Background: Hypertrophic phenotype cardiomyopathy is the most common heart disease in cats. Although the echocardiogram is the gold standard test for diagnosing fHCM, patients with the disease may have electrocardiographic changes. Despite being reported in most 12-lead electrocardiograms, the P wave axis generally receives little attention when compared to other wave parameters. We performed a Doppler echocardiographic and electrocardiographic study in cats, in order to verify the presence of correlation between the electrical axis average P wave and the presence of fCMH, aiming to investigate the possibility of its aid in the early diagnosis of cardiac disorders. Materials, Methods & Results: One hundred cats of different breeds, ages, males and females were evaluated. Those animals with a history of previous disease other than hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were excluded from the study. The groups were formed after obtaining the results of the echocardiographic examination. Eight of the 100 cats did not allow echocardiographic evaluation, and the remaining 92 were divided into 2 groups (control group, n = 64 and heart disease group, n = 28) after the examination. Of these 92 animals, 28 cats had the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype. The electrocardiographic examination was performed after the allocation of animals into groups lasting 5 min with the recording of tracings for later interpretation. To calculate the axis of the P wave, leads D1 and D3 were used, measuring the amplitude of the P wave in these leads and calculating the resulting amplitude. All cats studied had mean electrical axis of the P wave within the normal range for the species (0º to 90º). Based on mean electrical axis P wave values, there was no significant difference between groups. The control group had a median of 63.7° with a maximum value of 80°, a minimum value of 60° and a mean of 65.1°. The fCMH group had a median of 68.7° with a maximum value of 85.3°, a minimum value of 56.3° and a mean of 68.8°. Of the fCMH group, 3 cats had increased P wave duration (50.33 ± 5.77 ms), suggesting left atrial overload, and 13 cats had increased QRS complex duration (66.30 ± 11.23 ms). Also, 18 cats (Control group: 11; fCMH group: 7) showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of R, suggesting the presence of myocardial hypoxia and/or electrolyte disturbance. One cat had a prolonged PR interval (from the fCMH group). As for the QT interval, 6 cats had an interval < 120 (2 from the control group and 4 from the affected group) and 3 had an interval > 180 (1 from the control group and 2 from the affected group). The ST segment remained isoelectric in all segments. As for the mean electrical axis of the QRS complex, 5 cats (10.42%) had axis deviation to the right (control: 1; fCMH: 4) suggesting right ventricular overload; 7 cats (14.58%) had left axis deviation (control: 5; fCMH: 2), suggestive of left ventricular overload; and 36 cats (75%) had a normal mean electrical axis. Discussion: Based on the results obtained in the present study, it can be concluded that screening studies in asymptomatic felines should be increasingly implemented in the veterinary clinical routine, since the frequency found was high (30.44%) and that patients may remain asymptomatic for years until the development of signs. It should be concluded that there was no correlation between the mean electric axis of P-wave and the presence of subclinical phenotype hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Therefore, more studies are needed, with felines at different stages of the disease, to evaluate whether this electrocardiographic measurement allows us to assist in its diagnosis, since it is a feasible measure in cats. Furthermore, it is concluded that the electrocardiogram should be used as an aid method in the diagnosis of the disease and not as a screening test.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gatos , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Análise de Onda de Pulso/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: The brachycephalic dog breeds have been increasing in Brazil, and these animals are predisposed to present the brachycephalic dog syndrome, consisting of anatomical defects that lead to physiological changes and clinical signs such as wheezing, dyspnea, and hypoxia. Electrocardiography (ECG) is a simple test that can detect disturbances in the electrical activity of the heart, including changes present in hypoxia. The brachycephalic dog syndrome can lead to pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxia. Based on this, the present work aimed to evaluate the ECG of brachycephalic dogs in search of significant changes in heart rhythm, ECG waves, and cardiac axis. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-nine dogs were evaluated in this study, 19 brachycephalic and 10 mesaticephalic, after approval by an ethics committee the animals were selected. Electrocardiographic examinations were performed in 2 stages, at rest and immediately after a 3-min trot. The exam was performed with a computerized electrocardiograph, with a standard time of 5 min. The standard positioning for performing the examination was the right lateral decubitus position. To improve the electrical conductivity, 70% alcohol was used between the animal's skin and the electrodes. In statistical analysis, paired t test was performed for comparison of the same group before and after exercise and unpaired t test between groups at the same moments, considering P < 0.05 as significant. Nineteen brachycephalic animals were evaluated, 10 Pugs and 9 French Bulldogs, 9 males and 10 females. The mean age was 3.4 ± 1.8 years; and the mean weight was 12.5 kg ± 2.7 kg. In the control group, consisting of ten mesaticephalic animals, all were non-breed, three males and seven females; the mean age and weight in this group were 4.4 ± 1.5 years and 7.5 kg ± 0.5 kg, respectively. There was a significant increase in heart rate (bpm) after exercise in brachycephalic dogs (baseline: 119.3 ± 4.3; after exercise: 135.1 ± 4.9; P = 0.0005). The same occurred for P wave amplitude (mV) (baseline: 0.20 ± 0.01; after exercise: 0.22 ± 0.01; P = 0.0001). These differences were not found in the control group. There were no alterations in the duration of the P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval, and all were within normal values for the species in both groups. The R-wave amplitude remained unaltered and within normal values in both the control and brachycephalic groups. Discussion: The elevation in heart rate may be associated with the chemoreflex secondary to the increased demand for oxygenation during exercise and the hypoxia generated by it. The increase in P amplitude suggests right atrial overload. The P wave corresponds to the atrial depolarization and its amplitude corresponds to the electrical activity in the right atrium. Thus, it is possible to relate the increase in P amplitude and heart rate to the hypoxia caused by exercise in brachycephalic, since this hypoxia results in chemoreceptor activation that increases chronotropism and heart rate. Also, there may be increased pressure in the pulmonary trunk, this increased pressure occurs due to vasoconstriction generated as a reflex to hypoxia in the pulmonary alveoli, leading to a possible picture of acute pulmonary hypertension that, in a cascade effect, leads to hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle, increased strength of contractility and ejection affecting the tricuspid valve causing a reflux and consequent overload of the right atrium.
