Background: Pyometra is a bacterial and hormone-induced reproductive disease that occurs in the post-estrus luteal phase in intact queens. Pyometra is more common in the diestrus period due to the high progesterone concentration (in queens that mated, spontaneously ovulated, or were induced to ovulate). However, it can also be seen due to the use of exogenous hormones such as progesterone for the suppression of estrus. More research is needed in cases of pyometra in queens, as well as in bitches. Because, considering that the pathogenesis and characteristics of feline pyometra is similar to bitches, studies on pyometra-affected bitches are taken as reference in studies and applications on queens. From this point of view, the aims of this study were to reveal the changes in complete blood count, blood gas, and serum biochemistry parameters in feline pyometra cases and to determine the correlation between the mentioned parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 25 female cats of different breeds were used, between the ages of 6 months and 7 years, 15 were diagnosed with pyometra, and 10 healthy. Anamnesis, clinical findings, and ultrasonographic examinations were used in the diagnosis of pyometra. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on queens brought to the clinic with complaints such as anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal tension, and fever. The control group (n =10) consisted of queens that were introduced to the clinic and were reproductively healthy. Before any treatment in queens with pyometra and the control group, 1 mL blood samples were taken from v. cephalica to evaluate complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemistry parameters. In complete WBC, Lym, Mon, Gra, RBC, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH and PLT parameters and, blood gas parameters such as pH, pCO2 , pO2 , sO2 , Na, K, Cl, lactate, glucose, HCO3 , and BE were also evaluated in taken blood samples. Biochemical parameters BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, amylase, T.BIL, D.BIL, P, CHOL, TG, LDH, TP, CPK, ALP, Ca, GGT were measured in serum samples. After examination and laboratory analysis, ovariohysterectomy was performed on queens as a treatment. Granulocyte, WBC, HCT and MCH levels of the pyometra group were higher (P < 0.05) and Lym levels were lower (P < 0.05) compared to the control group. According to these results, pH, HCO3 , and BE were lower (P < 0.05) in queens with pyometra than those in the control group, while Na and lactate parameters were higher (P < 0.05). According to the results of biochemical analysis, it was determined that BUN, creatinine levels, GGT, and LDH enzyme activities were found to be higher in the pyometra group compared to the control group, while the Ca level was found to be low (P < 0.05). A positive correlation was observed between BUN and creatinine and LDH, WBC, granulocyte, HCT, and lactate, and a negative correlation between lymphocytes, pH, and BE in the correlation analysis performed on queens with pyometra and control group. However, a positive correlation was observed between creatinine and LDH and HCT, and a negative correlation between lymphocyte, pH and BE. Discussion: There is not enough information about pyometra in queens. As a result, it was determined that there were significant changes in complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemical parameters in queens with pyometra in this study. These changes were generally thought to be related to dehydration and sepsis or endotoxemia. In addition, it was evaluated that prerenal azotemia occurring in pyometra affected queens may cause renal dysfunction. For this reason, it is thought that the results obtained in the presented study may contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of pyometra cases in queens.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Piometra/sangue , Piometra/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Gasometria/veterináriaResumo
Background: Captive tigers can live a long life, around 26 years. Among the diseases described some of non-infectious origin are quite common, such as chronic kidney disease, spondylosis, and biliary cysts or tumors. On the other hand, pyometra has been frequently reported in lions, who have a higher risk of developing the disease than tigers and leopards. Pyometra is a disease with few descriptions in tigers and it may be related to the physiological features of the species. The animal is listed as Endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened. The present report aims to describe the diagnosis and treatment of pyometra in a captive tigress. Case: A 7-year-old entire female tiger (Panthera tigris) weighing 140 kg was presented with a 3-day history of anorexia and prostration. For clinical examinations, collection of laboratory and imaging tests, the patient initially underwent dissociative anesthesia to allow catheterization of the cephalic vein and intravenous general anesthesia for orotracheal intubation followed by anesthetic maintenance in isoflurane. On general physical examination, the animal had normal colored mucosa, vital parameters within normal limits, and a body condition score of 6 on a scale of 9. There was no presence of vulvar secretion. The blood count and the biochemical exams showed values within the normal range for the species. The chest X-ray in the right and left views did not demonstrate pulmonary abnormalities. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen showed distension of the uterine body and horns, which have intraluminal hyperechoic fluid content without flocculation. Based on the imaging exam, the diagnosis was suggestive of pyometra. Exploratory celiotomy was performed via ventral midline, confirming the condition, which was treated by ovariohysterectomy. The surgical technique was performed as described for therapeutic ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats. Culture of uterine content identified Escherichia coli. The histological analysis identified diffuse endometritis associated with follicular cysts. The tiger had complete recovery without any complications. The patient was releasing 13 days after the surgical procedure and in the last contact four months after the surgery, it was in perfect health conditions. Discussion: Pyometra in large exotic felids has been occasionally reported, mainly in animals more than 10 years of age. Although the tigress in the report is estimated to be seven years old. The patient in question started with anorexia and prostration and as there was already a history of cystic endometrial hyperplasia, a possible pyometra was suspected, despite being uncommon in the species. There was not vaginal discharge. The definitive diagnosis was by means of ultrasound examination and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Abdominal surgery for these large felids is complex, due to the intra-abdominal volume the flank approach or by laparoscopic is suggested, however in this case a ventral midline incision was performed without intercurrences and complications in the post-operative period. The surgical technique like that used in small animals was effective for the treatment of pyometra in the tigress with the use of ovariohysterectomy. Culture of uterine content identified Escherichia coli, which has been the most commonly isolated pathogen in pyometra of large felids. It was concluded that, as in bitches with pyometra, early diagnosis and surgical treatment is ideal for the patient's recovery.
