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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 544-553, jul.-set. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436732


O tecido testicular contém células germinativas, que possuem potencial para se desenvolver em espermatozoides viáveis por meio do cultivo in vitro ou xenotransplante, sendo uma alternativa interessante a ser utilizada na formação de biobancos. Esta revisão compila as atualizações, desafios e perspectivas relacionadas às técnicas de criopreservação e cultivo de tecido testicular como estratégia para a conservação de espécies mamíferas. O tecido testicular pode ser obtido tanto de indivíduos adultos como pré púberes, seja após orquiectomia ou até mesmo após a sua morte. O tecido fragmentado pode ser criopreservado por congelação lenta ou rápida e por métodos de vitrificação. Os crioprotetores são indispensáveis durante a criopreservação e podem variar o tipo e concentração de acordo com a espécie. Com os avanços da criopreservação deste material, espermatozoides podem ser obtidos por transplante de fragmentos testiculares ou células germinativas isoladas em camundongos imunodeficientes. No entanto, a obtenção de espermatozoides no cultivo in vitro ainda é um desafio.(AU)

The testicular tissue contains germ cells, which have the potential to develop into viable spermatozoa through in vitro culture or xenotransplantation, being an interesting alternative to be used in the formation of biobanks. This review compiles updates, challenges and perspectives related to cryopreservation techniques and testicular tissue culture as a strategy for the conservation of mammalian species. Testicular tissue can be obtained from both adult and pre-pubertal individuals, either after orchiectomy or even after their death. Fragmented tissue can be cryopreserved by slow or fast freezing and by vitrification methods. Cryoprotectants are indispensable during cryopreservation and may vary in type and concentration according to the species. With advances in cryopreservation of this material, spermatozoa can be obtained by transplanting testicular fragments or isolated germ cells into immunodeficient mice. However, obtaining spermatozoa in in vitro culture is still a challenge.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Criopreservação/veterinária , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Crioprotetores , Células Germinativas
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230076, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452334


Paternal programming is the concept that the environmental signals from the sire's experiences leading up to mating can alter semen and ultimately affect the phenotype of resulting offspring. Potential mechanisms carrying the paternal effects to offspring can be associated with epigenetic signatures (DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNAs), oxidative stress, cytokines, and the seminal microbiome. Several opportunities exist for sperm/semen to be influenced during development; these opportunities are within the testicle, the epididymis, or accessory sex glands. Epigenetic signatures of sperm can be impacted during the pre-natal and pre-pubertal periods, during sexual maturity and with advancing sire age. Sperm are susceptible to alterations as dictated by their developmental stage at the time of the perturbation, and sperm and seminal plasma likely have both dependent and independent effects on offspring. Research using rodent models has revealed that many factors including over/under nutrition, dietary fat, protein, and ingredient composition (e.g., macro- or micronutrients), stress, exercise, and exposure to drugs, alcohol, and endocrine disruptors all elicit paternal programming responses that are evident in offspring phenotype. Research using livestock species has also revealed that sire age, fertility level, plane of nutrition, and heat stress can induce alterations in the epigenetic, oxidative stress, cytokine, and microbiome profiles of sperm and/or seminal plasma. In addition, recent findings in pigs, sheep, and cattle have indicated programming effects in blastocysts post-fertilization with some continuing into post-natal life of the offspring. Our research group is focused on understanding the effects of common management scenarios of plane of nutrition and growth rates in bulls and rams on mechanisms resulting in paternal programming and subsequent offspring outcomes. Understanding the implication of paternal programming is imperative as short-term feeding and management decisions have the potential to impact productivity and profitability of our herds for generations to come.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ruminantes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Fetal/fisiologia , Herança Paterna/genética , Epigenômica/métodos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230060, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452304


Methane emission from beef and dairy cattle combined contributes around 4.5-5.0% of total anthropogenic global methane. In addition to enteric methane (CH4) produced by the rumen, cattle production also contributes carbon dioxide (CO2) (feed), nitrous oxide (N2O) (feed production, manure) and other CH4 (manure) to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) budget of beef and dairy production systems. The relative contribution in standard dairy systems is typically enteric CH4 58%, feed 29% and manure 10%. Herds with low production efficiency can have an enteric CH4 contribution up to 90%. Digestibility of feed can impact CH4 emission intensity. Low fertility herds also have a greater enteric CH4 contribution. Animals with good feed conversion efficiency have a lower emission intensity of CH4/kg of meat or milk. Feed efficient heifers tend to be lean and have delayed puberty. Fertility is a major driver of profit in both beef and dairy cattle, and it is highly important to apply multi-trait selection when shifting herds towards improved efficiency and reduced CH4. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified for feed efficiency in cattle and are used in genomic selection. SNPs can be utilized in artificial insemination and embryo transfer to increase the proportion of cattle that have the attributes of efficiency, fertility and reduced enteric CH4. Prepubertal heifers genomically selected for favourable traits can have oocytes recovered to produce IVF embryos. Reproductive technology is predicted to be increasingly adopted to reduce generation interval and accelerate the rate of genetic gain for efficiency, fertility and low CH4 in cattle. The relatively high contribution of cattle to anthropogenic global methane has focussed attention on strategies to reduce enteric CH4 without compromising efficiency and fertility. Assisted reproductive technology has an important role in achieving the goal of multiplying and distributing cattle that have good efficiency, fertility and low CH4.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Tecnologia/métodos , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Fertilidade
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230067, 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452337


As our understanding of ovarian function in cattle has improved, our ability to control it has also increased. The development of Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) protocols at the end of the 20th century has increased exponentially the number of animals inseminated over the last 20 years. The main reasons for this growth were the possibility of obtaining acceptable pregnancy rates without heat detection and, above all, the induction of cyclicity in suckled cows in postpartum anestrus and prepubertal heifers at the beginning of the breeding season. Most FTAI treatments in South America have been based on the use of progesterone (P4) releasing devices and estradiol to synchronize both follicular wave emergence and ovulation, with pregnancy rates ranging from 40 to 60%. These protocols are implemented on a regular basis, allowing producers access to high-quality genetics, and increasing the overall pregnancy rates during the breeding season. In addition, it provided the professionals involved in these programs with a new source of income and the diversification of their practices into activities other than their usual clinical work. Many of these practices are now apparently at risk from restrictions on the use of estradiol by the European Union (EU) and other countries. However, the development of alternative protocols based on GnRH, with P4 devices and eCG and other new products that are not in the market yet will allow us to adapt to the new times that are coming. Logically, the challenge has already been raised and we must learn to use alternative protocols to try to continue increasing the use of this technology in beef and dairy herds. The objective of the present review is to describe the main aspects of banning estradiol in livestock production, the negative impacts on reproductive efficiency, and to present some alternative FTAI protocols for dairy and beef cattle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/tendências , Estradiol/fisiologia , Prenhez/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 390-398, May-June 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383782


