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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e59110, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418519


The influence of harvest method on proximate composition, protein oxidation, and texture profile of beef from Nellore cattle were investigated. Longissimus lumborum (LL) muscles were obtained from twelve grain-fed Nellore carcasses. The animals were slaughtered after stunning (STU; n=6) or without stunning (WST; n=6) and after 24 hours postmortem, the LL was sliced into 2.54-cm steaks, packed under aerobic conditions, and stored at 4°C for nine days. Proximate composition was analyzed on day 0, whereas protein oxidation (carbonyl content) and texture profile (hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness, and springiness) were evaluated on days 0, 3, 6, and 9. STU and WST steaks exhibited similar proximate composition, hardness, and chewiness (p > 0.05). WST steaks exhibited greater protein oxidation and lower cohesiveness than their STU counterparts on day 0 (p < 0.05). Concerning the storage period, WST steaks demonstrated a decrease in springiness and a more pronounced increase in cohesiveness than their STU counterparts (p < 0.05). These results indicated that the harvest method influenced LL protein oxidation and texture profile from Bos indicus cattle.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Grão Comestível/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Carne/análise , Produtos Agrícolas/efeitos adversos , Oxidação
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200180, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442842


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of harvesting corn at different maturity stages for silage production combined with four storage periods, considering nutrient loss and the chemical composition of silage of the whole plant and also of grainless plants. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of six maturity stages of corn [reproductive (R); R1 to R6] and four periods of silage storage (30, 60, 90, and 120 days). At stages R1 and R2, losses by effluents occurred more intensely when compared with the more advanced stages, whereas losses by gases showed the opposite behavior, with stage R6 responsible for the greatest losses. Stage R4 showed a stable dry matter (DM) content during the storage period, 42.08%, and had the lowest levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) for the whole plant silage. The ADL in the silage of grainless plant of stage R4 was not the lowest, but it was close to the first reproductive stages, being an important point, since the first reproductive stages can present a vegetative fraction of better quality. The highest DM volumes produced by area occurred in the most advanced stages; however, R5 obtained a greater reduction in volume over the days of storage (20.66 kg day−1). The production cost was lower at the advanced stages (R4, R5, and R6) when compared with the first reproductive stages (R1, R2, and R3), and in general, during the storage period the costs did not have great variations. Based on the chemical composition of the silages, DM losses during the storage period, the stability in the costs of DM ton over the days of storage, the R4 stage was the most suitable for silage production.(AU)

Silagem , Grão Comestível/química , Zea mays/química , Fermentação
Sci. agric. ; 79(2)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762540


ABSTRACT: The high moisture content of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The coensiling with wholeplant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers grains (WPMS + DDGS), and wholeplant maize (WPM) coensiled with WDGS (WPM WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p 0.05) compared to the WPMS + SOM and WPMWDGS diets. However, the rapidly fermentable fraction, as well as the progressively fermentable fraction of the diet dry matter, was not different (p > 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGSbased diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p 0.05) compared to lambs consuming the DDGS and WPMSbased diets. However, the feed conversion ratio was not affected by diet differences (p > 0.05). In conclusion, coensiling WDGS with wholeplant maize provides the opportunity for the longterm storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Sci. agric ; 79(2): e20200122, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290183


The high moisture content of wet distillers' grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The co­ensiling with whole­plant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers' grains (WPMS + DDGS), and whole­plant maize (WPM) co­ensiled with WDGS (WPM ­ WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p < 0.05) compared to the WPMS + SOM and WPM­WDGS diets. However, the rapidly fermentable fraction, as well as the progressively fermentable fraction of the diet dry matter, was not different (p > 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGS­based diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p < 0.05) compared to lambs consuming the DDGS and WPMS­based diets. However, the feed conversion ratio was not affected by diet differences (p > 0.05). In conclusion, co­ensiling WDGS with whole­plant maize provides the opportunity for the long­term storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Silagem/análise , Ovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/análise , Grão Comestível
Sci. agric ; 79(02): 1-9, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1498025


The high moisture content of wet distillers' grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The co–ensiling with whole–plant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers' grains (WPMS + DDGS), and whole–plant maize (WPM) co–ensiled with WDGS (WPM – WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGS–based diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p 0.05). In conclusion, co–ensiling WDGS with whole–plant maize provides the opportunity for the long–term storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Silagem/efeitos adversos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e233941, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153477


