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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e245329, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285618


Abstract The cold storage of milt implies potentials alterations in its quality because the storage generates as main process, free radicals that produce spermatozoa membrane lipids damage with the consequent motility and fertilising capacity disruptions. To decrease the damage generated by free radicals the cells have antioxidant defences (proteins, enzymes, and low molecular weight substances). The objective of the present study evaluated the time storage effect and different antioxidants prepared in spermatic diluents on sperm viability of O. mykiss milt stored at 4°C. The two-way ANOVA denoted that the time storage and antioxidant influence have significant effects separated or combined on viability parameters (sperm motility and viability, proteins concentrations and superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma). In contrast, only the storage time affected the fertilising capacity and catalase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma. The resulting analysis can conclude that the antioxidant presence improves the viability of cold stored milt, especially the transport conditions and the antioxidants allow the fecundity despite motility decrease.

Resumo O armazenamento a frio de leite implica potenciais alterações em sua qualidade, pois gera como processo principal radicais livres que provocam danos aos lipídios da membrana dos espermatozoides, com as consequentes alterações na motilidade e na capacidade de fertilização. Para diminuir os danos causados pelos radicais livres, as células têm defesas antioxidantes (proteínas, enzimas e substâncias de baixo peso molecular). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tempo de armazenamento e diferentes antioxidantes preparados em diluentes espermáticos no armazenamento de viabilidade de O. mykiss milt a 4°C. A ANOVA de duas vias denotou que o armazenamento no tempo e a influência antioxidante têm efeitos significativos separados ou combinados nos parâmetros de viabilidade (motilidade espermática, viabilidade espermática, concentrações de proteínas e atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase no plasma seminal), enquanto apenas o tempo de armazenamento afetou a capacidade de fertilização e atividade enzimática da catalase no plasma seminal. A análise resultante pode concluir que a presença de antioxidante melhora a viabilidade do leite frio, especialmente as condições de transporte, e os antioxidantes permitem a fecundidade apesar da diminuição da motilidade.

Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Oncorhynchus mykiss , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Espermatozoides , Criopreservação , Antioxidantes
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469066


Abstract The cold storage of milt implies potentials alterations in its quality because the storage generates as main process, free radicals that produce spermatozoa membrane lipids damage with the consequent motility and fertilising capacity disruptions. To decrease the damage generated by free radicals the cells have antioxidant defences (proteins, enzymes, and low molecular weight substances). The objective of the present study evaluated the time storage effect and different antioxidants prepared in spermatic diluents on sperm viability of O. mykiss milt stored at 4°C. The two-way ANOVA denoted that the time storage and antioxidant influence have significant effects separated or combined on viability parameters (sperm motility and viability, proteins concentrations and superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma). In contrast, only the storage time affected the fertilising capacity and catalase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma. The resulting analysis can conclude that the antioxidant presence improves the viability of cold stored milt, especially the transport conditions and the antioxidants allow the fecundity despite motility decrease.

Resumo O armazenamento a frio de leite implica potenciais alterações em sua qualidade, pois gera como processo principal radicais livres que provocam danos aos lipídios da membrana dos espermatozoides, com as consequentes alterações na motilidade e na capacidade de fertilização. Para diminuir os danos causados pelos radicais livres, as células têm defesas antioxidantes (proteínas, enzimas e substâncias de baixo peso molecular). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tempo de armazenamento e diferentes antioxidantes preparados em diluentes espermáticos no armazenamento de viabilidade de O. mykiss milt a 4°C. A ANOVA de duas vias denotou que o armazenamento no tempo e a influência antioxidante têm efeitos significativos separados ou combinados nos parâmetros de viabilidade (motilidade espermática, viabilidade espermática, concentrações de proteínas e atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase no plasma seminal), enquanto apenas o tempo de armazenamento afetou a capacidade de fertilização e atividade enzimática da catalase no plasma seminal. A análise resultante pode concluir que a presença de antioxidante melhora a viabilidade do leite frio, especialmente as condições de transporte, e os antioxidantes permitem a fecundidade apesar da diminuição da motilidade.

Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 579-586, jul.-set. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436768


Ao preservar o espermatozoide suíno no estado líquido ou criopreservado, os componentes do plasma seminal (PS) contidos nos ejaculados podem alterar a capacidade de fertilização desses gametas. O PS contém substâncias essenciais para a manutenção da viabilidade e fertilidade dos espermatozoides. No entanto, esses componentes podem ser deletérios dependendo da quantidade ou duração do tempo de contato entre a ejaculação e a remoção do PS durante o processamento do sêmen para a conservação na forma refrigerada ou congelada. Foram identificadas substâncias que prejudicam (principal proteína plasmática seminal PSPI) ou melhoram (espermadesina PSP-I) a capacidade de fertilização dos espermatozoides. Dependendo dos cachaços e dos procedimentos de colheita de sêmen, a remoção do PS pode ser benéfica antes da preservação no estado líquido ou criopreservado. Em alguns casos, o PS removido antes da congelação pode ser adicionado de volta ao diluente de descongelamento, com efeitos positivos no sêmen descongelado e na viabilidade do espermatozoide no trato reprodutivo da porca. Neste texto, há um foco nos diferentes efeitos de PS em amostras de sêmen refrigerado e criopreservado de suínos com ênfase em como PS modula a função e morfologia das células espermáticas antes, durante e após a preservação de forma refrigerada ou criopreservada.(AU)

