Apesar dos avanços na medicina equina, certas condições de claudicação ainda representam um desafio significativo para os clínicos veterinários, especialmente quando se trata de afecções distais, como feridas perfurantes no casco do equino. Essas lesões podem afetar estruturas vitais, incluindo a articulação interfalângica distal, o osso navicular, a bolsa do osso navicular, o tendão flexor digital profundo, a bainha sinovial e a terceira falange. O presente estudo tem como objetivo esclarecer que um diagnóstico mais rápido e preciso das estruturas afetadas e do grau de lesões resultantes leva a um tratamento mais eficaz. Além disso, foi demonstrado que o tratamento convencional com antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides sistêmicos -AINEs,em combinação com terapias alternativas, como campo magnético pulsado, laser classe III e Ozonioterapia, apresentou um efeito sinérgico com resultados excelentes.(AU)
Despite advances in equine medicine, certain claudication conditions still pose a significant challenge to veterinary clinicians, especially when it comes to distal affections such as puncture wounds on the equine hoof. These injuries can affect vital structures, including the distal interphalangeal joint, navicular bone, navicular bone pouch, deep digital flexor tendon, synovial sheath, and third phalanx. The present study aims to clarify that a more rapid and accurate diagnosis of the affected structures and the resulting degree of injury leads to more effective treatment. Furthermore, it was shown that conventional treatment with antibiotics and systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -NSAIDs, in combination with alternative therapies, such as pulsed magnetic field, class III laser and ozone therapy, presented a synergistic effect with excellent results.(AU)
A pesar de los avances en medicina equina, ciertas afecciones claudicantes siguen planteando un reto importante a los clínicos veterinarios, especialmente cuando se trata de afecciones distales como las heridas perforantes en el casco equino. Estas lesiones pueden afectar a estructuras vitales, como la articulación interfalángica distal, el hueso navicular, la bolsa del hueso navicular, el tendón flexor digital profundo, la vaina sinovial y la tercera falange. El presente estudio pretende aclarar que un diagnóstico más rápido y preciso de las estructuras afectadas y del grado de lesión resultante conduce a un tratamiento más eficaz. Además, se demostró que el tratamiento convencional con antibióticos y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos sistémicos -AINE, en combinación con terapias alternativas, como el campo magnético pulsado, el láser de clase III y la ozonoterapia, presentaban un efecto sinérgico con excelentes resultados.(AU)
Animais , Ferimentos Perfurantes/diagnóstico , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Casco e Garras , Claudicação Intermitente/veterináriaResumo
O deslocamento dorsal da patela, não é uma afecção incomum em potros e em animais que são estabulados e mantidos em repouso após uma temporada de exercícios. Existem vários fatores, que pode levar a esta situação, como membros posteriores retos, flacidez do músculo quadríceps femoral, dentre outras. Existem várias formas de tratamento para o deslocamento, como exercícios controlados, ferrageamento corretivo, provocar uma desmite do ligamento patelar medial, com soluções irritantes, ou com a técnica do splitting, e também pode ser realizada a desmotomia do ligamento patelar medial para correção do deslocamento. Diante disso, buscou-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica que verse sobre a acurácia do exame clínico e os exames complementares tais com ultrassonografia e radiografias, pois o diagnóstico preciso é de suma importância, para que os objetivos clínicos sejam alcançados.
Dorsal displacement of the patella is not an uncommon condition in foals and in animals that are stabled and kept at rest after a season of exercise. There are several factors, which can lead to this situation, such as straight hind limbs, laxity of the quadriceps femoris muscle, among others. There are several forms of treatment for the dislocation, such as controlled exercises, corrective bracing, provoking a demitis of the medial patellar ligament, with irritant solutions, or with the splitting technique, and also a demotomy of the medial patellar ligament can be performed to correct the dislocation. Therefore, a literature review was carried out on the accuracy of the clinical examination and complementary tests such as ultrasound and radiography, as an accurate diagnosis is of utmost importance to achieve the clinical objectives.
El desplazamiento dorsal de la rótula no es una condición infrecuente en potros y en animales estabulados y mantenidos en reposo después de una temporada de ejercicio. Hay varios factores que pueden conducir a esta situación, como miembros posteriores rectos, laxitud del músculo cuádriceps femoral, entre otros. Existen varias formas de tratamiento para la luxación, como ejercicios controlados, ortesis correctoras, provocando una demitis del ligamento rotuliano medial, con soluciones irritantes, o con la técnica del splitting, y también se puede realizar una desmotomía del ligamento rotuliano medial para corregir la luxación. Por ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre la exactitud del examen clínico y de las pruebas complementarias como la ecografía y la radiografía, ya que un diagnóstico preciso es de suma importancia para alcanzar los objetivos clínicos.
