Purpose: To evaluate the viability of the porcine vas deferens as a realistic microsurgical training model for vasectomy reversal Methods: The model uses swine testicles (vas deferent), which are usually discarded in large street markets since they are not part of Brazilian cuisine. The spermatic cord was carefully dissected, and the vas deferens were isolated, measuring 10 cm in length. A paper quadrilateral with 5 cm2 was built to delimit the surgical training field. The objective of the model is to simulate only the microsurgical step when the vas deferens are already isolated. The parameters analyzed were: feasibility for reproducing the technique, patency before and after performing the vasovasostomy, cost of the model, ease of acquisition, ease of handling, execution time, and model reproducibility. Results: The simulator presented low cost. All models made were viable with a texture similar to human, with positive patency obtained in 100% of the procedures. The internal and external diameters of the vas deferens varied between 0.2-0.4 mm and 2-3 mm, respectively, with a mean length of 9 ± 1.2 cm. The total procedure time was 43.28 ± 3.22 minutes. Conclusions: The realistic model presented proved to be viable for carrying out vasectomy reversal training, due to its low cost, easy acquisition, and easy handling, and providing similar tissue characteristics to humans.
Animais , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Urológicos , Suínos , Testículo , VasovasostomiaResumo
The mule is a sterile hybrid domestic animal that results from the breeding of a male donkey with a female horse, understanding the reproductive biology of these species is very critical. The goal of this paper was to perform a comparative and more accurate histomorphometric of the testicles in Barb horse, donkeys and mules. Microscopic examinations and histological description were carried on genital tract of horses, donkeys and mules healthy and mature; this study was conducted during April-May 2018. The histological and the morphological results shows a similarity between the two equine species and the infertile hybrid for the testicles, the epididymis and the vas deferens. However, the difference was presented on the morphometric data; vas deferens was more voluminous in the horse and donkey than a mule. Moreover, the differences were significantly higher for the surface of the seminiferous tubules and for the epididymis. The lumen of the seminiferous tubules in mule was significantly higher than in the horse and donkey. Absence of gametes in the epididymal cavity and lower number of gametes in the mule. Furthermore, we have noted the presence of spermatozoa in one mule 16.67%. Therefore, the mule could complete development of spermatogenesis.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Equidae/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Saúde ReprodutivaResumo
The objective of this study was to obtain data on the testicular biometry of the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) and to verify if there is a correlation between the individual's biometric data with their dominance rank. Data were collected from 16 adult males, aged between two and seven years, who made up the same group. By the agonistic interactions analyses we calculated the linearity indexes (h') of the dominance hierarchy and dominance rank. At the end of the behavioral observations, males were captured to collect biometric data from the testis. White-lipped peccaries showed testicles located in a perineal position, inclined cranio-ventrally with oval shape, flattened laterally and with tenso-elastic consistency (2.54±0.07). There was variance in the means (± standard deviation) of testis length (5.88±1.05cm), width (4.24 ± 0.98cm), height (4.44±0.86cm), and total scrotal width (8.78±17.05). The linear dominance hierarchy described the social structure of the males of this group (h'>0.9), with probability of linearity in the hierarchy greater than chance (P = 0.02). There was a correlation between dominance rank with the body mass, length and volume of the testicles. As in general the dimensions of the testicles are directly correlated with sperm production and also testosterone, this characteristic favors the reproductive performance of dominant white-lips males. Therefore, the characteristics of testicular biometry of white-lips should be considered for the selection of individuals more likely to reproduce in captivity favoring the conservation of this vulnerable species.(AU)
