ABSTRACT: We described the clinical and anatomopathological findings observed in a case of nasal leiomyosarcoma in a five-year-old male Quarter Mile horse, whose main complaints were decreased sports performance and bilateral purulent nasal discharge. The nodule was observed in the nasal cavity, obstructing the left nostril and associated with purulent drainage. The nodule was of irregular shape and yellow color, measuring 19.4 cm × 6.9 cm × 4.3 cm in size, with coalescent multifocal areas that were brownish, friable, opaque, and fetid. When cut, the surface was compact, grayish-white, and smooth with yellow, friable, irregular multifocal areas, measuring 1-3.2 cm in diameter. Histopathological examination showed spindle-shaped neoplastic cells, which was negative on Masson's trichromic stain. A diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma was established based on the morphotintorial aspects of neoplastic cells and confirmed through immunohistochemistry, with positive immunostaining for antibodies 1A4, HHF35, desmin, and S100. Leiomyosarcoma primarily affects the nasal cavity of horses and should be included in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nasal cavity and cause nasal obstruction associated with dyspnea.
RESUMO: Descreve-se os achados clínicos e anatomopatológicos observados em um caso de leiomiossarcoma nasal em um equino, Quarto de Milha, macho, de cinco anos de idade, com queixa principal de diminuição do rendimento esportivo e secreção nasal purulenta bilateral. Na cavidade nasal, observou-se um nódulo obstruindo a narina esquerda associada à secreção purulenta. O nódulo era de superfície irregular, amarelada, brilhante, fibroelástica, medindo 19,4 x 6,9 x 4,3cm de tamanho, com áreas multifocais a coalescente acastanhadas, friáveis, opacas e fétidas. Ao corte, a superfície era compacta, branco-acinzentada e lisa com áreas multifocais amarelas, friáveis e irregulares, medindo 1-3,2 cm de diâmetro. No exame histopatológico foi observado proliferação de células neoplásicas fusiformes, que foram negativas na coloração de Tricrômico de Masson. O diagnóstico de leiomiossarcoma foi estabelecido com base nos aspectos morfotintoriais das células neoplásicas e confirmado através da imuno-histoquímica, no qual houve imunomarcação positiva para os anticorpos 1A4, HHF35, Desmina e S100. O leiomiossarcoma pode afetar primariamente a cavidade nasal de equinos, devendo ser incluído no diagnóstico diferencial de doenças que afetam a cavidade nasal e que provocam quadros de obstrução nasal associado a dispneia.
Os equinos são animais poliéstricos sazonais, fotoperiódico positivos, apresentando ciclos reprodutivos em estações definidas do ano, primavera e verão, e estações com ausência ou baixa atividade reprodutiva, outono e inverno. A necessidade da maximização do período reprodutivo, bem como a definição de um ano hípico iniciando em julho, no hemisfério sul (para algumas raças como o Puro Sangue de Corrida e o Quarto de milha) levou ao desenvolvimento de técnicas para diminuir o tempo que essas éguas permanecem em anestro reprodutivo. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas destaca-se o uso de iluminação artificial. Consistindo no fornecimento de luz branca incandescente ou led azul ou branco em baias, piquetes ou por meio de máscaras, a fim de simular os efeitos de dias longos no organismo assim liberar o eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário-gonadal. Para estimular o retorno antecipado à ciclicidade, a égua deve ser exposta a um estímulo de 14 a 15 horas de luz diárias, totalizando 9 a 10 horas de escuridão, ou receber um estímulo de 1 hora de luz, aproximadamente 9 horas após o anoitecer. É fundamental que a égua esteja com escore corporal adequado e alguns cuidados com o fornecimento da luz artificial sejam atendidos, como a continuidade no fornecimento para o sucesso da técnica.(AU)
Horses are seasonally breeding animals which means that they natural breed in specific seasons (Spring, and Summer), with non or low reproductive activity on the other seasons (Winter and Fall). The development of techniques to shorten the anoestrus can be necessary to anticipate the breeding season, starting in July in the Southern Hemisphere, for some breeds such as Thoroughbred and Quarter Horses. The most common technique is the use of artificial lighting with incandescent, or blue/white led light, applied in stalls, paddocks or with a light mask to mimic the effects of a long day and release the hipotalamic-hipophysarie-gonadal axis. To stimulate an early return to cyclicity, the mare should be exposed to a 14-to-15-hour light stimulus daily, totalling 9 to 10 hours of darkness, or receive a 1-hour light stimulus, approximately 9 hours after dusk. It is fundamental that the mare has an adequate body condition score and some awareness with the provision of artificial light are considered, such as the continuity of the light program for the success of the technique.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Iluminação/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Cavalos/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , FotoperíodoResumo
We described the clinical and anatomopathological findings observed in a case of nasal leiomyosarcoma in a five-year-old male Quarter Mile horse, whose main complaints were decreased sports performance and bilateral purulent nasal discharge. The nodule was observed in the nasal cavity, obstructing the left nostril and associated with purulent drainage. The nodule was of irregular shape and yellow color, measuring 19.4 cm × 6.9 cm × 4.3 cm in size, with coalescent multifocal areas that were brownish, friable, opaque, and fetid. When cut, the surface was compact, grayish-white, and smooth with yellow, friable, irregular multifocal areas, measuring 1-3.2 cm in diameter. Histopathological examination showed spindle-shaped neoplastic cells, which was negative on Masson's trichromic stain. A diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma was established based on the morphotintorial aspects of neoplastic cells and confirmed through immunohistochemistry, with positive immunostaining for antibodies 1A4, HHF35, desmin, and S100. Leiomyosarcoma primarily affects the nasal cavity of horses and should be included in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nasal cavity and cause nasal obstruction associated with dyspnea.