When preserving sperm in the liquid or cryopreserved state, seminal plasma (SP) components within ejaculates can alter fertilizing capacity of these gametes. The SP contains substances essential for maintenance of sperm viability and fertility; however, these components can be deleterious depending on quantity, or duration of time before there is removal of SP from sperm in semen processing. Substances that impair (Major seminal plasma protein PSPI - boar) or improve (e.g., spermadhesin PSP-I - boar) sper- matozoa fertilizing capacity have been identified. Depending on individual males and semen collection procedures, SP removal may be beneficial before preservation in the liquid or cryopreserved state. In some cases, SP that is removed can be added back to thawing extender with there being positive effects in thawed sperm and for sperm viability in the female reproductive tract. In this review article, there is a focus on different effects of SP in samples of cooled and cryopreserved semen from boar with there being emphasis on how SP modulates the function and morphology of sperm cells before, during, and after preservation in the refrigerated or cryopreserved state.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Sêmen/fisiologia , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Suínos/fisiologia , Criopreservação/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220048, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425290


The objective of this study was to reduce the effects of cryoinjury caused in bovine semen by cryopreservation. Ejaculates were collected from Nellore bulls and subjected to freezing in C (control), ozone (15, 30, and 60 µg mL-1 of ozone), quercetin (25, 50, and 100 µg mL-1 of quercetin), and carnosine groups (100, 200, and 300 ng mL-1 of carnosine). Samples were evaluated post-thaw (M0) and post-rapid thermoresistance test (M30) for sperm kinetics (total motility, progressive motility, curvilinear speed, linearity and amplitude of lateral head displacement) and cell structure viability (plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial potential, membrane fluidity, and lipid peroxidation). There were no differences (P > 0.05) between the control, quercetin, and carnosine-treated groups for the parameters evaluated at M0 and M30. In turn, supplementation with ozone resulted in lower values for sperm kinetics (P < 0.05) and lower mitochondrial potential at M30 (P < 0.05). Quercetin and carnosine at the concentrations used did not promote significant gains in frozen semen, nor did they demonstrate cytotoxicity. We expected to obtain positive results with the use of ozone. Nonetheless, the addition was harmful to the parameters of sperm kinetics, and its effect was not observed as a possible pro-antioxidant. We believe that the fact that the gas did not harm the sperm structure opens avenues for tests with lower dosages, since, by reducing its concentration, we could minimize the damage to sperm kinetics.(AU0

Animais , Masculino , Ozônio/efeitos adversos , Quercetina/efeitos adversos , Preservação do Sêmen , Carnosina/efeitos adversos , Bovinos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20220096, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435570


Sperm cryopreservation is an important tool for genetic diversity management programs and the conservation of endangered breeds and species. The most widely used method of sperm conservation is slow freezing, however, during the process, sperm cells suffer from cryoinjury, which reduces their viability and fertility rates. One of the alternatives to slow freezing is vitrification, that consist on rapid freezing, in which viable cells undergo glass-like solidification. This technology requires large concentrations of permeable cryoprotectants (P- CPA's) which increase the viscosity of the medium to prevent intracellular ice formation during cooling and warming, obtaining successful results in vitrification of oocytes and embryos. Unfortunately, this technology failed when applied to vitrification of sperm due to its higher sensitivity to increasing concentrations of P-CPAs. Alternatively, a technique termed 'kinetic sperm vitrification' has been used and consists in a technique of permeant cryoprotectant-free cryopreservation by direct plunging of a sperm suspension into liquid nitrogen. Some of the advantages of kinetic vitrification are the speed of execution and no rate-controlled equipment required. This technique has been used successfully and with better results for motility in human (50-70% motility recovery), dog (42%), fish (82%) and donkey (21.7%). However, more studies are required to improve sperm viability after devitrification, especially when it comes to motility recovery. The objective of this review is to present the principles of kinetic vitrification, the main findings in the literature, and the perspectives for the utilization of this technique as a cryopreservation method.(AU)

Animais , Criopreservação/tendências , Vitrificação/efeitos dos fármacos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-14, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444840


Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a viabilidade seminal de coelhos após refrigeração a 5°C utilizando três diluentes comerciais, indicados para refrigeração de sêmen de outras espécies monogástricas. Foram realizadas dez colheitas de sêmen de cada reprodutor. Os ejaculados de cada coelho eram misturados, obtendo-se um pool de sêmen. Em seguida, o pool heterospérmico foi dividido em três tratamentos, de acordo com o diluente utilizado: BotuDogⓇ (cães); BotuSemen® (equinos); e Beltsville Thawing Solution - BTS (suínos). As amostras foram avaliadas quanto aos parâmetros macroscópicos, microscópicos e funcionais em quatro momentos: sêmen fresco (0 h) e refrigerado (16, 24 e 48 h). Os valores médios de motilidade, vigor e defeitos totais do sêmen fresco foram de 86,0%, 3,05 e 11,5%, respectivamente. Após o início do resfriamento, observou-se comportamento linear decrescente para a motilidade e vigor espermático do sêmen em função do tempo, diferindo (P < 0,05) entre os tratamentos. Destaca-se que o tratamento diluído em BTS apresentou redução na manutenção dos parâmetros avaliados de forma mais pronunciada (P < 0.05) ao longo do tempo, apresentando os menores valores para motilidade e vigor espermático dentro de cada tempo avaliado: 16h [20,6 ± 7,28 e 0,75 (0,375 1,5)], 24h [12,0 ± 6,80 e 0 (0 - 1,0)] e 48h [3,0 ± 2,13 e 0 (0 - 0,125)]. Após 48 h de resfriamento, o BotuDogⓇ foi o que apresentou maior valor para motilidade espermática (71,0 ± 2,08) e, juntamente, com o BotuSemenⓇ apresentaram maior valor para vigor espermático (2,5). De acordo com os dados obtidos os diluentes BotuDogⓇ e BotuSemenⓇ mostraram-se eficientes em manter parâmetros espermáticos adequados, apresentando boa viabilidade espermática em até 48h pós refrigeração a 5°C. Foram obtidos, resultados inéditos quanto a parâmetros espermáticos do sêmen de coelho refrigerado que podem ser utilizados como valores de referência para o manejo reprodutivo e processamento do semen desses animais, visto a inexistênca dessas recomendações técnicas.

