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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220093, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433934


Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptors (NOD-like receptors, NLRs) have critical effects on interfaces of the immune and reproductive systems, and the spleen plays a key role in both innate and adaptive immune functions. It is hypothesized that NLR family participates in maternal splenic immune regulation during early pregnancy in sheep. In this study, maternal spleens were collected on day 16 of the estrous cycle, and days 13, 16 and 25 of gestation (n = 6 for each group) in ewes. Expression of NLR family, including NOD1, NOD2, class II transactivator (CIITA), NLR family apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, Leucine rich repeat and Pyrin domain containing 1 (NLRP1), NLRP3 and NLRP7, was analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis. The results revealed that expression levels of NOD1, NOD2, CIITA and NLRP3 were downregulated at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy, but expression of NLRP3 was increased at day 25 of pregnancy. In addition, expression values of NAIP and NLRP7 mRNA and proteins were improved at days 16 and 25 of pregnancy, and NLRP1 was peaked at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy in the maternal spleen. Furthermore, NOD2 and NLRP7 proteins were limited to the capsule, trabeculae and splenic cords. In summary, early pregnancy changes expression of NLR family in the maternal spleen, which may be related with the maternal splenic immunomodulation during early pregnancy in sheep.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Ovinos/imunologia , Proteínas NLR/análise , Baço/fisiologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07137, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422308


This study collected samples from 50 Holstein cows, most intensively bred, and from the Campos Gerais region, Paraná, with an average milk production of 30.21L/day. Samples of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes were collected to determine the levels of copper, cobalt, iron, molybdenum and zinc. Spleen and lymph nodes were subjected to histological analysis and evaluation of the degree of hemosiderosis. The average concentrations of copper (495.05ppm), molybdenum (4.19ppm), and zinc (274.49ppm) were higher than those established for the bovines. For cobalt 26% of the animals presented levels below the established level, which characterized cobalt deficiency. Only iron (299.12ppm) exhibited an adequate average level. Histopathologically hemosiderosis was observed mainly in the spleen (78%) and less frequently in the lymph nodes (20%). The observation of hemosiderin in the spleen and lymph nodes is not related to copper deficiency. Still it may be related to high levels of molybdenum, zinc, iron, or other undetermined causes.

Para este estudo foram coletadas amostras de 50 vacas, da raça Holandesa, a maior parte criada intensivamente e oriunda da região dos Campos Gerais/PR, com média individual de produção de leite de 30,21L/dia. Foram coletadas amostras de fígado, baço e linfonodos para determinação dos níveis de cobre (Cu), cobalto (Co), ferro (Fe), molibdênio (Mo) e zinco (Zn). Baço e linfonodo foram submetidos à análise histológica e avaliação do grau de hemossiderose. A média das concentrações de Cu (495,05ppm), Mo (4,19ppm) e Zn (274,49ppm) encontrava-se acima dos níveis estabelecidos para bovinos. Para o Co, observou-se que 26% dos animais apresentaram níveis abaixo do estabelecido, o que caracterizou deficiência de Co. Apenas o Fe (299,12ppm) apresentou níveis médios adequados. Na histopatologia, hemossiderose foi observada, principalmente no baço (78%) e com menos frequência nos linfonodos (20%). A observação de hemossiderina no baço e linfonodos não está relacionada à deficiência de Cu, porém pode estar relacionada a elevados níveis de Mo, Zn e Fe ou a outras causas não determinadas.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Deficiência de Minerais/diagnóstico , Hemossiderose/veterinária , Fígado , Minerais/isolamento & purificação , Baço , Zinco , Cobalto , Cobre , Ferro , Linfonodos , Molibdênio
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(1): 54-59, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425378


Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is uncommon malignant neoplasia of round cells with marked predilection in Rottweiler and Bernese Mountain. The disseminated form, which mainly affects the spleen, lungs, lymph nodes, bone marrow, skin, and subcutis, presents a quick and aggressive clinical behavior. Hemangiosarcoma (HAS) is a malignant neoplasm of endothelial vessel cells commonly reported to affect the right atrium of dogs' hearts. A male Rottweiler, five years old, presented flaccid paraplegia and progressive muscular atrophy in the temporal, masseter, and limbs muscles; Due to the clinical stage of the animal, euthanasia was conducted. During the necroscopic examination, it was noticed that several masses presented different sizes; some were whitish, and others were reddish and spread in multiple organs (lungs, heart, spleen, stomach, kidneys, brain, medulla, skeletal muscle, and pre-scapular lymph node). Microscopically, in some organs such as the stomach, right ventricle, lungs, and medulla, it was noticed a proliferation of myeloid cells, highly cellular, with poor demarcation, no encapsulation, and with the infiltrative growth pattern of cells with high pleomorphism. Numerous tumoral emboli were observed in the spleen, brain, skeletal muscle, and lymph node. These cells were submitted for immunohistochemistry and were positive for CD18 (HS antibody). In the right atrium, liver, and kidney it was observed malignant and infiltrative endothelial proliferation (HSA) and emboli in the medulla. Therefore, we conclude that both neoplasms (HS and HSA) cause the animal's paraplegia due to their embolism and metastasis to the spinal cord and skeletal muscle.(AU)

Animais , Doenças do Cão , Sarcoma Histiocítico/veterinária , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico , Cães
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(4): e20210866, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384588


ABSTRACT: We described a case of fatal septicemic yersiniosis in a young adult brown titi monkey (Plecturocebus brunneus) which presented lethargy and severe anemia. Postmortem external assessment revealed marked dehydration and pale pink mucous membranes. The main gross findings included enlarged liver with yellow pinpoints, enlarged spleen with yellow nodules, mucosal ulcerations in the large intestine, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, and pulmonary hemorrhage. Histology revealed necrosuppurative hepatosplenitis with intralesional colonies of rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria, ulcerative colitis, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, and fibrinous and hemorrhagic pneumonia. Bacterial culture and identification using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry confirmed the diagnosis of yersiniosis by Yersinia enterocolitica. This study indicated that yersiniosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis of death in brown titi monkeys.

