Background: Hypertrophic phenotype cardiomyopathy is the most common heart disease in cats. Although the echocardiogram is the gold standard test for diagnosing fHCM, patients with the disease may have electrocardiographic changes. Despite being reported in most 12-lead electrocardiograms, the P wave axis generally receives little attention when compared to other wave parameters. We performed a Doppler echocardiographic and electrocardiographic study in cats, in order to verify the presence of correlation between the electrical axis average P wave and the presence of fCMH, aiming to investigate the possibility of its aid in the early diagnosis of cardiac disorders. Materials, Methods & Results: One hundred cats of different breeds, ages, males and females were evaluated. Those animals with a history of previous disease other than hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were excluded from the study. The groups were formed after obtaining the results of the echocardiographic examination. Eight of the 100 cats did not allow echocardiographic evaluation, and the remaining 92 were divided into 2 groups (control group, n = 64 and heart disease group, n = 28) after the examination. Of these 92 animals, 28 cats had the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype. The electrocardiographic examination was performed after the allocation of animals into groups lasting 5 min with the recording of tracings for later interpretation. To calculate the axis of the P wave, leads D1 and D3 were used, measuring the amplitude of the P wave in these leads and calculating the resulting amplitude. All cats studied had mean electrical axis of the P wave within the normal range for the species (0º to 90º). Based on mean electrical axis P wave values, there was no significant difference between groups. The control group had a median of 63.7° with a maximum value of 80°, a minimum value of 60° and a mean of 65.1°. The fCMH group had a median of 68.7° with a maximum value of 85.3°, a minimum value of 56.3° and a mean of 68.8°. Of the fCMH group, 3 cats had increased P wave duration (50.33 ± 5.77 ms), suggesting left atrial overload, and 13 cats had increased QRS complex duration (66.30 ± 11.23 ms). Also, 18 cats (Control group: 11; fCMH group: 7) showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of R, suggesting the presence of myocardial hypoxia and/or electrolyte disturbance. One cat had a prolonged PR interval (from the fCMH group). As for the QT interval, 6 cats had an interval < 120 (2 from the control group and 4 from the affected group) and 3 had an interval > 180 (1 from the control group and 2 from the affected group). The ST segment remained isoelectric in all segments. As for the mean electrical axis of the QRS complex, 5 cats (10.42%) had axis deviation to the right (control: 1; fCMH: 4) suggesting right ventricular overload; 7 cats (14.58%) had left axis deviation (control: 5; fCMH: 2), suggestive of left ventricular overload; and 36 cats (75%) had a normal mean electrical axis. Discussion: Based on the results obtained in the present study, it can be concluded that screening studies in asymptomatic felines should be increasingly implemented in the veterinary clinical routine, since the frequency found was high (30.44%) and that patients may remain asymptomatic for years until the development of signs. It should be concluded that there was no correlation between the mean electric axis of P-wave and the presence of subclinical phenotype hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Therefore, more studies are needed, with felines at different stages of the disease, to evaluate whether this electrocardiographic measurement allows us to assist in its diagnosis, since it is a feasible measure in cats. Furthermore, it is concluded that the electrocardiogram should be used as an aid method in the diagnosis of the disease and not as a screening test.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gatos , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Análise de Onda de Pulso/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: A 10-year-old spayed bitch with hip dysplasia was referred for periarticular ultrasound evaluation. A poorly marginated structure of mixed echogenicity, predominantly hypoechoic, with heterogeneous echotexture, was identified in the vastus lateralis muscle of the right pelvic limb with increased stiffness, assessed using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography, compared to that of the adjacent muscle tissues, and intense vascularization by pulsed Doppler and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Guided biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma. The objective of this study was to describe B-mode ultrasound, CEUS, and ARFI findings of hemangiosarcoma in the vastus lateralis musculature of a bitch. Case: A 10-year-old spayed bitch Golden Retriever weighing 36 kg was evaluated for pelvic limb lameness. The patient presented with bilateral pain during hip extension. The primary diagnostic suspicion was degenerative joint disease and secondary hip dysplasia. The patient was referred for imaging evaluation of the hip joints (radiography and ultrasound) under anesthesia. Right lateral and ventrodorsal projections with the pelvic limbs extended were obtained to confirm the diagnosis. In the right pelvic limb, an amorphous hypoechoic structure with irregular contours and heterogeneous echotexture was observed in the vastus lateralis muscle. In ARFI elastography, it was possible to identify differences in tissue stiffness between healthy and compromised portions. Pulsed-wave Doppler evaluation demonstrated an arterial waveform pattern with a peak systolic velocity of 38.8 cm/s, end-diastolic velocity of 6.9 cm/s, pulsatility index of 1.76, and resistive index of 0.82. CEUS study identified a mean peak of 27.26 %, mean time to peak of 39.95 s, and mean transmission time of 49.96 s. The popliteal lymph node was hyperechoic and