ABSTRACT: Genotype x environment interactions represent a major challenge in identifying and selecting genotypes responsive to different climate and soil conditions. This research evaluated and selected pre-cultivars of carioca bean and early carioca bean based on adaptability, stability, and grain yield. In the 2014 crop season, two regional competition trials were conducted in the state of Pernambuco: carioca beans (14 genotypes in Arcoverde, Belém de São Francisco, Caruaru and São João) and early carioca beans (11 genotypes in Araripina, Arcoverde, and Caruaru) and, in the 2015 crop season, with early carioca beans (11 genotypes in Araripina, Arcoverde, and Brejão). Parameters were estimated by mixed models, and the selection was performed using the Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genetic Values (HMRPGV) method following three strategies: i) selection based on predicted genetic value with no interaction; ii) selection according to predicted genetic value considering each location; and iii) simultaneous selection for grain yield, adaptability, and stability. The environments influenced the phenotypic expression of the carioca and early carioca bean genotypes, representing a specific adaptation. The genotypes BRS Notável, BRS Estilo and BRS Pérola, of carioca beans, and CNFC 15875, BRS Notável and CNFC 15630, of early carioca beans, had the best results in the environments tested, regarding, simultaneously, adaptability to different soil and climate conditions, performance stability, and grain yield.
RESUMO: A interação genótipo x ambiente representa um grande desafio na identificação e seleção de genótipos responsivos às diversas condições de clima e solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e selecionar pré-cultivares de feijão carioca e feijão carioca precoce com base na adaptabilidade, estabilidade e produtividade de grãos. Na safra 2014 foram conduzidos dois ensaios regionais de competição no estado de Pernambuco: feijão carioca (14 genótipos em Arcoverde, Belém de São Francisco, Caruaru e São João) e feijão carioca precoce (11 genótipos em Araripina, Arcoverde e Caruaru) e na safra de 2015 com feijão carioca precoce (11 genótipos, em Araripina, Arcoverde e Brejão). Os parâmetros foram estimados por meio de modelos mistos e a seleção foi realizada pelo método da Média Harmônica do Desempenho Relativo dos Valores Genéticos (MHPRVG), adotando-se três estratégias: i) seleção com base no valor genético predito, sem interação; ii) seleção com base no valor genético predito, considerando cada local; iii) seleção simultânea quanto à produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Observou-se que os ambientes influenciaram na expressão fenotípica dos genótipos de feijão carioca e carioca precoce, configurando adaptação específica. Os genótipos BRS Notável, BRS Estilo e BRS Pérola, de feijão carioca, e CNFC 15875, BRS Notável e CNFC 15630, de feijão carioca precoce, apresentaram os melhores desempenhos nos ambientes testados, considerando-se, simultaneamente, a adaptabilidade a diferentes condições edafoclimáticas, estabilidade de desempenho e produtividade de grãos.
Genotype x environment interactions represent a major challenge in identifying and selecting genotypes responsive to different climate and soil conditions. This research evaluated and selected pre-cultivars of carioca bean and early carioca bean based on adaptability, stability, and grain yield. In the 2014 crop season, two regional competition trials were conducted in the state of Pernambuco: carioca beans (14 genotypes in Arcoverde, Belém de São Francisco, Caruaru and São João) and early carioca beans (11 genotypes in Araripina, Arcoverde, and Caruaru) and, in the 2015 crop season, with early carioca beans (11 genotypes in Araripina, Arcoverde, and Brejão). Parameters were estimated by mixed models, and the selection was performed using the Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genetic Values (HMRPGV) method following three strategies: i) selection based on predicted genetic value with no interaction; ii) selection according to predicted genetic value considering each location; and iii) simultaneous selection for grain yield, adaptability, and stability. The environments influenced the phenotypic expression of the carioca and early carioca bean genotypes, representing a specific adaptation. The genotypes BRS Notável, BRS Estilo and BRS Pérola, of carioca beans, and CNFC 15875, BRS Notável and CNFC 15630, of early carioca beans, had the best results in the environments tested, regarding, simultaneously, adaptability to different soil and climate conditions, performance stability, and grain yield.
