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Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e188652, fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363174


Sedative and antinociceptive effects of two anesthetic protocols in black-tufted marmosets were compared in this study. Twenty-six marmosets underwent chemical immobilization for physical examination, blood sampling, tattooing, and microchipping. Animals were randomly treated with S-(+)-ketamine (10 mg/kg) and midazolam (1 mg/kg) (KM) or fentanyl (12.5 µg/kg) and droperidol (625 µg/kg) (FD) given by intramuscular injection. Heart and respiratory rates were recorded. Sedation, antinociception, muscle relaxation, posture, auditory, and visual responses were evaluated using a scoring system. Sedation in KM was achieved faster (p < 0.001) and lasted for a shorter period of time (p = 0.0009). KM was similar to FD in its cardiorespiratory effects, auditory and visual responses. Both protocols promoted adequate sedation to allow manipulation. Animals in KM assumed lateral recumbency while animals in FD maintained a quadrupedal posture during evaluation. FD produced less intense sedation and muscle relaxation but a higher degree of antinociception compared to KM and is suitable for procedures that require analgesia in black-tufted marmosets.(AU)

O presente estudo comparou os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, sedativos e antinociceptivos de dois protocolos anestésicos em saguis-de-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicillata). Vinte e seis saguis foram submetidos à contenção química para exame físico, coleta de sangue, tatuagem de identificação e microchip. Os animais foram tratados aleatoriamente com a associação de S-(+)-cetamina (10 mg/kg) e midazolam (1 mg/kg) (KM) ou fentanil (12,5 µg/kg) e droperidol (625 µg/kg) (FD), administrados por injeção intramuscular. Foram avaliadas frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, sedação, antinocicepção, relaxamento muscular, postura e resposta ao estímulo auditivo e visual. A sedação em KM foi alcançada mais rapidamente (p <0,001) e teve um tempo hábil mais curto (p = 0,0009). KM foi semelhante a FD nos efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, respostas auditivas e visuais. Os dois protocolos promoveram sedação adequada para manipulação. Os animais do grupo KM permaneceram em decúbito lateral durante a avaliação, enquanto os animais em FD mantiveram postura quadrupedal. FD resultou em sedação e relaxamento muscular de menor intensidade, porém com maior escore de antinocicepção em comparação com KM, sendo adequada para procedimentos que requerem analgesia em saguis-de-tufo-preto.(AU)

Animais , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Callithrix , Fentanila , Droperidol/administração & dosagem , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , Injeções Intramusculares
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(6): 2483-2498, nov.-dez. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418841


Artificial insemination (AI) is an important technique in sheep breeding. Since it is an invasive procedure, sedation and analgesia are essential. In the present study, 75 Texel sheep, standardized for weight (kg) and age (months) were used. The animals were randomly allocated to five groups: Acepromazine Group (AG); Acepromazine and Butorphanol Group (ABG); Acepromazine and Morphine Group (AMG); Acepromazine and Meperidine Group (AMRG) and Saline group (SG). The following parameters were assessed: sedation score, agitation level, heart rate (HR); respiratory rate (f), rectal temperature (T°R), latency time and time to perform artificial insemination (AI). Assessments times were M-20, M0, M1 and M2. Significant differences were considered when p˂0.05. There were no significant differences for weight and age. HR increased by 30.6, 34.2 and 42.5% from M-20 to M2 for the AG, ABG and AMRG, respectively. At M0, the AMRG obtained higher values, reaching 41.4% above the other groups. For f there was a decline of 21.8 and 26.9% in M1 in relation to M-20 for the AMRG and AMG, respectively, and a decrease of 20 and 25% between M-20 and M2. A comparison between SG f values showed an increase of 106.3 and 68.8% between M-20 and M1 and M2, respectively. The f values obtained at M1 and M2 for the SG were higher than those of the other groups. Although there were no intergroup differences in sedation level, the values obtained are clinically relevant. There were intergroup differences in agitation level, whereby at M1, AMRG and AMG obtained a score of 2 and SG 0, while at M2, AMG scored 2 and SG 0. There were no statistical differences for latency and AI times. Thus, under the conditions of the present study, the AMRG protocol was the least safe among the options assessed. The pre-anesthetic medication protocols promoted mild sedation and did not reduce the time required for AI.

