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Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-75322E, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447891


The aim was to evaluate the effect of replacing ground corn with spineless cactus from two species Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) and Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) in a total mixed ration for finishing lambs evaluating its effects on intake, ingestive behavior, performance, carcass traits, commercial cuts and physiochemical composition of the meat. Eighteen crossbred lambs with average body weight of 15.0 ± 2.32 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments (OEM and Gigante spineless cactus and ground corn as control treatment) and six replications. Spineless cactus species replacing ground corn in lambs diets does not change the intake of dry matter (DMI), crude protein and neutral detergent fiber or time (min/d) of ingestion, rumination and idleness, or final body weight gain. Lambs fed with ground corn and "Gigante" cactus presented a higher total weigh gain (TWG) and average daily weight gain (ADG) when compared to OEM spineless specie. Ground corn diet promoted better hot and cold carcass yield in lambs receiving spineless cactus, regardless of species. Feed and total costs (kg/lamb) were higher for the ground corn diet. The replacement of ground corn with spineless cactus did not change moisture, protein, and ash meat contents, as well as water holding capacity, cooking loss, shear force, and a* color intensity. However, there was an effect for the meat lipid content, b* and L* color intensity and color index, where the species of cactus Gigante on ground corn presented the highest lipid content and yellowness (b*) intensity and lower L* color compared to OEM. Spineless cactus species Gigante can replace ground corn as a source of energy in diets for finishing lambs because it significantly improves the financial income for the producer without changing the ADG, DMI, ingestive behavior and yield of commercial cuts.

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho moído por duas espécies de palma forrageira, Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) e espécie Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) em uma ração completa para terminação de cordeiros avaliando seus efeitos sobre consumo, comportamento ingestivo, desempenho, características de carcaça, cortes comerciais e composição físico-química da carne. Foram utilizados dezoito cordeiros sem padrão racial definido com peso corporal médio de 15,0 ± 2,32 kg e foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (OEM e palma Gigante e grão de milho como controle) e seis repetições. As duas espécies de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros não modificaram o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro nem o tempo (min/dia) de ingestão, ruminação e ócio ou ganho corporal final. Cordeiros alimentados com milho moído e palma Gigante apresentaram maior ganho de peso total (GPT) e médio diário (GMD) em relação à espécie OEM. A dieta com milho moído promoveu melhor rendimento de carcaça quente e fria comparando cordeiros recebendo palma forrageira, independente da espécie. Os custos com ração e total (kg/cordeiro) foram maiores para a dieta com milho moído. A substituição do milho moído pela palma forrageira não alterou os teores de umidade, proteína e cinzas da carne, bem como a capacidade de retenção de água, perda por cozimento, força de cisalhamento e intensidade de cor a*. No entanto, houve efeito para o teor de lipídios da carne, índice de intensidade de cor b* e L*, sendo que a espécie de palma Gigante e o milho grão moído apresentou o maior teor de lipídios e intensidade de amarelo (b*) e menor cor L* em relação ao OEM. A espécie palma forrageira Gigante pode substituir o milho moído como fonte de energia em dietas para cordeiros em terminação, pois melhora significativamente o rendimento financeiro do produtor sem alterar o GMD, CMS, comportamento ingestivo e rendimento dos cortes comerciais.

Animais , Ovinos , Zea mays , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57783, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396815


There have been determined the features of m. longissimus lumborum steaks from young cattle-for-fattening of Holstein-Friesian breed, Polish black-and-white variety. There were measured pH values, basic chemical composition and colour parameters. The meat was subjected to moist-ageing for 12 days and, next, stored in modified atmosphere for the following 10 days. The amount of heat loss in relation to the temperature of thermal processing was determined. Texture parameters were studied instrumentally and organoleptically. The studied muscles from young cattle-for-fattening characterised with proper and similar pH values. The average fat content was 4.37%. The surface colour of the studied dorsal muscle was relatively bright, the average value L*=37.97, and on the cross-section L*=32.97. The average value of the muscle surface's 'redness' was a*=18.98, whereas cross-section's a*=20.27. The amounts of heat leakages were rising along with the increase of temperature from 11.24 to 37.14%. Ageing and storing in MAP led to a significant decrease in the amounts of heat leakages. Ageing and storing in MAP had a significant influence on decreasing shear force and on increasing the organoleptic evaluation marks of the m. longissimus lumborum after thermal processing, which shows that the muscle may become culinary meat with features accepted by consumers.(AU)

Animais , Controle de Qualidade , Bovinos , Carne/análise , Sensação , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20220110, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444259


