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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.353-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458117


Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called “diaphragm control”, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Atrofia Muscular/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 353, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738852


Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called “diaphragm control”, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Atrofia Muscular/veterinária
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-220798


O cateto e o cachorro-do-mato são espécies amplamente distribuídas no território Americano, contudo, o desmatamento, a caça e a fragmentação do habitat são ameaças às populações desses animais. As pesquisas sobre morfofisiologia de animais silvestres têm recebido contribuições consideráveis de instituições renomadas em todo país, que promovem, a divulgação e o esclarecimento dos profissionais de diversas áreas do conhecimento. Com isso, este estudo detalhado pode representar fator importante para preservação e proteção da fauna. Diante disto, busca-se descrever a anatomia macroscópica do nervo frênico e detalhar sua origem e distribuição no músculo diafragma de catetos e cachorros-do-mato. No Tayassu tajacu, o nervo frênico nos 16 exemplares tem origem a partir do C4, C5 e C6 podendo receber contribuição para sua formação de C7 e do nervo peitoral. Ao chegar no músculo diafragma, este ramifica-se em tronco costoesternal e ramo lombar em maior frequência tanto à direita quanto à esquerda (81,25% e 68,75%, respectivamente) e em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal em menor frequência (18,75% à direita e 31,25% à esquerda). No cachorro-do-mato quando comparado ao cão doméstico, verifica-se origem semelhante a partir de C5, C6 e C7 para o Cerdocyon thous e C5, C6 e ocasionalmente C7. Ao alcançar o diafragma, o referido componente anatômico finaliza-se em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal no cachorro-do-mato; em tronco costoesternal e ramo lombar em maior frequência e em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal no cão doméstico. Estas estruturas emitem ramúsculos tanto à direita quanto à esquerda a pars lumbalis, pars costalis e pars sternalis correspondentes. Portanto, a descrição da anatomia do nervo frênico, é importante para abordagens cirúrgicas e protocolos anestésicos em cirurgias cervico-torácicas, em que o saber anatomofisiológico prévio é necessário.

The collared peccary and the crab-eating fox are species widely distributed in American territory; however, deforestation, hunting and habitat fragmentation are threats facing these animal populations. Research on the morphophysiology of wild animals has received considerable contributions from renowned institutions across the country, which promote dissemination and clarification of professionals from different areas of knowledge. Thus, this detailed study may represent important factor for the preservation and protection of fauna. Therefore, the study aims to describe the macroscopic anatomy of the phrenic nerve and detail its origin and distribution in the diaphragm muscle of collared peccary and crab-eating fox. The phrenic nerve of 16 Tayassu tajacu specimens originates from C4, C5 and C6, and can receive contribution of C7 and the pectoral nerve to its formation. Upon reaching diaphragm muscle, it branches into costoesternal trunk and lumbar branch in greater frequency on both to the right and to the left (81.25% and 68.75%, respectively); and in the lumbocostal trunk and sternal branch in less frequency (18,75% on the right and 31.25% on the left). In the crab-eating fox when compared to the domestic dog, there is a similar origin from C5, C6 and C7 to Cerdocyon thous and C5, C6 and occasionally C7. Upon reaching the diaphragm, this anatomical component ends in lumbocostal trunk and sternal branch in the crab-eating fox; in costoesternal trunk and lumbar branch in greater frequency and in lumbocostal trunk and sternal branch in the domestic dog. These structures emit branches both on the right and on the left to corresponding pars lumbalis, pars costalis and pars sternalis. So, the description of the phrenic nerve anatomy is important for surgical approaches and anesthetic protocols in cervico-thoracic surgeries, in which prior anatomophysiological knowledge is necessary.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10974


Rhinella schneideri, previously known as Bufo paracnemis, is a common toad in many regions of Brazil. Its venom exerts important cardiovascular effects on humans and other animals. Although this toad venom has been the subject of intense investigations, little is known about its neuromuscular activity. The neurotoxicity of a methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom was tested on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations mounted for conventional twitch tension recording in response to indirect stimulation and for electrophysiological measurements.(AU)

Animais , Fármacos Neuromusculares , Venenos/análise , Neurotoxinas/análise , Bufo rana/classificação
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 20: 1-5, 04/02/2014. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484578


Rhinella schneideri, previously known as Bufo paracnemis, is a common toad in many regions of Brazil. Its venom exerts important cardiovascular effects on humans and other animals. Although this toad venom has been the subject of intense investigations, little is known about its neuromuscular activity. The neurotoxicity of a methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom was tested on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations mounted for conventional twitch tension recording – in response to indirect stimulation – and for electrophysiological measurements.