A interação genótipo x ambiente representa um grande desafio na identificação e seleção de genótipos responsivos às diversas condições de clima e solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e selecionar pré-cultivares de feijão carioca e feijão carioca precoce com base na adaptabilidade, estabilidade e produtividade de grãos. Na safra 2014 foram conduzidos dois ensaios regionais de competição no estado de Pernambuco: feijão carioca (14 genótipos em Arcoverde, Belém de São Francisco, Caruaru e São João) e feijão carioca precoce (11 genótipos em Araripina, Arcoverde e Caruaru) e na safra de 2015 com feijão carioca precoce (11 genótipos, em Araripina, Arcoverde e Brejão). Os parâmetros foram estimados por meio de modelos mistos e a seleção foi realizada pelo método da Média Harmônica do Desempenho Relativo dos Valores Genéticos (MHPRVG), adotando-se três estratégias: i) seleção com base no valor genético predito, sem interação; ii) seleção com base no valor genético predito, considerando cada local; iii) seleção simultânea quanto à produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Observou-se que os ambientes influenciaram na expressão fenotípica dos genótipos de feijão carioca e carioca precoce, configurando adaptação específica. Os genótipos BRS Notável, BRS Estilo e BRS Pérola, de feijão carioca, e CNFC 15875, BRS Notável e CNFC 15630, de feijão carioca precoce, apresentaram os melhores desempenhos nos ambientes testados, considerando-se, simultaneamente, a adaptabilidade a diferentes condições edafoclimáticas, estabilidade de desempenho e produtividade de grãos
Seleção Genética , Phaseolus/genética , Perfil Genético , GenótipoResumo
This study was conducted to investigate the association between the polymorphism of the FASN gene with fatty acid content in Awassi sheep. A total of 100 male Awassi sheep between the ages of one and two and a half years old were used in this study. Phenotypic measurement was recorded at slaughter, and from each animal, the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle samples were taken to analyze the fatty acid profile. Genotyping, sequencing reactions, and in silico tools were performed to confirm the variants in amplified fragments. The result of genotyping revealed two genotypes (AA and AB) of the ovine FASN gene (exon 3). Novel SNP (L46Q) was discovered only within the FASN gene (AB genotype). All utilized in silico tools revealed remarkably deleterious effects for the L46Q on the mutant protein structure, function, and stability. Association analysis revealed that the AB genotype has significantly (p < 0.05) higher levels of animal length and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) with lower amounts of saturated fatty acids (SFA) content than the AA genotype. In conclusion, novel SNP (L46Q) was discovered within the FASN gene (AB genotype), made the animals that has the AB genotype associated with good meat quality traits and this polymorphism may serve as markers for meat quality.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ácido Graxo Sintases/química , Carne , Polimorfismo Genético/fisiologia , Ovinos/genética , Técnicas de GenotipagemResumo
ABSTRACT: The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.
RESUMO: A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.
The genotype × environment (G×E) interaction plays an essential role in phenotypic expression and can lead to difficulties in genetic selection. Thus, the present study aimed to estimate genetic parameters and to compare different selection strategies in the context of mixed models for soybean breeding. For this, data referring to the evaluation of 30 genotypes in 10 environments, regarding the grain yield trait, were used. The variance components were estimated through restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and genotypic values were predicted through best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP). Significant effects of genotypes and G×E interaction were detected by the likelihood ratio test (LRT). Low genotypic correlation was obtained across environments, indicating complex G×E interaction. The selective accuracy was very high, indicating high reliability. Our results showed that the most productive soybean genotypes have high adaptability and stability.(AU)
A interação genótipo × ambiente (G × E) desempenha um papel essencial na expressão fenotípica e pode provocar dificuldades na seleção genética. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar parâmetros genéticos e comparar diferentes estratégias de seleção no contexto de modelos mistos para melhoramento da soja. Para isso, foram utilizados dados referentes à avaliação de 30 genótipos em dez ambientes, referentes à característica produtividade de grãos. Os componentes de variância foram estimados pela máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML) e os valores genotípicos foram preditos pela melhor previsão imparcial linear (BLUP). Efeitos significativos dos genótipos e interação G × E foram detectados pelo teste da razão de verossimilhança (LRT). Correlação genotípica baixa foi obtida entre os ambientes indicando interação G × E do tipo complexa. A acurácia seletiva foi muito alta, indicando alta confiabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que os genótipos de soja mais produtivos apresentam alta adaptabilidade e estabilidade.(AU)
Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glycine max/genética , Agroindústria/economiaResumo
The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.
A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.
Vigna/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vigna/genéticaResumo
The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.(AU)
A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.(AU)
Vigna/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vigna/genéticaResumo
Drought is likely the main abiotic stress that affects wheat yield. The identification of drought-tolerant genotypes represents an effective way of dealing with the continuous decrease in water resources as well as the increase in world population. The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with drought tolerance indices in wheat by using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) under fully irrigated and rain-fed conditions. The drought tolerance indices (i.e., Stress Susceptibility Index, Stress Tolerance Index, Tolerance Index and Yield Stability Index) were calculated based on grain yield, 1,000-kernel weight and kernels per spike. The association panel was genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). A total of 175 SNPs exhibited statistical evidence of association with at least one drought tolerance index, explaining up to 6 % of the phenotypic variation. Forty-five SNPs were associated with more than one tolerance index (up to 4 agronomic traits). Most associations were located on chromosome 4A, supporting the hypothesis that this chromosome has a key role in drought tolerance which should be exploited for wheat improvement. In addition, statistical analysis detected SNPs associated with tolerance indices in both growing seasons, providing information about genetic regions with stable effects under different environmental conditions. This GWAS experiment serves as one of the few studies on association mapping for drought tolerance indices in wheat, which could increase the efficiency of rain-fed and irrigated crop production.