Animais , Patela/lesões , Ligamento Patelar/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/lesõesResumo
Purpose: To investigate putative mechanism of wound healing for chitosan-based bisacurone gel against secondary burn wounds in rats. Methods: A second-degree burn wound with an open flame using mixed fuel (2 mL, 20 seconds) was induced in Sprague Dawley rats (male, 180-220 g, n = 15, each) followed by topical treatments with either vehicle control (white petroleum gel, 1%), silver sulfadiazine (1%) or bisacurone gel (2.5, 5, or 10%) for 20 days. Wound contraction rate and paw withdrawal threshold were monitored on various days. Oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase, glutathione, malondialdehyde, and nitric oxide), pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukins by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), growth factors (transforming growth factor-ß, vascular endothelial growth factor C using real time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot assay) levels, and histology of wound skin were assessed at the end. Results: Bisacurone gel showed 98.72% drug release with a 420.90442.70 cps viscosity. Bisacurone gel (5 and 10%) significantly (p < 0.05) improved wound contraction rate and paw withdrawal threshold. Bisacurone gel attenuated oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and water content. It also enhanced angiogenesis (hydroxyproline and growth factor) and granulation in wound tissue than vehicle control. Conclusions: These findings suggested that bisacurone gel can be a potential candidate to treat burn wounds via its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and angiogenic properties.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores da Angiogênese , Quitosana/administração & dosagem , Anti-Inflamatórios , AntioxidantesResumo
Purpose: The effects of hesperidin application on the wound caused by esophageal burns were investigated in this study. Methods: Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: Control group: only 1 mL of 0.09% NaCl was administered i.p. for 28 days; Burn group: An alkaline esophageal burn model was created with 0.2 mL of 25% NaOH orally by gavage1 mL of 0.09% NaCl was administered i.p. for 28 days; Burn+Hesperidin group: 1 mL of 50 mL/kg of hesperidin was given i.p. for 28 days to rats after burn injury. Blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis. Esophagus samples were processed for histochemical staining and immunohistochemistry. Results: Malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels were significantly increased in Burn group. Glutathione (GSH) content and histological scores of epithelialization, collagen formation, neovascularization was decreased. After hesperidin treatment, these values were significantly improved in the Burn+Hesperidin group. In the Burn group, epithelial cells and muscular layers were degenerated. Hesperidin treatment restored these pathologies in Burn+Hesperidin group. Ki-67 and caspase-3 expressions were mainly negative in control group; however, the expression was increased in the Burn group. In the Burn+Hesperidin group, Ki-67 and caspase-3 immune activities were reduced. Conclusion: Hesperidin dosage and application methods can be developed as an alternative treatment for burn healing and treatment.
Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Apoptose , Antígeno Ki-67 , Esôfago/lesões , Caspase 3 , Hesperidina/administração & dosagem , QueimadurasResumo
A esporotricose é uma micose de difícil tratamento e tem os gatos como seu principal hospedeiro. Suas manifestações clínicas são caracterizadas, principalmente por lesões de continuidade ulcerativas na pele e subcutâneo, linfocutânea, disseminada, com presença de sinais extracutâneo e sistêmica fatal. Seu tratamento baseia-se na administração de antifúngicos sistêmicos e tópicos, porém causam danos expressivos ao organismo e ao ambiemte. Com poucas opções de tratamento, a ozonioterapia pode ser indicada para o tratamento de afecções infecciosas para esporotricose, devido a ação fungicida, analgésica e anti-inflamatória. Objetivou-se em descrever o caso clínico de um felino, macho, castrado de 1 ano e 8 meses, que apresentava lesões ulcerativas no membro pélvico esquerdo e coxim plantar, diagnosticado com esporotricose. Uma vez que não havia a regressão das lesões com o tratamento convencional, foi instituído a ozonioterapia pela técnica de insuflação de bag's. Após 12 sessões, as feridas estavam parcialmente cicatrizadas, manteve-se o tratamento convencional com a adição do uso de óleo de girassol ozonizado até a regressão total das lesões.
Sporotrichosis is a mycosis that is difficult to treat and has cats as main hosts. Its clinical manifestations are characterized mainly by ulcerative skin lesions and subcutaneous, lymphocutaneous, disseminated, with the presence of extracutaneous and fatal systemic signs. Its treatment is based on the administration of systemic and topical antifungals, but they cause significant damage to the organism and the environment. With few treatment options, ozone therapy can be indicated for the treatment of infectious conditions for sporotrichosis, due to its fungicidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. The objective was to describe the clinical case of a feline, male, castrated 1 year and 8 months old, who had ulcerative lesions on the left pelvic limb and foot pad, diagnosed with sporotrichosis. Since there was no regression of the lesions with conventional treatment, ozone therapy was instituted using the bag inflation technique. After 12 sessions, the wounds were partially healed, the conventional treatment was maintained with the addition of the use of ozonated sunflower oil until the total regression of the lesions.
