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Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 152-154, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509631


A 4-year-old Thoroughbred stallion suffered a fracture of the left thoracic limb while racing. Because of the poor prognosis, the horse was euthanized Follow-up questions: • Morphologic diagnosis? • Etiopathogenesis? • Risk factors?

Animais , Masculino , Extremidade Superior/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 167-174, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434548


A criação de bezerras é uma das fases mais importantes na bovinocultura leiteira e um manejo profilático em ambientes físicos de alojamento é crucial para evitar acidentes que possam comprometer a vida produtiva dos animais futuramente. O bezerreiro tropical é um dos alojamentos mais comuns utilizados no Nordeste brasileiro em grandes criações, possivelmente devido ao baixo custo. Diante disso, objetivou-se nesse trabalho relatar um acidente provocado por tropeço em fio extensor de superfície do bezerreiro tropical, no qual ocasionou um traumatismo tibial em uma bezerra Girolando de dois meses de idade. O atendimento ocorreu no Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais do Centro Universitário Inta (Uninta) em Sobral/CE e o animal foi proveniente de uma fazenda de alta produção leiteira da cidade de Umirim/CE. O exame clínico revelou que a região afetada foi próxima ao jarrete. O exame radiográfico constatou fratura na região epifisária da tíbia proximal. Após avaliação pela equipe clínica e cirúrgica, o paciente foi encaminhado para cirurgia de correção, mas antes foi estabelecida imobilização e bandagens para manter o membro afetado imóvel até a realização do procedimento cirúrgico. O tratamento clínico medicamentoso pós-cirúrgico foi conduzido, além de foram instituídos cuidados diários de limpeza do ferimento cirúrgico com antisséptico local. Após a realização da cirurgia de correção da fratura, estando o paciente estabilizado, este mesmo animal recebeu alta médica 17 dias depois da internação. Desta forma, o bezerreiro tropical está passando por mudanças estruturais e de manejo para evitar mais traumas provocados pelo tropeço, enroscamento e quedas das bezerras.

Calf rearing is one of the most important stages in dairy cattle and, prophylactic management in physical accommodation environments is crucial to avoid accidents that could compromise the productive life of these animals in the future. The tropical calf is one of the most common housings used in the Brazilian Northeast in large creations, possibly due to the low cost. This study aimed to report an accident caused by tripping over surface extender wire of the tropical calf, which caused a tibial trauma in a 2-months-old Girolando heifer. The attendance took place at the Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals of the Inta University Center (Uninta) in Sobral/Ce and the animal came from a high-production dairy farm in the city of Umirim/Ce. The clinical examination revealed that the affected region was close to the knuckle. The radiographic examination showed a fracture in the epiphyseal region of the proximal tibia. After evaluation by the clinical and surgical team, the patient was referred for corrective surgery, but before that, immobilization and bandages were established to keep the affected limb immobile until the surgical procedure was performed. The post-surgical medical treatment was conducted, in addition to the daily care of cleaning the surgical wound with local antiseptic. After the surgery, to correct the fracture with the patient stabilized, the hospital discharge occurred 17 days after hospitalization. Thus, the tropical calf, is undergoing structural and management changes to avoid further trauma caused by stumbling, tangling, and falling.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Acidentes por Quedas , Doenças dos Bovinos , Alojamento
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 99-113, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436802


O deslocamento dorsal da patela, não é uma afecção incomum em potros e em animais que são estabulados e mantidos em repouso após uma temporada de exercícios. Existem vários fatores, que pode levar a esta situação, como membros posteriores retos, flacidez do músculo quadríceps femoral, dentre outras. Existem várias formas de tratamento para o deslocamento, como exercícios controlados, ferrageamento corretivo, provocar uma desmite do ligamento patelar medial, com soluções irritantes, ou com a técnica do splitting, e também pode ser realizada a desmotomia do ligamento patelar medial para correção do deslocamento. Diante disso, buscou-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica que verse sobre a acurácia do exame clínico e os exames complementares tais com ultrassonografia e radiografias, pois o diagnóstico preciso é de suma importância, para que os objetivos clínicos sejam alcançados.

Dorsal displacement of the patella is not an uncommon condition in foals and in animals that are stabled and kept at rest after a season of exercise. There are several factors, which can lead to this situation, such as straight hind limbs, laxity of the quadriceps femoris muscle, among others. There are several forms of treatment for the dislocation, such as controlled exercises, corrective bracing, provoking a demitis of the medial patellar ligament, with irritant solutions, or with the splitting technique, and also a demotomy of the medial patellar ligament can be performed to correct the dislocation. Therefore, a literature review was carried out on the accuracy of the clinical examination and complementary tests such as ultrasound and radiography, as an accurate diagnosis is of utmost importance to achieve the clinical objectives.

El desplazamiento dorsal de la rótula no es una condición infrecuente en potros y en animales estabulados y mantenidos en reposo después de una temporada de ejercicio. Hay varios factores que pueden conducir a esta situación, como miembros posteriores rectos, laxitud del músculo cuádriceps femoral, entre otros. Existen varias formas de tratamiento para la luxación, como ejercicios controlados, ortesis correctoras, provocando una demitis del ligamento rotuliano medial, con soluciones irritantes, o con la técnica del splitting, y también se puede realizar una desmotomía del ligamento rotuliano medial para corregir la luxación. Por ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre la exactitud del examen clínico y de las pruebas complementarias como la ecografía y la radiografía, ya que un diagnóstico preciso es de suma importancia para alcanzar los objetivos clínicos.

