Over the past decade, the business of producing juice from grapes (Vitis labrusca L. and hybrids) has been expanding in response to increasing consumption encouraged by campaigns promoting the benefits grape juice can have on health. This study aimed to determine the effect of the production cycle, vine training system, and rootstock on the yield and physical and physical-chemical characteristics of 'BRS Magna' grapes grown in the Vale do Submédio São Francisco in the northeastern region of Brazil. The study was conducted in Petrolina, Pernambuco, over eight production cycles (2017 to 2020). The grapevines were trained in three vine training trellis systems: espalier, lyre, and pergola; and grafted onto two rootstocks: IAC 572 and IAC 766. The production cycle, training system, and rootstocks affected the yield components, vigor, and physical characteristics of the BRS Magna grapes. The combination of the pergola training system and rootstock IAC 766 stood out from the others, providing mean yields estimated at 26 t ha -1 per production cycle. The soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), and SS TA -1 ratio were affected neither by the training system nor the rootstock, and higher values for SS and lower values for TA were obtained in the first, second, fourth and eighth production cycles. Thus, the pergola training system and rootstock IAC 766 are recommended for promoting yield gains in the 'BRS Magna' grape in the Vale do Submédio São Francisco.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , SucosResumo
ABSTRACT: The grapevine phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch, 1856) is the main insect pest of viticulture globally. Infestations can occur in the aerial part of the plant (gallicolae form) and roots (radicicolae form). In this study, the effect of insecticides on the populations suppression of the gall and root forms of phylloxera one vine was evaluated. For the gallicolous form, the thiamethoxam (Actara 250 WG®, 40g c.p./100L-1), flupyradifurone (Sivanto® Prime 200 SL, 75mL c.p./100L-1), and sulfoxaflor (Closer® SC, 40mL c.p./100L-1) were evaluated in the field, under natural infestation, using rootstock plants 'Paulsen 1103' (Vitis berlandieri x V. rupestris). For the root stage, an experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using rooted seedlings of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera) grown in pots artificially infested with 200 phylloxera eggs per plant. After 80 days of infestation, the thiamethoxam (0.2g p.c./plant), flupyradifurone (0.8mL p.c./plant), sulfoxaflor (0.3mL/plant) and imidacloprid (Proved 200 SC, 0.7 mL/plant) were applied via drench. For the gallicolae form, an application of the flupyradifurone provided a gall reduction of 90% at 28 days after the first application (DAFA). While for thiamethoxam, 3 applications were needed at weekly intervals to maintain the same level of control. For sulfoxaflor, a second application at 14 DAFA was necessary to provide a level of control above 90%. For the root stage, the insecticides sulfoxaflor and imidacloprid showed the best results, with 96 and 89% of control over nymphs and adults, respectively. The insecticides flupiradifurone and sulfoxaflor are suitable for the chemical control of phylloxera in the vine.
RESUMO: A filoxera-da-videira Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch, 1856) é o principal inseto-praga da viticultura mundial. As infestações podem ocorrer na parte aérea (forma galícola) e raízes (forma radícola). Neste trabalho foi avaliado o efeito de inseticidas na supressão de populações da forma galícola e radícola da praga em videira. Para a fase galícola, os inseticidas thiamethoxam (Actara 250 WG®, 40g p.c/100L-1), flupiradifurona (Sivanto® Prime 200 SL, 75mL p.c/100L-1) e sulfoxaflor (Closer® SC, 40mL p.c/100L-1) foram avaliados a campo, sob infestação natural, utilizando plantas do porta-enxerto 'Paulsen 1103' (Vitis berlandieri x V. rupestris). Para a fase radícola foi conduzido um experimento em casa-de-vegetação a partir de mudas enraizadas de 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera) cultivadas em vasos infestados artificialmente com 200 ovos da filoxera por planta. Após 80 dias da infestação, os inseticidas thiamethoxam (0,2g p.c./planta), flupiradifurona (0,8mL p.c. /planta), sulfoxaflor (0,3mL/planta) e imidacloprido (Provado 200 SC, 0,7 mL/planta) foram aplicados via drench. Para a fase galícola, uma aplicação do inseticida flupiradifurona proporcionou uma redução de galhas de 90% aos 28 dias após a primeira aplicação (DAPA). Enquanto que para o thiamethoxam, foram necessárias três aplicações em intervalos semanais para manter o mesmo nível de controle. Para o sulfoxaflor, foi necessária uma segunda aplicação aos 14 DAPA, para proporcionar um nível de controle acima de 90%. Para a fase radícola, os inseticidas sulfoxaflor e imidacloprido apresentaram os melhores resultados, com 96 e 89% de controle sobre ninfas e adultos respectivamente. Os inseticidas flupiradifurona e sulfoxaflor são alternativas aos neonicotinoides (imidacloprido e thiametoxam) para a supressão populacional da filoxera na cultura da videira.
