Over the past decade, the business of producing juice from grapes (Vitis labrusca L. and hybrids) has been expanding in response to increasing consumption encouraged by campaigns promoting the benefits grape juice can have on health. This study aimed to determine the effect of the production cycle, vine training system, and rootstock on the yield and physical and physical-chemical characteristics of 'BRS Magna' grapes grown in the Vale do Submédio São Francisco in the northeastern region of Brazil. The study was conducted in Petrolina, Pernambuco, over eight production cycles (2017 to 2020). The grapevines were trained in three vine training trellis systems: espalier, lyre, and pergola; and grafted onto two rootstocks: IAC 572 and IAC 766. The production cycle, training system, and rootstocks affected the yield components, vigor, and physical characteristics of the BRS Magna grapes. The combination of the pergola training system and rootstock IAC 766 stood out from the others, providing mean yields estimated at 26 t ha -1 per production cycle. The soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), and SS TA -1 ratio were affected neither by the training system nor the rootstock, and higher values for SS and lower values for TA were obtained in the first, second, fourth and eighth production cycles. Thus, the pergola training system and rootstock IAC 766 are recommended for promoting yield gains in the 'BRS Magna' grape in the Vale do Submédio São Francisco.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , SucosResumo
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Smith, 1797 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a polyphagous pest that causes losses in several crops. The knowledge of host plants is essential for establishing management and control strategies. The present study reported the first occurrence of S. frugiperda in Brazilian grapevines. It is recommended that further studies should be carried out in the laboratory to understand the biological aspects of the damage to different structures (leaves and grapes). This information will be essential to assess the potential of S. frugiperda damage to vines.
A lagarta-do-cartucho Spodoptera frugiperda Smith, 1797 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é uma praga polífaga que ocasiona danos em diversos cultivos, e o conhecimento do seu espectro de hospedeiros é essencial para o estabelecimento de estratégias de manejo e controle. Assim, o presente estudo registra pela primeira vez a ocorrência de S. frugiperda em videiras brasileiras. Desse modo, recomenda-se a realização de estudos adicionais em laboratório para compreender os aspectos biológicos e os danos as diferentes estruturas (vegetativas e uvas). Essa informação será essencial para avaliar o potencial de dano de S. frugiperda se alimentando de videiras.
Animais , Spodoptera , Pragas da Agricultura , Vitis/parasitologiaResumo
ABSTRACT The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, has caused significant damage to vineyards in the valley of the São Francisco River in Brazil. Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma is one of the most abundant species of predatory mites on vines in this region. This study evaluated the population growth rates of T. urticae on leaves of two grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars (Italia and Superior Seedless) and jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] and, also, to estimate the predation rates of the pest mite by N. idaeus on leaves of both grape cultivars and jack bean. A higher oviposition rate of T. urticae was observed on Superior Seedless than on Italia grape leaves; however, there was no significant difference in the instantaneous growth rates of T. urticae for these grape cultivars. For Superior Seedless, the spider mite egg viability was significantly lower than on Italia grape, indicating a resistance factor in this grape cultivar. The phytoseiid N. idaeus preyed higher number of T. urticae females on Superior Seedless leaves than on Italia grape and jack bean leaves for the densities of 10 and 20 pest mites per leaf arena (9 cm2). Evaluations of leaf trichomes in both grape cultivars indicated the occurrence of longer trichomes on the basal portion of the main veins of Superior Seedless leaves. The presence of these longer trichomes may be associated with the better performance of N. idaeus on Superior Seedless leaves.
The aim of this research was to study the influence of training system and rootstock on the yield, vigor and physiology of the Chenin Blanc grapevine at São Francisco Valley, northeastern Brazil. An experiment was carried out on eight harvests, from 2013 to 2017, in Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco. Grapevines were grown under two training systems, lyre and espalier, and five rootstocks: IAC 572, IAC 313, IAC 766, Paulsen 1103 and SO4, using a split-plot randomized block design, with training systems assigned to the main plot and the rootstock assigned to the subplot. Lyre favored an increase in the number of bunches, branches and leaf mass in the harvest of the first semester of the year, while in the second semester there were increases of 40 % in the number of bunches and 10 % in leaf mass. Lyre promoted more balanced vines, showing a better ratio between production and pruning weight (Ravaz index). The rootstocks IAC 766, IAC 313 and IAC 572 increased yield and bunch mass under both training systems, while SO4 reduced yield and vigor. The stomatal conductance and instantaneous efficiency of water use were not influenced by either the training system or the rootstock. Under tropical conditions in the São Francisco Valley, Chenin Blanc grapevine may be grown under the lyre training system, preferably on the IAC 766 rootstock, to obtain high yields and balanced grapevines.
