Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America and the only representative of its genus. The scientific literature presents studies referring to the management and anaesthesia of the species but is scarce in case of emergency procedures, and to date, there are no reports of anaesthesia for emergency procedures in a neonatal maned wolf. Thus, this study aimed to report xenotransfusion and emergency anaesthesia for thoracic limb amputation in an approximately 8-days-old maned wolf pup. Case: A maned wolf pup, approximately 8-day-old, with a history of an accident with an agricultural machine, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná - Palotina Sector (HVP - UFPR) with a grade III open fracture of left radius and ulna. At the physical evaluation, bullous rales were observed in the right caudal lobe on pulmonary auscultation, hypoglycemia and severe dehydration, the latter being determined by the occurrence of enophthalmos, increased capillary refill time and skin turgor (3 s). The hemogram revealed regenerative hypochromic macrocytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, and the chest radiograph showed alveolar pattern opacification, associated with the presence of air bronchograms in the caudal lobes, more evident on the right side, suggestive of pulmonary contusion. Considering the laboratory alterations and the need for amputation of the thoracic limb, xenotransfusion was chosen before the anaesthetic procedure. The animal was pre-medicated with methadone 0.2 mg/kg and anaesthetic induction was performed with propofol titrated to effect, requiring 10 mg/kg. This was followed by endotracheal intubation and anaesthetic maintenance using the partial intravenous technique with an infusion of 5 µg/kg/h of remifentanil and Isoflurane vaporised through a non-rebreathing system in oxygen at 0.6. Anaesthetic monitoring included heart rate and electrocardiogram tracing, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, systemic blood pressure by the oscillometric method, and oesophageal body temperature. Although the blood tests after the transfusion showed an increase in hematocrit, changes suggestive of a delayed hemolytic reaction because of the transfusion were also noticed. Discussion: Preanesthetic stabilisation is critical, as anaesthesia of unstable patients may result in a higher risk of anaesthetic complications. Critically ill patients may present systemic imbalances that can trigger pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes of anaesthetics and analgesics. Neonates have several marked physiological differences, since some organs are still immature, have a high body volume of water, and present a reduced amount of total fat and concentrations of circulating proteins, making it necessary to adjust protocols and doses used for these patients. Blood transfusion between the same species is always the best option, though xenotransfusion becomes an option when there is no homologous donor available. However, it can present a great risk to life, as there is a lack of studies regarding the blood typing of the species and blood compatibility tests. We concluded that there was an increase in hematocrit after 24 h of xenotransfusion and, even with signs of delayed hemolytic reaction observed in the blood test, the patient did not show specific clinical signs of transfusion reaction. The pup was sensitive to methadone but required a high dose of propofol for anaesthetic induction. The use of methadone as a pre-anaesthetic agent and the infusion of remifentanil provided adequate analgesia based on the parameters evaluated.
Animais , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Canidae/fisiologia , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologiaResumo
Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the worlds most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning and globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. and globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, globin proteins partner with globin and are later replaced by globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina e formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas globina se associam à globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.
A March male Golden, weighing 7.6kg, presented with gradual weight loss, high body temperature, depression, poor appetite and thirst, and vomiting before consultation. The results showed that the erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and platelets were lower than the reference values. The diagnosis of mixed infection with haematocrit and eosinophilic bodies was confirmed by real-time fluorescence PCR of whole blood, which was positive for haematocrit and eosinophilic bodies. The dog was treated with doxycycline and ceftriaxone, and the dog fully recovered after 2 weeks with blood transfusion, symptomatic treatment, and supportive therapy. This indicates that the disease can be treated well by a comprehensive treatment approach.
Um March Golden macho, pesando 7,6kg, apresentou perda de peso gradual, temperatura corporal alta, depressão, falta de apetite e sede, e vômitos antes da consulta. Os resultados mostraram que os eritrócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina e plaquetas eram menores que os valores de referência. O diagnóstico de infecção mista com hematócrito e corpos eosinófilos foi confirmado por PCR de fluorescência em tempo real de sangue total, o que foi positivo para hematócrito e corpos eosinófilos. O cão foi tratado com doxiciclina e ceftriaxona, e o cão recuperou-se completamente após duas semanas com transfusão de sangue, tratamento sintomático e terapia de suporte. Isto indica que a doença pode ser bem tratada através de uma abordagem de tratamento abrangente.
Animais , Cães , Infecções por Bartonella/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Infecções por Mycoplasma/veterináriaResumo
A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].
