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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e62277, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436971


The objective of this study was to evaluate the activity of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil (EO) compared to peracetic acid (PA) regarding formation and elimination of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms on polystyrene surface. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined according to standard protocol. Isolates were inoculated according to MIC standards polystyrene plate wells, which were then incubated at 37°C/96 hours for evaluation of biofilm formation. Regarding the evaluation of biofilm elimination, the biofilms were treated under MIC for 10 minutes. The MIC obtained were 2.0 and 3.0 mg mL-1 for EO and 0,015% for PA. Therefore, the results showed a reduction in the formation of biofilm with the presence of EO and PA, EO being more efficient (p < 0.05). Both compounds had a good capacity of eliminating biofilms, however the EO reduced the biofilm formation when compared to PA, highlighting its potential as an antibacterial agent and antibiofilm.(AU)

Ácido Peracético/efeitos adversos , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Rosmarinus/química , Biofilmes , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação
Hig. aliment ; 36(295): e1106, Jul.-Dez. 2022. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417925


Recentemente, com a pandemia de coronavírus, os hábitos alimentares da população foram modificados, observando-se a busca por uma alimentação saudável. Neste sentido, o consumo de frutas e hortaliças tem aumentado, e a higienização é uma etapa fundamental no controle de qualidade, visto que frutas e hortaliças podem ser consumidas in natura. O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar uma revisão a respeito dos principais saneantes químicos utilizados na sanitização de frutas e hortaliças. O estudo se trata de uma revisão elaborada a partir de publicações científicas, utilizando a combinação dos seguintes descritores: higienização, frutas e hortaliças, saneantes e sanitizantes. Foi possível verificar que o saneante mais utilizado na sanitização de frutas e hortaliças é o cloro e seus derivados, em concentrações que variam de 100 a 200 ppm, normalmente por um tempo de 15 minutos. O ozônio, tem a capacidade de destruir inúmeros microrganismos e para seu efeito saneante é necessário a utilização de um tempo maior de exposição, em média de até 30 minutos. Na utilização de ácidos orgânicos (ácido acético, cítrico, lático e peracético), as concentrações variam até 2% e o tempo de exposição em média é de poucos minutos, os quais podem ser utilizados combinados ou não. No entanto, sua utilização nem sempre é efetiva. Conclui-se que a aplicação de cada tipo de saneante varia de acordo com suas concentrações, pH, tempo de exposição ao tratamento e o tipo de fruta ou hortaliça a ser sanitizado.(AU)

Recently, with the coronavirus pandemic, the eating habits of the population have been modified, observing the search for healthy diet. In this sense, the consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, and the hygiene is a fundamental step in quality control, since fruits and vegetables can be consumed in natura. The objective of the work was to elaborate a review about the main chemical sanitizers used in the sanitization of fruits and vegetables. The study is a review based on scientific publications, using the combination of the following descriptors: hygiene, fruits and vegetables, sanitizers and sanitizing. It was possible to verify that the most used sanitizer in the sanitization of fruits and vegetables is chlorine and its derivatives, in concentrations from 100 to 200 ppm, normally for 15 minutes. Ozone could destroy numerous microorganisms and for its sanitizing effect it is necessary to have a longer exposure time, on average up to 30 minutes. When using organic acids (acetic, citric, lactic and peracetic acid), the concentrations vary up to 2% and the average exposure time is a few minutes, which can be used in combination or not. However, its use is not always effective. It is concluded that the application of each type of sanitizer varies according to its concentrations, pH, exposure time to the treatment and the type of fruit or vegetable to be sanitized.(AU)

Higiene dos Alimentos/métodos , Saneantes , Verduras , Frutas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub.1800-2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458439


Background: This study aimed to assess the level of bacterial contamination in the Small Animals Sector of the VeterinaryMedical Teaching Hospital (HCV) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Firstly, a committee wasinvited to complete a questionnaire and to list critical sample sites for collection. With the identification of the places to besampled, collections were made with sterile swabs on different surfaces of environments of the HCV. The identification ofimportant bacteria in the veterinary area, in the different sampled environments, raises the concern for hygiene proceduresin the veterinary hospital environment.Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen samples were collected from these different areas, and microbiological analyses wereperformed. Standard counts of viable and strictly aerobic mesophilic microorganisms were realized. Collections were madeto assess ambient air quality. With the microbiological analysis performed, bacteria of clinical importance were identified.To assess the resistance profile of the bacteria, the susceptibility test to antimicrobials was performed. MALDI-TOF/MSmeasurement identified 29 bacteria at the genus level and 10 bacteria at the species level and the antimicrobial susceptibility test was realized. Most of the isolates identified (60%) were bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Regardingantimicrobial susceptibility analysis the 10 bacteria identified at the species level were assessed. Test results showed thatthe isolates S. aureus, S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus - collected from treatment room 2 - and S. haemolyticus, whichhad been isolated from samples from treatment room 2 of the cattery, presented multiresistance. Pantoea ananatis isolatesfrom room 5 also showed a multiresistant profile for erythromycin, cephalothin, vancomycin and ampicillin. Micrococcusluteus isolates from the x-ray room and the kennel showed resistance to ceftazidime. Staphylococcus equorum isolates...

