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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57724, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396764


The objective of this study was to determine the multivariate relationship among linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and their main rumen biohydrogenation (BH) intermediates and products in bovine rumen fluid using canonical correlation analysis (CCA). A dataset consisting of 1177 observations generated by 107 in vitro rumen incubation systems of pure and mixed linoleic acid (18:2-c9, c12) and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3-c9, c12, c15) was gathered. Two canonical variates were defined: A: composed of the nine main BH intermediates and products (18:2-c9, t11; 18:2-t11, c15; 18:1-t11; 18:1-t9; 18:1-t6; 18:1-c11; 18:1-c6; 18:1-c9; 18:0) of 18:2-c9, c12 and 18:3-c9, c12, c15 and B: composed of 18:2-c9, c12 and 18:3-c9, c12, c15. Two canonical functions between A and B with significant canonical correlations (R1=0.990 and R2=0.738; p <0.01) were obtained. However, only the first function was selected for CCA. Exploration of canonical loadings for first function, revealed the following quantitative significance (absolute value) order for fatty acids (FA) within their respective canonical variates: A: 18:0(0.958)>18:1-t9(0.837)>18:1-c11(0.835)>18:1-c6(0.824)>18:1-t11(0.747)>18:1-c9(0.738)>18:1-t6(0.415)>18:2-t11, c15(0.387)> 18:2-c9, t11(0.239); B: 18:2-c9, c12(0.667)>18:3-c9, c12, c15(0.488). The CCA showed that 18:2-c9, c12 has a greater contribution than that of 18:3-c9, c12, c15 on the production of the aforementioned BH intermediates, in which 18:0, as well as the groups of 18:1 cis and trans-FA were mainly affected.(AU)

Animais , Rúmen/química , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hidrogenação/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácidos Linoleicos/administração & dosagem , Análise Multivariada , Ácido alfa-Linolênico/administração & dosagem , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1912, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435059


Background: Trematode infections are of great importance as they affect the health of many species of mammals as cattle, sheep and goat. Fasciola hepatica represents the main trematode zoonosis and risks to human and cattle and paramphistomosis is one emerging parasitic diseases of ruminants widely distributed in the world. The economic expenses are incurred by the use of ineffective anthelmintics for trematode control. Besides to faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to determine the anthelmintic efficacy, can be used in vitro assays, by this the aim of the study was to determine the lethal doses (LD) with hatching egg test (EHT) of the main commercial anthelmintics used for the control of trematodes in cattle. Materials, Methods & Results: Liver and rumen were examined from cattle slaughtered in Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche states from Mexico. F. hepatica eggs were recovered from gallbladder and rumen fluke eggs collected from adult parasites in saline solution. Subsequently, the hatching egg assays were performed placing 100 trematode eggs in distilled water in each one of 96 wells of polystyrene plates. After making the appropriate dilutions, several concentrations of commercial anthelmintics were evaluated, ranging from 0.04 to 80.63 mM for triclabendazole + 0.046 to 96.87 mM febendazole (TC+FBZ), from 0.04 to 91 mM for rafoxanide (RAFOX), from 0.02 to 43.74 mM for closantel (CLOS), from 0.036 to 76.18 mM for clorsulon + 0.002 to 3.31 mM ivermectin (CLORS+ IVM) and from 0.163 to 334.47 mM for nitroxynil (NITROX). A control group (water) was included in each plate. Lethal doses were obtained using the Probit procedure and analysis of the means with a one-way statistical design. Most drugs used against rumen fluke eggs presented a high LD50 and therefore were ineffective to cause egg mortality, such was the case of RAFOX that presented LD50 from 4,580 to 10,790 µg/mL (7 to 17 mM). CLOS presented the lowest LD50 (80 µg/mL or 0.12 mM) on rumen fluke eggs. TC+FBZ was found to be effective drug against the development of F. hepatica eggs in many samples. In the same way NITROX showed a low LD50 (37 to 63 µg/mL or 0.13 to 0.22 mM), but RAFOX presented a highest LD50 (1,450 µg/mL or 2.32 mM). Discussion: The present study focused on screen the ovicidal activity and determining in vitro lethal doses 50 of main commercial anthelmintics used to control F. hepatica and rumen fluke as rapid tests in a tropical region from Mexico. The FECRT is the main method to detect effectiveness of anthelmintic and other method is the coproantigen reduction test (CRT) by ELISA. Both tests require many infected animals depending the number of treatments and by this the egg hatch assay (EHA) represent a complementary diagnosis of effectiveness of anthelmintic products to compare between regions and even between farms, because few animals are required from the farm to collect trematode eggs, and it is possible to know the effectiveness against various anthelmintics at the same time. Efficacy studies on trematodes using egg hatching tests are scarce, although they have the advantage that they can be applied to both F. hepatica and rumen fluke. TC+FBZ was one of the most effective products in inhibiting the development of F. hepatica eggs. However, RAFOX showed low effectiveness against trematode eggs, with very high lethal doses. These results agree with a study that show low efficacy against the development of Paramphistomum cervi eggs and with the FECRT test reductions of 75% and 80.58% were obtained, in times from 7 to 84 days after treatment with RAFOX. NITROX and CLORS were drugs that had good efficacy on the development of F. hepatica eggs. A differential response between liver and rumen fluke was observed. The anthelmintics used against rumen fluke eggs show low ovicidal activity and in Fasciola hepatica TC+FBZ show the best activity

Animais , Bovinos , Trematódeos , Dose Máxima Tolerável , Fasciola hepatica , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Anti-Helmínticos/análise , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210229, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507919


ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of either a limited forage intake or concentrate supplementation prior to the adaptation to high-concentrate diets on dry matter intake, ruminal pH, bacteria, and protozoa of Nellore cattle. The experiment was designed as a two 3×3 Latin square, and six cannulated Nellore steers were used. Each experimental period was composed by three feeding phases: pre-adaptation (14 days), adaptation (12 days), and finishing (seven days) diet, in a total of 33 days per period. The steers were assigned to one of three pre-adaptation dietary treatments: control (Tifton hay fed ad libitum + mineral supplement), restriction (Tifton hay fed at 1.4% of BW + mineral supplement), and concentrate (Tifton hay fed ad libitum + 0.5% of BW of a mix of concentrate feedstuffs and mineral supplement). The adaptation period consisted of two adaptation diets, which contained 72 and 79% concentrate for six days each. The finishing diet contained 86% concentrate. During the pre-adaptation phase, restricted cattle had higher pH than concentrate-fed cattle. There was a reduction in M. elsdenii relative population in cattle from either restriction or concentrate groups. During adaptation and finishing phases, cattle from concentrate group had smaller F. succinogenes populations compared with the control group. The previous nutritional backgrounds impact ruminal microbiota during adaptation and finishing phases without causing any negative effect on ruminal pH. Feeding concentrate prior to the adaptation positively impacted the transition to high-concentrate diets and promoted increased dry matter intake.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(9): e20220406, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418777


This study evaluated forage-free diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (SB) based on ground flint corn on intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal parameters, and N balance. Four rumen-cannulatedDorper × Santa Inês lambs, with a body weight of 43.4 ± 0.85 kg (mean ± standard deviation) were used. The experimental design was a 4×4 Latin square. Each experimental period lasted 21 days. Experimental diets were: positive control, a diet without SB containing 400 g/kg DM of soybean hulls (CONT), and three diets based on ground flint corn, containing 10 (10SB), 20 (20SB) or 30 (30SB) g/kg DM of SB. Intake of neutral and acid detergent fiber was greater for CONT (P < 0.01) when compared to SB. Intake and apparent nutrient digestibility of dry and organic matter, ether extract, and crude protein did not differ. Intake (P = 0.01) and digestibility (P < 0.01) of non-fiber carbohydrates were greater for SB diets and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater (P = 0.03) for CONT. The total digestible nutrients and metabolizable energy were greater for SB (P = 0.04). Rumen concentrations of acetate (P < 0.01), isobutyrate (P < 0.01), butyrate (P < 0.01), isovalerate (P < 0.01), and total short-chain fatty acids (P < 0.01) were greater for CONT. Ruminal pH showed a quadratic (P = 0.05) response to SB levels, with greater values for 20SB. Sodium bicarbonate was efficient in increasing ruminal pH at the level of 20 g/kg DM without interfering with the intake and apparent nutrient digestibility characteristics.

O presente estudo avaliou a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio (BS) em dietas sem forragem à base de milho moído sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, os parâmetros ruminais e o balanço de N. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros Dorper × Santa Inês, com um peso corporal inicial de 43,4 ± 0,85 kg (média ± desvio padrão). O delineamento experimental foi quadrado latino 4×4. Cada período experimental durou 21 dias. As dietas experimentais foram: controle positivo, sem BS, contendo 400 g/kg de MS de casca de soja (CONT) e três dietas à base de milho moído, sem casca de soja, contendo 10 (10BS), 20 (20BS) ou 30 (30BS) g/kg de MS de BS. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido foi maior (P < 0,01)para o CONT quando comparado com BS. O consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta não diferiram entre os tratamentos. O consumo (P = 0,01) e digestibilidade (P < 0,01) dos carboidratos não fibrosos foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro foi maior para o CONT. Os teores de nutrientes digestivos totais e energia metabolizável foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS (P = 0,04). A concentração ruminal de acetato (P < 0,01), isobutirato (P < 0,01), butirato (P < 0,01), isovalerato (P < 0,01) e ácidos graxos totais de cadeia curta (P < 0,01) foram mais elevadas para o CONT. O pHruminal apresentou resposta quadrática (P = 0,05) em relação aos níveis de BS, sendo observado maior pH para os animais alimentados com a dieta 20BS. O BS foi eficiente em aumentar o pHruminal no teor de 20 g/kg MS sem interferir no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Portanto, 20 g/kg de MS é a dose indicada de BS em dietas sem forragem para terminação de cordeiros em confinamento.

Animais , Ovinos , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e274763, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1505860


In scientific and economic experience, the effect of zeolite-chlorella top dressing (CCP) from 28-29% zeolite, 1.5-2% Chlorella vulgaris powder and 75-76% cake on the productive effect of feed and digestion metabolism of dairy cows has been studied. Tetra-edric frame-hollow zeolite crystals have selectively adsorbing and ion-filtering properties, and chlorella enriches with amino acids and vitamins. The introduction of CCP into the diet of cows of the experimental group increased the mineral-vitamin balance and positively affected the metabolism of cicatricial digestion. The pH shift from 6.14 to 6.17 activated the ecosystem of the rumen microflora, increased the synthesis of LVH 0.79 mmol/100ml, due to an increase in the volume of acetates from 54.1±3.0 to 57.2±2.2 mmol/100ml, increased the number of infusoria by 41.1 thousand/ml more than the control group. An increase in the amylolytic activity of the rumen chyme by 2.8 mg/starch, and cellulolytic activity by 2.8% increased scar digestion. This increased the consumption of the dry matter of the diet by cows of the experimental group by 0.48 ± 0.06 kg/head. /day. and daily milk yields by 1.06 ± 0.03 kg against the control. An increase in protein and fat in milk with a decrease in somatic cells, and in the blood of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increased biosynthesis, which increased the conversion rate of feed from 0.68 to 0.72, and protein from 17.0% to 18.9%.

A experiência científica e econômica estudou o efeito produtivo da alimentação e o metabolismo da digestão de vacas leiteiras, de Zeolite-Chlorella (CHP), de 28-29% de zeólita, 1,5-2% de pó de Chlorella vulgaris e 75-76% de bagaço. Os cristais ocos de estrutura tetraedrítica do zeólito possuem propriedades seletivas de adsorção e ionofiltração, e a Chlorella enriquece com aminoácidos e vitaminas. A introdução na dieta de vacas de um grupo experiente de CHP aumentou o equilíbrio mineral-vitamínico e afetou significativamente o metabolismo da digestão cicatricial. A mudança de pH de 6,14 para 6,17 ativou o ecossistema da microflora cicatricial, aumentou a síntese de LLA 0,79 mmol/ 100ml, devido à uveistivanie do volume de acetatos de 54,1±3,0 para 57,2±2,2 mmol/100ml, aumentou o número de infusórios em 41,1 mil/ml mais do que o grupo controle. O aumento da atividade amilolítica do quimo da cicatriz em 2,8 mg / amido e da atividade celulosolítica em 2,8% aumentou a digestão cicatricial. Isso aumentou a ingestão de matéria seca das vacas do grupo experimental em 0,48±0,06 kg/gol./dia e a produção diária de leite em 1,06±0,03 kg contra o controle. O aumento da proteína e da gordura no leite, com a diminuição das células somáticas, e no sangue de glóbulos vermelhos e hemoglobina aumentou a biossíntese, o que aumentou a taxa de conversão alimentar de 0,68 para 0,72 e proteína de 17,0% para 18,9%.