Descreve-se os achados clínicos e anatomopatológicos observados em um caso de leiomiossarcoma nasal em um equino, Quarto de Milha, macho, de cinco anos de idade, com queixa principal de diminuição do rendimento esportivo e secreção nasal purulenta bilateral. Na cavidade nasal, observou-se um nódulo obstruindo a narina esquerda associada à secreção purulenta. O nódulo era de superfície irregular, amarelada, brilhante, fibroelástica, medindo 19,4 x 6,9 x 4,3cm de tamanho, com áreas multifocais a coalescente acastanhadas, friáveis, opacas e fétidas. Ao corte, a superfície era compacta, branco-acinzentada e lisa com áreas multifocais amarelas, friáveis e irregulares, medindo 1-3,2 cm de diâmetro. No exame histopatológico foi observado proliferação de células neoplásicas fusiformes, que foram negativas na coloração de Tricrômico de Masson. O diagnóstico de leiomiossarcoma foi estabelecido com base nos aspectos morfotintoriais das células neoplásicas e confirmado através da imuno-histoquímica, no qual houve imunomarcação positiva para os anticorpos 1A4, HHF35, Desmina e S100. O leiomiossarcoma pode afetar primariamente a cavidade nasal de equinos, devendo ser incluído no diagnóstico diferencial de doenças que afetam a cavidade nasal e que provocam quadros de obstrução nasal associado a dispneia.
Animais , Sarcoma/veterinária , Obstrução Nasal/veterinária , Dispneia/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos , Leiomiossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to assess a training protocol employed in the Brazilian Northeast region for fitness conditioning of vaquejada horses. For 12 months, 24 Quarter Horses were evaluated under a completely randomized split-plot experimental design in which the plots comprised three age groups: horses at two, three, and four years of age. The split plots were made up of six fitness tests carried out every other month. The fitness test protocol consisted of five levels of protocol exercises on a standard vaquejada track. Prior to the tests with fasted animals, we collected blood samples to determine muscle enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase). During the tests, heart rate, speed, and distance run were recorded using a heart rate monitor. Next, the results were used to calculate speed at which each horse reached 150 bpm (V150), speed at which each horse reached 200 bpm (V200), maximum heart rate (HRmax), maximum speed (Vmax), recovery time needed for the heart rate of horses to return to half the maximum value reached during the fitness tests (HR50%), and recovery time needed for the heart rate of horses to return to baseline values (HRbasal). No difference was found among the age groups for V150, HRmax, Vmax, HR50%, HRbasal, or muscle enzymes. By the final stage of training, the V200 of the three-year-old horses was higher than that of the four-year-old foals. During training, all groups exhibited increases in serum concentrations of muscle enzymes and reductions in efficiency to recover heart rate after exercise. The training protocol assessed is unable to maintain proper fitness for competitions throughout the year.(AU)
Animais , Condicionamento Físico Animal/fisiologia , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterinária , Cavalos/fisiologiaResumo
Respiratory diseases have a major impact on sport horses and are often cited as the second most common reason for loss of training days and significant veterinary costs. Adult horses most commonly develop pneumonia when bacteria aspirated from the environment, nose, or oropharynx reach the lower airways and overwhelm the pulmonary defense mechanisms. This article report five cases of bacterial pneumonia in horses associated with infection by Eschericia coli. Five Quarter horses, three males and two females, with ages varying from 5 to 12 years, were examined for diagnosis of respiratory disease characterized by apathy, cough and lack of appetite. Auscultation of the thorax revealed increased harsh breath sounds dorsally, crackles, wheezes, and dullness of respiratory sounds ventrally. Manipulation of the trachea and larynx induced cough. Culture results were positive for Escherichia coli. The therapeutic protocol consisted of anti-inflammatory, antibiotic therapy, and supportive care. Flunixin meglumine was administered intravenously at 24-hour intervals over eight days. Ceftiofur sodium was prescribed intramuscularly, q.d., for 15 days. Horses were clinically monitored daily until complete remission of clinical signs. None of the animals relapsed, and all returned to routine athletic activities.
