As doenças respiratórias são um problema significativo na produção suína e podem levar à condenação de carcaças no abate. Entre os agentes causadores dessas doenças destacam-se o Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae e a Pasteurella multocida. O Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae é um patógeno altamente contagioso, que ocasiona hemorragia, pleuropneumonia purulenta e fibrosa. A Pleuropneumonia é amplamente distribuída e gera graves prejuízos para a suinocultura. O Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae ocasionador da pneumonia por micoplasma, doença respiratória crônica. As infecções originadas podem regular negativamente o sistema imunológico do hospedeiro e aumentar a infecção e assim a replicação de outros patógenos. A Pasteurella multocida é o agente causador de uma ampla gama de infecções levando a alto impacto econômico. Patógeno comensal e oportunista da boca, nasofaringe e trato respiratório superior. A identificação precoce e o manejo adequado desses agentes causadores de doenças respiratórias são fundamentais para minimizar a incidência de carcaças suínas. A adoção de medidas preventivas, como a vacinação e práticas de manejo adequadas, pode ajudar a prevenir a propagação dessas doenças e garantir a produção de carne suína segura e de alta qualidade para o consumo humano.(AU)
Respiratory diseases are a significant problem in pork production and can lead to condemnation of carcasses at slaughter. Among the causative agents of these diseases are Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is a highly contagious pathogen that causes hemorrhage, purulent and fibrous pleuropneumonia. Pleuropneumonia is widely distributed and causes serious damage to pig farming. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae causes mycoplasma pneumonia, a chronic respiratory disease. Originating infections can down-regulate the host's immune system and increase infection and thus replication of other pathogens. Pasteurella multocida is the causative agent of a wide range of infections leading to high economic impact. Commensal and opportunistic pathogen of the mouth, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Early identification and proper management of these agents that cause respiratory diseases are essential to minimize the incidence of swine carcasses. Adopting preventive measures, such as vaccination and proper management practices, can help prevent the spread of these diseases and ensure the production of safe, high-quality pork for human consumption.(AU)
Las enfermedades respiratorias son un problema importante en la producción porcina y pueden provocar el decomiso de las canales en el matadero. Entre los agentes causantes de estas enfermedades se encuentran Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae y Pasteurella multocida. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae es un patógeno altamente contagioso que causa hemorragia, pleuroneumonía purulenta y fibrosa. La pleuroneumonía está ampliamente distribuida y causa graves daños a la cría de cerdos. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae causa neumonía por micoplasma, una enfermedad respiratoria crónica. Las infecciones que se originan pueden regular a la baja el sistema inmunitario del huésped y aumentar la infección y, por lo tanto, la replicación de otros patógenos. Pasteurella multocida es el agente causal de una amplia gama de infecciones que tienen un alto impacto económico. Patógeno comensal y oportunista de la boca, nasofaringe y tracto respiratorio superior. La identificación temprana y el manejo adecuado de estos agentes causantes de enfermedades respiratorias son fundamentales para minimizar la incidencia de las canales porcinas. La adopción de medidas preventivas, como la vacunación y prácticas de manejo adecuadas, puede ayudar a prevenir la propagación de estas enfermedades y garantizar la producción de carne de cerdo segura y de alta calidad para el consumo humano.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Pasteurella/diagnóstico , Suínos/fisiologia , Infecções por Actinobacillus/diagnóstico , Abate de Animais/métodos , Carne de Porco/análise , Infecções por Mycoplasma/diagnóstico , Doenças Respiratórias/veterinária , Pasteurella multocida/patogenicidade , Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae/patogenicidade , Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae/patogenicidadeResumo
Background: The peafowl is an ornamental bird that has the habit of eating directly from the earthy soil, which makes thisbird more susceptible to endoparasites. One important endoparasite is Eucoleus contortus, which leads to inflammatoryprocesses that alter the local microbiota, potentializing disease. By the other way, a member of the birds microbiota thereis the genus Lactobacillus, but when occurs some imbalance, these bacteria can overgrowth and even cause some infection.This report describes the pathological and microbiological findings of chronic necrotizing pneumonia and aerossacolitiscaused by Lactobacillus agilis in a peafowl, associated with parasitism by E. contortus.Case: A peafowl (Pavo cristatus), adult, male, who lived on a farm with contact with other species of animal, was submittedto post-mortem examination due to sudden death. This animal lived in an extensive system on the property and was the onlyone of its species. During the gross evaluation, the air sacs were filled with solid yellowish crumbly material. The samematerial was observed forming well-defined nodules that occupied > 50% of the lung parenchyma. Histological analysisshowed multiple parabronchi dilated and filled with caseous necrosis, characterized by abundant cellular debris and fibrindeposition. These areas were surrounded by the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory infiltrate ofmacrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The air sacs parenchyma showed fibrin deposition and mixedinflammatory infiltrate. Multiple gram-positive bacilli were observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. Inthe crop and esophageal mucosa, cross-sections of filiform nematodes morphologically compatible with E. contortus wereassociated with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and epidermal hyperkeratosis. A lung section was submitted to GramBrown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen...