Humanos , Talassemia alfa , Talassemia beta , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genéticaResumo
Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.
Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta/genética , HemoglobinasResumo
Background: We report the case of 3 cows, 1 ewe, and 1 doe, with chronic mastitis and which underwent a mastectomy. All animals had a history of mastitis, edema with purulent secretion in the udder region, areas of abscess formation, fibrosis, hypogalactia, and agalactia. The animals had already been treated with systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs without response. The objective of this work is to describe the surgical and clinicopathological aspects of performing a radical mastectomy in the field in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and a partial mastectomy in a doe, with both procedures performed successfully and considered efficient to maintain the survival of the affected animals, in addition to being economically viable. Cases: In all animals reported in the study, a general and a specific clinical examination were performed, where on palpation of the udder were observed an increase in the region of the mammary apparatus, fluid fluctuation, areas of fibrosis with increased stiffness, and loss of udder functionality. In the case of the doe, there was a functional teat, which was preserved during the surgical procedure. Radical mastectomy was performed in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and the doe underwent a partial mastectomy, with preservation of the functional teat. All animals have fasted for food and water for 48 h. In cows, the anesthetic protocol consisted of 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.15 mg/kg, intramuscularly (IM)], followed by an epidural block in the lumbosacral region with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [10 mL]. The midazolam hydrochloride [0.1 mg/kg, intravenously (IV)] and 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.05 mg/kg, IM] were administered to the ewe and the doe, also associated with lumbosacral epidural anesthesia with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [5 mL]. The animals were positioned in the right lateral decubitus position and the entire abdominal and udder region were shaved and sanitized for the surgical procedures of radical mastectomy and partial mastectomy, with the use of degerming and topical povidone-iodine. The postoperative period consisted of penicillin-based antibiotic therapy associated with streptomycin [24,000 IU/kg, IM, 10 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [2 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in cows; enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg, IM, 7 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 5 consecutive days] in the ewe; oxytetracycline [10 mg/kg, IM, 5 applications on alternate days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in the doe. In all animals, the cleaning of the surgical wound was performed daily with 10% topical Povidone-iodine and Permethrin ointment, for 14 days, when the stitches were removed. Discussion: The choice of the surgical procedure resulted in improvement of the clinical conditions and increased survival of all animals, and in the case of the doe, partial mastectomy contributed to the preservation of the functional teat, preserving its productive capacity. All anesthetic protocols used and the anatomical positioning of the animals were satisfactory for performing the procedures. Although they are techniques described in the literature with great blood loss, especially in cows, blood transfusion was not required in any of the animals. The stitches were removed 14 days after the surgical procedures, and the surgical wound was completely healed.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ovinos/cirurgia , Edema/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Mastectomia/veterinária , Mastite/veterináriaResumo
A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.(AU)
Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].(AU)
Humanos , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta , Talassemia alfaResumo
Abstract Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p 0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p 0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.
Resumo A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p 0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p 0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.
ABSTRACT Infectious agents cause serious diseases in humans worldwide and are responsible for the high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence and epidemiology of infectious disease (HCV) in the hospital visited patients referred by the physicians through the initial findings and their associated risk factors were studied in Swat. The data of 174 infected patients were collected during the period of 2015 to 2017 from two clinical laboratories of Tehsil Matta Swat. Inform consent form was taken before blood collection. After taking informed consent blood samples were collected and ICT test was performed and then ICT positive cases were conform through PCR. A total of 174 ICT positive samples [106 male and 68 females] were included in this study. Age was considered from 10 to 72 years. Of the 174 ICT strip positive, 99 [63 males, 36 females] were confirmed through PCR. The prevalence rate was recorded 56.89%. I.V/I.M injection was recorded in 100% of the individuals. Visits to the barber shop was reported in (58%) of the individuals, married individuals were (81.0), surgical operation was reported in (44.8%), sharing toothbrush was observed in (29.9%), piercing was reported in (39.7%), family history was reported in (26.4%), dental treatment was observed in (21.8%), jaundice were (13.2%) and tattooing was (1.7%). Blood transfusion, surgical operations, Jaundice, family history and dental treatment were found significant risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. It was concluded that proper implementation of precautionary measures should be needed to control the spread of HCV in far near future.