Melhoramento Vegetal , Secas , Triticum , Estudo de Associação Genômica AmplaResumo
Drought is likely the main abiotic stress that affects wheat yield. The identification of drought-tolerant genotypes represents an effective way of dealing with the continuous decrease in water resources as well as the increase in world population. The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with drought tolerance indices in wheat by using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) under fully irrigated and rain-fed conditions. The drought tolerance indices (i.e., Stress Susceptibility Index, Stress Tolerance Index, Tolerance Index and Yield Stability Index) were calculated based on grain yield, 1,000-kernel weight and kernels per spike. The association panel was genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). A total of 175 SNPs exhibited statistical evidence of association with at least one drought tolerance index, explaining up to 6 % of the phenotypic variation. Forty-five SNPs were associated with more than one tolerance index (up to 4 agronomic traits). Most associations were located on chromosome 4A, supporting the hypothesis that this chromosome has a key role in drought tolerance which should be exploited for wheat improvement. In addition, statistical analysis detected SNPs associated with tolerance indices in both growing seasons, providing information about genetic regions with stable effects under different environmental conditions. This GWAS experiment serves as one of the few studies on association mapping for drought tolerance indices in wheat, which could increase the efficiency of rain-fed and irrigated crop production.(AU)
Secas , Triticum , Melhoramento Vegetal , Estudo de Associação Genômica AmplaResumo
The methods of Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989) are widely used in phenotypic adaptability and stability analyses in plant breeding. In spite of the importance of these methodologies, their parameters are difficult to interpret. The aim of this research was to develop fuzzy controllers to automate the decision-making process employed by adaptability and stability studies following the methods adopted by Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989) and check their efficiency using experimental data from common bean cultivars. Fuzzy controllers have been developed based on the Mamdani inference system proposed by these two methods of adaptability and stability studies. For the first fuzzy controller parameters were considered favorable environments and the recommendation index for unfavorable environments obtained by Annicchiarico's method (1992). For the second controller the parameters considered were the general mean (β0), coefficient of regression of unfavorable environments (β1) and coefficient of favorable environments (β1i + β2i) and the coefficient of determination of the method of Cruz et al. (1989). To check the performance of these drivers yield data from field trials on 18 common bean cultivars grown in 11 environments were used. The controllers were developed from established routines in the R software and, using the inference system based on the methods proposed by Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989), classified the 18 genotypes appropriately in accordance with the criteria for each method. Thus, the methods used are effective, and are prescribed for decision-making automation in yield adaptability and stability studies pertaining to recommendation of cultivars.
The methods of Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989) are widely used in phenotypic adaptability and stability analyses in plant breeding. In spite of the importance of these methodologies, their parameters are difficult to interpret. The aim of this research was to develop fuzzy controllers to automate the decision-making process employed by adaptability and stability studies following the methods adopted by Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989) and check their efficiency using experimental data from common bean cultivars. Fuzzy controllers have been developed based on the Mamdani inference system proposed by these two methods of adaptability and stability studies. For the first fuzzy controller parameters were considered favorable environments and the recommendation index for unfavorable environments obtained by Annicchiarico's method (1992). For the second controller the parameters considered were the general mean (β0), coefficient of regression of unfavorable environments (β1) and coefficient of favorable environments (β1i + β2i) and the coefficient of determination of the method of Cruz et al. (1989). To check the performance of these drivers yield data from field trials on 18 common bean cultivars grown in 11 environments were used. The controllers were developed from established routines in the R software and, using the inference system based on the methods proposed by Annicchiarico (1992) and Cruz et al. (1989), classified the 18 genotypes appropriately in accordance with the criteria for each method. Thus, the methods used are effective, and are prescribed for decision-making automation in yield adaptability and stability studies pertaining to recommendation of cultivars.(AU)