Devido à viticultura ser uma atividade em processo de consolidação na região do Planalto Norte Catarinense, os produtores não realizam um acompanhamento da qualidade físico-química dos seus produtos, com o objetivo de comparar e atender a legislação brasileira vigente e os padrões de qualidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a caracterização físico-química de sucos de uva elaborados na região do Planalto Norte Catarinense na safra 2021. O presente estudo foi realizado no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina IFSC,Câmpus Canoinhas, abrangendo a região do Planalto Norte Catarinense -Santa Catarina. As avaliações foram realizadas em triplicata, sendo avaliados as variáveis: densidade relativa (g mL-1), sólidos solúveis (°Brix), Grau Glucométrico (°Babo), acidez titulável total (meq L-1) e pH. Observou-se paraas dez amostras avaliadas, valores médios de densidade relativa de 1,0476 g mL-1. Para o teor de sólidos solúveis (°Brix) observou-se valor médio de 11,79° Brix. O grau glucométrico, expresso em °Babo, apresentou entre as amostras avaliadas valor médio de9,82 °Babo, com valores variando de 7,0 a 15,0 °Babo. O valor médio para a variável acidez total titulável foi de 75,6 meq L-1, com valores entre 63,0 a 89,2 meq L-1. Observou-se valor médio de 3,32 para o pH das amostras, com valores variando de 3,2 a 3,62. O Planalto Norte Catarinense possui potencial para a elaboração de sucos de uva de qualidade, contudo, é importante atentar-se ao ponto de maturação das uvas colhidas, com intuito de obter produtos com maiores teores de sólidos solúveis, grau glucométrico e densidade relativa, além da necessidade de refinar o processo de elaboração.(AU)
Due to the fact that viticulture is an activity in consolidation process in the region of Planalto Norte Catarinense, producers do not perform a follow-up of the physical-chemical quality of their products, aiming to compare and meet the Brazilian legislation in force and the quality standards. In this context, the objective of thiswork was to perform thephysical-chemical characterization of grape juices produced in the region of Planalto Norte Catarinense in the 2021 harvest. The present study was carried out at Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina IFSC,Câmpus Canoinhas, covering the region of PlanaltoNorte Catarinense -Santa Catarina. The evaluations were performed in triplicate, and the following variables were evaluated: relative density (g mL-¹), soluble solids (°Brix), glucometric grade (°Babo), total titratable acidity (meq L-¹) and pH. It was observed for the ten samples evaluated, average values of relative density of 1.0476 g mL-¹. For the soluble solids content (°Brix) an average value of 11.79° Brix was observed. The glucometric degree, expressed in °Babo, showed among the samples an averagevalue of 9.82 °Babo, with values ranging from 7.0 to 15.0 °Babo. The average value for the total titratable acidity variable was 75.6 meq L-¹, with values ranging from 63.0 to 89.2 meq L-¹. An average value of 3.32 was observed forthe pH of the samples, with values ranging from 3.2 to 3.62. The Planalto Norte Catarinense region has the potential for the elaboration of quality grape juices, however, it is important to pay attention to the ripening point of the harvested grapes, in order to obtain products with higher contents of soluble solids, glucometric degree and relative density, besides the need to refine the elaboration process.(AU)
Vitis/química , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais/análise , Brasil , Fenômenos QuímicosResumo
Seasonal variations and production factors can influence the quality of grapes. Considering the Sub-middle region of the São Francisco Valley, Brazil, differentiated by production in rainy and warmer periods of the year, the climatic conditions in each season affect the duration of the phenological phases and quality of the grapes. The objective of this study was to characterize the changes in the quality components during maturation of 'BRS Magna' grapes on different rootstocks, in rainy seasons under tropical conditions, as a support to define the harvest time. The experiment was conducted in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, from Jan to Apr 2017 (cycle 1) and Dec 2017 to Apr 2018 (cycle 2) evaluating rootstocks and age of the fruits. Bunches were picked from the start of maturation to the harvest: 49, 56, 61, 64 and 68 days after fruit set (DAF) for cycle 1, and 35, 41, 48, 55, 61, and 66 DAF for cycle 2. In cycle 1 'IAC 572' and 'Paulsen 1103' rootstocks provided higher sugar contents in grapes, which was only repeated in cycle 2 for 'Paulsen 1103'. The accumulation of anthocyanins and yellow flavonoids was favored by 'IAC 313' and 'IAC 572' rootstocks in cycle 1, and by 'IAC 313' and 'IAC 766' in cycle 2. A higher content of polyphenols was conferred on 'IAC 572' in cycle 1 and on 'IAC 766' in cycle 2, which also had a greater antioxidant capacity. Although there were differences between rootstocks, harvesting at approximately 64 DAF maximized grape quality for all treatments.(AU)
Transplantes , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Estação Chuvosa , Frutas/fisiologiaResumo
Correlation between proximal sensing techniques and laboratory results of qualitative variables plus agronomic attributes was evaluated of a 3,0 ha vineyard in the county of Muitos Capões, Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in Vitis vinifera L. at 2017/2018 harvest, aiming to evaluate the replacement of conventional laboratory analysis in viticulture by Vegetation Indexes, at situations were laboratory access are unavailable. Based on bibliographic research, looking for vegetative indexes developed or used for canopy reflectance analysis on grapevines and whose working bands were within the spectral range provided by the equipment used, a total of 17 viable candidates were obtained. These chosen vegetation indices were correlated, through Pearson (5%), with agronomic soil attributes (apparent electrical conductivity, clay, pH in H2O, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, effective CTC, CTC at pH 7.0, zinc, copper, sulfur and boron) for depths 0 -20 cm and 20-40 cm, and plant tissue (Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, manganese and boron) , in addition to some key oenological and phytotechnical parameters for the quantification of wine production and quality. One hundred and thirty ninesignificant correlations were obtained from this cross, with 36 moderate coefficients between 19 parameter variables versus 12 of the indexes. We concluded that in cases where access or availability of laboratory analyzes is difficult or impracticable, the use of vegetation indices is possible if the correlation coefficients reach, at least, the moderate magnitude, serving as a support to decision making until the lack analytical structure to be remedied.