With occurrence mainly in the southwest Goiás, Butia purpurascens has fruits and leaves widely extracted by the regional population. Coexists with exotic grasses, frequent burnings and cattle's grazing and trampling. Young individuals are rarely seen. We aim to provide information about propagules, seedling formation and the monitoring of saplings of B. purpurascens until adults in reproductive phase. Fruits were selected, measured and benefited after harvest. Of 6,000 fruits collected 3,112 were discarded for being perforated by Conotrachelus weevils. The experiment divided 2,600 fruits into 13 treatments, distributed in ripe and immature fruits, with and without pulp. In addition, we adopt mechanical and chemical break dormancy mechanisms, different storage periods and seeding depths. After sixteen months of monitoring, the formation of eleven seedlings was obtained without distinction of any treatment. Seedlings and saplings developed slowly, taking two years to emit the first metaphyll. Over time, ten individuals died, most from fungal attack. After ten years, the only surviving palm generated two inflorescences, which produced fruit. The inefficient seedling production and the slow development of saplings, combined with the impact of the extractivism and the high rate of predation of the pyrenes, suggest the low recruitment rate of the species observed, in natural conditions. This type of data is one of the important tools for creating guidelines for the species conservation. Therefore, we suggest considering the reclassification of B. purpurascens as a Critically Endangered species in the Official List of Threatened Brazilian Species of Extinction.

Com ocorrência concentrada no sudoeste goiano, Butia purpurascens tem frutos e folhas amplamente extraídos pela população regional. Coexiste com gramíneas exóticas, queimadas frequentes, além do pastejo e pisoteamento por gado. Os indivíduos jovens raramente são vistos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fornecer informações sobre propágulos, formação de plântulas e monitoramento de indivíduos jovens de B. purpurascens até adultos em fase reprodutiva. Os frutos foram selecionados, medidos e beneficiados após a colheita. Dos 6.000 frutos coletados, 3.112 foram descartados por estarem perfurados por gorgulhos do gênero Conotrachelus. O experimento dividiu 2.600 frutos em 13 tratamentos, distribuídos em frutos maduros e imaturos, com polpa e despolpados. Além da adoção de mecanismos mecânicos e químicos de quebra de dormência, períodos de armazenamento e profundidades de plantio diferentes. Após 16 meses de monitoramento, a formação de 11 plântulas foi obtida sem distinção de qualquer tratamento. Plântulas e indivíduos jovens se desenvolveram lentamente, levando dois anos para emitir o primeiro metáfilo. Ao longo do tempo, dez indivíduos morreram, a maioria, por ataque fúngico. Após dez anos, a única planta sobrevivente gerou duas inflorescências, as quais produziram frutos. A capacidade de produção de plântulas ineficiente e o lento desenvolvimento das mudas, combinados com o impacto do extrativismo e a alta taxa de predação dos pirênios, sugerem a baixa taxa de recrutamento da espécie observada, em condições naturais. Esse tipo de dado é uma das ferramentas importantes para a criação de diretrizes para a conservação de espécies. Portanto, sugerimos considerar a reclassificação de B. purpurascens como espécie Criticamente Ameaçada na Lista Nacional Oficial de Espécies da Flora Brasileira Ameaçadas de Extinção.

Animais , Arecaceae , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Plântula , Frutas
Sci. agric ; 78(1): e20190020, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497922


This study evaluated the nutritional quality, yield, and storage protein modulation in soybean grains in response to levels and sources of sulfur (S) in a dystrophic Ultisol. We used five levels of S (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg kg –1 ) and four sources of S (elemental S pastille - ESPA, gypsum - GY, gypsite - GI and elemental S powder - ESPO). Plants treated with 50 mg kg –1 of GY, GI, and ESPO and 200 mg kg –1 of ESPA had the largest grain yield values. Low S supply resulted in lower yields for all S sources tested. Sulfur deficiencies were observed at all levels for ESPA, resulting in lower concentrations of globulin and higher concentration of glutelin and albumin in the grains, possibly because the S content in the leaf was below the range adequate for soybean, leading to in lower yield values. In general, the application of S sources (GY, GI, and ESPO) increased all protein fractions. The results show that proper application of S is essential to optimize soybean yield and increase storage proteins in the grains. The granulometry of ESPA and ESPO fertilizers was a key factor for the availability of S to soybean plants. This study presents relevant information on S fertilization of soybeans, which could provide better grain nutritional quality and increased storage proteins with benefits to animal health.

