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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20210711, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418166


Intra-abdominal or intrascrotal testicular torsion in dogs occurs due to spermatic cord rotation. Dogs with testicular torsion commonly present severe pain and require surgical intervention. Torsion of intra-abdominal retained testicles in cryptorchid adult dogs is often associated with the presence of testicular neoplasia. Herein, we reported the case of a 5-year-old male poodle with uncommon intra-abdominal testicular torsion (ITT) of a non-neoplastic testicle. The dog was referred to the veterinary hospital with acute abdominal pain in the hypogastric region. An intra-abdominal gonad and alterations compatible with testicular torsion were visualized during ultrasound examination. Orchiectomy and histopathological analysis of the testes confirmed the diagnosis of ITT in the absence of neoplasia. The patient recovered uneventfully from the situation. This report showed that ITT can occur in adult dogs in the absence of testicular neoplasia and reinforce the message that it should be included as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain in cryptorchid dogs. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination in this case of pain in the hypogastric region was decisive for the diagnosis of ITT.

A torção testicular intra-abdominal ou intra-escrotal em cães ocorre devido à rotação do cordão espermático. Os cães com torção testicular apresentam comumente dor intensa e necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica. Em cães adultos, a torção de testículos retidos no abdômen está geralmente associada à presença de neoplasia testicular. Este relato descreve um caso incomum de cão macho, de cinco anos de idade, da raça Poodle, encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário com dor abdominal aguda na região hipogástrica. Durante o exame ecográfico, foi possível evidenciar um testículo e alterações compatíveis com torção testicular. A orquiectomia intra-abdominal e posterior análise histopatológica confirmaram a ITT sem neoplasia associada. O paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória. Este relato mostra que a ITT na ausência de neoplasia pode ocorrer em cães adultos, reforçando a mensagem de que deve ser considerada como um diferencial diagnóstico em casos de dor abdominal aguda. Além disso, o exame ultrassonográfico realizado neste caso de dor na região hipogástrica foi decisivo para o diagnóstico de ITT.

Animais , Cães , Testículo/anormalidades , Dor Abdominal/veterinária , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07302, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507031


Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a worldwide allergic skin disease. The affected dog population can show different clinical patterns according to geographic region, and a lack of studies in Brazil is observed. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the clinical and epidemiological data of cAD in dogs treated in a private clinical practice in Fortaleza, a city located in the Northeast Region of Brazil. cAD was diagnosed in 35% of dogs, being Shih-tzu and Poodle the most affected breeds. Paws and ears were frequently injured sites. Almost 50% of atopic dogs were diagnosed with superficial pyoderma and 36% with cutaneous malasseziosis. Atopic dogs with outdoor habits were less likely to develop cutaneous malassezial infection, and with routine ear, cleaning habits were less likely to develop bacterial otitis externa. In conclusion, canine atopic dermatitis is a prevalent disease in private clinical practice in Fortaleza, and lifestyle habits can be considered a risk factor for cutaneous malasseziosis infection and bacterial otitis externa in atopic dogs.

A dermatite atópica canina (DAC) é uma doença alérgica cutânea de ocorrência mundial. A população canina acometida pode apresentar diferentes padrões clínicos de acordo com a região geográfica e observa-se uma carência de estudos no Brasil. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos da DAC em cães atendidos em uma clínica privada em Fortaleza, cidade localizada na Região Nordeste do Brasil. A DAC foi diagnosticada em 35% dos cães, sendo Shih-tzu e Poodle as raças mais acometidas. As patas e as orelhas foram locais frequentemente afetados. Quase 50% dos cães atópicos foram diagnosticados com piodermite superficial e 36% com malasseziose cutânea. Cães atópicos com hábitos ao ar livre foram menos propensos a desenvolver malasseziose cutânea e com hábitos rotineiros de limpeza auricular foram menos propensos a desenvolver otite externa bacteriana. Em conclusão, a dermatite atópica canina é uma doença prevalente na prática clínica privada em Fortaleza e os hábitos de vida podem ser considerados como um fator de risco para infecção por malasseziose cutânea e otite externa bacteriana em cães atópicos.

Animais , Cães , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Dermatite Atópica/patologia , Dermatite Atópica/veterinária , Dermatite Atópica/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão , Otite Externa/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 848, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416636


Background: Myelitis is the inflammation of the spinal cord parenchyma alone, whereas meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges. Steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) is a meningomyelitis in which the major lesions involve the meninges, not the spinal cord parenchyma, and respond well to glucocorticoid treatment. However, myelitis in dogs has rarely been reported, and myelitis with a good response to glucocorticoid treatment without relapse has not been reported. This report describes 5 cases of steroid-responsive myelitis (SRM) in dogs. Cases: Case 1. A 8-year-old intact female Cocker Spaniel presented with progressive nonambulatory paraplegia. Whole spinal parenchymal lesions were identified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Mononuclear pleocytosis with increased total protein levels was the only abnormal finding on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Prednisolone (PDS) was administered followed by dose tapering according to therapeutic response. Cyclosporine was administered until the termination of PDS. Since then, no recurrence of neurological symptoms has been observed. Follow-up MRI and CSF analysis revealed resolution of previously observed abnormal findings. Case 2. A 2-year-old intact female Maltese presented with non-progressive paraparesis. A spinal parenchymal lesion in the lumbosacral region was observed on MRI. PDS was administered and slowly tapered at approximately 3-week intervals. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after the treatment. Case 3. A 6-year-old intact female Miniature Pinscher presented with neck pain, along with leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Cervical spinal parenchyma lesions were revealed through MRI. Increased total protein concentration with mixed cell pleocytosis was observed on CSF analysis. Immunomodulatory therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. A second MRI and CSF analysis revealed an improvement in the previously observed abnormalities. Case 4. A 2-year-old, intact female Toy Poodle presented with acute paraplegia and back pain. Lesions were observed in the spinal parenchyma at the T12-L3 levels on MRI. The treatment was conducted as in case 2. During treatment, neurological symptoms, including paraplegia and back pain, were not observed. Follow-up MRI revealed improvement in the spinal lesion. Case 5. A 6-month-old, castrated male Standard Poodle presented with progressive paraparesis. On MRI, lesions were observed in the T11-T13 regions. Immunomodulation therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after treatment initiation Discussion: SRM is similar to SRMA in terms of good steroid-responsiveness and noninfectious inflammation etiology; however, it does not exactly satisfy the diagnostic criteria for SRMA, nor does it progress similarly. The characteristics of SRM that do not satisfy the diagnostic criteria of SRMA include the absence of fever, C-reactive protein elevation, hyperglobulinemia, and relapse, and the presence of spinal parenchymal lesions without parenchymal or meningeal enhancement on MRI. It is also a seemingly different from spinal cord-only meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin due to its better treatment response and prognosis. However, the dogs in the present report with SRM satisfied the diagnostic criteria for transverse myelitis in human patients. Therefore, SRM, including good steroid responsiveness and good prognosis without relapse, may represent a novel type of meningomyelitis.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias/veterinária , Meningite/tratamento farmacológico , Mielite/tratamento farmacológico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 857, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434541