Animais , Feminino , Tigres , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Piometra/cirurgia , Piometra/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
Fourteen female dogs diagnosed with pyometra were studied at three separate times: at diagnosis (T0) and 24 h (T1) and 10-15 days (T2) after ovariohysterectomy (OH). The means of the markers, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) (17.71 to 26.54 µg/dL) and the urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase to creatinine ratio (uGGT/uCr) (1.06 to 2.62 U/mg), varied, showing an increase with time. Further, the elevation of gamma-glutamyl transferase (uGGT) (56.61 to 128.12 U/L) and the urinary protein to creatinine ratio (RPC) (0.26 to 1.24) was evident at T0 and T1. A reduction in the means of RPC, uGGT, and uGGT/uCr was observed 10-15 days after OH. Despite the elevation of these markers, the concentration of creatinine (1.11 to 1.40 mg/dL), urea (40.07 to 67.16 mg/dL), and urinary specific gravity (1.027 to 1.028) only presented slight variation. In canine pyometra, complications secondary to acute renal injury may be present that may be mild and transient in most treated animals. As elevation in SDMA and RPC preceded changes in creatinine levels for the evaluation of glomerular filtration, tubular markers could assist in the early identification of renal damage in canine pyometra.(AU)
Catorze cadelas com diagnóstico de piometra foram estudadas em três tempos distintos, sendo no momento do diagnóstico (T0), 24 horas (T1) e 10 a 15 dias (T2) após a ovário-histerectomia (OH). O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de diferentes biomarcadores renais em cadelas com piometra e estimar suas precocidades diante do agravo. As médias em dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA) (17,71 a 26,54µg/dL) e relação gama-glutamil transferase e creatinina urinária (uGGT/uCr) (1,06 a 2,62U/mg) variara, apresentando aumento em todos os momentos. Já a elevação do gama-glutamil transferase (uGGT) (56,61 a 128,12 U/L) e da razão proteína e creatinina urinárias (RPC) (0,26 a 1,24) foram evidenciadas nos dois primeiros tempos. Uma redução na média do RPC, uGGT e uGGT/uCr foi observada 10-15 dias após a implantação do tratamento (OH). Apesar da elevação desses marcadores, a concentração de creatinina (1,11 a 1,40mg/dL), ureia (40,07 a 67,16mg/dL) e densidade urinária (1,027 a 1,028) sofreram poucas variações. Em piometra canina, as complicações renais agudas secundárias podem estar presentes, ainda que leve e transitória nos animais tratados. Os marcadores tubulares foram considerados precoces na injúria renal aguda. Além disso, a SDMA e o RPC antecederam as alterações de creatinina em todos os tempos analisados.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães/lesões , Piometra/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Biomarcadores , gama-Glutamiltransferase/químicaResumo
Emergências obstétricas são comuns na rotina clínica de cães e gatos. Dentre as emergências obstétricas uma das mais importantes é a distocia. De modo geral, a distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto, sendo que a causa mais comum de distocia nas duas espécies é a inércia uterina primária. Outra emergência obstétrica de ocorrência frequente em cadelas e gatas é a piometra. Esta doença é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Em relação ao tratamento, na maioria das vezes, as distocias em cadelas e gatas são abordadas por meio da realização de cesarianas. Em piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Neste estudo, 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências obstétricas foram monitoradas durante 90 dias. Entre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra e 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia. Além disso, uma cadela apresentou prolapso vaginal. Entre as gatas, 13 apresentaram distocia (65%; 13/20) e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas dessas emergências obstétricas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.
