Abstract Colletotrichum is one of the most economically important fungal genera, which affects a wide range of hosts, specifically tropical and subtropical crops. Thus far, there have been several records of mycovirus infection in Colletotrichum spp., primarily by viruses of the Partitiviridae family. There have also been records of infections by mycoviruses of the Chrysoviridae family. Mycoviruses are (+)ssRNA and dsRNA genome viruses, which may or may not be enveloped. To date, no mycovirus with a DNA genome has been isolated from Colletotrichum spp. Typically, mycoviruses cause latent infections, although hypo- and hypervirulence have also been reported in Colletotrichum spp. In addition to its effects on pathogenic behavior, mycovirus infection can lead to important physiological changes, such as altered morphological characteristics, reduced vegetative growth, and suppressed conidia production. Therefore, research on mycoviruses infecting phytopathogenic fungi can help develop alternative methods to chemical control, which can cause irreversible damage to humans and the environment. From an agricultural perspective, mycoviruses can contribute to sustainable agriculture as biological control agents via changes in fungal physiology, ultimately resulting in the total loss of or reduction in the virulence of these pathogens.
Resumo Colletotrichum é um dos gêneros fúngicos mais importantes economicamente, afetando uma ampla gama de hospedeiros, especialmente em cultivos tropicais e subtropicais. Atualmente já existem diversos registros de infecção por micovírus em Colletotrichum spp., sendo a maioria dos já identificados classificados na família Partitiviridae. Ocorrem registros também de micovírus pertencentes à família Chrysoviridae. Compreendem vírus de genoma de (+)ssRNA e dsRNA que podem ser ou não envelopados. Ainda não foram identificados micovírus com genoma de DNA isolados de Colletotrichum. A infecção por micovírus pode ocorrer de forma latente, mas já foi observado em Colletotrichum spp. o fenômeno de hipo e hipervirulência. Além de influenciar no comportamento patogênico, a infecção pode causar mudanças fisiológicas importantes como alterações das características morfológicas, redução do crescimento vegetativo e redução na produção de conídios. O estudo com micovírus em fungos fitopatogênicos traz uma alternativa ao controle químico que é um método capaz de causar danos irreversíveis ao homem e o meio ambiente. Sob a perspectiva agrícola, os micovírus podem contribuir para agricultura sustentável como agentes de controle biológico. Isso porque obsevam-se mudanças importantes na fisiologia fúngica resultando na perda total ou redução da virulência desses patógenos.
Colletotrichum is one of the most economically important fungal genera, which affects a wide range of hosts, specifically tropical and subtropical crops. Thus far, there have been several records of mycovirus infection in Colletotrichum spp., primarily by viruses of the Partitiviridae family. There have also been records of infections by mycoviruses of the Chrysoviridae family. Mycoviruses are (+)ssRNA and dsRNA genome viruses, which may or may not be enveloped. To date, no mycovirus with a DNA genome has been isolated from Colletotrichum spp. Typically, mycoviruses cause latent infections, although hypo- and hypervirulence have also been reported in Colletotrichum spp. In addition to its effects on pathogenic behavior, mycovirus infection can lead to important physiological changes, such as altered morphological characteristics, reduced vegetative growth, and suppressed conidia production. Therefore, research on mycoviruses infecting phytopathogenic fungi can help develop alternative methods to chemical control, which can cause irreversible damage to humans and the environment. From an agricultural perspective, mycoviruses can contribute to sustainable agriculture as biological control agents via changes in fungal physiology, ultimately resulting in the total loss of or reduction in the virulence of these pathogens.