Animais , Contaminação Biológica/análise , Hospitais Veterinários , Indicadores de Contaminação , Poluição do Ar , Contaminação de Equipamentos , Desinfecção das Mãos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49: Pub. 1800, Apr. 11, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762302


Background: This study aimed to assess the level of bacterial contamination in the Small Animals Sector of the VeterinaryMedical Teaching Hospital (HCV) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Firstly, a committee wasinvited to complete a questionnaire and to list critical sample sites for collection. With the identification of the places to besampled, collections were made with sterile swabs on different surfaces of environments of the HCV. The identification ofimportant bacteria in the veterinary area, in the different sampled environments, raises the concern for hygiene proceduresin the veterinary hospital environment.Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen samples were collected from these different areas, and microbiological analyses wereperformed. Standard counts of viable and strictly aerobic mesophilic microorganisms were realized. Collections were madeto assess ambient air quality. With the microbiological analysis performed, bacteria of clinical importance were identified.To assess the resistance profile of the bacteria, the susceptibility test to antimicrobials was performed. MALDI-TOF/MSmeasurement identified 29 bacteria at the genus level and 10 bacteria at the species level and the antimicrobial susceptibility test was realized. Most of the isolates identified (60%) were bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Regardingantimicrobial susceptibility analysis the 10 bacteria identified at the species level were assessed. Test results showed thatthe isolates S. aureus, S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus - collected from treatment room 2 - and S. haemolyticus, whichhad been isolated from samples from treatment room 2 of the cattery, presented multiresistance. Pantoea ananatis isolatesfrom room 5 also showed a multiresistant profile for erythromycin, cephalothin, vancomycin and ampicillin. Micrococcusluteus isolates from the x-ray room and the kennel showed resistance to ceftazidime. Staphylococcus equorum isolates...(AU)

Animais , Indicadores de Contaminação , Poluição do Ar , Contaminação Biológica/análise , Hospitais Veterinários , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla , Contaminação de Equipamentos , Desinfecção das Mãos
Sci. agric ; 78(3): e20190155, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497945


Sanitization using chemical agents to reduce the microbiological load on the surface of agricultural products have the drawback of leaving residues. Conversely, physical treatments, such as ultraviolet radiation C (UV-C), are residue-free, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Ripe figs are perishable, exhibiting an epidermis with low resistance to mechanical treatment, high water content and the ostiole, which is an open door that expedites undesirable microorganism penetration. In this study, the effect of different energy levels of UV-C radiation on the appearance and physico-chemical properties of the figs when stored at 10 °C and 20 °C was evaluated focusing on the technological parameters of the application of radiation. The energy levels of radiation applied were 0.00, 0.71, 1.32, 2.64 and 4.01 kJ m−2 and they showed neither acceleration nor delay effects on fig ripening. Figs exposed to the radiation energy at 0.71, 1.32, 2.64 and 4.01 kJ m−2 showed a lower incidence of rot at the same temperature, but the figs exposed to the highest radiation, 4.01 kJ m−2, showed more wilting and stains, which significantly impaired their appearance. UV-C radiation reduces the development of rotting, providing evidence of its potential in the postharvest processing of ripe figs. However, radiation levels should be limited to avoid undesirable epidermis stains.

