Background: The peroneus tertius muscle is responsible for tarsal flexion and coordinate extension of the stifle joint. The most common causes of rupture are excessive effort when trying to rise on a slippery surface, mounting, or being mounted. Rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle is characterized by an inability to flex the hock. Most cases are not curable, presenting an unfavorable to poor prognosis, and the animal has to be euthanized. This study aimed to report the clinical picture and treatment of a bilateral rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle in a cow from the municipality of Castanhal, state of Pará (Amazonian biome). Case: We report the clinical picture and treatment of a bilateral rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle in a 4-year-old cow, mixed breed, weighing approximately 400 kg, calved 3 months ago, belonging to a batch of 40 cattle kept on extensive breeding system in a pasture of Urochloa (Brachiaria) brizantha. The clinical signs appeared after the cow was mounted by a 1,100 kg bull and consisted of lameness, falling into sternal decubitus with hind limbs extended backward, hyperextension of the hocks with flexed stifle, with the tibia and metatarsus in a straight line, which lead to a 90-degree position of the femur and knee. Abrasions in the dorsal region of the fetlocks reinforce evidence of dragging hooves. Diagnosis of bilateral rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle was performed by a clinical examination and semiological test. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (flunixin meglumine, 2,2 mg/kg, every 24 h for 4 days) were prescribed for treatment, in addition to resting in a paddock with good availability of pasture, water, and mineral salt. After 3 months, we observed an improvement of the clinical signs, and after 6 months, an almost complete recovery. Only a slight difficulty in flexing the hock when moving remained. Discussion: In the present report, bull mounting was the probable cause of the hyperextension of both hocks and the bilateral rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle. According to the handler, these clinical signs were only evidenced after the animal was mounted. As stated in the literature, accidents such as falls, slips, mounting or being mounted, as well as excessive traction and over-elevation of the limb are considered predisposing factors for the onset of the disease. Rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle is unusual in production animals; therefore, the low occurrence of reports on this kind of rupture in the literature makes this case even more unique. The bilateral injury differs from cases described in the literature, in which the reported injuries were always unilateral. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that the act of mounting was the triggering factor for the bilateral rupture of the animal peroneus tertius muscle. The breeding system also differs from the cases diagnosed by the same authors, since they describe the disease in bovines kept on intensive or semi-intensive breeding. In the present case, the cattle were kept on an extensive breeding system. The extension and flexion tests used in the clinical examination allowed for the diagnosis of rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle in both limbs, similarly to what has been reported by other authors. Anamnesis, clinical findings, and exclusion of different diagnoses were decisive for establishing the diagnosis. The treatment chosen was efficient, even though the case was severe, as the injury occurred in both hind limbs.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ruptura/veterinária , Músculo Esquelético/lesões , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária , Traumatismos da Perna/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: Oxidative stress and apoptosis contribute to the pathological basis of doxorubicin (DOX)-induced cardiotoxicity. Columbianadin (CBN) is one of the main bioactive constituents isolated from the root of Angelica pubescens. Herein, we intended to explore the potential role and molecular basis of CBN in DOX-induced cardiotoxicity. Methods: C57BL/6 mice were subjected to DOX (15 mg/kg/day, i.p.) to generate DOX-induced cardiotoxicity. CBN (10 mg/kg/day, i.p.) was administered for four week following DOX injection. Results: DOX administered markedly dampened cardiac function, increased cardiac injury, excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and cardiomyocyte loss. These alterations induced by DOX significantly alleviated by CBN treatment. Mechanistically, our results demonstrated that the CBN exerts cardioprotection role against DOX by up-regulating silent information regulator 1 (Sirt1) and decreasing acetylation of forkhead box O1 (FOXO1). Moreover, Sirt1 inhibition with Ex-527 significantly blunt the beneficial effect of CBN on DOX-induced cardiotoxicity, including cardiac dysfunction, ROS, and apoptosis. Conclusion: Collectively, CBN attenuated oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in DOX-induced cardiotoxicity through maintaining Sirt1/FOXO1 signaling pathway. Our results demonstrated that CBN might be used to treat DOX-related cardiotoxicity.
Animais , Camundongos , Doxorrubicina , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo , Cardiotoxicidade , Traumatismos CardíacosResumo
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effects of thermal modification at different temperatures and for different durations on the mechanical strength of wood of selected species from an agroforestry system. To this end, three 9-year-old (approximate age) individuals, each from four species of forest trees-Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid, and Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake-were evaluated. After obtaining initial measurements, samples from the four species under went heat treatment for 2 h and 4 h and were subsequently subjected to heat using an oven at temperatures 120°C, 150°C, 180°C, and 210°C; respectively, in addition to the control. For evaluating mechanical strength, the technical standard ASTM D 143-94 was used to obtain the values of the moduli of elasticity and rupture, tension at the proportional limit, and maximum force of the subjects. It was observed that different durations and temperatures altered the mechanical strength of the wood of the four species studied. The 2 h residence time is the most recommended for conducting thermal modification. This procedure modifies the mechanical resistance of wood in a positive manner, with exposure temperatures ranging between 120 ºC and 180 ºC being the most recommended. The thermal treatment carried out for 4 h is not recommended for structural purposes because of the decrease in flexural strength.
RESUMO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da modificação térmica em diferentes tempos e temperaturas na resistência mecânica da madeira de espécies provenientes de um sistema agroflorestal. Para tanto, foram avaliados três indivíduos de Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla e Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake, todos com nove anos de idade. Após o dimensionamento, as amostras passaram pelo processo de modificação térmica durante 2h e 4h realizado em estufa nas temperaturas de 120 °C, 150 °C, 180 °C e 210 °C, além da testemunha. Para avaliação da resistência mecânica, seguiu-se a norma técnica ASTM D 143-94, obtendo-se os valores de módulos de elasticidade e ruptura, tensão no limite proporcional e força máxima. Observou-se que os diferentes tempos e temperaturas alteram a resistência mecânica das quatro espécies estudadas. O tempo de 2 h de permanência é o mais recomendado para a realização da modificação térmica. O procedimento modifica a resistência mecânica da madeira de uma forma positiva, sendo que as temperaturas de exposição que variaram entre 120 °C e 180 ºC são as mais recomendadas. A modificação térmica realizada pelo período de 4 h não é recomendada para fins estruturais, pelo fato do decréscimo da resistência à flexão.