As doenças respiratórias têm um grande impacto nos cavalos de esporte e são frequentemente citadas como o segundo motivo mais comum para a perda de dias de treinamento e custos veterinários significativos. Os cavalos adultos desenvolvem mais comumente pneumonia quando bactérias aspiradas do ambiente, do nariz ou da orofaringe alcançarem as vias aéreas inferiores e sobrecarregam os mecanismos de defesa pulmonar. Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar cinco casos de pneumonia bacteriana em cavalos, associados à infecção por Eschericia coli. Cinco cavalos da raça Quarto de Milha, três machos e duas fêmeas, com idades variando de cinco a 12 anos, foram examinados para diagnóstico de doença respiratória caracterizada por apatia, tosse e falta de apetite. A auscultação do tórax revelou aumento dos sons respiratórios ásperos dorsalmente, crepitação, sibilos e abafamento dos sons respiratórios ventralmente. Manipulação da traqueia induziu tosse. Os resultados da cultura foram positivos para Escherichia coli. O protocolo terapêutico consistiu em anti-inflamatório, antibioticoterapia e cuidados de suporte. Flunixina meglumina, na dose de 1mg/kg, foi administrada, por via intravenosa, em intervalos de 24 horas ao longo de oito dias, enquanto ceftiofur sódico, na dose de 2,2mg/kg, por via intramuscular, q.d., foi administrado durante 15 dias. Os cavalos foram monitorados clinicamente, todos os dias, até a remissão completa dos sinais clínicos. Nenhum dos animais apresentou recidiva, e todos retornaram às atividades atléticas de rotina.
Animais , Cefalosporinas/administração & dosagem , Pneumonia Bacteriana/veterinária , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Escherichia coli/veterinária , Cavalos/microbiologiaResumo
Conformações perineais inadequadas estão frequentemente associadas à pneumovagina, predispondo animais a processos inflamatórios vaginais e uterinos. Dentre as patologias reprodutivas que acometem éguas, a endometrite é a que ocorre com maior frequência, com forte impacto negativo sobre os índices reprodutivos de um criatório. Para essa afecção, a ozonioterapia se apresenta como tratamento em potencial. Assim, este estudo objetiva relatar um caso de endometrite em égua Quarto de Milha, multípara, de 17 anos de idade, atendida no Hospital Veterinário Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, da Universidade Estadual de Ceará. Durante a avaliação ginecológica, observou-se alterações na conformação vulvar e teste de Windsucker positivo, indicando pneumovagina. Foram coletadas amostras endometriais para exames laboratoriais, os quais apresentaram citologia com contagem de neutrófilos polimorfonucleares ≥30% e cultura negativa para fungos e bactérias. O exame histopatológico revelou fibrose intersticial endometrial crônica acentuada. Diante do diagnóstico de endometrite, iniciou-se o tratamento com lavagem uterina usando solução ringer lactato ozonizada, seguido por insuflação uterina com ozônio. O animal foi submetido à técnica cirúrgica de Caslick para correção da má conformação vulvar. Após o tratamento, a égua foi inseminada, resultando na coleta de dois embriões viáveis. Diante do exposto, o caso reforça a efetividade da ozonioterapia associada à Caslick para o tratamento de endometrite em éguas.
Dysfunctional perineal conformations are often associated with pneumovagina, predisposing animals to vaginal and uterine inflammatory processes. Among the reproductive pathologies that affect mares, endometritis is the most frequent, with a strong negative impact on the reproductive indices of a farm. For this condition, ozone therapy presents itself as a potential treatment. The study aimed to report a case of endometritis in a 17-year-old multiparous quarter-mile mare, which was attended at the Veterinary Hospital Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso located in the State University of Ceará. During the gynecological evaluation, changes in vulvar conformation and a positive Windsucker test were observed, indicating pneumovagina. Endometrial samples were collected for laboratory exams, resulting in cytology with polymorphonuclear neutrophil count ≥30% and negative culture for fungi and bacteria. The histopathological examination revealed severe chronic endometrial interstitial fibrosis. Regarding the diagnosis of endometritis, the treatment with uterine lavage using ozonated ringer lactate solution was initiated followed by uterine insufflation with ozone. The animal was submitted to Caslick's surgical technique to correct the vulvar malformation. After treatment, the mare was inseminated, resulting in the collection of two viable embryos. In view of the above, the case reinforces the effectiveness of ozone therapy associated with Caslick`s technique for endometritis treatment in mares.