The present study aimed to estimate adaptability and stability parameters for Nellore bulls in 3 different regions. The traits analyzed included the weight of the animals raised in pasture at 420 days of age (W420) and at the age at first calving (AFC). The information used in this study was related to the phenotypic mean of the females which were the offspring of the top ten classified bulls based in one region. We used the methods proposed by Finlay & Wilkinson (1963) & Eberhart and Russell (1966) in order to evaluate the parameters of adaptability and stability of these animals. The averages estimated by the method of least squares were 243.91±34.90 kg and 1182.54±57.82 days, respectively, for the traits W420 and AFC. Adaptability and stability parameters for the W420 characteristic showed that it is feasible to identify bulls with predictable behavior in different environments, and that these animals may generate progenies which may achieve above-average performance. Behavior of the 10 bulls analyzed in the different regions studied for the traits W420 and AFC showed that the herds and the regions influenced the performance of their progenies. The methods used allowed us to identify bulls with general adaptability, high stability, and better performances, which may be the most suitable to be used in herds in which the genetic merit of the cows and the environment where the progenies will be raised are both unknown.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade para touros da raça Nelore em três regiões diferentes. As características analisadas foram o peso aos 420 dias de idade (P420) e a idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) de animais criados em regime de pasto. As informações utilizadas no estudo foram referentes a média fenotípica das fêmeas, filhas dos dez melhores touros classificados com base em uma região. Para avaliar os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e a estabilidade foram utilizadas as metodologias propostas por FINLAY & WILKINSON (1963) e EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966). As médias estimadas pelos métodos dos quadrados mínimos foram de 243,91±34,90kg e 1182,54±157,82 dias, respectivamente, para as características P420 e IPP. Os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade para a característica P420 mostraram que é possível identificar os touros com comportamento previsível nos diferentes ambientes e que poderão gerar progênies com desempenho acima da média. O comportamento dos dez touros analisados nas diferentes regiões estudadas para as características P420 e IPP, evidenciaram que os rebanhos e as regiões influenciaram na performance de suas progênies. Por meio das metodologias aplicadas é possível identificar touros com adaptabilidade geral, alta estabilidade e com melhores desempenhos, os quais seriam os mais adequados a se utilizar em rebanhos em que não se conhece o mérito genético das vacas e nem o ambiente onde serão criadas as progênies.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Fenótipo , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Peso Corporal/genética , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Expression of pectinolytic genes is regulated by catabolic repression limiting the production of pectin lyase (PL) if the natural inducer, pectin, is missing from the growth medium. Here, we report the isolation of Penicillium griseoroseum mutants resistant to 2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) that show resistance to catabolite repression and overproduce PL. Three spontaneous and nine UV-induced mutants were obtained. Some mutants produced sectors (segments morphologically different) that were also studied. The mutants were analyzed for pectinases production on pectinase-agar plates and five mutants and two sectors showing larger clearing zones than the wild type were selected for quantitative assay. Although PL production higher than the wild type has been found, phenotype instability was observed for most of the mutants and, after transfers to nonselective medium, the DG resistance was no longer present. Only mutants M03 and M04 were stable maintaining the DG-resistance phenotype. When growing for 120 h in liquid medium containing glucose with or without pectin, both mutants showed higher PL production. In the presence of glucose as sole carbon source, the mutant M03 produced 7.8-fold more PL than the wild type. Due its phenotypic stability and PL overproduction, the mutant M03 presents potential for industrial applications.(AU)
Pectinas/genética , Penicillium , Repressão Catabólica , Liases , MutagêneseResumo
