An updated morphological description for Omophoita elytralis (Bechyné, 1956), stat. nov., is presented, including the first account of the genitalia for this species. The separation Omophoita elytralis from O. octoguttata (Fabricius, 1775) is supported by differences found in the median lobe of males, elytral tegument uniform in color (not patterned), and their allopatric geographical distribution.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Genitália/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Leurus Townes, 1946 is a small genus of Metopiinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), consisting of 13 described species distributed in the Neotropics and the Nearctic region. The present work aims to contribute to the taxonomic knowledge of Leurus in Brazil. A total of 109 specimens were identified and 15 literature records were analyzed. The genus geographical occurrence was evaluated according to data obtained from the literature and labels of analyzed specimens. Five species of Leurus were identified for the Brazilian fauna: L. angustignathus, L. caeruliventris, L. discus, L. gracius and L. nostrus. New municipality records of occurrence were made for L. angustignathus in the state of São Paulo, L. caeruliventris in the states of Bahia, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Piauí and Rondônia; for, L. discus in the state of Alagoas and São Paulo, and L. gracius in the state of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. Females of L. angustignathus and L. gracius were described for the first time in the present study. The genitalia of males of L. caeruliventris, L. discus and L. gracius were described and illustrated for the first time.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Genitália/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/classificaçãoResumo
Plastic pollution in our environment is one of the most important global health concerns right now. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) are taken up by both humans and animals, mainly via food and water, and can pass important epithelial barriers. Indications of plastics in the blood circulation have recently been shown in both humans and farm animals, but standardized methods to quantify the exact levels of MNPs to which we are exposed are currently lacking. Potential hazards of MNPs are being investigated very recently, including the impact that MNPs may have on reproduction. However, studies on mammalian reproduction are scarce, but a wealth of data from aquatic species indicates reproductive effects of MNPs. The first studies in rodent models demonstrate that MNPs reach the gonads after oral exposure and may impact offspring after maternal exposure during the gestational period. These effects may arise from the particles themselves or the presence of plastic contaminants that leach from plastics. Plastic contamination has been detected in human placentas, fetal fluid and the meconium of newborns, indicating the presence of plastics from the very first start of life. Currently there is a lack of studies that investigate the impact of MNP exposure during the periconception and embryonic period, whereas this is an extremely sensitive period that needs considerable attention with the growing amount of plastics in our environment.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Microplásticos/efeitos adversos , Microplásticos/toxicidade , Genitália Feminina/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
Rhodnius neglectus is a wild triatomine, vector of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas' disease, and feeds on the blood of small mammals, being essential for its growth and reproduction. Accessory glands of the female reproductive tract are important in insect reproduction, but their anatomy and histology in R. neglectus are poorly studied. The aim of this work was to describe the histology and histochemistry of the accessory gland of the female reproductive tract of R. neglectus. The reproductive tract of five females of R. neglectus was dissected and the accessory glands transferred to Zamboni's fixative solution, dehydrated in a crescent series of ethanol, embedded in historesin, sectioned at 2 µm thick, stained with toluidine blue for histological analysis or mercury bromophenol blue for detection of total proteins. The accessory gland R. neglectus is tubular, without branches, opening in the dorsal region of the vagina and differing along its length in proximal and distal regions. In the proximal region, the gland is lined by the cuticle with a layer of columnar cells associated with muscle fibers. In the distal region of the gland, the epithelium has spherical secretory cells with terminal apparatus and conducting canaliculi opening in the lumen through pores in the cuticle. Proteins were identified in the gland lumen, terminal apparatus, nucleus and cytoplasm of secretory cells. The histology of the R. neglectus gland is similar to that found in other species of this genus, but with variations in the shape and size of its distal region.
Rhodnius neglectus é um triatomíneo silvestre, vetor do protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi, causador da doença de Chagas. Este inseto se alimenta do sangue de pequenos mamíferos, que é essencial para o seu crescimento e reprodução. As glândulas acessórias do sistema reprodutor feminino são importantes na reprodução de insetos, mas sua anatomia e histologia em R. neglectus são pouco conhecidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a histologia e histoquímica da glândula acessória do aparelho reprodutor feminino de R. neglectus. O sistema reprodutor de cinco fêmeas de R. neglectus foi dissecado e as glândulas acessórias transferidas para solução fixadora de Zamboni, desidratadas em série crescente de etanol, embebidas em historesina, seccionadas com 2 µm de espessura, coradas com azul de toluidina para análise histológica ou submetidas ao teste de mercúrio-bromofenol para detecção de proteínas totais. O sistema reprodutor de R. neglectus tem uma glândula acessória tubular, sem ramificações, abrindo-se na região dorsal da vagina, sendo diferenciada em regiões proximal e distal. Na região proximal, a glândula é revestida internamente pela cutícula com uma camada de células colunares associadas a fibras musculares. Na região distal ocorrem células secretoras esféricas com aparato terminal e canalículos condutores que se abrem no lúmen da glândula através de poros na cutícula. O teste histoquímico revelou a presença de proteínas no lúmen da glândula e no aparato terminal, núcleo e citoplasma das células secretoras. A histologia da glândula de R. neglectus é semelhante à das espécies desse gênero, mas com variações na forma e no tamanho de sua região distal.