Animais , Galliformes/parasitologia , Lactobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Pneumonia Necrosante/veterinária , Sacos Aéreos/patologia , Infecções Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: The peafowl is an ornamental bird that has the habit of eating directly from the earthy soil, which makes thisbird more susceptible to endoparasites. One important endoparasite is Eucoleus contortus, which leads to inflammatoryprocesses that alter the local microbiota, potentializing disease. By the other way, a member of the birds microbiota thereis the genus Lactobacillus, but when occurs some imbalance, these bacteria can overgrowth and even cause some infection.This report describes the pathological and microbiological findings of chronic necrotizing pneumonia and aerossacolitiscaused by Lactobacillus agilis in a peafowl, associated with parasitism by E. contortus.Case: A peafowl (Pavo cristatus), adult, male, who lived on a farm with contact with other species of animal, was submittedto post-mortem examination due to sudden death. This animal lived in an extensive system on the property and was the onlyone of its species. During the gross evaluation, the air sacs were filled with solid yellowish crumbly material. The samematerial was observed forming well-defined nodules that occupied > 50% of the lung parenchyma. Histological analysisshowed multiple parabronchi dilated and filled with caseous necrosis, characterized by abundant cellular debris and fibrindeposition. These areas were surrounded by the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory infiltrate ofmacrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The air sacs parenchyma showed fibrin deposition and mixedinflammatory infiltrate. Multiple gram-positive bacilli were observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. Inthe crop and esophageal mucosa, cross-sections of filiform nematodes morphologically compatible with E. contortus wereassociated with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and epidermal hyperkeratosis. A lung section was submitted to GramBrown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen...(AU)
Animais , Lactobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Galliformes/parasitologia , Sacos Aéreos/patologia , Pneumonia Necrosante/veterinária , Infecções Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive pathogen that inhabits the upper respiratory tract and can cause severe systemic inflammatory disease in pigs, mainly during the nursery phase. Streptococcus suis is a reemergent pathogen, and outbreaks of its inducing disease represent significant economic losses for the pig industry worldwide. In this study, we described the clinical, pathological, and molecular aspects of an outbreak of S. suis infection with atypically high mortality. The outbreak occurred in nursery farms integrated into a cooperative in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 30 nurseries, 10 were severely affected by the pathogen and had high economic losses. Clinical signs usually started approximately 10 days after weaning and were mainly characterized by acute nervous and locomotor disorders. The mortality of the affected batches usually ranged between 8% and 10%, but in some cases, it reached 18%. Nine piglets were submitted to post mortem examination. Macroscopically, the synovial joints were enlarged and contained fibrinous exudates. In the central nervous system, there was hyperemia of the leptomeningeal vessels associated with deposition of fibrin and purulent exudate in the leptomeninges. In three piglets, there was thickening of the choroid plexus associated with dilation of the lateral ventricles. Microscopic lesions were characterized mainly by fibrinosuppurative inflammation, which involved the synovial membranes, leptomeninges of the brain, and spinal cord. Furthermore, it also affects the choroid plexus, ependyma, nerve roots, and central canal of the spinal cord. S. suis was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid, meningeal swabs, and/or synovial fluid of 8/9 piglets, and typified as serotype 9 by multiplex PCR.
Streptococcus suis é um patógeno Gram positivo que habita o trato respiratório superior e pode causar doença inflamatória sistêmica grave em suínos, principalmente durante a fase de creche. Streptococcus suis é um patógeno reemergente e surtos representam perdas econômicas significativas a suinocultura mundial. Neste estudo descrevemos os aspectos clínicos, patológicos e moleculares de um surto de infecção por S. suis com mortalidade atipicamente alta. O surto ocorreu em creches integradas a uma cooperativa do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Das 30 creches, 10 foram severamente afetadas pelo patógeno e apresentavam elevadas perdas econômicas. Os sinais clínicos iniciavam em torno de 10 dias após o desmame e eram caracterizados principalmente por sinais clínicos nervosos e locomotores agudos. A mortalidade dos lotes afetados variava entre 8% e 10%, mas em alguns casos ultrapassava 18%. Nove leitões foram submetidos ao exame post mortem. Macroscopicamente, as articulações sinoviais estavam aumentadas e continham exsudato fibrinoso. No sistema nervoso central havia hiperemia dos vasos leptomeníngeos associada a deposição de fibrina e exsudato purulento nas leptomeninges. Em três leitões havia espessamento do plexo coroide associado a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais. As lesões microscópicas eram caracterizadas principalmente por inflamação fibrinossupurativa que envolvia as membranas sinoviais, as leptomeninges do cérebro e medula espinhal. Além disso, também afetava o plexo coroide, epêndima, raízes nervosas e canal central da medula espinhal. S. suis foi isolado do líquido cefalorraquidiano, suabe de meninge e/ou líquido sinovial de 8/9 leitões e tipificado como sorotipo 9 por PCR multiplex.
Animais , Infecções Estreptocócicas/patologia , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , Infecções Estreptocócicas/epidemiologia , Streptococcus suis , Sus scrofa/microbiologia , BrasilResumo
Feline calicivirus is among the most common pathogenic microorganisms in upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) and oral lesions of cats. It leads to stomatitis, oral ulceration, ocular and nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, fever, lameness, anorexia, hypersalivation, pneumonia, respiratory distress, coughing, and depression in infected cats. This study aimed to determine the role of Feline calicivirus (FCV) in cats with the upper respiratory tract disease in the Diyarbakir region, Turkey, to provide treatment for infected cats and contribute to the disease prophylaxis. The study material consisted of 10 cats (control group) considered to be healthy according to the clinical examination and 20 cats with URTD that were not vaccinated against Feline calicivirus infection of different breeds, ages, and genders brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Prof. Dr. Servet SEKIN Polyclinic with URTD. After routine clinical examinations of the animals, oral and conjunctival swabs and blood samples were taken. Hematological and biochemical analyzes of blood samples were performed. Swab samples were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the diagnosis of the agent. Oral lesions, hypersalivation, ocular and nasal discharge, coughing, and breathing difficulties were seen in clinical examinations of cats with URTD. Feline calicivirus was detected in only one cat's conj
O calicivirus felino está entre os microrganismos patogênicos mais comuns nas doençcas do trato respiratório superior de gatos, determinando estomatites, ulcerações orais, descarga ocular e nasal, conjuntivite, febre, manqueira, anorexia, hipersalivação, peneumoria, distúrbios respiratórios, tosse e depressão. O presente trabalho foi delineado paras determinar o papel do calicivirus felino (CVF) em gatos com doenças do trato respiratório superior na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia.para orientar a precrição do tratamento para os gatos infectados e contribuir para a profilaxia da doença. O material de estudo consistiu em 10 gatos saudáveis sem qualquer problema de saúde e 20 gatos acometidos por doenças do trato respiratório superior que não haviam sido vacinados contra a infecção pelo calicivirus felino, de diferentes raças, idades e gêneros encaminhados para a Universidade de Dicle, Faculdade de Veterinária, policlínica do Prof. Dr. Servet SEKIN,. Após o exame clínico de rotina dos animais foram colhidos swabes orais e da conjuntiva e amostras de sangue. Foram realizadas as análises hematológias e bioquímicas das amostras de sangue e os swabs foram analisados pelo método da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para diagnóstico do agente. Nos gatos infectados foram constatadas: lesões orais, hipersalivação, discargas oculares e nasais, tosse e dificuldade respiratória.