Animais , Patela/lesões , Ligamento Patelar/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/lesões
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 301-316, jan.-fev. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418824


Swines raised in intensive systems are highly susceptible to claw lesions. Moderate to severe lesions trigger an inflammatory response, causing pain and impairing reproductive and economic performance. Foot lesions in sows can cause considerable losses owing to reduced fertility and herd longevity. Proper diagnosis is an important step in correcting this problem; however, the seriousness of the impact of these lesions on swine herds remains unclear to most farm owners. Health monitoring has become an essential tool for veterinarians because it enables the detection of disease incidence and severity. In this study, we assessed claw lesions in sows reared under an intensive system to ascertain the prevalence and severity of lesions in Brazilian herds. The hind limb claws of 2,660 sows from 30 farms were examined for the following lesions: heel overgrowth and erosion (HOE), heel-sole cracks, white line lesions (WL), horizontal and vertical cracks in the toe wall, overgrown toes, and overgrown or missing dew claws. Claws were classified as normal (score = 0), mild (score = 1), moderate (score = 2), or severe (score = 3). At least one type of lesion was observed in 99.1% of the sows, whereas 29.7% displayed severe lesions. HOE was the most common lesion (89.9% of sows) and severe WL was observed in 16.8% of the sows. Lesions increased in prevalence and severity with parity, except for WL. In young females, lesions on the volar surface were more common than those on cracked walls or overgrown toes, which should be considered when selecting gilts for breeding. A high prevalence of claw lesions was observed in Brazilian sows. Monitoring of these lesions is fast and simple. Regular monitoring provides information on claw health in a herd over time, allowing us to take measures to control and treat claw lesions, avoiding worsening of the problem, early culling of animals, and the associated productive and economic losses.

Suínos criados em sistemas intensivos são altamente suscetíveis a lesões de casco. Quando moderadas a graves, essas lesões desencadeiam uma resposta inflamatória, causando dor e prejudicando o desempenho reprodutivo e econômico. Em porcas, as lesões nos cascos podem causar consideráveis perdas devido à redução da fertilidade e longevidade do rebanho. O diagnóstico adequado é um dos passos mais importantes para corrigir esse problema, mas a gravidade do impacto dessas lesões nos rebanhos suínos passa despercebida na maioria das propriedades. O monitoramento sanitário tornou-se uma ferramenta essencial para os médicos veterinários, pois possibilita a detecção da incidência e gravidade da doença. O presente estudo utilizou um método de avaliação de lesões de casco em porcas criadas em sistema intensivo para verificar a prevalência e gravidade das lesões em rebanhos brasileiros. Os cascos dos membros pélvicos de 2.660 porcas, de 30 granjas, foram examinados para as seguintes lesões: crescimento e erosão da almofada plantar (AP), rachadura entre almofada plantar e sola, lesão na linha branca (LB), rachaduras horizontal e vertical da parede do casco, sobrecrescimento da unha principal e sobrecrescimento ou amputação da unha acessória. Os cascos foram classificados como normais (escore = 0) ou apresentando lesões leves (escore = 1), moderadas (escore = 2) ou graves (escore = 3). Pelo menos um tipo de lesão foi observado em 99,1% das porcas, enquanto 29,7% apresentaram lesões graves. AP foi a lesão mais comum (89,9% das porcas) e LB severa foi observada em 16,8% das porcas. As lesões aumentaram em prevalência e severidade com as ordens de parto, com exceção para LB. Em fêmeas jovens, as lesões na face plantar foram mais comuns do que as rachaduras ou sobrecrescimento das unhas, algo que deve ser levado em consideração na seleção de leitoas para reprodução. Alta prevalência de lesões de casco foi observada em porcas brasileiras. A avaliação dessas lesões é rápida e simples. O monitoramento frequente fornece informações sobre a saúde dos cascos de um rebanho ao longo do tempo, permitindo tomar medidas para o controle e tratamento das lesões dos cascos, evitando o agravamento do problema, o descarte precoce dos animais e as perdas produtivas e econômicas associadas.

Animais , Suínos/lesões , Doenças dos Suínos , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária , Casco e Garras/lesões
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07275, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507034


Traumatic injuries are a significant cause of death for birds worldwide, as they are at an increased risk of collisions and other injuries due to man-made environments. This study examined the frequency and morphological characteristics of fatal traumatic injuries in endemic and migratory Passeriformes and Psittaciformes from the Cerrado Biome, a biodiverse but threatened area in Brazil. Results showed that fatal traumatic injuries were found in 21.8% of birds (285/1305), mainly in spring and summer, during the birds' reproductive period. The yellow-chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) and Passeriformes from the Thraupidae family were the most affected. Nearly 70% of the fatal injuries observed were to the thoracic, pelvic limbs, and skull, and types of fractures and affected bones were thoroughly evaluated. Blunt traumas were one of the most frequent causes of injuries. Injuries affecting the appendicular skeleton and head represented significant causes of traumatic death for Passeriformes and Psittaciformes. The frequency of these fatal injuries has been increasing in recent years, which may be related to the remarkable environmental changes in the Cerrado Biome and jeopardize the survival of many bird species.

