata (Holothuroidea, Echinoidea) do Mar Vermelho no Egito. Os resultados mostraram que a maior porcentagem de ácidos graxos saturados (SFA) foi na espécie Holothuria nobilis e a menor porcentagem foi registrada em Holothuria scabra. A maior porcentagem de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados (MUFA) foi registrada na espécie Pearsonothuria graeffei, enquanto a menor porcentagem foi registrada em Holothuria atra. O maior percentual de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados (PUFA) foi registrado em Holothuria nobilis e o menor percentual foi registrado em Holothuria atra. A maior porcentagem de ácidos graxos ômega-3 foi registrada na espécie Stichopus hermanni, entretanto, a menor porcentagem foi registrada em Diadema setosum. A maior porcentagem de ácidos graxos ômega-6 foi registrada em Bohadschia vitiensis e a menor porcentagem foi registrada em Holothuria atra. Além disso, o nível de aminoácido não-essencial (NEAA) glicina foi o mais alto em todas as espécies e o de serina foi o mais baixo, enquanto o nível de aminoácido essencial (EAA) arginina foi o mais alto e a cisteína foi o mais baixo. Todos os NEAA registraram concentrações mais altas em S. hermanni, exceto prolina. Os aminoácidos essenciais registrados foram histidina, isoleucina, fenilalanina e leucina. A leucina apresentou alto nível na espécie Pearsonothuria graeffei. Tirosina, valina, treonina e arginina apresentaram níveis elevados em Stichopus hermanni. Assim, o presente estudo comprovou que o pepino-do-mar possui grande valor nutricional.
Animais , Pepinos-do-Mar , Ouriços-do-Mar , Oceano Índico , Equinodermos , EgitoResumo
In this study, oil degrading bacteria discovered from fish living near the oil ports at Karachi in Pakistan were characterized. The bacteria isolated from skin, gills, and gut in fish could consume crude oil as a source of carbon and energy. Total 36 isolates were tested using Nutrient Agar (NA) and MSA media with different crude oil concentrations (0.2%, 0.5%, 0.7%, 1%, 2%, and 5%) and 4 out of 36 isolates (two Gram positive and two Gram negative bacteria) were selected for further identification. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that the isolates are related to Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus flexus, Pseudomonas brenneri and Pseudomonas azotoforman. Oil degrading potential of these bacteria was characterized by GC-MS analysis of degradation of oil components in crude oil as well as engine oil. We found that one (2, 6, 10, 14-Tetramethylpentadecane) out of 42 components in the crude oil was fully eliminated and the other oil components were reduced. In addition, 26 out of 42 oil components in the engine oil, were fully eliminated and the rest were amended. Taken together, these studies identify that B. velezensis, B. flexus, P. brenneri and P. azotoforman have high oil degrading potential, which may be useful for degradation of oil pollutants and other commercial applications.
Neste estudo, bactérias degradadoras de óleo descobertas em peixes que vivem perto dos portos de petróleo em Karachi, no Paquistão, foram caracterizadas. As bactérias isoladas da pele, guelras e intestinos dos peixes podem consumir petróleo bruto como fonte de carbono e energia. No total, 36 isolados foram testados usando Agar Nutriente (NA) e meio MSA com diferentes concentrações de óleo bruto (0,2%, 0,5%, 0,7%, 1%, 2% e 5%) e 4 de 36 isolados (dois Gram positivos e duas bactérias Gram negativas) foram selecionadas para posterior identificação. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA revelou que os isolados estão relacionados a Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus flexus, Pseudomonas brenneri e Pseudomonas azotoforman. O potencial de degradação do óleo dessas bactérias foi caracterizado pela análise de GC-MS da degradação dos componentes do óleo no óleo cru, bem como no óleo do motor. Descobrimos que um (2, 6, 10, 14-tetrametilpentadecano) de 42 componentes do óleo cru foi totalmente eliminado e os outros componentes do óleo foram reduzidos. Além disso, 26 dos 42 componentes do óleo do motor foram totalmente eliminados e o restante corrigido. Juntos, esses estudos identificam que B. velezensis, B. flexus, P. brenneri e P. azotoforman têm alto potencial de degradação de óleo, o que pode ser útil para a degradação de poluentes de óleo e outras aplicações comerciais.
