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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e266526, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439655


Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasitic worms of several species of the genus Schistosoma. Transmission occurs by parasitic larvae that stay in freshwater snails of the genus Biomphalaria. Thus, the search for new products that are biodegradable has increased the interest in products of plant origin. The aim of this article is to review the isolated substances from natural products that showed molluscicidal activity against the species Biomphalaria glabrata in order to reevaluate the most promising prototypes and update the progress of research to obtain a new molluscicide. We perform searches using scientific databases, such as Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google schoolar, PUBMED, Web of Science and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS). From 2000 to 2022, using the keywords "isolated substances", "molluscicidal activity" and "Biomphalaria glabrata". In the present study, it was possible to observe 19 promising molluscicidal molecules with a lethal concentration below 20 µg/mL. Of these promising isolates, only 5 isolates had the CL90 calculated and within the value recommended by WHO: Benzoic acid, 2',4',6'-Trihydroxydihydrochalcone, Divaricatic acid, Piplartine and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (Lapachol). We conclude that beyond a few results in the area, the researches don't follow the methodological pattern (exposure time and measure units, toxicity test), in this way, as they don't follow a pattern on the result's exposure (LC), not following, in sum, the recommended by WHO.

A esquistossomose é uma doença tropical negligenciada causada por vermes parasitas de várias espécies do gênero Schistosoma. A transmissão ocorre por larvas parasitas que ficam em caramujos de água doce do gênero Biomphalaria. Assim, a busca por novos produtos biodegradáveis ​​tem aumentado o interesse por produtos de origem vegetal. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar as substâncias isoladas de produtos naturais que apresentaram atividade moluscicida contra a espécie Biomphalaria glabrata a fim de reavaliar os protótipos mais promissores e atualizar o progresso das pesquisas para a obtenção de um novo moluscicida. Realizamos buscas em bases de dados científicas, como Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google acadêmico, PUBMED, Web of Science e Literatura Latina-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da saúde (LILACS). De 2000 a 2022, utilizando as palavras-chave "substâncias isoladas", "atividade moluscicida" e "Biomphalaria glabrata". No presente estudo, foi possível observar 19 moléculas moluscicidas promissoras com concentração letal abaixo de 20 µg/mL. Destes isolados promissores, apenas 5 isolados tiveram o CL90 calculado e dentro do valor recomendado pela OMS: ácido benzóico, 2',4',6'-triidroxidihidrocalcona, ácido divaricático, piplartina e 2-hidroxi-1,4-naftoquinona (Lapachol). Concluímos que além de poucos resultados na área, as pesquisas não seguem o padrão metodológico (tempo de exposição e unidades de medida, teste de toxicidade), assim como não seguem um padrão na exposição do resultado (CL), não seguindo, em suma, o recomendado pela OMS.

Animais , Schistosoma , Esquistossomose , Biomphalaria , Moluscos
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(1): 145-154, 1963.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727603


The results obtained with the action of Bephenium Hidroxynaphtoate on chickens previously infested with eggs of Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788) are reported. This salt of Bephenium was to shown to act at 10 and 20 mg "pro-die" during six consecutive days in the pre-tissular, tissular and post-tissular phases. The statistical analysis of the date indicates that the results are about the same with 10 or 20 mg.

Os autores apresentaram os resultados da ação do Hidroxinaftoato de befênio em aves previamente infestadas com ovos infestantes de Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788). O sal de befênio demonstrou ter ação nas doses de 10 e 20 mg "pro-die" durante 6 dias consecutivos nas fases pré-tissular, tissular e pós-tissular. A interpretação estatística indica que os resultados são os mesmos quer na dose de 10 mg ou de 20 mg.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(1): 145-154, 1963.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471292


The results obtained with the action of Bephenium Hidroxynaphtoate on chickens previously infested with eggs of Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788) are reported. This salt of Bephenium was to shown to act at 10 and 20 mg "pro-die" during six consecutive days in the pre-tissular, tissular and post-tissular phases. The statistical analysis of the date indicates that the results are about the same with 10 or 20 mg.