O objetivo neste estudo foi obter dados sobre a biometria testicular do queixada (Tayassu pecari) e verificar se há correlação entre os dados biométricos do indivíduo com seu posto de dominância. Os dados foram coletados de 16 queixadas adultos, com idades entre dois e sete anos, que compunham o mesmo grupo. Por meio de análises das interações agonísticas foram calculados os índices de linearidade (h') da hierarquia de dominância e determinado o rank dos indivíduos. Ao final das observações comportamentais, os machos foram capturados para coleta de dados biométricos do testículo. Os queixadas apresentaram testículos localizados em posição perineal, inclinados cranioventralmente com formato oval, achatados láterolateralmente e com consistência tensoelástica (2,54±0,07). Houve variação nas médias (± desvio padrão) do comprimento testicular (5,88±1,05cm), largura (4,24±0,98cm), altura (4,44±0,86cm) e largura escrotal total (8,78±17,05). A hierarquia de dominância linear descreveu a estrutura social dos machos desse grupo (h'>0,9), com probabilidade de linearidade na hierarquia maior que o acaso (P = 0,02). Houve correlação entre a classificação de dominância com a massa corporal, comprimento e volume dos testículos. Como em geral as dimensões dos testículos estão diretamente correlacionadas com a produção de esperma e também de testosterona, essa característica favorece o desempenho reprodutivo de machos de queixadas brancos dominantes. Portanto, as características da biometria testicular de queixadas devem ser consideradas para a seleção de indivíduos com maior probabilidade de reprodução em cativeiro favorecendo a conservação desta espécie vulnerável.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Artiodáctilos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Biometria/métodos , Animais Selvagens/fisiologiaResumo
Intra-abdominal or intrascrotal testicular torsion in dogs occurs due to spermatic cord rotation. Dogs with testicular torsion commonly present severe pain and require surgical intervention. Torsion of intra-abdominal retained testicles in cryptorchid adult dogs is often associated with the presence of testicular neoplasia. Herein, we reported the case of a 5-year-old male poodle with uncommon intra-abdominal testicular torsion (ITT) of a non-neoplastic testicle. The dog was referred to the veterinary hospital with acute abdominal pain in the hypogastric region. An intra-abdominal gonad and alterations compatible with testicular torsion were visualized during ultrasound examination. Orchiectomy and histopathological analysis of the testes confirmed the diagnosis of ITT in the absence of neoplasia. The patient recovered uneventfully from the situation. This report showed that ITT can occur in adult dogs in the absence of testicular neoplasia and reinforce the message that it should be included as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain in cryptorchid dogs. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination in this case of pain in the hypogastric region was decisive for the diagnosis of ITT.
A torção testicular intra-abdominal ou intra-escrotal em cães ocorre devido à rotação do cordão espermático. Os cães com torção testicular apresentam comumente dor intensa e necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica. Em cães adultos, a torção de testículos retidos no abdômen está geralmente associada à presença de neoplasia testicular. Este relato descreve um caso incomum de cão macho, de cinco anos de idade, da raça Poodle, encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário com dor abdominal aguda na região hipogástrica. Durante o exame ecográfico, foi possível evidenciar um testículo e alterações compatíveis com torção testicular. A orquiectomia intra-abdominal e posterior análise histopatológica confirmaram a ITT sem neoplasia associada. O paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória. Este relato mostra que a ITT na ausência de neoplasia pode ocorrer em cães adultos, reforçando a mensagem de que deve ser considerada como um diferencial diagnóstico em casos de dor abdominal aguda. Além disso, o exame ultrassonográfico realizado neste caso de dor na região hipogástrica foi decisivo para o diagnóstico de ITT.