heterogeneous in B-mode. In ARFI elastography, the average stiffness was 2.52 m/s, and the CEUS obtained an average peak of 19.98%, average time to peak of 17.52 s, and mean transit time of 22.83 s. Doppler assessment revealed no clear vascularization in the lymph node. Thoracic radiography in 3 projections and abdominal ultrasonography were performed. Radiographic evidence of pulmonary nodules was not observed. On abdominal ultrasound evaluation, it was possible to identify changes in the spleen, which presented with splenomegaly, mixed echogenicity, and heterogeneous echotexture. The animal underwent ultrasound-guided muscle biopsy, which confirmed the presence of hemangiosarcoma in the muscle. The bitch was referred for splenectomy and lymphadenectomy of the right popliteal, which confirmed neoplastic involvement of the same neoplasm. Discussion: On B-mode ultrasound, the observed changes were similar to those in a report of hemangiosarcoma in the muscles of the chest wall in dogs, which contributed to the diagnosis. Although it was only one patient, ARFI elastography results suggest that muscle hemangiosarcoma tends to follow the same elastographic characteristics as malignant lesions in other tissues. Additionally, the popliteal lymph node had a stiffness suggestive of malignancy (mean 2.52 m/s) because it presented a similar result and greater elasticity of metastatic axillary lymph nodes in bitches (>2.5 m/s) and women (> 1.44 m/s) with breast tumor. With CEUS, it was possible to identify vascularization in the sentinel lymph node that was not visible by pulsed Doppler, and in muscle mass. The findings of this report provided relevant results on muscle hemangiosarcoma in a bitch and demonstrated that the information obtained with the association of imaging methods supported the malignancy criteria described in other studies.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Pelve/diagnóstico por imagem , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterinária , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/veterináriaResumo
Background: In cats, arterial thromboembolism is one of the most devastating diseases, with an acute presentation, andis often caused by undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Defined as the obstruction of one or more arterial lumens by emboli,the arterial thromboembolism is responsible for hypoperfusion signs. As the temperature of the skin surface is directlyrelated to tissue perfusion, thermography can be promising for the early diagnosis of thromboembolism. Therefore, thisstudy reports the importance of thermography as a complementary examination for the diagnosis of thromboembolism inthe abdominal aorta of a domestic cat.Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed cat weighing 2.95 kg was presented with a history of sudden onset paraplegia, apathy,and pain when handled, with greater intensity in the sacro-coccidian region. During physical exam, it was noted that thefemoral artery pulse was undetectable bilaterally during manual pulse measurement. Superficial and deep sensitivity inthe pelvic limbs and proprioception were also absent and the plantar cushions and nail beds of the posterior limbs werepale to cyanotic. Thermographic images revealed that the temperature of both hind limbs was lower than that of forelimbs,with difference of 3.2ºC and 2.9ºC between the left and right limbs, respectively. Doppler ultrasonography revealed theabsence of pulse and flow in the femoral arteries bilaterally. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia, with a heartrate of 250 bpm. Echocardiography revealed dilation of the left atrium and concentric cardiac hypertrophy. After 24 h, dueto the worsening of the clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was euthanized and sent for necropsy.Necropsy revealed that the arterial lumen of the caudal abdominal aorta and bifurcation of the iliac arteries were obliterated...
Animais , Gatos , Artéria Femoral/patologia , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Cianose/veterinária , Isquemia Miocárdica/veterinária , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Termografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: In cats, arterial thromboembolism is one of the most devastating diseases, with an acute presentation, andis often caused by undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Defined as the obstruction of one or more arterial lumens by emboli,the arterial thromboembolism is responsible for hypoperfusion signs. As the temperature of the skin surface is directlyrelated to tissue perfusion, thermography can be promising for the early diagnosis of thromboembolism. Therefore, thisstudy reports the importance of thermography as a complementary examination for the diagnosis of thromboembolism inthe abdominal aorta of a domestic cat.Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed cat weighing 2.95 kg was presented with a history of sudden onset paraplegia, apathy,and pain when handled, with greater intensity in the sacro-coccidian region. During physical exam, it was noted that thefemoral artery pulse was undetectable bilaterally during manual pulse measurement. Superficial and deep sensitivity inthe pelvic limbs and proprioception were also absent and the plantar cushions and nail beds of the posterior limbs werepale to cyanotic. Thermographic images revealed that the temperature of both hind limbs was lower than that of forelimbs,with difference of 3.2ºC and 2.9ºC between the left and right limbs, respectively. Doppler ultrasonography revealed theabsence of pulse and flow in the femoral arteries bilaterally. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia, with a heartrate of 250 bpm. Echocardiography revealed dilation of the left atrium and concentric cardiac hypertrophy. After 24 h, dueto the worsening of the clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was euthanized and sent for necropsy.Necropsy revealed that the arterial lumen of the caudal abdominal aorta and bifurcation of the iliac arteries were obliterated...