Animais , Petróleo , Paquistão , Pseudomonas , Bacillus , Bactérias/genética , Biodegradação Ambiental , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Oceano Índico , PeixesResumo
Mangrove shrub Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh was used to test the antifungal and antibacterial activities of aerial fractions in vitro. Aspergillus sp, Candida sp and Gram positive bacteria have all been found to be sensitive to mangrove extracts, whereas Gram negative bacteria have been found to be resistant to them. Agar disc diffusion and well-cut diffusion were employed to conduct antifungal and antibacterial activities. The MICs (minimum inhibitory concentrations) for each assay have been established. Several extracts from Mangrove reduced fungus growth (diameters fluctuated between 11 and 41 mm). The Ethyl acetate fraction showed particularly strong inhibition of C. tropicalis, C. albicanis, and A. fumigatus. They had 41, 40, and 25 mm-diameter inhibition zones, respectively. Nesoral, a synthetic antifungal medication, showed no significant changes in its MICs compared to different extracts. Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis were inhibited by Petroleum Ether extracts at MICs of 0.78 and 0.35 mg/mL, respectively. It is possible that A. marina extracts may be exploited as a viable natural alternative that may be employed in the management of various infections, notably nosocomial bacterial infections, as anti-candidiasis and as anti-aspergillosis agents.
Arbusto de mangue Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh foi usado para testar as atividades antifúngicas e antibacterianas de frações aéreas in vitro. As bactérias Aspergillus sp, Candida sp e Gram-positivas mostraram-se sensíveis aos extratos de mangue, enquanto as bactérias Gram-negativas mostraram-se resistentes a eles. Difusão em disco de ágar e difusão bem cortada foram empregadas para realizar atividades antifúngicas e antibacterianas. Para cada ensaio foram estabelecidas as CIMs (concentrações inibitórias mínimas). Vários extratos de mangue reduziram o crescimento do fungo (os diâmetros variaram entre 11 e 41 mm). A fração acetato de etila mostrou inibição particularmente forte de C. tropicalis, C. albicanis e A. fumigatus. Eles tinham zonas de inibição de 41, 40 e 25 mm de diâmetro, respectivamente. Nesoral, um medicamento antifúngico sintético, não apresentou alterações significativas em suas CIMs em comparação com diferentes extratos Enterococcus faecalis e Bacillus subtilis foram inibidos por extratos de éter de petróleo em MICs de 0,78 e 0,35 mg/mL, respectivamente. É possível que os extratos de A. marina possam ser explorados como uma alternativa natural viável que pode ser empregada no manejo de várias infecções, notadamente infecções bacterianas nosocomiais, como agentes anti-candidíase e anti-aspergilose.