RESUMO Agentes infecciosos causam doenças graves em humanos em todo o mundo, e são responsáveis pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade. A prevalência e a epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas no hospital que atendeu pacientes encaminhados pelos médicos por meio dos achados iniciais e seus fatores de risco associados foram estudadas em Peshawar. Os dados de 174 pacientes infectados foram coletados durante o período de 2015 a 2017 oriundos de dois laboratórios clínicos de Tehsil Matta Swat. O formulário de consentimento informado foi obtido antes da coleta de sangue. Após a obtenção do consentimento informado, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e foi realizado o teste ICT e, em seguida, os casos ICT positivos foram confirmados por PCR. Um total de 174 amostras ICT positivas [106 homens e 68 mulheres] foi incluído neste estudo. A idade considerada foi de 10 a 72 anos. Das 174 tiras de ICT positivas, 99 casos [63 homens, 36 mulheres] foram confirmados por PCR. A taxa de prevalência foi de 56,89%. A injeção IV / IM foi registrada em 100% dos indivíduos. A visita à barbearia foi relatada em (58%) dos indivíduos, os números de casados foram (81,0%), e a operação cirúrgica foi relatada em (44,8%), o compartilhamento de escova de dente foi observado em (29,9%), o piercing foi relatado em (39,7%), antecedentes familiares foram relatados em (26,4%), tratamento odontológico em (21,8%), icterícia (13,2%) e tatuagem em (1,7%). Transfusão de sangue, operações cirúrgicas, icterícia, histórico familiar e tratamento odontológico foram fatores de risco significativos para adquirir infecção por Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC). Concluiu-se que a implementação adequada de medidas de precaução deve ser necessária para controlar a propagação do VHC em um futuro próximo.
Background: Congenital anomalies are structural, functional, or metabolic defects caused by a combination of environmental, genetic, or even iatrogenic factors. Genetic defects, which can be inherited, are more common in purebred dogs. Teratogenic factors such as radiation, toxins, chemical agents, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, drugs given to the mother, and nutrition can affect the litter during gestational development. The incomplete division of a fertilized egg results in monozygotic, conjoined or Siamese twins, which are animals with complete or incomplete duplications. This paper reports on an adult bitch with monocephalus dipygus dibrachius and the surgical procedures. Case: A 2-year-old female Shih Tzu weighing 5 kg was admitted to a veterinary clinic, presenting with swelling and myiasis near the anus and several development disorders, characterized by 2 pelvises, 2 anuses, 2 vulvas, 2 forelimbs and 6 hindlimbs. Her physiological parameters were otherwise normal. Only the dog's myiasis was treated at this time due to the owner's financial straits. After 5 months, the owner brought the bitch back to the veterinary clinic because the animal presented with fecaloma in 1 of the anuses. Radiography revealed numerous alterations: seven lumbar vertebrae with marked vertebral axis deviation, reduced disc space, as well as ankylosis and fused ventral spondylosis at L6 and L7. Two pelvises fused medially by the wings of the ileum, with slight deviation and thinning of pelvic bones. Four hip joints and medial joints with pelvic avulsion and bone remnants of the pelvic limbs. Acetabular tearing slightly flattened femoral head and thickened femoral neck. Caudal vertebrae and vertebral axis located in left pelvis. Left lateral patella inserted in the trochlear groove and lateral dislocation of right patella. Right patellofemoral joint with smooth surface, preserved intra-articular density and cranial displacement of the tibia relative to the femoral condyles (cranial cruciate ligament rupture). An ultrasound analysis revealed 2 bladders. Two months later surgery was performed due to recurrent complications. During laparotomy 2 uteruses, 2 bladders and bifurcation of the intestine were observed. Ovariosalpingohysterectomy was performed in both uterus and enterectomy of the problematic intestinal portion. After 2 days of the surgery, blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days of the transfusion, there was extravasation of yellow fluid from the surgical cut and abdominal palpation was indicative of bladder rupture, so the patient was sent to emergency surgery. Unilateral nephrectomy and ureterectomy, and ruptured bladder cystectomy were performed. The dog remained hospitalized for 24 days after surgery, before it was released. Discussion: The classification of conjoined twins is based on the location of the junction and the number of limbs. Monocephalus dipygus dibrachius was diagnosed based on the fact that the dog had 1 skull, 2 thoracic limbs and 4 pelvic limbs, as well as the corresponding genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract alterations. Imaging scans are extremely important for a proper diagnosis to ensure appropriate surgery planning. The bitch was the result of inbreeding between a male dog and its offspring, which probably contributed to this malformation. There are very few reports of surviving adult conjoined animals, and even fewer descriptions of successful surgical treatments. To the best of knowledge of the authors, there are no previous reports of a surviving adult dog suffering from this malformation.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Gêmeos Unidos/cirurgia , Gêmeos Unidos/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was < 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p<0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p<0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.