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Artéria Femoral/patologia , Cianose/veterinária , Isquemia Miocárdica/veterinária , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterinária , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pyometra is defined as chronic purulent inflammation of the uterus that causes changes in hematologicaland biochemical parameters. The disease is characterized with bacterial infection and pus accumulation in the uterus.Transabdominal B-mode ultrasonography provides easy and certain diagnosis of this disease. The hemodynamic changesin pyometra are evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography. The aim of the study is to determine the changes in hematologicalparameters and Doppler indices in bitches with pyometra, diestrus healthy bitches and evaluate the relationship betweenhematological parameters and hemodynamic indices within the both groups.Materials, Methods & Results: A total number of 27 bitches were enrolled in the study. The healthy diestrus bitches (groupH; n = 7) aged 6.2 ± 1.14 years, weighted 14.57 ± 3.75 kg. The bitches with pyometra (group PYO; n = 20) aged 9.1 ± 0.62years and weighted 17.65 ± 2.60 kg. Before all bitches had ovariohisterectomy, hematological analyses were performed.Transabdominal ultrasonography (USG) was performed with a 6.6 MHz convex transducer. The widest cross-sectionaluterine diameter (UD), wall thickness of uterine horns (UWT) and presence of luminal content were evaluated. Diameterof the uterine artery (DUA) was measured on a mapped color image using the USG software program. The examinationwas carried out with pulsed-wave Doppler USG to characterize the waveform of the uterine artery (UA). Anechogenic areasin uterine lumen, increase in UD and UWT were observed in group PYO. All cases in group PYO had luminal content inboth uterine horns ranging from 1.2 to 5.6 cm. The DUAs were measured in group H and in group PYO as 1.75 ± 0.03mm, 1.94 ± 0.08 mm; respectively (P < 0.05). The PI and RI values of group PYO were lower than group H (P < 0.001).Hematological analysis results showed that...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/microbiologia , Cães/sangue , Piometra/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pyometra is defined as chronic purulent inflammation of the uterus that causes changes in hematologicaland biochemical parameters. The disease is characterized with bacterial infection and pus accumulation in the uterus.Transabdominal B-mode ultrasonography provides easy and certain diagnosis of this disease. The hemodynamic changesin pyometra are evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography. The aim of the study is to determine the changes in hematologicalparameters and Doppler indices in bitches with pyometra, diestrus healthy bitches and evaluate the relationship betweenhematological parameters and hemodynamic indices within the both groups.Materials, Methods & Results: A total number of 27 bitches were enrolled in the study. The healthy diestrus bitches (groupH; n = 7) aged 6.2 ± 1.14 years, weighted 14.57 ± 3.75 kg. The bitches with pyometra (group PYO; n = 20) aged 9.1 ± 0.62years and weighted 17.65 ± 2.60 kg. Before all bitches had ovariohisterectomy, hematological analyses were performed.Transabdominal ultrasonography (USG) was performed with a 6.6 MHz convex transducer. The widest cross-sectionaluterine diameter (UD), wall thickness of uterine horns (UWT) and presence of luminal content were evaluated. Diameterof the uterine artery (DUA) was measured on a mapped color image using the USG software program. The examinationwas carried out with pulsed-wave Doppler USG to characterize the waveform of the uterine artery (UA). Anechogenic areasin uterine lumen, increase in UD and UWT were observed in group PYO. All cases in group PYO had luminal content inboth uterine horns ranging from 1.2 to 5.6 cm. The DUAs were measured in group H and in group PYO as 1.75 ± 0.03mm, 1.94 ± 0.08 mm; respectively (P < 0.05). The PI and RI values of group PYO were lower than group H (P < 0.001).Hematological analysis results showed that...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Piometra/veterinária , Cães/sangue , Cães/microbiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
The use of different ultrasound modalities (color, power and pulsed Doppler) in clinical research has enhanced knowledge of reproductive pathophysiology in equine, in addition to improving the clinical diagnosis of reproductive disorders in both the stallion and the mare. In the stallion, color Doppler ultrasound has improved the diagnostic potential of conventional ultrasound, improving the differential diagnosis of pathologies such as testicular torsion (decrease or absence of blood flow in the cord) and orchitis (increased blood flow in the cord). The function of the testicle is highly dependent on the blood flow it receives; therefore, any vascular alterations can affect both the quality and production of sperm. In recent years there have been a greater number of studies in which Doppler ultrasound is used as a tool in the diagnosis of testicular dysfunction and in the monitoring of medical and surgical treatments. In the mare, ultrasound technology has allowed numerous advances in basic research regarding the vascular hemodynamics of the ovary and uterus. Moreover, it has become an indispensable tool in reproductive practice. Among the clinical applications of this technique in mares are the evaluation of CL (corpus luteum) functionality, being a useful tool in the selection of recipients in embryo transfer programs or the use of power Doppler in the diagnosis of pregnancy as early as 7 days postovulation prior to flushing. Finally, the incorporation of color and pulsed Doppler ultrasound into the examination improves the diagnosis of mares with endometritis due to a pathological increase in uterine blood flow.