Animais , Cães , Testículo/anormalidades , Dor Abdominal/veterinária , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters' turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens' present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Characidae , Oócitos , Oogênese , Ovário , Testículo , GônadasResumo
O criptorquidismo é uma das afecções testiculares mais comuns nos equídeos, caracterizada pela não descida de um ou dos dois testículos para a bolsa escrotal. O tratamento para esta afecção se resume em orquiectomia bilateral, necessitando de um procedimento anestésico. No presente trabalho, para a escolha do protocolo anestésico, foi levado em consideração o tempo cirúrgico, o procedimento cirúrgico, o decúbito e a espécie do animal. Com a evolução da anestesiologia veterinária, novas técnicas têm sido utilizadas, como o uso da anestesia parcialmente intravenosa (Piva) para buscar maior estabilidade hemodinâmica, melhores planos anestésicos, estabilidade transanestésica, analgesia e recuperação mais rápida.(AU)
Cryptorchidism is one of the most common testicular disorders in horses, characterized by the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum. The treatment for this affection is bilateral orchiectomy, requiring an anesthetic procedure. In the present study, for the choice of the anesthetic protocol the surgical time, the surgical procedure, the decubitus and the species of the animal were taken into consideration. With the evolution of veterinary anesthesiology, new techniques have been used, such as the use of partial intravenous anesthesia (Piva) to seek greater hemodynamic stability, better anesthetic plans, trans-anesthetic stability, analgesia, and faster recovery.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Orquiectomia/métodos , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Anestesia/métodosResumo
Thai Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. var pruriens (T-MP) seed containing levodopa (L-DOPA) and antioxidant capacity has been shown to improve sexual behavior and male reproductive parameters in rats treated with ethanol (Eth). However, its protective effect on testicular apoptotic germ cells has never been reported. This study aimed to investigate the potential effects of T-MP seed extract on expressions of caspase, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) proteins in Eth rats. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (9 animals/group), including control, Eth, T-MP150+Eth, and T-MP300+Eth, respectively. Control rats received distilled water, and Eth rats received Eth (3g/kg BW; 40%v/v). The T-MP groups were treated with T-MP seed extract at a dose of 150 or 300 mg/kg before Eth administration for 56 consecutive days. The results showed that the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelial height were significantly increased in both T-MP treated groups compared to the Eth group. Additionally, the caspase-9 and -3, and PCNA expressions were decreased, but D2R expression was markedly increased in T-MP groups. It was concluded that T-MP seed extract could protect testicular apoptosis induced by Eth via changes in caspase, PCNA, and D2R protein expressions.
Thai Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. var pruriens (T-MP) contendo levodopa (L-DOPA) e capacidade antioxidante demonstrou melhorar o comportamento sexual e os parâmetros reprodutivos masculinos em ratos tratados com etanol (Eth). No entanto, seu efeito protetor sobre células germinativas apoptóticas testiculares nunca foi relatado. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos potenciais do extrato de semente de T-MP na expressão de proteínas de caspase, antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e receptor de dopamina D2 (D2R) em ratos Eth. Trinta e seis ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em quatro grupos (9 animais/grupo), incluindo controle, Eth, T-MP150+Eth e T-MP300+Eth, respectivamente. Ratos controle receberam água destilada e ratos Eth receberam Eth (3g/kg PC; 40%v/v). Os grupos T-MP foram tratados com extrato de semente de T-MP na dose de 150 ou 300 mg/kg antes da administração de Eth por 56 dias consecutivos. Os resultados mostraram que o diâmetro dos túbulos seminíferos e a altura epitelial foram significativamente aumentados em ambos os grupos tratados com T-MP em comparação com o grupo Eth. Além disso, as expressões de caspase-9 e -3 e de PCNA diminuíram, mas a expressão de D2R aumentou acentuadamente nos grupos T-MP. Concluiu-se que o extrato de semente de T-MP pode proteger a apoptose testicular induzida por Eth através de alterações na expressão de proteínas caspase, PCNA e D2R.
Animais , Ratos , Testículo , Extratos Vegetais , Apoptose , Mucuna , EtanolResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of the testicular parenchyma and vascular parameters of the pampiniform plexus obtained by ultrasound, semen quality parameters, and sperm freezability in Nellore bulls classified based on residual feed intake (RFI). Twenty-seven bulls (21.82±0.88 months of age) evaluated for feed efficiency were sampled for the study, including 15 with low RFI (−0.592±0.09 kg dry matter/day) and 12 with high RFI (0.792±0.10 kg dry matter/day). In ultrasound and Doppler assessment, the most efficient animals (low RFI) showed higher pulsatility and resistive indexes, as well as a tendency towards greater heterogeneity of the testicular parenchyma (0.625±0.032 vs. 0.508±0.032, 1.012±0.072 vs. 0.802±0.072, and 12.9±0.96 vs. 10.2±0.96, respectively, for low vs. high RFI). However, these animals tended to have lower peak diastolic velocity (5.19±0.50 for low RFI vs. 6.54±0.50 for high RFI). Analysis of fresh semen showed a lower percentage of minor defects in low RFI animals (2.67±1.19%) compared with high RFI animals (8.10±1.19%), without differences in the other parameters in fresh or thawed semen and after thermoresistance testing. Evaluation of flow cytometry parameters showed a higher quality of mitochondrial respiration in semen samples of low RFI animals (22.04±2.50%) compared with high RFI animals (12.29±2.71%). Therefore, although RFI exerts an effect on the Doppler parameters of the pampiniform plexus, it is not sufficient to affect the quality of fresh or thawed semen.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Análise do Sêmen/veterináriaResumo
The lack of information about anatomy, physiology and reproductive biology in many snake species makes the understanding of these free-living animals' reproduction and reproductive biotechnics application in captivity difficult. The present study aims to evaluate the Epicrates cenchria's testicle morphology and correlate these findings with environmental aspects and reproductive biology. The testicles of five specimens of E. cenchria were histologically evaluated, and it was possible to observe seasonality in sperm production, with the presence of mature spermatozoa in the wettest and warmest periods of the year, as well as the highest testicular volume in these periods. Correlating these findings with that reported in the literature on copulation period presupposes a prenuptial (or associated) pattern in E. cenchria.
