The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.516 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,516 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios [...].
Humanos , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial , Neutrófilos , Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano/genéticaResumo
Background: Cystoisospora spp. is considered a potential pathogen to cause diarrhoea in cats, and the disease occurs clinically, especially in young, weak and immunocompromised cats. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility and diagnostic roles of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and monocyte-to-lymphocyte (MLR) ratios in diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-five cats with diarrhea due to infection caused by Cystoisospora spp. and 15 healthy cats were included in this study. The anamnesis, clinical and laboratory findings of all cats were recorded. A clinical severity score was generated for diarrheal cats, which included activity, appetite, presence of vomit, and faecal consistency. Also, cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. were classified as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) positive (+) and SIRS (-) group according to the presence of at least 3 of the SIRS criteria. The Cystoisospora spp. oocysts were diagnosed by direct smear and simple faecal flotation. Cats found positive for other parasitic and protozoal agents by faeces examination were excluded from the study. Complete blood counts (CBC) were performed with an automated blood cell counter for all cats. Blood smears were prepared (with May-Grunwald Giemsa) from samples, and the CBC results were confirmed microscopically (obj.100x). White blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts were recorded directly from the CBC. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was calculated as the ratio of the absolute neutrophil count to the absolute lymphocyte count. The monocyte-to-lymphocyte was calculated as the absolute monocyte count ratio to the absolute lymphocyte count. White blood cell (P = 0.015), neutrophil (P = 0.001), monocyte (P = 0.033), NLR (P = 0.000) and MLR (P = 0.042) of diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. were significantly higher than in the healthy group. There was no significant difference between groups in the lymphocyte counts (P > 0.05). SIRS (+) group had statistically significantly higher WBC (P = 0.014), neutrophil counts (P = 0.000), NLR (P = 0.000) and MLR (P = 0.037) than the healthy group. Also, neutrophil counts and NLR of the SIRS (+) group were statistically significantly higher than the SIRS (-) group (P = 0.032; P = 0.001, respectively). However, there was no significant difference SIRS (+), SIRS (-), and healthy groups regarding lymphocyte and monocyte counts (P > 0.05). The clinical severity of the disease positively correlated with NLR and MLR. Also, the best cut-off value of NLR to predict SIRS was > 1.67, with 92.86% sensitivity and 84.62% specificity. MLR was not a useful predictor for SIRS. Discussion: NLR and MLR are parameters derived from complete blood count. In recent years, they have been used in human and veterinary medicine as a biomarker in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment follow-up of various diseases and provide valuable information about inflammation. In cats, there are limited studies on NLR, and to our knowledge, there are no studies on MLR. The current study suggests that NLR and MLR may be used to determine the severity of the inflammatory condition in diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp., and NLR is a useful marker for predicting SIRS status in these cats. In addition, this study also will contribute to larger-scale studies in the future.
Animais , Gatos , Linfócitos , Monócitos , Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica/veterinária , Isosporíase/veterinária , Diarreia/veterinária , NeutrófilosResumo
The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.516 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.(AU)
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,516 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios [...].(AU)
Humanos , Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano/genética , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial , NeutrófilosResumo
Background: Pelger-Huët anomaly (PHA) is characterized by morphological changes in all granulocytes, being more evident in neutrophils. Granulocytic function in these animals remains unchanged. Hereditary form of PHA should be differentiated from pseudo-PHA,a condition acquired from infections and/or inflammation conditions. Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since hyposegmentation of neutrophils can be confused with left shift, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The objective of this case report was to demonstrate the importance of laboratory diagnosis in PHA. Case: A 11-month-old bitch Basenji, was presented to perform preoperative evaluation for elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy at Veterinary Hospital (HUVET) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Tutor reported that animal was healthy, vaccination status was current, had deworming protocol applied and had not made use of medications recently. Animal presented normophagy, normodipsia, normuria and normochezia. Upon physical examination, animal was alert consciousness level, with adequate hydration, hyperemic oral mucosa, a less than 2 s capillary perfusion time, normal lymph nodes (submandibular, pre-scapular, inguinal and popliteal), rectal temperature of 39.2°C, heart rate of 160 beats per minute and respiratory rate of 60 movements per minute, possibly due to the animal's agitated state. Abdominal palpation showed no changes. Physical examination presented no alterations. Preoperative exams included complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry profile (ALT, AP, glucose, creatinine, urea, total proteins and fractions). Samples were sent to Hospital's Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory (LABHUVET/UFF) for analysis. CBC was performed using automatic method. Blood smears were stained with hematological stain and then a cytomorphological evaluation was performed. The first CBC revealed 23% of neutrophils with nuclear hyposegmentation and 44% of neutrophils were bands. A follow up was performed after 9 months, and a Complete Blood Count was performed again in which 12% of neutrophils showed nuclear hyposegmentation with mature chromatin pattern, 40% of neutrophils were bands, 1% of meta-myelotcytes neutrophils, 1% of myelocytes neutrophils and, also, eosinophils with nuclear hyposegmentation. Animal was healthy, and had no alterations on