A inseminação artificial (IA) é um importante técnica para melhoramento genético em ovinos. Em função de ser uma técnica invasiva, a tranquilização e analgesia são fundamentais. No presente estudo foram utilizados 75 ovinos, da raça Texel, padronizados quanto a peso (kg) e idade (meses). Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos: Grupo Acepromazina (GA); Grupo Acepromazina e Butorfanol (GAB); Grupo Acepromazina e Morfina (GAMF); Grupo Acepromazina e Meperidina (GAME) e Grupo Salina (GS). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: escore de sedação, grau de agitação, frequência cardíaca (FC); frequência respiratória (f), temperatura retal (T°R), tempo de latência e tempo para realização da IA. Os momentos de avaliação foram: M-20, M0, M1 e M2. Diferenças significativas foram consideradas quando p˂0,05. Não houveram diferenças significativas para peso e idade. Com relação a FC observou-se um aumento de 30,6%, 34,2% e 42,5% de M-20 para M2 para os grupos GA, GAB e GAME, respectivamente. Entre grupos, observou-se que em M0 o grupo GAME apresentou valores superiores, chegando a um valor de 41,4% acima dos demais grupos. Para a f destaca-se uma diminuição de 21,8% e 26,9% em M1 com relação a M-20 para os grupos GAME e GAMF, respectivamente. Já entre M-20 e M2 para GAME e GAMF destaca-se uma diminuição de 20% e 25%, na devida ordem. Quando comparados os valores de f do grupo GS, observa-se que entre o M-20 e os momentos M1 e M2 houve um aumento de 106,3% e 68,8% respectivamente. Os valores de f obtidos nos momentos M1 e M2 para GS foram maiores que os demais grupos. Quanto ao grau de sedação não houveram diferenças entre os grupos, contudo os valores obtidos são de relevância clínica. Com relação ao grau de agitação, houveram diferenças entre grupos, em M1 os grupos GAME e GAMF pontuaram 2, enquanto GS pontuou 0, em M2 o grupo GAMF pontuou 2 e o grupo GS 0. Para o tempo de latência e tempo para realização da IA não houveram diferenças estatísticas. Assim, nas condições do presente estudo o protocolo em GAME apresentou-se como o menos seguro dentre as opções avaliadas. Os protocolos instituídos de medicação pré-anestésicas promoveram discreta sedação dos pacientes e não diminuíram o tempo para a realização da técnica de IA.

Animais , Ovinos , Inseminação Artificial , Anestesia , Anestésicos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 826, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401639


Background: The Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), considered the largest land mammal in South America, is a vulnerable species in terms of its degree of conservation. In captivity, its health is evaluated through behavioral and physical observation and laboratory exams, and in some cases, chemical restraint, to reduce stress. Dissociative anesthetics and sedatives are used for the sedation of these animals, and few studies have reported the use of dexmedetomidine and its effects when associated with other drugs in chemical containment protocols; therefore, this work reports its use, in conjunction with ketamine and midazolam, in a young Brazilian tapir. Case: A male Brazilian tapir, male, weighing 89 kg, 1 and a half year old, housed at CETAS in Rio Branco, Acre, was chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine (7 µg/kg), ketamine (1.5 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) for venous blood collection, oral and rectal mucosal swabs, and microchipping. The protocol was administered intramuscularly to the right triceps brachii, after physical restraint. After 5 min of application, the animal assumed sternal recumbency and presented reflux. After 15 min, the patient was placed in the right lateral decubitus position. During collection, heart rate (48 ± 10 bpm), respiratory frequency (29 ± 1 mpm), rectal temperature (38.1 ± 0.18°C), oxyhemoglobin saturation (97 ± 1%), and electrocardiographic tracing were recorded. The tapir showed deep sedation, immobility, good muscle relaxation, discreet medial palpebral reflex, and bilateral rotation of the eyeball. After 40 min of protocol administration, sedative reversal was performed intramuscularly with 14 µg/kg atipamezole. Five min after administration, the tapir showed signs of mild sedation. After 10 min, he assumed the quadrupedal position, remained in this position for 8 min, and gently resumed the sternal decubitus. After only 20 min, he resumed the quadrupedal position, with mild ataxia and good muscular and conscious tone. After 50 min, the patient was discharged from anesthesia. Discussion: Domestic horses are phylogenetically close to tapirs, so the choice of drugs and doses of the protocol used was based on their use in horses, and on studies carried out with tapirs as well. Despite being docile and passive, the tapir was not conditioned and did not allow the manipulation and collection of samples collaboratively; therefore, it was chemically contained. The physical restraint performed did not generate satisfactory immobilization of the tapir, resulting in agitation and stress and causing the needle to break. The reflux presented by the tapir minutes after sedation and at recovery was induced by dexmedetomidine, and only the undigested banana pieces were offered to the animal. Reflux plus stress from extensive fasting and suboptimal physical restraint was responsible for the change in the tapir's eating behavior, with possible stress gastritis 24 h after chemical restraint. Only one study reported the use of dexmedetomidine in tapirs, associated with continuous infusions of ketamine, midazolam and guaiacol glyceryl ether for moderate to long-term field procedures. Sedative reversal of dexmedetomidine by atipamezole reduced the recovery time and the risk of death from cardiorespiratory depression. The anesthetic combination used was effective, promoting immobility, muscle relaxation, and stability of the physical parameters evaluated, with rapid and gentle induction and an adequate level of sedation for the objective, good sedative reversal, and anesthetic recovery.