Compostos de Enxofre , Partículas Elementares , Proteínas de Armazenamento de Sementes/análise , Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sulfatos
Sci. agric. ; 78(1): e20190020, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27056


This study evaluated the nutritional quality, yield, and storage protein modulation in soybean grains in response to levels and sources of sulfur (S) in a dystrophic Ultisol. We used five levels of S (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg kg –1 ) and four sources of S (elemental S pastille - ESPA, gypsum - GY, gypsite - GI and elemental S powder - ESPO). Plants treated with 50 mg kg –1 of GY, GI, and ESPO and 200 mg kg –1 of ESPA had the largest grain yield values. Low S supply resulted in lower yields for all S sources tested. Sulfur deficiencies were observed at all levels for ESPA, resulting in lower concentrations of globulin and higher concentration of glutelin and albumin in the grains, possibly because the S content in the leaf was below the range adequate for soybean, leading to in lower yield values. In general, the application of S sources (GY, GI, and ESPO) increased all protein fractions. The results show that proper application of S is essential to optimize soybean yield and increase storage proteins in the grains. The granulometry of ESPA and ESPO fertilizers was a key factor for the availability of S to soybean plants. This study presents relevant information on S fertilization of soybeans, which could provide better grain nutritional quality and increased storage proteins with benefits to animal health.(AU)

Compostos de Enxofre , Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas de Armazenamento de Sementes/análise , Partículas Elementares , Sulfatos
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 387-391, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153349


Poor storage conditions provide favorable environment to stored grain pests for their growth. The bio-pesticides are the best alternatives to synthetic pesticides. Present study was conducted to compare toxicity of Rubus fruticosus and Valeriana jatamansi against granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius and subsequent changes in enzyme activity responsible for grain damage. In current research 5 g of R. fruticosus fruit and V. jatamansi rhizome powders were tested separately against S. granarius, in 50 g wheat whole grains for seven days in comparison with the control. The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase and α-amylase was observed in the cellular extracts of S. granarius. The insects were crushed and homogenized in phosphate-buffer solution and centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 minutes. For the enzymatic measurement supernatant was tested; the spectrophotometer was adjusted at 340 nm. The reagents were mixed and incubated at 25 °C for five minutes. The cuvettes were placed in the experimental and reference sites of spectrophotometer and recorded the change in absorbance for 3-4 minutes. There was 5.60% and 14.92% reduction in the activity of malate dehydrogenase in R. fruticosus and V. jatamansi, treated insects, respectively. The alpha amylase enzyme activity was 6.82% reduced and 63.63% increase in R. fruticosus and V. jatamansi, treated insects, respectively. Present study addresses that both plant powders are effective against granary weevil by altering enzyme activities so both the plant powders can be used as bio-pesticides against the stored grains pests.

As más condições de armazenamento proporcionam um ambiente favorável às pragas armazenadas para o crescimento. Os biopesticidas são as melhores alternativas aos pesticidas sintéticos. O presente estudo foi conduzido para comparar a toxicidade de Rubus fruticosus e Valeriana jatamansi contra gorgulhos, Sitophilus granarius e subsequentes alterações na atividade enzimática responsáveis ​​por danos aos grãos. Na pesquisa atual, 5 g de frutos de R. fruticosus e pós de rizoma de V. jatamansi foram testados separadamente contra S. granarius, em 50 g de grãos integrais de trigo por sete dias, em comparação com o controle. A atividade enzimática da malato desidrogenase e α-amilase foi observada nos extratos celulares de S. granarius. Os insetos foram esmagados e homogeneizados em solução tampão fosfato e centrifugados a 10000 rpm por 5 minutos. Para a medição enzimática, o sobrenadante foi testado; o espectrofotômetro foi ajustado a 340 nm. Os reagentes foram misturados e incubados a 25 °C por cinco minutos. As cubetas foram colocadas nos locais experimentais e de referência do espectrofotômetro e registradas as alterações na absorbância por 3-4 minutos. Houve redução de 5,60% e 14,92% na atividade da malato desidrogenase em R. fruticosus e V. jatamansi, insetos tratados, respectivamente. A atividade da enzima alfa amilase foi reduzida em 6,82% e aumento de 63,63% em R. fruticosus e V. jatamansi, insetos tratados, respectivamente. O presente estudo aborda que ambos os pós de plantas são eficazes contra o gorgulho do celeiro, alterando as atividades enzimáticas, de modo que ambos os pós de plantas possam ser usados ​​como biopesticidas contra pragas de grãos armazenados.