Obstetric emergencies are common in the clinical routine of dogs and cats. One of the most important obstetric emergencies is dystocia. In general, dystocia occurs when there is a failure at the parturition time or expulsion of the fetus, and the most common cause of dystocia in both species is primary uterine inertia. Another frequently occurring obstetric emergency in bitches and cats is piometra. This disease is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrus phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in female dogs and cats. Regarding the treatment, most of the time, dystocias in bitches and cats are addressed through cesarean sections. In pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. In the present study, 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with emergency obstetric were monitored during 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) had pyometra, and 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia. In addition, one female dog presented vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 had dystocia (65%; 13/20) and seven (35%; 7/20) pyometra. Some of these obstetric emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the neutering of females.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Distocia/veterinária , Emergências/veterinária , Hospitais Veterinários , Complicações do Trabalho de Parto/veterináriaResumo
Background: Hematological analyses are seen as more preferred laboratory analyses in canine transmissible venereal tumor studies. There is no information about the availability of platelets and their indices in routine practice in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. Taking this as a starting point, this study analyzed the usefulness of platelet indices in dogs with transmissible venereal tumor in clinical laboratory diagnosis as well as examined the relationship between white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets (PLT), main platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT), and the ratio of main platelet volume to platelets (MPV/PLT). Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 42 bitches of various breeds were used. Nineteen healthy bitches were used as a control group, and the others 23 with cTVT as a study group. Metastasis was not observed in any of the bitches involved in the study. History, clinical findings, and cytological examinations were evaluated for the diagnosis of cTVT. In animals with hemorrhagic discharge and neoplastic lesions, a vaginal cytological examination was performed. Typical TVT cells with large nuclei and intracytoplasmic vacuoles were observed in the vaginal cytological examinations, and the diagnosis of TVT was made. Healthy bitches (19) and those with TVT (23) were 39.16 5.37 months and 47.61 5.14 months old, respectively. From all animals, 2 mL blood samples were collected from V. cephalica to evaluate PIs in the complete blood count (CBC). Collected blood samples were analyzed using an automated hematology analyzer. As a result of the analysis, WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, and MPV/PLT data were obtained. Mild leukocytosis, an increase in PLT, and a decrease in MCV and MPV/PLT were determined in the study group compared to the control group. Cut-off values in CBC of bitches with TVT were determined as WBC: 13.35 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 90%); MCV: 67 (sensitivity: 57%; specificity: 95%); PLT: 315.50 (sensitivity: 65%; specificity: 74%); and MPV/PLT: 0.028 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 58%). In CBC analyses, a strong negative correlation between PLT and MPV/PLT was detected in both groups. Discussion: Canine transmissible venereal tumors are common in both stray and pet dogs. It is naturally transferred from animal to animal during mating by live tumor cells. This tumor can commonly affect the external genitalia and internal organs in some cases. It generally has the look of cauliflower, and its surface is ulcerated, inflammatory, hemorrhagic, and infectious. More preferred laboratory analyses are complete blood count and blood chemistry analysis in cTVT for to evaluate the success of treatments. Platelet indices have been investigated in many diseases such as endotoxemia, chronic enteropathy, mammary tumor, parvoviral enteritis, septic peritonitis, lymphoma, pyometra, visceral leishmaniasis, and babesiosis in dogs. There is no information available for either diagnostic or prognostic use of the PIs in canine TVT cases. Ultimately, in light of the presented study's results, platelet indices, especially PLT and the MPV/PLT ratio, seem to be notable laboratory markers in terms of easy accessibility and low-cost assessment techniques in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. New data, however, should be established by a thorough follow-up study using a larger sample size and addressing its usefulness as a diagnostic or prognostic marker in canine transmissible venereal tumors.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Contagem de Plaquetas/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/diagnóstico , Contagem de Células SanguíneasResumo
Emergências reprodutivas, como as piometras e distocias, são frequentes na rotina clínica de cadelas e gatas. A distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto e sua causa mais comum, nas duas espécies, é a inércia uterina primária. A piometra é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Na maioria das vezes, as distocias, em cadelas e gatas, é abordada por meio da realização de cesarianas, enquanto para a piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Desta forma, tendo em vista a deficiência na quantificação de emergências reprodutivas obstétricas em cadelas e gatas diagnosticadas em serviços veterinários do Brasil, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar os achados obtidos através do monitoramento, durante 90 dias, de 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências reprodutivas. Dentre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra, 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia e 1 prolápso vaginal. Dentre as gatas, 13 (65%; 13/20) apresentaram distocia e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas das emergências reprodutivas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.
Reproductive emergencies, such as pyometras and dystocias, are frequent in the clinical routine of female dogs and cats. Dystocia occurs when there is a failure during delivery or expulsion of the fetus, and its most common cause, in both species, is primary uterine inertia. Pyometra is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrous phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in both female dogs and cats. Most of the time, dystocias, in female dogs and cats, is addressed through cesarean sections, while in pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. Thus, given the deficiency in the quantification of obstetric reproductive emergencies in female dogs and cats diagnosed in veterinary services in Brazil, this study aimed to report the findings obtained by monitoring 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with reproductive emergencies for 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) presented pyometra, 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia, and 1 had vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 presented dystocia (65%; 13/20), and 7 (35%; 7/20) showed pyometra. Some reproductive emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the castration of females
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cães , Distocia/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Piometra é uma doença que afeta o útero de fêmeas causando infecção e inflamação com acúmulo de grande quantidade de exsudato purulento ou mucopurulento. Ocorre em todas as espécies domésticas, sendo mais comum em cadelas e vacas. Sua importância em cada espécie está relacionada ao número de casos e sua severidade, dentro de suas particularidades. O objetivo com esta revisão foi reunir estudos referentes à piometra em fêmeas domésticas, incluindo a epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento nas principais espécies acometidas.
Pyometra is a disease that affects the uterus of females causing infection and inflammation with an accumulation of large amounts of purulent or mucopurulent exudate. It occurs in all domestic species, being more common in bitches and cows. Its importance in each species is related to the number of cases and its severity, within its particularities. The objective of this review was to gather studies referring to pyometra in domestic females, including epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment in the main species affected.