RESUMO: Descrevemos um caso de yersiniose septicêmica fatal em um zogue-zogue (Plecturocebus brunneus) jovem adulto que apresentava um quadro de letargia e anemia severa. Macroscopicamente, havia acentuada desidratação e as mucosas estavam pálidas. Notou-se hepatomegalia com múltiplos pontos amarelos e esplenomegalia com múltiplos nódulos amarelos pelo parênquima. Ainda, ulcerações da mucosa do intestino grosso, linfonodos mesentéricos aumentados e hemorragia pulmonar foram observados. A avaliação histológica revelou hepatite e esplenite necrossupurativas associadas a agregados bacterianos bacilares gram-negativos intralesionais, colite ulcerativa, hiperplasia linfoide reativa e pneumonia fibrino-hemorrágica. A cultura bacteriana e identificação através do método de espectrometria de massa por ionização e dessorção a laser assistida por matriz associada ao tempo de voo confirmou o diagnóstico de yersiniose por Yersinia enterocolitica. Este estudo demonstra que a yersiniose deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial de causa de morte em zogue-zogues.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(3): e004023, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444790


In dogs, Rhipicephalus linnaei transmits pathogens such as Ehrlichia canis, Babesia vogeli, and Hepatozoon canis. The veterinary market has synthetic acaricides to ticks control. Esters derived from castor oil are efficient. However, there is little information about their effects on non-target organisms. This work consisted of a clinical (AST, ALT, and ALP) and histological and histochemical analysis (liver and spleen) of female rabbits exposed to these esters and afoxolaner. The rabbits were divided into three groups: control group (CG) received Bandeirante® rabbit feed; the afoxolaner treatment (TG1) received rabbit feed and two doses of afoxolaner; castor oil esters treatment (TG2) received rabbit feed enriched with esters (1.75 g esters/kg). No alterations were observed in the AST, ALT, and ALP enzymes in exposure to esters TG2. Rabbits from TG1 showed changes in AST. The liver of rabbits exposed to afoxolaner underwent histological and histochemical changes, such as steatosis and vacuolation, as well as poor protein labeling. Polysaccharides were intensely observed in the group exposed to esters. The spleen showed no changes in any of the exposure. Esters from castor oil caused fewer liver changes when incorporated into the feed and fed to rabbits than exposure to afoxolaner.(AU)

Carrapatos Rhipicephalus linnaei transmitem patógenos como Ehrlichia canis, Babesia vogeli e Hepatozoon canis, para os cães. O mercado veterinário dispõe de acaricidas sintéticos para o controle desses ectoparasitas. Ésteres derivados do óleo de mamona são eficientes, mas há pouca informação sobre seus efeitos em organismos não-alvos. Esse trabalho objetivou analisar clínica (AST, ALT e ALP), histológica e histoquímicamente (fígado e baço) coelhas expostas aos ésteres e ao afoxolaner, tendo sido as mesmas alocadas nos grupos: Controle (GC) que recebeu ração Bandeirante®; Tratamento 1 (TG1), além da ração foram expostas ao afoxolaner, Tratamento 2 (TG2) receberam ração enriquecida com os ésteres (1,75 g ésteres/kg). Não houve alterações nas enzimas AST, ALT e ALP na exposição aos ésteres (TG2). No TG1 houve alterações na AST. O fígado das coelhas do TG1 apresentou alterações histológicas e histoquímicas, tais como esteatose e vacuolização, bem como fraca marcação de proteínas. Polissacarídeos foi intensamente marcados no fígado do TG2. O baço não apresentou alterações em nenhum dos grupos. Os ésteres do óleo de mamona causaram menos alterações hepáticas nas coelhas do que quando elas foram expostas ao afoxolaner.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Rhipicephalus/fisiologia , Acaricidas/efeitos adversos , Coelhos/parasitologia , Óleo de Rícino/química
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07088, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1431063


Pullorum disease is described worldwide and is caused by Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar Pullorum (S. Pullorum). S. Pullorum infection is important in commercial poultry, provoking a systemic disease with high mortality rates. Its occurrence requires notification, and when it is diagnosed in commercial breeding flocks, its eradication is demanded. The aim of this study was to report a severe outbreak of Pullorum disease in young Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), resulting in 100% mortality of keets (n=290) within the first two weeks of age. All examined keets had enlarged liver, kidneys and spleen (5/5), and the affected tissues were submitted to histological and bacteriological examination. On histopathology, random paratyphoid nodules characterized by areas of necrosis with fibrin and a moderate infiltrate of macrophages and heterophils were observed in the liver. In kidneys, discrete areas of necrosis associated with moderate multifocal infiltrates of lymphocytes, and plasma cells were observed. In the spleen, a moderate infiltrate of macrophages was noticed. Isolation of colonies suggestive of S. Pullorum from liver and spleen was performed in selective agars and, after biochemical tests, confirmed by specific duplex-PCR. The antimicrobial susceptibility test of the isolated strain revealed resistance to only sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim among the tested antimicrobials. The S. Pullorum isolate recovered in the present study was highly pathogenic to N. meleagris and may represent a risk to other avian species, including industrial poultry.