Animais , Cães , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Craniossinostoses/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipóxia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Analysis of the electrocardiogram may suggest atrial and ventricular overloads. However, it has a lowsensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of cardiac chamber overload. The accuracy of electrocardiographic interpretation can be improve using new cut-offs for the duration and amplitude of the electrocardiographic waves. Ourobjective was to evaluate the use of the electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of atrial and ventricular overload, usingechocardiography as the gold standard test for the diagnosis of atrioventricular overload. We aimed to define newcut-off values that would increase the sensitivity and specificity of the electrocardiogram for diagnosis of chamberoverload in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: Eletrocardiogram records were obtained in 81 dogs divided into 3 groups: Group1A (healthy dogs ≤ 10 kg); Group 1B (dogs ≤ 10 kg with mitral or tricuspid valve disease); Group 2 (dogs weighingbetween 10.1 and 20 kg) and Group 3 (dogs > 20.1 kg). Duration in milliseconds (ms) and amplitude in millivolts(mV) of P waves and QRS complexes, PR and QT segment, T wave amplitude and ST segment were evaluated in leadDII. Using leads I and III, the mean cardiac electrical axis in the frontal plane, expressed in degrees, was determinedas the mean of three consecutive measurements. Values considered normal in Group 1A and 1B for the durantion ofP wave was ≤ 45 ms and QRS duration ≤ 55 ms. In Group 2 the duration of P wave was ≤ 47 ms and QRS duration ≤61 ms. In Group 3 the duration of P wave was ≤ 50 ms and duration QRS ≤ 64 ms. These values (duration of P waveand QRS duration) were compared with echocardiographic measurements of the left atrium, considering the referencevalue AE/Ao ≤ 1.4 and measurements of the left ventricle in M-mode according to the body weight, respectively. AP wave amplitude ≤ 0.4 mV suggested that the right atrium size was normal and this was...
Animais , Cães , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Cães , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Analysis of the electrocardiogram may suggest atrial and ventricular overloads. However, it has a lowsensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of cardiac chamber overload. The accuracy of electrocardiographic interpretation can be improve using new cut-offs for the duration and amplitude of the electrocardiographic waves. Ourobjective was to evaluate the use of the electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of atrial and ventricular overload, usingechocardiography as the gold standard test for the diagnosis of atrioventricular overload. We aimed to define newcut-off values that would increase the sensitivity and specificity of the electrocardiogram for diagnosis of chamberoverload in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: Eletrocardiogram records were obtained in 81 dogs divided into 3 groups: Group1A (healthy dogs ≤ 10 kg); Group 1B (dogs ≤ 10 kg with mitral or tricuspid valve disease); Group 2 (dogs weighingbetween 10.1 and 20 kg) and Group 3 (dogs > 20.1 kg). Duration in milliseconds (ms) and amplitude in millivolts(mV) of P waves and QRS complexes, PR and QT segment, T wave amplitude and ST segment were evaluated in leadDII. Using leads I and III, the mean cardiac electrical axis in the frontal plane, expressed in degrees, was determinedas the mean of three consecutive measurements. Values considered normal in Group 1A and 1B for the durantion ofP wave was ≤ 45 ms and QRS duration ≤ 55 ms. In Group 2 the duration of P wave was ≤ 47 ms and QRS duration ≤61 ms. In Group 3 the duration of P wave was ≤ 50 ms and duration QRS ≤ 64 ms. These values (duration of P waveand QRS duration) were compared with echocardiographic measurements of the left atrium, considering the referencevalue AE/Ao ≤ 1.4 and measurements of the left ventricle in M-mode according to the body weight, respectively. AP wave amplitude ≤ 0.4 mV suggested that the right atrium size was normal and this was...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
The Bradypus variegatus species presents peculiar anatomophysiological properties and many aspects of its organic systems still need to be clarified, especially regarding the cardiovascular system, given its participation in vital activities. Disorderly anthropic action has had drastic consequences in sloth populations and the need to treat sick and injured animals is increasingly common. To this end, the importance of knowing its characteristics is emphasized. Therefore, this study proposed to describe the internal macroscopic structures of the sloth's heart, as well as to measure the ventricular walls and indicate the electrical activity of the organ. For the dissections, 15 Bradypus variegatus cadavers were used (1 young female, 9 adults females and 5 adult males) belonging to the Área de Anatomia of the Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal (DMFA), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recide, PE, Brazil. After they were fixed and preserved, the specimens received a midsagittal incision in the chest, followed by soft tissue folding and removal of ribs to access the heart. The organ was derived from the cavity and sectioned sagittal medially to identify its internal anatomy. Ventricular walls and interventricular septum were measured with a steel caliper (150 mm / 0.02 mm). An electrocardiogram was performed to determine the electrical profile on 5 healthy B. variegatus sloths, living under semi-livestock conditions at the Recife Zoo, PE, Brazil. The electrodes were taken from the regions, scapular and glutes of