Animais , Fármacos Neuromusculares , Neurotoxinas/análise , Venenos/análise , Bufo rana/classificação
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-216362


A suinocultura mundial vem se desenvolvendo devido aos avanços no melhoramento genético, e isso tem levado pesquisadores a investigarem possíveis variações anatômicas nas novas linhagens. Objetivou-se verificar a origem e ramificação do nervo frênico em 27 fetos de suínos (sus scrofa domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) da linhagem Pen Ar Lan, sendo 19 machos e oito fêmeas, que foram dissecados após fixação em solução de formaldeído a 10%. O nervo originou-se em 51 antímeros (94,4%) do quinto nervo espinhal cervical (C5); em 54 antimeros (100%) do sexto nervo espinhal cervical (C6) e em seis antímeros (11,11%) do sétimo nervo espinhal cervical (C7). No que se refere a distribuição, os nervos frênicos emitiram fibras para o pericárdio e, posteriormente, ramificaram-se no músculo diafragma em 100% dos exemplares. Foram observadas seis diferentes ramificações, com maior frequência os ramos dorsal, lateral e ventral em 22 antímeros (40,74%), seguido pela ramificação em ramos dorsal e tronco ventrolateral em 18 antímeros (33,33%). Além disso, foram notadas duas ramificações que não foram encontradas na literatura consultada, demonstrando sua variabilidade. Os ramos dorsais distribuíram-se para os músculos pilares da parte lombar, os ramos ventrais para a parte esternal e os ramos laterais para a parte costal.

World pig farms have been developing steeply due to advances in genetic improvement and this has led researchers to investigate possible anatomical variations in new lineages. The objective was to verify the origin and branching of the phrenic nerve was studied in 27 swine fetuses (sus scrofa domesticus - linnaeus, 1758) of the Pen Ar Lan line, 19 males and 8 females, obtained from abortion or stillbirths, which were dissected after fixation in 10% formaldehyde solution. The referred nerve originated in 51 antimeres (94.4%) of the fifth cervical spinal nerve (C5); in 54 antimeres (100%) of the sixth cervical spinal nerve (C6) and six antimeres (11.11%) of the seventh cervical spinal nerve (C7). Regarding the distribution, the phrenic nerves delivered fibers to the pericardium and then, branched into the diaphragm muscle in 100% of the specimens. Six types of branches were observed, most frequently the dorsal, lateral and ventral branches in 22 antimeres (40.74%), followed by branching in dorsal branches and ventrolateral trunk in 18 antimeres (33.33%), besides that, two ramifications in pig fetuses that were not found in the consulted literature, demonstrating their variability. The dorsal branches were distributed to the pillar muscles of the lumbar part, the ventral branches to the sternal part and the lateral branches to the costal part.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 48(4): 315-318, 20110000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5704


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a inervação do músculo diafragma em gatos, proveniente dos nervos intercostais, contradizendo diversos autores que afirmam ser este músculo inervado apenas pelos ramos dos nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo. Foi observado que existe a frequência de nervos dispostos entre o 8º e o 11º espaços intercostais.(AU)

The knowledge of organism's anatomy is essential to conduct any experiment or study with itself. Based on that, we decided to analyze and study in details the innervation of the diaphragm muscle from intercostal nerves in cats. It goes beyond other authors' analysis that describes only the innervation from phrenic nerves. Despite we have got a range of results, we observed a major frequency of eighth to tenth intercostal nerves going to diaphragm muscle.(AU)

Gatos , Gatos/classificação , Nervos Intercostais/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 16(1): 34-45, 2010. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4233


