ABSTRACT: Urinary bladder damages leading to few viable bladder tissue available might demand a challenging reconstructive surgery. In this context, biomaterials are valid alternatives for bladder reconstruction. This study evaluated the bovine tunica albuginea fragment as graft material for cystoplasty in rats and honey-preserved implant viability.Thirty Wistar rats were assigned to two groups: (1) a test group (T) with a circular 1.0-cm-diameterbovine tunica albuginea graft application in the apex region by a continuous absorbable (Polyglactin 910 5-0) suture with stitching of all bladder layers and (2) a simulation group (S) in which animals underwent only partial cystectomy. In addition, each of these groups was further divided into three subgroups according to euthanasia period on post-surgery day 7, 15 and 30.Two animals had self-limiting hematuria at postsurgical period. At necropsy, frequent crystals and adhesion to the peritoneum were observed. At the histopathological evaluation, animals from the T group euthanized by 15th postoperative day had layers disorganization and initial muscle development, while T group rats euthanized by 30th postoperative day showed complete urothelization. Urothelization pattern was similar in both groups. Moreover, the muscular layer formation was present in both groups, but more evident in S group animals. Nevertheless, inflammatory infiltrate and neovascularization were remarkably more intense in T group rats.It might be concluded that bovine tunica albuginea graft was successful in repairing rats' bladder, being a good biomaterial option in reconstructive urinary vesicle surgery.
RESUMO: Lesões na vesícula urinária que culminem em pouco tecido vesical viável podem demandar cirurgias reconstrutivas desafiadoras. Neste contexto, biomateriais são alternativas válidas para a reconstrução da bexiga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a túnica albugínea bovina como material para enxerto na cistoplastia em ratos, assim como a viabilidade deste implante preservado em mel. Trinta ratos Wistar foram divididos em dois grupos: (1) um grupo teste (T), no qual os animais foram submetidos a cistectomia parcial seguida de cistoplastia com aplicação do enxerto circular com 1,0cm de diâmetro de túnica albugínea bovina na região do ápice com sutura absorvível (Poliglactina 910 5-0) em padrão contínuo englobando todas as camadas da bexiga; e (2) um grupo simulação (S), cujos ratos realizaram apenas cistectomia parcial. Além disso, cada grupo foi posteriormente dividido em três subgrupos de acordo com a data de eutanásia no dia 7, 15 ou 30 de pós-operatório.Dois animais apresentaram hematúria autolimitante no período de observação pós-operatória. Na necrópsia, notaram-se cristais frequentes e aderências entre bexiga e peritônio. Na avaliação histopatológica, animais do grupo T eutanasiados com 15 dias de pós-operatório apresentavam camadas vesicais desorganizadas e formação de musculatura inicial na bexiga, enquanto aqueles eutanasiados com 30 dias de cirurgia mostraram urotelização completa. O padrão de urotelização foi semelhante nos dois grupos. Além disso, a formação da camada muscular esteve presente em ambos os grupos, porém mais evidente nos animais do grupo S. No entanto, o infiltrado inflamatório bem como a neovascularização foram notavelmente mais intensos nos ratos do grupo T.Pode-se concluir que o enxerto de túnica albugínea bovina foi bem sucedido no reparo da vesícula urinária de ratos, demonstrando ser uma boa opção de biomaterial para cirurgias reconstrutivas da vesícula urinária.
Urinary bladder damages leading to few viable bladder tissue available might demand a challenging reconstructive surgery. In this context, biomaterials are valid alternatives for bladder reconstruction. This study evaluated the bovine tunica albuginea fragment as graft material for cystoplasty in rats and honey-preserved implant viability. Thirty Wistar rats were assigned to two groups: (1) a test group (T) with a circular 1.0-cm-diameterbovine tunica albuginea graft application in the apex region by a continuous absorbable (Polyglactin 910 5-0) suture with stitching of all bladder layers and (2) a simulation group (S) in which animals underwent only partial cystectomy. In addition, each of these groups was further divided into three subgroups according to euthanasia period on post-surgery day 7, 15 and 30. Two animals had self-limiting hematuria at postsurgical period. At necropsy, frequent crystals and adhesion to the peritoneum were observed. At the histopathological evaluation, animals from the T group euthanized by 15th postoperative day had layers disorganization and initial muscle development, while T group rats euthanized by 30th postoperative day showed complete urothelization. Urothelization pattern was similar in both groups. Moreover, the muscular layer formation was present in both groups, but more evident in S group animals. Nevertheless, inflammatory infiltrate and neovascularization were remarkably more intense in T group rats. It might be concluded that bovine tunica albuginea graft was successful in repairing rats bladder, being a good biomaterial option in reconstructive urinary vesicle surgery.(AU)