Animais , Cavalos , Fertilidade , Ultrassonografia DopplerResumo
This study used B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography to characterize the abdominal structures of healthy peccaries raised in captivity. Fifteen peccaries were used for this study. The urinary vesicle appeared as an ovoid structure, located in the abdominal and pelvic transition, with a hyperechogenic, thin, smooth, and regular wall. The kidneys presented retroperitoneal topography and had similar sizes. The kidney/aorta ratio had an average value of 10.53±15cm (right) and 10.23±0.12 (left). The right adrenal gland had a length of 1.93±0.34cm and diameter of 0.56±0.16cm. The left adrenal gland had a length of 1.85±0.42cm and diameter of 0.52±0.11cm. The spleen had a diameter of 1.13±0.18cm. The hepatic vein demonstrated polyphasic flow in pulsed Doppler, with two retrograde peaks and an anterograde peak with a flow velocity of 25.7±0.83cm/s. The abdominal aorta had a diameter of 0.58±0.05cm and a flow velocity of 115.17±5.32cm/s. The morphological and hemodynamic study of the abdominal structures of the peccary, observed through B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, aided in identifying the size, shape, position, echogenicity, and echotexture of the abdominal organs and in making inferences about the normal parameters for these structures in this species.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo utilizar as ultrassonografias de modo-B e Doppler para caracterizar as estruturas abdominais de um cateto sadio criado em cativeiro. Quinze catetos foram utilizados para este estudo. A vesícula urinária apareceu como uma estrutura ovoide, localizada na transição entre as partes abdominal e pélvica, com uma parede hiperecogênica, fina, lisa e regular. Os rins apresentaram topografia retroperitoneal e tamanhos semelhantes. A relação rim/aorta teve um valor médio de 10,53 ± 15cm (direita) e 10,23 ± 0,12cm (esquerda). A glândula adrenal direita tinha um comprimento de 1,93 ± 0,34cm e um diâmetro de 0,56 ± 0,16cm. A glândula suprarrenal esquerda tinha um comprimento de 1,85 ± 0,42cm e um diâmetro de 0,52 ± 0,11cm. O baço tinha um diâmetro de 1,13 ± 0,18cm. A veia hepática demonstrou fluxo polifásico no Doppler pulsátil, com dois picos retrógrados e um pico anterógrado com velocidade de fluxo de 25,7±0,83cm/s. A aorta abdominal tinha um diâmetro de 0,58 ± 0,05cm e uma velocidade de fluxo de 115,17±5,32cm/s. Os estudos morfológico e hemodinâmico das estruturas abdominais do queixada, observadas por meio das ultrassonografias modo-B e Doppler, auxiliaram na identificação do tamanho, da forma, da posição, da ecogenicidade e da ecotextura dos órgãos abdominais e na realização de inferências sobre os parâmetros de normalidade para as estruturas nas espécies.(AU)
Animais , Artiodáctilos/anatomia & histologia , Abdome/diagnóstico por imagem , Hemodinâmica , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the blood flow of the uterine artery, fetal aorta and umbilical artery in the physiological pregnancy of sheep by means of pulsed Doppler throughout the gestational period. Thirty Santa Inês ewes weighing between 45.4±4.3 kg and aged 2 to 5 years were selected. The evaluations were carried out weekly from the 3rd to the 21st gestational week. Peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistance index (RI) were obtained. Analysis of variance was performed, and the minimum significant comparison of means was obtained by the BH test with adjusted P<0.05. The results were expressed as mean ± standard error. For the fetal aorta, there was an increase in the EDV values and a decrease in the PSV and RI throughout pregnancy. For the uterine artery, PSV and EDV did not present significant variation, whereas the RI showed a reduction in the last week. Increased EDV values were found for the umbilical artery throughout pregnancy. For the PSV there was no significant difference, as the RI was reduced at the end of pregnancy. The results obtained are expected to contribute to a more complete understanding of the hemodynamic changes resulting from pregnancy.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the blood flow of the uterine artery, fetal aorta and umbilical artery in the physiological pregnancy of sheep by means of pulsed Doppler throughout the gestational period. Thirty Santa Inês ewes weighing between 45.4±4.3 kg and aged 2 to 5 years were selected. The evaluations were carried out weekly from the 3rd to the 21st gestational week. Peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistance index (RI) were obtained. Analysis of variance was performed, and the minimum significant comparison of means was obtained by the BH test with adjusted P<0.05. The results were expressed as mean ± standard error. For the fetal aorta, there was an increase in the EDV values and a decrease in the PSV and RI throughout pregnancy. For the uterine artery, PSV and EDV did not present significant variation, whereas the RI showed a reduction in the last week. Increased EDV values were found for the umbilical artery throughout pregnancy. For the PSV there was no significant difference, as the RI was reduced at the end of pregnancy. The results obtained are expected to contribute to a more complete understanding of the hemodynamic changes resulting from pregnancy.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Artéria Uterina , Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional , Pressão Sanguínea , PrenhezResumo
A ultrassonografia com ferramenta Doppler é o melhor método de avaliação da vascularização testicular. Objetivou-se comparar a influência do peso dos animais e do lado testicular em relação à hemodinâmica da artéria testicular de cães. Foram utilizados 17 cães machos sadios, com idades entre 8 e 48 meses. Os animais foram pesados e divididos em dois grupos: 1) 0-20 kg e 2) >20 kg, colocados em decúbito dorsal e a artéria testicular foi localizada na região de cordão espermático, com a ferramenta Doppler colorido e pulsado. Os parâmetros de velocidade do fluxo sanguíneo e os índices hemodinâmicos foram determinados em avaliação única. Utilizou-se o Modelo misto do SAS para determinar os efeitos de peso (> ou < 20kg) e lado (direito e esquerdo) das variáveis (VPS, VFD, TAMEAN, TAMAX, RI, PI, S/D, DA). A onda encontrada nessa região foi de padrão de baixa resistividade. Não foram identificados efeitos de lado nas variáveis avaliadas. O diâmetro da artéria testicular foi maior (AU)
Doppler ultrasonography is the best method to evaluate testicular vascularization. The objective of this study was to compare the influence of animal weight and testicular side on the hemodynamics of testicular artery in dogs. Seventeen healthy male dogs, aged between 8 and 48 months, were used. The animals were weighed and divided into: 1) 0-20 kg and 2)> 20 kg., Placed in dorsal decubitus position and the testicular artery was located in the region of the spermatic cord, using the pulsed and colored Doppler tool. The parameters of blood flow velocity and hemodynamic indices were determined in a single evaluation. The mixed SAS model was used to determine the effects of weight (> or < 20Kg) and side (right and left) variables (VPS, VFD, TAMEAN, TAMAX, RI, PI, S / D, DA, VFS). The wave found in this region was pattern of low resistance. No side effects were identified in the variables evaluated. Diameter of the testicular artery was higher (p<0.05) (1.86mm) in the group of animals of greater weight. In dogs, testicular diameter may be influenced by animal weight. It should be taken into account at the time of interpretation as this may influence the estimates of arterial diameter.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Hemodinâmica , Ultrassonografia Doppler , TestículoResumo