As lesões traumáticas são uma causa significativa de morte nas aves em todo o mundo, pois apresentam um risco maior de colisões e outras lesões devido aos ambientes degradados e criados pelo homem. Este estudo examinou a frequência e as características morfológicas das lesões traumáticas fatais em Passeriformes e Psittaciformes endêmicos e migratórios do Bioma Cerrado, uma área com rica biodiversidade, mas ameaçada no Brasil. Os resultados demostraram que as lesões traumáticas fatais foram observadas em 21,8% das aves (285/1305), principalmente na primavera e verão, durante a época reprodutiva das aves. O periquito-do-encontro-amarelo (Brotogeris chiriri) e Passeriformes da família Thraupidae foram as aves mais frequentemente acometidas. Por volta de 70% das lesões fatais observadas foram nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, e crânio, e os tipos de fraturas e ossos afetados foram minuciosamente avaliados. Os traumas contudentes foram as principais causas das lesões. As injúrias que afetaram o esqueleto apendicular e a cabeça representaram as mais importantes causas de morte traumática para Passeriformes e Psittaciformes. A frequência dessas lesões fatais vem aumentando nos últimos anos, o que pode estar relacionado às mudanças ambientais marcantes no Bioma Cerrado e colocar em risco a sobrevivência de muitas espécies de aves.

Animais , Psittaciformes/lesões , Passeriformes/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/mortalidade , Fraturas Ósseas/epidemiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/mortalidade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pradaria , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 161-166, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434539


Fraturas ósseas e luxações são mais comuns em animais jovens e, na maioria das vezes, essas fraturas ocorrem devido ao manejo incorreto desses animais, podendo levar a uma queda de produção a curto ou longo prazo, gerando perdas econômicas e produtivas de animais de alto padrão genético. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de uma fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo de uma bezerra Gir de 12 dias de idade, causada por uma contenção ineficaz durante a pesagem. O animal proveniente de uma fazenda em Umirim/CE foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais do Centro Universitário INTA em Sobral/CE. Ao passar pelo exame radiográfico, foi constatada a fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo. O animal foi imobilizado de forma manual, seguindo-se métodos semiológicos para minimizar o estresse. Para a imobilização do membro, foi utilizada a muleta de Thomas modificada e bandagens, associadas ao controle da dor com as drogas Flunixin meglumine (1,1mg/kg) e Fenilbutazona (4,4mg/kg). Depois da imobilização, o animal seguiu internado no HOVET-GA e, após 18 dias, foi realizada uma nova radiografia para ver o progresso a partir do tratamento adotado. Constatou-se a formação de um calo ósseo, com a ossificação da fratura, não sendo necessário o encaminhamento cirúrgico do animal. Assim, o tratamento com muleta de Thomas modificada foi efetivo para a recuperação do membro fraturado, além de ser um tratamento de baixo custo e fácil aplicação, tendo o animal apresentado uma boa resposta ao tratamento terapêutico para controle da dor.

Bone fractures and dislocations are more common in young animals and mostly occur due to incorrect handling of these animals, which can lead to a short or long-term drop in production, generating economic and productive losses of animals of high genetic standard. This study aimed to report the occurrence of a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb of a 12-day-old Gir heifer, caused by an ineffective restraint during weighing. The animal from a farm in Umirim/CE was sent to the Veterinary Hospital of Large Animals of the University Center INTA in Sobral/CE. The radiographic examination found a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb. The animal was manually immobilized following semiological methods to minimize stress. For the limb immobilization, a modified Thomas crutch and bandages associated with pain control with the drugs Flunixin meglumine (1.1mg/kg) and Phenylbutazone (4.4mg/kg) were used. After immobilization, the animal remained hospitalized at HOVET-GA and after 18 days a new radiograph was performed to evaluate the progress achieved with the treatment adopted. It was found the formation of a bone callus with the ossification of the fracture, not requiring the surgical referral of the animal. Thus, the treatment with the modified Thomas crutch was effective for the recovery of the fractured limb, in addition to being a low-cost and easy-to-apply treatment. The animal showed a good response to the therapeutic treatment for pain control.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Extremidade Superior/lesões , Ossos Metacarpais/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 852, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418139


