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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 875, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434874


Background: Ozone therapy (OT) is a type of treatment that uses ozone gas, which has high oxidizing power. OT has been utilized for various diseases and to accelerate the wound healing process and reduce inflammation. Additionally, OT is a low-cost treatment recommended for patients that can be easily restrained. There are several methods of ozone administration, including topical use through bagging, cupping, or rectal insufflation, in addition to ozonated autohemotherapy. Based on the benefits of OT and the scarcity of reports describing its effects on white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris), we report on the use of ozone in the treatment of a severe facial wound in a white-eared opossum. Case: An adult female white-eared opossum weighing 1.6 kg was rescued from a fire. The patient was pregnant, dehydrated, hypothermic and had an extensive burn wound in the facial region. Due to the stress of captivity and its aggressive behavior, the animal needed to be chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine and butorphanol. Following sedation, the cephalic vein was catheterized and intravenous fluid therapy with ringer lactate was started to treat dehydration. Next, enrofloxacin, meloxicam, and tramadol hydrochloride were administered. Body rewarming was performed with thermal bags. The microbial load of the wound was reduced with chlorhexidine degerming solution followed by washing with saline solution. A thin layer of silver sulfadiazine cream was applied to the wound area. Over the following days the patient was treated with OT using the cupping technique combined with ozonated sunflower oil. After the first applications there was an improvement in the appearance of the wound, which initially had a purulent aspect. After 20 days of treatment the wound showed good granulation and there were no signs of infection, and at 45 days of treatment it was completely healed. The patient was then released with her baby. Discussion: Ozone therapy was included in the patient's treatment plan to enhance the tissue repair process in order to reintroduce the animal to the wild in the shortest possible time. The strategy was successful in improving healing and reducing tissue inflammation and infection. Ozone is known to cause the inactivation of microorganisms as a result of the oxidation of phospholipids and lipoproteins present in the cell membrane of bacteria and to interrupt viral replication. Ozone helps in the perfusion of injured tissues, contributing to the entry of humoral components, which control inflammation. Moreover, ozone contributes to increase supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to stimulate increased production of fibrinogen and formation of granulation tissue. Ozone increases the enzymatic antioxidant response, while also playing a role in immunoregulation. Ozone can be used in several ways and via various methods with potential routes including intravenous, urethral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intra-articular, in addition to rectal and intramammary insufflation. Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic effects can be achieved with different doses and concentrations, which enables its application in different types of pathologies. Because of the aggressive behavior of the animal, in the current case we opted for the cupping technique combined with ozonated oil, both techniques which can be administered easily with only physical restraint of the patient. Cupping allows for the provision of a higher concentration of ozone gas locally whereas the ozonated oil maintains the effect of the gas for slightly longer, enhancing its effect and promoting tissue repair. The present report showed that OT is an effective alternative for the treatment of burn wounds in opossums, without causing adverse effects to the patient or her baby.

Animais , Feminino , Cicatrização , Didelphis/lesões , Traumatismos Faciais/veterinária , Ozonioterapia , Animais Selvagens/lesões
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(2): 95-100, abr./jun. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399556


O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever os dados das condenações de pulmões por aspiração de sangue em abate de suínos do estado da Bahia, no período de janeiro de 2018 a outubro de 2020, em abatedouros sob fiscalização do Serviço de Inspeção Estadual (SIE). A coleta retrospectiva foi facilitada pela Agência de Defesa Agropecuária da Bahia (ADAB), através da Guia de Trânsito Animal (GTA), e foram coletados dados de 255.834 suínos abatidos em matadouros frigoríficos, localizados em oito municípios. Nos anos de 2018 e 2019, a aspiração de sangue foi a lesão mais encontrada. Em 2018, foram 15,45% (1131/7322) das alterações macroscópicas e 36,48% (1131/3100) das condenações pulmonares, e em 2019, foram 14,75% (1053/7138) e 36,20% (1053/2909), respectivamente. A congestão foi a lesão mais encontrada em 2020, mas não houve diferença considerável com a aspiração de sangue, que foi destaque das condenações pulmonares, com 38,07% (712/1870). Estes dados revelam a frequência de condenação por aspiração de sangue no estado da Bahia e sugerem implementação de treinamentos de manejo não violento para os funcionários dos abatedouros frigoríficos, visto que esse tipo de lesão indica estresse e uma tecnopatia associada à falha na insensibilização e sangria, em razão do animal agonizar enquanto tenta respirar após a incisão no pescoço.

This study aims to analyze data on lung condemnations for blood aspiration in pig slaughter in the state of Bahia, Brazil from january 2018 to october 2020, in slaughterhouses under supervision of the State Inspection Service (SIE). The retrospective collection was facilitated by the Agricultural Defense Agency of Bahia (ADAB), through the Animal Transit Guide (GTA), and data were collected from 255,834 pigs slaughtered in slaughter houses located in eight municipalities. In 2018 and 2019, blood aspiration was the most common lesion. In 2018, it was 15,45% (1131/7322) of macroscopic changes and 36,48% (1131/3100) of lung condemnations, and in 2019, it was 14,75% (1053/7138) and 36,20% (1053/2909), respectively. Congestion was the most common lesion found in 2020, but there was no considerable difference with blood aspiration, which was highlighted in pulmonary condemnations, with 38,07% (712/1870). These data reveal the frequency of condemnations for blood aspiration in the state of Bahia, Brazil and suggest the implementation of training in non-violent management for employees of slaughterhouses, as this type of injury indicates stress and a technopathy as sociated with failure in stunning and bleeding, because the animal agonizes while trying to breathe after the neck incision

