Em guaxinins, comumente se observa a presença de osteoartrites acometendo a articulação coxofemoral. Em carnívoros domésticos, o tratamento pode ser conservativo ou cirúrgico e, dentre as técnicas cirúrgicas, cita-se a colocefalectomia. Por ser um procedimento que provoca dor moderada a severa, um protocolo de anestesia balanceada se faz necessário, podendo associar a técnicas de bloqueio locorregional, como a epidural. Protocolos descritos para a espécie são limitados, porém comumente empregados para contenções químicas, avaliações físicas e exames de imagem. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a o protocolo anestésico realizado em guaxinim (Procyon cancrivorus) submetido à colocefalectomia. Foram utilizados dexmedetomidina (5µg/kg), cetamina (5mg/kg) e diazepam (0,3mg/kg) por via intramuscular como medicação pré-anestésica, indução com propofol e manutenção por anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Para execução da anestesia epidural, realizou-se uma abordagem na região lombossacral, sendo administrados bupivacaína (1mg/kg) e morfina (0,1mg/kg). Não houve intercorrências e os parâmetros fisiológicos mantiveram-se estáveis. Descartou-se a necessidade de resgate analgésico e a recuperação anestésica foi rápida. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o manejo anestésico proposto promoveu estabilidade hemodinâmica e recuperação satisfatórias para a espécie.
In raccoons, the presence of osteoarthritis affecting the hip joint is commonly observed. In domestic carnivores, the treatment can be conservative or surgical and, among the surgical techniques, colocephalectomy is mentioned. Since it is a procedure that causes moderate to severe pain, a balanced anesthesia protocol is necessary, which can be associated with locoregional block techniques such as the epidural. Protocols described for the species are limited, being commonly used for chemical restraints, physical assessments, and imaging exams. Therefore, this work aims to report the anesthetic protocol performed on a raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) submitted to colocephalectomy. Dexmedetomidine (5µg/kg), ketamine (5mg/kg), and diazepam (0.3mg/kg) were used intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, in addition to induction with propofol, and the maintenance by inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane. For epidural anesthesia, an approach was performed in the lumbosacral region, with the administration of bupivacaine (1mg/kg) and morphine (0.1mg/kg). There were no complications and the physiological parameters remained stable. The need for analgesic rescue was ruled out and the anesthetic recovery was fast. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed anesthetic management promoted hemodynamic stability and a satisfactory recovery for the species.
Animais , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Guaxinins/cirurgia , Anestesia Epidural/veterináriaResumo
Background: Omphalophlebitis is characterized as an omphalopathy that affects the umbilical vein. In these cases, ultrasonography can help identify the severity of abdominal lesions and guide the choice of treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein is a surgical procedure indicated in cases where this vessel presents with purulent secretion up to the liver parenchyma. This report describes a case of omphalophlebitis in a calf treated by marsupialization of the umbilical vein. The preoperative and postoperative sonographic findings are also described. Case: A 4-day-old Holstein calf was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. On physical examination, the animal was found to be apathetic, with tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hyperemic mucous membranes, and moderate dehydration. An increase in volume was observed in the umbilical region, with local hyperthermia, firm consistency, and sensitivity to palpation. On deep palpation of the abdomen, a mass originating in the umbilical region and extending cranially was observed, leading to the suspicion of omphalophlebitis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed external umbilical abscess and omphalophlebitis. Initially, conservative treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs was performed; however, there was no improvement in the clinical picture. Therefore, exploratory celiotomy was performed to remove the umbilical infectious focus. During the procedure, it was verified that the umbilical vein was dilated with a thickened wall until its insertion in the hepatic parenchyma, hence removal of the infected region through a ligature was not possible. Thus, marsupialization of the umbilical vein was performed to create a cutaneous opening for drainage of the purulent contents. In the postoperative period, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs were administered. Dressing of the surgical wound and of the umbilical vein lumen was performed with topical polyvidone at 0.2%. Removal of the stitches was done 14 days postoperatively. Weekly ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which showed a gradual reduction in the diameter of the umbilical vein throughout the postoperative period. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, no further drainage of the purulent content was observed from the umbilical vein, and healing of the stump was demonstrated. After 7 months, a repeat ultrasonography was performed, revealing normal echogenicity and echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma and complete atrophy of the umbilical vein. Discussion: Umbilical vein marsupialization is a surgery rarely described in the literature, and no report has followed the evolution of a case by ultrasonography. The ultrasound examination of the umbilical structures was essential for the definitive diagnosis and choice of surgical treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein was chosen due to the impossibility of ligature of this vessel, which presented with thickened walls and lumen filled with purulent content until its insertion into the liver. Postoperative monitoring via serial ultrasonography examinations allowed follow up of the evolution of the case and animal recovery. At the sonographic reevaluation after 7 months, the findings were unremarkable, indicating complete recovery of the patient. Umbilical marsupialization is a surgical technique that allows complete recovery of calves with severe omphalophlebitis. Ultrasonography is fundamental for the diagnosis of omphalophlebitis and in determining the best therapeutic protocol. Sonographic evaluation during the postoperative period allows follow-up of the progression of lesions in abdominal structures and helps in defining the prognosis.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Umbigo/irrigação sanguínea , Umbigo/patologia , Abscesso Hepático/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Dehorning is a zootechnical practice that causes severe pain in cattle. Although there are several studies evaluating the effects of analgesics in calf dehorning, none of them used validated pain assessment instruments. We evaluated the analgesic effectiveness of meloxicam administered before dehorning, compared to a control group, using the Unesp-Botucatu, numerical, simple descriptive, and visual analogue scales for pain assessment before and 4, 8, and 24 hours after the dehorning in 44 female calves. All calves received 0.04 mg/kg of xylazine IM 20 minutes before dehorning and local anesthetic block with 2% lidocaine with a vasoconstrictor. Calves were divided into two groups: without (GX; n = 22) or with 0.5 mg/kg of meloxicam (GXM; n = 22) administered intravenously before the procedure. Dehorning was performed through the section of the base of the horn bud, followed by thermocautery disbudding. For comparisons over time, mixed linear or generalized mixed linear model were used. The interaction between groups and study phases was used as fixed effects and each calf as a random effect. Bonferroni post hoc test was used. There was an increase in the pain scores at 4h compared to baseline in both groups (GX and GXM) for the four scales. The scores at 4h were higher in GX compared to GXM for all scales. Meloxicam reduced, but did not eliminate, behavioral expressions of pain in calves submitted to hot-iron dehorning. Therefore, it should be included in the analgesic protocol to improve welfare in calves undergoing dehorning.
