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Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74619E, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447901


Polishing is an important procedure which takes part in the periodontal disease treatment, being commonly performed with the help of prophylactic paste and provides smoothing of the tooth surface, hindering the adhesion of new plaque. With this study we aimed to evaluate by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the effects of dental polishing observing, qualitatively, the effectiveness and the damage, in three distinct treatments after calculus removal. Twenty (20) teeth were used (four of each dog), from which were obtained three samples each. The sixty samples were distributed into three groups (G0= tooth segmentation submitted to prophylaxis without polishing; G1= vestibular surface prophylaxis followed by polishing with the use of Defengy OC® and G2= vestibular surface prophylaxis followed by polishing with the use of pumice and fluorine gel). The samples were prepared and sent to images execution via SEM. These images, with enlargement of 100x and 500x, were evaluated and the classification averages were obtained. The statistical analysis of these averages was made through the Friedman nonparametric test using the software R. Statistical differences were observed (P<0,05) between groups 0 and 1 in the 100x magnification, whereas in the 500x magnification there was no difference (P>0,05) between the groups. The evaluation based on SEM images at two magnifications was essential, as it allowed the visualization of grooves and remaining calculi in a comprehensive way at 100x magnification and in more detail at 500x.

O polimento é um procedimento importante que faz parte do tratamento da doença periodontal, sendo comumente realizado com auxílio de pasta profilática e, propicia o alisamento da superfície dental, dificultando a adesão de nova placa bacteriana. Com esse estudo, objetivou-se avaliar por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) os efeitos do polimento dental, avaliando qualitativamente, a eficácia e o dano, em três tratamentos distintos, após a remoção dos cálculos dentários. Foram utilizados 20 dentes (quatro de cada cão), de onde se obtiveram três amostras de cada. As 60 amostras foram distribuídas em três grupos (G0= segmentos dentários submetidos à profilaxia sem polimento; G1= profilaxia da face vestibular seguida de polimento com utilização de Defengy OC® e G2= profilaxia da face vestibular seguida de polimento com utilização de pedra pomes e flúor gel). As amostras foram preparadas e enviadas para realização das imagens por MEV. Estas imagens, com ampliação de 100x e de 500x, foram avaliadas e as médias de classificação obtidas. A análise estatística dessas médias foi feita por meio do teste não paramétrico de Friedman, utilizando o software R. Observou-se diferença estatística (P<0,05) entre os grupos 1 e 0 na magnificação de 100x, já na magnificação de 500x não houve diferença estatística (P>0,05) entre os grupos. O polimento foi eficaz ao tornar a superfície do esmalte dental lisa e regular reduzindo as ranhuras provocadas pela limpeza e retirou as granulações de cálculo remanescentes. A avaliação a partir das imagens de MEV em duas ampliações foi fundamental, por ter propiciado a visualização de ranhuras e cálculos remanescentes de forma abrangente na magnificação de 100x e mais detalhadamente na de 500x.

Animais , Cães , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterinária , Esmalte Dentário , Polimento Dentário/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(4): 181-187, out.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434911


A Síndrome Vestibular é um distúrbio frequente na neurologia felina que é caracterizado como um conjunto de sinais neurológicos, causados por uma disfunção de qualquer parte do sistema vestibular. Este é dividido nos componentes periférico e central e o exame neurológico é essencial para localizar a origem da lesão. A Síndrome Vestibular Periférica pode ser causada por anomalias congênitas, neoplasias, traumas, pólipos e doenças inflamatórias; sendo a otite média/interna uma das principais etiopatogenias em cães e gatos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de caso de um felino, fêmea, sem raça definida, de sete meses de idade, apresentando Síndrome Vestibular secundária à otite média. O animal deu entrada na clínica com sinais neurológicos súbitos, apresentando nistagmo e incoordenação motora, bem como secreção nasal unilateral. Foram solicitados exames hematológicos e bioquímicos, ultrassonografia abdominal e radiografia de crânio, além de recomendada a internação. Nos exames bioquímicos, os valores de bilirrubina total e frações estavam acima do valor de referência e a relação albumina/globulina estava diminuída. O exame radiográfico confirmou a suspeita de otite média. O tratamento foi realizado com marbofloxacino e gabapentina. Após o tratamento, o animal apresentou melhora significativa do quadro clínico. Baseado no exposto, conclui-se que a Síndrome Vestibular secundária à alteração otológica é um quadro presente na rotina veterinária, sendo importante a associação de exame clínico e exames complementares para que seja possível chegar ao diagnóstico.

Vestibular syndrome is a frequent disorder in feline neurology that is characterized as a set of neurological signs caused by a dysfunction of any part of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is divided into peripheral and central components, and a neurological examination is essential to locate the origin of the lesion. The peripheral vestibular syndrome can be caused by congenital anomalies, neoplasms, trauma, polyps, and inflammatory diseases, with otitis media/internal being one of the main etiologies in dogs and cats. Thus, the present work aims to present a case report of a feline, female, mixed breed, seven months old, with secondary vestibular syndrome to otitis media. The animal was admitted to the clinic with sudden neurological signs, presenting nystagmus and motor incoordination, as well as unilateral nasal secretion. Hematological and biochemical tests, abdominal ultrasound, and skull radiography were requested, and hospitalization was recommended. In the biochemical tests, the values of total bilirubin and fractions were above the reference value and the albumin/globulin ratio was decreased. The radiographic examination confirmed the suspicion of otitis media. The treatment was performed with marbofloxacin and gabapentin. After treatment, the animal showed a significant improvement in clinical condition. Therefore, it is concluded that secondary vestibular syndrome to otologic alteration is a condition present in the veterinary routine, and the association of clinical examination and complementary exams is important so that it is possible to reach the diagnosis.

