Objetivou-se avaliar métodos alternativos de restrição alimentar qualitativa e quantitativa em comparação à técnica convencional de muda forçada em codornas japonesas para o segundo ciclo de produção. O período de muda forçada teve duração de 10 dias e dois períodos de 21 dias de pós-muda. Foram utilizadas 72 codornas japonesas fêmeas, emfinal de produção com 72 semanas deidade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições cada, com seiscodornas por repetição. Os tratamentos experimentais foram:T1 aves submetidas a três dias de jejum com posterior fornecimento de ração de postura à vontade por setedias; T2 aves que receberam alimentação controlada (10 g/ave/dia) por 10 dias; T3 aves que receberam farelo de arroz à vontade por 10 dias. Durante todo o experimento todasas aves foram submetidas a iluminação natural com média de 12 horas de luz diária e água a vontade e após os 10 dias de muda foi fornecido ração de postura a vontade. A utilização do T2 (10 g/ave/dia de ração de postura) e de farelo de arroz como alimentoalternativo no programa de muda forçada foi viável. Mesmo a perda de peso sendo abaixo do recomentado, as aves que receberam 10 g de ração ave/dia e farelo de arroz à vontade apresentaram resultados de desempenho e qualidade do ovo pós muda semelhantes àsaves que ficaram em jejum, além de possibilitar melhores condições de bem-estar animal.(AU)
The objective was to evaluate alternative methods of qualitative and quantitative feed restriction compared to theconventional technique of forced moulting in Japanese quails for the second production cycle. The forced moulting period lasted 10 days and two 21-day post-molt periods. 72 female Japanese quails were used, at the end of production at 72 weeks of age. Thebirds were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications each, with sixquails per replicate. The experimental treatments were: T1 birds submitted to three days of fasting with subsequent provision of layingfeed ad libitum for sevendays; T2 birds that received controlled feeding (10 g/bird/day) for 10 days; T3 birds that received rice bran ad libitum for 10 days. Throughout the experiment, all birds were submitted tonatural lighting with an average of12hours of daily light and water ad libitum and after 10 days of molting, laying feed was provided ad libitum. The use of T2 (10 g/bird/day of laying ration) and ricebran as an alternativefood in the forced molt program was feasible. Even the weight loss being below the recommended, the birds that received 10 g of poultry feed/day and rice bran ad libitum showed similar post-moult performance and egg quality results to birds that were fasted, in addition to enabling better conditions. of animal welfare.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Ovos/análise , Farinha/análise , Dietoterapia/métodosResumo
Abstract Vanillin is the major component which is responsible for flavor and aroma of vanilla extract and is produced by 3 ways: natural extraction from vanilla plant, chemical synthesis and from microbial transformation. Current research was aimed to study bacterial production of vanillin from native natural sources including sewage and soil from industrial areas. The main objective was vanillin bio-production by isolating bacteria from these native sources. Also to adapt methodologies to improve vanillin production by optimized fermentation media and growth conditions. 47 soil and 13 sewage samples were collected from different industrial regions of Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and Kasur. 67.7% bacterial isolates produced vanillin and 32.3% were non-producers. From these 279 producers, 4 bacterial isolates selected as significant producers were; A3, A4, A7 and A10. These isolates were identified by ribotyping as A3 Pseudomonas fluorescence (KF408302), A4 Enterococcus faecium (KT356807), A7 Alcaligenes faecalis (MW422815) and A10 Bacillus subtilis (KT962919). Vanillin producers were further tested for improved production of vanillin and were grown in different fermentation media under optimized growth conditions for enhanced production of vanillin. The fermentation media (FM) were; clove oil based, rice bran waste (residues oil) based, wheat bran based and modified isoeugenol based. In FM5, FM21, FM22, FM23, FM24, FM30, FM31, FM32, FM34, FM35, FM36, and FM37, the selected 4 bacterial strains produced significant amounts of vanillin. A10 B. subtilis produced maximum amount of vanillin. This strain produced 17.3 g/L vanillin in FM36. Cost of this fermentation medium 36 was 131.5 rupees/L. This fermentation medium was modified isoeugenol based medium with 1% of isoeugenol and 2.5 g/L soybean meal. ech gene was amplified in A3 P. fluorescence using ech specific primers. As vanillin use as flavor has increased tremendously, the bioproduction of vanillin must be focused.
Resumo A vanilina é o principal componente responsável pelo sabor e aroma do extrato de baunilha e é produzida de três formas: extração natural da planta da baunilha, síntese química e transformação microbiana. A pesquisa atual teve como objetivo estudar a produção bacteriana de vanilina a partir de fontes naturais nativas, incluindo esgoto e solo de áreas industriais. O objetivo principal era a bioprodução de vanilina por meio do isolamento de bactérias dessas fontes nativas. Também para adaptar metodologias para melhorar a produção de vanilina por meio de fermentação otimizada e condições de crescimento. Foram coletadas 47 amostras de solo e 13 de esgoto de diferentes regiões industriais de Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad e Kasur; 67,7% dos isolados bacterianos produziram vanilina e 32,3% eram não produtores. Desses 279 produtores, 4 isolados bacterianos selecionados como produtores significativos foram: A3, A4, A7 e A10. Esses isolados foram identificados por ribotipagem como fluorescência A3 Pseudomonas (KF408302), A4 Enterococcus faecium (KT356807), A7 Alcaligenes faecalis (MW422815) e A10 Bacillus subtilis (KT962919). Os produtores de vanilina foram posteriormente testados para produção aprimorada de vanilina e foram cultivados em diferentes meios de fermentação sob condições de crescimento otimizadas para produção aprimorada de vanilina. Os meios de fermentação (FM) foram: à base de óleo de cravo, à base de resíduos de farelo de arroz (resíduos de óleo), à base de farelo de trigo e à base de isoeugenol modificado. Em FM5, FM21, FM22, FM23, FM24, FM30, FM31, FM32, FM34, FM35, FM36 e FM37, as 4 cepas bacterianas selecionadas produziram quantidades significativas de vanilina. A10 B. subtilis produziu quantidade máxima de vanilina. Essa cepa produziu 17,3 g / L de vanilina em FM36. O custo desse meio de fermentação 36 foi de 131,5 rúpias / L. Esse meio de fermentação foi um meio à base de isoeugenol modificado com 1% de isoeugenol e 2,5 g / L de farelo de soja. O gene ech foi amplificado em A3 P. fluorescence usando primers específicos para ech. Como o uso da vanilina como sabor aumentou tremendamente, a bioprodução da vanilina deve ser focada.