This study evaluated the effects of thermal modification at different temperatures and for different durations on the mechanical strength of wood of selected species from an agroforestry system. To this end, three 9-year-old (approximate age) individuals, each from four species of forest trees-Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid, and Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake-were evaluated. After obtaining initial measurements, samples from the four species under went heat treatment for 2 h and 4 h and were subsequently subjected to heat using an oven at temperatures 120°C, 150°C, 180°C, and 210°C; respectively, in addition to the control. For evaluating mechanical strength, the technical standard ASTM D 143-94 was used to obtain the values of the moduli of elasticity and rupture, tension at the proportional limit, and maximum force of the subjects. It was observed that different durations and temperatures altered the mechanical strength of the wood of the four species studied. The 2 h residence time is the most recommended for conducting thermal modification. This procedure modifies the mechanical resistance of wood in a positive manner, with exposure temperatures ranging between 120 ºC and 180 ºC being the most recommended. The thermal treatment carried out for 4 h is not recommended for structural purposes because of the decrease in flexural strength
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da modificação térmica em diferentes tempos e temperaturas na resistência mecânica da madeira de espécies provenientes de um sistema agroflorestal. Para tanto, foram avaliados três indivíduos de Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla e Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake, todos com nove anos de idade. Após o dimensionamento, as amostras passaram pelo processo de modificação térmica durante 2h e 4h realizado em estufa nas temperaturas de 120 °C, 150 °C, 180 °C e 210 °C, além da testemunha. Para avaliação da resistência mecânica, seguiu-se a norma técnica ASTM D 143-94, obtendo-se os valores de módulos de elasticidade e ruptura, tensão no limite proporcional e força máxima. Observou-se que os diferentes tempos e temperaturas alteram a resistência mecânica das quatro espécies estudadas. O tempo de 2 h de permanência é o mais recomendado para a realização da modificação térmica. O procedimento modifica a resistência mecânica da madeira de uma forma positiva, sendo que as temperaturas de exposição que variaram entre 120 °C e 180 ºC são as mais recomendadas. A modificação térmica realizada pelo período de 4 h não é recomendada para fins estruturais, pelo fato do decréscimo da resistência à flexão.
Madeira/análise , FlorestasResumo
O objetivo desta nota é caracterizar o grau de inserção da Agroecologia nos currículos dos cursos de graduação em Zootecnia ofertados nas instituições deensino superior públicas do Brasil, aferindo assim, a presença bem como a ausência de disciplinas em suas matrizes curriculares. Das 74 instituições brasileiras que ofertam cursos de graduação em Zootecnia, apenas 24 contém a Agroecologia em seus currículos. A oferta de disciplinas de Agroecologia e afins estão presentes em 16 unidades da federação, em todas as regiões do país.(AU)
The purpose of this noteis to characterize the degree of inclusion of Agroecology in the curricula of undergraduate courses in Zootechnics offered in public institutions of higher education in Brazil, thus assessing the presence as well as the absence of disciplines in their curricular matrices. Of the 74 Brazilian institutions that offer undergraduate courses in Zootechnics, only 24 have Agroecology in their curricula. The offer of Agroecology and related disciplines is present in 16 states, in all regions of the country.(AU)
Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária/organização & administração , Currículo , Agricultura Sustentável , Brasil , Saúde Holística/educaçãoResumo
Abstract Linum usitatissimum L is a widely used traditionally for multiple ailments. The present research was carried out to explore the antimicrobial, and anti-biofilm activity of crude extract of Linum usitatissimum L (Lu. Cr). Phytochemical and proximate analyses were performed. The bandages of diabetic foot patients were collected from the various hospitals. The bandages were cultured to isolate the bacterial strains present on it. The disc diffusion method was used to identify the antimicrobial potential whereas the minimum inhibitory concentration of the Lu.Cr were also determined. Proximate analysis confirms moisture content 8.33%, ash content 4.33%, crude protein 21.20%, crude fat 49.2% and crude fiber 5.63%. It was revealed that Gram-positive bacteria are most prevalent among all study groups. Lu.Cr possess significant bactericidal potential against S. aureus among all other microbes. Owing to this potential, linseed coated bandages can be used alternatively for the treatment of diabetic foot.
Resumo Linum usitatissimum L é amplamente utilizado tradicionalmente para doenças múltiplas. O presente trabalho foi realizado para explorar a atividade antimicrobiana e antibiofilme do extrato bruto de Linum usitatissimum L (Lu.Cr). Foram realizadas análises fitoquímicas e aproximadas. As ataduras de pacientes diabéticos com pé foram recolhidas nos vários hospitais. As bandagens foram cultivadas para isolar as cepas bacterianas presentes nas mesmas. O método de difusão em disco foi utilizado para identificar o potencial antimicrobiano e a concentração inibitória mínima do Lu.Cr também foi determinada. A análise aproximada confirma o teor de umidade 8,33%, teor de cinzas 4,33%, proteína bruta 21,20%, gordura bruta 49,2% e fibra bruta 5,63%. Foi revelado que as bactérias Gram-positivas são mais prevalentes entre todos os grupos de estudo. Lu.Cr possui potencial bactericida significativo contra S. aureus entre todos os outros micróbios. Devido a esse potencial, as ligaduras revestidas com linhaça podem ser utilizadas alternativamente para o tratamento do pé diabético.