the animals that were called hugging a keeper during the procedure, carried out in the Zoo itself, using a portable device. Based on the data obtained, sloths have cardiac chambers separated by septa, however between atria and ventricles, in both antimeres, there are atrioventricular ostia, where valves are found, consisting of 3 valves on the right and 2 on the left. The atria are practically smooth inside and have their cavity enlarged by the atria, the right being larger than the left, these having a greater amount of pectineal muscles in relation to the atria. The ventricles have trabeculae and papillary muscles, 3 on the right and 2 on the left. These muscles hold the tendinous chords that connect the valves. The existence of trabeculae marginal septum was not evidenced. The thickness of the wall of the left ventricle, as well as that of the interventricular septum, proved to be greater than the thickness of the wall of the right ventricle, regardless of the age or sex of the animals. Based on the electrocardiographic recordings, the sloths presented sinus rhythm, with a heart rate between 67 and 100 bpm. The electrical axis ranged from -60º to -90º. The P wave is smoother than the QRS complex. While the S-T segment was classified as isoelectric. The T wave was shown to be + and predominantly > or = at 25% of the S wave, which characterized an rS type QRS deflection in both females and males. The general characteristics of the cardiac chambers in sloths are similar to those observe in other domestic and wild mammals. However, the presence of pectineal muscles associated with the atria and auricles differs from that observed in mammals such as the paca and raccoon and in birds such as the ostrich, which have trabecular structures in these cavities. The number of valves in sloths is equal to the anteater. However, it has a marginal trabeculae septum, not seen in Bradypus variegatus. According to the electrocardiographic findings, the rhythm was sinus, but much lower than that observed in the capuchin monkey, which also maintains arboreal habits.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/fisiologia , Xenarthra/fisiologia , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Frequência Cardíaca , Ventrículos do Coração/anatomia & histologia , EletrocardiografiaResumo
The incidence of cancer has increased due to greater longevity of the animals as a consequence of better control of other diseases, improvement of nutrition and good practices in preventive medicine. Malignant tumors can cause paraneoplastic syndrome such as hypercalcemia, anemia, cachexia, among others and consequent cardiovascular disorders. The electrocardiography (ECG) is a complementary exam that can reveal with its traces these rhythmic disorders. Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the ECG in bitches with mammary tumors in order to detect in which type of tumor would be found significant changes as in cardiac rhythm, ECG waves, segments or cardiac axis. Twenty-nine female dogs were used in this study, being 19 bitches with mammary tumor, and they were allocated in three groups: G1: control group (n = 10), G2: benign neoplasia group (n = 6) and G3: malignant neoplasia group (n = 13). The most prevalent type of neoplasia in G2 was the benign mixed tumor (83%), followed by adenoma (17%) whereas in G3: carcinoma in mixed tumor (61%); papillary carcinoma (23%). Regarding cardiac rhythm, it was found sinus arrhythmia (SA) and normal sinus rhythm (NS): G1: 50% SA and 50% NS; G2: 67% SA and 33% NS; G3: 54% SA and 46% NS. No ventricular or atrial arrhythmias were detected. For other parameters in G1, G2 and G3, respectively (mean ± Std error): FC (bpm): 110±9.2, 120 ± 8.5, 124±7,5; P (ms): 48 ± 1.6, 51 ± 1.8, 50 ± 1.2; P (mV) 0.19 ± 0.02, 0.2 ± 0.02, 0.19 ± 0.02; PR (ms): 94 ± 4.3, 93 ± 5.5, 89 ± 3.9; QRS (ms): 56 ± 1.54, 60 ± 4, 62 ± 1.2; R (mV): 1.1 ± 0.06, 1.2 ± 0.24, 0.9 ± 0.13; QT (ms): 203 ± 9.4; 204 ± 7.9; 182 ± 15.6; and cardiac axis (°): 66 ± 6.2, 61 ± 7.9, 70 ± 7.5. There were no significant differences for all cardiac parameters and also for ST interval and T wave morphology. All electrocardiographic parameters found are in accordance with other studies carried out in the canine species. The results regarding tumor types differ from what was found in another study, in which in 18 bitches with mammary tumors, 55% were benign, with prevalence of adenomas (38%) followed by benign mixed tumors, and 45% malignant, with adenocarcinoma prevailing (22%). In another study, it was verified in 63 bitches the predominance of tubular carcinoma (26.56%) and carcinoma in mixed tumors (23.44%). Diverging from the electrocardiographic parameters of this study, a significant difference was found in the R wave amplitude value in the research by Barros et al., (2015) who performed computerized electrocardiography in 50 dogs, not only with mammary neoplasms (55% mammary carcinomas), but also in mastocytomas, lymphomas, benign tumors and other sarcomas. This author found out that the R wave amplitude values of the neoplasia group were lower when compared to the control group. In addition, we suspect that other types of tumors could result in more paraneoplastic syndrome than the mammary neoplasms found in this research. Neoplasms as lymphomas (T cells), apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinomas, multiple myelomas and thymomas are known as a cause of hypercalcemia of malignancy and histiocytic sarcomas, myelomas, leukemia and lymphomas causing anemia. In conclusion, ECG has no changes in benign or malignant mammary tumors in dogs. However, this fact does not exclude the importance of its performance in pre-anesthetic evaluations. Further studies with a larger sample including the clinical staging of these bitches with a balanced number of animals with low and high staging are suggested.