Animais , Suínos/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Matadouros/estatística & dados numéricos , Aspiração Respiratória/veterinária , Lesão Pulmonar/veterinária , Abate de Animais/estatística & dados numéricos
Ars vet ; 38(4): 169-172, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417149


A produção de carne bovina tem uma grande importância a nível mundial e, no Brasil, evidencia papel fundamental na economia do país, tornando-o um dos maiores produtores, consumidores e exportadores. A qualidade da carne é influenciada por vários fatores, e entre estes, destaca-se a ocorrência de contusões nas carcaças e, consequentemente, perdas econômicas devido às restrições comerciais. Assim, este trabalho objetivou estabelecer a ocorrência de contusões em carcaças bovinas desviadas para o Departamento de Inspeção Final (DIF), com condenação total da carcaça, no período de 04 de janeiro a 15 de setembro de 2022, em um frigorífico sob inspeção federal, localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foram abatidos e inspecionados 20.864 machos e 1.927 fêmeas, totalizando 22.791 bovinos, dos quais, 172 carcaças foram desviadas para o DIF, sendo que 7 foram condenadas totalmente (0,031% do total), resultando em R$ 37.490,10 reais de perda econômica. Para evitar a condenação total de carcaças, medidas eficazes de bem-estar animal devem ser implantadas, fazendo com que a bovinocultura brasileira continue em desenvolvimento e reduza as perdas econômicas.

Beef production is of great importance worldwide and, in Brazil, it plays a fundamental role in the country's economy, making it one of the largest producers, consumers and exporters. Meat quality is influenced by several factors, and among these, the occurrence of bruises on carcasses is highlighted and, consequently, losses due to commercial restrictions stands out. Thus, this research aimed to establish the occurrence of bruises in bovine carcasses diverted to the Department of Final Inspection (DIF), with the total condemnation of the carcass, from January 4 to September 15, 2022, in an abattoir under Federal Inspection Service (SIF), located in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. A set of 20,864 males and 1,927 females were slaughtered and inspected, totaling 22,791 bovines, of which 172 carcasses were diverted to the DIF, 7 of which were completely condemned (0.031% of the total), resulting in RS 37,490.10 of economic loss. To avoid the total condemnation of carcasses, effective animal welfare strategies must be implemented, making the Brazilian cattle industry continue to develop and reduce its losses.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Inspeção Sanitária , Carne Vermelha/análise , Carne Vermelha/economia , Brasil , Matadouros
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(1): 20-25, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437460


A 20-month-old miniature mixed-breed heifer weighing 200 kg was presented with a history of dysphagia, sialorrhea and dyspnea after being fed with food residues. At home it was treated with intravenous hydration, antibiotic combination, diuretics and AINEs. Additionally, one failed passage of oro-ruminal tube and several ruminal trocarizations were performed. At clinical examination the animal showed signs compatible with digestive obstruction, severe dyspnea and shock. Complete blood count showed leukocytosis with neutrophilia, left shift and lymphocytosis. Serum chemistry tests showed hyperlactatemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia and azotemia. Acid-base analysis indicated severe metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. Esophagoscopy was performed, during which the patient went into shock and died. In necropsy a complete middle third esophageal obstruction with rupture by a carrot was identified.(AU)

Uma novilha miniatura de 20 meses de idade com 200 kg de peso foi apresentada com um histórico de disfagia, sialorréia e dispnéia após ter sido alimentada com resíduos alimentares. Na fazenda, foi tratada com hidratação intravenosa, combinação de antibióticos, diuréticos e AINEs. Além disso, uma passagem falhada do tubo oro-ruminal e várias trocas de ruminal foram realizadas. No exame clínico o animal mostrou sinais compatíveis com obstrução digestiva, dispnéia severa e choque. O hemograma completo mostrou leucocitose com neutrofilia, deslocamento esquerdo e linfocitose. Testes de química sérica mostraram hiperlactatemia, hipocalemia, hipocalcemia, hiperglicemia e azotemia. A análise ácido-base indicou acidose metabólica grave e alcalose respiratória. A esofagoscopia foi realizada, durante a qual o paciente entrou em choque e morreu. Na necropsia foi identificada uma obstrução completa do terço médio do esôfago com ruptura por uma cenoura.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/lesões , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico , Resíduos de Alimentos
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 54-56, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363957


Animals in human care often exceed the life expectancy of animals in the wild when they have veterinarian follow-ups, no competition for space or food, and continuous care. Advanced age favors the development of mutations that often trigger cancer, which sometimes causes death. There are reports in the literature on neoplasms in lions in the liver, which are one of the main organs affected. A 20-year-old lion specimen was received for necropsy at the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. Multiple cystic dilations were observed in the liver. Histologically, they were internally covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium, similar to that observed in the bile ducts, without cellular atypia. The adjacent liver parenchyma presented with mild disorganization of the hepatocyte cords. Biliary cystadenomas are benign growths formed by a thin opaque capsule filled with a slightly yellowish translucent fluid compressing the adjacent liver parenchyma, as highlighted in this case. The epithelium of the cysts was positive for anti-cytokeratin (CK) (EIA/A3E) and anti-CK7, confirming histogenesis in the bile ducts. This study reports a case of biliary cystadenoma in a Panthera leo specimen.(AU)

