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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.755-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458563


Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Função Atrial , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 755, Feb. 21, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765214


Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Função Atrial , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07097, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394498


The present study aimed to identify and describe cardiac alterations in sheep experimentally poisoned with Palicourea marcgravii through analysis of serum cardiac biomarkers (serum troponin I and creatine kinase - CK-MB) and electro and echocardiographic assessments to contribute to a better understanding of the poisoning pathophysiology. P. marcgravii is the main plant within a group of 22 species that cause sudden death in Brazil; its toxic principle is sodium monofluoroacetate. Eight healthy crossbreed male sheep, aged between five and twelve months, weighing 14 to 27kg, were evaluated. The animals received 1g kg-1 of P. marcgravii plants orally. The sheep were evaluated before administering the plant (T0) through electro and echocardiography and blood collection to assess cardiac biomarkers (CK-MB and cTnI). Collections and analyses were repeated every four hours until the animal's death. During the study, there was the presence of extravasation of serum troponin I carried out in a qualitative test, with positive values at time T4, and the serum CK-MB biomarker had a peak at T4 and slightly decreased at T8. The electro and echocardiographic examinations showed that the cause of death in these animals was due to acute heart failure characterized by arrhythmias, tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation, drop in cardiac output, left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction by the progressive decrease in the LV ejection fraction (EF), decrease in LV fractional shortening (FS), and decrease in aortic flow velocity and aortic flow gradient. This study seems to be the first to evaluate cardiac alterations in sheep poisoned by P. marcgravii through cardiac biomarkers and electro and echocardiographic exams.

O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever as alterações cardíacas de ovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Palicourea marcgravii através das análises de biomarcadores cardíacos séricos (troponina I sérica e a creatinoquinase - MB) e das avaliações eletro e ecocardiográficas contribuindo para o melhor entendimento da fisiopatologia da intoxicação. Palicourea marcgravii é a principal planta dentro de um grupo de 22 espécies que causam "morte súbita" no Brasil e seu princípio tóxico é o monofluoracetato de sódio. Foram utilizados oito ovinos saudáveis machos, sem raça definida, com idades entre cinco e doze meses e peso de 14 a 27kg. Os animais receberam 1g/kg de Palicourea marcgravii por via oral. Os ovinos foram avaliados momentos antes da administração da planta (T0) através de eletro e ecocardiograma e coleta de sangue para avaliação dos biomarcadores cardíacos (CK-MB e cTnI). As análises e coletas foram repetidas a cada quatro horas até o óbito do animal. Durante o estudo observou-se extravasamento de troponina I sérica realizada em teste qualitativo, com valores positivos já em T4, assim como o biomarcador CK-MB sérico teve seu pico de aumento em T4 e em T8 houve uma leve redução. Aos exames eletro e ecocardiográfico foi possível determinar que a causa do óbito nestes animais ocorreu devido à insuficiência cardíaca aguda caracterizada por arritmias, taquicardia/fibrilação ventricular, queda no débito cardíaco, disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) pela diminuição progressiva da fração de ejeção (EF) do VE, diminuição na fração de encurtamento (FS) do VE, diminuição da velocidade do fluxo aórtico e do gradiente do fluxo aórtico. Este é o primeiro estudo que avalia as alterações cardiológicas de ovinos intoxicados por P. marcgravii através de biomarcadores cardíacos e exames eletro e ecocardiográficos.

Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos , Rubiaceae/toxicidade , Cardiopatias/etiologia , Ovinos , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(8): 635-642, Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1040724


Boxer dogs with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) can experience sudden cardiac death regardless of presence/absence of clinical signs. The aims of this retrospective study were two-fold: 1) to investigate the coupling interval (CI) and prematurity index (PI) of ventricular arrhythmias (VA), and the heart rate variability (HRV) in Boxers, and 2) to evaluate their impact on overall survival time. The first 24-hour Holter 36 client-owned Boxer dogs meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria were evaluated for the number, morphology, site of origin, complexity, CI and PI, of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs), and time domain HRV. The effect on survival was assessed, considering the presence/absence of ventricular tachycardia (VT), and syncope. All-cause mortality was considered as the end-point, with median survival times being obtained by Kaplan-Meier analyses and compared by log-rank test. Polymorphic VPCs were more common in symptomatic dogs than asymptomatic. VPCs in dogs with VT were less premature, due to the influence of heart rate on PI despite comparable CI. The PI and mean heart rate (HRme) were significantly different between VT and non-VT dogs but did not discriminate adequately between groups as standalone tests. Median survival time was shorter in Boxer dogs with VT (463 vs 1645 days, HR: 4.31, P=0.03). The HRV parameters, SDNN and SDANN, were both associated with prognosis. The CI and PI were not demonstrated to be prognostic surrogates in Boxer dogs with VA. HRme≥112bpm is 100% sensitive but only 46% specific for detecting VT in Boxers on the 24-hour Holter. Presence of VT, SDNN≤245ms, or SDANN≤134ms at the time of the first 24-hour Holter was associated with a shorter survival.(AU)

Cães da raça Boxer com cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito (CAVD) podem apresentar morte súbita independentemente da presença/ausência de sinais clínicos. Os objetivos desse estudo retrospectivo foram: 1) investigar o intervalo de acoplamento (IA) e o índice de prematuridade (IP) das arritmias ventriculares e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) em Boxers, e 2) avaliar o impacto de tais características sob o tempo de sobrevida global. O primeiro Holter de 24 horas de 36 Boxers selecionados para os critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram avaliados para o número, morfologia, local de origem, complexidade, IA e IP dos complexos ventriculares prematuros (CVPs) e da VFC no domínio do tempo. O efeito na sobrevida foi avaliado, considerado a presença/ausência de taquicardia ventricular (TV), e síncope. O desfecho final foi a mortalidade global, com o tempo de sobrevida mediano sendo obtido pela análise de Kaplan-Meier e comparado pelo teste de log-rank. CVPs polimórficos foram mais comuns em cães sintomáticos. Os CVPs em Boxers com TV foram menos prematuros, devido à influência da frequência cardíaca (FC) sobre o IP, apesar de IA comparáveis. O IP e a FC média diferiram entre os cães com TV e os sem, mas não discriminam adequadamente os grupos como variáveis isoladas. A sobrevida global foi menor nos cães com TV (463 dias vs 1645 dias, HR=4,31, P=0,03). Os parâmetros da VFC, SDNN e SDANN, foram associados ao prognóstico. O IA e o IP não possuem valor prognóstico em Boxers com arritmias ventriculares. A FC média ≥112bpm é 100% sensível, mas apenas 46% específica para detectar Boxers com TV no Holter de 24 horas. A presença de TV, SDNN≤245ms, ou SDANN≤134ms no momento do primeiro Holter de 24 horas estão associados a menor sobrevida global no Boxer.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Simpático/fisiopatologia , Displasia Arritmogênica Ventricular Direita/veterinária , Morte Súbita/etiologia , Morte Súbita/veterinária , Frequência Cardíaca
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(8): 635-642, Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25181


Boxer dogs with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) can experience sudden cardiac death regardless of presence/absence of clinical signs. The aims of this retrospective study were two-fold: 1) to investigate the coupling interval (CI) and prematurity index (PI) of ventricular arrhythmias (VA), and the heart rate variability (HRV) in Boxers, and 2) to evaluate their impact on overall survival time. The first 24-hour Holter 36 client-owned Boxer dogs meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria were evaluated for the number, morphology, site of origin, complexity, CI and PI, of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs), and time domain HRV. The effect on survival was assessed, considering the presence/absence of ventricular tachycardia (VT), and syncope. All-cause mortality was considered as the end-point, with median survival times being obtained by Kaplan-Meier analyses and compared by log-rank test. Polymorphic VPCs were more common in symptomatic dogs than asymptomatic. VPCs in dogs with VT were less premature, due to the influence of heart rate on PI despite comparable CI. The PI and mean heart rate (HRme) were significantly different between VT and non-VT dogs but did not discriminate adequately between groups as standalone tests. Median survival time was shorter in Boxer dogs with VT (463 vs 1645 days, HR: 4.31, P=0.03). The HRV parameters, SDNN and SDANN, were both associated with prognosis. The CI and PI were not demonstrated to be prognostic surrogates in Boxer dogs with VA. HRme≥112bpm is 100% sensitive but only 46% specific for detecting VT in Boxers on the 24-hour Holter. Presence of VT, SDNN≤245ms, or SDANN≤134ms at the time of the first 24-hour Holter was associated with a shorter survival.(AU)