Background: Portosystemic shunt (PSS), an alteration commonly found in toy dogs, is caused by an anastomosis between the systemic and portal circulation, interfering with the metabolism of several toxins. It can be of congenital or acquired origin and is classified as intra- or extrahepatic. Clinical signs include the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and urinary system according to the fraction of the shunt. It is diagnosed by several imaging tests and exploratory laparotomy. Therapy involves drug therapy and/or surgical correction of the anomalous vessels. Thus, the aim is to present an unusual case of extrahepatic cPSS originating from the left gastric vein and insertion into the azygos vein. Case: A 2-year-old female toy poodle, spayed, weighing 2.7 kg was treated with a history of recurrent cystitis and neurological signs such as focal seizures, ataxia, tremors, blindness, lethargy, head pressing, and compulsive gait. Complementary tests revealed normochromic microcytic anemia, neutrophilia-induced leukocytosis, monocytosis, and lymphopenia. Biochemical analysis revealed hypoproteinemia due to hypoglobulinemia, an increase in alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase, and a decrease in urea. In the urinalysis, ammonium biurate crystals were detected, and Doppler ultrasound revealed microhepathy and the presence of an anomalous gastrosplenic vein inserted into the azygos vein, a finding compatible with the congenital extrahepatic PSS. Abdominal tomography confirmed vascular deviation with a sinuous path originating from the left gastric and splenic veins, inserting into the azygos vein, measuring approximately 5.95 cm in length. Cranial tomography revealed changes consistent with hepatic encephalopathy. Drug therapy was performed with hydration, liver chow, lactulose, probiotics, metronidazole, S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and ursodeoxycholic acid, and after 15 days, surgery was performed to place a 3.5 mm ameroid constrictor ring for gradual occlusion of the anomalous vessel. The animal recovered well, and a control abdominal ultrasound was repeated 30 days after the procedure, noting that the constrictor had not yet fully occluded the deviation. Doppler imaging revealed a favorable evolution with an increase in the diameter of the portal vein in the hepatopetal direction. The patient was followed-up for a year and had a normal and healthy life. Discussion: Extrahepatic PSS is frequently diagnosed in purebred and toy dogs, commonly occurring between the portal vein and one of its tributaries, with a lower frequency of anomalous vessels between the azygos veins, as in the present report. The patient's age and clinical signs were compatible with the disease, in addition to ammonia biurate crystals and hematological and biochemical alterations. The neurological clinical signs observed were compatible with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to congenital PSS. The imaging examinations facilitated the identification of the extrahepatic vascular anomaly, with the tomography being more accurate and helping in proper surgical planning. Clinical treatment should be performed for presurgical stabilization, and occlusion can be performed by placing cellophane bands or an ameroid constrictor, which is the technique of choice for congenital PSS, as it allows for slow constriction to avoid acute portal hypertension, as in this case, emphasizing that anesthesia in animals with portosystemic shunts must be performed with care.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Veia Ázigos/cirurgia , Derivação Portossistêmica Cirúrgica/veterinária , Ductos Biliares Extra-Hepáticos , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 845, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415341


Background: Hepatic tumors of primary origin account for 0.6% to 2.9% of cases in canine species, less common than hepatic metastases. The hepatic tumors are divided into hepatocellular tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, bile duct tumors or cholangiocarcinomas, and mesenchymal tumors. Cholangiocarcinomas, are classified according to their origin, being intrahepatic, extrahepatic, or gallbladder type. Cholangiocarcinomas are considered rare in dogs and cats with a ratio of 29% to 71% compared to hepatocellular carcinomas, accounting for 9% of the hepatic tumors. The present study aims to describe a case of cholangiocarcinoma in a bitch, focusing on the diagnostic approach. Case: A 10-year-old castrated bitch Poodle was attended presenting hypoglycemia and seizure crisis. The patient had previous exams of hemogram and serum biochemical profile, showing a discrete increase of the hepatic enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), besides hypoglycemia. Previous ultrasound exam revealed the presence of a hepatic mass located between the right and square lobes, immeasurable, and significant splenomegaly. Abdominal palpation revealed the presence of immeasurable abdominal formation of undetermined origin. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT), glycemic curve, and insulin dosage were requested. Tomography exam showed an increase in hepatic volume with the presence of a heterogeneous formation in the right lateral lobe topography; increase in spleen dimensions and the presence of multiple nodules; and the presence of a nodule in the right lung, at the caudal thoracic region. The glycemic curve showed acute variations, and insulin dosage was between normal values. The animal was referred for surgery, as in abdominocentesis, it was observed the presence of hemorrhagic fluid, confirming active bleeding by ultrasonography. The owners chose for euthanasia. In the post-mortem evaluation the main lesion was confirmed of hepatic origin, with a massive, irregular, cavitary presentation, involving multiple hepatic lobes, and a single nodule was observed in the right caudal lobe of the right lung. Histopathological evaluation was considered inconclusive. Immunohistochemistry was performed and the association of the immunohistochemical profile with the morphological characteristics indicated diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Discussion: The related symptomatology, in hepatic neoplasms, is generally considered non-specific, with reports of lethargy, vomiting, dyspnea, anorexia and weight loss, however, the dog in this study presented a unique manifestation of hypoglycemia and one episode of convulsive crisis resulting from it. The clinical manifestation observed was extremely unspecific making initial diagnosis difficult. The ultrasonographic examination was effective in evidencing the abdominal mass. In addition, abdominal CT was also performed, which confirmed the hepatic origin, detailing the macroscopic aspect. Biochemical analyses of ALT and AST showed a discrete increase. Biochemical changes may occur in dogs with hepatic neoplasms, although they are not specific. Functional pancreatic beta-cell tumors producing insulin are the most common cause of paraneoplastic hypoglycemia, although in the case the insulin dosage was within normal limits. In cases of nonislet cell tumor the mechanism is frequently associated with the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF). In most cases the definitive diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma can be obtained by histopathological examination, although in the present report the result obtained was inconclusive, requiring an immunohistochemical examination. Due to the aggressive and metastatic character of this neoplastic type, early detection becomes extremely important in order to maximize therapeutic chances, however, diagnosis may be difficult.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ductos Biliares/patologia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-6, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370702


