ABSTRACT: Animal hoarding disorder, especially dogs and cats, is a complex issue that occurs in almost all communities, and it is necessary to collect data that contribute to the understanding of leptospirosis within the One Health initiative. In order to determine the seroprevalence of Leptospirasp., 71 dogs and 39 cats from 33 people with animal hoarding profile in the municipality of Patos, state of Paraíba, semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil were evaluated by using the microscopic serum agglutination test (MAT) as diagnostic test. Thirty-eight animals (34.5%; 95% CI = 25.7 - 43.4%) were seroreactive, with 46.5% in dogs and 12.8% in cats (P < 0.01), with the highest frequency of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup in both species. The high seroprevalence reported suggests the need for public policies for this vulnerable population in order to prevent the transmission of zoonoses.
RESUMO: O transtorno de acumulação de animais, principalmente de cães e gatos, é uma questão complexa que ocorre em quase todas as comunidades, sendo necessário o levantamento de dados que contribuam para a compreensão da leptospirose dentro da iniciativa Saúde Única. Com o objetivo de determinar a soroprevalência deLeptospirasp. em cães e gatos provenientes de acumuladores de animais foram utilizados 71 cães e 39 gatos de 33 acumuladores do município de Patos, estado da Paraíba, semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro, utilizando-se o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) como teste de diagnóstico. Trinta e oito animais (34,5%; IC 95% = 25,7 - 43,4%) foram sororreativos, sendo 46,5% em cães e 12,8% em gatos (P < 0,01), com maior frequência do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae em ambas as espécies. A alta soroprevalência encontrada sugere a necessidade de políticas públicas para esta população vulnerável no sentido de prevenir a transmissão de zoonoses.
Leptospirosis is an endemic zoonotic disease that is distributed worldwide, which has the potential to have health and economic impacts. Leptospira spp. is spiral-shaped and capable of infecting mammals, including horses, which may result in asymptomatic or clinical forms. Therefore, the current study aimed to analyze the frequency of anti-Leptospira antibodies in serum samples from horses from Santarém, Pará, Brazil. For that purpose, 88 blood samples from horses without a history of leptospirosis vaccination were serologically evaluated through the microscopic agglutination technique (MAT) with a 13 serovars, belonging to ten different serogroups. There were 58 samples that were seropositive (65.90%), which included 28 samples seropositive for Pyrogenes (48.3%), 24 for Autumnalis (41.4%), 18 for Icterohaemorrhagiae (31.0%), and 16 for Grippotyphosa (27.6%). Even without clinical suspicion of leptospirosis or a history of vaccination, the horses showed different frequency of seropositivity. Considering the well-known impact of leptospirosis in human and animal health, our results are important to establish preventive measures to reduce the economic loss in equine production as well as a reduction in public health risk.
Leptospira spp. é a bactéria causadora da leptospirose, uma doença endêmica, distribuída mundialmente, de caráter zoonótico responsável por gerar impacto sanitário e também econômico. Esse microrganismo, com característica espiralada, infecta mamíferos, dentre eles, os equinos. Estes animais, podem apresentar a doença na forma assintomáticos ou clínica. Desta forma, o atual estudo objetivou analisar amostras equinas na região de Santarém- Pará. Analisou-se 88 amostras de animais que não apresentavam histórico de vacinação contra a leptospirose, através da técnica da Microaglutinação Microscópica (MAT), utilizando um painel de13 sorovares, pertencentes a dez diferentes sorogrupos. Desses animais, 58 foram soropositivos (65,90%), distribuídos em 28 (48,3%) amostras soro reagentes para Pyrogenes, 24 (41,4%) para Autumnalis, 18 (31%) para Icterohaemorrhagiae e 16 (27,6%) para Grippotyphosa. Mesmo não havendo suspeita de leptospirose, os animais apresentaram diferentes frequências sorológicas. Considerando-se o conhecido impacto da leptospirose na saúde humana e animal, nossos resultados apontam que é de suma importância estabelecer medidas de prevenção para reduzir perdas econômicas e não oferecer riscos à saúde pública.