The objective of this work was to evaluate the seminal viability of rabbits after refrigeration at 5°C using three commercial diluents, indicated for refrigeration of semen from other monogastric species. Ten semen collections were performed from each breeder. The ejaculates of each rabbit were mixed, obtaining a pool of semen. Then, the heterospermic pool was divided into three treatments, according to the diluent used: BotuDog (dogs); BotuSemenⓇ (horses); and Beltsville Thawing Solution - BTS (pigs). The samples were evaluated for macroscopic, microscopic, and functional parameters in four moments: fresh (0 h) and refrigerated (16, 24, and 48 h) semen. The average values of motility, vigor, and total defects of fresh semen were 86.0%, 3.05 and 11.5%, respectively. After the beginning of cooling, a decreasing linear behavior was observed for motility and sperm vigor of semen as a function of time, differing (P < 0.05) between treatments. It is noteworthy that the treatment diluted in BTS® showed a more pronounced reduction in the maintenance of the evaluated parameters (P < 0.05) over time, with the lowest values for sperm motility and vigor within each evaluated time: 16h [20.6 +7.28 and 0.75 (0.375 - 1.5)], 24h [12.0± 6.80 and 0 (0 - 1.0)] and 48h [3.0±2.13 and 0 (0 - 0.125)]. After 48 h of cooling, BotuDog presented the highest value for sperm motility (71.0 ± 2.08) and, together with BotuSemenⓇ, presented the highest value for sperm vigor (2.5). According to the data obtained, BotuDog and BotuSemenⓇ diluents were efficient in maintaining adequate sperm parameters, showing good sperm viability in up to 48 hours after refrigeration at 5°C. Through this work, unpublished results were obtained regarding spermatic parameters of refrigerated rabbit semen that can be used as reference values for reproductive management and semen processing of these animals, given the lack of these technical recommendations.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la viabilidad seminal de conejos después de refrigeración a 5°C utilizando tres diluyentes comerciales, indicados para la refrigeración de semen de otras especies monogástricas. Se realizaron diez colectas de semen de cada reproductora. Se mezclaron los eyaculados de cada conejo, obteniendo un pool de semen. Luego, el pool heterospérmico se dividió en tres tratamientos, según el diluyente utilizado: BotuDogⓇ (perros); BotuSemenⓇ (caballos); y Beltsville Thawing Solution - BTS® (cerdos). Las muestras fueron evaluadas para parámetros macroscópicos, microscópicos y funcionales en cuatro momentos: semen fresco (0 h) y refrigerado (16, 24 y 48 h). Los valores promedio de motilidad, vigor y defectos totales del semen fresco fueron 86,0%, 3,05 y 11,5%, respectivamente. Después del inicio del enfriamiento, se observó un comportamiento lineal decreciente para la motilidad y el vigor espermático del semen en función del tiempo, difiriendo (P < 0.05) entre tratamientos. Cabe destacar que el tratamiento diluido en BTS® mostró una reducción más pronunciada en el mantenimiento de los parámetros evaluados (P<0,05) a lo largo del tiempo, con los valores más bajos de motilidad espermática y vigor dentro de cada tiempo evaluado: 16h [20,6 ± 7,28 y 0,75 (0,375 -1.5)], 24h [12,0 ± 6,80 y 0 (0 - 1,0)] y 48h [3,0±2,13 y 0 (0 - 0,125)]. Después de 48 h de enfriamiento, BotuDogⓇ presentó el valor más alto de motilidad espermática (71,0 +2,08) y, junto con BotuSemenⓇ, presentó el valor más alto de vigor espermático (2,5). De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos, los diluyentes BotuDogⓇ y BotuSemenⓇ fueron eficientes en mantener parámetros espermáticos adecuados, mostrando buena viabilidad espermática hasta 48 horas después de la refrigeración a 5°C. A través de este trabajo se obtuvieron resultados inéditos respecto a parámetros espermáticos de semen de conejo refrigerado que pueden ser utilizados como valores de referencia para el manejo reproductivo y procesamiento de semen de estos animales, dada la falta de estas recomendaciones técnicas.

Animais , Masculino , Coelhos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Diluição , Crioprotetores/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230004, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444250


This study was aimed to assess the efficiency of coconut water extender with addition of soy lecithin and sucrose as nonpermeable cryoprotectants for canine semen vitrification, using a simple method that yields a high survival rate of spermatozoa for clinical use. Twelve ejaculates from 12 adult normozoospermic dogs were collected separately by digital manipulation and only the second semen fraction was used in this study. After evaluation of volume, concentration, viability, total and progressive motility, velocity parameters and morphology, semen was diluted with a coconut water extender (50% (v/v(volume per volume)) coconut water, 25% (v/v) distilled water and 25% (v/v) 5% anhydrous monosodium citrate solution) with addition of soy lecithin and fructose at 1% and 0.25M sucrose until final concentration of 100x106 spermatozoa/ml. After equilibration at 5ºC for 60 minutes, semen was vitrified by "direct dropping method" into liquid nitrogen in spheres with a volume of 30 µl. After a week of storage the spheres were devitrified as three of them were dropped into 0.5 mL of CaniPlus AI medium (Minitüb, Germany), which was previously warmed in a water bath at 42ºC for 2 minutes and evaluated about the above mentioned parameters. It was found that vitrification resulted in a lower percentage of viable sperms, normal morphology, total and progressive motilities (p0.05) compared to fresh semen samples. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that vitrification with coconut water extender with addition of 1% soy lecithin and 0.25M sucrose as cryoprotectants, has an excellent potential for routine canine sperm cryopreservation.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Sêmen/fisiologia , Diluição , Crioprotetores/química , Cães/fisiologia , Alimentos de Coco , Vitrificação
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(1): 3-21, jan.-mar. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434873


