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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e59780, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428323


Macrobrachium amazonicum is a species of freshwater shrimp of great importance for aquaculture and to know its reproductive potential, through the study of its fertility is necessary. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of two different diets on the reproductive performance of the species, whether or not adopting the ablation procedure. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with two types of feed (inert and fresh) and two conditions (ablated and non-ablated females), using six replicates per treatment. After 10 days of spawning, the eggs were removed and counted in their entirety. For each female, three spawns were obtained, totaling 72 samples. The fertility rate, the interval between spawning and the weight gain of the females were analyzed. There was no interaction between the studied factors, except for weight gain, in which ablated females that received fresh feed gained up to three times more weight than non-ablated females. Females that received fresh feed obtained higher fertility (1,373.9 eggs) than those that received only inert feed (1,084.1 eggs). The interval between spawns was 1.6 days shorter in ablated females.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Palaemonidae/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 860, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434593


Background: The uncontrolled multiplication of Sertoli cells causes Sertoli cell tumor or Sertolioma. Because of this, the level of estrogen in the bloodstream increases rapidly and approximately 25% of dogs with this tumor develop feminization syndrome. Testicular neoplasms are more common in dogs than cats, and are often found in elderly patients. This work aims to describe the clinical signs of the feminization syndrome and the treatment instituted in a canine diagnosed with sertolioma. Case: A 18-year-old male canine, 19.5 kg of body mass, with an increase in testicular volume for about 2 years, was treated at the University Veterinary Hospital. On clinical examination, a matte and brittle coat, alopecia on the hind limbs and gynecomastia were observed. Also noted, non-harmonious aspect of the scrotum, pendular foreskin, atrophied right testicle and hyperplastic left, scrotal hyperthermia and absence of pain. In addition, as a result of the hyperestrogenism resulting from the neoplasm, the paraneoplastic syndrome of feminization, the patient also presented galactorrhea, pendular foreskin, atrophy of the penis and the contralateral testicle, dermatopathies, such as bilateral symmetrical alopecia of the flanks, easily removable hair and variable hyperpigmentation. Rectal body temperature of 38.6°C, clear lung auscultation and muffled cardiac auscultation. The results of laboratory tests showed changes such as thrombocytopenia, platelet counts below the reference levels, platelet count of 163,000/uL. There were no alterations that represented metastases in the imaging exams, such as in the chest X-ray in three incidences and in the abdominal ultrasonography. Then, we opted for the surgical procedure of orchiectomy, with the traditional technique of three clamps, associated with total ablation of the scrotum. Samples were sent to the histopathology laboratory and the diagnosis of sertolioma was confirmed. At 10, 30 and 90 days after the operation, the patient was reassessed for possible recurrences or alterations, but there were no complications or recurrence after the procedure. Discussion: Neoplasms of the male reproductive system are common in dogs. Sertolioma is considered one of the most frequent neoplasms in elderly dogs and that results in systemic clinical signs. This is in line with the 18-year-old dog described in the present report. In addition, it may result in clinical signs resulting from hyperestrogenism resulting from the neoplasm that is called paraneoplastic feminization syndrome. The characteristics of this syndrome are: gynecomastia, galactorrhea, pendular foreskin, atrophy of the penis and contralateral testicle, associated with dermatopathies, such as symmetrical bilateral alopecia. All these clinical signs were present. The diagnosis is made through complete anamnesis, complete clinical examination and complementary examination such as ultrasound help in the presumptive diagnosis, but only with histopathology can it be confirmed. In the clinical approach, histopathology was performed to close the diagnosis. Treatment is behind orchiectomy and total ablation of the scrotum, which was performed in the reported case. The treatment of choice was easy to apply, in addition to improving the patient's quality of life, promoting rapid post-surgical healing and an early return to normal life. However, for the effectiveness of the technique, the early diagnosis and collaboration of tutors is fundamental.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/cirurgia , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Feminização/veterinária , Orquiectomia/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(3): 172-180, jul.-set. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402649


Colesteatoma aural é um cisto epidermoide preenchido por material escamoso, com conteúdo queratinótico e que se desenvolve no ouvido médio. A etiopatogenia não é totalmente esclarecida, mas infere-se que seja uma rara complicação da otite crônica média ou externa. Desta forma, trata-se de uma afecção incomum e, logo, pouco relatada em cães. Os exames de imagem, em especial a tomografia computadorizada, são ferramentas importantes para a abordagem diagnóstica. No entanto, a confirmação do colesteatoma aural é dada por meio da avaliação histopatológica. A principal modalidade terapêutica para tal afecção é a remoção cirúrgica da lesão. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi é descrever um caso de colesteatoma aural em uma cadela com histórico de otite recorrente. Os achados clínicos e da tomografia computadorizada permitiram o planejamento terapêutico e o diagnóstico. Sendo assim, foi realizada a ablação do conduto auditivo esquerdo e a osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica. A cirurgia permitiu a colheita de material para o exame histopatológico, o qual constatou colesteatoma aural. O tratamento possibilitou a remissão completa dos sinais clínicos e a resolução definitiva da otite recorrente.

Aural cholesteatoma is an epidermoid cyst filled with squamous material with keratinotic content that develops in the middle ear. The etiopathogenesis is not fully understood, but it is inferred that it is a rare complication of chronic otitis media or external. Thus, it is an uncommon condition and, therefore, little reported in dogs. Imaging tests, especially computed tomography, are important tools for the diagnostic approach. However, the confirmation of aural cholesteatoma is given through histopathological evaluation. The main therapeutic modality for this condition is the surgical removal of the lesion. Thus, this study aimed to describe a case of aural cholesteatoma in a bitch with a history of recurrent otitis. Clinical and computed tomography findings allowed for therapeutic and diagnostic planning. Therefore, the ablation of the left ear canal and the ventral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla were performed. The surgery allowed the collection of material for the histopathological examination, which determined cholesteatoma aural. The treatment allowed the complete remission of clinical signs and the definitive resolution of the recurrent otitis.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Osteotomia/veterinária , Colesteatoma da Orelha Média/veterinária , Otite/veterinária , Osso Temporal/patologia , Procedimento do Labirinto/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e-72441P, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404226