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças Cardiovasculares/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/complicações , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , CãesResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo comparar a associação de detomidina e cetamina ou dextrocetamina, por via intravenosa contínua, em oito cadelas submetidas a dois protocolos: GCD - indução anestésica com 5mg/kg e infusão intravenosa contínua de 20mg/kg/h de cetamina; e GDD - indução com 3,5mg/kg e infusão de 14mg/kg/h de dextrocetamina. Associou-se detomidina, 30µg/kg/h, em ambos os grupos. Registraram-se frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA), frequência respiratória (f), temperatura (TC), miorrelaxamento, analgesia, hemogasometria e eletrocardiograma, antes e 15 minutos após a MPA (Mbasal e Mmpa); após o início da infusão (Mic); a cada 10 minutos até 90 minutos (M10, M20, M30, M40, M50, M60, M70, M80 e M90); e 30 minutos após o fim da infusão (M120). Foi observada bradicardia em Mmpa no GCD e de Mmpa a M10 no GDD. Ocorreu hipotensão em Mmpa e hipertensão a partir de Mic. A f diminuiu de M10 a M30. Foram observados: onda T de alta amplitude, bloqueios atrioventriculares e parada sinusal. Ocorreu acidose respiratória. O período de recuperação foi de 219,6±72,3 minutos no GCD e de 234,1±96,8 minutos no GDD. A cetamina e a dextrocetamina, associadas à detomidina por infusão contínua, causam efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e anestésicos similares.(AU)
The combination of detomidine and ketamine or dextrocetamine for continuous intravenous infusion was compared in eight female dogs submitted to two protocols: GCD - 5mg/kg of anesthetic induction and continuous intravenous infusion of ketamine 20mg/kg/h; and GDD - induction with 3.5mg/kg and infusion of 14mg/kg/h of dextrocetamine. Detomidine, 30µg/kg/h was associated in both groups. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR), temperature (CT), myorelaxation, analgesia, blood gas analysis and electrocardiogram were recorded before and 15 minutes after MPA (Mbasal and Mmpa); after the start of infusion (Mic); every 10 minutes to 90 minutes (M10, M20, M30, M40, M50, M60, M70, M80 and M90); and 30 minutes after the end of infusion (M120). Bradycardia was observed in Mmpa in GCD and from Mmpa to M10 in GDD. There was hypotension in Mmpa and hypertension from Mic. The RR decreased from M10 to M30. High amplitude T wave, atrioventricular blocks and sinus arrest were observed. Respiratory acidosis occurred. The recovery period was 219.6±72.3 minutes in GCD and 234.1±96.8 minutes in GDD. Ketamine and S+ ketamine associated with detomidine for continuous infusion cause cardiorespiratory and similar anesthetic effects.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , N-Metilaspartato/agonistas , Agonistas alfa-Adrenérgicos/análise , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Acidose Respiratória/veterinária , Taxa Respiratória , Frequência Cardíaca , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Electrocardiographic markers have been used in people to classify arrhythmogenic risk. The aims of this study were to investigate electrocardiographic markers of conduction and repolarization in Boxers and non-Boxer dogs, and compare such findings between groups. Ten-lead standard electrocardiograms of Boxer dogs and non-Boxers recorded from 2015 to 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Dogs >/ 4 years of age and weighing > 20kg were included. Animals with valvular insufficiencies, congenital cardiopathies, cardiac dilation, suspected systolic dysfunction, biphasic T-wave, bundle branch blocks, and those receiving antiarrhythmics were excluded. Electrocardiographic markers of conduction, QRS duration (QRSd) and dispersion (QRSD), and repolarization (corrected QT interval, Tpeak-Tend, JT and JTpeak), as well as derived indices, were measured. Two hundred dogs met the inclusion/exclusion requirements, including 97 Boxers (8.1±2.5 years old; 30±7kg) and 103 non-Boxer (8.8±2.5 years old, 30±8kg). QRSd and QRSD, and repolarization markers in lead II and left precordial lead V4 were considered similar between groups. Dispersion of late repolarization on lead rV2, Tpeak-Tend interval, was considered longer in Boxers (45±8ms vs 38±10ms, P=0.01). The Tpeak-Tend/JTpeak and the JTpeak/JT also differed between groups. Our results indicate that the dispersion of myocardial late repolarization in lead rV2 is slower in Boxers than other dog breeds.(AU)
Marcadores eletrocardiográficos têm sido estudados em seres humanos para estratificação do risco arritmogênico. Os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os marcadores eletrocardiográficos de condução e repolarização miocárdica em Boxers e em cães de outras raças, e comparar tais resultados entre os grupos. Para tal, a eletrocardiografia convencional de 10 derivações registradas de 2015 a 2018 foram avaliadas de maneira retrospectiva. Cães com idade igual ou superior a 4 anos e pesando > 20kg foram incluídos. Animais com insuficiência valvar, cardiopatias congênitas, dilatação cardíaca, suspeita de disfunção sistólica, onda T bifásica, bloqueio(s) de ramo(s), ou aqueles que recebiam antiarrítmicos foram excluídos. Variáveis eletrocardiográficas de condução, como a duração e dispersão do complexo QRS (QRSd e QRSD, respectivamente), e repolarização (intervalo QT corrigido, Tpico-Tfinal, JT e JTpico), bem como índices derivados, foram mensurados. Duzentos cães que se adequaram aos critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram incluídos, 97 Boxers (8,1±2,5 anos; 30±7kg) e 103 não Boxers (8,8±2,5 anos; 30±8kg). O QRSd e o QRSD, e os marcadores de repolarização nas derivações II e V4 foram similares entre os grupos. O marcador de dispersão da repolarização tardia na derivação rV2, Tpico-Tfinal, foi considerado mais longo no Boxers (45±8ms vs 38±10ms, P=0.01). O Tpico-Tfinal/JTpico e o JTpico/JT também diferiram entre os grupos. Nossos resultados indicam que a dispersão da repolarização miocárdica tardia na derivação precordial direita, rV2, é mais lenta no Boxer do que nas outras raças.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Complexos Cardíacos Prematuros/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Sistema de Condução CardíacoResumo