Animais , Saúde Pública , Doenças dos Cavalos , Leptospirose/veterinária , Leptospirose/epidemiologiaResumo
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Leptospira spp. antibodies in sheep and goats raised in villages of the Xukuru do Ororubá indigenous community, Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 180 serum samples from sheep and 108 serum samples from goats of both sexes and different ages were analyzed. For antibody research, indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) were used for the protozoa T. gondii and N. caninum, and microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for Leptospira spp., with a cutoff titer of 1:64, 1:50 and 1:100, respectively. The frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies was 16.6% (30/180) for sheep and 11.1% (12/108) for goats. The frequency of anti-N. caninum antibodies was 10.55% (19/180) for sheep, and 20.37% (22/108) for goats, while for Leptospira spp., 2.2% (4/180) of sheep and 1.85% (2/108) of goats reacted positively. The results obtained in this study are unprecedented in indigenous communities in the country and serve as an alert for monitoring goats and sheep from the Xukuru do Ororubá indigenous village regarding the occurrence and productive impact of infections by T. gondii, N. caninum, and Leptospira spp., in addition to the occurrence of the zoonosis toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in the indigenous community.(AU)
Objetivou-se determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum e Leptospira spp., em ovinos e caprinos criados em aldeias da comunidade indígena Xukuru do Ororubá, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram analisadas 180 amostras de soro de ovinos e 108 amostras de soro de caprinos de ambos os sexos e diferentes idades. Para a pesquisa de anticorpos foi utilizada a técnica de Reação de Imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), para os protozoários T. gondii e N. caninum e Aglutinação Microscópica (MAT) para Leptospira spp., com ponto de corte de 1:64, 1:50 e 1:100, respectivamente. A frequência de anticorpos anti-T gondii foi de 16,6% (30/180) em ovinos e 11,1% (12/108) em caprinos. A frequência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum foi de 10,55% (19/180) para ovinos e 20,37% (22/108) para caprinos, enquanto para Leptospira spp., 2,2% (4/180) dos ovinos e 1,85% (2/108) dos caprinos reagiram positivamente. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo são inéditos em comunidades indígenas do país e alertam para o monitoramento de caprinos e ovinos da aldeia indígena Xukuru do Ororubá, quanto à ocorrência e impacto produtivo de infecções por T. gondii, N. caninum e Leptospira spp., além da ocorrência de zoonoses como a toxoplasmose e leptospirose na comunidade indígena.(AU)
Ruminantes/microbiologia , Imunoglobulina G/análise , Ovinos/microbiologia , Povos Indígenas , Paraproteinemias , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Brasil , Neospora/imunologia , Leptospira/imunologiaResumo
One of the limiting factors of productive efficiency in cattle and buffalo herds is related to the high prevalence of infectious diseases which affect reproduction. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anti-Leptospiraantibodies for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) in bovine and buffalo herds in Colombia. Blood serum samples were collected from 1100 buffaloes and 1000 cattle. The ELISA technique was used to detect antibodies against BVDV and BoHV-1, and the microscopic agglutination technique to detect anti-Leptospiraantibodies. The prevalence of anti-Leptospiraantibodies and of BVDV and BoHV-1 in bovine samples was observed in 16, 39.7, and 65% of animals, respectively, while the positivity in samples for the same antibodies in buffalos was detected in 18.7, 27.5 and 51.5%, respectively. Exposure of cattle and buffaloes to BoHV-1 was positively associated with age, higher prevalence rates were observed in older ages. Seropositivity of cattle for BVDV and BoHV-1 was higher in male animals. Activities such as embryo transfer, milking, and needle reuses, as well as the presence of cats and rodents are factors which favor positivity of the herd for BVDV and BoHV-1.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Prevalência , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/patogenicidade , Herpesvirus Bovino 1/patogenicidade , Diarreia , Rinotraqueíte Infecciosa Bovina , LeptospiroseResumo
Background: Industrial poultry farming has developed progressively in Brazil, conferring the country a prominent position on the national and international scene. Likewise, alternative poultry farming is an important economic activity for small-scale family farmers. However, shortcomings related to sanitary management lead to increased occurrence of avian diseases, such as those caused by Salmonella spp. Despite salmonellosis has been described in industrial establishments, reports in alternative farms are less common, therefore the objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of salmonellosis in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra, Western Bahia, Brazil. Cases: The poultry farmer reported the occurrence of diarrhoea in his chicken flock since the acquisition of the batch of chicks. Initially, carrying out the medicinal treatment of the birds, there was clinical improvement, however, successive recurrences of clinical signs occurred, such as diarrhoea, apathy, anorexia, and death of some birds. Upon learning about the case, an epidemiological investigation of the flock was carried out, and it was noted that some of the birds were retracted, apathetic, anorexic, and a lot of diarrheic faeces of a yellowish-white appearance were also observed. The entire flock had a history of vaccination against diseases: newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, gumboro disease, and fowlpox. For better evaluation, five birds were necropsied, enabling the observation that the animals had a good body score. However, the necropsy revealed lesions such as splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and enteritis in the three birds initially analysed (Animals 1, 2, and 3). The other birds (Animals 4 and 5) were submitted to evaluation for Eimeria sp. oocysts by means of scrapings from the intestinal mucosa, and there were no structures compatible with oocysts. Faecal samples were collected from another six birds in the flock for coproparasitological examination, and the presence of oocysts was not detected. Finally, sera from 20 birds in the flock were collected for the Rapid Serum Agglutination Test (SAR) for the detection anti-Salmonella Pullorum antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical evaluation, post mortem pathological findings of the necropsied birds, epidemiological data and confirmed with SAR testing, whereby 11 birds were seropositive for Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Pullorum. The prevalence of S. Pullorum is poorly described in alternative farming. Based on the farmer's report, it is believed that the chicks were purchased already infected, because birds from the same batch, also purchased by neighbouring producers, showed the same clinical signs. The unsatisfactory sanitation in the flock was another factor that may have favoured the persistence of the bacteria, since, the lack of removal of organic matter is a source of nutrients for microorganisms, and this may have favoured the multiplication and maintenance of the bacteria in the down feathers, feed, and water. The elimination of S. Pullorum through the faeces, in addition to the density of the birds, may have led to transmission to the other healthy birds. However, the knowledge and adoption of prophylactic measures in free-range chicken farms is a crucial factor in minimizing the occurrence of outbreaks and thus avoiding a future public Health Problem.