Avaliou-se a correlação entre as técnicas de sensoriamento proximal e os resultados laboratoriais de variáveis qualitativas, mais os atributos agronômicos do solo de um vinhedo de 3,0 ha no município de Muitos Capões, região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, na safra 2017/2018. Objetivou avaliar a substituição das análises laboratoriais convencionais em viticultura por Índices de Vegetação, em situações de indisponibilidade de acesso ao laboratório. Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, buscaram-se índices vegetativos desenvolvidos ou utilizados para análise de refletância de dossel em videiras e cujas bandas de trabalho estavam dentro do intervalo espectral fornecido pelo equipamento utilizado, obtendo-se um total de 17 candidatos viáveis. Esses índices de vegetação escolhidos foram correlacionados, por meio de Pearson (5%), com atributos agronômicos do solo (condutividade elétrica aparente, argila, pH em H2O, fósforo, potássio, matéria orgânica, alumínio, cálcio, magnésio, CTC efetivo, CTC em pH 7,0, zinco, cobre, enxofre e boro) para profundidades de 0 - 20 cm e 20 - 40 cm, e tecido vegetal (nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, cobre, zinco, ferro, manganês e boro), além de alguns parâmetros enológicos e fitotécnicos essenciais para a quantificação da produção e qualidade do vinho. Deste cruzamento foram obtidas 139 correlações significativas, resultando 36 coeficientes moderados entre 19 variáveis de parâmetros versus 12 dos índices. Concluímos que nos casos em que o acesso ou disponibilidade de análises laboratoriais é difícil ou impraticável, a utilização de índices de vegetação é possível, desde que os coeficientes de correlação atinjam, pelo menos, a magnitude moderada, servindo como suporte para a tomada de decisão até a falta de estrutura analítica ser remediada.
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Produção Agrícola/instrumentação , Produção Agrícola/métodos , Brasil , Qualidade do Solo , Tomada de Decisões , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodosResumo
ABSTRACT: Rootstocks are widely used in viticulture due to their resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. Additionally, rootstocks can affect vine growth and fruit quality. This study evaluated the compatibility and initial developmental of the 'BRS Magna' grafted on different rootstocks The wedge graft technique on woody cuttings was utilized. The percentage of survival ranged from 0% ('VR043-43') to 98.33% ('101-14 MGT'), and the rootstock were grouped into three distinct groups. 'IAC 313 Tropical' and 'SO4' rootstocks were those ones with the highest vigor in relation to initial shoot growth. However, 'IAC 572 Jales', 'Harmony', '3309 Couderc' and 'Gravesac' had the best balance between initial shoot growth and root development. The 'BRS Magna' when grafted on rootstocks 'IAC 313 Tropical', 'SO4' and '101-14 MGT' showed the highest initial development rates, while when grafted on 'R99', 'R110' and '420A', it showed the lowest initial development.
RESUMO: Os porta-enxertos são amplamente utilizados na viticultura devido à sua resistência aos estresses biótico e abiótico. Além disso, os porta-enxertos podem afetar o crescimento da videira e a qualidade dos frutos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a compatibilidade e o desenvolvimento inicial de videiras 'BRS Magna' enxertada em diferentes porta-enxertos. A técnica de enxertia em fenda foi utilizada. A porcentagem de sobrevivência variou de 0% (VR043-43) a 98,33% (101-14 MGT) e os porta-enxertos foram agrupados em três grupos distintos. Os porta-enxertos 'IAC 313 Tropical' e 'SO4' foram os de maior vigor em relação ao crescimento inicial da parte aérea. Já 'IAC 572 Jales', 'Harmony', '3309 Couderc' e 'Gravesac' tiveram o melhor equilíbrio entre o crescimento inicial da parte aérea e o desenvolvimento das raízes. 'BRS Magna' quando enxertada nos porta-enxertos 'IAC 313 Tropical', 'SO4' e '101-14 MGT' apresentou as maiores taxas de desenvolvimento inicial, enquanto que, quando enxertada em 'R99', 'R110' e '420A', apresentou os menores valores iniciais de desenvolvimento.
The aim of this research was to study the influence of training system and rootstock on the yield, vigor and physiology of the Chenin Blanc grapevine at São Francisco Valley, northeastern Brazil. An experiment was carried out on eight harvests, from 2013 to 2017, in Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco. Grapevines were grown under two training systems, lyre and espalier, and five rootstocks: IAC 572, IAC 313, IAC 766, Paulsen 1103 and SO4, using a split-plot randomized block design, with training systems assigned to the main plot and the rootstock assigned to the subplot. Lyre favored an increase in the number of bunches, branches and leaf mass in the harvest of the first semester of the year, while in the second semester there were increases of 40 % in the number of bunches and 10 % in leaf mass. Lyre promoted more balanced vines, showing a better ratio between production and pruning weight (Ravaz index). The rootstocks IAC 766, IAC 313 and IAC 572 increased yield and bunch mass under both training systems, while SO4 reduced yield and vigor. The stomatal conductance and instantaneous efficiency of water use were not influenced by either the training system or the rootstock. Under tropical conditions in the São Francisco Valley, Chenin Blanc grapevine may be grown under the lyre training system, preferably on the IAC 766 rootstock, to obtain high yields and balanced grapevines.