Conservação de Alimentos , Ficus/química , Raios Ultravioleta/efeitos adversos , Efeitos da Radiação
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(1): 46-53, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453255


Staphylococcus aureus is one of the main agents isolated from bovine mastitis cases, characterized by lower cure rates compared to other pathogens causing this disease. This phenomenon is mainly explained by the multiresistance acquisition to antimicrobials and the ability of S. aureus to form biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces. In this work 15 samples of S. aureus isolated from the automated milking facility were analyzed regarding the resistance profile to antimicrobials, virulence factors (capsule production, hemolysin, and protease) and adhesion capacity under different temperatures (42±1°C, 36±1°C, 25±1°C, 9±1°C, and 3±1°C). All isolates showed methicillin-resistant (MRSA) characteristics and multidrug resistance profile to the antimicrobials tested (penicillin G, chloramphenicol, oxacillin, cephalexin, tetracycline, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, sulfa + trimetropim, gentamicin, doxycycline, ceftiofur, neomycin, and vancomycin) with an IRMA index between 0.5 and 1.0. Five isolates were resistant to vancomycin (VRSA), two were resistant to all active principles, and the others to at least six of these drugs. Adhesion capacity and biofilm formation were found in 3 of the 5 evaluated temperatures, including the cooling conditions. Regarding the virulence factors, 86.7% of the isolates formed capsules, 60% revealed the presence of protease, 26.7% expressed the α-hemolysin factor, and 13.3% of them presented β-hemolysin. The fact that all isolates presented MRSA characteristics represents a potential risk to those exposed to this agent, and the formation of biofilm in liners even after the use of detergents and sanitization highlights the urgency of searching for alternatives for dispersion of the biofilm by S. aureusin the automated milking facility.

O Staphylococcus aureus é um dos principais agentes isolados de casos de mastite bovina, caracterizado por menores taxas de cura em comparação com outros patógenos desta enfermidade. Esse fenômeno é explicado principal-mente pela aquisição de resistência à antimicrobianos e a capacidade do S. aureus formar biofilmes em superficies bióti-cas e abióticas. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas 15 amostras de S. aureus isolados de ordenhadeira, analisados quanto ao perfil de resistência à antimicrobianos, fatores de virulência (produção de cápsula, hemolisina e protease) e capacidade de adesão sob diferentes temperaturas (42±1°C, 36±1°C, 25±1ºC, 9±1ºC e 3±1ºC). Todos os isolados apresentaram perfil de multirresistência aos antimicrobianos testados (penicilina G, cloranfenicol, oxacilina, cefalexina, tetraciclina, amoxicilina + ácido clavulônico, sulfa + trimetropim, gentamicina, doxiciclina, ceftiofur, neomicina e vancomicina) com índice IRMA entre 0,5 a 1,0. Duas cepas foram resistentes a todos os princípios ativos e as demais a pelo menos seis destes fármacos. Os isolados avaliados apresentaram característica de meticilina-resistentes (MRSA) e destes, 33,34% (5/15) foram resistentes à vancomicina (VRSA). Houve capacidade de adesão e formação de biofilmes em 3 das 5 tem-peraturas avaliadas, incluindo as temperaturas de refrigeração. Em relação aos fatores de virulência, 86,7% dos isolados formaram cápsula, 60% presença de protease, 26,7% expressaram o fator α-hemolisina e 13,3% β-hemolisina. O fato de todos isolados apresentarem característica MRSA representa um risco potencial aos expostos a esse agente. Já a for-mação de biofilmes em teteiras, mesmo após detergência e sanitização, destacam a urgência de alternativas de dispersão de biofilmes no ambiente de ordenha.

Anti-Infecciosos/análise , Biofilmes , Staphylococcus aureus/imunologia , Staphylococcus aureus/patogenicidade , Mastite Bovina
Sci. agric. ; 78(3): e20190155, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28408


Sanitization using chemical agents to reduce the microbiological load on the surface of agricultural products have the drawback of leaving residues. Conversely, physical treatments, such as ultraviolet radiation C (UV-C), are residue-free, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Ripe figs are perishable, exhibiting an epidermis with low resistance to mechanical treatment, high water content and the ostiole, which is an open door that expedites undesirable microorganism penetration. In this study, the effect of different energy levels of UV-C radiation on the appearance and physico-chemical properties of the figs when stored at 10 °C and 20 °C was evaluated focusing on the technological parameters of the application of radiation. The energy levels of radiation applied were 0.00, 0.71, 1.32, 2.64 and 4.01 kJ m−2 and they showed neither acceleration nor delay effects on fig ripening. Figs exposed to the radiation energy at 0.71, 1.32, 2.64 and 4.01 kJ m−2 showed a lower incidence of rot at the same temperature, but the figs exposed to the highest radiation, 4.01 kJ m−2, showed more wilting and stains, which significantly impaired their appearance. UV-C radiation reduces the development of rotting, providing evidence of its potential in the postharvest processing of ripe figs. However, radiation levels should be limited to avoid undesirable epidermis stains.(AU)