Animais , Bovinos , Chlorella , Zeolitas , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 333-346, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434375


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus (Opuntia stricta Haw) in the diet of sheep on the balance of macrominerals, renal function, and blood metabolites. Five sheep cannulated in the rumen (61.5±9.5kg body weight) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square composed of five diets and five experimental periods. The experimental period lasted 105 days, with five periods of 21 days each. Four diets containing levels of spineless cactus (121, 245, 371, and 500g/kg of dry matter (DM)), and a control diet were evaluated. Samples of the ingredients, orts, feces, urine, and blood were collected. Spineless cactus inclusion in sheep diets increased the DM intake, ash, oxalate, and all macrominerals intake (P < 0.05), but did not affect the urinary and fecal excretion of P, as well as the concentration of P in the blood (P > 0.05). It is possible to verify that the inclusion of spineless cactus, up to the level of 500g/kg of DM in the sheep diets, does not appear to cause damage to the animal's health. Its inclusion does not compromise kidney function or blood metabolites evaluated herein.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de palma forrageira (Opuntia stricta Haw) na dieta de ovinos sobre o balanço dos macrominerais, a função renal e os metabólitos sanguíneos. Cinco ovinos canulados no rúmen (61,5±9,5kg de peso corporal) foram distribuídos em um quadrado de 5 × 5 latinos, composto de cinco dietas e cinco períodos experimentais. O período experimental teve duração de 105 dias, sendo cinco períodos de 21 dias cada. Foram avaliadas quatro dietas contendo níveis de palma forrageira (121, 245, 371 e 500g/kg de matéria seca (MS)), e uma dieta controle. Foram coletadas amostras dos ingredientes, sobras, fezes, urina e sangue. A inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta dos ovinos aumentou o consumo de MS, cinzas, oxalato e todos os macrominerais (P<0,05), mas não afetou a excreção urinária e a fecal de P, bem como a concentração de P no sangue (P>0,05). É possível verificar que a inclusão de palma forrageira, até o nível de 500g/kg de MS na dieta de ovinos, não parece causar danos à saúde do animal. Sua inclusão não compromete a função renal ou os metabólitos sanguíneos avaliados.

Animais , Ovinos , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , Rim
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 511-518, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436952


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exogenous amylase on gas production, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and in vitro digestion kinetics of sorghum (Sorghum vulgaris) and two corn hybrids of different grain textures. Ruminal fluid was collected from two rumen-fistulated cows receiving or not exogenous amylase (0.7g kg-1 of dry matter (DM basis)), provided to achieve 396 kilo Novo units kg-1 for amylase activity (DM basis). Gas production was measured after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42 e 48 hours of incubation. Amylase increased gas production (mL) by 5.4%. Corn hybrids have higher in vitro dry matter digestibility than sorghum. Exogenous amylase increased the potential of gas production (A) (P=0.01). There was an effect of hybrid for IVDMD (P<0.01). The addition of exogenous amylase increases the in vitro gas production, improves fermentation kinetics, and increases the production of the ammonia nitrogen of corn and sorghum grains, but does not affect in vitro and dry matter digestibility or the short-chain fatty acids production.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da amilase exógena na produção de gases, a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e a cinética de digestão in vitro de sorgo (Sorghum vulgaris) e de dois híbridos de milho de diferentes texturas de grãos. O líquido ruminal foi coletado de duas vacas fistuladas no rúmen recebendo ou não amilase exógena (0,7g kg-1 de matéria seca (MS)), fornecida para atingir 396 kg Novo unidades kg-1 para atividade de amilase (base na MS). A produção de gás foi medida após uma, três, seis, nove, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42 e 48 horas de incubação. A amilase aumentou a produção de gás (mL) em 5,4%. Híbridos de milho apresentam maior DIVMS que o sorgo. A amilase exógena aumentou o potencial de produção de gás (A) (P=0,01). Houve efeito de híbrido para DIVMS (P<0,01). Amilase exógena aumenta a produção de gás in vitro, melhora a cinética da fermentação e aumenta a produção de nitrogênio amoniacal de grãos de milho e sorgo, mas não afeta a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca ou a produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta.

Técnicas In Vitro , Zea mays , Sorghum , Ruminação Digestiva , Gases , Intestinos
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74730E, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447894


This study aimed to assess how maternal nutrition in the final third of gestation affects progeny weight performance and body composition. Forty-one steers were included, born to cows subjected to different nutritional levels during this period: 13 cows without supplementation and under nutritional restriction (RES), 16 cows supplemented to meet 100% of requirements (REQ), and 12 cows supplemented to meet 150% of requirements (HIGH). The study design was completely randomized. Progeny performance was not influenced by maternal nutrition during gestation (P > 0.05). However, RES animals excelled during challenging periods, while REQ and HIGH animals performed better in nutritionally favorable environments. Maternal nutrition in the final third of gestation did not impact the contribution of non-carcass components (16.42%) and internal organs (3.17%). RES and HIGH steers had a higher relative weight of the rumen (2.48%) compared to REQ steers (2.24%), resulting in a greater proportion of the gastrointestinal tract (8.25% vs. 7.63%). Carcass characteristics did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05), with an average hot carcass weight and yield of 304.28 kg and 57.80%, respectively. The primary fore, side, and hind cuts represented 39.22%, 10.64%, and 50.67% of the carcass, respectively. Overall, maternal nutrition during gestation affects fetal development, leading to modifications in body composition and, consequently, the productive potential of the offspring.