A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi < 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p<0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p<0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , HospitaisResumo
Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was < 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p<0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p<0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.
A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi < 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p<0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p<0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.
Humanos , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/etiologiaResumo
Infectious agents cause serious diseases in humans worldwide and are responsible for the high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence and epidemiology of infectious disease (HCV) in the hospital visited patients referred by the physicians through the initial findings and their associated risk factors were studied in Swat. The data of 174 infected patients were collected during the period of 2015 to 2017 from two clinical laboratories of Tehsil Matta Swat. Inform consent form was taken before blood collection. After taking informed consent blood samples were collected and ICT test was performed and then ICT positive cases were conform through PCR. A total of 174 ICT positive samples [106 male and 68 females] were included in this study. Age was considered from 10 to 72 years. Of the 174 ICT strip positive, 99 [63 males, 36 females] were confirmed through PCR. The prevalence rate was recorded 56.89%. I.V/I.M injection was recorded in 100% of the individuals. Visits to the barber shop was reported in (58%) of the individuals, married individuals were (81.0), surgical operation was reported in (44.8%), sharing toothbrush was observed in (29.9%), piercing was reported in (39.7%), family history was reported in (26.4%), dental treatment was observed in (21.8%), jaundice were (13.2%) and tattooing was (1.7%). Blood transfusion, surgical operations, Jaundice, family history and dental treatment were found significant risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. It was concluded that proper implementation of precautionary measures should be needed to control the spread of HCV in far near future.
Agentes infecciosos causam doenças graves em humanos em todo o mundo, e são responsáveis pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade. A prevalência e a epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas no hospital que atendeu pacientes encaminhados pelos médicos por meio dos achados iniciais e seus fatores de risco associados foram estudadas em Peshawar. Os dados de 174 pacientes infectados foram coletados durante o período de 2015 a 2017 oriundos de dois laboratórios clínicos de Tehsil Matta Swat. O formulário de consentimento informado foi obtido antes da coleta de sangue. Após a obtenção do consentimento informado, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e foi realizado o teste ICT e, em seguida, os casos ICT positivos foram confirmados por PCR. Um total de 174 amostras ICT positivas [106 homens e 68 mulheres] foi incluído neste estudo. A idade considerada foi de 10 a 72 anos. Das 174 tiras de ICT positivas, 99 casos [63 homens, 36 mulheres] foram confirmados por PCR. A taxa de prevalência foi de 56,89%. A injeção IV / IM foi registrada em 100% dos indivíduos. A visita à barbearia foi relatada em (58%) dos indivíduos, os números de casados foram (81,0%), e a operação cirúrgica foi relatada em (44,8%), o compartilhamento de escova de dente foi observado em (29,9%), o piercing foi relatado em (39,7%), antecedentes familiares foram relatados em (26,4%), tratamento odontológico em (21,8%), icterícia (13,2%) e tatuagem em (1,7%). Transfusão de sangue, operações cirúrgicas, icterícia, histórico familiar e tratamento odontológico foram fatores de risco significativos para adquirir infecção por Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC). Concluiu-se que a implementação adequada de medidas de precaução deve ser necessária para controlar a propagação do VHC em um futuro próximo.
Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Criança , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/sangue , Hepatite C/transmissãoResumo
Infectious agents cause serious diseases in humans worldwide and are responsible for the high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence and epidemiology of infectious disease (HCV) in the hospital visited patients referred by the physicians through the initial findings and their associated risk factors were studied in Swat. The data of 174 infected patients were collected during the period of 2015 to 2017 from two clinical laboratories of Tehsil Matta Swat. Inform consent form was taken before blood collection. After taking informed consent blood samples were collected and ICT test was performed and then ICT positive cases were conform through PCR. A total of 174 ICT positive samples [106 male and 68 females] were included in this study. Age was considered from 10 to 72 years. Of the 174 ICT strip positive, 99 [63 males, 36 females] were confirmed through PCR. The prevalence rate was recorded 56.89%. I.V/I.M injection was recorded in 100% of the individuals. Visits to the barber shop was reported in (58%) of the individuals, married individuals were (81.0), surgical operation was reported in (44.8%), sharing toothbrush was observed in (29.9%), piercing was reported in (39.7%), family history was reported in (26.4%), dental treatment was observed in (21.8%), jaundice were (13.2%) and tattooing was (1.7%). Blood transfusion, surgical operations, Jaundice, family history and dental treatment were found significant risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. It was concluded that proper implementation of precautionary measures should be needed to control the spread of HCV in far near future.