Um canino da raça Poodle, 15 anos, macho, inteiro, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Luterana do Brasil apresentando: hiporexia há cinco dias e anorexia nos dois últimos dias, hipodipsia, prostração, hipertermia, uveíte e um episódio de vômito. Ao exame físico, constatou-se 8% de desidratação, mucosas secas e hipocoradas, tempo de preenchimento capilar maior que dois segundos e presença de carrapatos (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Devido à presença dos carrapatos, foi administrado afoxolaner. Realizou-se o exame parasitológico de sangue (EPS), colhido da ponta da orelha e o teste rápido (4Dx® IDEXX). Com o resultado positivo do teste rápido e visualização de mórula no interior das plaquetas compatíveis com Anaplasma platys, definiu-se o diagnóstico de anaplasmose trombocítica canina. A partir do diagnóstico, instituiu-se o tratamento com doxiciclina a cada 12 horas por via oral e, após 48 horas de tratamento, o cão recebeu alta e seguiu com tratamento em domicílio. Após 21 dias de antibioticoterapia, o paciente apresentou melhora clínica satisfatória. Realizou-se nova coleta para EPS, que apresentou resultado negativo.

A 15-year-old male Poodle canine was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Lutheran University of Brazil presenting: hyporexia of five days and anorexia for the last two days, hypodipsia, prostration, hyperthermia, uveitis and one episode of vomiting. Physical examination revealed 8% dehydration, dry and pale mucous membranes, capillary refill time greater than two seconds and the presence of ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Due to the presence of ticks, afoxolaner was administered. The parasitological blood test (EPS) was performed, collected from the ear vein, and a snap test (4Dx® - IDEXX). The positive result of the snap test and visualization of the morulae inside the platelets compatible with Anaplasma platys, the diagnosis of canine thrombocytic anaplasmosis was reached. The treatment with doxycycline was instituted every 12 hours orally and after 48 hours the dog was discharged and continued with treatment at home. After 21 days of antibiotic therapy, the patient showed satisfactory clinical improvement. A new collection for EPS was performed, which showed a negative result.

Un canino macho de 15 años, entero, fue atendido en el Hospital Veterinario de la Universidade Luterana do Brasil por presentar: hiporexia durante cinco días y anorexia durante los dos últimos días, hipodipsia, postración, hipertermia, uveitis y un episodio de vómitos. Al examen físico se encontró un 8% de deshidratación, mucosas secas y pálidas, tiempo de llenado capilar superior a dos segundos y presencia de garrapatas (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Debido a la presencia de garrapatas, se administró afoxolaner. Se realizó el examen parasitológico de sangre (EPS), recogida de la punta de la oreja y la prueba rápida (4DX - IDEXX). Con el resultado positivo de la prueba rápida y visualización de mórula en el interior de las plaquetas compatible con Anaplasma platys, se definió el diagnóstico de anaplasmosis trombocítica canina. Tras el diagnóstico, se instauró tratamiento con doxiciclina cada 12 horas por vía oral y, a las 48 horas de tratamiento, se dio de alta al perro y se continuó con el tratamiento en casa. Después de 21 días de antibioticoterapia, la paciente mostró una mejoría clínica satisfactoria. Se realizó un nuevo cobro de EPS, que arrojó un resultado negativo.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Trombocitopenia/veterinária , Anaplasma/isolamento & purificação , Anaplasmose/tratamento farmacológico , Doxiciclina/uso terapêutico
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(1): 5-9, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437443


Interventricular septal defect (IVSD) is a congenital heart disease characterized by communication or non-closure of the interventricular septum in the embryonic or postnatal period, causing a failure in the separation between the systemic and pulmonary circulation. The severity of the hemodynamic consequences depends on the extent of the defect and the magnitude of the flow through it. Blood flow commonly occurs from left to right, because systemic vascular resistance is greater than pulmonary resistance. This report describes the echocardiographic findings in a 4-year-old male Poodle treated at the Veterinary Hospital with a history of exercise intolerance, cyanosis and episodes of syncope. On echocardiography, perimembranous IVSD was diagnosed with atrial and right ventricular dilatation, discontinuity of the interventricular septum in the subaortic region measuring approximately 5 mm. In the Doppler evaluation, reverse turbulent flow was evidenced, characterizing shunt from right to left (Eisenmenger syndrome). Despite preserved systolic function, abnormal relaxation was observed. Doppler echocardiography was a fundamental complementary imaging test for the diagnosis of this congenital heart disease since its suspicion is not commonly raised in adult patients. Doppler echocardiography allowed us to identify the defect, define its size and extension, determine the direction of blood flow as well as its hemodynamic consequences.(AU)

O defeito do septo interventricular (DSIV) é uma cardiopatia congênita caracterizada pela comunicação ou não fechamento do septo interventricular no período embrionário ou pós-natal, causando falha na separação entre a circulação sis-têmica e pulmonar. A gravidade das consequências hemodinâmicas depende da extensão do defeito e da magnitude do fluxo através dele. O fluxo sanguíneo comumente ocorre da esquerda para a direita, porque a resistência vascular sistêmica é maior do que a pulmonar. Este relato descreve os achados ecocardiográficos em um Poodle, macho, de 4 anos atendido no Hospital Veterinário com história de intolerância ao exercício, cianose e episódios de síncope. Ao ecocardiograma foi diagnosticado DSIV do tipo perimembranoso com dilatação atrial e ventricular direita, descontinuidade do septo interventricular em região subaórtica medindo aproximadamente 5 mm. Na avaliação Doppler, evidenciou-se fluxo turbulento reverso, caracterizando shunt da direita para a esquerda (síndrome de Eisenmenger). Apesar da função sistólica preservada, foi observado relaxamento anormal. A ecocardiografia Doppler foi um exame de imagem complementar fundamental para o diagnóstico dessa cardio-patia congênita, uma vez que sua suspeita não é comumente levantada em pacientes adultos. A ecocardiografia Doppler per-mitiu identificar o defeito, definir seu tamanho e extensão, determinar a direção do fluxo sanguíneo, bem como suas conse-quências hemodinâmicas.(AU)