La esporotricosis es una micosis de difícil tratamiento que tiene al gato como uno de sus principales huéspedes. Sus manifestaciones clínicas se caracterizan principalmente por lesiones ulcerativas continuas en piel y subcutáneas, linfocutáneas, diseminadas, con presencia de signos extracutáneos y sistémicos fatales. Su tratamiento se basa en la administración de antifúngicos sistémicos y tópicos, pero provocan importantes daños al organismo y al medio ambiente. Con pocas opciones de tratamiento, la ozonoterapia puede estar indicada para el tratamiento de cuadros infecciosos por esporotricosis, debido a su acción fungicida, analgésica y antiinflamatoria. El objetivo fue describir el caso clínico de un felino, macho, castrado de 1 año y 8 meses de edad, que presentaba lesiones ulcerativas en miembro pélvico izquierdo y almohadilla plantar, diagnosticado de esporotricosis. Dado que no hubo regresión de las lesiones con el tratamiento convencional, se instauró ozonoterapia mediante la técnica de bolsa inflada. Después de 12 sesiones, las heridas cicatrizaron parcialmente, se mantuvo el tratamiento convencional con la adición del uso de aceite de girasol ozonizado hasta la regresión total de las lesiones.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Esporotricose/tratamento farmacológico , Sporothrix/isolamento & purificação , Itraconazol/administração & dosagem , Óleo de Girassol/análise , OzonioterapiaResumo
Plant-derived products can assist in the healing process of dermal wounds. It has been demonstrated that Hancornia speciosa latex present angiogenic, osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Then, it could contribute to the wound healing process. However, natural products in contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allergic and irritant potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex using in vitro assays. The obtained results showed that the H. speciosa serum fraction latex has a slightly irritant potential and is not cytotoxic neither allergenic for human cells. Moreover, we identified a remarkable low amount of proteins in this material in comparison to Hevea brasiliensis latex. This result could explain the non-allergenic potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex because proteins present in latex are the main responsible for allergy. This biomaterial could be used as a non-allergenic source for development of new medicines.
Produtos derivados de plantas podem auxiliar no processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Foi demonstrado que o látex de Hancornia speciosa apresenta atividades angiogênicas, osteogênicas, antiinflamatórias e antioxidantes. Então, este biomaterial pode contribuir para o processo de cicatrização de feridas. No entanto, produtos naturais em contato com a pele podem causar dermatites. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alérgico e irritante do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa por meio de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o látex da fração do soro de H. speciosa possui um potencial pouco irritante e não é citotóxico nem alergênico para células humanas. Além disso, foi identificado uma notável baixa quantidade de proteínas neste material em comparação ao látex de Hevea brasiliensis. Esse resultado poderia explicar o potencial não alergênico do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa, pois as proteínas presentes no látex são as principais responsáveis pela alergia. Este biomaterial pode ser utilizado como fonte não alergênica para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.
Apocynaceae/química , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Plant-derived products can assist in the healing process of dermal wounds. It has been demonstrated that Hancornia speciosa latex present angiogenic, osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Then, it could contribute to the wound healing process. However, natural products in contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allergic and irritant potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex using in vitro assays. The obtained results showed that the H. speciosa serum fraction latex has a slightly irritant potential and is not cytotoxic neither allergenic for human cells. Moreover, we identified a remarkable low amount of proteins in this material in comparison to Hevea brasiliensis latex. This result could explain the non-allergenic potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex because proteins present in latex are the main responsible for allergy. This biomaterial could be used as a non-allergenic source for development of new medicines.(AU)
Produtos derivados de plantas podem auxiliar no processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Foi demonstrado que o látex de Hancornia speciosa apresenta atividades angiogênicas, osteogênicas, antiinflamatórias e antioxidantes. Então, este biomaterial pode contribuir para o processo de cicatrização de feridas. No entanto, produtos naturais em contato com a pele podem causar dermatites. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alérgico e irritante do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa por meio de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o látex da fração do soro de H. speciosa possui um potencial pouco irritante e não é citotóxico nem alergênico para células humanas. Além disso, foi identificado uma notável baixa quantidade de proteínas neste material em comparação ao látex de Hevea brasiliensis. Esse resultado poderia explicar o potencial não alergênico do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa, pois as proteínas presentes no látex são as principais responsáveis pela alergia. Este biomaterial pode ser utilizado como fonte não alergênica para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.(AU)
Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Apocynaceae/química , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Background: In the routine care of non-human primates, ocular trauma is frequent, however, unlike the small animal clinic, the prevalence of corneal ulcers is not documented. Among the numerous therapeutic options available in dogs, blood serum is being increasingly used as an adjuvant treatment in these conditions, due to its tear-like properties. Based on this, the present study aims to describe a case of corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans) attacked by a porcupine, and the use of heterologous serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment. Case: A southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans), which had been attacked by porcupine quills, was treated at a University Veterinary Hospital. During the clinical examination, the presence of blepharospasm and secretion in the right eye was noticed. The ophthalmological examination, through the fluorescein test, detected the presence of an extensive superficial corneal ulcer in the right eye. After removing the spines, the corneal ulcer was treated with tobramycin-based eye drops, 1% atropine sulfate eye drops, and serum from equine blood in the form of eye drops, as an adjuvant therapy. After 5 days of treatment, the fluorescein test was repeated, which was negative in both eyes due to complete healing of the lesion, and thus the treatment was concluded. Discussion: The scarcity of scientific literature on wild animals is one of the factors responsible for the difficulty in advancing clinical and surgical procedures in non-human primates. Corneal ulcers are characterized by the loss of corneal epithelium with exposure of the stroma. The main clinical treatments adopted include antimicrobial therapy, analgesics, lubricating agents, and antiprotease drugs. Widely used as an adjuvant therapy in corneal ulcers in small animals, blood serum presents some advantages, as it is rich in growth factors, vitamins, immunoglobulins, and anti-collagenolytic substances, in addition to being obtained for a low cost. Considering the aforementioned, in the case reported, it was decided to use blood serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment of the corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey. Complete healing of the corneal ulcer was confirmed in just five days, contributing to the well-being of this animal and contributing to the evolution of ophthalmology in this species that is still poorly studied.