A ultrassonografia com ferramenta Doppler é o melhor método de avaliação da vascularização testicular. Objetivou-se comparar a influência do peso dos animais e do lado testicular em relação à hemodinâmica da artéria testicular de cães. Foram utilizados 17 cães machos sadios, com idades entre 8 e 48 meses. Os animais foram pesados e divididos em dois grupos: 1) 0-20 kg e 2) >20 kg, colocados em decúbito dorsal e a artéria testicular foi localizada na região de cordão espermático, com a ferramenta Doppler colorido e pulsado. Os parâmetros de velocidade do fluxo sanguíneo e os índices hemodinâmicos foram determinados em avaliação única. Utilizou-se o Modelo misto do SAS para determinar os efeitos de peso (> ou < 20kg) e lado (direito e esquerdo) das variáveis (VPS, VFD, TAMEAN, TAMAX, RI, PI, S/D, DA). A onda encontrada nessa região foi de padrão de baixa resistividade. Não foram identificados efeitos de lado nas variáveis avaliadas. O diâmetro da artéria testicular foi maior
Doppler ultrasonography is the best method to evaluate testicular vascularization. The objective of this study was to compare the influence of animal weight and testicular side on the hemodynamics of testicular artery in dogs. Seventeen healthy male dogs, aged between 8 and 48 months, were used. The animals were weighed and divided into: 1) 0-20 kg and 2)> 20 kg., Placed in dorsal decubitus position and the testicular artery was located in the region of the spermatic cord, using the pulsed and colored Doppler tool. The parameters of blood flow velocity and hemodynamic indices were determined in a single evaluation. The mixed SAS model was used to determine the effects of weight (> or < 20Kg) and side (right and left) variables (VPS, VFD, TAMEAN, TAMAX, RI, PI, S / D, DA, VFS). The wave found in this region was pattern of low resistance. No side effects were identified in the variables evaluated. Diameter of the testicular artery was higher (p<0.05) (1.86mm) in the group of animals of greater weight. In dogs, testicular diameter may be influenced by animal weight. It should be taken into account at the time of interpretation as this may influence the estimates of arterial diameter.
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Hemodinâmica , Testículo , Ultrassonografia DopplerResumo
Background: Recent evidence shows that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) participates in important reproductiveprocesses, such as steroidogenesis, folliculogenesis, oocyte maturation and ovulation. Several studies have proposed touse an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a RAS modulator, aiming to improve reproductive efficiency, however,the presence of the main components of this system in reproductive tissues still need to be further investigated, since thephysiological functions seem to be species-specific. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of enalapril-maleate,an ACE inhibitor, during repeated gonadotropins treatment on ovarian blood flow and follicular development in goats.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty Anglo-Nubian cross-bred goats were equally grouped according to parity (n= 10/group): nulliparous and multiparous parity. In each group, five animals were randomly selected to receive 0.4 ofenalapril-maleate during 11 days of estrus synchronization and gonadotropins treatments. The other animals received thesame volume of saline solution. Estrus synchronization of all goats was made by intramuscular ad-ministration of PGF2αanalog, followed 48 h later by intravaginal insertion of a controlled internal drug release device. Forty-eight h after devicewithdrawal, a single dose of 60 mg of FSH plus 300 UI of eCG was administered and repeated every 4 days to complete 3treatments. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed using pulsed and color Doppler to evaluate Doppler velocimetricsparameters of the ovarian artery and intraovarian blood flow, respec-tively, and B-mode real-time ultrasound scanner toevaluate the follicular development. In the females treated with enalapril-maleate was observed a significant reduction ofsystolic and diastolic peak, without difference according to parity. In addition, in the third session of hor-monal stimulation,only the groups (nulliparous and multiparous) not treated with...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/sangue , Cabras , Ovário/irrigação sanguínea , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
Background: Recent evidence shows that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) participates in important reproductiveprocesses, such as steroidogenesis, folliculogenesis, oocyte maturation and ovulation. Several studies have proposed touse an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a RAS modulator, aiming to improve reproductive efficiency, however,the presence of the main components of this system in reproductive tissues still need to be further investigated, since thephysiological functions seem to be species-specific. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of enalapril-maleate,an ACE inhibitor, during repeated gonadotropins treatment on ovarian blood flow and follicular development in goats.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty Anglo-Nubian cross-bred goats were equally grouped according to parity (n= 10/group): nulliparous and multiparous parity. In each group, five animals were randomly selected to receive 0.4 ofenalapril-maleate during 11 days of estrus synchronization and gonadotropins treatments. The other animals received thesame volume of saline solution. Estrus synchronization of all goats was made by intramuscular ad-ministration of PGF2αanalog, followed 48 h later by intravaginal insertion of a controlled internal drug release device. Forty-eight h after devicewithdrawal, a single dose of 60 mg of FSH plus 300 UI of eCG was administered and repeated every 4 days to complete 3treatments. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed using pulsed and color Doppler to evaluate Doppler velocimetricsparameters of the ovarian artery and intraovarian blood flow, respec-tively, and B-mode real-time ultrasound scanner toevaluate the follicular development. In the females treated with enalapril-maleate was observed a significant reduction ofsystolic and diastolic peak, without difference according to parity. In addition, in the third session of hor-monal stimulation,only the groups (nulliparous and multiparous) not treated with...