Humanos , Pé Diabético/tratamento farmacológico , Linho , Diabetes Mellitus , Staphylococcus aureus , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Biofilmes , MetanolResumo
Abstract Oral diseases caused by various microorganisms are common around the world. Scientific research has now been focusing on novel medicines to overcome bacterial resistance and antibiotics side effects; therefore, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of certain antibiotics, toothpaste, and medicinal plant extracts (Ajuga bracteosa and Curcuma longa) versus the bacterial pathogens isolated from the human oral cavity. A total of 130 samples were collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, among those 27 species isolated, and eight bacterial species were identified from the samples. Among all the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) and Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) were found to be more prevalent oral pathogens. In comparison, the least pervasive microbes were Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila. The study also suggested that dental problems were more prevalent in males (41-50 years of age) than females. Among the eight antibiotics used in the study, the most promising results were shown by Foxicillin against A. hydrophila. The survey of TP1 revealed that it showed more potent antagonist activity against Proteus vulgaris as compared TP2 and TP3 that might be due to the high content of fluoride. The Curcuma longa showed more significant activity than Ajuga bracteosa (Stem, leaves and root) extracts. The data obtained through this study revealed that antibiotics were more effective for oral bacterial pathogens than toothpaste and plant extracts which showed moderate and low activity, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the active compounds in individual medicinal plants like Curcuma longa and Ajuga bracteosa could replace the antibiotics when used in daily routine as tooth cleansers or mouth rinses.
Resumo As doenças bucais causadas por vários microrganismos são comuns em todo o mundo. A pesquisa científica agora tem se concentrado em novos medicamentos para superar a resistência bacteriana e os efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos; portanto, o presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a eficácia de certos antibióticos, pasta de dente e extratos de plantas medicinais (Ajuga bracteosa e Curcuma longa) contra os patógenos bacterianos isolados da cavidade oral humana. No total, 130 amostras foram coletadas do Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Paquistão, entre essas, 27 espécies foram isoladas e oito espécies bacterianas foram identificadas a partir das amostras. Entre todas as espécies bacterianas, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) e Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) foram os patógenos orais mais prevalentes. Em comparação, os micróbios menos difundidos foram Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas hydrophila. O estudo também sugeriu que os problemas dentários eram mais prevalentes em homens (41-50 anos de idade) do que em mulheres. Entre os oito antibióticos usados no estudo, os resultados mais promissores foram mostrados pelo Foxicillin contra A. hydrophila. A pesquisa de TP1 revelou que ele mostrou atividade antagonista mais potente contra Proteus vulgaris em comparação a TP2 e TP3, o que pode ser devido ao alto teor de flúor. A Curcuma longa apresentou atividade mais significativa em relação aos extratos de Ajuga bracteosa (caule, folhas e raiz). Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelaram que os antibióticos foram mais eficazes para os patógenos bacterianos orais do que os dentifrícios e os extratos vegetais que apresentaram atividade moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Portanto, sugere-se que os compostos ativos em plantas medicinais individuais como Curcuma longa e Ajuga bracteosa possam substituir os antibióticos quando usados na rotina diária como limpadores de dentes ou enxaguatórios bucais.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cremes Dentais , Fluoretos , Paquistão , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , AntibacterianosResumo
Abstract Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.
Resumo Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.
Animais , Oligoquetos , Staphylococcus aureus , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Ampicilina/farmacologia , Antibacterianos/farmacologiaResumo
The present study was conducted in order to determine the frequency of pvl gene among the pathogenic and healthy population isolates of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). For this purpose, nasal swab samples were collected from the healthy individuals (to be used as controls, all the samples were collected irrespective of the sex and age factors), the pathogenic samples were collected from different patients suffering from skin &soft tissue infections caused by S. aureus (to be used as test samples).Both of these population samples were analyzed for the presence of pvl gene. S.aureus were identified through conventional microbiological identification procedures. In the case of normal samples, 70 nasal swabs were collected and only 33 (47%) proved to be S. aureus while 20 pathogenic samples were collected and all (100%) were cleared as S. aureus. For further distribution of samples into MRSA and MSSA, antibiotic susceptibility pattern was checked by using the standard protocols of Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Two antibiotic discs Oxacillin (OX: 1ug) and cefoxitin (FOX: 30ug) were used. Among healthy population, MRSA was found to be 79% (n=26) and MSSA were present as 21% (n= 7). Among pathogenic strains 100% MRSA was detected where n= 20. Detection of pvl gene among the MRSA and MSSA isolates was done by using the uniplex PCR followed by gel electrophoresis. MRSA and MSSA of normal healthy population carried 49% and 7% pvl gene respectively. While, pathogenic MRSA samples carried 46% pvl gene among them. Potentially alarming percentage of pvl gene is present among the normal healthy individuals which indicates a future threat and a major health concern.
O presente estudo almejou determinar a frequência do gene PVL entre os isolados patogênicos e saudáveis da população de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) e Staphylococcus aureus sensível à meticilina (MSSA). Para este propósito, amostras de swab nasal foram coletadas de indivíduos saudáveis (utilizadas como controle, todas as amostras foram coletadas independentemente do sexo e idade), e de diferentes pacientes com infecções de pele e tecidos moles causadas por S. aureus (utilizadas como amostras de teste). Ambas as amostras populacionais foram analisadas quanto à presença do gene PVL. S.aureus foram identificados através de procedimentos convencionais de identificação microbiológica. No caso de amostras normais, 70 swabs nasais foram coletados e apenas 33 (47%) provaram ser S. aureus, enquanto 20 amostras patogênicas foram coletadas e todas (100%) foram eliminadas como S. aureus. Para distribuição posterior de amostras em MRSA e MSSA, o padrão de suscetibilidade a antibióticos foi verificado a partir dos protocolos padrão do método de difusão de disco de Kirby-Bauer. Foram utilizados dois discos de antibióticos Oxacilina (OX: 1ug) e cefoxitina (FOX: 30ug). Entre a população saudável, MRSA foi encontrado em 79% (n = 26) e MSSA estava presente em 21% (n = 7). Entre as cepas patogênicas, 100% de MRSA foi detectado onde n = 20. A detecção do gene PVL entre os isolados de MRSA e MSSA foi feita usando a PCR uniplex seguida de eletroforese em gel. MRSA e MSSA da população saudável normal carregavam 49% e 7% do gene PVL, respectivamente. Enquanto as amostras patogênicas de MRSA carregavam 46% do gene PVL entre elas. Uma porcentagem potencialmente alarmante do gene PVL foi detectada entre os indivíduos saudáveis normais, o que indica uma ameaça futura e um grande problema de saúde.
Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/genética , Leucocidinas/genética , Antibacterianos , Testes de Sensibilidade MicrobianaResumo
The present study sought to evaluate the antibacterial activity of trans-anethole against food-borne strains of Enterobacter cloacae and Enterococcus faecalis. The study was performed using Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) methods, in addition, disc diffusion technique was used to evaluate the association of trans-anethole with synthetic antimicrobials. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration for Adherence (MICA) testing was also performed. The results revealed that trans-anethole presents no antibacterial activity at any of the concentrations used against the E. cloacae strains tested. However, trans-anethole presented antibacterial effect against five of the six E. faecalis bacterial strains tested, with MIC values ranging from 500 µg/mL to 1000 µg/mL. Further, when analyzing the MBC results against E. faecalis, it was observed that the compound presented values ranging from 500 µg/mL to 1000 µg/mL. As for the associations, it was observed that transanethole when combined with the antimicrobials ampicillin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and ceftriaxone presented synergistic effect against most strains of E. faecalis. However, both trans-anethole and the control chlorhexidine (0.12%) presented no antibiofilm effects against strains of E. faecalis. In short, trans-anethole presented potential antibacterial against E. faecalis strains of food origin, and may upon further study, it may be used alone or in association with synthetic antimicrobials to combat infections caused by this bacterium.
O presente estudo procurou avaliar a atividade antibacteriana do trans-anetol contra cepas de Enterobacter cloacae e Enterococcus faecalis de origem alimentar. O estudo foi realizado utilizando métodos de Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM), e Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM), além disso, foi utilizada a técnica de difusão de disco para avaliar a associação do trans-anetol com antimicrobianos. O teste de Concentração Inibitória Mínima de Aderência (CIMA) também foi realizado. Os resultados revelaram que o trans-anetol não apresentou atividade antibacteriana em nenhuma das concentrações utilizadas contra as cepas de E. cloacae testadas. No entanto, o trans-anetol apresentou efeito antibacteriano contra cinco das seis cepas bacterianas de E. faecalis testadas, com valores de CIM variando de 500 µg/mL a 1000 µg/mL. Além disso, ao analisar os resultados da CBM contra E. faecalis, observa-se que o composto apresentou valores variando de 500 µg/mL a 1000 µg/mL. Quanto às associações, observou-se que o trans-anetol quando combinado com os antimicrobianos ampicilina, gentamicina, ciprofloxacino, e ceftriaxona apresentou efeito sinérgico contra a maioria das cepas de E. faecalis. No entanto, tanto o trans-anetol quanto o controle clorexidina (0,12%) não apresentaram efeito antibiofilme contra a cepa de E. faecalis. Em suma, o transanetol apresentou potencial antibacteriano contra cepas de E. faecalis de origem alimentar, podendo, mediante estudos mais aprofundados, ser utilizado isoladamente ou em associação com antimicrobianos sintéticos para combater infecções causadas por esta bactéria.
Fenilalanina/análise , Enterobacter cloacae , Enterococcus faecalis , Anisóis/administração & dosagem , Antibacterianos/análise , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , FitoterapiaResumo
The aim of this study was to determine the acute toxicity of the essential oils (EOs) of Aloysia triphylla, Lippia gracilis and Piper aduncum in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and evaluate the possible histopathological alterations in their gills. For the acute toxicity tests, juvenile tambaqui (n=24/treatment) were distributed in six treatments with three replicates, which comprised the control and five EO concentrations of A. triphylla (60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 mg L-1), L. gracilis (35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 mg L-1) and P. aduncum (42.5, 45, 47.5, 50 and 52.5 mg L-1), with an exposure period of 4 h. The mortality rate and severity of damage to the tambaqui gills were proportional to the increase in the concentration of the EO, with LC50-4 h values estimated at 109.57 mg L -1 for A. triphylla, 41.63 mg L -1 for L. gracilis and 48.17 mg L -1 for P. aduncum. The main morphological damages observed in the gills of the tambaqui exposed to the three EOs, were Grade I: hypertrophy and hyperplasia of lamellar epithelial cells, lamellar fusion, epithelial detachment, capillary dilation and constriction, proliferation of chloride cells and mucosal cells and edema; in low frequency Grade II damage as epithelial rupture and lamellar aneurysm. Necrosis (Grade III damage) was observed only in gill lamellae exposed to P. aduncum EO (47.5, 50.0 and 52.5 mg L-1). Concentrations of EOs below LC50-4 h can be used sparingly, for short periods of exposure for the treatment of diseases in tambaqui breeding.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a toxicidade aguda dos óleos essenciais (OEs) de Aloysia triphylla, Lippia gracilis e Piper aduncum em juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), e avaliar as possíveis alterações histopatológicas em suas brânquias. Para os testes de toxicidade aguda, juvenis de tambaqui (n=24/tratamento) foram distribuídos em 6 tratamentos, com três repetições, sendo o controle e cinco concentração do OE de A. triphylla (60, 80, 100, 120 e 140 mg L-1), L. gracilis (35, 40, 45, 50 e 55 mg L-1) e P. aduncum (42,5, 45, 47,5, 50 e 52,5 mg L-1), com exposição de 4 h. A taxa de mortalidade e a severidade dos danos nas brânquias de tambaqui foram proporcionais ao aumento da concentração do OE, com os valores de CL50-4 h estimados em 109,57 mg L-1 para A. triphylla, em 41,63 mg L-1 para L. gracilis e em 48,17 mg L-1 para P. aduncum. Os principais danos morfológicos observados nas brânquias de tambaqui, expostos aos três OEs, foram os de grau I: hipertrofia e hiperplasia das células do epitélio lamelar, fusão lamelar, descolamento epitelial, dilatação e constrição capilar, proliferação de células de cloreto e de células mucosas e edema; em baixa frequência os de grau II como ruptura epitelial e aneurisma lamelar. Necrose (dano de grau III) foi observado somente nas lamelas branquiais expostas ao OE de P. aduncum (47,5, 50,0 e 52,5 mg L-1). Concentrações do OEs abaixo dos valores de CL50-4 h podem ser utilizados com parcimônia, em curtos períodos de exposição para o tratamento de doenças na criação de tambaqui.