Na atual conjuntura da criação artificial de bovinos e bubalinos, o material genético masculino de qualidade superior de reprodutores é explorado ao máximo possível através da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo de um grande número de fêmeas com apenas um único ejaculado. Para isso, é necessário um sêmen de boa qualidade que desempenhe um papel indispensável na melhoria das taxas de fertilidade, independente de qual tipo seja utilizado (fresco, refrigerado e congelado). Porém, o processo de congelação/descongelação causa uma série de injúrias aos espermatozoides, ocasionando resultados inferiores para percentuais de viabilidade espermática, motilidade, membrana plasmática e integridade acrossomal, potencial de membrana mitocondrial, cinemática do esperma, quando comparado ao sêmen refrigerado. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é disseminar o conhecimento sobre o uso sêmen refrigerado na preservação de germoplasma de reprodutores bovinos e bubalinos para melhorar as taxas de concepção em propriedades. Para isso, serão abordados comentários sobre o armazenamento do sêmen refrigerado, com ênfase nas diferenças entre curvas de refrigeração, suas vantagens e desvantagens relativas para procedimentos de uso na IATF, identificando o método mais indicado por diversos autores, o estado atual da biotécnica, seus méritos e possibilidades futuras.(AU)

In the current conjuncture of the artificial creation of bovines and buffaloes, the male genetic material of superior quality of sires is exploited to the maximum possible through the fixed-time artificial insemination of a large number of females with only a single ejaculate. For this, a good quality semen is needed that plays an indispensable role in improving fertility rates, regardless of which type is used (fresh, chilled and frozen). However, the freezing/thawing process causes a series of injuries to spermatozoa, causing lower results for percentages of sperm viability, motility, plasma membrane and acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, sperm kinematics, when compared to refrigerated semen. Thus, the objective of this review is to disseminate knowledge about the use of chilled semen in the preservation of germplasm of bovine and buffalo breeders to improve conception rates in properties. For this, comments on the storage of refrigerated semen will be addressed, with emphasis on the differences between refrigeration curves, their relative advantages and disadvantages for procedures for use in FTAI, identifying the method most indicated by several authors, the current state of biotechnics, its future merits and possibilities.(AU)

Animais , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Técnicas de Diluição do Indicador/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-13, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468850


The cold storage of milt implies potentials alterations in its quality because the storage generates as main process, free radicals that produce spermatozoa membrane lipids damage with the consequent motility and fertilising capacity disruptions. To decrease the damage generated by free radicals the cells have antioxidant defences (proteins, enzymes, and low molecular weight substances). The objective of the present study evaluated the time storage effect and different antioxidants prepared in spermatic diluents on sperm viability of O. mykiss milt stored at 4°C. The two-way ANOVA denoted that the time storage and antioxidant influence have significant effects separated or combined on viability parameters (sperm motility and viability, proteins concentrations and superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma). In contrast, only the storage time affected the fertilising capacity and catalase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma. The resulting analysis can conclude that the antioxidant presence improves the viability of cold stored milt, especially the transport conditions and the antioxidants allow the fecundity despite motility decrease.

O armazenamento a frio de leite implica potenciais alterações em sua qualidade, pois gera como processo principal radicais livres que provocam danos aos lipídios da membrana dos espermatozoides, com as consequentes alterações na motilidade e na capacidade de fertilização. Para diminuir os danos causados pelos radicais livres, as células têm defesas antioxidantes (proteínas, enzimas e substâncias de baixo peso molecular). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tempo de armazenamento e diferentes antioxidantes preparados em diluentes espermáticos no armazenamento de viabilidade de O. mykiss milt a 4°C. A ANOVA de duas vias denotou que o armazenamento no tempo e a influência antioxidante têm efeitos significativos separados ou combinados nos parâmetros de viabilidade (motilidade espermática, viabilidade espermática, concentrações de proteínas e atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase no plasma seminal), enquanto apenas o tempo de armazenamento afetou a capacidade de fertilização e atividade enzimática da catalase no plasma seminal. A análise resultante pode concluir que a presença de antioxidante melhora a viabilidade do leite frio, especialmente as condições de transporte, e os antioxidantes permitem a fecundidade apesar da diminuição da motilidade.

Animais , Catalase/análise , Criopreservação/métodos , Oncorhynchus mykiss , Sêmen/efeitos dos fármacos , Análise de Variância
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-13, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765427


The cold storage of milt implies potentials alterations in its quality because the storage generates as main process, free radicals that produce spermatozoa membrane lipids damage with the consequent motility and fertilising capacity disruptions. To decrease the damage generated by free radicals the cells have antioxidant defences (proteins, enzymes, and low molecular weight substances). The objective of the present study evaluated the time storage effect and different antioxidants prepared in spermatic diluents on sperm viability of O. mykiss milt stored at 4°C. The two-way ANOVA denoted that the time storage and antioxidant influence have significant effects separated or combined on viability parameters (sperm motility and viability, proteins concentrations and superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma). In contrast, only the storage time affected the fertilising capacity and catalase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma. The resulting analysis can conclude that the antioxidant presence improves the viability of cold stored milt, especially the transport conditions and the antioxidants allow the fecundity despite motility decrease.(AU)

O armazenamento a frio de leite implica potenciais alterações em sua qualidade, pois gera como processo principal radicais livres que provocam danos aos lipídios da membrana dos espermatozoides, com as consequentes alterações na motilidade e na capacidade de fertilização. Para diminuir os danos causados pelos radicais livres, as células têm defesas antioxidantes (proteínas, enzimas e substâncias de baixo peso molecular). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tempo de armazenamento e diferentes antioxidantes preparados em diluentes espermáticos no armazenamento de viabilidade de O. mykiss milt a 4°C. A ANOVA de duas vias denotou que o armazenamento no tempo e a influência antioxidante têm efeitos significativos separados ou combinados nos parâmetros de viabilidade (motilidade espermática, viabilidade espermática, concentrações de proteínas e atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase no plasma seminal), enquanto apenas o tempo de armazenamento afetou a capacidade de fertilização e atividade enzimática da catalase no plasma seminal. A análise resultante pode concluir que a presença de antioxidante melhora a viabilidade do leite frio, especialmente as condições de transporte, e os antioxidantes permitem a fecundidade apesar da diminuição da motilidade.(AU)