Background: A cutaneous or superficial myxoma is a benign neoplasm of dermal or subcutaneous fibroblast origin. Although rare, it has been previously described in several species, including poultry. It presents as a single node or soft mass with a gelatinous cut surface. Histopathological analysis is essential for diagnosis and to differentiate it from other mesenchymal neoplasms and inflammatory or degenerative processes. Microscopically, it consists of dermal or subcutaneous lobules of plump, stellate, or spindle-shaped, bland-looking cells embedded in a basophilic myxoid matrix. This report describes the pathological findings in a rare case of cutaneous myxoma in a 42-day-old broiler flock. Cases: During ante mortem inspection of a 42-day-old broiler flock at a slaughterhouse under the authority of the Federal Inspection Service (southern Brazil), nodular lesions or encrusted areas with yellow and black areas were observed in the head skin of less than 1% of animals. These lesions, approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, were observed on the comb, in the periocular skin region, and close to the animals' nostrils. During the breeding period, no health or epidemiological events were observed. Fragments of the lesions in the comb and periocular skin were collected and fixed in buffered 10% formalin. The samples were sent to the laboratory, routinely processed, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Alcian blue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of irregular multifocal proliferation of connective tissue showing spindle cells with poorly demarcated borders and scarce cytoplasm in a slightly basophilic myxoid aspect matrix. The adjacent epidermis is compressed due to neoplastic proliferation. No areas of epithelial hyperplasia or inclusion bodies were observed. According to the pathologic description and considering its descriptive epidemiology, our main clinical suspicion was cutaneous fowl pox, a pathology characterized by the appearance of nodules in regions devoid of feathers. However, the microscopic changes observed were compatible with those described for cutaneous myxomas. In addition, the extracellular matrix was positive for Alcian Blue staining, which is an indicator of myxoma. In the present case, the SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same origin. Discussion: Connective tissue tumors, including myxomas, occur considerably less frequently under field conditions. In addition, these neoplasms are more frequent in mature birds and are not usually described in broilers, as observed in this report. The cutaneous myxoma described in broilers is usually a sporadic neoplasm that does not cause zootechnical losses, as observed in the case report. Its etiology is unknown and has been associated with various factors, such as local trauma and foreign bodies. Some fragments of plant material from the breeding environment were microscopically detected in the encrusted areas, which may indicate previous trauma or a foreign body. Myxoma has been associated with avian leukosis virus (ALV) subgroup A, but SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same breeder hen's origin in the present case. Furthermore, sporadic connective tissue tumors associated with the virus occur in mature chickens but not in broilers. Myxoma lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other connective tissue tumors and infectious agents that cause lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Animais , Galinhas/lesões , Mixoma/veterinária , Abate de Animais , Neoplasias de Tecido Conjuntivo/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 144-147, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509627


Lafora's disease is a genetic disease associated to mutations in genes that encodes laforin and malin, which results in intracellular polyglucan storage. The present report describes a case of Lafora's disease in a toco toucan with episodes of incoordination and myoclonus that resulted in traumatic lesions and fracture of the left hindlimb. The bird was euthanized and submitted to necropsy. Microscopically there were abundant PAS-positive and diastasis-resistant Lafora's inclusion bodies in neurons in the cerebellum, supporting the diagnosis of Lafora's disease.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/veterinária , Aves Predatórias/lesões , Doença de Lafora/diagnóstico
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220014, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1449871


This study mapped cattle carcass lesions and associated the isoline maps with the occurrence factors of these lesions. Isoline maps were drawn by common kriging. The associated occurrence factors were the layout of the boards in the crowding tub (CT), characteristics of the hauling truck (general state and the presence of loose and/or sharp boards), broken boards in the corral (BBC), type of road covered (TRC), and animal falls upon unloading at the slaughterhouse (FAUS). The BBC showed a higher number of carcass lesions in the rib region. The data on FAUS and deterioration of hauling trucks fit an exponential model, with more carcass lesions in the rib and hindquarters, and plate regions, respectively. The data on spaced boards in the CT and TRC (mixed) showed greater carcass lesions in the rib region. Therefore, this method provides important information about the spatial distribution of lesions in bovine carcasses, and the drawing sheet used is adequate to represent such lesions.(AU)

Bovinos/lesões , Carne/análise , Abate de Animais/métodos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 451-454, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436934


Hamster breeding is becoming increasingly popular, mainly because of the simplicity of breeding, low cost, and characteristics of these animals: they are small, quiet, and do not require a large space. Because of this ease of keeping, some people choose to keep more than one animal of the same species in a single enclosure. In some cases, this sociability can lead to fights, because hamsters are extremely territorial animals, which can cause significant injuries. Knowledge of the most efficient methods for wound healing is essential in medicine for wild and exotic animals, as it allows faster clinical treatment and thus, stress reduction. The present case report refers to the therapeutic treatment of an extensive skin lesion in a golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) using ozonized sunflower oil. The treatment, which lasted 23 days, allowed complete healing of the lesion.

A criação de hamsters tem se tornado cada vez mais popular, especialmente pela facilidade de criação, pelo baixo custo e pelas características desses animais: são pequenos, silenciosos, e não necessitam de um grande espaço. Por essa facilidade de manejo, algumas pessoas decidem manter mais de um animal da mesma espécie em um único recinto. Em alguns casos, esse convívio pode causar brigas, visto que hamsters são animais extremamente territorialistas, podendo resultar em injúrias cutâneas significativas. O conhecimento sobre os métodos mais eficientes para a cicatrização de lesões é fundamental na medicina de animais silvestres e exóticos, possibilitando um manejo clínico mais rápido, consequentemente, redução do estresse. O presente relato refere-se ao manejo terapêutico de uma extensa lesão cutânea em um hamster sírio (Mesocricetus auratus) com o uso do óleo de girassol ozonizado. O tratamento, que teve 23 dias de duração, possibilitou a cicatrização total da lesão.