Animais , Valeriana/toxicidade , Gorgulhos , Agentes de Controle Biológico/administração & dosagem , Rubus/toxicidade , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , alfa-Amilases , Armazenamento de Alimentos/normas , Malato Desidrogenase
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 20(4): 278-285, 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488475


Rice is one species that present dormancy after harvest and can be prolonged during seed storage. This work aimed to determine whether gibberellic acid (GA3) is an efficient promoter of dormancy-breaking in rice seeds and evaluate changes in biological structures via histochemistry. The cultivar used was SCS122 Miura submitted to 0 mg L-1, 500 mg L-1, and 1000 mg L-1 of GA3. Germination, viability, root, shoot and seedling length, starch optical microscopy, and quantification of total soluble sugars were performed. The use of 500 mg L-1 and 1000 mgL-1 of GA3 was efficient in dormancy-breaking rice seeds, reducing the percentage of dormant seeds to 4% and 1%, respectively. Despite lowering the dormancy percentage, the presence of GA3 causes an increase in the percentage of abnormal seedlings. Therefore, it cannot be recommended as a method of dormancy-breaking rice seeds at the concentrations used. Optical microscopy is efficient to verify that with the dormancy-breaking, the degradation of starch granules occurs, increasing the availability of totalsoluble sugars for the growth and development of seedlings.

O arroz é uma das espécies que apresenta dormência após a colheita, podendo esta ser prolongada durante o armazenamento das sementes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar se o ácido giberélico (GA3) é um promotor eficiente da superação de dormência em sementes de arroz e avaliar mudanças nas estruturas biológicas via histoquímica.A cultivar utilizada foi aSCS122 Miura submetida a 0 mg L-1, 500 mg L-1e 1000 mg L-1de GA3. Foram realizadas análises de germinação, viabilidade, comprimento de raiz, parte aérea e plântula, microscopia óptica do amido e quantificação dos açúcares solúveis totais. A utilização de 500 mg L-1 e 1000 mg L-1de GA3foi eficiente para a superação da dormência de sementes de arroz, reduzindo o percentual de sementes dormentes para 4% e 1% respectivamente. Apesar de reduzir o percentual dormência, a presença de GA3provoca aumento do percentual de plântulas anormais, e por isso, nas concentrações utilizadas, não pode ser recomendado como método de superação em sementes de arroz. A microscopia óptica é eficiente para verificar que com a superação de dormência, ocorre a degradação dos grânulos de amido, aumentando a disponibilidade de açúcares solúveis totais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plântulas.

Bioquímica , Dormência de Plantas , Giberelinas/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica , Plântula
R. Ci. agrovet. ; 20(4): 278-285, 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765257


Rice is one species that present dormancy after harvest and can be prolonged during seed storage. This work aimed to determine whether gibberellic acid (GA3) is an efficient promoter of dormancy-breaking in rice seeds and evaluate changes in biological structures via histochemistry. The cultivar used was SCS122 Miura submitted to 0 mg L-1, 500 mg L-1, and 1000 mg L-1 of GA3. Germination, viability, root, shoot and seedling length, starch optical microscopy, and quantification of total soluble sugars were performed. The use of 500 mg L-1 and 1000 mgL-1 of GA3 was efficient in dormancy-breaking rice seeds, reducing the percentage of dormant seeds to 4% and 1%, respectively. Despite lowering the dormancy percentage, the presence of GA3 causes an increase in the percentage of abnormal seedlings. Therefore, it cannot be recommended as a method of dormancy-breaking rice seeds at the concentrations used. Optical microscopy is efficient to verify that with the dormancy-breaking, the degradation of starch granules occurs, increasing the availability of totalsoluble sugars for the growth and development of seedlings.(AU)