The objective was to compare deoxynivalenol (DON) concentrations in feed ingredients and commercial swine diets measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Seventy feed ingredient samples consisted of corn, corn dried distillers grains with solubles, corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, palm kernel expellers, rice bran, soy hulls, soybean meal, and wheat. Commercial swine diet samples (n = 92) were collected from 23 swine farms of varying regions in Korea and different growth stages of pigs. The DON concentration of all samples was determined in duplicate. Statistical comparisons were performed to compare the analytical methods (ELISA vs. HPLC), diet phases, and regions. The DON concentrations in most ingredients and all diets determined by ELISA method were greater than those determined by HPLC. The DON concentrations determined by the ELISA method were less than 1 mg/kg in all ingredients except corn dried distillers grains with solubles and corn gluten feed, and those determined by the HPLC were less than 0.5 mg/kg in all ingredients. The DON concentrations in complete diets did not vary by region or growth stages of pigs. The DON concentrations in most feed ingredients and commercial swine diets determined by ELISA method are greater than those determined by HPLC, but does not vary by regions in Republic of Korea or pig growth stages.
Animais , Suínos , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , MicotoxinasResumo
Abstract Vanillin is the major component which is responsible for flavor and aroma of vanilla extract and is produced by 3 ways: natural extraction from vanilla plant, chemical synthesis and from microbial transformation. Current research was aimed to study bacterial production of vanillin from native natural sources including sewage and soil from industrial areas. The main objective was vanillin bio-production by isolating bacteria from these native sources. Also to adapt methodologies to improve vanillin production by optimized fermentation media and growth conditions. 47 soil and 13 sewage samples were collected from different industrial regions of Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and Kasur. 67.7% bacterial isolates produced vanillin and 32.3% were non-producers. From these 279 producers, 4 bacterial isolates selected as significant producers were; A3, A4, A7 and A10. These isolates were identified by ribotyping as A3 Pseudomonas fluorescence (KF408302), A4 Enterococcus faecium (KT356807), A7 Alcaligenes faecalis (MW422815) and A10 Bacillus subtilis (KT962919). Vanillin producers were further tested for improved production of vanillin and were grown in different fermentation media under optimized growth conditions for enhanced production of vanillin. The fermentation media (FM) were; clove oil based, rice bran waste (residues oil) based, wheat bran based and modified isoeugenol based. In FM5, FM21, FM22, FM23, FM24, FM30, FM31, FM32, FM34, FM35, FM36, and FM37, the selected 4 bacterial strains produced significant amounts of vanillin. A10 B. subtilis produced maximum amount of vanillin. This strain produced 17.3 g/L vanillin in FM36. Cost of this fermentation medium 36 was 131.5 rupees/L. This fermentation medium was modified isoeugenol based medium with 1% of isoeugenol and 2.5 g/L soybean meal. ech gene was amplified in A3 P. fluorescence using ech specific primers. As vanillin use as flavor has increased tremendously, the bioproduction of vanillin must be focused.
Resumo A vanilina é o principal componente responsável pelo sabor e aroma do extrato de baunilha e é produzida de três formas: extração natural da planta da baunilha, síntese química e transformação microbiana. A pesquisa atual teve como objetivo estudar a produção bacteriana de vanilina a partir de fontes naturais nativas, incluindo esgoto e solo de áreas industriais. O objetivo principal era a bioprodução de vanilina por meio do isolamento de bactérias dessas fontes nativas. Também para adaptar metodologias para melhorar a produção de vanilina por meio de fermentação otimizada e condições de crescimento. Foram coletadas 47 amostras de solo e 13 de esgoto de diferentes regiões industriais de Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad e Kasur; 67,7% dos isolados bacterianos produziram vanilina e 32,3% eram não produtores. Desses 279 produtores, 4 isolados bacterianos selecionados como produtores significativos foram: A3, A4, A7 e A10. Esses isolados foram identificados por ribotipagem como fluorescência A3 Pseudomonas (KF408302), A4 Enterococcus faecium (KT356807), A7 Alcaligenes faecalis (MW422815) e A10 Bacillus subtilis (KT962919). Os produtores de vanilina foram posteriormente testados para produção aprimorada de vanilina e foram cultivados em diferentes meios de fermentação sob condições de crescimento otimizadas para produção aprimorada de vanilina. Os meios de fermentação (FM) foram: à base de óleo de cravo, à base de resíduos de farelo de arroz (resíduos de óleo), à base de farelo de trigo e à base de isoeugenol modificado. Em FM5, FM21, FM22, FM23, FM24, FM30, FM31, FM32, FM34, FM35, FM36 e FM37, as 4 cepas bacterianas selecionadas produziram quantidades significativas de vanilina. A10 B. subtilis produziu quantidade máxima de vanilina. Essa cepa produziu 17,3 g / L de vanilina em FM36. O custo desse meio de fermentação 36 foi de 131,5 rúpias / L. Esse meio de fermentação foi um meio à base de isoeugenol modificado com 1% de isoeugenol e 2,5 g / L de farelo de soja. O gene ech foi amplificado em A3 P. fluorescence usando primers específicos para ech. Como o uso da vanilina como sabor aumentou tremendamente, a bioprodução da vanilina deve ser focada.
