The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the palmar and plantar digital arteries of 10 horses and 10 mules through B-mode and spectral Doppler ultrasound. Likewise, compare the plantar arteries of the pelvic limbs with the palmar arteries of the thoracic limbs, in addition to verifying the differences of the digital arteries in the contralateral limbs (right and left) in horses and mules using B-mode and spectral Doppler ultrasonography. The evaluated parameters were the diameter and the intima-media thickness (IMT), resistivity index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), peak of systolic velocity (pSV), final diastolic velocity (fDV) and mean velocity (MV) of the lateral and medial palmar and plantar arteries digital in healthy horses and mules. The horses presented higher diameters values, IMT, pSV, fDV and MV in comparison to the mules. The variables RI and PI also presented differences between horses and mules. Also, both species showed higher values in the variables of B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography in the thoracic limbs. Differences were also detected in the comparison between the limb sides (right and left) in the two modalities. The B-Mode and spectral Doppler ultrasound techniques are viable tools to identify differences in the palmar and plantar digital arteries in healthy horses and mules, highlight the differences between the thoracic and pelvic limbs and their respective sides (right and left) as well.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar as artérias digitais palmares e plantares de 10 equinos e 10 muares, por meio de ultrassom modo B e Doppler espectral. Da mesma forma, buscou-se comparar as artérias plantares dos membros pélvicos com as artérias palmares dos membros torácicos, além de se verificarem as diferenças das artérias digitais nos membros contralaterais (direito e esquerdo) em equinos e mulas, por meio de ultrassonografia modo B e Doppler espectral. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o diâmetro e a espessura médio-intimal (EMI), o índice de resistividade (IR), o índice de pulsatilidade (IP), o pico de velocidade sistólica (pVS), a velocidade diastólica final (VDf) e a velocidade média (VM) das artérias palmares e plantares lateral e medial digitais em equinos e muares sadios. Os equinos apresentaram maiores valores de diâmetros, EMI, pVS, VDf e VM em comparação aos muares. As variáveis IR e IP também apresentaram diferenças entre equinos e muares. Cavalos e mulas apresentaram maiores valores nas variáveis de ultrassonografia modo B e Doppler nos membros torácicos. Também foram detectadas diferenças na comparação entre os lados dos membros (direito e esquerdo) nas duas modalidades. As técnicas de ultrassom modo-B e Doppler espectral são ferramentas viáveis para identificar diferenças nas artérias digitais palmares e plantares em equinos e muares saudáveis, bem como para destacar as diferenças entre os membros torácicos e pélvicos e seus respectivos lados (direito e esquerdo).
Animais , Artérias , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , Cavalos , LocomoçãoResumo
Background: A 10-year-old spayed bitch with hip dysplasia was referred for periarticular ultrasound evaluation. A poorly marginated structure of mixed echogenicity, predominantly hypoechoic, with heterogeneous echotexture, was identified in the vastus lateralis muscle of the right pelvic limb with increased stiffness, assessed using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography, compared to that of the adjacent muscle tissues, and intense vascularization by pulsed Doppler and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Guided biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma. The objective of this study was to describe B-mode ultrasound, CEUS, and ARFI findings of hemangiosarcoma in the vastus lateralis musculature of a bitch. Case: A 10-year-old spayed bitch Golden Retriever weighing 36 kg was evaluated for pelvic limb lameness. The patient presented with bilateral pain during hip extension. The primary diagnostic suspicion was degenerative joint disease and secondary hip dysplasia. The patient was referred for imaging evaluation of the hip joints (radiography and ultrasound) under anesthesia. Right lateral and ventrodorsal projections with the pelvic limbs extended were obtained to confirm the diagnosis. In the right pelvic limb, an amorphous hypoechoic structure with irregular contours and heterogeneous echotexture was observed in the vastus lateralis muscle. In ARFI elastography, it was possible to identify differences in tissue stiffness between healthy and compromised portions. Pulsed-wave Doppler evaluation demonstrated an arterial waveform pattern with a peak systolic velocity of 38.8 cm/s, end-diastolic velocity of 6.9 cm/s, pulsatility index of 1.76, and resistive index of 0.82. CEUS study identified a mean peak of 27.26 %, mean time to peak of 39.95 s, and mean transmission time of 49.96 s. The popliteal lymph node was hyperechoic and heterogeneous in B-mode. In ARFI elastography, the average stiffness was 2.52 m/s, and the CEUS obtained an average peak of 19.98%, average time to peak of 17.52 s, and mean transit time of 22.83 s. Doppler assessment revealed no clear vascularization in the lymph node. Thoracic radiography in 3 projections and abdominal ultrasonography were performed. Radiographic evidence of pulmonary nodules was not observed. On abdominal ultrasound evaluation, it was possible to identify changes in the spleen, which presented with splenomegaly, mixed echogenicity, and heterogeneous echotexture. The animal underwent ultrasound-guided muscle biopsy, which confirmed the presence of hemangiosarcoma in the muscle. The bitch was referred for splenectomy and lymphadenectomy of the right popliteal, which confirmed neoplastic involvement of the same neoplasm. Discussion: On B-mode ultrasound, the observed changes were similar to those in a report of hemangiosarcoma in the muscles of the chest wall in dogs, which contributed to the diagnosis. Although it was only one patient, ARFI elastography results suggest that muscle hemangiosarcoma tends to follow the same elastographic characteristics as malignant lesions in other tissues. Additionally, the popliteal lymph node had a stiffness suggestive of malignancy (mean 2.52 m/s) because it presented a similar result and greater elasticity of metastatic axillary lymph nodes in bitches (>2.5 m/s) and women (> 1.44 m/s) with breast tumor. With CEUS, it was possible to identify vascularization in the sentinel lymph node that was not visible by pulsed Doppler, and in muscle mass. The findings of this report provided relevant results on muscle hemangiosarcoma in a bitch and demonstrated that the information obtained with the association of imaging methods supported the malignancy criteria described in other studies.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Pelve/diagnóstico por imagem , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterinária , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate and correlate modifications of vaginal mucous impedance, vulvar temperature and ultrasonographic measurements (echobiometric parameters) to parturition in pregnant Saanen does. 30 does were selected for the study and submitted to an estrus synchronization protocol and natural mating. The females were evaluated daily from Day 143 of pregnancy to parturition. For the sonographic evaluations, the following structures were measured: biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length, kidney height, cardiac area, placentome length, cervical measurement and fetal heart rate; by means of two different approaches: transrectal and transabdominal, using a 7.5 MHz linear transducer. The vaginal mucous impedance was assessed using an electric estrous detector and vulvar temperature was measured using a non-contact infrared thermometer. Statistical analysis was performed using the R-project software and the significance level was set at 5% for all tests. 