Feline calicivirus is among the most common pathogenic microorganisms in upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) and oral lesions of cats. It leads to stomatitis, oral ulceration, ocular and nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, fever, lameness, anorexia, hypersalivation, pneumonia, respiratory distress, coughing, and depression in infected cats. This study aimed to determine the role of Feline calicivirus (FCV) in cats with the upper respiratory tract disease in the Diyarbakir region, Turkey, to provide treatment for infected cats and contribute to the disease prophylaxis. The study material consisted of 10 cats (control group) considered to be healthy according to the clinical examination and 20 cats with URTD that were not vaccinated against Feline calicivirus infection of different breeds, ages, and genders brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Prof. Dr. Servet SEKIN Polyclinic with URTD. After routine clinical examinations of the animals, oral and conjunctival swabs and blood samples were taken. Hematological and biochemical analyzes of blood samples were performed. Swab samples were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the diagnosis of the agent. Oral lesions, hypersalivation, ocular and nasal discharge, coughing, and breathing difficulties were seen in clinical examinations of cats with URTD. Feline calicivirus was detected in only one cat's conjunctival swab sample in PCR analyses. As a result, we found that Feline calicivirus infection was present in cats with URTD in the Diyarbakir region, and 5% positivity was found in cats with clinical symptoms according to PCR analysis.(AU)
O calicivírus felino está entre os microrganismos patogênicos mais comuns nas doenças do trato respiratório superior de gatos, determinando estomatites, ulcerações orais, descarga ocular e nasal, conjuntivite, febre, manqueira, anorexia, hipersalivação, pneumonia, distúrbios respiratórios, tosse e depressão. O presente trabalho foi delineado para determinar o papel do calicivírus felino (CVF) em gatos com doenças do trato respiratório superior na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia. Com o objetivo de orientar a prescrição do tratamento para os gatos infectados e contribuir com a profilaxia da doença. O material de estudo consistiu em 10 gatos saudáveis sem qualquer problema de saúde e 20 gatos acometidos por doenças do trato respiratório superior que não haviam sido vacinados contra a infecção pelo calicivírus felino. Os animais de diferentes raças, idades e gêneros foram encaminhados para a Universidade de Dicle, na Faculdade de Veterinária, na policlínica Professor Dr. Servet Sekin. Após o exame clínico de rotina dos animais, foram colhidos swabs orais e da conjuntiva e amostras de sangue. Análises hematológicas e bioquímicas das amostras de sangue foram realizadas e os swabs foram analisados pelo método da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para diagnóstico do agente. Nos gatos infectados foram constatadas: lesões orais, hipersalivação, descargas oculares e nasais, tosse e dificuldade respiratória. O calicivírus felino foi detectado pela técnica de PCR no swab conjuntival de apenas um gato. A conclusão obtida foi que a infecção pelo calicivírus felino foi detectada pela técnica de PCR na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia, em gatos com doença do trato respiratório superior com a frequência de 5%.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Infecções Respiratórias , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Infecções por Caliciviridae/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Calicivirus FelinoResumo
Feline calicivirus is among the most common pathogenic microorganisms in upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) and oral lesions of cats. It leads to stomatitis, oral ulceration, ocular and nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, fever, lameness, anorexia, hypersalivation, pneumonia, respiratory distress, coughing, and depression in infected cats. This study aimed to determine the role of Feline calicivirus (FCV) in cats with the upper respiratory tract disease in the Diyarbakir region, Turkey, to provide treatment for infected cats and contribute to the disease prophylaxis. The study material consisted of 10 cats (control group) considered to be healthy according to the clinical examination and 20 cats with URTD that were not vaccinated against Feline calicivirus infection of different breeds, ages, and genders brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Prof. Dr. Servet SEKIN Polyclinic with URTD. After routine clinical examinations of the animals, oral and conjunctival swabs and blood samples were taken. Hematological and biochemical analyzes of blood samples were performed. Swab samples were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the diagnosis of the agent. Oral lesions, hypersalivation, ocular and nasal discharge, coughing, and breathing difficulties were seen in clinical examinations of cats with URTD. Feline calicivirus was detected in only one cat's conjunctival swab sample in PCR analyses. As a result, we found that Feline calicivirus infection was present in cats with URTD in the Diyarbakir region, and 5% positivity was found in cats with clinical symptoms according to PCR analysis.(AU)
O calicivírus felino está entre os microrganismos patogênicos mais comuns nas doenças do trato respiratório superior de gatos, determinando estomatites, ulcerações orais, descarga ocular e nasal, conjuntivite, febre, manqueira, anorexia, hipersalivação, pneumonia, distúrbios respiratórios, tosse e depressão. O presente trabalho foi delineado para determinar o papel do calicivírus felino (CVF) em gatos com doenças do trato respiratório superior na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia. Com o objetivo de orientar a prescrição do tratamento para os gatos infectados e contribuir com a profilaxia da doença. O material de estudo consistiu em 10 gatos saudáveis sem qualquer problema de saúde e 20 gatos acometidos por doenças do trato respiratório superior que não haviam sido vacinados contra a infecção pelo calicivírus felino. Os animais de diferentes raças, idades e gêneros foram encaminhados para a Universidade de Dicle, na Faculdade de Veterinária, na policlínica Professor Dr. Servet Sekin. Após o exame clínico de rotina dos animais, foram colhidos swabs orais e da conjuntiva e amostras de sangue. Análises hematológicas e bioquímicas das amostras de sangue foram realizadas e os swabs foram analisados pelo método da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para diagnóstico do agente. Nos gatos infectados foram constatadas: lesões orais, hipersalivação, descargas oculares e nasais, tosse e dificuldade respiratória. O calicivírus felino foi detectado pela técnica de PCR no swab conjuntival de apenas um gato. A conclusão obtida foi que a infecção pelo calicivírus felino foi detectada pela técnica de PCR na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia, em gatos com doença do trato respiratório superior com a frequência de 5%.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Infecções Respiratórias , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Infecções por Caliciviridae/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Calicivirus FelinoResumo