Animais , Cães/anormalidades , Complexo de Eisenmenger/veterinária , Septo Interventricular , Ecocardiografia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 183-190, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401997


Mammary tumors are the most common in bitches, and bone and pulmonary metastases are not well described. Adenosquamous mammary carcinoma is a rare tumor that can be classified as a type of metaplastic tumor. This report describes the clinical and histopathological findings of this atypical presentation of mammary carcinoma in an 11-year-old, spayed, Poodle. Surgery was performed to remove malignant mammary nodules with a provisional diagnosis of carcinoma on cytologic examination. Thirteen months later, the dog returned showing left pelvic limb lameness that had persisted for 6 months prior to the consultation. The patient showed right pelvic limb lameness and a mass in the same limb. Radiographs of the affected limb revealed a pathological fracture in the femoral diaphysis and proliferation of the periosteum. After clinical staging, a left pelvic limb amputation was performed. A diagnosis of grade II adenosquamous mammary carcinoma was made through histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Although uncommon, bone and pulmonary metastases from mammary tumors, such as adenosquamous carcinoma, can be considered differential diagnoses for bony tumors. This report highlights the aggressive nature and significant metastatic potential of the adenosquamous carcinoma.

Os tumores mamários são os mais comuns em cadelas e as metástases ósseas e pulmonares não são bem descritas. O carcinoma mamário adenoescamoso é um tumor raro que pode ser classificado como um tipo de tumor metaplásico. Este relato descreve os achados clínicos e histopatológicos dessa apresentação atípica de carcinoma mamário em um Poodle de 11 anos de idade, castrado. A cirurgia foi realizada para remover nódulos mamários malignos com diagnóstico provisório de carcinoma no exame citológico. Treze meses depois, a cadela retornou apresentando claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo que persistia por seis meses antes da consulta. O paciente apresentava claudicação do membro pélvico direito e uma massa no mesmo membro. A radiografia do membro afetado revelou fratura patológica na diáfise femoral, proliferação do periósteo e áreas de osteopenia. Após estadiamento clínico, foi realizada amputação do membro pélvico esquerdo. O diagnóstico de carcinoma adenoescamoso mamário grau II foi feito através da histopatologia e imunohistoquímica. Embora incomuns, as metástases ósseas e pulmonares de tumores mamários, como o carcinoma adenoescamoso, podem ser consideradas diagnósticos diferenciais para tumores ósseos. Este relatório destaca a natureza agressiva e significativo potencial metastático do carcinoma adenoescamoso.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Carcinoma Adenoescamoso/veterinária , Metaplasia/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(1): 53-57, jan. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437520


Neurological disorders are frequent in small animal veterinary clinics and studies giving regional justification for such disorders are essential so that veterinarians can be better prepared. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological aspects of dogs with neurological disorders treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, between August 2017 and April 2018. The study describes the location of the lesions and their etiology according to the acronym VITAMIN-D, as well as the distribution of cases according to sex, breed and age. One hundred and twenty-two (122) dogs were included, of which 58% (n=71) were males and 42% (n=51) females. The age distribution ranged from two months to 18 years old; 16% were less than two years old, 50% between two and seven years old and 34% were more than seven years old. The most affected breeds were Mixed Breed dogs (43%), Poodles (9%) and Dachshunds (7%). The diagnoses were confirmed in 54 animals (44%) and in 68 (56%) remained presumptive. The most common location was the spinal cord (61%), where the T3-L3 region was the most affected (35%), followed by multifocal (20%) and forebrain (10%). The most frequent categories were degenerative (24%), inflammatory/infectious (23%) and traumatic (20%) diseases. Intervertebral disc disease was the most observed, corresponding to 21.3% of all cases. The results showed that the neurological diseases in this Veterinary Hospital were more prevalent in young male adults with spinal cord diseases of degenerative nature.(AU)

Desordens neurológicas são frequentes na clínica de pequenos animais. Estudos caracterizando a casuística regio-nal são fundamentais para melhor instrução e preparo técnico do médico veterinário. O objetivo deste trabalho retrospectivo foi descrever os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de cães com distúrbios neurológicos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, entre agosto de 2017 e abril de 2018, caracterizando a localização da lesão e etiologia de acordo com o acrônimo VITAMINA-D, bem como a distribuição dos casos em relação ao sexo, raça e faixa etária. Foram incluídos 122 cães, com 58% (n=71) dos casos em machos e 42% (n=51) em fêmeas. A distribuição etária variou de dois meses a 18 anos, sendo 16% dos animais menores de dois anos, 50% entre dois e sete anos e 34% maiores de sete anos. As raças mais observadas foram SRD (43%), Poodle (9%) e Dachshund (7%). O diagnóstico etiológico foi confirmado em 54 animais (44%) e em 68 (56%) permaneceu como presuntivo. A localização mais comum foi na medula espinhal (61%), sendo a região entre T3-L3 a mais acometida (35%), seguida por multifocal (20%) e prosencéfalo (10%). As categorias mais frequentes foram de doenças degenerativas (24%), inflamatórias/infecciosas (23%) e traumáticas (20%). Dos cães com doenças degenerativas, a doença do disco intervertebral foi mais observada (21,3% do total dos casos). Com base nos resultados obti-dos, pode-se concluir que, na casuística regional deste Hospital, as doenças neurológicas foram mais prevalentes em machos, adultos jovens e com localização medular de origem degenerativa.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/epidemiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1878, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400774