Reprodução , Rhodnius/anatomia & histologia , Doença de Chagas , Genitália FemininaResumo
Os cães, assim como os homens, passam por fases na vida chegando a idades avançadas. A senilidade é observada em diferentes processos dos sistemas do organismo incluindo o sistema reprodutivo. Fazem parte das alterações do sistema reprodutor masculino de cães senis a perda da função dos órgãos sexuais, perda de libido, alterações do sistema endócrino reprodutivo e alterações no sêmen, nos espermatozoides e resultando em infertilidade. A longevidade reprodutiva dos cães reprodutores depende de vários fatores internos e externos e sua manutenção pode ser feita com a utilização de manejo nutricional, sanitário e reprodutivo corretos, aplicação de biotecnologias aplicadas a reprodução.(AU)
Dogs, like men, go through stages in life, reaching advanced ages. Senility is observed in different processes of the body systems including the reproductive system. The changes in the male reproductive system of senile dogs include loss of function of the sexual organs, loss of libido, changes in the reproductive endocrine system and changes in semen and sperm, resulting in infertility. The reproductive longevity of the stud dogs depends on several internal and external factors and its maintenance can be done with the use of correct nutritional, sanitary, reproductive management and application of biotechnologies applied to reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Cães/fisiologia , Endocrinologia , GeriatriaResumo
The family Potamotrygonidae are the only species of stingrays restricted to fresh water and located exclusively in South America. The objective of this research was to analyze the morphological aspects and germ cells of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin, and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series (70 to 100%). To carry out light microscopy analyses, they were embedded in paraffin, cut and stained; as for scanning electron microscopy analyses, the samples were dried, glued in metallic bases and metalized. The gross morphology consisted of the following paired organs: testis, epididymis, deferent duct, Leydig gland, seminal vesicle, clasper, and the clasper gland. Microscopically, several stages of spermatogenesis were observed in the testis, occurring in spherical follicles, similar to other stingrays. The epididymis was formed by one duct subdivided in various tubules. The deferent ducts were continuous with the epididymis, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. The Leydig glands consisted of glandular units with eosinophilic content in the lumen of some, and the deferent ducts ran parallel to the ventral portion. The seminal vesicles possessed numerous compartments to store the sperm, with a wall similar to a hive, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. Alcian Blue (AB) and Periodic Schiff-Acid (PAS) performed in the Leydig Gland, deferens ducts and seminal vesicle was positive only in the connective tissue, the cilia were PAS+ and the nuclei stained weakly for AB. The clasper gland was composed of unit glands and was covered with striated muscle externally. It stained very well with Periodic Schiff-Acid. The morphological aspects of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae were similar to other stingrays.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Rajidae/fisiologia , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos , Células GerminativasResumo
The effect of using natural growth promoters (NGP) to replace traditional antimicrobials on performance, biometry of digestive and reproductive organs, sexual maturity and bone characteristics of replacement pullets was evaluated; and the relationship between these variables according to the diets was verified. Eight-week-old birds were randomly assigned to a completely randomized design and fed different diets: negative control (without growth promoters); positive control - conventional growth promoter; organic acids (OA); symbiotic (S); essential oil (EO); OA + S; and EO + S. The performance, relative weight of digestive and reproductive organs and length intestines, height and crest length, sternum length, bone quality and sexual maturity of birds were similar (p>0.05) between treatments. The heat map combined with cluster analysis showed a uniform static pattern with the formation of three horizontal groups formed by the treatments: 1) negative control, S and OA + S; 2) positive control and OE and 3) OA and OE + S. A null relationship between the treatments and the variables under study was observed. The principal components analysis revealed an association of variables in three components with 60.55% of variation. NGP can replace traditional promoters, as they do not interfere with performance, biometrics or sexual maturity. Height and length are predictive variables for the development of reproductive organs, especially the oviduct. A similarity was identified through multivariate techniques between symbiotic and organic + symbiotic acids; positive control and essential oils; and organic and symbiotic acids + essential oils.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/química , Anti-Infecciosos/análiseResumo