La piometra es una enfermedad que afecta el útero de las hembras causando infección e inflamación com acumulación de grandes cantidades de exudado purulento o mucopurulento. Ocurre en todas las espécies domésticas, siendo más frecuente en perras y vacas. Su importancia en cada especie está relacionada con el número de casos y su severidad, dentro de sus particularidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue reunir estudios sobre piometra en hembras domésticas, incluyendo epidemiología, signos clínicos, diagnóstico y tratamiento en las principales especies afectadas.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bovinos , Cães , Coelhos , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Piometra/patologia , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , CavalosResumo
Ovariohisterectomia (OH) é o procedimento cirúrgico mais realizado na rotina veterinária. Tal cirurgia pode ser realizada como tratamento de enfermidades, sendo denominada de OH terapêutica. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é determinar quais as indicações de OH terapêutica em gatas. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca em sites de artigos científicos utilizando-se termos relacionados ao tema, abrangendo o período de 2012 a 2022 (10 anos). Os artigos sobre indicação de OH terapêutica em gatas foram analisados e os dados obtidos foram dispostos em tabela e gráfico. Foram analisadas 27 publicações, perfazendo 1.264 casos de OH terapêutica em gatas. Piometra foi a enfermidade mais frequente, totalizando 1.010 casos (79,90%). Cisto ovariano foi a segunda causa mais frequente, compreendendo 95 casos (7,51%). A terceira causa mais frequente de OH terapêutica foi a distocia, representando 81 casos (6,40%). A hiperplasia mamária foi indicação de OH terapêutica em 30 casos (2,37%). Prolapso uterino e torção uterina obtiveram a mesma frequência (11 casos; 0,87%). Maceração fetal foi uma indicação terapêutica em três relatos (0,23%) nos artigos analisados. Ocorreram dez outras indicações menos comuns de OH terapêutica em gatas. Desta forma, os resultados indicam a piometra como a doença mais frequente, entretanto, foram encontrados poucos artigos sobre o tema, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos envolvendo a espécie felina.
Ovariohysterectomy (OH) is the most performed surgical procedure in the veterinary routine. Such surgery can be carried out as a treatment for diseases, being called therapeutic OH. Thus, the present review aims to determine the indications for therapeutic OH in cats. For this purpose, a search was carried out on scientific article websites using terms related to the topic, covering the period from 2012 to 2022 (10 years). The articles on the indication of therapeutic OH in cats were analyzed and the data obtained were arranged in a table and graph. Twenty-seven publications were analyzed, totaling 1,264 cases of therapeutic OH in cats. Pyometra was the most frequent disease, totaling 1,010 cases (79.90%). Ovarian cyst was the second most frequent cause, comprising 95 cases (7.51%). The third most frequent cause of therapeutic HO was dystocia, representing 81 cases (6.40%). Breast hyperplasia was an indication for therapeutic OH in 30 cases (2.37%). Uterine prolapse and uterine torsion had the same frequency (11 cases; 0.87%). Fetal maceration was a therapeutic indication in three reports (0.23%) in the analyzed articles. There were ten other less common indications of therapeutic OH in cats. Thus, the results indicate pyometra as the most frequent disease; however, few articles were found on the subject, indicating the need for more studies involving the feline species.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cistos Ovarianos/prevenção & controle , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/prevenção & controle , Distocia/prevenção & controle , Piometra/prevenção & controle , Histerectomia/veterinária , Prevenção de DoençasResumo
Ovarian neoplasms affect a low percentage of female dogs, and these tumors are classified according to their cellular origin and are considered rare. Dysgerminoma is a tumor derived from undifferentiated primordial ovarian germinal epithelium cells. In the male, this neoplasm is diagnosed as seminoma. Thus, dysgerminoma is not linked to the production of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which play a fundamental role in the establishment of pyometra. At Araujo Veterinary Hospital (HVA), a 15-year-old female Pinscher was admitted with mucopurulent vaginal discharge, abdominal enlargement, anorexia, polydipsia, and prostration clinical signs indicative of pyometra, radiographic and ultrasound examinations were requested, as well as a blood collection for hemogram and serum biochemistry. Ultrasound examination revealed uterine enlargement and hypoechoic content, in addition to bilateral ovarian cysts, measuring 7 cm in the right ovary and 3 cm in the left. The blood count revealed normal values in the erythrogram and the leukogram showed monocytosis and lymphopenia, in addition to macroplatelets. Biochemical examination revealed increased GGT values of 10 U/L. Ovariohysterectomy was performed and, in the trans-surgical period, nodules in the spleen were observed. So, the ovaries and a fragment of the lymphoid organ, were fixed and sent to the histopathology laboratory after surgical resection. Histopathology revealed ovarian dysgerminoma and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. Ten days after the surgical procedure, the dog returned to the HVA for clinical evaluation and suture removal. However, three days after the return, the patient presented a convulsive condition evolving to death.