Electrocardiographic markers have been used in people to classify arrhythmogenic risk. The aims of this study were to investigate electrocardiographic markers of conduction and repolarization in Boxers and non-Boxer dogs, and compare such findings between groups. Ten-lead standard electrocardiograms of Boxer dogs and non-Boxers recorded from 2015 to 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Dogs >/ 4 years of age and weighing > 20kg were included. Animals with valvular insufficiencies, congenital cardiopathies, cardiac dilation, suspected systolic dysfunction, biphasic T-wave, bundle branch blocks, and those receiving antiarrhythmics were excluded. Electrocardiographic markers of conduction, QRS duration (QRSd) and dispersion (QRSD), and repolarization (corrected QT interval, Tpeak-Tend, JT and JTpeak), as well as derived indices, were measured. Two hundred dogs met the inclusion/exclusion requirements, including 97 Boxers (8.1±2.5 years old; 30±7kg) and 103 non-Boxer (8.8±2.5 years old, 30±8kg). QRSd and QRSD, and repolarization markers in lead II and left precordial lead V4 were considered similar between groups. Dispersion of late repolarization on lead rV2, Tpeak-Tend interval, was considered longer in Boxers (45±8ms vs 38±10ms, P=0.01). The Tpeak-Tend/JTpeak and the JTpeak/JT also differed between groups. Our results indicate that the dispersion of myocardial late repolarization in lead rV2 is slower in Boxers than other dog breeds.(AU)
Marcadores eletrocardiográficos têm sido estudados em seres humanos para estratificação do risco arritmogênico. Os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os marcadores eletrocardiográficos de condução e repolarização miocárdica em Boxers e em cães de outras raças, e comparar tais resultados entre os grupos. Para tal, a eletrocardiografia convencional de 10 derivações registradas de 2015 a 2018 foram avaliadas de maneira retrospectiva. Cães com idade igual ou superior a 4 anos e pesando > 20kg foram incluídos. Animais com insuficiência valvar, cardiopatias congênitas, dilatação cardíaca, suspeita de disfunção sistólica, onda T bifásica, bloqueio(s) de ramo(s), ou aqueles que recebiam antiarrítmicos foram excluídos. Variáveis eletrocardiográficas de condução, como a duração e dispersão do complexo QRS (QRSd e QRSD, respectivamente), e repolarização (intervalo QT corrigido, Tpico-Tfinal, JT e JTpico), bem como índices derivados, foram mensurados. Duzentos cães que se adequaram aos critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram incluídos, 97 Boxers (8,1±2,5 anos; 30±7kg) e 103 não Boxers (8,8±2,5 anos; 30±8kg). O QRSd e o QRSD, e os marcadores de repolarização nas derivações II e V4 foram similares entre os grupos. O marcador de dispersão da repolarização tardia na derivação rV2, Tpico-Tfinal, foi considerado mais longo no Boxers (45±8ms vs 38±10ms, P=0.01). O Tpico-Tfinal/JTpico e o JTpico/JT também diferiram entre os grupos. Nossos resultados indicam que a dispersão da repolarização miocárdica tardia na derivação precordial direita, rV2, é mais lenta no Boxer do que nas outras raças.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Complexos Cardíacos Prematuros/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Sistema de Condução CardíacoResumo
Background: Electrocardiography is an exam widely used in feline medicine. It consists of recording the electrical activity of the heart in waves representing myocardial depolarization and repolarization. Two electrocardiographic evaluation methods are employed in dogs and cats: computerized and conventional. However, possible differences in ECG results performed by the different methods have been reported. This paper aims to evaluate the observers interference in the interpretation of the electrocardiographic exams and possible differences between the methods: conventional single channel, computerized screen and computerized printed of healthy cats. Materials, Methods & Results: Electrocardiographic tracings were obtained from 58 healthy cats, aged between 1 and 10 years-old, of both sexes, of the Persian and mixed breed and therefore interpreted by 4 observers with similar degree of experience. The examinations were performed in a sequential manner, the computerized method first, and then the conventional method. The animals were gently contained in the right lateral decubitus position. The tracings obtained by the conventional method were printed on thermally sensitive graph paper. The computerized method was performed in computer by means of specific software (TEB® ECGPC version 6.2), being the waves delimited by the observer. The tracings were also printed by means of a jet printer, and also interpreted. The morphology of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves were analyzed in the derivations: I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF. Heart rate, amplitude and duration of the P, QRS and T waves, PR, QT and heart rate (HR) intervals were calculated in derivation II. Mean electric axis was determined in leads I and III. Comparing the methods, there was a difference observed in the values of P and R waves, QRS complex, QT and PR intervals and T wave polarity. The interpretation of the evaluators presented statistical differences in the duration of the P...