physical examination suggesting a diagnosis of PHA. Discussion: Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since neutrophils hyposegmentation can be confused with left shift, which is considered severe with poor prognosis, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The diagnosis of PHA was considered by the shape of the leukocytes nuclei, without evidence of inflammatory disease, during the patient follow up. Therefore, this anomaly should be considered as a differential diagnosis of left shift, thus avoiding unnecessary clinical and therapeutic procedures. Guidance in face of this hereditary hematological syndrome is important. The responsible guardian of the animal must not allow it to act as a breeder in order to interrupt possible transmission of this anomaly to offspring, because there is a fatal form when it comes to homozygotes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Anomalia de Pelger-Huët/veterinária , Leucócitos , Neutrófilos , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
The interaction between early embryo and maternal immune system for the establishment of pregnancy is the focus of several studies; however, it remains unclear. The maternal immune response needs to keep a balance between avoiding any damage to the conceptus and maintaining its function in combating microbes as well. When conceptus-maternal crosstalk cannot achieve this balance, pregnancy losses might occur. Intercommunication between mother and conceptus is fundamental during early pregnancy to dictate the outcome of pregnancy. In ruminants, the embryo reacts with the maternal system mainly via interferon tau (IFNT) release. IFNT can act locally on the embryo and endometrial cells and systemically in several tissues and cells to regulate their response via the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). Also, IFNT can induce the expression of inflammatory-related genes in immune cells. Day 7 embryo induces a shift in the maternal immune response towards anti-inflammatory (Th2) immune responses. During maternal recognition of pregnancy, peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) express markers that configure an anti-inflammatory response. However, PMNs response is more sensitive to the effects of IFNT. PMNs are more likely to express interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), transforming growth factor-beta (TGFB), interleukin 10 (IL10), and arginase-1 (ARG1), configuring one of the most rapid immune responses to early pregnancy. This review focus on the local and peripheral immune responses during early pregnancy in ruminants, mainly the PMNs function in the immune system.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Ruminantes/imunologia , Neutrófilos/química , Prenhez , InterferonsResumo
Morphological and cytochemical studies of peripheral blood cells of fish have improved the understanding of their functions and cell types. The present study performed the Morphological and cytochemical analysis of the peripheral blood of Prochilodus lineatus, Characiform native to South America, which has been gaining space in local aquaculture and as a species introduced in Asia. Our analysis provided information on the morphological and cytochemical characteristics of the leukocytes, for the formulation of hypothesis about their role in the immune system of the species. It was found that Prochilodus lineatus has morphological and cytochemical features in common with other fish species, mainly of the Characiformes order. However, we detected the presence of heterophils and PAS positive granulocytes simultaneously with neutrophils. We also found that heterophils and PAS positive granulocytes are very similar, both morphologically and cytochemically.(AU)
O estudo da morfologia e da citoquímica das células do sangue periférico dos peixes tem sido eficaz para o entendimento de suas funções e dos tipos celulares. Este estudo realizou a análise morfológica e citoquímica do sangue periférico de Prochilodus lineatus, caracídeo nativo da América do Sul que vem ganhando espaço na aquicultura local e como espécie introduzida na Ásia. Essa análise forneceu informações sobre a morfologia e as características citoquímicas dos leucócitos, visando a hipóteses sobre suas funções. Verificou-se que estas são semelhantes em vários aspectos a outras espécies, principalmente da ordem Characiformes. No entanto, neste estudo detectou-se a presença dos heterofilos e da célula granulocítica especial, simultaneamente à presença dos neutrófilos. Ainda, foi verificado que os heterofilos e a célula granulocítica especial são muito semelhantes morfológica e citoquimicamente.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/sangue , Neutrófilos/citologia , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Histocitoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Neutrophils play a pivotal role in innate immunity and in the inflammatory response. Neutrophils are very motile cells that are rapidly recruited to the inflammatory site as the body first line of defense. Their bactericidal activity is due to the release into the phagocytic vacuole, called phagosome, of several toxic molecules directed against microbes. Neutrophil stimulation induces release of this arsenal into the phagosome and induces the assembly at the membrane of subunits of the NAPDH oxidase, the enzyme responsible for the production of superoxide anion that gives rise to other reactive oxygen species (ROS), a process called respiratory burst. Altogether, they are responsible for the bactericidal activity of the neutrophils. Excessive activation of neutrophils can lead to extensive release of these toxic agents, inducing tissue injury and the inflammatory reaction. Envenomation, caused by different animal species (bees, wasps, scorpions, snakes etc.), is well known to induce a local and acute inflammatory reaction, characterized by recruitment and activation of leukocytes and the release of several inflammatory mediators, including prostaglandins and cytokines. Venoms contain several molecules such as enzymes (phospholipase A2, L-amino acid oxidase and proteases, among others) and peptides (disintegrins, mastoporan, parabutoporin etc.). These molecules are able to stimulate or inhibit ROS production by neutrophils. The present review article gives a general overview of the main neutrophil functions focusing on ROS production and summarizes how venoms and venom molecules can affect this function.(AU)
Animais , Venenos/administração & dosagem , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , NADPH Oxidases , L-Aminoácido Oxidase , Neutrófilos , Anti-InflamatóriosResumo