Neoplasias ovarianas acometem baixa porcentagem de cadelas, e estes tumores são classificados de acordo com a origem celular, sendo considerados raros. O disgerminoma é um tumor derivado de células do epitélio germinativo primordial ovariano, indiferenciado. No macho, essa neoplasia é diagnosticada como seminoma. Assim, o disgerminoma não está ligado a produção de hormônios ovarianos, como o estrógeno e a progesterona, que desempenham papel fundamental para o estabelecimento da piometra. No Hospital Veterinário Araújo (HVA), uma cachorra da raça Pinscher, com 15 anos, foi antendida apresentando, secreção vaginal mucopurulenta, aumento abdominal, anorexia, polidipsia e prostração sinais clínicos indicativos de piometra, solicitou-se exame de radiográfico e ultrassonografia, bem como a coleta de sangue para hemograma e bioquímico sérico. O exame ultrassonográfico revelou aumento uterino e conteúdo hipoecóico, além de cistos ovarianos bilaterais, com mensurações de 7 cm no ovário direito e 3 cm no esquerdo. O hemograma revelou valores normais no eritrograma e o leucograma apresentou monocitose e linfopenia, além de macroplaquetas. O exame bioquímico revelou valores de GGT aumentados, em 10 U/L. A ovariohisterectomia foi realizada e no trans cirúrgico observou-se nódulos no baço. Assim, os ovários e um fragmento do órgão linfoide, após a ressecção cirúrgica, foram fixados e encaminhadas para laboratório de histopatologia. A histopatologia revelou disgerminoma ovariano e hiperplasia nodular linfoide. Dez dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, a paciente retornou ao HVA para avaliação clínica e retirada da sutura. No entanto, três dias após o retorno, o animal apresentou um quadro convulsivo evoluindo ao óbito.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Disgerminoma/veterinária , Transtornos Linfoproliferativos/veterinária , Piometra/veterináriaResumo
Background: Elective ovariohysterectomy (OH) is minimally invasive, but when performed incorrectly, it can lead to postsurgical complications, such as stump pyometra, ovarian remnant syndrome and foci of adhesion generated by tissue reactions to threads and materials used in vessel hemostasis. The formation of adhesions and successive surgeries predisposes patients to other diseases, such as ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis. Thus, we reported a case of hydronephrosis in a bitch submitted to conventional OH, followed by ovariectomy (OV) due to ovarian remnant syndrome and consequent intraperitoneal adhesions caused by successive surgical interventions. Case: A 11-year-old mixed breed medium size bitch with a history of stump pyometra and ovarian remnant syndrome (SOR) was treated at the Veterinary Hospital-HV of UFPA after 2 previous surgeries. It had been spayed using conventional OH and underwent ovariectomy OV approximately 4 years ago, as it showed signs of estrus after the first surgery, characterizing SOR. On physical examination, its abdomen was distended especially in the left hemiabdomen, with no palpable pain. Ultrasonography showed a cavity in the topographic area of the left kidney, with anechoic content, thin walls, and defined contour. There were nonvascularized tubular structures, suggesting hydroureter and severe hydronephrosis. Exploratory celiotomy was performed, showing the intense presence of abdominal adhesions, followed by an incision in the abdominal midline from the xiphoid process in a caudal direction to the pubis, thereby showing the left kidney. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and preservation of the renal capsule was considered, resulting in its complete resection, followed by the synthesis of the abdominal wall. In the postoperative period, the patient was properly monitored and obtained a satisfactory outcome manifested by a complete recovery. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and preservation of the renal capsule only was considered, resulting in its complete resection, followed by the synthesis of the abdominal wall. In the postoperative period, the patient was properly monitored and obtained a satisfactory outcome manifested by a complete recovery. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, renal parenchymal atrophy and preservation of the renal capsule only was adopted. Discussion: The choice of the conventional OH technique, followed by the failure to perform, favored the formation of adhesions only diagnosed late. Less invasive alternatives achieved less long-term damage. Excessive intracavitary manipulation and reaction to the nylon suture thread favored the development of these adhesions, and consequently, unilateral obstruction of the left ureter, hydroureter, hypertrophy, and destruction of the renal parenchyma, led the patient to undergo a third surgery, namely, unilateral nephrectomy. In this case, no changes were observed in serum levels, leaving only a subtle abdominal enlargement with hydronephrosis installed silently. There was no possibility of carrying out initial surgical planning, as the affected kidney, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function in the contralateral organ, with no clinical or laboratory changes because the affected kidney was not functional, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function with no clinical or laboratory changes because the affected kidney was not functional, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function in the contralateral organ, with no clinical or laboratory changes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Aderências Teciduais/veterinária , Hidronefrose/cirurgia , Hidronefrose/veterinária , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
O tumor de células de Sertoli, classificado como tumor do cordão sexual puro, é caracterizado por provocar manifestações clínicas endócrinas. É encontrado mais comumente em machos e é raro em fêmeas. O presente estudo objetivou relatar um caso de tumor ovariano de células de Sertoli em uma cadela. A paciente era uma fêmea canina, de cinco anos de idade da raça Shi Tzu, que apresentava queixa de "posição de prece" com frequência e anestro há dois anos. O exame físico determinou alopecia difusa e simétrica, hiperpigmentação de pele, pelos frágeis e comedões, com aumento de volume no flanco esquerdo e sensibilidade à palpação abdominal. O exame ultrassonográfico evidenciou estrutura arredondada, de bordas definidas em topografia de ovário esquerdo, medindo aproximadamente 5,27cm em seu maior eixo; além de piometra incipiente. Após ovariossalpingohisterectomia, realizou-se avaliação histopatológica do ovário, com diagnóstico de tumor do cordão sexual/estroma, com padrão de células de Sertoli infiltrativo. Conclui-se que, apesar de incomum, é importante incluir o tumor de células de Sertoli como diagnóstico diferencial, em casos de sinais de desregulação hormonal e alterações no ciclo estral e do pelame do animal. Ressalta-se a importância dos exames de imagem e histopatológicos para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento adequado.