A falta de informações sobre anatomia, fisiologia e biologia reprodutiva em muitas espécies de serpentes impossibilita compreender melhor a reprodução desses animais em vida livre e aprimorar as biotécnicas reprodutivas nessas espécies em cativeiro. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a morfologia dos testículos de Epicrates cenchria e correlacionar esses achados com aspectos ambientais e da biologia reprodutiva. Os testículos de cinco espécimes de E. cenchria foram avaliados histologicamente, sendo possível observar sazonalidade na produção espermática, com presença de espermatozoides maduros nos períodos mais chuvosos e quentes do ano, bem como o maior volume testicular nesses períodos. Correlacionando-se esses achados com o relatado em literatura sobre período de cópulas, pressupõe-se um padrão pré-nupcial (ou associado) em E. cenchria.
Animais , Masculino , Espermatogênese , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Boidae/anatomia & histologia , Estação ChuvosaResumo
Abstract Neuroendocrine substances play essential roles in regulating the normal physiological functions of testicles. The purpose of this study is to explore the localization and effects of four neuroendocrine markers (NSE, SP, NFH and DβH) in normal and cryptorchid testes of Bactrian camels using western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence methods. The results showed that cryptorchidism caused a reduction in layers of spermatogenic epithelium and decreased glycogen positivity in the basement membrane. The ultrastructure revealed that macrophages were always found around the Leydig cells, crowded with swelling mitochondria in cryptorchidism. Expression of NSE in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism was significantly weakened compared to that in the normal group(p<0.01). We found that SP was always distributed along the nerve fibers in normal testes and was expressed in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism. However, expression of NFH in the cryptorchidic tissue was strongly positive in the spermatogenic epithelium, with limited expression in Leydig cells and no expression in peritubular myoid cells. Therefore, the expression of DβH in the Sertoli cells was comparatively strong in both the normal and cryptorchidism groups. NFH and DβH expression was significantly increased in the cryptorchidism group compared with the normal group (p<0.01). These findings indicated that the underdeveloped seminiferous epithelium and pathological changes in cryptorchid tissue in Bactrian camels were potentially related to a disorder in glycoprotein metabolism. Our results suggest that NSE and SP could help judge the pathological changes of cryptorchidism. The present study provides the first evidence at the protein level for the existence of NFH and DβH in Sertoli and Leydig cells in Bactrian camel cryptorchidism and provides a more in-depth understanding of neuroendocrine regulation is crucial for animal cryptorchidism.