25 Saanen does became pregnant, resulting in 80.33% pregnancy rate. Fetal heart rate was negatively correlated to the hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= -0,451), as well as vaginal temperature (p= 0,001; r-Pearson= -0,275), while cervical thickness was positively correlated to hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= 0,490). The echobiometric parameters (biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length and height, cardiac area, placentome length), as well as vaginal mucous impedance did not vary throughout the timepoints of evaluation and did not correlate to the moment of parturition. It was concluded that the parameters of fetal heartbeat, vaginal temperature and cervical effacement in the last week of pregnancy provide valuable information regarding the proximity of parturition.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Cabras/fisiologia , Impedância Elétrica , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Biometria/métodos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterináriaResumo
A ultrassonografia (US) Doppler colorido fornece uma ferramenta não invasiva valiosa para detectar e monitorar mudanças dinâmicas na rede vascular e fluxo sanguíneo em vários órgãos e tecidos reprodutivos. Em apoio as biotécnicas da reprodução animal assistida, a US Doppler colorido tem mostrada alta eficiência no monitoramento funcional das estruturas ovarianas. A previsão de respostas ovarianas e produções embrionária em ovinos pela identificação de sinais Doppler na parede folicular já se mostrou eficiente. A aplicação da US Doppler colorido para a identificação da funcionalidade do tecido luteal é ainda maior, desde acompanhamentos fisiológicos e diagnósticos de disfunções luteais até ampla aplicação em conjunto as diferentes biotécnicas reprodutivas. Destaca-se em ovelhas e cabras, a aplicação comercial da US Doppler colorido para o diagnóstico de gestação precoce, de disfunções luteais, de determinação de respostas ovarianas em fêmeas doadoras e receptoras de embriões, para identificar efeitos luteotrófico de estratégias hormonais, e ainda para amparar as estratégias de ressincronização de estro.(AU)
Color Doppler ultrasonography (US) provides a valuable non-invasive tool for detecting and monitoring dynamic changes in the vascular network and blood flow in various reproductive organs and tissues. In support of assisted animal reproduction biotechniques, color Doppler US has shown high efficiency in the functional monitoring of ovarian structures. The prediction of ovarian responses and embryonic production in sheep by identifying Doppler signals in the follicular wall has already proved to be efficient. The application of color Doppler US for identifying the functionality of the luteal tissue is even greater, from physiological monitoring and diagnosis of luteal dysfunctions to wide application together with different reproductive biotechniques. It stands out in sheep and goats, the commercial application of color Doppler US for the diagnosis of early pregnancy, luteal dysfunctions, determination of ovarian responses in embryo donor and recipient females, to identify luteotrophic effects of hormonal strategies, and even to support estrus resynchronization strategies.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/instrumentação , Corpo Lúteo/diagnóstico por imagem , Folículo Ovariano/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
A ultrassonografia é um dos principais métodos de diagnóstico gestacional, no qual se realiza: biometria, monitoramento de batimentos e organogênese, detecção de anormalidades e avaliação da circulação sanguínea materno-fetal. Nesse quesito, o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de anormalidades fetais vem adquirindo espaço com o desenvolvimento de equipamentos mais avançados, tendo potencial para se tornar uma ferramenta de triagem para tal. Baseado na escassez observada nesse aspecto, visa-se relatar o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de uma alteração fetal em uma felina gestante. Foi atendida uma felina da raça persa, 3 anos, com histórico de monta natural há 40 dias. Na ultrassonografia visibilizou-se quatro fetos vivos com aproximadamente 38 dias. Uma segunda avaliação ultrassonográfica ocorreu após 12 dias, notando-se um feto com cardiomegalia, oscilação da frequência cardíaca e sofrimento fetal, enquanto os demais fetos apresentavam-se dentro da normalidade. O terceiro exame foi feito após quatro dias, visibilizando ausência de batimento cardíaco e presença de líquido em espaço pleural no feto em questão, confirmando o óbito. O parto natural ocorreu após uma semana, com nascimento de três filhotes vivos e um natimorto. Ao exame necroscópico do natimorto, confirmou-se cardiomegalia generalizada. Conclui-se que a ultrassonografia é um método padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de anormalidades fetais, permitindo planejar o parto e interceder de maneira precoce conforme a situação. Assim, esse trabalho enriquece a literatura com maiores informações relacionadas a malformações fetais observadas antes do parto, contribuindo assim com as condutas obstétricas em pequenos animais.(AU)
Ultrasonography is one of the main methods of gestational diagnosis, in which it performs: biometry, monitoring of beats and organogenesis, detection of abnormalities and evaluation of maternal-fetal blood circulation. In this regard, intrauterine sonographic diagnosis of fetal abnormalities has been gaining space with the development of more advanced equipment, and has the potential to become a screening tool for this purpose. Based on the scarcity observed in this aspect, this study aimsto report the intrauterine ultrasound diagnosis of a fetal abnormality in a pregnant feline. The patient was a 3-year-old Persian female with a history of natural mounting for 40 days. At ultrasonography, four live fetuses were visualized at approximately38 days of age. Asecond ultrasonographic evaluation was performed after 12 days, and one fetus with cardiomegaly, heart rate oscillation and fetal distress was observed, while the other fetuses were within normal limits. The third scan was performed after four days, showing absence of heartbeat and presence of fluid in the pleural space in the fetus in question, confirming the death. Natural delivery occurred after one week, with the birth of three live pups and one stillborn. At necroscopic examination of the stillborn, generalized cardiomegaly was confirmed. We conclude that ultrasonography is a gold standard method for diagnosing fetal abnormalities, allowing birth planning and early intervention according to the situation. Thus, this study enriches theliterature with more information related to fetal malformations observed before delivery, thus contributing to obstetric management in small animals.