The crude venom of Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) is known to induce muscular paralysis in vitro. Many studies have shown that various substances, including heparin, neutralize the damage caused by snake venom. In the present study, the ability of heparin (Hep) and commercial bothropic antivenom (CBA) to neutralize neuromuscular effects of Bjssu venom, at different time-points, was analyzed. Mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation was used through a conventional myographic technique, following five different protocols: Group 1 was incubated with Bjssu (40 µg/mL) without any other treatment; Groups 2 and 3 were pretreated with heparin (1 µL/mL) and CBA (120 µL/mL), respectively, for 15 minutes before venom addition; Group 4 after 50 percent neuromuscular blockade induced by Bjssu crude venom received 1 µL/mL of heparin while Group 5 received a mixture of Hep:CBA:Bjssu. Control preparations (Tyrode) were treated with Hep and CBA (mean ± SEM; n = 3-6). After 120 minutes of venom incubation, Group 1 preparations presented twitch-tension of 12 ± 2 percent. However, in Groups 2 and 3, the neutralizations were 92 ± 1.9 percent and 81 ± 6 percent, respectively. The heparin addition, after 50 percent neuromuscular blockade by Bjssu, produced 40 ± 6 percent muscular response after 120 minutes of incubation. Hep:CBA:Bjssu mixture displayed a protective effect of 84 ± 10 percent against venom action. In conclusion, heparin and commercial bothropic antivenom efficiently neutralized the neurotoxic effects caused by B. jararacussu crude venom, even at different incubation time-points.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Venenos de Crotalídeos , Bothrops , Heparina/uso terapêutico , Antivenenos , Ratos
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 16(3): 431-441, 2010. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4309


The hydroalcoholic extract of Casearia gossypiosperma Briquet (Flacourtiaceae) was standardized for the first time through quality control procedures including pharmacognostic methods, fingerprint chromatograms, defined amounts of marker substances and physicochemical characteristics. The pharmacological activity of C. gossypiosperma (Cg) hydroalcoholic extract was assayed by a traditional in vitro test, which involved irreversible neuromuscular blockade induced by Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) venom (60 ìg/mL) in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Bjssu venom blocked muscle activity for 26 (± 2.0) minutes (n = 6). Cg extract (0.1 mg/mL) induced changes on the baseline muscle activity without impairing the muscle function and inhibited 87.6% (± 1.8) (n = 6) of the Bjssu venom-induced blockade. Both flavonoids (0.624 g%) and polyphenols (4.63 g%) from the extract were spectrophotometrically quantified. Therefore, the present study confirms the antibothropic activity of Cg extract, supporting the ethnomedical use of Casearia sp. in the treatment of snakebite victims.(AU)

Animais , Venenos/análise , Bothrops/classificação , Casearia/toxicidade , Solução Hidroalcoólica , Tratamento de Emergência , Bloqueio Neuromuscular/métodos
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 16(3): 431-441, 2010. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484506


The hydroalcoholic extract of Casearia gossypiosperma Briquet (Flacourtiaceae) was standardized for the first time through quality control procedures including pharmacognostic methods, fingerprint chromatograms, defined amounts of marker substances and physicochemical characteristics. The pharmacological activity of C. gossypiosperma (Cg) hydroalcoholic extract was assayed by a traditional in vitro test, which involved irreversible neuromuscular blockade induced by Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) venom (60 ìg/mL) in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Bjssu venom blocked muscle activity for 26 (± 2.0) minutes (n = 6). Cg extract (0.1 mg/mL) induced changes on the baseline muscle activity without impairing the muscle function and inhibited 87.6% (± 1.8) (n = 6) of the Bjssu venom-induced blockade. Both flavonoids (0.624 g%) and polyphenols (4.63 g%) from the extract were spectrophotometrically quantified. Therefore, the present study confirms the antibothropic activity of Cg extract, supporting the ethnomedical use of Casearia sp. in the treatment of snakebite victims.