O estudo das lesões testiculares em felinos é essencial no diagnóstico das doenças reprodutivas, uma vez que as gônadas podem apresentar alterações importantes, mesmo quando macroscopicamente normais. Assim, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar as principais lesões testiculares em gatos adultos submetidos à orquiectomia eletiva, determinando as lesões de maior frequência. Para isso, foram utilizados 25 gatos machos, adultos, com idade entre um e dois anos. Todos os animais eram provenientes do Programa de Controle Populacional de Animais de Estimação Pelo Método de Esterilização Cirúrgica, do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (HOVET-UFU). Após a orquiectomia, os testículos foram coletados e enviados ao Setor de Patologia Animal do HOVET-UFU, onde foram separados dos seus respectivos epidídimos. Foram obtidas as dimensões de comprimento, altura, largura, peso e volume de cada testículo. Esses foram então fixados em formalina 10%, por 24 horas, e clivados nas regiões cranial, média e caudal. Os fragmentos foram submetidos ao processamento para inclusão em parafina e coloração em hematoxilina e eosina. Mesmo sem alterações macroscópicas significativas, a maioria dos gatos avaliados no estudo exibiu alguma lesão testicular, sendo a degeneração testicular e a fibrose intersticial as mais comuns. Desta forma, destaca-se a importância da histopatologia no diagnóstico de alterações testiculares em animais considerados saudáveis.
The study of testicular lesions in felines is essential in the diagnosis of reproductive diseases, since, the gonads can present important alterations, even when they are macroscopically normal. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate the main testicular injuries in adult cats submitted to elective orchiectomy, determining the most frequent ones. For this, 25 adult male cats, aged between one and two years, were used. All animals came from the Pet Population Control Program through the Surgical Sterilization Method of the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia (HOVET-UFU). After the orchiectomy, the testicles were collected and sent to the Animal Pathology Sector of HOVET-UFU, where they were separated from their respective epididymis. The dimensions of length, height, width, weight, and volume of each testicle were obtained. These were then fixed in 10% formalin for 24 hours, and cleaved in the cranial, middle, and caudal regions. The fragments were submitted to processing for inclusion in paraffin and staining by hematoxylin and eosin. Even without significant macroscopic changes, most cats evaluated in the present study showed some testicular damage, with testicular degeneration and interstitial fibrosis being the most common. Therefore, the importance of histopathology in the diagnosis of testicular alterations in animals considered healthy is highlighted.
Animais , Gatos , Reprodução , Testículo/lesões , Orquiectomia/veterinária , Doenças do GatoResumo
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) reproductive alterations and the influence of antioxidant treatments may aid in understanding morphometry testicular quantification. In this context, the aim of the present study was to characterize the intertubular compartment (ITC) morphometry of animal testes in mdx mice supplemented with ascorbic acid (AA). Sixteen mice were used, namely the C57BL/10 (non-dystrophic) and C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic) lineages, distributed into the following groups: Control (C60), Dystrophic (D60), Control supplemented with AA (CS60), Dystrophic supplemented with AA (DS60). A total of 200 mg/kg of AA were administered to mice for 30 days. Subsequently, the testicles were collected, weighed, and fragmented. The obtained fragments were fixed in Karnovsky's solution (pH 7.2) and embedded in historesin for morphometric and transmission electron microscopy assessments. Leydig cells were hypertrophic in the D60 group, but was reverted by AA supplementation in the DS60 group. The DS60 group also exhibited increased intertubular volume compared to the CS60 group. The ultrastructural images identified multilamellar bodies in dystrophic animals (lipid storage) and telocyte cells (transport substances) in both control and dystrophic animals. Morphometric alterations were, therefore, noted in the intertubular compartment due to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), with AA administration capable of altering Leydig cells in this condition.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Túbulos Seminíferos/fisiopatologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos mdx/fisiologia , Células Intersticiais do Testículo/fisiologia , Doenças Musculares/veterináriaResumo