Extratos Vegetais , Avicennia , Antibacterianos , Antifúngicos , Arábia Saudita , Oceano ÍndicoResumo
Foodborne viruses including hepatitis A virus (HAV), norovirus (NoV), rotavirus (RoV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) are easily transmitted through contaminated seafoods. The current research was done to assess the incidence of RoV, NoV GI and GII,hAV and hEV in fish and shrimp samples caught from the Persian Gulf, Iran. Three-hundred and twenty fish and shrimp samples were collected. The presence of foodborne viruses were assessed by the real-time PCR. Forty-nine out of 320 (15.31%) fish and shrimp samples were positive for foodborne viruses. Distribution of hAV, NoV GI and NoV GII amongst all studied samples were 0.93%, 5.93% and 8.43%, respectively. hEV and RoV viruses were not found in studied samples. Parastromateus niger and Scomberomorus commerson fish and Penaeus monodon shrimp were the most frequently contaminated samples. Simultaneous incidence of hAV and NoV GI and hAV and NoV GII were 0.31% and 0.93%, respectively. Distribution of foodborne viruses in samples collected through spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons were 14.28%, 9.33%, 11.76% and 24.44%, respectively. Findings revealed that the incidence of foodborne viruses was significantly associated with seafood species and also season of sampling.(AU)
Vírus transmitidos por alimentos, incluindo hepatite A (HAV), norovírus (NoV), rotavírus (RoV) e hepatite E (HEV) são facilmente transmitidos através de frutos do mar contaminados. Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar a incidência de RoV, NoV GI e GII, hAV e hEV em amostras de peixes e camarões capturadas no Golfo Pérsico, Irã. Foram coletadas 300 amostras de peixes e camarões. A presença de vírus transmitidos por alimentos foi avaliada por PCR em tempo real. Quarenta e nove das 320 amostras de peixes e camarões (15,31%) foram positivas para vírus transmitidos por alimentos. A distribuição de hAV, NoV GI e NoV GII entre as amostras estudadas foi 0,93%, 5,93% e 8,43%, respectivamente. Os vírus hEV e RoV não foram encontrados nas amostras estudadas. Os peixes Parastromateus niger e Scomberomorus commerson e o camarão Penaeus monodon foram as amostras mais frequentemente contaminadas. A incidência simultânea de hAV e NoV GI, e hAV e NoV GII foi de 0,31% e 0,93%, respectivamente. A distribuição dos vírus transmitidos por alimentos nas amostras coletadas na primavera, verão, outono e inverno foi de 14,28%, 9,33%, 11,76% e 24,44%, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstram que a incidência de vírus transmitidos por alimentos foi significativamente associada às espécies de frutos do mar e também à época da amostragem.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Rotavirus/epidemiologia , Decápodes/virologia , Hepatite E/epidemiologia , Infecções por Caliciviridae/epidemiologia , Peixes/virologia , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Frutos do Mar/virologia , Vírus da Hepatite E/isolamento & purificação , Rotavirus/isolamento & purificação , Oceano Índico/epidemiologia , Vírus da Hepatite A/isolamento & purificação , Norovirus/isolamento & purificação , Irã (Geográfico)/epidemiologiaResumo
A total of 593 samples of Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede, 1802) were collected from the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to study their productive biology and spawning season of the local population. Sampling was carried out on a monthly basis for a period of one year. The monthly sex ratios indicated that females were dominant throughout the study period, with an overall male:female sex ratio of 1:7.98, although males were larger than females. The highest monthly performance maturation index (PMI), as well as the male and female gonadosomatic index (GSI) and ovarian maturation rate (OMR) were observed in February and March. Histological examination of the gonads confirmed the process of sexual transformation in this fish species, wherein individuals mature first as female, and then change sex to male (protogynous hermaphroditism). Histological sections also showed that the sexual maturation of males of L. lenjtan comprised three main stages, while the sexual development of females could be classified into four main stages. Extended spawning in the form of batches released during different months throughout the year were recorded for this fish species, with the main spawning season in February and March, and an additional, shorter spawning season in September.
Animais , Especificidade da Espécie , Perciformes , Razão de Masculinidade , Reprodução , Oceano ÍndicoResumo
A total of 593 samples of Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede, 1802) were collected from the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to study their productive biology and spawning season of the local population. Sampling was carried out on a monthly basis for a period of one year. The monthly sex ratios indicated that females were dominant throughout the study period, with an overall male:female sex ratio of 1:7.98, although males were larger than females. The highest monthly performance maturation index (PMI), as well as the male and female gonadosomatic index (GSI) and ovarian maturation rate (OMR) were observed in February and March. Histological examination of the gonads confirmed the process of sexual transformation in this fish species, wherein individuals mature first as female, and then change sex to male (protogynous hermaphroditism). Histological sections also showed that the sexual maturation of males of L. lenjtan comprised three main stages, while the sexual development of females could be classified into four main stages. Extended spawning in the form of batches released during different months throughout the year were recorded for this fish species, with the main spawning season in February and March, and an additional, shorter spawning season in September.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes , Especificidade da Espécie , Reprodução , Razão de Masculinidade , Oceano ÍndicoResumo
The purpose of the present study was to screen and identify the lipase-producing microorganisms from various regions of Iran. Samples collected from hot spring, Persian Gulf, desert area and oil-contaminated soil, were analyzed for thermophilic extracellular-lipase producing organisms. Six strains with high activity on rhodamine B plates were selected for chemical identification and further study. Among these isolated bacteria, four strains show higher activity in pH-Stat method at 55 °C. These strains were identified by PCR amplification of 16s rRNA genes using universal primers. Fermentation increased the activity up to 50%. The growth medium, designed for lipase production, increased the activity up to 4.55 folds. The crude supernatant of ZR-5 after fermentation and separation the cells, was lyophilized and the activity was measured. Total activity of this strain was 12 kU/g that shows its potential for industrial uses. Further study is required for purification of enzyme and calculation its specific activity. Immobilization is another approach should be considered.