Benzaldeídos/metabolismo , Aromatizantes/metabolismo , Bacillus subtilis/metabolismo , Microbiologia Industrial , Pseudomonas fluorescens/metabolismo , Enterococcus faecium/metabolismo , Meios de Cultura , Alcaligenes faecalis/metabolismo , FermentaçãoResumo
Palm heart processing generates a large amount of residues like leaves, sheath and stems that have potential for ruminant feeding. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of in natura peach palm heart (Bactris gasipaes Khunt.) residues on performance, dry matter (DM) digestibility and intake of ruminants. External sheath was the most suitable residue for sheep, cattle and buffaloes feeding, although sheep presented rejection of 43.5 g kg-1. Thereby, assays of apparent and in vitro dry matter digestibility were done under four feeding treatments, which were the exclusive peach palm sheath, and that one mixed with residues of banana and rice, besides citrus pulp. The experiment was carried out under randomized complete design, with five replications. Greater DM intake (p < 0.05) were observed in animals fed with peach palm sheath mixed with rice (1.12 kg day-1) and mixed with citrus pulp (0.91 kg day-1), however there were no difference among treatments regarding the sheep final weight (p > 0.05). Cattle and buffaloes accept different types of peach palm residues, unlike sheep that present a low rejecting for them. Citrus pulp and rice residue raise the roughage quality. Peach palm residues can be an alternative roughage source to feed ruminants.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes , Búfalos , Arecaceae , Fibras na DietaResumo
Background: Dermatitis associated with defatted rice bran (DRB) seems to be an underdiagnosed disease in Brazilian confined herds, characterized by localized skin lesions that develop mainly on hind limbs, and can affect any animal category. In this context, the goal of the present study was to describe an outbreak of dermatitis associated with the consumption of defatted rice bran on a property in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, demonstrating the clinical, hematological and epidemiological characteristics of the animals, as well as alternatives for the definitive diagnosis. Cases: Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained by anamnesis with the technician responsible for the property. Aberdeen Angus and crossbred males, with 24 to 36 months of age, with an average of 413 kg, from a property in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul were analyzed. From a batch of 45 cattle, from 24 to 36 months of age, 20 presented lesions on hind limbs 8-17 days after supplementation of a commercial feed containing defatted rice bran. To assist in the diagnosis, blood samples were drawn into vacuum tubes with 10% EDTA, for a complete blood count with the investigation of hemoparasites, and without anticoagulant, for liver function tests. In addition, lesion tissue samples were also collected for bacteriological, mycological and histopathological examination and the ration offered to the animals, for intradermal tests. There were no significant hematological and biochemical changes in animals that developed DRB dermatitis, except when they have an associated secondary infection. The fungal research was negative. The bacterial culture revealed a growth of Staphylococcus aureus, possibly due to secondary infection resulting from the lesions. In histopathological examination, lesions were characterized by areas of alopecia, thickening of the epidermis, forming dry, thick crusts, and some ulcerative and serosanguineous lesions. Histologically, lesions were characterized by marked hyperkeratosis, ulceration, and in the superficial dermis, intense inflammatory infiltrate of eosinophils and lymphocytes. Histologic changes, although not pathognomonic, are typically described in this disease. The intradermal test was performed to contribute to the diagnosis of the disease, where a significant increase in volume was found between measurements on animals that developed the disease. It is believed that the disease is produced due to a food hypersensitivity as a consequence of the high protein level in DRB. The results of the intradermal test indicate that the animals developed hypersensitivity and reaction to proteins, and further research is required to determine the protein fraction leading to hypersensitivity reactions. Discussion: In the present study, acute lesions in hind limbs in a significant number of animals of the same batch in a short period of time after supplementation with a diet containing defatted rice bran, enabled a clinical diagnosis suggestive of dermatitis associated with DRB consumption. Through epidemiological data, reactive intradermal test, associated with the findings of the histopathological exam, which showed characteristic lesions of the disease (alopecia, erythema, epidermis thickening, with the formation of thick crusts, usually on hind limbs in the region of the hoof coronary band, progressing to pastern and fetlock), it was possible to establish the clinical-pathological diagnosis of dermatitis associated with the consumption of defatted rice bran.
Animais , Bovinos , Oryza/efeitos adversos , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Dermatite/veterinária , Dermatite/epidemiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da casca de soja e da casca de arroz sobre o desempenho zootécnico, parâmetros somáticos e composiçãocentesimal dos peixes inteiros de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Para isso, foram utilizados 216 juvenis de pacu, com peso médio de 6 ± 0,81 gramas, distribuídos em 18 caixas dágua, em sistema de recirculação. Foram formuladas seis dietas contendo os níveis de 10, 13 e 15% de inclusão de FDN para cada fonte de fibra, com 30% de proteína bruta e 3.000 Kcal Kg-1de energia digestível. Foi observado que os níveis de 10 e 13% de FDN promoveram os melhores resultados para as variáveis de desempenhocomo peso final, ganho em peso, taxa de crescimento específico e comprimento final. Também foi possível observar que os peixes alimentados com a dieta contendo 10% de FDN apresentaram um maior rendimento de carcaça, porém não foi observada diferença entreos índices,digestivo somático, hepatossomático e quociente intestinal. Já, para as variáveis de composição centesimal dos peixes inteiros, não foram observadas diferenças significativas. Sendo assim, pode-se concluir que até 13% de FDN não prejudica o desempenho zootécnico, qualidade de carcaça e os parâmetros somáticos dos peixes.
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of soybean husk and rice husk on the performance, somatic parameters and proximate composition of whole fish of juvenile pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). For this, 216 juveniles of pacu were used, with an average weight of 6 ± 0.81 grams, distributed in 18 water tanks, in a recirculation system. Six diets were formulated containing levels of 10, 13 and 15% of NDF inclusion for each fiber source, with 30% of crude protein and 3,000 Kcal Kg-1of digestible energy. It was observed that the levels of 10 and 13% of NDF promoted the best results for performance variables such as final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate and final length. It was also possible to observe that fish fed a diet containing 10% NDF had a higher carcass yield, but no difference was observed between the somatic, hepatosomatic and intestinal quotient digestive indexes. However, no significant differences were observed for the proximate composition variables of whole fish. Thus, it can be concluded that up to 13% of NDF does not affect the zootechnical performance, carcass quality,and somatic parameters of the fish.