24444 , Eficiência , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The aim of this research was to study the influence of training system and rootstock on the yield, vigor and physiology of the Chenin Blanc grapevine at São Francisco Valley, northeastern Brazil. An experiment was carried out on eight harvests, from 2013 to 2017, in Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco. Grapevines were grown under two training systems, lyre and espalier, and five rootstocks: IAC 572, IAC 313, IAC 766, Paulsen 1103 and SO4, using a split-plot randomized block design, with training systems assigned to the main plot and the rootstock assigned to the subplot. Lyre favored an increase in the number of bunches, branches and leaf mass in the harvest of the first semester of the year, while in the second semester there were increases of 40 % in the number of bunches and 10 % in leaf mass. Lyre promoted more balanced vines, showing a better ratio between production and pruning weight (Ravaz index). The rootstocks IAC 766, IAC 313 and IAC 572 increased yield and bunch mass under both training systems, while SO4 reduced yield and vigor. The stomatal conductance and instantaneous efficiency of water use were not influenced by either the training system or the rootstock. Under tropical conditions in the São Francisco Valley, Chenin Blanc grapevine may be grown under the lyre training system, preferably on the IAC 766 rootstock, to obtain high yields and balanced grapevines.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , 24444 , EficiênciaResumo
Water deficit and iron nutritional deficiency (iron chlorosis) are frequent environmental stresses affecting grapevine production in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this work were (i) to study the combined effects of both stresses on aromatic profile of Tempranillo grapes, occurring simultaneously in the vineyard, and (ii) to evaluate the viability of foliar chlorophyll content at veraison (Chl) to early assess aromatic quality potential of grapes in those conditions. Twenty non-irrigated vineyard subzones (10 m × 10 m each), affected and non-affected by iron chlorosis, were monitored in Ribera del Duero Appellation of Origin (North-Central Spain) during two consecutive seasons. Factorial ANOVA was performed to study the effects of predawn leaf water potential and Chl measured at veraison on the must composition parameters and, specifically, on the concentrations of free and bound aromatic compounds. Water deficit tended to increase color intensity and extractable anthocyanin content of the grapes, whereas the incidence of iron deficiency enhanced total phenolic compound content within subzones with better water status. More water or iron stressed subzones restricted C6-alcohols contents than less stressed subzones. Without significant effects on vine vigor, yield or berry size, the incidence of iron chlorosis increased the concentrations of some specific terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile acids and volatile phenols. These results showed that low to moderate iron stress can have positive effects on grape aromatic quality, and demonstrated that Chl can be a useful tool in precision viticulture to map the aromatic potential within rainfed vineyards affected by iron chlorosis.
Anemia Hipocrômica , Deficiências de Ferro , Desidratação , Odorantes , Vitis/química , ClorofilaResumo
Water deficit and iron nutritional deficiency (iron chlorosis) are frequent environmental stresses affecting grapevine production in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this work were (i) to study the combined effects of both stresses on aromatic profile of Tempranillo grapes, occurring simultaneously in the vineyard, and (ii) to evaluate the viability of foliar chlorophyll content at veraison (Chl) to early assess aromatic quality potential of grapes in those conditions. Twenty non-irrigated vineyard subzones (10 m × 10 m each), affected and non-affected by iron chlorosis, were monitored in Ribera del Duero Appellation of Origin (North-Central Spain) during two consecutive seasons. Factorial ANOVA was performed to study the effects of predawn leaf water potential and Chl measured at veraison on the must composition parameters and, specifically, on the concentrations of free and bound aromatic compounds. Water deficit tended to increase color intensity and extractable anthocyanin content of the grapes, whereas the incidence of iron deficiency enhanced total phenolic compound content within subzones with better water status. More water or iron stressed subzones restricted C6-alcohols contents than less stressed subzones. Without significant effects on vine vigor, yield or berry size, the incidence of iron chlorosis increased the concentrations of some specific terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile acids and volatile phenols. These results showed that low to moderate iron stress can have positive effects on grape aromatic quality, and demonstrated that Chl can be a useful tool in precision viticulture to map the aromatic potential within rainfed vineyards affected by iron chlorosis.(AU)
Vitis/química , Odorantes , Deficiências de Ferro , Anemia Hipocrômica , Desidratação , ClorofilaResumo
In the southern region of Brazil, close proximity of vineyards to soybean areas is common, and glyphosate is used frequently to allow for the control of weeds. However, the continuous use of this chemical has accelerated the process of selection for resistant species such as horseweed (Conyza spp.), thus leading to the search for alternative herbicides such as triclopyr to control this weed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report detailing injuries associated with triclopyr drift in grapevines in Brazil, in the Northern region of Parana state, that can result in crop losses that were previously uncharacterized. In this report, the primary symptoms associated with the drift of triclopyr in grapevines are described. Additionally, the major implications of this process regarding vine development along the next crop seasons are explored, and the primary measures to prevent these injuries are discussed.(AU)