Neutrophils play a pivotal role in innate immunity and in the inflammatory response. Neutrophils are very motile cells that are rapidly recruited to the inflammatory site as the body first line of defense. Their bactericidal activity is due to the release into the phagocytic vacuole, called phagosome, of several toxic molecules directed against microbes. Neutrophil stimulation induces release of this arsenal into the phagosome and induces the assembly at the membrane of subunits of the NAPDH oxidase, the enzyme responsible for the production of superoxide anion that gives rise to other reactive oxygen species (ROS), a process called respiratory burst. Altogether, they are responsible for the bactericidal activity of the neutrophils. Excessive activation of neutrophils can lead to extensive release of these toxic agents, inducing tissue injury and the inflammatory reaction. Envenomation, caused by different animal species (bees, wasps, scorpions, snakes etc.), is well known to induce a local and acute inflammatory reaction, characterized by recruitment and activation of leukocytes and the release of several inflammatory mediators, including prostaglandins and cytokines. Venoms contain several molecules such as enzymes (phospholipase A2, L-amino acid oxidase and proteases, among others) and peptides (disintegrins, mastoporan, parabutoporin etc.). These molecules are able to stimulate or inhibit ROS production by neutrophils. The present review article gives a general overview of the main neutrophil functions focusing on ROS production and summarizes how venoms and venom molecules can affect this function.(AU)
Animais , Venenos/administração & dosagem , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , NADPH Oxidases , L-Aminoácido Oxidase , Neutrófilos , Anti-InflamatóriosResumo
Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonotic disease of high lethality caused by Leishmania infantum in the Americas. In the infected dog, the amastigotes are scarce in blood, especially in the late phase of the disease. This study aimed to report a rare case of L. infantum amastigotes found in neutrophils from peripheral blood of a naturally infected dog in terminal phase of CVL, also describing its clinical status before and after treatment with miltefosine 2%. The dog, which presented as polysymptomatic and with classical signs and symptoms of CVL was submitted to the following tests: Dual Path Platform (DPP) rapid test, ELISA and parasitological examination of peripheral blood. Hematological and biochemical parameters were obtained before and after treatment. All diagnostic tests were positive for CVL. The identification of L. infantum amastigotes inside neutrophils from peripheral blood was confirmed through microscopy, and the species was confirmed by molecular analysis. At the end of the treatment, peripheral parasitemia was not detected, and improvements were observed in clinical and laboratorial parameters. Finally, this atypical finding can be used as example to raise discussions about the real immunological role of neutrophils in late phases of CVL and its clinical/therapeutic implications.(AU)
A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é uma doença zoonótica de alta letalidade causada por Leishmania infantum nas Américas. No cão infectado, as formas amastigotas são escassas no sangue, principalmente na fase tardia da doença. Este estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso raro de amastigotas de L. infantum encontradas em neutrófilos do sangue periférico de um cão naturalmente infectado e terminal da LVC, descrevendo também seu estado clínico antes e após o tratamento com miltefosina a 2%. O cão, que se apresentou como polissintomático e com sinais e sintomas clássicos da LVC foi submetido aos seguintes testes: teste rápido Dual Path Platform (DPP), ELISA e exame parasitológico de sangue periférico. Os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos foram obtidos antes e após o tratamento. Todos os testes diagnósticos foram positivos para LVC. A identificação de formas amastigotas de L. infantum, dentro de neutrófilos do sangue periférico foi confirmada por microscopia, e a espécie foi confirmada por análise molecular. Ao final do tratamento, não foi detectada parasitemia periférica, observando-se melhora dos parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Por fim, esse achado atípico pode ser usado como exemplo para levantar discussões sobre o real papel imunológico dos neutrófilos nas fases tardias da LVC e suas implicações clínicas/terapêuticas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Leishmania infantum , Cães/sangue , NeutrófilosResumo
Painful procedures can affect the function of innate immune cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, increasing the risk of infectious diseases. The present work aimed to verify if the analgesics flunixin meglumine or ketoprofen can attenuate the pain/discomfort of newborn lambs submitted by elastration tail docking and thereby avoid the impairment of blood granulocytes function. Twenty-one neonate lambs were divided into three treatments: the control group (n=7), not subjected to caudectomy; the flunixin group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and analgesia with two doses of flunixin meglumine; and the ketoprofen group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and two doses of ketoprofen. Pain indicators were observed by pain posture score (PS), the number of vocalizations (V), frequency of the movement of the ears (EF), and respiratory rates (RR), observed by a 10 minutes videos for each time points: -15min, 6h, 48h, and 144h. At the same time points, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and phagocytosis of blood granulocytes were measured by flow cytometry. At 6h after caudectomy, there was a pain indicator increase (RR, V, and PS), a blood granulocyte percentage increase, and a granulocytes phagocytosis reduction for both groups. At 48h, the ketoprofen group spend more time in pain posture and, at 144h, they exhibited a ROS production granulocyte reduction without signs of pain. We conclude the flunixin meglumine and ketoprofen did not prevent the acute pain/discomfort caused by caudectomy, because the groups showed a pain behavior and impaired of the innate immune response however, the flunixin meglumine was effective in controlling the chronic pain and their effects on blood granulocytes function in compare ketoprofen.(AU)