Agentes infecciosos causam doenças graves em humanos em todo o mundo, e são responsáveis pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade. A prevalência e a epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas no hospital que atendeu pacientes encaminhados pelos médicos por meio dos achados iniciais e seus fatores de risco associados foram estudadas em Peshawar. Os dados de 174 pacientes infectados foram coletados durante o período de 2015 a 2017 oriundos de dois laboratórios clínicos de Tehsil Matta Swat. O formulário de consentimento informado foi obtido antes da coleta de sangue. Após a obtenção do consentimento informado, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e foi realizado o teste ICT e, em seguida, os casos ICT positivos foram confirmados por PCR. Um total de 174 amostras ICT positivas [106 homens e 68 mulheres] foi incluído neste estudo. A idade considerada foi de 10 a 72 anos. Das 174 tiras de ICT positivas, 99 casos [63 homens, 36 mulheres] foram confirmados por PCR. A taxa de prevalência foi de 56,89%. A injeção IV / IM foi registrada em 100% dos indivíduos. A visita à barbearia foi relatada em (58%) dos indivíduos, os números de casados foram (81,0%), e a operação cirúrgica foi relatada em (44,8%), o compartilhamento de escova de dente foi observado em (29,9%), o piercing foi relatado em (39,7%), antecedentes familiares foram relatados em (26,4%), tratamento odontológico em (21,8%), icterícia (13,2%) e tatuagem em (1,7%). Transfusão de sangue, operações cirúrgicas, icterícia, histórico familiar e tratamento odontológico foram fatores de risco significativos para adquirir infecção por Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC). Concluiu-se que a implementação adequada de medidas de precaução deve ser necessária para controlar a propagação do VHC em um futuro próximo.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepacivirus , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Background: Erythroid leukemia is a myeloproliferative hematopoietic disorder considered acute when there is a predominance of blasts in the bone marrow. It is frequently reported in cats infected with feline leukemia virus, but it is unclear whether this virus is involved in the oncogenesis. The clinical signs in cats are anorexia, apathy, weight loss, with evolution from 2 weeks to 2 months, pale mucous membranes, hemorrhages, ascites, salivation, and dyspnea due to pleural effusion. This affection responds little to chemotherapy with an unfavorable prognosis. The aim of this study is to report a case of a feline leukemia virus infected cat with the onset of severe hemolytic anemia. Case: A 8-year-old male mixed breed cat was attended with a history of anorexia, oligodipsia, apathy, progressive weight loss, and yellowish color of urine for 7 days. Laboratorial exams showed anemia (with metarubricytes, acanthocytes and ghost cells), leukocytosis and FeLV reagent test. The cat underwent treatment with methylprednisolone acetate and supportive care. One day later, the animal returned with icteric mucous membranes, and emesis. A blood count was performed that found worsening anemia, increased leukocytosis, and lymphocytosis. Abdominal ultrasound showed cholangiohepatitis and lymphadenomegaly in mesenteric lymph nodes. Treatment was started with ondansetron, metronidazole, and amoxicilin with potassium clavulanate. The cat returned after 3 days and laboratorial exams revealed worsening of blood parameters, so blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days, the patient started with dyspnea and hypothermia, that evolved to cardiorespiratory arrest. The body was sent to necropsy and histopathology, where blast cells and rubricytes were found in blood vessels of various organs. The bone marrow was markedly cellular with complete disappearance of adipose tissue. Most of the cells were blasts with abundant and eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus with finely dotted chromatin and a large nucleolus. There were rubricytes, which made possible to confirm acute erythroid leukemia as a morphological diagnosis. Discussion: The clinical signs observed in acute erythroid leukemia are lethargy, inappetence, fever, splenomegaly, mild lymphadenomegaly, associated with leukocytosis, severe anemia, and thrombocytopenia. The reported animal presented signs similar to those described in the literature except that there was no change in platelet counts. The diagnosis of leukemia was reached after histopathology, and it is made when is observed more than 30% of myeloblasts and monoblasts together or when the blast cells count including rubriblasts is greater than 30%. Although chemotherapy, the prognosis is usually poor. It is essential to perform the myelogram for the diagnosis of myeloid leukemias in vivo. In this report, we only achieve final diagnosis after the cat's death, due to the aggressive behavior of the disease. Clinicians must be aware of the likely development of acute erythroid leukemia whenever a feline leukemia virus infected cat presents hemolytic anemia to get an early diagnosis, since this is an extremely aggressive disease, to propose prompt chemotherapy and give the patient a longer survival period.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Leucemia/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina/isolamento & purificação , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Sistema Hematopoético/patologia , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Mielografia/veterináriaResumo