The present research aims to evaluate the inclusion of an emulsifying additive based on mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids in diets with different lipid sources, studying its effects on duodenum histology, biometry of the digestive and reproductive tract, and blood biochemical profile of Japanese quails. The study was carried out in the experimental aviary of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with diets in a 3x2 factorial design with three different lipid sources (soybean oil, poultry fat, and beef tallow), either supplemented or not with an emulsifier. The birds that received a diet composed of poultry fat and an emulsifying additive had a larger gizzard. Animals that received a diet containing an emulsifier, regardless of the lipid source, had greater heart weight. The duodenum of animals that received bovine tallow in their diet showed a greater height and villus:crypt ratio. Biochemical parameters were not affected by either the lipid source or the inclusion of emulsifier in quail diets. The biochemical blood profile of birds in treatments did not show significant changes among all diets used. The use of soybean oil, bovine tallow, and poultry fat with or without the inclusion of an emulsifier does not show changes in the health and development of the quails' organs, which also indicates that the health of Japanese quails in the laying phase is kept in good standards.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/fisiologia , Emulsificantes/análise , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Lipídeos/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
A ejaculação é um complexo processo de eventos neurofisiológicos sincronizados em coordenação com vários sistemas e órgãos. Antes do advento da injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI), a ejaculação era um passo absolutamente essencial na reprodução. Os distúrbios ejaculatórios por sua vez são caracterizados pela não ocorrência do processo ejaculatório, mesmo que todos os demais parâmetros relacionados ao comportamento sexual apresentem-se normais. As principais causas dessas falhas ou alterações na ejaculação estão relacionadas à sensibilidade dolorosa durante a cópula, ejaculação retrógrada, disfunção psicogênica, obstruções do aparelho reprodutor masculino, urospermia, oligospermia ou azoospermia, além de falhas na contração da musculatura lisa do trato genital ou alterações musculoesqueléticas e neurológicas. O tratamento é dependente da causa primária de cada alteração. O controle da dor, ajustes no manejo, aumento do estímulo antes da coleta associados a tratamentos farmacológicos que atuam nas sinapses neuromotoras penianas tendem a resolver os principais distúrbios ejaculatórios, levando-se em consideração que as respostas a estes tratamentos são variadas de acordo com a individualidade do garanhão com relação a doses, protocolos, vias de administração e combinações de fármacos.(AU)
Ejaculation is a complex process of neurophysiological events synchronized in coordination with various systems and organs. Before the advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), ejaculation was an absolutely essential step in reproduction. Ejaculatory disorders, in turn, are characterized by the nonoccurrence of the ejaculatory process, even if all other parameters related to sexual behavior are normal. The main causes of these failures or changes in ejaculation are related to painful sensitivity during copulation, retrograde ejaculation, psychogenic dysfunction, obstructions of the male reproductive system, urospermia, oligospermia, azoospermia, in addition to failures in the contraction of the smooth muscles of the genital tract or musculoskeletal disorders and neurological. Treatment is dependent on the primary cause of each change. Pain control, management adjustments, increased stimulus before collection associated with pharmacological treatments that act on penile neuromotor synapses tend to resolve the main ejaculatory disorders, taking into account that the responses to these treatments vary according to the individuality of the stallion with regard to dosages, protocols, routes of administration and drug combinations.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Ductos Ejaculatórios/anormalidades , CavalosResumo
Background: Taurine is an essential amino acid for cats and its deficiency causes an ocular disorder called taurine deficiency retinopathy. The retinal lesion is definitive and can be classified into five progression stages. In an advanced stage, it leads to blindness that in most cases is irreversible. This disease is considered rare as taurine is currently supplemented in commercial cat food. The objective of this report is to describe the ophthalmic changes in a cat with advanced taurine deficiency retinopathy, a rare but current disease that is important for differential diagnosis of blindness in cats. Case: We report the case of an adult mixed-breed cat (weighing 3.4 kg), that was attended by the Ophthalmology Service of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (UNESP - Botucatu), which was treated due to complaints of poor visual acuity for about 1 year. The animal, which was previously a stray animal, had been adopted for 2 years and provided premium cat food ad libitum. Ophthalmic examination showed bilateral mydriasis, with negative menace, direct pupillary, and consensual light reflexes. No change was observed in the ocular appendages, cornea, anterior chamber, lens, and vitreous humor. The eyes were normotensive and fluorescein test negative. Direct and indirect fundoscopy revealed an area of ellipsoidal hyperreflexia with darkened margins laterally to the optic nerve disk in the tapetal region and intense retinal vascular attenuation in both eyes, with a diagnosis of taurine deficiency retinopathy. Complete blood count and biochemical analysis parameters were within the normal range, including the leukocyte count. The guardian was instructed to continue feeding the cat balanced cat food and received information on the proper care and management of a blind animal. Discussion: Although taurine deficient retinopathy is currently underdiagnosed due to the supplementation of this amino acid in commercial cat food, animals that are not properly fed, such as those receiving dog food or homemade food, may be deficient in this amino acid. Taurine deficiency and in this case, the consequent taurine