The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency and ovulation time after the administration of different inducers for synchronization of ovulation in beef cows. One hundred and eight non-lactating cows were distributed into the control group (CG; untreated; n=28), estradiol benzoate (EB) group (EBG; n=28); 17 beta-estradiol (17ßE) group (17ßEG; n=28), and deslorelin (DES) group (DESG; n=24). On day minus 11 (D-11) of the protocol, the CG underwent application of cloprostenol and ultrasound examination (US); on D0, progesterone (P4) was inserted plus EB; on D7, cloprostenol was applied; on D9, P4 was removed and cloprostenol plus 400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) was injected. The EBG was subjected to treatment identical to that of the CG, except on D10, when the cows received EB. The 17ßE was subjected to the same protocol used in the CG except for the administration of 17ßE on D10. And, the DESG was subjected to the same treatment as the CG, except on D10, when the group received DES acetate. Twelve hours after the administration of EB, 17ßE and DES, ovarian US were performed every 6 hours. The preovulatory follicle (POF) diameters measured before ovulation were 19.5; 14.7; 18.7 and 19.8 mm respectively for CG, EBG, 17ßEG and DESG; and the time intervals between inducer application and ovulation were 20.2; 18.9; 21.0 and 22.5 hours respectively. In conclusion, all ovulation inducers were efficient in promoting ovulation; the inducers caused ovulation between 18.9 and 22.5 hours; EB promoted ovulation in a shorter time (P<0.05); 17ßE and DES showed greater variation in application/ovulation time between groups.

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a eficiência e a ovulação após a administração de diferentes indutores para a sincronização da ovulação em vacas de corte. Cento e oito vacas não-lactantes foram distribuídas em grupo controle (GC; não tratadas; n=28); grupo benzoato de estradiol (BE) (GBE; n=28); grupo 17 beta-estradiol (17ßE) (G17ßE; n=28) e grupo deslorelina (DES) (GDES; n=24). No dia menos 11 (D-11) do protocolo, o GC recebeu cloprostenol e exame ultrassonográfico (US); ao D0, dispositivo de progesterona (P4) foi inserido mais BE; ao D7, cloprostenol foi aplicado; ao D9, a P4 foi removida e cloprostenol mais 400 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) foi injetada. O GBE foi submetido a tratamento idêntico ao do GC, exceto ao D10, quando as vacas receberam BE. o G17ßE foi submetido ao mesmo protocolo usado no CG exceto pela administração de 17ßE ao D10. E, o GDES foi submetido ao mesmo tratamento que o CG, exceto ao D10, quando o grupo recebeu o acetato de DES. Doze horas após a administração de BE, 17ßE e DES, US ovarianos foram realizados a cada 6 horas. O diâmetro do folículo pré-ovulatório (FPO) medido antes da ovulação foi de 19,5; 14,7; 18,7 e 19,8 mm respectivamente para GC, GBE, G17ßE e GDES; e o intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação do indutor e ovulação foi 20,2; 18,9; 21;0 e 22,5 horas respectivamente. Em conclusão, todos os indutores da ovulação foram eficientes em promover a ovulação; os indutores acarretaram ovulação entre 18,9 e 22,5 horas; o BE promoveu a ovulação em menor espaço de tempo (P<0,05); 17ßE e DES demonstraram maior variação em aplicação/tempo de ovulação entre os grupos.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Bovinos , Estradiol , Sincronização do Estro , Remoção de Dispositivo/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(3): 235-240, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453291


The inverted ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) technique involves initial uterine removal, followed by ovarian disinsertion. The objective of this study was to compare the inverted technique with the traditional technique, characterized by initial removal of the ovaries followed by uterine resection, for evaluating the performance of the inverted OSH technique in cats. For this, 24 healthy, female cats, aged between 7 months and 5 years, with a body condition score of up to 6 points (9-point scale), divided into two equal groups: the traditional technique (TT) and the inverted technique (IT). Procedures were performed by the same veterinarians (surgeon and their assistant) as well as semi-quantitative analysis of the techniques (questionnaire related to the ease of uterine and ovarian manipulation as well as of intestinal and urinary vesicle manipulation) and descriptive qualitative analysis (technical report with the opinion of surgeons and an external evaluator). In addition, the total surgical time and positive pain response were evaluated, indicated by the changes in vital parameters observed by the anesthesiologist during surgery. Inverted technique it promoted greater ovarian exposure, allowing uterine cranial flexion to perform the ligatures, thus facilitating their manipulation, hemostasis, and section of the pedicle. Free the uterus from its ligaments to the abdominal cavity allowed greater mobilization of the conjoint. Both techniques required short operation time (average time of 16’± 1.321’ in the IT group and 15’± 0.525’ in the TT group). The presence of algetic stimulus was similar in the techniques, three animals in each group suffered analgesic rescue.

A técnica de ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH) invertida envolve a remoção inicial uterina seguida da desinser-ção ovariana bilateral. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a técnica invertida com a tradicional, caracterizada pela remoção inicial dos ovários seguida da ressecção uterina, a fim de avaliar aspectos de execução da OSH Invertida em gatas. Para isso, 24 felinas hígidas, com idade entre 7 meses e 5 anos, com escore de condição corporal até 6 pontos (escala 9 pontos), foram divididas em dois grupos iguais (TT- técnica tradicional e TI- técnica invertida). As cirurgias e anestesias foram efetuadas pelos mesmos médicos veterinários, as técnicas foram avaliadas pelo cirurgião e auxiliar por análises semiquantitativa (questionário com escores relativos à facilidade de manipulação uterina e ovariana, nível de manipulação do intestino e vesícula urinária) e qualitativa descritiva (relatório das técnicas com opinião dos cirurgiões e avaliador externo). Ainda, avaliou-se o tempo cirúr-gico total e a indicação de resposta álgica positiva conforme mudanças nos parâmetros vitais no transoperatório. A OSH inver-tida nos felinos não revelou diferença estatística na análise semiquantitativa quando comparada à técnica tradicional. Porém, promoveu maior exposição ovariana permitindo a flexão cranial uterina, facilitando sua manipulação, hemostasia e secção do pedículo. Ainda, a liberação do útero dos ligamentos à cavidade abdominal permitiu maior mobilização do conjunto. Ambas as técnicas revelaram-se de rápida execução sendo a média de tempo no TI de 16’±1,321’, e no TT de 15’±0,525’. A presença de estímulo álgico foi semelhante nas técnicas havendo resgates analgésicos em três animais de cada grupo.

Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Laparotomia/métodos , Laparotomia/veterinária , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(3): 235-240, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765326


The inverted ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) technique involves initial uterine removal, followed by ovarian disinsertion. The objective of this study was to compare the inverted technique with the traditional technique, characterized by initial removal of the ovaries followed by uterine resection, for evaluating the performance of the inverted OSH technique in cats. For this, 24 healthy, female cats, aged between 7 months and 5 years, with a body condition score of up to 6 points (9-point scale), divided into two equal groups: the traditional technique (TT) and the inverted technique (IT). Procedures were performed by the same veterinarians (surgeon and their assistant) as well as semi-quantitative analysis of the techniques (questionnaire related to the ease of uterine and ovarian manipulation as well as of intestinal and urinary vesicle manipulation) and descriptive qualitative analysis (technical report with the opinion of surgeons and an external evaluator). In addition, the total surgical time and positive pain response were evaluated, indicated by the changes in vital parameters observed by the anesthesiologist during surgery. Inverted technique it promoted greater ovarian exposure, allowing uterine cranial flexion to perform the ligatures, thus facilitating their manipulation, hemostasis, and section of the pedicle. Free the uterus from its ligaments to the abdominal cavity allowed greater mobilization of the conjoint. Both techniques required short operation time (average time of 16± 1.321 in the IT group and 15± 0.525 in the TT group). The presence of algetic stimulus was similar in the techniques, three animals in each group suffered analgesic rescue.(AU)

A técnica de ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH) invertida envolve a remoção inicial uterina seguida da desinser-ção ovariana bilateral. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a técnica invertida com a tradicional, caracterizada pela remoção inicial dos ovários seguida da ressecção uterina, a fim de avaliar aspectos de execução da OSH Invertida em gatas. Para isso, 24 felinas hígidas, com idade entre 7 meses e 5 anos, com escore de condição corporal até 6 pontos (escala 9 pontos), foram divididas em dois grupos iguais (TT- técnica tradicional e TI- técnica invertida). As cirurgias e anestesias foram efetuadas pelos mesmos médicos veterinários, as técnicas foram avaliadas pelo cirurgião e auxiliar por análises semiquantitativa (questionário com escores relativos à facilidade de manipulação uterina e ovariana, nível de manipulação do intestino e vesícula urinária) e qualitativa descritiva (relatório das técnicas com opinião dos cirurgiões e avaliador externo). Ainda, avaliou-se o tempo cirúr-gico total e a indicação de resposta álgica positiva conforme mudanças nos parâmetros vitais no transoperatório. A OSH inver-tida nos felinos não revelou diferença estatística na análise semiquantitativa quando comparada à técnica tradicional. Porém, promoveu maior exposição ovariana permitindo a flexão cranial uterina, facilitando sua manipulação, hemostasia e secção do pedículo. Ainda, a liberação do útero dos ligamentos à cavidade abdominal permitiu maior mobilização do conjunto. Ambas as técnicas revelaram-se de rápida execução sendo a média de tempo no TI de 16±1,321, e no TT de 15±0,525. A presença de estímulo álgico foi semelhante nas técnicas havendo resgates analgésicos em três animais de cada grupo.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Laparotomia/métodos , Laparotomia/veterinária , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(4): 304-309, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453303


Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.

Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.

Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(4): 316-322, 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453305


This study’s objective was to evaluate the efficacy of treating cutaneous wounds in Wistar rats using a therapeutic laser alone or in combination with topical application of andiroba oil. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (T4, T7, and T14) of eight animals. To prepare the wounds, a total of four skin fragments per animal were removed using an 8-mm cutaneous biopsy punch. Each animal was inflicted with four surgical wounds, and each wound was subjected to one treatment. The treatments were as follows: saline solution (control, Cn); laser therapy (L), using a 660-nm laser wavelength and 10-J/cm² energy density; fresh andiroba oil (An); laser therapy followed by topical andiroba oil administration (LAn). All treatments in all animals were conducted for 4- (T4), 7- (T7), and 14- (T14) day periods. Edema and purulent secretion were observed in three animals in the An group, and the appearance of an exuberant crust was also observed in one animal from the same group. The LAn group presented the worst wound healing rate and contraction velocity (p < 0.05). Microscopically, there was no difference between groups regarding the presence of inflammation, necrosis, formation of granulation tissue, fibroplasia, and the presence of types 1 and 3 collagen at different treatment times. It was concluded that laser treatment of cutaneous wounds in conjunction with andiroba oil application did not present benefits in reference to the 0.9% NaCl.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do tratamento de feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar utilizando o laser terapêutico em associação ou não com o óleo de andiroba. Vinte e quatro ratos foram avaliados em três tempos de tratamento (T4, T7 e T17), sendo oito animais em cada tempo. Para a realização das feridas cirúrgicas, quatro fragmentos de pele foram removidos com punch de biopsia de 8 milímetros. Cada animal recebeu quatro feridas e cada ferida foi tratada com um tra-tamento: solução salina (controle, Cn); laserterapia (L), usando um laser com comprimento de onda de 660nm e 10J/cm2 de densidade de energia; óleo de andiroba in natura (An); e laserterapia seguida pela administratação tópica de óleo de andiroba (LAn). Todos os tratamentos foram realizados e avaliados nos dias quatro (T4), sete (T7) e 14 (T14) de pós operatório. Foram observados edema e secreção purulenta em três animais do grupo An, e a presença de crosta exuberante também foi obervada em um animais do mesmo grupo. O grupo LAn apresentou a pior cicatraização e velocidade de contração da ferida (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos à avaliação microscópica da presença de inflamação, necrose, formação de tecido de gra-nulação, fibroplasia e presença de colágeno tipo 1 e tipo 3 nos diferentes tempos de tratamento. Foi possível concluir que o tratamento com laseterapia em associação ao óleo de andiroba não apresentou benefícios em relação a utilização da solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%.

Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Terapia a Laser , Magnoliopsida
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.640-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458500


Background: Otitis is a severe inflammation of the skin of the auditory canal which can impact animals of all ages. Insheep, this disease can occur in isolated cases or in the entire flock. Laser photobiomodulation can be used in combination with medication or as single therapy and the effects are analgesia, modulation of the inflammatory process, edemareduction, tissue restoration and stimulation of local microcirculation. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy stands out asa promising alternative to antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of localized infections. This study aimed to report the useof laser phototherapies on a sheep with bacterial otitis.Case: A case of bacterial otitis in a 4-year-old sheep, Dorper, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State Universityof Santa Cruz. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the patient presented crusts in the auricular pavilions, and hadbeen medicated with oxytetracycline 20%, administered intramuscularly, for two days and the crusts cleaned with iodine10%, but the animal did not present clinical improvement. On physical examination, the animal presented constant headswaying, edema of the ears, otalgia, enlarged parotid lymph nodes and ear wounds. No ear discharge was observed, andthe initial diagnosis was aural hematoma. The treatment prescribed was laser photobiomodulation for three consecutivedays. The lesions were irradiated with a diode laser with a power of 0.1 W, irradiance of 3.5 W/cm2, continuous emission,spot area of 0.028 cm2, wavelength of 808 nm, energy of 4J/point, and fluency/point of 142.8J/cm2, with seven pointson the external surface and four points on the internal surface of both ears. Two points were also targeted on the parotidlymph nodes with infrared laser (λ = 808 nm), with energy of 2J/point. On the fourth day of hospitalization, there was areduction in lesions, decreased edema and absence of pain and on the sixth day...

Feminino , Animais , Fototerapia/veterinária , Otite/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Oxitetraciclina/uso terapêutico , Terapia a Laser/veterinária
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(4): 316-322, 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765283


This studys objective was to evaluate the efficacy of treating cutaneous wounds in Wistar rats using a therapeutic laser alone or in combination with topical application of andiroba oil. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (T4, T7, and T14) of eight animals. To prepare the wounds, a total of four skin fragments per animal were removed using an 8-mm cutaneous biopsy punch. Each animal was inflicted with four surgical wounds, and each wound was subjected to one treatment. The treatments were as follows: saline solution (control, Cn); laser therapy (L), using a 660-nm laser wavelength and 10-J/cm² energy density; fresh andiroba oil (An); laser therapy followed by topical andiroba oil administration (LAn). All treatments in all animals were conducted for 4- (T4), 7- (T7), and 14- (T14) day periods. Edema and purulent secretion were observed in three animals in the An group, and the appearance of an exuberant crust was also observed in one animal from the same group. The LAn group presented the worst wound healing rate and contraction velocity (p < 0.05). Microscopically, there was no difference between groups regarding the presence of inflammation, necrosis, formation of granulation tissue, fibroplasia, and the presence of types 1 and 3 collagen at different treatment times. It was concluded that laser treatment of cutaneous wounds in conjunction with andiroba oil application did not present benefits in reference to the 0.9% NaCl.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do tratamento de feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar utilizando o laser terapêutico em associação ou não com o óleo de andiroba. Vinte e quatro ratos foram avaliados em três tempos de tratamento (T4, T7 e T17), sendo oito animais em cada tempo. Para a realização das feridas cirúrgicas, quatro fragmentos de pele foram removidos com punch de biopsia de 8 milímetros. Cada animal recebeu quatro feridas e cada ferida foi tratada com um tra-tamento: solução salina (controle, Cn); laserterapia (L), usando um laser com comprimento de onda de 660nm e 10J/cm2 de densidade de energia; óleo de andiroba in natura (An); e laserterapia seguida pela administratação tópica de óleo de andiroba (LAn). Todos os tratamentos foram realizados e avaliados nos dias quatro (T4), sete (T7) e 14 (T14) de pós operatório. Foram observados edema e secreção purulenta em três animais do grupo An, e a presença de crosta exuberante também foi obervada em um animais do mesmo grupo. O grupo LAn apresentou a pior cicatraização e velocidade de contração da ferida (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos à avaliação microscópica da presença de inflamação, necrose, formação de tecido de gra-nulação, fibroplasia e presença de colágeno tipo 1 e tipo 3 nos diferentes tempos de tratamento. Foi possível concluir que o tratamento com laseterapia em associação ao óleo de andiroba não apresentou benefícios em relação a utilização da solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Terapia a Laser , Cicatrização , Magnoliopsida
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(4): 304-309, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765281


Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.(AU)

Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodos , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 640, May 15, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32385


Background: Otitis is a severe inflammation of the skin of the auditory canal which can impact animals of all ages. Insheep, this disease can occur in isolated cases or in the entire flock. Laser photobiomodulation can be used in combination with medication or as single therapy and the effects are analgesia, modulation of the inflammatory process, edemareduction, tissue restoration and stimulation of local microcirculation. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy stands out asa promising alternative to antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of localized infections. This study aimed to report the useof laser phototherapies on a sheep with bacterial otitis.Case: A case of bacterial otitis in a 4-year-old sheep, Dorper, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State Universityof Santa Cruz. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the patient presented crusts in the auricular pavilions, and hadbeen medicated with oxytetracycline 20%, administered intramuscularly, for two days and the crusts cleaned with iodine10%, but the animal did not present clinical improvement. On physical examination, the animal presented constant headswaying, edema of the ears, otalgia, enlarged parotid lymph nodes and ear wounds. No ear discharge was observed, andthe initial diagnosis was aural hematoma. The treatment prescribed was laser photobiomodulation for three consecutivedays. The lesions were irradiated with a diode laser with a power of 0.1 W, irradiance of 3.5 W/cm2, continuous emission,spot area of 0.028 cm2, wavelength of 808 nm, energy of 4J/point, and fluency/point of 142.8J/cm2, with seven pointson the external surface and four points on the internal surface of both ears. Two points were also targeted on the parotidlymph nodes with infrared laser (λ = 808 nm), with energy of 2J/point. On the fourth day of hospitalization, there was areduction in lesions, decreased edema and absence of pain and on the sixth day...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Otite/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Fototerapia/veterinária , Terapia a Laser/veterinária , Oxitetraciclina/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 696, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363490