24444 , Eficiência , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, has caused significant damage to vineyards in the valley of the São Francisco River in Brazil. Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma is one of the most abundant species of predatory mites on vines in this region. This study evaluated the population growth rates of T. urticae on leaves of two grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars ('Italia' and 'Superior Seedless') and jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] and, also, to estimate the predation rates of the pest mite by N. idaeus on leaves of both grape cultivars and jack bean. A higher oviposition rate of T. urticae was observed on 'Superior Seedless' than on 'Italia' grape leaves; however, there was no significant difference in the instantaneous growth rates of T. urticae for these grape cultivars. For 'Superior Seedless', the spider mite egg viability was significantly lower than on 'Italia' grape, indicating a resistance factor in this grape cultivar. The phytoseiid N. idaeus preyed higher number of T. urticae females on 'Superior Seedless' leaves than on 'Italia' grape and jack bean leaves for the densities of 10 and 20 pest mites per leaf arena (9 cm2). Evaluations of leaf trichomes in both grape cultivars indicated the occurrence of longer trichomes on the basal portion of the main veins of 'Superior Seedless' leaves. The presence of these longer trichomes may be associated with the better performance of N. idaeus on 'Superior Seedless' leaves.
Controle de Ácaros e Carrapatos , Vitis , Oviposição , Comportamento Predatório , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Infestações por ÁcarosResumo
The aim of this research was to study the influence of training system and rootstock on the yield, vigor and physiology of the Chenin Blanc grapevine at São Francisco Valley, northeastern Brazil. An experiment was carried out on eight harvests, from 2013 to 2017, in Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco. Grapevines were grown under two training systems, lyre and espalier, and five rootstocks: IAC 572, IAC 313, IAC 766, Paulsen 1103 and SO4, using a split-plot randomized block design, with training systems assigned to the main plot and the rootstock assigned to the subplot. Lyre favored an increase in the number of bunches, branches and leaf mass in the harvest of the first semester of the year, while in the second semester there were increases of 40 % in the number of bunches and 10 % in leaf mass. Lyre promoted more balanced vines, showing a better ratio between production and pruning weight (Ravaz index). The rootstocks IAC 766, IAC 313 and IAC 572 increased yield and bunch mass under both training systems, while SO4 reduced yield and vigor. The stomatal conductance and instantaneous efficiency of water use were not influenced by either the training system or the rootstock. Under tropical conditions in the São Francisco Valley, Chenin Blanc grapevine may be grown under the lyre training system, preferably on the IAC 766 rootstock, to obtain high yields and balanced grapevines.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , 24444 , EficiênciaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento fenológico, e as características físico-químicas e produtivas da videira BRS Carmem cultivadas em Palotina, PR. A avaliação das videiras enxertadas sobre IAC 572 Tropical, espaçadas em 1,5 x 2,5 m, e conduzidas em espaldeira foi realizada nas safras 2019/2020 e 2020/2021. Foram utilizadas 20 plantas representativas do pomar experimental da UFPR Setor Palotina. A avaliação do comportamento fenológico foi realizada a partir de observação de ramos selecionados, a partir da poda de frutificação realizada em meados de agosto, caracterizando-se a duração em dias de cada um dos seguintes subperíodos: poda à gema-algodão (PO-GA); poda à brotação (PO-BR); poda ao aparecimento da inflorescência (PO-AI); poda ao florescimento (PO-FL); poda ao início da maturação (PO-IM) das bagas; poda à colheita (PO-CO), sendo confeccionados diagramas em escala de dias. Por ocasião da colheita quantificou-se o número de cachos por planta, massa dos cachos e a partir destes dados foram estimadas a produção (kg planta-1) e produtividade (t ha-1). Para avaliaçãodo mosto foram coletados dois cachos por planta, dos quais retirou-se seis bagas por cachopara avaliação do teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), relação de índice de maturação (SS/AT) e o teor de antocianinas (mg g-1). Quanto ao número de cachos verificou se em média 48 cachos por planta com massa média de 133 g. As estimativas da produção por planta e produtividade foram de 6,4 kg e 17,1 t ha-1, respectivamente. Os teores médios de SS, AT, SS/AT e antocianinas, foram de 18°Brix, 0,97% deácido tartárico, 18,4 e 4,97 mg g-1, respectivamente. As características produtivas e a qualidade do mosto da BRS Carmem cultivadas na região Oeste do Paraná estão dentro dos padrões desejáveis para elaboração de suco de uva.