Animais , Gatos , Otite Média/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária , Sistema Vestibular/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 785, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370266


Background: Chemodectomas, better known as tumors of the base of the heart, arise from aortic bodies, respiratory chemoreceptors located near or inside the aortic arch or originate from receptors located in the carotid arteries. Relatively rare, they affect dogs and, to a lesser extent, cats. They gain great importance when they influence the function of the cardiovascular system, with animals showing clinical signs related to congestive heart failure. Clinical diagnosis is based on symptomatology and complementary tests such as radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography, while the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytological and histopathological exams. This study aims to reports a case of malignant chemodectoma in a bitch, whose main symptomatology was neurological and not cardiovascular. Case: A 1-year-old Rottweiler bitch was attended with neurological alterations compatible with vestibular syndrome, hyporexia, dysphagia, apathy, melena, emesis, and purulent nasal discharge on the right nostril. On physical examination, the animal showed depressed level of consciousness, poor body condition, bilateral quemosis, paralysis of the right eye, inspiratory dyspnea and muffling of cardiac auscultation, besides a subcutaneous nodule between the scapulae. On neurological evaluation, horizontal nystagmus, head tilt to the right side, ventromedial strabismus and facial nerve paralysis on the right side were observed so that the localization of the lesion was set in peripheral vestibular system. During anesthesia for esophageal tube placement, a mass from the hard palate to the oropharynx was noted, making endotracheal intubation impossible to perform. Biopsy of this nodule was performed, and tracheostomy was indicated, but the owner opted for euthanasia before the procedure. Necropsy revealed white soft masses in the bilateral retromandibular region, on the subcutaneous tissue near the scapulae, in the right ear and since nasopharynx to the soft palate, in addition to sparse white nodules in the heart, lung, carotid artery, kidneys, right ovary, mesentery near to the spleen, and axillary lymph node. Histologically, the nodules were characterized by neoplastic cells population organized in short bundles or cords, arranged around small blood vessels surrounded by delicate connective tissue. Neoplastic cells infiltrated muscles and blood and lymphatic vessels were filled by multiple neoplastic emboli. The histological pattern of the cells allowed the diagnosis of chemodectoma. Discussion: The bitch from this case had 1-year-old when diagnosed with chemodectoma, differently from most cases from literature, that are between 7 to 15 years old. Furthermore, primarily cardiac tumors are considered rare, being chemodectoma the most common, often reported in Boxer and Boston Terrier dogs, but unusual in Rottweilers. Despites some articles mentioning seizure and Horner's Syndrome secondary to a carotid body chemodectoma, neurological signs are not commonly observed in these cases. The presence of the tumor in the middle ear region of the right side supports the occurrence of peripheral vestibular syndrome and facial nerve paralysis on the same side. Because it is a neoplasm that is usually detected late during the course of the disorder, most patients either cannot obtain diagnosis in vivo, as in this reported animal, which was in such a critical condition that underwent euthanasia, or there are no more possible therapeutic choices. In the patient described, there were numerous metastatic masses and nodules spread throughout the body. Although the typical clinical signs in animals with chemodectomas are often related to heart disease, neurological signs may also be present. This report emphasizes the importance of chemodectoma being included as a differential diagnosis in young dogs and even in breeds such as Rottweiler.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Síndromes do Arco Aórtico/veterinária , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária , Paraganglioma Extrassuprarrenal/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-8, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400556


O presente relato de caso tem por objetivo descrever a ocorrência de quadro neurológico tardio, pós-trauma cranioencefálico em um paciente canino, atendido em clínica veterinária particular. O animal foi avaliado clinicamente, com alterações neurológicas intensas de ataxia vestibular, andar compulsivo, paresia, perda de propriocepção nos quatro membros, miose bilateral, anisocoria, entre outros. O diagnóstico foi presuntivo, auxiliado por ressonância magnética, e baseado no histórico detalhado. O tratamento clínico foi determinado empiricamente, a base de dexametasona comercial, associada a metionina, nicotinamida e piridoxina. O paciente apresentou melhora clínica rápida, diminuindo inflamação encefálica e desaparecimento de quadro neurológico.

The present case report aims to describe the occurrence of a late neurological condition, after traumatic brain injury in a canine patient, treated at a private veterinary clinic. The animal was clinically evaluated, with severe neurological alterations of vestibular ataxia, compulsive gait, paresis, loss of proprioception in all four limbs, bilateral miosis, anisocoria, among others. Diagnosis was presumptive, aided by MRI, and based on detailed history. Clinical treatment was empirically determined, based on commercial dexamethasone, associated with methionine, nicotinamide and pyridoxine. The patient showed rapid clinical improvement, with no neurological picture.

El presente reporte de caso tiene como objetivo describir la aparición de una condición neurológica tardía, posterior a un traumatismo craneoencefálico en un paciente canino, atendido en una clínica veterinaria privada. El animal fue evaluado clínicamente, con alteraciones neurológicas severas de ataxia vestibular, marcha compulsiva, paresia, pérdida de propiocepción en las cuatro extremidades, miosis bilateral, anisocoria, entre otras. El diagnóstico fue presuntivo, ayudado por resonancia magnética y basado en una historia clínica detallada. El tratamiento clínico se determinó empíricamente, a base de dexametasona comercial, asociada a metionina, nicotinamida y piridoxina. El paciente presentó una rápida mejoría clínica sin cuadro neurológico.