Background: Low-intensity laser is effective in cellular metabolism, analgesia, and tissue repair. The bioelectric, bioenergetic, and biochemical effects of laser therapy stimulate local circulation, collagen formation, and epithelization. The objective of this study was to report the use of gallium-aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) laser (830 nm) in healing two woundscaused by necrosis in a dog. Case: An 8-year-old bitch, a rescued victim of animal abuse, had tibiotarsal dislocation in the left posterior limb. Orthopedic surgery was performed with the placement of an external fixation device with six pins in the distal third of the left posterior limb. A radiographic examination performed 42 days after the surgery revealed the loss of the tibiotarsal ratio, decreased radiopacity of the carpal bones, edema, inflammation, muscle atrophy, and the rotation of the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and phalanges. It was then decided to perform a second orthopedic surgery, in which a bone graft and arthrodesis with an 8-screw titanium plate were performed. Four of the plate screws were placed proximally to the tibia and four distally to the tarsus in addition to a screw and a pin transfixed through the distal metaphyseal region of the tibia and calcaneus. Traction was felt during suturing in the dermis and epidermis of the limb, suggesting the possibility of dehiscence of the stitches. After 3 h of surgery, the limb was cold and edematous. After 5 days, the tissue of the medial region of the tarsus developed necrosis, exposing a wound 6 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and 2 mm deep (wound 1). Another necrotic lesion was observed in the dorsal region of the tarsos - 6.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, 3 mm deep, and exposing 5 cm of the titanium plate (wound 2). Therapy with GaAlAs laser was then performed over the entire length of the wounds. In each therapeutic session, the laser was first used in punctual mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 20 s at each point of the length of the lesion and then in scan mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 1000 Hz, and 40 s continuously. Laser therapy sessions were conducted at 2-4 day intervals, with a 12-day interval between the eighth and ninth sessions. During the entire treatment, cleansing and debridement of the wounds were performed every 48 h with saline and chlorhexidine digluconate, using a compression bandage, as described earlier. Wound 1 healed completely after two laser therapy sessions. In wound 2, tissue repair stagnated after the ninth and last laser session, leaving 4 cm of the titanium plate still exposed. The limb could not support the body weight of the patient, and radiographic examination revealed that the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and the phalanges was rotated and bone conformation was poor. Given the anatomical conditions associated with the patient's clinical picture, it was decided to amputate the limb between the femur and tibia. Discussion: Therapeutic lasers act on mitochondrial respiration, increasing respiratory metabolism and stimulating DNA synthesis and tissue proliferation. In the present case, there was a decrease in inflammatory cells, edema, and the size of the wounds. The pathological conditions of the affected site, influence of trauma, and degree of tissue damage affected the results of the laser therapy. Despite the size difference between wounds 1 and 2, the exposed titanium plate was a determining factor for the partial healing of wound 2.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cicatrização/efeitos da radiação , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Reabilitação/métodos , Terapia a Laser/veterinária , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 678, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363014


Background: Pulmonary neoplasia is an abnormal proliferation of cells at the lung tissue, and may be classified as primary, secondary or metastatic, and multisystemic. However, primary neoplasia is rare in canids. Additionally, neoplasms may be classified according to their biological behavior as either malignant or benign. Malignant tumors are more prevalent. The diagnosis can be difficult due to nonspecific symptoms, taking into account that some affected patients do not have symptoms at all; thus, the real incidence of the disease might remain undiagnosed on certain occasions. Therefore, we aimed to report an unprecedented successful case of lung lobectomy surgery in dogs with the aid of infrared video thermometry, which showed real-time images during the surgical procedure. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, crossbreed with Cocker Spaniel, was attended with a history of lethargy, dullness, progressive weight loss, cough, and difficulty breathing. Due to the chronic severity of the clinical signs and the normal physiological clinical examination, complementary exams were requested, such as radiography of the cervical and thoracic regions, cranial and thoracoabdominal computed tomography (TCT). The results of the exams showed the presence of a nodule mass in the right caudal pulmonary lobe which caused a lateral deviation to the left hemithorax of the cardiac silhouette. The patient underwent a surgical procedure with an approach through the thoracic region, at the height of the seventh intercostal space, and a total lobectomy was performed. Throughout the surgical procedure, video thermometry in real-time through the MART station (Metabolic Activity in Real-Time FLIR SC325®) was used to determine the viability of adjacent tissues through temperature differences measured in degrees Celsius. The surgical fragment containing the direct caudal pulmonary lobe and the mass were sent to the pathology sector for anatomopathological evaluation. An abundant papillary epithelial proliferation was visualized through microscopy, presenting areas of necrosis and inflammatory polymorphonuclear infiltrate. The nodule was diagnosed as lung papillary adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenocarcinomas consist of papillary, acinar, solid, or mixed glandular structures. They may originate from the airways, bronchial glands, or bronchoalveolar region, and often show invasive growth presenting a rudimentary and irregular shape. The clinical signs are non-specific, including exercise intolerance, non-productive cough, chronic respiratory signs such as tachypnoea or dyspnea, reduced appetite, weight loss, lethargy, chest palpation pain, hemothorax, pneumothorax, and pleural effusion. The diagnosis is concluded through imaging diagnostic tests, of which chest radiography is the most important, followed by magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Also, histopathological examination is essential to determine a definitive diagnosis. The treatment of choice for adenocarcinoma nodules is a surgical excision of the tumor mass. However, the type of surgical approach is determined by different factors such as size, location, and involvement of adjacent structures. The ablation of pulmonary masses may be performed either via partial or total lobectomies. Nevertheless, partial lobectomy is more often performed on non-neoplastic masses or to obtain material for biopsy, whilst total lobectomy is recommended for a malignant neoplasm removal. The prognosis is always guarded, having a more favorable outcome in masses of the smaller diameter without the involvement of adjacent structures.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Termografia/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 709, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363690