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da nutrição materna no terço final da gestação sobre o desempenho ponderal e a composição corporal da progênie. Foram utilizados 41 novilhos de vacas submetidas a diferentes níveis nutricionais durante o terço final de gestação: 13 vacas sem suplementação sob restrição nutricional (RES); 16 vacas suplementadas para atender 100% das exigências (REQ); 12 vacas suplementadas para atender 150% das exigências (HIGH). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. O desempenho da progênie não foi influenciado pela nutrição materna na gestação (P > 0,05), porém, animais RES se sobresaem em períodos desafiadores, enquanto que os REQ e HIGH desempenharam melhor em ambientes nutricionalmente favoráveis. A nutrição materna no terço final da gestação não influenciou a participação dos componentes não carcaça (16,42%) e órgãos internos (3,17%). O peso relativo do rúmen foi maior nos novilhos RES e HIGH (2,48%) em relação aos novilhos REQ (2,24%), resultando em maior participação do trato gastrointestinal (8,25 vs 7,63%, respectivamente). As características quantitativas da carcaça foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos (P > 0,05), com peso médio de carcaça quente e rendimento equivalente a 304,28 kg e 57,80%. A participação dos cortes primários dianteiro, lateral e traseiro foi de 39,22, 10,64 e 50,67%, respectivamente. Diante do exposto, concluímos que a nutrição materna na gestação afeta a formação fetal de modo a modificar a composição corporal e consequentemente o potencial produtivo dos descendentes.

Animais , Bovinos , Gravidez , Bovinos , Nutrição Materna
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 876, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434879


Background: Caudal vena cava thrombosis (CVCT) is a serious disease that affects cattle. Due to being commonly a fatal pathology, it causes economic losses for producers and national livestock. Thus, the present study describes the epidemiological, clinical, ultrasonographic imaging and pathological findings in 4 cattle with CVCT attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine (IMV) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Cases: The animals were crossbreds of the Gir x Holstein and Jersey x Holstein breeds, aged between 4 and 8 years old, raised in semi-extensive and intensive systems. The main clinical signs were pale mucous membranes, reluctance to move, markedly positive venous pulse, engorged jugular with positive stasis test, and serous to mucopurulent nasal exudation. The auscultation of the lung fields revealed tachypnea, silent areas, wheezing, and pleural friction, in addition to coughing, expiratory dyspnea, mouth breathing, and expiratory grunts. One animal had severe hemoptysis. The ultrasound examination performed on a bovine revealed a circular and dilated caudal vena cava in cross-section. Laboratory tests in 3 cattle revealed anemia, leukocytosis with neutrophil left shift, and increased liver enzymes. At necropsy, all cattle had thrombi in the hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava. In the lung, multiple abscesses and areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform areas, as well as thrombi in the arteries were observed. Pleural effusion and ascites were seen in all cattle. Clotted blood was seen in the trachea, bronchi, and on rumen contents of an animal. Histopathological alterations seen in the liver were centrilobular hepatocytes with frequent intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm, and pyknotic, karyorrhexic, or absent nuclei and cell borders barely distinguishable. In the lung were nodular and random formations, with a thick wall of mature connective tissue and a central area full of cellular debris, necrotic cells, and intact and degenerated neutrophils (abscesses). Discussion: The set of diagnostic tools that include epidemiology, clinical signs and clinical examinations, ultrasound, necropsy, and histopathology were efficient in the diagnosis of CVCT. The possible causes that led the animals to develop CVCT were diffuse septic pododermatitis in the medial nail of the right pelvic limb associated with traumatic reticuloabomasitis and liver abscesses. In 1 cow, it was not possible to establish the probable cause of CVCT, but for the other cattle in the present study, the probable causes are in agreement with studies that have shown that this disease can occur as a sequel to several septic conditions such as jugular phlebitis, mastitis, hoof rot, enteritis, pneumonia, traumatic reticulopericarditis, acidosis and rumen laminitis, as well as omphalophlebitis in calves. The tachypnea, serous to purulent nasal exudation, pulmonary wheezing, pleural friction, coughing, and expiratory dyspnea, usually with open mouth breathing and expiratory grunts evidenced in the animals of this study, occurred as a result of embolic abscess pneumonia. The presence of multiple lung abscesses, areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform foci, and thrombi in the pulmonary arteries and chronic suppurative pneumonia, found at necropsy of the animals in the present study, are related to the development of a thrombus in the caudal vena cava that detaches and embolizes and lodges in the pulmonary arteries. The histopathological findings in 1 cow are compatible with lesions found at necropsy and draw attention to embolic pneumonia and liver lesions, which, are related to thrombi in pulmonary arteries and abscesses formed from CVCT, as well as venous stasis exerted in the return circulation.

Animais , Bovinos , Cauda/patologia , Vasos Sanguíneos/diagnóstico por imagem , Trombose Venosa/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210225, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436810


The objectives were to evaluate the effects of monensin and virginiamycin, alone or combined, on supplemented Nellore cattle grazing tropical grass during the rainy season. Two experiments were conducted simultaneously to evaluate intake, digestibility, CH4 emissions, blood parameters, performance, and carcass characteristics (Exp. 1), and ruminal fermentation and relative abundance of ruminal microorganisms (Exp. 2). Animals (n = 92 Exp. 1 and n = 12 Exp. 2) were distributed in a completely randomized design and allocated in twelve paddocks composed of Urochloa brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Xaraés. A protein-energetic supplementation of 3 g/kg of BW per day was provided to all animals. Supplements were: without additives (WA), monensin alone at 80 mg/kg of product (MN), virginiamycin alone at 150 mg/kg of product (VM), and monensin (80 mg/kg of product) combined with virginiamycin (150 mg/kg of product; MNVM). Treatments did not affect intakes of total dry matter (DM), supplement DM, and nutrients. However, the intakes of forage DM and crude protein decreased in cattle fed MNVM compared with animals fed WA, MN, and VM. Total volatile fatty acids increased in animals fed VM. Ruminal NH3-N decreased, and pH increased in animals fed MN, VM, and MNVM. Relative abundance of total F. succinogenes and S. ruminantium decreased and R. flavefaciens increased in animals fed MN and VM at d 118. Treatments had no effect on enteric CH4 emissions. The average daily gain (ADG) and total gain were greater in cattle fed MNVM than in cattle fed MN. Combination of monensin and virginiamycin altered the rumen microbial populations but did not decrease enteric CH4 emissions. However, it decreased forage dry matter intake without altering the ADG and total weight gain, leading to an increase in feed efficiency. Results from this study indicate an advantage in including feed additives combined in the diet of supplemented Nellore cattle grazing tropical grass during the rainy season.