deficiency retinopathy, was diagnosed by visualizing the lesion characteristic of this amino acid deficit since no other retinal change presents this aspect in cats. Therefore, this lesion is considered pathognomonic of this deficiency. Hyperreflective retinal lesions with darkened margins indicate the slow chronic progression in the already stabilized lesions. The animal in this report presented pigmented lesion margins, indicating the chronicity of these retinal changes. Moreover, lesion signs are visible on fundoscopy only after a period of 2-11 months of nutritional amino acid deficiency, and complete retinal atrophy usually occurs after at least nine months of taurine deficiency. Thus, complete blindness associated with advanced retinal changes reinforced the suspicion that the animal had taurine deficiency for a prolonged period of time prior to its adoption. Its guardian was instructed to provide balanced commercial cat food, because although retinal lesions are irreversible, cardiac changes resulting from taurine deficiency are reversed with dietary supplementation. In addition, taurine deficiency affects other organs and systems, such as the central nervous, immune, and reproductive systems. In conclusion, although taurine deficiency retinopathy is currently rare, this condition should be considered one of the possible differential diagnoses for blindness in feline patients.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Retina/lesões , Doenças Retinianas/veterinária , Taurina/análise , AminoácidosResumo
A ultrassonografia (US) Doppler colorido fornece uma ferramenta não invasiva valiosa para detectar e monitorar mudanças dinâmicas na rede vascular e fluxo sanguíneo em vários órgãos e tecidos reprodutivos. Em apoio as biotécnicas da reprodução animal assistida, a US Doppler colorido tem mostrada alta eficiência no monitoramento funcional das estruturas ovarianas. A previsão de respostas ovarianas e produções embrionária em ovinos pela identificação de sinais Doppler na parede folicular já se mostrou eficiente. A aplicação da US Doppler colorido para a identificação da funcionalidade do tecido luteal é ainda maior, desde acompanhamentos fisiológicos e diagnósticos de disfunções luteais até ampla aplicação em conjunto as diferentes biotécnicas reprodutivas. Destaca-se em ovelhas e cabras, a aplicação comercial da US Doppler colorido para o diagnóstico de gestação precoce, de disfunções luteais, de determinação de respostas ovarianas em fêmeas doadoras e receptoras de embriões, para identificar efeitos luteotrófico de estratégias hormonais, e ainda para amparar as estratégias de ressincronização de estro.(AU)
Color Doppler ultrasonography (US) provides a valuable non-invasive tool for detecting and monitoring dynamic changes in the vascular network and blood flow in various reproductive organs and tissues. In support of assisted animal reproduction biotechniques, color Doppler US has shown high efficiency in the functional monitoring of ovarian structures. The prediction of ovarian responses and embryonic production in sheep by identifying Doppler signals in the follicular wall has already proved to be efficient. The application of color Doppler US for identifying the functionality of the luteal tissue is even greater, from physiological monitoring and diagnosis of luteal dysfunctions to wide application together with different reproductive biotechniques. It stands out in sheep and goats, the commercial application of color Doppler US for the diagnosis of early pregnancy, luteal dysfunctions, determination of ovarian responses in embryo donor and recipient females, to identify luteotrophic effects of hormonal strategies, and even to support estrus resynchronization strategies.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/instrumentação , Corpo Lúteo/diagnóstico por imagem , Folículo Ovariano/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
An experiment was performed to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis and foliar application of salicylic acid on quantitative and qualitative traits of maize during 2018 and 2019 in the research farm of Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch. Split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Experimental factors included mycorrhiza species of (G. mosseae), (G. geosporum) and (G. intraradices) at two levels (no consumption and consumption of mycorrhiza) and salicylic acid at two levels (no consumption and consumption of 1 mµ of salicylic acid). Results of interaction effects of mycorrhiza and salicylic acid on the measured traits revealed that the maximum 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen percentage and yield of maize grain protein were observed in G. mosseae treatment under foliar application of salicylic acid. Foliar application of salicylic acid increases the root length and provides the necessary conditions for increasing water and nutrient uptake alongwith increase in photosynthesis and thus allocates more photosynthetic substance for development of reproductive organs. Hence, it increases maize grain weight and accordingly grain yield. In general, the results revealed that mycorrhiza and foliar application of salicylic acid increase growth indicators, yield and yield components. It also improved the quality traits of the maize plant. Based on results, the interaction effect of G. mosseae treatment and foliar application of salicylic acid yielded better results than other treatments. Mycorrhiza increases the number of grain in the ear, the number of rows in the ear, increases the plant's ability to absorb phosphorus, and the increase of mycorrhiza along with salicylic acid shows the maximum grain yield in maize. Finally, it can be concluded that the use of mycorrhiza and salicylic acid can be effective in increasing grain in the plant.
