Estudamos a segmentação arterial e venosa de trinta baços de queixada (Tayassu pecari), entre machos e fêmeas colhidos na Pró-Fauna Assessoria e Comércio Ltda. Para tanto empregamos as técnicas de injeção de acetato de vinila, injeção de Neoprene látex 650 corado. Dividimos o órgão em três porções: dorsal, média e ventral, limitadas através dos vasos lienais e gastroepiplóicos esquerdo. Evidenciamos segmentos arteriais (AS), venosos (SV) e arteriovenosos (SAV) nas seguintes porcentagens: porção dorsal - 69,5% de segmento arteriovenoso (SAV) 23,9% de segmento arterial (SA), e 6,65% de segmento venoso (SV). Na porção média foi encontrado respectivamente 62,5%, 18,9% e 18,6% de segmentos arteriovenoso, venoso e arterial, respectivamente. Foi encontrado segmentos arteriovenosos, arterial e venosos e 72,2, 22,4 e 5,5 por cento na porção ventral, respectivamente. (AU)
In this research the arterial and venous segmentation of thirty male and female pecare's spleen were studied. These spleen were collected from Pró-fauna Assessoria e Comércio Ltda. The arterial and venous systems were filled esther with painting vynil acetate or with painting latex Neoprene 650. The spleen was divided, according to lineal gastroepiploic vessel, from the left in the three parts: dorsal, middle and ventral. Arterial, venous and arteriovenous segments were identified in these percentuals: in the dorsal party were found 69.5% arteriovenous segment (SAV), 23.9% of arterial segment (SA), and 6.6% of venous segment (SV). In the midlle part were found respectively 62.5%, 18.9% and 18,6% for arteriovenous, venous and arterial segments. Arteriovenous, arterial and venous segments were inclertified in 72.2, 22.4 and 5.5 percents in ventral part of the spleen, respectively. (AU)