Background: Acute dyspnea is a clinical emergency with a presentation similar to several etiologies. Cats are usually referred with complaints of anorexia, abdominal breathing, cyanosis, and open mouth breathing, and veterinarians should stabilize the animals as soon as possible. The incidence of aspiration of foreign bodies is low, particularly in this species. The diagnosis consists of observing the foreign structure in the lumen of the trachea, commonly performed using radiography or bronchoscopy. This report describes a case of a feline with a tracheal foreign body, with a detailed description of the clinical findings and successful treatment. Case: A 10-year-old female feline exhibited severe dyspnea and cyanosis. During the anamnesis, the owner stated that the clinical signs suddenly presented one day prior, after the animal ingested a piece of fish. Physical examination revealed changes in pulmonary auscultation, which was bilaterally muffled, and intense respiratory distress, as observed by the evident signs of exhaustion (sternal decubitus, reduced muscle tone), in addition to cyanotic mucous membranes. The animal was intubated and maintained under anesthesia with propofol infusion and respiratory support (ambu) for 1 h, during which complementary examinations were performed. Chest radiography showed the presence of a radiopaque structure (approximately 0.5 cm) in the tracheal region. Thus, we decided to remove the structure using bronchoscopy. The foreign body was located above the main bronchial bifurcation and was removed. There was an improvement in oxygenation after 20 min of maintenance of ventilatory support, followed by weaning of the animal's successful respiratory support. Antibiotic therapy and analgesia were prescribed at home, and the animal exhibited full recovery after 10 days. Discussion: Dyspnea is a clinical sign that should be treated as an emergency, as it is associated with high mortality. In these cases, positive pressure ventilation is indicated in three situations: persistent hypoventilation, severe hypoxemia unresponsive to oxygen therapy, and excessive respiratory effort or fatigue. Dyspnea may be due to impairment of the upper or lower airway or restrictive conditions. Clinically, felines with tracheal foreign bodies have a sudden onset of dyspnea, tachypnea, cough, and lethargy. In these patients, the reduction in lung sounds is a common finding, as observed in the present case. The occurrence of tracheal foreign bodies in cats is rare and, depending on the type of foreign body and its location in the airway, complete obstruction of the respiratory tract may occur. In the present case, it was possible to observe the foreign body in the trachea on radiographic images. Felines with tracheal foreign bodies generally present a structure located close to the carina, as observed in the present case. Bronchoscopy using a flexible or rigid tube is considered the gold-standard technique for removing foreign bodies from the respiratory tract, and the greatest difficulty during the removal procedure is ensuring that the airways are not obstructed by the instruments used. The use of these materials is not free of complications, as they may be responsible for the development of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, dyspnea, and respiratory failure. In the present case, there were no complications during or after the procedure, and the patient recovered completely.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cianose/veterinária , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Doenças da Traqueia/veterinária , Dispneia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic, systemic mycotic disease caused by yeasts of genus Cryptococcus.Cryptococcus neoformans might cause serious public health problems, as they can be transmitted to humans, domesticand wild animals. In cats and dogs, the main site of infection is the upper lower respiratory tract, however, the infectioncan extend and affect other sites in the organism, however, the peritoneal manifestation of the disease is rare. Thus, thepresent work aims to report a case of cryptococcosis in a canine, mixed breed, female, adult, from the Metropolitan Regionof Belém, PA, Brazil.Case: A mixed breed dog, female, adult was admitted in a veterinary hospital at Belém, presenting abdominal discomfortand, after the clinical examination, emergency exploratory laparotomy was indicated, and it were observed disseminatedlesions in the abdominal cavity, with multiple nodules attached to the peritoneum and intestinal serosa and bladder, uterus,among other organs. Fragments from the surgical biopsy were fixed, and processed routinely according to the techniquesfor histological tissue processing. Histological examination revealed a predominance of granulomatous lesions in peritoneum and mesentery organs. It was observed a discrete inflammatory reaction of macrophages, epithelioid cells andgiant cells, many in phagocytosis of spherical or ovoid organisms, with a thick capsule and a clear perinuclear halo. Inthe PAS staining, the Cryptococcus conidia presented eosinophilic characteristics and some of them had the capsule welldemarcated, which was shown to be radiated. Also it was possible to see the budding yeast and in the Grocott stain, theCryptococcus stained in black.Discussion: Cryptococcosis with peritoneal involvement in animals is rarely reported in the literature. Cryptococcus is afungus that presents tropism by the...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Criptococose/veterinária , Cães/microbiologia , Peritônio/lesões , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic, systemic mycotic disease caused by yeasts of genus Cryptococcus.Cryptococcus neoformans might cause serious public health problems, as they can be transmitted to humans, domesticand wild animals. In cats and dogs, the main site of infection is the upper lower respiratory tract, however, the infectioncan extend and affect other sites in the organism, however, the peritoneal manifestation of the disease is rare. Thus, thepresent work aims to report a case of cryptococcosis in a canine, mixed breed, female, adult, from the Metropolitan Regionof Belém, PA, Brazil.Case: A mixed breed dog, female, adult was admitted in a veterinary hospital at Belém, presenting abdominal discomfortand, after the clinical examination, emergency exploratory laparotomy was indicated, and it were observed disseminatedlesions in the abdominal cavity, with multiple nodules attached to the peritoneum and intestinal serosa and bladder, uterus,among other organs. Fragments from the surgical biopsy were fixed, and processed routinely according to the techniquesfor histological tissue processing. Histological examination revealed a predominance of granulomatous lesions in peritoneum and mesentery organs. It was observed a discrete inflammatory reaction of macrophages, epithelioid cells andgiant cells, many in