Um experimento foi realizado para investigar o efeito da simbiose micorrízica e aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico em características quantitativas e qualitativas do milho durante 2018 e 2019 na fazenda de pesquisa da Universidade Islâmica Azad, Chalous Branch. Foi usada uma parcela dividida em um delineamento de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Os fatores experimentais incluíram espécies de micorrizas (G. mosseae, G. geosporum e G. intraradices) em dois níveis (sem consumo e com consumo de micorrizas) e ácido salicílico em dois níveis (sem consumo e com consumo de 1 mµ de ácido salicílico). Os resultados dos efeitos da interação de micorriza e ácido salicílico nas características medidas revelaram que peso máximo de 1.000 grãos, rendimento de grãos, rendimento biológico, fósforo, potássio, porcentagem de nitrogênio e rendimento de proteína de grão de milho foram observados no tratamento G. mosseae sob aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico. A aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico aumenta o comprimento da raiz e fornece as condições necessárias para aumentar a absorção de água e nutrientes juntamente com o aumento da fotossíntese e, assim, aloca mais substância fotossintética para o desenvolvimento dos órgãos reprodutivos. Assim, aumenta o peso do grão de milho e, consequentemente, o rendimento de grãos. Em geral, os resultados revelaram que a micorriza e a aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico aumentam os indicadores de crescimento, rendimento e componentes do rendimento. Também melhoram as características de qualidade da planta de milho. Com base nos resultados, o efeito de interação do tratamento G. mosseae e aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico produziu melhores resultados do que outros tratamentos. A micorriza aumenta o número de grãos na espiga, o número de fileiras na espiga e a capacidade da planta de absorver fósforo, e o aumento da micorriza junto com o ácido salicílico mostra o rendimento máximo de grãos no milho. Por fim, pode-se concluir que o uso de micorriza e ácido salicílico pode ser eficaz no incremento de grãos na planta.
Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Zea mays/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Salicílico/administração & dosagem , MicorrizasResumo
Urinary tract infections are responsible for most human infections, these are caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and associated microorganisms. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of vaginal infection-causing agents in routine cytological exams and also to evaluate the characteristics of positive tested Pap smears. A retrospective documental with descriptive aspect research was performed in a Clinical Pathology laboratory from Maceió-AL. The results of the Pap smears exams for Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp and HPV were arranged in a database as well as other data such as bacterial, protozoan, fungal and viral coinfections. The sample was composed by 18.645 women who have undergone Pap smear exams from 2013 to 2017. Of these analyzed exams, 27.4% in 2013, 10.9% in 2014, 10.6% in 2015, 15.2% in 2016 and 13.67% in 2017 were within normal range, however more than half of these exams presented some infections caused by unspecific or microbiological agents. By analyzing all the reports, 4.073 (21.84%) presented inflammations caused by some species of infectious agent with the following rate order: G. vaginalis and T. vaginalis. Furthermore, it was possible to confirm high rates of coinfection by and Candida spp. The rate of genital infections in this study highlights that there is a public health matter that must be controlled, which points a greater need for monitoring, guidance and actions towards greater awareness in order to prevent these problems.
Infecções do trato urinário são responsáveis pela maior parte das infecções humanas, sendo causadas por bactérias, fungos, protozoários, e por microrganismos associados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a frequência de agentes causadores de infecções vaginais nos exames citológicos de rotina, bem como avaliar as características dos esfregaços positivos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo documental retrospectiva de aspecto descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, em um Laboratório de Patologia Clínica de Maceió-AL. Nesse sentido, os resultados dos exames colpocitológicos para Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp e HPV foram organizados em um banco de dados, contendo os resultados para estes agentes, bem como a coinfecção bacteriana, protozoária, fúngica e viral. A amostra foi composta por 18.645 mulheres que realizaram exame colpocitológico, no período de 2013 a 2017. Destes exames analisados 27,4% em 2013, 10,9% em 2014, 10,6% em 2015, 15,2% em 2016 e 13,67% em 2017, estavam dentro do limite da normalidade, porém mais que a metade desses exames analisados apresentou algumas infecções causadas por agentes inespecíficos ou microbiológicos. Do total de laudos analisados, 4.073 (21,84%), apresentaram inflamações causadas por algum tipo de agente infeccioso, com a seguinte ordem de frequência: G. vaginalis, e T. vaginalis. Além disto, foi possível confirmar a elevada frequência de coinfecção entre G. vaginalis e Candida spp. Os índices de infecções genitais nesse trabalho mostram que há um problema de saúde pública que deve ser controlado, apontando uma necessidade maior de acompanhamento, orientações e de ações para uma maior conscientização para prevenir esses problemas.