Animais , Expectativa de Vida , Cistadenoma/fisiopatologia , Leões/lesões , Fígado , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Relatório de Pesquisa
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(6): e20200822, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345803


This retrospective study described the therapeutic modalities used for the rehabilitation of cats with neurological and orthopedic diseases and provided data regarding the number of sessions, frequency, and treatment duration; the study also evaluated the modality acceptance by this species. Twenty cats were selected, 11 with neurological diseases and nine with orthopedic conditions. Acute spinal cord trauma and femoral fracture were the most frequently observed neurological (72.7%) and orthopedic (44.4%) conditions, respectively. Manual therapies comprised of passive stretching (PS), passive range of motion (PROM), and bicycle movement (BM) exercises were included in all the protocols.Therapeutic modality acceptance was positive for physical agents, thermotherapy, and hydrotherapy (100%);in manual therapies, it was positive in 40% and partially positive in 60% of cats; in kinesiotherapy, it was positive for all the assisted active exercises and negative for the active exercises. The number of physical therapy sessions significantly influenced the positive acceptance of PS (P < 0.05). The PS, PROM, and BM exercises were the most commonly used modalities; the number of physiotherapy sessions and duration of treatment were higher in cats with neurological diseases, and acceptance was positive in most therapeutic modalities.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi descrever as modalidades terapêuticas utilizadas na reabilitação de gatos com doenças neurológicas e ortopédicas em um centro de reabilitação, fornecer dados referentes ao número de sessões, a frequência, a duração do tratamento e avaliar a aceitação das modalidades pela espécie. Foram selecionados 20 gatos, sendo, 11 com doenças neurológicas e nove com afecções ortopédicas. O trauma agudo de medula espinhal e a fratura de fêmur foram as doenças neurológicas (72,7%) e ortopédicas (44,4%) mais observadas, respectivamente. As terapias manuais compostas pelos exercícios de alongamento passivo (AP), movimentação passiva articular (MPA) e movimento em bicicleta (MB) foram incluídas em 100% dos protocolos. A aceitação das modalidades terapêuticas foi positiva para os agentes físicos, termoterapia e hidroterapia (100%); nas terapias manuais, foi positiva em 40% e parcialmente positiva em 60% dos gatos e, na cinesioterapia, foi positiva para os exercícios ativos assistidos em 100% e negativa para os exercícios ativos. O número de sessões de fisioterapia influenciou significativamente na aceitação positiva do alongamento passivo (P < 0,05). O AP, a MPA, o MB foram as modalidades mais utilizadas; o número de sessões de fisioterapia e a duração do tratamento foram maiores nos gatos com doenças neurológicas e a aceitação foi positiva na maioria das modalidades terapêuticas.

Animais , Gatos , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/reabilitação , Gatos/lesões , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/veterinária , Fraturas do Fêmur/reabilitação
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07107, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1406219


This study attempted to determine the associations between metabolic imbalances and lameness or hoof injuries in high-producing Holstein × Gir cows, and to determine whether the metabolic profile affects the occurrence of lameness. Eighty cows were followed from -60 to 60 days relative to calving and hoof injuries were reported on days -60, 7 and 60. Locomotion score (LS), body condition score (BCS), the concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids, ß-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, cholesterol, albumin, total protein, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and the activity of aspartate aminotransferase were determined at days -42, -21, -7, 0, 7, 21 and 42. The McNemar and Chi-square tests were used to compare frequencies of lameness and hoof injuries over time and to verify the associations between lameness, BCS, hoof injuries, and metabolic disorders. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used considering groups (non-lame × lame cows) and variations of BCS and metabolites over time. Lameness and hoof injuries increased between days -60 (20% and 66.3%) and 60 (44.7% and 98.6%). Excessive postpartum loss of BCS (P=0.017) and subclinical hypocalcemia (P=0.012) were associated with lameness on day 60. In general, the metabolic profile did not differ between lame and non-lame cows but cholesterol, albumin, BUN and magnesium concentrations were higher in non-lame cows. The postpartum decrease in BCS can affect the occurrence of lameness, and the metabolic profile of lame cows shows little difference from that of non-lame cows.

Este estudo objetivou verificar as associações entre desequilíbrios metabólicos e claudicação ou lesões nos cascos em vacas mestiças Holandesa × Gir de alta produção e determinar se o perfil metabólico afeta a ocorrência de claudicação. Oitenta vacas foram acompanhadas de -60 a 60 dias em relação ao parto e as lesões nos cascos foram avaliadas nos dias -60, 7 e 60. O escore de locomoção (EL), o escore de condição corporal (ECC), as concentrações de ácidos graxos não esterificados, ß-hidroxibutirato, glicose, colesterol, albumina, proteína total, nitrogênio ureico no sangue (BUN), cálcio, fósforo e magnésio e a atividade da aspartato aminotransferase foram determinados nos dias -42, -21, -7, 0, 7, 21 e 42. Os testes de McNemar e de Qui-quadrado foram empregados para comparar as frequências de claudicação e de lesões nos cascos ao longo do tempo e para verificar as associações entre claudicação, ECC, lesões nos cascos e distúrbios metabólicos. A análise de variâncias de medidas repetidas bifatorial foi usada considerando-se grupos (vacas com claudicação × vacas sem claudicação) e variações de BCS e de metabólitos ao longo do tempo. A claudicação e as lesões nos cascos aumentaram entre os dias -60 (20% e 66,3%) e 60 (44,7% e 98,6%). A perda excessiva de ECC no pós-parto (P=0,017) e a hipocalcemia subclínica ao parto (P=0,012) foram associadas com claudicação no dia 60. Em geral, o perfil metabólico não diferiu entre vacas com e sem claudicação, mas as concentrações de colesterol, albumina, BUN e magnésio foram maiores em vacas sem claudicação. A redução do ECC no periodo pós-parto pode afetar a ocorrência de claudicação, e o perfil metabólico das vacas claudicantes apresenta pouca diferença em relação ao das vacas não claudicantes.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/etiologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/metabolismo , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Casco e Garras/lesões , Coxeadura Animal/etiologia , Brasil , Bovinos/metabolismo
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06953, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487685