phagocytosis of spherical or ovoid organisms, with a thick capsule and a clear perinuclear halo. Inthe PAS staining, the Cryptococcus conidia presented eosinophilic characteristics and some of them had the capsule welldemarcated, which was shown to be radiated. Also it was possible to see the budding yeast and in the Grocott stain, theCryptococcus stained in black.Discussion: Cryptococcosis with peritoneal involvement in animals is rarely reported in the literature. Cryptococcus is afungus that presents tropism by the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Criptococose/veterinária , Cães/microbiologia , Peritônio/lesões , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Free-range chickens are quite common in Brazil. In this alternative rearing system, the animals are rustic and raised in an extensive system. Free access to "bare soil" results in the increased occurrence of intestinal parasites since larvae and / or eggs of helminths and protozoa oocysts find favorable conditions for their survival and dissemination in the soil. Although the occurrence and importance of parasitic infections in free-range chickens is well known, the objective of this study is to report an outbreak of endoparasites in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra - BA, in view of bird susceptibility associated with scarcity of studies in western Bahia. Cases: The chickens were kept free, in a bare soil yard in a household at the urban perimeter of the municipality of Barra - BA. Feeding consisted of whole corn grains, thrown directly in the soil. The drinking fountains were dirty and the animals had no history of vaccination or deworming. Symptoms Anorexia, difficulty in eating and in locomotion, presence of seromucous secretion in the oral cavity, emaciation and diarrhea were all observed symptoms. One of the birds presented excessive vocalization, drowsiness and flaccid paralysis of the neck. Necropsy was performed on 3 chickens: 2 females (cases 1 and 2) and 1 male (case 3). Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of seromucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract of all animals. Specimens of Ascaridia galli were observed in cases 1 and 2, Heterakis gallinarum in cases 2 and 3, Raillietina sp. in cases 2 and 3 and Davainea proglottina in case 1. Microscopically, the animals had an inflammatory infiltrate in the liver and intestines. Some animals presented necrosis of the tracheal epithelial cells, as well as of the epithelial cells present at the apex of the villi. No significant results were found in the coproparasitological exam. Discussion: The diagnosis of endoparasitosis in this outbreak was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings. The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in free-range chickens is linked to factors such as age, high animal density, absence of sanitary hygienic measures, as well as environmental temperature and humidity. The appearance of injuries in the intestinal mucosa is influenced by characteristics such as parasitic load, concomitant infections, age and the host's immune status. During necropsy of the birds were found 2 helminths of the Nematoda class (Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum) and 2 of the Cestoda class (Davainea proglottina and Raillietina sp.). A. galli, seen in 2 cases, is considered low pathogenicity for adult chickens, however young birds are susceptible and can die due to intestinal obstruction and hemorrhages. H. gallinarum is responsible for causing typhlitis, with diarrhea and weight loss, this helminth was found in 2 animals in the present study, however only 1 had changes in the digestive tract. Davainea proglotina and Raillietina spp. might cause, respectively, severe hemorrhagic enteritis and nodule formation in the small intestine mucosa. In Brazil, even though it is notable that intestinal parasitism is one of the key problems in alternative poultry farming, there are few studies that evaluate the presence of endoparasites in chickens raised in alternative production systems, with animals being more frequently exposed to nematodes and cestodes. The multiparasitism observed in this study probably stems from flaws in the rearing system, mainly related to sanitary hygiene management. Therefore, the reduction in the occurrence of these helminths is closely related to the performance of basic prophylactic measures, such as offering good quality food and water in clean containers, separating lots by age, performing sanitary emptiness and deworming.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Infecções por Cestoides/epidemiologia , Galinhas/parasitologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Infecções por Nematoides/epidemiologia , Ascaridia/isolamento & purificação , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cestoides/isolamento & purificação , Nematoides/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
Background: Guttural pouch empyema in horses is a disease described by the accumulation of purulent/mucopurulent exudate, which with chronification of the disease can become chondroids, affecting horses of any age and not presenting breed predisposition. The main cause of empyema is upper respiratory infection, associated or not with failure in the defense mechanisms, as well as drainage to the guttural pouch of retropharyngeal lymph node abscesses; the main pathogen related to this condition is Streptococcus equi. This paper aims to describes a case of a filly that presented a mucopurulent nasal discharge, five months of evolution, and irresponsive to antibiotic therapy. Case: A 2.5-year-old quarter filly was referred to the veterinary hospital presenting a 5 months evolution mucopurulent nasal discharge, irresponsive to gentamicin and ceftiofur, and later doxycycline, acetylcysteine and clenbuterol that were instituted on the farm. Throw the endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract, was observed the presence of mucopurulent content and chondroids inside the right guttural pouch. This material was collected and sent for culture and antibiogram tests. Streptococcus equi was isolated, and was only sensitive to ceftiofur. The treatment included the guttural pouches flushes with warm saline solution (0.9%) associated with Lauryl Dietylene Glycol Ether Sulfate Sodium (28%) and acetylcysteine (10%). In addition to topical treatment, 5 mg/kg of ceftiofur was administered intramuscularly daily for 7 days. After 10 flushes of the guttural pouch, was observed a total absence of chondroid and mucopurulent contents. Discussion: The treatment of the guttural pouch empyema can be performed either by conservative methods or by the surgical drainage. Among the benefits of the conservative treatment are the absence of the risks...
Feminino , Animais , Acetilcisteína/uso terapêutico , Cavalos , Empiema/complicações , Empiema/terapia , Empiema/veterinária , Streptococcus equi , Abscesso Retrofaríngeo/veterináriaResumo