Animais , Feminino , Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Vulva/cirurgia , Endometrite/terapia , Endometrite/veterinária , Ozonioterapia , CavalosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding and agonistic behavior of Quarter Horses kept in different types of stalls in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais. A completely randomized design with two treatments (two types of stalls) and seven replicates (seven days of evaluation) was used. Four Quarter Horse mares and four stallions were used per treatment. Behavioral observations were made at 10-minute intervals for 24 hours. The stall environment was characterized by the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, and black globe temperature for subsequent estimation of the wet-bulb globe temperature. Feeding behavior variables included: time spent eating concentrate and time spent eating roughage (hours), bite rate (bites/min), and the number of daily bites (bites/day). Zinc-roofed stalls had higher air temperatures than clay-roofed stalls and the external environment, averaging 28.2, 27.0, and 27.4 ºC, respectively, while relative humidity was significantly lower in the external environment (65.80%). Horses housed in zinc-roofed stalls had longer feeding times (8.32 h) than animals kept in clay-roofed stalls (7.22 h). Approximately 94% of the total feeding time was spent eating roughage and 73% of the time was spent resting and walking, regardless of the covering type. Although environmental variables showed thermal discomfort, the roofing material did not alter the feeding behavior of stabled horses in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, suggesting an adaptation to the studied conditions. The feeding frequency should be increased to avoid a long resting time.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Cavalos , BrasilResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding and agonistic behavior of Quarter Horses kept in different types of stalls in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais. A completely randomized design with two treatments (two types of stalls) and seven replicates (seven days of evaluation) was used. Four Quarter Horse mares and four stallions were used per treatment. Behavioral observations were made at 10-minute intervals for 24 hours. The stall environment was characterized by the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, and black globe temperature for subsequent estimation of the wet-bulb globe temperature. Feeding behavior variables included: time spent eating concentrate and time spent eating roughage (hours), bite rate (bites/min), and the number of daily bites (bites/day). Zinc-roofed stalls had higher air temperatures than clay-roofed stalls and the external environment, averaging 28.2, 27.0, and 27.4 ºC, respectively, while relative humidity was significantly lower in the external environment (65.80%). Horses housed in zinc-roofed stalls had longer feeding times (8.32 h) than animals kept in clay-roofed stalls (7.22 h). Approximately 94% of the total feeding time was spent eating roughage and 73% of the time was spent resting and walking, regardless of the covering type. Although environmental variables showed thermal discomfort, the roofing material did not alter the feeding behavior of stabled horses in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, suggesting an adaptation to the studied conditions. The feeding frequency should be increased to avoid a long resting time.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Equidae , TemperaturaResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.(AU)
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade SuperiorResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade Superior , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of different concentrations of ozone to quarter horse semen submitted to cryopreservation. Six ejaculates from four stallions were collected and were divided in four experimental groups: a control group (BotuCRIO® extender) and three other groups with BotuCRIO® ozonized at concentrations of 6, 8 and 12 μg of O3/mL. The semen samples were diluted (200 x 106 spermatozoa/mL), filled in straws and frozen. After thawing (37 ºC, 30s), the samples were evaluated at 0, 30 and 60 minutes of incubation regarding sperm kinetics by a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), and plasma membrane integrity (PMI), acrosome integrity (ACi) and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) by fluorescent probes. There was a reduction in the kinetic parameters total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM), curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL) and average path velocity (VAP) in all groups during the thermoresistance test (TT), a pattern also found in PMI and MMP analyses (p<0.05). There was no difference (p>0.05) between the control and treatment (6, 8, and 12 μg of O3/mL) groups, in any of the evaluated times for the kinetic parameters TM, linearity (LIN), straightness (STR), wobble index (WOB), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) and beat cross frequency (BCF). Regarding the VCL, VSL and VAP parameters, the group treated with 6 μg did not differ from the control or from 8 μg, but was higher than 12 μg at 30 and 60 minutes. ACi and PMI did not differ between groups (p>0.05), but PMI was lower in groups 8 μg and 12 μg compared to the control and 6 μg (p<0.05). It was concluded that the addition of ozone does not present beneficial effects for cryopreservation of equine semen at the concentrations used and decreases important parameters of fertility.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Criopreservação , Ozônio/química , AntioxidantesResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of different concentrations of ozone to quarter horse semen submitted to cryopreservation. Six ejaculates from four stallions were collected and were divided in four experimental groups: a control group (BotuCRIO® extender) and three other groups with BotuCRIO® ozonized at concentrations of 6, 8 and 12 μg of O3/mL. The semen samples were diluted (200 x 106 spermatozoa/mL), filled in straws and frozen. After thawing (37 ºC, 30s), the samples were evaluated at 0, 30 and 60 minutes of incubation regarding sperm kinetics by a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), and plasma membrane integrity (PMI), acrosome integrity (ACi) and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) by fluorescent probes. There was a reduction in the kinetic parameters total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM), curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL) and average path velocity (VAP) in all groups during the thermoresistance test (TT), a pattern also found in PMI and MMP analyses (p0.05) between the control and treatment (6, 8, and 12 μg of O3/mL) groups, in any of the evaluated times for the kinetic parameters TM, linearity (LIN), straightness (STR), wobble index (WOB), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) and beat cross frequency (BCF). Regarding the VCL, VSL and VAP parameters, the group treated with 6 μg did not differ from the control or from 8 μg, but was higher than 12 μg at 30 and 60 minutes. ACi and PMI did not differ between groups (p>0.05), but PMI was lower in groups 8 μg and 12 μg compared to the control and 6 μg (p<0.05). It was concluded that the addition of ozone does not present beneficial effects for cryopreservation of equine semen at the concentrations used and decreases important parameters of fertility.