Animais , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Galinhas/microbiologiaResumo
Leptospirosis affects several animal species, including man. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of Leptospira spp. and to identify factors associated with the risk of Leptospira spp. in dairy cattle in the municipality of Ji-Paraná, RO, Brazil, sampled by rural sector, from September 2012 to November 2013. Blood samples from 627 dairy cows were randomly collected from 63 farms belonging to six rural sectors. Leptospirosis was diagnosed by the microscopic serum agglutination technique. Of the 627 animals tested, 255 had anti-Leptospira antibodies (40.48%, 95% CI: 36.64-44.31) and 57 of the 63 studied dairy farms (90.5%, 95% CI: 83.23-97.72) had at least one reactive animal. The results indicate that serovar Hardjo had the highest (12.38%. 95% CI: 10.03-15.18) followed by serovars Shermani, Wolffi, Hebdomadis and Canicola occurrence in dairy cows. Additionally, infection was also associated with abortion occurrences in cows of 36 farms (57.14%) and the presence of dogs roaming free with access to pasture, water and cattle in 47 farms (74.60%). Therefore, free-roaming animals are considered a predisposing factor, highlighting the need for adopting prophylactic measures while raising the awareness from rural producers about the importance and the economic losses that leptospirosis may cause.
A leptospirose acomete diversas espécies animais, inclusive o homem. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp., bem como identificar fatores associados ao risco da infecção por Leptospira spp. em bovinos de leite do município de Ji-Paraná - RO, amostrados por setor rural, de setembro de 2012 a novembro de 2013. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas sistematicamente de 627 fêmeas leiteiras, oriundas de 63 propriedades pertencentes a seis setores rurais. O diagnóstico da leptospirose foi realizado por meio da soroaglutinação microscópica. Constatou-se que 255 animais possuíam anticorpos anti-Leptospira (40,48%, IC95%: 36,64-44,31). Das 63 propriedades estudadas, 57 (90,5%, IC95%: 83,23-97,72) apresentavam pelo menos um animal reagente. Observou-se maior ocorrência do sorovar Hardjo nas fêmeas bovinas (12,38%, IC95%: 10,03-15,18), seguido dos sorovares Shermani, Wolffi, Hebdomadis e Canicola. Observaram-se, como fatores associados à infecção por sorovar, a ocorrência de aborto em fêmeas de 36 propriedades estudadas (57,14%), bem como a existência de cães criados livres em 47 propriedades (74,60%) e com acesso ao pasto, à água e aos bovinos, o que reforça a necessidade de adoção de medidas profiláticas e a conscientização dos produtores rurais sobre a importância e os prejuízos que podem ser causados pela leptospirose.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Leptospira , Leptospirose , AnticorposResumo
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que pode acometer cães e ser altamente letal para a espécie. No Brasil, tal enfermidade tem caráter endêmico na espécie canina e configura-se como um sério problema de saúde pública. Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência dos sorogrupos/sorovares de Leptospira spp. que mais acometem cães com suspeita clínica de leptospirose na cidade de Santa Maria RS, Brasil, analisando sua titulação de anticorpos. No estudo, utilizou-se os laudos dos exames de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) para leptospirose de 218 cães provenientes da cidade de Santa Maria RS durante o período de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2019. Todos os laudos foram emitidos pelo Laboratório de Leptospirose (LabLepto - UFSM). Das 218 amostras de soro processadas nos cinco anos, 101 (46,33%) resultaram positivas para, pelo menos, um sorogrupo/sorovar testado. Este estudo demonstrou maior ocorrência do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae (53,37%) contemplado pelas sorovares Copenhageni e Icterohaemorrhagiae, com 49 (30,06%) e 38 (23,31%) soros reagentes, respectivamente. As titulações variaram de 100 a 6400, sendo que a mais recorrente encontrada nas amostras deste estudo foi 100, representando 47,85% dos títulos de anticorpos. Os dados obtidos neste estudo são de grande valia para o conhecimento dos sorogrupos/sorovares circulantes na região e sua epidemiologia podendo, inclusive, auxiliar para futuras formulações vacinais considerando sorogrupos/sorovares mais frequentemente detectados, contribuindo, assim, com a saúde pública.