Feminino , Animais , Cabras , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/sangue , Ovário/irrigação sanguínea , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Hormônio FoliculoestimulanteResumo
Background: Several studies consisted of postmortem evaluations and B-mode ultrasonography have been performed on ovine uterine involution. However, researches with Doppler ultrasonography are very limited in ewes. Doppler ultrasonography is a non-invasive method which provides information about vascular dynamics of the tissues which cannot be examined by B-mode ultrasonography. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of two different PGF2α doses on uterine measurements by real time B-mode ultrasonography; and on uterine artery hemodynamics by pulsed-wave Doppler analysis during postpartum uterine involution in ewes. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted with 30 primiparous Kivircik ewes which lambed singleton without any complication. The ewes were randomly divided into three groups (n= 10 for each group). A single i.m. injection of 125 μg/sheep PGF2α , 75 μg/sheep PGF2α , and 1.0 mL/sheep sterile saline solution were administered to Group 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The day of parturition was considered as the first day of the study. Examinations were performed on days 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28. Diameters of previously gravid horn and caruncles were measured by real time B-mod ultrasonography. Presence of lochia was also noted. Uterine artery pulsatility index (PI), resistance index (RI), systolic/ diastolic ratio (S/D) values were measured by pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasonography. The one-way analysis of variance and Duncans test were used for statistical analysis. The mean previously gravid horn diameters of ewes were 8.30 ± 0.16 cm and 1.53 ± 0.07 cm on day 1 and day 28, respectively. Previously gravid horn and caruncle diameters had a similar declining pattern in all groups as involution period proceeded. Involution was mostly completed by day 21. More than 50% reduction in uterine size was achieved in prostaglandin administered groups by day 7. Caruncles were not able to be identified after the second week...
Feminino , Animais , Artéria Uterina/diagnóstico por imagem , Dinoprosta/análise , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
O uso da técnica de ultrassonografia em modo B, como uma ferramenta pouco invasiva na reprodução animal, passou por uma evolução significativa na pesquisa e na prática. Na exploração comercial de animais de produção seu uso é, praticamente, concentrado ao manejo reprodutivo. Embora a ultrassonografia convencional em Modo B tenha passado por avanços tecnológicos esta não possibilita o acesso às informações da função do órgão, demonstradas pela perfusão vascular. Em ovelhas, o estudo da hemodinâmica e funcionalidade do útero, ovário e suas estruturas podem ser úteis para avaliar a viabilidade de programas reprodutivos e, por conseguinte, exibirem impacto econômico diante do uso da modalidade colorida ou pulsada (ou espectral) da ultrassonografia doppler. A ultrassonografia doppler é baseada no efeito Doppler na qual as frequências dos feixes de ultrassom refletidos pelos eritrócitos em movimento variam conforme as células se movem com diferentes velocidades. No tocante a reprodução de ovelhas, uma série de estratégias tem sido apresentadas para uso desta tecnologia, dada a necessidade e intempéries apresentadas a campo. Suas principais aplicações baseiam-se na avaliação da gestação, hemodinâmica uterina, funcionalidade luteal e respostas à superovulação, dentre outras. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar os aspectos relacionados ao uso e aplicações da ultrassonografia doppler espectral e colorida na reprodução de ovelhas.
The use of B-mode ultrasound technique, as a little invasive tool in animal reproduction, has undergone a significant evolution in research and practice. In farm animals, its use is practically concentrated on reproductive management. Although conventional B-mode ultrasonography has undergone technological advances, it does not allow access to organ function information, as demonstrated by vascular perfusion. In sheep, the study of the hemodynamics and functionality of the uterus, ovary and its structures can be useful to assess reproductive programs viability and, therefore, exhibit economic impact when using the color or pulsed (or spectral) modalityof doppler ultrasound. Doppler ultrasonography is based on the Doppler effect in which the frequencies of the ultrasound beams reflected by the erythrocytes in motion vary as the cells move at different speeds. A lot of strategies have been presented using this technology, related to reproduction of sheep animals, in farm conditions. Applications are based on the evaluation of pregnancy, uterine hemodynamics, luteal functionality and responses to superovulation, among others. This work aimed to present aspects regarding to applications of spectral and color doppler ultrasound in sheep reproduction.