Animais , Óleos Voláteis/toxicidade , Piper/toxicidade , Lippia/toxicidade , Pesqueiros , PeixesResumo
A produção de potros é o objetivo final de todas as atividades voltadas para a reprodução equina. Para tanto, o diagnóstico de anormalidades gestacionais deve ser realizado precocemente para que a instalação da terapêutica adequada seja garantida, visando manter a sobrevivência da égua e o nascimento de indivíduos vivos e saudáveis. Aqui encontram-se descritos os principais achados relacionados às anormalidades gestacionais de éguas mais frequentemente encontradas em atendimentos realizados a campo e nas rotinas hospitalares. São elas: gestação gemelar, placentite, separação prematura da placenta, torção uterina, hidropsias e ruptura de tendão pré-púbico. O objetivo é caracterizar os sinais clínicos, métodos diagnósticos, tratamento e prognóstico dessas enfermidades. A compreensão desses aspectos é essencial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção e gestão das intercorrências obstétricas, visando reduzir seu impacto na criação de equinos.(AU)
The primary objective of equine reproduction is to produce healthy foals. To achieve this, it is crucial to diagnose gestational abnormalities at an early stage and administer appropriate therapy. This will increase the chances of survival for the mare and the birth of live foals. Here we outlines the most frequently observed gestational abnormalities in mares during field visits and hospital routines. The following abnormalities discussed are: twin pregnancy, placenta problems, premature separation of the placenta, uterine torsion, hydrops, and rupture of the prepubic tendon. The objective is to characterize the clinical signs, diagnostic methods, treatment, and prognosis for each of these conditions. It is essential to understand these aspects of gestational abnormalities to develop effective prevention and management strategies for obstetric complications. aiming to reduce their impact on equine breeding.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Doenças Placentárias/diagnóstico , Gravidez Múltipla , Edema/diagnóstico , Torção Ovariana/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidadesResumo
This was a retrospective case study of colic syndrome of cecal origin in 159 horses treated at a reference Veterinary Center between June 2015 and July 2021. The data studied were breed, age, sex, clinical examinations of the initial emergency care, treatment protocols (clinical and/or surgical) and resolution (hospital discharge, euthanasia or death). It was observed that 7.55% (n = 12) of the cases corresponded to colic syndrome of cecal origin, where 75% (n = 9) had heart rate within the physiological range for the species, as well as 50% (n = 6) for capillary refill time values, 33.33% (n = 4) for pink mucosa, 41.67% (n = 5) for rectal temperature, and 16.67% (n = 2) on abdominal auscultation. In 58.34% (n = 7) of patients, pain could be controlled with analgesics, with recurrence in 41.67% (n = 5). All treated cases were cecal impaction, where 58.33% (n = 7) ruptured the cecum. In 75% (n = 9) of the cases, surgical treatment was performed. Regarding the general resolution of cases, 41.67% (n = 5) of the animals were discharged. Therefore, it is concluded that despite the increase in the diagnosis of colic of cecal origin, this disease is still rare (7.55%) and has a high potential for death since there are few clinical alterations, making its early diagnosis difficult.(AU)
Este foi um estudo retrospectivo dos casos de síndrome cólica de origem cecal em 159 cavalos atendidos em um Centro Veterinário de referência entre junho de 2015 e julho de 2021. Os dados estudados foram raça, idade, sexo, exames clínicos do atendimento inicial de emergência, protocolos de tratamento (clínico e/ou cirúrgica) e resolução (alta hospitalar, eutanásia ou óbito). Observou-se que 7,55% (n = 12) dos casos correspondiam à síndrome cólica de origem cecal, onde 75% (n = 9) apresentavam frequência cardíaca dentro da faixa fisiológica para a espécie, assim como 50% (n = 6) para valores de tempo de enchimento capilar, 33,33% (n = 4) para mucosa rosada, 41,67% (n = 5) para temperatura retal e 16,67% (n = 2) para ausculta abdominal. Em 58,34% (n = 7) dos pacientes, a dor pôde ser controlada com analgésicos, com recidiva em 41,67% (n = 5). Todos os casos tratados foram de impactação cecal, onde 58,33% (n = 7) romperam o ceco. Em 75% (n = 9) dos casos, o tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado. Em relação à resolução geral dos casos, 41,67% (n = 5) dos animais tiveram alta. Portanto, conclui-se que apesar do aumento do diagnóstico de cólica de origem cecal, esta enfermidade ainda é rara (7,55%) e apresenta um alto potencial de óbito visto que há poucas alterações clínicas dificultando seu diagnóstico precoce.(AU)
Animais , Doenças do Ceco/diagnóstico , Doenças do Ceco/epidemiologia , Cavalos/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
O emprego de água na suinocultura global é o principal insumo e, conse- quentemente, elevado. Mas, para que o produtor obtenha resultados positivos técnicos e econômicos, precisa controlar que a água tenha a qualidade correta e seja ministrada na quantidade certa, seguindo as indicações da Instrução Normativa nº 113/2020 do Minis- tério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento-MAPA, acerca da qualidade exigida deste elemento líquido, bem como a Instrução Normativa nº 357/2005 do CONAMA, relacio- nada ao uso e controle da água potável destinada ao consumo de humanos e animais. Uma forma de manter a qualidade da água potável na suinocultura é utilizando o dióxido de cloro (ClO2), eficaz numa ampla faixa de pH (4-10) na eliminação de vírus, bactérias e algas. Neste trabalho, objetiva-se apresentar índices zootécnicos da suinocultura parana- ense relacionados com a qualidade da água potável pH, alcalinidade, dureza e cloração - e o reflexo dela na sanidade do animal evitando a poluição dos efluentes. O procedi- mento metodológico adotado é qualitativo com abordagem indutiva e técnica de pesquisa exploratória baseada em uma revisão de literatura. Da pesquisa bibliográfico-documental em sites de revistas científicas como a UNIPAR, a SCIELO, a Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), e sites do MAPA obteve-se um vasto material de consulta e apoio acerca do tema apresentado. Conclui-se que a qualidade da água na suinocultura deve ser monitorada por um profissional para que a produção seja lucrativa, zelando pelo bem- estar do rebanho, oferecendo-lhes água potável devidamente tratada, evitando a cloração indevida, dureza e alcalinidade fora do padrão exigido por lei.(AU)