Background: Guttural pouch empyema in horses is a disease described by the accumulation of purulent/mucopurulent exudate, which with chronification of the disease can become chondroids, affecting horses of any age and not presenting breed predisposition. The main cause of empyema is upper respiratory infection, associated or not with failure in the defense mechanisms, as well as drainage to the guttural pouch of retropharyngeal lymph node abscesses; the main pathogen related to this condition is Streptococcus equi. This paper aims to describes a case of a filly that presented a mucopurulent nasal discharge, five months of evolution, and irresponsive to antibiotic therapy. Case: A 2.5-year-old quarter filly was referred to the veterinary hospital presenting a 5 months evolution mucopurulent nasal discharge, irresponsive to gentamicin and ceftiofur, and later doxycycline, acetylcysteine and clenbuterol that were instituted on the farm. Throw the endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract, was observed the presence of mucopurulent content and chondroids inside the right guttural pouch. This material was collected and sent for culture and antibiogram tests. Streptococcus equi was isolated, and was only sensitive to ceftiofur. The treatment included the guttural pouches flushes with warm saline solution (0.9%) associated with Lauryl Dietylene Glycol Ether Sulfate Sodium (28%) and acetylcysteine (10%). In addition to topical treatment, 5 mg/kg of ceftiofur was administered intramuscularly daily for 7 days. After 10 flushes of the guttural pouch, was observed a total absence of chondroid and mucopurulent contents. Discussion: The treatment of the guttural pouch empyema can be performed either by conservative methods or by the surgical drainage. Among the benefits of the conservative treatment are the absence of the risks...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Empiema/complicações , Empiema/terapia , Empiema/veterinária , Streptococcus equi , Cavalos , Acetilcisteína/uso terapêutico , Abscesso Retrofaríngeo/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to quantify nasosinusal neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in 20 years (2000-2019) and characterize the main clinical, macroscopic, and histological aspects of these neoplasms. The sex, breed, age, skull conformation, the main clinical signs, and the anatomopathological characteristics (distribution, macroscopy, and histology) were computed. During this period, 49 dogs were affected by neoplasms in these regions, totaling 50 neoplasms (one dog had two neoplasms of different locations and histogenetic origins). Similar amounts of mixed-breed dogs (25/49) and purebred dogs (24/49) were affected, these distributed in 16 breeds. Among purebreds, it was noted that dogs with mesocephalic cranial conformation (12/24) were the most affected, followed by dolichocephalic (10/24) and brachycephalic (2/24). There were 22 cases in males and 27 in females, making a proportion of 1:1.23. There was an age variation from 11 months to 16 years old. The epithelial neoplasms have occurred in older dogs compared to those of other histogenic origins (mesenchymal and other origins/round cells). The main clinical signs were similar between the histogenetic categories, related to the involvement of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes accompanied by nervous signs (when there was brain invasion of nasal neoplasms or vice versa). The possible origin site was mostly in the nasal cavity concerning the paranasal sinuses (and other locations). Invasions occurred in different tissues adjacent to the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, resulting in cranial and facial deformities (21/49). The frequency was 48% of epithelial neoplasms, 32% of mesenchymal neoplasms, and 10% of neoplasms with other origins and round cells. The neoplasms most frequently observed, in decreasing order of frequency, were: adenocarcinoma (9/50), squamous cell carcinoma (9/50), transmissible venereal tumor (5/50), osteosarcoma (5/50), chondrosarcoma (4/50), and undifferentiated sarcoma (4/50). Through this study, it was possible to establish the frequency of these neoplasms in 20 years and their clinical, macroscopic, and histological characteristics.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os neoplasmas nasossinusais diagnosticados em cães em 20 anos (2000-2019) e caracterizar os principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histológicos desses neoplasmas. Foram computados sexo, raça, idade, conformação do crânio, principais sinais clínicos e características anatomopatológicas (distribuição, macroscopia e histologia). Nesse período, 49 cães foram acometidos por neoplasmas nessas regiões, totalizando 50 neoplasmas (um cão tinha dois neoplasmas de localização e origens histogenéticas distintas). Foram acometidas quantidades semelhantes de cães sem raça definida (25/49) e de cães com raça definida (24/49), estes distribuídos em 16 raças. Entre os cães com raça definida, notou-se que os cães com conformação craniana mesocefálica (12/24) foram os mais acometidos, seguidos pelos dolicocefálicos (10/24) e braquicefálicos (2/24). Foram observados 22 casos em machos e 27 em fêmeas, perfazendo a relação de 1:1,23. Ocorreu uma variação de idade de 11 meses a 16 anos; tendo os neoplasmas epiteliais ocorrido em cães mais velhos quando comparado aos de outras origens histogênicas (mesenquimais e outras origens/células redondas). Os principais sinais clínicos foram semelhantes entre as categorias histogenéticas, sendo relacionados ao comprometimento do trato respiratório superior, por vezes acompanhados de sinais nervosos (quando houve invasão encefálica de neoplasmas nasais ou vice-versa). O possível local de origem em sua maioria foi na cavidade nasal em relação aos seios nasais (e de outras localizações). Ocorreram invasões para diferentes tecidos adjacentes à cavidade nasal e seios paranasais, tendo como consequência deformidades cranianas e faciais (21/49). A frequência foi de 48% de neoplasmas epiteliais, 32% de neoplasmas mesenquimais e 10% de neoplasmas com outras origens e de células redondas. Os neoplasmas mais frequentemente observados, em ordem decrescente de frequência, foram: adenocarcinoma (9/50), carcinoma de células escamosas (9/50), tumor venéreo transmissível (5/50), osteossarcoma (5/50), condrossarcoma (4/50) e sarcoma indiferenciado (4/50). Com isso, pode-se estabelecer a frequência desses neoplasmas em 20 anos, bem como suas características clínicas, macroscópicas e histológicas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Seios Paranasais/patologia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cavidade Nasal , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to quantify nasosinusal neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in 20 years (2000-2019) and characterize the main clinical, macroscopic, and histological aspects of these neoplasms. The sex, breed, age, skull conformation, the main clinical signs, and the anatomopathological characteristics (distribution, macroscopy, and histology) were computed. During this period, 49 dogs were affected by neoplasms in these regions, totaling 50 neoplasms (one dog had two neoplasms of different locations and histogenetic origins). Similar amounts of mixed-breed