Colletotrichum é um dos gêneros fúngicos mais importantes economicamente, afetando uma ampla gama de hospedeiros, especialmente em cultivos tropicais e subtropicais. Atualmente já existem diversos registros de infecção por micovírus em Colletotrichum spp., sendo a maioria dos já identificados classificados na família Partitiviridae. Ocorrem registros também de micovírus pertencentes à família Chrysoviridae. Compreendem vírus de genoma de (+)ssRNA e dsRNA que podem ser ou não envelopados. Ainda não foram identificados micovírus com genoma de DNA isolados de Colletotrichum. A infecção por micovírus pode ocorrer de forma latente, mas já foi observado em Colletotrichum spp. o fenômeno de hipo e hipervirulência. Além de influenciar no comportamento patogênico, a infecção pode causar mudanças fisiológicas importantes como alterações das características morfológicas, redução do crescimento vegetativo e redução na produção de conídios. O estudo com micovírus em fungos fitopatogênicos traz uma alternativa ao controle químico que é um método capaz de causar danos irreversíveis ao homem e o meio ambiente. Sob a perspectiva agrícola, os micovírus podem contribuir para agricultura sustentável como agentes de controle biológico. Isso porque obsevam-se mudanças importantes na fisiologia fúngica resultando na perda total ou redução da virulência desses patógenos.
Animais , Colletotrichum/virologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , MicovírusResumo
Colletotrichum is one of the most economically important fungal genera, which affects a wide range of hosts, specifically tropical and subtropical crops. Thus far, there have been several records of mycovirus infection in Colletotrichum spp., primarily by viruses of the Partitiviridae family. There have also been records of infections by mycoviruses of the Chrysoviridae family. Mycoviruses are (+)ssRNA and dsRNA genome viruses, which may or may not be enveloped. To date, no mycovirus with a DNA genome has been isolated from Colletotrichum spp. Typically, mycoviruses cause latent infections, although hypo- and hypervirulence have also been reported in Colletotrichum spp. In addition to its effects on pathogenic behavior, mycovirus infection can lead to important physiological changes, such as altered morphological characteristics, reduced vegetative growth, and suppressed conidia production. Therefore, research on mycoviruses infecting phytopathogenic fungi can help develop alternative methods to chemical control, which can cause irreversible damage to humans and the environment. From an agricultural perspective, mycoviruses can contribute to sustainable agriculture as biological control agents via changes in fungal physiology, ultimately resulting in the total loss of or reduction in the virulence of these pathogens.(AU)
Colletotrichum é um dos gêneros fúngicos mais importantes economicamente, afetando uma ampla gama de hospedeiros, especialmente em cultivos tropicais e subtropicais. Atualmente já existem diversos registros de infecção por micovírus em Colletotrichum spp., sendo a maioria dos já identificados classificados na família Partitiviridae. Ocorrem registros também de micovírus pertencentes à família Chrysoviridae. Compreendem vírus de genoma de (+)ssRNA e dsRNA que podem ser ou não envelopados. Ainda não foram identificados micovírus com genoma de DNA isolados de Colletotrichum. A infecção por micovírus pode ocorrer de forma latente, mas já foi observado em Colletotrichum spp. o fenômeno de hipo e hipervirulência. Além de influenciar no comportamento patogênico, a infecção pode causar mudanças fisiológicas importantes como alterações das características morfológicas, redução do crescimento vegetativo e redução na produção de conídios. O estudo com micovírus em fungos fitopatogênicos traz uma alternativa ao controle químico que é um método capaz de causar danos irreversíveis ao homem e o meio ambiente. Sob a perspectiva agrícola, os micovírus podem contribuir para agricultura sustentável como agentes de controle biológico. Isso porque obsevam-se mudanças importantes na fisiologia fúngica resultando na perda total ou redução da virulência desses patógenos.(AU)
Animais , Colletotrichum/virologia , Micovírus , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodosResumo
Abstract Colletotrichum is one of the most economically important fungal genera, which affects a wide range of hosts, specifically tropical and subtropical crops. Thus far, there have been several records of mycovirus infection in Colletotrichum spp., primarily by viruses of the Partitiviridae family. There have also been records of infections by mycoviruses of the Chrysoviridae family. Mycoviruses are (+)ssRNA and dsRNA genome viruses, which may or may not be enveloped. To date, no mycovirus with a DNA genome has been isolated from Colletotrichum spp. Typically, mycoviruses cause latent infections, although hypo- and hypervirulence have also been reported in Colletotrichum spp. In addition to its effects on pathogenic behavior, mycovirus infection can lead to important physiological changes, such as altered morphological characteristics, reduced vegetative growth, and suppressed conidia production. Therefore, research on mycoviruses infecting phytopathogenic fungi can help develop alternative methods to chemical control, which can cause irreversible damage to humans and the environment. From an agricultural perspective, mycoviruses can contribute to sustainable agriculture as biological control agents via changes in fungal physiology, ultimately resulting in the total loss of or reduction in the virulence of these pathogens.