The use of water in world pig farming is the main input and, consequently, high. In order for the producer to obtain positive technical and economic results, he will need to control that the water has the correct quality and that it is administered in the appropriate quantity, following the indications of Regulatory Instruction No. 113/2020 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply-MAPA, on the required quality of this liquid element, as well as CONAMA Normative Instruction No. 357/2005, relating to the use and control of drinking water for human and animal consumption. One way to maintain the quality of drinking water in pig farming is by using chlorine dioxide (ClO2), effective in a wide range of pH (4-10) to eliminate viruses, bacteria and algae. In this work, the objective is to present zootechnical indices of swine production in Paraná related to the quality of drinking water - pH, alkalinity, hardness and chlorination - and its reflection on animal health, avoiding effluent contamination. The methodological procedure adopted is qualitative with an inductive approach and an exploratory research technique based on a literature review. From the bibliographical-documentary research on websites of scientific journals such as UNIPAR, SCIELO, the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and MAPA websites, a large amount of reference and support material on the topic presented was obtained. It is concluded that the quality of water in pig farming must be monitored by a professional so that production is profitable, ensuring the well-being of the herd, offering them duly treated drinking water, avoiding undue chlorination, hardness and alkalinity of the appropriate standard required by law.(AU)
El uso de agua en la porcicultura mundial es el principal insumo y, en consecuencia, elevado. Para que el productor obtenga resultados técnicos y económicos positivos, necesitará controlar que el agua tenga la calidad correcta y se administre en la cantidad adecuada, siguiendo las indicaciones de la Instrucción Normativa nº 113/2020 del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pecuaria y Suministro-MAPA, sobre la calidad exigida de este elemento líquido, así como la Instrucción Normativa del CONAMA n° 357/2005, relativa al uso y control del agua potable destinada al consumo humano y animal. Una forma de mantener la calidad del agua potable en la porcicultura es utilizando el dióxido de cloro (ClO2), eficaz en una amplia faja de pH (4-10) para eliminar virus, bacterias y algas. En este trabajo, el objetivo es presentar índices zootécnicos de la producción porcina en Paraná relacionados con la calidad del agua de bebida - pH, alcalinidad, dureza y cloración - y su reflejo en la salud del animal, evitando la contaminación de los efluentes. El procedimiento metodológico adoptado es cualitativo con un enfoque inductivo y una técnica de investigación exploratoria basada en una revisión de la literatura. De la investigación bibliográfico-documental en sitios web de revistas científicas como UNIPAR, SCIELO, la Biblioteca Digital de Tesis y Disertaciones (BDTD) y sitios web del MAPA, se obtuvo una gran cantidad de material de consulta y apoyo sobre el tema presentado. Se concluye que la calidad del agua en la porcicultura debe ser monitoreada por un profesional para que la producción sea rentable, velando por el bienestar del hato, ofreciéndoles agua potable debidamente tratada, evitando cloraciones indebidas, durezas y alcalinidades del padrón adecuado exigido por ley.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Qualidade da Água , Indústria da Carne/normas , Cloração da ÁguaResumo
Abstract The β-lactam/lactamase inhibitors (BLBLIs) combination drugs are considered an effective alternative to carbapenems. However, there is a growing concern that the increased use of BLBLIs may lead to increased resistance. This study determined the temporal association between the consumption of BLBLI and the antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. In this retrospective study, electronic data on the Gram-negative bacterial isolates, including A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and K. pneumoniae from in-patients and susceptibility testing results were retrieved from the medical records of the clinical laboratory. A linear regression and cross-correlation analysis were performed on the acquired data. Increasing trends (p<0.05) in the consumption of BIBLI and carbapenem with a median use of 27.68 and 34.46 DDD/1000 PD per quarter were observed, respectively. A decreased trend (p=0.023) in the consumption of fluoroquinolones with a median use of 29.13 DDD/1000 PD per quarter was observed. The resistance rate of K. pneumoniae was synchronized with the BIBLI and carbapenem consumptions with a correlation coefficient of 0.893 (p=0.012) and 0.951 (p=0.016), respectively. The cross-correlation analysis against the consumption of BIBLI and meropenem resistant K. pneumoniae was peaked at 0-quarter lag (r=951, p=0.016). There was an increasing trend in the consumption of BLBLI and carbapenems. The increasing trend in the rates of resistance to piperacillin/tazobactam, in line with the increasing consumption of BLBLI, suggests that BLBLI has to be used with caution and cannot be directly considered as a long-term alternative to carbapenems.
Resumo Os medicamentos combinados de β-lactâmicos / inibidores da lactamase (BLBLIs) são considerados uma alternativa eficaz aos carbapenêmicos. No entanto, existe uma preocupação crescente de que o aumento do uso de BLBLIs pode levar ao aumento da resistência. Este estudo determinou a associação temporal entre o consumo de BLBLI e a resistência antimicrobiana em bactérias gram-negativas. Neste estudo retrospectivo, os dados eletrônicos sobre as bactérias gram-negativas isoladas, incluindo A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, E. coli e K. pneumoniae de pacientes internados e os resultados dos testes de suscetibilidade foram recuperados dos registros médicos do laboratório clínico. Uma regressão linear e análise de correlação cruzada foram realizadas nos dados adquiridos. Foram observadas tendências crescentes (p < 0,05) no consumo de BIBLI e carbapenem com uma mediana de uso de 27,68 e 34,46 DDD/1000 PD por trimestre, respectivamente. Foi observada uma tendência de diminuição (p = 0,023) no consumo de fluoroquinolonas com uma mediana de uso de 29,13 DDD/1000 PD por trimestre. A taxa de resistência de K. pneumoniae foi sincronizada com os consumos de BIBLI e carbapenem com coeficiente de correlação de 0,893 (p = 0,012) e 0,951 (p = 0,016), respectivamente. A análise de correlação cruzada contra o consumo de BIBLI e K. pneumoniae resistente ao meropenem atingiu o pico no intervalo de 0 quarto (r = 951, p = 0,016). Houve uma tendência de aumento no consumo de BLBLI e carbapenêmicos. A tendência crescente nas taxas de resistência a piperacilina/tazobactam, em linha com o consumo crescente de BLBLI, sugere que BLBLI deve ser usado com cautela e não pode ser considerado diretamente como alternativa de longo prazo aos carbapenêmicos.