Background: Paraphimosis is characterized by persistent penile exposure, due to the inability to retract the penis into the prepuce. This persistent exposure of a non-erect penis might result from traumas, infections, neoplasia, anatomic or neurological alterations, or even occur in its idiopathic form. Surgical treatment is indicated when it is not possible to keep the penis covered by the foreskin by trying it manually. The surgical techniques described are efficient in small exposures, however, when these are over 1.5 cm, surgical success might become a challenge. The objective of this study is to report a modified surgical approach to solve a 5 cm recurrent paraphimosis in a dog. Case: A 1-year-old male unneutered mixed-breed dog, weighing 26 kg, was presented for examination with a history persistent paraphimosis background for around 2 months without apparent cause. The animal's tutor reported that it had been submitted to 2 unsuccessful surgical procedures. When the reproductive system was examined, the animal showed a flaccid penis with 5 cm exposure outside the foreskin. A conservative treatment was used, which was also unsuccessful. The next step was a surgical procedure that used the combination of techniques, namely, phallopexy, preputial advancement and reconstruction preputial opening with suture along with orchiectomy. After 10 days, dehiscence of the ostium stitches occurred, which required debridement and new suture. However, it was not efficient and recurrence of the paraphimosis was observed. After 1 month, a new surgery was performed by adapting the phallopexy technique, which was carried out bilaterally and associated to the reconstruction preputial opening with captonated suture, which presented a successful outcome. After 8 months as of the last procedure, the patient is healthy and has no signs of paraphimosis recurrence. Discussion: No consensus has been achieved regarding the paraphimosis treatment, and the resolution of such disorder remains a challenge. For this reason, some parameters should be considered to minimize failure when choosing the surgical technique and, consequently, the recurrence of such condition. Tissue viability, morphological alterations, time of exposure, previous surgeries, and the length of the penis exposure are some of the criteria that must be taken into consideration when choosing the surgical technique. In this case, the first choice was the association of techniques that included preputial advancement, phallopexy and suture preputial opening due to the fact that the exposure was over 1.5 cm and for the existence of a preputial ostium defect, which justified its suture. Despite these associations, paraphimosis recurrence was observed and some of the probable causes include the inadequate position of the penis inside the foreskin flap during the phallopexy and lack of preputial integrity in its ventral aspect. The preputial advancement performed was not sufficient to prevent the exposure or reduce it in the recurrence of the condition, showing that the shortening of preputial muscles and the skin tension might loosen up with time. The second surgery employed bilateral phallopexy without penis exposure to guarantee its correct position, more caudal within the foreskin at the moment of the fixation. The ostium captonated suture also had a relevant role in the tension distribution up to the full tissue healing. New surgical approaches might be needed to achieve success in the paraphimosis treatment. In this report, the length of the penis exposure and the ostium defect were complicating factors. However, the association of the modified surgical techniques resulted in a successful resolution of the condition.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Parafimose/cirurgia , Parafimose/veterinária , Circuncisão Masculina/veterinária , Prepúcio do Pênis/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 716, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363927


Background: Otitis is a frequent condition in dogs, with a multifactorial etiology covering primary causes, predisposing and perpetuating factors. It is characterized by an inflammatory process of structures that make up the auditory system, with prevalence data ranging from 15 to 20%, which can occur in any age group and without sex predisposition. According to the location, it can be classified as uni or bilateral, affecting the outer, middle and / or inner ear, the latter two being associated with neurological changes such as vestibulopathy, facial nerve paresis and Horner's syndrome. The morbidity and mortality of otitis media and internal may increase with delay in diagnosis, resulting in delay in the correct treatment, and the extension to brainstem is described in felines and considered rare in dogs. The present study aims to report an atypical case of otitis media and internal, with extension to the brain parenchyma in a brachycephalic dog. Case: A 3-year-old bitch French Bulldog was seen, weighing 12 kg, with a history of vomiting, apathy, nystagmus, ataxia and acute evolution hemiparesis. As a result of adoption, it was not known about the animal's morbid past. On special physical and clinical examination, depressed mental status, changes in postural reactions, nostril stenosis with unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, corneal ulcer, palpebral and labial ptosis, absence of eyelid reflex and spontaneous strabismus were observed, all of these findings observed on the left side of the face. No signs of otitis external to otoscopy were found. The clinical signs found characterize left facial nerve paresis and peripheral and central vestibulopathy. Otitis media / internal and meningoencephalitis were suspected. Hemogram, serum biochemistry (glucose, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyltransferase, phosphorus, total bilirubin, cholesterol and total calcium), urinalysis, rapid tests for erlichiosis, anaplasms , borreliosis, heartworm, distemper and leishmaniasis, CSF analysis, neurological panel performed by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) that tested the animal for Bartonellosis, Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cryptococcus sp., Virus West Nile, Distemper, Toxoplasmosis, Neosporose and Coccidioides sp. using conjunctival swab, whole blood, urine and CSF samples. The samples were negative for all of these tests. As an image exam, brain magnetic resonance was performed. In the latter, otitis media and left internal was observed with extension of the lesion to the brain parenchyma. CSF analysis showed cytological changes compatible with a non-suppurative inflammatory process, mild pleocytosis with predominantly mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate. As a form of treatment, antibiotic therapy and total ablation of the auditory canal with lateral bulectomy were performed, showing good results with reduced clinical symptoms. Discussion: It is concluded that although the diagnosis of otitis media and internal with extension to brainstem is more common in cats, it should be included as a differential for central vestibular disorders in dogs, and that the diagnosis together with early and effective treatment are important, since that the evolution of the infection to the central nervous system represents a risk to the patient.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tronco Encefálico/patologia , Vestibulopatia Bilateral/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , Otite Média/veterinária , Labirintite/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(2,supl.1): 25-32, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472635