The aim of this study was to investigate uterine involution using ultrasonography techniques during postpartum. Postpartum ultrasonography evaluation (B-mode, color Doppler and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse elastography) of the uterus was performed by transabdominal approach at immediate after birth and sequentially every 48 hours, during 30 days. The uterine echotexture did not present significant variations (P >0.05) being homogeneous in most evaluations; echogenicity of the uterus increased along the evaluation period (P =0.0452). Progressive and remarkable decrease of the total uterine diameter (UD) were observed (P <0.0001), especially during the first days postpartum. The thickness of uterine wall gradually decreased, as well the endometrial, myometrium and lumen diameters (P <0.0001). Uterine blood flow was assessed by Doppler and decreased during postpartum period, being significantly lower (P=0.0225) on the 30th day of postpartum. Uterine parenchyma presented as homogeneous dark areas (not deformable) on qualitative ultrasound elastography and the means shear velocity values of the uterine wall on quantitative elastography did not differ. This is the first study that evaluate the stiffness of uterine wall in healthy ewes, providing baseline data about quantitative and qualitative stiffness of the normal uterus, and it may be a useful tool for early diagnosis of uterine alterations during the postpartum period, using the reference parameter established for the assessment of uterine integrity during postpartum period.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Útero/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Período Pós-Parto/fisiologia , Rigidez Muscular/veterinária
Sci. agric. ; 79(2)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762541


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the quality traits and fatty acid profile of beef from Nellore and Angus bulls fed whole shelled corn (WSC) and ground corn plus maize silage (GC) diets. Eighteen Nellore and 18 Angus young bulls [381 ± 12 kg initial body weight (BW) and an average age of 20 ± 1.9 months] were used in a completely randomized design using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and were slaughtered at a final BW of 451.5 kg and 545.5 kg, respectively. Twentyfour hours after slaughter, samples of longissimus thoracis muscle were collected for the analysis of lipid oxidation, color, fatty acid profile, shear force, and cooking loss. There was no effect of diet × breed interaction on meat color, lipid oxidation, shear force, and cooking loss. Angus beef had lower shear force (p 0.05) than Nellore beef and had a greater concentration of linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (p 0.01). Beef of bulls fed WSC tended to have greater concentration of CLA C18:2c9t11 (p = 0.09), greater concentration of CLA C18:2t10c12 (p = 0.01), and PUFA (p = 0.05), and consequently, higher oxidation levels. Angus bulls produced beef with greater tenderness and PUFA concentration. The results of fatty acid show a possible change in biohydrogenation when animals are fed the WSC diet, reducing lipogenesis, as this diet increases the C18:2t10c12 content.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54682, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370433


The physicochemical characteristics of the meat from lambs fed diets containing whole or disintegrated cottonseed, associated or not with calcium lignosulfonate (LignoCaSO3), were evaluated. Thirty non-castrated Dorper x Santa Inês lambs, with an average of 24.9 ± 3.6 kg and four months of age were confined for 60 days in collective stalls and distributed in a completely randomized design with six replications. After slaughter, by means of contrasts, the averages of the parameters of the semimembranous and semitendinosus muscles were analyzed. The cottonseed increased cooking loss and ash, and reduced muscle weight, water holding capacity and red intensity. The disintegration of the cottonseed reduced the shear force in diets without LignoCaSO3, increased the protein and the loss by cooking and reduced the pH in the diets with the additive. The luminosity values increased with the disintegration of the cottonseed in diets with and without LignoCaSO3. The addition of LignoCaSO3increased the weight of the muscle, protein, ash, pH, shear strength and the intensity of red. Moisture, lipids and yellow intensity were not influenced by the diets. Even changing the physical-chemical characteristics, the cottonseed with or without LignoCaSO3does not change the quality of the meat.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Carne
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e2122402021, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370104


Uma vez que o sistema calpaína é central para o amaciamento da carne e dada a importância da atividade de calpastatina na determinação da maciez de bifes de bovinos Bos taurus indicus, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se a expressão do gene de µ-calpaína (CAPN1), calpastatina total (CAST T), e suas variantes (CAST I e II) foi induzido pela inclusão de vitamina D3 na dieta. Os animais receberam nenhuma ou 2 × 106 UI dose de vitamina D3 por 2 ou 8 dias antes do abate, e foram submetidos a diferentes condições durante o confinamento: exposição solar ou sombreamento artificial. Bifes do Longissimus lumborum foram fabricados e submetidos a maturação por 1, 7, e 21 dias post-mortem e posteriormente usados para determinação da força de cisalhamento e do índice de fragmentação miofibrilar. Vitamina D3 não influenciou a abundância de RNAm, exceto para maior abundância de transcritos de CAST II em animais que foram suplementados por 8 dias antes do abate. Foi encontrada associação negativa entre a abundância de CAST II e a força de cisalhamento. Essa contradição revela uma importante modulação da expressão do sistema calpaína resultado da suplementação com vitamina D que pode ser importante na determinação de estratégias para melhorar a maciez da carne.(AU)

The calpain system is the central player for meat tenderization and the calpastatin activity plays an important role in beef tenderness of Bos taurus indicus cattle. This study investigated whether dietary vitamin D3 induced gene expression of µ-calpain (CAPN1), total calpastatin (CAST T), and their variants (CAST I and II). Animals received none or 2 × 106 IU of vitamin D3 for either 2 or 8 days before slaughter and were submitted to different conditions during feedlot: sun exposure or artificial shade. Steaks from Longissimus lumborum were fabricated, aged for 1, 7, and 21 days post-mortem, and later used for the analyses of shear force and the myofibrillar fragmentation index. Vitamin D3 did not influence mRNA abundance; however, it induced a greater CAST II transcript in animals supplemented 8 days before slaughter. There was a negative association between CAST II abundance and the shear force, which revealed an important modulation of the calpain system expression due to vitamin D supplementation. This result is an important tool for strategies to improve beef tenderness.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Cálcio da Dieta , Expressão Gênica , Carne , Vitamina D
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(1): eRBCA-2020-1440, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363506