Twenty one of 29 species of snappers (Lutjanidae), examined for dactylogyrids (Monogenoidea) from the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, the Indo-west and eastern Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea were parasitized by 16 new and 11 previously described species of Euryhaliotrema: Euryhaliotrema adelpha sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema anecorhizion sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cardinale sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema chrysotaeniae, Euryhaliotrema cognatus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cryptophallus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema diplops sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema distinctum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fajeravilae sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fastigatum, Euryhaliotrema fatuum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema ferocis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema hainanense, Euryhaliotrema longibaculum, Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema paracanthi, Euryhaliotrema paululum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema perezponcei, Euryhaliotrema ramulum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema seyi sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema simplicis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema spirotubiforum, Euryhaliotrema tormocleithrum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema torquecirrus, Euryhaliotrema tubocirrus, Euryhaliotrema xinyingense, and Euryhaliotrema youngi sp. nov. Six species of Euryhaliotrema, previously reported from lutjanid hosts, were not collected: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema guangdongense, Euryhaliotrema johni, Euryhaliotrema lutiani, Euryhaliotrema lutjani, and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The diagnosis of Euryhaliotrema was emended to include species having tandem or slightly overlapping gonads, a pretesticular germarium, a globose haptor with morphologically similar anchors and hooks, a coiled or meandering male copulatory organ, a dextral vaginal pore, and hooks with upright acute thumbs and slender shanks comprised of one subunit. A bulbous base of the MCO and presence of an accessory piece in the copulatory complex were no longer considered features defining the genus. As a result, Euryhaliotrematoides and Aliatrema were placed in subjective synonymy with Euryhaliotrema, and the following transfers were proposed: Euryhaliotrema annulocirrus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema aspistis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema berenguelae comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema cribbi comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema grandis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema microphallus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema pirulum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema triangulovagina comb. nov. In addition, the following new combinations were proposed based on the revised diagnosis of the genus: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema eukurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema kurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema monoporosum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The dactylogyrids, Protancyrocephalus rangusi (from a lutjanid host) and Daitreosoma chaetodontis (from a chaetodontid host), were considered species inquirendae. Haliotrematoides tukerhamatus comb. nov. is considered the senior subjective synonym of Haliotrematoides nagabinae. New host records for some previously described species of Euryhaliotrema from lutjanid and chaetodontid hosts were reported.