A otite é uma inflamação do canal auditivo que pode acometer o ouvido externo e médio, sendo sua patogenia dividida em fatores perpetuadores, predisponentes e primários. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns são eritema, dor a palpação, prurido e exsudação. Além do hitórico e anamnese, radiografia, otoscopia e biopsia podem auxiliar no diagnóstico. O tratamento inicial tem o objetivo de controlar os fatores perpetuadores, eliminar os fatores predisponentes e fazer o controle da causa base. Nos casos de otite externa crônica recidivante, estenose do canal auditivo, deformidades auriculares, pólipos e neoplasias, indica-se fazer o tratamento cirúrgico. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um canino sem raça definida, com treze anos de idade, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido (UFERSA), apresentando odor fétido no pavilhão auricular, excesso de cerúmen de coloração escura, eritema, prurido e dor aguda a palpar-se a base do pavilhão auricular esquerdo. Através da anamnese, exame físico e dos exames complementares como a radiografia, o animal foi diagnosticado com otite crônica. Optouse, então, pelo tratamento cirúrgico de ablação total do conduto auditivo (TECA), que consiste na retirada do canal vertical e horizontal do ouvido, associado à osteotomia lateral da bula timpânica. O procedimento cirúrgico foi eficaz no tratamento da otite crônica não responsiva ao tratamento medicamentoso realizado previamente nos últimos cinco anos feito de forma intermitente pelo tutor.

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear canal that can affect the outer and middle ear, and its pathogenesis is divided into perpetuating, predisposing and primary factors. The most common clinical signs are erythema, pain on palpation, itching and oozing. In addition to the history and anamnesis, radiography, otoscopy and biopsy can assist in the diagnosis. The initial treatment aims to control the perpetuating factors, eliminate predisposing factors and control the underlying cause. In cases of recurrent chronic external otitis, stenosis of the ear canal, ear deformities, polyps and neoplasms, surgical treatment is indicated. The present work reports the case of a 13-year-old mixed breed canine, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-arid (UFERSA), with a foul odor in the ear, excess of dark colored cerumen, erythema, itching and acute pain palpating the base of the left ear. Through anamnesis, physical examination and complementary tests such as radiography, the animal was diagnosed with chronic otitis. Then, we opted for the surgical treatment of total ablation of the auditory canal (TECA), which consists of the removal of the vertical and horizontal ear canal, associated with lateral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla. The surgical procedure was effective in the treatment of chronic otitis unresponsive to drug treatment previously performed in the last five years, done intermittently by the tutor.

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Osteotomia/veterinária , Otite/cirurgia , Otite/veterinária , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(2,supl.1): 25-32, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29940


A otite é uma inflamação do canal auditivo que pode acometer o ouvido externo e médio, sendo sua patogenia dividida em fatores perpetuadores, predisponentes e primários. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns são eritema, dor a palpação, prurido e exsudação. Além do hitórico e anamnese, radiografia, otoscopia e biopsia podem auxiliar no diagnóstico. O tratamento inicial tem o objetivo de controlar os fatores perpetuadores, eliminar os fatores predisponentes e fazer o controle da causa base. Nos casos de otite externa crônica recidivante, estenose do canal auditivo, deformidades auriculares, pólipos e neoplasias, indica-se fazer o tratamento cirúrgico. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um canino sem raça definida, com treze anos de idade, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido (UFERSA), apresentando odor fétido no pavilhão auricular, excesso de cerúmen de coloração escura, eritema, prurido e dor aguda a palpar-se a base do pavilhão auricular esquerdo. Através da anamnese, exame físico e dos exames complementares como a radiografia, o animal foi diagnosticado com otite crônica. Optouse, então, pelo tratamento cirúrgico de ablação total do conduto auditivo (TECA), que consiste na retirada do canal vertical e horizontal do ouvido, associado à osteotomia lateral da bula timpânica. O procedimento cirúrgico foi eficaz no tratamento da otite crônica não responsiva ao tratamento medicamentoso realizado previamente nos últimos cinco anos feito de forma intermitente pelo tutor.(AU)

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear canal that can affect the outer and middle ear, and its pathogenesis is divided into perpetuating, predisposing and primary factors. The most common clinical signs are erythema, pain on palpation, itching and oozing. In addition to the history and anamnesis, radiography, otoscopy and biopsy can assist in the diagnosis. The initial treatment aims to control the perpetuating factors, eliminate predisposing factors and control the underlying cause. In cases of recurrent chronic external otitis, stenosis of the ear canal, ear deformities, polyps and neoplasms, surgical treatment is indicated. The present work reports the case of a 13-year-old mixed breed canine, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-arid (UFERSA), with a foul odor in the ear, excess of dark colored cerumen, erythema, itching and acute pain palpating the base of the left ear. Through anamnesis, physical examination and complementary tests such as radiography, the animal was diagnosed with chronic otitis. Then, we opted for the surgical treatment of total ablation of the auditory canal (TECA), which consists of the removal of the vertical and horizontal ear canal, associated with lateral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla. The surgical procedure was effective in the treatment of chronic otitis unresponsive to drug treatment previously performed in the last five years, done intermittently by the tutor.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária , Otite/cirurgia , Otite/veterinária , Osteotomia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 134-140, Feb. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098442