dogs (25/49) and purebred dogs (24/49) were affected, these distributed in 16 breeds. Among purebreds, it was noted that dogs with mesocephalic cranial conformation (12/24) were the most affected, followed by dolichocephalic (10/24) and brachycephalic (2/24). There were 22 cases in males and 27 in females, making a proportion of 1:1.23. There was an age variation from 11 months to 16 years old. The epithelial neoplasms have occurred in older dogs compared to those of other histogenic origins (mesenchymal and other origins/round cells). The main clinical signs were similar between the histogenetic categories, related to the involvement of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes accompanied by nervous signs (when there was brain invasion of nasal neoplasms or vice versa). The possible origin site was mostly in the nasal cavity concerning the paranasal sinuses (and other locations). Invasions occurred in different tissues adjacent to the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, resulting in cranial and facial deformities (21/49). The frequency was 48% of epithelial neoplasms, 32% of mesenchymal neoplasms, and 10% of neoplasms with other origins and round cells. The neoplasms most frequently observed, in decreasing order of frequency, were: adenocarcinoma (9/50), squamous cell carcinoma (9/50), transmissible venereal tumor (5/50), osteosarcoma (5/50), chondrosarcoma (4/50), and undifferentiated sarcoma (4/50). Through this study, it was possible to establish the frequency of these neoplasms in 20 years and their clinical, macroscopic, and histological characteristics.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os neoplasmas nasossinusais diagnosticados em cães em 20 anos (2000-2019) e caracterizar os principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histológicos desses neoplasmas. Foram computados sexo, raça, idade, conformação do crânio, principais sinais clínicos e características anatomopatológicas (distribuição, macroscopia e histologia). Nesse período, 49 cães foram acometidos por neoplasmas nessas regiões, totalizando 50 neoplasmas (um cão tinha dois neoplasmas de localização e origens histogenéticas distintas). Foram acometidas quantidades semelhantes de cães sem raça definida (25/49) e de cães com raça definida (24/49), estes distribuídos em 16 raças. Entre os cães com raça definida, notou-se que os cães com conformação craniana mesocefálica (12/24) foram os mais acometidos, seguidos pelos dolicocefálicos (10/24) e braquicefálicos (2/24). Foram observados 22 casos em machos e 27 em fêmeas, perfazendo a relação de 1:1,23. Ocorreu uma variação de idade de 11 meses a 16 anos; tendo os neoplasmas epiteliais ocorrido em cães mais velhos quando comparado aos de outras origens histogênicas (mesenquimais e outras origens/células redondas). Os principais sinais clínicos foram semelhantes entre as categorias histogenéticas, sendo relacionados ao comprometimento do trato respiratório superior, por vezes acompanhados de sinais nervosos (quando houve invasão encefálica de neoplasmas nasais ou vice-versa). O possível local de origem em sua maioria foi na cavidade nasal em relação aos seios nasais (e de outras localizações). Ocorreram invasões para diferentes tecidos adjacentes à cavidade nasal e seios paranasais, tendo como consequência deformidades cranianas e faciais (21/49). A frequência foi de 48% de neoplasmas epiteliais, 32% de neoplasmas mesenquimais e 10% de neoplasmas com outras origens e de células redondas. Os neoplasmas mais frequentemente observados, em ordem decrescente de frequência, foram: adenocarcinoma (9/50), carcinoma de células escamosas (9/50), tumor venéreo transmissível (5/50), osteossarcoma (5/50), condrossarcoma (4/50) e sarcoma indiferenciado (4/50). Com isso, pode-se estabelecer a frequência desses neoplasmas em 20 anos, bem como suas características clínicas, macroscópicas e histológicas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Seios Paranasais/patologia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cavidade Nasal , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...
Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Micoses/veterinária , Scopulariopsis , Órbita/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Scopulariopsis , Micoses/veterinária , Órbita/patologia , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Objectives: To perform molecular diagnosis of microbial agents (FHV-1, FCV, Mycoplasma felis, and Chlamydophila felis) in kittens with conjunctivitis and correlate the clinical signs with clinical severity. Material and Methods: A total of 108 conjunctival swab were collected from kittens without (G1; n = 40) and with (G2; n = 68) clinical signs of conjunctivitis. Animals from G2 group were scored from 1 (mild) to 4 (severe) according to the severity of conjunctivitis. All samples were submitted to PCR and RT-PCR. Results: FHV-1 was detected in 62/108 (57.4%) of samples, FCV in 40/108 (37.0%), M. felis in 11/108 (10.2%) and C. felis in 26/108 (24.1%). Mixed infections were detected in 39/108 (36.1%). In G1, 28/40 (70.0%) were positive for one or more agents, in G2, 58/68 (85.3%) were positive (P = 0.03). In 1, single infections by FHV-1were found in 21/40 (52.5%) samples, FCV in 2/40 (5.0%), C. felis in 1/40 (2.5%), and no pathogens were detected in 12/40 (30%) of samples, while mixed infections accounted for 29/40 (72.5%) of the cases. In G2, single FHV-1 infections were found in 31/68 (45.6%) samples, FCV in 10/68 (14.7 %), M. felis in 2/68 (3.0%) and C. felis also in 2/68 (3.0%), and no pathogens were detected in 10/68 (14.7%) samples, while mixed infections accounted for 36/68 (52.0%) of the cases. They were categorized as grade 1, 20/68 (29.4%), grade 2, 14/68 (20.6%), grade 3, 21/68 (30.9%) and grade 4, 13/68 (19.1%). The presence of FHV-1 and FCV is equally distributed among the four categories. More severe clinical signs, scores 3 and 4, are related to coinfections by C. felis and M. felis. Conclusions: FHV-1, FCV, C. felis and M. felis were identified in feline conjunctivitis. Co-infections are related to more severe cases of conjunctivitis.Molecular diagnosis is helpful to detect asymptomatic carriers and is a rapid and accurate method to determine the pathogen of feline conjunctivitis.