Resumo Colletotrichum é um dos gêneros fúngicos mais importantes economicamente, afetando uma ampla gama de hospedeiros, especialmente em cultivos tropicais e subtropicais. Atualmente já existem diversos registros de infecção por micovírus em Colletotrichum spp., sendo a maioria dos já identificados classificados na família Partitiviridae. Ocorrem registros também de micovírus pertencentes à família Chrysoviridae. Compreendem vírus de genoma de (+)ssRNA e dsRNA que podem ser ou não envelopados. Ainda não foram identificados micovírus com genoma de DNA isolados de Colletotrichum. A infecção por micovírus pode ocorrer de forma latente, mas já foi observado em Colletotrichum spp. o fenômeno de hipo e hipervirulência. Além de influenciar no comportamento patogênico, a infecção pode causar mudanças fisiológicas importantes como alterações das características morfológicas, redução do crescimento vegetativo e redução na produção de conídios. O estudo com micovírus em fungos fitopatogênicos traz uma alternativa ao controle químico que é um método capaz de causar danos irreversíveis ao homem e o meio ambiente. Sob a perspectiva agrícola, os micovírus podem contribuir para agricultura sustentável como agentes de controle biológico. Isso porque obsevam-se mudanças importantes na fisiologia fúngica resultando na perda total ou redução da virulência desses patógenos.
Humanos , Vírus de RNA , Colletotrichum , Micovírus/genética , Filogenia , Esporos Fúngicos , VirulênciaResumo
Background: The modulation of heart rate by autonomic nervous system may be evaluated by the heart rate variability(HRV), which illustrates the fluctuations between RR intervals. To evaluate this analysis, the intervals between 2 QRScomplexes are measured. In general, high HRV values are expected in healthy individuals; otherwise, low values are indicative of organism dysfunction. Studies conducted in healthy humans show that HRV suffers reduction with ageing andthat there is autonomic immaturity in neonates. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristic pattern of cardiacautonomic behavior in healthy dogs in different age groups through short-term HRV analysis.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 87 healthy dogs were studied. HRV was analyzed in time and frequency domain,using Holter and heart rate monitor. It was observed that puppies (below one year old) presented a lower parasympatheticpredominance and, consequently, lower HRV values on time domain (SDNN, PNN50% e RMSSD) compared to the other2 groups and on frequency domain (LF, HF and LF/HF) compared to the adult animals group (between 1 and 7-year-old),which presented higher HRV values when compared to the other groups. Elderly dogs (over 8-year-old) exhibited a naturaltendency to decrease cardiac parasympathetic HRV indexes.Discussion: The use of the HRV method as a prognostic index and as an arrhythmogenic marker for various canine heartdiseases presents interesting perspectives. However, before it may be employed for these purposes, a better understandingshould be established regarding the physiological behavior of autonomic cardiac modulation in different age groups toserve as a basis for future analyses. This study observed that puppies presented higher values for HR and, therefore, shorter...