Animais , Bothrops/classificação , Casearia/toxicidade , Venenos/análise , Bloqueio Neuromuscular/métodos , Solução Hidroalcoólica , Tratamento de Emergência
Acta cir. bras. ; 24(3): 211-215, May-June 2009. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4679


PURPOSE: To evaluate in vitro lidocaine and racemic bupivacaine effects in neuromuscular transmission and in neuromuscular blockade produced by rocuronium. METHODS: Rats were distributed in 5 groups (n = 5) in agreement with the studied drugs: lidocaine, racemic bupivacaine, rocuronium, separately (Groups I, II, III); rocuronium in preparations exposed to local anesthetics (Groups IV, V). The concentrations used were: 20 µg/mL, 5 µg/mL and 4 µg/mL, for lidocaine, bupivacaine and rocuronium, respectively. It was evaluated: 1) amplitude of diaphragm muscle response to indirect stimulation, before and 60 minutes after separately addition of lidocaine, racemic bupivacaine and rocuronium and the association of local anesthetics - rocuronium; 2) membrane potentials (MP) and miniature end-plate potentials (MEPP). RESULTS: Lidocaine and bupivacaine separately didn't alter the amplitude of muscle response and MP. In preparations previously exposed to lidocaine and racemic bupivacaine, the rocuronium blockade was significantly larger (90.10 ± 9.15 percent and 100 percent, respectively), in relation to the produced by rocuronium separately (73.12 ± 9.89 percent). Lidocaine caused an increase in the frequency of MEPP, being followed by blockade; racemic bupivacaine produced decrease being followed by blockade. CONCLUSIONS: Local anesthetics potentiated the blockade caused by rocuronium. The alterations of MEPP identify presynaptic action.(AU)

OBJETIVO: Avaliar in vitro os efeitos da lidocaína e bupivacaína racêmica na transmissão neuromuscular e no bloqueio neuromuscular produzido pelo rocurônio. MÉTODOS: Ratos foram distribuídos em 5 grupos (n = 5) de acordo com a droga estudada: lidocaina, bupivacaína racêmica, rocurônio, isoladamente (Grupos I, II, III); rocurõnio em preparações expostas aos anestésicos locais (Grupos IV, V). As concentrações utilizadas foram: 20 µg/mL, 5 µg/mL e 4 µg/mL, para lidocaína, bupivacaína e rocurônio, respectivamente. Avaliou-se: 1) amplitude das respostas do músculo diafragma à estimulação indireta, antes e 60 minutos após a adição da lidocaína, bupivacaína racêmica e rocurônio isoladamente e da associação anestésicos locais - rocurônio; 2) potenciais de membrana (PM) e potenciais de placa terminal em miniatura (PPTM). RESULTADOS: A lidocaína e a bupivacaína isoladamente não alteraram a amplitude das respostas musculares e os PM. Nas preparações previamente expostas a lidocaína e a bupivacaína racêmica, o bloqueio com o rocurônio foi significativamente maior (90,10 ± 9,15 por cento e 100 por cento, respectivamente), em relação ao produzido pelo rocurônio isoladamente (73,12 ± 9,89 por cento). A lidocaína causou aumento na freqüência dos PPTM, seguido de bloqueio; a bupivacaína racêmica produziu diminuição seguida de bloqueio. CONCLUSÕES: Os anestésicos locais potencializaram o bloqueio causado pelo rocurônio. As alterações do PPTM identificam ação pré-sináptica.(AU)

Animais , Bloqueadores Neuromusculares/administração & dosagem , Bloqueadores Neuromusculares/efeitos adversos , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/efeitos adversos , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Bupivacaína/efeitos adversos , Ratos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 28(9): 399-409, 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-327


Thirty diaphragms of sheep of Santa Inês breed were studied regarding their origin, division and arrangement of the right and left phrenic nerves (Fde), and the participation of other nerves in the innervation of the diaphragm. By fixing and dissecting pieces, it was found that phrenic nerves (F) frequently come from the ventral branches of the 5th (C5) and 6th (C6) cervical spinal nerves (Ec), at right (46.67 percent) and at left (43.33 percent). The F often form a lumbocostal trunk, sternal branches at right (40.00 percent) and lumbar, costal and esternal branches at left (36.68 percent). The lumbar branches of F innervate frequently at left (96.67 percent) the homolateral pillar of the diaphragma, and at right (50.00 percent) they give fillets to Vena cava caudalis. The costal branches of the F innervate at left (90.00 percent) and at right (76.66 percent) the dorsal and ventral regions of the pars costalis. The sternal branches of the F innervate at right (100.00 percent) and at left (83.33 percent) the pars sternalis and the ventral region of the pars costalis at the same side. The intercostal nerves (VII to XII pairs, 63.33 percent) contribute to innervate the diaphragm of Santa Inês sheep.(AU)