Neuroendocrine substances play essential roles in regulating the normal physiological functions of testicles. The purpose of this study is to explore the localization and effects of four neuroendocrine markers (NSE, SP, NFH and DβH) in normal and cryptorchid testes of Bactrian camels using western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence methods. The results showed that cryptorchidism caused a reduction in layers of spermatogenic epithelium and decreased glycogen positivity in the basement membrane. The ultrastructure revealed that macrophages were always found around the Leydig cells, crowded with swelling mitochondria in cryptorchidism. Expression of NSE in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism was significantly weakened compared to that in the normal group(p<0.01). We found that SP was always distributed along the nerve fibers in normal testes and was expressed in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism. However, expression of NFH in the cryptorchidic tissue was strongly positive in the spermatogenic epithelium, with limited expression in Leydig cells and no expression in peritubular myoid cells. Therefore, the expression of DβH in the Sertoli cells was comparatively strong in both the normal and cryptorchidism groups. NFH and DβH expression was significantly increased in the cryptorchidism group compared with the normal group (p<0.01). These findings indicated that the underdeveloped seminiferous epithelium and pathological changes in cryptorchid tissue in Bactrian camels were potentially related to a disorder in glycoprotein metabolism. Our results suggest that NSE and SP could help judge the pathological changes of cryptorchidism. The present study provides the first evidence at the protein level for the existence of NFH and DβH in Sertoli and Leydig cells in Bactrian camel cryptorchidism and provides a more in-depth understanding of neuroendocrine regulation is crucial for animal cryptorchidism.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camelus , Testículo/fisiologia , Expressão Gênica , Sistemas Neurossecretores , Imuno-HistoquímicaResumo
In bridging the knowledge gap on stress physiology of Nigerian indigenous chickens, this study investigated the effect of exogenous corticosterone (eCORT) as stress inducing agent on the testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks. Twenty-four (24) cocks and one hundred and forty four (144) hens (mating ratio of 1 cock: 6 hens) were grouped into four and assigned to each of the four eCORT treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 mgeCORT/KgBW) daily for 14 days. Semen samples were collected on days 0, 7 and 14 and analyzed for semen volume (SV), progressive sperm motility (PSM), membrane integrity (MI) and sperm abnormality (SA). Mating behaviors were monitored on days 3, 5 and 8. Blood samples, for hormonal (Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Testosterone (TEST) and stress analysis (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, H/L) were collected from brachial vein on days 7 and 14. On day 15, cocks were euthanized and testes harvested for histomorphometry. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis, oneway ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests all in SPSS 23. Administration of 4 mgeCORT/KgBW declined (P0.05) influence on the mating behaviors, H/L ratio, FSH and TEST. However, 2 mgeCORT/KgBW enhanced LH levels. Administration of eCORT did not affect the testicular epithelial height and seminiferous tubular diameter. In conclusion, optimal stress induced by eCORT impaired semen quality but with less impact on reproductive hormones, H/L and mating behaviors of intensively raised Nigerian indigenous cocks.(AU)
Comportamento Sexual Animal , Testículo , Corticosterona , Galinhas , Análise do Sêmen , HormôniosResumo
O Curraleiro Pé-Duro (CPD) é uma raça nacional, que sofreu um longo processo de seleção natural nas condições do cerrado e semiárido brasileiro. Existem diferenças entre o comportamento reprodutivo das raças naturalizadas brasileiras quando comparadas às raças zebuínas e taurinas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever as alterações histopatológicas testiculares encontradas na raça CPD; Nelore; F1 (CPD x Nelore); Tricross Angus (» CPD + ½ Nelore + ½ Angus); Tricross Senepol (» CPD + ½ Nelore + ½ Senepol), criados na região semiárida do Brasil. Na avaliação microscópica dos 42 testículos, foi observado a ocorrência de 35 casos de degeneração testicular (83,3%), 24 de hipoplasia (57,1%) e 9 de edema (21,4%). Entre os 35 animais que apresentaram diagnóstico de degeneração testicular, 18 casos eram de degeneração leve (51,4%); 7 moderada (20%) e 10 severa (28,6%). Observou-se diversas associações entre degeneração testicular e outro processo patológico no mesmo animal, dentre estes a ocorrência de 17 casos associados à hipoplasia, 5 casos associados a edema e 3 casos associados a hipoplasia e edema no mesmo momento. As alterações histopatológicas testiculares prevalentes nas raças e cruzamentos analisados neste trabalho foram degeneração, hipoplasia e edema, tendo sido a degeneração a de maior acometimento, independentemente da origem racial.(AU)