Raios Ultravioleta/efeitos adversos , Ficus/química , Conservação de Alimentos , Efeitos da Radiação
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(1): 46-53, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30761


Staphylococcus aureus is one of the main agents isolated from bovine mastitis cases, characterized by lower cure rates compared to other pathogens causing this disease. This phenomenon is mainly explained by the multiresistance acquisition to antimicrobials and the ability of S. aureus to form biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces. In this work 15 samples of S. aureus isolated from the automated milking facility were analyzed regarding the resistance profile to antimicrobials, virulence factors (capsule production, hemolysin, and protease) and adhesion capacity under different temperatures (42±1°C, 36±1°C, 25±1°C, 9±1°C, and 3±1°C). All isolates showed methicillin-resistant (MRSA) characteristics and multidrug resistance profile to the antimicrobials tested (penicillin G, chloramphenicol, oxacillin, cephalexin, tetracycline, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, sulfa + trimetropim, gentamicin, doxycycline, ceftiofur, neomycin, and vancomycin) with an IRMA index between 0.5 and 1.0. Five isolates were resistant to vancomycin (VRSA), two were resistant to all active principles, and the others to at least six of these drugs. Adhesion capacity and biofilm formation were found in 3 of the 5 evaluated temperatures, including the cooling conditions. Regarding the virulence factors, 86.7% of the isolates formed capsules, 60% revealed the presence of protease, 26.7% expressed the α-hemolysin factor, and 13.3% of them presented β-hemolysin. The fact that all isolates presented MRSA characteristics represents a potential risk to those exposed to this agent, and the formation of biofilm in liners even after the use of detergents and sanitization highlights the urgency of searching for alternatives for dispersion of the biofilm by S. aureusin the automated milking facility.(AU)

O Staphylococcus aureus é um dos principais agentes isolados de casos de mastite bovina, caracterizado por menores taxas de cura em comparação com outros patógenos desta enfermidade. Esse fenômeno é explicado principal-mente pela aquisição de resistência à antimicrobianos e a capacidade do S. aureus formar biofilmes em superficies bióti-cas e abióticas. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas 15 amostras de S. aureus isolados de ordenhadeira, analisados quanto ao perfil de resistência à antimicrobianos, fatores de virulência (produção de cápsula, hemolisina e protease) e capacidade de adesão sob diferentes temperaturas (42±1°C, 36±1°C, 25±1ºC, 9±1ºC e 3±1ºC). Todos os isolados apresentaram perfil de multirresistência aos antimicrobianos testados (penicilina G, cloranfenicol, oxacilina, cefalexina, tetraciclina, amoxicilina + ácido clavulônico, sulfa + trimetropim, gentamicina, doxiciclina, ceftiofur, neomicina e vancomicina) com índice IRMA entre 0,5 a 1,0. Duas cepas foram resistentes a todos os princípios ativos e as demais a pelo menos seis destes fármacos. Os isolados avaliados apresentaram característica de meticilina-resistentes (MRSA) e destes, 33,34% (5/15) foram resistentes à vancomicina (VRSA). Houve capacidade de adesão e formação de biofilmes em 3 das 5 tem-peraturas avaliadas, incluindo as temperaturas de refrigeração. Em relação aos fatores de virulência, 86,7% dos isolados formaram cápsula, 60% presença de protease, 26,7% expressaram o fator α-hemolisina e 13,3% β-hemolisina. O fato de todos isolados apresentarem característica MRSA representa um risco potencial aos expostos a esse agente. Já a for-mação de biofilmes em teteiras, mesmo após detergência e sanitização, destacam a urgência de alternativas de dispersão de biofilmes no ambiente de ordenha.(AU)

Staphylococcus aureus/imunologia , Staphylococcus aureus/patogenicidade , Anti-Infecciosos/análise , Biofilmes , Mastite Bovina
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 698, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363524