A pulorose é descrita mundialmente e é causada por Salmonella enterica subespécie enterica sorovar Gallinarum biovar Pullorum (S. Pullorum). A infecção por S. Pullorum é importante em aves comerciais, provocando doença sistêmica com altas taxas de mortalidade. Sua ocorrência requer notificação e quando diagnosticada em aves de criação comercial resulta na erradicação do plantel. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um surto grave de pulorose em filhotes de galinhas-d'Angola (Numida meleagris), resultando em 100% de mortalidade das aves (n=290) nas primeiras duas semanas de idade. Os pintinhos recebidos tinham hepato, espleno e nefromegalia (5/5). Os tecidos dos cinco indivíduos recebidos foram submetidos a exame histológico e bacteriológico. Na histopatologia, foram observados nódulos paratifoides aleatórios caracterizados por áreas de necrose com fibrina e infiltrado moderado de macrófagos e heterófilos no fígado. Nos rins, foram observadas áreas discretas de necrose associadas a infiltrados multifocais moderados de linfócitos e plasmócitos. No baço, foi observado infiltrado moderado de macrófagos. O isolamento de colônias sugestivas de S. Pullorum de fígados e baços foi realizado em ágares seletivos e, após testes bioquímicos, confirmado por duplex-PCR específico. A susceptibilidade antimicrobiana da cepa isolada revelou resistência apenas ao sulfametoxazol + trimetoprim entre os antimicrobianos testados. O isolado de S. Pullorum recuperado no presente estudo foi altamente patogênico para N. meleagris e pode representar um risco para outras espécies de aves, incluindo aves industriais.

Animais , Salmonelose Animal/mortalidade , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(3): eRBCA-2022-1741, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451864


To effectively develop and utilize high-quality Tianfu broilers, this study evaluated the morphological and structural characteristics of the immune organs of such broilers with different strains (HS1 and HS2) at different developmental stages and analyzed the distribution of mast cells by toluidine blue staining. Moreover, the localization and expression of immunoglobulin, complement C3, C4 and CD3 in immune organs were also detected. The results showed that although there was no significant difference in the development of immune organs in the HS1 and HS2, the number of lymphatic follicles and capsule thickness in the spleen and bursa of Fabricius in HS1 were greater than those in HS2. Additionally, the number of mast cells in the spleen of HS1 was greater at Day 1 and Day 21 and was significantly higher than that of HS2 (p<0.05); the number of mast cells in the bursa of Fabricius reached 9.17 on Day 7, which was significantly higher than that of HS2 (p<0.05). Moreover, the serum IgA and IgM levels in HS1 were higher than those in HS2 on Day 14 and 21 (p<0.05). In addition, the complement C3 content in HS1 was significantly or extremely significantly higher than that in HS2 on Days 1, 14 and 21 (p<0.01, p<0.05), respectively, but significantly lower than in HS2 on Day 7 (p<0.05). These results indicated that the disease resistance of the HS1 line was stronger than that of the HS2 line, which lays a foundation for future disease- resistance breeding of Tianfu broilers.(AU)

Galinhas/imunologia , Sistema Imunitário , Mastócitos/imunologia , Imunoglobulinas/análise
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(3): e004723, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444771


A high frequency of feline leishmaniasis has been reported in several countries. However, much information about disease progression in cats still needs to be clarified. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of clinicopathological changes in cats infected with Leishmania infantum. A total of 60 cats were divided into three groups of 20 animals each: control, suspects, and infected. All 60 cats underwent blood count and biochemical analyses. Serum samples from 20 animals with leishmaniasis were also used to diagnose feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus. A total of five of the infected animals underwent necropsy for a histopathological study. The main clinical findings in cats with leishmaniasis were lymphadenomegaly (65%), alopecia (55%), ulcerative skin lesions and weight loss (40%), skin nodules (25%), a significant reduction in red blood cells (p=0.0005) and hematocrit (p=0.0007), hyperplasia in spleen 4/5(80%), presence of Leishmania in the spleen 2/5(40%), hepatitis 3/5(60%), liver degeneration 4/5(80%) and inflammatory nephropathy 3/5(60%). It was concluded that cats with leishmaniasis presented significant clinical, hematological, and histopathological alterations compatible with L. infantum infection. The observation of lymphadenomegaly, weight loss, skin lesions and low concentration of red blood cells, contributes significantly to the diagnosis and analysis of progression of feline leishmaniasis.(AU)

Uma alta frequência de leishmaniose felina tem sido relatada em vários países. No entanto, muitas informações sobre a progressão da doença em gatos ainda precisam ser esclarecidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de alterações clinicopatológicas em gatos infectados por Leishmania infantum. Um total de 60 gatos foi dividido em três grupos de 20 animais cada: controle, suspeitos e infectados. Todos os 60 gatos foram submetidos à hemograma e testes bioquímicos. Amostras de soro de 20 animais com leishmaniose também foram utilizadas para diagnosticar o vírus da imunodeficiência felina e o vírus da leucemia felina. Um total de cinco dos animais infectados foram necropsiados para estudo histopatológico. Os principais achados clínicos nos gatos com leishmaniose foram linfadenomegalia (65%), alopecia (55%), lesões ulcerativas na pele e emagrecimento (40%), nódulos cutâneos (25%), redução significativa de hemácias (p=0,0005) e hematócrito (p=0,0007), hiperplasia no baço 4/5(80%), presença de Leishmania no baço 2/5(40%), hepatite 3/5(60%), degeneração hepática 4/5(80%) e nefropatia inflamatória 3/5(60%). Concluiu-se que gatos com leishmaniose apresentaram alterações clínicas, hematológicas e histopatológicas significativas compatíveis com infecção por L. infantum. A observação de linfadenomegalia, emagrecimento, lesões cutâneas e baixa concentração de hemácias, contribui significativamente para o diagnóstico e análise da progressão da leishmaniose felina.(AU)

Animais , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Gatos/fisiologia , Leishmania infantum
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1668, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419081