A descorna é uma prática zootécnica que causa dor intensa em bovinos. Há na literatura diversos estudos sobre os efeitos de analgésicos para mitigar a dor frente a descorna, mas nenhum usando escalas validadas. Avaliamos a eficácia do meloxicam administrado previamente à descorna, comparado a um grupo controle, utilizando-se as escalas Unesp-Botucatu, numérica, simples descritiva e analógica visual para avaliação da dor antes e 4, 8 e 24 horas após a descorna em 44 bezerros fêmeas tratadas com 0,04 mg/kg de xilazina IM 20 minutos antes da descorna e bloqueio anestésico local com lidocaína a 2% com vasoconstritor. Os bezerros foram alocados em dois grupos: sem (GX; n=22) ou com 0.5 mg/kg de meloxicam (GXM; n=22) administrado por via intravenosa antes do procedimento. Realizou-se a descorna por secção da base do botão cornual seguido de termocauterização. Para as comparações ao longo do tempo, empregou-se o modelo linear ou linear misto. Considerou-se a interação entre grupos e momentos como efeito fixo e cada bezerro como efeito aleatório. As alterações foram inferidas de acordo com o pós-teste de Bonferroni. Para as quatro escalas houve aumento dos escores às 4h comparado ao basal em ambos os grupos (GX e GXM). Os escores de todas as escalas às 4h foram maiores em GX que em GXM. O meloxicam reduziu, mas não aboliu, a expressão comportamental da dor em bezerros submetidos à descorna com ferro quente, o que sugere o uso de terapia antálgica multimodal para realizar tal procedimento e garantir o bem-estar animal.
Animais , Bovinos , Meloxicam/administração & dosagem , Cornos/cirurgia , Analgesia/veterinária , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
After analgesic administration, we evaluated general activity in the Open-Field and anxiety-like behavior in the Elevated Plus Maze of vasectomized mice. We divided C57BL/6J male mice into eight groups: saline, three non-operated control groups treated with 10 mg/kg meloxicam, 20 mg/kg tramadol, or both intraperitoneally, and four vasectomized mice groups treated with the same analgesic protocol as the control groups. One group of vasectomized mice received both treatments and an additional 10 mg/kg lidocaine at the incision site. We conducted the vasectomy via scrotal approach under isoflurane inhalation anesthesia and performed behavioral tests after full anesthesia recovery. Mice treated with meloxicam demonstrated low ambulation, spontaneous activity, and rearing frequency. Mice treated with tramadol showed spontaneous behavior compared with the saline control. Due to behavior changes demonstrated by meloxicam controls, we were unable to identify whether meloxicam provided adequate analgesia. Vasectomized mice treated with tramadol showed general activity behavior similar to their control but displayed significantly less rearing, suggesting that they were under potential signs of pain or discomfort. In conclusion, the Open Field test and the Elevated Plus Maze can usefully pre-evaluate analgesic protocols to identify possible interference caused by adverse drug effects. For future directions, an appropriate regimen of meloxicam and tramadol for enhancing mice welfare post vasectomy should be better investigated.
Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Dor Pós-Operatória/veterinária , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Analgesia/veterinária , Camundongos , Tramadol , Vasectomia , MeloxicamResumo
Background: Postoperative care after thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy in dogs generally includes rest, physical therapy,and analgesics such as opioids. Currently, there is no established standard for the management of postoperative pain inpatients undergoing hemilaminectomy. Ideally, an analgesic protocol should provide adequate pain relief with limited sedation, low adverse effects, and postoperative patient comfort. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate postoperative analgesiausing transdermal fentanyl or intramuscular methadone in dogs undergoing thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy associatedwith intervertebral disc fenestration (HT) for the treatment of intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE).Materials, Methods & Results: Eight dogs from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of a Veterinary TeachingHospital, submitted to HT for the treatment of IVDE, were included. The dogs were randomly distributed into 2 groups ofequal numbers, namely the transdermal fentanyl (FT) group and the intramuscular methadone (IM) group. At the end ofthe surgical procedure, a fentanyl adhesive patch was applied to the animals in the FT group, which remained there for 72h. In the IM group, analgesia was induced by intramuscular administration of methadone at intervals of 6 h until 72 h aftersurgery. The animals were evaluated using the short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pains Scale (CMPS-SF).Evaluations of physiological parameters, side effects, and pain were performed by 2 assessors who had experience usingthe pain scale and were blinded to the analgesic protocol. Pain evaluations were performed every 2 h (from T4) until 24h after the surgical procedure. Evaluations were performed every 4 h from 24 h to 48 h after the surgical procedure and...
Animais , Cães , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios/veterinária , Disco Intervertebral/cirurgia , Disco Intervertebral/patologia , Fentanila/administração & dosagem , Manejo da Dor/veterinária , Metadona/administração & dosagem , Administração Cutânea , Injeções Intramusculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: The Coragyps atratus flies long distances in search of food and has a marked behaviour of food competition. Since they are frequently found in areas of recent human occupation, they are subject to trauma, which may require surgical interventions. Locoregional blocks are used as part of a balanced-anaesthesia protocol and are currently being evaluated in birds, with brachial plexus block being the main technique described in the literature. However, to our knowledge, this is the first description of intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier's block) in a vulture. Thus, we aim to report the use of Bier's block with 1% lidocaine, in a black-headed vulture submitted to digit amputation. Case: A black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus), weighing 2 kg, was rescued and referred to the Veterinary Hospital due to its inability to fly. Physical examination revealed a swollen digit in the right pelvic limb. Radiographic examination confirmed the intermediate phalanx fracture of the 4th digit of the right pelvic limb with signs suggestive of advanced osteomyelitis. The animal was referred to surgery for amputation of the affected digit. Before surgery, water and food were withdrawn for 12 h. Pre-anaesthetic medication consisted of 1 mg/kg midazolam and 0.5 mg/kg morphine intramuscularly (IM). Anaesthetic induction was performed through face mask with isoflurane, followed by orotracheal intubation with a 3 mm-endotracheal tube. Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane through a non-rebreathing circuit in 100% oxygen. Using a multiparametric monitor, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2 ), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2 ), electrocardiography (ECG), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and core temperature (CT) were evaluated. Antisepsis of the right pelvic limb was performed and an elastic band was applied around the distal region of the affected tibia to serve as a tourniquet. A scalp vein set was used to access the lateral saphenous vein in the region distal to the tourniquet, and 5 mg/ kg lidocaine 1% was injected intravenously. The patient remained stable during the procedure, with no need for analgesic rescue. The tourniquet was gradually released 40 min past its application, being completely removed after 45 min of surgery. The anaesthetic supply was interrupted, with extubation after 4 min; the patient had satisfactory anaesthetic recovery. Discussion: The present report describes the success in using the technique of intravenous regional anaesthesia with 1% lidocaine for digit amputation performed on a specimen of black-headed vulture. The pre-anaesthetic medication provided analgesia, satisfactory sedation for venoclysis, and anaesthetic induction without complications. Anaesthetic induction and maintenance in birds are preferably performed with inhaled anaesthetics, thus the choice of mask induction. Despite the reduction in RR soon after induction, the patient remained on spontaneous ventilation. Bier's block using 5 mg/kg lidocaine showed to be an easy and safe technique in vultures, but doses up to 6 mg/kg lidocaine are not associated with adverse effects in birds. The intravenous regional anaesthesia technique described in this manuscript promoted adequate analgesia for the digit amputation procedure in black-headed vultures and allowed hemodynamic stability without significant anaesthetic complications. Thus, the present report points to the potential use of this locoregional block in other birds.