Prepubertal Nelore (G-N = 15) and crossbred Nelore x Aberdeen Angus heifers (G-NA = 15) were used for this study. AFC, live weight, body condition score (BCS), ovary and dominant follicle (DF) diameters were determined in each animal. Puberty induction was performed by insertion of a 4th use progesterone device (D0) which was removed on D12. Also, 1 mg estradiol benzoate was administered, and estrus intensity was classified (D12). At D21, the presence and diameter of the corpus luteum (CL) were registered. AFC was highly repeatable, regardless of hormone induction in both G-N (r=0.79) and G-NA (r=0.90). The mean AFC was greater in G-N compared to G-NA (24.2±8.5 vs. 17.7±9.0 follicles). A variation in BCS throughout the study occurred in G-NA, but not in G-N. The average weight gain (AWG) was greater in G-NA compared to G-N (0.69±0.33 vs. 0.40±0.29kg/day). The G-NA resulted in a larger diameter of DF at D12 than G-N (11.6±2.7 vs. 9.3±1.5mm). In conclusion, AFC was greater in Nelore heifers, although in both breeds this count was highly repeatable during puberty induction. Crossbred heifers had greater BCS and AWG with greater diameter of DF, indicating higher precocity when compared to Nelore heifers.

Novilhas pré-púberes Nelore (G-N=15) e mestiças Nelore x Aberdeen Angus (G-NA=15) foram utilizadas neste estudo. CFA, peso vivo, escore de condição corporal (ECC), diâmetros do ovário e folículo dominante (FD) foram determinados em cada animal. A indução da puberdade foi realizada pela inserção de um dispositivo de progesterona de quarto uso (D0), que foi retirado no D12. Além disso, 1mg de benzoato de estradiol foi administrado e a intensidade do estro foi classificada (D12). No D21, foram registrados a presença e o diâmetro do corpo lúteo (CL). A CFA foi altamente repetível, independentemente da indução hormonal em G-N (r=0,79) e G-NA (r=0,90). A CFA média foi maior em G-N em comparação com G-NA (24,2±8,5 vs. 17,7±9,0 folículos). Uma variação no ECC ao longo do estudo ocorreu em G-NA, mas não em G-N. O ganho de peso médio (GPM) foi maior em G-NA em comparação com G-N (0,69±0,33 vs. 0,40±0,29kg/dia). O G-NA resultou em um diâmetro maior de FD em D12 do que o G-N (11,6±2,7 vs. 9,3±1,5mm). Em conclusão, a CFA foi maior em novilhas Nelore, embora em ambas as raças essa contagem tenha sido altamente repetível durante a indução da puberdade. Novilhas mestiças apresentaram maior ECC e GPM com maior diâmetro de FD, indicando maior precocidade quando comparadas às novilhas Nelore.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Puberdade , Grupos Raciais , Hormônios
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(3): 272-289, jul.-set. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414848


A puberdade corresponde ao momento da primeira ovulação, que culmina com o desenvolvimento final dos órgãos e estruturas envolvidas no controle neuro-endócrino reprodutivo. É um fenômeno multifatorial com grande impacto na vida produtiva das futuras matrizes e em sua eficiência econômica, ocorrendo muitas interações entre os fatores internos e externos. A idade da puberdade está relacionada ao peso corporal, que possui grandes efeitos da genética do animal e sua interação com o ambiente, especialmente a nutrição e interação social com machos. Algumas espécies, como os bubalinos, sofrem efeito de outros elementos ambientais, como a luminosidade e o fotoperíodo. A puberdade novilhas búfalas ou bovinas pode ser adiantada por meio do emprego de biotécnicas: indução da puberdade ou inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Em ambas, os protocolos baseiam-se, principalmente, em aplicação de progestágeno associado com fonte de estradiol; mas a indução também pode ser realizada utilizando outros hormônios, como hormônio liberador de gonadotrofinas, prostaglandinas e gonadotrofina coriônica equina. No emprego da IATF, novilhas pré-púberes podem ser induzidas e inseminadas com outro protocolo de sincronização ou podem ser inseminadas com o mesmo protocolo de IATF, podendo aumentar as taxas de prenhez e diminuir os custos. Adiantando a puberdade, ocorre incremento na produção, melhorando a eficiência econômica da atividade pecuária.(AU)

Puberty corresponds to the moment of the first ovulation, which culminates in the final development of the organs and structures involved in the neuro-endocrine control of reproduction. It is a multifactorial phenomenon with a great impact on the productive life of future matrices and their economic efficiency, with many interactions between internal and external factors. The age of puberty is related to body weight, which has great effects on the animal's genetics and its interaction with the environment, especially nutrition and social interaction with males. Some species, such as buffalo, are affected by other environmental elements, such as luminosity and photoperiod. Puberty in buffaloes and bovine heifers can be advanced through the use of biotechniques: induction of puberty or timed artificial insemination (TAI). In both, the protocols are mainly based on the application of progestogen associated with a source of estradiol; but induction can also be performed using other hormones, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandins and equine chorionic gonadotropin. In the employment of the TAI, prepubertal heifers can be induced and inseminated with another synchronization protocol or they can be inseminated with the same TAI protocol, which can increase pregnancy rates and decrease costs. Advancing puberty, there is an increase in production, improving the economic efficiency of livestock activity.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Prenhez/fisiologia , Búfalos/embriologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Puberdade/fisiologia , Ovulação/fisiologia , Biotecnologia/métodos
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e190164, fev. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415348