In order to determine the main anatomopathological findings of Testudines necropsied in the Distrito Federal, all necropsy records performed at the "Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária" of the "Universidade de Brasília" (LPV-UnB) on Testudines during the period from January 2008 to July 2020 were reviewed. The 72 cases reviewed were grouped and classified according to species, sex, origin, season of occurrence, and diagnosis. In 69.44% of the cases the species was informed in the necropsy protocols, which included Phrynops geoffroanus (38%), Trachemys dorbigni (36%), Chelonoidis carbonaria (14%), Chelonoidis denticulata (10%) and Podocnemis expansa (2%). In 30.55% of the cases this parameter was not informed and were classified only as Testudines. In 41.66% of the cases the sex was informed, being female 22.22%, male 19.44%, and 58.33% were not informed. Of these animals 79.16% were from environmental agencies and 20.84% from zoos and/or guardians. In 70.83% of the animals analyzed they were directly related to the autumn and winter seasons, with June being the most frequent month (29.17%). The conclusive diagnosis was possible in 68.05% of the cases. The category of disorders caused by injurious agents (48.97%) was the most prevalent, followed by inflammatory disorders (32.65%) and nutritional and metabolic disorders (28.57%). The main diagnoses were carapace and/or plastron fracture with 30.61%, hepatic steatosis (20.40%) and pneumonia (10.22%). Most cases of carapace or plastron fracture and hepatic steatosis occurred in animals from environmental agencies.

Com o objetivo de determinar os principais achados anatomopatológicos de Testudines necropsiados no Distrito Federal, foram revisadas todas as fichas de necropsia realizadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade de Brasília (LPV-UnB) em Testudines, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2020. Os 72 casos revisados foram agrupados e classificados quanto à espécie, sexo, procedência, estação do ano de ocorrência e diagnóstico. Em 69,44% dos casos havia a espécie informada nos protocolos de necropsia, que incluíam Phrynops geoffroanus (38%), Trachemys dorbigni (36%), Chelonoidis carbonaria (14%), Chelonoidis denticulata (10%) e Podocnemis expansa (2%). Em 30,55% dos casos não tiveram esse parâmetro informado e foram classificados apenas como Testudines. Em 41,66% casos foi informado o sexo, sendo fêmea 22,22%, macho 19,44% e não informados 58,33%. Destes animais 79,16% eram de órgão ambiental e 20,84% de zoológicos e ou tutores. Em 70,83% dos animais analisados tiveram direta relação com as estações de outono e inverno, sendo o mês de junho o mais frequente (29,17%). O diagnóstico conclusivo foi possível em 68,05% dos casos. A categoria de distúrbios causados por agentes lesivos (48,97%) foi a mais prevalente, seguido por distúrbios inflamatórios (32,65%) e dos distúrbios nutricionais e metabólicos (28,57%). Os principais diagnósticos foram fratura de carapaça e ou plastrão com 30,61%, esteatose hepática (20,40%) e pneumonia (10,22%). A maior parte dos casos de fratura de carapaça ou plastrão e de esteatose hepática ocorreram em animais provenientes de órgão ambiental.

Animais , Fraturas Ósseas/mortalidade , Fígado Gorduroso/mortalidade , Pneumonia/mortalidade , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Tartarugas/lesões , Autopsia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06953, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356553


In order to determine the main anatomopathological findings of Testudines necropsied in the Distrito Federal, all necropsy records performed at the "Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária" of the "Universidade de Brasília" (LPV-UnB) on Testudines during the period from January 2008 to July 2020 were reviewed. The 72 cases reviewed were grouped and classified according to species, sex, origin, season of occurrence, and diagnosis. In 69.44% of the cases the species was informed in the necropsy protocols, which included Phrynops geoffroanus (38%), Trachemys dorbigni (36%), Chelonoidis carbonaria (14%), Chelonoidis denticulata (10%) and Podocnemis expansa (2%). In 30.55% of the cases this parameter was not informed and were classified only as Testudines. In 41.66% of the cases the sex was informed, being female 22.22%, male 19.44%, and 58.33% were not informed. Of these animals 79.16% were from environmental agencies and 20.84% from zoos and/or guardians. In 70.83% of the animals analyzed they were directly related to the autumn and winter seasons, with June being the most frequent month (29.17%). The conclusive diagnosis was possible in 68.05% of the cases. The category of disorders caused by injurious agents (48.97%) was the most prevalent, followed by inflammatory disorders (32.65%) and nutritional and metabolic disorders (28.57%). The main diagnoses were carapace and/or plastron fracture with 30.61%, hepatic steatosis (20.40%) and pneumonia (10.22%). Most cases of carapace or plastron fracture and hepatic steatosis occurred in animals from environmental agencies.(AU)