Animais , Cavalos , Criopreservação , Ozônio/química , AntioxidantesResumo
Background: Erythema multiforme (EM) is an immune-mediated skin disease which may manifest as cutaneous or mucocutaneous lesions. It is uncommon in horses. EM lesions have a symmetrical bilateral distribution; they are usually urticarial, necrotizing, and, less commonly, ulcerative. In equines, the trigger is usually unknown, and cases are often classified as idiopathic. Diagnosis is based on a thorough history and physical and histopathological examination of lesions. According to the clinical presentation and histopathological characteristics of the cutaneous lesions, this case is the first report to describe diagnosis and treatment of a horse with EM in Brazil. Case: A Quarter Horse filly was followed clinically for 12 months after sudden onset of skin lesions at 18 months of age. The initial lesions were non-alopecic papules with a symmetrical bilateral distribution. Six months after onset, the skin lesions maintained the original distribution pattern; however, they had progressed to papules and plaques with varying annular, arciform, serpiginous, targetoid, or alopecic appearance. At 8 months, the same distribution pattern and appearance remained, but the lesions had become more severe and extensive, with involvement of the labial commissures and perineal region, without any erosions/ulcerations, scaling/crusting, pain, or pruritus. At 12 months, new nodular lesions were found on the medial and lateral surfaces of the hind limbs, neck, bilateral trunk, and root of the tail. The lesions were firm, non-pruritic, and non-tender on palpation. Swabs were obtained from the papular lesions. Skin specimens were also obtained with a 6-mm punch and via incisional biopsy and histological sections were made. Bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. Appropriate stains did not identify fungal structures, were negative for acid-fast bacilli, and did not reveal any metachromatic granules in the sampled cell population. The histopathological findings were characteristic of immune-mediated disease, with a vacuolar interface dermatitis affecting the hair follicles more than the epidermis, necrotic keratinocytes, lymphocyte satellitosis, leukocytoclastic mixed vasculitis of the mid-dermis and deep dermis, and variable granulation tissue, consistent with erythema multiforme and leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids and oral supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E were prescribed. After institution of therapy, no new lesions developed, the existing lesions remained stable (though permanent), and hair regrew in the previously alopecic areas. All physiological parameters remained normal throughout the follow-up period. Discussion: Erythema multiforme is rarely reported in horses. According to our literature review, this is the first description of EM in horses in Brazil. EM should be included in the differential diagnosis of horses that present with plaques in a diverse, geographic distribution and a negative initial dermatological screening examination. Further clinical investigation is warranted, with special attention to potential antigenic triggers. A thorough drug and dietary history and close attention to comorbidities are essential, as the suppression of potential culprit factors has important prognostic value and contributes to the elucidation of EM triggers.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Eritema Multiforme/diagnóstico , Eritema Multiforme/terapia , Eritema Multiforme/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Brasil , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagemResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.