Cães da raça Boxer com cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito (CAVD) podem apresentar morte súbita independentemente da presença/ausência de sinais clínicos. Os objetivos desse estudo retrospectivo foram: 1) investigar o intervalo de acoplamento (IA) e o índice de prematuridade (IP) das arritmias ventriculares e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) em Boxers, e 2) avaliar o impacto de tais características sob o tempo de sobrevida global. O primeiro Holter de 24 horas de 36 Boxers selecionados para os critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram avaliados para o número, morfologia, local de origem, complexidade, IA e IP dos complexos ventriculares prematuros (CVPs) e da VFC no domínio do tempo. O efeito na sobrevida foi avaliado, considerado a presença/ausência de taquicardia ventricular (TV), e síncope. O desfecho final foi a mortalidade global, com o tempo de sobrevida mediano sendo obtido pela análise de Kaplan-Meier e comparado pelo teste de log-rank. CVPs polimórficos foram mais comuns em cães sintomáticos. Os CVPs em Boxers com TV foram menos prematuros, devido à influência da frequência cardíaca (FC) sobre o IP, apesar de IA comparáveis. O IP e a FC média diferiram entre os cães com TV e os sem, mas não discriminam adequadamente os grupos como variáveis isoladas. A sobrevida global foi menor nos cães com TV (463 dias vs 1645 dias, HR=4,31, P=0,03). Os parâmetros da VFC, SDNN e SDANN, foram associados ao prognóstico. O IA e o IP não possuem valor prognóstico em Boxers com arritmias ventriculares. A FC média ≥112bpm é 100% sensível, mas apenas 46% específica para detectar Boxers com TV no Holter de 24 horas. A presença de TV, SDNN≤245ms, ou SDANN≤134ms no momento do primeiro Holter de 24 horas estão associados a menor sobrevida global no Boxer.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Simpático/fisiopatologia , Displasia Arritmogênica Ventricular Direita/veterinária , Morte Súbita/etiologia , Morte Súbita/veterinária , Frequência Cardíaca
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(8)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-744290


ABSTRACT: Boxer dogs with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) can experience sudden cardiac death regardless of presence/absence of clinical signs. The aims of this retrospective study were two-fold: 1) to investigate the coupling interval (CI) and prematurity index (PI) of ventricular arrhythmias (VA), and the heart rate variability (HRV) in Boxers, and 2) to evaluate their impact on overall survival time. The first 24-hour Holter 36 client-owned Boxer dogs meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria were evaluated for the number, morphology, site of origin, complexity, CI and PI, of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs), and time domain HRV. The effect on survival was assessed, considering the presence/absence of ventricular tachycardia (VT), and syncope. All-cause mortality was considered as the end-point, with median survival times being obtained by Kaplan-Meier analyses and compared by log-rank test. Polymorphic VPCs were more common in symptomatic dogs than asymptomatic. VPCs in dogs with VT were less premature, due to the influence of heart rate on PI despite comparable CI. The PI and mean heart rate (HRme) were significantly different between VT and non-VT dogs but did not discriminate adequately between groups as standalone tests. Median survival time was shorter in Boxer dogs with VT (463 vs 1645 days, HR: 4.31, P=0.03). The HRV parameters, SDNN and SDANN, were both associated with prognosis. The CI and PI were not demonstrated to be prognostic surrogates in Boxer dogs with VA. HRme112bpm is 100% sensitive but only 46% specific for detecting VT in Boxers on the 24-hour Holter. Presence of VT, SDNN245ms, or SDANN134ms at the time of the first 24-hour Holter was associated with a shorter survival.