Animais , Falconiformes/cirurgia , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Bloqueio Nervoso/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Anestesia Local/veterináriaResumo
Os bloqueios locorregionais vêm sendo cada vez mais estudados na medicina veterinária, principalmente em pets não-convencionais e animais silvestres. O bloqueio do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP block) é uma técnica de anestesia locorregional capaz de promover anestesia e analgesia em regiões da pele, musculatura e peritônio parietal, as quais fazem parte da estratégia de analgesia multimodal. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o bloqueio do plano transverso em um coelho doméstico de quatro anos de idade submetido à mastectomia regional e ovariohisterectomia. Foram realizados dois pontos bilateralmente de bloqueio do espaço TAP guiado por ultrassom com 2mg/kg de bupivacaína a 0,25%, padronizando um volume total injetado de 2,4mL. Foram utilizados dexmedetomidina (5É¥g/kg) e midazolam (0,5mg/kg) por via intramuscular como medicação pré-anestésica, indução com isoflurano na máscara de oxigênio 100% e manutenção por anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Os parâmetros fisiológicos mantiveram-se estáveis, sem necessidade de resgate analgésico, com extubação rápida e despertar tranquilo. Desta forma, conclui-se que o TAP block foi eficaz na analgesia para mastectomia regional e ovariohisterectomia como protocolo multimodal, aumentando o índice de segurança, além de ser de fácil execução mesmo com transdutores de baixa frequência.
The locoregional blocks have been increasingly studied in veterinary medicine, especially in non-conventional pets and wild animals. The transverse abdominis plane block (TAP block) is a locoregional anesthesia technique capable of promoting anesthesia and analgesia in the skin, muscle, and parietal peritoneum regions, which are is part of the multimodal analgesia strategy. This study aims to report the transverse plane block in a four-year-old domestic rabbit submitted to regional mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy. Two ultrasound-guided TAP space blocks were performed bilaterally with 2mg/kg of bupivacaine 0.25%, standardizing a total injected volume of 2.4mL. Dexmedetomidine (5É¥g/kg) and midazolam (0.5mg/kg) were used intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, induction with isoflurane in a 100% oxygen mask, and maintenance by inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane. Physiological parameters remained stable, with no need for analgesic rescue, rapid extubation, and peaceful awakening. Thus, it is concluded that the TAP block was effective in analgesia for regional mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy as a multimodal protocol, increasing the safety index. Moreover, it is easy to perform even with low-frequency transducers.
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Combinados/uso terapêutico , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Mastectomia/veterináriaResumo
O paciente da espécie canina, sem raça definida, com 5 anos, deu entrada a clínica veterinária particular apresentando quadro de dor aguda e intensa em cavidade abdominal associada a prostração. Foram realizados exames de sangue, ultrassonografia e radiografia de abdômen, cuja suspeita foi torção parcial do estômago, com esplenomegalia, além de gastrite e enterite. O paciente foi submetido imediatamente ao procedimento cirúrgico para alívio, reposicionamento do órgão e gastropexia. O animal foi medicado previamente com metadona, tramadol e dipirona duas horas antes do ato cirúrgico, portanto não foram utilizadas medicações pré-anestésicas e optou-se pelo propofol e cetamina para a indução anestésica, além da infusão contínua com cetamina e fentanil para se obter a analgesia multimodal. Os parâmetros de dor foram avaliados por meio das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, traçado eletrocardiográfico, pressão arterial sistólica e média, aferição da temperatura retal e coloração de mucosas, a cada 5 minutos. Os mesmos indicaram boa estabilidade hemodinâmica, segurança e analgesia, sem necessidade de alterar as doses estabelecidas durante o procedimento. Pode ser observada também redução do requerimento de isoflurano para manutenção do plano cirúrgico. O paciente acordou sem sinais de dor no pós-operatório imediato evitando estresse sistêmico, o que conferiu o bom resultado do protocolo analgésico instituído.
The patient (Caramel) canine, mixed breed, approximately 5 years old, weighing 26kg was seen at the Ame Vet veterinary clinic, with severe abdominal pain, apathy, anorexia, prostration. Blood tests, abdominal ultrasound and abdominal x-ray were performed according to the tests a suspicion of partial torsion of the stomach and splenomegaly with right displacement, in addition to gastritis and enteritis. It was decided by the clinic and surgeon to perform laparotomy and prophylactic gastropexy. The animal was previously medicated by the clinic that treated the animal for analgesia with methadone, tramadol and dipyrone two hours before the beginning of the surgical procedure, therefore, pre-anesthetic medications, anesthetic induction with propofol, and ketamine were not used, aiming to perform analgesia. Multimodal with continuous infusion of ketamine and fentanyl, that is, more than one different mechanism of action, acting synergistically and reducing dose-dependent adverse effects and monitoring hemostasis and patient parameters, presenting its efficacy and safety in intraoperative pain control. The parameters addressed were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), electrocardiographic tracing, Spo2, systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), temperature and mucosal color, evaluated every 5 minutes. The parameters evaluated indicated good hemodynamic stability, safety and analgesia, with no need to change the doses established during the procedure. A reduction in the requirement of isoflurane to maintain the surgical plan can also be observed. The patient woke up without signs of pain in the immediate postoperative period, thus avoiding systemic stress. which conferred the good result of the analgesic protocol instituted.