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/veterinária , Gatos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Cardiomegalia Induzida por Exercícios/fisiologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Transabdominal ultrasonography in sheep allows real-time diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy as well as measurement of the size of placentomes, which are structures that connect the fetal and maternal portions, that increase as pregnancy progresses. Progesterone is involved in the maintenance of gestation, with high levels noted during pregnancy. In this context, it is hypothesized that measurements of placentome and progesterone could help in monitoring pregnancy in sheep. Therefore, the main objectives of this study included evaluating whether placentome size and fecal progesterone levels are associated with gestational age in ewes and whether measurement of the placentome and progesterone could be used as an estimate of gestational age. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 63 pregnant adult (between 2 and 5 years of age) Santa Inês ewes were monitored in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima. All ewes were kept in the paddock with Panicum maximun cv. tanzania, mineral salt, and water ad libitum, supplemented with 200 g/animal/day of soybean residue. Ewes were subjected to ultrasonography every 21 days from day 42 of pregancy until term to monitor pregnancy. Ultrasonography was performed using a linear probe to measure the placentome, including length × width in centimeters. Also every 21 days, fecal samples were collected for measurement of progesterone level. Feces were collected directly from the rectal ampulla, stored individually in plastic bags, and frozen at -20ºC until processing. In the laboratory, these feces samples were freeze-dried and subjected to hormonal extraction with 80% methanol. Then, the levels of fecal progesterone metabolites were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Data was tabulated and submitted to statistical analyses, including descriptive stastistic, correlation, KruskalWallis test and Tukey's test. The levels of fecal progesterone metabolites increased significantly between the 3rd and 4th months of pregnancy, with a decrease close to delivery. Placentome size increased significantly between the 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy. Placentome measurements did not correlate with progesterone levels and showed a weak correlation with gestational age. Therefore, we concluded that the measurements of placentome size and a single evaluation of fecal progesterone metabolites were not considered efficient methods for estimating gestational age. Discussion: Measurement of progesterone level in fecal samples is a non-invasive hormone monitoring method that provides values like that of blood levels and is less stressful for the animals at the time of sample collection. The wide physiological variation makes it difficult or even useless to use fecal progesterone, when is measured only once per animal, as an indicator of the presence of pregnancy. Despite this limitation, serial sampling is useful for monitoring of hormones during the pregnancy period and is an important tool for research purposes. Placentome size measurements correlated weakly with gestational age and did not correlate with progesterone level. Thus, the presence of placentomes is indicative of the presence of pregnancy but was considered inefficient for determining gestational age in sheep.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Placenta/anatomia & histologia , Progesterona/análise , Ovinos , Fezes/química , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Omphalophlebitis is characterized as an omphalopathy that affects the umbilical vein. In these cases, ultrasonography can help identify the severity of abdominal lesions and guide the choice of treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein is a surgical procedure indicated in cases where this vessel presents with purulent secretion up to the liver parenchyma. This report describes a case of omphalophlebitis in a calf treated by marsupialization of the umbilical vein. The preoperative and postoperative sonographic findings are also described. Case: A 4-day-old Holstein calf was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. On physical examination, the animal was found to be apathetic, with tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hyperemic mucous membranes, and moderate dehydration. An increase in volume was observed in the umbilical region, with local hyperthermia, firm consistency, and sensitivity to palpation. On deep palpation of the abdomen, a mass originating in the umbilical region and extending cranially was observed, leading to the suspicion of omphalophlebitis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed external umbilical abscess and omphalophlebitis. Initially, conservative treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs was performed; however, there was no improvement in the clinical picture. Therefore, exploratory celiotomy was performed to remove the umbilical infectious focus. During the procedure, it was verified that the umbilical vein was dilated with a thickened wall until its insertion in the hepatic parenchyma, hence removal of the infected region through a ligature was not possible. Thus, marsupialization of the umbilical vein was performed to create a cutaneous opening for drainage of the purulent contents. In the postoperative period, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs were administered. Dressing of the surgical wound and of the umbilical vein lumen was performed with topical polyvidone at 0.2%. Removal of the stitches was done 14 days postoperatively. Weekly ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which showed a gradual reduction in the diameter of the umbilical vein throughout the postoperative period. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, no further drainage of the purulent content was observed from the umbilical vein, and healing of the stump was demonstrated. After 7 months, a repeat ultrasonography was performed, revealing normal echogenicity and echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma and complete atrophy of the umbilical vein. Discussion: Umbilical vein marsupialization is a surgery rarely described in the literature, and no report has followed the evolution of a case by ultrasonography. The ultrasound examination of the umbilical structures was essential for the definitive diagnosis and choice of surgical treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein was chosen due to the impossibility of ligature of this vessel, which presented with thickened walls and lumen filled with purulent content until its insertion into the liver. Postoperative monitoring via serial ultrasonography examinations allowed follow up of the evolution of the case and animal recovery. At the sonographic reevaluation after 7 months, the findings were unremarkable, indicating complete recovery of the patient. Umbilical marsupialization is a surgical technique that allows complete recovery of calves with severe omphalophlebitis. Ultrasonography is fundamental for the diagnosis of omphalophlebitis and in determining the best therapeutic protocol. Sonographic evaluation during the postoperative period allows follow-up of the progression of lesions in abdominal structures and helps in defining the prognosis.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Umbigo/irrigação sanguínea , Umbigo/patologia , Abscesso Hepático/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.