Animais , Gatos , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodosResumo
In feline veterinary practice sedation is often needed to perform diagnostic or minimally invasive procedures, minimize stress, and facilitate handling. The mortality rate of cats undergoing sedation is significantly higher than dogs, so it is fundamental that the sedatives provide good cardiovascular stability. Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist utilized in cats to provide sedation and analgesia, although studies have been utilized high doses, and markedly hemodynamic impairments were reported. The aim of this study was to prospectively investigate how the sedative and electrocardiographic effects of a low dose of DEX performing in cats. Eleven healthy cats were recruited; baseline sedative score, systolic arterial pressure, electrocardiography, and vasovagal tonus index (VVTI) were assessed, and repeated after ten minutes of DEX 5μg/kg intramuscularly (IM). A smooth sedation was noticed, and emesis and sialorrhea were common adverse effects, observed on average seven minutes after IM injection. Furthermore, electrocardiographic effects of a low dose of DEX mainly include decreases on heart rate, and increases on T-wave amplitude. The augmentation on VVTI and appearance of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, as well as sinus bradycardia in some cats, suggesting that DEX enhances parasympathetic tonus in healthy cats, and therefore will be best avoid in patients at risk for bradycardia.(AU)
Na rotina clínica da medicina veterinária felina a sedação é frequentemente requerida para realização de procedimentos diagnósticos ou minimamente invasivos, para minimizar o estresse e facilitar o manuseio dos pacientes. A taxa de mortalidade de gatos submetidos à sedação é mais elevada do que em cães, por esse motivo, é fundamental que os sedativos confiram estabilidade hemodinâmica. A dexmedetomidina (DEX) é um α2-agonista utilizado em felinos para promover sedação e analgesia, porém os estudos têm utilizado doses elevadas, e com isso prejuízos hemodinâmicos importantes foram relatados. O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar os efeitos sedativos e eletrocardiográficos da baixa dose de DEX em gatos. Para tal, onze felinos saudáveis foram recrutados, foram obtidos valores basais para escore de sedação, pressão arterial sistólica e eletrocardiografia, além do índice de tônus vaso vagal (ITVV). Após dez minutos da aplicação intramuscular (IM) de DEX 5μg/kg todos os exames foram repetidos. Após a DEX, sedação suave foi detectada, e a êmese e sialorreia foram efeitos adversos comuns, observados em média 7 minutos após a injeção IM. Ademais, os principais efeitos eletrocardiográficos foram redução na frequência cardíaca e aumento na amplitude da onda T. O ITVV mais elevado e surgimento de arritmia sinusal respiratória, bem como bradicardia sinusal em alguns gatos, sugerem que a DEX eleva o tônus parassimpático, e por esse motivo deve ser utilizada com cautela em pacientes com predisposição à bradicardia.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Dexmedetomidina , Sedação Profunda , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2 , Bradicardia/veterináriaResumo
In feline veterinary practice sedation is often needed to perform diagnostic or minimally invasive procedures, minimize stress, and facilitate handling. The mortality rate of cats undergoing sedation is significantly higher than dogs, so it is fundamental that the sedatives provide good cardiovascular stability. Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist utilized in cats to provide sedation and analgesia, although studies have been utilized high doses, and markedly hemodynamic impairments were reported. The aim of this study was to prospectively investigate how the sedative and electrocardiographic effects of a low dose of DEX performing in cats. Eleven healthy cats were recruited; baseline sedative score, systolic arterial pressure, electrocardiography, and vasovagal tonus index (VVTI) were assessed, and repeated after ten minutes of DEX 5μg/kg intramuscularly (IM). A smooth sedation was noticed, and emesis and sialorrhea were common adverse effects, observed on average seven minutes after IM injection. Furthermore, electrocardiographic effects of a low dose of DEX mainly include decreases on heart rate, and increases on T-wave amplitude. The augmentation on VVTI and appearance of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, as well as sinus bradycardia in some cats, suggesting that DEX enhances parasympathetic tonus in healthy cats, and therefore will be best avoid in patients at risk for bradycardia.(AU)
Na rotina clínica da medicina veterinária felina a sedação é frequentemente requerida para realização de procedimentos diagnósticos ou minimamente invasivos, para minimizar o estresse e facilitar o manuseio dos pacientes. A taxa de mortalidade de gatos submetidos à sedação é mais elevada do que em cães, por esse motivo, é fundamental que os sedativos confiram estabilidade hemodinâmica. A dexmedetomidina (DEX) é um α2-agonista utilizado em felinos para promover sedação e analgesia, porém os estudos têm utilizado doses elevadas, e com isso prejuízos hemodinâmicos importantes foram relatados. O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar os efeitos sedativos e eletrocardiográficos da baixa dose de DEX em gatos. Para tal, onze felinos saudáveis foram recrutados, foram obtidos valores basais para escore de sedação, pressão arterial sistólica e eletrocardiografia, além do índice de tônus vaso vagal (ITVV). Após dez minutos da aplicação intramuscular (IM) de DEX 5μg/kg todos os exames foram repetidos. Após a DEX, sedação suave foi detectada, e a êmese e sialorreia foram efeitos adversos comuns, observados em média 7 minutos após a injeção IM. Ademais, os principais efeitos eletrocardiográficos foram redução na frequência cardíaca e aumento na amplitude da onda T. O ITVV mais elevado e surgimento de arritmia sinusal respiratória, bem como bradicardia sinusal em alguns gatos, sugerem que a DEX eleva o tônus parassimpático, e por esse motivo deve ser utilizada com cautela em pacientes com predisposição à bradicardia.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Dexmedetomidina , Sedação Profunda , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2 , Bradicardia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The frequency of oncological diseases in companion animals has increased in recent years, mainly due tothe longer longevity of dogs. The neoplasms are not only open by the presence of the tumor and its location, but also byparaneoplastic syndromes, which are disorders that occur due to the production of substances by the tumor that cause.In addition to causing local changes and damages, oncological diseases may also result in injuries at distant sites, suchas paraneoplastic syndromes, which, if untreated, may result in death of animals. The present study aimed to investigatewhether female dogs with mammary tumors demonstrate electrocardiographic changes, and if so, to investigate whetherthese cease after removal of the tumor, and to relate the type of tumor with the occurrence of arrhythmias.