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenological behavior and the physical-chemical and productive characteristics of the BRS Carmem vine grown in the Western region of Paranástate (Brazil). The evaluation of vines grafted on IAC 572 Tropical, spaced at 1.5 x 2.5 m, and conducted on a backrest was performed in the harvests 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Twenty plants representing the experimental orchard of UFPR -Palotina Sector were used. The evaluation of phenological behavior was performed from observation of selected branches, from the fruiting pruning carried out in mid-August, characterizing the duration in days of each of the following subperiods: cotton yolk pruning (PO-GA); pruning to sprouting (PO-BR); pruning to the appearance of inflorescence (PO-AI); pruning to flowering(PO-FL); pruning at the beginning of ripening (PO-IM) of the berries; pruning to harvest (PO-CO), and diagrams were made on a day scale. At the harvesttime, the number of bunchesper plant, mass of bunches was quantified and from these data the production (kg plant-1) and the productivity (t ha-1) were estimated. To evaluate the must, two bunches per plant were collected, and six berries were collected per bunch to evaluate soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturation index ratio (SS/TA) and anthocyanin content (mg g-1). For the number of bunches was verified an average of 48 bunches per plant, with an average mass of 133 g. The production per plantand yieldestimateswere 6.4 kg and 17.1 t ha-1, respectively. The mean levels of SS, AT, SS/AT and anthocyanins were 18°Brix, 0.97% of tartaric acid, 18.4 and 4.97 mg g-1, respectively. Therefore, theproductivecharacteristics and the quality of the 'BRS Carmem' cultivated in the Western region of Paraná state are within the desirable standards for grape juicepreparation.
Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Fenômenos Químicos , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vitis/químicaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento fenológico, e as características físico-químicas e produtivas da videira BRS Carmem cultivadas em Palotina, PR. A avaliação das videiras enxertadas sobre IAC 572 Tropical, espaçadas em 1,5 x 2,5 m, e conduzidas em espaldeira foi realizada nas safras 2019/2020 e 2020/2021. Foram utilizadas 20 plantas representativas do pomar experimental da UFPR Setor Palotina. A avaliação do comportamento fenológico foi realizada a partir de observação de ramos selecionados, a partir da poda de frutificação realizada em meados de agosto, caracterizando-se a duração em dias de cada um dos seguintes subperíodos: poda à gema-algodão (PO-GA); poda à brotação (PO-BR); poda ao aparecimento da inflorescência (PO-AI); poda ao florescimento (PO-FL); poda ao início da maturação (PO-IM) das bagas; poda à colheita (PO-CO), sendo confeccionados diagramas em escala de dias. Por ocasião da colheita quantificou-se o número de cachos por planta, massa dos cachos e a partir destes dados foram estimadas a produção (kg planta-1) e produtividade (t ha-1). Para avaliaçãodo mosto foram coletados dois cachos por planta, dos quais retirou-se seis bagas por cachopara avaliação do teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), relação de índice de maturação (SS/AT) e o teor de antocianinas (mg g-1). Quanto ao número de cachos verificou se em média 48 cachos por planta com massa média de 133 g. As estimativas da produção por planta e produtividade foram de 6,4 kg e 17,1 t ha-1, respectivamente. Os teores médios de SS, AT, SS/AT e antocianinas, foram de 18°Brix, 0,97% deácido tartárico, 18,4 e 4,97 mg g-1, respectivamente. As características produtivas e a qualidade do mosto da BRS Carmem cultivadas na região Oeste do Paraná estão dentro dos padrões desejáveis para elaboração de suco de uva.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenological behavior and the physical-chemical and productive characteristics of the BRS Carmem vine grown in the Western region of Paranástate (Brazil). The evaluation of vines grafted on IAC 572 Tropical, spaced at 1.5 x 2.5 m, and conducted on a backrest was performed in the harvests 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Twenty plants representing the experimental orchard of UFPR -Palotina Sector were used. The evaluation of phenological behavior was performed from observation of selected branches, from the fruiting pruning carried out in mid-August, characterizing the duration in days of each of the following subperiods: cotton yolk pruning (PO-GA); pruning to sprouting (PO-BR); pruning to the appearance of inflorescence (PO-AI); pruning to