Animais , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Antígenos Heterófilos/sangue , Alouatta/lesões , Ouriços , Cavalos/sangueResumo
Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.
Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.
Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Aloe , Cicatrização , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Estudos TransversaisResumo
Injúrias relacionadas a interação animal/estrutura podem ser encontradas em sistema de confinamento Free-Stall. O hematoma de barbela pode estar relacionado a uma lesãoporcontato sofrido pelo animal com o tronco limitador da cama do Free-Stall no momentoemque ele deita para descansar. O objetivo do presente relato é descrever ummétododediagnóstico e tratamento utilizado em uma fêmea leiteira que apresentou aumento de volumelocalizado na região da barbela. Um bovino ½ HZ, fêmea, primípara, comaproximadamente60 dias em lactação (DEL), acomodada em sistema de confinamento Free-Stall e provenientede fazenda localizada no município de Lavras MG apresentou aumento de volume na regiãoda barbela, sem mais nenhuma manifestação clínica. Durante o exame físico, identificou-seapresença de líquido na região edemaciada da barbela, próximo a região do peito. Foi realizadoexame ultrassonográfico e descartada a presença de pus. Com isso, foi feita uma punçãoguiada por ultrassom no local e confirmado a presença de sangue. Comesses resultados, confirmou-se o diagnóstico de hematoma e determinou-se a etiologia: lesão de contatodoanimal com o limitador da contenção da cama. Foi realizado o tratamento e houverecuperação significativa do animal. A punção guiada por ultrassomproporcionouaverificação da composição do líquido e comprovou a utilidade do exame ultrassonográfico, que foi de extrema importância para o relato.(AU)
Injuries related to animal/structure interaction can be found in Free-Stall confinement systems. The dewlap hematoma may be related to an injury caused by contact suffered by the animal with the restraint structure of the Free-Stall's liyng when it lies down to rest. The objectiveofthe present report is to describe a method of diagnosis and treatment used in a dairy cattle that presented an increase in volume located in the region of the dewlap. A primiparous female ½ HZ cow, with approximately 60 days in milk (DIM), accommodated in a Free-Stall confinement system and coming from a farm located in the municipality of Lavras - MG, presented an increase in volume in the dewlap region, without any further clinical manifestation. During the physical exam, the presence of fluid was identified in the swollenregion of the dewlap, close to the chest region. Ultrasound examination was performedandthe presence of pus was ruled out. Thus, an ultrasound-guided puncture was performedat thesite and the presence of blood was confirmed. With these results, the diagnosis of hematomawas confirmed and the etiology was determined: contact injury of the animal with the restraint structure of the lying. The treatment was carried out and there was a significant recoveryofthe animal. The ultrasound-guided puncture provided the verification of the liquidcomposition and proved the utility of the ultrasound examination, which was extremely important for this report.(AU)
En los sistemas de confinamiento Free-Stall pueden encontrarse lesiones relacionadas conlainteracción entre el animal y la estructura. El hematoma de la papada puede estar relacionadocon una lesión por contacto sufrida por el animal con el tronco limitador de la cama deFree-Stall al acostarse para descansar. El objetivo del presente informe es describir un métododediagnóstico y tratamiento utilizado en una hembra lechera que presentaba una inflamaciónlocalizada en la región de la papada. Un bovino ½ HZ, hembra, primípara, conaproximadamente 60 días de lactancia (DDL), alojada en un sistema de confinamientoFree-Stall y proveniente de una hacienda localizada en el municipio de Lavras - MGpresentóunaumento de volumen en la región de la papada, sin ninguna otra manifestaciónclínica. Durante el examen físico, se identificó la presencia de líquido en la región hinchadadelapapada, cerca de la región del pecho. Se realizó un examen ultrasonográfico y se descartólapresencia de pus. Con esto, se realizó una punción guiada por ultrasonido en el lugar yseconfirmó la presencia de sangre. Con estos resultados, se confirmó el diagnósticodehematoma y se determinó la etiología: lesión por contacto del animal con el limitador delacama. El tratamiento se llevó a cabo y hubo una recuperación significativa del animal. Lapunción guiada por ultrasonido permitió verificar la composición del fluido y demostrólautilidad del examen ultrasonográfico, que fue sumamente importante para el informe.