Selection of superior forage genotypes is based on agronomic traits assayed in repeated measures. The questions are how repeatable the performance of individual genotypes is and how many harvests are needed to select the best genotypes. The objectives were to estimate repeatability coefficients of dry matter yield (DMY) and forage quality, their phenotypic stability and the number of harvests needed for an accurate selection. Two randomized complete block design experiments data with 24 genotypes each, undergoing 12 and 16 harvests, over a period of 2 and 3 years, respectively, were used. The DMY repeatability estimates ranged from 0.42 to 0.55, suggesting a low heritability. The mean numbers of repeated measures were 5 and 7 harvests for 0.80 and 0.85 accuracy, respectively. The inclusion of the first two harvests negatively affects the estimates. Repeatability for quality traits ranged from 0.30 to 0.69, indicating low to moderate heritability.(AU)
A seleção de genótipos superiores em forrageiras é feita para características agronômicas analisadas em medições repetidas no tempo. As questões estão relacionadas à repetibilidade do desempenho dos genótipos e ao número necessário de colheitas para selecionar aqueles superiores. Os objetivos foram estimar coeficientes de repetibilidade da produção de matéria seca (PMS) e de características de qualidade da forragem, a estabilidade fenotípica e o número de colheitas necessárias para uma seleção mais precisa. Dois experimentos em blocos casualizados com 24 genótipos cada um, submetidos a 12 e 16 colheitas, durante um período de dois e três anos, respectivamente, foram utilizados para o estudo. As estimativas de repetibilidade de PMS variaram de 0,42 a 0,55, sugerindo baixa herdabilidade. Os números de colheitas foram cinco e sete para 0,80 e 0,85 de acurácia, respectivamente. A inclusão das duas primeiras colheitas afeta negativamente as estimativas de PMS. A repetibilidade para as características de qualidade variou de 0,30 a 0,69, indicando baixa à moderada herdabilidade.(AU)
Panicum/química , Panicum/anatomia & histologia , Panicum/genéticaResumo
Selection of superior forage genotypes is based on agronomic traits assayed in repeated measures. The questions are how repeatable the performance of individual genotypes is and how many harvests are needed to select the best genotypes. The objectives were to estimate repeatability coefficients of dry matter yield (DMY) and forage quality, their phenotypic stability and the number of harvests needed for an accurate selection. Two randomized complete block design experiments data with 24 genotypes each, undergoing 12 and 16 harvests, over a period of 2 and 3 years, respectively, were used. The DMY repeatability estimates ranged from 0.42 to 0.55, suggesting a low heritability. The mean numbers of repeated measures were 5 and 7 harvests for 0.80 and 0.85 accuracy, respectively. The inclusion of the first two harvests negatively affects the estimates. Repeatability for quality traits ranged from 0.30 to 0.69, indicating low to moderate heritability.
A seleção de genótipos superiores em forrageiras é feita para características agronômicas analisadas em medições repetidas no tempo. As questões estão relacionadas à repetibilidade do desempenho dos genótipos e ao número necessário de colheitas para selecionar aqueles superiores. Os objetivos foram estimar coeficientes de repetibilidade da produção de matéria seca (PMS) e de características de qualidade da forragem, a estabilidade fenotípica e o número de colheitas necessárias para uma seleção mais precisa. Dois experimentos em blocos casualizados com 24 genótipos cada um, submetidos a 12 e 16 colheitas, durante um período de dois e três anos, respectivamente, foram utilizados para o estudo. As estimativas de repetibilidade de PMS variaram de 0,42 a 0,55, sugerindo baixa herdabilidade. Os números de colheitas foram cinco e sete para 0,80 e 0,85 de acurácia, respectivamente. A inclusão das duas primeiras colheitas afeta negativamente as estimativas de PMS. A repetibilidade para as características de qualidade variou de 0,30 a 0,69, indicando baixa à moderada herdabilidade.
Panicum/anatomia & histologia , Panicum/genética , Panicum/químicaResumo
Morphological and phenological characters are used in the selection, breeding, and description of plant varieties with varying genotypes. The stability of these descriptors in the face of environmental changes can determine their usefulness in situations where plant varieties must be reliably identified. The objective of this study was to verify the expression of morphological and phenological descriptors and use them to distinguish between white oat cultivars (Avena sativa L.) in two growing periods. For this, five cultivars, protected and belonging to four breeders, referred to as G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5, were sown in the typical growing season in southern Brazil (autumn-winter) and outside that period (winter-spring), and grown for forty days. The experiment was established in the field, in a randomized block design replicated three times. The cultivars were evaluated for 42 descriptors (15 quantitative and 27 qualitative). Quantitative data were analyzed by analysis of variance, the comparison of averages, and multivariate analysis by generating average euclidean distances. Qualitative