This study aimed to determine the effect of antral follicle count (AFC), and pubertal status on the fertility of beef heifers. In this study, 230 Nelore heifers, 20±2 months of age, were subjected to an estradiol progesterone-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) program. On Day 0 of the TAI protocol, the heifers were examined by transrectal ultrasound to record videos of the ovaries. Later, in the darkroom of the laboratory of images, the videos were analyzed for AFC (≥ 3 mm) of each ovary. Females who failed the first TAI were resynchronized with the same hormonal protocol. The pregnancy status was evaluated by ultrasonography 30 days after each FTAI. The general mean of the AFC was 22.0 follicles. Thus, the heifers were divided into 2 groups according to AFC: Low AFC (˂ 22 follicles, n = 114), and High AFC (≥ 22 follicles, n = 116). No differences (P > 0.05) in the pregnancy per AI (P/AI) were observed between the Low and High AFC groups, and between pubertal and prepubertal categories. The P/AI was not different between heifers that displayed or did not estrus (P = 0.2). However, considering the estrus response of each AFC group, High AFC heifers that displayed estrus had greater P/AI (P = 0.01) than High AFC heifers that did not display estrus. In summary, AFC and pubertal status did not affect the fertility of Nelore heifers. In contrast, the P/AI of heifers that did not display estrus was lower than heifers observed in estrus only in the High AFC group.(AU)

Esse estudo teve como objetivo determinar o efeito da contagem de folículos antrais (CFA) e da maturidade sexual na fertilidade de novilhas de corte. Neste estudo, 230 novilhas Nelore, com 20 ± 2 meses de idade, foram submetidas a um protocolo de inseminação em tempo-fixo (IATF) a base de estradiol e progesterona. No Dia 0 do protocolo de IATF as novilhas foram examinadas por ultrassonografia transretal e vídeos dos ovários foram gravados para posterior CFA (≥ 3 mm) realizada na sala escura do laboratório de imagens. Trinta dias após a ultrassonografia, as fêmeas que falharam na primeira IATF foram ressincronizadas com o mesmo protocolo hormonal. A prenhez foi avaliada por ultrassonografia 30 dias após cada IATF. A média geral da CFA foi de 22 folículos; assim, as novilhas foram divididas em 2 grupos de acordo com a CFA: CFA baixa (˂ 22 folículos, n=114) e CFA alta (≥ 22 folículos, n=116). A prenhez por IA (P/IA) foi semelhante (P > 0,05) entre os grupos CFA baixa e alta e entre novilhas púberes e pré-púberes. A P/IA não foi diferente entre as novilhas que apresentaram ou não cio (P = 0,2). No entanto, novilhas com CFA alta que apresentaram cio tiveram maior P/IA (P = 0,01) do que novilhas com CFA alta que não apresentaram cio. Em conclusão, a CFA e a maturidade sexual não afetaram a fertilidade de novilhas. Por outro lado, a P/IA das novilhas que apresentaram cio foi maior do que das novilhas não observadas em cio apenas no grupo CFA alta.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez/fisiologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Progesterona/análise , Maturidade Sexual/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Estradiol/análise , Folículo Ovariano/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(4): e20210104, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349960


Abstract Thirty healthy Sohagi ram lambs with an average age of 188.6±7.3 days were used to study the effect of pre-pubertal growth rate on some physiological parameters and sexual behavioral patterns at puberty. Ram lambs were divided into three groups (10 animals per each group) according to the previous growth rate until 6 months of age. Groups were marked as fast, medium and slow growing. Animal groups were housed in closed barns with access to an open area. Results showed that age and weight of ram lambs at puberty were significantly affected (P<0.05) by the pre-pubertal growth rate. Ram lambs in the fast growing group were reached to onset puberty firstly at 272.6 days with body weight (BW) 37.1 kg on average then ram lambs in medium group (284.8 days with BW 32.7 kg), while ram lambs in slow growing group were the last (314.1 days with BW 32.5 kg). Blood‎ testosterone‎ concentration at puberty was not significantly different among growing groups (1.494± 0.03 ng/ml on average, ranged from 1.287 to 1.902 ng/ml). Testes measurements from 6 months of age until puberty show that ram lambs in fast growing group had the highest values of testes length, circumference and volume followed by those in medium and slow growing group. Sexual behavioral observation showed that flehmen and mounting behavior were significantly higher for ram lambs in fast growing group (5.63 and 6.75 number/12h) than slow growing group (4.25 and 5.38 number/12h) while in medium growing group were intermediate (4.88 and 5.88 number/12h). From these findings, could be concluded that age, weight and sexual behavioral patterns of Sohagi ram lambs at puberty were affected by pre-pubertal growth rate, and the breeders should strive to achieve good growth rates for their lambs before puberty which led to improving reproductive performance.

Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e182745, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348007


The objective of this study was to determine the ability of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to induce ovulation and expression of PGE2 receptor (EP2 and EP4) and COX genes (COX-1 and COX-2) in the ovary and pituitary of prepubertal mice. The positive control consisted of the application of 5 µg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 29); the negative control applied 0.5 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, n=31); the treatment tested the application of 250 µg of PGE2 (n = 29), making a total of 89 prepubertal mice (BALB/c). Mice were euthanized 14 to 15 h after treatments to detect ovulation and tissue collection. A Chi-square test was used to compare the proportion of animals ovulating. Gene expressions and number of ovulation were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test was used to compare means among groups. A greater proportion of mice (P < 0.001) ovulated after receiving GnRH (89.7%, 26/29) compared to PGE2 group (58.6%, 17/29). However, the proportion was higher compared to those treated with PBS (0%, 0/31). Ep2gene expression in the pituitary was > two-fold higher (P < 0.05) in the PGE2 group compared to the PBS and GnRH groups. Further, PGE2 stimulated Cox1 (2.7 fold, P < 0.05) while GnRH stimulated Cox2 expression (6.5 fold, P < 0.05) in the pituitary when compared to the PBS group. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that PGE2 can induce ovulation in prepubertal mice with a concomitant increase in Ep2 and Cox1 gene expression in the pituitary gland.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a capacidade da prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) em induzir a ovulação e expressão do receptor PGE2 (EP2 e EP4) e genes COX (COX-1 e COX-2) no ovário e na hipófise de camundongos pré-púberes. O controle positivo consistiu na aplicação de 5 µg de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH, n = 29); o controle negativo aplicação 0,5 mL de tampão fosfato-salino (PBS, n=31); o tratamento testado aplicação de 250 µg de PGE2 (n = 29), perfazendo um total de 89 camundongos (BALB/c) pré-púberes. Os camundongos foram sacrificados 14 a 15 h após os tratamentos para detectar ovulações e coleta de tecido. O teste do qui-quadrado foi usado para comparar a proporção de animais ovulando. As expressões gênicas e o número de ovulação foram analisados por ANOVA e o teste de tukey foi usado para comparar as médias entre os grupos. Uma maior proporção de camundongos (P <0,001) ovulou após receber GnRH (89,7%, 26/29) em comparação com o grupo PGE2 (58,6%, 17/29). No entanto, a proporção foi maior em comparação com aqueles tratados com PBS (0%, 0/31). A expressão do gene Ep2 na hipófise foi duas vezes maior (P <0,05) no grupo PGE2 em comparação com os grupos PBS e GnRH. Além disso, a PGE2 estimulou a Cox1(2,7 vezes, P <0,05) enquanto o GnRH estimulou a expressão de Cox2 (6,5 vezes, P <0,05) na pituitária em comparação com o grupo PBS. Em conclusão, nossos resultados suportam a hipótese de que PGE2 é capaz de induzir ovulação em camundongos pré-púberes com aumento concomitante na expressão dos genes Ep2 e Cox1 na glândula pituitária.(AU)