Background: In horses, an increase in the volume of penis and foreskin can be caused by trauma. The resultant edema interferes with the retraction of the penis and cause paraphimosis. Surgical intervention through penectomy is indicated in cases wherein an alternative treatment is not feasible. Partial penectomy can prolong the life and reproductive function of many stallions. The present study aims to report on the methodological, functional, and economic feasibility of a successful case of the use of Williams technique for partial penectomy performed in the field in a horse with paraphimosis, preserving urinary, productive, and reproductive functions. Case: A 10-year-old horse weighing 500 kg had clinical signs of paraphimosis due to the formation of granulomatous tissue following trauma to the glans region. A surgical intervention, namely a partial penectomy was decided to be performed to prevent injury from priapism. Due to the limited resources provided by the owner and the impossibility of moving the animal to a surgical center in a veterinary hospital, the procedure was performed in the field, with prior sanitization and preparation of the environment used to perform surgery. The horse was tranquilized with intravenous xylazine hydrochloride and acepromazine, with subsequent induction of anesthesia with ready-to-use (RTU) guaifenesin bolus and maintenance of anesthesia with an intravenous association of RTU guaifenesin, xylazine hydrochloride, and ketamine. The distal third of the penis was amputated using the recommended Williams technique. Although the complications like dehiscence and emergence of granulation tissue occurred after surgery, these were controlled in the daily follow-up of the animal and post-surgical treatment. Discussion: Paraphimosis predisposed the horse to abrasions and edema of the exposed portion of the penis. However, there was no urine retention, which suggested that the urethral ostium and the urethra had no lesions. Because the granulomatous lesions were located in the distal third of the penis and the extent of penile exposure was small, the partial penectomy technique proved effective in solving the permanent exposure of the penis. The anesthetic protocol used was inexpensive, easy to execute, and effective, and no anesthetic complications occurred, proving this protocol to be efficient for the anesthetic induction of animals in the field. In addition to being reliable and widespread, the Williams technique was recommended to prevent possible urethral stenosis and the development of contact dermatitis by urine. This technique makes a rapid recovery of the animal possible, with improvement of its physiological parameters, and due to ease of being able to be done in the field, it is also inexpensive. The edema and the granulation tissue that occurred after surgery were controlled with medication. In general, post-penectomy animals are not used for reproduction. This makes the present report an important contribution, because in cases in which the lesions present a distal disposition and the penile exposure is small, stallions have a chance of maintaining reproductive function after surgery, even with a long period of evolution before surgical treatment. This was demonstrated in the present case, as the animal in this case later impregnated a mare, with the pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound examination. Partial penectomy is a resolution technique for cases of traumatic paraphimosis, in which exuberant granulation tissue is formed in the distal third of the penis, with a long period of evolution. The surgery can be done in the field, with a low surgical cost to the owner, and a good productive and reproductive prognosis for the animal.

Animais , Masculino , Parafimose/cirurgia , Parafimose/veterinária , Pênis/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Doenças do Pênis/veterinária
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): e1039, jul-.dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30590


As Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA) são causadas pelo consumo de água ou alimentos contaminados por micro-organismos e/ou compostos tóxicos. Dentre as diversas possíveis fontes de contaminação aos alimentos estão os manipuladores de alimentos. Com isso, foi realizada a análise microbiológica das mãos de manipuladores de alimentos em 18 supermercados de um município do Paraná antes e após higienização, a fim de verificar a eficácia do procedimento após participarem de oficinas de capacitação sobre boas práticas de fabricação de alimentos. Assim, no período de julho de 2017 a maio de 2018, foram coletadas 36 amostras da superfície das mãos de manipuladores voluntários. As coletas foram realizadas pelo método de swab teste e as amostras analisadas no Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade e Segurança de Alimentos (LACQSA) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) quanto à Contagem Bacteriana Total (CBT). Dentre as 18 amostras coletadas após a higienização, 12 demonstraram considerável redução na CBT, expressas numericamente em 10, 100 e 1.000 vezes menores. As outras seis amostras também apresentaram redução na CBT, porém em proporções menores, este achado pode estar relacionado a pequenas falhas cometidas ao final da execução da técnica de higienização. Os resultados das análises demonstraram a eficácia da higienização de mãos quando utilizada a técnica preconizada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), e geraram impacto positivo na compreensão da importância dos cuidados com a higiene das mãos durante as oficinas de capacitação.(AU)

The Foodborne diseases (FBD) are related to ingestion of microorganisms or chemical compounds occasionally present in contaminated food or water. There are several sources of contamination for including the food handlers hands. Consequently, microbiological assessments of food handlers hands were performed in 18 supermarkets in a Parana municipality before and after hand cleansing, for validate the procedure after training in good manufacturing practices for food. Accordingly, between July 2017 and May 2018, 36 hands surface samples from volunteer food handlers were collected. The samples were collected using the “swab test” method and analyzed for Total Bacterial Count (TBC) at the Quality Control and Food Safety Laboratory (LACQSA, acronyms in Portuguese) of Federal University of Paraná. Out of 18 samples collected after sanitization, 12 showed considerable reduction in TBC, numerically expressed as 10, 100 and 1.000 times smaller. The other six samples also revealed decreasing numbers regarding to bacterial contamination, but in smaller proportions. These results exposed the efficiency of hand hygiene by using the recommended technique of the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA, acronyms in Portuguese), and it had a positive impact on the understanding the importance of hand hygiene for the food handlers engaged in this study.(AU)