flowering(PO-FL); pruning at the beginning of ripening (PO-IM) of the berries; pruning to harvest (PO-CO), and diagrams were made on a day scale. At the harvesttime, the number of bunchesper plant, mass of bunches was quantified and from these data the production (kg plant-1) and the productivity (t ha-1) were estimated. To evaluate the must, two bunches per plant were collected, and six berries were collected per bunch to evaluate soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturation index ratio (SS/TA) and anthocyanin content (mg g-1). For the number of bunches was verified an average of 48 bunches per plant, with an average mass of 133 g. The production per plantand yieldestimateswere 6.4 kg and 17.1 t ha-1, respectively. The mean levels of SS, AT, SS/AT and anthocyanins were 18°Brix, 0.97% of tartaric acid, 18.4 and 4.97 mg g-1, respectively. Therefore, theproductivecharacteristics and the quality of the 'BRS Carmem' cultivated in the Western region of Paraná state are within the desirable standards for grape juicepreparation.(AU)
Vitis/química , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Fenômenos QuímicosResumo
The effect of basal zone defoliation on vines influences yield and ripening depending on the phenological stage and its intensity. Early basal defoliation (EBD) was carried out at flowering on the autochthonous Vitis vinifera (L.) cultivar Nerello mascalese grown on the eastern slopes of Mount Etna, Sicily. The effects were evaluated over a two-year period. In the first year, the canopy retained 67 % of its original leaf area after EBD and in the second year, 58 %. Compared with control vines, mid-day leaf water potentials in the EBD vines enjoyed higher water status throughout the growing seasons in both years. EBD had no significant negative effects on yield but did have significant positive effects on the levels of total polyphenols, total flavonols and total anthocyanins. Yield and its components are conditioned by a number of factors mainly linked to climate and to the vines general condition during berry growth and ripening. Even after two consecutive years of treatment, EBD does not have any negative effects on yield. However, EBD does have strong positive effects on berry quality attributes as a consequence of the following: greater exposure of the cluster to sunlight, higher vine water status and avoidance of high temperature stresses in the last phase of ripening during the analysis of anthocyanin.
24444 , Vitis , Antocianinas , Flavonoides , PolifenóisResumo
The effect of basal zone defoliation on vines influences yield and ripening depending on the phenological stage and its intensity. Early basal defoliation (EBD) was carried out at flowering on the autochthonous Vitis vinifera (L.) cultivar Nerello mascalese grown on the eastern slopes of Mount Etna, Sicily. The effects were evaluated over a two-year period. In the first year, the canopy retained 67 % of its original leaf area after EBD and in the second year, 58 %. Compared with control vines, mid-day leaf water potentials in the EBD vines enjoyed higher water status throughout the growing seasons in both years. EBD had no significant negative effects on yield but did have significant positive effects on the levels of total polyphenols, total flavonols and total anthocyanins. Yield and its components are conditioned by a number of factors mainly linked to climate and to the vines general condition during berry growth and ripening. Even after two consecutive years of treatment, EBD does not have any negative effects on yield. However, EBD does have strong positive effects on berry quality attributes as a consequence of the following: greater exposure of the cluster to sunlight, higher vine water status and avoidance of high temperature stresses in the last phase of ripening during the analysis of anthocyanin.(AU)
Vitis , 24444 , Antocianinas , Polifenóis , FlavonoidesResumo
The quality of sparkling wine reflects the climate and management of vineyard, since these factors affect grape development, berry composition, and base wine composition. Chardonnay vines were subjected to five in-row spacing distances (0.5; 0.75; 1.0; 1.50; and 2.0 m) combined with and without shoot thinning. For each in-row spacing, vines were thinned to 5, 8, 10, 15, and 20 shoots per plant. Vegetative growth, yield, berry composition and base wine composition were analyzed for two years. Vines with decreased in-row spacing, presented fewer clusters and malic acid content in berries, mostly related to the shading effect. Shoot thinning increased bud fruitfulness and decreased leaf area per meter, leaf area per plant, and leaf layer number. In-row spacing from 1.5 m to 0.5 m showed promising results for the Southeast Brazil with higher yield per hectare and sufficient acidity to provide freshness in sparkling wines.