The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of chitosan edible coating applications on the sensory, physicochemical, and bacterial load on chicken during thawing. Edible coatings prepared with 0.5 &1% chitosan in acetic acid (0.5%), was used as thawing solution. The frozen chicken was submerged for 2 hrs in tap water as control, 0.5 &1% chitosan treatments. Chitosan 1% coating improves tenderness and in turn overall acceptability scores. The result of shear force analysis emphasized the tenderness sensory scores of cooked broilers. Application of chitosan coat reduces pH value, APC, Psychrotrophic count, with significant (p<0.05) reduction in thawed broilers with 1% chitosan coat. Therefore, commercial chitosan can be applied in water thawing of frozen broiler to improve the quality characteristics economically. The results demonstrate that the application of chitosan can be an effective method for reducing contamination in chicken meat during thawing.(AU)

Animais , Água , Galinhas , Quitosana , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Carne
Sci. agric ; 79(02): 1-8, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1498026


This study aimed to evaluate the quality traits and fatty acid profile of beef from Nellore and Angus bulls fed whole shelled corn (WSC) and ground corn plus maize silage (GC) diets. Eighteen Nellore and 18 Angus young bulls [381 ± 12 kg initial body weight (BW) and an average age of 20 ± 1.9 months] were used in a completely randomized design using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and were slaughtered at a final BW of 451.5 kg and 545.5 kg, respectively. Twenty–four hours after slaughter, samples of longissimus thoracis muscle were collected for the analysis of lipid oxidation, color, fatty acid profile, shear force, and cooking loss. There was no effect of diet × breed interaction on meat color, lipid oxidation, shear force, and cooking loss. Angus beef had lower shear force (p < 0.05) than Nellore beef and had a greater concentration of linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (p < 0.01). Beef of bulls fed WSC tended to have greater concentration of CLA C18:2c9t11 (p = 0.09), greater concentration of CLA C18:2t10c12 (p = 0.01), and PUFA (p = 0.05), and consequently, higher oxidation levels. Angus bulls produced beef with greater tenderness and PUFA concentration. The results of fatty acid show a possible change in biohydrogenation when animals are fed the WSC diet, reducing lipogenesis, as this diet increases the C18:2t10c12 content.

Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Carne Vermelha/análise , Dieta/veterinária , Zea mays , Ácidos Graxos
Sci. agric ; 79(2): e20200273, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290188


This study aimed to evaluate the quality traits and fatty acid profile of beef from Nellore and Angus bulls fed whole shelled corn (WSC) and ground corn plus maize silage (GC) diets. Eighteen Nellore and 18 Angus young bulls [381 ± 12 kg initial body weight (BW) and an average age of 20 ± 1.9 months] were used in a completely randomized design using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and were slaughtered at a final BW of 451.5 kg and 545.5 kg, respectively. Twenty­four hours after slaughter, samples of longissimus thoracis muscle were collected for the analysis of lipid oxidation, color, fatty acid profile, shear force, and cooking loss. There was no effect of diet × breed interaction on meat color, lipid oxidation, shear force, and cooking loss. Angus beef had lower shear force (p < 0.05) than Nellore beef and had a greater concentration of linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (p < 0.01). Beef of bulls fed WSC tended to have greater concentration of CLA C18:2c9t11 (p = 0.09), greater concentration of CLA C18:2t10c12 (p = 0.01), and PUFA (p = 0.05), and consequently, higher oxidation levels. Angus bulls produced beef with greater tenderness and PUFA concentration. The results of fatty acid show a possible change in biohydrogenation when animals are fed the WSC diet, reducing lipogenesis, as this diet increases the C18:2t10c12 content.

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Zea mays , Ácidos Linoleicos Conjugados/isolamento & purificação , Dieta/veterinária , Ácidos Graxos Insaturados/isolamento & purificação , Carne Vermelha/análise , Bovinos , Ração Animal
Sci. agric ; 79(3): e20200340, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290198


Bos taurus indicus temperament is variable and affects beef tenderization. Our objective was to investigate temperament and performance of non­castrated Nellore and identify groups based on Longissimus lumborum (LL) pH decline as well as beef characteristics produced by those groups. We investigated 94 animals with a subset of carcasses (n = 24) selected based on LL pH at 24 h postmortem (pm) to represent two groups: resistant to pH decline (> 5.8 called pH­Res; n = 10) and normal (< 5.7 called pH­Nor; n = 14). Steaks were fabricated from the LL muscle and randomly assigned to aging (2, 7, 14, and 21 days). Sarcomere length, cooking loss, myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI), and Warner­Bratzler shear force (WBSF) were determined. Data on temperament were investigated in a multivariate approach, while beef data were compared between groups using the analysis of variance. Rectal temperature at the beginning of the finishing phase and total weight gain were greater and related to animals in the pH­Res group (p < 0.01 and p = 0.03, respectively). Temperature and pH decline curves, sarcomere length, and cooking loss revealed that pH­Res produced beef with lower quality compared to the pH­Nor group. Results for MFI and WBSF did not show differences between groups within each time pm; however, overall steaks from pH­Res were tougher (p = 0.06). Incidence of LL pH between 5.8 and 5.9 at 24 h pm did not compromise the tenderization rate or extension; however, it affected the water holding capacity in this population of Nellore cattle.(AU)