Animais , Caraciformes/metabolismo , Fibras na Dieta/análise , Ração Animal , Valor Nutritivo , Oryza , Glycine maxResumo
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da casca de soja e da casca de arroz sobre o desempenho zootécnico, parâmetros somáticos e composiçãocentesimal dos peixes inteiros de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Para isso, foram utilizados 216 juvenis de pacu, com peso médio de 6 ± 0,81 gramas, distribuídos em 18 caixas dágua, em sistema de recirculação. Foram formuladas seis dietas contendo os níveis de 10, 13 e 15% de inclusão de FDN para cada fonte de fibra, com 30% de proteína bruta e 3.000 Kcal Kg-1de energia digestível. Foi observado que os níveis de 10 e 13% de FDN promoveram os melhores resultados para as variáveis de desempenhocomo peso final, ganho em peso, taxa de crescimento específico e comprimento final. Também foi possível observar que os peixes alimentados com a dieta contendo 10% de FDN apresentaram um maior rendimento de carcaça, porém não foi observada diferença entreos índices,digestivo somático, hepatossomático e quociente intestinal. Já, para as variáveis de composição centesimal dos peixes inteiros, não foram observadas diferenças significativas. Sendo assim, pode-se concluir que até 13% de FDN não prejudica o desempenho zootécnico, qualidade de carcaça e os parâmetros somáticos dos peixes.(AU)
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of soybean husk and rice husk on the performance, somatic parameters and proximate composition of whole fish of juvenile pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). For this, 216 juveniles of pacu were used, with an average weight of 6 ± 0.81 grams, distributed in 18 water tanks, in a recirculation system. Six diets were formulated containing levels of 10, 13 and 15% of NDF inclusion for each fiber source, with 30% of crude protein and 3,000 Kcal Kg-1of digestible energy. It was observed that the levels of 10 and 13% of NDF promoted the best results for performance variables such as final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate and final length. It was also possible to observe that fish fed a diet containing 10% NDF had a higher carcass yield, but no difference was observed between the somatic, hepatosomatic and intestinal quotient digestive indexes. However, no significant differences were observed for the proximate composition variables of whole fish. Thus, it can be concluded that up to 13% of NDF does not affect the zootechnical performance, carcass quality,and somatic parameters of the fish.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/metabolismo , Fibras na Dieta/análise , Valor Nutritivo , Ração Animal , Glycine max , OryzaResumo
Pleurotus albidus, a naturally growing species in the Amazon region, has been considered a promising source of milk-clotting proteases. The production of such enzymes using lignocellulosic residues is a sustainable alternative to replace mammalian rennet. The application of P. albidus milk-clotting proteases in cheese making has not yet been reported in the scientific literature. The aim of this study was to characterize the milk-clotting proteases of P. albidus and use these enzymes in the production of Minas frescal cheese. For the production of coagulating proteases, the mushroom was grown in açaí seeds supplemented with rice bran (10%, w/w). The parameters affecting the production of coagulant, such as inoculum size, fermentation time, initial pH of cultivation medium and age of the inoculum were evaluated. The coagulant extract obtained under optimal production conditions was evaluated for optimal pH and temperature, pH and temperature stability, effect of ions and inhibitors. Significant production of coagulating proteases was obtained under the following conditions: inoculum size (2.5%), fermentation time (10 days), initial pH of the cultivation medium (6), and inoculum age (10 days). The coagulant exhibited significant catalytic activity in pH 5.0 at 55°C, with stability at 45°C and was completely inhibited by iodoacetic acid. The milk-clotting proteases of P. albidus were efficient for making Minas frescal cheese that presented 55.0% of moisture, 20.0% of lipids and 17.20% of protein. Pleurotus albidus is a potential source of milk-clotting proteases that can be applied in dairy industry for production of fresh Minas frescal cheese.
Agentes de Coagulação , Peptídeo Hidrolases/análise , Pleurotus/química , Queijo/análiseResumo
Pleurotus albidus, a naturally growing species in the Amazon region, has been considered a promising source of milk-clotting proteases. The production of such enzymes using lignocellulosic residues is a sustainable alternative to replace mammalian rennet. The application of P. albidus milk-clotting proteases in cheese making has not yet been reported in the scientific literature. The aim of this study was to characterize the milk-clotting proteases of P. albidus and use these enzymes in the production of Minas frescal cheese. For the production of coagulating proteases, the mushroom was grown in açaí seeds supplemented with rice bran (10%, w/w). The parameters affecting the production of coagulant, such as inoculum size, fermentation time, initial pH of cultivation medium and age of the inoculum were evaluated. The coagulant extract obtained under optimal production conditions was evaluated for optimal pH and temperature, pH and temperature stability, effect of ions and inhibitors. Significant production of coagulating proteases was obtained under the following conditions: inoculum size (2.5%), fermentation time (10 days), initial pH of the cultivation medium (6), and inoculum age (10 days). The coagulant exhibited significant catalytic activity in pH 5.0 at 55°C, with stability at 45°C and was completely inhibited by iodoacetic acid. The milk-clotting proteases of P. albidus were efficient for making Minas frescal cheese that presented 55.0% of moisture, 20.0% of lipids and 17.20% of protein. Pleurotus albidus is a potential source of milk-clotting proteases that can be applied in dairy industry for production of fresh Minas frescal cheese.(AU)
Pleurotus/química , Agentes de Coagulação , Peptídeo Hidrolases/análise , Queijo/análiseResumo
The apparent digestibility coefficients for crude protein (ADCCP), dry matter (ADCDM), and gross energy (ADCGE) of ingredients were determined for piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Test diets were formulated to contain 69.5% of reference diet, 0.5% of chromium oxide, and 30% of test ingredients. The protein ingredients evaluated were tilapia processing residue meal (TPRM), feather and poultry blood meal (FPBM), poultry by-product meal (PBM), meat and bone meal (MBM), cottonseed meal (CM), corn gluten meal (CGM), and soybean meal (SM); the energy ingredients tested were corn (C), corn germ meal (CGRM), rice meal (RM), wheat bran (WB), and sorghum (S). Groups of 30 piaparas were fed twice daily during five days with test diets. Intestinal morphometry of fish were also evaluated. Digestibility coefficients of protein and energy ingredients were highest for soybean meal (ADCDM = 85.8%; ADCCP = 95.2%; and ADCGE = 87.2%) and corn (ADCDM = 94.5%; ADCCP = 76.2%; and ADCGE = 89.3%), respectively. Of the energy test ingredients analyzed, corn had the highest digestibility coefficients and induced beneficial changes on intestinal morphology compared to sorghum and corn germ meal. All protein ingredients showed potential for use in piapara diets, except meat and bone meal and feather and blood meal.
Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta (ADCCP), matéria seca (ADCDM) e energia bruta (ADCGE) de ingredientes foram determinados para a piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Dietas testes foram formuladas contendo 69,5% da dieta referência, 0,5% de óxido de cromo e 30% do ingrediente teste. Os alimentos proteicos avaliados foram: farinha do resíduo de processamento da tilapia (TPRM), farinha de penas e sangue de aves (FPBM), farinha de vísceras de aves (PBM), farinha de carne e ossos (MBM), farelo de algodão (CM), glúten de milho (CGM) e farelo de soja (SM); os alimentos energéticos testados foram: milho (C), gérmen de milho (CGRM), farelo de arroz (RM), farelo de trigo (WB) e sorgo (S). Grupos de 30 piaparas foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia durante cinco dias com as dietas testes. Também foi avaliada a morfometria intestinal dos peixes. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos ingredientes proteicos e energéticos foram mais altos para o farelo de soja (ADCDM = 85,8%; ADCCP = 95,2%; e ADCGE = 87,2%) e milho (ADCDM = 94,5%; ADCCP = 76,2%; e ADCGE = 89,3%), respectivamente. Dentre os ingredientes energéticos, o milho apresentou os maiores coeficientes e induziu alterações morfométricas intestinais benéficas, quando comparado ao sorgo e gérmen de milho. Todos os ingredientes proteicos apresentaram potencial uso em dietas para a piapara com exceção da farinha de carne e ossos e farinha de penas e sangue de aves.
Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Dieta Rica em Proteínas , Dieta/veterinária , Digestão/fisiologia , IntestinosResumo
The apparent digestibility coefficients for crude protein (ADCCP), dry matter (ADCDM), and gross energy (ADCGE) of ingredients were determined for piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Test diets were formulated to contain 69.5% of reference diet, 0.5% of chromium oxide, and 30% of test ingredients. The protein ingredients evaluated were tilapia processing residue meal (TPRM), feather and poultry blood meal (FPBM), poultry by-product meal (PBM), meat and bone meal (MBM), cottonseed meal (CM), corn gluten meal (CGM), and soybean meal (SM); the energy ingredients tested were corn (C), corn germ meal (CGRM), rice meal (RM), wheat bran (WB), and sorghum (S). Groups of 30 piaparas were fed twice daily during five days with test diets. Intestinal morphometry of fish were also evaluated. Digestibility coefficients of protein and energy ingredients were highest for soybean meal (ADCDM = 85.8%; ADCCP = 95.2%; and ADCGE = 87.2%) and corn (ADCDM = 94.5%; ADCCP = 76.2%; and ADCGE = 89.3%), respectively. Of the energy test ingredients analyzed, corn had the highest digestibility coefficients and induced beneficial changes on intestinal morphology compared to sorghum and corn germ meal. All protein ingredients showed potential for use in piapara diets, except meat and bone meal and feather and blood meal.(AU)
Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta (ADCCP), matéria seca (ADCDM) e energia bruta (ADCGE) de ingredientes foram determinados para a piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Dietas testes foram formuladas contendo 69,5% da dieta referência, 0,5% de óxido de cromo e 30% do ingrediente teste. Os alimentos proteicos avaliados foram: farinha do resíduo de processamento da tilapia (TPRM), farinha de penas e sangue de aves (FPBM), farinha de vísceras de aves (PBM), farinha de carne e ossos (MBM), farelo de algodão (CM), glúten de milho (CGM) e farelo de soja (SM); os alimentos energéticos testados foram: milho (C), gérmen de milho (CGRM), farelo de arroz (RM), farelo de trigo (WB) e sorgo (S). Grupos de 30 piaparas foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia durante cinco dias com as dietas testes. Também foi avaliada a morfometria intestinal dos peixes. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos ingredientes proteicos e energéticos foram mais altos para o farelo de soja (ADCDM = 85,8%; ADCCP = 95,2%; e ADCGE = 87,2%) e milho (ADCDM = 94,5%; ADCCP = 76,2%; e ADCGE = 89,3%), respectivamente. Dentre os ingredientes energéticos, o milho apresentou os maiores coeficientes e induziu alterações morfométricas intestinais benéficas, quando comparado ao sorgo e gérmen de milho. Todos os ingredientes proteicos apresentaram potencial uso em dietas para a piapara com exceção da farinha de carne e ossos e farinha de penas e sangue de aves.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Digestão/fisiologia , Intestinos , Dieta Rica em Proteínas , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of fermented and non-fermented whole rice bran for rotifer feeding, based on the effects on growth parameters, antioxidant and oxidative damage responses, and water quality. The study was based on three experiments, which compared the effect of different concentrations of non-fermented whole rice bran, the effect of different concentrations of fermented whole rice bran and the effect of the best concentrations of fermented and non-fermented whole rice bran, as well as the replacement of part of the baking yeast by rice bran. The results showed the best growth performances in treatments with 0.7 g yeast with 1.5 g fermented rice bran, 0.35 g yeast with 0.75 g whole rice bran, and 0.35 g yeast with 0.75 g fermented rice bran. Fermentation of rice bran for 6 hours did not induce oxidative stress in rotifers. This work revealed that the use of 1.5 g of fermented bran and replacement of 50% of yeast with fermented or non-fermented rice bran may be used for rotifer feeding, with the additional benefit of improving the environmental quality due to the lower amount of ammonia released in the water.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a utilização do farelo de arroz integral e fermentado na alimentação de rotíferos, baseado nos efeitos sobre os parâmetros de desempenho, respostas antioxidantes e de dano oxidativo, e qualidade de água. O estudo foi baseado em três experimentos, os quais compararam o efeito de diferentes concentrações de farelo de arroz integral na alimentação de rotíferos, o efeito de diferentes concentrações de farelo de arroz fermentado na alimentação de rotíferos e o efeito das melhores concentrações de farelo de arroz integral e fermentado, bem como a substituição de parte da levedura de panificação por esses farelos. Os resultados mostraram um melhor desempenho em crescimento nos tratamentos com 0,7 g de levedura, 1,5 g de farelo fermentado, 0,35 g de levedura + 0,75 g de farelo integral e 0,35 g de levedura +0,75 g de farelo fermentado. A fermentação do farelo de arroz por 6 horas não induziu estresse oxidativo nos rotíferos. Foi constatado que pode ser usado 1,5 g de farelo fermentado e substituído 50% de levedura por farelo de arroz fermentado ou integral na alimentação de rotíferos, com a vantagem de apresentar melhor qualidade ambiental, devido a diminuição da amônia da água.
Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Fermentação , Oryza , RotíferosResumo
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of fermented and non-fermented whole rice bran for rotifer feeding, based on the effects on growth parameters, antioxidant and oxidative damage responses, and water quality. The study was based on three experiments, which compared the effect of different concentrations of non-fermented whole rice bran, the effect of different concentrations of fermented whole rice bran and the effect of the best concentrations of fermented and non-fermented whole rice bran, as well as the replacement of part of the baking yeast by rice bran. The results showed the best growth performances in treatments with 0.7 g yeast with 1.5 g fermented rice bran, 0.35 g yeast with 0.75 g whole rice bran, and 0.35 g yeast with 0.75 g fermented rice bran. Fermentation of rice bran for 6 hours did not induce oxidative stress in rotifers. This work revealed that the use of 1.5 g of fermented bran and replacement of 50% of yeast with fermented or non-fermented rice bran may be used for rotifer feeding, with the additional benefit of improving the environmental quality due to the lower amount of ammonia released in the water.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a utilização do farelo de arroz integral e fermentado na alimentação de rotíferos, baseado nos efeitos sobre os parâmetros de desempenho, respostas antioxidantes e de dano oxidativo, e qualidade de água. O estudo foi baseado em três experimentos, os quais compararam o efeito de diferentes concentrações de farelo de arroz integral na alimentação de rotíferos, o efeito de diferentes concentrações de farelo de arroz fermentado na alimentação de rotíferos e o efeito das melhores concentrações de farelo de arroz integral e fermentado, bem como a substituição de parte da levedura de panificação por esses farelos. Os resultados mostraram um melhor desempenho em crescimento nos tratamentos com 0,7 g de levedura, 1,5 g de farelo fermentado, 0,35 g de levedura + 0,75 g de farelo integral e 0,35 g de levedura +0,75 g de farelo fermentado. A fermentação do farelo de arroz por 6 horas não induziu estresse oxidativo nos rotíferos. Foi constatado que pode ser usado 1,5 g de farelo fermentado e substituído 50% de levedura por farelo de arroz fermentado ou integral na alimentação de rotíferos, com a vantagem de apresentar melhor qualidade ambiental, devido a diminuição da amônia da água.(AU)
Animais , Oryza , Fermentação , Rotíferos , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
Different rice cultivars have been developed in order to obtain grains with optimal cultivation and compositional characteristics, which affect their potential applications. Therefore, the characterization of these different rice cultivars is required. In the present study, white rice and rice bran from the cultivars BRS AG, BRS Pampa, and BRS 358 provided by EMBRAPA were characterized by physicochemical means, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), and thermal analyses. The moisture, lipid, and ash contents did not differ among the white rice cultivars. The cultivar BRS Pampa exhibited the highest protein and lowest total carbohydrate contents. Both BRS Pampa and BRS 358 showed a higher phytic acid content than BRS AG. The highest total carbohydrate content was observed in BRS AG white rice samples, which confirmed its suitability for use in ethanol production. Among the rice bran samples, BRS 358 demonstrated the highest contents of lipid, protein, and phytic acid, and the lowest total carbohydrate content. FTIR-ATR and thermal analyses were suitable for correlating the physicochemical properties of white rice and rice bran with the molecular composition in the respective cultivars studied. Both white rice and rice bran exhibited a thermal degradation temperature at 300 °C. Lipids, protein, ash and phytic acid were considerably higher in rice bran than white rice in all cultivars studied, which demonstrates the importance of the use of this by-product.
Várias cultivares de arroz tem sido desenvolvida no intuito de obter grãos com características de cultivo e composição apropriadas, que são responsáveis pela indicação de uso/consumo dos grãos. Assim, justifica-se a necessidade de caracterização das diferentes cultivares de arroz. No presente estudo, o arroz branco e o farelo de arroz das cultivares BRS AG, BRS Pampa, e BRS 358, cedidas pela EMBRAPA, foram caracterizadas a partir de análises físico-químicas, espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR-ATR) e análises térmicas. Nas amostras de arroz branco, o conteúdo de umidade, lipídios e cinzas não diferiu entre as cultivares. A BRS Pampa teve o maior teor de proteínas e o menor teor de carboidratos. A BRS Pampa e BRS 358 tiveram maior teor de ácido fítico. O maior conteúdo de carboidratos observado no arroz branco da cultivar BRS AG confirma sua indicação de uso na produção de bioetanol. Nas amostras de farelo de arroz, a BRS teve maior teor de lipídios, proteínas e ácido fítico, e o menor de carboidratos totais. A análise por FTIR-ATR e análise térmica permitiram correlacionar as propriedades físico-químicas do farelo de arroz e arroz branco com a composição química dentro de cada cultivar estudada. O arroz branco e o farelo de arroz exibiram degradação térmica a 300 °C. O conteúdo de lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e ácido fítico foram superiores no farelo em comparação ao arroz branco para todas as cultivares, o que demonstra a importância do uso desse subproduto.