Animais , Cães , Dexametasona/administração & dosagem , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/terapia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/terapia , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 817, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401496


Background: Polymyositis is a generalized inflammatory myopathy which can lead to rhabdomyolysis. This affection may have several origins, including degenerative, metabolic, autoimmune, infectious, inflammatory, ischemic, traumatic, by drug use, induced by toxins and also of idiopathic origin. Diagnosis is made with seric dosage, electrodiagnostic tests and muscle biopsy. Lesions in the rostral oblong medulla may affect the central vestibular system, and there may be signs such as opisthotonos, nystagmus, and strabismus. The aim of this report is to describe a case of a mixed breed dog with manifestation of polymyositis associated with brainstem signs of probable idiopathic origin. Case: A 5-year-old mixed breed male dog was attended with opisthotonos episodes for 2 days, and pelvic limbs extension and thoracic limbs flexion that lasted 10 to 20 min at intervals of approximately 1 h. The animal was anorexic and had also presented one episode of emesis. Upon neurological examination, ventromedial strabismus and Horner's syndrome was observed on the right side, besides vertical nystagmus, flaccid tetraparesis and absence of proprioception in the four limbs. Biochemical analyses revealed creatine kinase (CK) increased (2,433.9 UI/L - reference: 1.5-28.4 UI/L), and urinalysis showed dark color and presence of occult blood without, however, erythrocyturia. Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed QS wave and deviation of the electrical axis. Treatment with prednisolone (1 mg/kg, BID), phenobarbital (2 mg/kg, BID), maropitant citrate (1 mg/kg in 2 doses), and crystalloid fluid therapy (50 mL/kg/day) were prescribed. On the 4th day, the dog was more active and feeding without a tube, so it recommended keep the treatment at home. On the 10th day, the animal had proprioception present on the 4 limbs and normorexia. Biochemical analyses and urinalysis showed no alterations, but normochromic normochromic anemia with thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis by neutrophilia showed in blood count exam. PCR to Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon sp., and Babesia canis resulted negative. On the 15th day, blood count, biochemical analyses and urinalysis showed no alterations. Neurological examination revealed only positional vertical nystagmus. which remained as a sequel. Discussion: Polymyositis may be accompanied by rhabdomyolysis, characterized by acute muscle necrosis, increased CK and myoglobinuria. The animal had polymyositis of acute onset, with myoglobinuria and elevated CK values, whose presentation included myalgia and muscle weakness. In humans, polymyositis is accompanied by changes in electrocardiographic tracing without clinical alterations. In dogs, the first report that showed cardiac involvement was compatible with myocarditis. The changes in ECG in the present case was attributed to failure in myocardial electrical conduction. The patient also showed signs of brainstem and central vestibular system injuries. Stress myopathy, intoxication, snakebite, infectious, and metabolic diseases were discarded leading to a clinical suspicion as idiopathic origin. Similar to a published case, the patient of this report received symptomatic and supportive treatment, being discharged from the hospital 20 days after the onset of clinical signs. Thus, polymyositis may be accompanied by signs indicative of brainstem injury. Patients with rhabdomyolysis require intense monitoring due to the high risk of developing acute renal failure. Since no causative agent was identified, symptomatic treatment combined with the prevention of possible complications were fundamental for the maintenance of the animal's life.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Polimiosite/terapia , Polimiosite/veterinária , Rabdomiólise/veterinária , Síndrome de Horner/veterinária , Mioglobinúria/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(2): 225-233, Mar.-Apr. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374426


Occlusal ridges of equines appeared in the evolutionary process of the species to increase its capacity of grazing and trituration. The difference in hardness of dental tissues (cementum, dentin, and enamel) and masticatory pressure on the occlusal surface of the hypsodont tooth promote the appearance of sharp occlusal ridges. The aim of this study was to measure and compare the height of the occlusal ridges (HOR) of the fourth premolar (Triadan 408) before and after odontoplasty. Ten Mangalarga Marchador mares aged 5 to 12 years, under extensive management, were evaluated by measuring the HOR in Triadan 408, using plaster models before, immediately after (D0), 15 days (D15) and 50 days (D50) after odontoplasty. Immediately after the procedure the HOR was only 21.9% of the HOR before the occlusal equilibration; however, in 15 days after odontoplasty, 65.9% of HOR was already reestablished and 80.3% after 50 days of the procedure. HOR in the buccal side resurfaced before the lingual HOR, suggesting a higher masticatory pressure of these buccal points. Results of the present study indicate that 15 days after the dental treatment, equines already have food trituration capacity, since HOR is apparent on the occlusal surface of the premolars that underwent odontoplasty.

Cristas oclusais de equinos surgiram no processo evolutivo da espécie para aumentar sua capacidade de pastejo e trituração. A diferença na dureza dos tecidos dentários (cemento, dentina e esmalte) e a pressão mastigatória na superfície oclusal do dente hipsodonte promovem o aparecimento de cristas oclusais afiadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi medir e comparar a altura das cristas oclusais (HOR) do quarto pré-molar (Triadan 408) antes e após a odontoplastia. Dez éguas Mangalarga Marchador de cinco a 12 anos, sob manejo extensivo, foram avaliadas pela mensuração da HOR no Triadan 408, utilizando-se modelos de gesso antes, imediatamente após (D0), 15 dias (D15) e 50 dias (D50) após a odontoplastia. Imediatamente após o procedimento, a HOR era de apenas 21,9% da HOR antes do equilíbrio oclusal; entretanto, em 15 dias após a odontoplastia, 65,9% da HOR já estava restabelecida e 80,3% após 50 dias do procedimento. HOR na face vestibular ressurgiu antes da HOR lingual, sugerindo maior pressão mastigatória nestes pontos vestibulares. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que 15 dias após o tratamento odontológico, os equinos já apresentam capacidade de trituração dos alimentos, uma vez que a HOR é aparente na superfície oclusal do pré-molar que foi submetido à odontoplastia.