Twenty one of 29 species of snappers (Lutjanidae), examined for dactylogyrids (Monogenoidea) from the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, the Indo-west and eastern Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea were parasitized by 16 new and 11 previously described species of Euryhaliotrema: Euryhaliotrema adelpha sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema anecorhizion sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cardinale sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema chrysotaeniae, Euryhaliotrema cognatus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cryptophallus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema diplops sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema distinctum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fajeravilae sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fastigatum, Euryhaliotrema fatuum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema ferocis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema hainanense, Euryhaliotrema longibaculum, Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema paracanthi, Euryhaliotrema paululum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema perezponcei, Euryhaliotrema ramulum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema seyi sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema simplicis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema spirotubiforum, Euryhaliotrema tormocleithrum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema torquecirrus, Euryhaliotrema tubocirrus, Euryhaliotrema xinyingense, and Euryhaliotrema youngi sp. nov. Six species of Euryhaliotrema, previously reported from lutjanid hosts, were not collected: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema guangdongense, Euryhaliotrema johni, Euryhaliotrema lutiani, Euryhaliotrema lutjani, and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The diagnosis of Euryhaliotrema was emended to include species having tandem or slightly overlapping gonads, a pretesticular germarium, a globose haptor with morphologically similar anchors and hooks, a coiled or meandering male copulatory organ, a dextral vaginal pore, and hooks with upright acute thumbs and slender shanks comprised of one subunit. A bulbous base of the MCO and presence of an accessory piece in the copulatory complex were no longer considered features defining the genus. As a result, Euryhaliotrematoides and Aliatrema were placed in subjective synonymy with Euryhaliotrema, and the following transfers were proposed: Euryhaliotrema annulocirrus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema aspistis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema berenguelae comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema cribbi comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema grandis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema microphallus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema pirulum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema triangulovagina comb. nov. In addition, the following new combinations were proposed based on the revised diagnosis of the genus: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema eukurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema kurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema monoporosum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The dactylogyrids, Protancyrocephalus rangusi (from a lutjanid host) and Daitreosoma chaetodontis (from a chaetodontid host), were considered species inquirendae. Haliotrematoides tukerhamatus comb. nov. is considered the senior subjective synonym of Haliotrematoides nagabinae. New host records for some previously described species of Euryhaliotrema from lutjanid and chaetodontid hosts were reported.
Twenty one of 29 species of snappers (Lutjanidae), examined for dactylogyrids (Monogenoidea) from the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, the Indo-west and eastern Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea were parasitized by 16 new and 11 previously described species of Euryhaliotrema: Euryhaliotrema adelpha sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema anecorhizion sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cardinale sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema chrysotaeniae, Euryhaliotrema cognatus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema cryptophallus sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema diplops sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema distinctum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fajeravilae sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema fastigatum, Euryhaliotrema fatuum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema ferocis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema hainanense, Euryhaliotrema longibaculum, Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema paracanthi, Euryhaliotrema paululum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema perezponcei, Euryhaliotrema ramulum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema seyi sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema simplicis sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema spirotubiforum, Euryhaliotrema tormocleithrum sp. nov., Euryhaliotrema torquecirrus, Euryhaliotrema tubocirrus, Euryhaliotrema xinyingense, and Euryhaliotrema youngi sp. nov. Six species of Euryhaliotrema, previously reported from lutjanid hosts, were not collected: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema guangdongense, Euryhaliotrema johni, Euryhaliotrema lutiani, Euryhaliotrema lutjani, and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The diagnosis of Euryhaliotrema was emended to include species having tandem or slightly overlapping gonads, a pretesticular germarium, a globose haptor with morphologically similar anchors and hooks, a coiled or meandering male copulatory organ, a dextral vaginal pore, and hooks with upright acute thumbs and slender shanks comprised of one subunit. A bulbous base of the MCO and presence of an accessory piece in the copulatory complex were no longer considered features defining the genus. As a result, Euryhaliotrematoides and Aliatrema were placed in subjective synonymy with Euryhaliotrema, and the following transfers were proposed: Euryhaliotrema annulocirrus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema aspistis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema berenguelae comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema cribbi comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema grandis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema mehen comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema microphallus comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema pirulum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema triangulovagina comb. nov. In addition, the following new combinations were proposed based on the revised diagnosis of the genus: Euryhaliotrema anguiformis comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema eukurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema kurodai comb. nov., Euryhaliotrema monoporosum comb. nov., and Euryhaliotrema nanaoense comb. nov. The dactylogyrids, Protancyrocephalus rangusi (from a lutjanid host) and Daitreosoma chaetodontis (from a chaetodontid host), were considered species inquirendae. Haliotrematoides tukerhamatus comb. nov. is considered the senior subjective synonym of Haliotrematoides nagabinae. New host records for some previously described species of Euryhaliotrema from lutjanid and chaetodontid hosts were reported.
