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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-7, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457921


Background: Cutaneous wounds in locomotor limbs represent one of the most frequent disorders in equine medicine. Wounds in equines are distinguished from those in other species by unique characteristics, including different healing rates among breeds, wound location and high propensity to formation of exuberant granulation tissue during the healing process. The wound healing process that cannot be sutured can be accelerated by the use of skin grafts, lowering the treatment cost. The objective of this report was to divulgate the success upon treatment of an extensive lacerated wound in the metatarsal region of a horse using autologous skin grafts.Case: A 3-year-old, female, American quarter horse weighting 450 kg was brought to veterinary hospital with lower limb injury. According to the owner’s report, the animal had one of its limbs stuck in a plain wire fence. A wound was observed in the metatarsal region during physical examination, the lesion caused an extensive skin laceration that showed the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bone and the digital extensor tendon. After injury assessment, wound debridement was carried out by surgery intervention followed by antisepsis and application of autologous plasma every two days as post-surgical care and wound preparation to receive the graft. Forty-five days after the first intervention, grafts were collected from the neck and implanted in the wound. The procedure achieved 70% of success. After approximately 75 days, transplantation was performed in other regions of the wound using the same technique. The duration of treatment at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR) was eight months, and then the animal returned home, where dressings were applied for two months to avoid the risk of contamination and until complete recovery.Discussion: The debridement of the wound and edges approximation were of great value in order to begin the process of wound granulation.[...]

Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Cavalos/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Metatarso/lesões , Pele/lesões , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-7, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-726508


Background: Cutaneous wounds in locomotor limbs represent one of the most frequent disorders in equine medicine. Wounds in equines are distinguished from those in other species by unique characteristics, including different healing rates among breeds, wound location and high propensity to formation of exuberant granulation tissue during the healing process. The wound healing process that cannot be sutured can be accelerated by the use of skin grafts, lowering the treatment cost. The objective of this report was to divulgate the success upon treatment of an extensive lacerated wound in the metatarsal region of a horse using autologous skin grafts.Case: A 3-year-old, female, American quarter horse weighting 450 kg was brought to veterinary hospital with lower limb injury. According to the owners report, the animal had one of its limbs stuck in a plain wire fence. A wound was observed in the metatarsal region during physical examination, the lesion caused an extensive skin laceration that showed the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bone and the digital extensor tendon. After injury assessment, wound debridement was carried out by surgery intervention followed by antisepsis and application of autologous plasma every two days as post-surgical care and wound preparation to receive the graft. Forty-five days after the first intervention, grafts were collected from the neck and implanted in the wound. The procedure achieved 70% of success. After approximately 75 days, transplantation was performed in other regions of the wound using the same technique. The duration of treatment at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR) was eight months, and then the animal returned home, where dressings were applied for two months to avoid the risk of contamination and until complete recovery.Discussion: The debridement of the wound and edges approximation were of great value in order to begin the process of wound granulation.[...](AU)

Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Cavalos/cirurgia , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Metatarso/lesões , Pele/lesões , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 38(4): 165-169, 2001.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710420


Digital image analysis and planimetry are important tools for evaluation of plain wound areas submitted to local treatment. In the proposed process, perimeters of wound areas were obtained in loco by tracing over transparent sheet and further reproduced and amplified by laser copier, precluding the use of photography and developing. The contraction and granulation areas were then measured by planimeter. Epitelization area were determined by difference between the above mentioned areas. Data from measurements and determinations of areas were further transformed in cumulative Percentage of Wound Contraction (PWC), Wound Epitelization (PWE) and Wound Healing (PWH). The proposed process was tested in square shaped lesions (400 mm²), produced in both right and left thoraco-dorsal surfaces of dogs. Seventeen lesion localized in the right thoraco-dorsal region were treated by Rana catesbeiana skin, previous preserved by hypothermia (Test Group). Another 17 lesions in left thoraco-dorsal surface were treated by moistened gauze (Control Group). PWC, PWE and PWH were evaluated at the 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th POD. Macro and microscopic studies showed skin frog destruction, suggestive of rejection phenomenon. It follows that: 1. Changes in reproducing image process permitted to save costs. The reading error of planimeter was ± 0.5%; 2. PWC, PWE and PWH showed non significant differences be