Animais , Cicatrização , Mesocricetus/lesões , Óleo de Girassol/uso terapêutico , Ozonioterapia
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444234


A ozonioterapia é um tratamento utilizado para diversas enfermidades, porém uma das suas maiores indicações é para o tratamento de feridas, pois essa técnica proporciona efeitos bactericidas, viricidas, fungicidas e cicatrizantes. Se for corretamente empregada, constitui-se em um tratamento de baixo custo, baixos riscos e com poucas contraindicações. A ozonioterapia pode ser utilizada de forma única ou associada a outros métodos terapêuticos. O presente trabalho relata o uso da ozonioterapia como tratamento coadjuvante na cicatrização de ferida pós-cirúrgica em um cão submetido a remoção de um neurofibrossarcoma em membro torácico direito.(AU)

Ozone therapy is a treatment used for several diseases but as this technique provides bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and healing effects. It's greatest indication is the treatment of wounds, because it is a low-cost and, low-risk treatment with few contraindications, when correctly applied, it usually presents satisfactory results. Ozone therapy can be used alone or associated with other therapeutic methods. This paper reports the use of ozone therapy as an adjunctive treatment in the healing of post-surgical wounds in a dog with a neurofibersarcome in the right hind leg.(AU)

Animais , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Enfermagem em Pós-Anestésico/métodos , Cães/lesões , Ozonioterapia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 875, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434874


Background: Ozone therapy (OT) is a type of treatment that uses ozone gas, which has high oxidizing power. OT has been utilized for various diseases and to accelerate the wound healing process and reduce inflammation. Additionally, OT is a low-cost treatment recommended for patients that can be easily restrained. There are several methods of ozone administration, including topical use through bagging, cupping, or rectal insufflation, in addition to ozonated autohemotherapy. Based on the benefits of OT and the scarcity of reports describing its effects on white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris), we report on the use of ozone in the treatment of a severe facial wound in a white-eared opossum. Case: An adult female white-eared opossum weighing 1.6 kg was rescued from a fire. The patient was pregnant, dehydrated, hypothermic and had an extensive burn wound in the facial region. Due to the stress of captivity and its aggressive behavior, the animal needed to be chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine and butorphanol. Following sedation, the cephalic vein was catheterized and intravenous fluid therapy with ringer lactate was started to treat dehydration. Next, enrofloxacin, meloxicam, and tramadol hydrochloride were administered. Body rewarming was performed with thermal bags. The microbial load of the wound was reduced with chlorhexidine degerming solution followed by washing with saline solution. A thin layer of silver sulfadiazine cream was applied to the wound area. Over the following days the patient was treated with OT using the cupping technique combined with ozonated sunflower oil. After the first applications there was an improvement in the appearance of the wound, which initially had a purulent aspect. After 20 days of treatment the wound showed good granulation and there were no signs of infection, and at 45 days of treatment it was completely healed. The patient was then released with her baby. Discussion: Ozone therapy was included in the patient's treatment plan to enhance the tissue repair process in order to reintroduce the animal to the wild in the shortest possible time. The strategy was successful in improving healing and reducing tissue inflammation and infection. Ozone is known to cause the inactivation of microorganisms as a result of the oxidation of phospholipids and lipoproteins present in the cell membrane of bacteria and to interrupt viral replication. Ozone helps in the perfusion of injured tissues, contributing to the entry of humoral components, which control inflammation. Moreover, ozone contributes to increase supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to stimulate increased production of fibrinogen and formation of granulation tissue. Ozone increases the enzymatic antioxidant response, while also playing a role in immunoregulation. Ozone can be used in several ways and via various methods with potential routes including intravenous, urethral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intra-articular, in addition to rectal and intramammary insufflation. Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic effects can be achieved with different doses and concentrations, which enables its application in different types of pathologies. Because of the aggressive behavior of the animal, in the current case we opted for the cupping technique combined with ozonated oil, both techniques which can be administered easily with only physical restraint of the patient. Cupping allows for the provision of a higher concentration of ozone gas locally whereas the ozonated oil maintains the effect of the gas for slightly longer, enhancing its effect and promoting tissue repair. The present report showed that OT is an effective alternative for the treatment of burn wounds in opossums, without causing adverse effects to the patient or her baby.

Animais , Feminino , Cicatrização , Didelphis/lesões , Traumatismos Faciais/veterinária , Ozonioterapia , Animais Selvagens/lesões
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 709-714, July-Aug. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447348


The black swan (Cygnus atratus, LATHAM, 1790) is a bird kept as an ornamental in zoos. Because of their long beaks they tend to have a reserved prognosis in musculoskeletal disorders such as beak trauma, secondary to skull bone fractures, presenting irreversible lesions. The aim of this report is present a clinical surgical innovation in the repair of a black swan's gnathotheca fissure with the application of non-conventional materials used. It was observed that one of the swans kept in a zoo display area had difficulty feeding, with associated weight loss. It was observed tissue loss and a lacerative lesion in the caudal sublingual region of its beak. The lesion was corrected by a separate simple suture in the cranial region of the beak and with a x-clamping using steel surgical wire and the application of dental resin in the distal region to perform a sustentation bridge in the beak end-gap. After 12 days, the animal was able to feed again and remained perfectly adapted to the restoration, reestablishing the anatomical and physiological function of its beak.

O cisne-negro (Cygnus atratus, Latham, 1790) é uma ave mantida como ornamental em zoológicos. Por apresentar bicos longos, tende a ter prognóstico reservado em afecções musculoesqueléticas, como traumas de bico secundários e fraturas de ossos do crânio, com lesões irreversíveis. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar uma inovação clínica cirúrgica no reparo de fissura na gnatoteca de um cisne-negro, com a utilização de materiais não convencionais. Observou-se que um dos cisnes mantidos em uma área de exibição de um zoológico apresentava dificuldade para se alimentar, com perda de peso associada. Constatou-se perda tecidual e lesão lacerativa na região sublingual caudal de seu bico. A lesão foi corrigida por meio de sutura simples separada na região cranial do bico e posterior sutura em x com fio cirúrgico de aço, finalizando com aplicação de resina odontológica na região distal para realização de ponte de sustentação do bico. Após 12 dias, o animal conseguiu se alimentar novamente e se manteve perfeitamente adaptado à restauração, restabelecendo a função anatômica e fisiológica de seu bico.