Animais , Cães , Bombas de Infusão/veterinária , Fentanila/administração & dosagem , Sedação Profunda/métodos , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/veterinária , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagem , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the postoperative analgesic effect of protocols with and without the opioid methadone in dogs with intervertebral disc extrusion undergoing decompressive surgery. Sixteen paraplegic dogs with preserved nociception underwent hemilaminectomy/disc fenestration and were randomly assigned to two groups. The analgesic protocol consisted of methadone, meloxicam and dipyrone in Group I (G1), and meloxicam and dipyrone in Group II (G2). The animals were blindly assessed by two observers, using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the short-form Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF). Assessments occurred every 2 hours during first 24 hours post-surgery, and every 4 hours afterwards. There was no statistical difference among groups regarding pain scores or analgesic rescues. Both analgesic protocols provided analgesia in the initial 48 hours postoperatively, demonstrating that opioids are not necessary in the postoperative period of dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy and disc fenestration.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a analgesia pós-operatória de protocolos com e sem o opioide metadona em cães com extrusão de disco intervertebral submetidos à descompressão cirúrgica. Dezesseis cães paraplégicos com presença de nocicepção foram submetidos à hemilaminectomia/fenestração de disco e distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. No Grupo I (G1), o protocolo analgésico consistiu em metadona, meloxicam e dipirona e, no Grupo II (G2), por meloxicam e dipirona. Os pacientes foram avaliados de maneira cega por dois avaliadores, com base na escala visual analógica (EVA) e na escala simplificada composta de dor de Glasgow (CMPS-SF). As avaliações ocorreram a cada 2 horas durante as primeiras 24 horas de pós-operatório e, por mais 24 horas, a cada 4 horas. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos avaliados em relação à escores de dor e nem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. Ambos os protocolos promoveram analgesia nas 48 horas iniciais de pós-operatório, demonstrando não haver a necessidade do uso de opioide em cães submetidos à hemilaminectomia e fenestração de disco.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the postoperative analgesic effect of protocols with and without the opioid methadone in dogs with intervertebral disc extrusion undergoing decompressive surgery. Sixteen paraplegic dogs with preserved nociception underwent hemilaminectomy/disc fenestration and were randomly assigned to two groups. The analgesic protocol consisted of methadone, meloxicam and dipyrone in Group I (G1), and meloxicam and dipyrone in Group II (G2). The animals were blindly assessed by two observers, using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the short-form Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF). Assessments occurred every 2 hours during first 24 hours post-surgery, and every 4 hours afterwards. There was no statistical difference among groups regarding pain scores or analgesic rescues. Both analgesic protocols provided analgesia in the initial 48 hours postoperatively, demonstrating that opioids are not necessary in the postoperative period of dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy and disc fenestration.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a analgesia pós-operatória de protocolos com e sem o opioide metadona em cães com extrusão de disco intervertebral submetidos à descompressão cirúrgica. Dezesseis cães paraplégicos com presença de nocicepção foram submetidos à hemilaminectomia/fenestração de disco e distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. No Grupo I (G1), o protocolo analgésico consistiu em metadona, meloxicam e dipirona e, no Grupo II (G2), por meloxicam e dipirona. Os pacientes foram avaliados de maneira cega por dois avaliadores, com base na escala visual analógica (EVA) e na escala simplificada composta de dor de Glasgow (CMPS-SF). As avaliações ocorreram a cada 2 horas durante as primeiras 24 horas de pós-operatório e, por mais 24 horas, a cada 4 horas. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos avaliados em relação à escores de dor e nem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. Ambos os protocolos promoveram analgesia nas 48 horas iniciais de pós-operatório, demonstrando não haver a necessidade do uso de opioide em cães submetidos à hemilaminectomia e fenestração de disco.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Período Pós-Operatório , Cães/cirurgia , Analgesia , Disco Intervertebral , DipironaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the postoperative analgesic effect of protocols with and without the opioid methadone in dogs with intervertebral disc extrusion undergoing decompressive surgery. Sixteen paraplegic dogs with preserved nociception underwent hemilaminectomy/disc fenestration and were randomly assigned to two groups. The analgesic protocol consisted of methadone, meloxicam and dipyrone in Group I (G1), and meloxicam and dipyrone in Group II (G2). The animals were blindly assessed by two observers, using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the short-form Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF). Assessments occurred every 2 hours during first 24 hours post-surgery, and every 4 hours afterwards. There was no statistical difference among groups regarding pain scores or analgesic rescues. Both analgesic protocols provided analgesia in the initial 48 hours postoperatively, demonstrating that opioids are not necessary in the postoperative period of dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy and disc fenestration.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a analgesia pós-operatória de protocolos com e sem o opioide metadona em cães com extrusão de disco intervertebral submetidos à descompressão cirúrgica. Dezesseis cães paraplégicos com presença de nocicepção foram submetidos à hemilaminectomia/fenestração de disco e distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. No Grupo I (G1), o protocolo analgésico consistiu em metadona, meloxicam e dipirona e, no Grupo II (G2), por meloxicam e dipirona. Os pacientes foram avaliados de maneira cega por dois avaliadores, com base na escala visual analógica (EVA) e na escala simplificada composta de dor de Glasgow (CMPS-SF). As avaliações ocorreram a cada 2 horas durante as primeiras 24 horas de pós-operatório e, por mais 24 horas, a cada 4 horas. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos avaliados em relação à escores de dor e nem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. Ambos os protocolos promoveram analgesia nas 48 horas iniciais de pós-operatório, demonstrando não haver a necessidade do uso de opioide em cães submetidos à hemilaminectomia e fenestração de disco.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Período Pós-Operatório , Cães/cirurgia , Analgesia , Disco Intervertebral , DipironaResumo