O arroz é uma das espécies que apresenta dormência após a colheita, podendo esta ser prolongada durante o armazenamento das sementes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar se o ácido giberélico (GA3) é um promotor eficiente da superação de dormência em sementes de arroz e avaliar mudanças nas estruturas biológicas via histoquímica.A cultivar utilizada foi aSCS122 Miura submetida a 0 mg L-1, 500 mg L-1e 1000 mg L-1de GA3. Foram realizadas análises de germinação, viabilidade, comprimento de raiz, parte aérea e plântula, microscopia óptica do amido e quantificação dos açúcares solúveis totais. A utilização de 500 mg L-1 e 1000 mg L-1de GA3foi eficiente para a superação da dormência de sementes de arroz, reduzindo o percentual de sementes dormentes para 4% e 1% respectivamente. Apesar de reduzir o percentual dormência, a presença de GA3provoca aumento do percentual de plântulas anormais, e por isso, nas concentrações utilizadas, não pode ser recomendado como método de superação em sementes de arroz. A microscopia óptica é eficiente para verificar que com a superação de dormência, ocorre a degradação dos grânulos de amido, aumentando a disponibilidade de açúcares solúveis totais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plântulas.(AU)

Dormência de Plantas , Giberelinas/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica , Bioquímica , Plântula
Colloq. Agrar ; 17(5): 73-78, set.-out. 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481666


The conditions of the storage environment caninfluence the quality of seeds or grains in relation to commercial quality, deterioration and nutritional characteristics, mainly as a function of temperature and relative humidity. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of temperature and relative humidity of storage on the water content of peanut seeds.The experiment was developed in a completely randomized designin factorial scheme5 x 9, with five temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C) and nine conditions of relative humidity, each condition had nine repetitions. The seeds were stored in airtight packaging with saturated solutions to maintain a constant condition.The water content in the seeds was evaluated in each condition. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, correlation, regression, multivariate analysis and adjustment with mathematical models. Relative humidity was more expressive in changing the equilibrium water content. The Chung-Pfost model was the most suitable to represent the sorption process in peanut seeds.

As condições do ambiente de armazenamento podem influenciar na qualidade desementes ou grãos em relação a qualidade comercial, deterioração e características nutricionais, principalmente em função da temperatura e umidade relativa. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da temperatura e umidade relativa de armazenamento sobre o conteúdo de água em sementes de amendoim. O experimento foi desenvolvido em delineamento inteiramente casualizadoem esquema fatorial 5 x 9, sendo cinco temperaturas (5, 10, 15, 20 e 25°C) e nove condições de umidade relativa. Cada condição apresentava nove repetições. As sementes foram armazenadas em embalagens herméticas com soluções saturadas para manter a condição constante. Foi avaliado o teor de água nas sementes em cada condição. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância, correlação, regressão, analise multivariada e ajuste com modelos matemáticos. A umidade relativa foi mais expressiva na alteração do teor de água em equilíbrio. O modelo de Chung-Pfost foi o mais adequado para representar o processo de sorção em sementes de amendoim.

Arachis/fisiologia , Produtos Agrícolas , Sementes/fisiologia , Sementes/química , Água/análise
Colloq. agrar. ; 17(5): 73-78, set.-out. 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765618


The conditions of the storage environment caninfluence the quality of seeds or grains in relation to commercial quality, deterioration and nutritional characteristics, mainly as a function of temperature and relative humidity. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of temperature and relative humidity of storage on the water content of peanut seeds.The experiment was developed in a completely randomized designin factorial scheme5 x 9, with five temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C) and nine conditions of relative humidity, each condition had nine repetitions. The seeds were stored in airtight packaging with saturated solutions to maintain a constant condition.The water content in the seeds was evaluated in each condition. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, correlation, regression, multivariate analysis and adjustment with mathematical models. Relative humidity was more expressive in changing the equilibrium water content. The Chung-Pfost model was the most suitable to represent the sorption process in peanut seeds.(AU)