24444 , Vitis , Produtos Agrícolas , VinhoResumo
The quality of sparkling wine reflects the climate and management of vineyard, since these factors affect grape development, berry composition, and base wine composition. Chardonnay vines were subjected to five in-row spacing distances (0.5; 0.75; 1.0; 1.50; and 2.0 m) combined with and without shoot thinning. For each in-row spacing, vines were thinned to 5, 8, 10, 15, and 20 shoots per plant. Vegetative growth, yield, berry composition and base wine composition were analyzed for two years. Vines with decreased in-row spacing, presented fewer clusters and malic acid content in berries, mostly related to the shading effect. Shoot thinning increased bud fruitfulness and decreased leaf area per meter, leaf area per plant, and leaf layer number. In-row spacing from 1.5 m to 0.5 m showed promising results for the Southeast Brazil with higher yield per hectare and sufficient acidity to provide freshness in sparkling wines.(AU)
Vitis , 24444 , Vinho , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das propriedades físico-químicas do mosto da uva para vinho Syrah cultivada com cobertura e sem cobertura de plástico impermeável (ráfia). As videiras foram sustentadas em Y e manejadas em regime de safra de inverno na região produtora de uvas de Louveira, SP. Durante o período da maturação das uvas foram feitas determinações, na altura dos cachos, da radiação solar e da temperatura do ar. Na colheita foram determinadas as variáveis fitotécnicas (número de ramos, número de cachos, massa dos cachos e produtividade) e físico-químicas do mosto (teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total, teor de ácido tartárico, antocianinas, polifenóis totais e taninos). Os valores de temperatura máxima do ar foram superiores nas videiras sob cobertura de plástico em comparação às cultivadas a céu aberto enquanto a radiação solar foi mais elevada na condição sem cobertura. A produtividade e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais foram mais elevados para as videiras sob cobertura de plástico. Não foi observada influência da cobertura de plástico impermeável nos teores de antocianina, polifenóis totais e taninos das uvas.
The characterization of vineyard microclimate, plant variables and must physicochemical properties of the 'Syrah' wine grape was done for plants cultivated with and without waterproof plastic cover (ráfia). The grapevines were trained in Y-shaped trellis and cultivated during the winter growing season in the grape growing region of Louveira-SP, Brazil. During the grape maturation period, measurements of solar radiation and air temperature were taken at cluster height. In the harvest, the plant variables (number of branches, number of clusters, bunch weight and yield) and must physicochemical characteristics (soluble solids content, total titratable acidity, tartaric acid, anthocyanin, total polyphenols and tannins) were determined. Maximum temperature values were higher under plastic cover when compared to the open sky condition while solar radiation values were higher for the open sky condition. Yield and total soluble solids content values were higher for vines grown under plastic cover. No influence of the use of plastic cover was found for the levels of anthocyanin, total polyphenols and tannin of berries.
Agricultura/métodos , Fazendas , Microclima , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , VinhoResumo
Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das propriedades físico-químicas do mosto da uva para vinho Syrah cultivada com cobertura e sem cobertura de plástico impermeável (ráfia). As videiras foram sustentadas em Y e manejadas em regime de safra de inverno na região produtora de uvas de Louveira, SP. Durante o período da maturação das uvas foram feitas determinações, na altura dos cachos, da radiação solar e da temperatura do ar. Na colheita foram determinadas as variáveis fitotécnicas (número de ramos, número de cachos, massa dos cachos e produtividade) e físico-químicas do mosto (teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total, teor de ácido tartárico, antocianinas, polifenóis totais e taninos). Os valores de temperatura máxima do ar foram superiores nas videiras sob cobertura de plástico em comparação às cultivadas a céu aberto enquanto a radiação solar foi mais elevada na condição sem cobertura. A produtividade e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais foram mais elevados para as videiras sob cobertura de plástico. Não foi observada influência da cobertura de plástico impermeável nos teores de antocianina, polifenóis totais e taninos das uvas.(AU)
The characterization of vineyard microclimate, plant variables and must physicochemical properties of the 'Syrah' wine grape was done for plants cultivated with and without waterproof plastic cover (ráfia). The grapevines were trained in Y-shaped trellis and cultivated during the winter growing season in the grape growing region of Louveira-SP, Brazil. During the grape maturation period, measurements of solar radiation and air temperature were taken at cluster height. In the harvest, the plant variables (number of branches, number of clusters, bunch weight and yield) and must physicochemical characteristics (soluble solids content, total titratable acidity, tartaric acid, anthocyanin, total polyphenols and tannins) were determined. Maximum temperature values were higher under plastic cover when compared to the open sky condition while solar radiation values were higher for the open sky condition. Yield and total soluble solids content values were higher for vines grown under plastic cover. No influence of the use of plastic cover was found for the levels of anthocyanin, total polyphenols and tannin of berries.