Com o objetivo de determinar os principais achados anatomopatológicos de Testudines necropsiados no Distrito Federal, foram revisadas todas as fichas de necropsia realizadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade de Brasília (LPV-UnB) em Testudines, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2020. Os 72 casos revisados foram agrupados e classificados quanto à espécie, sexo, procedência, estação do ano de ocorrência e diagnóstico. Em 69,44% dos casos havia a espécie informada nos protocolos de necropsia, que incluíam Phrynops geoffroanus (38%), Trachemys dorbigni (36%), Chelonoidis carbonaria (14%), Chelonoidis denticulata (10%) e Podocnemis expansa (2%). Em 30,55% dos casos não tiveram esse parâmetro informado e foram classificados apenas como Testudines. Em 41,66% casos foi informado o sexo, sendo fêmea 22,22%, macho 19,44% e não informados 58,33%. Destes animais 79,16% eram de órgão ambiental e 20,84% de zoológicos e ou tutores. Em 70,83% dos animais analisados tiveram direta relação com as estações de outono e inverno, sendo o mês de junho o mais frequente (29,17%). O diagnóstico conclusivo foi possível em 68,05% dos casos. A categoria de distúrbios causados por agentes lesivos (48,97%) foi a mais prevalente, seguido por distúrbios inflamatórios (32,65%) e dos distúrbios nutricionais e metabólicos (28,57%). Os principais diagnósticos foram fratura de carapaça e ou plastrão com 30,61%, esteatose hepática (20,40%) e pneumonia (10,22%). A maior parte dos casos de fratura de carapaça ou plastrão e de esteatose hepática ocorreram em animais provenientes de órgão ambiental.(AU)

Animais , Pneumonia/mortalidade , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Tartarugas/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/mortalidade , Fígado Gorduroso/mortalidade , Autopsia/veterinária
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e49794, mar. 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413430


Arthropod venoms are potential sources of bioactive substances, providing tools for the validation of popular use and new drugs design. Ants belonging to the genus Dinoponera are used in the folk medicine to treat inflammatory conditions. It was previously demonstrated that the venom of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps (DqV), containing a mixture of polypeptides, elicit antinociceptive effect in mice models of chemical, mechanical and thermal nociception. The aim of this study was to evaluate DqV antiinflammatory and antihypernociceptive effects in a mice model of traumatic cutaneous wound. Colonies of D. quadriceps were collected in the 'Serra de Maranguape' (State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil), a small mountain range located on the coastal zone, and the venom secreted by the ant glands was extracted with capillary tubes, further lyophilized and maintained at -20 ± 1ºC until use. Wounds were performed in the dorsum of Swiss mice. Animals received intravenous (i.v.) injection of DqV (50 µg kg-1 day-1) during 3 days for evaluation of inflammatory parameters present in the wounds: hypernociception, leukocyte infiltrate, myeloperoxidase activity, nitrite/nitrate content. Data was tested by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc test. DqV reduced (2.7 folds) hypernociception at 48 hours, leukocyte infiltration by 65% at 6 hours and myeloperoxidase activity by 60% at 0.5 hour after wound induction. In conclusion, the venom extracted from D. quadriceps glands attenuates inflammation and hypernociception in mice cutaneous wounds.(AU)

Animais , Camundongos , Venenos de Artrópodes/análise , Inflamação/tratamento farmacológico , Camundongos/lesões , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 772, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363814


Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil. Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented subcutaneous edema in the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea. Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Pênis/lesões , Ruptura/veterinária , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Brasil
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 30(1): e022720, 2021. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30269


Slaughter condemnations are important sources of information on cattle health. The incidence of bovine parasitic diseases is still very high in Brazil. These diseases, in addition to causing harm to the animals health, are neglected zoonotic diseases in several parts of world. The study analysed not only the Carcass losses, but also the economic damage resulting from slaughter condemnations due to parasitic causes. Cattle slaughter data from the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), over the period of 2012 to 2015 and data from the Secretary of Livestock and Irrigation of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (SEAPI-RS) were analyzed between 2014 and 2018.The number of organs and carcasses condemned was multiplied by the respective values (in Brazilian Real) obtained from slaughterhouses and subsequently converted into dollars. Brazilian analysis in SIF (Federal Inspection System) establishments showed that more than 1.2 million organs (3,884,505 kg) and 20,000 carcasses (4,547,718 kg) were condemned only due to parasitic causes during post-mortem inspection. In Rio Grande do Sul, in state inspection establishments, more than 1.7 million organs (8,210,559 kg) and 5,000 carcasses (1,243,200 kg) were condemned. These data are alarming and support the need for public policies to control these parasitic diseases.(AU)

Condenações durante o abate são importantes fontes de informação sobre a sanidade dos rebanhos. Ainda são altas as incidências de doenças parasitárias, as quais trazem consequências à saúde dos animais, são zoonoses e têm sua importância negligenciada em diversos países. O estudo objetivou quantificar não apenas as perdas encontradas, mas o prejuízo econômico resultante das condenações ao abate por causas parasitárias. Para isso foram analisados dados de abate de bovinos do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento, no período de 2012 a 2015, e dados da Secretaria da Agricultura Pecuária e Irrigação, do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2014 a 2018. A quantidade de órgãos e carcaças condenados foi multiplicada pelos respectivos valores (em Reais), obtidos da indústria frigorífica e, posteriormente, convertidos para dólar. A análise brasileira de estabelecimentos com SIF (Serviço de Inspeção Federal) mostrou que mais de 1,2 milhão de órgãos (3.884.505 kg) e 20 mil carcaças (4.547.718 kg) foram condenados devido a causas parasitárias durante a inspeção. No estado do Rio Grande do Sul, nos estabelecimentos de inspeção estadual, foram condenados mais de 1,7 milhão de órgãos (8.210.559 kg) e 5 mil carcaças (1.243.200 kg). Os dados são alarmantes e ressaltam a necessidade de políticas públicas para controlar estas parasitoses.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/lesões , Bovinos/parasitologia , Inspeção Sanitária , Abate de Animais
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 695, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363484