Leptospirosis is a worldwide distribution zoonosis that can affect dogs and be highly lethal for the species. In Brazil, this disease is endemic in the canine species and represents a serious public health problem. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of Leptospira spp. that most affect dogs with clinical suspicion of leptospirosis in the city of Santa Maria RS, Brazil, analyzing their antibody titers. In the study, we used the reports of microscopic agglutination tests (MAS) for leptospirosis in 218 dogs from the city of Santa Maria - RS during the period from January 2015 to December 2019. All reports were issued by the Leptospirosis Laboratory (LabLepto - UFSM). Of the 218 serum samples processed over the five years, 101 (46.33%) were positive for at least one serogroup/serovar tested. This study showed a higher occurrence of serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae (53.37%) covered by serovars Copenhageni and Icterohaemorrhagiae, with 49 (30.06%) and 38 (23.31%) reagent sera, respectively. The titers ranged from 100 to 6400, and the most recurrent found in the samples in this study was 100, representing 47.85% of the antibody titers. The data obtained in this study are of great value for understanding the serogroups/serovars circulating in the region and their epidemiology, and may even contribute to future vaccine formulations considering the most frequently detected serogroups/serovars, thus contributing to public health.
Animais , Cães , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Cães/anormalidades , Sorogrupo , Zoonoses Bacterianas/epidemiologia , Leptospira , Leptospirose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Leptospirosis is an important infectious disease in goat farming, with a worldwide distribution. It is usually transmitted by rodents and the genital route, may cause reproductive losses, negatively impacting goat farming. The diagnosis lies on serological, molecular and isolation techniques. Considering the importance of this disease for small ruminants, this work aimed to evaluate the serological, molecular findings and isolation of pathogenic leptospires in the urinary tract (kidney and bladder tissues) of goats. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-four adult goats were used for slaughter. Renal samples (n = 34), bladder (n = 34), were collected for isolation of the agent and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. and blood samples (n = 34) for serological testing. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used as a molecular test and the microscopic serum agglutination test (MAT) was used as a serological test. Samples with DNA amplification were subjected to genetic sequencing. The presence of Leptospira DNA was found in the tissues of 8 (23.4%) goats, and of these, only 2 were positive in PCR and MAT. There was a slight agreement between the PCR and MAT techniques (k = 0.150; P = 0.436). In 6 (17.6%) samples of renal tissue and 2 (5.8%) bladder samples, Leptospira DNA was detected. The genes in a kidney tissue sample were sequenced and demonstrated 99% similarity to Leptospira interrogans. Anti-Leptospira sp. were detected in 6 (17.6%) of the animals tested. Discussion: Serology identified 3 predominant serogroups: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Tarassovi and Autumnalis, serogroups that are related to the presence of rodents that coexist in rural environments. Autumnalis has been reported in small ruminants, raising the hypothesis that goats are adapted, becoming chronic carriers and possible maintenance hosts. The frequency obtained (17.6%) may be the result of the mixed breed pattern and rustic characteristics inherent to the goat species. Given the characteristics of the semi-arid region, such as low rainfall and high solar incidence, it is essential to use an adapted methodology, with a lower cut-off point (1:50), as the serological titer is an established relationship between the animal species, the level of exposure throughout its evolution and the region studied. Molecular findings and bacterial isolation reveal the agent's ability to colonize the urinary tract of goats. These data show the importance that urine has in the epidemiological chain, being able to transmit the agent through direct contact with this product or through contamination of soil and water. There was no statistical agreement between the diagnostic techniques used in this study, in this case, an association between PCR and MAT is recommended to obtain data with high sensitivity and specificity. A bladder sample was sequenced and showed 99% similarity to Leptospira interrogans. In the semiarid region, the most common form of leptospirosis spread is through the sale of animals in business fairs for breeding, rearing or slaughter, as well as sharing the same property with several breeders. The introduction of chronic and asymptomatic carriers on the properties represents a serious risk for the spread of the disease. The results show the presence of Leptospira spp. in semi-arid goat herds, having as risk factors the presence of rodents and intercropping. The association of MAT and PCR is necessary for a better diagnosis of the disease.
Animais , Feminino , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Cabras/microbiologia , Leptospira/isolamento & purificação , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Zona SemiáridaResumo
Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses.Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the mostprevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate theprevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herdsfrom different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested forleptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination.A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88;and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conductedwith the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-squaretests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasimanseroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodiesagainst leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in...