Animais , Cães , Fatores Etários , Frequência Cardíaca , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Valores de ReferênciaResumo
Background: The modulation of heart rate by autonomic nervous system may be evaluated by the heart rate variability(HRV), which illustrates the fluctuations between RR intervals. To evaluate this analysis, the intervals between 2 QRScomplexes are measured. In general, high HRV values are expected in healthy individuals; otherwise, low values are indicative of organism dysfunction. Studies conducted in healthy humans show that HRV suffers reduction with ageing andthat there is autonomic immaturity in neonates. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristic pattern of cardiacautonomic behavior in healthy dogs in different age groups through short-term HRV analysis.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 87 healthy dogs were studied. HRV was analyzed in time and frequency domain,using Holter and heart rate monitor. It was observed that puppies (below one year old) presented a lower parasympatheticpredominance and, consequently, lower HRV values on time domain (SDNN, PNN50% e RMSSD) compared to the other2 groups and on frequency domain (LF, HF and LF/HF) compared to the adult animals group (between 1 and 7-year-old),which presented higher HRV values when compared to the other groups. Elderly dogs (over 8-year-old) exhibited a naturaltendency to decrease cardiac parasympathetic HRV indexes.Discussion: The use of the HRV method as a prognostic index and as an arrhythmogenic marker for various canine heartdiseases presents interesting perspectives. However, before it may be employed for these purposes, a better understandingshould be established regarding the physiological behavior of autonomic cardiac modulation in different age groups toserve as a basis for future analyses. This study observed that puppies presented higher values for HR and, therefore, shorter...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Frequência Cardíaca , Fatores Etários , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Valores de ReferênciaResumo
Andropogon lateralis Nees is a native grass of southern Brazil and is one of the most frequent specie found in native grasslands. The species is widely distributed and has a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, which makes it highly adaptable to different edaphoclimatic conditions and management. This study aimed to evaluate the behavior of twelve ecotypes of A. lateralis, collected in different regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and cut to three different heights and subjected to two different defoliation frequencies. From September to February, the ecotypes were evaluated for total dry matter, leaf and stem yields. In addition, total, vegetative and reproductive tillers and plant height were measured. These characteristics are important for the selection of superior genotypes in terms of genetic variability and forage production. Total dry matter and leaf dry matter are characteristics with agronomic importance and they showed the highest correlation (r = 0.77), enabling an indirect selection for one of these characteristics. The natural selection of plants resulted in distinct structural, morphological and productive characteristics with heterogeneity that allows the selection and grouping according to the characteristics, ecotypes with superior agronomic characteristics can be included in breeding programs.
Andropogon lateralis Nees é uma gramínea nativa do sul do Brasil e uma das espécies mais frequentes na flora dos campos nativos da região. Possui ampla distribuição e alto grau de plasticidade fenotípica, tornando-o adaptável as condições edafoclimáticas e a práticas de desfolha. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a dissimilaridade entre doze ecótipos de A. lateralis N., coletados em diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, submetidos a duas frequências de desfolha e três alturas de corte. No período de setembro a fevereiro, os ecótipos foram avaliados quanto à produção de matéria seca total, de lâminas foliares e de colmo. Além disso, foram medidos o número de perfilhos totais, vegetativos e reprodutivos e a altura das plantas. Essas características são importantes para a seleção de genótipos superiores em termos de variabilidade genética e produção de forragem. A matéria seca total e a matéria seca foliar são características com importância agronômica e apresentaram a maior correlação (r = 0,77), possibilitando uma seleção indireta para uma dessas características. A seleção natural das plantas resultou em características estruturais, morfológicas e produtivas distintas com uma heterogeneidade que permite a seleção e agrupamento de acordo com as características, ecótipos com características agronômicas superiores podem ser incluídos em programas de melhoramento.
Seleção Genética , Andropogon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Andropogon/genética , EcótipoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of harvesting corn at different maturity stages for silage production combined with four storage periods, considering nutrient loss and the chemical composition of silage of the whole plant and also of grainless plants. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of six maturity stages of corn [reproductive (R); R1 to R6] and four periods of silage storage (30, 60, 90, and 120 days). At stages R1 and R2, losses by effluents occurred more intensely when compared with the more advanced stages, whereas losses by gases showed the opposite behavior, with stage R6 responsible for the greatest losses. Stage R4 showed a stable dry matter (DM) content during the storage period, 42.08%, and had the lowest levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) for the whole plant silage. The ADL in the silage of grainless plant of stage R4 was not the lowest, but it was close to the first reproductive stages, being an important point, since the first reproductive stages can present a vegetative fraction of better quality. The highest DM volumes produced by area occurred in the most advanced stages; however, R5 obtained a greater reduction in volume over the days of storage (20.66 kg day−1). The production cost was lower at the advanced stages (R4, R5, and R6) when compared with the first reproductive stages (R1, R2, and R3), and in general, during the storage period the costs did not have great variations. Based on the chemical composition of the silages, DM losses during the storage period, the stability in the costs of DM ton over the days of storage, the R4 stage was the most suitable for silage production.(AU)
Silagem , Grão Comestível/química , Zea mays/química , FermentaçãoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the ingestive behavior and body surface temperature of F1 Holstein × Zebu cows that were non-lactating in the final third of gestation and managed in two pastoral environments. Forty F1 Holstein × Zebu cows divided into two pastoral environments were evaluated: signal grass (Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk) deferred at the beginning of regrowth and pasture of xaraés grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés) in vegetative growth in four periods during the day (morning, afternoon, night and dawn), following the completely randomized design in a factorial scheme. Each cow is the experimental unit. The total grazing time was 32.22% higher in the signal grass than xaraés grass (averageof 479.50 minutes). There was an interaction between the pastoral environments and the times of day on the black globe temperature and humidity index (BGHI). In the pasture of signal grass, the BGHI was 19.07% higher in the morning and afternoon periods than the average (68.95) verified during the night and dawn. F1 Holstein × Zebu cows grazing time in the final third of gestation is influenced by the pasture condition and not by the climate since they feed in a high BGHI environment.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Paspalum/química , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the ingestive behavior and body surface temperature of F1 Holstein × Zebu cows that were non-lactating in the final third of gestation and managed in two pastoral environments. Forty F1 Holstein × Zebu cows divided into two pastoral environments were evaluated: signal grass (Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk) deferred at the beginning of regrowth and pasture of xaraés grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés) in vegetative growth in four periods during the day (morning, afternoon, night and dawn), following the completely randomized design in a factorial scheme. Each cow is the experimental unit. The total grazing time was 32.22% higher in the signal grass than xaraés grass (averageof 479.50 minutes). There was an interaction between the pastoral environments and the times of day on the black globe temperature and humidity index (BGHI). In the pasture of signal grass, the BGHI was 19.07% higher in the morning and afternoon periods than the average (68.95) verified during the night and dawn. F1 Holstein × Zebu cows grazing time in the final third of gestation is influenced by the pasture condition and not by the climate since they feed in a high BGHI environment.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Paspalum/química , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the ingestive behavior and body surface temperature of F1 Holstein × Zebu cows that were non-lactating in the final third of gestation and managed in two pastoral environments. Forty F1 Holstein × Zebu cows divided into two pastoral environments were evaluated: signal grass (Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk) deferred at the beginning of regrowth and pasture of xaraés grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés) in vegetative growth in four periods during the day (morning, afternoon, night and dawn), following the completely randomized design in a factorial scheme. Each cow is the experimental unit. The total grazing time was 32.22% higher in the signal grass than xaraés grass (averageof 479.50 minutes). There was an interaction between the pastoral environments and the times of day on the black globe temperature and humidity index (BGHI). In the pasture of signal grass, the BGHI was 19.07% higher in the morning and afternoon periods than the average (68.95) verified during the night and dawn. F1 Holstein × Zebu cows grazing time in the final third of gestation is influenced by the pasture condition and not by the climate since they feed in a high BGHI environment.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Paspalum/química , Ração Animal/análise , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
Family farmers preserve the tradition of cultivating maize landrace varieties because these plants have characteristics that hybrids lack. The greatest challenge in conserving in situ on-farm genetic diversity is avoiding gene flow and genetic introgression of transgenes to landrace varieties. Thus, farmers are obliged to change sowing times to guarantee temporal isolation since most farms are small, making spatial isolation impossible. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the behavior of maize landrace varieties submitted to different sowing times and densities in an agroecological system. The test was conducted in sub-sub-divided plots, where the main plot was represented by the sowing time, the sub-plot by the genotype, and the sub-sub-plot by the density, with three replications, for two consecutive years. The results demonstrate the effect of sowing time and density on the characteristics evaluated. In western Santa Catarina, the best time to sow seeds of maize landrace varieties in an agroecological system is in September, which is when the varieties expressed the greatest potential at densities from 45,000 to 50,000 pl.ha-1 , but it will not avoid transgene contamination.(AU)