Análise digital de imagem e planimetria são importantes instrumentos de avaliação de áreas de feridas planas submetidas a tratamento local. No processo proposto, os perímetros das áreas das feridas foram obtidos in loco por decalque sobre folha transparente e reproduzidos com ampliação por copiadora a laser, prescindindo-se do uso de fotografia e revelação. As áreas de contração e granulação foram medidas utilizando-se um planímetro. As áreas de epitelização foram determinadas por diferença entre as referidas áreas. Os dados de áreas foram transformados em percentuais acumulados de Contração da Ferida (PCF), Epitelização da Ferida (PEF) e Cicatrização da Ferida (PCiF). Tal processo foi aplicado em feridas planas quadradas (400 mm²) produzidas nas regiões toracodorsal direita e esquerda de cães. Dezessete lesões da região toracodorsal direita foram tratadas com peles de Rana catesbeiana, previamente preservadas por hipotermia (Grupo Teste). As 17 lesões da região toracodorsal esquerda foram tratadas com gaze umedecida (Grupo Controle). Os dados de PCF, PEF e PCiF foram avaliados no 7º, 14º, 21º e 28º DPO. Estudos macro e microscópicos revelaram destruição da pele, sugerindo fenômeno de rejeição. Conclui-se que: 1. O processo de reprodução e ampliação de imagem permitiu economizar custos. O erro de leitura do planímetro foi de ± 0,5%; 2. Os PCF, PEF e PCiF não apresentaram difere

Acta cir. bras. ; 12(4)1997.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-448003


The aim of the present study was the correlation between electrocoagulation, sutures and wound infection. Seventy-eight Wistar rats, weighting between 180-250 g were studied. Under ether anaesthesia, 4 incisions were performed at the back of the animal. For hemostasia as well for closure of the dorsal muscular layer, 3 types of sutures were used: poliglactin, cotton, plain catgut. Each wound was closed with one of the sutures mentioned above and electrocoagulation was employed abusively in one of the wounds. The animals were also allocated in 3 different groups: G I - Wounds treated with sutures and electrocoagulation. G II - Wounds without sutures or electrocoagulation, where Staphilococus aureus were inoculated. G III - Wounds with sutures, electrocoagulation and bacteria. Seven days later the wounds were examined, the stitches were taken out and the discharge from the wound was sent for cuture. In the G I group all wounds healed properly, without infection. In the G II group 35 % of the wounds developed infection. In the G III 69,8 % were infected. We conclude that sutures and the eletrocoagulation increased significantly the rate of wound infection.

O presente estudo tem por objetivo relacionar o fio cirúrgico e sua natureza, na gênese das infecções da ferida operatória, bem como verificar se o uso do cautério propicia maiores índices de infecção. Foram utilizados 78 ratos Wistar, com peso corporal entre 180 e 250 gramas. Após anestesia geral, quatro incisões foram realizadas no dorso do animal. Para a realização da hemostasia e ao mesmo tempo síntese do plano músculo-aponeurótico, foram utilizados três tipos de fio: Poliglactina, Algodão, Categute simples. Na quarta incisão foi utilizado cautério. Os animais foram divididos em grupos de acordo com os procedimentos no plano músculo-aponeurótico: GI - utilizou-se fios e cautério. GII - inoculou-se bactérias. GIII - utilizou-se fio, cautério e inoculou-se bactérias. Uma semana após, material foi colhido das feridas cirúrgicas para realização de culturas. O grupo GI (n=10), nenhuma das culturas destas feridas desenvolveu crescimento de microorganismos. O grupo II (n=20), 35 % infectaram. No grupo III (n=48), verificou-se a presença de 69,8 % feridas infectadas. Concluimos que o fio é importante fator na gênese de infecção de feridas independente de suas características e que o uso abusivo do cautério propiciou os maiores índices de infecção.