Procedimentos dolorosos podem afetar a função das células imunes inatas como neutrófilos e macrófagos, aumentando o risco de ocorrer doenças infeciosas. Desta maneira, o presente trabalho pretendeu verificar se os analgésicos flunixin meglumine ou cetoprofeno conseguem atenuar a dor/desconforto de cordeiros neonatos submetidos a caudectomia por elastração, evitando assim o comprometimento da função dos granulócitos sanguíneos. Para tanto 21 cordeiras foram aleatoriamente divididas em três tratamentos: grupo controle (n=7) não submetido a caudectomia, grupo flunixin (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de flunixin meglumine, e cetoprofeno (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de cetoprofeno. Mensurou-se os indicadores de dor/desconforto após caudectomia por observações de escore de postura de dor (EP), número de vocalizações (V), frequência de movimentar as orelhas (FO) e frequência respiratória (FR), observados em vídeos de 10 minutos nos momentos -15 min e 6, 48 e 144h. Nos mesmos momentos, avaliou-se a as funções de produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e de fagocitose por granulócitos sanguineos em citometria de fluxo. Notou-se aumento dos indicadores de dor (FR, de V e de EP), da porcentagem dos granulócitos sanguíneos e redução da eficiência de fagocitose em ambos os grupos as 6h. As 48h, os animais do grupo cetoprofeno ainda apresentava mais tempo em postura de dor que os demais grupos e as 144h, apresentou redução da produção ERO por granulócitos. Tais achados permitem concluir que tanto o flunexin meglumine como o cetoprofeno não preveniram dor/desconforto agudo promovido pela elastração, pois os dois grupos manifestaram comportamento de dor e redução da resposta imune inata. Ainda, o analgésico flunixin meglumine foi efetivo em controlar a dor mais tardia e seus efeitos na função de granulócitos sanguíneos em comparação ao cetoprofeno.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fagocitose , Ovinos , Cetoprofeno , Analgesia , Neutrófilos , Espécies Reativas de OxigênioResumo
Painful procedures can affect the function of innate immune cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, increasing the risk of infectious diseases. The present work aimed to verify if the analgesics flunixin meglumine or ketoprofen can attenuate the pain/discomfort of newborn lambs submitted by elastration tail docking and thereby avoid the impairment of blood granulocytes function. Twenty-one neonate lambs were divided into three treatments: the control group (n=7), not subjected to caudectomy; the flunixin group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and analgesia with two doses of flunixin meglumine; and the ketoprofen group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and two doses of ketoprofen. Pain indicators were observed by pain posture score (PS), the number of vocalizations (V), frequency of the movement of the ears (EF), and respiratory rates (RR), observed by a 10 minutes videos for each time points: -15min, 6h, 48h, and 144h. At the same time points, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and phagocytosis of blood granulocytes were measured by flow cytometry. At 6h after caudectomy, there was a pain indicator increase (RR, V, and PS), a blood granulocyte percentage increase, and a granulocytes phagocytosis reduction for both groups. At 48h, the ketoprofen group spend more time in pain posture and, at 144h, they exhibited a ROS production granulocyte reduction without signs of pain. We conclude the flunixin meglumine and ketoprofen did not prevent the acute pain/discomfort caused by caudectomy, because the groups showed a pain behavior and impaired of the innate immune response however, the flunixin meglumine was effective in controlling the chronic pain and their effects on blood granulocytes function in compare ketoprofen.(AU)
Procedimentos dolorosos podem afetar a função das células imunes inatas como neutrófilos e macrófagos, aumentando o risco de ocorrer doenças infeciosas. Desta maneira, o presente trabalho pretendeu verificar se os analgésicos flunixin meglumine ou cetoprofeno conseguem atenuar a dor/desconforto de cordeiros neonatos submetidos a caudectomia por elastração, evitando assim o comprometimento da função dos granulócitos sanguíneos. Para tanto 21 cordeiras foram aleatoriamente divididas em três tratamentos: grupo controle (n=7) não submetido a caudectomia, grupo flunixin (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de flunixin meglumine, e cetoprofeno (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de cetoprofeno. Mensurou-se os indicadores de dor/desconforto após caudectomia por observações de escore de postura de dor (EP), número de vocalizações (V), frequência de movimentar as orelhas (FO) e frequência respiratória (FR), observados em vídeos de 10 minutos nos momentos -15 min e 6, 48 e 144h. Nos mesmos momentos, avaliou-se a as funções de produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e de fagocitose por granulócitos sanguineos em citometria de fluxo. Notou-se aumento dos indicadores de dor (FR, de V e de EP), da porcentagem dos granulócitos sanguíneos e redução da eficiência de fagocitose em ambos os grupos as 6h. As 48h, os animais do grupo cetoprofeno ainda apresentava mais tempo em postura de dor que os demais grupos e as 144h, apresentou redução da produção ERO por granulócitos. Tais achados permitem concluir que tanto o flunexin meglumine como o cetoprofeno não preveniram dor/desconforto agudo promovido pela elastração, pois os dois grupos manifestaram comportamento de dor e redução da resposta imune inata. Ainda, o analgésico flunixin meglumine foi efetivo em controlar a dor mais tardia e seus efeitos na função de granulócitos sanguíneos em comparação ao cetoprofeno.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fagocitose , Ovinos , Cetoprofeno , Analgesia , Neutrófilos , Espécies Reativas de OxigênioResumo
Abstract Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonotic disease of high lethality caused by Leishmania infantum in the Americas. In the infected dog, the amastigotes are scarce in blood, especially in the late phase of the disease. This study aimed to report a rare case of L. infantum amastigotes found in neutrophils from peripheral blood of a naturally infected dog in terminal phase of CVL, also describing its clinical status before and after treatment with miltefosine 2%. The dog, which presented as polysymptomatic and with classical signs and symptoms of CVL was submitted to the following tests: Dual Path Platform (DPP) rapid test, ELISA and parasitological examination of peripheral blood. Hematological and biochemical parameters were obtained before and after treatment. All diagnostic tests were positive for CVL. The identification of L. infantum amastigotes inside neutrophils from peripheral blood was confirmed through microscopy, and the species was confirmed by molecular analysis. At the end of the treatment, peripheral parasitemia was not detected, and improvements were observed in clinical and laboratorial parameters. Finally, this atypical finding can be used as example to raise discussions about the real immunological role of neutrophils in late phases of CVL and its clinical/therapeutic implications.