Animais , Camundongos , Ovulação , Dinoprostona/análise , Expressão Gênica , Camundongos/genética , Hipófise
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(4): e20210104, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33370


Thirty healthy Sohagi ram lambs with an average age of 188.6±7.3 days were used to study the effect of pre-pubertal growth rate on some physiological parameters and sexual behavioral patterns at puberty. Ram lambs were divided into three groups (10 animals per each group) according to the previous growth rate until 6 months of age. Groups were marked as fast, medium and slow growing. Animal groups were housed in closed barns with access to an open area. Results showed that age and weight of ram lambs at puberty were significantly affected (P<0.05) by the pre-pubertal growth rate. Ram lambs in the fast growing group were reached to onset puberty firstly at 272.6 days with body weight (BW) 37.1 kg on average then ram lambs in medium group (284.8 days with BW 32.7 kg), while ram lambs in slow growing group were the last (314.1 days with BW 32.5 kg). Blood‎ testosterone‎ concentration at puberty was not significantly different among growing groups (1.494± 0.03 ng/ml on average, ranged from 1.287 to 1.902 ng/ml). Testes measurements from 6 months of age until puberty show that ram lambs in fast growing group had the highest values of testes length, circumference and volume followed by those in medium and slow growing group. Sexual behavioral observation showed that flehmen and mounting behavior were significantly higher for ram lambs in fast growing group (5.63 and 6.75 number/12h) than slow growing group (4.25 and 5.38 number/12h) while in medium growing group were intermediate (4.88 and 5.88 number/12h). From these findings, could be concluded that age, weight and sexual behavioral patterns of Sohagi ram lambs at puberty were affected by pre-pubertal growth rate, and the breeders should strive to achieve good growth rates for their lambs before puberty which led to improving reproductive performance.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/embriologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Puberdade Precoce , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Testosterona
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e182745, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31668


The objective of this study was to determine the ability of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to induce ovulation and expression of PGE2 receptor (EP2 and EP4) and COX genes (COX-1 and COX-2) in the ovary and pituitary of prepubertal mice. The positive control consisted of the application of 5 µg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 29); the negative control applied 0.5 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, n=31); the treatment tested the application of 250 µg of PGE2 (n = 29), making a total of 89 prepubertal mice (BALB/c). Mice were euthanized 14 to 15 h after treatments to detect ovulation and tissue collection. A Chi-square test was used to compare the proportion of animals ovulating. Gene expressions and number of ovulation were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test was used to compare means among groups. A greater proportion of mice (P < 0.001) ovulated after receiving GnRH (89.7%, 26/29) compared to PGE2 group (58.6%, 17/29). However, the proportion was higher compared to those treated with PBS (0%, 0/31). Ep2gene expression in the pituitary was > two-fold higher (P < 0.05) in the PGE2 group compared to the PBS and GnRH groups. Further, PGE2 stimulated Cox1 (2.7 fold, P < 0.05) while GnRH stimulated Cox2 expression (6.5 fold, P < 0.05) in the pituitary when compared to the PBS group. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that PGE2 can induce ovulation in prepubertal mice with a concomitant increase in Ep2 and Cox1 gene expression in the pituitary gland.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a capacidade da prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) em induzir a ovulação e expressão do receptor PGE2 (EP2 e EP4) e genes COX (COX-1 e COX-2) no ovário e na hipófise de camundongos pré-púberes. O controle positivo consistiu na aplicação de 5 µg de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH, n = 29); o controle negativo aplicação 0,5 mL de tampão fosfato-salino (PBS, n=31); o tratamento testado aplicação de 250 µg de PGE2 (n = 29), perfazendo um total de 89 camundongos (BALB/c) pré-púberes. Os camundongos foram sacrificados 14 a 15 h após os tratamentos para detectar ovulações e coleta de tecido. O teste do qui-quadrado foi usado para comparar a proporção de animais ovulando. As expressões gênicas e o número de ovulação foram analisados por ANOVA e o teste de tukey foi usado para comparar as médias entre os grupos. Uma maior proporção de camundongos (P <0,001) ovulou após receber GnRH (89,7%, 26/29) em comparação com o grupo PGE2 (58,6%, 17/29). No entanto, a proporção foi maior em comparação com aqueles tratados com PBS (0%, 0/31). A expressão do gene Ep2 na hipófise foi duas vezes maior (P <0,05) no grupo PGE2 em comparação com os grupos PBS e GnRH. Além disso, a PGE2 estimulou a Cox1(2,7 vezes, P <0,05) enquanto o GnRH estimulou a expressão de Cox2 (6,5 vezes, P <0,05) na pituitária em comparação com o grupo PBS. Em conclusão, nossos resultados suportam a hipótese de que PGE2 é capaz de induzir ovulação em camundongos pré-púberes com aumento concomitante na expressão dos genes Ep2 e Cox1 na glândula pituitária.(AU)

Animais , Camundongos , Ovulação , Dinoprostona/análise , Expressão Gênica , Camundongos/genética , Hipófise
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(4): 181-187, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369514