Inadequate exposure of the female reproductive system to steroids in uterine developmental periods can partially inhibit the development of endometrial glands in dogs. However, the effects of steroids on the formed glands functionality remain unknown, as well as the possible occurrence of endometrial fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the secretory activity of endometrial glands in prebubertal female dogs submitted to a protocol of partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis. Sixteen females of non-specific breed were distributed into two groups; MPA (n=8), females that received applications of medroxyprogesterone acetate every 3 weeks; and C (n=8) untreated control females. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in all animals at the age of 6 months and evaluated the uterine horns by histological and histochemistry exams. The secretion intensity (degrees 1-4) was evaluated using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5. Histological evaluation was performed using Masson's trichrome and toluidine blue. Only degree 1 and 2 marks for PAS were observed in both groups, with no difference of uterine secretion intensity between the groups regarding the degrees found. However, the MPA group revealed higher intensity of uterine secretion compared to group C (p<0.05). Staining with AB pH 2.5 also revealed only degree 1 and 2 marks in both groups, with no statistically significance between them. Masson's trichrome staining revealed no marks in the periglandular region in both groups. A higher among of mast cells was observed in the myometrial region of the uterus in both groups. Prepubertal female dogs with partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis present minimal uterine secretory activity, absence of periglandular fibrosis and increased presence of mast cells in the myometrium compared to endometrium.(AU)

A exposição inadequada do sistema reprodutor feminino a esteróides em períodos do desenvolvimento uterino pode inibir parcialmente o desenvolvimento das glândulas endometriais em cães. Entretanto, não se conhece os efeitos dos esteróides sobre a funcionalidade das glândulas formadas, bem como a possível ocorrência de fibrose endometrial. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade secretória das glândulas endometriais de cadelas pré-púberes submetidas a protocolo de ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas, sem-raça-definida, distribuídas nos grupos MPA (n=8), fêmeas que receberam aplicações de acetato de medroxiprogesterona a cada 3 semanas, e C (n=8), fêmeas controle não tratadas. Aos seis meses de idade, foi realizada ovariohisterectomia em todos os animais, e avaliados os cornos uterinos pelo exame histológico e de histoquímica. Para avaliar a intensidade de secreção (graus 1-4), foram utilizadas periodic acid-Schiff e alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5. Para a avaliação histológica foram utilizados tricrômico de Masson e azul de toluidina. Apenas marcações graus 1 e 2 foram observadas para PAS em ambos os grupos, sem diferença na intensidade de secreção uterina entre grupos com relação aos graus encontrados. Entretanto, o grupo MPA apresentou maior intensidade de secreção uterina em relação ao grupo C (p<0,05). Com relação ao AB pH 2,5, em ambos os grupos também foram encontradas apenas marcações de graus 1 e 2, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. Não foram observadas marcações para a coloração de tricrômico de Masson na região periglandular, em ambos os grupos. Foi observada maior quantidade de mastócitos presentes no útero na região do miométrio, em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que cadelas pré-púberes com ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina apresentam mínima atividade secretória uterina, ausência de fibrose periglandular e maior presença de mastócitos no miométrio em relação ao endométrio.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/fisiologia , Muco do Colo Uterino , Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona , Cães/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação Endometrial/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Histerectomia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 134-140, fev. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30461


Inadequate exposure of the female reproductive system to steroids in uterine developmental periods can partially inhibit the development of endometrial glands in dogs. However, the effects of steroids on the formed glands functionality remain unknown, as well as the possible occurrence of endometrial fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the secretory activity of endometrial glands in prebubertal female dogs submitted to a protocol of partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis. Sixteen females of non-specific breed were distributed into two groups; MPA (n=8), females that received applications of medroxyprogesterone acetate every 3 weeks; and C (n=8) untreated control females. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in all animals at the age of 6 months and evaluated the uterine horns by histological and histochemistry exams. The secretion intensity (degrees 1-4) was evaluated using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5. Histological evaluation was performed using Masson's trichrome and toluidine blue. Only degree 1 and 2 marks for PAS were observed in both groups, with no difference of uterine secretion intensity between the groups regarding the degrees found. However, the MPA group revealed higher intensity of uterine secretion compared to group C (p<0.05). Staining with AB pH 2.5 also revealed only degree 1 and 2 marks in both groups, with no statistically significance between them. Masson's trichrome staining revealed no marks in the periglandular region in both groups. A higher among of mast cells was observed in the myometrial region of the uterus in both groups. Prepubertal female dogs with partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis present minimal uterine secretory activity, absence of periglandular fibrosis and increased presence of mast cells in the myometrium compared to endometrium.(AU)

A exposição inadequada do sistema reprodutor feminino a esteróides em períodos do desenvolvimento uterino pode inibir parcialmente o desenvolvimento das glândulas endometriais em cães. Entretanto, não se conhece os efeitos dos esteróides sobre a funcionalidade das glândulas formadas, bem como a possível ocorrência de fibrose endometrial. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade secretória das glândulas endometriais de cadelas pré-púberes submetidas a protocolo de ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas, sem-raça-definida, distribuídas nos grupos MPA (n=8), fêmeas que receberam aplicações de acetato de medroxiprogesterona a cada 3 semanas, e C (n=8), fêmeas controle não tratadas. Aos seis meses de idade, foi realizada ovariohisterectomia em todos os animais, e avaliados os cornos uterinos pelo exame histológico e de histoquímica. Para avaliar a intensidade de secreção (graus 1-4), foram utilizadas periodic acid-Schiff e alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5. Para a avaliação histológica foram utilizados tricrômico de Masson e azul de toluidina. Apenas marcações graus 1 e 2 foram observadas para PAS em ambos os grupos, sem diferença na intensidade de secreção uterina entre grupos com relação aos graus encontrados. Entretanto, o grupo MPA apresentou maior intensidade de secreção uterina em relação ao grupo C (p<0,05). Com relação ao AB pH 2,5, em ambos os grupos também foram encontradas apenas marcações de graus 1 e 2, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. Não foram observadas marcações para a coloração de tricrômico de Masson na região periglandular, em ambos os grupos. Foi observada maior quantidade de mastócitos presentes no útero na região do miométrio, em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que cadelas pré-púberes com ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina apresentam mínima atividade secretória uterina, ausência de fibrose periglandular e maior presença de mastócitos no miométrio em relação ao endométrio.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/fisiologia , Muco do Colo Uterino , Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona , Cães/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação Endometrial/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Histerectomia/veterinária