Lesões na vesícula urinária que culminem em pouco tecido vesical viável podem demandar cirurgias reconstrutivas desafiadoras. Neste contexto, biomateriais são alternativas válidas para a reconstrução da bexiga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a túnica albugínea bovina como material para enxerto na cistoplastia em ratos, assim como a viabilidade deste implante preservado em mel. Trinta ratos Wistar foram divididos em dois grupos: (1) um grupo teste (T), no qual os animais foram submetidos a cistectomia parcial seguida de cistoplastia com aplicação do enxerto circular com 1,0cm de diâmetro de túnica albugínea bovina na região do ápice com sutura absorvível (Poliglactina 910 5-0) em padrão contínuo englobando todas as camadas da bexiga; e (2) um grupo simulação (S), cujos ratos realizaram apenas cistectomia parcial. Além disso, cada grupo foi posteriormente dividido em três subgrupos de acordo com a data de eutanásia no dia 7, 15 ou 30 de pós-operatório. Dois animais apresentaram hematúria autolimitante no período de observação pós-operatória. Na necrópsia, notaram-se cristais frequentes e aderências entre bexiga e peritônio. Na avaliação histopatológica, animais do grupo T eutanasiados com 15 dias de pós-operatório apresentavam camadas vesicais desorganizadas e formação de musculatura inicial na bexiga, enquanto aqueles eutanasiados com 30 dias de cirurgia mostraram urotelização completa. O padrão de urotelização foi semelhante nos dois grupos. Além disso, a formação da camada muscular esteve presente em ambos os grupos, porém mais evidente nos animais do grupo S. No entanto, o infiltrado inflamatório bem como a neovascularização foram notavelmente mais intensos nos ratos do grupo T. Pode-se concluir que o enxerto de túnica albugínea bovina foi bem sucedido no reparo da vesícula urinária de ratos, demonstrando ser uma boa opção de biomaterial para cirurgias reconstrutivas da vesícula urinária.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Cistectomia/reabilitação , Cistectomia/veterinária , Ratos/cirurgia , Xenoenxertos/transplante , Transplante Heterólogo/reabilitação , Transplante Heterólogo/veterinária , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêuticoResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate neovascularization of bovine xenografts implanted in intracorporeal sites of rabbits (bioreactors). 30 rabbits were used, divided into 6 groups, according to the evaluation time (7, 15, 30, 45, and 60 days); each animal received xenogenic implants in 3 different intracorporeal sites (A1 - omentum bag; A2 - intermuscular space of quadriceps femoris; A3 - subperiosteal of ilium bone). Histological assessments graded the presence of angiogenesis, the number of inflammatory cells, newly formed bone tissue, and the presence of giant cells. Histological analyses showed intense angiogenesis in all implanted xenografts. Presence of inflammatory infiltrate and giant cells at the A1 implant site and presence of bone neoformation at the A3 implant site were noted. Degeneration of implants and formation of a fibrous capsule were noted. When comparing the interaction of the site with the days of evaluation, statistical analysis showed a significant difference (p≤0.05) in any time of neovascularization analysis. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and inflammatory cells of the omentum in its structure, may have contributed to the greater presence of neovessels and inflammatory cells, a fact that may indicate functionality as a possible bone substitute.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a neovascularização de xenoenxertos bovinos implantados em sítios intracorpóreos de coelhos (biorreatores). Foram utilizados 30 coelhos, os quais foram divididos em seis grupos, de acordo com o tempo de avaliação (sete, 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias); cada animal recebeu implantes xenogênicos em três diferentes sítios intracorpóreos (A1 - bolsa de omento; A2 - espaço intermuscular do quadríceps femoral; A3 - subperiosteal do osso ílio). Avaliações histológicas classificaram a presença de angiogênese, o número de células inflamatórias, de tecido ósseo neoformado e a presença de células gigantes. As análises histológicas mostraram intensa angiogênese em todos os xenoenxertos implantados. Observou-se presença de infiltrado inflamatório e células gigantes no local do implante A1 e presença de neoformação óssea no local do implante A3. Ao mesmo tempo, a degeneração dos implantes e a formação de uma cápsula fibrosa foram observadas. Ao comparar a interação do local com os dias de avaliação, a análise estatística mostrou diferença significativa (P≤0,05) em qualquer momento da análise de neovascularização. O fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF) e as células inflamatórias do omento em sua estrutura podem ter contribuído para a maior presença de neovasos e células inflamatórias, fato que pode indicar funcionalidade como possível substituto ósseo.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Coelhos , Transplante Ósseo/veterinária , Reatores Biológicos/veterinária , Xenoenxertos/irrigação sanguínea , Modelos AnimaisResumo
Background: Hernias are changes with the displacement of organs from their normal anatomical location to a newly formedcavity, which can cause pain and dysfunction of the affected organ. The diagnosis can be obtained by palpation or by ultrasound.The treatment of choice is surgical and vision to promote the return of the organ to its normal anatomical position and theclosure of the hernial ring. When affixing the edges of the hernial ring is not possible, alternative techniques such as the useof biological or synthetic membranes should be sought. The aim of the present study is to report an atypical case of inguinalhernia with splenic incarceration, in which splenectomy and herniorrhaphy with a bovine phrenic center were performed.Case: An 8-year-old large mestizo male dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Uberaba complaining of the appearance of a mass in the inguinal region that increased significantly in the last 15 days. On physical examination, there was anincrease in volume in the left inguinal region, irreducible and great pain sensitivity in the region. The hemogram showednormochromic normocytic anemia, hyperproteinemia and thrombocytopenia. No changes were observed in the biochemicalanalyzes. Urinalysis revealed the presence of protein and traces of occult blood. Ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen insidethe hernial sac, closing the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. The animal underwent a herniorrhaphy procedure associated with theuse of a biological membrane from a bovine phrenic center and splenectomy. In addition, contralateral inguinal hernia wasobserved. The animal remained hospitalized and under observation for three days. On return, after five days, the guardian..