Background: Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm that arises from melanocytes and malanoblasts. It is also more frequently reported in dogs than in other species. They may arise from melanocytes in the skin, on the surfaces of the mucous membranes, and eyes. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological aspects, risk factors and clinicopathological findings of melanoma in dogs in the backlands, northeastern Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out in all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of dogs, from January 2003 to December 2021, at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, northeastern Brazil. Epidemiological data, clinical signs, and gross lesions were reviewed from the diagnostic laboratory reports. Samples of the skin, lymph nodes, central nervous system and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely for histopathology, embedded in paraffin wax, cut into 4 µm sections, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Histological sections were also submitted to immunohistochemistry with the primary antibody anti-Melan A. Of the 4717 records found, 1158 (24.5%) were diagnosed with neoplasms, of which 48 (4.14%) cases were of melanoma. Of this total, 28 (58.3%) dogs were elderly, 19 (39.6%) were adults, and 1 (2.1%) was young. Mixed breed animals were the most affected (42.6%), followed by the pinscher breed (19.1%). According to the anatomical region, the most affected site was the skin (38/53=71.7%), followed by the oral cavity (12/53=22.65%) and the eyes (3/53=5.7%). Grossly, the skin lesions were characterized by exophytic and usually blackened, sometimes irregular and firm, nodules. At cut, they had a smooth, compact and blackened surface. Lesions in the oral cavity were characterized by blackened, irregular and infiltrating nodules or masses. The ocular lesions were always unilateral and were characterized by an enlarged and diffusely blackened eyeball, with areas of ulceration and subversion of tissue architecture. In 5 animals there was more than one anatomical site affected, totaling 53 lesions. In 9 (17%) cases, metastases were identified, 8 in regional lymph nodes and 1 in the lung. Histopathology showed a densely non-encapsulated, poorly delimited, expansive and infiltrative neoplasm, composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands or nests and supported by fibrovascular stroma, containing a variable amount of brownish pigment (melanin). Immunohistochemistry showed strong immunostaining of the neoplastic cells in brown by the anti-Melan A antibody. Discussion: The diagnosis of melanoma was established based on epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Gender is not a predisposing factor, and although there was no statistically significant relationship, males were more affected. Senescence is a conditioning risk factor. Elderly animals were more affected (P < 0.0001) than adult ones, with OR = 4.38; and young ones (P = 0.0051), with OR = 12.65. Some breeds, especially those with marked skin pigmentation, were more affected, however the most affected ones in this survey were pinscher and poodle. Cutaneous melanoma accounted for almost 72% of cases, contesting recent studies where oral cavity melanoma was more frequent. Therefore, it is believed that the climatic conditions of the backlands sub-region, in northeastern Brazil, associated with the individual characteristics of the dogs, are involved in the development of these neoplasms, since the climate is predominantly dry, with high temperatures throughout the year, with maximums that can reach 40ºC, favoring the exposure to high incidence of ultraviolet radiation.

Animais , Cães , Melanócitos/patologia , Melanoma/veterinária , Melanoma/epidemiologia , Dermatopatias/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-13, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370573


O colapso traqueal é uma doença degenerativa e progressiva caracterizada por alterações anatômicas e histológicas na traqueia, sendo considerada uma causa comum de obstrução das vias aéreas superiores em pequenos animais. O diagnóstico é efetuado com base no histórico do animal, mas só é definitivo por meio da realização de exames complementares, em que a radiografia é o mais utilizado. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, determinar a ocorrência do colapso traqueal em cães por exame radiográfico com compressão traqueal cervical externa, avaliando o grau de severidade em animais sintomáticos e assintomáticos, bem como determinar as raças, portes e idades mais acometidas. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo no qual foram analisadas as fichas clínicas e exames de 332 cães que foram submetidos à radiografia aplicando-se compressão traqueal no hospital veterinário da instituição de ensino, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2010 a 31 de dezembro de 2020. Coletaram-se dados referentes a idade, raça, porte, sexo e presença de sintomas clínicos característicos, além de se verificar a redução do lúmen traqueal e o grau de colapso correspondente. Estes dados foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente empregando-se o teste de Tukey, teste Qui-quadrado de independência e estatística. Após a interpretação dos resultados, verificou-se uma maior casuística de animais sintomáticos, estes relacionados a graus mais severos de colapso traqueal. Cães de pequeno porte foram os mais acometidos, em especial as raças Poodle, Yorkshire terrier e Pinscher. Além disso, notou-se uma maior incidência desta afecção em cães adultos a idosos. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos com a realização da radiografia compressiva, observou-se tratar de um método diagnóstico simples, seguro e com alta acurácia para o diagnóstico de colapso traqueal. Ademais, os achados quanto às predisposições e tendências clínicas dos pacientes identificadas nesse trabalho auxiliam o clínico em um melhor direcionamento quanto às suas suspeitas, culminando com um diagnóstico mais precoce do colapso traqueal.

Tracheal collapse is a degenerative and progressive disease characterized by anatomical and histological changes in the trachea, and is considered a common cause of upper airway obstruction in small animals. The diagnosis is made based on the animal's history, but it is only definitive through complementary exams, in which radiography is the most used. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of tracheal collapse in dogs by radiographic examination with external cervical tracheal compression, evaluating the degree of severity in symptomatic and asymptomatic animals, as well as determining the most affected breeds. sizes and ages. For this purpose, a retrospective study was conducted in which clinical records and exams of 332 dogs that underwent radiography applying tracheal compression in the veterinary hospital of the institution were analyzed, in the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2020. Data were collected regarding age, breed, size, sex and presence of characteristic clinical symptoms, in addition to checking the reduction of the tracheal lumen and the corresponding degree of collapse. These data were tabulated and statistically analyzed using Tukey's test, Chi-square test for independence and statistics. After the interpretation of the results, there was a higher number of symptomatic animals, which were related to more severe degrees of tracheal collapse. Small dogs were the most affected, especially the breeds Poodle, Yorkshire terrier and Pinscher. Moreover, it was noted a higher incidence of this disease in adult to elderly dogs. By analyzing the results obtained with the compressive radiography, it was observed that it is a simple, safe and highly accurate diagnostic method for the diagnosis of tracheal collapse. Furthermore, the findings regarding predispositions and clinical tendencies of the patients identified in this study also help the clinicians to better direct their suspicions, culminating in an earlier diagnosis of tracheal collapse.