Sertoli cells tumor, classified as a pure sexual cord tumor, is characterized by causing endocrine clinical manifestations. It is commonly found in males and is rare in females. The present study aimed to report a case of a Sertoli cell ovarian tumor in a female dog. The patient was a five-year-old female Shi Tzu dog, who complained of prayer position frequently and anestrus for two years. The physical examination determined diffuse and symmetrical alopecia, skin hyperpigmentation, fragile hair, and comedones, with increased volume in the left flank and sensitivity to abdominal palpation. The ultrasound examination evidenced the presence of a rounded structure, with defined edges in the topography of the left ovary, measuring approximately 5.27cm in its longest axis, in addition to incipient pyometra. After ovariosalpingohysterectomy, a histopathological evaluation of the ovary was performed with a diagnosis of sexual cord/stroma with an infiltrative Sertoli cell pattern. It is concluded that, although uncommon, it is important to include the Sertoli cell tumor as a differential diagnosis in cases of signs of hormonal dysregulation and changes in the estrous cycle, and animal's coat. The importance of imaging and histopathological exams for diagnosis, prognosis, and appropriate treatment is highlighted.
Animais , Cães , Doenças Ovarianas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
Background: Intravaginal devices containing progestins are widely used for oestrus synchronization in sheep. Progestins give economic benefits to farmers but may have some limitations and the efficacy strictly depends on farm management. There are different devices, with different molecules (progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, fluorogestone acetate), different dosages and long (12-14 days) and short-term (5-7 days) protocols. Experimental studies often include a limited number of animals and are held at different latitudes and with different system of management. To our knowledge, there are few reports in the literature on field application of the recently licensed 20 mg fluorogestone acetate (FGA) sponges in large ewe flocks, excluding the registration trials. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was designed to evaluate oestrous synchronization in 2 different breeds. A total of 1100 Lacaune (L) and 618 Sarda (S) were assigned to 8 groups, comparing multiparous (M) and nulliparous (N) and those synchronized in November (n) and May (m). The groups were: LMm (n. 556), LNm (n. 180), SMm (n. 70), SNm (n. 32), LMn (n. 242), LNn (n. 222), SMn (n. 440) e SNn (n. 76). The intravaginal sponge was inserted for 14 days. At sponge withdrawal, eCG (400 IU, IM) was injected, and rams were joined into flocks 30 h later with a male/female ratio of 1:8. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed for pregnancy diagnosis after 30 days. Fertility parameters such as oestrus (OR), pregnancy (PR), lambing rates (LR) and prolificacy were calculated. Fisher exact test was used to compare parameters of each group with the corresponding and significance was set at P < 0.01. The use of intravaginal sponges in this study was easily performed in all animals. In nulliparous groups, digital insertion of the sponge, instead of the applicator, was preferred to avoid discomfort. Sponge loss was observed in 2% of treated ewes. At the removal of the sponge, mild vaginal contamination was observed in 90% of the ewes. Ultrasound finding of embryo resorption, pseudopregnancy and pyometra were found in rates under 2%. The loss of pregnancy ranged from 0 to 3.6% without significant differences among groups. The SMn group showed the best performances (0.91 OR, 0.88 PR, 0.85 LR), significantly higher than the other groups. Prolificacy was maximum in the LMn (1.68) and minimum in the SNm group (1.06), without significant differences among groups. Discussion: The 14-day regimen based on 20 mg FGA-releasing intravaginal devices is an easy and satisfactory synchronization regimen to improve the productivity and the fertility of sheep farm, and this can be managed and optimized in different breeding conditions. In this study, Sarda breed shows a good adaption to the environment with adult ewes giving the best results in reproductive season. However young Sarda ewes were less productive especially in non-breading season. Lacaune showed good reproductive potential, young and adult ewes responded to progestins in reproductive and non-reproductive season. It was confirmed that the reproductive performance is affected by season, age, and breed. This study encourages the breeding of indigenous breeds by implementing the management with modern technologies. The imported highly productive breeds, if well managed, can give a production less influenced by seasonal variables and age.
Animais , Feminino , Administração Intravaginal , Ovinos/fisiologia , Acetato de Fluorogestona/administração & dosagem , Acetato de Fluorogestona/análise , Progestinas/administração & dosagem , Sincronização do Estro/métodosResumo
Background: Juvenile panhypopituitarism is an endocrinopathy that affects young dogs and must be differentiated from other causes of height disorders, as one could have a deficiency of one or more adenohypophysis hormones, besides growth hormone. Diagnosis consists of excluding endocrine and non-endocrine causes. Treatment requires administration of heterologous porcine growth hormone or progestins, as well as supplementing other hormones that are deficient in the circulation. The prognosis for these patients tends to be unfavorable and they have a shorter life expectancy. The present case aimed to report the therapeutic challenges in a dog diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism. Case: This study presents the case of a 6-month-old crossbred Labrador/Brazilian Fila dog, not neutered, 6.7 kg of body weight (body condition score 5/9), with a growth disorder and persistence of the puppy coat, when compared to other members of the same litter. During inspection, it was possible to observe an undersized dog and soft puppy coat, besides no bone irregularities or joint tenderness was noted. The other physical examination parameters were within the normal range for the species. No changes in complete blood count and only increases in urea, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase activity were observed. Thyroid and abdominal ultrasound (US) examination did not reveal any remarkable changes. After serum dosage of insulin-like growth factor, thyroxine, thyrostimulating hormone, and cortisol, the patient was diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism and underwent therapy with medroxyprogesterone and thyroid hormone supplementation. Monitoring was instituted at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 weeks, and currently every 3 or 4 months and the IGF-1 values normalized after 6 months with. After 8 months of therapy, the patient had good body growth and bone mineralization compared to the time of diagnosis. However, skeletal development was completed only 12 months after hormone replacement, accompanied by the presence of vertebral osteophytes and coxofemoral osteoarticular alterations. Considering chronic use of progestins, ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) was recommended, but for personal reasons, the owners chose to do not submit her to surgery. After 18 months of treatment, the dog starts to exhibit prostration, selective appetite, and increased abdominal volume. After imaging exam, she was forwarded for OSH, due to consistent findings of pyometra. Subsequently, even the supervision of possible comorbidities involved in the chronic use of progestins was maintained at half-yearly intervals, the bitch returned to the service with skin thickening, increased limb volume, and macroglossia after 60 months of therapy. At this point IGF-1 values were higher when compared to the previous measurements and the application of medroxyprogesterone was suspended. Its supplementation was reintroduced only after 8 months when IGF-1 was significantly reduced. To date, the patient is close to 6 years of age and with a good quality of life. Discussion: The greatest therapeutic challenge for these patients involves dealing with the adverse effects of progestins, mainly related to reproductive disorders and alopecia at the application site, as well as maintaining adequate hormone replacement in order to avoid hypersomatotropism. Although longevity is lower in these individuals, the patient in this report has achieved 6 years of age and has had an excellent quality of life so far.