Neoplasias ovarianas de origem primária são incomuns em cadelas, exigindo métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos mais precisos. Fêmeas também possuem células intersticiais secretoras de esteróides, contudo o aparecimento do tumor de células de Leydig é considerado raro. Uma cadela sem raça definida e 12 anos apresentava sinais de estro após ovariohisterectomia pré-púbere. Na avaliação ultrassonográfica, foi identificada uma massa localizada na região abdominal lateral direita, sugestiva de ovário remanescente. Durante a inspeção laparoscópica foi identificada a massa distante caudalmente do coto ovariano direito, inserida em região de mesentério jejunal. O segmento intestinal foi apreendido e exteriorizado de maneira videoassistida, optando-se pela remoção do tumor associado à enterectomia do segmento afetado. A avaliação do coto ovariano esquerdo, revelou um cisto de 0,5cm de diâmetro que também foi removido. A análise histopatológica foi sugestiva de neoplasia de células intersticiais (tumor de células de Leydig) e um cisto epitelial ovariano. O tumor de células de Leydig é relatado com freqüência em machos, entretanto, sua aparição em fêmeas é considerada extremamente incomum acometendo principalmente animais não esterilizados. A neoplasia não aderida ao coto ovariano comprova ainda que resquícios de tecido ovariano que porventura fiquem livres na cavidade abdominal podem ser responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da síndrome do ovário remanescente e neoplasias. O prognóstico para neoplasias ovarianas sem metástases é favorável, principalmente quando aplicada a intervenção cirúrgica como método terapêutico. O uso da videocirurgia para auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento demonstrou-se adequado para o caso descrito, mas que deve ser complementado pela análise histopatológica.

Primary ovarian neoplasms are uncommon in bitches, requiring more accurate diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Females also have steroid-secreting interstitial cells, however, the appearance of the Leydig cell tumor is considered rare. A 12-year-old mongrel bitch showed signs of estrus after prepubertal ovariohysterectomy. Ultrasound evaluation located a mass in the right lateral abdominal region, suggestive of a remaining ovary. During laparoscopic exploration, the mass was identified caudally distant from the right ovarian stump, adhered to the jejunal mesentery. The intestinal segment was apprehended and exteriorized by video-assisted technique, and removal of the tumor was performed associated with enterectomy of the affected segment. Evaluation of the left ovarian stump revealed a 0.5cm diameter cyst that was also removed. Histopathological analysis was suggestive of interstitial cell neoplasia (Leydig cell tumor) and an ovarian epithelial cyst. The Leydig cell tumor is frequently related in males, however, its appearance in bitches is considered uncommon, affecting mainly nonsterile animals. The mass non-adhered to the ovarian stump proves that remnants of ovarian tissue that may be free in the abdominal cavity and may be responsible for the development of the remaining ovary syndrome and neoplasms. The prognosis for ovarian neoplasms without metastasis is favorable, especially when surgical intervention is applied as a therapeutic method. The use of video surgery to assist in the diagnosis and treatment was considered appropriate for the case described, but it must be complemented by histopathological analysis.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tumor de Células de Sertoli-Leydig/diagnóstico , Tumor de Células de Sertoli-Leydig/veterinária , Insuficiência Ovariana Primária/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(4): 1247-1258, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1373421


The present study investigated the male effect on the estrus behaviors, estradiol and progesterone release in prepubertal Saanen goats. Twenty-nine female Saanen goats at 135 ± 10 days old with body weight of 22.8 ± 3.3 Kg were randomly assigned to three treatments: exposure to sexually active male (male treatment), exposure to androgenized females (androgenized female treatment), and prepubertal goats isolated from active male and androgenized females (control treatment). Sexual behaviors associated with estrus were recorded daily, and blood samples were taken weekly to determine estradiol and progesterone concentrations over 24 weeks. The experimental goats subjected to male or androgenized female had significantly higher frequency of estrus (mount acceptance) (P ≤ 0,02), progesterone (P ≤ 0,01), and estradiol (P ≤ 0,01) release than the control goats. Furthermore, goats exposed to a male showed estrus behavior two weeks earlier and maintained this estrus behavior for three weeks more than goats of both female and control treatments. Estrus was observed in 70 % of goats in male and female treatments during the breeding season versus 44 % of the control goats. Finally, significantly more goats subjected to male treatment (60 % of goats) showed progesterone concentrations higher than 1 ng mL-1 (which indicates the presence of a functional corpus luteum) compared to the female and control treatment (40 and 22 % of goats, respectively). These results shows that male treatment significantly increased the number of females showing estrus behavior, estradiol and progesterone release, and the number of animals with a functional corpus luteum, anticipating puberty for experimental goats, suggesting that the male effect could be used to anticipate the onset of puberty in goats.(AU)

O presente estudo investigou o efeito do macho sobre o comportamento do estro, liberação de estradiol e progesterona em cabritas Sannen pré-púberes. Vinte e nove cabritas com 135 ± 10 dias de idade e peso corporal de 22,8 ± 3,3 kg foram submetidas à três tratamentos: macho; fêmeas androgenizadas; controle (mantidas isoladas do efeito macho ou de fêmeas androgenizadas) . Os comportamentos sexuais foram registrados diariamente e as amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente ao longo de 24 semanas. Os tratamentos macho e fêmea androgenizada aumentaram significativamente a ocorrência comportamental do estro (P ≤ 0,02), a concentração de progesterona (P ≤ 0,01) e estradiol (P ≤ 0,01) em comparação ao tratamento controle. As cabritas expostas ao efeito macho anteciparam o comportamento de estro em duas semanas, e o mantiveram por mais três semanas quando comparado às cabritas dos tratamentos fêmea androgenizada e controle. Apenas 44% das cabritas controle foram observadas em estro, sendo que 70% das cabritas submetidas aos tratamentos macho e fêmea androgenizada foram observadas em estro. Além disso, 60% das cabritas expostas ao efeito macho, 40 % das cabritas expostas ao efeito fêmea androgenizada e 22% das cabritas controle apresentaram concentrações de progesterona superiores a 1 ng mL-1, o que indica a presença de corpo lúteo funcional. De fato, o efeito macho aumentou significativamente o número de fêmeas em estro, a concentração de estradiol e progesterona, o número de fêmeas com corpo lúteo funcional, sugerindo que o efeito macho pode ser usado para antecipar o início da puberdade em cabritas Saanen.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Maturidade Sexual/fisiologia , Estro/fisiologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Progesterona/biossíntese , Corpo Lúteo/citologia , Estrogênios/biossíntese
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 134-140, Feb. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098442