Temperamento/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne Vermelha/análise , Análise Multivariada , Análise de Variância , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54237, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366549


The study investigated meat quality of bulls fed concentrate feeds and hay. The treatments were hay ad libitum + dried cafeteria leftover 4 kg DM d-1(D1); hay ad libitum+ wheat bran 4 kg DM d-1(D2); hay ad libitum+ 4 maize grain 4 kg DM d-1(D3); hay ad libitum+ mix 4 kg DM d-1(1:1, wheat bran to maize grain, respectively (D4)); hay ad libitum+ scrambled whole groundnut 4 kg DM d-1(D5); and hay ad libitum+ mix of each ingredient 4 kg DM d-1(D6)). Samples from longissimus lumborum muscle were taken in triplicate. Beef from bulls fed D5 had highest (p < 0.05) protein and fat than those fed other treatments. However, bulls finished in D3 had similar fat to those fed with whole ground nut. Highest meat tenderness (p < 0.05) recorded at 24thfollowed by 16thd than those aged on other periods. Beef from D6 produced lean meat, which is acceptable to consumer and market demand than D3, produced carcass with highest fat coverage This study confirmed that meat from D6 had an acceptable quality attribute suggesting the breed could serve as a potential source in red meat industry.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Fibras na Dieta , Ração Animal/análise , Carne
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(4): e20210395, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339691


Different chilling treatments are used before meat storage. The effect of spray chilling (SC) on meat quality appears to vary. Here, we investigated the effects of SC on beef carcass weight loss and meat quality during subsequent storage. The 2-h SC program tested involved 180-s initial spraying, followed by 60-s spray cycles at 540-s intervals. Deboned chuck tender (IMPS 116B) beef cuts were vacuum-packaged and stored for up to 60 d. Purge and cooking losses, Warner-Bratzler shear force, meat colour [CIE L*, a*, b*], and microbiological quality were evaluated. SC reduced carcass weight loss (P<0.001) compared with conventional chilling. However, storage time affected the purge and cooking losses, and Warner-Bratzler shear force. CIE a* and b* values increased (P<0.05) after 30-d aging in both chilling treatments. Pronounced psychrotrophic growth was observed during storage after both treatments. In conclusion, SC can be used to reduce the economic losses associated with meat chilling, without affecting meat quality attributes.

Diferentes tratamentos de resfriamento são utilizados antes da estocagem das carnes. O efeito da aspersão de carcaças (SC) na qualidade da carne parece variar. Neste estudo, investigou-se os efeitos da aspersão de carcaças bovinas na perda de peso e na qualidade da carne durante subsequente estocagem. O programa de aspersão testado foi de um tempo total de 2 h, com uma aspersão inicial de 180 s, seguida por ciclos de aspersão de 60 s em intervalos de 540 s. Os cortes comerciais desossados "Peixinho" (IMPS 116B) foram embalados a vácuo e estocados por até 60 dias. Foram avaliadas as perdas por exsudação e cozimento, força de cisalhamento por Warner-Bratzler, cor da carne (CIE L*, a*, b*) e qualidade microbiológica. SC reduziu a perda de peso da carcaça (P < 0,001) em comparação com o resfriamento convencional. No entanto, o tempo de estocagem influenciou a perda por exsudação, por cozimento e força de cisalhamento. Os valores de CIE a* e b* aumentaram (P < 0,05) após 30 dias de maturação em ambos os tratamentos de resfriamento. O crescimento pronunciado de psicrotróficos foi observado durante a estocagem em ambos os tratamentos. Em conclusão, o SC pode ser usado para reduzir as perdas econômicas associadas ao resfriamento da carne, sem afetar os atributos de qualidade da carne.

Animais , Bovinos , Fenômenos Químicos , Carne Vermelha/microbiologia , Alimentos Congelados/microbiologia , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e Serviços
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1573, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382117


The effect of including partially dehulled sunflower seeds in the diet of grazing chickens in meat quality was evaluated. Two hundred and forty, one-day-old, Ross 308 chickens were used, randomly distributed into four treatments with six replicates of 10 birds each. Seventy-two birds were slaughtered at seven weeks of age, 18 per treatment, extracting the Pectoralis major muscle to analyze meat quality. The treatments were completely randomized in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, where type of rearing (confinement or grazing) and diet (base diet or base diet substituting 10% soybean meal for partially dehulled sunflower seeds) were the independent variables. The grazing chickens spent 8 hours a day in a white clover (Trifolium repens) paddock. Including sunflower seeds improved (p<0.05) the color and crude protein (CP) in breast meat (p<0.05), while grazing increased (p<0.05) CP, dry mater (DM), and shear force (SF), and the percentage of breast fat decreased (p<0.05) by up to 50%. Additionally, grazing increased (p<0.05) saturated fatty acids (SFA) and reduced (p<0.05) lipid oxidation by up to 50%. Partially replacing soybean meal with partially dehulled sunflower seeds in the diet of grazing chickens with white clover improves the physicochemical characteristics and nutritional quality of the breast meat; it also decreases lipid oxidation, extending the shelf life of the meat.(AU)