Animais , Bovinos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Fatores de Risco , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/etiologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/métodos , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Dogs may be occasionally infected by smooth strains of Brucella spp. The infection is usually associated with the ingestion of contaminated material from parturition or abortion, or other tissues from infected farm animals, particularly cattle and pigs. A 6-year-old, male mixed breed dog from a rural area was admitted at a veterinary clinic for clinical examination. The dog had bilateral perineal hernia with dysuria and dyschezia, as well as small firm testicles with scrotal adhesions. Serological tests, including buffered plate antigen, serum agglutination test, and 2-mercaptoethanol test, were positive for smooth Brucella spp. strains, whereas a rapid slide agglutination test was negative for B. canis. Blood and prostate tissue samples yielded no bacterial isolates. Histopathology demonstrated interstitial lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic infiltration of the prostate gland, with fibrosis and occasional disruption of glandular architecture. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated abundant Brucella spp. antigens in the cytoplasm of macrophages. This report supports the notion that not only B. canis, but also smooth Brucella spp. must be considered in the differential diagnosis of prostatitis in dogs.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/microbiologia , Prostatite/diagnóstico , Brucella/patogenicidadeResumo
Dogs may be occasionally infected by smooth strains of Brucella spp. The infection is usually associated with the ingestion of contaminated material from parturition or abortion, or other tissues from infected farm animals, particularly cattle and pigs. A 6-year-old, male mixed breed dog from a rural area was admitted at a veterinary clinic for clinical examination. The dog had bilateral perineal hernia with dysuria and dyschezia, as well as small firm testicles with scrotal adhesions. Serological tests, including buffered plate antigen, serum agglutination test, and 2-mercaptoethanol test, were positive for smooth Brucella spp. strains, whereas a rapid slide agglutination test was negative for B. canis. Blood and prostate tissue samples yielded no bacterial isolates. Histopathology demonstrated interstitial lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic infiltration of the prostate gland, with fibrosis and occasional disruption of glandular architecture. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated abundant Brucella spp. antigens in the cytoplasm of macrophages. This report supports the notion that not only B. canis, but also smooth Brucella spp. must be considered in the differential diagnosis of prostatitis in dogs.
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Brucella/patogenicidade , Cães/microbiologia , Prostatite/diagnósticoResumo
The epidemiological characteristics of bovine leptospirosis in animals and herds in Mato Grosso do Sul were investigated to determine parameters such as disease frequency and the serovars reactant in beef cattle herds. A total of 4,629 beef cattle herds were examined against 33 Leptospira spp. serovars. The serum samples were submitted to the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis. The MAT results showed that 3,814 (82.39%) of the 4,629 animals evaluated were seropositive for the bacterium, with serological reactions mainly to serogroup Sejroe, serovar Wolffi (36.49%). The observed high frequency of reactive animals demonstrates the relevance of the infection. Therefore, general and specific measures should be implemented to contain and/or prevent infection of the animals in the studied region.(AU)
Foi realizado um inquérito epidemiológico da leptospirose em bovinos de rebanhos de corte do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, de modo a determinar a frequência e as sorovariedades reagentes. Para isso, foram examinados 4.629 bovinos de corte, com uma coleção de 33 sorovariedades de Leptospira, por meio da prova de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (MAT). Dos 4.629 animais examinados, 3.814 (82,39%) foram reagentes com reações predominates para o sorogrupo Sejroe, sorovar Wolffi (36,49%). Assim, a alta frequência de animais reagentes encontrada justifica a implantação de medidas gerais e específicas para conter e/ou prevenir a infecção nos animais dessa região.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Leptospirose/epidemiologiaResumo
The epidemiological characteristics of bovine leptospirosis in animals and herds in Mato Grosso do Sul were investigated to determine parameters such as disease frequency and the serovars reactant in beef cattle herds. A total of 4,629 beef cattle herds were examined against 33 Leptospira spp. serovars. The serum samples were submitted to the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis. The MAT results showed that 3,814 (82.39%) of the 4,629 animals evaluated were seropositive for the bacterium, with serological reactions mainly to serogroup Sejroe, serovar Wolffi (36.49%). The observed high frequency of reactive animals demonstrates the relevance of the infection. Therefore, general and specific measures should be implemented to contain and/or prevent infection of the animals in the studied region.(AU)
Foi realizado um inquérito epidemiológico da leptospirose em bovinos de rebanhos de corte do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, de modo a determinar a frequência e as sorovariedades reagentes. Para isso, foram examinados 4.629 bovinos de corte, com uma coleção de 33 sorovariedades de Leptospira, por meio da prova de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (MAT). Dos 4.629 animais examinados, 3.814 (82,39%) foram reagentes com reações predominates para o sorogrupo Sejroe, sorovar Wolffi (36,49%). Assim, a alta frequência de animais reagentes encontrada justifica a implantação de medidas gerais e específicas para conter e/ou prevenir a infecção nos animais dessa região.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Leptospirose/epidemiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. that affects humans, domestic and wild animals. The present work aimed to conduct a cross-sectional survey for leptospirosis in the canine population of the Brejo Paraibano microregion, semiarid of Northeastern Brazil. From May to October 2017, blood samples from 414 dogs were collected in the counties of Alagoa Grande (n=100), Areia (n=79), Bananeiras (n=72), Alagoa Nova (n=73), Serrraria (n=25), Pilões (n=25), Borborema (n=20) and Matinhas (n=20). The tutors of the sampled dogs answered an epidemiological questionnaire, obtaining information about the animals, owner, residence and breeding of the dogs. Subsequently, the serum samples were subjected to the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), using a collection of 23 serovar pathogenic antigens and using the 1:50 dilution as the cutoff point. Of the 414 dogs analyzed 52 were seroreactive, resulting in an apparent prevalence of 12.6% and a real prevalence of 12.2%. Seroreactive dogs were found in the eight counties. Dogs were reactive for the serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae (76.9%), Autumnalis (13.55%), Pomona (3.8%), Grippotyphosa (3.8%) and Serjoe (1.9%) Antibody titers ranged from 50 to 800. The statistical analysis (robust Poisson regression) detected six factors associated with seropositivity, including the rainy season (prevalence ratio; PR=1.94, P=0.013), male dogs (PR=2.10, P=0.005), animals with age greater than five years (PR=4.21, P=0.012), consumption of untreated water (PR=1.87, P=0.043), free access of dogs to street (PR=2.15, P=0.011) and contact with wildlife (PR=3.54, P=0.050). The serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae has a high zoonotic potential and was the most frequent in seropositive animals. The high real prevalence of Leptospira spp. in a transmission region of the semiarid region of Paraíba and the occurrence of seroreactive animals in all the counties suggest wide distribution of the infection and reinforce the need for preventive measures to avoid infection in pets and, consequently, to humans. The analysis of factors associated with the prevalence suggest greater manegment cares with the dogs.