This study focused on coleopteran species that are responsible for the emergence of recent cases of dermatological manifestations in Iran. To the best of our knowledge, five species of the family Meloidae and nine species of the genus Paederus are by far the only beetles recognized as medically important in Iran. The staphylinids consists of Paederus ilsae, P. iliensis, P. fuscipes, P. kalalovae, P. balcanicus, P. lenkoranus, P. littoralis, P. carpathicus, P. nigricornis, while the meloids are Mylabris impressa, M. guerini, Muzimes iranicus, Alosimus smyrnensis and Epicauta sharpi. Most cases of linear dermatitis in this country occur in areas bordering the Caspian Sea. This problem is caused by beetles of the genus Paederus which are present as adults from mid-April to October with particularly high incidences from May to August. Fars (in southern Iran) ranks second in number of cases of insect-induced dermatitis. The third major region in which this type of dermatitis has been recorded is Hamedan Province, in the west of the country. Meloid dermatitis showed its highest severity in 2001, when a considerable number of patients sought medical help in Toyserkan and Nahavand counties. New cases of skin blistering were reported along the Persian Gulf coast and the agent was identified as Epicauta sharpi (Coleoptera: Meloidae). In all these regions, it was observed that recorded cases of lesions coincided precisely with the yearly peaks of the beetles. Paederus fuscipes and P. kalalovae are the predominant species along the Caspian Sea shore. It appears that P. fuscipes is homogeneously distributed throughout the Caspian Sea region while the distribution of the other species is more irregular. Paederus fuscipes is probably the major agent that causes linear dermatitis in northern Iran. Whereas this disease is a rural difficulty in the south, mainly in villages or small towns, it is an urban problem in northern provinces along the Caspian Sea shore. Meloid dermatitis has been registered only in western and southern Iran. It is not as widespread as linear dermatitis and remains a minor rural health problem.
This study focused on coleopteran species that are responsible for the emergence of recent cases of dermatological manifestations in Iran. To the best of our knowledge, five species of the family Meloidae and nine species of the genus Paederus are by far the only beetles recognized as medically important in Iran. The staphylinids consists of Paederus ilsae, P. iliensis, P. fuscipes, P. kalalovae, P. balcanicus, P. lenkoranus, P. littoralis, P. carpathicus, P. nigricornis, while the meloids are Mylabris impressa, M. guerini, Muzimes iranicus, Alosimus smyrnensis and Epicauta sharpi. Most cases of linear dermatitis in this country occur in areas bordering the Caspian Sea. This problem is caused by beetles of the genus Paederus which are present as adults from mid-April to October with particularly high incidences from May to August. Fars (in southern Iran) ranks second in number of cases of insect-induced dermatitis. The third major region in which this type of dermatitis has been recorded is Hamedan Province, in the west of the country. Meloid dermatitis showed its highest severity in 2001, when a considerable number of patients sought medical help in Toyserkan and Nahavand counties. New cases of skin blistering were reported along the Persian Gulf coast and the agent was identified as Epicauta sharpi (Coleoptera: Meloidae). In all these regions, it was observed that recorded cases of lesions coincided precisely with the yearly peaks of the beetles. Paederus fuscipes and P. kalalovae are the predominant species along the Caspian Sea shore. It appears that P. fuscipes is homogeneously distributed throughout the Caspian Sea region while the distribution of the other species is more irregular. Paederus fuscipes is probably the major agent that causes linear dermatitis in northern Iran. Whereas this disease is a rural difficulty in the south, mainly in villages or small towns, it is an urban problem in northern provinces along the Caspian Sea shore. Meloid dermatitis has been registered only in western and southern Iran. It is not as widespread as linear dermatitis and remains a minor rural health problem.(AU)