Animais , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade Superior/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
Background: The occurrence of neoplasms in horses is relatively low. Granular cell tumor is a seldom diagnosed neoplasm, usually benign, of mesenchymal origin. Controversies exist regarding its origin, which is possibly from Schwann cells or cells with neuroendocrine differentiation. Despite being one of the main primary neoplasms in the lungs of horses, the number of cases is low in comparison to that of secondary lung tumors. Thus, this study proposes to report the anatomopathological aspects in a horse with granular cell tumor of primary pulmonary origin. Case: An 11-year-old female Quarter Horse breed underwent exploratory right lateral thoracotomy after presenting with chronic respiratory changes. During the operation, tumor masses were found in the right and left caudal pulmonary lobes. Due to the severity of clinical respiratory signs and the extent of the lesions, the animal was subjected to euthanasia and anatomopathological examination. Upon necroscopic examination, a tumor mass was found in the middle third of the left caudal lobe, rounded to flattened, measuring 10.0 × 8.0 cm in height and length, white in color, of firm consistency, smooth and regular surface and rising to the lung surface. When sectioned, the mass showed to be composed of multiple firm and dense circular lobes, separated by a thin layer of connective tissue. The tumor invaded the lumen of nearby segmental and subsegmental bronchi, which were partially or totally obstructed by the mass. In the right lung, multiple similar nodules were observed, accompanied by peritumoral hemorrhage. Histopathological analysis of the new formation revealed a dense cluster of cells that expanded over the lung parenchyma. The neoplastic cells were pleomorphic, moderately cohesive, without defined borders, with abundant cytoplasm, densely eosinophilic and finely granular. Intracytoplasmic granules were well evidenced by periodic acid Schiff staining (PAS). The cell nucleus was rounded to oval, excentric, markedly basophilic and with dense chromatin. There was moderate anisocytosis and mild anisokaryosis, with rare mitotic figures. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive staining for anti-vimentin and anti-S100 antibodies, confirming the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. Discussion: Granular cell tumors have no predisposition as to breed, sex or age. However, most of the described cases are reported in female horses aged around 13 years. The advanced age of the diagnosed animals may be related to late definitive diagnosis, since the clinical signs are nonspecific and treated palliatively like other respiratory diseases. Macroscopically, this tumor is more common in the multinodular form and, as observed in this case, it has a greater capacity for infiltration. Histologically, the visualization of large, polygonal cells, with a wide cytoplasm containing eosinophilic granules leads to the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. However, PAS staining and immunohistochemical tests were essential for the diagnostic conclusion in this report, confirming the presence of cytoplasmic granules and the mesenchymal and neuroectodermal origin of this neoplasm, respectively. Thus, considering the low occurrence of pulmonary granular cell tumor, the description of this case contributes to the basis of the knowledge of medical-veterinary professionals about this tumor in its clinical and diagnostic aspects.
Animais , Células de Schwann , Tumor de Células Granulares/veterinária , Cavalos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Flexural deformity in growing animals is a condition in which a joint is kept in a flexed or abnormally extended position. In foals, it is characterised mainly by deviation of the limbs. As such, the aim is to report a case of flexural deformity in a pelvic limb of Quarter Horse. The animal was treated at the Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia Veterinary Hospital (HOVET-UFERSA): a female, with dappled coat, approximately two years of age, presenting with interphalangeal flexural deformity of the left pelvic limb. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the animal had shown the deformity from six months of age, and on physical examination, presented grade IV lameness of the left pelvic limb, excessive wear of the toe, with the limb offering no support. Upon palpation, contracture of the superficial and deep digital flexor tendons was identified. Surgical treatment was therefore chosen, including tenotomy of the deep digital flexor tendon together with desmotomy of the lower check ligament. Medicinal therapy based on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory was carried out, in addition to corrective trimming of the hoof and a horseshoe with toe extension; cleaning and changing the dressing was performed every 48 hours, and active physical therapy was given through a daily 15-minute walk. After 15 days hospitalisation, the animal was discharged, showing considerable improvement in it
A deformidade flexuralé uma condição de animais em crescimento, na qual uma articulação é mantida em posição flexionada ou estendida anormalmente. Em potros, caracteriza-se principalmente pelo desvio dos membros. Desta forma, objetiva-se relatar um caso de deformidade flexuralem membro pélvico de equino Quarto de Milha. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia (HOVET-UFERSA), umafêmea, da raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem tordilha, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade, apresentando deformidade flexuralinterfalangeana em membro pélvico esquerdo. Na anamnese, o proprietário relatou que o animal apresentava encastelamento do membro desde os 6 meses de idade. Ao exame físico, apresentou claudicação grau IV no membro pélvico esquerdo, desgaste excessivo de pinça, e sem apoio do membro. À palpação foi identificada contratura dos tendões flexores digitais superficial e profundo. Desta forma, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico de tenotomia do tendão flexor digital
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anormalidades , Contratura , TenotomiaResumo