data were analyzed by mode determination, followed by obtaining the similarity index. The relationship between cultivars was illustrated by dendrograms. The stability index for each descriptor was calculated. A genotype x environment interaction was observed for 28 descriptors. The stability of descriptor appearance and persistence over the growing season was higher in qualitative (44%) than in quantitative (7%) descriptors. The most stable qualitative descriptors were lemma color, hairiness of the upper node, flag leaf position, hairiness of the base of the grain, basal grain length, and rachilla length. The most stable quantitative descriptor was flag leaf length. Shifting the white oat growing season from autumn-winter to winter-spring reduced the cycle and modified the expression of most descriptors by changing the phenotypic distinctness between cultivars.(AU)
Caracteres morfológicos e fenológicos são utilizados na seleção, cruzamentos e descrição de genótipos, sua instabilidade frente a alterações ambientais pode determinar o seu valor na etapa de proteção de cultivares. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a expressão de descritores morfológicos e fenológicos e, consequentemente, a dissimilaridade entre cultivares de aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.) em dois períodos de cultivo. Para isso, cinco cultivares, protegidas e oriundas de quatro obtentores e, aqui, codificadas (G1, G2, G3, G4 e G5), foram semeadas dentro do período recomendado para a cultura no sul do do Brasil (outono-hibernal) e fora desse período (hiberno-primaveril), com intervalo de quarenta dias. O experimento foi estabelecido em campo, em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. As cultivares foram avaliadas quanto a 42 descritores (15 quantitativos e 27 qualitativos). Os dados quantitativos foram submetidos à análise de variância, seguida da comparação de médias, e à análise multivariada, por meio da geração da distância euclidiana média. Os dados qualitativos foram submetidos à determinação da moda, seguida da obtenção do índice de similaridade. A relação entre as cultivares foi ilustrada por meio de dendrogramas. Foi calculado o índice de estabilidade dos descritores. A interação genótipo x ambiente foi observada em 28 descritores. A estabilidade de expressão, à alteração no período de cultivo, foi maior nos descritores qualitativos (44%), quando comparada aos quantitativos (7%). Os descritores qualitativos mais estáveis foram: cor do lema, pilosidade do nó superior, posição da folha-bandeira, pilosidade da base do grão, comprimento dos pelos basais do grão e comprimento da ráquila. O descritor quantitativo mais estável foi o comprimento da folha-bandeira. [...](AU)
Avena/genética , Genótipo , Interação Gene-Ambiente , 24444 , Estações do Ano , Variação GenéticaResumo
All the somatic cells composing a mammalian organism are genetically identical and contain the same DNA sequence. Nevertheless, they are able to adopt a distinct commitment, differentiate in a tissue specific way and respond to developmental cues, acquiring a terminal phenotype. At the end of the differentiation process, each cell is highly specialized and committed to a distinct determined fate. This is possible thanks to tissue-specific gene expression, timely regulated by epigenetic modifications, that gradually limit cell potency to a more restricted phenotype-related expression pattern. Complex chemical modifications of DNA, RNA and associated proteins, that determine activation or silencing of certain genes are responsible for the epigenetic control that triggers the restriction of cell pluripotency, with the acquisition of the phenotypic definition and the preservation of its stability during subsequent cell divisions. The process is however reversible and may be modified by biochemical and biological manipulation, leading to the reactivation of hypermethylated pluripotency genes and inducing cells to transit from a terminally committed state to a higher plasticity one.These epigenetic regulatory mechanisms play a key role in embryonic development since they drive phenotype definition and tissue differentiation. At the same time, they are crucial for a better understanding of pluripotency regulation and restriction, stem cell biology and tissue repair process.
Epigênese Genética/fisiologia , Epigênese Genética/genética , Plasticidade Celular , Células Híbridas , Sequência de BasesResumo