Animais , Anatomia Transversal , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologia , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Injúrias relacionadas a interação animal/estrutura podem ser encontradas em sistema de confinamento Free-Stall. O hematoma de barbela pode estar relacionado a uma lesãoporcontato sofrido pelo animal com o tronco limitador da cama do Free-Stall no momentoemque ele deita para descansar. O objetivo do presente relato é descrever ummétododediagnóstico e tratamento utilizado em uma fêmea leiteira que apresentou aumento de volumelocalizado na região da barbela. Um bovino ½ HZ, fêmea, primípara, comaproximadamente60 dias em lactação (DEL), acomodada em sistema de confinamento Free-Stall e provenientede fazenda localizada no município de Lavras MG apresentou aumento de volume na regiãoda barbela, sem mais nenhuma manifestação clínica. Durante o exame físico, identificou-seapresença de líquido na região edemaciada da barbela, próximo a região do peito. Foi realizadoexame ultrassonográfico e descartada a presença de pus. Com isso, foi feita uma punçãoguiada por ultrassom no local e confirmado a presença de sangue. Comesses resultados, confirmou-se o diagnóstico de hematoma e determinou-se a etiologia: lesão de contatodoanimal com o limitador da contenção da cama. Foi realizado o tratamento e houverecuperação significativa do animal. A punção guiada por ultrassomproporcionouaverificação da composição do líquido e comprovou a utilidade do exame ultrassonográfico, que foi de extrema importância para o relato.(AU)
Injuries related to animal/structure interaction can be found in Free-Stall confinement systems. The dewlap hematoma may be related to an injury caused by contact suffered by the animal with the restraint structure of the Free-Stall's liyng when it lies down to rest. The objectiveofthe present report is to describe a method of diagnosis and treatment used in a dairy cattle that presented an increase in volume located in the region of the dewlap. A primiparous female ½ HZ cow, with approximately 60 days in milk (DIM), accommodated in a Free-Stall confinement system and coming from a farm located in the municipality of Lavras - MG, presented an increase in volume in the dewlap region, without any further clinical manifestation. During the physical exam, the presence of fluid was identified in the swollenregion of the dewlap, close to the chest region. Ultrasound examination was performedandthe presence of pus was ruled out. Thus, an ultrasound-guided puncture was performedat thesite and the presence of blood was confirmed. With these results, the diagnosis of hematomawas confirmed and the etiology was determined: contact injury of the animal with the restraint structure of the lying. The treatment was carried out and there was a significant recoveryofthe animal. The ultrasound-guided puncture provided the verification of the liquidcomposition and proved the utility of the ultrasound examination, which was extremely important for this report.(AU)
En los sistemas de confinamiento Free-Stall pueden encontrarse lesiones relacionadas conlainteracción entre el animal y la estructura. El hematoma de la papada puede estar relacionadocon una lesión por contacto sufrida por el animal con el tronco limitador de la cama deFree-Stall al acostarse para descansar. El objetivo del presente informe es describir un métododediagnóstico y tratamiento utilizado en una hembra lechera que presentaba una inflamaciónlocalizada en la región de la papada. Un bovino ½ HZ, hembra, primípara, conaproximadamente 60 días de lactancia (DDL), alojada en un sistema de confinamientoFree-Stall y proveniente de una hacienda localizada en el municipio de Lavras - MGpresentóunaumento de volumen en la región de la papada, sin ninguna otra manifestaciónclínica. Durante el examen físico, se identificó la presencia de líquido en la región hinchadadelapapada, cerca de la región del pecho. Se realizó un examen ultrasonográfico y se descartólapresencia de pus. Con esto, se realizó una punción guiada por ultrasonido en el lugar yseconfirmó la presencia de sangre. Con estos resultados, se confirmó el diagnósticodehematoma y se determinó la etiología: lesión por contacto del animal con el limitador delacama. El tratamiento se llevó a cabo y hubo una recuperación significativa del animal. Lapunción guiada por ultrasonido permitió verificar la composición del fluido y demostrólautilidad del examen ultrasonográfico, que fue sumamente importante para el informe.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/lesões , Punções/métodos , Crista e Barbelas/diagnóstico por imagem , Brasil , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.(AU)
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Anatomia Transversal , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Mammary neoplasia represents the most frequently diagnosed type of neoplasia in bitches. Although surgical removal is the procedure of choice for therapeutic management, chemotherapy protocols appear as important allies and adjuvants. Despite the great advances that have occurred in the field of cancer therapy, the systemic repercussions of these drugs still impose important limitations on their use. In this sense, the development of increasingly targeted therapeutic protocols and preventive monitoring of patients represent important strategies to avoid possible complications - among them, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Routinely, ultrasound evaluation is used to identify morphological or metastatic variations in abdominal cavity organs. Acting complementary to the B-mode evaluation, Doppler mapping proves to be efficient in recognizing alterations in vascular hemodynamics. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of B-mode and Doppler ultrasound to identify renal morphological and hemodynamic alterations in bitches with mammary neoplasia submitted to adjuvant chemotherapy protocols that associate gemcitabine with carboplatin. Thirteen bitches were included, without distinction of breed and between seven and 13 years of age. The animals were evaluated ultrasonographically at two different times during three consecutive chemotherapy cycles: before (T0) and one and a half hours after each cycle (T1), for 42 days. No morphological changes were observed in B-mode throughout the chemotherapy protocol. However, the Doppler velocimetry indices demonstrated statistical differences before (T0) and after (T1) the administration of the drugs. It was concluded that Doppler ultrasound could be used as a complementary method for monitoring the renal response of patients exposed to nephrotoxic drugs and potentially causing renal injury.