Infectious agents cause serious diseases in humans worldwide and are responsible for the high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence and epidemiology of infectious disease (HCV) in the hospital visited patients referred by the physicians through the initial findings and their associated risk factors were studied in Swat. The data of 174 infected patients were collected during the period of 2015 to 2017 from two clinical laboratories of Tehsil Matta Swat. Inform consent form was taken before blood collection. After taking informed consent blood samples were collected and ICT test was performed and then ICT positive cases were conform through PCR. A total of 174 ICT positive samples [106 male and 68 females] were included in this study. Age was considered from 10 to 72 years. Of the 174 ICT strip positive, 99 [63 males, 36 females] were confirmed through PCR. The prevalence rate was recorded 56.89%. I.V/I.M injection was recorded in 100% of the individuals. Visits to the barber shop was reported in (58%) of the individuals, married individuals were (81.0), surgical operation was reported in (44.8%), sharing toothbrush was observed in (29.9%), piercing was reported in (39.7%), family history was reported in (26.4%), dental treatment was observed in (21.8%), jaundice were (13.2%) and tattooing was (1.7%). Blood transfusion, surgical operations, Jaundice, family history and dental treatment were found significant risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. It was concluded that proper implementation of precautionary measures should be needed to control the spread of HCV in far near future.(AU)
Agentes infecciosos causam doenças graves em humanos em todo o mundo, e são responsáveis pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade. A prevalência e a epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas no hospital que atendeu pacientes encaminhados pelos médicos por meio dos achados iniciais e seus fatores de risco associados foram estudadas em Peshawar. Os dados de 174 pacientes infectados foram coletados durante o período de 2015 a 2017 oriundos de dois laboratórios clínicos de Tehsil Matta Swat. O formulário de consentimento informado foi obtido antes da coleta de sangue. Após a obtenção do consentimento informado, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e foi realizado o teste ICT e, em seguida, os casos ICT positivos foram confirmados por PCR. Um total de 174 amostras ICT positivas [106 homens e 68 mulheres] foi incluído neste estudo. A idade considerada foi de 10 a 72 anos. Das 174 tiras de ICT positivas, 99 casos [63 homens, 36 mulheres] foram confirmados por PCR. A taxa de prevalência foi de 56,89%. A injeção IV / IM foi registrada em 100% dos indivíduos. A visita à barbearia foi relatada em (58%) dos indivíduos, os números de casados foram (81,0%), e a operação cirúrgica foi relatada em (44,8%), o compartilhamento de escova de dente foi observado em (29,9%), o piercing foi relatado em (39,7%), antecedentes familiares foram relatados em (26,4%), tratamento odontológico em (21,8%), icterícia (13,2%) e tatuagem em (1,7%). Transfusão de sangue, operações cirúrgicas, icterícia, histórico familiar e tratamento odontológico foram fatores de risco significativos para adquirir infecção por Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC). Concluiu-se que a implementação adequada de medidas de precaução deve ser necessária para controlar a propagação do VHC em um futuro próximo.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Hepatite C/sangue , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/transmissãoResumo
Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was < 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p<0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p<0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.(AU)
A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi < 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p<0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p<0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.(AU)
Humanos , Hepatite Viral Humana/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/etiologia , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/epidemiologiaResumo