Background: The taxonomic order Anura is composed of frogs and toads, with approximately 6,000 species worldwide, of which 900 species are found in Brazil. Rhinella marina, popularly known as "sapo-cururu," is the most commonly found frog in Brazil. Although most of these animals are found in research laboratories and zoos, they are increasingly being reared as pets. Therefore, sedation or anesthesia is often necessary for these animals to facilitate medical care, complementary examinations, or surgical procedures. However, there are only a few reports of anesthesia in frogs. Therefore, the present report aimed to describe the anesthetic protocol for femoral osteosynthetic surgery in an adult cane toad. Case: An adult cane toad presented with a history of difficulty in moving the left hindlimb and loss of limb movements. Radiography showed a simple, complete, transverse, and closed average shaft of the left femur and bone shaft fracture deviation. The animal was referred for an osteosynthetic surgery to stabilize the fracture. Animal restraint was performed using humidified gloves on the operating table. As premedication, ketamine, meloxicam, and morphine were administered, and general anesthesia was induced with isoflurane through a face mask. The anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane through a drip on the animal's back for cutaneous absorption. Lidocaine (2%) anesthetic gel was applied on the incision line to complement the somatic analgesia. The fracture was fixed using an intramedullary Kirschner pin. The heart rate was measured based on the beep of the arterial pulse using a Doppler ultrasonic device, respiratory rate was recorded by visual observation of the animal's respiratory motion, and body temperature was assessed using an esophageal digital thermometer - all of these remained stable during the procedure. Morphine, enrofloxacin, and meloxicam were administered postoperatively. The animal was discharged from the hospital seven days after the surgery, and 14 days later, the animal was deemed clinically stable with favorable wound healing. Discussion: Toads use their skin to breathe and maintain osmotic balance. Therefore, their skin is extremely sensitive to dehydration, requiring constant wetting. General anesthesia in amphibians is recommended for prolonged and painful procedures, as in the present case. Different anesthetics, analgesics, and associated drugs may be used. Ketamine is often used for chemical restraint in amphibians, and the induction and recovery times may vary due to sensitivity and drug resistance. Inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane may also be effective; in the present case, the anesthetic was administered using a mask placed on the frog's skin, without any irritation. Analgesia is essential for any animal, and amphibians have opioid receptors that may be used as targets of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. As indicated for all species, the animal was monitored throughout the procedure. Assessment of heartbeat is the simplest way to monitor anesthesia using Doppler (on the heart or throat); in the present case, was placed on the axillary artery for clear auscultation. In addition, other parameters, such as temperature and primary respiratory movements, were monitored. Anesthetic recovery can take hours or even days, whereas excretion depends on the metabolic rate of each animal. In the present case, recovery was observed 4 h after completion of the procedure, using fresh water on the animal's body to accelerate recovery, as indicated in the literature. This case demonstrated that anesthesia and medications used for anesthesia induction, maintenance, and recovery are safe in toads. For cane toads, during femoral osteosynthesis, this anesthetic procedure has never been described previously in the literature. Finally, such information can aid veterinarians in performing safe and adequate analgesic and anesthetic procedures for the wellbeing of animals.
Animais , Absorção Cutânea , Bufo marinus/cirurgia , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestesia por Inalação/veterinária , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Fixação de Fratura/veterináriaResumo
Background: Ovariohysterectomy (OVH) is one of the most applied techniques in Veterinary Medicine. Despite some analgesic protocols being used after this procedure in order to control post operatory pain, there is a lack of knowledge of the efficacy after conventional and two port laparoscopic-assisted techniques in dog female. Although the combined formulation of metamizol and scopolamine is used, there is no knowledge about the efficacy and collateral effects in a 6 h regimen after OVH. The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of metamizol and scopolamine to analgesia after two techniques of OVH in dog female. Materials, Methods & Results: Fifteen adults and healthy dog female were submitted to OVH, being eight to the conventional procedure and seven to video assisted technic with two ports. The patients received a combination of metamizol and scopolamine, 6-6 h during 48 h and were evaluated before surgery, 60 min after extubation and on 1 h interval during the f irst 8 h, and at 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 72 h after surgery. For this, the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) and the short-form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) were applied by three evaluators blinded to surgical technic. Glucoses measurement was realized at 1, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after surgery. Analgesic rescue was not necessary for any animal. Punctuation of UMPS in GC decreases at 8 h and at 5 h, and to GV at 12 and 24 h. Difference between groups happened at 3 h with larger average to GV; at 48 h the punctuation in GC was lager. Considering CMPS-SF to CG, higher average was observed at 1 h and decreased at 2, 3, 8 and 18. At GV highest average points was verified at 1, 2 and 3 h and decreased at 5, 8 and 18 h. Correlation was strong and positive between each two evaluators. Animals of both groups had increased average...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Analgésicos/análise , Dipirona/administração & dosagem , Escopolamina/administração & dosagem , Laparoscopia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
For ethical and organic reasons, surgical and analgesic techniques that minimize and adequately control pain should be studied. Ovariohysterectomy is the most common surgical technique in veterinary medicine and is performed in female dogs for elective or therapeutic purposes. Both conventional and minimally invasive surgical techniques are used in veterinary medicine; however, the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique is considered superior to the conventional technique because it is associated with a less painful and faster post-operative recovery. However, for various reasons, the laparoscopic technique is not yet widely used in veterinary medicine, and the conventional ovariohysterectomy is still the most common. The aim of this study, therefore, was to validate the efficacy of the combination of dipyrone, scopolamine, and meloxicam after conventional or two-port laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomies in female dogs. Additionally, this study sought to assess recovery after the two surgical modalities while receiving the same analgesic protocol. Fourteen healthy adult female dogs were spayed and then evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale, the Melbourne Scale, and the short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale for 72 hours after surgery. The analgesic protocol was efficient for pain control after both techniques, with minimal differences between the groups.