Animais , Cães , Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Hormônio do Crescimento/uso terapêutico , Nanismo Hipofisário/veterinária , Hipopituitarismo/veterinária , Medroxiprogesterona/administração & dosagem , Adeno-Hipófise/anormalidades , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterináriaResumo
Pyometra is frequently diagnosed in female dogs, and it is characterized by endometrial inflammation, accumulation of purulent exudate within the lumen, and bacterial infection. In the dog, pyometra affects more often aged nulliparous bitches during the luteal phase. Pathogenesis of pyometra is multifactorial and progesterone seems to be a key factor. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia has been described as a predisposing condition for canine pyometra. However, a recent study demonstrated that cystic endometrial hyperplasia is not significantly associated with naturally occurring pyometra, whereas there is a significant association of this condition with pseudoplacentational endometrial hyperplasia. The aim of this review is to provide an update on canine pyometra, with focus on its association with uterine hyperplasic lesions, which supports a proposal for adoption of more adequate diagnostic terminology.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães , Endometrite , Hiperplasia Endometrial/diagnóstico , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnósticoResumo
Pyometra is frequently diagnosed in female dogs, and it is characterized by endometrial inflammation, accumulation of purulent exudate within the lumen, and bacterial infection. In the dog, pyometra affects more often aged nulliparous bitches during the luteal phase. Pathogenesis of pyometra is multifactorial and progesterone seems to be a key factor. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia has been described as a predisposing condition for canine pyometra. However, a recent study demonstrated that cystic endometrial hyperplasia is not significantly associated with naturally occurring pyometra, whereas there is a significant association of this condition with pseudoplacentational endometrial hyperplasia. The aim of this review is to provide an update on canine pyometra, with focus on its association with uterine hyperplasic lesions, which supports a proposal for adoption of more adequate diagnostic terminology.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia Endometrial/diagnóstico , EndometriteResumo
The bitch is an experimental model of wild and even endangered canids. Therefore, the study of the factors that influence your fertility benefits scientific advances in both segments. Knowing that pyometra is one of the common uterine pathologies in bitches, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of pyometra on the morphology and competence of canine oocytes through the use of Azul Cresil Brilhante (ACB). For this purpose, 1197 canine oocytes that were divided into 2 groups classified as control (healthy) and treatment (pyometra). They were morphologically classified into grade 1 (G1), grade 2 (G2) and grade 3 (G3) and according to the ACB stain as ACB (+) and ACB () (not stained). Bitches in the healthy group had higher amounts of total oocytes (795) and better quality (495 oocytes G1) and competence (45 ± 9.8 ACB (+)). The use of ACB was useful to distinguish the competence of the studied oocytes and can be an auxiliary tool for choosing the best oocytes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Oócitos/classificação , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , Piometra/complicações , Piometra/veterinária , Indicadores e ReagentesResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the renal function of six bitches of various breeds and ages, with open pyometra, attended in the Small Animal Medical Clinic sector of the Veterinary Hospital from Federal University of Campina Grande, through the measurement of laboratory tests: urea and creatinine serum, dosage of the urinary Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR), urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and determination of the renal resistivity index (RI). The levels of urea and creatinine were elevated in 16.6% (1/6) of the female dogs; the urinary protein-creatinine ratio was increased in 66.6% (4/6), while the urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase value was elevated in 50% (3/6). The renal resistivity index was increased in the right and left kidneys by 66.6% (4/6) of bitches, with no statistical difference between them. It was concluded that the renal resistivity index was a practical and effective method to assist in the diagnosis of acute kidney injury, along with other early markers, such as PCR and urinary GGT.