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Baço/cirurgia , Baço/diagnóstico por imagem , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/veterinária , Xenoenxertos , Abdome/cirurgia , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Hernias are changes with the displacement of organs from their normal anatomical location to a newly formedcavity, which can cause pain and dysfunction of the affected organ. The diagnosis can be obtained by palpation or by ultrasound.The treatment of choice is surgical and vision to promote the return of the organ to its normal anatomical position and theclosure of the hernial ring. When affixing the edges of the hernial ring is not possible, alternative techniques such as the useof biological or synthetic membranes should be sought. The aim of the present study is to report an atypical case of inguinalhernia with splenic incarceration, in which splenectomy and herniorrhaphy with a bovine phrenic center were performed.Case: An 8-year-old large mestizo male dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Uberaba complaining of the appearance of a mass in the inguinal region that increased significantly in the last 15 days. On physical examination, there was anincrease in volume in the left inguinal region, irreducible and great pain sensitivity in the region. The hemogram showednormochromic normocytic anemia, hyperproteinemia and thrombocytopenia. No changes were observed in the biochemicalanalyzes. Urinalysis revealed the presence of protein and traces of occult blood. Ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen insidethe hernial sac, closing the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. The animal underwent a herniorrhaphy procedure associated with theuse of a biological membrane from a bovine phrenic center and splenectomy. In addition, contralateral inguinal hernia wasobserved. The animal remained hospitalized and under observation for three days. On return, after five days, the guardian..(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/veterinária , Baço/diagnóstico por imagem , Baço/cirurgia , Xenoenxertos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Abdome/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Wounds are disruptions of the normal continuity of anatomic structures, generally due to local trauma. Theyare extremely prevalent in animals, especially horses, and a common reason for seeking veterinary attention. Their management aims to restore the function and integrity of the affected area in the shortest possible time and cost, while providingsatisfactory cosmetic results. This task becomes challenging when working with horses, considering the contact betweenwounds and contaminated environment is common. Thus, the present study aims to report the case of a traumatic equinewound treated with Nile Tilapia Fish Skin (NTFS).Case: A male 27-year-old horse previously castrated, with no defined breed (NDB), and weighing 400 kg presented a 6.0 x5.5 cm superficial wound in the distal left anterior limb (LAL) due to skin laceration. The animal belonged to the cavalry ofthe Military Police of Ceará, a public institution in Fortaleza, Brazil. Although in excellent general health, with no previouscomorbidities or restriction of movement, the animal was removed from its role in equine-assisted therapy (EAT) until completewound healing, aiming adequate evaluation of the novel biomaterial via lower influence of external factors. After informedconsent from the owner was obtained, Nile Tilapia Fish Skin was applied to the lesion. The Ethics Committee on the use ofanimals of the Drug Research and Development Center of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, approved the studyprotocol. Compliance with regulations on the ethical treatment of animals was performed. Nile Tilapia Fish Skin applicationfollowed a protocol similar to that established in human clinical studies. Initially, the horse was submitted to wound cleaningwith tap water and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate, with no requirement of pre-treatment surgical...
Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Ciclídeos , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds are disruptions of the normal continuity of anatomic structures, generally due to local trauma. Theyare extremely prevalent in animals, especially horses, and a common reason for seeking veterinary attention. Their management aims to restore the function and integrity of the affected area in the shortest possible time and cost, while providingsatisfactory cosmetic results. This task becomes challenging when working with horses, considering the contact betweenwounds and contaminated environment is common. Thus, the present study aims to report the case of a traumatic equinewound treated with Nile Tilapia Fish Skin (NTFS).Case: A male 27-year-old horse previously castrated, with no defined breed (NDB), and weighing 400 kg presented a 6.0 x5.5 cm superficial wound in the distal left anterior limb (LAL) due to skin laceration. The animal belonged to the cavalry ofthe Military Police of Ceará, a public institution in Fortaleza, Brazil. Although in excellent general health, with no previouscomorbidities or restriction of movement, the animal was removed from its role in equine-assisted therapy (EAT) until completewound healing, aiming adequate evaluation of the novel biomaterial via lower influence of external factors. After informedconsent from the owner was obtained, Nile Tilapia Fish Skin was applied to the lesion. The Ethics Committee on the use ofanimals of the Drug Research and Development Center of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, approved the studyprotocol. Compliance with regulations on the ethical treatment of animals was performed. Nile Tilapia Fish Skin applicationfollowed a protocol similar to that established in human clinical studies. Initially, the horse was submitted to wound cleaningwith tap water and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate, with no requirement of pre-treatment surgical...(AU)
Animais , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Ciclídeos , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterináriaResumo
Background: The management of malunion of pelvic fracture and its complications may require from conservative tosurgical methods, depending on the severity and temporal evolution. Thus, the aim of this present report is to describe thetreatments adopted in a cat with severe pelvic stenosis.Case: An approximately 3-year-old neutered male crossbreed cat, weighing 3 kg, was presented due to difficulty in defecation in the previous eight months. According to its tutor, the cat was adopted one year earlier, with a history of pelvicfracture due to a run over, which had been treated conservatively. The tutor also mentioned that since the appearance ofdyschezia, the cat had only been treated with enemas, but without success. In abdominal palpation, there was presence ofpain and a mass of firm content in descending colon topography. The radiographic examination of the pelvis presentedan exuberant bone callus, characterizing an old fracture, a consolidation with change of bone axis in the right ischium,together with megacolon and fecaloma. It was initially decided that a liquid glycerin-based enema would be performed,in conjunction with clinical treatment with administration of cisapride, dimethicone and lactulose. Although the medicaltreatment initially helped improve the clinical picture, the cat presented fecaloma two months later. Surgical treatment wasthen performed, in which distraction of the pubic symphysis with use of a heterologous cortical bone graft (canine tibiastored in glycerin 98%) was performed, as the tutor was not favorable to colectomy as the first option. However, after onemonth of intervention, despite good evolution, the animal again showed signs of dyschezia. At this point the tutor agreedto colectomy, which was subtotal with preservation of the ileocolic valve.Discussion: The...