Os autores apresentaram os resultados da ação do Hidroxinaftoato de befênio em aves previamente infestadas com ovos infestantes de Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788). O sal de befênio demonstrou ter ação nas doses de 10 e 20 mg "pro-die" durante 6 dias consecutivos nas fases pré-tissular, tissular e pós-tissular. A interpretação estatística indica que os resultados são os mesmos quer na dose de 10 mg ou de 20 mg.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 6(4): 469-476, 1960.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727582


Two cases of choleperitoneum in dog, probably caused by traumatic injury are described in this paper. After the description of the clinical cases the Authors comment the surgical procedures performed. They recommend an abdominal incision in the midline over the umbilicus and they close the opening of the choledochus duct by a series of interrupted suture using 2-0 cotton in an eyeless curved needle. The abdomen is closed as usual. The etiology of such cases are discussed from a research in the literature concerned.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 6(4): 469-476, 1960.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471276


Two cases of choleperitoneum in dog, probably caused by traumatic injury are described in this paper. After the description of the clinical cases the Authors comment the surgical procedures performed. They recommend an abdominal incision in the midline over the umbilicus and they close the opening of the choledochus duct by a series of interrupted suture using 2-0 cotton in an eyeless curved needle. The abdomen is closed as usual. The etiology of such cases are discussed from a research in the literature concerned.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 8(2): 411-416, 1970.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727717


The AA. analysed the communication of the pancreatic duct system with the duodenum throught the papilla duodeni minor, in 90 animals (30 horses 15 males and 15 females; 30 asinines 15 males and 15 females; 30 mules 15 males and 15 females). The results of this investigation indicated duodenal opening of the duct of Santorini: horses 24 (13 males and 11 females 80,0%); asinines 5 (4 males and 1 female 20,0% ); mules 15 (6 males and 9 females 50,0%).

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727528


The total cholesterol was determined in 20 throughbred horses, with an average of 101.9 ± 7.06 mg/100 ml of serum. When compared with other published data, the results are considered low. As a matter of conjecture and in order to justify the values disclosed, some tentative explanations are offered concerning mainly the breed as well as the high level of indirect bilirubin present in the serum of horses, during the training period at the Jockey Club of São Paulo, Brazil.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471234


The total cholesterol was determined in 20 throughbred horses, with an average of 101.9 ± 7.06 mg/100 ml of serum. When compared with other published data, the results are considered low. As a matter of conjecture and in order to justify the values disclosed, some tentative explanations are offered concerning mainly the breed as well as the high level of indirect bilirubin present in the serum of horses, during the training period at the Jockey Club of São Paulo, Brazil.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 8(2): 411-416, 1970.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471399


The AA. analysed the communication of the pancreatic duct system with the duodenum throught the papilla duodeni minor, in 90 animals (30 horses 15 males and 15 females; 30 asinines 15 males and 15 females; 30 mules 15 males and 15 females). The results of this investigation indicated duodenal opening of the duct of Santorini: horses 24 (13 males and 11 females 80,0%); asinines 5 (4 males and 1 female 20,0% ); mules 15 (6 males and 9 females 50,0%).

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 4(2): 383-388, 1950.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727573


The author begins to point out semiological difficulties of exploring the bile ducts of dogs and proposes for it an indirect method: cholecystography by means of a contrast substance administered orally, the same way as performed in man. Experiments were carried out in a batch of 20 dogs of variable lived, sex and age. The contrast substance used was -(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenyl)-phenyl-propionic acid (C15H13O3I2), commercially known as Biliselectan.