Animais , Bovinos , Monensin/administração & dosagem , Virginiamicina/administração & dosagem , Estação Chuvosa , Dieta/veterinária , Aditivos Alimentares
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230060, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452304


Methane emission from beef and dairy cattle combined contributes around 4.5-5.0% of total anthropogenic global methane. In addition to enteric methane (CH4) produced by the rumen, cattle production also contributes carbon dioxide (CO2) (feed), nitrous oxide (N2O) (feed production, manure) and other CH4 (manure) to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) budget of beef and dairy production systems. The relative contribution in standard dairy systems is typically enteric CH4 58%, feed 29% and manure 10%. Herds with low production efficiency can have an enteric CH4 contribution up to 90%. Digestibility of feed can impact CH4 emission intensity. Low fertility herds also have a greater enteric CH4 contribution. Animals with good feed conversion efficiency have a lower emission intensity of CH4/kg of meat or milk. Feed efficient heifers tend to be lean and have delayed puberty. Fertility is a major driver of profit in both beef and dairy cattle, and it is highly important to apply multi-trait selection when shifting herds towards improved efficiency and reduced CH4. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified for feed efficiency in cattle and are used in genomic selection. SNPs can be utilized in artificial insemination and embryo transfer to increase the proportion of cattle that have the attributes of efficiency, fertility and reduced enteric CH4. Prepubertal heifers genomically selected for favourable traits can have oocytes recovered to produce IVF embryos. Reproductive technology is predicted to be increasingly adopted to reduce generation interval and accelerate the rate of genetic gain for efficiency, fertility and low CH4 in cattle. The relatively high contribution of cattle to anthropogenic global methane has focussed attention on strategies to reduce enteric CH4 without compromising efficiency and fertility. Assisted reproductive technology has an important role in achieving the goal of multiplying and distributing cattle that have good efficiency, fertility and low CH4.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Tecnologia/métodos , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Fertilidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 872, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434863


Background: The abomasum is glandular and has a bagpipe shape, with a capacity of 1 to 2 liters. It has a very acidic content with a pH ranging from 1.5 to 3, and although disturbances in this organ are uncommon in small ruminants, abomasal emptying defect is probably the most common abomasal problem in goats. The etiology of an abomasal emptying defect is unknown, however, abomasal impaction is the main cause of this condition. Since this disorder is associated with poor prognosis and information in goats is scarce, the aim of this report is to describe the success of abomasotomy as a treatment for abomasal impaction in goats, as well as to describe the clinical and laboratory aspects of this disease. Case: A 8-month-old male Anglo-Nubian goat, weighing 33 kg, presented with apathy and decreased appetite for 4 days due to digestive disorder. According to history, the diet consisted of crushed hay ad libitum and 300 g of ration bran. Clinical findings were apathy, pale mucous membranes, ruminal hypomotility, decreased fecal output, tense abdomen with distention of the ventral quadrants and loss of rumen stratification. The increase in chloride ion concentration (67 mEq/L) observed in the ruminal fluid analysis was indicative of abomasal-ruminal reflux, compatible with metabolic acidosis, as well as the dense hyperechogenic content in the ventral field of the left and right abdomen corresponding to the location of the entire abomasum on transabdominal ultrasound. Thus, clinical, laboratory and ultrasound findings were indicative of impaction of the abomasum, and the goat underwent exploratory laparotomy through the left flank, which revealed a distended and compacted abomasum. Differently from reports in the literature, due to severe distension of the abomasum, abomasotomy through the right flank was chosen to reverse the condition, followed by constant monitoring and supportive therapy with antimicrobial and analgesic medication. The goat defecated normally on the second postoperative day, however, on auscultation, there was persistence of abomasal emptying failure, suggesting a situation of posterior functional stenosis. With the suspicion of type III vagal indigestion, the atropine test, along with radiographic examination of the chest and abdomen were performed, and did not reveal any changes. In order to restore abomasal motility, intensive therapy with prokinetic drugs (bromopride, metoclopramide and promethazine) was associated, and on the fifth day the animal returned to normal appetite, abomasal motility and fecal production. The goat was discharged after 14 days of intensive care with recommendations to provide good quality food and water. Discussion: Abomasal impaction is rarely reported in goats, commonly resulting in animal death before or even a few days after surgical correction. The diagnosis of abomasal impaction was based on clinical, laboratory and ultrasound findings, and should be differentiated from other diseases that progress with abdominal distention and gradual weight loss, such as functional stenosis; duodenal obstruction; vagal nerve disorder; abomasite; generalized peritonitis, and granuloma associated with Actinobacillus lignieresii. Surgical correction by right paralombar access associated with visceral emptying and supportive therapy of impaction abomasal was performed and considered successful, without relapses and secondary complications long-term.

Animais , Masculino , Abomaso/cirurgia , Abomaso/patologia , Cabras/cirurgia , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210070, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442943


This study evaluated the changes in rumen microbiome during the process of age development of farming Guizhou White goats from Southwest China. We conducted high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing to investigate the diversity, structure, and composition of goat rumen microbiota (RM) of 21 goats of different age groups (1, 6, and 12 months). We found that volatile fatty acids (i.e., acetate, propionate, and butyrate) fermented by microbes were found to increase significantly in the sixand one-month-old goats. Results of the genera abundance analysis showed that abundance of eight and seven taxa decreased in six- and one-month-old goats, respectively, compared with that in 12-month-old goats. Additionally, differences in six taxa in six-month-old goats and in one taxon in one-month-old goats were found. In addition, specific gut microbiome was found, which was significantly correlated with rumen fermentation parameters in Guizhou White goats. These results revealed the signature microbiota in RM during various developmental stages in goats raised in Southwest China and can also provide a guiding tool for evaluating rumen health of ruminants worldwide.(AU)

Animais , Rúmen/microbiologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Cabras/microbiologia , China , Distribuição por Idade , Fermentação
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e-73109P, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404223