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen female dogs, aged between 4 and 14 years, underwent electrocardiogram 24 hprior to undergoing a total unilateral mastectomy. After removal of the tumor, electrocardiograms were again performed 24(M24), 48 (M48), and 72 (M72), as well as 14 days (M14d) after surgery. Histological analysis of the neoplasms showedthat 55% of the tumors were benign, with predominance of adenoma (38%), and 45% were malignant, with predominanceof adenocarcinoma (22%). The following rhythms and arrhythmias were observed: normal sinus rhythm (37.2%), sinusarrhythmia (62.8%), wandering pacemaker (26%), 1st degree atrioventricular block (AVB; 5%), premature ventricularcomplex (PVC; 10%), and T-wave > 25% of R-wave (25%); more than one change could occur simultaneously. Out of theevaluated electrocardiographic parameters, a significant difference was observed in the QT interval between the followingtimepoints: M24 (204 ± 18), M48 (204 ± 22), and M72 (203 ± 23), as well as Mbasal (192 ± 15) and M14d (178 ± 43).Discussion: Regarding the observed rhythms, arrhythmias, and changes, respiratory sinus arrhythmia was the normal predominant... (AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Complexos Ventriculares Prematuros/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias AnimaisResumo
Background: The frequency of oncological diseases in companion animals has increased in recent years, mainly due tothe longer longevity of dogs. The neoplasms are not only open by the presence of the tumor and its location, but also byparaneoplastic syndromes, which are disorders that occur due to the production of substances by the tumor that cause.In addition to causing local changes and damages, oncological diseases may also result in injuries at distant sites, suchas paraneoplastic syndromes, which, if untreated, may result in death of animals. The present study aimed to investigatewhether female dogs with mammary tumors demonstrate electrocardiographic changes, and if so, to investigate whetherthese cease after removal of the tumor, and to relate the type of tumor with the occurrence of arrhythmias.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen female dogs, aged between 4 and 14 years, underwent electrocardiogram 24 hprior to undergoing a total unilateral mastectomy. After removal of the tumor, electrocardiograms were again performed 24(M24), 48 (M48), and 72 (M72), as well as 14 days (M14d) after surgery. Histological analysis of the neoplasms showedthat 55% of the tumors were benign, with predominance of adenoma (38%), and 45% were malignant, with predominanceof adenocarcinoma (22%). The following rhythms and arrhythmias were observed: normal sinus rhythm (37.2%), sinusarrhythmia (62.8%), wandering pacemaker (26%), 1st degree atrioventricular block (AVB; 5%), premature ventricularcomplex (PVC; 10%), and T-wave > 25% of R-wave (25%); more than one change could occur simultaneously. Out of theevaluated electrocardiographic parameters, a significant difference was observed in the QT interval between the followingtimepoints: M24 (204 ± 18), M48 (204 ± 22), and M72 (203 ± 23), as well as Mbasal (192 ± 15) and M14d (178 ± 43).Discussion: Regarding the observed rhythms, arrhythmias, and changes, respiratory sinus arrhythmia was the normal predominant...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Complexos Ventriculares Prematuros/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias AnimaisResumo
Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)
Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI) of midazolam (0.5 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg/h) and fentanyl (5 µg/kg and 10 µg/kg/h) or ketamine and morphine group (GKM), in which the animals received a bolus and CRI of ketamine (1 mg/kg and 0.6 mg/kg/h) and morphine (0.5 mg/kg and 0.26 mg/kg/h). Both groups also received propofol as a bolus and CRI (3 mg/kg and 0.3 mg/ kg/min) over 24 h. The ECG and cTnI parameters were evaluated at 6, 12, and 24 h during CRI (M6, M12, and M24) and 12 and 24 h after the end of infusion (T12 and T24). The hemodynamic parameters RVSWI, LVSWI, and Qs/Qt were evaluated every 2 h until the end of CRI.[...]
Animais , Cães , Anestesia/veterinária , Biomarcadores , Isoflurano , Propofol , Troponina I/análise , Troponina I/sangue , Coma/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Hipóxia/veterináriaResumo
Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI) of midazolam (0.5 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg/h) and fentanyl (5 µg/kg and 10 µg/kg/h) or ketamine and morphine group (GKM), in which the animals received a bolus and CRI of ketamine (1 mg/kg and 0.6 mg/kg/h) and morphine (0.5 mg/kg and 0.26 mg/kg/h). Both groups also received propofol as a bolus and CRI (3 mg/kg and 0.3 mg/ kg/min) over 24 h. The ECG and cTnI parameters were evaluated at 6, 12, and 24 h during CRI (M6, M12, and M24) and 12 and 24 h after the end of infusion (T12 and T24). The hemodynamic parameters RVSWI, LVSWI, and Qs/Qt were evaluated every 2 h until the end of CRI.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Troponina I/análise , Troponina I/sangue , Anestesia/veterinária , Propofol , Isoflurano , Biomarcadores , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Hipóxia/veterinária , Coma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler, 1831) is an existing wild rodent in almost all of Brazil, usedas a biological model in several scientific studies. Veterinary cardiology has showed great advances in the diagnostic areadue to the possibility of cardiac evaluation by non-invasive methods. For the practice of scientific or handling proceduresin wild animals, chemical containment is essential. Thus, it is important to know the effect of anesthetic protocols on thecardiovascular system, observed through complementary tests, such as the electrocardiogram. The objective of this studywas to describe the computerized electrocardiographic tracing of agoutis chemically contained by the association of Ketamineand Xylazine.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen male and female clinically healthy animals, aged among 2 years, submitted todigital electrocardiographic examination, were used. The device used to obtain the tracing was the veterinary electrocardiograph(Electrocardiogram Acquisition Module for Computer) - Brazilian Electronic Technology (TEB). The analysiswas always made from derivation II (DII). Chemical containment was performed by the combination of Ketamine andXylazine, intramuscularly. The results showed that the heart rate for males was on average 113.25 bpm, while for femalesthe value of 124.60 bpm was observed, and there was no significant difference between the genders (P > 0.05). The meanweight of males was 2.31 kg and for females 2.28 kg; there was no statistical difference for this variable (P > 0.05). Forthe QRS duration of 46.14 ± 5.05 ms (males) and 44.66 ± 5.94 ms (females) and PR interval of 79.94 ± 12.01ms (males)and 84.29 ± 12.37ms (females), there was no statistical difference (P > 0.05). The amplitude of the R wave of 0.42 ± 0.31mV (males) and 0.36 ± 0.22 mV (females) showed no statistical difference (P > 0.05). The T wave showed itself bothnegative (10 animals) [...]