Foram estudados em 30 diafragmas de ovinos da raça Santa Inês, a origem, a divisão e a distribuição dos nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo (Fde) e a participação de outros nervos na inervação do diafragma. Mediante fixação e dissecação das peças foi observado que os nervos frênicos (F) originam-se a partir dos ramos ventrais do 5º (C5) e 6º (C6) nervos espinhais cervicais (Ec) tanto à direita (46,67 por cento) como à esquerda (43,33 por cento). Os F finalizam em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal à direita (40,00 por cento) e em ramo lombar, costal e esternal à esquerda (36,68 por cento). Os ramos lombares dos F inervam à esquerda (96,67 por cento) o pilar homolateral do diafragma e, à direita (50,00 por cento) fornecem filetes à veia caudal. Os ramos costais dos F ramificam à esquerda (90,00 por cento) e à direita (76,67 por cento) as regiões dorsal e ventral da pars costalis. Os ramos esternais dos F inervam à direita (100,00 por cento) e à esquerda (83,33 por cento) a pars sternalis e a região ventral da pars costalis do mesmo lado. Os nervos intercostais (VIII ao XII pares, 63,33 por cento) contribuem na inervação do diafragma de ovinos da raça Santa Inês.(AU)

Animais , Diafragma/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma/inervação , Nervo Frênico , Ovinos
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 44(4): 290-296, 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5397


A ramificação e a distribuição dos nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo foram estudadas em 30 músculos diafragmas de gatos domésticos sem raça definida, 7 machos e 23 fêmeas, conservados em solução de formaldeído a 10 %. Mediante fixação e dissecção, observou-se que os nervos frênicos se ramificaram para as respectivas partes carnosas do músculo diafragma, pars lumbalis, costalis e sternalis, e terminaram em maior freqüência em tronco dorsolateral e ramo ventral (63,33 %). Notou-se ainda os seguintes arranjos: ramos dorsal, lateral e ventral (25,0 %); ramo dorsal e tronco ventrolateral (6,66 %); troncos dorsolateral e ventrolateral (3,33 %); tronco dorsolateral, ramos lateral e ventral (1,66 %). Os nervos frênicos se distribuíram simetricamente em 11 exemplares (36,66 %), exibindo somente a terminação em tronco dorsolateral e ramo ventral. Os ramos dorsais inervaram a pars lumbalis (73,33 % à direita e 56,66 % à esquerda) e a pars costalis (13,33 % à direita e 10,0 % à esquerda). O ramo dorsal direito supriu a crus mediale dexter do pilar direito (100,0 %) e o ramo dorsal esquerdo inervou a crus mediale sinister do pilar direito e o pilar esquerdo (100,0 %). Os ramos laterais inervaram a pars lumbalis (23,33 % à direita e 33,33 % à esquerda), a pars costalis (96,66 % à direita e 100,0 % à esquerda) e a pars sternalis (3,33 % somente à direita). Os ramos ventrais inervaram a região ventral da pars costalis (46,66 % à direita e 43,33 % à esquerda) e a pars sternalis (96,66 % à direita e 100,0 % à esquerda). Quatro animais fêmeas (13,33 %) exibiram cruzamento de fibras provenientes do ramo ventral esquerdo para o antímero direito sendo que em um desses exemplares (3,33 %) ocorreu conexão entre o ramo ventral esquerdo e o direito.(AU)