Animais , Sementes , Helianthus , Carne/análise , Pastagens , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(11): e20210444, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375138


This study assessed whether the meat tenderness of broilers raised in a free-range system varies by sex, lineage, and age at the time of slaughter. Physicochemical parameters were measured to adequately assess breast and thigh muscle morphometry, including shear force (SF), muscle fibre diameter (MD), histological connective tissue (HCT) content, and total and soluble collagen contents (TCC and SCC, respectively). The experiment was conducted with a completely randomized design using two lineages (Pescoço Pelado and Paraíso Pedrês), with specimens of both sexes raised in a free-range system. Randomly selected broilers were slaughtered at 65, 75, 85, and 95 days old. A total of 192 birds were analysed. SF values correlated positively with age. The highest SF values were measured in thighs of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. Age also showed a positive correlation with MD and HCT content of the breast regardless of lineage. Gender did not have any significant correlation with physical parameters; although, higher values were measured in thighs of the Paraíso Pedrês than in those of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. There were no significant differences among treatments regarding the SCC and TCC of thighs and breasts. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed relationships between SF and the rest of the measured attributes. PCA showed that age was positively correlated with the SF, MD, and HCT content of thighs and breasts. In contrast, SCC and TCC had negative correlations. The greatest breast and thigh MD values were associated with the least tender meat. Thus, age at the time of slaughter proved to be the most significant parameter impacting the physical characteristics of muscle morphometry and meat tenderness of breasts and thighs of broilers raised in a free-range system.

Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os fatores relacionados a maciez da carne de frangos criados em sistema alternativo. Para o experimento foi avaliado a força de cisalhamento, diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa, conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo através de histologia e teor de colágeno solúvel e total. O experimento foi executado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com uso de duas linhagens (Pescoço Pelado e Paraíso Pedrês) de ambos os sexos (macho e fêmea) e abatidos em quatro idades (65, 75, 85 e 95 dias), criados em sistema alternativo, sendo utilizado um total de 192 aves. Para força de cisalhamento (FC), ocorreu aumento nos valores em ambos os cortes em função da idade de abate e houve interação entre linhagem e sexo, com as maiores médias para os machos da linhagem Pescoço Pelado e diferença entre sexo para Paraíso Pedrês. A idade de abate influenciou o diâmetro das fibras musculares e o conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo do peito e da coxa, havendo aumento linear destes parâmetros em função da idade ao abate. O sexo não afetou o diâmetro das fibras musculares da coxa, enquanto na linhagem Paraíso Pedrês foram verificadas maiores médias em relação à Pescoço Pelado. A análise de componentes principais demonstrou a relação entre a força de cisalhamento e as demais variáveis analisadas. Assim, o aumento do diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa também está relacionado à redução da maciez da carne de frangos caipiras, conjuntamente com o aumento da quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, teor de colágeno total e redução de sua solubilidade.

Colágeno/análise , Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas , Tecido Conjuntivo , Carne/análise , Galinhas
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e202100082022, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1388038


Beef composition are directly influenced by the dietary fat, particularly in ruminants, due to rumen biohydrogenation, which promotes alterations in the dietary fatty acid (FA) profile and affects the meat quality. Beef sensorial, chemical, and FA compositions of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat were evaluated, from 40 Nellore males finished on feedlot diet based, containing cottonseed (CSB) and soybean by-product (SOB) as agro-industrial by-product fat sources. CSB as a fat source, did not alter the beef pH, shear force, chemical composition, or subcutaneous FA profile compared with the SOB diet. Differences were observed at yellow and red beef color, with low and high CSB diet inclusion; on the contrary, inclusion of SOB in the diet led to an intensely unpleasant aroma in aged and cooked meats. Regarding beef FA profile, CSB with 3% dietary fat produced steaks with a lower proportion of C 17:0 , having 1.359 and 3.238 g/100 g of intramuscular FA, whereas CSB with 5% dietary fat led to an increase in C 18:2 n -6 , with 0.298 and 0.132 g/100 g of intramuscular FA in steaks from animals fed with CSB and SOB, respectively. CSB produced more intense red beef color, unpleasant aroma, and higher linoleic acid content; however, the color and aroma of the meat produced from cattle fed with CSB in the diet were less intense and were like those observed in cattle fed with SOB; these could therefore be recommended for use as agro-industrial by-products in beef cattle diet.(AU)