Animais , Gatos , Colectomia/veterinária , Constrição Patológica/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Pelve/cirurgia , Xenoenxertos/transplante , Colo , Fraturas Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
Background: The management of malunion of pelvic fracture and its complications may require from conservative tosurgical methods, depending on the severity and temporal evolution. Thus, the aim of this present report is to describe thetreatments adopted in a cat with severe pelvic stenosis.Case: An approximately 3-year-old neutered male crossbreed cat, weighing 3 kg, was presented due to difficulty in defecation in the previous eight months. According to its tutor, the cat was adopted one year earlier, with a history of pelvicfracture due to a run over, which had been treated conservatively. The tutor also mentioned that since the appearance ofdyschezia, the cat had only been treated with enemas, but without success. In abdominal palpation, there was presence ofpain and a mass of firm content in descending colon topography. The radiographic examination of the pelvis presentedan exuberant bone callus, characterizing an old fracture, a consolidation with change of bone axis in the right ischium,together with megacolon and fecaloma. It was initially decided that a liquid glycerin-based enema would be performed,in conjunction with clinical treatment with administration of cisapride, dimethicone and lactulose. Although the medicaltreatment initially helped improve the clinical picture, the cat presented fecaloma two months later. Surgical treatment wasthen performed, in which distraction of the pubic symphysis with use of a heterologous cortical bone graft (canine tibiastored in glycerin 98%) was performed, as the tutor was not favorable to colectomy as the first option. However, after onemonth of intervention, despite good evolution, the animal again showed signs of dyschezia. At this point the tutor agreedto colectomy, which was subtotal with preservation of the ileocolic valve.Discussion: The...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Constrição Patológica/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Pelve/cirurgia , Xenoenxertos/transplante , Colectomia/veterinária , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , ColoResumo
Purpose: To investigate if the inorganic bovine bone matrix changes the bone formation in rats submitted to inhalation of cigarette smoke. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Cigarette Clot Group (CCG), which in the inhalation chamber received the smoke of 10 cigarettes, 3 times a day, 10 minutes, for 30 days and had the surgical cavity filled by clot; Cigarette Biomaterial Group (CBG), submitted to the same inhalation technique but with the cavity filled by biomaterial. Results: In CCG there was a significant difference of new bone tissue in the analyzed periods (15 and 45 days), and in 15 days, there was 4.8 ± 0.42 of bone formed and 11.73 ± 0.59 (p <0.05) in 45 days. The CBG also showed a significant difference between the periods of 15 to 45 days, being respectively 6.16 ± 0.30 and 11.60 ± 0.61. However, when the groups were compared, within the same analyzed periods, a significant difference was observed only in the period of 15 days, with the new bone percentage being greater in the CBG. Conclusion: The bone matrix acted as an osteoinductive biomaterial, biocompatible and aided in the repair process, mainly in the initial period of recovery.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Matriz Óssea/transplante , Regeneração Óssea , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêutico , Xenoenxertos , Produtos do Tabaco/efeitos adversos , Ratos WistarResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o uso da túnica albugínea suína na cistoplastia em ratos, avaliando funcionalidade, capacidade de reparação do órgão e possibilidades de complicações. Foram selecionados 30 ratos Wistar, machos, de seis meses de idade, divididos em: um grupo teste (TA), em que os animais receberam o enxerto de túnica albugínea suína após a cistectomia parcial e um grupo controle (C), em que os animais sofreram somente a cistectomia parcial. Os animais pertencentes a ambos os grupos foram divididos igualmente em subgrupos de cinco animais cada, que sofreram eutanásia em sete, 28 e 42 dias de pós-operatório. Foi realizada uma análise macroscópica e, posteriormente, uma análise histopatológica da região da ferida cirúrgica. Aos sete e 28 dias, os animais pertencentes ao grupo C e ao grupo TA apresentaram urotelização, regeneração da lâmina própria e da musculatura, porém o grupo TA apresentou menores sinais inflamatórios e maior organização tecidual, principalmente com relação à formação das fibras musculares. Aos 42 dias de pós-operatório, ambos os grupos já apresentavam características histológicas normais. Concluiu-se que o enxerto de túnica albugínea suína obteve sucesso na regeneração da bexiga de ratos, mantendo a funcionalidade do órgão, sem rejeição, e favorecendo a migração celular.(AU)
The aim of this study is to evaluate porcine tunica albuginea as a graft for cystoplasty in rats, regarding bladder function, capacity and possible complications. 30 male Wistar rats with six monthes of age have been selected and separated into two different groups: A test group (TA) in which the animals received a tunica albuginea graft after partial cystectomy and a control group (C) in which partial cystectomy was performed, followed by bladder suture. In each group the animals were euthanized at seven, 28 and 42 days after surgery. Macroscopic and Histological analysis have been performed. At seven and 28 days after surgery the samples from both groups had urothelial lining upon a lamina propria and smooth muscle fibers in regeneration process. However, the TA group showed less inflammatory signs and more organized structure, mainly regarding the smooth muscle formation. At 42 days after surgery all groups showed a bladder wall structure qualitatively identical to the normal tissue. We could conclude that tunica albuginea graft is able to maintain bladder function and support cellular migration without any kind of rejection.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêutico , Cistectomia/veterinária , Xenoenxertos , Bexiga Urinária/transplanteResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o uso da túnica albugínea suína na cistoplastia em ratos, avaliando funcionalidade, capacidade de reparação do órgão e possibilidades de complicações. Foram selecionados 30 ratos Wistar, machos, de seis meses de idade, divididos em: um grupo teste (TA), em que os animais receberam o enxerto de túnica albugínea suína após a cistectomia parcial e um grupo controle (C), em que os animais sofreram somente a cistectomia parcial. Os animais pertencentes a ambos os grupos foram divididos igualmente em subgrupos de cinco animais cada, que sofreram eutanásia em sete, 28 e 42 dias de pós-operatório. Foi realizada uma análise macroscópica e, posteriormente, uma análise histopatológica da região da ferida cirúrgica. Aos sete e 28 dias, os animais pertencentes ao grupo C e ao grupo TA apresentaram urotelização, regeneração da lâmina própria e da musculatura, porém o grupo TA apresentou menores sinais inflamatórios e maior organização tecidual, principalmente com relação à formação das fibras musculares. Aos 42 dias de pós-operatório, ambos os grupos já apresentavam características histológicas normais. Concluiu-se que o enxerto de túnica albugínea suína obteve sucesso na regeneração da bexiga de ratos, mantendo a funcionalidade do órgão, sem rejeição, e favorecendo a migração celular.(AU)