Animais , Feminino , Ajuste Oclusal/veterinária , Cavalos , Má Oclusão/terapia , Má Oclusão/veterinária , Dente Pré-Molar , Mastigação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 779, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370133


Background: The most common primary brain neoplasm is meningioma. Dolichocephalic breeds are predisposed and there is no sexual predilection. Clinical signs depend on the location and size of the tumor and have a progressive course. Primary treatement includes surgery, radiotherapy or both. This study aimed to describe the treatment of a dog with suspected intracranial meningioma with definitive radiotherapy, which resulted in significant clinical improvement and prolonged survival. Case: A 9-year-old Shetland Shepherd bitch was diagnosed with a head tilt to the left side that progressed over a few weeks. She previously received corticosteroid therapy, which resulted a clinical improvement that worsened after treatment was discontinued. Computed tomography revealed an extra-axial brain mass in the caudal fossa, lateralized to the right, welldelimited, and measuring approximately 1.5 × 1.4 × 1.7 cm, suggestive of intracranial meningioma. The patient was treated with radiotherapy using Cobalt-60 equipment, with 18 daily fractions of 2.5 Gy at a total dose of 45 Gy using parallel and opposite technique fields. A new tomography performed 30 days after treatment showed a remission of 85% of the initial brain mass measuring approximately 0.9 × 1.0 × 0.5 cm, as well as complete resolution of the clinical signs initially presented. After 14 months, the patient presented with signs of lethargy and ataxia and was medicated with hydroxyurea at a dose of 50 mg/kg 3 times a week and corticosteroid therapy. However, the patient's neurological condition deteriorated, and she was subjected to reirradiation using the same protocol used previously, which resulted in clinical improvement and a 54% reduction in tumor volume on magnetic resonance. As a late side effect, only permanent alopecia in the irradiated region was observed. The patient died of disease 330 days after the second course of radiotherapy, with a total survival time of 1087 days. Discussion: Meningiomas are extra-axial neoplasms of the central nervous system that grow inside the dura mater. The literature shows that meningiomas are more common in dolichocephalic races with a mean age of 9 years, which supports our findings. Meningiomas most commonly affect the cortical thalamus and cerebellopontine region in dogs, which are normally associated with vestibular symptoms, as seen in this case. Diencephalic damage can result in vestibular signals since the thalamus functions as a relay station for vestibular afferent stimuli that are relayed to the cerebral cortex. In addition to the vestibular syndrome, common clinical signs associated with meningiomas in dogs include seizures, behavioral changes, and walking in circles, which are frequently misinterpreted due to tumor-induced side effects, such as cerebral edema, obstructive hydrocephalus, and cerebral hernia. Advanced imaging techniques should be used to diagnose intracranial neoplasms. In this case, computed tomography was critical for diagnosis and treatment planning. Meningioma treatment may comprise palliative measures, surgery, and radiotherapy. Radiotherapy as a single treatment can improve the quality of life with a decrease in clinical signs and a median survival time of approximately 250-536 days, as reported in the literature. Hydroxyurea can be a therapeutic option in inoperable cases and for patients with clinical limitations to undergo successive anesthesia during radiotherapy. Its most serious side effect is progressive myelosuppression. It can cause temporary partial tumor remission and improvement in clinical signs. As previously stated, radiotherapy can be an effective primary treatment option for treating intracranial meningiomas in dogs, with significant improvement in neurological clinical signs and mild side effects.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Meninges/patologia , Meningioma/tratamento farmacológico , Meningioma/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Reirradiação/veterinária , Neoplasias Meníngeas/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 36(12): e361206, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355568


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate whether the pigeon (Columba livia) is a good model for evaluating the vestibular system involved with postural maintenance during movement. Methods: This study maps the brainstem targets of the horizontal ampullary inputs from the vestibular periphery of the pigeon. We used biotin dextran amine (BDA) injection in horizontal semicircular canal (HSCC), immunohistochemistry for GluR2/3 and GluR4 AMPA and computerized histomorphology reconstruction. Results: Our results show the same distribution pattern with ipsilateral projections to vestibular nuclear complex (VNC) from the HSCC, with the majority of labeled fibers being, long, thin, with few varicosities and many ramifications. Horizontal semicircular canal projections achieve neurons belonging to all nuclei of the VNC with exception of dorsal portion of lateral vestibular nucleus and this area express GluR2/3 and GluR4 AMPA receptors reinforcing the idea of glutamate participation in these connections. Conclusions: Pigeon is an appropriated experimental model to study of projections of HSCC and reinforcing the information that the vestibular system has strong relation with the fast responses necessary for postural control. Moreover, its phylogenetic organization apparently conservation, also seems to be a fundamental characteristic for vertebrates.

Animais , Columbidae , Vestíbulo do Labirinto , Filogenia , Tronco Encefálico , Canais Semicirculares , Ácido alfa-Amino-3-hidroxi-5-metil-4-isoxazol Propiônico , Sistema Vestibular
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 716, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363927