Animais , Oncorhynchus mykiss , Sêmen/efeitos dos fármacos , Catalase/análise , Criopreservação/métodos , Análise de Variância
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 226-230, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435300


Nos últimos quinze anos, a equideocultura foi uma atividade em destaque com significativo crescimento no Brasil e no mundo. O Brasil é o segundo país no mundo que mais utiliza transporte de sêmen equino, ficando atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos e a utilização do sêmen congelado no país vem expandido a cada dia. O índice de prenhez por ciclo, com sêmen equino congelado é variável e oscila entre 25 e 40%. Adicionalmente, sabe-se que o sêmen de alguns garanhões apresenta baixa viabilidade após o descongelamento. A primeira prenhez obtida com sêmen equino congelado foi relatada há cinco décadas. Segundo Cazalez, 2020, é muito difícil recomendar uma dose inseminante padrão para sêmen congelado em equinos. A maioria dos estudos científicos não consegue controlar o efeito de outros fatores "de confusão" como método de processo, fator égua, fator garanhão, técnica de inseminação etc., tornando difícil uma comparação crítica dos mesmos. Rigby et al. (2001) obtiveram taxas de prenhez similares ao se comparar a inseminação artificial profunda em corno uterino com endoscópio e pipeta flexível.(AU)

In the last fifteen years, equine breeding has been a prominent activity with significant growth in Brazil and in the world. Brazil is the second country in the world that most uses equine semen transport, second only to the United States, and the use of frozen semen in the country is expanding every day. The pregnancy rate per cycle with frozen equine semen is variable and ranges from 25 to 40%. Additionally, it is known that the semen of some stallions has low viability after thawing. The first pregnancy obtained with frozen equine semen was reported five decades ago. According to Cazalez, 2020, it is very difficult to recommend a standard insemination dose for frozen semen in horses. Most scientific studies cannot control for the effect of other "confounding" factors such as processing method, mare factor, stallion factor, insemination technique, etc., making it difficult to critically compare them. Rigby et al. (2001) obtained similar pregnancy rates when comparing deep artificial insemination in the uterine horn with an endoscope and flexible pipette.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Cavalos , Coeficiente de Natalidade
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 212-219, abr.-jun. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435291


At least 30-40% of stallions in commercial breeding programs are moderately fertile and 8-12% are subfertile (0.5-3% with severe subfertility). From the total reported cases of the subfertility, in 2-20% of the stallions the cause is unknown or was not established. The objective of this work is to present the concept of subfertile stallion based on the current state of knowledge and advanced molecular diagnostic technologies. Low pregnancy rates have been reported in stallions with normal semen quality after conventional evaluation. Acrosome reaction (AR) is necessary for natural fertilization and impaired acrosome reaction (IAR) leads to subfertility or infertility in horses, however, AR test is not included in routine semen analysis. Genome-wide association study identified FKBP6 as a strong candidate gene responsible for this failure. The gene encodes for FK506 binding protein 6 (FKBP6) which is involved in sperm development and functions. We could conclude that the evaluation of the acrosomal status is essential in cases of stallions with good motility, concentration, morphology and viability but unexplained (idiopathic) subfertility or infertility. It is important to highlight the recent increase in reports of fertility problems in stallions related to disorders of genetic origin.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Cavalos/fisiologia , Coeficiente de Natalidade , Reação Acrossômica/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1899, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414963


Background: The use of conventional artificial insemination (AI) in sheep production is usually associated with lower fertility rates when frozen semen is used. Cooled ram semen has been an alternative over frozen semen due to the higher viability, seminal quality and fertility rates following AI. The semen preservation process promotes sperm cell modifications similar to capacitation (capacitation-like) that causes cell damage affecting viability and seminal quality, but such effects are unclear for cooled semen. The aim of this study was to determine the status of sperm cell capacitation (CA) and acrosome reaction (AR) during ram semen processing and cooling under different extenders, dilution factors, and aerobiosis conditions as a function of storage time at 5o C. Materials, Methods & Results: Two consecutive ejaculates per day per male were collected from 2 adult rams by artificial vagina at 48-72 h intervals, in three replications. After macro- and microscopic evaluations, semen was segregated into groups under 3 extenders (Tris-egg yolk or TY, citrate-egg yolk or CY, skimmed milk or SM), 2 dilution factors (1 x 109 or Bi, 100 x 106 or Mi cells/mL), and 2 aerobiosis conditions (aerobic or A, semi-anaerobic or SA). Diluted semen was cooled to 5ºC and stored for up to 72 h, with evaluations every 24 h. Aliquots of fresh ejaculates and of each cooled diluted subgroup, according to extender, dilution, and aerobiosis, were collected at times T0 and T72 for determination of acrosome status and membrane integrity by the chlortetracycline (CTC) and trypan blue-Giemsa stainings, respectively. No differences were detected in sperm cell motility (M) and motility vigor (V) between fresh and diluted semen. After cooling, a significant decrease in M was observed after 48 h in CY and SM compared with fresh semen and 0 h of cooling, while V started to decrease after 24 h in CY compared with TY. Likewise, M/V from different dilutions and aerobic conditions decreased more significantly after 48 and 24 h of cooling, respectively. The sperm capacitation status did not show differences in the proportion of non-capacitated (NCA), CA and AR sperm cells between TY, CY, and SM extenders (NCA: 75.0%, 71.3%, 74.0%; CA: 15.7%, 17.2%, 15.9%; AR: 9.3%, 11.5%, 10.2%) or between Bi and Mi dilutions (NCA: 74.0%, 72.9%; CA: 15.9%, 16.6%; AR: 10.1%, 10.5%), respectively. However, differences (P < 0.05) were observed between A and SA aerobic conditions, with CA (17.0% vs. 15.5%) and AR (11.9% vs. 8.7%) rates being higher in A than SA, respectively, with no differences in NCA (71.1% vs. 75.8%), irrespective of the storage time. Sperm cell viability decreased after 48 h, especially in CY (P < 0.05). Discussion: Ram sperm cells can suffer irreversible damage due to thermal shock during cooling. Egg yolk-based extenders provide phospholipids and cholesterol to protect the sperm cell membrane during the thermal shock caused by the change in temperature. In this study, sperm cells had irreversible decreases in M/V, with increase in acrosome and plasma membrane damage after cooling to 5ºC. The largest and smallest decreases in M and V over time were observed in the CY and TY extenders, respectively. In addition to the extender type, the semen preservation method and storage time promoted changes in the capacitation status, AR and in sperm cell viability, which per se were associated with a decrease in semen fertility. In fact, the proportions of CA and/or AR sperm cells gradually increased over time after dilution and storage at 5ºC, with a negative correlation between sperm cell viability and M/V over time. In summary, extender and cooling time affected mostly M/V, while aerobiosis condition and dilution factor were more associated with acrosome status and sperm survival, with the extender having less impact on the acrosome status as a function of time.

Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Preservação de Tecido/métodos , Ovinos , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Sobrevivência Celular , Técnicas de Diluição do Indicador , Aerobiose
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(2): 85-100, abr.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402135


O gato doméstico é a única espécie da família Felídea sem risco ou iminência de extinção, diferente da maior parte dos felinos selvagens. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de diferentes biotécnicas reprodutivas, são essenciais para a manutenção da qualidade reprodutiva, tendo em vista a preservação de espécies mais vulneráveis. Além disso, as biotécnicas do sêmen são para as tecnologias reprodutivas, como a inseminação artificial (IA) e a fertilização in vitro (FIV). Sendo assim, o objetivo deste compilado bibliográfico foi abordar as principais técnicas de colheita, análise e preservação de sêmen/espermatozoides felino, assim como o uso dessas células em IA e FIV. Para a colheita do sêmen felino, diferentes métodos têm sido aplicados: ejaculação farmacológica, eletroejaculação e vagina artificial. Em caso de óbito do reprodutor, os espermatozoides recuperados do epidídimo também apresentam viabilidade reprodutiva. Ademais, a cinética espermática avaliada pelo sistema CASA, a morfologia e a morfometria são as principais análises que demonstram a qualidade espermática e refletem na fertilidade do ejaculado. O sistema CASA também avalia a trajetória individual de cada espermatozoide, que ao se agrupar em clusters, demonstra a heterogeneidade do ejaculado nas subpopulações. Contudo, os diluentes para a conservação e refrigeração dos espermatozoides felinos e as curvas de congelação ainda não estão totalmente estabelecidos e influenciam diretamente a viabilidade dos espermatozoides criopreservados. Diante disso, os resultados da utilização do sêmen felino após criopreservação são inconsistentes, sendo necessários mais estudos para elucidar melhores curvas de congelação e meios de diluentes para viabilizar a preservação do material genético dos gatos.

The domestic cat is the only species of the Felidea family without risk or imminence of extinction, unlike most wild cats. Therefore, the development and improvement of different reproductive biotechnologies are essential for the maintenance of reproductive quality for the preservation of the most vulnerable species. Furthermore, semen biotechnologies are the basis for reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Thus, the objective of this bibliographic compilation was to approach the main techniques of collection, analysis, and preservation of feline semen/sperm, as well as the use of these cells in AI and IVF. For feline semen collection, different methods have been applied: pharmacological ejaculation, electroejaculation, and artificial vagina. In case of death of the sire, sperm recovered from the epididymis also show reproductive viability. Moreover, the sperm kinetics evaluated by the CASA system, the morphology, and the morphometry are the main analyzes that demonstrate sperm quality and reflect on ejaculate fertility. The CASA system also evaluates the individual path of each sperm, which, when grouped into clusters, demonstrates the heterogeneity of the ejaculate in the subpopulations. However, diluents for the conservation and refrigeration of feline sperm and freezing curves are not yet fully established and directly influence the viability of cryopreserved sperm. Therefore, the results of using feline semen after cryopreservation are inconsistent, and further studies are needed to elucidate better freezing curves and diluents to enable the preservation of the genetic material of cats.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Fertilização in vitro/veterinária , Criopreservação/métodos , Recuperação Espermática/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(1): e20210058, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363330


Although cryopreservation is an efficient method for maintaining the biological and genetic resources of sperm, the sperm damage during the cryopreservation process cannot be ignored. It should be possible to obtain the most effective cryopreservation performance by accurately grasping the effects of various factors on the cryopreservation of sperm. The previous study demonstrated that a suitable standard protocol for cryopreservation of Korean native brindled cattle (Chikso) does not exist, based on the methods for semen cryopreservation of Chikso differ in each research center. The most obvious difference between most of protocols is the addition of glycerol before and after cooling during the Chikso cryopreserved semen process. Therefore we focused on the effects of glycerol addition time on the quality of cryopreserved Chikso sperm. In the present study, 27 individual Chikso samples were collected by transrectal massage and divided into two parts: the "cryopreservation method A" group (adding glycerol before cooling) and the "cryopreservation method B" group (adding glycerol after cooling). Meanwhile, the values of various sperm parameters were derived from each group, including sperm motility, kinematics, capacitation status, cell viability, and intracellular ATP levels, which we used to compare and evaluate sperm function. The results of this study indicated that during the semen cryopreservation process of the Chikso, the addition of glycerol after cooling yielded superior results in a variety of sperm parameters, such as sperm motility, progressive motility, rapid motility, VCL, VSL, VAP, ALH, capacitation status, viability, and intracellular ATP level after freezing and thawing. Our study is suggested that the glycerol addition time during the cryopreservation process for Chikso should be considered. In addition, our results may be provided reference to develop suitable the cryopreservation procedure of the Chikso sperm.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Produtos Biológicos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Criopreservação , Análise do Sêmen , Glicerol , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20210069, set. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393202