Administration of diets rich in highly fermentable carbohydrates and low fiber content can cause an imbalance between the microorganisms in the rumen with consequent ruminal acidosis. This problem can cause lesions in the rumen wall, often progressing to rumenitis. The purpose of the present was to characterize macroscopic and microscopic ruminal lesions observed in confined feedlot cattle with claw lesions or liver abscess. A total of 1060 bovines were evaluated via postmortem examination. Claw lesions were identified in 88, liver abscess in 10, and macroscopic rumen lesions in 230 bovines; furthermore, 178 rumens were characterized with hyperkeratosis, 41 with hyperemia, 9 with ulcer, and 2 with neoplasia. The 98 bovines with claw lesions and liver abscess were selected for histopathological examination. Of these, macroscopic lesions were noted in 23 and microscopic lesions in 23 animals. Of the 23 animals that presented macroscopic lesions, 10 showed the same changes observed under microscopy. Seven cases of hyperkeratosis were diagnosed in the macro and microscopic evaluation. Of the 5 cases of hyperemia verified on macroscopy, 2 cases were identified via microscopy, and 1 case of ulcer identified through macroscopy and microscopy. The microscopic evaluation of the rumens allowed the identification of lesions in animals with claw lesions that did not present macroscopic rumen alterations.

O uso de dietas ricas em carboidratos altamente fermentáveis e com baixos teores de fibras pode ocasionar desequilíbrio entre os microrganismos do rúmen com consequente acidose ruminal. Esse problema pode resultar em lesões na parede do rúmen, evoluindo com frequência para formação de ruminite. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar lesões ruminais macroscópicas e microscópicas, observadas em bovinos confinados que apresentavam lesões podais ou abscesso hepático. Avaliou-se 1060 bovinos pelo exame post mortem. Foram encontradas lesões podais em 88 animais, abscesso hepático em 10 e lesões ruminais macroscópicas em 230 bovinos, sendo caracterizado 178 rumens com hiperqueratose, 41 com hiperemia, 9 com úlcera e 2 com neoplasia. Os 98 bovinos com lesões podais e abscesso hepático foram selecionados para realização de exame histopatológico. Desses, foram encontradas lesões macroscópicas em 23 e, microscópicas, em 23 animais. Dos 23 animais que apresentaram lesões macroscópicas, 10 tiveram as mesmas alterações verificadas na microscopia. Foram diagnosticados 7 casos de hiperqueratose na avaliação macro e microscópica. Dos 5 casos de hiperemia verificados na macroscopia, 2 casos foram identificados na microscopia e um caso de úlcera identificado na macroscopia também foi identificado na microscopia. A avaliação microscópica dos rumens permitiu identificar lesões em animais com lesões podais que não apresentam alterações macroscópicas ruminais.

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Rúmen/lesões , Rúmen/patologia , Gastropatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Carboidratos da Dieta/efeitos adversos , Matadouros , Dieta/veterinária , Abscesso Hepático/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e-70605E, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370067


This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of the ruminal fluid and histological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of sheep on a high-grain diet containing the probiotic fungi Aspergillus terreus and Rhizomucor spp. The study included four treatment groups (without probiotic, with Rhizomucor spp., with Aspergillus terreus, and with a mixture of both fungi), and two types of corn (ground/whole), in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) arranged in 4 x 2 factorial design. Santa Inês x Dorper lambs were housed in eight pens with five lambs each for 75 days. Rumen fluid was collected to study the rumen microbiological profile, macroscopic characteristics, ammonia nitrogen concentration, and microbiological activity. In addition, GIT samples were taken for histological analysis. Fluid analyses showed that the animals presented a low acidosis index. The samples presented a predominantly aromatic odor and blackish-brown color, indicating a neutral pH and high microbial activity. The rumen pH differed (P < 0.05) according to the level of processed corn consumed, being higher for ground grain corn (GGC). There was no difference for any of the microbiological communities analyzed (P > 0.05) (Lac+ and Lac- bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and protozoa). Six genera of facultative anaerobic fungi were identified in 15 observations. Cladosporium spp. was the most prevalent genus (46.66%), followed by Aspergillus spp. (26,66%). The width of the base of rumen papillae showed significant correlation being greater for GCG (P < 0.05) with Rhizomucor and for the control (P < 0.05). The rumen fluid of sheep on a high-grain diet with added Aspergillus terreus and Rhizomucor spp. showed no microbiological and physicochemical changes.

Objetivou-se avaliar as características microbiológicas e físico-químicas do fluido ruminal e histológicas do trato gástrico intestinal (TGI) de ovinos sob dieta de alto grão com probiótico fungos Aspergillus terreus e/ou Rhizomucor spp. Analisou-se quatro probióticos (sem inóculos, com Rhizomucor spp., com Aspergillus terreus e com mistura dos dois fungos) e dois processamentos de milho (moído/inteiro), em fatorial 4x2 em em Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizados (DIC). Borregos Santa Inês/Dorper foram alojados em oito baias com cinco borregos em cada, durante 75 dias. Coletou-se fluido ruminal para o estudo do perfil microbiológico do rúmen, da característica macroscópica, da concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal e da atividade microbiológica, além dos fragmentos do TGI para análises histológicas. Pelas análises dos fluidos, os animais apresentaram baixo índice de acidose. O odor aromático e a cor castanho-enegrecido predominaram, o que caracteriza ambiente com pH neutro. As amostras do fluido apresentaram alta atividade microbiana. O pH ruminal diferenciou-se (P<0,05) quanto ao tipo de processamento, sendo maior para milho grão moído (MGM). Não houve diferença para nenhuma das comunidades microbiológicas analisadas (P>0,05) (bactérias Lac+ e Lac-, fungos, leveduras e protozoários). Seis gêneros de fungos anaeróbicos facultativos foram identificados num total de 15 observações. O Cladosporium spp. foi o gênero mais prevalente (46,66%), seguido do Aspergillus spp. (26,66%). A largura da base das papilas ruminais apresentou interação significativa, sendo maior para MGM (P<0,05) com Rhizomucor e o controle (P<0,05). O fluido ruminal de ovinos sob dieta de alto concentrado de grão com adição dos fungos Aspergillus terreus e Rhizomucor spp. não tiveram afetadas as características microbiológicas e físico-químicas.