The aim of this study is to evaluate porcine tunica albuginea as a graft for cystoplasty in rats, regarding bladder function, capacity and possible complications. 30 male Wistar rats with six monthes of age have been selected and separated into two different groups: A test group (TA) in which the animals received a tunica albuginea graft after partial cystectomy and a control group (C) in which partial cystectomy was performed, followed by bladder suture. In each group the animals were euthanized at seven, 28 and 42 days after surgery. Macroscopic and Histological analysis have been performed. At seven and 28 days after surgery the samples from both groups had urothelial lining upon a lamina propria and smooth muscle fibers in regeneration process. However, the TA group showed less inflammatory signs and more organized structure, mainly regarding the smooth muscle formation. At 42 days after surgery all groups showed a bladder wall structure qualitatively identical to the normal tissue. We could conclude that tunica albuginea graft is able to maintain bladder function and support cellular migration without any kind of rejection.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Xenoenxertos , Cistectomia/veterinária , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêutico , Bexiga Urinária/transplanteResumo
Calcitriol antiproliferative effects were observed in xenografts of breast cancer cell lines, however they were not yet investigated in tumorgrafts, consisting of freshly collected breast cancer samples xenografted into animals. Objectives To establish a tumorgraft model, from freshly collected breast cancer samples, which were directly implanted in nude mice, to study calcitriol effects. Methods Breast cancer samples collected from 12 patients were orthotopically implanted into nude mice. Animals were treated with weekly intratumoral injections of calcitriol 3 g/Kg, which was previously shown to induce peak serum calcitriol levels in the predicted therapeutic range. Results Success engraftment rate was 25%. Tumorgrafts were established from aggressive (HER2 positive or histological grade 3) highly proliferative samples and original tumor characteristics were preserved. Calcitriol highly induced its target gene, CYP24A1, indicating that the genomic vitamin D pathway is active in tumorgrafts. However, no differences in the expression of proliferation and apoptosis markers (BrdU incorporation, Ki67, CDKN1A, CDKN1B, BCL2 expression) were observed in these highly proliferative tumor samples.Conclusions Tumorgrafts seem a promising model to explore other calcitriol doses and regimens, considering the heterogeneity of the disease and microenvironment interactions.(AU)
Os efeitos antiproliferativos de calcitriol foram observados em xenotransplantes de linhagens celulares de câncer de mama, entretanto, não foram ainda investigados em enxertos tumorais, consistindo de implantes em animais de amostras de câncer de mama recém-coletadas.Objetivos Estabelecer modelo de enxerto tumoral, a partir de amostra de câncer de mama recém-coletada e diretamente implantada em camundongos nude, para estudar o efeito do calcitriol. Métodos Amostras de câncer de mama de 12 pacientes foram implantadas ortotopicamente em camundongos nude. Os animais foram tratados com injeção intratumoral semanal de calcitriol 3 g/Kg, a qual foi previamente associada com indução de pico sérico de calcitriol dentro do intervalo de nível terapêutico. Resultados A taxa de sucesso de pega do enxerto foi de 25%. Os enxertos tumorais foram estabelecidos de tumores agressivos com alta taxa de proliferação (HER2 positivo ou grau histológico 3) e as características do tumor original foram preservadas. O calcitriol induziu fortemente a expressão do gene alvo, CYP24A1, indicando que a via genômica da vitamina D está ativa nos enxertos tumorais, entretanto, não se observou diferenças na expressão de marcadores de proliferação e apoptose (incorporação de BrdU, expressão de Ki67, CDKN1A, CDKN1B e BCL2) nestas amostras altamente proliferativas.Conclusões Os enxertos tumorais parecem ser um modelo promissor para explorar outros esquemas e doses de calcitriol, considerando a heterogeneidade da doença e interações com o microambiente.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Calcitriol/farmacologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Experimentais/tratamento farmacológico , Xenoenxertos , Modelos Animais de DoençasResumo
Background: Lately, the use of biological materials has been widely indicated in surgical procedures to restore structure and function of injured tissues. Bioimplants require different conservation techniques; among these, glutaraldehyde preservation stands out owing to its higher antimicrobial efficiency as compared to glycerin. In view of the need to determine a concentration of glutaraldehyde that can act as a biocide but do not cause undesirable tissue reactions, this study aimed to identify and quantify gross and microscopic tissue alterations after implantation of bovine pericardium, which was preserved in various concentrations of glutaraldehyde, in the abdominal wall of mice. Materials, Methods & Results: Fresh pericardia from 18 bovines were fractioned into 1cm2 samples and treated with a 98% glycerin solution for 30 days (control group), or 0.625%, 1%, and 1.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 18 days (experimental groups). An abdominal muscle fragment was excised from each mouse, and a 1-cm2 fragment of preserved pericardium was implanted in the area. Sixty mice (n = 15 per treatment) divided into groups were observed for 7, 14, and 30 days, and five animals from each group were euthanized at each time point for gross and microscopic examination. Fragments of the implants and adjacent skin lesions were harvested, fixed in formalin, and processed for routine histology [...](AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Camundongos , Pericárdio/transplante , Glutaral/análise , Bioprótese/veterinária , Glicerol/uso terapêutico , Parede Abdominal/fisiopatologia , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Calcinose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lately, the use of biological materials has been widely indicated in surgical procedures to restore structure and function of injured tissues. Bioimplants require different conservation techniques; among these, glutaraldehyde preservation stands out owing to its higher antimicrobial efficiency as compared to glycerin. In view of the need to determine a concentration of glutaraldehyde that can act as a biocide but do not cause undesirable tissue reactions, this study aimed to identify and quantify gross and microscopic tissue alterations after implantation of bovine pericardium, which was preserved in various concentrations of glutaraldehyde, in the abdominal wall of mice. Materials, Methods & Results: Fresh pericardia from 18 bovines were fractioned into 1cm2 samples and treated with a 98% glycerin solution for 30 days (control group), or 0.625%, 1%, and 1.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 18 days (experimental groups). An abdominal muscle fragment was excised from each mouse, and a 1-cm2 fragment of preserved pericardium was implanted in the area. Sixty mice (n = 15 per treatment) divided into groups were observed for 7, 14, and 30 days, and five animals from each group were euthanized at each time point for gross and microscopic examination. Fragments of the implants and adjacent skin lesions were harvested, fixed in formalin, and processed for routine histology [...]