El colapso traqueal es una enfermedad degenerativa y progresiva caracterizada por alteraciones anatómicas e histológicas en la traquea, considerándose una causa común de obstrucción de las vías respiratorias superiores en pequeños animales. El diagnóstico se realiza a partir de los antecedentes del animal, pero sólo es definitivo mediante exámenes complementarios, en los que la radiografia es la más utilizada. El presente estudio tenía como objetivo determinar la aparición del colapso traqueal en perros mediante un examen radiográfico con compresión traqueal cervical externa, evaluando el grado de gravedad en animales sintomáticos y asintomáticos, así como determinar las razas, tamaños y edades más afectadas. Para ello, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en el que se analizaron las historias clínicas y los exámenes de 332 perros a los que se les realizó una radiografia aplicando compresión traqueal en el hospital veterinario de la institución, en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2010 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Se recogieron datos sobre la edad, la raza, el tamaño, el sexo y la presencia de síntomas clínicos característicos, además de comprobar la reducción de la luz traqueal y el correspondiente grado de colapso. Estos datos se tabularon y se analizaron estadisticamente mediante la prueba de Tukey, la prueba de Chi- cuadrado para la independencia y la estadística. Tras la interpretación de los resultados, se observó un mayor número de animales sintomáticos, que estaban relacionados con grados más graves de colapso traqueal. Los perros de pequeño tamaño fueron los más afectados, especialmente las razas Caniche, Yorkshire terrier y Pinscher. Además, se observó una mayor incidencia de esta enfermedad en perros adultos y de edad avanzada. Al analizar los resultados obtenidos con la realización de la radiografia de compresión, se observó que es un método de diagnóstico sencillo, seguro y muy preciso para el diagnóstico del colapso traqueal. Además, los hallazgos relativos a las tendencias predisponentes y clínicas de los pacientes identificados en el presente estudio también ayudan a los clínicos a orientar mejor sus sospechas, culminando en un diagnóstico más temprano del colapso traqueal.

Animais , Cães , Traqueia/patologia , Doenças da Traqueia/veterinária , Doenças da Traqueia/epidemiologia , Doenças da Traqueia/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia/veterinária , Força Compressiva
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 786, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401134


Background: Iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is a common complication and occurs in at least one third of human patients undergoing LC. This is attributed to the fragility of the gallbladder wall associated with mucocele and cholecystitis, in addition to the need for repetitive gripping and traction of the gallbladder during its manipulation with laparoscopic instruments. As complications from this event are rare in human patients, conversion to laparotomy is not routinely indicated and the adverse consequences of bile spillage are minimized by abundant irrigation of the peritoneal cavity and adequate antimicrobial therapy. On the other hand, there is little information regarding the outcome of laparoscopic management of this complication in laparoscopic cholecystectomies in dogs, particularly since most surgeons indicate conversion in these cases. Thus, we describe a case of biliary peritonitis that developed in a dog after laparoscopic management of iatrogenic perforation of the gallbladder during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in a case of gallbladder mucocele. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of biliary peritonitis following laparoscopic management of iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during LC in dogs. Case: A 14-year-old Poodle was referred for clinical evaluation with selective appetite, recurrent episodes of hyporexia, and abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound findings characterized chronic liver disease and gallbladder mucocele. The patient was referred for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, during which the gallbladder was iatrogenically perforated, with extravasation of a large volume of bile content. This complication was managed by copious abdominal irrigation via laparoscopic access and antimicrobial therapy. On the second postoperative day, the patient started to present apathy, hyporexia, emesis, and jaundice. The patient remained hospitalized in the intensive care unit for stabilization and monitoring through hematological examinations and serial abdominal ultrasound. Due to progressive worsening of the clinical picture, an exploratory laparotomy was performed ten days after the initial surgical procedure. This examination showed multiple adhesions and the presence of bile residues adhered to numerous points on the peritoneal surface and pancreas. Despite the intensive treatment instituted, death occurred 10 h after the second surgical procedure. Discussion: The high risk of gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomies correlates with the dissection step or repetitive grasping and traction of the gallbladder with laparoscopic instruments. Conversion is not routinely indicated and laparoscopic management is considered effective in humans. However, in this case, the presence of a large volume of extravasated semisolid bile content and its adherence to the mesothelial surface made it impossible to remove it in its entirety despite the abundant irrigation of the abdominal cavity, resulting in a picture of biliary peritonitis in the postoperative period. In view of the reported negative outcome, the authors encourage the adoption of measures that minimize the risk of gallbladder perforation when performing LC in dogs. These include the use of atraumatic instruments or aspiration of bile content before surgical manipulation. Cases in which such a complication is recorded should be carefully monitored to enable early diagnosis and treatment of biliary peritonitis. Furthermore, conversion should be considered when there is extravasation of large volumes of bile, particularly in the presence of gallbladder mucocele, until future studies establish the safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic management of this complication.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Peritonite/veterinária , Ruptura/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/lesões , Mucocele/veterinária , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica/efeitos adversos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 798, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401274


Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 824, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401616