As neoplasias mamárias representam o tipo de neoplasma mais frequentemente diagnosticado em fêmeas da espécie canina. Embora a remoção cirúrgica seja o procedimento de eleição para a conduta terapêutica, os protocolos quimioterápicos aparecem como importantes aliados e adjuvantes. Apesar dos grandes avanços ocorridos na área da terapia oncológica, as repercussões sistêmicas destes fármacos ainda impõem importantes limitações ao seu uso. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento de protocolos terapêuticos cada vez mais direcionados e o monitoramento preventivo dos pacientes representam estratégias importantes para evitar possíveis complicações - dentre elas, a injúria renal aguda (IRA). Rotineiramente, a avaliação ultrassonográfica é utilizada para identificação de variações morfológicas ou metastáticas em órgãos da cavidade abdominal. Atuando de forma complementar à avaliação em modo-B, o mapeamento Doppler mostra-se eficiente no reconhecimento de alterações na hemodinâmica vascular. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização da ultrassonografia modo-B e Doppler como método para identificação de alterações morfológicas e hemodinâmicas renais em cadelas com neoplasias mamárias submetidas a protocolos quimioterápicos adjuvantes que associam a gencitabina à carboplatina. Foram incluídas 13 fêmeas caninas, sem distinção quanto a raça e com idades entre sete e 13 anos. Os animais foram avaliados ultrassonograficamente em dois momentos distintos durante três ciclos quimioterápicos consecutivos: antes (T0) e uma hora e meia após a realização de cada ciclo (T1), totalizando 42 dias. Não foram observadas alterações morfológicas em modo-B ao longo do protocolo quimioterápico. Entretanto, os índices dopplervelocimétricos demonstraram diferenças estatísticas antes (T0) e após (T1) a administração dos fármacos. Concluiu-se que a ultrassonografia Doppler pode ser utilizada como método complementar para o monitoramento da resposta renal de pacientes expostos a fármacos nefrotóxicos e potencialmente causadores de injúrias renais.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/complicações , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/efeitos adversos , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/diagnóstico por imagem , Carboplatina , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , GencitabinaResumo
Background: Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is a rare ocular condition that is usually unilateral, formed when normal regression of the hyaloid vascular system does not occur. Diagnosis is possible through ultrasonography, by obtaining images that provide information and also serve as a differential diagnosis. Clinically the condition presents with signs of leukocoria, microphthalmia, and cataracts, and it can be further classified into 6 degrees according to the evolution. The objective of this work is to describe the case and treatment of a canine of the Pointer breed that presented opacity in both eyes, with diagnosis confirmed through ocular ultrasonography. Case: A 6-year-old male pointer dog, weighing 27 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFRGS), Santa Maria, RS - Brazil with a history of blindness. According to the owner, the animal's right eye has always been "white", since it was a puppy and the left eye began to present the same characteristic a short time ago. On ophthalmological examination, neither eye showed signs of ocular discomfort, the Schirmer's tear test was within the range expected for the species, fluorescein and threat tests were negative, and a positive pupillary reflex was observed in the left eye. The right eye had total corneal opacity associated with a chronic lesion and the presence of pigment cells in the medial portion of the eyeball, the opacity making it impossible to visualize the other internal structures of the eyeball. The left eye presented lens opacity. In the ultrasound of the right eye, there were several alterations, the presence of a triangular-shaped hyperechogenic structure in the vitreous chamber, a decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber, and the presence of abnormality in the development of the lens. The findings are compatible with and confirmed the diagnosis of PHPV. In the left eye, the ultrasound images indicated hyperechogenicity of the posterior and anterior poles of the lens, findings compatible with cataracts. Through the animal's history, complete ophthalmic examination, and use of ocular ultrasonography, it was possible to diagnose and differentiate the causes of the white eye in the patient. The preoperative screening was continued with an electroretinography examination, which showed a satisfactory electrical response for the retina of the left eye and an unsatisfactory electrical response for the retina of the right eye. Phacoemulsification surgery was performed to remove the cataract in the left eye with intraocular lens implantation. The positive threat reflex returned in this eye, with a return of visual acuity. Discussion: Persistent hyperplastic tunica lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHTVL/PHPV) are congenital anomalies caused by a failure to regress the fetal hyaloid vasculature. These conditions are not common, but occur sporadically in dogs. The PHPV classification can be classified into degrees, based on the morphological aspect of the lesion. Following this classification scheme, the PHPV of the animal in question refers to the 6th degree of evolution. The total opacity of the cornea in the right eye was associated with the presence of a hyperplastic primary vitreous and the leukocoria in the left eye was due to the presence of a mature cataract. The conclusion of the diagnosis was only possible through ocular ultrasonography, which is very useful to differentiate the causes of ocular opacity and leukocoria, in addition to allowing complete evaluation of the intraocular structures and being considered an essential exam to confirm the diagnosis of PHPV.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Catarata/veterinária , Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Vítreo Primário Hiperplásico Persistente/veterinária , Anormalidades do Olho/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate uterine involution using ultrasonography techniques during postpartum. Postpartum ultrasonography evaluation (B-mode, color Doppler and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse elastography) of the uterus was performed by transabdominal approach at immediate after birth and sequentially every 48 hours, during 30 days. The uterine echotexture did not present significant variations (P >0.05) being homogeneous in most evaluations; echogenicity of the uterus increased along the evaluation period (P =0.0452). Progressive and remarkable decrease of the total uterine diameter (UD) were observed (P <0.0001), especially during the first days postpartum. The thickness of uterine wall gradually decreased, as well the endometrial, myometrium and lumen diameters (P <0.0001). Uterine blood flow was assessed by Doppler and decreased during postpartum period, being significantly lower (P=0.0225) on the 30th day of postpartum. Uterine parenchyma presented as homogeneous dark areas (not deformable) on qualitative ultrasound elastography and the means shear velocity values of the uterine wall on quantitative elastography did not differ. This is the first study that evaluate the stiffness of uterine wall in healthy ewes, providing baseline data about quantitative and qualitative stiffness of the normal uterus, and it may be a useful tool for early diagnosis of uterine alterations during the postpartum period, using the reference parameter established for the assessment of uterine integrity during postpartum period.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Útero/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Período Pós-Parto/fisiologia , Rigidez Muscular/veterináriaResumo