O autor, inicialmente, se reporta à dificuldade semiológica em explorar as vias biliares do cão, e propõe para a mesma um método indireto, ou seja o da colecistografia com contraste, administrado pela via oral, a exemplo do que se tem feito no homem. As experiências foram efetuadas em um lote de 20 cães, de raça, sexo e idade variáveis. A substância de contraste usada foi o ácido beta-(4-hidroxi-3,5-diiodofenil) alfafenil-propiônico (C10H13O3I 2), comercialmente conhecido por Biliselectan. Para a prova funcional da vesícula, ou seja, a prova de Boyden, foram usadas 2 gêmas de ovo.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 4(2): 383-388, 1950.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1470959


The author begins to point out semiological difficulties of exploring the bile ducts of dogs and proposes for it an indirect method: cholecystography by means of a contrast substance administered orally, the same way as performed in man. Experiments were carried out in a batch of 20 dogs of variable lived, sex and age. The contrast substance used was -(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenyl)-phenyl-propionic acid (C15H13O3I2), commercially known as Biliselectan.

O autor, inicialmente, se reporta à dificuldade semiológica em explorar as vias biliares do cão, e propõe para a mesma um método indireto, ou seja o da colecistografia com contraste, administrado pela via oral, a exemplo do que se tem feito no homem. As experiências foram efetuadas em um lote de 20 cães, de raça, sexo e idade variáveis. A substância de contraste usada foi o ácido beta-(4-hidroxi-3,5-diiodofenil) alfafenil-propiônico (C10H13O3I 2), comercialmente conhecido por Biliselectan. Para a prova funcional da vesícula, ou seja, a prova de Boyden, foram usadas 2 gêmas de ovo.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(2): 329-336, 1965.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727615


Studying the alterations produced by sodium pentobarbital on paper electrophoresis of dogs submitted general anesthesia, the authors have found hipoproteinemy after 20 minutes from the beginning of the anesthetic injection. The statistical analysis of the results, by Wilcoxon test for correlated samples, in a level of significance of 5%, showed the results not significant for the various protein ratios, although they showed significance for total protein.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(2): 329-336, 1965.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471305


Studying the alterations produced by sodium pentobarbital on paper electrophoresis of dogs submitted general anesthesia, the authors have found hipoproteinemy after 20 minutes from the beginning of the anesthetic injection. The statistical analysis of the results, by Wilcoxon test for correlated samples, in a level of significance of 5%, showed the results not significant for the various protein ratios, although they showed significance for total protein.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(2): 381-388, 1965.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727622


The authors present observations on 20 cases of sporotrichosis, 12 in dogs and 8 in cats, during 18 months of observation. They conclude: 1) In cats and dogs, sporotrichosis is much more frequent than literature indications. 2) Laboratory diagnosis can"t present troubles, since the agent is relatively abundant in the lesions. 3) Evolution of the disease is very slow and it seems not to affect the general conditions of the patients, since it limits it"s action to the cutaneous tissue. 4) Transmission by direct contact seems to be very difficult.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(2): 381-388, 1965.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471312


The authors present observations on 20 cases of sporotrichosis, 12 in dogs and 8 in cats, during 18 months of observation. They conclude: 1) In cats and dogs, sporotrichosis is much more frequent than literature indications. 2) Laboratory diagnosis can"t present troubles, since the agent is relatively abundant in the lesions. 3) Evolution of the disease is very slow and it seems not to affect the general conditions of the patients, since it limits it"s action to the cutaneous tissue. 4) Transmission by direct contact seems to be very difficult.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 4(2): 287-294, 1950.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727544


From lhe experiments described in this paper the A. concludes that the essential oil extracted from the shell of cashew-nut, through its active principle, the anacardic acid is effective against demodecic mange of domestic dog, as shown by 28 healings obtained in HO parasitized dogs subjected to its action. The drug has in addition lhe advantage of acting against secondary bacterial infection. The cashew-nut oil was dissolved in pea-nut oil, proportions being 50% in advanced, purulent clinical forms and 20% in milder, dry clinical forms. The duration of treatment was from one to three months and the number of unctions was from three to forty five.