RESUMO: Cães da raça Boxer com cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito (CAVD) podem apresentar morte súbita independentemente da presença/ausência de sinais clínicos. Os objetivos desse estudo retrospectivo foram: 1) investigar o intervalo de acoplamento (IA) e o índice de prematuridade (IP) das arritmias ventriculares e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) em Boxers, e 2) avaliar o impacto de tais características sob o tempo de sobrevida global. O primeiro Holter de 24 horas de 36 Boxers selecionados para os critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram avaliados para o número, morfologia, local de origem, complexidade, IA e IP dos complexos ventriculares prematuros (CVPs) e da VFC no domínio do tempo. O efeito na sobrevida foi avaliado, considerado a presença/ausência de taquicardia ventricular (TV), e síncope. O desfecho final foi a mortalidade global, com o tempo de sobrevida mediano sendo obtido pela análise de Kaplan-Meier e comparado pelo teste de log-rank. CVPs polimórficos foram mais comuns em cães sintomáticos. Os CVPs em Boxers com TV foram menos prematuros, devido à influência da frequência cardíaca (FC) sobre o IP, apesar de IA comparáveis. O IP e a FC média diferiram entre os cães com TV e os sem, mas não discriminam adequadamente os grupos como variáveis isoladas. A sobrevida global foi menor nos cães com TV (463 dias vs 1645 dias, HR=4,31, P=0,03). Os parâmetros da VFC, SDNN e SDANN, foram associados ao prognóstico. O IA e o IP não possuem valor prognóstico em Boxers com arritmias ventriculares. A FC média 112bpm é 100% sensível, mas apenas 46% específica para detectar Boxers com TV no Holter de 24 horas. A presença de TV, SDNN245ms, ou SDANN134ms no momento do primeiro Holter de 24 horas estão associados a menor sobrevida global no Boxer.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 376, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19503


Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the in-crease in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case:A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extra-systoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed.Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/diagnóstico , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/veterinária , Bloqueio Sinoatrial/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.376-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458138


Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the in-crease in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case:A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extra-systoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed.Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/diagnóstico , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/veterinária , Bloqueio Sinoatrial/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 26: 1-4, 25 fev. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20910


O crack é uma potente droga ilícita que traz grave sintomatologia. A ingestão não é a forma habitual de utilização da droga, e sim pelo fumo. Quando o sistema nervoso é estimulado por essa substância ocorre vasoconstrição, aumento da pressão arterial, taquicardia e pode haver arritmias ventriculares, mas os efeitos no organismo são agravados quando ocorre a ingestão, devido a ação ionizante do suco gástrico no estômago. As consequências para o intestino podem ser de isquemia por conta da vasoconstrição e consequentemente necrose, por diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo. Esse artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um cão da raça Bull Terrier com três anos de idade que ingeriu duas pedras da droga acidentalmente e foi submetido ao tratamento clínico de suporte, medicamentos adsorventes, protetores gástricos e hepáticos, associado a fármacos anticonvulsivos, promovendo o restabelecimento de sua saúde.(AU)

Crack is a powerful and illegal drug which causes a severe symptomatology. Its ingestion is not the common way of its use, which is through smoking. When the nervous system is stimulated by this substance, there are vasoconstriction, increase of arterial pressure, tachycardia and there might be ventricular arrhythmia, but the effects on the organism are worse when there is drug ingestion, because of the stomach gastric juices ionizing action. The consequences for the stomach may be ischemia caused by vasoconstriction and, later then, necrosis caused by low blood irrigation. This paper has the goal to relate the case of a three-year-old Bull Terrier, who accidently ingested two rocks of the drug and was submitted to clinical support treatment, adsorbent drugs, gastric and hepatic protective drugs, associated to antiseizures drugs, providing the dogs health improvement.(AU)