This study investigated the effect of resveratrol on the immune and inflammatory responses and the mRNA levels of splenic toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 signaling pathway-related genes of broilers under heat stress (HS). One hundred and sixty-two birds were allocated to three groups, each with 6 replicates, for 21 continuous days. The three treatments were as follows: the control group (22 ± 1 °C), the HS (33 ± 1 °C for 10 h d-1 and 22 ± 1 °C for the remaining time) group and the HS + resveratrol (400 mg kg-1) group. At the end of the trial, one bird per replicate close to the average body weight (BW) was selected, exsanguinated, and slaughtered. Compared with the control group, the HS treatment decreased (p<0.05) final BW, average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), relative weight of bursa of Fabricius and spleen, serum immunoglobulin (Ig) Y, IgA and interleukin (IL)-10 contents, and splenic IL-10 mRNA level, while it increased (p<0.05) feed/gain, mRNA levels of splenic tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), TLR-4, nuclear factor-kappa-B (NF-κB), IL-1ß, and IL-6. Compared to the HS group, the HS+resveratrol group exhibited increased (p<0.05) final BW, ADG, relative weight of bursa of Fabricius and spleen, serum IgY, IgA and IL-10 contents, and splenic IL-10 mRNA level, while it exhibited lower (p<0.05) TNF-α, IL-1ß and IL-6 contents in serum, and splenic TLR4, TNF-α, IL-1ß, and NF-κB mRNA levels. In conclusion, resveratrol prevented a HS-impairment of the immune function of broilers by blocking the abnormal activation of the TLR4 signaling pathway.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/imunologia , Resveratrol/efeitos adversos , Receptor 4 Toll-Like/análise
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(11): e20220506, 2023. mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427335


The study describes the genetic identification, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of equine infectious anemia occurring in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Three animals kept in the periurban region of Uruguaiana city tested positive for the AGID test. The serology was performed as a requirement for transit. None of the animals showed clinical signs of infection, one animal was necropsied, and the others were stolen. In the post-mortem examination, no macroscopic changes were observed, and microscopically, discrete hemosiderosis was detected in fragments of the liver and spleen. Amplifying and sequencing a proviral DNA fragment in blood, spleen, and mesenteric lymph node samples confirmed EIAV infection. Phylogenetic analysis of the first sequenced EIAV sample from the Rio Grande do Sul State indicates a high similarity with other Brazilian samples. Results confirmed the viral presence in the state's herds and described epidemiological and virological characteristics of EIA that contribute to the maintenance and dissemination of the virus in herds.

O estudo descreve a identificação genética, as características clínicas e epidemiológicas de um foco de Anemia Infecciosa Equina que ocorreu no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Três equinos criados na região periurbana da cidade de Uruguaiana testaram positivos pela prova sorológica de IDGA. O exame foi realizado como requerimento para trânsito dos animais. Nenhum animal apresentava sinais clínicos da infecção, um cavalo foi necropsiado e os outros dois foram roubados. Na necropsia não obsevou-se nenhuma alteração e microscopicamente foi constatada hemosiderose discreta em fragmento do fígado e baço. A infecção foi confirmada pela amplificação e sequenciamento de um segmento do genoma pró-viral do EIAV de amostras do sangue, baço e linfonodo mesentérico. A análise filogenética do primeiro EIAV sequenciado no Estado do RS indica similaridade com outras amostras que circulam no Brasil. O resultado confirma a presença do vírus no rebanho equino da região e descreve características clínicas e epidemiológicas que contribuem para a manutenção e disseminação do vírus no rebanho.

Animais , Anemia Infecciosa Equina/diagnóstico , Anemia Infecciosa Equina/genética , Anemia Infecciosa Equina/epidemiologia , Vírus da Anemia Infecciosa Equina , Doenças dos Cavalos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(4): 1-5, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412798


We described a case of fatal septicemic yersiniosis in a young adult brown titi monkey (Plecturocebus brunneus) which presented lethargy and severe anemia. Postmortem external assessment revealed marked dehydration and pale pink mucous membranes. The main gross findings included enlarged liver with yellow pinpoints, enlarged spleen with yellow nodules, mucosal ulcerations in the large intestine, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, and pulmonary hemorrhage. Histology revealed necrosuppurative hepatosplenitis with intralesional colonies of rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria, ulcerative colitis, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, and fibrinous and hemorrhagic pneumonia. Bacterial culture and identification using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry confirmed the diagnosis of yersiniosis by Yersinia enterocolitica. This study indicated that yersiniosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis of death in brown titi monkeys.

Descrevemos um caso de yersiniose septicêmica fatal em um zogue-zogue (Plecturocebus brunneus) jovem adulto que apresentava um quadro de letargia e anemia severa. Macroscopicamente, havia acentuada desidratação e as mucosas estavam pálidas. Notou-se hepatomegalia com múltiplos pontos amarelos e esplenomegalia com múltiplos nódulos amarelos pelo parênquima. Ainda, ulcerações da mucosa do intestino grosso, linfonodos mesentéricos aumentados e hemorragia pulmonar foram observados. A avaliação histológica revelou hepatite e esplenite necrossupurativas associadas a agregados bacterianos bacilares gram-negativos intralesionais, colite ulcerativa, hiperplasia linfoide reativa e pneumonia fibrino-hemorrágica. A cultura bacteriana e identificação através do método de espectrometria de massa por ionização e dessorção a laser assistida por matriz associada ao tempo de voo confirmou o diagnóstico de yersiniose por Yersinia enterocolitica. Este estudo demonstra que a yersiniose deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial de causa de morte em zogue-zogues.