Resumo A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é uma doença zoonótica de alta letalidade causada por Leishmania infantum nas Américas. No cão infectado, as formas amastigotas são escassas no sangue, principalmente na fase tardia da doença. Este estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso raro de amastigotas de L. infantum encontradas em neutrófilos do sangue periférico de um cão naturalmente infectado e terminal da LVC, descrevendo também seu estado clínico antes e após o tratamento com miltefosina a 2%. O cão, que se apresentou como polissintomático e com sinais e sintomas clássicos da LVC foi submetido aos seguintes testes: teste rápido Dual Path Platform (DPP), ELISA e exame parasitológico de sangue periférico. Os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos foram obtidos antes e após o tratamento. Todos os testes diagnósticos foram positivos para LVC. A identificação de formas amastigotas de L. infantum, dentro de neutrófilos do sangue periférico foi confirmada por microscopia, e a espécie foi confirmada por análise molecular. Ao final do tratamento, não foi detectada parasitemia periférica, observando-se melhora dos parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Por fim, esse achado atípico pode ser usado como exemplo para levantar discussões sobre o real papel imunológico dos neutrófilos nas fases tardias da LVC e suas implicações clínicas/terapêuticas.
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose Visceral/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , NeutrófilosResumo
The nasal strip is widely used in horses during exercise, but effects of using a nasal strip are controversial and little is known about its effect on horses undergoing endurance events. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of nasal strips influences alveolar cell population assessed by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), tidal volume, and nasal airflow rate. Six Arabian horses were subjected to two low intensity tests on a treadmill, with and without application of a commercial external nasal strip. Tidal volumes and airflow rates were measured during the test; two hours after the test, BAL was performed to assess cytology of pulmonary secretions. The lavage fluid showed increased neutrophil count after exercise in animals with the nasal strip (P<0.05). This suggests that turbulence of airflow through the nasal cavity may have diminished with nasal strip use, thus allowing larger particles to be deposited more distally in the respiratory system, inducing a more intense neutrophilic response. No differences in tidal volumes or airflow rates were observed between groups (with or without nasal strips) during the test (P>0.05). The use of nasal strips seems to influence alveolar cell population during and after exercise in horses after low intensity exercise tests. Further studies are needed to verify whether alveolar cell population is related to poor exercise performance in horses.(AU)
A fita nasal é amplamente utilizada em equinos durante o exercício, porém seus resultados são controversos e pouco conhecidos em animais que disputam provas de resistência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se o uso da fita nasal influencia a população de células alveolares por meio de lavado broncoalveolar, volume corrente e fluxo de ar nasal. Foram utilizados seis equinos da raça Árabe, que realizaram dois testes de longa duração em esteira, sendo um teste com a fita e outro sem a fita nasal. Fluxo e volume respiratório foram mensurados durante o teste; duas horas após o término do exercício, foi realizado lavado broncoalveolar para realização de citologia da secreção pulmonar. Foi verificada maior porcentagem de neutrófilos após o exercício nos animais que se exercitaram com a fita nasal (P<0,05), indicando que o turbilhonamento na passagem do ar através da cavidade nasal pode ter diminuído, permitindo que partículas maiores se depositassem em porções mais distais do sistema respiratório, induzindo uma resposta neutrofílica mais intensa. Não houve diferenças entre os parâmetros ventilatórios analisados entre os animais quando correram com ou sem a fita nasal (P>0,05). O uso da fita nasal parece influenciar alguns parâmetros, durante e após o exercício, em animais que realizam provas de longa duração. Outros estudos devem ser realizados para verificar se essa influência pode melhorar o desempenho desses animais em exercícios predominantemente aeróbicos.(AU)
Animais , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar/citologia , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Cavalos/fisiologia , Neutrófilos , Respiração , Treino Aeróbico/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo do estudo foi identificar indicadores de imunossupressão periparto em vacas de duplo propósito nos trópicos e determinar seus efeitos sobre parâmetros produtivos e reprodutivos. Os indicadores utilizados foram: alterações na população de leucócitos e neutrófilos, concentrações de metabólitos energéticos (β-hidroxibutirato e glicose) e escores de condição corporal (ECC). Amostras de sangue e BCS (escala 1 5) foram realizadas semanalmente durante o periparto. A saúde uterina foi avaliada (3 semanas após o parto) por ultrassonografia e usando um escore vaginal (0-3) descrito porSheldon et ai. (2006). Vacas (n=30) foram classificadas como endometrite saudável ou clínica (CE). A prevalência de EC foi de 29,6%. As populações de