Famílias camponesas preservaram a tradição do cultivo das variedades crioulas de milho estimuladas por características que os híbridos não apresentam. Sendo, o maior desafio para a conservação da diversidade genética in situ on farm evitar o fluxo gênico e a introgressão genética de trangenes nas variedades crioulas. Nesse sentido, os agricultores são obrigados a alterar épocas de semeadura para garantir isolamento temporal uma vez que a maioria das áreas é pequena inviabilizando o isolamento no espaço. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de variedades crioulas de milho em sistema de base agroecológica submetidas às diferentes épocas e densidades de semeadura. No ensaio conduzido em parcelas sub-sub-divididas, a parcela principal foi representada pela época, a sub-parcela pelo genótipo e a sub-sub-parcela pela densidade, com três repetições, por dois anos consecutivos. Os resultados demostraram efeito de época e densidade de semeadura nas características avaliadas. É possível indicar que a época mais adequada para semeadura de variedades crioulas de milho em sistema de base agroecológica é em setembro para o oeste de Santa Catarina, sendo que para essa época as variedades expressaram maior potencial de produtividade de grãos na faixa de densidade de 45000 a 50000 pl.ha-1 , mas não impedirá a contaminação por transgene.(AU)
Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Zea mays/genética , Agricultura Sustentável/métodosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the oviposition behavior of Helicoverpa armigera confined in different adult pair density and growth stages of soybean plants, and the resistance of soybean genotypes to H. armigera in the category nonpreference for oviposition. The oviposition behavior of H. armigera was assessed using one, two, and four adult pairs per soybean plant of the cultivar BR-16 at the growth stages: vegetative V8 (eighth unrolled trifoliate leaf), reproductive R2 (full bloom) and reproductive R5.2 (beginning seed). The nonpreference for oviposition was evaluated using eight soybean genotypes and an oviposition preference index was calculated. The number of trichomes in leaflets was quantified for being correlated to H. armigera oviposition. One adult pair and soybean plants stage at pod-set affected and showed the best results oviposition preference on soybean plants. The genotypes M8230-RR and W711-RR presented resistance characteristics, and PI-227687 was preferred for oviposition. The trichome density positively affects the female oviposition behavior.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de oviposição de Helicoverpa armigera confinadas em diferentes densidades de casais e estádios fenológicos de plantas de soja, e a resistência de genótipos de soja na categoria não preferência para oviposição para H. armigera. Para o comportamento de oviposição de H. armigera, foram avaliadas as densidades de um, dois e quatro casais por planta, e os estádios fenológicos vegetativo, de florescimento e reprodutivo de plantas de soja do cultivar BR 16. Para o teste de não preferência para oviposição, oito genótipos de soja foram utilizados e um índice de preferência para oviposição foi calculado. A densidade de tricomas nos folíolos foi quantificada para ser correlacionada com a oviposição de H. armigera. A densidade de um casal e plantas de soja em estádio reprodutivo proporcionaram os melhores resultados quanto à preferência para oviposição de H. armigera em soja. Os genótipos M8230 RR e W711 RR apresentaram características de resistência, enquanto o PI 227687 foi o mais preferido para oviposição. A quantidade de tricomas influenciou positivamente no comportamento de oviposição das fêmeas.(AU)
Oviposição , Glycine max , Sementes , Tricomas , Genótipo , Insetos , LepidópterosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the oviposition behavior of Helicoverpa armigera confined in different adult pair density and growth stages of soybean plants, and the resistance of soybean genotypes to H. armigera in the category nonpreference for oviposition. The oviposition behavior of H. armigera was assessed using one, two, and four adult pairs per soybean plant of the cultivar BR-16 at the growth stages: vegetative V8 (eighth unrolled trifoliate leaf), reproductive R2 (full bloom) and reproductive R5.2 (beginning seed). The nonpreference for oviposition was evaluated using eight soybean genotypes and an oviposition preference index was calculated. The number of trichomes in leaflets was quantified for being correlated to H. armigera oviposition. One adult pair and soybean plants stage at pod-set affected and showed the best results oviposition preference on soybean plants. The genotypes M8230-RR and W711-RR presented resistance characteristics, and PI-227687 was preferred for oviposition. The trichome density positively affects the female oviposition behavior.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de oviposição de Helicoverpa armigera confinadas em diferentes densidades de casais e estádios fenológicos de plantas de soja, e a resistência de genótipos de soja na categoria não preferência para oviposição para H. armigera. Para o comportamento de oviposição de H. armigera, foram avaliadas as densidades de um, dois e quatro casais por planta, e os estádios fenológicos vegetativo, de florescimento e reprodutivo de plantas de soja do cultivar BR 16. Para o teste de não preferência para oviposição, oito genótipos de soja foram utilizados e um índice de preferência para oviposição foi calculado. A densidade de tricomas nos folíolos foi quantificada para ser correlacionada com a oviposição de H. armigera. A densidade de um casal e plantas de soja em estádio reprodutivo proporcionaram os melhores resultados quanto à preferência para oviposição de H. armigera em soja. Os genótipos M8230 RR e W711 RR apresentaram características de resistência, enquanto o PI 227687 foi o mais preferido para oviposição. A quantidade de tricomas influenciou positivamente no comportamento de oviposição das fêmeas.(AU)