As condições do ambiente de armazenamento podem influenciar na qualidade desementes ou grãos em relação a qualidade comercial, deterioração e características nutricionais, principalmente em função da temperatura e umidade relativa. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da temperatura e umidade relativa de armazenamento sobre o conteúdo de água em sementes de amendoim. O experimento foi desenvolvido em delineamento inteiramente casualizadoem esquema fatorial 5 x 9, sendo cinco temperaturas (5, 10, 15, 20 e 25°C) e nove condições de umidade relativa. Cada condição apresentava nove repetições. As sementes foram armazenadas em embalagens herméticas com soluções saturadas para manter a condição constante. Foi avaliado o teor de água nas sementes em cada condição. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância, correlação, regressão, analise multivariada e ajuste com modelos matemáticos. A umidade relativa foi mais expressiva na alteração do teor de água em equilíbrio. O modelo de Chung-Pfost foi o mais adequado para representar o processo de sorção em sementes de amendoim.(AU)

Sementes/química , Sementes/fisiologia , Água/análise , Arachis/fisiologia , Produtos Agrícolas
Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(2): 387-391, Mar.-May 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762739


Poor storage conditions provide favorable environment to stored grain pests for their growth. The bio-pesticides are the best alternatives to synthetic pesticides. Present study was conducted to compare toxicity of Rubus fruticosus and Valeriana jatamansi against granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius and subsequent changes in enzyme activity responsible for grain damage. In current research 5 g of R. fruticosus fruit and V. jatamansi rhizome powders were tested separately against S. granarius, in 50 g wheat whole grains for seven days in comparison with the control. The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase and alpha-amylase was observed in the cellular extracts of S. granarius. The insects were crushed and homogenized in phosphate-buffer solution and centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 minutes. For the enzymatic measurement supernatant was tested; the spectrophotometer was adjusted at 340 nm. The reagents were mixed and incubated at 25 °C for five minutes. The cuvettes were placed in the experimental and reference sites of spectrophotometer and recorded the change in absorbance for 3-4 minutes. There was 5.60% and 14.92% reduction in the activity of malate dehydrogenase in R. fruticosus and V. jatamansi, treated insects, respectively. The alpha amylase enzyme activity was 6.82% reduced and 63.63% increase in R. fruticosus and V. jatamansi, treated insects, respectively. Present study addresses that both plant powders are effective against granary weevil by altering enzyme activities so both the plant powders can be used as bio-pesticides against the stored grains pests.(AU)

As más condições de armazenamento proporcionam um ambiente favorável às pragas armazenadas para o crescimento. Os biopesticidas são as melhores alternativas aos pesticidas sintéticos. O presente estudo foi conduzido para comparar a toxicidade de Rubus fruticosus e Valeriana jatamansi contra gorgulhos, Sitophilus granarius e subsequentes alterações na atividade enzimática responsáveis por danos aos grãos. Na pesquisa atual, 5 g de frutos de R. fruticosus e pós de rizoma de V. jatamansi foram testados separadamente contra S. granarius, em 50 g de grãos integrais de trigo por sete dias, em comparação com o controle. A atividade enzimática da malato desidrogenase e alfa-amilase foi observada nos extratos celulares de S. granarius. Os insetos foram esmagados e homogeneizados em solução tampão fosfato e centrifugados a 10000 rpm por 5 minutos. Para a medição enzimática, o sobrenadante foi testado; o espectrofotômetro foi ajustado a 340 nm. Os reagentes foram misturados e incubados a 25 °C por cinco minutos. As cubetas foram colocadas nos locais experimentais e de referência do espectrofotômetro e registradas as alterações na absorbância por 3-4 minutos. Houve redução de 5,60% e 14,92% na atividade da malato desidrogenase em R. fruticosus e V. jatamansi, insetos tratados, respectivamente. A atividade da enzima alfa amilase foi reduzida em 6,82% e aumento de 63,63% em R. fruticosus e V. jatamansi, insetos tratados, respectivamente. O presente estudo aborda que ambos os pós de plantas são eficazes contra o gorgulho do celeiro, alterando as atividades enzimáticas, de modo que ambos os pós de plantas possam ser usados como biopesticidas contra pragas de grãos armazenados.(AU)