Animais , Bovinos , Camundongos , Bioprótese/veterinária , Glicerol/uso terapêutico , Glutaral/análise , Parede Abdominal/fisiopatologia , Pericárdio/transplante , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Calcinose/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Necrose/veterináriaResumo
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos estimar os componentes de variância e parâmetros genéticos de características de crescimento, rendimento de filé e qualidade de pele da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus); avaliar a associação genética entre características produtivas e espessura de pele; e verificar o efeito de grupos genéticos com alto e baixo valor genético para espessura de pele na expressão dos genes do colágeno tipo I, cadeias 2 e 3. Os animais utilizados neste estudo são da décima geração do programa de melhoramento genético de tilápia do Nilo, da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (PMGT-UEM). Para estimação dos componentes de variância, herdabilidade e correlações foram utilizados registros de 1.221 médias de três medidas de espessura de pele (EP), 1.213 medidas de rendimento de filé (RF) e 3.171 medidas de peso à despesca (PD). Para análise de expressão dos genes COL1A2 e COL1A3, foram coletadas peles de seis machos pertencentes à família de alto valor genético (AVG) e seis pertencentes à família de baixo valor genético (BVG). As estimativas de herdabilidade foram altas para PD (0,71), média para EP (0,59) e moderada para RF (0,21). A repetibilidade da espessura de pele foi de 0,66. A correlação genética entre EP e PD foi de 0,77 e entre EP e RF a correlação foi de -0,02, não sendo significativa. A expressão do gene COL1A3 foi maior no grupo AVG (7,38 UA) quando comparado ao grupo BVG (4,88 UA) (p=0,038). Os resultados, obtidos na análise genética quantitativa e de expressão gênica indicam que é possível por meio de seleção aumentar a espessura e a quantidade de colágeno tipo I na pele de tilápia, melhorando a qualidade da pele com a finalidade de utilizá-la como biomaterial. A estimativa da repetibilidade da espessura da pele demonstrou que não é necessário realizar mais que uma medida no mesmo animal. A correlação genética das características espessura da pele e peso à despesca é favorável, possibilitando resposta positiva em ambas as características e não afetando a característica rendimento de filé, tornando interessante o melhoramento da pele da tilápia do Nilo visando tanto o uso medicinal (xenoenxerto) quanto o ganho de peso.
The present study aimed to estimate the components of variance and genetic parameters of growth characteristics, fillet yield, and skin quality; to evaluate the genetic association between productive characteristics and skin thickness; and to verify the effect of genetic groups with high and low value genetics for skin thickness in the expression of type I collagen genes, 2 and 3 chains in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The animals used in this study are from the tenth generation of the Nile tilapia breeding program, from the State University of Maringá (PMGT-UEM). To estimate the variance components, heritability and correlations were used records of 1,221 averages three skin thickness measurements (EP), 1,213 fillet yield information (RF) and 3,171 harvesting weight (PD). For the expression analysis of COL1A2 and COL1A3 genes, skins were collected from six males belonging to the family of high genetic value (AVG) and six to the family of low genetic value (BVG) for skin thickness. Heritability estimates were high for PD (0.71), medium for EP (0.59) and moderate for RF (0.21). The repeatability of the skin thickness was 0.66. The genetic correlation between EP and PD was 0.77, but between EP and RF the estimated value was -0.02, not being significant. COL1A3 gene expression was higher in the AVG group (7.38 AU) when compared to the BVG group (4.88 AU) (p = 0.038). The results, obtained in the quantitative genetic analysis and gene expression, indicate that it is possible through selection to increase the thickness and the amount of type I collagen in tilapia skin, improving the skin quality to use it as biomaterial. The repeatability estimate of the skin thickness, demonstrated that it is not necessary to perform more than one measurement on the same animal. The correlation between the genetic values of the characteristic skin thickness and weight at harvest is favorable, enabling a positive response in both characteristics and not affecting the fillet yield characteristic, making it interesting looking for Nile Tilapia skin improvement aiming at both medicinal use (xenograft) and weight gain.