RESUMO: A leptospirose é uma zoonose mundial causada pela bactéria Leptospira spp. que afeta seres humanos, animais domésticos e selvagens. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo transversal de leptospirose na população canina da microrregião Brejo Paraibano, semiárido do Nordeste do Brasil. No período de maio a outubro de 2017, amostras de sangue de 414 cães foram coletadas nas cidades de Alagoa Grande (n=100), Areia (n=79), Bananeiras (n=72), Alagoa Nova (n=73), Serraria (n=25), Pilões (n=25), Borborema (n=20) e Matinhas (n=20). Os tutores dos cães amostrados responderam a um questionário epidemiológico, sendo obtidas informações sobre os animais, proprietário, residência e criação dos cães. Posteriormente as amostras de soro foram submetidas à prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), utilizando-se uma coleção de 23 sorovares antígenos patogênicos e adotando como ponto de corte a diluição 1:50. Dos 414 cães analisados 52 foram sorreativos, resultando em uma prevalência aparente de 12.6% e uma prevalência real de 12,2%. Cães sororreativos foram encontrados nos oito municípios. Os cães foram reativos para o sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae (76,9%), Autumnalis (13,55%), Pomona (3,8%), Grippotyphosa (3,8%) and Serjoe (1,9%) Os títulos de anticorpos variaram de 50 a 800. A análise estatística (regressão de Poisson robusta) detectou seis fatores associados à soropositividade, incluindo o período chuvoso (razão de prevalência - RP=1,94; P=0,013), cães machos (RP=2,10; P=0,005), animais com idade maior que cinco anos (RP=4,21; P=0,012), consumo de água não tratada (RP=1,87; P=0,043), cães com livre acesso à rua (RP=2,15; P=0,011) e contato com animais silvestres (RP=3,54; P=0,050). Os resultados desse estudo indicaram que há a exposição por Leptospira spp. em cães da microrregião do Brejo paraibano. O sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae possui alto potencial zoonótico e foi o mais frequente nos animais soropositivos. A alta prevalência real de Leptospira spp. em uma região de transmissão da região semiárida da Paraíba e a ocorrência de animais sororreativos em todos os municípios sugerem uma ampla distribuição da infecção e reforçam a necessidade de medidas preventivas para evitar a infecção em animais de estimação e, consequentemente, em seres humanos. A análise dos fatores associados à prevalência sugere maior cuidado com os cães.
Bovine leptospirosis assumes great economic importance since it affects several production aspects. Therefore, knowledge about the occurrence and distribution of this disease is fundamental to adopt the correct prevention measures. The present study aimed to evaluate the frequency of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in 24,483 bovine serum samples received between 2007 to 2015 from 21 Brazilian states. Of these, 8,643 (35.3%) were reagents in the microscopic agglutination test to one or more serovars of Leptospira spp. The most frequent serovars were Wolffi (61.47%), Tarassovi (9.62%) and Pomona (7.20%). Hardjo serovar presented a prevalence of 6.27%. Among the 21 states analyzed, the State of Pernambuco had the highest frequency with 88.24% and the State of São Paulo was the origin of the largest number of analyzed samples (13,838), with a frequency of 31.54% of reagents. The results demonstrate a high exposure to several serovars of Leptospira spp. in bovine species in Brazilian states, showing the importance of adopting prophylactic measures in order to reduce the risk of infection in this specie.(AU)
Com o objetivo de avaliar a frequência de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp., foram analisadas 24.483 amostras de soro sanguíneo bovino, provenientes de 21 estados brasileiros, recebidas no período de 2007 a 2015. Destas, 8.643 (35,3%) foram reagentes no teste de soroaglutinação microscópica a uma ou mais sorovariedades de Leptospira spp., e as sorovariedades com maior frequência foram Wolffi (61,47%), Tarassovi (9,62%) e Pomona (7,20%). A sorovariedade Hardjo apresentou prevalência de 6,27%. Entre os 21 estados analisados, o estado de Pernambuco apresentou a maior frequência, com 88,24%, e o estado de São Paulo foi a origem do maior número de amostras para análise, 13.838, com frequência de 31,54% de reagentes.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cobertura Vacinal/estatística & dados numéricos , Leptospira/imunologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Testes de Hemaglutinação/veterináriaResumo
The seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. and infection risk factors were investigated in horses from a military contingent in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A total of 446 horses were evaluated and categorized into 309 mares, 11 stallions, and 126 horses with an average age of three years. To determine seroprevalence, serum samples from all horses were submitted to the microscopic agglutination test against 12 serovars belonging to nine serogroups, usually circulating in equine populations. To investigate the possible risk factors of infection by Leptospira spp., questionnaires were applied in that military unit. The seroprevalence in the horses with an average age of 3 years, mares, and stallions were 57.94% (73/126), 54.05% (165/309), and 45.45% (5/11), respectively. The main risk factors identified were contact with different water sources, the presence of rodents, and contact with wild and domestic animals. The high seroprevalence of antiLeptospira spp. antibodies may be associated with the presence of these risk factors. Therefore, the exposure of horses to possible reservoirs of Leptospira spp. should be minimized. Also, the immunoprophylaxis protocol should be reviewed and a shorter interval between vaccinations adopted to control leptospirosis in this herd.(AU)
A soroprevalência de Leptospira spp. e os fatores de risco para infecção foram investigados em cavalos de um contingente militar no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Um total de 446 cavalos foram avaliados e categorizados em 309 éguas, 11 garanhões e 126 cavalos com idade média de três anos. Para determinação da soroprevalência, amostras de soro de todos os equinos foram submetidas ao teste de aglutinação microscópica contra 12 sorovares pertencentes a nove sorogrupos, normalmente circulantes em populações equinas. Para investigar os possíveis fatores de risco da infecção por Leptospira spp., foi aplicado um questionário naquela unidade militar. A soroprevalência nos cavalos com idade média de três anos, éguas e garanhões foi de 57,94% (73/126), 54,05% (165/309) e 45,45% (5/11), respectivamente. Os principais fatores de risco identificados foram o contato com diferentes fontes de água, a presença de roedores e o contato com animais silvestres e domésticos. A alta soroprevalência de anticorpos antiLeptospira spp. pode estar associada à presença desses fatores de risco. Portanto, a exposição destes equinos aos possíveis reservatórios de Leptospira spp. deve ser minimizada. Além disso, o protocolo de imunoprofilaxia deve ser revisto e, possivelmente, um menor intervalo entre as vacinas deve ser adotado para o controle da leptospirose neste plantel.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Fatores de Risco , Cavalos/virologia , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Testes Sorológicos , AbortoResumo
Hematúria é uma grave manifestação clínica de doença do sistema urinário, ocorrendo sob as formas micro ou macroscópica. Neste artigo relatam-se dois casos de hematúria macroscópica associada à infecção por Leptospira interrogans sorogrupo Canicola. O exame clínico inicial revelou hematúria macroscópica, taquicardia, taquipneia, febre, elevação do tempo de perfusão capilar, hipomotilidade intestinal, além de icterícia da mucosa oral. Leucocitose, proteinúria, glicosúria, piúria e azotemia foram achados comuns aos dois casos. Teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica foi realizado para titulação de anticorpos contra Leptospira interrogans. Tratamento incluiu medidas terapêuticas de suporte (fluidoterapia), controle da hematúria e antibioticoterapia. Sete dias após manifestação dos sinais clínicos iniciais, ambos animais receberam alta hospitalar após remissão dos sinais clínicos.
Haematuria is a serious clinical manifestation of urinary system disease, occurring in micro or macroscopic forms. In this article two cases of macroscopic haematuria associated with Leptospira interrogans serogroup Canicolainfection are related. The initial clinical examination revealed macroscopic haematuria, tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, increased capillary perfusion time, intestinal hypomotility, in addition to jaundice of the oral mucosa. Leukocytosis, proteinuria, glycosuria, pyuria and azotemia were common findings in both cases. Microscopic serum agglutination test was performed for titration of antibodies against Leptospira interrogans. Treatment included supportive therapeutic measures (fluid therapy), hematuria control and antibiotic therapy. Seven days after the manifestation of the initial clinical signs, both animals were discharged from the hospital without complications.