Animais , Primatas , Yersinia enterocolitica/patogenicidade , Yersiniose/veterinária , Pitheciidae , Doenças dos Macacos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220023, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436795


The objective of this study was to estimate the nutritional requirement of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quail during the growth phase and its residual effect on the laying phase. One experiment was conducted, including three phases: starter, from 1 to 14 days of age; grower, from 15 to 42 days of age; and laying, from 43 to 168 days of age. The experimental design was entirely randomized with five treatments (0.52, 0.64, 0.76, 0.88, and 1.00% of digestible methionine + cystine) and five replicates. In starter phase, 48 quail/experimental unit (box) were used; in grower phase, 31 quail/experimental unit (box) were used, which were reared until 14 days old, receiving conventional feed and, in laying phase, 12 quail/experimental unit were selected from grower phase to evaluate the residual effect. To evaluate animal performance, feed intake (g/bird), body weight (g), weight gain (g), feed conversion (g/g), and viability (%) were analyzed. At 14 and 42 days of age, the relative weight (%) of liver, spleen, and cloacal pouch organs, the birds' warping (%) and body chemical composition (%) were evaluated. During laying, performance and egg quality were evaluated. In the starter and grower stages, quadratic effects were observed for all performance variables. Laying performance results confirmed the estimates obtained in the grower phase; however, there was no effect on egg quality. Considering the best feed conversion, the nutritional recommendation of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quail in the starter phase is 0.85% and in the grower phase, it is 0.77%, corresponding to daily intake of 50.43 and 158.5 mg of digestible methionine + cystine/day, respectively.

Animais , Coturnix , Cistina/administração & dosagem , Metionina/administração & dosagem
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 451-460, jan.-fev. 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428444


The synanthropization of wild animals puts public health at risk by promoting the circulation of zoonotic agents, found naturally in the wild, in the anthropic environment. The objective of this work was to carry out screening by molecular detection of pathogens of the Anaplasmatacea family in Didelphis albiventris, a specie characterized as having a synanthropic habit. Opossums that were dead (n = 25) after being road-killed were collected in the North of Paraná state, southern Brazil during the 2016 and 2018 years, through active search. A questionnaire was filled out with information about the animal and collected place. Biological samples of spleen and liver were collected. The genetic material extracted from the spleen and liver was submitted to molecular diagnosis through PCR for amplification of dsb of Ehrlichia and 16S genes for the other agents of the Anaplasmataceae family. One animal was positive for the genus Ehrlichia in semi-nested PCR for amplification of the 349 bp fragment of the dsb gene in extracted from the liver samples. In PCR for the 16S target no animal was positive. These are preliminary results that reinforce the circulation of Ehrlichia in opossums. To improve the knowledge of these agents in opossums more studies are necessary.(AU)

A sinantropização de animais silvestres coloca em risco a saúde pública por propiciar a circulação de agentes zoonóticos, encontrados naturalmente em ambiente silvestre, no ambiente antrópico. O trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a triagem por detecção molecular de patógenos da família Anaplasmataceae em Didelphis albiventris, espécie caracterizada como de hábito sinantrópico. Gambás mortos (n=25) por atropelamento durante os anos de 2016 e 2018 foram coletados na região norte do Paraná, sul do Brasil, por meio de busca ativa. Realizou-se o preenchimento de formulário com informações sobre a espécie do animal e o local do atropelamento. Foi realizada a necrópsia e coleta de amostras biológicas, de baço e fígado. O material genético extraído de baço e fígado foi submetido a diagnóstico molecular, por meio de PCR, para amplificação dos genes dsb de Ehrlichia sp. e 16S para os demais agentes da família Anaplasmataceae. Um animal foi positivo para o gênero Ehrlichia em semi-nested PCR para a amplificação do fragmento de 349 pb do gene dsb, extraído de fígado. Na PCR para detecção do gene 16S nenhum dos animais foi positivo. Esses resultados preliminares reforçam a circulação de Ehrlichias em gambás. Para melhorar o conhecimento desses agentes em gambás mais estudos são necessários.(AU)

Animais , Ehrlichiose/diagnóstico , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Didelphis/parasitologia , Brasil , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 861, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434606


Background: Primary lung neoplasms are uncommon in veterinary medicine, and when they develop, they are more frequently observed to be of epithelial origin. Although chondrosarcomas are the second most diagnosed type of neoplasm in dogs at skeletal sites, their development in extraskeletal tissues, including the spleen, aorta, heart, tongue, peritoneum, and lungs, corresponds to approximately only 1% of cases. Therefore, the occurrence of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma is considered very rare in domestic animals. Considering the rare occurrence and scarcity of data regarding its development, the present report describes the clinical and pathological aspects of a case of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma in a bitch. Case: A 8-year-old mixed-breed bitch, weighing 14.2 kg, was examined at one private veterinary clinic with the principal complaint of prolonged respiratory distress and resistance to exercise. Clinical evaluation revealed tachypnea with expiratory dyspnea due to intense pleural effusion, tachycardia, and diffusely pale mucous membranes. Thoracocentesis was performed with drainage of 1000 mL of modified transudate, and fluid cytology, blood count, and chest radiography were performed. Cytological analysis of the thoracic fluid did not identify neoplastic cells, the blood count showed intense regenerative anemia, and the radiograph showed an extensive area of consolidation in the left caudal lung lobe, compatible with neoplasia. The results of the tests performed, in addition to the evolution of the clinical picture and the impossibility of performing the indicated surgical intervention, culminated in the patient's unfavorable prognosis, followed by euthanasia, necropsy, and histopathological evaluation of the collected material. Necropsy revealed a white neoplastic formation with reddish areas and firm consistency that diffused into the parenchyma of the left caudal lung lobe with invasion of the rib cage, fracture of the fifth and sixth left ribs, diaphragmatic metastasis, intense hydrothorax, and moderate hydroperitoneum. Microscopically, in the histological sections of the lung and diaphragm, poorly differentiated mesenchymal cells with moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis and interspersed with them, moderately differentiated chondrocytes surrounded by chondroid matrix, moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, and a low mitotic index culminated in the diagnosis of primary pulmonary mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Discussion: Malignant epithelial neoplasms were suspected; however, the histopathological features observed were compatible with primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma. The characteristics of the fluid collected through thoracentesis led to its classification as a modified transudate, which is often associated with neoplastic and hemorrhagic processes; both alterations were present in this case. The diagnosis of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma was established based on the histopathological findings since the cell type and distribution observed in the present case were compatible with the typical pattern observed in extraskeletal chondrosarcomas. An unfavorable prognosis is common in cases of primary or metastatic lung neoplasm since, in most cases, the condition is identified in the advanced stages of the disease, making therapeutic management challenging. Given the increase in the number of dog deaths due to neoplasms in recent years, this case report may contribute to a better understanding of the biological behavior of pulmonary chondrosarcoma and assist in the choice of treatment to be adopted when required.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Sistema Respiratório/patologia
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(1): e012322, 2023. tab, mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416451