leucócitos e neutrófilos diminuíram no periparto e foram menores (P<0,05) nas vacas com CE. Vacas saudáveis apresentaram maior (P<0,05) produção diária de leite do que aquelas com CE (18,84±0,63 vs 14,76±0,84 kg). Vacas CE tiveram desempenho reprodutivo inferior (P<0,05) em comparação com vacas saudáveis (dias abertos: 244,40 ± 35,00 vs 178,00 ± 23,33 e serviços por concepção 3,33 ± 0,51 vs 1,83 ± 0,34). BCS similarmente (P>0,05) diminuiu após o parto em ambos os grupos. As concentrações de metabólitos energéticos durante o periparto flutuaram de maneira semelhante (P>0,05) em vacas saudáveis e CE. Em resumo, vacas de duplo propósito em condições tropicais, apresentaram indicadores de imunossupressão periparto, caracterizada por um declínio na população de leucócitos, principalmente neutrófilos, bem como diminuição das concentrações de glicose e BCS pós-parto. Além disso, houve aumento nas concentrações de β-hidroxibutirato e vacas com CE tiveram efeito negativo nos parâmetros produtivos e reprodutivos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico , Neutrófilos , Terapia de Imunossupressão , Levantamentos Sanitários sobre Abastecimento de ÁguaResumo
This study aimed to assess liver damage and interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) blood expression as a consequence of embryonic signaling on maternal recognition of pregnancy in beef cattle presenting natural ingestion of Senecio spp. Epidemiological aspects, as the presence of the plant, associated to gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity can be used as Senecio spp. poisoning diagnosis. Maternal recognition of pregnancy period occurs when the embryo secretes interferon tau (IFNT) to signal its presence to the mother and eventually extend corpus luteum (CL) lifespan. In our study, liver damage was determined by concentration serum GGT, cytological and histopathological examinations. Reproductive status was evaluated by concentration of progesterone, CL diameter and ISG15 mRNA expression on Day 19 following fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Cows were categorized into two groups based on concentration of GGT: Group 1 (GGT<30U/L) and 2 (GGT>31U/L). No difference on body condition scores was observed. All the cows presented liver damage based on cytology and histopathological exams. Cows from the Group 1 had higher pregnancy rate, presenting larger CL diameter and greater concentration of progesterone. Interestingly, ISG15 mRNA expression had no difference between Groups 1 and 2, even presenting difference in pregnancy status. These findings suggest embryonic loss beyond Day 19. It suggests late embryonic mortality may be associated to liver insufficiency. In conclusion, liver injury and/or concentration of GGT does not alter ISG15 expression on blood neutrophils, however cows presenting lower concentration of GGT (<30U/L) had increased pregnancy status. Therefore, the concentration of GGT allow us to screen liver status and foresee a successful pregnancy in beef cattle.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a lesão hepática e a expressão sanguínea do gene estimulado por interferon 15 (ISG15) durante a sinalização embrionária, no reconhecimento materno da gestação, em bovinos de corte apresentando ingestão natural de Senecio spp. Fatores epidemiológicos, como a presença da planta, associados à atividade da gama glutamil transferase (GGT) podem ser utilizados como diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio spp. O reconhecimento materno da gestação ocorre quando o embrião secreta interferon tau (IFNT) para sinalizar sua presença à mãe. Em nosso estudo, a lesão hepática foi determinada pela concentração sérica de GGT, pelos exames citológicos e histopatológicos. O estado reprodutivo foi avaliado pela concentração de progesterona, diâmetro de corpo lúteo (CL) e expressão de mRNA ISG15 no Dia 19 após a inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). As vacas foram separadas em dois grupos com base na concentração de GGT sanguíneo: Grupo 1 (GGT<30U/L) e Grupo 2 (GGT>31U/L). Não foi observada nenhuma diferença no escore de condição corporal entre os grupos. Na citologia e nos exames histopatológicos todas as vacas apresentaram lesão hepática. As vacas do Grupo 1 apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez, maior diâmetro do CL e maior concentração de progesterona. Diferente do esperado, a expressão do mRNA ISG15 não foi diferente entre os Grupos 1 e 2, mesmo apresentando diferença na taxa de prenhez. Esses achados sugerem perda embrionária após o Ddia 19. Isso demonstra que a mortalidade embrionária tardia pode estar associada à insuficiência hepática. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a lesão hepática e/ou concentração de GGT não altera a expressão de ISG15 nos neutrófilos sanguíneos, porém vacas com menor concentração de GGT (<30U/L) apresentaram maiores taxas de prenhez. Assim, a concentração de GGT nos permite avaliar a saúde hepática e prever uma gestação bem-sucedida em bovinos de corte.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Plantas , Intoxicação , Progesterona , Senécio , Bovinos/sangue , Inseminação Artificial , Expressão Gênica , Interferons , Neutrófilos , Mortalidade , Corpo LúteoResumo