Humanos , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/epidemiologia , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Estudos Retrospectivos , Escherichia coli , Bactérias Gram-NegativasResumo
Abstract The present study was aimed to manifest the antibacterial and antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of Salix alba L. against seven Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and three fungal isolates from the air such as Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, and Rhizopus stolonifer. Two different serotypes of S. aureus and E. coli were used. The agar well-diffusion method results showed the dose-dependent response of plant extracts against bacterial and fungal strains while some organisms were found resistant e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus and R. stolonifer. The highest antibacterial activity was recorded at 17.000±1.732 mm from 100 mg/mL of leaves methanolic extracts against S. pyogenes while the activity of most of the pathogens decreased after 24 h of incubation. The highest antifungal activity was reported at 11.833±1.0 mm against A. ornatus at 50 mg/mL after 48 h of the incubation period. These experimental findings endorse the use of S. alba in ethnopharmacological formulations and suggest the use of methanolic extracts of the said plant to develop drugs to control the proliferation of resistant disease causing pathogenic microbes.
Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo manifestar a atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica de extratos metanólicos de Salix alba L. contra sete patógenos bacterianos Gram-positivos e Gram-negativos. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae e três isolados de fungos do ar, como Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, e Rhizopus stolonifer. Dois sorotipos diferentes de S. aureus e E. coli foram usados. Os resultados do método de difusão em ágar mostraram a resposta dependente da dose de extratos de plantas contra cepas de bactérias e fungos, enquanto alguns organismos foram considerados resistentes, e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus e R. stolonifer. A maior atividade antibacteriana foi registrada em 17.000 ± 1.732 de 100 mg/mL de extratos metanólicos de folhas contra S. pyogenes, enquanto a atividade da maioria dos patógenos diminuiu após 24 h de incubação. A maior atividade antifúngica foi relatada em 11,833 ± 1,0 contra A. ornatus a 50 mg/mL após 48 h do período de incubação. Esses achados experimentais endossam o uso de S. alba em formulações etnofarmacológicas e sugerem o uso de extratos metanólicos da referida planta para o desenvolvimento de fármacos que controlem a proliferação de doenças resistentes que causam micróbios patogênicos.
Salix , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Aspergillus , Rhizopus , Staphylococcus aureus , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Metanol , Escherichia coli , Antibacterianos/farmacologiaResumo
Abstract Many soil microorganisms' i.e., bacteria and fungi produce secondary metabolites called antibiotics. These are used for the treatment of some of the bacterial, fungal and protozoal diseases of humans. There is a need for isolation of a broad spectrum of antibiotics from microorganisms due to the emergence of antibiotic resistance. In the present study two antibiotic producing bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae and Bacillus cereus were isolated from pharmaceutical and poultry feed industry of Hattar, Haripur Pakistan. Total 10 waste samples were collected from different industries (Marble, Ghee, Soap, Mineral, Steel, Poultry Feed, Pharmaceutical, Qarshi, Cosmetic and Glass). Thirty-three bacterial strains were isolated from industrial wastes of these ten different industries. Fourteen out of thirty-three bacterial strains exhibited antimicrobial activities against at least one of the test microbes considered in this study including Escherchia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi. The bacteria were isolated by standard serial dilution spread plate technique. Morphological characterization of the isolates was done by Gram staining. Nine bacterial isolates out of fourteen were initially identified as B. cereus and five as K. pneumoniae through biochemical characterization. The antibacterial activities were tested by well diffusion method. Maximum number of antibiotic producing bacteria were isolated from pharmaceutical and poultry feed industry based on the results of primary screening, the most potential isolates S9, S19, S20, S22 and S23 were selected for secondary screening. The maximum activity against E. coli and S. aureus was recorded by bacterial isolate S19 i.e zones of inhibition of 6.5mm and 9mm while S20 showed 7.5mm and 6mm zones respectively. Molecular identification was carried out on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Finally, the isolates were identified as B. cereus accession number LC538271and K. pneumoniae accession number MT078679. Analysis of bacterial extract S20 through GC-MS indicated the presence of 8 compounds of diverse nature and structure. Present study suggests that wastes of pharmaceutical and poultry feed industry may have antibiotic producing bacteria. These bacteria could be utilized for the production of antibiotics. B. cereus and K. pneumoniae isolated from wastes of poultry feed and pharmaceutical industries have the potential to produce antibiotics and could be used to control the microbial growth.