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/lesões , Punções/métodos , Crista e Barbelas/diagnóstico por imagem , Brasil , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has revolutionized wound care, but its high cost reduces the procedure's availability. To solve the problem, streamlined vacuum dressings systems have been proposed, but the utility of these devices has been poorly studied. The objective of this study was to evaluate a simplified vacuum dressing system model (SVDM). Methods: Randomized clinical trial in which wounds were treated with SVDM compared to a complex occlusive dressing (silver hydrofiber, SHF). The analyzed outcomes were cleaning, presence of granulation tissue, clinical appearance, and indication for surgical closure of wounds. Results: Fifty injuries were treated (25 in each group), most located on lower limbs. SVDM proved to be more effective than SHF in the evaluated outcomes. Wound recalcitrance reduced the effectiveness of the equipment used. Despite its efficacy, complications occurred, the most frequent related to dressing changes: minor bleeding, foam adherence to a wound bed, and pain. Only for bleeding no favorable risk-benefit ratio was found. There were no severe complications, worsening conditions of injuries, or deaths. Conclusions: SVDM proved to be an effective and acceptably safe device for managing studied wounds.
Humanos , Ferimentos e Lesões/terapia , Compostos de Prata/análise , Tratamento de Ferimentos com Pressão Negativa/métodos , Curativos OclusivosResumo
Arthropod venoms are potential sources of bioactive substances, providing tools for the validation of popular use and new drugs design. Ants belonging to the genus Dinoponera are used in the folk medicine to treat inflammatory conditions. It was previously demonstrated that the venom of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps (DqV), containing a mixture of polypeptides, elicit antinociceptive effect in mice models of chemical, mechanical and thermal nociception. The aim of this study was to evaluate DqV antiinflammatory and antihypernociceptive effects in a mice model of traumatic cutaneous wound. Colonies of D. quadriceps were collected in the 'Serra de Maranguape' (State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil), a small mountain range located on the coastal zone, and the venom secreted by the ant glands was extracted with capillary tubes, further lyophilized and maintained at -20 ± 1ºC until use. Wounds were performed in the dorsum of Swiss mice. Animals received intravenous (i.v.) injection of DqV (50 µg kg-1 day-1) during 3 days for evaluation of inflammatory parameters present in the wounds: hypernociception, leukocyte infiltrate, myeloperoxidase activity, nitrite/nitrate content. Data was tested by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc test. DqV reduced (2.7 folds) hypernociception at 48 hours, leukocyte infiltration by 65% at 6 hours and myeloperoxidase activity by 60% at 0.5 hour after wound induction. In conclusion, the venom extracted from D. quadriceps glands attenuates inflammation and hypernociception in mice cutaneous wounds.(AU)
Animais , Camundongos , Venenos de Artrópodes/análise , Inflamação/tratamento farmacológico , Camundongos/lesões , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
Este estudo foi conduzido para verificar o efeito do extrato aquoso e da pomada à base de casca de Caryocar brasiliense sobre a retração de feridas em coelhos. Foram utilizados 12 coelhos Nova Zelândia Branco divididos em dois grupos e quatro lesões foram produzidas na região dorsal de cada animal. As lesões à direita foram tratadas com extrato aquoso (grupo 1) ou com a pomada (grupo 2) e as lesões à esquerda foram tratadas com solução salina 0,9% (grupo controle). Os níveis de colágeno e fibroblastos foram menores (P<0,05) em lesões tratadas com extrato aquoso, comparado com o grupo controle. Aos 7 e 14 dias após o procedimento, a retração das lesões era maior (P<0,05) quando tratadas com extrato aquoso e nas lesões tratadas com a pomada, a melhora ocorreu apenas no 7º dia, comparado com o tratamento controle. Concluiu-se que o extrato aquoso de casca de Caryocar brasiliense melhorou a retração de feridas por um período de tempo maior do que a pomada.
This study was carried out to verify the effect of the aqueous extract and the ointment of the stem bark from Caryocar brasiliense on the wound healing in rabbits. Twelve New Zealand rabbits were divided in two groups and four lesions were produced on the back of each animal. The lesions on the right side were treated with aqueous extract (group 1) or with ointment (group 2), while the lesions on the left side were the control group (treated with 0.9% saline solution). Collagen and fibroblast levels were lower (P<0.05) in wounds treated with aqueous extract, compared to the control group. On days 7 and 14 after the procedures, the wound retraction was better (P<0.05) when treated with aqueous extract, while in wounds treated with the ointment, the improvement occurred only on the 7th day. The aqueous extract of stem bark from Caryocar brasiliense improved the wound retraction longer than the ointment.