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fazendas , Agricultura/métodos , Microclima , VinhoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance and physicochemical characteristics of BRS Magna and Isabel Precoce grapes influenced by two types of pruning. The experiment was carried out during two growing seasons in a commercial vineyard of Petrolina, PE, in the period 2013-2014. Treatments were represented by two cultivars, Isabel Precoce and BRS Magna, and two types of pruning, with selection during plant formation (P1) and without selection (P2) of lateral branches, using a randomized experimental block design, in subdivided plots and four replicates. After pruning P2, the amount of buds kept on vines was greater than after pruning P1, favoring an increase in yield. However, the sizes of bunches and berries, content of soluble solids, and titratable acidity were not influenced by the pruning type. In general, the sizes of bunches and berries in BRS Magna were larger than in the Isabel Precoce cultivar. Conversely, content of soluble solids and titratable acidity varied among cultivars as a function of production cycle and type of pruning; however, within the standards described for both cultivars and accepted by the Brazilian legislation.(AU)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o desempenho produtivo e características físico-químicas das uvas BRS Magna e Isabel Precoce submetidas a dois tipos de poda. Um experimento foi realizado durante dois ciclos de produção, nos anos de 2013 e 2014, em um vinhedo comercial em Petrolina, PE. Os tratamentos foram representados por duas cultivares copa, Isabel Precoce e BRS Magna, e dois tipos de poda, com seleção de ramos laterais na formação da planta (P1) e sem seleção de ramos laterais (P2), utilizando delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. A quantidade de gemas mantidas na videira após a poda é mais elevada na poda P2, favorecendo o aumento da produtividade, mas o tamanho dos cachos e das bagas e o teor de sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável não foram influenciados pelo tipo de poda. O tamanho dos cachos e das bagas da cultivar BRS Magna é, de modo geral, maior que os de Isabel Precoce. Por outro lado, o teor de sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável variaram entre as cultivares em função do ciclo de produção e do tipo de poda, estando dentro dos padrões descritos para ambas cultivares e aceitos pela legislação brasileira.(AU)
Petri disease is complex, attacks young vine plants and it is difficult to be controlled. The fungus Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (Phc) has been identified as the main causative agent of this disease. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalent colonization of the Petri disease fungi in different portions of vine plants; to assess the susceptibility of grapevine rootstocks to the fungus P. chlamydospora; to assess the effect of solarization and biofumigation, followed by hot-water treatment (HWT), on the disinfection of cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766 infected with P. chlamydospora, and assess the effect of solarization and biofumigation, followed by HWT, on the rooting of cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766. For the prevalent colonization test, the fungus species detected and identified in 'Niagara Rosada' grafted on two rootstocks different were Phc and Phialemoniopsis ocularis. This is the first report of P. ocularis in a young vineyard in Brazil. Both fungi, in particular Phc, colonized only the plant's basal part, drawing attention to the rootstock as target for control measures. Measurement of the dark streaks in the vascular system revealed that Golia was the least susceptible rootstock, and IAC 572 was the most susceptible to Phc. Moreover, biofumigation or temperature of 37°C applied for 7 and 14 days, both followed by HWT, suppressed Phc in cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766 without hampering their rooting. Meanwhile, new studies are needed to validate the efficiency of these disinfection techniques.(AU)
A doença de Petri é complexa, ataca plantas jovens de videira e é difícil de ser controlada. O fungo Phaeomoniella chlamydospora é o principal agente causal dessa doença. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o local prevalente dos fungos da doença de Petri, em diferentes partes de plantas de videira; avaliar a suscetibilidade de porta-enxertos de videira para o fungo P. chlamydospora; avaliar o efeito da solarização e da biofumigação seguido de tratamento com água quente sobre a desinfecção de estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766 infectadas com o fungo P. chlamydospora; avaliar o efeito da solarização e da biofumigação seguido de tratamento com água quente sobre o enraizamento de estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766. Para o teste de colonização, as espécies de fungos detectadas e identificadas em Niagara Rosada enxertada em dois porta-enxertos diferentes foram P. chlamydospora e Phialemoniopsis ocularis. Este é o primeiro relato de P. ocularis em parrerais jovens de videira no Brasil. Ambos os fungos, em particular P. chlamydospora, colonizaram somente a parte basal das plantas, destacando-se os porta-enxertos como foco para medidas de controle. Medidas das estrias escuras no sistema vascular revelaram que Golia foi o porta-enxerto menos suscetível, e o IAC 572 foi o mais suscetíveis para P. chlamydospora. Além disso, a biofumigação ou a temperatura de 37ºC aplicadas por 7 e 14 dias seguidas de tratamento com água quente eliminaram P. chlamydospora em estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766 sem afetar o enraizamento. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários ainda para validar a eficiência dessas técnicas de desinfecção.(AU)