Objetivou-se com esse estudo avaliar a função renal de seis cadelas com piometra aberta, de variadas raças e ida-des, atendidas no setor de Clínica Médica de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, através da mensuração dos exames laboratoriais: ureia e creatinina séricas, dosagem da relação proteína/creatinina (RPC) urinária, gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT) urinária e determinação do índice de resistividade (IR) renal. Os níveis de ureia e creatinina apresentaram-se elevados em 16,6% (1/6) das cadelas, a relação proteína:creatinina urinária estava aumen-tada em 66,6% (4/6), enquanto o valor de gama-glutamiltransferase urinária encontrou-se elevado em 50% (3/6). O índice de resistividade renal mostrou-se aumentado nos rins direito e esquerdo de 66,6% (4/6) das cadelas, não havendo diferença estatística entre ambos. Concluiu-se que o índice de resistividade renal foi um método prático e eficaz para auxiliar no diag-nóstico da lesão renal aguda, juntamente com outros marcadores precoces, como RPC e GGT urinária.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Injúria Renal Aguda/diagnóstico , Piometra/diagnóstico , Piometra/veterinária , Rim/lesões , BioquímicaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the renal function of six bitches of various breeds and ages, with open pyometra, attended in the Small Animal Medical Clinic sector of the Veterinary Hospital from Federal University of Campina Grande, through the measurement of laboratory tests: urea and creatinine serum, dosage of the urinary Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR), urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and determination of the renal resistivity index (RI). The levels of urea and creatinine were elevated in 16.6% (1/6) of the female dogs; the urinary protein-creatinine ratio was increased in 66.6% (4/6), while the urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase value was elevated in 50% (3/6). The renal resistivity index was increased in the right and left kidneys by 66.6% (4/6) of bitches, with no statistical difference between them. It was concluded that the renal resistivity index was a practical and effective method to assist in the diagnosis of acute kidney injury, along with other early markers, such as PCR and urinary GGT.(AU)
Objetivou-se com esse estudo avaliar a função renal de seis cadelas com piometra aberta, de variadas raças e ida-des, atendidas no setor de Clínica Médica de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, através da mensuração dos exames laboratoriais: ureia e creatinina séricas, dosagem da relação proteína/creatinina (RPC) urinária, gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT) urinária e determinação do índice de resistividade (IR) renal. Os níveis de ureia e creatinina apresentaram-se elevados em 16,6% (1/6) das cadelas, a relação proteína:creatinina urinária estava aumen-tada em 66,6% (4/6), enquanto o valor de gama-glutamiltransferase urinária encontrou-se elevado em 50% (3/6). O índice de resistividade renal mostrou-se aumentado nos rins direito e esquerdo de 66,6% (4/6) das cadelas, não havendo diferença estatística entre ambos. Concluiu-se que o índice de resistividade renal foi um método prático e eficaz para auxiliar no diag-nóstico da lesão renal aguda, juntamente com outros marcadores precoces, como RPC e GGT urinária.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães/lesões , Injúria Renal Aguda/diagnóstico , Piometra/diagnóstico , Piometra/veterinária , Rim/lesões , BioquímicaResumo
Background: Brazil is an important horse breeder that creates about three million jobs and movements about R$16,15 billions per year. Although, it is important to the horse breeding industry success that the animals reproductive performance be kept. The mare pregnancy loss causes abundant forfeitures to horse breeders, furthermore, the chronic pyometra is one of that causes. The chronic pyometra is an uncommon mare condition, clinical treatments are often ineffective, under those circumstances the hysterectomy, ovariohysterectomy and uteropexy are recommended. This report proposes to describe the chronic pyometra surgical treatments with the uteropexy technique in mini horses that do not respond to the clinical treatment. Case: A 14-year-old mini breed horse mare weighing 117 kg was sent to Veterinarian Hospital (HV) of the Paraná Federal University (UFPR), presenting dystocia background and intrauterine purulent secretion. The clinical treatment had been conducted, but not well succeeded. An hysteroscopy was conducted with a cervix rupture monitoring, uterine mucosa edematiated and crispy, presenting liquid and a high amount of purulent secretion in the uterus horn and body. The biopsy identified uteropexy. The post-surgical complications were minimums and 30 days after the procedure the laparoscopy was repeated with uterine healing monitoring, without adherences and the uterus were at horizontal position. The hysteroscopy was conducted where a small amount of purulent secretion was perceived. Ten days after the second laparoscopy the patient was discharged. Two years after the procedure, the animal responsible informed that there was not a relapse. Discussion: the mare pyometra occurrence is uncommon and emerges by nature protection false mechanisms. Any change or flaw in one of these protection mechanics barriers, may result in a reproductive change due to uterine infection, resulting in reduction of mare reproductive capacity. Probably this reports patients developed pyometra due to the cervix lesion it's presented made easier the uterus external microorganisms entrance, that predisposes an chronic uterine infection. As many authors report, the chronic pyometra clinical treatment is not always successful, also observed in the case reported, indicating then surgical treatment. There are many pyometra surgical treatments indications as: Wedge resection technique in case of cervix adherence, uteropexy technique, ovary-hysterectomy technique or hysterectomy. The ovary-hysterectomy and the hysterectomy was not conducted for being considered highly invasive. This case choice procedure was the uteropexy, which corresponds to fixing the broad ligament of the uterus to the abdominal wall, repositioning it horizontally, to obtain a better drainage and motility, since this is your anatomic position. In the report, the surgical technique was conducted satisfactorily, certifying the uterine elevation by laparoscopy in the postoperative and also by the responsible report, that the animal does not relapse in two years. The postoperative complications were not alarming, considering that it ceased 24h after the procedure. The conclusions present in this treatment show that the hysteropexy conducted by videosurgery with toggles application developed the necessary uterine elevation to the liquid drainage, that allows the mare to execute the uterine cleaning by the physiological form.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Útero/cirurgia , Piometra/cirurgia , Piometra/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Histeroscopia/veterinária , Endometrite/veterináriaResumo
Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.
Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.