Devido a razões éticas e orgânicas, técnicas cirúrgicas e analgésicas que minimizam e controlam adequadamente a dor devem estudadas. A ovário-histerectomia é a técnica cirúrgica mais realizada em medicina veterinária, seja aplicada com fins eletivos ou terapêuticos. As técnicas cirúrgicas convencionais e minimamente invasivas são utilizadas em medicina veterinária, e as laparoscópicas são consideradas superiores, pois promovem menor dor e mais rápida recuperação pós-operatória. Embora esta modalidade cirúrgica seja considerada superior, por diferentes razões ainda não é tão difundida na medicina veterinária, sendo a técnica convencional de ovário-histerectomia a mais utilizada em cadelas. Por estas razões, o objetivo deste estudo foi validar a eficácia do protocolo dipirona, escopolamina e meloxicam em cadelas submetidas a ovário-histerectomia convencional ou videoassistida por dois portais, assim como avaliar a recuperação dos animais submetidos a duas modalidades cirúrgicas junto ao referido protocolo analgésico. Assim, 14 cadelas adultas saudáveis foram submetidas a ovário-histerectomia e avaliadas por meio da Escala Visual Analógica, Escala de Melbourne e Forma reduzida da Escala Composta de Glasgow até 72 horas após a realização do procedimento cirúrgico. O protocolo analgésico foi eficiente para controle da dor nos animais submetidos a ambas as técnicas cirúrgicas, e mínimas diferenças foram observadas entre os grupos.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Dipirona/administração & dosagem , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Doenças do Cão/terapia , Escopolamina/administração & dosagem , Escopolamina/uso terapêutico , Histerectomia/veterinária , Meloxicam/administração & dosagem , Meloxicam/uso terapêutico , Ovário/patologiaResumo
For ethical and organic reasons, surgical and analgesic techniques that minimize and adequately control pain should be studied. Ovariohysterectomy is the most common surgical technique in veterinary medicine and is performed in female dogs for elective or therapeutic purposes. Both conventional and minimally invasive surgical techniques are used in veterinary medicine; however, the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique is considered superior to the conventional technique because it is associated with a less painful and faster post-operative recovery. However, for various reasons, the laparoscopic technique is not yet widely used in veterinary medicine, and the conventional ovariohysterectomy is still the most common. The aim of this study, therefore, was to validate the efficacy of the combination of dipyrone, scopolamine, and meloxicam after conventional or two-port laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomies in female dogs. Additionally, this study sought to assess recovery after the two surgical modalities while receiving the same analgesic protocol. Fourteen healthy adult female dogs were spayed and then evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale, the Melbourne Scale, and the short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale for 72 hours after surgery. The analgesic protocol was efficient for pain control after both techniques, with minimal differences between the groups.(AU)
Devido a razões éticas e orgânicas, técnicas cirúrgicas e analgésicas que minimizam e controlam adequadamente a dor devem estudadas. A ovário-histerectomia é a técnica cirúrgica mais realizada em medicina veterinária, seja aplicada com fins eletivos ou terapêuticos. As técnicas cirúrgicas convencionais e minimamente invasivas são utilizadas em medicina veterinária, e as laparoscópicas são consideradas superiores, pois promovem menor dor e mais rápida recuperação pós-operatória. Embora esta modalidade cirúrgica seja considerada superior, por diferentes razões ainda não é tão difundida na medicina veterinária, sendo a técnica convencional de ovário-histerectomia a mais utilizada em cadelas. Por estas razões, o objetivo deste estudo foi validar a eficácia do protocolo dipirona, escopolamina e meloxicam em cadelas submetidas a ovário-histerectomia convencional ou videoassistida por dois portais, assim como avaliar a recuperação dos animais submetidos a duas modalidades cirúrgicas junto ao referido protocolo analgésico. Assim, 14 cadelas adultas saudáveis foram submetidas a ovário-histerectomia e avaliadas por meio da Escala Visual Analógica, Escala de Melbourne e Forma reduzida da Escala Composta de Glasgow até 72 horas após a realização do procedimento cirúrgico. O protocolo analgésico foi eficiente para controle da dor nos animais submetidos a ambas as técnicas cirúrgicas, e mínimas diferenças foram observadas entre os grupos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dipirona/administração & dosagem , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Escopolamina/administração & dosagem , Escopolamina/uso terapêutico , Meloxicam/administração & dosagem , Meloxicam/uso terapêutico , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovário/patologia , Doenças do Cão/terapiaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos analgésicos transoperatórios da infusão contínua de morfina e cetamina, associada ou não à lidocaína, em gatas submetidas à OSH eletiva. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas adultas, hígidas, pré-medicadas com acepromazina (0,1mg/kg) e morfina (0,5mg/kg), ambas pela via intramuscular, induzidas com cetamina (1mg/kg) e propofol (4mg/kg), pela via intravenosa, e mantidas sob anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano a 1,4 V%. Os animais foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo morfina, lidocaína e cetamina (MLK, n=8), que recebeu bolus de lidocaína (1mg/kg), pela via IV, seguido de infusão de morfina, lidocaína e cetamina (0,26mg/kg/h, 3mg/kg/h e 0,6mg/kg/h, respectivamente); e grupo morfina e cetamina (MK, n=8), que recebeu bolus de solução salina, seguido de infusão de morfina e cetamina, nas mesmas doses do MLK. Os momentos avaliados foram: M0, basal, cinco minutos após a indução; M1, imediatamente após a aplicação do bolus de lidocaína ou solução salina; M2, M3, M4 e M5, a cada cinco minutos, até completar 20 minutos do início da infusão; M6, após a incisão da musculatura; M7, após pinçamento do primeiro pedículo ovariano; M8, após pinçamento do segundo pedículo ovariano; M9, após pinçamento da cérvix; M10, após sutura da musculatura; M11, ao final da cirurgia; e M12, M13 e M14, intervalos de cinco minutos, até completar uma hora de infusão. A FP no M0 foi maior no MLK quando comparado ao MK. Em ambos os grupos, a PAS foi maior no M7 e no M8 em relação ao M0, porém no MK, além da PAS, a FP foi maior do M7 ao M13, assim como a f. Os animais do MK necessitaram de um número maior de resgates transoperatorios, total de 23, do que o MLK, total de sete. Conclui-se que a adição de lidocaína incrementou a analgesia oferecida, reduzindo o número de resgates analgésicos transoperatórios, a dose total de fentanil, bem como a probabilidade de os animais necessitarem dese tipo de resgate.