Inadequate exposure of the female reproductive system to steroids in uterine developmental periods can partially inhibit the development of endometrial glands in dogs. However, the effects of steroids on the formed glands functionality remain unknown, as well as the possible occurrence of endometrial fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the secretory activity of endometrial glands in prebubertal female dogs submitted to a protocol of partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis. Sixteen females of non-specific breed were distributed into two groups; MPA (n=8), females that received applications of medroxyprogesterone acetate every 3 weeks; and C (n=8) untreated control females. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in all animals at the age of 6 months and evaluated the uterine horns by histological and histochemistry exams. The secretion intensity (degrees 1-4) was evaluated using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5. Histological evaluation was performed using Masson's trichrome and toluidine blue. Only degree 1 and 2 marks for PAS were observed in both groups, with no difference of uterine secretion intensity between the groups regarding the degrees found. However, the MPA group revealed higher intensity of uterine secretion compared to group C (p<0.05). Staining with AB pH 2.5 also revealed only degree 1 and 2 marks in both groups, with no statistically significance between them. Masson's trichrome staining revealed no marks in the periglandular region in both groups. A higher among of mast cells was observed in the myometrial region of the uterus in both groups. Prepubertal female dogs with partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis present minimal uterine secretory activity, absence of periglandular fibrosis and increased presence of mast cells in the myometrium compared to endometrium.(AU)

A exposição inadequada do sistema reprodutor feminino a esteróides em períodos do desenvolvimento uterino pode inibir parcialmente o desenvolvimento das glândulas endometriais em cães. Entretanto, não se conhece os efeitos dos esteróides sobre a funcionalidade das glândulas formadas, bem como a possível ocorrência de fibrose endometrial. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade secretória das glândulas endometriais de cadelas pré-púberes submetidas a protocolo de ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas, sem-raça-definida, distribuídas nos grupos MPA (n=8), fêmeas que receberam aplicações de acetato de medroxiprogesterona a cada 3 semanas, e C (n=8), fêmeas controle não tratadas. Aos seis meses de idade, foi realizada ovariohisterectomia em todos os animais, e avaliados os cornos uterinos pelo exame histológico e de histoquímica. Para avaliar a intensidade de secreção (graus 1-4), foram utilizadas periodic acid-Schiff e alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5. Para a avaliação histológica foram utilizados tricrômico de Masson e azul de toluidina. Apenas marcações graus 1 e 2 foram observadas para PAS em ambos os grupos, sem diferença na intensidade de secreção uterina entre grupos com relação aos graus encontrados. Entretanto, o grupo MPA apresentou maior intensidade de secreção uterina em relação ao grupo C (p<0,05). Com relação ao AB pH 2,5, em ambos os grupos também foram encontradas apenas marcações de graus 1 e 2, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. Não foram observadas marcações para a coloração de tricrômico de Masson na região periglandular, em ambos os grupos. Foi observada maior quantidade de mastócitos presentes no útero na região do miométrio, em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que cadelas pré-púberes com ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina apresentam mínima atividade secretória uterina, ausência de fibrose periglandular e maior presença de mastócitos no miométrio em relação ao endométrio.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/fisiologia , Muco do Colo Uterino , Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona , Cães/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação Endometrial/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Histerectomia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 134-140, fev. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30461


Inadequate exposure of the female reproductive system to steroids in uterine developmental periods can partially inhibit the development of endometrial glands in dogs. However, the effects of steroids on the formed glands functionality remain unknown, as well as the possible occurrence of endometrial fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the secretory activity of endometrial glands in prebubertal female dogs submitted to a protocol of partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis. Sixteen females of non-specific breed were distributed into two groups; MPA (n=8), females that received applications of medroxyprogesterone acetate every 3 weeks; and C (n=8) untreated control females. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in all animals at the age of 6 months and evaluated the uterine horns by histological and histochemistry exams. The secretion intensity (degrees 1-4) was evaluated using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5. Histological evaluation was performed using Masson's trichrome and toluidine blue. Only degree 1 and 2 marks for PAS were observed in both groups, with no difference of uterine secretion intensity between the groups regarding the degrees found. However, the MPA group revealed higher intensity of uterine secretion compared to group C (p<0.05). Staining with AB pH 2.5 also revealed only degree 1 and 2 marks in both groups, with no statistically significance between them. Masson's trichrome staining revealed no marks in the periglandular region in both groups. A higher among of mast cells was observed in the myometrial region of the uterus in both groups. Prepubertal female dogs with partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis present minimal uterine secretory activity, absence of periglandular fibrosis and increased presence of mast cells in the myometrium compared to endometrium.(AU)

A exposição inadequada do sistema reprodutor feminino a esteróides em períodos do desenvolvimento uterino pode inibir parcialmente o desenvolvimento das glândulas endometriais em cães. Entretanto, não se conhece os efeitos dos esteróides sobre a funcionalidade das glândulas formadas, bem como a possível ocorrência de fibrose endometrial. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade secretória das glândulas endometriais de cadelas pré-púberes submetidas a protocolo de ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas, sem-raça-definida, distribuídas nos grupos MPA (n=8), fêmeas que receberam aplicações de acetato de medroxiprogesterona a cada 3 semanas, e C (n=8), fêmeas controle não tratadas. Aos seis meses de idade, foi realizada ovariohisterectomia em todos os animais, e avaliados os cornos uterinos pelo exame histológico e de histoquímica. Para avaliar a intensidade de secreção (graus 1-4), foram utilizadas periodic acid-Schiff e alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5. Para a avaliação histológica foram utilizados tricrômico de Masson e azul de toluidina. Apenas marcações graus 1 e 2 foram observadas para PAS em ambos os grupos, sem diferença na intensidade de secreção uterina entre grupos com relação aos graus encontrados. Entretanto, o grupo MPA apresentou maior intensidade de secreção uterina em relação ao grupo C (p<0,05). Com relação ao AB pH 2,5, em ambos os grupos também foram encontradas apenas marcações de graus 1 e 2, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. Não foram observadas marcações para a coloração de tricrômico de Masson na região periglandular, em ambos os grupos. Foi observada maior quantidade de mastócitos presentes no útero na região do miométrio, em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que cadelas pré-púberes com ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina apresentam mínima atividade secretória uterina, ausência de fibrose periglandular e maior presença de mastócitos no miométrio em relação ao endométrio.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/fisiologia , Muco do Colo Uterino , Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona , Cães/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação Endometrial/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Histerectomia/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(04, Supl. 2): 166-170, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472554