This study aimed to assess liver damage and interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) blood expression as a consequence of embryonic signaling on maternal recognition of pregnancy in beef cattle presenting natural ingestion of Senecio spp. Epidemiological aspects, as the presence of the plant, associated to gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity can be used as Senecio spp. poisoning diagnosis. Maternal recognition of pregnancy period occurs when the embryo secretes interferon tau (IFNT) to signal its presence to the mother and eventually extend corpus luteum (CL) lifespan. In our study, liver damage was determined by concentration serum GGT, cytological and histopathological examinations. Reproductive status was evaluated by concentration of progesterone, CL diameter and ISG15 mRNA expression on Day 19 following fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Cows were categorized into two groups based on concentration of GGT: Group 1 (GGT<30U/L) and 2 (GGT>31U/L). No difference on body condition scores was observed. All the cows presented liver damage based on cytology and histopathological exams. Cows from the Group 1 had higher pregnancy rate, presenting larger CL diameter and greater concentration of progesterone. Interestingly, ISG15 mRNA expression had no difference between Groups 1 and 2, even presenting difference in pregnancy status. These findings suggest embryonic loss beyond Day 19. It suggests late embryonic mortality may be associated to liver insufficiency. In conclusion, liver injury and/or concentration of GGT does not alter ISG15 expression on blood neutrophils, however cows presenting lower concentration of GGT (<30U/L) had increased pregnancy status. Therefore, the concentration of GGT allow us to screen liver status and foresee a successful pregnancy in beef cattle.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a lesão hepática e a expressão sanguínea do gene estimulado por interferon 15 (ISG15) durante a sinalização embrionária, no reconhecimento materno da gestação, em bovinos de corte apresentando ingestão natural de Senecio spp. Fatores epidemiológicos, como a presença da planta, associados à atividade da gama glutamil transferase (GGT) podem ser utilizados como diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio spp. O reconhecimento materno da gestação ocorre quando o embrião secreta interferon tau (IFNT) para sinalizar sua presença à mãe. Em nosso estudo, a lesão hepática foi determinada pela concentração sérica de GGT, pelos exames citológicos e histopatológicos. O estado reprodutivo foi avaliado pela concentração de progesterona, diâmetro de corpo lúteo (CL) e expressão de mRNA ISG15 no Dia 19 após a inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). As vacas foram separadas em dois grupos com base na concentração de GGT sanguíneo: Grupo 1 (GGT<30U/L) e Grupo 2 (GGT>31U/L). Não foi observada nenhuma diferença no escore de condição corporal entre os grupos. Na citologia e nos exames histopatológicos todas as vacas apresentaram lesão hepática. As vacas do Grupo 1 apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez, maior diâmetro do CL e maior concentração de progesterona. Diferente do esperado, a expressão do mRNA ISG15 não foi diferente entre os Grupos 1 e 2, mesmo apresentando diferença na taxa de prenhez. Esses achados sugerem perda embrionária após o Ddia 19. Isso demonstra que a mortalidade embrionária tardia pode estar associada à insuficiência hepática. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a lesão hepática e/ou concentração de GGT não altera a expressão de ISG15 nos neutrófilos sanguíneos, porém vacas com menor concentração de GGT (<30U/L) apresentaram maiores taxas de prenhez. Assim, a concentração de GGT nos permite avaliar a saúde hepática e prever uma gestação bem-sucedida em bovinos de corte.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Plantas , Intoxicação , Progesterona , Senécio , Bovinos/sangue , Inseminação Artificial , Expressão Gênica , Interferons , Neutrófilos , Mortalidade , Corpo LúteoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the neutrophil oxidative metabolism and phagocytosis of Zymonsan particles of primiparous and pluriparous Lacaune ewes during the first 30 days after lambing. A total of 20 ewes were evaluated, 10 primiparous (GPR) and 10 pluriparous (GPL). Evaluation of basal oxidative metabolism was performed using the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) technique, stimulating neutrophil phagocytosis with Zymosan particles. Blood samples were collected at parturition day (M1) and 1, 3, 7, 15 and 30 days after parturition, corresponding to M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6, respectively. In relation to the groups, GPR presented lower oxidative basal metabolism neutrophils in M1 compared to M4, in M3 with M1, M2, M4 and M5. In M4 and M5 differences were found at all times and in M6 with M4 and M5. Higher percentage of neutrophils than phagocytes were found in M4, M5 and M6 than in M1 and M2 in GPL animals. At all times GPR presented a lower percentage of phagocytosis than GPL. Thus it is concluded that the immune response in pluriparous sheep was more efficient than in primiparous sheep.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fagocitose , Ovinos/sangue , Metabolismo , Neutrófilos/fisiologia , Período Pós-Parto/sangueResumo