Técnicas Microbiológicas , Manipulação de Alimentos , Saneamento de Mercados , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Boas Práticas de Fabricação , Higiene das Mãos
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): e1039, Julho/Dezembro 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482556


As Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA) são causadas pelo consumo de água ou alimentos contaminados por micro-organismos e/ou compostos tóxicos. Dentre as diversas possíveis fontes de contaminação aos alimentos estão os manipuladores de alimentos. Com isso, foi realizada a análise microbiológica das mãos de manipuladores de alimentos em 18 supermercados de um município do Paraná antes e após higienização, a fim de verificar a eficácia do procedimento após participarem de oficinas de capacitação sobre boas práticas de fabricação de alimentos. Assim, no período de julho de 2017 a maio de 2018, foram coletadas 36 amostras da superfície das mãos de manipuladores voluntários. As coletas foram realizadas pelo método de swab teste e as amostras analisadas no Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade e Segurança de Alimentos (LACQSA) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) quanto à Contagem Bacteriana Total (CBT). Dentre as 18 amostras coletadas após a higienização, 12 demonstraram considerável redução na CBT, expressas numericamente em 10, 100 e 1.000 vezes menores. As outras seis amostras também apresentaram redução na CBT, porém em proporções menores, este achado pode estar relacionado a pequenas falhas cometidas ao final da execução da técnica de higienização. Os resultados das análises demonstraram a eficácia da higienização de mãos quando utilizada a técnica preconizada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), e geraram impacto positivo na compreensão da importância dos cuidados com a higiene das mãos durante as oficinas de capacitação.

The Foodborne diseases (FBD) are related to ingestion of microorganisms or chemical compounds occasionally present in contaminated food or water. There are several sources of contamination for including the food handlers’ hands. Consequently, microbiological assessments of food handlers’ hands were performed in 18 supermarkets in a Parana municipality before and after hand cleansing, for validate the procedure after training in good manufacturing practices for food. Accordingly, between July 2017 and May 2018, 36 hands surface samples from volunteer food handlers were collected. The samples were collected using the “swab test” method and analyzed for Total Bacterial Count (TBC) at the Quality Control and Food Safety Laboratory (LACQSA, acronyms in Portuguese) of Federal University of Paraná. Out of 18 samples collected after sanitization, 12 showed considerable reduction in TBC, numerically expressed as 10, 100 and 1.000 times smaller. The other six samples also revealed decreasing numbers regarding to bacterial contamination, but in smaller proportions. These results exposed the efficiency of hand hygiene by using the recommended technique of the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA, acronyms in Portuguese), and it had a positive impact on the understanding the importance of hand hygiene for the food handlers engaged in this study.

Boas Práticas de Fabricação , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Higiene das Mãos , Manipulação de Alimentos , Saneamento de Mercados , Técnicas Microbiológicas
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2087-2096, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501620


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of different chemical compounds combined with ultrasound bath on the sanitization of minimally processed carrots. The sanitizers sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, and sodium dichloroisocyanurate were investigated, all of them associated with the ultrasound bath, and the aerobic mesophiles and E. coli counts were evaluated. Sodium hypochlorite associated with ultrasound reduced the population of aerobic mesophiles and E. coli by 0.23 and 1.88 log cycles, respectively. For sodium dichloroisocyanurate associated with ultrasound, the reduction was 3.06 and 2.76 log cycles, while for the association with peracetic acid, this reduction was 2.72 and 2.35 log cycles. Thus, the effect of the ultrasound bath and sodium dichloroisocyanurate increased the decontamination efficiency of the minimally processed carrots. In addition, there is analternative to the use of sodium hypochlorite, once they are not involved in reactions with organic compounds and the formation of trihalomethanes, which are harmful to health.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes compostos químicos combinados ao ultrassom na sanitização de cenouras minimamente processadas. Foram investigados os sanitizantes hipoclorito de sódio, ácido peracético e dicloroisocianurato de sódio, todos associados à técnica de banho de ultrassom, e foram avaliadas as contagens de mesófilos aeróbios e E. coli. O hipoclorito de sódio associado ao ultrassom reduziu em 0,23 e 1,88 ciclos log a população de mesófilos aeróbios e E. coli, respectivamente. Para o dicloroisocianurato de sódio associado ao ultrassom a redução foi de3,06 e 2,76 ciclos log, enquanto que para a associação com o ácido peracético essa redução foi de 2,72e 2,35 ciclos log. Assim, o tratamento composto pela técnica de ultrassom e o dicloroisocianurato de sódio aumentou a eficiência de descontaminação das cenouras minimamente processadas. Além disso, considera-se uma alternativa ao uso do hipoclorito de sódio, uma vez que não estão envolvidos em reações com compostos orgânicos e na formação de trihalometanos, prejudiciais à saúde.