Embora o uso de cartilagem elástica de origem animal, como xenoenxerto, seja conhecido na rotina veterinária, suas propriedades e as reações que provocam no organismo do animal ainda são pouco conhecidas, principalmente quando tratadas em solução alcalina. O conhecimento dessas particularidades poderá possibilitar maior segurança no desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais para a rotina clínica e cirúrgica humana e veterinária. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar comparativamente a biocompatibilidade entre as cartilagens elásticas bovinas tratada em solução alcalina e as cartilagens não tratadas, implantadas em ratos Wistar. As cartilagens foram obtidas de orelhas bovinas e, metade destas foram tratadas em solução alcalina e a outra metade não foram tratadas. Independente do tratamento, as cartilagens foram esterilizadas em óxido de etileno. As cartilagens foram implantadas no subcutâneo da região dorsal, entre as escápulas em ratos (N=50) sendo que GE (N=25) receberam cartilagens tratadas e GC (N=25) receberam cartilagens não tratadas. Para a retiradas dos implantes foram eutanasiados cinco animais de cada grupo nos dias 3, 7, 14, 21 e 42 sendo que as características macroscópicas desencadeadas pelo implante foram avaliadas e estadiadas como fibroses, coágulos e infecções. Foram realizadas avaliações histopatológicas para verificar a reação tecidual, qualificando e quantificando-se o processo inflamatório e da proliferação do tecido conjuntivo. Os resultados mostram que GE possui menor quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório e melhor organização do tecido conjuntivo em relação a GC. Os padrões de degradação da cartilagem em GE mostraram diminuição na matriz cartilaginosa em relação a GC e não houve diferença significativa do processo de neovascularização entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que o tratamento alcalino proporcionou melhor biocompatibilidade para a cartilagem elástica quando implantada no subcutâneo de ratos. biomaterial, cartilagem elástica, xenoenxerto
Although the use of elastic cartilage of animal origin, as xenograft, is known in the veterinary routine, its 4 properties and the reactions that provoke in the organism of the animal are still little known, especially 5 when treated in alkaline solution. Knowledge of these particularities may allow greater safety in the 6 development of new biomaterials for routine human and veterinary clinical and surgical procedures. 7 Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the biocompatibility between bovine elastic 8 cartilage treated with alkaline solution and untreated cartilage implanted in Wistar rats. Cartilages were 9 obtained from bovine ears and half of them were treated in alkaline solution and the other half were not 10 treated. Regardless of the treatment, the cartilages were sterilized in ethylene oxide. Cartilages were 11 implanted in the subcutaneous region of the dorsal region, between the scapulae in rats (N = 50), and 12 SG (N = 25) received treated cartilages and CG (N = 25) received untreated cartilages. Five animals 13 from each group were euthanized on days 3, 7, 14, 21 and 42 and the macroscopic characteristics 14 triggered by the implant were evaluated and staged as fibroses, clots and infections. Histopathological 15 evaluations were performed to verify the tissue reaction, qualifying and quantifying the inflammatory 16 process. The results show that SG has a smaller amount of inflammatory infiltrate and better 17 organization of the connective tissue in relation to CG. Cartilage degradation patterns in SG showed a 18 decrease in the cartilage matrix in relation to CG and there was no significant difference in the 19 neovascularization process between the groups. It was concluded that the alkaline treatment provided 20 better biocompatibility for the elastic cartilage when implanted in the subcutaneous of rats. biomaterial, elastic cartilage, xenograft
The functional restoration of the equine long digital extensor tendon after partial tenectomy was studied comparing one group submitted to homologous jugular graft (GE) and other group without graft used as control (GC). The animals were submitted to partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon with skin excision, followed by jugular graft suture in the GE. The wounds were treated by second intention and the limbs were supported with a bandage and cast. The horses were stall confined and monitored daily for lameness, wound tendon healing (planimetry and ultrasonography evaluation), limb functional restoration and cast sores. The repair tissue showed initial vascularization and developed granulation tissue. Three horses from GC had exuberant granulation tissue. The tendon functional restoration time from GE was significant less (average time of 28.3 days) than GC (45.9 days). The planimetry was significant different at 10 and 20 days, but it was similar at the final of experiment. Ultrasonographic exams showed the newly formed tendon tissue surrounding the implanted grafts with obvious circulatory activity, however with less organization comparing to the previous tendon before the lesion. Incorporation of a homologous jugular graft improved the quality of the repair tissue in equine extensor tendons avoiding the exuberant granulation tissue development and reduced tendon functional restoration time.
Em equinos foi estudado o restabelecimento funcional do membro submetido a tenectomia parcial do extensor digital longo. Comparou-se comparando-se um grupo de animais com aplicação de enxerto jugular homólogo fixado em glutaraldeído (GE) com um grupo sem a utilização de enxertos (GC). Os animais foram submetidos à tenectomia segmentar do extensor digital longo, com retirada de pele e de segmento do tendão, seguindo a sutura do enxerto nos animais do GE. As feridas foram tratadas por segunda intenção com curativo, bandagem e tala. Entre os grupos comparou-se as feridas macroscopicamente, o tempo de restabelecimento funcional do membro (dias), planimetria das feridas e aspectos ultrassonográficos do tendão e da região. As feridas mostraram semelhança entre os grupos com sangramento e granulação. Em três animais do GC houve granulação exuberante. Os enxertos aplicados mostraram-se escurecidos e justapostos à granulação sem exuberância nos animais do GE. O tempo de restabelecimento funcional do tendão no GE foi significativamente menor (tempo médio de 28,3 dias) que o GC (45,9 dias) As planimetrias diferiram significativamente (P < 0,05) nos momentos 10 e 20 (dias), sendo semelhantes no momento final. Exames ultrassonográficos no pós-operatório houve a observação do "tecido" neoformado envolvendo o enxerto implantado, sem sobrepô-lo, não ultrapassando as bordas da ferida e não organizado como o tendão pré-existente, e com evidente atividade circulatória visível pela movimentação do sangue na granulação neoformada. O enxerto aplicado na falha de tendão reduziu o tempo de restabelecimento funcional do membro e sugere contribuir na inibição da formação de granulação exuberante.