Animais , Aspergillus/patogenicidade , Rúmen/microbiologia , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cladosporium/patogenicidade , Probióticos/efeitos adversos , Rhizomucor/patogenicidade , Trato Gastrointestinal/anatomia & histologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 457-472, May-June 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383783


Rumen acidosis is a fatal disease that reduces milk and pregnancy yield due to digestion of cattle and when not detected. Diagnosis of this disease can be achieved by monitoring the nutritional parameters of the cattle. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is a technology used in these kinds of processes such as monitoring and tracking within the scope of Industry 4.0. Thanks to the IoT, data collection, analysis, and data processing stages are carried out instantly over the internet. In this research, an IoT-based system has been developed that can be effective in diagnosing acute rumen acidosis disease in cattle and monitoring the control of data by recording nutritional parameters. Rumen pH and temperature values were measured with an IoT-supported microcontroller, and the data were recorded in the database on the server using. The circuit and software were first tested in the laboratory environment and then in the rumen of the cannulated cattle. The pH and temperature values of rumen were measured and recorded instantaneously at certain intervals (when the animal was ruminating, after drinks water, after eating dry food, and while at rest). When the device is removed from the rumen, it has been observed that the PLA-type plastic material used in the coating of the circuit does not wear. The device was useful in the early detection of acidosis disease of an animal fed with dry feed for more than 2 hours before it turns into epilepsy and provided early intervention in the regulation of the ration.

A acidose ruminal é uma doença fatal que reduz a produção de leite e a gravidez devido à digestão do gado e quando não é detectada. O diagnóstico desta doença pode ser alcançado através do monitoramento dos parâmetros nutricionais do gado. A tecnologia Internet das Coisas (IoT) é uma tecnologia usada neste tipo de processo, como monitoramento e rastreamento dentro do escopo da Indústria 4.0. Graças ao IoT, a coleta de dados, análise e etapas de processamento de dados são realizadas instantaneamente pela Internet. Nesta pesquisa, foi desenvolvido um sistema baseado em IoT que pode ser eficaz no diagnóstico da acidose ruminal aguda no gado e no monitoramento do controle de dados através do registro de parâmetros nutricionais. Os valores de pH e temperatura do rúmen foram medidos com um microcontrolador suportado por IoT, e os dados foram registrados no banco de dados no servidor usando. O circuito e o software foram testados primeiro no ambiente de laboratório e depois no rúmen do gado canulado. Os valores de pH e temperatura do rúmen foram medidos e registrados instantaneamente em certos intervalos (quando o animal estava ruminando, depois de beber água, depois de comer comida seca e enquanto estava em repouso). Quando o dispositivo é removido do rúmen, foi observado que o material plástico do tipo PLA usado no revestimento do circuito não se desgastou. O dispositivo foi útil na detecção precoce da doença de acidose de um animal alimentado com ração seca por mais de 2 horas antes de se transformar em epilepsia e forneceu intervenção precoce na regulação da ração.

Animais , Bovinos , Rúmen , Acidose , Bovinos , Diagnóstico , Gado , Internet das Coisas
Sci. agric. ; 79(2)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762540


ABSTRACT: The high moisture content of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The coensiling with wholeplant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers grains (WPMS + DDGS), and wholeplant maize (WPM) coensiled with WDGS (WPM WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p 0.05) compared to the WPMS + SOM and WPMWDGS diets. However, the rapidly fermentable fraction, as well as the progressively fermentable fraction of the diet dry matter, was not different (p > 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGSbased diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p 0.05) compared to lambs consuming the DDGS and WPMSbased diets. However, the feed conversion ratio was not affected by diet differences (p > 0.05). In conclusion, coensiling WDGS with wholeplant maize provides the opportunity for the longterm storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 79: e1513, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417213


We aimed to evaluate the inclusion of expeller soybean meal on the quality and milk production of Holstein cows, as well to estimate and compare the inherent parameters of the in vitro ruminal kinetics. Data collection was carried out on a private property, in the interior of the municipality of Dois Vizinhos - Paraná, Brazil. Twenty Holstein cows were used, divided into two treatments: one with the inclusion of expeller soybean meal and the other with conventional soybean meal. The design used was completely randomized with parity. Milk production was evaluated through weighing. Milk samples were collected on days 0, 15, 30 and 45 to evaluate the milk protein, fat, urea nitrogen, lactose and total solids. The In vitro ruminal kinetics of convencional and expeller soybean meal was performed at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Paraná, Dois Vizinhos. The gas pressure and volume measures were taken after 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 72 hours of sample incubation. The results obtained were applied in a two-compartmental mathematical model with no latency time in the first compartment for description of ruminal kinetics. Data were analyzed by variance (ANOVA) and compared by the F test. There was no significant difference in any of the variables evaluated from mil production and quality when soybean meal expeller was included in the animals' diet (P>0.05). The expeller soybean meal showed a lower degradation compared to the conventional meal. There were no significant differences for milk production as for concentration of solids in milk.

O objetivo foi avaliar a inclusão do farelo de soja expeller na qualidade e produção do leite de vacas holandesas, assim como estimar e comparar os parâmetros inerentes a cinética ruminal in vitro do farelo de soja convencional e expeller. A coleta de dados a campo foi realizada em propriedade particular, no interior do município de Dois Vizinhos - Paraná, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 20 vacas holandesas, divididas em dois tratamentos: um com inclusão de farelo de soja expeller e o outro com farelo de soja convencional. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com paridade. Foi avaliada a produção do leite através de pesagem diária. Amostras de leite foram coletadas nos dias 0, 15 e 30 para determinação de proteína, gordura, nitrogênio ureico, lactose e sólidos totais. cinética ruminal in vitro do farelo de soja convencional e farelo de soja expeller foi realizada na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, campus Dois Vizinhos. As leituras de pressão e volume foram realizadas após 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48 e 72 horas de incubação. Os resultados obtidos foram aplicados em modelo matemático bicompartimental sem latência no primeiro compartimento para descrição da cinética ruminal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo Teste F. Quanto a produção e qualidade do leite, não houve diferenças significativa para as variáveis avaliadas quando incluído o farelo de soja expeller na dieta dos animais (P>0,05). O farelo de soja expeller apresentou uma degradação inferior comparada ao farelo convencional. Não houve diferenças significativas para a produção de leite como para a concentração de sólidos no leite.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Rúmen/metabolismo , Alimentos de Soja/análise , Leite/química , Ração Animal/análise , Cinética
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e21442022, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370098