The ramification and the distribution of the phrenic nerves right and left had been studied in 30 muscles diaphragms of unknown breed adult domestic cats, 7 males and 23 females, and were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin solution. After fixation and dissection, it was observed that the phrenic nerves ramified for the respective carnous parts of the muscle diaphragm, pars lumbalis, costalis and sternalis, and had finished in higher frequency in dorsolateral trunk and ventral branch (63.33 %). We observed the following arrangements: dorsal, ventral and lateral branches (25.0 %); dorsal branch and ventrolateral trunk (6.66 %); dorsolateral and ventrolateral trunks (3.33 %); dorsolateral trunk, lateral and ventral branches (1.66 %). The phrenic nerves had distributed symmetrically in 11 samples (36.66 %), only showing the termination in dorsolateral trunk and ventral branch. The dorsal branches supplied pars lumbalis (73.33 % to right and 56.66 % to the left) and pars costalis (13.33 % to right and 10.0 % to the left). The right dorsal branch supplied the crus mediale dexter of the right pillar (100.0 %) and the left dorsal branch supplied the crus mediale sinister of the right pillar and the left pillar (100.0 %). The lateral branches supply pars lumbalis (23.33 % to right and 33.33 % to the left), pars costalis (96.66 % to right and 100.0 % to the left) and pars sternalis (3.33 % only to the right). The ventral branches supplied the ventral region of pars costalis (46.66 % to right and 43.33 % to the left) and pars sternalis (96.66 % to right and 100.0 % to the left). Four female animals (13.33 %) had shown fibers crossing proceeding from the left ventral branch for right antimere had been that in one of these samples (3.33 %) occurred connection between the left ventral branch and the right.(AU)

Animais , Nervo Frênico/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma/inervação , Gatos
Acta cir. bras. ; 22(6): 446-450, Nov.-Dec. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2874


PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of two stimulation frequencies on the installation of neuromuscular blockade produced by pancuronium and rocuronium on the rat diaphragm. METHODS: Diaphragms were submitted to an indirect frequency stimulation of 0.1 and 1Hz (Groups I and II, respectively). Subgroups were formed (n=5) according to the neuromuscular blocker employed (pancuronium-2µg/ml and rocuronium-4µg/ml). The twitch height depression was evaluated at 5, 15 and 30 minutes after adding the neuromuscular blocker. RESULTS: The decrease in twitch height was greater (p<0.01) with a frequency of 1Hz at all time periods studied both in preparations that are blocked with pancuronium and in those that are blocked with rocuronium. CONCLUSION: The frequency of stimulation interferes significantly with the installation of neuromuscular blockade produced by pancuronium and rocuronium, since the reduction in amplitude of the rat diaphragm response was greater for 1Hz frequencies, at all periods studied(AU)

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de duas freqüências de estimulação na instalação do bloqueio neuromuscular induzido por pancurônio e rocurônio em diafragma de ratos. MÉTODOS: Os diafragmas foram submetidos a uma freqüência de estimulação indireta de 0.1 e 1Hz (Grupos I e II, respectivamente). Os animais foram divididos em subgrupos (n=5) de acordo com o bloqueador neuromuscular a ser utilizado (pancurônio-2µg/mL e rocurônio-4µg/mL). A amplitude das respostas musculares foi avaliada 5, 15 e 30 minutos após a adição do bloqueador neuromuscular à preparação. RESULTS: A redução na intensidade da contração foi maior (p<0.01) com a freqüência de 1Hz em todos os tempos avaliados para as preparações contendo pancurônio e rocurônio CONCLUSION: A freqüência de estímulo interfere significativamente na instalação do bloquio neuromuscular produzido por pancurônio e rocurônio, uma vez que a redução na amplitude da resposta do diafragma foi maior para a freqüência de 1Hz em todos os períodos estudados(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Androstanóis , Estimulação Elétrica/métodos , Pancurônio/agonistas , Nervo Frênico , Diafragma , Diafragma/inervação , Diafragma/fisiologia , Bloqueio Neuromuscular/métodos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443140