Animais , Masculino , Perissodáctilos/fisiologia , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/análise , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 718, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366238


Background: The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is considered one of the largest terrestrial carnivores, native from temperate forest regions of North America, Europe and Asia. In Brazil, they are founded in captivity and their safe capture and immobilization are obtained with one effective anesthesia for management and surgical and diagnostic procedures. Some anesthetic protocols are described for these purposes, however, there is a lack for data on the anesthetic and adverse effects they have on bears when used. The aim of this case is to report the use and effects of the association of dexmedetomidine with tiletamine and zolazepam in the chemical containment of a captive adult brown bear. Case: A 33-year-old female brown bear, weighing 100 kg, belonging to the Zoobotanic Park of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, was chemically immobilized for an incisional biopsy of a cutaneous nodule with 1.0 cm diameter in the right face region. The anesthetic protocol included 6 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine associated with 3 mg/kg of tiletamine and zolazepam, administered intramuscularly by dart into the gluteal region of the right pelvic limb. The animal showed moderate ataxia at 5 min and assumed sternal decubitus 7 min after anesthetic administration. The bear's degree of sedation was considered adequate and safe to perform the biopsy at 10 min after administration. Heart rate (47 ± 3 bpm), respiratory rate (17 ± 2 mpm) and rectal temperature (38.7 ± 0.1ºC) were monitored. The bear remained immobile and unconscious throughout the procedure, with intense muscle relaxation, bilateral eyeball rotation, absent lateral palpebral reflex and mild medial reflex and without nystagmus. Complementary sedative doses were not necessary. At the beginning of anesthetic recovery, the bear received 6 µg/kg of atipamezole, intramuscularly. After 25 min of administration of atipamezole, the animal showed signs of recovery in the level of consciousness and reactivity to external stimuli, and assumed the quadrupedal position at 60 min after reverser application. Discussion: Even in captivity, the bears behavior is unpredictable and attack can occur, causing trauma or death to people. For this, the chemical immobilization is important to keep safety of everyone. This procedure was performed using blowgunassisted darts thrown by a staff member who had experience in using this method, who darted accurately and effectively. The latency time observed after administration of the anesthetic protocol used is similar to reported in other studies with bears that also received intramuscular dexmedetomidine and tiletamine and zolazepam and showed intense muscle relaxation and immobility. The doses used contributed to the absence of bradycardia and hypoventilation and, performing the procedure in the morning, when the temperature is milder in the city, minimized the chance of hyperthermia and thermal stress in the animal, not requiring body cooling. The use of dexmedetomidine in chemical containment protocols for short and minimally invasive procedures allows the subsequent use of its antagonist, atipamezole, contributing to a shorter recovery time, return of the animal's degree of consciousness and lower incidence of ataxia after assuming a quadrupedal position. The anesthetic protocol used was considered efficient, providing a quick and gentle chemical containment, adequate anesthetic plan and good anesthetic recovery in an adult brown bear from captivity.

Animais , Feminino , Tiletamina/administração & dosagem , Ursidae , Zolazepam/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Imobilização/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Animais Selvagens
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 62-72, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153037


Objetivou-se com este estudo comparar a associação de detomidina e cetamina ou dextrocetamina, por via intravenosa contínua, em oito cadelas submetidas a dois protocolos: GCD - indução anestésica com 5mg/kg e infusão intravenosa contínua de 20mg/kg/h de cetamina; e GDD - indução com 3,5mg/kg e infusão de 14mg/kg/h de dextrocetamina. Associou-se detomidina, 30µg/kg/h, em ambos os grupos. Registraram-se frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA), frequência respiratória (f), temperatura (TC), miorrelaxamento, analgesia, hemogasometria e eletrocardiograma, antes e 15 minutos após a MPA (Mbasal e Mmpa); após o início da infusão (Mic); a cada 10 minutos até 90 minutos (M10, M20, M30, M40, M50, M60, M70, M80 e M90); e 30 minutos após o fim da infusão (M120). Foi observada bradicardia em Mmpa no GCD e de Mmpa a M10 no GDD. Ocorreu hipotensão em Mmpa e hipertensão a partir de Mic. A f diminuiu de M10 a M30. Foram observados: onda T de alta amplitude, bloqueios atrioventriculares e parada sinusal. Ocorreu acidose respiratória. O período de recuperação foi de 219,6±72,3 minutos no GCD e de 234,1±96,8 minutos no GDD. A cetamina e a dextrocetamina, associadas à detomidina por infusão contínua, causam efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e anestésicos similares.(AU)