The Zika virus belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. It is an arbovirus whose main vectors are mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Studies in rodents have shown that the persistence of the virus in the testicles causes damage to the reproductive tissue. This work aimed to study the effect of experimental infection by the Zika virus on fertility in non-human primates of the species Saimiri collinsi. Five pre-pubertal males (≤2 years old) of the species Saimiri collinsi were used. Three animals were infected (infected group) with the strain of Zika virus BE H815744. Two other uninfected males were used as a negative control (uninfected group). Twenty-one days after infection, infected and uninfected males were euthanized. After euthanasia, they were referred for necroscopic examination for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. During the necropsy, the testicles were collected and fixed in 10% formaldehyde. After fixation, the tissues were processed routinely and embedded in paraffin. The slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological evaluation. Histopathological changes were observed in the testis of three of the five animals. Different degrees of inflammation were identified, in addition to degeneration and/or necrosis. The three animals presented a reduced number of sperm cells, with no sperm and severe necrosis. The results obtained conclude that the Zika virus can cause pathological changes in the reproductive system of males of the species Saimiri collinsi.

Masculino , Animais , Infecções por Flavivirus/complicações , Infecções por Flavivirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Flavivirus/patologia , Infecções por Flavivirus/veterinária , Saimiri
Ci. Anim. ; 30(04, Supl. 2): 166-170, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32219


The Zika virus belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. It is an arbovirus whose main vectors are mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Studies in rodents have shown that the persistence of the virus in the testicles causes damage to the reproductive tissue. This work aimed to study the effect of experimental infection by the Zika virus on fertility in non-human primates of the species Saimiri collinsi. Five pre-pubertal males (≤2 years old) of the species Saimiri collinsi were used. Three animals were infected (infected group) with the strain of Zika virus BE H815744. Two other uninfected males were used as a negative control (uninfected group). Twenty-one days after infection, infected and uninfected males were euthanized. After euthanasia, they were referred for necroscopic examination for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. During the necropsy, the testicles were collected and fixed in 10% formaldehyde. After fixation, the tissues were processed routinely and embedded in paraffin. The slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological evaluation. Histopathological changes were observed in the testis of three of the five animals. Different degrees of inflammation were identified, in addition to degeneration and/or necrosis. The three animals presented a reduced number of sperm cells, with no sperm and severe necrosis. The results obtained conclude that the Zika virus can cause pathological changes in the reproductive system of males of the species Saimiri collinsi.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Infecções por Flavivirus/complicações , Infecções por Flavivirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Flavivirus/patologia , Infecções por Flavivirus/veterinária , Saimiri
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2153-2162, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501625


The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and cost of two distinct hormonal protocols forinduction of puberty in Bos indicus heifers in the western Amazon region. Nelore prepubertal heifers (n= 127) aged 20 to 24 months (21 ± 0.3 months) and weighing 300 to 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg) were submittedto two distinct protocols for induction of cyclicity. Females were previously submitted to two ovarianultrasound examinations (12-day interval) to verify the absence of the corpus luteum (CL). Then, theheifers were divided into two experimental groups: G-CIDR/EC (n = 54) and G-P4/EC (n = 73). TheG-CIDR/EC group utilized a CIDR® for 12 days and on the day of its withdrawal, 0.6 mg of estradiolcypionate (IM) was administered. The G-P4/EC group received 150 mg of injectable progesterone (IM)and one injection of 0.6 mg EC 12 days after the progesterone injection. Twelve days after the end ofthe hormonal protocols, the heifers were submitted to another ultrasound evaluation for identificationof cyclicity (ovulatory follicle or CL). These females were then submitted to a conventional protocol ofsynchronization of ovulation for timed artificial insemination (TAI). Only heifers responsive to pubertyinduction (G-CIDR/EC (n=30) and G-P4/EC (n=51)) were included in the TAI protocol. After sevendays of insemination, both groups were exposed to natural breeding. In addition, an economic analysiswas performed to evaluate cyclicity induction, the TAI protocol, and pregnancy in both groups. TheG-CIDR/EC group showed 81.48% (44/54) of females responsive to induction of cyclicity (presence ofCL) while the G-P4/EC group obtained 86.3% (63/73; p=0.463). Regarding the conception rate to TAIand to bull (natural breeding), the G-CIDR/EC group displayed 43.33% (13/30) and 33.33% (10/30),respectively, and the G-P4/EC group exhibited 54.9% (28/51) and 39.22% (20/51), respectively. Theoverall pregnancy rate (TAI+Bull) was 76.67% (23/30) [...].

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência e o custo de dois protocolos hormonais distintos paraindução da puberdade em novilhas Bos indicus na região oeste da Amazônia. Novilhas pré-púberesNelore (n = 127) com idades entre 20 a 24 meses (21 ± 0,3 meses) e peso de 300 a 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg)foram submetidas a dois protocolos distintos para indução de ciclicidade. As fêmeas foram submetidaspreviamente a dois exames ultrassonográficos dos ovários (intervalo de 12 dias) para verificar a ausênciado corpo lúteo (CL). Em seguida, as novilhas foram divididas em dois grupos experimentais: G-CIDR/ EC (n = 54) e G-P4 / EC (n = 73). O grupo G-CIDR / EC utilizou um CIDR® por 12 dias e no dia desua retirada, foram administrados 0,6 mg de cipionato de estradiol (IM). O grupo G-P4 / EC recebeu150 mg de progesterona injetável (IM) e após 12 dias da administração de progesterona, administrouse 0,6 mg de EC. Doze dias após o término dos protocolos hormonais, as novilhas foram submetidasa outra avaliação ultrassonográfica para identificação da ciclicidade (folículo ovulatório ou CL). Essasfêmeas foram submetidas a um protocolo convencional de sincronização da ovulação para inseminaçãoartificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Apenas novilhas responsivas à indução da puberdade (G-CIDR / EC(n = 30) e G-P4 / EC (n = 51)) foram incluídas no protocolo de IATF. Após sete dias da inseminação,ambos os grupos foram expostos à monta natural. Além disso, uma análise econômica foi realizada paraavaliar a indução da ciclicidade, o protocolo IATF e a prenhez nos dois grupos. O grupo G-CIDR / CEapresentou 81,48% (44/54) de fêmeas responsivas à indução da ciclicidade (presença de CL) enquantoo grupo G-P4 / EC obteve 86,3% (63/73; p = 0,463). Em relação à taxa de concepção de IATF e de touro(monta natural), o grupo G-CIDR / CE apresentou 43,33% (13/30) e 33,33% (10/30), respectivamente,e o grupo G-P4 / EC exibiu 54,9 % (28/51) e 39,22% (20/51), respectivamente. [...].