Two presynaptic phospholipases A2 (PLA2), neuwieditoxin-I (NeuTX-I) and neuwieditoxin-II (NeuTX-II), were isolated from the venom of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis (BNP). The venom was fractionated using molecular exclusion HPLC (Protein-Pak 300SW column), followed by reverse phase HPLC (µBondapak C18 column). Tricine-SDS-PAGE in the presence or absence of dithiothreitol showed that NeuTX-I and NeuTX-II had a molecular mass of approximately 14 kDa and 28kDa, respectively. At 10µg/ml, both toxins produced complete neuromuscular blockade in indirectly stimulated chick biventer cervicis isolated preparation without inhibiting the response to acetylcholine, but NeuTX-II reduced the response to KCl by 67.0±8.0% (n=3; p 0.05). NeuTX-I and NeuTX-II are probably responsible for the presynaptic neurotoxicity of BNP venom in vitro. In fact, using loose patch clamp technique for mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation, NeuTX-I produced a calcium-dependent blockade of acetylcholine release and caused appearance of giant miniature end-plate potentials (mepps), indicating a pure presynaptic action. The N-terminal sequence of NeuTX-I was DLVQFGQMILKVAGRSLPKSYGAYGCYCGWGGRGK (71% homology with bothropstoxin-II and 54% homology with caudoxin) and that of NeuTX-II was SLFEFAKMILEETKRLPFPYYGAYGCYCGWGGQGQPKDAT (92% homology with Basp-III and 62% homology with crotoxin PLA2). The fact that NeuTX-I has Q-4 (Gln-4) and both toxins have F-5 (Phe-5) and Y-28 (Tyr-28) strongly suggests that NeuTX-I and NeuTX-II are Asp49 PLA2.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 11(1): 22-33, jan.-abr. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-396697


The pharmacological effects of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations were studied. Venom (20 mug/ml) irreversibly inhibited indirectly evoked twitches in PND preparations (60 ± 10 percent inhibition, mean ± SEM; p<0.05; n=6). At 50 mug/ml, the venom blocked indirectly and directly (curarized preparations) evoked twitches in mouse hemidiaphragms. In the absence of Ca2+, venom (50 mug/ml), produced partial blockade only after an 80 min incubation, which reached 40.3 ± 7.8 percent (p<0.05; n=3) after 120 min. Venom (20 mug/ml) increased (25 ± 2 percent, p< 0.05) the frequency of giant miniature end-plate potentials in 9 of 10 end-plates after 30 min and the number of miniature end-plate potentials which was maximum (562 ± 3 percent, p<0.05) after 120 min. During the same period, the resting membrane potential decreased from - 81 ± 1.4 mV to - 41.3 ± 3.6 mV 24 fibers; p<0.01; n=4) in the end-plate region and from - 77.4 ± 1.4 to -44.6 ± 3.9 mV (24 fibers; p<0.01; n=4) in regions distant from the end-plate. These results indicate that B. n. pauloensis venom acts primarily at presynaptic sites. They also suggest that enzymatic activity may be involved in this pharmacological action.(AU)

Animais , Camundongos , Nervo Frênico , Venenos de Serpentes , Fármacos Neuromusculares , Junção Neuromuscular , Bothrops , Potenciais da Membrana
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-442994


The pharmacological effects of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations were studied. Venom (20 mug/ml) irreversibly inhibited indirectly evoked twitches in PND preparations (60 ± 10% inhibition, mean ± SEM; p 0.05; n=6). At 50 mug/ml, the venom blocked indirectly and directly (curarized preparations) evoked twitches in mouse hemidiaphragms. In the absence of Ca2+, venom (50 mug/ml), produced partial blockade only after an 80 min incubation, which reached 40.3 ± 7.8% (p 0.05; n=3) after 120 min. Venom (20 mug/ml) increased (25 ± 2%, p 0.05) the frequency of giant miniature end-plate potentials in 9 of 10 end-plates after 30 min and the number of miniature end-plate potentials which was maximum (562 ± 3%, p 0.05) after 120 min. During the same period, the resting membrane potential decreased from - 81 ± 1.4 mV to - 41.3 ± 3.6 mV 24 fibers; p 0.01; n=4) in the end-plate region and from - 77.4 ± 1.4 to -44.6 ± 3.9 mV (24 fibers; p 0.01; n=4) in regions distant from the end-plate. These results indicate that B. n. pauloensis venom acts primarily at presynaptic sites. They also suggest that enzymatic activity may be involved in this pharmacological action.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443049