El crack es una droga ilegal de gran alcance que trae síntomas graves. La ingestión no es la forma habitual de usar el medicamento, pero a través del humo. Cuando el sistema nervioso es estimulado por la sustancia se produce vasoconstricción, aumento de la presión sanguínea, taquicardia y arritmias ventriculares, pero los efectos en el cuerpo se agravan cuando la ingesta se produce por la acción ionizante de los jugos gástricos en el estómago. El efecto sobre la isquemia intestinal puede ser debido a la vasoconstricción y de este modo necrosis, por disminución del flujo sanguíneo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar el caso de un perro de raza Bull Terrier con tres años de edad que ingirió dos piedras de la droga accidentalmente y fue sometido a un tratamiento doctor de apoyo, adsorbentes medicamentos, protectores gástricos y hepáticos, asociados con los fármacos anticonvulsivos, promoviendo la restauración de su salud.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cocaína Crack/toxicidade , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Drogas Ilícitas , Intoxicação/veterinária , Overdose de Drogas/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 26: 1-4, 25 fev. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503540


O crack é uma potente droga ilícita que traz grave sintomatologia. A ingestão não é a forma habitual de utilização da droga, e sim pelo fumo. Quando o sistema nervoso é estimulado por essa substância ocorre vasoconstrição, aumento da pressão arterial, taquicardia e pode haver arritmias ventriculares, mas os efeitos no organismo são agravados quando ocorre a ingestão, devido a ação ionizante do suco gástrico no estômago. As consequências para o intestino podem ser de isquemia por conta da vasoconstrição e consequentemente necrose, por diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo. Esse artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um cão da raça Bull Terrier com três anos de idade que ingeriu duas pedras da droga acidentalmente e foi submetido ao tratamento clínico de suporte, medicamentos adsorventes, protetores gástricos e hepáticos, associado a fármacos anticonvulsivos, promovendo o restabelecimento de sua saúde.

Crack is a powerful and illegal drug which causes a severe symptomatology. Its ingestion is not the common way of its use, which is through smoking. When the nervous system is stimulated by this substance, there are vasoconstriction, increase of arterial pressure, tachycardia and there might be ventricular arrhythmia, but the effects on the organism are worse when there is drug ingestion, because of the stomach gastric juice’s ionizing action. The consequences for the stomach may be ischemia caused by vasoconstriction and, later then, necrosis caused by low blood irrigation. This paper has the goal to relate the case of a three-year-old Bull Terrier, who accidently ingested two rocks of the drug and was submitted to clinical support treatment, adsorbent drugs, gastric and hepatic protective drugs, associated to antiseizure’s drugs, providing the dog’s health improvement.

El crack es una droga ilegal de gran alcance que trae síntomas graves. La ingestión no es la forma habitual de usar el medicamento, pero a través del humo. Cuando el sistema nervioso es estimulado por la sustancia se produce vasoconstricción, aumento de la presión sanguínea, taquicardia y arritmias ventriculares, pero los efectos en el cuerpo se agravan cuando la ingesta se produce por la acción ionizante de los jugos gástricos en el estómago. El efecto sobre la isquemia intestinal puede ser debido a la vasoconstricción y de este modo necrosis, por disminución del flujo sanguíneo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar el caso de un perro de raza Bull Terrier con tres años de edad que ingirió dos piedras de la droga accidentalmente y fue sometido a un tratamiento doctor de apoyo, adsorbentes medicamentos, protectores gástricos y hepáticos, asociados con los fármacos anticonvulsivos, promoviendo la restauración de su salud.

Animais , Cães , Cocaína Crack/toxicidade , Drogas Ilícitas , Intoxicação/veterinária , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Overdose de Drogas/veterinária