Na região sul do Brasil é comum a proximidade de parreirais às lavouras de soja, sendo que no controle de plantas daninhas é frequentemente utilizado o herbicida glifosato. Porém, o seu uso acelerou o processo de seleção de espécies resistentes, como a buva (Conyza spp.), levando à procura por herbicidas alternativos, como o triclopir para o controle dessa planta daninha. Nesse trabalho é feito o primeiro relato de danos associados à deriva da aplicação de triclopir em áreas de produção de uvas no Brasil na região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, causando prejuízos à cultura até então desconhecidos. Nessa comunicação, os principais sintomas associados à deriva desse herbicida em videiras são descritos, bem como discutidas as suas principais implicações no desenvolvimento das videiras nos próximos ciclos produtivos, e as medidas para que os danos sejam evitados.(AU)
Estações do Ano , Vitis , Conyza , Plantas Daninhas , Relatório de Pesquisa , Controle de Plantas Daninhas , HerbicidasResumo
Rootstocks are widely used in viticulture due to their resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. Additionally, rootstocks can affect vine growth and fruit quality. This study evaluated the compatibility and initial developmental of the BRS Magna grafted on different rootstocks The wedge graft technique on woody cuttings was utilized. The percentage of survival ranged from 0% (VR043-43) to 98.33% (101-14 MGT), and the rootstock were grouped into three distinct groups. IAC 313 Tropical and SO4 rootstocks were those ones with the highest vigor in relation to initial shoot growth. However, IAC 572 Jales, Harmony, 3309 Couderc and Gravesac had the best balance between initial shoot growth and root development. The BRS Magna when grafted on rootstocks IAC 313 Tropical, SO4 and 101-14 MGT showed the highest initial development rates, while when grafted on R99, R110 and 420A, it showed the lowest initial development.(AU)
Os porta-enxertos são amplamente utilizados na viticultura devido à sua resistência aos estresses biótico e abiótico. Além disso, os porta-enxertos podem afetar o crescimento da videira e a qualidade dos frutos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a compatibilidade e o desenvolvimento inicial de videiras BRS Magna enxertada em diferentes porta-enxertos. A técnica de enxertia em fenda foi utilizada. A porcentagem de sobrevivência variou de 0% (VR043-43) a 98,33% (101-14 MGT) e os porta-enxertos foram agrupados em três grupos distintos. Os porta-enxertos IAC 313 Tropical e SO4 foram os de maior vigor em relação ao crescimento inicial da parte aérea. Já IAC 572 Jales, Harmony, 3309 Couderc e Gravesac tiveram o melhor equilíbrio entre o crescimento inicial da parte aérea e o desenvolvimento das raízes. BRS Magna quando enxertada nos porta-enxertos IAC 313 Tropical, SO4 e 101-14 MGT apresentou as maiores taxas de desenvolvimento inicial, enquanto que, quando enxertada em R99, R110 e 420A, apresentou os menores valores iniciais de desenvolvimento.(AU)
Transplantes/microbiologia , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/anatomia & histologiaResumo
A utilização de plantas de cobertura do solo, no cultivo da videira é uma técnica importante, principalmente para regiões de clima tropical devido às elevadas temperaturas do ar e do solo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desenvolvimento do cultivar de porta-enxerto de videira IAC 572 Jales, consorciadocom diferentes plantas decobertura do solo. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul -Unidade Universitária de Cassilândia. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições de duas plantas do porta-enxerto, totalizando dez plantas úteis por tratamento. Os tratamentos foram definidos pelas plantas de cobertura: milheto (Pennisetum glaucum); crotolária (Crotalaria juncea); e mamona (Ricinus communis). Foram avaliadas a altura das plantas, diâmetro de caule, número de ramos e teor relativo de clorofila. O desenvolvimento de porta-enxerto IAC 572 Jales, é favorecido pelo cultivo consorciado com crotalária e milheto na entrelinha de plantio, pois contribui para maior altura de plantas e maior teor relativo de clorofila. A utilização da cultura da mamona, em consórcio com o porta-enxerto, deve ser evitada. Tais resultados demonstram a importância de se conhecer a interação entre e espécie cultivada e as plantas de cobertura do solo. Desta forma, outras espécies devem ser avaliadas, para cultivo em consócio com a cultura da videira em regiões tropicais.
The use of soil cover crops in the cultivation of the vine is an important technique, especially for tropical climate regions due to high air and soil temperatures. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the development of the vine rootstock cultivar IAC 572 Jales, intercropped with different types of soilcover plants in the Brazilian Cerrado. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul -Cassilândia University Unit. The experimental design performed on randomized blocks and with five replications of two rootstock plants, totaling ten useful plants per treatment. The treatments were defined by cover crops: millet (Pennisetum glaucum); crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea); and castor (Ricinus communis). Plant height, stem diameter, number of branches and relative chlorophyll content were evaluated. The development of IAC 572 'Jales' rootstock is favored by the intercropping with crotalaria and millet between the planting rows, as it contributes to greater plant height and higher relative chlorophyll content. The use of castor bean culture, in consortium with the rootstock, should be avoided. These results demonstrate the importance of knowing the interaction between the cultivated species and the ground cover crops. Thus, other species must be evaluated, for cultivation in association with the culture of the vine in tropical regions.