Oviposição , Glycine max , Sementes , Tricomas , Genótipo , Insetos , LepidópterosResumo
Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patients ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Dosagem/métodos , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso AutônomoResumo
Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patients ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR<50 bpm occurred during 05 h 20 min 36 s. Still, 320 pause events (>2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dosagem/métodos , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso AutônomoResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of heat stress on 12 bean genotypes through the analysis of their reproductive biology in terms of flowering, pollen viability, meiotic behavior, and production. Plants were grown in a climate chamber at 25-20 °C (day and night) and at a high temperature treatment 37-26 °C (day and night) from the vegetative (V4) development stage to physiological maturity. The experimental design was 2 × 12 factorial arrangement with six replications and the factors consisted of heat treatments and genotypes. In three replications, the number of newly opened flowers was checked daily. At physiological maturity, the following traits were evaluated: percentage of pod set, number of pods, number of viable seeds, number of aborted seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield (g per plant). The other three replications were used to collect flowers to create slides to study viability of the pollen grain and analyze the meiotic behavior. The heat treatment factor significantly affected the following traits: total number of pollen grains, number of flowers, number of pods, pod set, number of viable seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield. The raised temperature reduced these variables, except for percentage of pod set, and increased meiotic irregularities. The mean values regarding seed yield were 16.39 g per plant for the control treatment and 7.46 g per plant under high temperature. IAC Imperador, FT Nobre, Pérola, BRS Estilo, and IAC Diplomata stood out for higher bean seed yield under increased temperature.
Phaseolus , Pólen , PolinizaçãoResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of heat stress on 12 bean genotypes through the analysis of their reproductive biology in terms of flowering, pollen viability, meiotic behavior, and production. Plants were grown in a climate chamber at 25-20 °C (day and night) and at a high temperature treatment 37-26 °C (day and night) from the vegetative (V4) development stage to physiological maturity. The experimental design was 2 × 12 factorial arrangement with six replications and the factors consisted of heat treatments and genotypes. In three replications, the number of newly opened flowers was checked daily. At physiological maturity, the following traits were evaluated: percentage of pod set, number of pods, number of viable seeds, number of aborted seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield (g per plant). The other three replications were used to collect flowers to create slides to study viability of the pollen grain and analyze the meiotic behavior. The heat treatment factor significantly affected the following traits: total number of pollen grains, number of flowers, number of pods, pod set, number of viable seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield. The raised temperature reduced these variables, except for percentage of pod set, and increased meiotic irregularities. The mean values regarding seed yield were 16.39 g per plant for the control treatment and 7.46 g per plant under high temperature. IAC Imperador, FT Nobre, Pérola, BRS Estilo, and IAC Diplomata stood out for higher bean seed yield under increased temperature.(AU)
Phaseolus , Pólen , PolinizaçãoResumo
As altas temperaturas e baixa pluviosidade salinizam água e solo na Região Nordeste, ocasionando redução no desenvolvimento de diversas espécies, dentre elas, o feijoeiro fava.Para tanto, objetivou-se avaliar variedades de feijão-fava submetidas a níveis de salinidade e adubação orgânica. O estudo foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, nas dependências da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, campus Pombal. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, disposto em esquema fatorial 3x4x5, sendo: três variedades de feijão-fava (V1: lavandeira; V2: raio-de-sol e V3: rajada), quatro volumes de esterco bovino (A1: 0% - sem adubação; A2: 8%; A3: 16% e A4: 24%), aplicados em função do volume de solo do recipiente e cinco níveis de salinidade na água de irrigação (S1= 0,3 dSm-1; S2= 1,0 dSm-1; S3= 1,7 dSm-1; S4= 2,4 dSm-1e S5= 3,1 dSm-1). A variedade Raio de Sol apresentou maior crescimento em relação às demais, entretanto a cultivar Rajada apresentou maior aclimatização às condições salinas, principalmente com uso do esterco bovino na concentração de 24%. O esterco bovino atenua o efeito nocivo da salinidade, entretanto doses acima de 16% de esterco em altas salinidades podem ser prejudiciais ao feijoeiro-fava.