Este estudio fue conducido para verificar el efecto del extracto acuoso y de la pomada basada en cáscara de Caryocar brasiliense sobre la retracción de heridas en conejos. Fueron utilizados 12 conejos Nueva Zelanda Blanco divididos en dos grupos y cuatro lesiones fueron producidas en la región dorsal de cada animal. Las lesiones a la derecha fueron tratadas com extracto acuoso (grupo 1) o con la pomada (grupo 2) y las lesiones a la izquierda fueron tratadas con solución salina 0,9% (grupo control). Los niveles de colágeno y fibroblastos fueron menores (P<0,05) en lesiones tratadas con extracto acuoso, comparado con el grupo control. A los 7 y 14 días después del procedimiento, la retracción de las lesiones era mayor (P<0,05) cuando tratadas con extracto acuoso y en las lesiones tratadas con la pomada, la mejora ocurrió solamente el 7° día, comparado con el grupo control. Se concluyó que el extracto acuoso de la cáscara de Caryocar brasiliense mejoro la retracción de heridas por un período de tiempo mayor do que la pomada.
Animais , Coelhos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Malpighiales/química , Terapia Biológica/veterináriaResumo
Chemotherapy agents have some undesirable and non-selective cytostatic effects. Considering that kidneys are vulnerable to drug-induced toxicity, this study evaluated renal injury caused by vincristine sulfate (VS) in 12 female dogs diagnosed with transmissible venereal tumor (TVT). The animals were treated with VS (0.025 mg/kg IV) every 7 days for 4 weeks. During treatment, the animals were subjected to clinical examination, blood count, serum measurement of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase. In addition, urinalysis and urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) measurements were performed. All parameters were determined three times: before beginning the treatment (T0), after 14 days (T1), and after 28 days (T2). During the study period, there were no changes in serum urea or creatinine levels, urine specific gravity, or persistent proteinuria. Furthermore, urinary GGT measurement did not indicate tubular lesions, and consistent elevation of SDMA was found in only one patient above the reference range. The results showed that weekly therapy with VS as a single agent for 28 days does not induce renal injury in most cases.(AU)
Os agentes quimioterápicos possuem efeitos citostáticos indesejáveis e não seletivos. Considerando a vulnerabilidade renal à toxicidade induzida por drogas, este estudo avaliou a lesão renal causada pelo sulfato de vincristina (VS) em 12 cadelas com diagnóstico de tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT). Os animais foram tratados com VS (0,025 mg / kg IV) a cada sete dias, durante quatro semanas. No transcurso do tratamento, os animais foram submetidos a exame clínico, hemograma, dosagem sérica de dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA), nitrogênio ureico sanguíneo (BUN), creatinina, alanina aminotransferase e fosfatase alcalina. Além disso, foram realizadas análises de urina e medições de gama-glutamil transferase (GGT) urinária. Todos os parâmetros foram mensurados em três tempos, antes do início do tratamento (T0), aos 14 dias (T1) e aos 28 dias (T2). Durante o período do estudo, não houve alterações nas concentrações de ureia ou creatinina séricas, na gravidade específica da urina ou proteinúria persistente. Além disso, a medição de GGT urinária não indicou lesões tubulares, e elevação consistente de SDMA foi encontrada em apenas um paciente acima do intervalo de referência. Os resultados mostraram que a terapia semanal com VS como agente único por 28 dias não induz lesão renal na maioria dos casos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/tratamento farmacológico , Vincristina/efeitos adversos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Exames Médicos , Cães/lesõesResumo
Purpose: To recognize the effects of valproic acid (VPA), an epigenetic drug, on the skin healing process. Methods: Sixty male Wistar rats were divided into two groups: the experiment treated with VPA (100 mg/kg/day); and the control, with 0.9% sodium chloride by gavage. Skin healing was studied in three moments (the third, the seventh, and the 14th day), evaluating the parameters: inflammatory reaction and its intensity (anti-LCA), angiogenesis (anti-CD34), collagen I and III (anti-collagen I, anti-collagen III and Picrosirius-red F3BA) and myofibroblasts (anti-alpha-AMS). Results: The inflammatory reaction was acute or sub-acute in both groups on the third day. On the seventh and the 14th day, chronic predominated in the control (p=0.006), and sub-acute in the experiment (p=0.020). There was a greater number of leukocytes in the group treated only on the third day (p=0.036). The number of vessels was lower in the treated group at the three times (p3=0.002, p7<0.001, and p14=0.027). Myofibroblasts were rare in the third day and moderate quantity in the remaining periods. Collagen I density was higher in the control at the three times (p<0.001) and collagen III in the treated group (p<0.001). Conclusions: VPA led to a more intense inflammatory reaction, decreased angiogenesis and collagen deposition, especially type I collagen.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Valproico , Ratos Wistar , Colágeno Tipo I , Epigênese GenéticaResumo