A avaliação da composição da carcaça do gado gera informações relevantes sobre a qualidade e rendimento final dos produtos cárneos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as correlações das medidas ultrassonográficas in vivo do Longissimus lumborum com os componentes físico-químicos de ovinos Santa Inês de um ano de idade criados em sistema extensivo. A avaliação ultrassonográfica foi realizada da área de olho de lombo (USrea), profundidade do lombo (USld), largura do lombo (USlw) e espessura de gordura subcutânea (USsft). Após o abate, os cortes de carne foram pesados ââe o rendimento de carcaça calculado. dia 12a costela do lado esquerdo foi separada da carcaça e dissecada, após o que ossos, músculos e gordura individuais foram separados e pesados. Os componentes foram reagrupados, triturados e coletados para avaliação centesimal. Correlações positivas significativas (p < 0,05) foram encontradas entre as medidas de ultrassom e as métricas de carne, exceto para o comprimento do lombo, que apresentou baixa correlação. Correlações significativas (p < 0,05) foram encontradas entre os músculos e as medidas de USld, USrea e USsft. As correlações (p < 0,05) entre os ossos e USld e USrea foram negativas e significativas. USsft apresentou correlação (p < 0,05) com o rendimento de carcaça. Assim, as medidas de ultrassom associadas ao Longissimus lumborumpode constituir uma valiosa ferramenta para avaliação dos componentes físico-químicos e da carcaça de ovinos Santa Inês de um ano de idade criados em sistemas extensivos.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Químicos , Carne , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Portosystemic shunt (PSS), an alteration commonly found in toy dogs, is caused by an anastomosis between the systemic and portal circulation, interfering with the metabolism of several toxins. It can be of congenital or acquired origin and is classified as intra- or extrahepatic. Clinical signs include the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and urinary system according to the fraction of the shunt. It is diagnosed by several imaging tests and exploratory laparotomy. Therapy involves drug therapy and/or surgical correction of the anomalous vessels. Thus, the aim is to present an unusual case of extrahepatic cPSS originating from the left gastric vein and insertion into the azygos vein. Case: A 2-year-old female toy poodle, spayed, weighing 2.7 kg was treated with a history of recurrent cystitis and neurological signs such as focal seizures, ataxia, tremors, blindness, lethargy, head pressing, and compulsive gait. Complementary tests revealed normochromic microcytic anemia, neutrophilia-induced leukocytosis, monocytosis, and lymphopenia. Biochemical analysis revealed hypoproteinemia due to hypoglobulinemia, an increase in alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase, and a decrease in urea. In the urinalysis, ammonium biurate crystals were detected, and Doppler ultrasound revealed microhepathy and the presence of an anomalous gastrosplenic vein inserted into the azygos vein, a finding compatible with the congenital extrahepatic PSS. Abdominal tomography confirmed vascular deviation with a sinuous path originating from the left gastric and splenic veins, inserting into the azygos vein, measuring approximately 5.95 cm in length. Cranial tomography revealed changes consistent with hepatic encephalopathy. Drug therapy was performed with hydration, liver chow, lactulose, probiotics, metronidazole, S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and ursodeoxycholic acid, and after 15 days, surgery was performed to place a 3.5 mm ameroid constrictor ring for gradual occlusion of the anomalous vessel. The animal recovered well, and a control abdominal ultrasound was repeated 30 days after the procedure, noting that the constrictor had not yet fully occluded the deviation. Doppler imaging revealed a favorable evolution with an increase in the diameter of the portal vein in the hepatopetal direction. The patient was followed-up for a year and had a normal and healthy life. Discussion: Extrahepatic PSS is frequently diagnosed in purebred and toy dogs, commonly occurring between the portal vein and one of its tributaries, with a lower frequency of anomalous vessels between the azygos veins, as in the present report. The patient's age and clinical signs were compatible with the disease, in addition to ammonia biurate crystals and hematological and biochemical alterations. The neurological clinical signs observed were compatible with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to congenital PSS. The imaging examinations facilitated the identification of the extrahepatic vascular anomaly, with the tomography being more accurate and helping in proper surgical planning. Clinical treatment should be performed for presurgical stabilization, and occlusion can be performed by placing cellophane bands or an ameroid constrictor, which is the technique of choice for congenital PSS, as it allows for slow constriction to avoid acute portal hypertension, as in this case, emphasizing that anesthesia in animals with portosystemic shunts must be performed with care.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Veia Ázigos/cirurgia , Derivação Portossistêmica Cirúrgica/veterinária , Ductos Biliares Extra-Hepáticos , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the study was to describe location, sonographic characteristics and measures of the stomach and small intestine of equines at different ages. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on 88 healthy equines of either sex, aged 1, 7 and 15 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months and 1, 3 and 5 years, with 20 animals per group. Location, characteristics and measurements of stomach, duodenum and jejunum were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were performed for each measurement and the percentile for each age was analyzed. The work showed the growth and characteristics of the organs evaluated over time. Adult animals showed a minimum of 4 duodenal movements per minute. It was possible to locate the organs evaluated in all animals. The detailed ultrasound examination of these organs allowed gathering information that could be used to assist in the care of future patients.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever localização topográfica, características e medidas ultrassonográficas de estômago e intestino delgado de equinos em diferentes idades. Foi realizado um exame ultrassonográfico abdominal em 20 equinos saudáveis de ambos os sexos, com idades de um, sete e 15 dias, um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, 10 e 11 meses e um, três e cinco anos. A localização, as características e as medidas de estômago, duodeno e jejuno foram avaliadas. Foi realizada a estatística descritiva para cada medida e analisado o percentil para cada idade. O trabalho mostrou o crescimento e as características dos órgãos avaliados ao longo do tempo. Animais adultos apresentaram um mínimo de quatro movimentos por minuto de duodeno. Foi possível localizar os órgãos avaliados em todos os animais. O exame ultrassonográfico detalhado desses órgãos permitiu agrupar informações que poderão ser usadas para auxiliar no atendimento a futuros pacientes.