Vitis , Micoses , Desinfecção/métodos , PrevalênciaResumo
Agaricus brasiliensis include bioactive compounds that can act as antibiotics, bacteriostatic, fungistatic and nematostatic substances. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of a single application of aqueous mycelial suspension (AMS) of A. brasiliensis in control of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and resistance induction in 'Isabel Precoce' grapevines under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of three doses of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% AMS A. brasiliensis, as well as treatment with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM). The variables analyzed were: sporangiospore germination, disease severity, represented by the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), catalase enzyme activity, peroxidase and polyphenol. The 10%, 15% and 20% doses of AMS caused approximately 80% reduction in germination of P. viticola sporangiospores. The treatments did not show significant effects in reducing both the AUDPC of mildew and polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity. The A. brasiliensis aqueous mycelial suspension showed a fungitoxic effect on the germination of sporangiopores; however, it was not enough to reduce the severity of mildew in the 'Isabel Precoce' grapevines, even when acting on the catalase and peroxidase enzymes. Thus, experiments should be performed to verify the viability of the reproductive structures of the pathogen externalized in the vines when treated with A. brasiliensis AMS.(AU)
Agaricus brasiliensis possui compostos bioativos que apresentam atividade antimicrobiana e induz mecanismos de defesa em plantas contra patógenos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicação da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis no controle do míldio (Plasmopara viticola) e indução de resistência em videiras Isabel Precoce. Os tratamentos foram: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 e 20% da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis, além do tratamento com acibenzolar-S-metil. As variáveis analisadas foram: germinação de esporangiósporos; severidade da doença, representada pela área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença; atividade da enzima catalase; peroxidase e polifenoloxidase. As doses 10, 15 e 20% de suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis proporcionaram redução de aproximadamente 80% na germinação dos esporangiósporos de P. viticola. Os tratamentos não apresentaram efeitos significativos na redução da área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença do míldio e na atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase. A dose de 10% da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis reduziu a atividade de catalase e induziu a atividade da peroxidase. A suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis apresentou efeito fungitóxico na germinação de esporangióporos, entretanto não foi suficiente para reduzir a severidade do míldio da videira Isabel Precoce, mesmo atuando na atividade das enzimas catalase e peroxidase. Assim, experimentos deverão ser realizados para verificar a viabilidade das estruturas reprodutivas do patógeno exteriorizadas nas videiras quando tratadas com suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis.(AU)
Agaricus/virologia , Anti-Infecciosos/administração & dosagem , Agentes de Controle BiológicoResumo
Petri disease is complex, attacks young vine plants and it is difficult to be controlled. The fungus Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (Phc) has been identified as the main causative agent of this disease. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalent colonization of the Petri disease fungi in different portions of vine plants; to assess the susceptibility of grapevine rootstocks to the fungus P. chlamydospora; to assess the effect of solarization and biofumigation, followed by hot-water treatment (HWT), on the disinfection of cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766 infected with P. chlamydospora, and assess the effect of solarization and biofumigation, followed by HWT, on the rooting of cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766. For the prevalent colonization test, the fungus species detected and identified in 'Niagara Rosada' grafted on two rootstocks different were Phc and Phialemoniopsis ocularis. This is the first report of P. ocularis in a young vineyard in Brazil. Both fungi, in particular Phc, colonized only the plant's basal part, drawing attention to the rootstock as target for control measures. Measurement of the dark streaks in the vascular system revealed that Golia was the least susceptible rootstock, and IAC 572 was the most susceptible to Phc. Moreover, biofumigation or temperature of 37°C applied for 7 and 14 days, both followed by HWT, suppressed Phc in cuttings of the rootstock IAC 766 without hampering their rooting. Meanwhile, new studies are needed to validate the efficiency of these disinfection techniques.(AU)