Flexural deformity in growing animals is a condition in which a joint is kept in a flexed or abnormally extended position. In foals, it is characterised mainly by deviation of the limbs. As such, the aim is to report a case of flexural deformity in a pelvic limb of Quarter Horse. The animal was treated at the Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia Veterinary Hospital (HOVET-UFERSA): a female, with dappled coat, approximately two years of age, presenting with interphalangeal flexural deformity of the left pelvic limb. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the animal had shown the deformity from six months of age, and on physical examination, presented grade IV lameness of the left pelvic limb, excessive wear of the toe, with the limb offering no support. Upon palpation, contracture of the superficial and deep digital flexor tendons was identified. Surgical treatment was therefore chosen, including tenotomy of the deep digital flexor tendon together with desmotomy of the lower check ligament. Medicinal therapy based on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory was carried out, in addition to corrective trimming of the hoof and a horseshoe with toe extension; cleaning and changing the dressing was performed every 48 hours, and active physical therapy was given through a daily 15-minute walk. After 15 days hospitalisation, the animal was discharged, showing considerable improvement in it
A deformidade flexuralé uma condição de animais em crescimento, na qual uma articulação é mantida em posição flexionada ou estendida anormalmente. Em potros, caracteriza-se principalmente pelo desvio dos membros. Desta forma, objetiva-se relatar um caso de deformidade flexuralem membro pélvico de equino Quarto de Milha. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia (HOVET-UFERSA), umafêmea, da raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem tordilha, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade, apresentando deformidade flexuralinterfalangeana em membro pélvico esquerdo. Na anamnese, o proprietário relatou que o animal apresentava encastelamento do membro desde os 6 meses de idade. Ao exame físico, apresentou claudicação grau IV no membro pélvico esquerdo, desgaste excessivo de pinça, e sem apoio do membro. À palpação foi identificada contratura dos tendões flexores digitais superficial e profundo. Desta forma, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico de tenotomia do tendão flexor digital(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Tenotomia , ContraturaResumo
A ultrassonografia confere uma avaliação minuciosa do trato reprodutivo de equinos, conferindo relevância no exame andrológico para percepção de higidez ou diagnóstico antecipado de afecções. Portanto, objetivou-se descrever e determinar as mensurações e alterações das glândulas anexas de equinos submetidos à orquiectomia. Garanhões da raça Quarto de Milha (n = 5), com idade de 4-6 anos, foram avaliados por meio de palpação e ultrassonografia transretal previamente à orquiectomia e após, com intervalo de 30, 60 e 90 dias do procedimento. As glândulas bulbouretrais, vesículas seminais e ampolas foram palpadas e delimitadas quanto ao tamanho e higidez. Além disso, procedeu-se o escaneamento e mensuração através da ultrassonografia modo-B, por via transretal. A orquiectomia foi realizada de forma independente ao estudo. Para comparação dos dados utilizou-se o teste T-Student e de Variância (ANOVA). A ultrassonografia mostrou-se eficiente para avaliação e mensuração das ampolas dos ductos deferentes, glândulas vesiculares, bulbouretrais e a próstata de equinos. Considerando as consequências da orquiectomia nas estruturas supracitadas, sugere-se que a mesma não promove hipoplasia das glândulas anexas durante o período de 90 dias após cirurgia. No entanto, apenas as ampolas dos ductos deferentes demonstraram mensurações distintas nesse período, com diminuição significativa associada à orquiectomia.(AU)
Ultrasonography provides a thorough assessment of the reproductive tract of horses, giving relevance to the andrological examination for the perception of health or early diagnosis of conditions. Thus, the objective is to describe the assessment and measurement of the attached glands of horses submitted to orchiectomy. Quarter Horses (n = 5), aged 4-6 years, were assessed by palpation and transrectal ultrasound prior to orchiectomy and after 30, 60 and 90 days after the procedure. Bulbourethral glands, seminal vesicles and ampoules were palpated and delimited in terms of size and health. In addition, scanning and measurement was carried out using B-mode ultrasound, linear probe, frequency of 7.5 Hz, by transrectal approach. Orchiectomy was performed independently from the study. To compare the data, was used T-Student and Variance test (ANOVA). The ultrasonography proved to be efficient for evaluating and measuring the ampoules of the vas deferens, vesicular gland, bulbourethral and the prostate of horses. Considering the consequences of orchiectomy on the aforementioned structures, it is suggested that it does not promote hypoplasia of the attached glands during the period of 90 days after surgery. However, only the ampoules of the vas deferens showed different measurements during this period, with a significant decrease associated with orchiectomy.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Orquiectomia/métodos , Orquiectomia/veterináriaResumo
A ultrassonografia confere uma avaliação minuciosa do trato reprodutivo de equinos, conferindo relevância no exame andrológico para percepção de higidez ou diagnóstico antecipado de afecções. Portanto, objetivou-se descrever e determinar as mensurações e alterações das glândulas anexas de equinos submetidos à orquiectomia. Garanhões da raça Quarto de Milha (n = 5), com idade de 4-6 anos, foram avaliados por meio de palpação e ultrassonografia transretal previamente à orquiectomia e após, com intervalo de 30, 60 e 90 dias do procedimento. As glândulas bulbouretrais, vesículas seminais e ampolas foram palpadas e delimitadas quanto ao tamanho e higidez. Além disso, procedeu-se o escaneamento e mensuração através da ultrassonografia modo-B, por via transretal. A orquiectomia foi realizada de forma independente ao estudo. Para comparação dos dados utilizou-se o teste T-Student e de Variância (ANOVA). A ultrassonografia mostrou-se eficiente para avaliação e mensuração das ampolas dos ductos deferentes, glândulas vesiculares, bulbouretrais e a próstata de equinos. Considerando as consequências da orquiectomia nas estruturas supracitadas, sugere-se que a mesma não promove hipoplasia das glândulas anexas durante o período de 90 dias após cirurgia. No entanto, apenas as ampolas dos ductos deferentes demonstraram mensurações distintas nesse período, com diminuição significativa associada à orquiectomia.