The combination of detomidine and ketamine or dextrocetamine for continuous intravenous infusion was compared in eight female dogs submitted to two protocols: GCD - 5mg/kg of anesthetic induction and continuous intravenous infusion of ketamine 20mg/kg/h; and GDD - induction with 3.5mg/kg and infusion of 14mg/kg/h of dextrocetamine. Detomidine, 30µg/kg/h was associated in both groups. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR), temperature (CT), myorelaxation, analgesia, blood gas analysis and electrocardiogram were recorded before and 15 minutes after MPA (Mbasal and Mmpa); after the start of infusion (Mic); every 10 minutes to 90 minutes (M10, M20, M30, M40, M50, M60, M70, M80 and M90); and 30 minutes after the end of infusion (M120). Bradycardia was observed in Mmpa in GCD and from Mmpa to M10 in GDD. There was hypotension in Mmpa and hypertension from Mic. The RR decreased from M10 to M30. High amplitude T wave, atrioventricular blocks and sinus arrest were observed. Respiratory acidosis occurred. The recovery period was 219.6±72.3 minutes in GCD and 234.1±96.8 minutes in GDD. Ketamine and S+ ketamine associated with detomidine for continuous infusion cause cardiorespiratory and similar anesthetic effects.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , N-Metilaspartato/agonistas , Agonistas alfa-Adrenérgicos/análise , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Acidose Respiratória/veterinária , Taxa Respiratória , Frequência Cardíaca , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 631-638, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278371


The objective of this study was to determine changes on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in healthy cats anesthetized with isoflurane, and premedicated with acepromazine alone or in combination with tramadol. Thirty cats were allocated in two groups (n=15/each) and were treated with acepromazine (AG) or acepromazine/tramadol (ATG). PD and IOP were assessed before and following 30 (PM1), and 40 minutes (PM2) of treatments. Anesthesia was induced with propofol, and IOP and DP were recorded (A10) at 10 minute intervals until the end of anesthesia (A40). IOP decreased in AG and ATG, when comparing baseline with PM1. IOP decreased only in AG, in comparisons between baseline and PM2. During anesthesia, IOP did not change within and between groups. Comparisons between baseline with those recorded at PM1 and 2 showed that PD increased in the ATG. During anesthesia, PD decreased significantly in AG and ATG. Both protocols maintained the IOP within the reference range to perform corneal or intraocular surgery in healthy cats but did not sustain pre-anesthetic pupil dilation observed in ATG.(AU)

O objetivo do presente artigo é determinar possíveis alterações na pressão intraocular (PIO) e no diâmetro pupilar (DP) em gatos saudáveis anestesiados com isoflurano e pré-medicados com acepromazina isolada ou em combinação com acepromazina/tramadol. Trinta gatos saudáveis foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=15/cada) e tratados com acepromazina (GA) ou acepromazina/tramadol (GAT). DP e PIO foram avaliadas antes (basal) e após 30 (PM1) e 40 minutos (PM2) dos tratamentos. A anestesia foi induzida com propofol, e a PIO e o DP foram registrados (A10) a cada 10 minutos até o final da anestesia com isoflurano (A40). Ao se compararem os valores obtidos no basal com PM1, a PIO diminuiu em GA e GAT; com PM2, a PIO reduziu apenas no GA. Durante a anestesia, a PIO não diferiu dentro e entre os grupos. Comparações entre os valores basais e os registrados em PM1 e em PM2 mostraram que a DP aumentou significativamente no GAT. Durante a anestesia, o DP diminuiu significativamente em GA e GAT. Ambos os protocolos mantêm a PIO dentro dos valores de referência para realizar cirurgias corneanas ou intraoculares em gatos saudáveis, mas não sustentam a dilatação pupilar pré-anestésica observada em GAT.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Tramadol/administração & dosagem , Midríase/veterinária , Pupila/efeitos dos fármacos , Pressão Intraocular , Isoflurano/efeitos adversos , Acepromazina/administração & dosagem , Tonometria Ocular/veterinária , Anestésicos Gerais/administração & dosagem
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 588, 24 dez. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31161