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the trans-operative analgesics, continuous infusion of morphine and ketamine, with or without lidocaine in cats undergoing elective OSH. Sixteen adult cats were used, otherwise healthy, pre-medicated with acepromazine (0.1mg/kg) and morphine (0.5mg/kg), both intramuscularly, induced with ketamine (1mg/kg) and propofol (4mg/kg), intravenous, maintained under general inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane 1.4 V%. The animals were randomly allocated into two groups: morphine, lidocaine and ketamine (MLK, n= 8), which received intravenous bolus of lidocaine (1mg/kg) followed by infusion of morphine, lidocaine and ketamine (0.26mg / kg/h, 3mg / kg/h and 0.6mg / kg/h, respectively); Morphine and ketamine (MK, n= 8), who received bolus of saline followed by infusion of morphine and ketamine at the same doses of MLK. The evaluated moments were: M0, basal, 5 minutes after induction; M1 immediately after the application of lidocaine bolus injection or saline; M2, M3, M4 and M5, every 5 minutes to complete 20 minutes after the start of infusion; M6, after the incision of the musculature; M7, after clamping of the first ovarian pedicle; M8, after clamping of the second ovarian pedicle; M9, after clamping of the cervix; M10, after suturing of the musculature; M11, at the end of surgery; And M12, M13 and M14, 5 minute intervals until completing one hour of infusion. The time to extubating and full recovery of animals, and the need for rescue analgesic fentanyl intraoperatively were also evaluated. HR in M0 was higher in MLK when compared to MK. In both groups the SBP was higher in M7 and M8 compared to M0, but the MK, addition of SAP, HR was greater M7 to M13, as well as f. MK animals required a greater number of trans-operative rescues than the MLK. It was concluded that the addition of lidocaine to the protocol using morphine and ketamine increased its analgesia.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Morfina/administração & dosagem , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados , Salpingectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos analgésicos transoperatórios da infusão contínua de morfina e cetamina, associada ou não à lidocaína, em gatas submetidas à OSH eletiva. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas adultas, hígidas, pré-medicadas com acepromazina (0,1mg/kg) e morfina (0,5mg/kg), ambas pela via intramuscular, induzidas com cetamina (1mg/kg) e propofol (4mg/kg), pela via intravenosa, e mantidas sob anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano a 1,4 V%. Os animais foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo morfina, lidocaína e cetamina (MLK, n=8), que recebeu bolus de lidocaína (1mg/kg), pela via IV, seguido de infusão de morfina, lidocaína e cetamina (0,26mg/kg/h, 3mg/kg/h e 0,6mg/kg/h, respectivamente); e grupo morfina e cetamina (MK, n=8), que recebeu bolus de solução salina, seguido de infusão de morfina e cetamina, nas mesmas doses do MLK. Os momentos avaliados foram: M0, basal, cinco minutos após a indução; M1, imediatamente após a aplicação do bolus de lidocaína ou solução salina; M2, M3, M4 e M5, a cada cinco minutos, até completar 20 minutos do início da infusão; M6, após a incisão da musculatura; M7, após pinçamento do primeiro pedículo ovariano; M8, após pinçamento do segundo pedículo ovariano; M9, após pinçamento da cérvix; M10, após sutura da musculatura; M11, ao final da cirurgia; e M12, M13 e M14, intervalos de cinco minutos, até completar uma hora de infusão. A FP no M0 foi maior no MLK quando comparado ao MK. Em ambos os grupos, a PAS foi maior no M7 e no M8 em relação ao M0, porém no MK, além da PAS, a FP foi maior do M7 ao M13, assim como a f. Os animais do MK necessitaram de um número maior de resgates transoperatorios, total de 23, do que o MLK, total de sete. Conclui-se que a adição de lidocaína incrementou a analgesia oferecida, reduzindo o número de resgates analgésicos transoperatórios, a dose total de fentanil, bem como a probabilidade de os animais necessitarem dese tipo de resgate.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the trans-operative analgesics, continuous infusion of morphine and ketamine, with or without lidocaine in cats undergoing elective OSH. Sixteen adult cats were used, otherwise healthy, pre-medicated with acepromazine (0.1mg/kg) and morphine (0.5mg/kg), both intramuscularly, induced with ketamine (1mg/kg) and propofol (4mg/kg), intravenous, maintained under general inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane 1.4 V%. The animals were randomly allocated into two groups: morphine, lidocaine and ketamine (MLK, n= 8), which received intravenous bolus of lidocaine (1mg/kg) followed by infusion of morphine, lidocaine and ketamine (0.26mg / kg/h, 3mg / kg/h and 0.6mg / kg/h, respectively); Morphine and ketamine (MK, n= 8), who received bolus of saline followed by infusion of morphine and ketamine at the same doses of MLK. The evaluated moments were: M0, basal, 5 minutes after induction; M1 immediately after the application of lidocaine bolus injection or saline; M2, M3, M4 and M5, every 5 minutes to complete 20 minutes after the start of infusion; M6, after the incision of the musculature; M7, after clamping of the first ovarian pedicle; M8, after clamping of the second ovarian pedicle; M9, after clamping of the cervix; M10, after suturing of the musculature; M11, at the end of surgery; And M12, M13 and M14, 5 minute intervals until completing one hour of infusion. The time to extubating and full recovery of animals, and the need for rescue analgesic fentanyl intraoperatively were also evaluated. HR in M0 was higher in MLK when compared to MK. In both groups the SBP was higher in M7 and M8 compared to M0, but the MK, addition of SAP, HR was greater M7 to M13, as well as f. MK animals required a greater number of trans-operative rescues than the MLK. It was concluded that the addition of lidocaine to the protocol using morphine and ketamine increased its analgesia.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Morfina/administração & dosagem , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados , Salpingectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos fisiológicos, sedativos e analgésicos da administração peridural de ropivacaína isolada ou associada à morfina ou à metadona. Para tal, 24 cadelas submetidas à ovário-histerectomia receberam acepromazina, e a anestesia foi induzida e mantida com propofol e isoflurano (FiO2 = 1,0), respectivamente. De acordo com o protocolo peridural, formaram-se três grupos de igual número: GR (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e metadona - 0,3mg/kg) e GRMORF (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e morfina - 0,1mg/kg). Registraram-se os parâmetros fisiológicos intraoperatórios e os graus de sedação e analgesia pós-operatórios. No GR constataram-se maiores médias de pressões arteriais 30 minutos após a anestesia epidural em relação ao GRMETA (sistólica e média) e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico comparativamente ao GRMORF (sistólica, diastólica e média). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos relativamente à analgesia e ao grau de sedação pós-operatórios. A administração epidural de ropivacaína é segura e eficaz e proporciona boa analgesia, independentemente da sua associação com morfina ou metadona.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological, sedative and analgesic effects of epidural administration of ropivacaine sole or associated to morphine or methadone. Twenty-four bitches were submitted to ovariohysterectomy and received acepromazine and after, propofol and isoflurane (FiO 2 = 1.0) for anesthesia induction and maintenance, respectively. Based on established epidural protocol (L7-S1), three groups were formed: GR (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and methadone - 0.3mg/kg) and GRMORF (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and morphine - 0.1mg/kg). Intraoperative physiological parameters and degrees of postoperative sedation and analgesia were recorded. In the GR, the means of arterial pressures, 30 minutes after epidural anesthesia, were higher compared with GRMETA (systolic and mean) and, at the end of the clinical procedure, compared to GRMORF (systolic, diastolic and mean). Differences between groups were not observed for postoperative analgesia and degree of sedation. Epidural administration of ropivacaine is safe and effective and provides good analgesia regardless of its association with morphine or methadone.