Purpose: Hancornia speciosa latex has shown pharmacological potential in wound healing processes due to its angiogenic, osteogenic, and anti-inflammatory activities. The aims of this study were to carry out a cream-gel formulation with 5, 10 and 25% of H. speciosa serum latex and to evaluate its potential to stimulate the skin regeneration in rats' wounds. Methods: One hundred and twenty rats were divided into five groups: neutral control with saline (G1), cream-gel based on H. speciosa latex serum at 5% m/v (G2), cream-gel at 15% m/v (G3), cream-gel at 25% m/v (G4), and cream-gel (G5). The animals were euthanized at three, seven, 14 and 21 days after the injury induction, and some parameters were analyzed: wound contraction, necrosis, fibrin, polymorphonuclear and mononuclear infiltrates, fibroblast, angiogenesis, hemorrhage, and collagen. Results:The therapeutic treatment with cream-gel at 15 and 25% is beneficial in the inflammatory phase of healing processes since it increased the angiogenesis and proliferation of mononuclear infiltrations in wounds. Regarding wound contraction, the treatment with cream-gel (5 and 15%) induced a higher rate of contraction in the proliferative phase. The 15% cream-gel formulation stimulated a greater production of collagen in the injured tissues. Conclusions: H. speciosa cream-gel is a low-cost herbal medicine which can aid in tissue repair.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Apocynaceae , Medicina Regenerativa , Látex/uso terapêutico , Animais de LaboratórioResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of rosemary leaf essential oil-based ointments on the healing of rat skin lesions. Methods: Sixty adult male rats, with dorsal excisional skin wounds made surgically under anesthesia, were divided into three groups (n = 20): Sham group (untreated wounds); control group (CG, wounds treated with vehicle); and essential oil (EO) treated group (wounds treated with essential oil-based ointments), administered topically once daily. Skin wounds were evaluated at 4, 7, 14, and 21 days after EO or vehicle treatments. Lesions were analyzed macroscopically for the contraction degree. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of skin wounds were used for histopathological evaluation. Results: Macroscopic evaluation showed wounds edges with thin crust without firmness and yellowish color, along with an improvement in wound contraction in EO group when compared to the other groups. A reduced inflammatory reaction, along with newly formed small diameter capillaries and more organized and elongated collagen fibers, were more frequently observed in EO group than in the other groups. Moreover, blood vessel number and collagen fibers density were significantly higher in EO group. Conclusions: Skin lesion treatment with rosemary leaf essential oil-based ointments accelerates the initial stages of healing, reduces inflammation, and increases angiogenesis, collagen fibers density, and wound contraction in rats.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Lippia/química , Medicamento FitoterápicoResumo
Purpose: To investigate the active ingredients of walnut ointment (WO) and its mechanism in repairing wounds. Methods: The ingredients of WO were detected by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. The effect of linoleic acid (LA) was tested by in vitro Alamar Blue (AB) reagent. Image J software, histological and immunohistochemical analysis were used to confirm the healing effect of LA in the porcine skin model. The animals were euthanized after the experiment by injection of pentobarbital sodium. Results: LA, 24% in WO, promotes keratinocytes and fibroblasts proliferation, which were 50.09% and 15.07% respectively higher than control (p < 0.05). The healing rate of the LA group (96.02% ± 2%, 98.58% ± 0.78%) was higher than the saline group (82.11% ± 3.37%, 88.72% ± 1.73%) at week 3 and week 4 (p < 0.05). The epidermal thickness of the LA was 0.16 ± 0.04 mm greater and the expression of the P63 and CK10 proteins was stronger in the LA group than the control (p < 0.05). Conclusions: LA, which is the main components in WO can promote full-thickness burning wounds (FBWs) by stimulating cell proliferation and differentiation.
Pomadas/química , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Queratinócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Linoleico/uso terapêutico , Nozes/química , Queimaduras/terapia , FibroblastosResumo
Os equinos são animais curiosos e de comportamento ativo. Eles não demonstram dor ou lesões com facilidade por serem considerados presas na natureza. Esses fatores propiciam o aparecimento e o desenvolvimento de lesões cutâneas, principalmente na região dos membros distais. As abordagens terapêuticas convencionais para o tratamento dessas lesões são feitas por meio de soluções antissépticas, corticoides e antibióticos. Entretanto, essas soluções podem causar prejuízos à cicatrização, se usadas de forma indevida, ou efeitos adversos ao animal. Uma forma alternativa para o tratamento de ferimentos cutâneos é o uso de fitoterápicos e outros produtos naturais, que são viáveis por terem um custo inferior e serem de fácil acesso. Dessa forma, objetivou-se neste trabalho, compreender o uso de produtos naturais na cicatrização de ferimentos em equinos, por meio de uma revisão integrativa, abordando os seguintes bioprodutos: Açúcar, Aloe vera, Barbatimão e Calêndula. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa acadêmica nas bases de pesquisa SciELO, Google Acadêmico, BVS-Vet. (Biblioteca Virtual em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia) e Periódicos CAPES/MEC. Partindo disso, foi feita uma análise qualitativa de artigos, principalmente os publicados nos anos de 2019 a 2021. Na literatura o açúcar demonstra grande potencial em promover o crescimento tecidual. A Aloe vera apresenta as características antioxidantes e imunoestimulantes, já o Barbatimão apresenta a capacidade de reduzir inflamações e uma atividade antimicrobiana; e a Calêndula demonstra atividade cicatrizante, anti-inflamatória e antimicrobiana. Com este trabalho pode-se concluir que esses bioprodutos são potentes na ação anti-inflamatória, antioxidante e antimicrobiana, além de ajudar na reparação tecidual, sendo excelentes para terapia alternativa.