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Fertilização , Hormônios/administração & dosagem , Hormônios/economia , Maturidade Sexual/efeitos dos fármacos , Periodicidade
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2153-2162, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764791


The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and cost of two distinct hormonal protocols forinduction of puberty in Bos indicus heifers in the western Amazon region. Nelore prepubertal heifers (n= 127) aged 20 to 24 months (21 ± 0.3 months) and weighing 300 to 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg) were submittedto two distinct protocols for induction of cyclicity. Females were previously submitted to two ovarianultrasound examinations (12-day interval) to verify the absence of the corpus luteum (CL). Then, theheifers were divided into two experimental groups: G-CIDR/EC (n = 54) and G-P4/EC (n = 73). TheG-CIDR/EC group utilized a CIDR® for 12 days and on the day of its withdrawal, 0.6 mg of estradiolcypionate (IM) was administered. The G-P4/EC group received 150 mg of injectable progesterone (IM)and one injection of 0.6 mg EC 12 days after the progesterone injection. Twelve days after the end ofthe hormonal protocols, the heifers were submitted to another ultrasound evaluation for identificationof cyclicity (ovulatory follicle or CL). These females were then submitted to a conventional protocol ofsynchronization of ovulation for timed artificial insemination (TAI). Only heifers responsive to pubertyinduction (G-CIDR/EC (n=30) and G-P4/EC (n=51)) were included in the TAI protocol. After sevendays of insemination, both groups were exposed to natural breeding. In addition, an economic analysiswas performed to evaluate cyclicity induction, the TAI protocol, and pregnancy in both groups. TheG-CIDR/EC group showed 81.48% (44/54) of females responsive to induction of cyclicity (presence ofCL) while the G-P4/EC group obtained 86.3% (63/73; p=0.463). Regarding the conception rate to TAIand to bull (natural breeding), the G-CIDR/EC group displayed 43.33% (13/30) and 33.33% (10/30),respectively, and the G-P4/EC group exhibited 54.9% (28/51) and 39.22% (20/51), respectively. Theoverall pregnancy rate (TAI+Bull) was 76.67% (23/30) [...].(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência e o custo de dois protocolos hormonais distintos paraindução da puberdade em novilhas Bos indicus na região oeste da Amazônia. Novilhas pré-púberesNelore (n = 127) com idades entre 20 a 24 meses (21 ± 0,3 meses) e peso de 300 a 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg)foram submetidas a dois protocolos distintos para indução de ciclicidade. As fêmeas foram submetidaspreviamente a dois exames ultrassonográficos dos ovários (intervalo de 12 dias) para verificar a ausênciado corpo lúteo (CL). Em seguida, as novilhas foram divididas em dois grupos experimentais: G-CIDR/ EC (n = 54) e G-P4 / EC (n = 73). O grupo G-CIDR / EC utilizou um CIDR® por 12 dias e no dia desua retirada, foram administrados 0,6 mg de cipionato de estradiol (IM). O grupo G-P4 / EC recebeu150 mg de progesterona injetável (IM) e após 12 dias da administração de progesterona, administrouse 0,6 mg de EC. Doze dias após o término dos protocolos hormonais, as novilhas foram submetidasa outra avaliação ultrassonográfica para identificação da ciclicidade (folículo ovulatório ou CL). Essasfêmeas foram submetidas a um protocolo convencional de sincronização da ovulação para inseminaçãoartificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Apenas novilhas responsivas à indução da puberdade (G-CIDR / EC(n = 30) e G-P4 / EC (n = 51)) foram incluídas no protocolo de IATF. Após sete dias da inseminação,ambos os grupos foram expostos à monta natural. Além disso, uma análise econômica foi realizada paraavaliar a indução da ciclicidade, o protocolo IATF e a prenhez nos dois grupos. O grupo G-CIDR / CEapresentou 81,48% (44/54) de fêmeas responsivas à indução da ciclicidade (presença de CL) enquantoo grupo G-P4 / EC obteve 86,3% (63/73; p = 0,463). Em relação à taxa de concepção de IATF e de touro(monta natural), o grupo G-CIDR / CE apresentou 43,33% (13/30) e 33,33% (10/30), respectivamente,e o grupo G-P4 / EC exibiu 54,9 % (28/51) e 39,22% (20/51), respectivamente. [...].(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos , Periodicidade , Fertilização , Hormônios/administração & dosagem , Hormônios/economia , Maturidade Sexual/efeitos dos fármacos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 16(3): 394-401, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461449


The number of embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) has grown exponentially in recent years. Recently, for the first time, the number of embryos produced and transferred in vitro was significantly higher than the number developed in vivo worldwide. In this context, a particular boost occurred with ovum pick-up (OPU) and in vitro embryos produced in North America, and this technology is becoming more prominent for commercial dairy farms. However, despite many advances in recent decades, laboratories and companies are looking for methods and alternatives that can be used in collaboration with the existing process to improve it. Among the strategies used to improve the dairy industry are the use of genomic analysis for the selection of animals with desired traits or as an evaluation tool of oocyte and embryo quality, the optimization of the collection and use of gametes from prepubertal females and males, the effective use of sexed semen, and improvements in culture media and methods of embryo cryopreservation. Thus, this review aims to discuss the highlights of the commercial use of IVF and some strategies to increase the application of this technique in large-scale dairy programs.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Fertilização in vitro/métodos , Fertilização in vitro/veterinária , Genômica , Laticínios/análise