A composição da carne bovina é influenciada diretamente pela gordura da dieta, principalmente em ruminantes, devido à biohidrogenação ruminal, que promove alterações no perfil de ácidos graxos dietéticos e afeta a qualidade da carne. Foram avaliadas às composições sensoriais, químicas e de ácido graxo da carne, da gordura intramuscular e subcutânea, de 40 machos Nelore terminados em dieta de confinamento contendo caroço de algodão (CSB) e subproduto de soja (SOB) como fontes de gordura de subprodutos agroindustriais. CSB, não alterou o pH da carne, força de cisalhamento, composição química ou perfil de ácido graxo subcutâneo em comparação com a dieta SOB. Diferenças foram observadas na cor amarela e vermelha da carne bovina, com baixa e alta inclusão de CSB na dieta; a inclusão de SOB na dieta levou a um aroma intensamente desagradável em carnes envelhecidas e cozidas. Em relação ao perfil de ácido graxo da carne bovina, CSB com 3% de gordura dietética produziu bifes com menor proporção de C 17: 0 , tendo 1.359 e 3.238 g / 100 g de ácido graxo intramuscular, enquanto CSB com 5% de gordura dietética levou a um aumento de C 18: 2n- 6 , com 0,298 e 0,132 g / 100 g de ácido graxo intramuscular em bifes de animais alimentados com CSB e SOB, respectivamente. CSB produziu cor vermelha bovina mais intensa, aroma desagradável e maior teor de ácido linoléico; entretanto, a cor e o aroma da carne produzida em bovinos alimentados com CSB na dieta foram menos intensos e semelhantes aos observados em bovinos alimentados com SOB; estes poderiam, portanto, ser recomendados para uso como subprodutos agroindustriais na dieta de bovinos de corte.(AU)

Animais , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Glycine max , Bovinos/metabolismo , Gossypium/efeitos adversos , Ácidos Graxos/efeitos adversos
Acta amaz ; 52(3): 189-198, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392765


Cassava by-products are abundant and largely unused in familiy agro-industries in the Amazon region, where slow-growing broilers are commonly raised. Thus the incorporation of cassava by-products in broiler feed may provide starch enrichment for better zootechnical performance. We evaluated the use of cassava residues instead of corn in the diet of slow-growing broilers. We determined the chemical composition of cassava scrapings (CS) and cassava starch residue (CSR), and tested the digestibility of the residues in 192 broilers and three treatments: inclusion of 30 g kg-1 CS or CSR and a control without residue, with eight replicates of eight broilers each. Digestibility was assessed through collection of total excreta from 19 to 22 days of age. Apparent and corrected metabolizable energy, and apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein and crude energy were significantly higher for CSR than CS. Therefore, only CSR was used in a performance experiment using 324 broilers 30 to 90 days old, distributed in four treatments (0; 6.8; 13.4 and 20 g kg-1 CSR in feed) with nine replicates of nine broilers each. There was no significant difference among treatments in weight gain, feed intake, yield of carcass, breast and viscera, meat color, luminosity, pH, shear force, cooking-weight loss and drip loss. As there was a significant reduction in feed conversion and thigh and drumstick yield for 20 g kg-1, we suggest the incorporation of CSR up to 13.4 g kg-1.(AU)

Subprodutos da mandioca são abundantes e pouco utilizados nas agroindústrias familiares na Amazônia, onde é comum a criação de frangos de corte de crescimento lento. Portanto, a incorporação de subprodutos de mandioca na alimentação destes frangos pode proporcionar enriquecimento de amido para melhor desempenho zootécnico. Avaliamos a utilização de resíduos da mandioca na alimentação de frangos de crescimento lento em substituição ao milho. Determinamos a composição química da raspa de mandioca (RM) e do resíduo de amido de mandioca (RAM), e testamos a digestibilidade dos resíduos utilizando 192 frangos e três tratamentos: inclusão de 30 g kg-1 RM ou RAM e um controle sem mandioca, com oito repetições de oito frangos cada. Digestibilidade foi determinada por coleta de excretas totais dos 19 aos 22 dias de idade. Energia metabolizável aparente e corrigida e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta foram significativamente maiores para RAM que RM. Assim, apenas RAM foi usado em um experimento de desempenho com 324 frangos de 30 a 90 dias de idade e quatro tratamentos (0; 6,8; 13,4 e 20 g kg-1 RAM na ração), com nove repetições de nove frangos cada. Os tratamentos não diferiram significativamente em ganho de peso, consumo de ração, rendimento de carcaça, peito e vísceras, cor da carne, luminosidade, pH, força de cisalhamento, e perda de peso por cozimento e gotejamento. Como houve redução significativa na conversão alimentar e no rendimento de coxa e sobrecoxa com 20 g kg-1, sugerimos o uso de RAM até 13,4 g kg -1.(AU)

Animais , Manihot/química , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Digestão/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(1): 17-27, Janeiro-Março 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378025


O objetivo desta revisão foi descrever as principais técnicas de avaliação e achados ultrassonográficos da próstata canina. A ultrassonografia é o método de escolha para avaliação da glândula prostática, sendo imprescindível como auxílio no diagnóstico na detecção de anormalidades, principalmente quando há suspeita da presença de tumores. Com inovação dos equipamentos, surgiram técnicas complementares à ultrassonografia modo Bidimensional (B), tais como Doppler, ultrassonografia contrastada e elastografia, que aumentam a acurácia diagnóstica. O Doppler fornece informações sobre arquitetura vascular e aspectos hemodinâmicos dos vasos sanguíneos. A ultrassonografia contrastada permite determinar parâmetros relacionados à perfusão sanguínea das estruturas pelos agentes de contraste (ex.: microbolhas), definindo, portanto, padrões de alta e baixa intensidade da arquitetura vascular. A elastografia proporciona a avaliação da rigidez tecidual tanto de forma qualitativa, por meio de elastogramas, quanto quantitativa, por meio das velocidades de cisalhamento. Espera-se que esta revisão possa contribuir com informações relevantes aos leitores e veterinários da área de ultrassonografia e reprodução animal.(AU)