Background: Otitis is a frequent condition in dogs, with a multifactorial etiology covering primary causes, predisposing and perpetuating factors. It is characterized by an inflammatory process of structures that make up the auditory system, with prevalence data ranging from 15 to 20%, which can occur in any age group and without sex predisposition. According to the location, it can be classified as uni or bilateral, affecting the outer, middle and / or inner ear, the latter two being associated with neurological changes such as vestibulopathy, facial nerve paresis and Horner's syndrome. The morbidity and mortality of otitis media and internal may increase with delay in diagnosis, resulting in delay in the correct treatment, and the extension to brainstem is described in felines and considered rare in dogs. The present study aims to report an atypical case of otitis media and internal, with extension to the brain parenchyma in a brachycephalic dog. Case: A 3-year-old bitch French Bulldog was seen, weighing 12 kg, with a history of vomiting, apathy, nystagmus, ataxia and acute evolution hemiparesis. As a result of adoption, it was not known about the animal's morbid past. On special physical and clinical examination, depressed mental status, changes in postural reactions, nostril stenosis with unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, corneal ulcer, palpebral and labial ptosis, absence of eyelid reflex and spontaneous strabismus were observed, all of these findings observed on the left side of the face. No signs of otitis external to otoscopy were found. The clinical signs found characterize left facial nerve paresis and peripheral and central vestibulopathy. Otitis media / internal and meningoencephalitis were suspected. Hemogram, serum biochemistry (glucose, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyltransferase, phosphorus, total bilirubin, cholesterol and total calcium), urinalysis, rapid tests for erlichiosis, anaplasms , borreliosis, heartworm, distemper and leishmaniasis, CSF analysis, neurological panel performed by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) that tested the animal for Bartonellosis, Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cryptococcus sp., Virus West Nile, Distemper, Toxoplasmosis, Neosporose and Coccidioides sp. using conjunctival swab, whole blood, urine and CSF samples. The samples were negative for all of these tests. As an image exam, brain magnetic resonance was performed. In the latter, otitis media and left internal was observed with extension of the lesion to the brain parenchyma. CSF analysis showed cytological changes compatible with a non-suppurative inflammatory process, mild pleocytosis with predominantly mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate. As a form of treatment, antibiotic therapy and total ablation of the auditory canal with lateral bulectomy were performed, showing good results with reduced clinical symptoms. Discussion: It is concluded that although the diagnosis of otitis media and internal with extension to brainstem is more common in cats, it should be included as a differential for central vestibular disorders in dogs, and that the diagnosis together with early and effective treatment are important, since that the evolution of the infection to the central nervous system represents a risk to the patient.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tronco Encefálico/patologia , Vestibulopatia Bilateral/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , Otite Média/veterinária , Labirintite/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 665, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1362842


Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an immune-mediated and multisystemic disorder which etiology is believed to be multifactorial. Its clinical signs vary accordingly to affected organs, cutaneous lesions being the most frequently observed. There are few reports of SLE in dogs with neurological manifestations. Therefore, the aim of this report is to describe a case of SLE in a dog with indicative signs of nervous system involvement. Case: A 6-year-old Border Collie bitch was referred to the Veterinary Hospital (HVU) of the University of Uberaba (UNIUBE) with a history of cluster seizures, inappetence and urinary incontinence. Erythema and flaking of nasal plan were noted on physical examination, and splenomegaly on abdominal palpation. Thrombocytopenia and slightly increased ALT were found on blood tests. Ehrlichiosis was suspected and doxycycline was prescribed along with phenobarbital for the control of seizures. In the follow-up visit, the dog was still presenting urinary incontinence, thrombocytopenia and splenomegaly. Also, an ulcer on the nasal mucocutaneous junction was observed. The patient went through a neurological examination which indicated thalamocortical lesion. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were obtained for cytology, culture and canine distemper test, and serology tests for leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis and neosporosis were done. No alterations were found in these exams. The histopathology of the nasal lesion was proceeded and showed results consistent with lupus erythematosus. It was prescribed a 15-day course of prednisolone at immunosuppressive dose. The patient showed clinical improvement with this treatment. Azathioprine was started along with gradual removal of prednisolone. After twenty days of discontinuation of this drug, the dog presented epileptic seizures, urinary incontinence, thrombocytopenia, increased ALT and worsened nasal lesion. Prednisolone at immunosuppressive dose was reintroduced and the dose of phenobarbital, increased. One week past this, the patient showed inappetence and an extensive hematoma in the thoracic region. Lab exams confirmed drug-induced acute pancreatitis. All medications were interrupted, the patient was hospitalized, and treatment for pancreatitis was initiated, but the dog passed away. Discussion: For involving multiple body systems and for presenting varied clinical signs, diagnosing SLE can be challenging in clinical routine. The dog from this report was a Border Collie; this breed is considered to be predisposed to this disease. The animal had a history of being exposed to solar radiation for a large part of the day, had dyspigmentation of nasal plan and had no application of sunscreen, predisposing the occurrence of SLE. Neurological signs are uncommon in SLE, but the seizures and the urinary incontinence were the main reasons for the dog's guardian to look for medical assistance. The suspicion for SLE was raised due to cutaneous manifestations and persistent thrombocytopenia along with splenomegaly. Histopathological findings are essential for diagnosing SLE, as well as antinuclear antibody tests. Nonetheless, due to financial limitations, this last test was not performed. Azathioprine is an immunomodulating drug largely used along with glucocorticoids when treating SLE; however, this medication is prone to induce side effects as the ones presented by the dog from this report. Therefore, it is concluded that SLE should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients showing cutaneous, hematological, systemic and neurological manifestations, considering the variety of signs caused by this disorder.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Convulsões/veterinária , Incontinência Urinária/veterinária , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico/complicações , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico/veterinária , Anticorpos Antinucleares , Epilepsia/veterinária , Eritema/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.641-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458501


Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...