The Curraleiro Pé-Duro (CPD) is a national breed, which underwent a long process of natural selection in the conditions of the Brazilian cerrado and semi-arid region. There are differences between the reproductive behavior of Brazilian naturalized breeds when compared to zebu and taurine breeds. The objective of this study was to describe the testicular histopathological alterations found in the CPD breed; Nelore; F1 (CPD x Nelore); Tricross Angus (» CPD + ½ Nelore + ½ Angus); Tricross Senepol (» CPD + ½ Nelore + ½ Senepol), bred in the semi-arid region of Brazil. In the microscopic evaluation of the 42 testicles, 35 cases of testicular degeneration (83.3%), 24 cases of hypoplasia (57.1%) and 9 cases of edema (21.4%) were observed. Among the 35 animals that were diagnosed with testicular degeneration, 18 cases were mild degeneration (51.4%); 7 moderate (20%) and 10 severe (28.6%). Several associations were observed between testicular degeneration and another pathological process in the same animal, among which the occurrence of 17 cases associated with hypoplasia, 5 cases associated with edema and 3 cases associated with hypoplasia and edema at the same time. The testicular histopathological alterations prevalent in the breeds and crosses analyzed in this study were degeneration, hypoplasia and edema, with degeneration being the most fruquent, regardless of breed origin.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anormalidades , Testículo/patologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Brasil , Zona Semiárida , Edema/veterinária , Microscopia/veterináriaResumo
Thirty-nine autumn-born ram-lambs were used to study whether polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene influence some reproductive parameters of Oct-born ram-lambs at 8 months of age. Animals were genotyped for their RsaI (CC, n=24; CT, n=6; TT, n=9) and Mn1I (GG, n=27; GA, n=6; AA, n=6) allelic variants of the MTNR1A gene. Liveweight (LW) was recorded bi-weekly until Jun, and scrotal perimeter (SP) was recorded once per month. From mid-Jan, blood samples were collected weekly to measure plasma testosterone concentrations. In mid-Jun, individual serving-capacity tests were performed. Testicular ultrasonography was performed at the end of the experiment. The effects of the week and gene polymorphism on LW, scrotal perimeter, and plasma testosterone concentrations were evaluated statistically by the GLM for repeated measures procedure. LW, SP, and plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly (P<0.001) affected by week, but neither of the polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene affected these variables. In the serving tests, genotypes did not differ significantly in individual behaviors or the number of events (CC: 24.1±3.2, CT: 26.3±13.0, TT: 16.8±4.8, GG: 22.0±3.0, GA: 21.0±6.7, AA: 27.8±12.7). Testicular features assessed by ultrasonography did not differ significantly among genotypes. In conclusion, the polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene did not have an effect on the reproductive characteristics of autumn-born ram lambs, based on serving capacity tests, testosterone secretion, and testicular measurements at 8 months of age.
Animais , Comportamento Sexual , Testículo , Testosterona , Ovinos , Receptor MT1 de MelatoninaResumo
Photoperiod is an important environmental factor affecting animal physiological function. Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that plays an important role in circadian and seasonal (or cyclical) rhythms and seasonal reproduction in mammals. To investigate the effects of melatonin on the reproductive performance of adult male mice under different photoperiods, sixty mice were randomly allotted to six groups: control (Light Dark, 12 L:12 D), control plus melatonin (MLD, 12 L:12 D), 24-hour continuous light (LL, 24 L:0 D), 24-hour continuous light plus melatonin (MLL 24 L:0 D), constant darkness (DD, 0 L:24 D), and constant darkness plus melatonin (MDD, 0 L:24 D). Normal saline (100 µL) was injected into the LD, LL, and DD groups at noon each day; the MLD, MLL, and MDD groups were injected with melatonin (1 mg/mL; 2 mg/kg·body weigh). After 24 hours of prolonged light exposure, testis morphology decreased, convoluted seminiferous tubules became sparse, the diameter of convoluted seminiferous tubules decreased, and the level of sex hormones decreased. After the administration of exogenous melatonin, testicular morphology and sex hormone levels decreased in the MLD group under normal light conditions. In the MLL group, the testicular tissue morphology returned to normal, the diameter of convoluted tubules increased, the hormone levels of LH (Luteinizing hormone) and MTL (melatonin) significantly increased (P<0.05), and th0e gene expressions of LHß and Mtnr1A (Melatonin receptors 1A) increased. There was almost no difference in the MDD group under continuous darkness. In conclusion, melatonin can damage the reproductive performance of male mice under normal light conditions, while exogenous melatonin can alleviate and protect the testicular injury of male mice under continuous light conditions.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Testículo/fisiologia , Fotoperíodo , Melatonina/efeitos adversosResumo