Análise Espectral , Fenômenos Físicos , Oryza/químicaResumo
Different rice cultivars have been developed in order to obtain grains with optimal cultivation and compositional characteristics, which affect their potential applications. Therefore, the characterization of these different rice cultivars is required. In the present study, white rice and rice bran from the cultivars BRS AG, BRS Pampa, and BRS 358 provided by EMBRAPA were characterized by physicochemical means, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), and thermal analyses. The moisture, lipid, and ash contents did not differ among the white rice cultivars. The cultivar BRS Pampa exhibited the highest protein and lowest total carbohydrate contents. Both BRS Pampa and BRS 358 showed a higher phytic acid content than BRS AG. The highest total carbohydrate content was observed in BRS AG white rice samples, which confirmed its suitability for use in ethanol production. Among the rice bran samples, BRS 358 demonstrated the highest contents of lipid, protein, and phytic acid, and the lowest total carbohydrate content. FTIR-ATR and thermal analyses were suitable for correlating the physicochemical properties of white rice and rice bran with the molecular composition in the respective cultivars studied. Both white rice and rice bran exhibited a thermal degradation temperature at 300 °C. Lipids, protein, ash and phytic acid were considerably higher in rice bran than white rice in all cultivars studied, which demonstrates the importance of the use of this by-product.(AU)
Várias cultivares de arroz tem sido desenvolvida no intuito de obter grãos com características de cultivo e composição apropriadas, que são responsáveis pela indicação de uso/consumo dos grãos. Assim, justifica-se a necessidade de caracterização das diferentes cultivares de arroz. No presente estudo, o arroz branco e o farelo de arroz das cultivares BRS AG, BRS Pampa, e BRS 358, cedidas pela EMBRAPA, foram caracterizadas a partir de análises físico-químicas, espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR-ATR) e análises térmicas. Nas amostras de arroz branco, o conteúdo de umidade, lipídios e cinzas não diferiu entre as cultivares. A BRS Pampa teve o maior teor de proteínas e o menor teor de carboidratos. A BRS Pampa e BRS 358 tiveram maior teor de ácido fítico. O maior conteúdo de carboidratos observado no arroz branco da cultivar BRS AG confirma sua indicação de uso na produção de bioetanol. Nas amostras de farelo de arroz, a BRS teve maior teor de lipídios, proteínas e ácido fítico, e o menor de carboidratos totais. A análise por FTIR-ATR e análise térmica permitiram correlacionar as propriedades físico-químicas do farelo de arroz e arroz branco com a composição química dentro de cada cultivar estudada. O arroz branco e o farelo de arroz exibiram degradação térmica a 300 °C. O conteúdo de lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e ácido fítico foram superiores no farelo em comparação ao arroz branco para todas as cultivares, o que demonstra a importância do uso desse subproduto.(AU)
Oryza/química , Fenômenos Físicos , Análise EspectralResumo
Rice bran is a by-product of the rice milling process, found worldwide in abundance and highlighted due its protein content. This study optimized the conditions for ultrasonic-assisted extraction of protein from defatted rice bran (DRB) and characterized the rice bran protein concentrate (RBPC). A sequential strategy of experimental design was employed; the effect of pH, temperature, ultrasound exposure time, and amplitude were evaluated regarding the percentage of protein extraction by a Full factorial design (FFD) with a fixed frequencies (FFD-A: 37 kHz; FFD-B: 80 kHz). Subsequently, the percentage of protein extracted was optimized employing a Central composite rotatable design (variables: pH and ultrasound exposure time) and RBPC obtained was characterized regarding chemical and functional properties. The pH and ultrasound exposure time had positive effect (P 0.05) on percentage of protein extraction; moreover, 37 kHz frequency was more effective in protein extraction. The optimized condition (frequency: 37 kHz; temperature: 30 °C; pH: 10; ultrasound exposure time: 30 min; and amplitude: 100%) allowed 15.07% of protein recovery and the RBPC presented 84.76 g 100 g-1 of protein. Magnesium and copper were the main mineral in RBPC (34.4 and 25.5 µg g-1, respectively), while leucine was the limiting amino acid (0.42) and threonine presented the highest chemical score (1.0). The RBPC solubility was minimal at pH 4 and higher at pHs 6-10; the water and oil absorption capacity were higher than bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the emulsifying capacity was comparable to BSA, with a suitable stability. It was possible to obtain a higher purity RBPC than described in the literature, due to the optimization in the extraction process steps, with functional properties suitable for application in food products, especially emulsified ones.(AU)
O farelo de arroz é um subproduto do processo de moagem do arroz, encontrado em abundância em todo o mundo e destacado devido ao seu teor de proteínas. Este estudo otimizou as condições para a extração assistida por ultrassom da proteína do farelo de arroz desengordurado (DRB) e caracterizou o concentrado de proteína do farelo de arroz (RBPC). Uma estratégia sequencial de desenho experimental foi empregada; o efeito do pH, temperatura, tempo de exposição ao ultrassom e amplitude foram avaliados em relação à porcentagem de extração proteica por um Delineamento Fatorial Completo (FFD) com frequências fixas (FFD -A: 37 kHz; FFD-B: 80 kHz). Posteriormente, a porcentagem de proteína extraída foi otimizada empregando um Planejamento Composto Central (variáveis: pH e tempo de exposição ao ultrassom) e o RBPC obtido foi caracterizado quanto às propriedades químicas e funcionais. O pH e o tempo de exposição ao ultrassom tiveram efeito positivo (P 0,05) na porcentagem de extração proteica. Além disso, a frequência de 37 kHz foi mais eficaz na extração de proteínas. A condição otimizada (frequência: 37 kHz; temperatura: 30 °C; pH: 10; tempo de exposição ao ultrassom: 30 min; e amplitude: 100%) permitiu 15,07% de recuperação de proteínas e o RBPC apresentou 84,76 g 100 g-1 de proteína. Magnésio e cobre foram os principais minerais da RBPC (34,4 e 25,5 µg g-1, respectivamente), enquanto a leucina foi o aminoácido limitante (0,42) e a treonina apresentou o maior escore químico (1,0). A solubilidade do RBPC foi mínima em pH 4 e superior em pH 6-10; a capacidade de absorção de água e óleo foi maior que a albumina sérica bovina (BSA) e a capacidade de emulsificação foi comparável à BSA, com uma estabilidade adequada. Assim, foi possível obter um RBPC com elevada pureza, maior do que o descrito na literatura, devido à otimização nas etapas do processo de extração, com propriedades funcionais adequadas para aplicação em produtos alimentícios, principalmente emulsificados.(AU)