Horses are curious and active animals. They do not show their pain or injuries easily as they are considered prey in the wild. These factors favor the appearance and development of skin lesions, especially in the region of the distal limbs. The conventional therapeutic approaches for the treatment of these lesions are through antiseptic solutions, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. However, these solutions can cause damage to healing, if used improperly, or cause adverse effects to the animal. An alternative way to treat skin wounds is the use of herbal medicines and other natural products, which are viable due to their lower cost and easy access. Thus, the objective in this work, was to understand the use of natural products in the healing of wounds in horses through an integrative review, addressing the following bioproducts: Sugar, Aloe vera, Barbatimão, and Calendula. This academic research was carried out on the research bases SciELO, Google Scholar, VHL-Vet. (Virtual Library in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science) and CAPES/MEC Periodicals through qualitative analysis of articles, mainly those published in the years 2017 to 2021. In the literature the sugar demonstrated the great potential in promoting tissue growth. Aloe vera has antioxidant and immunostimulating characteristics, while Barbatimão can reduce inflammations and has antimicrobial activity. Calendula has healing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activity. With this work, we conclude that these bioproducts are potent in terms of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial action, in addition to helping in tissue repair, being excellent for alternative therapy.
Animais , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Calendula/química , Aloe/química , Açúcares/análise , Cavalos/lesões , Fabaceae/química , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: The Choloepus didactylus is characterized by having 2 fingers on the forelimbs and 3 on the hind limbs, being found more frequently in northern South America, in countries such as Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. In Brazil, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has threatened the survival of C. didactylus. In addition, these animals can be affected by several diseases, being those of the musculoskeletal system with limited reports. Thus, the present report aimed to describe the treatment and evolution of an open fracture of the femur in a free-living Choloepus didactylus, which after rehabilitation was released back to the wild. Case: A free-living female two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus), weighing 7.0 kg, was found in Manaus city and referred to the Wild Animal Treatment Center (CETAS - IBAMA-AM) located in Amazonas, Brazil, after initial treatment and osteosynthesis in a private clinic (CVMinasPet). According to history, the animal had suffered electrocution 30 days ago and, as a result, had an extensive wound that resulted in the exposure of the knee joint, distal fracture of the femur, and areas of necrosis in the right pelvic limb. After cleansing of the area and removal of necrotic tissues, the fracture was stabilized with the cross-pinning technique (2 Steinmann pins). Then, the stifle joint was stabilized with external skeletal fixation (Type 1b, unilateral biplanar). The external fixator and cross-pins were removed 2 months after the surgical procedure, being observed bone healing. Next, the animal underwent physical rehabilitation for 30 days. After the rehabilitation period, a microchip and a radio collar were applied, and the sloth was released back to the wild. Discussion: Electrocution has been one of the causes of wildlife rescue, with consequences varying depending on the degree of the burn. Generally, the burn is most severe at the entry and exit sites. Since suspensory quadrupedal locomotion requires that sloths have specialized hands and feet to connect with the supports, probably the animal of the current report touched the right pelvic limb on a high-tension pole. The cross-pinning technique combined with the external fixator was used because the animal had an exposed Salter-Harris type I fracture with soft tissue loss. The younger the animal presents physeal fractures, the greater is the chance of developing growth abnormalities due to growth plate closure caused by fracture type or immobilization method. Since the sloth was a free-living animal, the age was unknown. However, pelvic limb length discrepancy was not observed after removing the implants. Culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test were not done and may be considered a limitation of this report. However, the application of ceftriaxone was adequate to control the infection, since the animal did not show signs of infection or draining sinus tracts. Ceftriaxone is a third-generation antibiotic that can be used in chronic osteomyelitis. In addition, the animal in the present report showed good adaptation to captive conditions that contributed to the clinical management. The longevity of the sloth in captivity can reach more than 30 years, but the goal is always to return the animal to nature after the treatment. Surgical treatment of the fracture and physical therapy after implant removal allowed this action in the current report, confirmed by monitoring with the radio collar.