The purpose of this review was to describe the main assessment techniques and ultrasound findings of the canine prostate. Ultrasonography is the method of choice for assessing the prostate gland, being essential as an aid in the diagnosis in the detection of abnormalities, especially when the presence of tumors is suspected. With the innovation of the equipment, complementary techniques to B-mode ultrasonography have emerged, such as Doppler, contrasted ultrasound and elastography, which increase the diagnostic accuracy. Doppler provides information on vascular architecture and hemodynamic aspects of blood vessels. Contrast ultrasonography allows to determine parameters related to the blood perfusion of structures by contrast agents (eg, microbubbles), thus defining high and low intensity patterns of vascular architecture. ARFI elastography provides assessment of tissue stiffness both qualitatively, using elastograms, and quantitative, using shear speeds. It is hoped that this review can contribute with relevant information to readers and veterinarians in the area of asound and animal reproduction.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Ultrassonografia Doppler/métodos , Equipamentos para Diagnóstico/veterinária , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/métodos , Vasos Sanguíneos/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste/efeitos adversos , Microbolhas/veterinária , Imagem de Perfusão/veterinária , Rigidez Vascular/fisiologia
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3): 1175-1188, mai.-jun. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371206


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aging on meat quality of crossbred heifers. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of carcasses and meat of 148 crossbred heifers with an average age of 13 months and 407.5 ± 29.22 kg body weight at slaughter were performed. After cooling for 24 h, the carcasses were evaluated for hot carcass weight, pH, conformation, physiological maturity, finishing, fat distribution, and length. Characteristics, such as pH, color, marbling, exudation, as well as cooking losses, percentage of ether extract, and shear force were evaluated in meat at time zero and after seven days of aging. The carcasses displayed satisfactory results for parameters such as pH at 24 h of cooling (pH24), finishing, distribution of fat, and subcutaneous fat thickness (5.58, 3.27, 2.40, and 6.62 mm, respectively). The meat had a low marbling score (5.08) and percentage of ether extract (1.71), indicating that the meat was relatively lean. Exudation and cooking losses showed similar results at zero and seven days of aging. The meat subjected to seven days of aging showed higher lightness and hue (40.98 and 0.77, respectively) and tenderness of 5.25 kg. These results indicated that aging affected meat color and shear force parameters; the meat of cross-heifers was softer but less red after maturation.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da maturação na qualidade da carne de novilhas mestiças. Foram realizadas avalações quali-quantitativas de carcaças e carne de 148 novilhas mestiças com idade média de 13 meses e 407,5 ± 29,22 kg de peso corporal ao abate. Após resfriamento por 24 horas, as carcaças foram avaliadas quanto ao peso da carcaça quente, pH, conformação, maturidade fisiológica, acabamento, distribuição de gordura e comprimento. Características como pH, cor, marmoreio, perdas por exsudação, assim como perdas por cocção, porcentagem de extrato etéreo e força de cisalhamento foram avaliadas na carne no tempo zero e após sete dias de maturação. As carcaças apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para parâmetros com pH em 24 horas de resfriamento (pH24), acabamento, distribuição de gordura e espessura de gordura subcutânea (5,58, 3,27, 2,40 e 6,62 mm, respectivamente). A carne apresentou baixo índice de marmoreio (5,08) e porcentagem de extrato etéreo (1,71), indicando que a carne era relativamente magra. As perdas por exsudação e cozimento apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos zero e sete dias de maturação. A carne submetida a sete dias de maturação apresentou maior luminosidade e hue (40,98 e 0,77, respectivamente) e maciez de 5,25 kg. Esses resultados indicaram que a maturação afetou os parâmetros de cor da carne e a força de cisalhamento; a carne das novilhas cruzadas ficou mais macia, mas menos vermelha após a maturação.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Peso Corporal , Carne , Bovinos , Resistência ao Cisalhamento , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
Ci. Rural ; 51(2)2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763450