À vista do exposto, podemos concluir que o óleo essencial da casca da castanha de cajá, por seu princípio ativo, o ácido anacárdico, mostrou-se eficiente no tratamento da sarna dernodécica do cão doméstico, na maioria (28) dos 30 casos por nós experimentados, tendo a vantagem de combater também a infecção secundária. Nos casos de apresentação clínica mais avançada e purulenta, utilizamo-nos das concentrações a 50%, em óleo de amendoim. Nos casos mais brandos (formas sêcas), fizemos uso da mistura a 20%. O período de tratamento variou entre urna semana e três meses e meio e o número de aplicações entre três e quarenta e cinco.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 4(2): 287-294, 1950.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1470950


From lhe experiments described in this paper the A. concludes that the essential oil extracted from the shell of cashew-nut, through its active principle, the anacardic acid is effective against demodecic mange of domestic dog, as shown by 28 healings obtained in HO parasitized dogs subjected to its action. The drug has in addition lhe advantage of acting against secondary bacterial infection. The cashew-nut oil was dissolved in pea-nut oil, proportions being 50% in advanced, purulent clinical forms and 20% in milder, dry clinical forms. The duration of treatment was from one to three months and the number of unctions was from three to forty five.

À vista do exposto, podemos concluir que o óleo essencial da casca da castanha de cajá, por seu princípio ativo, o ácido anacárdico, mostrou-se eficiente no tratamento da sarna dernodécica do cão doméstico, na maioria (28) dos 30 casos por nós experimentados, tendo a vantagem de combater também a infecção secundária. Nos casos de apresentação clínica mais avançada e purulenta, utilizamo-nos das concentrações a 50%, em óleo de amendoim. Nos casos mais brandos (formas sêcas), fizemos uso da mistura a 20%. O período de tratamento variou entre urna semana e três meses e meio e o número de aplicações entre três e quarenta e cinco.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(1): 31-42, 1963.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727594


The arterial blood supply of the sinus node has been studied in 50 goats (30 males and 20 females). The AA. observed that the cardiac conducting tissue was nourished exclusively by the ramus proximalis atrii dextri in 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the goats. This branch appeared as the main contribution in 8.0% _+ 3.8 of the specimens examined. In 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the animals the chief vessel was the ramus proximolis atrii sinistri whereas the remaining 4.0$ 1 2.7 showed the sinus node supplied with blood only by this branch. The distal end of the sulcus terminalis receives from the circumflexus branch of the right coronary artery the ramus proximalis atrii dextri, the ramus intermedius atrii dextri or the ramus distalis atrii dextri ill 46.0% _+ 7.0, 44.0% _+ 7.0 and 6.0% _+ 3.3 of the cases respectively. Sex did not influence the blood supply pattern to the sinus node.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 7(1): 31-42, 1963.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471285


The arterial blood supply of the sinus node has been studied in 50 goats (30 males and 20 females). The AA. observed that the cardiac conducting tissue was nourished exclusively by the ramus proximalis atrii dextri in 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the goats. This branch appeared as the main contribution in 8.0% _+ 3.8 of the specimens examined. In 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the animals the chief vessel was the ramus proximolis atrii sinistri whereas the remaining 4.0$ 1 2.7 showed the sinus node supplied with blood only by this branch. The distal end of the sulcus terminalis receives from the circumflexus branch of the right coronary artery the ramus proximalis atrii dextri, the ramus intermedius atrii dextri or the ramus distalis atrii dextri ill 46.0% _+ 7.0, 44.0% _+ 7.0 and 6.0% _+ 3.3 of the cases respectively. Sex did not influence the blood supply pattern to the sinus node.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 5(3): 317-324, 1955.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727498


The hemoglobin, total plasm protein and hemotocrit contents of 20 animals of the Red Danish breed, were determined during the premonition against cattle plasmosis. It was emphazised a pronounced fall in the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, namely during the phase of anaplasmosis attack. On the other hand the total protides level showed no remarkable variation in the course of the disease. The authors suggest that the presence of cattle plasmosis in this country is the most important factor which would explain in part, either the low adaptability or the low hemoglobin content and the reduced number of hematias in imported cattle.

O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.