Humanos , Feminino , Infecções Urinárias , Teste de Papanicolaou , Esfregaço Vaginal , Estudos Retrospectivos , GenitáliaResumo
Male dog fertility disorders are usually troublesome and challenging for a practicing veterinarian. It may be generally assumed, that reproductive potential in this species is lower than in farm animals and it is still decreasing. This situation starts to be similar to human medicine, where we observe dramatic drop of reproductive capacity, which resulted in the need of implementation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Situation in dogs is more complicated owing the fact, that the use of ART meets many obstacles. Low fertility potential in dogs appears to be the result of variable factors such as: specific criteria of selection for reproduction in which fertility performance in not a priority, lack of periodical obligatory fertility check, species specific predisposition for many reproductive diseases and no age limit for reproductive use of males. Dogs are kept in human environment and exposition for civilizational byproducts influences negatively not only on our health, but also on health our 'minor brothers'. It should be bear in mind, that reproductive organs are very sensitive for environmental factors disrupting homeostatic balance. The decline in male dog fertility over the past decades was proved, with potential link to environmental contaminants (4). They were found in pet foods and were also detected in the sperm and testes of adult dogs causing a detrimental effects on sperm function. Over the 26 years of the study of Lea et al. (4), authors found a decrease in the percentage of normal motile sperm. Between 1988 and 1998, sperm motility declined by 2.5 per cent per year. Then from 2002 to 2014 sperm motility continued to decline at a rate of 1.2% per year. In addition, the male pups had an increased incidence of cryptorchidism. Basics of physiology of reproduction of male dogs. Normally the puberty in males is associated with presence of normal sperm cells in genital organs. It is reached in male dogs at age around 5-6 months. Such a young dog obviously cannot be used for reproduction. Reproductive maturity is associated later, with development of normal sexual behavior and production of sufficient number of normal, fertilizing competent spermatozoa. It corresponds with 12-18 months of animal age. Testicular descent is completed usually before weaning period, but sometimes testicles may reach scrotum later, but never after the end of 6 month of age. That time inguinal canals start to be so narrow, that caudal passing of gonads is unlikely. Male dogs have only one accessory sexual gland - prostate, which produces vast portion of seminal plasma.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Andrologia/métodos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
Com a ascensão de animais exóticos no mercado pet, observou-se a necessidade de maiores estudos nesta área. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar diferentes métodos de sexagem em filhotes de serpentes da espécie Python brongersmai (Bloody Python), sendo utilizados 14 filhotes com aproximadamente 1 ano e 9 meses de vida, oriundos do Criadouro Comercial de Fauna Silvestre e Exótica CCF, autorização de manejo N° 414064, localizado no município de Cornélio Procópio PR. Foi utilizado a introdução da probe metálica de sexagem para contagem de escamas, mensurações do Comprimento Rostro-Cloacal (CRC), Comprimento Pós-Cloacal (CPC), Comprimento Total (CT); avaliação ultrassonográfica dos órgãos reprodutivos e perfil genético (DNA), indicando a fidedignidade de cada um. Observou-se uma eficácia de 100% na determinação do sexo através das amostras de DNA, enquanto a sexagem a partir da contagem de escamas via probe metálica e o dimorfismo sexual por mensurações corporais permitiram apenas uma classificação sexual prévia, sofrendo variações quando comparadas, mostrando-se como métodos inconclusivos. Já a ultrassonografia não foi eficaz para o processo de sexagem em serpentes filhotes de até aproximadamente 1 ano e 9 meses de idade da espécie Python brongersmai.(AU)
With the increment of exotic animal's trade in the pet business, the necessity of more studies in this area was observed. This study aimed at comparing different methods of sex identification in Python brongersmai snakelets (Bloody Python), using 14 baby snakes aged 1 year and 9 months approximately, from commercial breeding of wild and exotic fauna, situated in Cornélio Procópio PR. Methods used were the probing technique introduction, measurement of snout-vent length, post-vent length, total length; ultrasound evaluation of reproductive organs and genetic profile exam (DNA samples), denoting the veracity of each one. A 100% efficacy was observed in the study of sexual determination through DNA samples, while the other methods were shown to be inconclusive, whilst the sexing scale count via the probing technique introduction and sexual dimorphism by bodily measurements permitted only a previous sexual classification, suffering variations when compared, showing to be inconclusive methods. The ultrasound evaluation was not efficient for the sexing process in snakelets aged approximately 1 year and 9 months in Python brongersmai.(AU)
Animais , Análise para Determinação do Sexo/veterinária , Boidae/genética , Animais Selvagens/genética , Caracteres Sexuais , Perfil Genético , Genitália/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