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária , Metadona , Morfina , Analgésicos Opioides/administração & dosagemResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos fisiológicos, sedativos e analgésicos da administração peridural de ropivacaína isolada ou associada à morfina ou à metadona. Para tal, 24 cadelas submetidas à ovário-histerectomia receberam acepromazina, e a anestesia foi induzida e mantida com propofol e isoflurano (FiO2 = 1,0), respectivamente. De acordo com o protocolo peridural, formaram-se três grupos de igual número: GR (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e metadona - 0,3mg/kg) e GRMORF (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e morfina - 0,1mg/kg). Registraram-se os parâmetros fisiológicos intraoperatórios e os graus de sedação e analgesia pós-operatórios. No GR constataram-se maiores médias de pressões arteriais 30 minutos após a anestesia epidural em relação ao GRMETA (sistólica e média) e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico comparativamente ao GRMORF (sistólica, diastólica e média). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos relativamente à analgesia e ao grau de sedação pós-operatórios. A administração epidural de ropivacaína é segura e eficaz e proporciona boa analgesia, independentemente da sua associação com morfina ou metadona.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological, sedative and analgesic effects of epidural administration of ropivacaine sole or associated to morphine or methadone. Twenty-four bitches were submitted to ovariohysterectomy and received acepromazine and after, propofol and isoflurane (FiO 2 = 1.0) for anesthesia induction and maintenance, respectively. Based on established epidural protocol (L7-S1), three groups were formed: GR (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and methadone - 0.3mg/kg) and GRMORF (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and morphine - 0.1mg/kg). Intraoperative physiological parameters and degrees of postoperative sedation and analgesia were recorded. In the GR, the means of arterial pressures, 30 minutes after epidural anesthesia, were higher compared with GRMETA (systolic and mean) and, at the end of the clinical procedure, compared to GRMORF (systolic, diastolic and mean). Differences between groups were not observed for postoperative analgesia and degree of sedation. Epidural administration of ropivacaine is safe and effective and provides good analgesia regardless of its association with morphine or methadone.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária , Metadona , Morfina , Ropivacaina/administração & dosagem , Analgésicos Opioides/administração & dosagemResumo
Os suínos são a segunda proteína animal mais consumido do mundo, sendo que o Brasil é o quarto produtor mundial deste tipo de carne. Atualmente, por exigência do mercado consumidor externo e interno há uma grande demanda por produção de carne por meios orgânicos ecologicamente sustentáveis e que sigam a premissa de bem-estar animal. A castração é realizada em suínos machos para tornar a carne palatável e aceita pelos consumidores. A técnica tradicionalmente empregada é a cirúrgica, mas da maneira que é praticada é um método que provoca dor e estresse nos animais. Como alternativa a este método existe a imunocastração. Tal técnica é eficaz e indolor, mas ainda onerosa para os produtores. Desta maneira, no presente trabalho foi estudada a castração química em suínos por meio de injeção intratesticular de óleo essencial de cravo da índia (OECI). Em todos os animais foi administrado meloxicam e foi feita anestesia infiltrativa intra-testicular. Estabelecida a anestesia foi realizada a castração química. Foi introduzido OECI nos testículos (intratesticular, bilateralmente). Após o procedimento, os suínos foram examinados diariamente durante uma semana. Em todos os animais a introdução do OECI foi de fácil execução, sem intercorrências nem óbitos. Em dois animais 20% (2/10) foi observado edema 24 horas após a administração do fármaco. No entanto, tal reação foi considerada como um processo inflamatório, provocado pela substância injetada no interior do tecido testicular. Não foram observados sinais de dor ou desconforto após a castração química nos animais. Provavelmente tal resultado é decorrente do protocolo analgésico e anestésico adotado no presente estudo. Concluiu-se que a injeção intratesticular de óleo essencial de cravo da índia em suínos machos mostrou-se uma técnica viável e de fácil execução na espécie estudada.(AU)
Pigs are the second most consumed animal protein in the world, with Brazil being the fourth largest producer of this type of meat in the world. Currently, due to the pressure from both the foreign and domestic consumer markets, there is a great demand for meat to be produced in an organic manner, which is ecologically sustainable and following the animal welfare assumptions. Castration is performed on male pigs to make the meat more palatable and accepted by consumers. The technique is traditionally surgical, a method that causes pain and stress to the animals. Immunocastration is an alternative to this method. This is an effective and painless technique for the animals, albeit still costly for the producers. Thus, this paper studied the chemical castration in pigs by intratesticular injection of clove essential oil (CEO). Meloxicam and intra-testicular infiltrative anesthesia were administered to all subjects. Once anesthesia was established, chemical castration was performed. CEO was introduced into the testicles (intratesticular, bilaterally). After the procedure, the subjects were examined daily for one week. In all subjects, the introduction of the CEO was easy to perform, uneventful, and no deaths were recorded. Edema was observed in two subjects (20%) (2/10) 24 hours after drug administration. However, such a reaction was considered as an inflammatory process caused by the substance injected into the testicular tissue. No signs of pain or discomfort were observed after chemical castration. The edema could also be a result of the analgesic and anesthetic protocol adopted in the study. It was concluded that intratesticular injection of clove essential oil in male pigs proved to be a viable and easily performed technique in the studied species.(AU)
Los cerdos son la segunda proteína animal más consumida del mundo, siendo que Brasil es el cuarto productor mundial de este tipo de carne. Actualmente, por exigencia del mercado consumidor externo e interno hay una gran demanda por producción de carne por medios orgánicos ecológicamente sostenibles y que sigan la premisa del bienestar animal. La castración se realiza en cerdos machos para hacer la carne más apetecible y acepta por los consumidores. La técnica tradicionalmente empleada es la quirúrgica, pero de la manera que se practica es un método que provoca dolor y estrés en los animales. Como alternativa a este método existe la inmunocastración. Tal técnica es eficaz e indolora, pero costosa para los productores. Así, en la presente investigación, se estudió la castración química en cerdos por inyección intratesticular de aceite esencial del clavo de India (AEC). Se administró meloxicam a todos los animales y se administró anestesia infiltrada intratesticular. Una vez que se estableció la anestesia, se realizó la castración química. Se ha introducido en los testículos AEC (intratesticular, bilateralmente). Después del procedimiento, los cerdos fueron examinados diariamente durante una semana. En todos los animales, la introducción del AEC ha sido fácil de realizarse, sin incidentes y sin óbito. En dos animales 20%; (2/10) se observó edema 24 horas tras la administración del fármaco. Sin embargo, dicha reacción se consideró como un proceso inflamatorio causado por la sustancia inyectada en el tejido testicular. No se observaron signos de dolor o incomodidad después de la castración química en los animales. Probablemente dicho resultado se deba al protocolo analgésico y anestésico adoptado en el presente estudio. Se concluyó que la inyección intratesticular de aceite esencial del clavo de India en cerdos machos demuestra ser una técnica viable y de fácil realización en la especie estudiada.(AU)