Numerous plants are used as snakebite antidotes in Brazilian folk medicine, including Casearia sylvestris Swartz, popularly known as guaçatonga. In this study, we examined the action of a hydroalcoholic extract from C. sylvestris on the neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), a myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu venom, in mouse isolated phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations. Aqueous (8 and 12 mg/ml, n=4 and 5, respectively) and hydroalcoholic (12 mg/ml, n=12) extracts of the leaves of C. sylvestris caused facilitation in PND preparations followed by partial neuromuscular blockade. BthTX-I (20 µg/ml, n=4) caused 50% paralysis after 65±15 min (mean ± S.E.M). Preincubation (30 min at 37° C) of BthTX-I (20 µg/ml, n=4) with a concentration of the hydroalcoholic extract (4 mg/ml) that had no neuromuscular activity, such as the control (n=5), prevented the neuromuscular blockade caused by the toxin. This protection may be mediated by compounds such as flavonoids and phenols identified by thin-layer chromatography and colorimetric assays.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 26(4): 471-473, out.-dez. 2004.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460311


The research was carried out to verify whether the neuromuscular effects induced by nitric oxide (NO) might depend on extracellular level of Ca++. The donor of NO, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and the analogue of cGMP, 8-Br-cGMP, increased the muscular contraction amplitude (MCA) in preparations indirectly stimulated at 0.2 Hz, but did not produce any effect when the nutrient solution was exchanged by Krebs buffer low Ca++/ high Mg++. SNP and 8-Br-cGMP reduced the MCA in preparations directly stimulated. Such effect was not recorded in Krebs buffer low Ca++/ high Mg++. Data suggest that the neuromuscular effects induced by NO or cGMP depend on extracellular level of Ca++

A pesquisa foi conduzida para verificar se os efeitos neuromusculares induzidos por óxido nítrico (NO) poderiam depender dos níveis extracelulares de Ca++. O doador de NO, nitroprussiato de sódio (NPS), e o análogo de GMPc, 8-Br-cGMP, aumentaram a amplitude das contrações musculares (ACM) em preparações indiretamente estimuladas a 0.2 Hz, mas não produziram efeitos quando a solução nutriente (Krebs normal) foi trocada por Krebs com baixo Ca++/ alto Mg++. NPS e 8-Br-cGMP reduziram a ACM quando as preparações foram diretamente estimuladas, mas tal efeito não foi observado com o uso de Krebs com baixo Ca++/ alto Mg++. Dados sugerem que os efeitos neuromusculares induzidos por NO dependem dos níveis extracelulares de Ca++

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 31(1): 1-7, 1994.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710773


Based on the dissection of 30 diaphragms of adult male buffaloes of the Murrah breed, the authors studied the division and distribution of the phrenic nerves and the results found were as the follow: the phrenic nerves terminate in bifurcation both in dorsal branches and ventrolateral trunks at right (36.7%) and into left (100%) sides. The phrenic nerves terminate in bifurcation only to the right (46.7%) branches and dorsolateral trunks. The phrenic nerves terminate by trifurcation, only at the right sides (16.7%), in dorsal, lateral and ventral branches. The phrenic nerves were divided symmetrically (40%) by bifurcation into dorsal branches and ventrolateral trunks. The dorsal branches of the left phrenic nerves (23.3%) had heterolateral distribution. The ventral branches of the left phrenic nerve (10%) had heterolateral distribution. Homolateral connections were verified between the dorsal and lateral right branches (3.3%);between divisions of the left dorsal branches (3.3%) or left lateral branches (3.3%).

Com base na dissecação de 30 diafragmas de búfalos, adultos, machos, da raça Murrah para estudar a divisão e a distribuição dos nervos frênicos. os autores chegaram às seguintes conclusões: os nervos frênicos terminam por bifurcação, tanto à direita (36,7%), quanto à esquerda (100,0%), ramo dorsal e tronco ventrolateral. Terminam por bifurcação somente à direita (46.7%), em ramo ventral e tronco dorsolateral. Terminam por trifurcação. apenas à direita (16,7%), em ramos dorsal, lateral e ventral. Dividem-se simetricamente (40%) por bifurcação, em ramo dorsal e tronco ventrolateral. O ramo dorsal do nervo frênico esquerdo (23,3%) apresenta distribuição heterolateral. O ramo ventral do nervo frênico esquerdo (10%) mostrou-se com distribuição heterolateral. Conexões homolaterais foram encontradas entre os ramos dorsal e lateral direitos (3,3%) entre filetes dos ramos dorsal esquerdo (3,3%), ou do lateral esquerdo (3,3%).