The present study aims to develop Nile tilapia hamburger with incorporation of whey, collagen from chicken feet and taro flour. A complete factorial design 2³ was performed to investigate the influence of the variables on weight loss, shrinkage, color and shear force, that were used to propose mathematical models. Proximate composition, microbiological characteristics and sensory properties were also evaluated. Factors such as taro flour and whey were significant and contributed to a higher yield for fish burgers, with negative effects on shrinkage and weight loss. The fishburgers had a soft texture, although collagen and its interaction with taro flour contributed to the increase in shear force. The factors had influence only on the b* value with yellowish hue. The protein and ash values obtained were higher than those of the control formulation. The sensory characteristics of the hamburgers were not affected by the factors, being all classified with high acceptability. The formulation represented by the central point (F9) containing 3.0% of taro flour, 0.5% chicken feet collagen and 3.0% powdered whey, obtained greater purchase intention. Therefore, the addition of taro flour, collagen from chicken feet and whey is an alternative in the use of industrial by-products to add value to fish burgers with market potential.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver hambúrguer de tilapia do Nilo com a incorporação de soro de leite, colágeno de pés de frango e farinha de taro. Para tanto, um planejamento fatorial 2³ completo foi realizado para investigar a influência das variáveis sobre a perda de peso, encolhimento, cor e força de cisalhamento e propor modelos matemáticos. Avaliaram-se também a composição centesimal, características microbiológicas e propriedades sensoriais. Os fatores como farinha de taro e whey foram significativos e contribuíram com o maior rendimento dos hambúrgueres com efeitos negativos sobre a perda de peso e encolhimento. Os hambúrgueres apresentaram uma textura macia, embora o colágeno e sua interação com a farinha de taro tenham colaborado com o aumento da força de cisalhamento. Os fatores influenciaram somente o valor de b* com tonalidade amarelada. Os valores de proteína obtidos foram maiores que da formulação controle. As características sensoriais dos hambúrgueres não foram afetadas pelos fatores, sendo todos classificados com alta aceitabilidade. A formulação representada pelo ponto central (F9) contendo 3,0% de farinha de taro, 0,5% de colágeno de pés de frango e 3,0% de soro de leite em pó, obteve maior intenção de compra. Portanto, a adição de farinha de taro, colágeno de pés de frango e soro de leite é uma alternativa no uso de subprodutos industriais para agregar valor aos hambúrgueres de peixe com potencial mercadológico.(AU)

Tilápia , Análise de Alimentos/economia , Colágeno/análise , Soro do Leite
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06598, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340345


Objective was to evaluate the accuracy of elastography in the differentiation between normal and cataract lenses One hundred forty-five eyes of 98 dogs were divided into groups according to cataract stage. Forty-twoeyes were submitted to phacoemulsification. Biometric parameters, echogenicity and echotexture patterns of the anterior, posterior and vitreous chambers, lens and retina-choroid-sclera complexes were evaluated by ocular ultrasound in modes A and B. Deformability, and color (blue color = indicated less rigid structures, color red = more rigid structures) of the lenses were evaluated by the elastogram. The shear wave velocity (SWV; m/s) was calculated in three regions of the lens, both in the cortex and in the nucleus. The SWV of nucleus was statistically different between the normal lenses and with cataracts, and between the stages of cataract (P<0.001). Healthy lenses and incipient cataracts had a more rigid nucleus. Mature cataracts presented lowest nuclear rigidity (P<0.001). On cortical region the SWV was significantly higher (P<0.01) in intumescent and incipient cataracts. SWV less than 2.67m/s indicates cataract with a sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 94%. Values lower than 2.23m/s suggest mature cataract, with sensitivity of 71% and specificity of 76%. SWV greater than 2.66 m/s are associated with normal lenses or incipient cataract, presenting sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 84%. Qualitative method allowed differentiation between healthy and affected lenses and the classification of evolutionary stages. There was a correlation between the degree of stiffness of lens in cortical and nuclear regions (p=00165, r=0.37) and between the balanced saline solution quantitative and surgical time (P<0.01, r=0.73). Degree of stiffness of lens did not correlate with parameters of phacoemulsification. Elastographic proved feasible for evaluating the lens of dogs, characterizing the types of cataracts, and demonstrating increased stiffness of the diseased lenses.(AU)

O objetivo foi avaliar a precisão da elastografia na diferenciação entre lentes normais e de catarata. Cento e quarenta e cinco olhos de 98 cães foram divididos em grupos de acordo com o estágio de maturação da catarata. Quarenta e dois olhos foram submetidos à facoemulsificação. Parâmetros biométricos, ecogenicidade e padrões de ecotextura das câmaras anterior, posterior e vítrea, lente e complexos retina-coróide-esclera foram avaliados por ultrassonografia ocular nos modos A e B. A deformabilidade e a coloração (cor azul = indicou estruturas menos rígidas, cor vermelha = estruturas mais rígidas) das lentes foram avaliadas pelo elastograma. A velocidade da onda de cisalhamento (SWV; m/s) foi calculada em três regiões da lente, tanto no córtex quanto no núcleo. A SWV do núcleo foi estatisticamente diferente entre as lentes normais e com catarata e entre os estágios da catarata (P<0,001). Lentes saudáveis e cataratas incipientes tinham um núcleo mais rígido. Cataratas maduras apresentaram menor rigidez nuclear (P<0,001). Na região cortical, a SWV foi significativamente maior (P<0,01) nas cataratas intumescentes e incipientes. Uma SWV menor que 2,67m/s indica catarata com sensibilidade de 72% e especificidade de 94%. Valores inferiores a 2,23m/s sugerem catarata madura, com sensibilidade de 71% e especificidade de 76%. Uma SWV superior a 2,66m/s está associada à catarata normal ou incipiente, apresentando sensibilidade de 94% e especificidade de 84%. O método qualitativo permitiu a diferenciação entre lentes normais de olhos saudáveis e afetadas e a classificação dos estágios evolutivos. A elastografia se mostrara uma ferramenta viável para avaliar as lentes de cães, caracterizando os tipos de catarata e demonstrando maior rigidez das lentes doentes.(AU)

Masculino , Cães , Catarata/veterinária , Cães , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/veterinária , Ultrassom , Facoemulsificação