Background: Several researches have shown the impacts of roads more directly to wildlife in Brazil. The crab-eating fox(Cerdocyon thous) is a frequent run over victim. Dissociative drugs are commonly used, but inhalation anesthesia is indicatedin cases of extensive and prolonged surgeries. Despite their similarity with domestic dogs, the literature is scarce regarding theassociation of new anesthetic techniques and protocols in wild canids. The aim of this paper was to report the viability of multimodal anesthesia in a crab-eating fox, victim of running over, undergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygeal stabilization.Case: An adult male specimen of crab-eating fox was rescued after being run over and taken to a wild animal screening center.Physical examination showed superficial and deep pain, lack of support for the pelvic limbs and proprioception, increasedreflexes, and reduced tail mobility. Chemical restraint with intramuscular (IM) tiletamine-zolazepam (6.0 mg/kg) and morphine (0.5 mg/kg) was performed. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg IM) and enrofloxacin (5.0 mg/kg IM) were also administered. Theanimal was sequentially admitted to the veterinary hospital. Radiographic images showed compaction of the spinal columnof the T10 and T11 thoracic vertebrae and the sacrococcygeal region. Sixty min after chemical restraint, the anesthesia wassupplemented with IM tiletamine-zolazepam (4.5 mg/kg), and fluid therapy with 0.9% NaCl (10 mL/kg/h) was started. Ten minlater, intravenous propofol dose-effect (2.5 mg/kg) was administered and general anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane(FiO2 = 1.0). Thirty min after the induction of anesthesia, the animal was urdergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygealstabilization. Constant rate infusions (CRI) of dexmedetomidine (0.5 μg/kg/h) and ketamine (0.6 mg/kg/h) were started. Lidocaine (7.0 mg/kg) and bupivacaine (2.0 mg/kg) were administered into the surgical site on the T10 and T11 vertebrae at 35...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Raposas , Anestésicos Combinados/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Região Sacrococcígea/lesões , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Laminectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.588-4 jan. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458415


Background: Several researches have shown the impacts of roads more directly to wildlife in Brazil. The crab-eating fox(Cerdocyon thous) is a frequent run over victim. Dissociative drugs are commonly used, but inhalation anesthesia is indicatedin cases of extensive and prolonged surgeries. Despite their similarity with domestic dogs, the literature is scarce regarding theassociation of new anesthetic techniques and protocols in wild canids. The aim of this paper was to report the viability of multimodal anesthesia in a crab-eating fox, victim of running over, undergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygeal stabilization.Case: An adult male specimen of crab-eating fox was rescued after being run over and taken to a wild animal screening center.Physical examination showed superficial and deep pain, lack of support for the pelvic limbs and proprioception, increasedreflexes, and reduced tail mobility. Chemical restraint with intramuscular (IM) tiletamine-zolazepam (6.0 mg/kg) and morphine (0.5 mg/kg) was performed. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg IM) and enrofloxacin (5.0 mg/kg IM) were also administered. Theanimal was sequentially admitted to the veterinary hospital. Radiographic images showed compaction of the spinal columnof the T10 and T11 thoracic vertebrae and the sacrococcygeal region. Sixty min after chemical restraint, the anesthesia wassupplemented with IM tiletamine-zolazepam (4.5 mg/kg), and fluid therapy with 0.9% NaCl (10 mL/kg/h) was started. Ten minlater, intravenous propofol dose-effect (2.5 mg/kg) was administered and general anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane(FiO2 = 1.0). Thirty min after the induction of anesthesia, the animal was urdergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygealstabilization. Constant rate infusions (CRI) of dexmedetomidine (0.5 μg/kg/h) and ketamine (0.6 mg/kg/h) were started. Lidocaine (7.0 mg/kg) and bupivacaine (2.0 mg/kg) were administered into the surgical site on the T10 and T11 vertebrae at 35...