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar diagnóstico molecular de agentes microbiológicos (FHV-1, FCV, Mycoplasma felis e Chlamydophila felis) em gatos filhotes e associar a presença dos patógenos à gravidade dos sinais clínicos de conjuntivite. Foram coletadas um total de 108 amostras de suabe conjuntival de filhotes felinos assintomáticos (G1; n = 40) e sintomáticos (G2; n = 68). Animais do G2 foram categorizados de 1 (leve) até 4 (grave), de acordo com o quadro clínico de conjuntivite. As 108 amostras foram submetidas à PCR e RT-PCR. O FHV-1 foi detectado em 57,4% das amostras, o FCV em 37%, o M. felis em 10,2% e o C. felis em 24,1%. Coinfecções, por sua vez, foram detectadas em 36,1%. No G1, 70% das amostras foram positivas para um ou mais patógenos. No G2, 85,3% apresentavam infecções (P = 0,03). No G1, monoinfecções por FHV-1 foram diagnosticadas em 52,5% das amostras, por FCV em 5%, por C. felis em 2,5%, e em 30% das amostras analisadas nenhum dos patógenos estudados foi encontrado. Coinfecções, por sua vez, estavam presentes em 72,5% das amostras. No G2, monoinfecções por FHV-1 foram encontradas em 45,6% das amostras, por FCV em 14,7 %, por M. felis em 3% e por C. felis também em 3%. Nenhum dos patógenos estudados foi encontrado em 14,7% das amostras analisadas. Coinfecções, responsáveis por 52% dos casos, foram categorizados como Grau 1 (29,4%), Grau 2 (20,6%), Grau 3 (30,9%) e Grau 4 (19,1%). A presença de FHV-1 e FCV está igualmente distribuída entre as quatro categorias. Os sinais clínicos mais graves (graus 3 e 4) estão relacionados a coinfecções por C. felis e M. felis. Os agentes microbiológicos FHV-1, FCV, C. felis e M. felis foram encontrados em animais com conjuntivite. Coinfecções estão relacionadas aos casos mais graves. Por fim, concluiu-se que o diagnóstico molecular, além de detectar portadores assintomáticos, é um método rápido e acurado para o diagnóstico do patógeno causador da conjuntivite felina.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Conjuntivite Viral/diagnóstico , Conjuntivite Viral/veterinária , Infecções Oculares Virais/veterinária , Calicivirus Felino , Chlamydophila , Coinfecção/veterinária , Herpesviridae , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Mycoplasma , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Objectives: To perform molecular diagnosis of microbial agents (FHV-1, FCV, Mycoplasma felis, and Chlamydophila felis) in kittens with conjunctivitis and correlate the clinical signs with clinical severity. Material and Methods: A total of 108 conjunctival swab were collected from kittens without (G1; n = 40) and with (G2; n = 68) clinical signs of conjunctivitis. Animals from G2 group were scored from 1 (mild) to 4 (severe) according to the severity of conjunctivitis. All samples were submitted to PCR and RT-PCR. Results: FHV-1 was detected in 62/108 (57.4%) of samples, FCV in 40/108 (37.0%), M. felis in 11/108 (10.2%) and C. felis in 26/108 (24.1%). Mixed infections were detected in 39/108 (36.1%). In G1, 28/40 (70.0%) were positive for one or more agents, in G2, 58/68 (85.3%) were positive (P = 0.03). In 1, single infections by FHV-1were found in 21/40 (52.5%) samples, FCV in 2/40 (5.0%), C. felis in 1/40 (2.5%), and no pathogens were detected in 12/40 (30%) of samples, while mixed infections accounted for 29/40 (72.5%) of the cases. In G2, single FHV-1 infections were found in 31/68 (45.6%) samples, FCV in 10/68 (14.7 %), M. felis in 2/68 (3.0%) and C. felis also in 2/68 (3.0%), and no pathogens were detected in 10/68 (14.7%) samples, while mixed infections accounted for 36/68 (52.0%) of the cases. They were categorized as grade 1, 20/68 (29.4%), grade 2, 14/68 (20.6%), grade 3, 21/68 (30.9%) and grade 4, 13/68 (19.1%). The presence of FHV-1 and FCV is equally distributed among the four categories. More severe clinical signs, scores 3 and 4, are related to coinfections by C. felis and M. felis. Conclusions: FHV-1, FCV, C. felis and M. felis were identified in feline conjunctivitis. Co-infections are related to more severe cases of conjunctivitis.Molecular diagnosis is helpful to detect asymptomatic carriers and is a rapid and accurate method to determine the pathogen of feline conjunctivitis.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar diagnóstico molecular de agentes microbiológicos (FHV-1, FCV, Mycoplasma felis e Chlamydophila felis) em gatos filhotes e associar a presença dos patógenos à gravidade dos sinais clínicos de conjuntivite. Foram coletadas um total de 108 amostras de suabe conjuntival de filhotes felinos assintomáticos (G1; n = 40) e sintomáticos (G2; n = 68). Animais do G2 foram categorizados de 1 (leve) até 4 (grave), de acordo com o quadro clínico de conjuntivite. As 108 amostras foram submetidas à PCR e RT-PCR. O FHV-1 foi detectado em 57,4% das amostras, o FCV em 37%, o M. felis em 10,2% e o C. felis em 24,1%. Coinfecções, por sua vez, foram detectadas em 36,1%. No G1, 70% das amostras foram positivas para um ou mais patógenos. No G2, 85,3% apresentavam infecções (P = 0,03). No G1, monoinfecções por FHV-1 foram diagnosticadas em 52,5% das amostras, por FCV em 5%, por C. felis em 2,5%, e em 30% das amostras analisadas nenhum dos patógenos estudados foi encontrado. Coinfecções, por sua vez, estavam presentes em 72,5% das amostras. No G2, monoinfecções por FHV-1 foram encontradas em 45,6% das amostras, por FCV em 14,7 %, por M. felis em 3% e por C. felis também em 3%. Nenhum dos patógenos estudados foi encontrado em 14,7% das amostras analisadas. Coinfecções, responsáveis por 52% dos casos, foram categorizados como Grau 1 (29,4%), Grau 2 (20,6%), Grau 3 (30,9%) e Grau 4 (19,1%). A presença de FHV-1 e FCV está igualmente distribuída entre as quatro categorias. Os sinais clínicos mais graves (graus 3 e 4) estão relacionados a coinfecções por C. felis e M. felis. Os agentes microbiológicos FHV-1, FCV, C. felis e M. felis foram encontrados em animais com conjuntivite. Coinfecções estão relacionadas aos casos mais graves. Por fim, concluiu-se que o diagnóstico molecular, além de detectar portadores assintomáticos, é um método rápido e acurado para o diagnóstico do patógeno causador da conjuntivite felina.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Infecções Oculares Virais/veterinária , Conjuntivite Viral/diagnóstico , Conjuntivite Viral/veterinária , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Coinfecção/veterinária , Chlamydophila , Calicivirus Felino , Herpesviridae , MycoplasmaResumo
Equine influenza virus (EIV) (H3N8 and H7N7) is the causative agent of equine influenza, or equine flu. The H7N7 subtype has been considered to be extinct worldwide since 1980. Affected animals have respiratory symptoms that can be worsened by secondary bacterial respiratory infection, thereby leading to great economic losses in the horse-breeding industry. In Brazil, equine influenza outbreaks were first reported in 1963 and studies on hemagglutination antibodies against viral subtypes in Brazilian horses have been conducted since then. The objective of the present review was to present the history of the emergence of EIV around the world and in Brazil and the studies that have thus far been developed on EIV in Brazilian equines.(AU)
O vírus da influenza equina (EIV) (H3N8 e H7N7) é o agente causador da influenza equina, ou gripe equina. O subtipo viral H7N7 é considerado como mundialmente extinto desde 1980. Os animais afetados têm sintomas respiratórios característicos que podem ser agravados por uma infecção respiratória bacteriana secundária causando grandes prejuízos no ramo equestre. No Brasil, os surtos da EI têm sido relatados desde 1963 e desde então vem sendo efetuados estudos sobre a presença de anticorpos hemaglutinantes contra os subtipos virais nos equídeos brasileiros. O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar um histórico sobre o surgimento do EIV no mundo e no Brasil destacando os estudos conduzidos no Brasil até o momento acerca da infecção pelo EIV nos equídeos brasileiros.(AU)