Daucus carota/efeitos dos fármacos , Desinfetantes/administração & dosagem , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Hipoclorito de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Ácido Peracético/administração & dosagem
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2087-2096, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764786


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of different chemical compounds combined with ultrasound bath on the sanitization of minimally processed carrots. The sanitizers sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, and sodium dichloroisocyanurate were investigated, all of them associated with the ultrasound bath, and the aerobic mesophiles and E. coli counts were evaluated. Sodium hypochlorite associated with ultrasound reduced the population of aerobic mesophiles and E. coli by 0.23 and 1.88 log cycles, respectively. For sodium dichloroisocyanurate associated with ultrasound, the reduction was 3.06 and 2.76 log cycles, while for the association with peracetic acid, this reduction was 2.72 and 2.35 log cycles. Thus, the effect of the ultrasound bath and sodium dichloroisocyanurate increased the decontamination efficiency of the minimally processed carrots. In addition, there is analternative to the use of sodium hypochlorite, once they are not involved in reactions with organic compounds and the formation of trihalomethanes, which are harmful to health.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes compostos químicos combinados ao ultrassom na sanitização de cenouras minimamente processadas. Foram investigados os sanitizantes hipoclorito de sódio, ácido peracético e dicloroisocianurato de sódio, todos associados à técnica de banho de ultrassom, e foram avaliadas as contagens de mesófilos aeróbios e E. coli. O hipoclorito de sódio associado ao ultrassom reduziu em 0,23 e 1,88 ciclos log a população de mesófilos aeróbios e E. coli, respectivamente. Para o dicloroisocianurato de sódio associado ao ultrassom a redução foi de3,06 e 2,76 ciclos log, enquanto que para a associação com o ácido peracético essa redução foi de 2,72e 2,35 ciclos log. Assim, o tratamento composto pela técnica de ultrassom e o dicloroisocianurato de sódio aumentou a eficiência de descontaminação das cenouras minimamente processadas. Além disso, considera-se uma alternativa ao uso do hipoclorito de sódio, uma vez que não estão envolvidos em reações com compostos orgânicos e na formação de trihalometanos, prejudiciais à saúde.(AU)

Daucus carota/efeitos dos fármacos , Hipoclorito de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Ácido Peracético/administração & dosagem , Desinfetantes/administração & dosagem , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.501-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458328


Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standard“Wolf” sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...

Animais , Calendula/química , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Cremes Vegetais , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Medicamento Fitoterápico
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 501, 3 abr. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25529


Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standard“Wolf” sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...(AU)

Animais , Calendula/química , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Cremes Vegetais , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Medicamento Fitoterápico
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 171-175, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21681


O Programa de Alimentação Escolar Brasileiro é um dos maiores programas mundiais na área de alimentação escolar. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os procedimentos de higienização das mãos de manipuladores durante a produção e distribuição de alimentos por meio de análises microbiológicas em Escolas Municipais de Ensino Infantil. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas das mãos por meio de swab antes e após a higienização. As mãos dos manipuladores apresentaram contaminação por bacterias aeróbias mesófilas em sete escolas representando 77,78%, enquanto em uma das mãos dos manipuladores foi encontrada contaminação por coliformes fecais antes do processo de higienização. Os resultados demonstraram falhas nos procedimentos de higienização e necessidade de aplicação efetiva das Boas Práticas de Manipulação no setor de Alimentação Escolar.(AU)

Humanos , Alimentação Escolar , Mãos/microbiologia , Desinfecção das Mãos , Manipulação de Alimentos , Higiene dos Alimentos , Higiene das Mãos
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 171-175, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481918


O Programa de Alimentação Escolar Brasileiro é um dos maiores programas mundiais na área de alimentação escolar. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os procedimentos de higienização das mãos de manipuladores durante a produção e distribuição de alimentos por meio de análises microbiológicas em Escolas Municipais de Ensino Infantil. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas das mãos por meio de swab antes e após a higienização. As mãos dos manipuladores apresentaram contaminação por bacterias aeróbias mesófilas em sete escolas representando 77,78%, enquanto em uma das mãos dos manipuladores foi encontrada contaminação por coliformes fecais antes do processo de higienização. Os resultados demonstraram falhas nos procedimentos de higienização e necessidade de aplicação efetiva das Boas Práticas de Manipulação no setor de Alimentação Escolar.