Feminino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Primária/veterinária , Osso Hioide/cirurgia , Paralisia Facial/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 641, May 17, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764621


Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Primária/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos , Paralisia Facial/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária , Osso Hioide/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 685, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363198


Background: Encephalitozoonosis is caused by the protozoan Encephalitozoon cuniculi, in rabbits, and can affect humans. The disease can be fatal and difficult to diagnose. It can be asymptomatic or cause vestibular neurological disease, paralysis, uveitis in addition to chronic kidney disease in rabbits. The transmission of the microorganism's spores occurs by ingestion, inhalation, or by the transplacental route. The aim of this work is to report a case of encephalitozoonosis in a pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Case: An Oryctolagus cuniculus with a history of paraparesis of the thoracic and pelvic limbs was referred for necropsy, the evolution of the clinical picture happened in one day. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments were collected, fixed, and processed routinely for histology. Macroscopically, there was evidence of hepatic lobes, without injury to the other organs. Microscopically it was observed in the white and gray substance of the telencephalon multiple circumscribed granulomas composed of a necrotic center surrounded by macrophages, giant multinucleated cells in addition to lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the periphery, delimited by fibrous connective tissue. Around the vessels, perivascular cuffs with 2 to 4 layers of lymphocytic infiltrate were observed. Besides, special staining of Schiff's Periodic Acid (PAS) and Ziehl-Neelsen was performed, in which numerous cylindrical, eosinophilic structures of approximately 2.5 x 1.0 µm were observed, compatible with E. cuniculi spores. Besides, histiocytic lymphoblasts pericoronitis was noted in the liver. There were no relevant changes in the kidney. Discussion: The diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis in rabbits was based on clinical and anatomopathological findings. Tetraparesis was the predominant sign in the present case and was justified by telencephalic lesions. This clinical sign is included in the literature but is less common than the syndrome such as head tilt and paralysis. The diagnosis of the disease is usually made by post mortem examination when it is possible to identify the spores in the lesions. Multifocal granulomatous encephalitis was the most significant finding in this case, which is also consistent with other studies. The pathogenesis of granulomatous lesions is still controversial. It is known that spores allow phagocytosis by macrophages, which induce the production of interleukins and other cytokines by TCD4 + lymphocytes, thereby activating the action of TCD8 + (cytotoxic) lymphocytes. Natural killer cells, granulocytes, other macrophages, and B lymphocytes are also recruited. Although there is such an inflammatory response, the antibodies produced are not efficient to eliminate the agent from the host organism, however, they contribute to the process of opsonization and consequent phagocytosis, facilitating the destruction of the microsporidium by macrophages. The neurological form was predominant in this case, with no chronic or ocular renal forms, possibly due to the rapid clinical evolution. Special stains were useful for visualizing intralesional spores. Although PAS staining is considered to be of little use, it was relevant in this case. The visualization of the agent made it possible to distinguish differential diagnoses, among them vestibular syndrome secondary to otitis due to pasteurellosis, toxoplasmosis, neoplasms, traumas, or diseases of the spine. Thus, a diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis was made in a rabbit through clinical and anatomopathological correlation using Ziehl-Neelsen and PAS stains.

Animais , Coelhos , Encefalitozoonose/patologia , Encefalitozoonose/veterinária , Encephalitozoon cuniculi/isolamento & purificação , Reação do Ácido Periódico de Schiff/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 27: 1-10, 2 mar. 2020.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503616


Os nematoides do gênero Rhabditis são responsáveis por causar a otite parasitária em bovinos leiteiros da raça Gir. Esta afecção parasitária tem sido relatada em vários países de clima quente e úmido. No Brasil, a rhabditiose tem sido descrita em diversas regiões, sendo responsável pela queda na produção de leite nos rebanhos afetados. De acordo com a literatura, a otite parasitária gera danos diretos na economia e sanidade animal, contudo, existe uma certa discrepância no controle e terapêutica utilizados. O objetivo dessa revisão foi proporcionar a comunidade científica, técnicos e aos produtores rurais uma atualização do conhecimento da problemática da otite parasitária no Brasil e no mundo. O controle parasitário do Rhabditis spp., bem como a sua terapêutica ainda são considerados ineficazes, visto que as recidivas são comuns. Dessa forma, a problemática da otite parasitária no Brasil ainda carece de novos estudos, mas alguns protocolos alternativos experimentais recentes apontam sinergicamente para um “horizonte” mais produtivo no controle desta parasitose.

Nematodes of the genus Rhabditis are responsible for parasitic otitis in Gir dairy cattle. This parasitic condition has been reported in several countries with hot and humid climates. In Brazil, it has been described in several regions, being responsible for the drop in milk production in the affected herds. To the best of our knowledge, parasitic otitis causes direct damage to the economy and animal health, however it still lacks a standardized and effective protocol for treatment and control. The purpose of this review was to provide the scientific community, technicians and rural producers with an update on the knowledge of the problem of parasitic otitis in Brazil and worldwide. Parasitic control of Rhabditis spp., as well as its treatment, are still considered ineffective, since recurrences are common. Thus, the problem of parasitic otitis in Brazil requires further studies, but some recent experimental alternative protocols point synergistically towards a more promising “horizon” in the control of this parasitosis.

Los nematodos del género Rhabditis son responsables de causar otitis parasitaria en el ganado lechero de raza Gyr. Esta condición parasitaria se ha informado en varios países con climas cálidos y húmedos. En Brasil, la otitis parasitaria por Rhabditis spp., se ha descrito en varias regiones, siendo responsable de la caída en la producción de leche en los rebaños afectados. Según nuestro conocimiento literario, la otitis parasitaria causa daño directo a la economía y la salud animal, sin embargo, hubo una cierta discrepancia en el control y el tratamiento utilizado. El objetivo de esta revisión fue proporcionarle a la comunidad científica, técnicos y productores rurales una actualización sobre el conocimiento del problema de la otitis parasitaria en Brasil y en todo el mundo. El control parasitario de Rhabditis spp., como también su tratamiento, todavía se consideran ineficaces, ya que las recurrencias son comunes. Por lo tanto, el problema de la otitis parasitaria en Brasil todavía necesita más estudios, pero algunos protocolos alternativos experimentales recientes apuntan sinérgicamente hacia un "horizonte" más productivo en el control de esta parasitosis.