A doença de Petri é complexa, ataca plantas jovens de videira e é difícil de ser controlada. O fungo Phaeomoniella chlamydospora é o principal agente causal dessa doença. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o local prevalente dos fungos da doença de Petri, em diferentes partes de plantas de videira; avaliar a suscetibilidade de porta-enxertos de videira para o fungo P. chlamydospora; avaliar o efeito da solarização e da biofumigação seguido de tratamento com água quente sobre a desinfecção de estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766 infectadas com o fungo P. chlamydospora; avaliar o efeito da solarização e da biofumigação seguido de tratamento com água quente sobre o enraizamento de estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766. Para o teste de colonização, as espécies de fungos detectadas e identificadas em Niagara Rosada enxertada em dois porta-enxertos diferentes foram P. chlamydospora e Phialemoniopsis ocularis. Este é o primeiro relato de P. ocularis em parrerais jovens de videira no Brasil. Ambos os fungos, em particular P. chlamydospora, colonizaram somente a parte basal das plantas, destacando-se os porta-enxertos como foco para medidas de controle. Medidas das estrias escuras no sistema vascular revelaram que Golia foi o porta-enxerto menos suscetível, e o IAC 572 foi o mais suscetíveis para P. chlamydospora. Além disso, a biofumigação ou a temperatura de 37ºC aplicadas por 7 e 14 dias seguidas de tratamento com água quente eliminaram P. chlamydospora em estacas do porta-enxerto IAC 766 sem afetar o enraizamento. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários ainda para validar a eficiência dessas técnicas de desinfecção.(AU)
Vitis , Micoses , Desinfecção/métodos , PrevalênciaResumo
Agaricus brasiliensis include bioactive compounds that can act as antibiotics, bacteriostatic, fungistatic and nematostatic substances. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of a single application of aqueous mycelial suspension (AMS) of A. brasiliensis in control of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and resistance induction in 'Isabel Precoce' grapevines under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of three doses of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% AMS A. brasiliensis, as well as treatment with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM). The variables analyzed were: sporangiospore germination, disease severity, represented by the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), catalase enzyme activity, peroxidase and polyphenol. The 10%, 15% and 20% doses of AMS caused approximately 80% reduction in germination of P. viticola sporangiospores. The treatments did not show significant effects in reducing both the AUDPC of mildew and polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity. The A. brasiliensis aqueous mycelial suspension showed a fungitoxic effect on the germination of sporangiopores; however, it was not enough to reduce the severity of mildew in the 'Isabel Precoce' grapevines, even when acting on the catalase and peroxidase enzymes. Thus, experiments should be performed to verify the viability of the reproductive structures of the pathogen externalized in the vines when treated with A. brasiliensis AMS.(AU)
Agaricus brasiliensis possui compostos bioativos que apresentam atividade antimicrobiana e induz mecanismos de defesa em plantas contra patógenos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicação da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis no controle do míldio (Plasmopara viticola) e indução de resistência em videiras Isabel Precoce. Os tratamentos foram: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 e 20% da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis, além do tratamento com acibenzolar-S-metil. As variáveis analisadas foram: germinação de esporangiósporos; severidade da doença, representada pela área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença; atividade da enzima catalase; peroxidase e polifenoloxidase. As doses 10, 15 e 20% de suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis proporcionaram redução de aproximadamente 80% na germinação dos esporangiósporos de P. viticola. Os tratamentos não apresentaram efeitos significativos na redução da área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença do míldio e na atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase. A dose de 10% da suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis reduziu a atividade de catalase e induziu a atividade da peroxidase. A suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis apresentou efeito fungitóxico na germinação de esporangióporos, entretanto não foi suficiente para reduzir a severidade do míldio da videira Isabel Precoce, mesmo atuando na atividade das enzimas catalase e peroxidase. Assim, experimentos deverão ser realizados para verificar a viabilidade das estruturas reprodutivas do patógeno exteriorizadas nas videiras quando tratadas com suspensão miceliada aquosa de A. brasiliensis.(AU)
Agaricus/virologia , Anti-Infecciosos/administração & dosagem , Agentes de Controle BiológicoResumo
ABSTRACT: The cultivation and processing of sweet potatoes into a variety of products yields both solid and liquid organic waste. Solid waste includes peelings and trimmings from the sweet potato root and sweet potato leaves and vines. Liquid waste results from various processing methods and creates significant amounts of nutrient rich waste water. Sweet potato waste materials contain carbohydrates, proteins, phenolic compounds, macro and micro nutrients, and pigments that have the potential of being extracted or utilized for various downstream processes and products. This review examines many of the different ways that these waste products can be utilized.
RESUMO: O cultivo e processamento de batata doce gera uma variedade de produtos e também resíduos orgânico solido e liquido. Resíduos sólidos incluem casca e pedaços da raiz de batata doce, alem de folhas e ramas. Resíduo liquido resulta de vários métodos de processamento, gerando uma quantidade significativa de água residual rica em nutrientes. Resíduos de batata doce contem carboidratos, proteínas, compostos fenólicos, macro e micro nutrientes, e pigmentos que tem o potencial de ser extraídos ou utilizados para diversos processos e produtos. Esta revisão examina muitas das diferentes formas de aproveitar estes resíduos.