Malato Desidrogenase , alfa-Amilases , Rubus , Gorgulhos , Valeriana , Controle Biológico de Vetores
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e56763, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460992


Fungi are among the main responsible for damage and loss in stored grains, its control has been done through synthetic substances, which are harmful to man and the environment. Brazil, one of the leading countries in agriculture, has optimal environmental conditions for the development of mycotoxigenic fungi. Most of the synthetic chemicals used as preservatives have often been realized to be toxic to humans and also cause adverse environmental effects. Thus, it is necessary to search for alternative methods of controlling. In this study the aimed was to evaluate the efficacy of lemongrass essential oil in the control of the Aspergillus brasiliensis. In vitro and serial microdilution tests were carried out at different concentrations of essential oil and citral, which corresponds to 72% of the total oil composition. Inhibition of fungal growth on contaminated wheat grain was evaluated. The in vitro test results showed that the essential oil has fungicidal potential at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined at 0.8 956;L mL-1. The tests with citral showed fungal control at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1 onwards. For wheat grain, fungal growth inhibition was obtained at the concentration of 1.6 956;L mL-1. The essential oil of Cymbopogon flexuosus showed fungicidal activity against the fungus Aspergillus brasiliensis.

Antifúngicos , Aspergillus , Poaceae/química , Triticum/microbiologia , Óleos Voláteis/análise
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e56763, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764601


Fungi are among the main responsible for damage and loss in stored grains, its control has been done through synthetic substances, which are harmful to man and the environment. Brazil, one of the leading countries in agriculture, has optimal environmental conditions for the development of mycotoxigenic fungi. Most of the synthetic chemicals used as preservatives have often been realized to be toxic to humans and also cause adverse environmental effects. Thus, it is necessary to search for alternative methods of controlling. In this study the aimed was to evaluate the efficacy of lemongrass essential oil in the control of the Aspergillus brasiliensis. In vitro and serial microdilution tests were carried out at different concentrations of essential oil and citral, which corresponds to 72% of the total oil composition. Inhibition of fungal growth on contaminated wheat grain was evaluated. The in vitro test results showed that the essential oil has fungicidal potential at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined at 0.8 956;L mL-1. The tests with citral showed fungal control at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1 onwards. For wheat grain, fungal growth inhibition was obtained at the concentration of 1.6 956;L mL-1. The essential oil of Cymbopogon flexuosus showed fungicidal activity against the fungus Aspergillus brasiliensis.(AU)

Óleos Voláteis/análise , Poaceae/química , Antifúngicos , Aspergillus , Triticum/microbiologia
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0842019, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1130142


Ahasverus advena (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) is a secondary pest of stored grains. It is a polyphagic and cosmopolitan species, with little information about its occurrence in the northern region of Brazil. This study was conducted to report the first occurrence of A. advena in corn grains in the city of Plácido de Castro, in the state of Acre, Brazil. In June 2019, the presence of A. advena under development was observed in a mass of corn grains. The identification was made at the species level using the available dichotomous keys. Since this is the first record of A. advena in corn grains in the city of Plácido de Castro, monitoring insects in the mass of corn grains is necessary to prevent the economic damages caused by A. advena to grains.(AU)

Ahasverus advena (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) é uma praga secundária de grãos armazenados. É uma espécie polifágica e cosmopolita, com poucas informações sobre sua ocorrência na região norte do Brasil. Este estudo tem o objetivo de relatar a primeira ocorrência de A. advena em grãos de milho na cidade de Plácido de Castro, Acre, Brasil. Em junho de 2019, observou-se a presença de A. advena desenvolvendo em uma massa de grãos de milho. A identificação foi feita a nível de espécie com a utilização das chaves dicotômicas disponíveis. Como este é o primeiro registro de A. advena em grãos de milho na cidade de Plácido de Castro, o monitoramento dos insetos na massa de grãos de milho é necessário para evitar danos econômicos causados por A. advena nos grãos.(AU)

Animais , Besouros , Grão Comestível , Zea mays , Pragas da Agricultura , Armazenamento de Alimentos
Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 87: e0842019, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29347