Hemoplasmas are non-cultivable bacterial parasites of erythrocytes that infect domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. Their means of transmission and pathogenesis remain contentious issues and difficult to evaluate in wild animals. Procyon cancrivorus is a South American carnivore and occurs in all Brazilian biomes. In this study, we aimed to investigate occurrences of hemoplasmas infecting P. cancrivorus and to identify their 16S rRNA gene, in southern Brazil. DNA was extracted from spleen and blood samples of P. cancrivorus (n = 9) from different locations. Hemoplasma DNA was detected in six samples, based on 16S rRNA gene amplification and phylogenetic analysis. Four of the six sequences belonged to the "Mycoplasma haemofelis group", which is closely related to genotypes detected in Procyon lotor from the USA; one was within the "Mycoplasma suis group", closely related to "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum"; and one was within the intermediate group between these clusters. Thus, these sequences showed that the molecular identity of hemoplasmas in the population studied was very variable. In five positive animals, Amblyomma aureolatum ticks and a flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) were collected. The present study describes the first molecular detection of mycoplasmas in P. cancrivorus.(AU)

Os micoplasmas hemotrópicos (hemoplasmas) são parasitas bacterianos não-cultiváveis de eritrócitos que infectam tanto animais domésticos e selvagens, como seres humanos. A transmissão e a patogênese são discutíveis e difíceis de avaliar em animais selvagens. O mão pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) é um carnívoro Sul-americano, que ocorre em todos os biomas brasileiros. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de investigar a ocorrência de hemoplasmas infectando P. cancrivorus e identificar seu gene 16S rRNA no Sul do Brasil. O DNA foi extraído do baço e amostras de sangue de P. cancrivorus (n= 9). O DNA de hemoplasma foi detectado em seis amostras, com base na amplificação do gene 16S rRNA e na análise filogenética. Quatro das seis sequências pertencem ao "Grupo Mycoplasma haemofelis", que estão intimamente relacionadas aos genótipos detectados no Procyon lotor dos EUA; uma dentro do "Grupo Mycoplasma suis", que está intimamente relacionado ao "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum", e uma dentro do grupo intermediário entre esses clusters, mostrando assim que há uma diversidade genética de hemoplasmas na população estudada. Em cinco animais positivos, foram coletados carrapatos Amblyomma aureolatum e uma pulga Ctenocephalides felis. O presente estudo traz a primeira detecção molecular de micoplasmas em P. cancrivorus.(AU)

Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Guaxinins/microbiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/análise , Brasil , Anotação de Sequência Molecular/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 869, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434744


Background: In the literature, there are a few descriptions of epididymis neoplasia in domestic animals, especially considering primary tumors. In the few reports found in literature, the lesions were a consequence of the invasion of testicular or paratesticular neoplasia, as a papillar carcinoma in a dog's and a bull's epididymis, and mesenchymal tumors - fibrome/ fibrosarcoma, leiomyoma/leiosarcome. On the other hand, mast cell tumors are the second most prevalent neoplasia in dogs in Brazil, affecting especially the skin. The aim of this report is to describe for the first time a low malignancy mast cell tumor in a mixed-breed dog's epididymis, without metastasis or recurrence in a 2-year follow-up period. Case: A 10-year-old male mixed-breed dog was presented for pre-surgical evaluation for elective orchiectomy. In the physical examination, an increase in the volume of approximately 2 cm with an irregular appearance was identified on palpation in the cranial pole of the left testis. In the trans surgical period, an increase in testicular volume (4 cm long x 2 cm wide) was observed, with a firm consistency in the region of the vas deferens with macroscopic changes in the region. The testis was sectioned, and the fragments were sent for histopathological evaluation in 10% buffered formaldehyde. There was a fairly cellular circumscribed neoplastic infiltrate, distributed in a sheet and separated by fibrovascular stroma, and rounded neoplastic cells with a moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasmic granulation, and discrete anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. The nuclei were rounded with vesicular chromatin with 1 or 2 distinct nucleoli. No mitosis figures were observed in 10 high power fields (400x). Few eosinophils were distributed throughout the neoplastic cell population. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated immunostaining for KIT protein with perimembranous staining in 95% of neoplastic mast cells, giving a KIT 1 pattern. There was no positive nuclear staining for Ki67 in any cell of the histological sections examined. A grade II mast cell tumor (low grade of malignancy) was diagnosed. After diagnosis, the animal underwent radiographic evaluation of the chest and abdominal ultrasound, and a new physical inspection in search of nodules, plaques, skin lesions, or subcutaneous masses. There were no metastases in the thorax and abdominal cavity, nor physical alterations, and it can be inferred that the epididymis was the primary site of the mast cell tumor. After 2 years of orchiectomy, there were no recurrences, and no chemotherapy treatment was performed. Discussion: Extracutaneous mast cell tumors are uncommon in animals, but have been reported in oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, intestine, visceral lymph nodes, spleen, liver, spinal cord, intestine, ureter, conjunctiva, lung and more recently in tear gland of the third eyelid. However, in the authors' assessment, this is the first description of mast cell tumor in the epididymis in dogs. The diagnosis was established by histopathological examination, which revealed a grade II epididymal mast cell tumor and immunohistochemical evaluation (KIT and Ki-67) as being of low aggressiveness. The diagnosis of a primary tumor was confirmed since the staging was established after the histopathological diagnosis, involving chest radiography, abdominal ultrasound, cutaneous evaluation in search of nodules, plaques, cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, and did not reveal other abnormalities or metastases not identified in the preoperative evaluation. In addition, immunostaining with KIT and Ki-67 reaffirmed the low degree of malignancy and the potential for metastases, which can be observed by the asymptomatic follow-up of the patient 2 years after the surgical excision.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Epididimo/patologia , Neoplasias dos Genitais Masculinos/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 845, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415341