Morphological sperm evaluation supported by the morphometry can be used in the determination of the seminal quality and in the investigation of potential extenders. Although there are studies comparing TRIS and ACP extenders, there are no comparative studies between them for the computerized assisted semen analysis (CASA), sperm viability, membrane functionality and sperm morphometry parameters of cryopreserved canine semen. Hence, we aimed to evaluate the effects of ACP-106c and TRIS on post-freezing canine sperm quality. Five dogs were submitted to semen collection twice with one-week interval. The semen was evaluated within the parameters: total motility, vigor, concentration, viability, plasma membrane functionality, morphology and morphometry. In the morphometric evaluation, the morphologically normal sperm was measured as: length, width, area and perimeter of the head and the midpiece, tail length and total length. The parameters of ellipticity, elongation, regularity and roughness were determined. Then, the semen was divided into two aliquots that were diluted in TRIS or ACP-106c, with the addition of egg yolk and glycerol. The diluted semen was refrigerated and frozen. The thawed samples were evaluated. Total motility, viability, sperm membrane functionality and normal morphology reduced after thawing in both extenders (morphology reduced from 89.60 ± 1.3% to 84.40 ± 1.8 and 84.60 ± 1.1% in TRIS and ACP-106c, respectively). However, it did not differ between TRIS and ACP-106c. In the ACP106c the sperm head defects in cryopreserved semen were higher compared to fresh semen (P < 0.05). For all the morphometric parameters evaluated, there were no differences between fresh and cryopreserved samples (3.70 ± 0.4% vs. 2.30 ± 0.5%). In kinetics, with an interval of one week statistical differences between the extenders were found only in the parameters ALH and LIN (P < 0.05). Regardless of the extender, there were no changes in the morphometric parameters of sperm after thawing.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Criopreservação/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Sobrevivência Celular
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 115-130, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401927


A demanda do mercado impulsionou o melhoramento genético na suinocultura caracterizado pelo cruzamento entre linhagens e raças distintas a fim de possibilitar o aproveitamento da heterose. Esse melhoramento acelerado ocorreu em decorrência da inseminação artificial e manipulação do sêmen, associado ao emprego de diluentes e técnicas de refrigeração. Sendo assim, esta revisão tem como objetivo compilar o conhecimento acerca da influência genética e dos métodos de conservação sobre a qualidade do sêmen suíno, além de discutir a composição e eficiência dos principais diluentes e crioprotetores destinados à conservação espermática nesta espécie. Inicialmente, os animais eram selecionados baseados em características produtivas como habilidade materna, qualidade de carcaça e desempenho. Contudo, a fertilidade do reprodutor, caraterizada pela qualidade espermática e libido, é extremamente importante para indústria suinícola uma vez que determina, o potencial produtivo do plantel indiretamente. Evidências demonstram que os parâmetros espermáticos sofrem influência da genética, sendo que cada raça se destaca numa determinada característica seminal. Além disso, o manejo, idade, alimentação, sazonalidade, as características intrínsecas do espermatozoide e os métodos de conservação do ejaculado também determinam sua viabilidade. Apesar de preconizado devido à fácil execução e ótimos resultados, o sêmen refrigerado tem como limitador a produção excessiva de espécies reativas de oxigênio. Da mesma forma, o congelamento do ejaculado promove alterações espermáticas em virtude do choque térmico. Sendo assim, o emprego de diluentes e crioprotetores propícios que possibilitem a manutenção a longo prazo da viabilidade espermática é imprescindível para ambos os processos.

The market demand promoted the genetic improvement in swine farming characterized by the crossing between different strains and breeds to make possible the use of heterosis. This accelerated improvement occurred due to artificial insemination and semen manipulation, associated with the use of extenders and refrigeration techniques. Therefore, this review aims to compile knowledge about the genetic influence and conservation methods on the quality of swine semen, besides to discussing the composition and efficiency of the main extenders and cryoprotectants intended for sperm conservation in this species. Initially, animals were selected based on productive traits such as maternal ability, carcass quality, and performance. However, male fertility, characterized by sperm quality and libido, is extremely important for the swine industry as it determines the productive potential of the herd indirectly. Evidences demonstrates that sperm parameters are influenced by genetics, with each race standing out in certain seminal trait. In addition, the management, age, feeding, seasonality, the intrinsic characteristics of the sperm cell, and the methods of ejaculate conservation also determine its viability. Despite being recommended due to its easy execution and excellent results, refrigerated semen has the excessive production of reactive oxygen species as a limiter. Likewise, the ejaculate freezing promotes sperm changes due to heat shock. Therefore the use of suitable extenders and cryoprotectants that allow the long-term maintenance of sperm viability is essential for both processes.

Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Suínos/genética , Melhoramento Genético/métodos , Tensoativos , Hereditariedade
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(6): 2743-2754, nov.-dez. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425951


Equine semen has historically been chilled using milk-based media. However, the use of animal-based components presents several potential concerns, such as variability in formulations, microbial contamination and regulatory issues. We aimed to evaluate the potential of including different concentrations of soy lecithin (LS) in chemically defined Biggers, Whitten and Whittingham (BWW) medium for cooling equine semen to 15°C. Ejaculates were diluted as six different experimental groups: 1) BotuSêmen® (control); 2) BWW; 3) BWW + 1% LS; 4) BWW + 2% LS; 5) BWW + 4% LS and 6) BWW + 6% LS. BWW medium, did not preserve motility, velocity, straightness (STR), linearity (LIN), amplitude of lateral sperm head displacement (ALH), cross flagellar beat frequency (BCF), functional and structural integrity of equine spermatozoa during 24 h of refrigeration when compared to BotuSêmen® (P <0.05). The use of BWW for cooling equine semen was only possible with the addition of LS, being the concentrations equal or higher than 2% better, because they preserved total motility, curvilinear velocity (VCL) and LIN with the same potential of BotuSêmen® (P >0.05). Nevertheless, BotuSêmen® showed superiority in preserving the percentage of sperm progressive motility, average path velocity (VAP), linear progressive velocity (VSL) and BCF during cooling compared to the other extenders (P <0.05). The inclusion of soy lecithin, from 2 to 6% in the BWW medium, allowed maintaining the viability of equine semen cooled at 15ºC for up to 24 hours.

O sêmen equino tem sido historicamente refrigerado usando meios à base de leite. No entanto, o uso de componentes de origem animal causa várias preocupações potenciais, como variabilidade nas formulações, contaminação microbiana e questões regulatórias. Objetivou-se avaliar o potencial de inclusão de diferentes concentrações de lecitina de soja (LS) no meio quimicamente definido BWW - Biggers, Whitten e Whittingham para refrigeração de sêmen equino e armazenamento na temperatura de 15°C. Os ejaculados foram diluídos em seis diferentes grupos experimentais: 1) BotuSêmen® (controle); 2) BWW; 3) BWW + 1% lecitina de soja (LS); 4) BWW + 2% LS; 5) BWW + 4% LS e 6) BWW + 6% LS. O meio BWW, não preservou a motilidade, a velocidade, a retilinearidade (STR), a linearidade (LIN), a amplitude do deslocamento lateral da cabeça (ALH), a frequência de batimento flagelar cruzado (BCF), a integridade funcional e estrutural dos espermatozoides equino durante 24 h de refrigeração quando comparado ao BotuSêmen® (P <0,05). O uso de BWW para refrigeração de sêmen equino só foi possível com adição de lecitina de soja, sendo as concentrações igual ou superior a 2% melhores, pois preservaram a motilidade total, a velocidade curvilinear (VCL) e LIN com mesmo potencial do BotuSêmen® (P >0,05). Ainda assim, o diluidor comercial BotuSêmen® apresentou superioridade em preservar o percentual de espermatozoides progressivamente móveis, a velocidade média da trajetória (VAP), a velocidade linear progressiva (VSL) e a frequência do batimento flagelar cruzado (BCF) durante a refrigeração comparado aos demais diluidores (P <0,05). A inclusão de lecitina de soja, de 2 a 6% no meio BWW, permitiu a manutenção da viabilidade do sêmen equino refrigerado a 15ºC por até 24 horas.

Animais , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Glycine max , Criopreservação/veterinária , Lecitinas , Cavalos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(4): e20220025, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414538


Kacang goats are small ruminants produced by low-income households in smallholder and farm to reduce poverty and prevent undernutrition. Studies to find a cryopreservation protocol for Kacang goat semen are expected to multiplication of genetically superior animals selected by the paternal lineage. This study evaluated the effect of thawing temperature and supplementation of the green tea extract nanoparticle in skim milk-egg yolk (SM-EY) extender on post-thaw sperm quality of Kacang goat semen. Six ejaculates of Kacang goat were diluted in SM-EY supplemented or not (control group) with 0.001 mg/mL NPs GTE. The diluted semen was packaged with 0.25 mL straws (insemination dose: 60x106 sptz/mL) and cryopreserved. Then, six samples of the control group and NPs GTE groups were thawed at 37°C or 39°C sterile water for 30 s and submitted to sperm quality evaluations. The sperm viability, motility, and intact of the plasma membrane (IPM) were higher (p<0.05) in NPs GTE group than control group. In contrast, the NPs GTE group presented lower (p<0.05) malondialdehyde levels and sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) compared with the control group. The catalase levels were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between the control and NPs GTE groups. Thawing at 39°C resulted in higher (p<0.05) sperm viability, motility, and IPM than thawing at 37°C. However, thawing at 39°C group presented lower (p<0.05) malondialdehyde levels compared with thawing at 37°C. SDF and catalase levels were similar (p>0.05) between thawing at 37°C and thawing at 37°C. In conclusion, supplementation of 0.001 mg/mL of NPs GTE in SM-EY extender and thawing temperature of 39°C resulted in a better quality of frozen-thawed Kacang goat semen.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Chá/química , Cabras/fisiologia , Gema de Ovo/química , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Temperatura , Nanopartículas/química
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 1-9, jan. 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484121


The present study investigated the toxic effect of a mixture of three pesticides (cypermethrin, mancozeb, and metalaxyl) on reproduction and oxidative stress parameters in male Wistar rats. Animals were treated at doses 1/60, 1/30, and 1/10 LD50 of each pesticide daily in the diet for 08 weeks. At the end of the treatment period, animals were sacrificed by decapitation. The results indicate a decrease in the absolute weight of testes and epididymis, the serum of testosterone hormone, and cholesterol levels. These parameters were significant reduced in males exposed to the mixed pesticides. A reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and viability also was observed. Besides, the ingestion of mixed pesticides at all three concentrations caused a significant decrease in GSH, GPx levels and an increase in MDA levels compared to the control group. This was accompanied by histopathological changes in testis and epididymis of rats such as seminiferous tubules degeneration, decreasing number of spermatogenic cells, edema, expansion of interstitial spaces, cell necrosis, and reducing the diameter of the epididymal tube compared to the control group. Thus, we strongly suggest that the mixture of pesticides causes damages to the male reproductive system.

Masculino , Animais , Ratos , Agroquímicos/administração & dosagem , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Espermatozoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Reprodução/efeitos dos fármacos , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Ratos Wistar