Background: Radio-carpal dislocations are normally related to situations of trauma and may be treated with open or closed reduction, reconstruction of injured structures or arthrodesis. The treatment aims to eliminate pain, abnormal joint movement and restore member functions, avoiding or minimizing the development of arthrosis. Notwithstanding the literature on the treatment options, few of them explain the restorative technical applications and their evolution in a later postoperative period. The aim of the present report is to discuss extra-articular joint reconstruction with nylon wire in a canine patient with radio-carpal joint dislocation and ligament rupture. Case: A 10-year-old mixed-breed bitch, weighing 10 kg, after an 8-meter fall, received care at Animal Care Barueri Clínica Veterinária. The animal presented left thoracic member functional impotence and radio-carpal joint valgus dislocation, pain and joint swelling. The patient was sedated and medium-lateral and dorso-palmar X-rays of the distal area of the thoracic member were performed, showing radio-carpal dislocation and a slight radiotransparent line in caudal cortical of the middle third of the left radium, possibly related to an incomplete fracture due to compaction. At this point, the choice was for a closed reduction performed by means of traction followed by internal rotation of the distal extremity of the member. An immobilization device was placed using a vinyl splint for 4 days, until the date of the surgery. For the surgical procedure, a dorso-medial access was opened in the left radio-carpal joint, restoring the short radium collateral joint with nylon 0 suture, anchored on 3 pathways opened in the bones (2 pathways in the radium and 1 in the carpo-radial bone), forming one knot. The subcutaneous tissue was closed and sutured using absorbable wire of 2-0 polyglycolic acid. The skin was sutured using nonabsorbable wire of 3-0 nylon. The immediate postoperative X-rays showed the pathways created, conservation of the bone structures and restoration of the anatomic axis of the radio-carpal joint. The member was again immobilized for 70 days and, 30 days after removal of the splint, the animal could already bear load over the member, without lameness. At 10 months after the surgery, the patient performed X-rays of the medium-lateral and dorso-palmar projections, showing absence of the signs of arthrosis or any joint impairment. There was also absence of lameness and pain, however with reduction in joint movement amplitude, with total extension but more limited flexion. Discussion: Through comparison with the literature it was possible to find similarities with the joint injury approach reported, mainly regarding the form of the suture and the clinical alterations observed, such as short radium collateral ligament rupture related to joint valgus deviation. The treatment strategy in the case combined temporary closed reduction of the joint, immobilization, later joint access and restoration with synthetic wire and long-term immobilization. The postoperative results obtained showed favorable evolution, without signs of joint degeneration, pain or lameness. Possible unwanted consequences related to arthrodesis make the options for reconstruction techniques seem more interesting; however, further information of their application and the combination of its variations in a more directed fashion are still required. Understanding the types of injuries, together with the development of research that assess their diagnosis and evolution, may help treatments to show even better perspectives.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Fios Ortopédicos/veterinária , Carpo Animal/lesões , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Artrodese/veterinária , Artroplastia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.660-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458520


Background: Despite the fact that slab fracture of the third carpal bone is an event of great worldwide relevance in racehorses, the third carpal fracture doesn’t have data on treatments and return to racing in Brazil. The search for efficient treatments and which provide recovery providing horses return to racing is an objective of sports equine medicine. Regenerative therapies like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cells (MSc) have demonstrated a great potential in the treatment of several injuries. For the treatment of three Thoroughbred racing horses at Brazilian Jockey Club, with sagittal plane slab fractures of the third carpal bone, we used the association of PRP and Stem Cells for reduction of the rest and good return to conditions athletics of these horses. Cases: Three Thoroughbred racing horses, males, 4 and 5 years old, showed slab fracture third carpal bone in different moments of their activity at Brazilian Jockey Club. Usually, the treatment for this type of fracture is the arthroscopic repair and the conservative management. We performed after initial radiographic evaluation dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique (DPr-DDiO) “skyline”, intra-articular applications of PRP and MSCs. The treatments were performed according to the radiographic follow-up of the lesion evolution. No other treatment was performed concomitantly with cell therapy in the 3 treated patients. Three treatments were performed in the first patient and 2 in the second and third patients. Before each treatment for all patients, we performed radiography dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique (DPr-DDiO) ‘skyline’ of the carpus. After this step, the animal was sedated with 10% xylazine hydrochloride at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg intravenously. Antisepsis of the carpus was performed and applied with radiographic monitoring of the needle positioning, first the PRP in the volume of 2 mL and in sequence, 20 million cells MSCs suspended in autologous...