Resumo Muitos microrganismos do solo, ou seja, bactérias e fungos produzem metabólitos secundários chamados antibióticos. Eles são usados para tratamento de algumas doenças bacterianas, fúngicas e protozoárias em humanos. Há necessidade de isolamento de um amplo espectro de antibióticos de microrganismos devido ao surgimento de resistência aos antibióticos. No presente estudo, duas bactérias produtoras de antibióticos, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Bacillus cereus, foram isoladas da indústria farmacêutica e de ração avícola de Hattar, Haripur, Paquistão. Um total de 10 amostras de resíduos foi coletado de diferentes indústrias (mármore, ghee, sabão, mineral, aço, ração para aves, farmacêutica, Qarshi, cosmética e vidro). Trinta e três cepas bacterianas foram isoladas de resíduos industriais dessas dez diferentes indústrias. Quatorze das 33 cepas bacterianas exibiram atividades antimicrobianas contra pelo menos um dos micróbios de teste considerados neste estudo, incluindo Escherchia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella typhi. As bactérias foram isoladas pela técnica de placa de diluição em série padrão. A caracterização morfológica dos isolados foi feita por coloração de gram. Nove isolados bacterianos de 14 foram inicialmente identificados como B. cereus e cinco como K. pneumoniae por meio de caracterização bioquímica. As atividades antibacterianas foram testadas pelo método de difusão em poço. O número máximo de bactérias produtoras de antibióticos foi isolado da indústria farmacêutica e de ração avícola com base nos resultados da triagem primária, os isolados mais potenciais S9, S19, S20, S22 e S23 foram selecionados para a triagem secundária. A atividade máxima contra E. coli e S. aureus foi registrada pelo isolado bacteriano S19, ou seja, zonas de inibição de 6,5 mm e 9 mm, enquanto S20 mostrou zonas de 7,5 mm e 6 mm, respectivamente. A identificação molecular foi realizada com base na análise da sequência 16S rRNA. Finalmente, os isolados foram identificados como B. cereus número de acesso LC538271 e K. pneumoniae número de acesso MT078679. A análise do extrato bacteriano S20 por meio de GC-MS indicou a presença de oito compostos de natureza e estrutura diversas. O presente estudo sugere que resíduos da indústria farmacêutica e de ração para aves podem conter bactérias produtoras de antibióticos. Essas bactérias podem ser utilizadas para a produção de antibióticos B. cereus e K. pneumoniae isolados de resíduos de rações de aves e indústrias farmacêuticas têm potencial para produzir antibióticos e podem ser usados para controlar o crescimento microbiano.
Humanos , Staphylococcus aureus , Resíduos Industriais , RNA Ribossômico 16S , Extratos Vegetais , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Escherichia coli , Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas , Antibacterianos/farmacologiaResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the risk factors for poor outcomes after surgical and endovascular treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). Methods: Patients with ≥ 18-years of age and aSAH were included, while patients who died within 12 h of admission or lost follow-up were excluded. All participants underwent standardized clinical and radiological assessment on admission and were reassessed at discharge and at 6-months follow-up using the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Results: Death at discharge was associated with female gender, anterior communication artery (ACoA) aneurysm location and presence of atherosclerotic plaque in the surgical group, and with age in the endovascular group. Both groups had clinical condition on follow-up associated with mFisher score on admission and hypertension. GOS on follow-up was also associated with presence of atherosclerotic plaque and multiple aneurysms in surgical group, and with age in endovascular group. Conclusions: Subjects treated surgically are prone to unfavorable outcomes if atherosclerotic plaques and multiple aneurysms are present. In patients with endovascular treatment, age was the main predictor of clinical outcome.
Humanos , Hemorragia Subaracnóidea/prevenção & controle , Fatores de Risco , Aneurisma Roto/cirurgia , Embolização Terapêutica/métodos , Placa Aterosclerótica/cirurgia , Microcirurgia/métodos , Estudo de AvaliaçãoResumo
Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil. Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented subcutaneous edema in the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea. Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Pênis/lesões , Ruptura/veterinária , Comportamento Sexual Animal , BrasilResumo
Background: Iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is a common complication and occurs in at least one third of human patients undergoing LC. This is attributed to the fragility of the gallbladder wall associated with mucocele and cholecystitis, in addition to the need for repetitive gripping and traction of the gallbladder during its manipulation with laparoscopic instruments. As complications from this event are rare in human patients, conversion to laparotomy is not routinely indicated and the adverse consequences of bile spillage are minimized by abundant irrigation of the peritoneal cavity and adequate antimicrobial therapy. On the other hand, there is little information regarding the outcome of laparoscopic management of this complication in laparoscopic cholecystectomies in dogs, particularly since most surgeons indicate conversion in these cases. Thus, we describe a case of biliary peritonitis that developed in a dog after laparoscopic management of iatrogenic perforation of the gallbladder during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in a case of gallbladder mucocele. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of biliary peritonitis following laparoscopic management of iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during LC in dogs. Case: A 14-year-old Poodle was referred for clinical evaluation with selective appetite, recurrent episodes of hyporexia, and abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound findings characterized chronic liver disease and gallbladder mucocele. The patient was referred for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, during which the gallbladder was iatrogenically perforated, with extravasation of a large volume of bile content. This complication was managed by copious abdominal irrigation via laparoscopic access and antimicrobial therapy. On the second postoperative day, the patient started to present apathy, hyporexia, emesis, and jaundice. The patient remained hospitalized in the intensive care unit for stabilization and monitoring through hematological examinations and serial abdominal ultrasound. Due to progressive worsening of the clinical picture, an exploratory laparotomy was performed ten days after the initial surgical procedure. This examination showed multiple adhesions and the presence of bile residues adhered to numerous points on the peritoneal surface and pancreas. Despite the intensive treatment instituted, death occurred 10 h after the second surgical procedure. Discussion: The high risk of gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomies correlates with the dissection step or repetitive grasping and traction of the gallbladder with laparoscopic instruments. Conversion is not routinely indicated and laparoscopic management is considered effective in humans. However, in this case, the presence of a large volume of extravasated semisolid bile content and its adherence to the mesothelial surface made it impossible to remove it in its entirety despite the abundant irrigation of the abdominal cavity, resulting in a picture of biliary peritonitis in the postoperative period. In view of the reported negative outcome, the authors encourage the adoption of measures that minimize the risk of gallbladder perforation when performing LC in dogs. These include the use of atraumatic instruments or aspiration of bile content before surgical manipulation. Cases in which such a complication is recorded should be carefully monitored to enable early diagnosis and treatment of biliary peritonitis. Furthermore, conversion should be considered when there is extravasation of large volumes of bile, particularly in the presence of gallbladder mucocele, until future studies establish the safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic management of this complication.