Os hermafroditas verdadeiros são animais com intersexualidade, nos quais as gônadas masculinas e femininas se desenvolvem simultaneamente no mesmo indivíduo. Este trabalho relata um caso de hermafrodita na espécie suína após descarte de uma fêmea por diagnóstico de anestro. Tratava-se de uma fêmea com 222 dias de idade e 150 kg a qual havia sido selecionada para reprodução e permanecia em anestro. O indivíduo foi descartado e enviado para o abate em frigorífico sob inspeção federal. Após o abate foi observado no sistema genital aspectos anatômicos sugestivos de hermafroditismo. O sistema genital foi coletado, inspecionado macroscopicamente e conservado em formol a 10% para avaliação microscópica. Durante a análise macroscópica foi verificada a presença de vulva e vagina, contendo um pênis rudimentar. O útero, a cérvix, os cornos uterinos e oviduto estavam presentes e com ausência de anormalidade. Havia um ovário esquerdo com aspectos morfológicos de ciclicidade e folículos contendo oócitos de alta qualidade. À direita, entretanto, foi constatada a presença de um testículo, epidídimo e plexo pampiniforme. A avaliação histopatológica comprovou os achados macroscópicos, demonstrando um ovário contendo folículos, corpos lúteos e cistos foliculares; plexo pampiniforme; testículo e epidídimo com aspecto histológico normal, porém, com ausência de células espermatogênicas. Assim, com base nos achados macro e microscópicos descritos nesse relato de caso, o indivíduo foi considerado como hermafrodita verdadeiro.(AU)
True hermaphrodites are intersexual animals, in which both male and female gonads develop simultaneously in the same individual. This paper reports a case of a true hermaphrodite in the swine species after its culling for anestrus. The specimen was a female of 222 days of age and 150 kg of body weight, that was selected for reproduction and was permanently in anestrus. This individual was culled and sent to an abattoir under federal inspection. After slaughtering, it was observed in the reproductive tract anatomical aspects that suggested hermaphroditism. The reproductive tract was collected, evaluated macroscopically, and preserved in formaldehyde at 10 % to be evaluated by light microscopy. During the macroscopic analysis, the presence of a vulva and a vagina with a rudimentary penis was detected. The uterus, the cervix, uterine horns, and the oviduct were present and abnormalities were not detected. The left ovary exhibited morphological signs of cyclicity and contained follicles with high quality oocytes. On the right side, however, it was observed a testicle, epididymis, and a pampiniform plexus. The histopathological assessment corroborated the macroscopic findings, which demonstrated that the ovary had follicles, corpus luteum, and follicular cysts, and pampiniform plexus, testicle and epididymis were histologically normal, though with the absence of spermatogenic cells. Thus, based on the macro and microscopic findings described herein, the individual was considered a true hermaphrodite.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/diagnóstico , Suínos/anatomia & histologia , Anestro/fisiologia , Espermatogênese/fisiologia , Genitália/fisiologiaResumo
A avaliação do sistema genital interno no garanhão é uma importante etapa do exame andrológico, mas ainda é negligenciada na clínica reprodutiva dessa espécie. A maioria das enfermidades que acometem as glândulas sexuais acessórias e a uretra são descritas na literatura como pouco frequentes e até mesmo raras, no entanto a falta de diagnóstico, em muitos casos, contribui para essa estatística. Dentre as enfermidades mais recorrentes se destacam a vesiculite seminal, obstrução de ampola e fistula uretral que podem levar a prejuízos na qualidade seminal e baixa fertilidade. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta revisão é abordar as principais ferramentas de avaliação dos órgãos genitais internos nos machos equinos, visando contribuir para o correto diagnóstico e tratamento das principais afecções que os acometem.(AU)
The evaluation of the internal genital system in stallions is an important step in the breeding soundness exam that is still neglected in the reproductive clinic of this species. Most diseases that affect the accessory sex glands and the urethra are described in the literature as infrequent and even rare, however the lack of diagnosis, in many cases, contributes to this statistic. Among the most recurrent diseases are seminal vesiculitis, plugged ampullae and urethral rent that can lead to decreased seminal quality and low fertility. Thus, the objective of this review is to highlight the main tools for evaluating the internal genitalia in stallions, aiming to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of the main conditions that affect them.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Genitália Masculina/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/fisiologia , Palpação/veterinária , Endoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The morphological characteristics of the external genitalia of the bull may contribute to the etiopathogenesis of preputial diseases that trigger the impotence coeundi and losses in farms. The goal of this study was to establish morphometric parameters of the preputial ostium, the internal preputial leaflet (IPL), the free part and glans of the penis; describe the histological characteristics of the IPL; perform a count of the preputial sebaceous glands and compare these variables between 24-month-old Aberdeen Angus and Nellore bulls. At the slaughterhouse, 20 preputial pieces were collected from each breed. A device composed of base, rod, ring, and funnel was designed to hold each suspended and distended part. The IPL, the free part of the penis and the glans were measured. The ostium diameter was measured, and the radius, perimeter, and area of the preputial ostium were calculated. Samples were collected from the dorsal and ventral regions and from the cranial, medial, and caudal portions of the IPL. By electronic and optical microscopy, IPL characterization and sebaceous gland counts were performed. Analysis of variance was performed using the F test at 5%. It was concluded that Nellore bulls have a more extensive IPL and free part of the penis and more preputial sebaceous glands than Aberdeen Angus bulls. In both breeds, there are more glands in the ventral region of the ostium.