Animais , Carpo Animal/cirurgia , Carpo Animal/lesões , Cavalos/cirurgia , Cavalos/fisiologia , Corrida/fisiologia , Células-Tronco , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Condicionamento Físico Animal , Proloterapia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2211-2222, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142323


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar macro e microscopicamente a atividade cicatrizante da Sphagneticola trilobata em feridas cutâneas induzidas em ratos, a partir da aplicação de creme contendo extrato hidroalcoólico bruto de folhas da planta. A análise fitoquímica apresentou terpenos e flavonoides como compostos majoritários. Sessenta ratos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais (n=20): grupo tratado (GT), grupo controle (GC) e grupo controle absoluto (GCA). Quatro feridas excisionais de 0,8cm de diâmetro foram realizadas no dorso dos animais, tratadas diariamente e avaliadas nos tempos três, sete, 14 e 21 dias de pós-operatório (PO) quanto à contração e à avaliação macroscópica, morfo-histológica e morfo-histométrica. Macroscopicamente, não houve diferença estatística na contração das feridas entre os grupos testados. Na avaliação morfológica e na morfométrica, o GT apresentou menor concentração de células inflamatórias, maior e melhor preenchimento do tecido de granulação pelas fibras colágenas e melhor vascularização das feridas. Não houve diferença entre o GC e o GCA. Conclui-se que o creme à base do extrato hidroalcoólico bruto das folhas de Sphagneticola trilobata contribui positivamente para o processo de cicatrização das feridas em pele de ratos.(AU)

The objective of this work was to macro and microscopically evaluate the healing activity of Sphagneticola trilobata in rat-induced skin wounds by applying cream containing crude hydroalcoholic extract from plant leaves. The phytochemical analysis showed terpenes and flavonoids as major compounds. Sixty rats were divided into three experimental groups (n=20): treated group (GT), control group (CG) and absolute control group (GCA). Four 0.8cm diameter excision wounds were performed on the back of the animals, treated daily and evaluated at the three, seven, 14 and 21 postoperative days (PO) for contraction, macroscopic, morphologic and morphologic evaluation. The TG presented smaller scar area at 21 postoperative days (P<0.05). In the morphological and morphometric evaluation, the WG presented lower inflammation, greater and better filling of granulation tissue by collagen fibers and better wound vascularization. There was no difference between GC and GCA. It was concluded that the cream based on the crude hydroalcoholic extract of Sphagneticola trilobata leaves contribute positively to the healing process of the skin wounds of rats.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Pele/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões/reabilitação , Neovascularização Fisiológica , Asteraceae/química , Plantas Medicinais , Medicamento Fitoterápico
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(3): 126-133, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472654


Devido às instalações em que são criados e à sua natureza, os equinos comumente envolvemse em acidentes que resultam, quase que em sua totalidade, em lesões nos membros em variados níveis de gravidade. Feridas localizadas nas extremidades distais são, em geral, complicadas pela falta de tecido de revestimento, má circulação, movimento articular, maior predisposição para contaminação e consequente infecção. Além disso os equinos apresentam particularidades relacionadas ao processo de cicatrização cutânea, sendo comum nessa espécie a formação de tecido de granulação exuberante, acarretando um tempo maior para a recuperação clínica e resolução da ferida. Diversos tratamentos têm sido descritos na literatura com o objetivo de prevenir ou reduzir a granulação exuberante em equinos, porém, ainda não há descrição de um protocolo para o tratamento de feridas crônicas nessa espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar dois casos de equinos com feridas lacerantes em membros pélvicos, com o crescimento de tecido de granulação exuberante, tratado topicamente com sulfato de cobre a 20%. Esse método de tratamento mostrou-se eficaz, de baixo custo e fácil realização, constituindo uma possível terapia para feridas crônicas com hipergranulação em cavalos, principalmente nos casos em que a ressecção cirúrgica do tecido não for possível de ser realizada.

Due to the facilities in which horses are reared and their nature, they usually are involved in accidents that most of the times result in limb injuries of varying degrees of severity. Wounds located at the distal extremities are generally complicated by lack of lining tissue, poor circulation, joint movement, increased predisposition to contamination and consequent infection. Furthermore, skin healing in horses have particular characteristics, with exuberant granulation tissue formation being common in this species, leading to a longer time for clinical recovery and wound resolution. Several treatments have been described in the literature to prevent or reduce exuberant granulation in horses. However, no protocol has been described for the treatment of chronic wounds in this species. This paper aims at reporting two cases of horses with lacerating wounds in the hind limbs, with exuberant granulation growth, topically treated with 20% copper sulfate. This method of treatment has been shown to be effective, inexpensive, and easy to perform, being a possible therapy for chronic wounds with hypergranulation tissue in horses, especially in cases where surgical resection of the tissue is not possible.

Animais , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Sulfato de Cobre/uso terapêutico , Tecido de Granulação
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(3): 126-133, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29975


Devido às instalações em que são criados e à sua natureza, os equinos comumente envolvemse em acidentes que resultam, quase que em sua totalidade, em lesões nos membros em variados níveis de gravidade. Feridas localizadas nas extremidades distais são, em geral, complicadas pela falta de tecido de revestimento, má circulação, movimento articular, maior predisposição para contaminação e consequente infecção. Além disso os equinos apresentam particularidades relacionadas ao processo de cicatrização cutânea, sendo comum nessa espécie a formação de tecido de granulação exuberante, acarretando um tempo maior para a recuperação clínica e resolução da ferida. Diversos tratamentos têm sido descritos na literatura com o objetivo de prevenir ou reduzir a granulação exuberante em equinos, porém, ainda não há descrição de um protocolo para o tratamento de feridas crônicas nessa espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar dois casos de equinos com feridas lacerantes em membros pélvicos, com o crescimento de tecido de granulação exuberante, tratado topicamente com sulfato de cobre a 20%. Esse método de tratamento mostrou-se eficaz, de baixo custo e fácil realização, constituindo uma possível terapia para feridas crônicas com hipergranulação em cavalos, principalmente nos casos em que a ressecção cirúrgica do tecido não for possível de ser realizada.(AU)