Animais , Bovinos , Infecções por Rhabditida/história , Infecções por Rhabditida/veterinária , Otite/parasitologia , Otite/veterinária , Rhabditoidea , Brasil/epidemiologia , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 27: 1-10, 6 dez. 2020.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31654


Os nematoides do gênero Rhabditis são responsáveis por causar a otite parasitária em bovinos leiteiros da raça Gir. Esta afecção parasitária tem sido relatada em vários países de clima quente e úmido. No Brasil, a rhabditiose tem sido descrita em diversas regiões, sendo responsável pela queda na produção de leite nos rebanhos afetados. De acordo com a literatura, a otite parasitária gera danos diretos na economia e sanidade animal, contudo, existe uma certa discrepância no controle e terapêutica utilizados. O objetivo dessa revisão foi proporcionar a comunidade científica, técnicos e aos produtores rurais uma atualização do conhecimento da problemática da otite parasitária no Brasil e no mundo. O controle parasitário do Rhabditis spp., bem como a sua terapêutica ainda são considerados ineficazes, visto que as recidivas são comuns. Dessa forma, a problemática da otite parasitária no Brasil ainda carece de novos estudos, mas alguns protocolos alternativos experimentais recentes apontam sinergicamente para um “horizonte” mais produtivo no controle desta parasitose.(AU)

Nematodes of the genus Rhabditis are responsible for parasitic otitis in Gir dairy cattle. This parasitic condition has been reported in several countries with hot and humid climates. In Brazil, it has been described in several regions, being responsible for the drop in milk production in the affected herds. To the best of our knowledge, parasitic otitis causes direct damage to the economy and animal health, however it still lacks a standardized and effective protocol for treatment and control. The purpose of this review was to provide the scientific community, technicians and rural producers with an update on the knowledge of the problem of parasitic otitis in Brazil and worldwide. Parasitic control of Rhabditis spp., as well as its treatment, are still considered ineffective, since recurrences are common. Thus, the problem of parasitic otitis in Brazil requires further studies, but some recent experimental alternative protocols point synergistically towards a more promising “horizon” in the control of this parasitosis.(AU)

Los nematodos del género Rhabditis son responsables de causar otitis parasitaria en el ganado lechero de raza Gyr. Esta condición parasitaria se ha informado en varios países con climas cálidos y húmedos. En Brasil, la otitis parasitaria por Rhabditis spp., se ha descrito en varias regiones, siendo responsable de la caída en la producción de leche en los rebaños afectados. Según nuestro conocimiento literario, la otitis parasitaria causa daño directo a la economía y la salud animal, sin embargo, hubo una cierta discrepancia en el control y el tratamiento utilizado. El objetivo de esta revisión fue proporcionarle a la comunidad científica, técnicos y productores rurales una actualización sobre el conocimiento del problema de la otitis parasitaria en Brasil y en todo el mundo. El control parasitario de Rhabditis spp., como también su tratamiento, todavía se consideran ineficaces, ya que las recurrencias son comunes. Por lo tanto, el problema de la otitis parasitaria en Brasil todavía necesita más estudios, pero algunos protocolos alternativos experimentales recientes apuntan sinérgicamente hacia un "horizonte" más productivo en el control de esta parasitosis.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Infecções por Rhabditida/história , Infecções por Rhabditida/veterinária , Rhabditoidea , Otite/parasitologia , Otite/veterinária , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(7): e202000705, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27570


Purpose Studies have demonstrated that star fruit consumption by nephropathic patients triggers severe neurotoxic effects that can lead to convulsions or even death. Brain areas likely susceptible to star fruit poisoning have not been investigated. The objective of the present study was to map possible epileptogenic areas susceptible to star fruit intoxication in nephropathic rats. Methods The study analyzed 25 rats (5 groups). Rats in the experimental group underwent bilateral ureteral obstruction surgery and orogastric gavages with star fruit juice. An electroencephalogram was used to confirm convulsive seizures. Urea and creatinine levels were used to confirm the uremia model. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to map cells with c-Fos protein (c-Fos+ cells) to identify brain areas with increased neuronal activity. Control groups included non-nephropathic and nephropathic rats that did not receive star fruit. Results A statistically significant increase (p 0.01) in c-Fos+ cells was noted in nephropathic animals receiving star fruit juice compared to control groups, in brain areas commonly related to epileptogenic neural circuits including the hippocampus, amygdala, rhinal cortex, anterior cingulate area, piriform area, and medial dorsal thalamus. Conclusion These data corroborate the neurotoxic capacity of star fruit in nephropathic patients.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Averrhoa/toxicidade , Convulsões , Nefropatias , Síndromes Neurotóxicas , Modelos Animais
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.537-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458364


Background: Cryptococcosis is a serious fungal infection contracted by humans and animals, and the most common systemic mycosis found in cats. This disease is often contracted through inhalation of fungal propagules. The Central Nervous System (CNS) may be infected through local extension (nasal and frontal sinuses) or via hematogenous route. Similarly to CNS bacterial infection, the clinical signs of neurological dysfunction may be attributed to mass effect (gelatinous mass of fungal microorganisms and fungal granuloma formation) or to a more disseminated inflammatory response to invading microorganisms. The objective of this study is to report one case of a patient with cryptococcal granulomas in the central nervous system and one case of a patient with neurological signs associated to a cryptococcosis. Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old male mixed breed feline was admitted to a veterinary clinic, located in Porto Alegre, RS, Southern Brazil. The patient presented unsourced behavioral changes, vestibular ataxia and dysphagia caused by inability of coordination. The following tests were performed: complete blood count test, biochemical analysis, computed tomography scan (CT scan), fluid analysis, radiography and toxoplasmosis test. The following medicine were administrated for treatment: fluconazole, dexamethasone, mannitol, phenobarbital and levetiracetam. Fluid therapy was also part of the treatment. Immediately after death, the cat was submitted for necropsy, and a fungal granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis was diagnosed. Cryptococcus sp. was identified as the causal agent through pathological findings, fungal culture and PCR analysis. Case 2. One year later, another feline was admitted to the same clinic (a 2-year-old female mixed breed) presenting hypersalivation, tremors and excessive vocalization. The patient had contact with the deceased feline. The following tests were performed: complete blood count...