Animais , Aloenxertos/transplante , Bioprótese/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Traumatismos dos Tendões/reabilitação , Traumatismos dos Tendões/veterinária , Estado de Retorno , Tendões/transplanteResumo
The functional restoration of the equine long digital extensor tendon after partial tenectomy was studied comparing one group submitted to homologous jugular graft (GE) and other group without graft used as control (GC). The animals were submitted to partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon with skin excision, followed by jugular graft suture in the GE. The wounds were treated by second intention and the limbs were supported with a bandage and cast. The horses were stall confined and monitored daily for lameness, wound tendon healing (planimetry and ultrasonography evaluation), limb functional restoration and cast sores. The repair tissue showed initial vascularization and developed granulation tissue. Three horses from GC had exuberant granulation tissue. The tendon functional restoration time from GE was significant less (average time of 28.3 days) than GC (45.9 days). The planimetry was significant different at 10 and 20 days, but it was similar at the final of experiment. Ultrasonographic exams showed the newly formed tendon tissue surrounding the implanted grafts with obvious circulatory activity, however with less organization comparing to the previous tendon before the lesion. Incorporation of a homologous jugular graft improved the quality of the repair tissue in equine extensor tendons avoiding the exuberant granulation tissue development and reduced tendon functional restoration time.(AU)
Em equinos foi estudado o restabelecimento funcional do membro submetido a tenectomia parcial do extensor digital longo. Comparou-se comparando-se um grupo de animais com aplicação de enxerto jugular homólogo fixado em glutaraldeído (GE) com um grupo sem a utilização de enxertos (GC). Os animais foram submetidos à tenectomia segmentar do extensor digital longo, com retirada de pele e de segmento do tendão, seguindo a sutura do enxerto nos animais do GE. As feridas foram tratadas por segunda intenção com curativo, bandagem e tala. Entre os grupos comparou-se as feridas macroscopicamente, o tempo de restabelecimento funcional do membro (dias), planimetria das feridas e aspectos ultrassonográficos do tendão e da região. As feridas mostraram semelhança entre os grupos com sangramento e granulação. Em três animais do GC houve granulação exuberante. Os enxertos aplicados mostraram-se escurecidos e justapostos à granulação sem exuberância nos animais do GE. O tempo de restabelecimento funcional do tendão no GE foi significativamente menor (tempo médio de 28,3 dias) que o GC (45,9 dias) As planimetrias diferiram significativamente (P < 0,05) nos momentos 10 e 20 (dias), sendo semelhantes no momento final. Exames ultrassonográficos no pós-operatório houve a observação do "tecido" neoformado envolvendo o enxerto implantado, sem sobrepô-lo, não ultrapassando as bordas da ferida e não organizado como o tendão pré-existente, e com evidente atividade circulatória visível pela movimentação do sangue na granulação neoformada. O enxerto aplicado na falha de tendão reduziu o tempo de restabelecimento funcional do membro e sugere contribuir na inibição da formação de granulação exuberante.(AU)
Animais , Aloenxertos/transplante , Cavalos/cirurgia , Bioprótese/veterinária , Traumatismos dos Tendões/reabilitação , Traumatismos dos Tendões/veterinária , Tendões/transplante , Estado de RetornoResumo
A artroplastia total da articulação coxofemoral é uma opção amplamente aceita no tratamento cirúrgico para displasia coxofemoral grave e outras causas de dor ou disfunção da articulação coxofemoral em cães. A artroplastia não cimentada foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de eliminar as limitações de durabilidade do sistema cimentado. A técnica baseia-se no conceito de fixação biológica e consiste na substituição da articulação coxofemoral com componentes acetabular e femoral, os quais são inicialmente encaixados por pressão em leitos preparados precisamente, de forma a promover estabilidade até a osteointegração completa do implante. O sucesso do procedimento envolve o paciente, a conformação e qualidade do implante e a precisão da elaborada técnica cirúrgica. Os índices de complicação são baixos, especialmente quando comparados aos do procedimento cimentado. Portanto, uma série de considerações e cuidados deve ser tomada para obterem-se resultados correspondentes com a alta taxa de sucesso da técnica. Objetiva-se com o presente trabalho apresentar uma revisão da literatura disponível sobre a utilização das próteses não cimentadas da articulação coxofemoral em cães. Esta técnica mostra-se efetiva no tratamento das disfunções graves da articulação coxofemoral com vantagens significativas quando comparada aos métodos anteriormente descritos.
The total hip replacement is widely accepted for the treatment of severe hip dysplasia and other causes of pain or hip dysfunction in dogs. Cementless arthroplasty was developed in order to remove the durability limitations of the cemented system. The concept of this technique is based on the biological fixation. Acetabular and femoral implants are precisely fitted by pressure in a way to promote stability until the osteointegration has been completed. The success of this procedure involves the patient, the conformation of the hip joint, the precision of the implants and the quality of surgical technique. The complication rate is low, specially when it is compared to cemented procedures. Therefore, a number of considerations and care must be taken to obtain results corresponding with the high success rate of the technique. The goal of this study is to present a review of the available literature about the use of uncemented hip prosthesis in dogs. This technique is shown to be effective in the treatment of serious disorders of the canine hip with significant advantages compared to previously described methods.
La artroplastia total coxofemoral es una opción ampliamente aceptada para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la displasia coxofemoral grave y otras causas de dolor o disfunción de la articulación de la cadera en perros. La artroplastia no cementada fue desarrollada para eliminar las limitaciones de la durabilidad del sistema cementado. La técnica se basa en el concepto de la fijación biológica y consiste en la sustitución de la articulación coxofemoral con los componentes acetabulares y femorales, que inicialmente están equipados por la presión en las camas preparadas precisamente con el fin de promover la estabilidad para completar la osteointegración del implante. El éxito del procedimiento implica en el paciente, la conformación, la calidad del implante y la precisión de la técnica desarrollada. Las tasas de complicaciones son bajas, especialmente en comparación con el procedimiento de cementado. Por lo tanto, se deben tomar una serie de consideraciones y cuidados para obtener los resultados correspondientes, con una alta tasa de éxito de la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar una revisión de literatura disponible sobre el uso de prótesis no cementadas de la articulación coxofemoral en perros. Esta técnica ha demostrado ser eficaz en el tratamiento de los trastornos graves de la articulación coxofemoral con ventajas significativas en comparación con los métodos descritos anteriormente.