Blood transfusion is a tool capable of saving lives. Patients undergoing blood transfusion usually present several alterations in the acid-base and electrolyte balance, aggravating the condition of critically ill patients. Some studies have demonstrated haematological alterations in certain species that received whole blood transfusions, however, few studies have evaluated acid base and electrolyte changes in dogs undergoing whole blood haemotherapy. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical, hematological, blood gas and electrolyte changes in anemic dogs after whole blood transfusion. Twenty nine dogs transfused due to anemia were enrolled in the study. Donors blood was collected in a transfusion bag containing citrate phosphate adenine dextrose and stored up to 24 h. Blood collections and evaluations were made before and 24 h after the transfusion. Data distribution normality was tested by the Shapiro Wilk Test. The means of the variables were compared by paired t-test. It was observed an increase in diastolic blood pressure and a reduction in heart rate (P < 0.05). There was a not significant increase in systolic blood pressure, temperature, and a reduction in respiratory rate per minute. Erythrocyte, haemoglobin and haematocrit averages were significantly increased after blood transfusion (P < 0.05). It was observed a reduction in the mean values of pH (P < 0.05), potassium (P > 0.05) and ionized calcium (P > 0.05) and an increase in the mean partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2 ) (P < 0.001), bicarbonate (P > 0.05) and sodium (P < 0.05). The probable cause of anemia was monocytic ehrlichiosis (14/29), visceral leishmaniasis (1/29), babesiosis (1/29), co-infection of Ehrlichia canis and Leishmania infantum (2/29), co-infection of E. canis and Babesia vogeli (1/29). It was not possible to determine the etiology of the anemia in ten dogs. Heart rate significantly reduced after transfusion, probably because of the increase in hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocyte values. It may be justified by the displacement of extravascular fluid to the intravascular space. Mean values of systolic blood pressure were slightly elevated before transfusion and remained elevated afterwards, while diastolic and mean arterial pressure increased significantly after transfusion. These changes may be due to the morbid condition and may be influenced by many other factors. Haematocrit, haemoglobin and erythrocyte values increased significantly after transfusion, according to what was observed in other studies. The significant reduction in pH and increase in pCO2 reflects the compensatory mechanism for metabolic acidosis to increase ventilation, leading to pCO2 reduction and changes in pH. The reduction in pH due to the contact of the collected blood with conservative solutions is one of the main changes thar occurs during blood storage. It was described significantly lower pH in dogs' whole blood samples stored for more than 24 h in vacutainer plastic containing CPDA-1. We may assume there was no intense pH reduction in the present study because the bags were stored for up to 24 h. Although not statistically significant, the increase of pO2 mean reflects the improvement of tissue oxygen perfusion. It was observed a significant increase in sodium ions. The mean sodium ion concentration before transfusion was very close to the maximum reference value. Hyperkalaemia was not observed, nor was there significant reduction of potassium ions after transfusion. Several studies report hyperkalaemia and transfusion-associated cardiac arrests in humans, associated with infusion of large volumes of blood. Whole blood transfusion increased erythrogram values and did not negatively affect the electrolyte or acid-base status, representing a safe and useful tool in the intensive care of small animals.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Equilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Reação Transfusional/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Gasometria/veterinária , CãesResumo
A transfusão de hemocomponente na medicina veterinária vem aumentando nos últimos anos, com isso aumenta-se também o potencial de reações transfusionais, que eventualmente podem ser fatais. Neste estudo, um cão de 3 meses de idade, fêmea, Sem Raça Definida com diagnóstico de hemoparasitose, realizado a partir de hemograma (anemia regenerativa com visualização de mórula de Ehrlichia canis em leucócitos e trombocitopenia de 80 mil plaquetas/dL) e ultrassonografia (hepatoesplenomegalia), foi encaminhado ao banco de sangue para ser submetido a transfusão de concentrado de plaquetas (CP), visto que apresentava petéquias, sufusões abdominais e havia sofrido alguns episódios de epistaxe. Após exame físico da paciente que se apresentava com parâmetros normais para a espécie, iniciou-se a transfusão do CP pela veia cefálica. Aos 30 minutos do início do procedimento documentou-se sialorréia intensa e eritema cutânea. A transfusão foi interrompida. Aplicou-se 0,5 mg/Kg de dexametasona por via intravenosa, 0,044 mg/Kg de atropina e 0,2 mg/Kg de prometazina ambos por via subcutânea, e em 40 minutos ocorreu normalização dos parâmetros clínicos. A transfusão de concentrado de plaquetas é um procedimento terapêutico e profilático importante no tratamento e prevenção de hemorragias, quando por deficiência numérica ou qualitativa das plaquetas. No entanto, riscos inerentes ao processo devem ser considerados, e expostos ao tutor. Contudo, descrevemos neste relato reação adversa em cão jovem (hipersensibilidade tipo 1) revertida com o uso imediato de corticosteróide associado a um antagonista colinérgico e anti-histaminico.