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of combining functional oils (FO) [ricinoleic acid (RA) and cashew nutshell liquid (CNSL)] on nutrient intake and total-tract apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen utilization, and predicted rumen microbial protein (Pmic) in heifers. Twelve Jersey heifers (14±0.6 months and 264±18.7 kg BW) were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with the following treatments: Control (CON), diet without feed additives; Ricinoleic acid, dietary inclusion of RA at 2 g kg-1 dry matter (DM); Cashew nutshell liquid, dietary inclusion of CNSL at 2 g kg-1 DM; and a mixture of 1 g kg-1 DM of RA and 1 g kg1 DM of CNSL (RA+CNSL). Heifers were allowed 14 d for treatment adaptation followed by 5 days of sampling. Total feces collection was performed to determine digestibility. Rumen fluid was collected to determine short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) concentration. Urine samples were collected for nitrogen and purine derivatives analyses. Feeding RA decreased intake of DM, but increased crude protein (CP) digestibility and ruminal acetate concentration. Feeding CSNL increased NDF digestibility and lowered Pmic. The association of RA+CNSL increased neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility and ruminal concentration of total SCFA without affecting DM intake. Feeding RA treatment decreased N intake and N excreted in feces and urine. CNSL group had the highest values of N balance. Heifers fed RA had lower Pmic than CNSL and RA+CNSL. The association of RA+CNSL improved digestibility of fiber and increased ruminal concentration of SCFA without altering N balance and Pmic.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da combinação de óleos funcionais (OF) [ácido ricinoleico (AR) e líquido da castanha de caju (LCC)] no consumo e digestibilidade de nutrientes, fermentação ruminal, utilização de nitrogênio e estimativa de proteína microbiana de novilhas leiteiras. Doze novilhas da raça Jersey (14±0,6 meses e 264±18,7 kg PV) foram alocadas em um experimento de quadrado latino 4×4 contendo os tratamentos a seguir: controle (CON), uma dieta sem aditivos; Ácido ricinoleico, inclusão de 2g kg-1 de matéria seca (MS) de AR na dieta; Líquido da castanha de caju (LCC), inclusão de 2 g kg-1 MS de LCC na dieta; e uma mistura de 1 g kg-1 MS de AR e 1 g kg-1 MS de LCC na dieta (AR+LCC). Cada período experimental tinha 14 dias para adaptação aos tratamentos e 5 dias de coleta. O consumo de alimentos foi mensurado diariamente, e uma coleta total de fezes foi realizada durante 3 dias consecutivos de cada período experimental para determinar a digestibilidade de nutrientes. Amostras de fluído ruminal foram coletadas no último dia de cada período para determinação da concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta. Amostras de urina foram coletadas no dia 18 de cada período para análises de nitrogênio e derivados de purina. O fornecimento de AR diminuiu o consumo de MS e proteína bruta (PB), mas aumentou a digestibilidade de proteína bruta e concentração ruminal de acetato. O fornecimento de LCC não afetou o consumo, mas aumentou a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). A associação de AR+LCC aumentou a digestibilidade da PB e FDN como também a concentração total de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta no rúmen, sem alterar o consumo de MS. O tratamento AR diminuiu a ingestão de N como também a excreção de N pelas fezes e urina. As novilhas do grupo LCC tiveram os maiores valores de N absorvido e retido enquanto as novilhas do grupo AR tiveram os menores valores. As novilhas do grupo RA tiveram menor estimativa de proteína microbiana em comparação com aquelas no grupo LCC e AR+LCC mas não diferiram do CON. Em conclusão, a associação de AR+LCC melhorou a digestibilidade da fibra e aumentou a concentração do total de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta no rúmen sem alterar o balanço de N e estimativa da proteína microbiana no rúmen.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ricinus , Rúmen , Nutrientes , Anacardium , Ingestão de Alimentos , Fermentação
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 141-152, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374398


The objective of this study was to evaluate the addition of antibiotic growth promoters to concentrate on intake, digestibility, in situ degradability and ruminal variables in steers. Four steers in a Latin square design were fed hay (ad libitum), concentrate [10g kg-1 of body weight (BW)] and mineral mix (0.272g kg-1 of BW). The additives (0.75mg kg-1 of BW) were incorporated in the mineral mix as follows: Control (no antibiotics), lasalocid (LASA), salinomycin (SALI) or virginiamycin (VIRG). Antibiotic did not affect intake, pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter, crude protein, ethereal extract, and non-fibrous carbohydrates. The LASA and SALI tended (P=0.09) to reduce the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF). The SALI and VIRG tended (P=0.09) to reduce the DM disappearance, and VIRG tended (P=0.06) to reduce the NDF disappearance in the rumen. The SALI and VIRG reduced the effective degradation and only SALI reduced the concentration of N-NH3 in the rumen. Thus, the antibiotics did not affect intake, pH, VFA and digestibility, but decreased the degradation of fiber and only SALI reduced the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3) in the rumen.

O objetivo foi avaliar a adição de antibióticos promotores de crescimento ao concentrado sobre o consumo, digestibilidade, degradabilidade in situ e variáveis ruminais de novilhos. Quatro novilhos em um delineamento quadrado latino foram alimentados com feno (ad libitum), concentrado [10g kg-1 do peso corporal (PC)] e mistura mineral (0,272g kg-1 do PC). Os antibióticos (0,75mg kg-1 do PC) foram incorporados à ração: Controle (sem antibióticos), lasalocida (LASA), salinomicina (SALI) ou virginiamicina (VIRG). Os antibióticos não afetaram o consumo, pH, ácidos graxos voláteis (AGV) e digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e carboidratos não fibrosos. A LASA e a SALI tenderam (P=0,09) a reduzir a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). A SALI e a VIRG tenderam (P=0,09) a reduzir o desaparecimento da MS, e a VIRG tendeu (P=0,06) a reduzir o desaparecimento da FDN no rúmen. A SALI e a VIRG reduziram a degradação efetiva e somente a SALI reduziu a concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) no rúmen. Assim, os antibióticos não afetaram o consumo, pH, AGV e digestibilidade, mas diminuiram a degradação da fibra e somente a SALI reduziu a concentração de N-NH3 no rúmen.

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos , Ionóforos , Ração Animal , Antibacterianos , Rúmen , Virginiamicina , Lasalocida