Ultrasonography provides a thorough assessment of the reproductive tract of horses, giving relevance to the andrological examination for the perception of health or early diagnosis of conditions. Thus, the objective is to describe the assessment and measurement of the attached glands of horses submitted to orchiectomy. Quarter Horses (n = 5), aged 4-6 years, were assessed by palpation and transrectal ultrasound prior to orchiectomy and after 30, 60 and 90 days after the procedure. Bulbourethral glands, seminal vesicles and ampoules were palpated and delimited in terms of size and health. In addition, scanning and measurement was carried out using B-mode ultrasound, linear probe, frequency of 7.5 Hz, by transrectal approach. Orchiectomy was performed independently from the study. To compare the data, was used T-Student and Variance test (ANOVA). The ultrasonography proved to be efficient for evaluating and measuring the ampoules of the vas deferens, vesicular gland, bulbourethral and the prostate of horses. Considering the consequences of orchiectomy on the aforementioned structures, it is suggested that it does not promote hypoplasia of the attached glands during the period of 90 days after surgery. However, only the ampoules of the vas deferens showed different measurements during this period, with a significant decrease associated with orchiectomy.
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Orquiectomia/métodos , Orquiectomia/veterináriaResumo
Colic syndrome is a condition of great importance in equine production, a syndrome considered to be complex and multifactorial in nature. In this way epidemiological studies have been acting to contribute to the identification of risk factors in the development of wind power. This study evaluated the clinical epidemiology of the colic syndrome according to race, gender, diagnosis, affected segment, therapeutic decision and outcome of the cases treated at the Veterinary Hospital "Dr Halim Atique", interior of São Paulo. The medical records of the animals assisted from January 2004 to July 2018, whose complaint was abdominal discomfort, were evaluated. Of the 535 animals, the most affected breed was the Quarter Horses (69.3%) followed by the Mangalarga (6.9%); females (53.1%) were more prone to the development of the syndrome. Compaction (28.8%), gastritis (11.8%), followed by gas distension (10.3%) were the most frequent changes; the affected segments being the stomach (21.9%), major colon (17.2%), and small intestine (15.7%). Clinical treatment (64.7%) was the most instituted and in the outcome of the cases, the discharge (77.4%) prevailed. The study presents data that can support epidemiological research in the area, assisting in the identification of causal and predictive factors for the colic syndrome.
A síndrome cólica é uma afecção de grande importância na equideocultura, síndrome essa considerada de natureza complexa e multifatorial. Desta forma os estudos epidemiológicos vêm atuando para contribuir na identificação de fatores de risco no desenvolvimento da cólica. Este estudo avaliou a epidemiologia clínica da síndrome cólica de acordo com a raça, sexo, diagnóstico, segmento acometido, decisão terapêutica e desfecho dos casos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário Dr Halim Atique, interior de São Paulo. Foram avaliados os prontuários dos animais atendidos no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2018, cuja queixa foi o desconforto abdominal. Dos 535 animais, a raça mais acometida foi a Quarto de Milha (69,3%) seguido do Mangalarga (6,9%); quanto ao sexo, fêmeas (53,1%) se mostraram mais propensas ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Compactação (28,8%), gastrite (11,8%) seguidoda distensão por gás (10,3%) foram às alterações mais frequentes; sendo os segmentos acometidos, o estômago (21,9%), cólon maior (17,2%) e intestino delgado (15,7%). O tratamento clínico (64,7%) foi o mais instituído e no desfecho dos casos, a alta (77,4%) prevaleceu. O estudo apresenta dados que podem subsidiar pesquisas epidemiológicas na área auxiliando na identificação de fatores causais e preditivos para a síndrome cólica.