Ahasverus advena (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) is a secondary pest of stored grains. It is a polyphagic and cosmopolitan species, with little information about its occurrence in the northern region of Brazil. This study was conducted to report the first occurrence of A. advena in corn grains in the city of Plácido de Castro, in the state of Acre, Brazil. In June 2019, the presence of A. advena under development was observed in a mass of corn grains. The identification was made at the species level using the available dichotomous keys. Since this is the first record of A. advena in corn grains in the city of Plácido de Castro, monitoring insects in the mass of corn grains is necessary to prevent the economic damages caused by A. advena to grains.(AU)

Ahasverus advena (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) é uma praga secundária de grãos armazenados. É uma espécie polifágica e cosmopolita, com poucas informações sobre sua ocorrência na região norte do Brasil. Este estudo tem o objetivo de relatar a primeira ocorrência de A. advena em grãos de milho na cidade de Plácido de Castro, Acre, Brasil. Em junho de 2019, observou-se a presença de A. advena desenvolvendo em uma massa de grãos de milho. A identificação foi feita a nível de espécie com a utilização das chaves dicotômicas disponíveis. Como este é o primeiro registro de A. advena em grãos de milho na cidade de Plácido de Castro, o monitoramento dos insetos na massa de grãos de milho é necessário para evitar danos econômicos causados por A. advena nos grãos.(AU)

Animais , Besouros , Grão Comestível , Zea mays , Pragas da Agricultura , Armazenamento de Alimentos
Sci. agric ; 77(1): e20180095, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497826


In general, the effects of Cadmium (Cd) on crop quality are evaluated solely by Cd accumulation in the edible plant parts; thus, the potential effects on several nutritional features are not often taken into account. This study evaluated Cd effects on the enzymatic activities of lysine (Lys) metabolism, storage protein and amino acid profile in maize. Stress parameters were also assessed. In vegetative organs, Cd was accumulated in the following decreasing order: roots > stems > leaves. Cadmium accumulation in grains decreased at grain maturity (from 0.25 to 0.07 µg g1 DW). In leaves, neither hydrogen peroxide content nor superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxide and guaiacol peroxidase activities did not change in Cd-treated plants compared to control plants. Lipid peroxidation was not detected in immature grains and leaves of plants under Cd exposure, indicating that Cd accumulation mainly in the roots is a mechanism to avoid oxidative stress in aboveground parts of the plant. However, Lys metabolism in immature grains was modified, showing increases in the specific activities of aspartate kinase (AK) and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) after Cd exposure. AK sensitivity to Lys feedback inhibition increased, but decreased in DHDPS in Cd-treated plants, suggesting differential regulation for these enzymes. In mature grains, the Lys content did not change, while the proline content increased by 54 % in Cd-treated plants. This is the first report on Cd effects on amino acid profile, storage protein contents and enzymes from Lys metabolism in grains of a cereal plant species.

Intoxicação por Cádmio , Zea mays/intoxicação
Sci. agric. ; 77(1): e20180095, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24375


In general, the effects of Cadmium (Cd) on crop quality are evaluated solely by Cd accumulation in the edible plant parts; thus, the potential effects on several nutritional features are not often taken into account. This study evaluated Cd effects on the enzymatic activities of lysine (Lys) metabolism, storage protein and amino acid profile in maize. Stress parameters were also assessed. In vegetative organs, Cd was accumulated in the following decreasing order: roots > stems > leaves. Cadmium accumulation in grains decreased at grain maturity (from 0.25 to 0.07 µg g1 DW). In leaves, neither hydrogen peroxide content nor superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxide and guaiacol peroxidase activities did not change in Cd-treated plants compared to control plants. Lipid peroxidation was not detected in immature grains and leaves of plants under Cd exposure, indicating that Cd accumulation mainly in the roots is a mechanism to avoid oxidative stress in aboveground parts of the plant. However, Lys metabolism in immature grains was modified, showing increases in the specific activities of aspartate kinase (AK) and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) after Cd exposure. AK sensitivity to Lys feedback inhibition increased, but decreased in DHDPS in Cd-treated plants, suggesting differential regulation for these enzymes. In mature grains, the Lys content did not change, while the proline content increased by 54 % in Cd-treated plants. This is the first report on Cd effects on amino acid profile, storage protein contents and enzymes from Lys metabolism in grains of a cereal plant species.(AU)

Zea mays/intoxicação , Intoxicação por Cádmio