Feminino , Animais , Reprodução , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Útero/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
O uso da técnica de ultrassonografia em modo B, como uma ferramenta pouco invasiva na reprodução animal, passou por uma evolução significativa na pesquisa e na prática. Na exploração comercial de animais de produção seu uso é, praticamente, concentrado ao manejo reprodutivo. Embora a ultrassonografia convencional em Modo B tenha passado por avanços tecnológicos esta não possibilita o acesso às informações da função do órgão, demonstradas pela perfusão vascular. Em ovelhas, o estudo da hemodinâmica e funcionalidade do útero, ovário e suas estruturas podem ser úteis para avaliar a viabilidade de programas reprodutivos e, por conseguinte, exibirem impacto econômico diante do uso da modalidade colorida ou pulsada (ou espectral) da ultrassonografia doppler. A ultrassonografia doppler é baseada no efeito Doppler na qual as frequências dos feixes de ultrassom refletidos pelos eritrócitos em movimento variam conforme as células se movem com diferentes velocidades. No tocante a reprodução de ovelhas, uma série de estratégias tem sido apresentadas para uso desta tecnologia, dada a necessidade e intempéries apresentadas a campo. Suas principais aplicações baseiam-se na avaliação da gestação, hemodinâmica uterina, funcionalidade luteal e respostas à superovulação, dentre outras. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar os aspectos relacionados ao uso e aplicações da ultrassonografia doppler espectral e colorida na reprodução de ovelhas.(AU)
The use of B-mode ultrasound technique, as a little invasive tool in animal reproduction, has undergone a significant evolution in research and practice. In farm animals, its use is practically concentrated on reproductive management. Although conventional B-mode ultrasonography has undergone technological advances, it does not allow access to organ function information, as demonstrated by vascular perfusion. In sheep, the study of the hemodynamics and functionality of the uterus, ovary and its structures can be useful to assess reproductive programs viability and, therefore, exhibit economic impact when using the color or pulsed (or spectral) modalityof doppler ultrasound. Doppler ultrasonography is based on the Doppler effect in which the frequencies of the ultrasound beams reflected by the erythrocytes in motion vary as the cells move at different speeds. A lot of strategies have been presented using this technology, related to reproduction of sheep animals, in farm conditions. Applications are based on the evaluation of pregnancy, uterine hemodynamics, luteal functionality and responses to superovulation, among others. This work aimed to present aspects regarding to applications of spectral and color doppler ultrasound in sheep reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Reprodução , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Útero/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
Portosystemic shunt (PSS) is an anomalous vascular connection between the portal venous system and the systemic circulation. These deviations connect the main portal vein (PV) or some portal branches to the vena cava (VC) or, less commonly, to the azygos vein (AV). The purpose of this case report was to describe the diagnosis of PSS in a dog classified as porto-azygos. This diagnosis is considered uncommon compared to other portosystemic shunts using ultrasonography and portography. The subject was a male dog, Yorkshire, 8 months old, presented neurological signs characterized by head press, ataxia, tremors and episodes of temporary blindness and deafness. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a dilated and curved anomalous vessel with approximately 0.6cm of diameter and turbulent flow seen through pulsed and color Doppler, and segmental dilation of the azygos vein. The portography revealed enhancement by iodinated contrast in the jejunal vein, the portal vein and an anomalous vessel flowing towards the azygos vein in the craniodorsal region of the abdomen. The PSS was surgically corrected with an ameroid constrictor. Ultrasonography and portography were effective at detecting and characterizing the portoazygos shunt despite some limitations.(AU)
Shunt portossistêmico (SPS) é uma comunicação vascular anômala entre o sistema venoso portal e a circulação sistêmica. Esses desvios comunicam a VP ou alguma de suas tributárias à veia cava ou, menos comumente, à veia ázigos (VA). O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever o diagnóstico, por meio de ultrassonografia e portografia, de um caso de shunt extra-hepático em cão, classificado como portoázigos e considerado incomum quando comparado aos demais tipos de desvio portossistêmico. Um cão, macho, raça Yorkshire, oito meses de idade, chegou ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais apresentando sinais neurológicos, caracterizados por andar apoiando a cabeça na parede, ataxia, tremores, episódios de cegueira e surdez. Ao exame ultrassonográfico, observou-se vaso anômalo calibroso e tortuoso de aproximadamente 0,6cm de diâmetro e fluxo turbulento ao Doppler pulsado e colorido, bem como dilatação segmentar da VA. A portografia revelou realce de contraste iodado em veia jejunal, porta e vaso anômalo (shunt) seguindo em direção à VA em região dorsal do abdômen. Foi realizada a correção cirúrgica do SPS por meio de anel ameroide. A ultrassonografia e a portografia foram eficientes na detecção e caracterização do shunt portoázigos, mesmo que com algumas limitações.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Derivação Portossistêmica Cirúrgica/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Portografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler em Cores/veterináriaResumo