Animais , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Bico/lesões , Doenças das Aves , Aves/cirurgia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20220254, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418160


We described a case of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis in a seven-month-old calf. The death occurred three days after the onset of apathy, fever, and the head's lateral deviation to the left. Macroscopic changes in the brain consisted of asymmetry of telencephalic hemispheres; the right hemisphere was enlarged, causing cerebellar herniation. A focally extensive red area was observed on the surface of the right occipital lobe. At cross-sections of the fixed brain, the lesions revealed to be extensive, red-brown, soft or cavitated areas affecting the white and grey matter from the level of the thalamus to the cerebellum and compressing subjacent structures. Histologically, there was acute, coalescent, multifocal necrosupurative meningoencephalitis, associated with vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, edema, infarction, and intralesional fungal hyphae. The diagnosis of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis was made by the pathological changes, the staining and morphological characteristics of the agent, and immunohistochemistry. The cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis in cattle can result from vascular lesions due to infection by Candida sp.; although uncommon, this case demonstrated that candidiasis should be part of a list of differential diagnoses of severe brain injuries in cattle.

Descreve-se um caso de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase em um bezerro de sete meses de idade. A morte ocorreu três dias após o início de apatia, febre e desvio lateral da cabeça para a esquerda. As alterações macroscópicas no cérebro consistiam em assimetria dos hemisférios telencefálicos; o hemisfério direito estava aumentado, causando herniação cerebelar. Uma extensa área vermelha focal foi observada na superfície do lobo occipital direito. Nos cortes transversais do encéfalo fixado, as lesões revelaram áreas extensas, marrom-avermelhadas, moles ou cavitadas, afetando a substância branca e cinzenta desde o nível do tálamo até o cerebelo e comprimindo as estruturas subjacentes. Histologicamente, havia meningoencefalite necrossupurativa multifocal aguda, coalescente, associada a vasculite, congestão, trombose, edema, infarto e hifas fúngicas intralesionais. O diagnóstico de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase foi feito pelas alterações patológicas, coloração e características morfológicas do agente e imuno-histoquímica. O infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica em bovinos pode resultar de lesões vasculares devido à infecção por Candida sp.; embora incomum, este caso demonstra que a candidíase deve fazer parte de uma lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de lesões cerebrais graves em bovinos.

Animais , Bovinos , Candidíase/complicações , Doenças dos Bovinos , Infarto Cerebral/veterinária , Traumatismo Cerebrovascular/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 139-143, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509624


Bone fractures are a frequent cause of limp in cattle, being pre-existing bone lesions among the predisposing factors. However, there is scant information about the natural occurrence of bone disease. This report aimed to describe an outbreak of spontaneous fractures associated with hypocuprosis in pen-backgrounded calves. Hind limp and irreversible recumbency were noticed in 9-month-old calves of a dairy farm from Córdoba province (Argentina). The issue was only evident in males fed a diet composed (DM) of 57% wet corn, 24% dry corn distiller grains, and 19% corn silage. No mineral mix was supplied. Accumulated morbidity and fatality rates were 5.8 and 100%, respectively. Two autopsies were performed, observing multiple femoral and rib fractures. Severe hypocupremia, very low copper levels in the liver and plasma, deficient dietary copper levels, normocalcemia, marginal hypophosphatemia, and high sulfate concentrations in the water supply were determined. Except for the decreased bone quantity and the multiple fractures, no bone lesion was observed, confirming osteoporosis as the pathological diagnosis, and hypocuprosis as the etiology.(AU)

Animais , Osteoporose/veterinária , Bovinos/lesões , Fraturas Espontâneas/diagnóstico , Argentina
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220502, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434809


Bovine cutaneous angiomatosis (BCA) is a rare condition characterized by vasoproliferative skin lesions mainly affecting cattle in the northern hemisphere. An eight-month-old Holstein heifer showed two skin easy-bleeding nodules bulging from the epidermis in the forehead and close to the right prescapular region. Skin lesions were within the dermis and had an irregular surface and a soft heterogeneous reddish parenchyma composed of numerous variable-sized arterioles, veins, and capillaries surrounded by abundant collagenous fibrous tissue. Immunohistochemical assays evidenced endothelial cells lining proliferative vascular structure immunolabeled for CD31 and Von Willebrand factor, and vascular smooth muscle cells immunostained for smooth muscle actin. All clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features observed in the Holstein heifer were hallmarks of BCA. Considering its potential for hereditary spread, BCA must be included in the differential diagnosis of easily bleeding skin nodules that do not respond to routine topical wound treatments to prevent its spread in Brazilian herds.