Masculino , Animais , Anestésicos Combinados/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Raposas , Região Sacrococcígea/lesões , Laminectomia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 452-460, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128369


A presente pesquisa comparou os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e sedativos da associação midazolam (0,41mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,31mg/kg) acrescida de detomidina (157µg/kg) (DTMB) ou dexmedetomidina (36µg/kg) (DXMB) em catetos. Catetos adultos (n=20) foram distribuídos em dois grupos, DTMB ou DXMB. As variáveis (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 e TR) foram avaliadas após aplicação dos fármacos. A sedação foi avaliada por meio de escala analógica visual, relaxamento muscular, postura e resposta auditiva. Foi realizada ANOVA, seguida de teste t pareado (paramétricos) e teste de Mann-Whitney rank-sum test (não paramétricos), com P<0,05. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os grupos para o período de latência. Observou-se diferença significativa entre grupos para as variáveis f, PAM e SpO2, com maiores valores para DTMB, e EtCO2, com maiores valores para DXMB. Os dois grupos apresentaram redução da FC e da concentração de lactato, bem como aumento da concentração de bicarbonato. A SpO2 permaneceu abaixo de 90%, durante todo o período experimental, nos dois grupos estudados. Os animais dos dois grupos apresentaram sedação profunda e relaxamento muscular máximo. Conclui-se que os dois protocolos testados proporcionaram adequada sedação, podendo ser indicados para contenção química de catetos adultos.(AU)

The study compared the cardiorespiratory, hemogasometric and sedative effects of the combination of midazolam (0.41mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.31mg/kg) plus detomidine (157µg/kg) (DTMB) or dexmedetomidine (36µg/kg) (DXMB) in collared peccaries. Collared peccaries (n= 20) were divided into two groups, either DTMB or DXMB. The variables (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 and TR) were evaluated after application of the drugs. Sedation was assessed by visual analogue scale, muscle relaxation, posture and auditory response. ANOVA followed by paired t-test (parametric) and Mann Whitney Rank Sum Test (non-parametric) with P< 0.05 were performed. No statistical difference was observed for the latency period. A significant increase was observed between groups for the variables f, PAM and SpO2 with higher values for DTMB and EtCO2 with higher values for DXMB. The two groups presented a reduction in HR and lactate concentration, and an increase in bicarbonate concentration. SpO2 remained below 90% throughout the experiment in both groups. The animals of the two groups presented deep sedation and maximum muscle relaxation. It is concluded that the two protocols tested provided adequate sedation and could be indicated for chemical containment of collared peccaries.(AU)

Animais , Artiodáctilos/fisiologia , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Butorfanol/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 452-460, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29636


A presente pesquisa comparou os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e sedativos da associação midazolam (0,41mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,31mg/kg) acrescida de detomidina (157µg/kg) (DTMB) ou dexmedetomidina (36µg/kg) (DXMB) em catetos. Catetos adultos (n=20) foram distribuídos em dois grupos, DTMB ou DXMB. As variáveis (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 e TR) foram avaliadas após aplicação dos fármacos. A sedação foi avaliada por meio de escala analógica visual, relaxamento muscular, postura e resposta auditiva. Foi realizada ANOVA, seguida de teste t pareado (paramétricos) e teste de Mann-Whitney rank-sum test (não paramétricos), com P<0,05. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os grupos para o período de latência. Observou-se diferença significativa entre grupos para as variáveis f, PAM e SpO2, com maiores valores para DTMB, e EtCO2, com maiores valores para DXMB. Os dois grupos apresentaram redução da FC e da concentração de lactato, bem como aumento da concentração de bicarbonato. A SpO2 permaneceu abaixo de 90%, durante todo o período experimental, nos dois grupos estudados. Os animais dos dois grupos apresentaram sedação profunda e relaxamento muscular máximo. Conclui-se que os dois protocolos testados proporcionaram adequada sedação, podendo ser indicados para contenção química de catetos adultos.(AU)

The study compared the cardiorespiratory, hemogasometric and sedative effects of the combination of midazolam (0.41mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.31mg/kg) plus detomidine (157µg/kg) (DTMB) or dexmedetomidine (36µg/kg) (DXMB) in collared peccaries. Collared peccaries (n= 20) were divided into two groups, either DTMB or DXMB. The variables (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 and TR) were evaluated after application of the drugs. Sedation was assessed by visual analogue scale, muscle relaxation, posture and auditory response. ANOVA followed by paired t-test (parametric) and Mann Whitney Rank Sum Test (non-parametric) with P< 0.05 were performed. No statistical difference was observed for the latency period. A significant increase was observed between groups for the variables f, PAM and SpO2 with higher values for DTMB and EtCO2 with higher values for DXMB. The two groups presented a reduction in HR and lactate concentration, and an increase in bicarbonate concentration. SpO2 remained below 90% throughout the experiment in both groups. The animals of the two groups presented deep sedation and maximum muscle relaxation. It is concluded that the two protocols tested provided adequate sedation and could be indicated for chemical containment of collared peccaries.(AU)