Análise do Solo , Conservação de Terras , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vitis/químicaResumo
A utilização de plantas de cobertura do solo, no cultivo da videira é uma técnica importante, principalmente para regiões de clima tropical devido às elevadas temperaturas do ar e do solo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desenvolvimento do cultivar de porta-enxerto de videira IAC 572 Jales, consorciadocom diferentes plantas decobertura do solo. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul -Unidade Universitária de Cassilândia. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições de duas plantas do porta-enxerto, totalizando dez plantas úteis por tratamento. Os tratamentos foram definidos pelas plantas de cobertura: milheto (Pennisetum glaucum); crotolária (Crotalaria juncea); e mamona (Ricinus communis). Foram avaliadas a altura das plantas, diâmetro de caule, número de ramos e teor relativo de clorofila. O desenvolvimento de porta-enxerto IAC 572 Jales, é favorecido pelo cultivo consorciado com crotalária e milheto na entrelinha de plantio, pois contribui para maior altura de plantas e maior teor relativo de clorofila. A utilização da cultura da mamona, em consórcio com o porta-enxerto, deve ser evitada. Tais resultados demonstram a importância de se conhecer a interação entre e espécie cultivada e as plantas de cobertura do solo. Desta forma, outras espécies devem ser avaliadas, para cultivo em consócio com a cultura da videira em regiões tropicais.(AU)
The use of soil cover crops in the cultivation of the vine is an important technique, especially for tropical climate regions due to high air and soil temperatures. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the development of the vine rootstock cultivar IAC 572 Jales, intercropped with different types of soilcover plants in the Brazilian Cerrado. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul -Cassilândia University Unit. The experimental design performed on randomized blocks and with five replications of two rootstock plants, totaling ten useful plants per treatment. The treatments were defined by cover crops: millet (Pennisetum glaucum); crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea); and castor (Ricinus communis). Plant height, stem diameter, number of branches and relative chlorophyll content were evaluated. The development of IAC 572 'Jales' rootstock is favored by the intercropping with crotalaria and millet between the planting rows, as it contributes to greater plant height and higher relative chlorophyll content. The use of castor bean culture, in consortium with the rootstock, should be avoided. These results demonstrate the importance of knowing the interaction between the cultivated species and the ground cover crops. Thus, other species must be evaluated, for cultivation in association with the culture of the vine in tropical regions.(AU)
Vitis/química , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise do Solo , Conservação de TerrasResumo
Characterization of the spatial variability of vegetative vigor in vineyards can help improve the performance of site-specific management practices, or the management of vineyards with different rates. Characterization using canopy proximal sensing has been a widely disseminated technique; however, vineyards in southeastern Brazil, where the utilization of annual double pruning results in a winter harvest, knowledge of the role of variability in improving vineyard management has not yet been applied. This study aimed to determine if post-veraison mapping of a normalized difference vegetation index could be used to assess the variability in grapevine vigor, water status, physiology, yield and berry quality attributes at harvest in an irrigated vineyard in southeastern Brazil. This normalized difference vegetation index was measured with an active canopy sensor, and spatial distribution maps over two growing seasons of a vineyard, managed on an annual double pruning basis, were generated. Attributes of physiological and technological berry maturation, leaf water potential, gas exchange, production, and fresh pruning weight were calculated. These normalized difference vegetation index maps allowed for the determination of variability in vegetative vigor and the productive potential of the vineyard; however, high levels of rainfall during the maturation period may reduce the potential of using these maps for determining berry parameters.(AU)
Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/fisiologia , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Characterization of the spatial variability of vegetative vigor in vineyards can help improve the performance of site-specific management practices, or the management of vineyards with different rates. Characterization using canopy proximal sensing has been a widely disseminated technique; however, vineyards in southeastern Brazil, where the utilization of annual double pruning results in a winter harvest, knowledge of the role of variability in improving vineyard management has not yet been applied. This study aimed to determine if post-veraison mapping of a normalized difference vegetation index could be used to assess the variability in grapevine vigor, water status, physiology, yield and berry quality attributes at harvest in an irrigated vineyard in southeastern Brazil. This normalized difference vegetation index was measured with an active canopy sensor, and spatial distribution maps over two growing seasons of a vineyard, managed on an annual double pruning basis, were generated. Attributes of physiological and technological berry maturation, leaf water potential, gas exchange, production, and fresh pruning weight were calculated. These normalized difference vegetation index maps allowed for the determination of variability in vegetative vigor and the productive potential of the vineyard; however, high levels of rainfall during the maturation period may reduce the potential of using these maps for determining berry parameters.
Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/fisiologia , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento fenológico, e as características físico-químicas e produtivas da videira BRS Carmem cultivadas em Palotina, PR. A avaliação das videiras enxertadas sobre IAC 572 Tropical, espaçadas em 1,5 x 2,5 m, e conduzidas em espaldeira foi realizada nas safras 2019/2020 e 2020/2021. Foram utilizadas 20 plantas representativas do pomar experimental da UFPR Setor Palotina. A avaliação do comportamento fenológico foi realizada a partir de observação de ramos selecionados, a partir da poda de frutificação realizada em meados de agosto, caracterizando-se a duração em dias de cada um dos seguintes subperíodos: poda à gema-algodão (PO-GA); poda à brotação (PO-BR); poda ao aparecimento da inflorescência (PO-AI); poda ao florescimento (PO-FL); poda ao início da maturação (PO-IM) das bagas; poda à colheita (PO-CO), sendo confeccionados diagramas em escala de dias. Por ocasião da colheita quantificou-se o número de cachos por planta, massa dos cachos e a partir destes dados foram estimadas a produção (kg planta-1) e produtividade (t ha-1). Para avaliaçãodo mosto foram coletados dois cachos por planta, dos quais retirou-se seis bagas por cachopara avaliação do teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), relação de índice de maturação (SS/AT) e o teor de antocianinas (mg g-1). Quanto ao número de cachos verificou se em média 48 cachos por planta com massa média de 133 g. As estimativas da produção por planta e produtividade foram de 6,4 kg e 17,1 t ha-1, respectivamente. Os teores médios de SS, AT, SS/AT e antocianinas, foram de 18°Brix, 0,97% deácido tartárico, 18,4 e 4,97 mg g-1, respectivamente. As características produtivas e a qualidade do mosto da BRS Carmem cultivadas na região Oeste do Paraná estão dentro dos padrões desejáveis para elaboração de suco de uva.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenological behavior and the physical-chemical and productive characteristics of the BRS Carmem vine grown in the Western region of Paranástate (Brazil). The evaluation of vines grafted on IAC 572 Tropical, spaced at 1.5 x 2.5 m, and conducted on a backrest was performed in the harvests 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Twenty plants representing the experimental orchard of UFPR -Palotina Sector were used. The evaluation of phenological behavior was performed from observation of selected branches, from the fruiting pruning carried out in mid-August, characterizing the duration in days of each of the following subperiods: cotton yolk pruning (PO-GA); pruning to sprouting (PO-BR); pruning to the appearance of inflorescence (PO-AI); pruning to flowering(PO-FL); pruning at the beginning of ripening (PO-IM) of the berries; pruning to harvest (PO-CO), and diagrams were made on a day scale. At the harvesttime, the number of bunchesper plant, mass of bunches was quantified and from these data the production (kg plant-1) and the productivity (t ha-1) were estimated. To evaluate the must, two bunches per plant were collected, and six berries were collected per bunch to evaluate soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturation index ratio (SS/TA) and anthocyanin content (mg g-1). For the number of bunches was verified an average of 48 bunches per plant, with an average mass of 133 g. The production per plantand yieldestimateswere 6.4 kg and 17.1 t ha-1, respectively. The mean levels of SS, AT, SS/AT and anthocyanins were 18°Brix, 0.97% of tartaric acid, 18.4 and 4.97 mg g-1, respectively. Therefore, theproductivecharacteristics and the quality of the 'BRS Carmem' cultivated in the Western region of Paraná state are within the desirable standards for grape juicepreparation.
Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Fenômenos Químicos , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vitis/químicaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento fenológico, e as características físico-químicas e produtivas da videira BRS Carmem cultivadas em Palotina, PR. A avaliação das videiras enxertadas sobre IAC 572 Tropical, espaçadas em 1,5 x 2,5 m, e conduzidas em espaldeira foi realizada nas safras 2019/2020 e 2020/2021. Foram utilizadas 20 plantas representativas do pomar experimental da UFPR Setor Palotina. A avaliação do comportamento fenológico foi realizada a partir de observação de ramos selecionados, a partir da poda de frutificação realizada em meados de agosto, caracterizando-se a duração em dias de cada um dos seguintes subperíodos: poda à gema-algodão (PO-GA); poda à brotação (PO-BR); poda ao aparecimento da inflorescência (PO-AI); poda ao florescimento (PO-FL); poda ao início da maturação (PO-IM) das bagas; poda à colheita (PO-CO), sendo confeccionados diagramas em escala de dias. Por ocasião da colheita quantificou-se o número de cachos por planta, massa dos cachos e a partir destes dados foram estimadas a produção (kg planta-1) e produtividade (t ha-1). Para avaliaçãodo mosto foram coletados dois cachos por planta, dos quais retirou-se seis bagas por cachopara avaliação do teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), relação de índice de maturação (SS/AT) e o teor de antocianinas (mg g-1). Quanto ao número de cachos verificou se em média 48 cachos por planta com massa média de 133 g. As estimativas da produção por planta e produtividade foram de 6,4 kg e 17,1 t ha-1, respectivamente. Os teores médios de SS, AT, SS/AT e antocianinas, foram de 18°Brix, 0,97% deácido tartárico, 18,4 e 4,97 mg g-1, respectivamente. As características produtivas e a qualidade do mosto da BRS Carmem cultivadas na região Oeste do Paraná estão dentro dos padrões desejáveis para elaboração de suco de uva.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenological behavior and the physical-chemical and productive characteristics of the BRS Carmem vine grown in the Western region of Paranástate (Brazil). The evaluation of vines grafted on IAC 572 Tropical, spaced at 1.5 x 2.5 m, and conducted on a backrest was performed in the harvests 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Twenty plants representing the experimental orchard of UFPR -Palotina Sector were used. The evaluation of phenological behavior was performed from observation of selected branches, from the fruiting pruning carried out in mid-August, characterizing the duration in days of each of the following subperiods: cotton yolk pruning (PO-GA); pruning to sprouting (PO-BR); pruning to the appearance of inflorescence (PO-AI); pruning to flowering(PO-FL); pruning at the beginning of ripening (PO-IM) of the berries; pruning to harvest (PO-CO), and diagrams were made on a day scale. At the harvesttime, the number of bunchesper plant, mass of bunches was quantified and from these data the production (kg plant-1) and the productivity (t ha-1) were estimated. To evaluate the must, two bunches per plant were collected, and six berries were collected per bunch to evaluate soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturation index ratio (SS/TA) and anthocyanin content (mg g-1). For the number of bunches was verified an average of 48 bunches per plant, with an average mass of 133 g. The production per plantand yieldestimateswere 6.4 kg and 17.1 t ha-1, respectively. The mean levels of SS, AT, SS/AT and anthocyanins were 18°Brix, 0.97% of tartaric acid, 18.4 and 4.97 mg g-1, respectively. Therefore, theproductivecharacteristics and the quality of the 'BRS Carmem' cultivated in the Western region of Paraná state are within the desirable standards for grape juicepreparation.(AU)
Vitis/química , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Fenômenos QuímicosResumo
In the State of Goiás, studies related to the vine's responses to the region's edaphoclimatic conditions are scarce. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of three vine rootstock cultivars, IAC 572 'Jales', IAC 313 'Tropical' and IAC 766 'Campinas', in the region of Goiânia, GO, after drastic pruning for uniformity. To evaluate the growth of rootstocks, the experiment was carried out in random blocks, in a double factorial scheme (3x7), with five replications, each repetition formed by a plant. The first factor consisted of three rootstocks: IAC 313 Tropical, IAC 572 Jales and IAC 766 Campinas. The plants were evaluated after 45 days after a drastic uniformization pruning, totaling seven evaluations (45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 days after pruning), this being the second factor. The diameter of the main branch at the height of grafting (80 cm) and length of the main branch were evaluated. With the data on the diameter and length of the main branch, the absolute growth rate was calculated. The IAC 572 'Jales' rootstock cultivar has greater vigor for branch growth, being 69% and 47.3% longer in length, and 49.8% and 18.8% longer in diameter than the IAC rootstock. IAC 313 'Tropical' 'and' IAC 766 'Campinas', respectively. The IAC 766 Campinas rootstock cultivar, although it has low vigor in branch growth, presents satisfactory development.