Background: Iridociliary epithelial tumors (ICETs) originate from the iris epithelium or ciliary body. They comprise ciliary body adenoma, carcinoma, pleomorphic adenocarcinomas, medulloepitheliomas, and other primitive neuroectodermal tumors. They are the second most common primary intraocular tumors in dogs and have already been reported in sheep and humans. In dogs, they occur more frequently in middle-aged to elderly animals, and the Labrador and Golden Retriever seem to be more predisposed breeds. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of solid iridociliary carcinoma in a dog. Case: A 3-year-old Poodle bitch was treated for discomfort in the left eyeball region, increased intraocular pressure and moderate buphthalmia. A direct ophthalmological examination was performed without equipment, and a mass was visualized in the posterior chamber, distorting the pupillary cleft. We opted for unilateral enucleation and forwarded the material for histological analysis. Macroscopically, the eyeball measured 3.4 cm (anteroposterior) x 2.6 cm (vertical), with a brownish mass that occupied the entire anterior chamber and part of the posterior chamber. Histologically, there was a neoformation in the ciliary body and iris pigment epithelium, partially well-delimited and densely cellular. The neoplasm was organized into predominantly solid formations interspersed with a discrete amount of blood vessels, rare bundles of fibrous stroma, and amorphous eosinophilic material forming membranes that were positive for PAS. Sections of the neoplasm were subjected to immunohistochemistry using anti-cytokeratin AE1/AE3, anti-S100 protein, anti-vimentin, and anti-Ki-67. Positive cytoplasmic immunostaining for cytokeratin and S-100 was observed. Only 45.6% of cells were positive for Ki-67 (500 cells). No immunostaining was observed for vimentin. Discussion: The diagnosis of solid iridociliary carcinoma was based on the histological features and positive immunostaining for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and protein S100. Iridociliary carcinomas present positive immunostaining for cytokeratin, whereas adenomas and normal iridociliary epithelium do not present this immunostaining. Moreover, the high rate of cell proliferation was indicative of malignant neoplasia, as observed by the high mitotic count and high positivity for Ki-67. The S100 protein helped in the diagnosis of ICETs, as the iridociliary epithelium showed positive staining for this protein. Some histological features are important to consider in the diagnosis of iridociliary tumors in dogs, such as noninvasive growth in the posterior chamber, pigment epithelium, and thick homogeneous membranes on the cell surface. Furthermore, the presence of positive PAS membranes favors the diagnosis of iridociliary epithelial tumors. ICETs must be differentiated from melanocytomas, anterior uveal melanoma, medulloepitheliomas, and metastatic and pleomorphic carcinomas. The histological characteristics, especially the presence of PAS-positive membranes, associated with the immunohistochemical profile of neoplasm cells, help differentiate the ICETs from these tumors. In general, the prognosis is poor for eyeball and vision maintenance in canine iridociliary tumors, and scleral invasion is associated with a higher recurrence rate.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Proteínas S100/análise , Neoplasias da Íris/veterinária , Corpo Ciliar/patologia , Queratinas/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Enucleação Ocular/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.751-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458559


Background: Lymphoma is a malignant lymphoid tumor originating in the lymph nodes or other solid organs and comprises90% of all hematopoietic tumors in dogs. However, primary kidney lymphoma is rare and is associated with nonspecificclinical signs. Tumor invasion in both kidneys can cause severe clinical signs due to renal failure, complicating the patient’streatment and prognosis. The aim of this case was to report the case of a dog affected by bilateral primary kidney lymphoma. In addition, to characterize the clinical and histopathological presentation due to the intense morphological changes.Case: A 5-year-old male Poodle dog was admitted showing apathy and emesis for 5 days. On physical examination, thedog showed 10% of dehydration, reddish oral mucous membranes, poor body condition (score 1/5), uremic breath, andpain in the kidney area. Complementary tests revealed severe low white blood cells count, high BUN levels, high levels ofpotassium, calcium, and phosphorus (serum biochemistry). Abdominal ultrasound showed bilateral kidney enlargement.Fine needle aspiration of the mass (guided by ultrasound) revealed round cell tumor. Radiographs showed no alterations.The dog died due to his poor condition and necropsy was performed. On post-mortem examination, the kidneys were bothenlarged, pale, and with an irregular subcapsular surface. The histopathological diagnostic was primary renal lymphoma.Immunohistochemical staining revealed that neoplastic cells were strongly positive for anti CD20 and PAX5, while negative for CD3, supporting the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma.Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical, complementary tests, fine needle aspiration, histopathological andimmunohistochemical findings. In dogs, primary kidney tumors are uncommon and usually malignant. The presence ofvomiting, uremic breath, dehydration, weight loss, and erosive and ulcerative lesions on the tongue (uremic glossitis)...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Linfoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Linfoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Renais/veterinária , Uremia/veterinária , Transtornos Linfoproliferativos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 751, 12 fev. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765210


Background: Lymphoma is a malignant lymphoid tumor originating in the lymph nodes or other solid organs and comprises90% of all hematopoietic tumors in dogs. However, primary kidney lymphoma is rare and is associated with nonspecificclinical signs. Tumor invasion in both kidneys can cause severe clinical signs due to renal failure, complicating the patientstreatment and prognosis. The aim of this case was to report the case of a dog affected by bilateral primary kidney lymphoma. In addition, to characterize the clinical and histopathological presentation due to the intense morphological changes.Case: A 5-year-old male Poodle dog was admitted showing apathy and emesis for 5 days. On physical examination, thedog showed 10% of dehydration, reddish oral mucous membranes, poor body condition (score 1/5), uremic breath, andpain in the kidney area. Complementary tests revealed severe low white blood cells count, high BUN levels, high levels ofpotassium, calcium, and phosphorus (serum biochemistry). Abdominal ultrasound showed bilateral kidney enlargement.Fine needle aspiration of the mass (guided by ultrasound) revealed round cell tumor. Radiographs showed no alterations.The dog died due to his poor condition and necropsy was performed. On post-mortem examination, the kidneys were bothenlarged, pale, and with an irregular subcapsular surface. The histopathological diagnostic was primary renal lymphoma.Immunohistochemical staining revealed that neoplastic cells were strongly positive for anti CD20 and PAX5, while negative for CD3, supporting the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma.Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical, complementary tests, fine needle aspiration, histopathological andimmunohistochemical findings. In dogs, primary kidney tumors are uncommon and usually malignant. The presence ofvomiting, uremic breath, dehydration, weight loss, and erosive and ulcerative lesions on the tongue (uremic glossitis)...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Linfoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Linfoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Renais/veterinária , Uremia/veterinária , Transtornos Linfoproliferativos/veterinária
Ars vet ; 37(4): 306-311, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463614


A celulite canina juvenil é uma afecção rara, que acomete, em sua maioria, filhotes entre três semanas e seis meses de idade, cuja patogênese não está completamente elucidada; entretanto, pressupõe-se estar relacionada à falha imunológica e a reações à vacina polivalente, podendo ocorrer predisposição racial. Como manifestações clínicas, o cão apresenta pápulas, pústulas, alopecia, edema, eritema, crostas e cicatrizes, especialmente em pálpebras, lábios e focinhos, sendo também acometido o pavilhão auricular. Além dessas alterações dermatológicas, nota-se linfoadenomegalia regional. O diagnóstico se baseia em exclusão de dermatopatias que mimetizam o quadro clínico, e o tratamento precisa ser realizado de forma precoce e adequada, normalmente se utilizando doses altas de glicocorticoides. Quando iniciada a terapia precoce, o prognóstico é bom, embora as cicatrizes possam ser permanentes. No presente estudo, foi relatado um caso de filhote fêma mestiça de poodle, que começou a apresentar sinais de otite purulenta, lesões edemaciadas, crostosas e supurativas em região periocular, perilabial, mentoniana, pápulas e pústula em pavilhão auricular, linfoadenomegalia de linfonodos submandibulares e poplíteos, sendo que os sintomas começaram após aplicação da vacina polivalente canina. Foi iniciado tratamento à base de glicocorticoide e, devido à resposta rápida à terapia, foi iniciado desmame da medicação, quando a paciente teve quadro de recidiva, que se resolveu após reajustes terapêuticos.