As características morfológicas da genitália externa do touro podem contribuir para a etiopatogenia de enfermidades prepuciais que desencadeiam a impotência coeundi e prejuízos nos criatórios. O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos do óstio prepucial, do folheto prepucial interno (FPI), da parte livre e da glande do pênis; descrever as características histológicas do FPI; realizar contagem de glândulas sebáceas prepuciais; e comparar essas variáveis entre touros Aberdeen Angus e Nelore, com 24 meses de idade. No abatedouro, colheram-se 20 peças prepuciais de cada raça. Elaborou-se um dispositivo composto por base, haste, anel e funil para sustentar cada peça suspensa e distendida. Realizou-se medição do FPI, da parte livre do pênis e da glande. Aferiu-se diâmetro do óstio, e calculou-se o raio, o perímetro e a área do óstio prepucial. Colheram-se amostras nas regiões dorsal e ventral e das porções cranial, medial e caudal do FPI. Por microscopia eletrônica e óptica, fez-se a caracterização do FPI e a contagem de glândulas sebáceas. Realizou-se análise de variância pelo teste F a 5%. Concluiu-se que touros Nelore possuem o FPI e a parte livre do pênis mais extensos e mais glândulas sebáceas prepuciais que touros Aberdeen Angus. Nas duas raças, há mais glândulas na região ventral do óstio.
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Masculina/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Sebáceas/anatomia & histologia , Prepúcio do Pênis/anatomia & histologiaResumo
As cadelas possuem características especiais da fisiologia da reprodução que as diferenciam das outras espécies domésticas. Elas são monoéstricas não sazonais com ovulação espontânea. A puberdade ocorre com variação entre 6 e 24 meses de idade conforme raça, tamanho individual e predisposições individuais. O interestro ocorre com intervalos de 5 a 12 meses sendo em média com 6 meses. O ciclo reprodutivo das cadelas é composto de 4 fases distintas: proestro (duração de 5 a 20 dias), estro (duração de 5 a 15 dias), diestro (duração de 50 a 80 dias) e anestro (duração de 80 a 240 dias). O diagnóstico e acompanhamento das fases do ciclo estral é feito com observação de comportamento reprodutivo, sintomas e sinais anatômicos e fisiológicos, citologia vaginal, dosagem do nível sérico de progesterona, vaginoscopia e utrassonografia dos órgãos do sistema reprodutivo, em especial dos ovários em cada fase do ciclo estral.(AU)
Female dogs have special features of reproduction physiology that differentiate them from other domestic species. Theu are non-seasonal monoestrus with spontaneous ovulation. Puberty occurs with a variation between 6 and 24 months of age according to breed, individual size, and individual predispositions. The inter-estrus occurs at intervals of 5 to 12 months, with an average of 6 months. The reproductive cycle of bitches is composed of 4 distinct phases: proestrus (duration from 5 to 20 days), estrus (duration from 5 to 15 days), diestrus (duration from 50 to 80 days) and anestrus (duration from 80 to 240 days). The diagnosis and monitoring of the phases of the estrous cycle is made with observation of reproductive behavior, symptoms and anatomical and physiological signs, vaginal cytology, measurement of serum progesterone levels, vaginoscopy and ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive system, especially the ovaries in each phase of the estrus cycle.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologiaResumo
This study investigated the influence of the farm microclimate parameters in different seasons on the incidence of ketosis, foot diseases, reproductive diseases, and mastitis in three dairy farms of North Kazakhstan. Microclimate parameters were recorded in four seasons: summer, autumn, winter, and spring. The average temperature was 1.2 °C above the established norm in summer and 1.7 °C below the established norm in winter. The humidity was below the norm by 9.7% and 1.6% in summer and autumn, respectively, and above the norm by 9.6 % and 6.6 % in winter and spring, respectively. The airflow was 0.1 m/s lower than the norm in summer, winter, and spring. The general illumination was 3.8 and 2.6 LUX lower than the norm in winter and spring, respectively. The average morbidity (cumulative incidence of all four diseases) was 63.8% (highest) in the winter, followed by spring (60.0%). Average morbidity was considerably less in summer and autumn at 46.7% and 37.1%, respectively. Study results indicate that minor deviations in microclimate parameters from the norms, particularly in winter and spring, can considerably impact the disease incidence on dairy farms in Kazakhstan. The farm management should strive to maintain microclimate conditions on the farm as close to the norm as possible during different seasons to avoid losses from livestock morbidity.