A angiomatose cutânea bovina (ACB) é uma condição rara caracterizada por lesões vasoproliferativas na pele que afetam principalmente bovinos do hemisfério norte. Uma novilha Holandesa de oito meses de idade apresentou dois nódulos cutâneos protuberantes na epiderme, que apresentavam fácil sangramento localizados na fronte e próximo à região pré-escapular direita. As lesões cutâneas dérmicas tinham uma superfície irregular e um parênquima avermelhado heterogêneo macio composto por numerosas arteríolas, veias e capilares de tamanho variável circundadas por tecido fibroso colagenoso abundante. O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou células endoteliais revestindo a estrutura vascular proliferativa imunomarcadas para CD31 e fator de Von Willebrand, e células vasculares de músculo liso imunomarcadas para actina de músculo liso. Todas as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas observadas na novilha Holandesa foram características da ACB. Considerando seu potencial de disseminação hereditária, a ACB deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial dos nódulos cutâneos de fácil sangramento que não respondem aos tratamentos tópicos de rotina para evitar sua disseminação nos rebanhos brasileiros.

Animais , Bovinos , Pele/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Angiomatose/veterinária
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 83-98, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436801


Apesar dos avanços na medicina equina, certas condições de claudicação ainda representam um desafio significativo para os clínicos veterinários, especialmente quando se trata de afecções distais, como feridas perfurantes no casco do equino. Essas lesões podem afetar estruturas vitais, incluindo a articulação interfalângica distal, o osso navicular, a bolsa do osso navicular, o tendão flexor digital profundo, a bainha sinovial e a terceira falange. O presente estudo tem como objetivo esclarecer que um diagnóstico mais rápido e preciso das estruturas afetadas e do grau de lesões resultantes leva a um tratamento mais eficaz. Além disso, foi demonstrado que o tratamento convencional com antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides sistêmicos -AINEs,em combinação com terapias alternativas, como campo magnético pulsado, laser classe III e Ozonioterapia, apresentou um efeito sinérgico com resultados excelentes.(AU)

Despite advances in equine medicine, certain claudication conditions still pose a significant challenge to veterinary clinicians, especially when it comes to distal affections such as puncture wounds on the equine hoof. These injuries can affect vital structures, including the distal interphalangeal joint, navicular bone, navicular bone pouch, deep digital flexor tendon, synovial sheath, and third phalanx. The present study aims to clarify that a more rapid and accurate diagnosis of the affected structures and the resulting degree of injury leads to more effective treatment. Furthermore, it was shown that conventional treatment with antibiotics and systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -NSAIDs, in combination with alternative therapies, such as pulsed magnetic field, class III laser and ozone therapy, presented a synergistic effect with excellent results.(AU)

A pesar de los avances en medicina equina, ciertas afecciones claudicantes siguen planteando un reto importante a los clínicos veterinarios, especialmente cuando se trata de afecciones distales como las heridas perforantes en el casco equino. Estas lesiones pueden afectar a estructuras vitales, como la articulación interfalángica distal, el hueso navicular, la bolsa del hueso navicular, el tendón flexor digital profundo, la vaina sinovial y la tercera falange. El presente estudio pretende aclarar que un diagnóstico más rápido y preciso de las estructuras afectadas y del grado de lesión resultante conduce a un tratamiento más eficaz. Además, se demostró que el tratamiento convencional con antibióticos y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos sistémicos -AINE, en combinación con terapias alternativas, como el campo magnético pulsado, el láser de clase III y la ozonoterapia, presentaban un efecto sinérgico con excelentes resultados.(AU)

Animais , Ferimentos Perfurantes/diagnóstico , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Casco e Garras , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 891, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444407


Background: Taurine is an essential amino acid for cats and its deficiency causes an ocular disorder called taurine deficiency retinopathy. The retinal lesion is definitive and can be classified into five progression stages. In an advanced stage, it leads to blindness that in most cases is irreversible. This disease is considered rare as taurine is currently supplemented in commercial cat food. The objective of this report is to describe the ophthalmic changes in a cat with advanced taurine deficiency retinopathy, a rare but current disease that is important for differential diagnosis of blindness in cats. Case: We report the case of an adult mixed-breed cat (weighing 3.4 kg), that was attended by the Ophthalmology Service of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (UNESP - Botucatu), which was treated due to complaints of poor visual acuity for about 1 year. The animal, which was previously a stray animal, had been adopted for 2 years and provided premium cat food ad libitum. Ophthalmic examination showed bilateral mydriasis, with negative menace, direct pupillary, and consensual light reflexes. No change was observed in the ocular appendages, cornea, anterior chamber, lens, and vitreous humor. The eyes were normotensive and fluorescein test negative. Direct and indirect fundoscopy revealed an area of ellipsoidal hyperreflexia with darkened margins laterally to the optic nerve disk in the tapetal region and intense retinal vascular attenuation in both eyes, with a diagnosis of taurine deficiency retinopathy. Complete blood count and biochemical analysis parameters were within the normal range, including the leukocyte count. The guardian was instructed to continue feeding the cat balanced cat food and received information on the proper care and management of a blind animal. Discussion: Although taurine deficient retinopathy is currently underdiagnosed due to the supplementation of this amino acid in commercial cat food, animals that are not properly fed, such as those receiving dog food or homemade food, may be deficient in this amino acid. Taurine deficiency and in this case, the consequent taurine deficiency retinopathy, was diagnosed by visualizing the lesion characteristic of this amino acid deficit since no other retinal change presents this aspect in cats. Therefore, this lesion is considered pathognomonic of this deficiency. Hyperreflective retinal lesions with darkened margins indicate the slow chronic progression in the already stabilized lesions. The animal in this report presented pigmented lesion margins, indicating the chronicity of these retinal changes. Moreover, lesion signs are visible on fundoscopy only after a period of 2-11 months of nutritional amino acid deficiency, and complete retinal atrophy usually occurs after at least nine months of taurine deficiency. Thus, complete blindness associated with advanced retinal changes reinforced the suspicion that the animal had taurine deficiency for a prolonged period of time prior to its adoption. Its guardian was instructed to provide balanced commercial cat food, because although retinal lesions are irreversible, cardiac changes resulting from taurine deficiency are reversed with dietary supplementation. In addition, taurine deficiency affects other organs and systems, such as the central nervous, immune, and reproductive systems. In conclusion, although taurine deficiency retinopathy is currently rare, this condition should be considered one of the possible differential diagnoses for blindness in feline patients.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Retina/lesões , Doenças Retinianas/veterinária , Taurina/análise , Aminoácidos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 858, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434578