Neuroblastoma is a pediatric tumor with a mortality rate of 40% in the most aggressive cases. Tumor microenvironment components as immune cells contribute to the tumor progression; thereby, the modulation of immune cells to a pro-inflammatory and antitumoral profile could potentialize the immunotherapy, a suggested approach for high-risk patients. Preview studies showed the antitumoral potential of BJcuL, a C- type lectin isolated from Bothrops jararacussu venom. It was able to induce immunomodulatory responses, promoting the rolling and adhesion of leukocytes and the activation of neutrophils. Methods: SK-N-SH cells were incubated with conditioned media (CM) obtained during the treatment of neutrophils with BJcuL and fMLP, a bacteria-derived peptide highly effective for activating neutrophil functions. Then we evaluated the effect of the same stimulation on the co-cultivation of neutrophils and SK-N-SH cells. Tumor cells were tested for viability, migration, and invasion potential. Results: In the viability assay, only neutrophils treated with BJcuL (24 h) and cultivated with SK-N-SH were cytotoxic. Migration of tumor cells decreased when incubated directly (p < 0.001) or indirectly (p < 0.005) with untreated neutrophils. When invasion potential was evaluated, neutrophils incubated with BJcuL reduced the total number of colonies of SK-N-SH cells following co-cultivation for 24 h (p < 0.005). Treatment with CM resulted in decreased anchorage-free survival following 24 h of treatment (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Data demonstrated that SK-N-SH cells maintain their migratory potential in the face of neutrophil modulation by BJcuL, but their invasive capacity was significantly reduced.(AU)
Animais , Peptídeos , Bothrops , Venenos de Crotalídeos/isolamento & purificação , Lectinas Tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Neuroblastoma , Neutrófilos , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Background: Neuroblastoma is a pediatric tumor with a mortality rate of 40% in the most aggressive cases. Tumor microenvironment components as immune cells contribute to the tumor progression; thereby, the modulation of immune cells to a pro-inflammatory and antitumoral profile could potentialize the immunotherapy, a suggested approach for high-risk patients. Preview studies showed the antitumoral potential of BJcuL, a C- type lectin isolated from Bothrops jararacussu venom. It was able to induce immunomodulatory responses, promoting the rolling and adhesion of leukocytes and the activation of neutrophils. Methods: SK-N-SH cells were incubated with conditioned media (CM) obtained during the treatment of neutrophils with BJcuL and fMLP, a bacteria-derived peptide highly effective for activating neutrophil functions. Then we evaluated the effect of the same stimulation on the co-cultivation of neutrophils and SK-N-SH cells. Tumor cells were tested for viability, migration, and invasion potential. Results: In the viability assay, only neutrophils treated with BJcuL (24 h) and cultivated with SK-N-SH were cytotoxic. Migration of tumor cells decreased when incubated directly (p < 0.001) or indirectly (p < 0.005) with untreated neutrophils. When invasion potential was evaluated, neutrophils incubated with BJcuL reduced the total number of colonies of SK-N-SH cells following co-cultivation for 24 h (p < 0.005). Treatment with CM resulted in decreased anchorage-free survival following 24 h of treatment (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Data demonstrated that SK-N-SH cells maintain their migratory potential in the face of neutrophil modulation by BJcuL, but their invasive capacity was significantly reduced.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Víboras/análise , Venenos de Víboras/química , Neutrófilos , Lectinas Tipo C , Neuroblastoma , BothropsResumo
Background: Bovine leukemia virus (VLB) is an oncogenic deltaretrovirus associated with the development of persistent lymphocytosis (LP) and lymphosarcomas in cattle. LP is characterized by chronic elevation of the number of circulating lymphocytes, in the case of B lymphocytes. Several studies have described functional changes in various leukocyte populations in both blood and milk in VLB-infected animals. The impact of some chronic diseases of low lethality is aggravated by the emergence of comorbidities.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the oxidative metabolism and neutrophil phagocytosis of bovines of the Holtein breed naturally infected with the bovine leukemia virus (VLB). Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, 20 cows were divided into three groups: (NG) seven non-seroreagent animals for VLB and without hematological alterations; (GAL) eight seroreagent animals for VLB and without hematological alterations; and (GLP) five seroreagent animals for VLB with persistent lymphocytosis (LP). The oxidative metabolism of neutrophils was determined by the tetrazolium nitroblast reduction test stimulated or not with Zymosan particles. The percentage of neutrophils that phagocytosed Zymosan particle (s) was also evaluated. The data were initially evaluated for normality and homoscedasticity by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Then the ANOVA test followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test was applied for the comparison between the NG, GAL and GLP animals. Comparison between the NG animals and the seroreagent animals for the VLB (GVLB) was also performed through the unpaired Students t-test. The value of P < 0.05 was considered significant. No significant differences were observed in oxidative neutrophil metabolism in stimulated and non-stimulated samples with Zymosan particles nor in the percentage...