The transfusion of blood components in veterinary medicine has been increasing in recent years, thereby increasing the potential for transfusion reactions, which can eventually be fatal. In this study, a 3-month-old, female, Non-Breed dog diagnosed with hemoparasitosis, carried out using a complete blood count (regenerative anemia with visualization of Ehrlichia canis morula in leukocytes and thrombocytopenia of 80 thousand platelets/dL) and ultrasonography (hepatosplenomegaly), was referred to the blood bank to undergo a transfusion of platelet concentrate (PC), since she had petechiae, abdominal suffusions and had suffered some episodes of epistaxis. After physical examination of the patient who presented with normal parameters for the species, began the transfusion of PC through the cephalic vein. At 30 minutes from the beginning of the procedure, intense sialorrhea and skin erythema were documented. The transfusion was stopped, and 0.5 mg / kg of dexamethasone was applied intravenously, 0.044 mg / kg of atropine and 0.2 mg / kg of promethazine both subcutaneously. 40 minutes latter occurred normalization of clinical parameters. Platelet concentrate transfusion is an important therapeutic and prophylactic procedure in the treatment and prevention of bleeding, when due to numerical or qualitative platelet deficiency. However, risks inherent to the process must be considered, and exposed to the tutor. In this report, we describe an adverse reaction in a young dog (type 1 hypersensitivity) reversed with the immediate use of corticosteroids associated with a cholinergic and antihistamine antagonist.
Animais , Cães , Cães/imunologia , Cães/sangue , Fatores Imunológicos , Transfusão de PlaquetasResumo
A transfusão de hemocomponente na medicina veterinária vem aumentando nos últimos anos, com isso aumenta-se também o potencial de reações transfusionais, que eventualmente podem ser fatais. Neste estudo, um cão de 3 meses de idade, fêmea, Sem Raça Definida com diagnóstico de hemoparasitose, realizado a partir de hemograma (anemia regenerativa com visualização de mórula de Ehrlichia canis em leucócitos e trombocitopenia de 80 mil plaquetas/dL) e ultrassonografia (hepatoesplenomegalia), foi encaminhado ao banco de sangue para ser submetido a transfusão de concentrado de plaquetas (CP), visto que apresentava petéquias, sufusões abdominais e havia sofrido alguns episódios de epistaxe. Após exame físico da paciente que se apresentava com parâmetros normais para a espécie, iniciou-se a transfusão do CP pela veia cefálica. Aos 30 minutos do início do procedimento documentou-se sialorréia intensa e eritema cutânea. A transfusão foi interrompida. Aplicou-se 0,5 mg/Kg de dexametasona por via intravenosa, 0,044 mg/Kg de atropina e 0,2 mg/Kg de prometazina ambos por via subcutânea, e em 40 minutos ocorreu normalização dos parâmetros clínicos. A transfusão de concentrado de plaquetas é um procedimento terapêutico e profilático importante no tratamento e prevenção de hemorragias, quando por deficiência numérica ou qualitativa das plaquetas. No entanto, riscos inerentes ao processo devem ser considerados, e expostos ao tutor. Contudo, descrevemos neste relato reação adversa em cão jovem (hipersensibilidade tipo 1) revertida com o uso imediato de corticosteróide associado a um antagonista colinérgico e anti-histaminico.(AU)
The transfusion of blood components in veterinary medicine has been increasing in recent years, thereby increasing the potential for transfusion reactions, which can eventually be fatal. In this study, a 3-month-old, female, Non-Breed dog diagnosed with hemoparasitosis, carried out using a complete blood count (regenerative anemia with visualization of Ehrlichia canis morula in leukocytes and thrombocytopenia of 80 thousand platelets/dL) and ultrasonography (hepatosplenomegaly), was referred to the blood bank to undergo a transfusion of platelet concentrate (PC), since she had petechiae, abdominal suffusions and had suffered some episodes of epistaxis. After physical examination of the patient who presented with normal parameters for the species, began the transfusion of PC through the cephalic vein. At 30 minutes from the beginning of the procedure, intense sialorrhea and skin erythema were documented. The transfusion was stopped, and 0.5 mg / kg of dexamethasone was applied intravenously, 0.044 mg / kg of atropine and 0.2 mg / kg of promethazine both subcutaneously. 40 minutes latter occurred normalization of clinical parameters. Platelet concentrate transfusion is an important therapeutic and prophylactic procedure in the treatment and prevention of bleeding, when due to numerical or qualitative platelet deficiency. However, risks inherent to the process must be considered, and exposed to the tutor. In this report, we describe an adverse reaction in a young dog (type 1 hypersensitivity) reversed with the immediate use of corticosteroids associated with a cholinergic and antihistamine antagonist.(AU)