Animais , Artiodáctilos/fisiologia , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Butorfanol/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.361-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458125


Background: The use of distinct drugs and techniques for establishing balanced anesthesia protocols has shown promisingresults in birds. The techniques of locoregional block can be incorporated to these protocols, thereby providing intra- andpost-operative analgesia and reducing the requirement for general anesthesia. Additionally, the use of neurostimulatorsincreases the chances of success and reduces the risk of toxicity; however, there are limited reports in the literature of itsapplicability in wild birds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the brachial plexus block technique guidedusing a neurolocalizer in a striped owl (Asio clamator) submitted for right wing amputation.Case: A striped owl weighing 400 g with a history of exposed fracture of the right wing was supplied by the clinical sectorat the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia. Following hydration and stabilization of vital signs, theanimal was referred to the surgical center for amputation of the limb. Dexmedetomidine (10 µ−1 IM) was administeredas premedication, and after 20 min, anesthetic induction was performed using sevoflurane (FiO2 = 100%) via a mask followed by maintenance using the same drug. The animal was positioned in a left lateral decubitus position with access to thebrachial plexus determined by palpation and identification of the border of the following muscles: pectoral, cranial branchof the brachial biceps, and dorsal branch of the ventral serratus. The brachial plexus nerves are situated in the subcutaneous site craniodorsal to the axillary depression. For the block, a neurolocalizer was used, fixing the positive electrode toapproximately 5 cm from the needle insertion site (21G × 2’”) in the axillary depression, which remained connected to theneurostimulator by the second electrode. At first, the needle was attached to the peripheral nerve stimulator using a pulsefrequency of 1 Hz with an...

Animais , Anestésicos Locais , Dexmedetomidina , Estimulação Elétrica , Estrigiformes , Nervos Periféricos , Plexo Braquial , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 361, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738860


Background: The use of distinct drugs and techniques for establishing balanced anesthesia protocols has shown promisingresults in birds. The techniques of locoregional block can be incorporated to these protocols, thereby providing intra- andpost-operative analgesia and reducing the requirement for general anesthesia. Additionally, the use of neurostimulatorsincreases the chances of success and reduces the risk of toxicity; however, there are limited reports in the literature of itsapplicability in wild birds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the brachial plexus block technique guidedusing a neurolocalizer in a striped owl (Asio clamator) submitted for right wing amputation.Case: A striped owl weighing 400 g with a history of exposed fracture of the right wing was supplied by the clinical sectorat the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia. Following hydration and stabilization of vital signs, theanimal was referred to the surgical center for amputation of the limb. Dexmedetomidine (10 µ−1 IM) was administeredas premedication, and after 20 min, anesthetic induction was performed using sevoflurane (FiO2 = 100%) via a mask followed by maintenance using the same drug. The animal was positioned in a left lateral decubitus position with access to thebrachial plexus determined by palpation and identification of the border of the following muscles: pectoral, cranial branchof the brachial biceps, and dorsal branch of the ventral serratus. The brachial plexus nerves are situated in the subcutaneous site craniodorsal to the axillary depression. For the block, a neurolocalizer was used, fixing the positive electrode toapproximately 5 cm from the needle insertion site (21G × 2”) in the axillary depression, which remained connected to theneurostimulator by the second electrode. At first, the needle was attached to the peripheral nerve stimulator using a pulsefrequency of 1 Hz with an... (AU)

Animais , Plexo Braquial , Estimulação Elétrica , Nervos Periféricos , Dexmedetomidina , Estrigiformes , Anestésicos Locais , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 368, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19500


Background: The black capuccin (Sapajus nigritus) is one of the most abundant primate specimens in Brazil. Amongpopulation control techniques, vasectomy can be used once it maintains the animals leading behavior in the group throughhormonal presence, production of spermatogenic series, and copula. However, due to their escape behavior, agitation, inaddition to the impossibility of knowing the physiological state of these animals beforehand, their capture poses a considerable challenge. Thus, chemical restraint is indispensable and the use of effective and safe anesthetic protocols to animalintegrity is of paramount importance. In this scenario, the present study aims to report the anesthesia of a black capuccinsubmitted to vasectomy.Case: A 1-year-old male, 1.1 kg monkey (Sapajus nigritus) was admitted at a Veterinary Hospital after being found onthe ground in a natural reserve in the town of Assis Chateaubriand, in the west of Parana State. After clinical evaluation,the patient was submitted to vasectomy as a birth control method, before his return to the natural area, which presentedoverpopulation of the species. After preanesthetic examinations, the animal was considered healthy, and thus, premedicatedwith the combination of dexmedetomidine (10 μg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg), intramuscularly. Anesthetic inductionwith propofol was performed to effect. Laringeal desensitization was achieved with 2% lidocaine (2 mg/kg), which allowed orotracheal intubation through direct visualization. Anesthesia was maintained with 1% isoflurane in a 0.5 oxygenfraction and spontaneous ventilation using a non-rebreathing circuit. The spermatic cord and the skin were desensitizedwith lidocaine (4 mg/kg). During the procedure, the animal was monitored for pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram, systolicblood pressure, body temperature, end tidal CO2 (ETCO2), and end tidal isoflurane. The animal also received 10 mL/kg/h ringer...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cebus , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Ketamina , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , Vasectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.368-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458132