A orquiectomia consiste na remoção dos testículos e, em animais, pode ser realizada por motivo eletivo ou terapêutico. A cirurgia eletiva faz parte da guarda responsável de cães e gatos e é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na medicina veterinária, incluindo mutirões de castração onde a redução de custos é importante. A auto-hemoterapia (AHT) vem sendo aplicada em animais, inclusive em acupontos, com o intuito de produzir efeitos imunoestimulantes. Neste contexto, este estudo utilizou AHT, durante o período pós-operatório imediato, em acupontos de cães submetidos à orquiectomia eletiva sem a aplicação de antibióticos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados referentes a outro grupo de animais, os quais foram orquiectomizados e previamente tratados com antibiótico sistêmico. Todos os animais foram acompanhados clinicamente e foram feitos hemogramas nos períodos pré e pós-operatório, assim como o registro de infecções e outras intercorrências relacionadas ao procedimento cirúrgico. Considerando os 20 cães usados no estudo, não houve ocorrência de infecção ou processo inflamatório nos animais após o procedimento cirúrgico. Além disso, alterações hematológicas significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos e entre os períodos pré e pós-operatório de ambos os grupos. Desta forma, conclui-se que a auto-hemoterapia associada à acupuntura pode representar uma alternativa para um protocolo cirúrgico sem antibióticos em cirurgia eletiva de orquiectomia em animais hígidos.
The orchiectomy is the removal of the testicles and, in animals, can be performed due to by elective or therapeutic reasons. Elective surgery is part of the responsible ownership of dogs and cats and is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary medicine, including castration efforts where cost reduction is important. Autohemotherapy (AHT) has been applied in animals, including acupoints, to produce immunostimulatory effects. In this context, this study used AHT, during the immediate postoperative period, in acupoints of dogs submitted to elective orchiectomy without the use of antibiotics. The results obtained were compared to data from another group of animals, which were orchiectomized and previously treated with a systemic antibiotic. All animals were clinically monitored and hemograms were performed during the pre and post-operatory period, as well as the registration of infections and other complications related to the surgical procedure. Regarding the 20 dogs used in the study, there was no occurrence of infection or inflammation in the animals after the surgical procedure. In addition, significant hematologic alterations were not observed between groups and between pre- and post-operatory periods in both groups. Therefore, it is concluded that autohemotherapy associated with acupuncture may represent an alternative for a surgical protocol without antibiotics in elective orchiectomy surgery in healthy animals.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Orquiectomia/veterinária , Pontos de Acupuntura , Auto-Hemoterapia/veterinária , Analgesia por Acupuntura/veterináriaResumo
Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil. Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented subcutaneous edema in the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea. Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Pênis/lesões , Ruptura/veterinária , Comportamento Sexual Animal , BrasilResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of immunocastration in lambs using testicular morphometry. Thirty lambs were randomly divided into two treatments (subcutaneous administration of 1.0 mL and 0.5 mL of an anti-GnRH vaccine) and a control group (1.0 mL saline solution). The animals were vaccinated at four months of age, received a second dose 30 days later, and were slaughtered 90 days after the first vaccine dose. After slaughter, testicles were collected, and samples were removed for histological processing and evaluation of testicular morphometric parameters. Analysis of variance, Tukey's test, and Kruskal-Wallis test were performed, with a 5% level of significance. There was a reduction in testicular weight, gonadosomatic index, seminiferous tubule diameter, germinal epithelium height, leydigosomatic index, and total tubule length. The total length per testicular gram increased in the immunocastrated group. Intrinsic spermatogenesis yield, Sertoli cell indices, and estimates of sperm and Sertoli cell production were reduced in the immunized groups (P < 0.05). The anti-GnRH vaccine in lambs at doses of 1.0 mL and 0.5 mL is sufficient to promote immunocastration, verified through severe changes in testicular morphometry from animals.(AU)