Portosystemic shunt (PSS) is an anomalous vascular connection between the portal venous system and the systemic circulation. These deviations connect the main portal vein (PV) or some portal branches to the vena cava (VC) or, less commonly, to the azygos vein (AV). The purpose of this case report was to describe the diagnosis of PSS in a dog classified as porto-azygos. This diagnosis is considered uncommon compared to other portosystemic shunts using ultrasonography and portography. The subject was a male dog, Yorkshire, 8 months old, presented neurological signs characterized by head press, ataxia, tremors and episodes of temporary blindness and deafness. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a dilated and curved anomalous vessel with approximately 0.6cm of diameter and turbulent flow seen through pulsed and color Doppler, and segmental dilation of the azygos vein. The portography revealed enhancement by iodinated contrast in the jejunal vein, the portal vein and an anomalous vessel flowing towards the azygos vein in the craniodorsal region of the abdomen. The PSS was surgically corrected with an ameroid constrictor. Ultrasonography and portography were effective at detecting and characterizing the portoazygos shunt despite some limitations.(AU)
Shunt portossistêmico (SPS) é uma comunicação vascular anômala entre o sistema venoso portal e a circulação sistêmica. Esses desvios comunicam a VP ou alguma de suas tributárias à veia cava ou, menos comumente, à veia ázigos (VA). O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever o diagnóstico, por meio de ultrassonografia e portografia, de um caso de shunt extra-hepático em cão, classificado como portoázigos e considerado incomum quando comparado aos demais tipos de desvio portossistêmico. Um cão, macho, raça Yorkshire, oito meses de idade, chegou ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais apresentando sinais neurológicos, caracterizados por andar apoiando a cabeça na parede, ataxia, tremores, episódios de cegueira e surdez. Ao exame ultrassonográfico, observou-se vaso anômalo calibroso e tortuoso de aproximadamente 0,6cm de diâmetro e fluxo turbulento ao Doppler pulsado e colorido, bem como dilatação segmentar da VA. A portografia revelou realce de contraste iodado em veia jejunal, porta e vaso anômalo (shunt) seguindo em direção à VA em região dorsal do abdômen. Foi realizada a correção cirúrgica do SPS por meio de anel ameroide. A ultrassonografia e a portografia foram eficientes na detecção e caracterização do shunt portoázigos, mesmo que com algumas limitações.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Derivação Portossistêmica Cirúrgica/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Portografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler em Cores/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo reportar descrições acerca dos cortes ecocardiográficos no modo bidimensional, das dimensões cardíacas pelo modo unidimensional e dos índices de fluxo Doppler em caprinos da raça Moxotó. Foram utilizados 32 caprinos da raça Moxotó, distribuídos em quatro grupos por categoria de peso corporal, de igual número (n=8), em: G1 (5-10kg), G2 (10-15kg), G3 (15-20kg) e G4 (>20kg). Todos foram submetidos a um registro ecocardiográfico pelos modos bidimensional, modo-M, Doppler pulsado (PW), contínuo (CW) e de fluxo de cores (CF). A formação espectral das imagens ecocardiográficas foi satisfatória, contudo algumas adaptações foram necessárias para obtenção adequada dos cortes nos caprinos acima de 20 kg. Os parâmetros ecocardiográficos em modo unidimensional (IVSd, IVSs, LVIDd, LVIDs, VPWd, LVPWs) e índices de função cardíaco (EF e FS) apresentaram uma correlação descritiva positiva com peso corporal enquadradas nas categorias estudadas. A separação septal do ponto E, mostrou-se constante dentre as categorias de peso investigadas, variando entre 0,1 a 0,41cm em caprinos da raça Moxotó. A relação Em/Am foi predominantemente " >1" em todos os caprinos estudados, com Emax > Amax em todas as categorias, não sendo sujeito a influência da frequência cardíaca dentre as categorias de peso estudados. O mesmo pode ser aplicado ao TRIV, que se mostrou uniforme dentre os intervalos de peso estudados. As velocidades de fluxo da valva aórtica individuais foram superiores a velocidade máxima do fluxo da valva pulmonar. Os tempos de ejeção dos fluxos aórtico e pulmonar apresentaram correlação positiva descritiva com o aumento do peso corporal. Condição também observada sobre o VTI dos espectros de fluxo, dada a relação direta desta variável com o volume sistólico inversamente à FC. O tempo de aceleração (TA) do fluxo pulmonar foi superior ao fluxo aórtico, sendo este relação direta com aumento do peso corporal por categoria estudada e inversamente à frequência cardíaca. Desta forma, a padronização das variáveis ecodopplercardiográficas na espécie caprina, deve sempre considerar particularidades relacionadas ao padrão racial, faixa etária e peso corporal, bem como estudos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade e adoção de elementos individuais referenciais para elaboração confiável de valores de normalidade.(AU)
This study describes the two-dimensional echocardiographic sections, M-mode cardiac dimensions, and Doppler flow indices in Moxotó goats. A total of 32 Moxotó goats were divided into four equal groups (n = 8) according to body weight class: G1 (5-10 kg), G2 (10-15kg), G3 (15-20kg) and G4 (>20kg). All animals underwent echocardiographic tests, two-dimensional and M-mode, and pulsed (PW), continuous (CW) and color flow (CF) Doppler. The spectral formation of echocardiographic images was satisfactory, although some adjustments were necessary to obtain adequate cuts/sections for goats above 20 kg. One-dimensional echocardiographic parameters (IVSD, IVSS, LVIDd, LVIDs, VPWd, LVPWs) and cardiac function index (EF and FS) showed a positive descriptive correlation with body weight in the categories studied. The septal separation of point E was constant among the weight categories investigated, ranging from 0.1 to 0.41cm. The Em/Am ratio was predominantly ">1", with Emax> Amax in all weight categories, and not affected by the heart rate among the studied weight classes. The IVRT was also uniform among the studied weight classes. The individual flow rates of the aortic valve were higher than the maximum flow rate of the pulmonary valve. The ejection times of the aortic and pulmonary flows were positively correlated with increasing body weight, something also observed on the VTI of flow spectra, given the direct relationship of this variable with the stroke volume inversely to FC. The acceleration time (AT) of pulmonary blood flow was greater than the aortic flow, and directly related to increasing body weight and inversely with heart rate. Thus, the standardization of Doppler echocardiographic variables in goats, should always consider breed, age and body weight as well as repeatability and reproducibility studies and adoption of individual reference elements for reliable development of normal values.(AU)