Animais , Hematúria/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnóstico , Leptospirose/veterinária , Doenças Urológicas/veterináriaResumo
Hematúria é uma grave manifestação clínica de doença do sistema urinário, ocorrendo sob as formas micro ou macroscópica. Neste artigo relatam-se dois casos de hematúria macroscópica associada à infecção por Leptospira interrogans sorogrupo Canicola. O exame clínico inicial revelou hematúria macroscópica, taquicardia, taquipneia, febre, elevação do tempo de perfusão capilar, hipomotilidade intestinal, além de icterícia da mucosa oral. Leucocitose, proteinúria, glicosúria, piúria e azotemia foram achados comuns aos dois casos. Teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica foi realizado para titulação de anticorpos contra Leptospira interrogans. Tratamento incluiu medidas terapêuticas de suporte (fluidoterapia), controle da hematúria e antibioticoterapia. Sete dias após manifestação dos sinais clínicos iniciais, ambos animais receberam alta hospitalar após remissão dos sinais clínicos.(AU)
Haematuria is a serious clinical manifestation of urinary system disease, occurring in micro or macroscopic forms. In this article two cases of macroscopic haematuria associated with Leptospira interrogans serogroup Canicolainfection are related. The initial clinical examination revealed macroscopic haematuria, tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, increased capillary perfusion time, intestinal hypomotility, in addition to jaundice of the oral mucosa. Leukocytosis, proteinuria, glycosuria, pyuria and azotemia were common findings in both cases. Microscopic serum agglutination test was performed for titration of antibodies against Leptospira interrogans. Treatment included supportive therapeutic measures (fluid therapy), hematuria control and antibiotic therapy. Seven days after the manifestation of the initial clinical signs, both animals were discharged from the hospital without complications.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Hematúria/diagnóstico , Leptospira interrogans/patogenicidade , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Creatinina , IcteríciaResumo
The seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. and infection risk factors were investigated in horses from a military contingent in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A total of 446 horses were evaluated and categorized into 309 mares, 11 stallions, and 126 horses with an average age of three years. To determine seroprevalence, serum samples from all horses were submitted to the microscopic agglutination test against 12 serovars belonging to nine serogroups, usually circulating in equine populations. To investigate the possible risk factors of infection by Leptospira spp., questionnaires were applied in that military unit. The seroprevalence in the horses with an average age of 3 years, mares, and stallions were 57.94% (73/126), 54.05% (165/309), and 45.45% (5/11), respectively. The main risk factors identified were contact with different water sources, the presence of rodents, and contact with wild and domestic animals. The high seroprevalence of antiLeptospira spp. antibodies may be associated with the presence of these risk factors. Therefore, the exposure of horses to possible reservoirs of Leptospira spp. should be minimized. Also, the immunoprophylaxis protocol should be reviewed and a shorter interval between vaccinations adopted to control leptospirosis in this herd.(AU)
A soroprevalência de Leptospira spp. e os fatores de risco para infecção foram investigados em cavalos de um contingente militar no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Um total de 446 cavalos foram avaliados e categorizados em 309 éguas, 11 garanhões e 126 cavalos com idade média de três anos. Para determinação da soroprevalência, amostras de soro de todos os equinos foram submetidas ao teste de aglutinação microscópica contra 12 sorovares pertencentes a nove sorogrupos, normalmente circulantes em populações equinas. Para investigar os possíveis fatores de risco da infecção por Leptospira spp., foi aplicado um questionário naquela unidade militar. A soroprevalência nos cavalos com idade média de três anos, éguas e garanhões foi de 57,94% (73/126), 54,05% (165/309) e 45,45% (5/11), respectivamente. Os principais fatores de risco identificados foram o contato com diferentes fontes de água, a presença de roedores e o contato com animais silvestres e domésticos. A alta soroprevalência de anticorpos antiLeptospira spp. pode estar associada à presença desses fatores de risco. Portanto, a exposição destes equinos aos possíveis reservatórios de Leptospira spp. deve ser minimizada. Além disso, o protocolo de imunoprofilaxia deve ser revisto e, possivelmente, um menor intervalo entre as vacinas deve ser adotado para o controle da leptospirose neste plantel.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Fatores de Risco , Cavalos/virologia , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Testes Sorológicos , AbortoResumo
Hematúria é uma grave manifestação clínica de doença do sistema urinário, ocorrendo sob as formas micro ou macroscópica. Neste artigo relatam-se dois casos de hematúria macroscópica associada à infecção por Leptospira interrogans sorogrupo Canicola. O exame clínico inicial revelou hematúria macroscópica, taquicardia, taquipneia, febre, elevação do tempo de perfusão capilar, hipomotilidade intestinal, além de icterícia da mucosa oral. Leucocitose, proteinúria, glicosúria, piúria e azotemia foram achados comuns aos dois casos. Teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica foi realizado para titulação de anticorpos contra Leptospira interrogans. Tratamento incluiu medidas terapêuticas de suporte (fluidoterapia), controle da hematúria e antibioticoterapia. Sete dias após manifestação dos sinais clínicos iniciais, ambos animais receberam alta hospitalar após remissão dos sinais clínicos.
Haematuria is a serious clinical manifestation of urinary system disease, occurring in micro or macroscopic forms. In this article two cases of macroscopic haematuria associated with Leptospira interrogans serogroup Canicolainfection are related. The initial clinical examination revealed macroscopic haematuria, tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, increased capillary perfusion time, intestinal hypomotility, in addition to jaundice of the oral mucosa. Leukocytosis, proteinuria, glycosuria, pyuria and azotemia were common findings in both cases. Microscopic serum agglutination test was performed for titration of antibodies against Leptospira interrogans. Treatment included supportive therapeutic measures (fluid therapy), hematuria control and antibiotic therapy. Seven days after the manifestation of the initial clinical signs, both animals were discharged from the hospital without complications.