Due to the facilities in which horses are reared and their nature, they usually are involved in accidents that most of the times result in limb injuries of varying degrees of severity. Wounds located at the distal extremities are generally complicated by lack of lining tissue, poor circulation, joint movement, increased predisposition to contamination and consequent infection. Furthermore, skin healing in horses have particular characteristics, with exuberant granulation tissue formation being common in this species, leading to a longer time for clinical recovery and wound resolution. Several treatments have been described in the literature to prevent or reduce exuberant granulation in horses. However, no protocol has been described for the treatment of chronic wounds in this species. This paper aims at reporting two cases of horses with lacerating wounds in the hind limbs, with exuberant granulation growth, topically treated with 20% copper sulfate. This method of treatment has been shown to be effective, inexpensive, and easy to perform, being a possible therapy for chronic wounds with hypergranulation tissue in horses, especially in cases where surgical resection of the tissue is not possible.(AU)

Animais , Sulfato de Cobre/uso terapêutico , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Tecido de Granulação
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(6): [e202000602], jul. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29175


Purpose. To examine the effects of quercetin on healing of experimental colon anastomosis injury in early and late period.. Methods. Eighty male Wistar-Albino rats were divided into 8 groups. For all groups, left colons of the rats were resected and for the rest end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Two of the groups for which the experiment protocol was ended on the 3rd and 7th day following the anastomosis were not administered with either quercetin or dimethylsulfoxide DMSO, whereas two other groups were administered with DMSO only, and four other groups were administered with quercetin dissolved in DMSO in doses of 20 and 100 mg/kg during the protocol. At the end of the study, anastomosis line was resected, histopathological evaluation was performed and bursting pressure, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and hydroxyproline levels were measured.. Results. Quercetin significantly increased hydroxyproline, superoxide dismutase, catalase levels, histopathological healing score, bursting pressure values and decreased malondialdehyde level in early period. It also significantly increased superoxide dismutase, catalase, and hydroxyproline levels and decreased malondialdehyde level in late period. Conclusion: It was seen that quercetin speeds up the injury healing process and reveals an antioxidant effect, specifically in early period.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos/lesões , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Quercetina/biossíntese , Antioxidantes
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20190142, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443413


We analysed the frequency of symptoms and degree of muscle pain in selected body parts of racing horses assessed during classic massage sessions. The influence of horse's sex on obtained results was considered. The potential for the early determination of pain in horses by analysing their behaviour and cardiac parameters during a massage session was also evaluated. The study was conducted on 20 three-year-old purebred Arabian horses during one racing season. In the racing season, cyclic classic massage sessions were performed, during which the frequency of symptoms and the degree of pain in the neck, back, croup, front limbs, and hind limbs were analysed. A behavioural assessment of the horses was conducted, and cardiac parameters were analysed. During massage, the frequency of pain symptoms in front limbs amounted to 26, while in croup, it did not exceed 6. The studied horses were most susceptible to pain in the front limbs and in the back, with greater severity in stallions than in mares. An assessment of the frequency and severity of pain symptoms should not be based on changes in behaviour of horses or on cardiac parameters (HR and LF:HF ratio) during massage sessions. However, these methods can be applied after pain reactions intensify. Meanwhile, qualified masseurs can diagnose slight muscle pain during massage sessions.(AU)

Animais , Dor/diagnóstico , Corrida/lesões , Cavalos/fisiologia
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e47680, fev. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460930


Arthropod venoms are potential sources of bioactive substances, providing tools for the validation of popular use and new drugs design. Ants belonging to the genus Dinoponera are used in the folk medicine to treat inflammatory conditions. It was previously demonstrated that the venom of the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps (DqV), containing a mixture of polypeptides, elicit antinociceptive effect in mice models of chemical, mechanical and thermal nociception. The aim of this study was to evaluate DqV antiinflammatory and antihypernociceptive effects in a mice model of traumatic cutaneous wound. Colonies of D. quadriceps were collected in the ‘‘Serra de Maranguape’’ (State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil), a small mountain range located on the coastal zone, and the venom secreted by the ant glands was extracted with capillary tubes, further lyophilized and maintained at -20 ± 1ºC until use. Wounds were performed in the dorsum of Swiss mice. Animals received intravenous (i.v.) injection of DqV (50 µg -1kg day-1) during 3 days for evaluation of inflammatory parameters present in the wounds: hypernociception, leukocyte infiltrate, myeloperoxidase activity, nitrite nitrate-1 content. Data was tested by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test. DqV reduced (2.7 folds) hypernociception at 48 hours, leukocyte infiltration by 65% at 6 hours and myeloperoxidase activity by 60% at 0.5 hour after wound induction. In conclusion, the venom extracted from D. quadriceps glands attenuates inflammation and hypernociception in mice cutaneous wounds.

Animais , Camundongos , Camundongos/lesões , Cicatrização , Himenópteros , Venenos de Artrópodes/análise , Anti-Inflamatórios