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/terapia , Criptococose/veterinária , Cryptococcus/isolamento & purificação , Sistema Nervoso Central/microbiologia , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Prednisolona/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 537, Oct. 10, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765363


Background: Cryptococcosis is a serious fungal infection contracted by humans and animals, and the most common systemic mycosis found in cats. This disease is often contracted through inhalation of fungal propagules. The Central Nervous System (CNS) may be infected through local extension (nasal and frontal sinuses) or via hematogenous route. Similarly to CNS bacterial infection, the clinical signs of neurological dysfunction may be attributed to mass effect (gelatinous mass of fungal microorganisms and fungal granuloma formation) or to a more disseminated inflammatory response to invading microorganisms. The objective of this study is to report one case of a patient with cryptococcal granulomas in the central nervous system and one case of a patient with neurological signs associated to a cryptococcosis. Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old male mixed breed feline was admitted to a veterinary clinic, located in Porto Alegre, RS, Southern Brazil. The patient presented unsourced behavioral changes, vestibular ataxia and dysphagia caused by inability of coordination. The following tests were performed: complete blood count test, biochemical analysis, computed tomography scan (CT scan), fluid analysis, radiography and toxoplasmosis test. The following medicine were administrated for treatment: fluconazole, dexamethasone, mannitol, phenobarbital and levetiracetam. Fluid therapy was also part of the treatment. Immediately after death, the cat was submitted for necropsy, and a fungal granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis was diagnosed. Cryptococcus sp. was identified as the causal agent through pathological findings, fungal culture and PCR analysis. Case 2. One year later, another feline was admitted to the same clinic (a 2-year-old female mixed breed) presenting hypersalivation, tremors and excessive vocalization. The patient had contact with the deceased feline. The following tests were performed: complete blood count...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/terapia , Criptococose/veterinária , Cryptococcus/isolamento & purificação , Sistema Nervoso Central/microbiologia , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Prednisolona/uso terapêutico
Vet. foco ; 17(1): 48-52, jul.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502714


O tremor de cabeça idiopático, também conhecido como tremor de cabeça episódico, ou head bobbing se trata de distúrbio paroxístico de base hereditária, sendo considerado uma condição benigna que se manifesta com tremores descontrolados da cabeça, de início e término espontâneos. Este relato apresenta um caso de head bobbing em um bulldog francês fêmea de 1 ano e 7 meses. A paciente apresentava histórico de tremor restrito à região de cabeça, principalmente quando estava em repouso, e durante os episódios se mantinha consciente e responsiva a estímulos externos. Os exames clínico geral e neurológico foram realizados e não evidenciaram nenhuma alteração aparente. Hemograma e exames bioquímicos não apresentaram alterações significativas. Foi realizada também a coleta de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), que estava dentro dos parâmetros normais. O diagnóstico clínico foi obtido por meio do histórico, raça, idade, ausência de outros sinais clínicos associados e descartando outras possíveis causas de tremores.

The idiopathic head tremor, also known as episodic head tremor, or head bobbing is an inherited paroxysmal disorder and is considered a benign condition manifested by spontaneous uncontrolled tremors. This report presents a head bobbing in a 1 year and 7 months old female French Bulldog. The patient had a history of tremor restrict to the head region, especially when at rest, during episodes remained conscious and responsive to external stimulation. General clinical and neurological examination were performed and showed no apparent alteration. Blood count and biochemistry evidenced no significant changes. CSF collection was also performed, which was within normal parameters. The clinical diagnosis was obtained by history, race, age, absence of others clinical signs and ruling out other possible causes of tremors.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cabeça/anormalidades , Convulsões/veterinária , Discinesias/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Tremor/veterinária
Vet. Foco ; 17(1): 48-52, jul.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759428


O tremor de cabeça idiopático, também conhecido como tremor de cabeça episódico, ou head bobbing se trata de distúrbio paroxístico de base hereditária, sendo considerado uma condição benigna que se manifesta com tremores descontrolados da cabeça, de início e término espontâneos. Este relato apresenta um caso de head bobbing em um bulldog francês fêmea de 1 ano e 7 meses. A paciente apresentava histórico de tremor restrito à região de cabeça, principalmente quando estava em repouso, e durante os episódios se mantinha consciente e responsiva a estímulos externos. Os exames clínico geral e neurológico foram realizados e não evidenciaram nenhuma alteração aparente. Hemograma e exames bioquímicos não apresentaram alterações significativas. Foi realizada também a coleta de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), que estava dentro dos parâmetros normais. O diagnóstico clínico foi obtido por meio do histórico, raça, idade, ausência de outros sinais clínicos associados e descartando outras possíveis causas de tremores.(AU)

The idiopathic head tremor, also known as episodic head tremor, or head bobbing is an inherited paroxysmal disorder and is considered a benign condition manifested by spontaneous uncontrolled tremors. This report presents a head bobbing in a 1 year and 7 months old female French Bulldog. The patient had a history of tremor restrict to the head region, especially when at rest, during episodes remained conscious and responsive to external stimulation. General clinical and neurological examination were performed and showed no apparent alteration. Blood count and biochemistry evidenced no significant changes. CSF collection was also performed, which was within normal parameters. The clinical diagnosis was obtained by history, race, age, absence of others clinical signs and ruling out other possible causes of tremors.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Tremor/veterinária , Cabeça/anormalidades , Convulsões/veterinária , Discinesias/veterinária