Animais , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Intestino Delgado/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Criptococose é uma micose sistêmica não contagiosa que acomete, principalmente, felinos. O agente etiológico é uma levedura do gênero Cryptococcus sp., e a sua transmissão ocorre por via aerógena, com a inalação dos esporos que se alojam, principalmente, na cavidade nasal e pulmão. A forma nasal é a mais comum em felinos e as suas manifestações clínicas incluem edema nasofacial, eritema e secreção nasal. O diagnóstico pode ser realizado por meio de cultivo micológico, citologia, histologia e reação em cadeia polimerase. Neste artigo, é apresentado o relato de caso de um felino diagnosticado com criptococose, no qual o diagnóstico de triagem foi realizado por meio de rinoscopia. No atendimento inicial, o animal apresentava hiporexia, reflexo de deglutição constante, engasgos, odor acentuado em região nasal e crepitações pulmonares com evolução de três meses. O diagnóstico foi realizado com o emprego de rinoscopia, que identificou massa interna na região da mucosa nasofaríngea, com posterior biópsia e exame anatomopatológico. Após a confirmação diagnóstica, o paciente foi medicado com itraconazol 10 mg/kg SID, por 5 meses, e teve a resolução de todos os sinais clínicos apresentados. A criptococose deve ser considerada como diagnóstico, diferencial de alterações do sistema respiratório em felinos e a rinoscopia pode ser um recurso diagnóstico importante para auxiliar na conclusão e reconhecimento da enfermidade.(AU)
Cryptococcosis is a non-contagious systemic mycosis that primarily affects felines. Its etiological agent is a yeast of the genus Cryptococcus sp., and its transmission occurs through the air, by inhalation of spores that primarily lodge in the nasal cavity and lungs. The nasal form is the most common in felines and clinical manifestations include nasofacial edema, erythema and nasal discharge. Diagnosis can be made by means of mycological culture, cytology, histology and polymerase chain reaction. This article presents a case of a feline diagnosed with cryptococcosis, in which the screening diagnosis was performed by means of rhinoscopy. In the initial care, the animal presented hyporexia, constant swallowing reflex, choking, accentuated odor in the nasal region and pulmonary crackles with evolution of three months. The diagnosis was made using rhinoscopy, which identified an internal mass in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and subsequent biopsy and anatomopathological examination. After diagnostic confirmation, the patient was medicated with itraconazole 10 mg/kg SID for 5 months and had resolution of all clinical signs presented. Cryptococcosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis of alterations in the respiratory system in cats and rhinoscopy can be an important diagnostic tool to assist in the conclusion and recognition of this disease.(AU)
Animais , Gatos/microbiologia , Criptococose/diagnóstico por imagem , CryptococcusResumo
O deslocamento dorsal da patela, não é uma afecção incomum em potros e em animais que são estabulados e mantidos em repouso após uma temporada de exercícios. Existem vários fatores, que pode levar a esta situação, como membros posteriores retos, flacidez do músculo quadríceps femoral, dentre outras. Existem várias formas de tratamento para o deslocamento, como exercícios controlados, ferrageamento corretivo, provocar uma desmite do ligamento patelar medial, com soluções irritantes, ou com a técnica do splitting, e também pode ser realizada a desmotomia do ligamento patelar medial para correção do deslocamento. Diante disso, buscou-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica que verse sobre a acurácia do exame clínico e os exames complementares tais com ultrassonografia e radiografias, pois o diagnóstico preciso é de suma importância, para que os objetivos clínicos sejam alcançados.
Dorsal displacement of the patella is not an uncommon condition in foals and in animals that are stabled and kept at rest after a season of exercise. There are several factors, which can lead to this situation, such as straight hind limbs, laxity of the quadriceps femoris muscle, among others. There are several forms of treatment for the dislocation, such as controlled exercises, corrective bracing, provoking a demitis of the medial patellar ligament, with irritant solutions, or with the splitting technique, and also a demotomy of the medial patellar ligament can be performed to correct the dislocation. Therefore, a literature review was carried out on the accuracy of the clinical examination and complementary tests such as ultrasound and radiography, as an accurate diagnosis is of utmost importance to achieve the clinical objectives.
El desplazamiento dorsal de la rótula no es una condición infrecuente en potros y en animales estabulados y mantenidos en reposo después de una temporada de ejercicio. Hay varios factores que pueden conducir a esta situación, como miembros posteriores rectos, laxitud del músculo cuádriceps femoral, entre otros. Existen varias formas de tratamiento para la luxación, como ejercicios controlados, ortesis correctoras, provocando una demitis del ligamento rotuliano medial, con soluciones irritantes, o con la técnica del splitting, y también se puede realizar una desmotomía del ligamento rotuliano medial para corregir la luxación. Por ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre la exactitud del examen clínico y de las pruebas complementarias como la ecografía y la radiografía, ya que un diagnóstico preciso es de suma importancia para alcanzar los objetivos clínicos.