Animais , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Ketamina , Padrões de Referência , Xilazina , Anestésicos Combinados , RoedoresResumo
Background: The agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler, 1831) is an existing wild rodent in almost all of Brazil, usedas a biological model in several scientific studies. Veterinary cardiology has showed great advances in the diagnostic areadue to the possibility of cardiac evaluation by non-invasive methods. For the practice of scientific or handling proceduresin wild animals, chemical containment is essential. Thus, it is important to know the effect of anesthetic protocols on thecardiovascular system, observed through complementary tests, such as the electrocardiogram. The objective of this studywas to describe the computerized electrocardiographic tracing of agoutis chemically contained by the association of Ketamineand Xylazine.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen male and female clinically healthy animals, aged among 2 years, submitted todigital electrocardiographic examination, were used. The device used to obtain the tracing was the veterinary electrocardiograph(Electrocardiogram Acquisition Module for Computer) - Brazilian Electronic Technology (TEB). The analysiswas always made from derivation II (DII). Chemical containment was performed by the combination of Ketamine andXylazine, intramuscularly. The results showed that the heart rate for males was on average 113.25 bpm, while for femalesthe value of 124.60 bpm was observed, and there was no significant difference between the genders (P > 0.05). The meanweight of males was 2.31 kg and for females 2.28 kg; there was no statistical difference for this variable (P > 0.05). Forthe QRS duration of 46.14 ± 5.05 ms (males) and 44.66 ± 5.94 ms (females) and PR interval of 79.94 ± 12.01ms (males)and 84.29 ± 12.37ms (females), there was no statistical difference (P > 0.05). The amplitude of the R wave of 0.42 ± 0.31mV (males) and 0.36 ± 0.22 mV (females) showed no statistical difference (P > 0.05). The T wave showed itself bothnegative (10 animals) [...](AU)
Animais , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Ketamina , Xilazina , Anestésicos Combinados , RoedoresResumo
The aims of this study were compare the electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiopulmonary effects of methadone or morphine, both injected intravenously (IV) in dogs anesthetized with continuous infusion of propofol. Sixteen healthy female mongrel dogs were used in this study for elective ovariohysterectomy. The animals were allocated in random order into two groups assigned GME (methadone 0.3 mg kg-1, IV) or GMO (morphine 0.3 mg kg-1, IV). Parameters were evaluated: heart rate (HR), P-wave amplitude (Ps and PmV), interval between Ps and R waves (PR), QRS duration (QRS), R-wave amplitude (R), duration the interval between the Q and T waves (QT), systolic blood pressure (SBP), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), end tidal of carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) and periferic oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2 ). Postoperative analgesia was assessed by mechanical nociceptive stimulus based on the scale proposed by Firth and Haldane (1999) and rescue analgesia based on the visual analogue scale. HR was lower in GME in relation to GMO. The P, PmV, PR, QRS, R and QT values remained within their normality tracks, showing no clinical importance. Apnea and ETCO2 increased in both groups. There was no difference between groups of the analgesic effects. It can be concluded that methadone and morphine promote similar cardiovascular effects after IV injection during surgery in dogs anesthetized with propofol by continuous rate infusion, however, when methadone used, assisted ventilation is required. In addition, both drugs promote postoperative analgesia until six hours.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG) e nos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios da metadona ou morfina administrada pela via intravenosa (I.V.) em cães anestesiados com infusão intravenosa contínua de propofol. Foram utilizados 16 cadelas, sem raça definida submetidos ao procedimento de ovário-histerectomia. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, designados como GME (metadona 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.) ou GMO (morfina 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.). Os parâmetros avaliados foram frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo e amplitude da onda P (Ps e PmV), intervalo entre as ondas P e R (PR), duração do complexo QRS (QRS), amplitude da onda R (R), duração do intervalo entre as ondas Q e T (QT), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (f), tensão de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração (ETCO2 ) e saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2 ). A analgesia pós-operatória foi verificada seguindo a proposta de Firth e Haldane (1999) e o regaste analgésico baseado na escala análoga visual. A FC foi menor no GME comparativamente ao GMO. Os valores de Ps, PmV, PR, QRS, R e QT mantiveram-se dentro da normalidade em ambos os grupos e sem significado clínico. Apneia e incremento da ETCO2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença nos efeitos analgésicos entre os grupos. Podemos concluir que a metadona e a morfina promovem efeitos cardiovasculares similares quando administradas I.V. durante o procedimento cirúrgico em cães anestesiados com propofol via infusão continua intravenosa, no entanto, quando a metadona é empregada, ventilação assistida é necessária. Além disso, os dois opioides promoveram analgesia por 6h00 no pós-operatório.(AU)