All the somatic cells composing a mammalian organism are genetically identical and contain the same DNA sequence. Nevertheless, they are able to adopt a distinct commitment, differentiate in a tissue specific way and respond to developmental cues, acquiring a terminal phenotype. At the end of the differentiation process, each cell is highly specialized and committed to a distinct determined fate. This is possible thanks to tissue-specific gene expression, timely regulated by epigenetic modifications, that gradually limit cell potency to a more restricted phenotype-related expression pattern. Complex chemical modifications of DNA, RNA and associated proteins, that determine activation or silencing of certain genes are responsible for the epigenetic control that triggers the restriction of cell pluripotency, with the acquisition of the phenotypic definition and the preservation of its stability during subsequent cell divisions. The process is however reversible and may be modified by biochemical and biological manipulation, leading to the reactivation of hypermethylated pluripotency genes and inducing cells to transit from a terminally committed state to a higher plasticity one.These epigenetic regulatory mechanisms play a key role in embryonic development since they drive phenotype definition and tissue differentiation. At the same time, they are crucial for a better understanding of pluripotency regulation and restriction, stem cell biology and tissue repair process.(AU)
Epigênese Genética/genética , Epigênese Genética/fisiologia , Plasticidade Celular , Células Híbridas , Sequência de BasesResumo
A busca por novas características e métodos capazes de incrementar o ganho genético em programas de melhoramento é constante. Com o advento da seleção genômica um grande progresso genético tem sido observado. Entretanto, a seleção genômica em animais cruzados, compostos ou populações multirraciais ainda é pouco difundida. Desta forma, os objetivos do presente estudo foram: i) Investigar o impacto do uso de diferentes matrizes de parentesco na avaliação genética de bovinos Montana; ii) Investigar o efeito do uso de metafundadores (MFs) e grupos de pais desconhecidos (UPG) na avaliação genética de bovinos Montana. Foram utilizados registros de 680.551 animais no pedigree, dos quais, 1899 foram genotipados com painéis de diferentes densidades e posteriormente imputados para o painel da Neogen GeneSeek® Genomic Profiler (GGP) com aproximadamente 30.000 SNPs. Informações fenotípicas de circunferência escrotal aos 12 meses de idade (SC12), ganho de peso pós desmame (PWG), peso à desmama (WW) e peso ao nascimento (BW) foram utilizadas. Quatro matrizes de parentesco distintas, e um modelo unicaracterística, foram utilizadas: 1) Matriz de parentesco aditivo baseada no pedigree ($); 2) Matriz de parentesco genômico, construída como no ssGBLUP default (%!); 3) Matriz de parentesco genômico, centrada com base nas frequências alélicas dos grupos de tipo biológico ou de componentes principais (%"); 4) Matriz de parentesco genômico, centrada e escalada com base nas frequências alélicas dos grupos de tipo biológico ou de componentes principais (%#). Além disso, metafundadores e grupos de pais desconhecidos foram utilizados, os quais foram empregados em modelos multicaracterística BLUP e ssGBLUP. Foram testados modelos com quatro ou dez MFs e UPGs. UPGs foram adicionados na matriz & no ssGBLUP (ssGBLUP_UPG) $! (ssGBLUP_UPGA). Para a validação dos ou apenas nas matrizes $$! e $"" resultados, o método baseado em estatísticas de regressão linear (LR), e 436 animais com fenótipos omitidos, foram utilizados. Ajustes nas matrizes de parentesco genômico não foram capazes de captar maior proporção de variância genética aditiva em relação a variância fenotípica, ou seja, produzir maior herdabilidade. A adição da informação genômica, no modelo, em ambos os estudos, foi capaz de incrementar a estabilidade dos GEBVs. Contudo, a estabilidade dos GEBVs foi superior quando o modelo unicaracterística foi utilizado. Todos os parâmetros de comparação utilizados (estabilidade dos (G)EBVs, acurácia dos modelos, acurácia BIF, dispersão, viés, média dos (G)EBVs e correlação de Spearman) não indicaram nenhuma diferença significativa nas predições quando as matrizes de relacionamento genômico foram ajustadas com base em tipos biológicos ou grupos de componentes principais. As correlações de Spearman dos valores genéticos, entre os modelos baseados em pedigree e genômicos foram baixas, indicando mudanças no ranking dos animais quando a seleção é praticada com estes modelos. Entretanto, quando comparados os modelos genômicos, com % ajustada ou não, a correlação entre os GEBV foi alta, indicando pouca ou nenhuma mudança na classificação dos candidatos a seleção quando a seleção é realizada com base em qualquer um dos modelos genômicos. No geral a inclusão de UPGs nos modelos produziu estabilidade e dispersão similar aos demais modelos genômicos, entretanto, tendências genéticas viesadas foram observadas quando estes foram incluídos somente nas matrizes de parentesco baseado no pedigree. A inclusão de metafundadores no modelo não foi capaz de provocar mudanças consideráveis na estabilidade dos (G)EBVs em avaliações subsequentes, exceto para PWG, e dispersão dos modelos. Entretanto, os modelos com metafundadores, quatro ou dez, produziram um viés menor do que os demais modelos genômicos, e semelhante ao BLUP baseado no pedigree. Estes resultados indicam que o uso de metafundadores pode reduzir o viés das avaliações genômicas em bovinos Montana ao mesmo nível dos modelos baseados em pedigree, com acurácia levemente menor e correlação ou estabilidade dos (G)EBV similar ao ssGBLUP default.