Animais , Patela/lesões , Ligamento Patelar/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/lesõesResumo
Background: Thyroid tumor is a common endocrine tumor that accounts for up to 3.8% of all tumors in dogs. Most of them are malignant and usually nonfunctional in dogs. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is an imaging modality that detects intracellular accumulation of radioactive deoxyglucose administered in the body and is used in combination with computed tomography to provide functional information with exact anatomical localization. It is used in human medicine to detect residual or recurrent head and neck neoplasm after treatments, such as surgical resection. This report describes the first case of diagnosing recurrent thyroid carcinoma (TC) through FDG-PET in a dog. Case: A 9-year-old castrated male Maltese dog presented with a palpable mobile mass in the right ventral cervical region. Radiography and ultrasonography (US) showed a radiopaque mass adjacent to the trachea, and the right thyroid gland was enlarged on computed tomography. The surgically excised mass was encapsulated and measured to be 2.3 × 1.0 × 3.4 cm (width x length x height) in size. Histopathologically, the mass was diagnosed as differentiated follicular TC, and gross and vascular invasions were observed. To prevent recurrence, postoperative carboplatin chemotherapy was performed for 5 months. Two months after completion of chemotherapy, a nodule of approximately 7 mm in diameter was detected in the thyroidectomy bed by US. FDG-PET scanning was performed as an effective means of evaluating the malignancy, local recurrence, and metastasis of differentiated follicular TC. The nodule had the dimensions of 2.8 × 5.9 × 8.6 mm, a maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) of 8.49, and a mean SUV of 5.6. The results of FDG-PET suggested the recurrence of TC; therefore, the second chemotherapy protocol using toceranib was applied for 16 months. After initiation of the 2nd chemotherapy, follow-up examinations were conducted approximately every 4 months. On the 134th day, although the nodule was not palpated, its size was observed to have increased to 5.0 × 3.8 × 13.6 mm on cervical US on the 232nd day, showing heterogeneous and hypoechoic parenchyma. On the 405th day, the tumor was enlarged to a size of 13.4 × 12.9 × 22 mm and identified as a lobular, amorphous shape, and its heterogeneity was increased. Moreover, 2 pulmonary nodules with well-defined margins were found on radiography in the left caudal lung lobe (9 × 10 mm and 12 × 12 mm [width × length]); thus, lung metastasis was suspected. On the 536th day, anorexia and lethargy occurred, and the dog was lost to follow-up. Discussion: In the present case, local recurrence of TC was suspected based on cervical US. Although US was useful as a screening tool, additional examinations were necessary for evaluating local invasiveness, malignancy, and nodal/distant metastasis. FDG-PET can detect recurrence at an early stage because it can sense increased tumor metabolism through physiologic absorption of FDG, even before the beginning of anatomic change in the lesion. Therefore, FDG-PET can assist in treatment planning and provide better prognosis. In humans, focal FDG uptake and a high maximum SUV in the thyroid gland on FDG-PET were associated with a higher risk of cancer. Because there was no evidence of neoplasia except the thyroid lesion during the FDG-PET examination, the tumor showed an increasingly malignant pattern of the thyroid gland on US during the follow-up period, and the metastatic pulmonary nodules were identified on the 650th day after the thyroidectomy, the present case was diagnosed as recurrent TC. This report describes the use of FDG-PET for diagnosing local recurrence of TC, pointing to FDG-PET as a potential strategy to evaluate loco-regional recurrence and distant metastasis of TC.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Carboplatina/uso terapêutico , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada/veterinária , Tireoidectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Despite being rare in domestic animals, pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the feline pancreas. Due non-specificity of clinical signs in cats and the late diagnosis of the neoplasm, it is necessary to understand this disease better, to contribute for the knowledge of its early recognition and treatment. Thus, this study aims to report a case of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a cat, focusing on the main clinical aspects, diagnosis, and prognosis of this disease, in addition to the description of the presentation of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Case: A 14-year-old male neutered mixed breed cat, was referred to the Feline Medicine Service (MedFel) of the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, with a history of hyporexia, constipation and increased abdominal volume for 3 days, besides mild difficulty in locomotion and progressive weight loss in the last 6 months. On the physical examination, the patient was alert, with a body condition score of 6/9; muscle condition score 1/4 and moderate dehydration of 7%. Popliteal lymph nodes were enlarged, and abdominal distension was evident. Around 200 mL of a slightly cloudy, straw-yellow liquid were drained from the abdominal cavity. After draining the fluid, a new abdominal palpation was performed, and there were fecal retention and a palpable mass in the right hypogastric region. The result of the cytological analysis of the fluid was consistent with a protein-rich transudate, suggesting neoplastic effusion of epithelial origin. Hematological and biochemical changes included leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, thrombocytosis and azotemia. On abdominal ultrasound, the patient had free fluid in the abdominal cavity, and the gallbladder had discreet of biliary sludge. The intestines showed some corrugated segments with other segments lacking definition of its layers, and without peristaltic movements, suggesting intestinal neoplasia. Pancreas and adrenals were not visualized. On the chest X-ray, moderate opacification of lung fields with a diffuse interstitial pattern was observed, suggesting lung metastasis. The patient presented an acute worsening of the clinical condition and the owner requested euthanasia. The patient was referred for necropsy and based on the macroscopic and microscopic changes, the post-mortem diagnosis was metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Discussion: The clinical presentation of cats with exocrine pancreatic neoplasia is nonspecific, as clinical signs are common to several diseases, such as anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss with normal appetite, jaundice, depression, and lethargy. Complementary blood tests also do not provide data that could lead to the suspicion of pancreatic neoplastic disease. In the present case, the diagnosis of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis was only possible post mortem. The pancreas is a difficult organ to assess adequately using most diagnostic imaging methods, so histopathology is still the method of choice for differentiating pancreatic tissue comorbidities. Therefore, exploratory laparotomy should be instituted to provide tissue samples from the pancreas and its metastases for histopathological diagnosis, whenever ultrasound or other imaging methods indicate suspicious abdominal changes. The literature reports that less than 10% of affected cats treated with complete surgical removal of the mass and chemotherapy alone will survive more than a year, and the average time for untreated cats is only 6 days. The prognosis of this disease is bad and most cats are euthanized, due to rapid clinical worsening. Therefore, diagnosis is essential to determine an adequate prognosis in advanced cases and to support therapeutic decisions or euthanasia.