Background: Hepatic tumors of primary origin account for 0.6% to 2.9% of cases in canine species, less common than hepatic metastases. The hepatic tumors are divided into hepatocellular tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, bile duct tumors or cholangiocarcinomas, and mesenchymal tumors. Cholangiocarcinomas, are classified according to their origin, being intrahepatic, extrahepatic, or gallbladder type. Cholangiocarcinomas are considered rare in dogs and cats with a ratio of 29% to 71% compared to hepatocellular carcinomas, accounting for 9% of the hepatic tumors. The present study aims to describe a case of cholangiocarcinoma in a bitch, focusing on the diagnostic approach. Case: A 10-year-old castrated bitch Poodle was attended presenting hypoglycemia and seizure crisis. The patient had previous exams of hemogram and serum biochemical profile, showing a discrete increase of the hepatic enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), besides hypoglycemia. Previous ultrasound exam revealed the presence of a hepatic mass located between the right and square lobes, immeasurable, and significant splenomegaly. Abdominal palpation revealed the presence of immeasurable abdominal formation of undetermined origin. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT), glycemic curve, and insulin dosage were requested. Tomography exam showed an increase in hepatic volume with the presence of a heterogeneous formation in the right lateral lobe topography; increase in spleen dimensions and the presence of multiple nodules; and the presence of a nodule in the right lung, at the caudal thoracic region. The glycemic curve showed acute variations, and insulin dosage was between normal values. The animal was referred for surgery, as in abdominocentesis, it was observed the presence of hemorrhagic fluid, confirming active bleeding by ultrasonography. The owners chose for euthanasia. In the post-mortem evaluation the main lesion was confirmed of hepatic origin, with a massive, irregular, cavitary presentation, involving multiple hepatic lobes, and a single nodule was observed in the right caudal lobe of the right lung. Histopathological evaluation was considered inconclusive. Immunohistochemistry was performed and the association of the immunohistochemical profile with the morphological characteristics indicated diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Discussion: The related symptomatology, in hepatic neoplasms, is generally considered non-specific, with reports of lethargy, vomiting, dyspnea, anorexia and weight loss, however, the dog in this study presented a unique manifestation of hypoglycemia and one episode of convulsive crisis resulting from it. The clinical manifestation observed was extremely unspecific making initial diagnosis difficult. The ultrasonographic examination was effective in evidencing the abdominal mass. In addition, abdominal CT was also performed, which confirmed the hepatic origin, detailing the macroscopic aspect. Biochemical analyses of ALT and AST showed a discrete increase. Biochemical changes may occur in dogs with hepatic neoplasms, although they are not specific. Functional pancreatic beta-cell tumors producing insulin are the most common cause of paraneoplastic hypoglycemia, although in the case the insulin dosage was within normal limits. In cases of nonislet cell tumor the mechanism is frequently associated with the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF). In most cases the definitive diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma can be obtained by histopathological examination, although in the present report the result obtained was inconclusive, requiring an immunohistochemical examination. Due to the aggressive and metastatic character of this neoplastic type, early detection becomes extremely important in order to maximize therapeutic chances, however, diagnosis may be difficult.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ductos Biliares/patologia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e198402, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417480


The use of antimicrobials as growth promoters and disease prevention is being constantly reduced in several animal production systems, including in the swine industry. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using acidifiers to control Salmonella Typhimurium in 65-day-old pigs by detecting the pathogen in organs at euthanasia. For this, 24 piglets were divided into two experimental groups consisting of 12 piglets each. An untreated control group (G1) and a treatment group (G2) received a liquid organic acidifier in the drinking water for 10 days (D-5 to D5). Five days after the start of treatment (D0), all piglets were challenged with 106 CFU of Salmonella Typhimurium and assessed for 12 days (D12). Every three days (D3, D6, D9, and D12), three animals from each experimental group were euthanized and then submitted for necropsy. Samples from the intestines (ileum, cecum, mesenteric lymph nodes, and ileocolic lymph nodes), liver, spleen, and lungs were collected to isolate Salmonella. The results show that, numerically, Salmonella isolation in the organs of G2 was lower than in G1 and that the number of positive cecum samples in G1 (66.7%; 8/12) was statistically different from the number of positive models in G2 (16.7%; 2/12), with a reduction of 28.6% of the total cecum positive samples in the treated group compared to the control. Therefore, it was observed that the liquid organic acidifier product could reduce the colonization of organs by Salmonella Typhimurium. (AU)

Animais , Infecções por Salmonella/prevenção & controle , Suínos/fisiologia , Ácidos Orgânicos/análise , Salmonella typhimurium/efeitos dos fármacos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 853, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418147


Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis causes several clinical signs, such as lymphadenomegaly, exfoliative dermatitis, ulcerative skin lesions, and lameness. The most commonly reported locomotor changes are claudication, edema, arthralgia, joint stiffness, and muscle atrophy. Radiographic exam revealed cortical and medullary destruction, increase, or decrease in medullary opacity, proliferative periosteal reaction, osteolysis, collapse of joint spaces and soft tissue edema are observed. The aim of this report is to describe the clinical and radiographic evolution of a case of erosive polyarthritis associated with leishmaniasis in a dog before, during and after treatment with miltefosine. Case: A 7-month-old mixed-breed dog was attended due pain and limited mobility. In the orthopedic evaluation, joint swelling, stiffness, and increased pain sensitivity of the four limbs, as well as neck stiffness, were noted. Radiographic examination showed joint changes compatible with edema, with increased volume and radiopacity of the soft tissues adjacent to the joints. The segments of the patient's spine showed more severe bone alterations, the cervical spine being one of the most affected regions, with multiple bone proliferations throughout the vertebral body, especially in the ventral portion (spondylosis), compatible with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. Due to the suspicion, lymph node and spleen cytology was performed, confirming the diagnosis. Hematological examination revealed anemia, leukopenia due to lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia in addition to increased AST (79,4 U/L; reference: 6,2 - 13 U/L), creatine kinase (517,6 U/L; reference: 1,5 - 28,4 U/L), lactate dehydrogenase (688,4 IU/L; reference: 45 - 233 IU/L) and hyperproteinemia (7,34 g/dL; reference: 5,4 - 7,1 g/dL). Treatment with miltefosine, allopurinol, domperidone, prednisone, gabapentin and dipyrone was started. Reassessments were performed monthly for 3 consecutive months. Hematological examinations showed improvement, with resolution of anemia and thrombocytopenia, and a marked decrease in creatine kinase values. Thus, it is evident that the dog did not develop liver or kidney changes during treatment. During the treatment and monitoring in this period, the dog had a clinical improvement, which started to walk without pain. In addition, joint swellings were no longer present, however, there was no improvement in the radiographic evaluation of the joints. Discussion: Clinical signs of the locomotor system are compatible with those described in animals that had osteoarticular manifestations associated with leishmaniasis, such as arthralgia, edema, and joint stiffness. In the present report, treatment with miltefosine associated with allopurinol resulted in an improvement in the clinical picture, and this therapy is therefore promising in dogs with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. A case published in human medicine demonstrated the intra-articular absorption capacity of this drug. There is only one study to date that describes the radiographic evolution of a dog with arthritis due to leishmaniasis after treatment with miltefosine and allopurinol. In this case described, the dog reported remained with the osteoarticular lesions after treatment, although clinical improvement was observed, as in our report. The use of miltefosine and allopurinol are in accordance with stage II staging for leishmaniasis. In this study, although there was no improvement in the radiographic examinations, the treatment was effective in the remission of the animal's clinical condition.

Animais , Cães , Artrite/terapia , Artrite/veterinária , Leishmania , Leishmaniose Visceral/tratamento farmacológico , Alopurinol/uso terapêutico , Domperidona/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 897, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444655


Background: Gout, a metabolic disease affecting multiple species, is frequent in birds which are uricotelic animals. It is primarily caused by hyperuricemia originating from birds' renal disorders with subsequent deposition of urate crystals into tissue. The location of the crystals determines the type of disease. Joint disease occurs with deposition inside and around joints, joint capsules, and tandine hems, while visceral disease occurs when the serous surface of visceral organs (mainly pericardium, liver, kidneys, air sacs, peritoneum, and spleen) are affected. This report describes a case of visceral uric gout in a Muscovy duck, which is rare. Case: An adult, male, Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata), kept under human care in a zoo, was referred to a veterinary clinic. The animal presented suddenly with prostration, ataxia, and anorexia, and died the following day. The body was sent to the Pathology Sector of Ritter dos Reis University Center (UniRitter) for a necropsy. During the necropsy, it was observed that white membranes, presenting a "chalk dust" appearance, were deposited under the serous layer of organs including the liver, kidneys, and pericardium. Following the necropsy and macroscopic evaluations, fragments of multiple organs were fixed in 10% formalin and processed routinely with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining for histopathological evaluation in an analysis laboratory in Porto Alegre city. A deposition of amorphous eosinophilic material was identified in the intestine, liver (serous), kidneys, lungs, and heart (epicardium) with findings of serositis, nephritis, and fibrinous epicarditis. The liver parenchyma and lungs had areas of congestion. There was both moderate and intense hepatocellular degeneration as well as degeneration in the renal tubular cells. These macro and microscopic changes were compatible with urate crystal deposition which represents visceral uric gout. Discussion: As opposed to free-living birds, birds in captivity have easy access to food and are sedentary. These factors, together with inadequate food management, make nutritional disorders the main predisposing cause of uric gout in these animals. Since it was not possible to determine the causative factors of this individual animal's disease due to the absence of examinations while alive, a nutritional origin of this animal's demise was considered. According to prior reports, an important cause of avian disease can be attributed directly or indirectly to kidney dysfunction. In addition to a deposition of amorphous material in the renal cortex, this Muscovy duck had areas of tubular cell degeneration and proliferation of fibrous connective tissue. However, it was not possible to establish a cause and effect relationship between the renal damage and the uric gout. Despite being common in birds under human care, the disease still is challenging for veterinarians, since the diagnosis is often late and treatment is often ineffective. The absence of documentation of this disease in the Muscovy duck contributes to the difficulty in establishing predisposing factors and a distinct disease etiology. This highlights the importance of the present report and the need for new studies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of visceral uric gout in a Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata). This highlights the importance of necroscopic examinations and the impact they can have in the clinical arena, especially in wild animals.

Animais , Ácido Úrico/análise , Vísceras/lesões , Patos , Gota/patologia , Animais Selvagens , Doenças Metabólicas/veterinária