Canine juvenile cellulitis is a rare condition that affects, in its majority, puppies between three weeks and six months of age, whose pathogenesis has not been completely elucidated; however, it is assumed to be related to immunological failure and reactions to the polyvalent vaccine, which may lead to racial predisposition. As clinical manifestations, the dog presents papules, pustules, alopecia, edema, erythema, crusts and scars, especially on the eyelids, lips and snouts, and the ear pinna is also affected. In addition to these dermatological changes, regional lymphadenomegaly is noted. Diagnosis is based on the exclusion of dermatopathies that mimic the clinical picture, and treatment needs to be carried out early and properly, usually using high doses of glucocorticoids. When therapy is started early, the prognosis is good, although scarring may be permanent. In the present study, a case of a crossbred female poodle pup was reported, which began to show signs of purulent otitis, swollen, crusty and suppurative lesions in the periocular, perilabial, mental region, papules and pustules in the pinna, lymphadenomegaly of submandibular lymph nodes and poplites, and the symptoms started after application of the polyvalent canine vaccine. Glucocorticoid-based treatment was started and, due to the rapid response to therapy, weaning from the medication was started, when the patient had a relapse, which resolved after therapeutic adjustments

Animais , Cães , Celulite/diagnóstico , Cães , Dermatologia , Vacinas
Ars Vet. ; 37(4): 306-311, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32446


A celulite canina juvenil é uma afecção rara, que acomete, em sua maioria, filhotes entre três semanas e seis meses de idade, cuja patogênese não está completamente elucidada; entretanto, pressupõe-se estar relacionada à falha imunológica e a reações à vacina polivalente, podendo ocorrer predisposição racial. Como manifestações clínicas, o cão apresenta pápulas, pústulas, alopecia, edema, eritema, crostas e cicatrizes, especialmente em pálpebras, lábios e focinhos, sendo também acometido o pavilhão auricular. Além dessas alterações dermatológicas, nota-se linfoadenomegalia regional. O diagnóstico se baseia em exclusão de dermatopatias que mimetizam o quadro clínico, e o tratamento precisa ser realizado de forma precoce e adequada, normalmente se utilizando doses altas de glicocorticoides. Quando iniciada a terapia precoce, o prognóstico é bom, embora as cicatrizes possam ser permanentes. No presente estudo, foi relatado um caso de filhote fêma mestiça de poodle, que começou a apresentar sinais de otite purulenta, lesões edemaciadas, crostosas e supurativas em região periocular, perilabial, mentoniana, pápulas e pústula em pavilhão auricular, linfoadenomegalia de linfonodos submandibulares e poplíteos, sendo que os sintomas começaram após aplicação da vacina polivalente canina. Foi iniciado tratamento à base de glicocorticoide e, devido à resposta rápida à terapia, foi iniciado desmame da medicação, quando a paciente teve quadro de recidiva, que se resolveu após reajustes terapêuticos.(AU)

Canine juvenile cellulitis is a rare condition that affects, in its majority, puppies between three weeks and six months of age, whose pathogenesis has not been completely elucidated; however, it is assumed to be related to immunological failure and reactions to the polyvalent vaccine, which may lead to racial predisposition. As clinical manifestations, the dog presents papules, pustules, alopecia, edema, erythema, crusts and scars, especially on the eyelids, lips and snouts, and the ear pinna is also affected. In addition to these dermatological changes, regional lymphadenomegaly is noted. Diagnosis is based on the exclusion of dermatopathies that mimic the clinical picture, and treatment needs to be carried out early and properly, usually using high doses of glucocorticoids. When therapy is started early, the prognosis is good, although scarring may be permanent. In the present study, a case of a crossbred female poodle pup was reported, which began to show signs of purulent otitis, swollen, crusty and suppurative lesions in the periocular, perilabial, mental region, papules and pustules in the pinna, lymphadenomegaly of submandibular lymph nodes and poplites, and the symptoms started after application of the polyvalent canine vaccine. Glucocorticoid-based treatment was started and, due to the rapid response to therapy, weaning from the medication was started, when the patient had a relapse, which resolved after therapeutic adjustments(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Celulite/diagnóstico , Dermatologia , Vacinas
Ars vet ; 37(4): 320-324, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463616


Foi atendida em uma clínica veterinária na cidade de Maceió/AL uma cadela Poodle apresentando extensa área de ferimento cutâneo contaminado em face crânio-lateral do membro torácico direito. Procedeu-se a limpeza da lesão e instituiu-se protocolo de tratamento utilizando-se solução de hipoclorito de sódio 0,5%, através da dispersão para antissepsia e facilitação da retirada de crostas e debris necróticos. O tratamento foi conduzido durante vinte e quatro dias observando-se completa recuperação do animal. Neste trabalho discute-se a utilização do hipoclorito como método alternativo, eficiente, de baixo custo e de fácil aplicação para tratamento de feridas abertas.

A female Poodle dog showing an extensive area of a contaminated cutaneous wound on the cranio-lateral surface of the right arm was take care in a veterinary clinic on Maceio city. The injury was washed and then a clinical protocol of treatment was used with the buffering of a 0,5% Sodium Hypochlorite solution to promote antisepsis and improve the removal of necrotical debris and crusts. The treatment was conduced for twenty days and was observed the complete recover of the animal skin at the end of it. On this work the use of Hypochlorite can be considered an alternative treatment method for contaminated cutaneous wound by its efficient action, low costs and easy application.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cicatrização , Cães/lesões , Ferimentos Penetrantes/reabilitação , Ferimentos Penetrantes/veterinária , Hipoclorito de Sódio/administração & dosagem
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 167-173, jul./set. 2021. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366793


Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.

Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 ­ menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 ­ mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Piometra/veterinária , Bioquímica , Fatores Etários , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Testes Hematológicos/veterinária