The search for new traits and methods able to increase the genetic gain in breeding programs is constant. With the advent of genomic selection, a great genetic progress has been observed, however the genomic selection in crossed animals, composite or multiracial populations is still not widespread. Thus, the aim of this study were: i) Investigate the impact of the use of different relationship matrices in the genetic evaluation of Montana cattle; ii) Investigate the effect of using metafounders (MFs) and unknown parents groups (UPG) on the genetic evaluation of Montana cattle. Records of 680,551 animals in the pedigree were available, of which 1,899 were genotyped with panels of different densities and subsequently imputed to the Neogen GeneSeek® Genomic Profiler (GGP) panel with around 30,000 SNPs. Phenotypic records of scrotal circumference at 12 months of age (SC12), postweaning weight gain (PWG), weaning weight (WW) and birth weight (BW) were available. Four distinct relationship matrices, and a single-trait model, were used: 1) Additive relationship matrix based on the pedigree ($); 2) Genomic relationship matrix, built as in the default ssGBLUP (%1); 3) Genomic relationship matrix, centered based on the specific-allele frequencies of the groups biological type groups or principal components (%2); 4) Genomic relationship matrix, centered and scaled based on the specific-allele frequencies of the groups of biological type or principal components (%3). In addition, metafounders and unknown parent groups were implemented in a multi-trait model at BLUP and ssGBLUP. Models with four or ten MFs and UPGs were tested. UPGs were $! added in the & matrix in ssGBLUP (ssGBLUP_UPG) or only in $$! and $"" (ssGBLUP_UPGA) matrices. For the validation, the method based on linear regression statistics (LR), and 436 animals with omitted phenotypes, were used. Adjustments in the genomic relationship matrices were not able to capture a greater proportion of additive genetic variance in relation to phenotypic variance, that is, to produce greater heritability. The addition of genomic information, in the model, in both studies, was able to increase the stability of the (G)EBVs. However, the stability of the (G)EBVs was higher when the single-trait model was used. All the comparison parameters used (stability of (G)EBVs, accuracy of models, BIF accuracy, dispersion, bias, mean of (G)EBVs and Spearman correlation) did not indicate any significant difference in predictions when the genomic relationship matrices were adjusted based on biological types or groups of principal components. Spearman's correlations of genetic values between pedigree-based and genomic models were low, indicating changes in the ranking of animals when selection is practiced with these models. However, when comparing the genomic models, with G adjusted or not, the correlation between the GEBVs was high, indicating little or no change in the classification of candidates for selection when the selection is made based on any of the genomic models. Overall, the inclusion of UPGs in the models produced a stability and dispersion similar to the other genomic models, however, biased genetic tendencies were observed when UPGs were considered only in the pedigree-based matrices. The inclusion of metafounders in the model was not able to produce considerable changes in the stability of (G)EBVs in two subsequent evaluations, except for PWG and dispersion of the models. However, the models with metafounders, either four or ten, produced a lower bias than the other genomic models, and similar to the BLUP based on the pedigree. These results indicate that the use of metafounders can reduce the bias of genomic predictions in Montana cattle to the same level as the pedigree-based models, with slightly less accuracy and correlation or stability of (G)EBV similar to the ssGBLUP default.
This study aimed to evaluate the adaptability and phenotypic stability of 10 soybean genotypes in 12 environments in Paraná state by using the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis (AMMI) and Eberhart and Russell models. The assays were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, in the 2010/2011 season in four locations in Paraná state (Assaí, São Pedro do Ivaí, Cornélio Procópio, and Marilândia do Sul), and with three sowing dates (15/-20/10/10; 29/10-03/11/10; 15/-20/11/10). The cultivars tested with Roundup Ready® technology included SYN 1049, SYN 1152, SYN 1059, SYN 3358, SYN 1163, SYN 1157, V-MAX, FT Campo Mourão, BMX Potência, and SYN 9070. The yield character was analyzed. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and the adaptability and stability were then analyzed. The results of the AMMI and Eberhart and Russell models were somewhat consistent for the stability parameter only. The AMMI analysis was able to capture 66% of the variance associated with residue no additives, of which 43.18% was retained in the first principal component of interaction and 23.58%, in the second component. This is sufficient to explain the genotype × environment interaction. The SYN 1059, SYN 1163, and VMAX genotypes are distinguished by their considerably higher yield and productive adaptation. In the AMMI analysis, the cultivar SYN 1163 showed commercial promise among the other cultivars for high grain yield performance, adaptation, and response predictability.
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade fenotípica de dez genótipos de soja em doze ambientes no Paraná com o uso dos modelos AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis) e Eberhart e Russel. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em blocos completos casualizados com três repetições na safra 2010/2011 em quatro locais no Estado do Paraná (Assaí, São Pedro do Ivaí, Cornélio Procópio e Marilândia do Sul) e em três épocas de semeadura (15/10/10 20/10/10; 29/10/10 03/11/10; 15/11/10 20/11/10). As cultivares testadas, todas com a tecnologia RR, foram: SYN 1049; SYN 1152; SYN 1059; SYN 3358; SYN 1163; SYN 1157; V-MAX; FT Campo Mourão; BMX Potência; e, SYN 9070. O caráter analisado foi rendimento de grãos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância. Posteriormente realizou-se a análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Os modelos AMMI e Eberhart e Russel foram parcialmente concordantes apenas para parâmetro de estabilidade. A análise AMMI foi capaz de capturar 66% da variação associada aos resíduos não aditivos, os quais 43,18% estavam retidos no primeiro componente principal de interação e 23,58% no segundo componente os quais são suficientes para explicar a interação G×E. Os genótipos SYN 1059, SYN 1163 e V-MAX destacam-se pela produtividade consideravelmente superior e ampla adaptação produtiva. A cultivar SYN 1163, na análise AMMI, mostra-se promissora entre as demais cultivares lançadas comercialmente pelo alto desempenho de rendimento de grãos, adaptação e previsibilidade de resposta.