No Estado de Goiás, são escassos os estudos relacionados às respostas da videira às condições edafoclimáticas da região. Portanto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o crescimento de três cultivares porta-enxerto de videira, IAC 572 Jales, IAC 313 Tropical e IAC 766 Campinas, na região de Goiânia, GO, após poda drástica para uniformização. Para avaliar o crescimento dos porta-enxertos, o experimento foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial duplo (3x7), com cinco repetições, cada repetição formada por uma planta. O primeiro fator consistiu em três porta-enxertos: IAC 313 Tropical, IAC 572 Jales e IAC 766 Campinas. As plantas foram avaliadas a partir de 45 dias após uma poda drástica de uniformização, totalizando sete avaliações (45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 dias após a poda), sendo este o segundo fator. Foram avaliados o diâmetro do ramo principal à altura de enxertia (80 cm), e comprimento do ramo principal. De posse dos dados do diâmetro e comprimento do ramo principal, calculou-se a taxa de crescimento absoluto. O cultivar porta-enxerto IAC 572 Jales apresenta maior vigor para crescimento de ramo, sendo em comprimento 69% e 47,3% superior, e em diâmetro 49,8% e 18,8% superior aos porta-enxertos IAC 313 Tropical e IAC 766 Campinas, respectivamente. A cultivar porta-enxerto IAC 766 Campinas embora, tenha vigor baixo em crescimento de ramo...
Pradaria , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
In the State of Goiás, studies related to the vine's responses to the region's edaphoclimatic conditions are scarce. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of three vine rootstock cultivars, IAC 572 'Jales', IAC 313 'Tropical' and IAC 766 'Campinas', in the region of Goiânia, GO, after drastic pruning for uniformity. To evaluate the growth of rootstocks, the experiment was carried out in random blocks, in a double factorial scheme (3x7), with five replications, each repetition formed by a plant. The first factor consisted of three rootstocks: IAC 313 Tropical, IAC 572 Jales and IAC 766 Campinas. The plants were evaluated after 45 days after a drastic uniformization pruning, totaling seven evaluations (45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 days after pruning), this being the second factor. The diameter of the main branch at the height of grafting (80 cm) and length of the main branch were evaluated. With the data on the diameter and length of the main branch, the absolute growth rate was calculated. The IAC 572 'Jales' rootstock cultivar has greater vigor for branch growth, being 69% and 47.3% longer in length, and 49.8% and 18.8% longer in diameter than the IAC rootstock. IAC 313 'Tropical' 'and' IAC 766 'Campinas', respectively. The IAC 766 Campinas rootstock cultivar, although it has low vigor in branch growth, presents satisfactory development.(AU)
No Estado de Goiás, são escassos os estudos relacionados às respostas da videira às condições edafoclimáticas da região. Portanto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o crescimento de três cultivares porta-enxerto de videira, IAC 572 Jales, IAC 313 Tropical e IAC 766 Campinas, na região de Goiânia, GO, após poda drástica para uniformização. Para avaliar o crescimento dos porta-enxertos, o experimento foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial duplo (3x7), com cinco repetições, cada repetição formada por uma planta. O primeiro fator consistiu em três porta-enxertos: IAC 313 Tropical, IAC 572 Jales e IAC 766 Campinas. As plantas foram avaliadas a partir de 45 dias após uma poda drástica de uniformização, totalizando sete avaliações (45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 dias após a poda), sendo este o segundo fator. Foram avaliados o diâmetro do ramo principal à altura de enxertia (80 cm), e comprimento do ramo principal. De posse dos dados do diâmetro e comprimento do ramo principal, calculou-se a taxa de crescimento absoluto. O cultivar porta-enxerto IAC 572 Jales apresenta maior vigor para crescimento de ramo, sendo em comprimento 69% e 47,3% superior, e em diâmetro 49,8% e 18,8% superior aos porta-enxertos IAC 313 Tropical e IAC 766 Campinas, respectivamente. A cultivar porta-enxerto IAC 766 Campinas embora, tenha vigor baixo em crescimento de ramo...(AU)