Ultrassom , OryzaResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of rice byproducts on water quality, microbial community, and growth performance of L. vannamei juveniles. Shrimp of 0.98±0.10 g body weight (BW) were reared in 49 tanks of 1.5 m3 under 127 animals m−2 for 77 days. Rice bran, rice grits, and rice hulls were mixed into five different fertilizers varying their fiber content (90, 110, 150, 200, and 250 g kg−1) and compared against sugarcane molasses (MO) and unfertilized tanks (UNF). Rice byproducts and MO were applied in water three times a week at a fixed rate of 4.5 g m−3. Water salinity, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen reached 43±2 g L−1, 8.03±0.32, 30.2±0.90 °C, and 5.03±0.53 mg L−1, respectively. Settleable solids (SS) were higher in tanks fertilized with rice byproducts (from 2.5±1.0 to 3.1±1.1 mL L−1) and MO (3.4±1.0 mL L−1). Total ammonia nitrogen (0.19±0.09 mg L−1), nitrite (5.97±2.04 mg L−1), and nitrate (1.29±0.48 mg L−1) were kept low without any significant differences among treatments. The concentration of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi was significantly higher in rice byproducts compared with MO. Water fertilization had no effect on final shrimp survival (85.5±9.5%), weekly growth (0.72±0.11 g), and feed conversion ratio (1.59±0.10). Tanks treated with rice byproducts, except with 90 g kg−1 fiber, resulted in a higher final shrimp BW (from 9.04±1.56 to 9.52±1.89 g) compared with MO (8.75±2.14 g) and UNF (7.74±1.48 g). Gained yield and feed intake were significantly higher for tanks treated with rice byproducts than with UNF. A mix of rice byproducts can be equally or more effective as carbon sources to shrimp culture than MO.(AU)
Animais , Oryza/química , Penaeidae/fisiologia , Carbono/químicaResumo
Rice bran is a by-product of rice production with a high carbohydrate and starch content and the potential for bioethanol production by alcoholic fermentation. This article describes bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from hydrolyzed defatted rice bran (DRB) a rice by-product applying ultrasonic treatment and protease addition, as well as a sequential strategy of experimental design (SEED). In the first Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD), the temperature (25-30 °C) and inoculum concentration (0.5-50 g L-¹) had positive effects on bioethanol production, while the effect of pH (4.0-6.0) was not significant. In the second CCRD, the temperature (28-35 °C) and inoculum concentration (10-70 g L-¹) had negative and positive effects on bioethanol production (p< 0.05). Protease addition (15 µL g-¹) increased the conversion of substrate into bioethanol by 76%. The optimized conditions for the production of 40.7 g L-¹ bioethanol were a temperature of 31.5 °C and an inoculum concentration of 70 g L-¹. Validation in a benchtop bioreactor produced 40.0 g L-¹ of bioethanol from hydrolyzed DRB, and the SEED was characterized as a useful tool to improve bioethanol production from DRB. Furthermore, the DRB proved to be a by-product with great potential for bioethanol production, derived from alternative sources not commonly used in human food.
O farelo de arroz é um subproduto com alto teor de carboidratos e amido, com potencial para produção de bioetanol por fermentação alcoólica. O presente artigo descreve a produção de bioetanol pela ação da Saccharomyces cerevisiae no farelo de arroz desengordurado hidrolisado (DRB) - um subproduto do arroz - com a aplicação do tratamento ultrassônico e adição de protease, e estratégia sequencial de planejamento experimental (SEED). No primeiro Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (CCRD), a temperatura (25-30 °C) e a concentração de inóculo (0,5-50 g L-¹) tiveram efeitos positivos na produção de bioetanol, enquanto o pH (4,0-6,0) não foi significativo. No segundo CCRD, a temperatura (28-35 °C) e a concentração do inóculo (10-70 g L-¹) tiveram efeitos negativo e positivo, respectivamente, na produção de bioetanol (p < 0,05). A adição de protease (15 µL g-¹) aumentou a conversão do substrato em bioetanol em 76%. Na temperatura de 31,5 °C e concentração de inóculo de 70 g L-¹ obteve-se a condição otimizada para produção de bioetanol, com a produção de 40,7 g L-¹. Na validação, realizada em um fermentador de bancada, foram produzidos 40,0 g L-¹ de bioetanol a partir de DRB hidrolisado; e o SEED foi caracterizado como uma ferramenta útil para otimizar a produção de bioetanol a partir de DRB. Além disso, o DRB provou ser um subproduto com grande potencial para a produção de bioetanol, derivado de fontes alternativas normalmente não utilizadas na alimentação humana.
Fermentação , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/químicaResumo
Rice bran is a by-product of rice production with a high carbohydrate and starch content and the potential for bioethanol production by alcoholic fermentation. This article describes bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from hydrolyzed defatted rice bran (DRB) a rice by-product applying ultrasonic treatment and protease addition, as well as a sequential strategy of experimental design (SEED). In the first Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD), the temperature (25-30 °C) and inoculum concentration (0.5-50 g L-¹) had positive effects on bioethanol production, while the effect of pH (4.0-6.0) was not significant. In the second CCRD, the temperature (28-35 °C) and inoculum concentration (10-70 g L-¹) had negative and positive effects on bioethanol production (p< 0.05). Protease addition (15 µL g-¹) increased the conversion of substrate into bioethanol by 76%. The optimized conditions for the production of 40.7 g L-¹ bioethanol were a temperature of 31.5 °C and an inoculum concentration of 70 g L-¹. Validation in a benchtop bioreactor produced 40.0 g L-¹ of bioethanol from hydrolyzed DRB, and the SEED was characterized as a useful tool to improve bioethanol production from DRB. Furthermore, the DRB proved to be a by-product with great potential for bioethanol production, derived from alternative sources not commonly used in human food.(AU)
O farelo de arroz é um subproduto com alto teor de carboidratos e amido, com potencial para produção de bioetanol por fermentação alcoólica. O presente artigo descreve a produção de bioetanol pela ação da Saccharomyces cerevisiae no farelo de arroz desengordurado hidrolisado (DRB) - um subproduto do arroz - com a aplicação do tratamento ultrassônico e adição de protease, e estratégia sequencial de planejamento experimental (SEED). No primeiro Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (CCRD), a temperatura (25-30 °C) e a concentração de inóculo (0,5-50 g L-¹) tiveram efeitos positivos na produção de bioetanol, enquanto o pH (4,0-6,0) não foi significativo. No segundo CCRD, a temperatura (28-35 °C) e a concentração do inóculo (10-70 g L-¹) tiveram efeitos negativo e positivo, respectivamente, na produção de bioetanol (p < 0,05). A adição de protease (15 µL g-¹) aumentou a conversão do substrato em bioetanol em 76%. Na temperatura de 31,5 °C e concentração de inóculo de 70 g L-¹ obteve-se a condição otimizada para produção de bioetanol, com a produção de 40,7 g L-¹. Na validação, realizada em um fermentador de bancada, foram produzidos 40,0 g L-¹ de bioetanol a partir de DRB hidrolisado; e o SEED foi caracterizado como uma ferramenta útil para otimizar a produção de bioetanol a partir de DRB. Além disso, o DRB provou ser um subproduto com grande potencial para a produção de bioetanol, derivado de fontes alternativas normalmente não utilizadas na alimentação humana.(AU)