Humanos , Alimentação Escolar , Desinfecção das Mãos , Manipulação de Alimentos , Mãos/microbiologia , Higiene das Mãos , Higiene dos Alimentos
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 3708-3712, abr.-maio 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366979


As boas práticas na higienização de mãos de manipuladores de alimentos são essenciais na prevenção de surtos de doenças transmitidas por alimentos. Objetivou-se neste estudo descrever a aplicabilidade da análise microbiológica de mãos com manipuladores de alimentos de supermercados, durante oficinas de capacitações sobre boas práticas de fabricação. O conteúdo de higienização de mãos ocorreu em dois dias com metodologia problematizadora, incluindo coleta de amostras de mãos de 18 manipuladores, antes e após higienização. Como resultados, por meio de atividades encadeadas, com momentos de síncrese, análise e síntese, os alunos levantaram soluções para as falhas encontradas na primeira lavagem. Houve diminuição significativa nas análises após higienização de mãos. Esta metodologia mostrou-se eficaz no aprendizado e para mudanças práticas.

Humanos , Desinfecção das Mãos , Técnicas Microbiológicas , Higiene das Mãos , Manipulação de Alimentos , Tutoria , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47: Pub. 1696, Nov. 14, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23820


Background: Milks composition is an excellent substrate for microorganisms multiplication. Presence of Staphylococcusaureus and aerobic mesophilic bacteria are one of the most common problems in dairy farms. On dairy industrys and milkfarms Clean in Place (CIP) system higyenization are commonly used, then the cleaning occurs as a closed process, forbetter results sanitizans are applied, in order to obtain a safety food. This project aim to evaluate Staphylococcus aureusand aerobic mesophilic bacteria reduction after two milking higyenization process.Materials, Methods & Results: This research was done on a Rio Grande do Sul North Milk farm, with mechanized milkingand Clean in Place system for cleaning. For liners and CIP tubes higyenization commercial products as Sodium Hipoclorite3% and phosphoric acid 11.3% are used for detergency, and peracetic acid 5% for sanitization. Milk bunk tank are higyenized with sodium hypoclorite 3.8% alcalin detergent. After higyenization steps liners, CIPs water process, bulk milk tankand milk set were collected. At process 1, liners and CIP water were collected after milking, detergency and sanitizationthat occurred immediately at the detergencys finish, while process 2 the sanitization was realized 8 h after detergency,before following milking. Cooling milk bulk tank was collected before and after detergency, and milk set after milkingsConvencional microbiology were used to count and results in log10

Staphylococcus aureus/isolamento & purificação , Leite/microbiologia , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Contaminação de Alimentos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47: Pub.1696-2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458094


Background: Milk’s composition is an excellent substrate for microorganism’s multiplication. Presence of Staphylococcusaureus and aerobic mesophilic bacteria are one of the most common problems in dairy farms. On dairy industry’s and milkfarms Clean in Place (CIP) system higyenization are commonly used, then the cleaning occurs as a closed process, forbetter results sanitizans are applied, in order to obtain a safety food. This project aim to evaluate Staphylococcus aureusand aerobic mesophilic bacteria reduction after two milking higyenization process.Materials, Methods & Results: This research was done on a Rio Grande do Sul North Milk farm, with mechanized milkingand Clean in Place system for cleaning. For liners and CIP tubes higyenization commercial products as Sodium Hipoclorite3% and phosphoric acid 11.3% are used for detergency, and peracetic acid 5% for sanitization. Milk bunk tank are higyenized with sodium hypoclorite 3.8% alcalin detergent. After higyenization steps liners, CIP’s water process, bulk milk tankand milk set were collected. At process 1, liners and CIP water were collected after milking, detergency and sanitizationthat occurred immediately at the detergency’s finish, while process 2 the sanitization was realized 8 h after detergency,before following milking. Cooling milk bulk tank was collected before and after detergency, and milk set after milkingsConvencional microbiology were used to count and results in log10

Contaminação de Alimentos , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Leite/microbiologia , Staphylococcus aureus/isolamento & purificação