The high temperatures and low rainfall salinize water and soil in the Northeast Region, causing a reduction in the development of several species, among them, fava bean. The objective of this study was to evaluate bean-fava varieties submitted to levels of salinity and organic fertilization. The study was conducted in a protected environment, in the dependencies of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal campus. The experimental design was a randomized block design, arranged in a 3x4x5 factorial scheme: three varieties of bean (V1: lavandeira, V2: sunshine and V3: rajada), four volumes of bovine manure (A1: 0% - without fertilization; A2: 8%; A3: 16% and A4: 24%), applied as a function of the soil volume of the container and five levels of salinity in the irrigation water (S1 = 0.3 dSm-1; S2 = 1.0 dSm-1; S3 = 1.7 dSm-1; S4 = 2.4 dSm-1 and S5 = 3.1 dSm-1). The Raio de Sol variety presented higher growth in relation to the others, however, the cultivar Rajada presented a higher acclimatization to saline conditions, mainly with the use of bovine manure in the concentration of 24%. Bovine manure attenuates the harmful effect of salinity, however, doses above 16% of manure at high salinity can be harmful to common bean.
Esterco/análise , Phaseolus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solos Salitrosos , Águas Salinas/efeitos adversos , Salinidade , Tratamento do SoloResumo
As altas temperaturas e baixa pluviosidade salinizam água e solo na Região Nordeste, ocasionando redução no desenvolvimento de diversas espécies, dentre elas, o feijoeiro fava.Para tanto, objetivou-se avaliar variedades de feijão-fava submetidas a níveis de salinidade e adubação orgânica. O estudo foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, nas dependências da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, campus Pombal. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, disposto em esquema fatorial 3x4x5, sendo: três variedades de feijão-fava (V1: lavandeira; V2: raio-de-sol e V3: rajada), quatro volumes de esterco bovino (A1: 0% - sem adubação; A2: 8%; A3: 16% e A4: 24%), aplicados em função do volume de solo do recipiente e cinco níveis de salinidade na água de irrigação (S1= 0,3 dSm-1; S2= 1,0 dSm-1; S3= 1,7 dSm-1; S4= 2,4 dSm-1e S5= 3,1 dSm-1). A variedade Raio de Sol apresentou maior crescimento em relação às demais, entretanto a cultivar Rajada apresentou maior aclimatização às condições salinas, principalmente com uso do esterco bovino na concentração de 24%. O esterco bovino atenua o efeito nocivo da salinidade, entretanto doses acima de 16% de esterco em altas salinidades podem ser prejudiciais ao feijoeiro-fava.(AU)
The high temperatures and low rainfall salinize water and soil in the Northeast Region, causing a reduction in the development of several species, among them, fava bean. The objective of this study was to evaluate bean-fava varieties submitted to levels of salinity and organic fertilization. The study was conducted in a protected environment, in the dependencies of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal campus. The experimental design was a randomized block design, arranged in a 3x4x5 factorial scheme: three varieties of bean (V1: lavandeira, V2: sunshine and V3: rajada), four volumes of bovine manure (A1: 0% - without fertilization; A2: 8%; A3: 16% and A4: 24%), applied as a function of the soil volume of the container and five levels of salinity in the irrigation water (S1 = 0.3 dSm-1; S2 = 1.0 dSm-1; S3 = 1.7 dSm-1; S4 = 2.4 dSm-1 and S5 = 3.1 dSm-1). The Raio de Sol variety presented higher growth in relation to the others, however, the cultivar Rajada presented a higher acclimatization to saline conditions, mainly with the use of bovine manure in the concentration of 24%. Bovine manure attenuates the harmful effect of salinity, however, doses above 16% of manure at high salinity can be harmful to common bean.(AU)