Background: In the routine care of non-human primates, ocular trauma is frequent, however, unlike the small animal clinic, the prevalence of corneal ulcers is not documented. Among the numerous therapeutic options available in dogs, blood serum is being increasingly used as an adjuvant treatment in these conditions, due to its tear-like properties. Based on this, the present study aims to describe a case of corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans) attacked by a porcupine, and the use of heterologous serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment. Case: A southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans), which had been attacked by porcupine quills, was treated at a University Veterinary Hospital. During the clinical examination, the presence of blepharospasm and secretion in the right eye was noticed. The ophthalmological examination, through the fluorescein test, detected the presence of an extensive superficial corneal ulcer in the right eye. After removing the spines, the corneal ulcer was treated with tobramycin-based eye drops, 1% atropine sulfate eye drops, and serum from equine blood in the form of eye drops, as an adjuvant therapy. After 5 days of treatment, the fluorescein test was repeated, which was negative in both eyes due to complete healing of the lesion, and thus the treatment was concluded. Discussion: The scarcity of scientific literature on wild animals is one of the factors responsible for the difficulty in advancing clinical and surgical procedures in non-human primates. Corneal ulcers are characterized by the loss of corneal epithelium with exposure of the stroma. The main clinical treatments adopted include antimicrobial therapy, analgesics, lubricating agents, and antiprotease drugs. Widely used as an adjuvant therapy in corneal ulcers in small animals, blood serum presents some advantages, as it is rich in growth factors, vitamins, immunoglobulins, and anti-collagenolytic substances, in addition to being obtained for a low cost. Considering the aforementioned, in the case reported, it was decided to use blood serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment of the corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey. Complete healing of the corneal ulcer was confirmed in just five days, contributing to the well-being of this animal and contributing to the evolution of ophthalmology in this species that is still poorly studied.

Animais , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Antígenos Heterófilos/sangue , Alouatta/lesões , Ouriços , Cavalos/sangue
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433921


Fourteen female dogs diagnosed with pyometra were studied at three separate times: at diagnosis (T0) and 24 h (T1) and 10-15 days (T2) after ovariohysterectomy (OH). The means of the markers, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) (17.71 to 26.54 µg/dL) and the urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase to creatinine ratio (uGGT/uCr) (1.06 to 2.62 U/mg), varied, showing an increase with time. Further, the elevation of gamma-glutamyl transferase (uGGT) (56.61 to 128.12 U/L) and the urinary protein to creatinine ratio (RPC) (0.26 to 1.24) was evident at T0 and T1. A reduction in the means of RPC, uGGT, and uGGT/uCr was observed 10-15 days after OH. Despite the elevation of these markers, the concentration of creatinine (1.11 to 1.40 mg/dL), urea (40.07 to 67.16 mg/dL), and urinary specific gravity (1.027 to 1.028) only presented slight variation. In canine pyometra, complications secondary to acute renal injury may be present that may be mild and transient in most treated animals. As elevation in SDMA and RPC preceded changes in creatinine levels for the evaluation of glomerular filtration, tubular markers could assist in the early identification of renal damage in canine pyometra.(AU)

Catorze cadelas com diagnóstico de piometra foram estudadas em três tempos distintos, sendo no momento do diagnóstico (T0), 24 horas (T1) e 10 a 15 dias (T2) após a ovário-histerectomia (OH). O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de diferentes biomarcadores renais em cadelas com piometra e estimar suas precocidades diante do agravo. As médias em dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA) (17,71 a 26,54µg/dL) e relação gama-glutamil transferase e creatinina urinária (uGGT/uCr) (1,06 a 2,62U/mg) variara, apresentando aumento em todos os momentos. Já a elevação do gama-glutamil transferase (uGGT) (56,61 a 128,12 U/L) e da razão proteína e creatinina urinárias (RPC) (0,26 a 1,24) foram evidenciadas nos dois primeiros tempos. Uma redução na média do RPC, uGGT e uGGT/uCr foi observada 10-15 dias após a implantação do tratamento (OH). Apesar da elevação desses marcadores, a concentração de creatinina (1,11 a 1,40mg/dL), ureia (40,07 a 67,16mg/dL) e densidade urinária (1,027 a 1,028) sofreram poucas variações. Em piometra canina, as complicações renais agudas secundárias podem estar presentes, ainda que leve e transitória nos animais tratados. Os marcadores tubulares foram considerados precoces na injúria renal aguda. Além disso, a SDMA e o RPC antecederam as alterações de creatinina em todos os tempos analisados.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães/lesões , Piometra/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Biomarcadores , gama-Glutamiltransferase/química