Background: The black capuccin (Sapajus nigritus) is one of the most abundant primate specimens in Brazil. Amongpopulation control techniques, vasectomy can be used once it maintains the animal’s leading behavior in the group throughhormonal presence, production of spermatogenic series, and copula. However, due to their escape behavior, agitation, inaddition to the impossibility of knowing the physiological state of these animals beforehand, their capture poses a considerable challenge. Thus, chemical restraint is indispensable and the use of effective and safe anesthetic protocols to animalintegrity is of paramount importance. In this scenario, the present study aims to report the anesthesia of a black capuccinsubmitted to vasectomy.Case: A 1-year-old male, 1.1 kg monkey (Sapajus nigritus) was admitted at a Veterinary Hospital after being found onthe ground in a natural reserve in the town of Assis Chateaubriand, in the west of Parana State. After clinical evaluation,the patient was submitted to vasectomy as a birth control method, before his return to the natural area, which presentedoverpopulation of the species. After preanesthetic examinations, the animal was considered healthy, and thus, premedicatedwith the combination of dexmedetomidine (10 μg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg), intramuscularly. Anesthetic inductionwith propofol was performed to effect. Laringeal desensitization was achieved with 2% lidocaine (2 mg/kg), which allowed orotracheal intubation through direct visualization. Anesthesia was maintained with 1% isoflurane in a 0.5 oxygenfraction and spontaneous ventilation using a non-rebreathing circuit. The spermatic cord and the skin were desensitizedwith lidocaine (4 mg/kg). During the procedure, the animal was monitored for pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram, systolicblood pressure, body temperature, end tidal CO2 (ETCO2), and end tidal isoflurane. The animal also received 10 mL/kg/h ringer...

Masculino , Animais , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Cebus , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Ketamina , Vasectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.468-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458232


Background: Nociceptive stimulation in orthopedic surgery requires effective pain management to ensure trans andpostoperative patient comfort. Several techniques can be used for this, and multimodal analgesia protocols such as guidedlocoregional blocks provide a balanced effect, as they enable the use of low-dose anesthetics and offer rapid recovery. Thebenefits of specific nerve blocks in domestic animals are well known; however, there are few reports that have ascertainedtheir safety in wild species. This report is aimed at describing the successful use of neurolocalizer-guided sciatic andfemoral nerve blocks during tibial osteosyntheses in a chinchilla.Case: A 9-month-old chinchilla weighing 0.56 kg was referred for surgery for proximal and mid-diaphyseal tibia fracturesresulting from trauma. Following preanesthetic evaluation, the animal received intramuscular dexmedetomidine (15 µgkg1) as preanesthetic medication. Sedation was apparent after 15 min and was verified by a decreased activity, the animalallowing manipulation, absence of the eyelid and righting reflexes, and limb movement after clamping removal of limbafter clamping. After achieving sedation, anesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane (FiO2 = 1.0), suppliedthrough a nasoral mask. Sciatic and femoral nerve blocks were performed with the aid of a neurostimulator. A needle wasinserted into the femoral triangle, cranial to the femoral artery, and into the depression between the sciatic tuberosity andthe greater femoral trochanter. The neurostimulator was set at a pulse frequency of 1 Hz, pulse duration of 0.1 ms andinitial current of 0.6 mA. The needle was advanced toward the nerves until muscle contractions were observed, and thecurrent was gradually reduced until contractions were manifested at a minimum current...

Animais , Chinchila , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Nervo Isquiático/efeitos dos fármacos , Nervos Periféricos/efeitos dos fármacos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas da Tíbia/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 468, 27 dez. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25776


Background: Nociceptive stimulation in orthopedic surgery requires effective pain management to ensure trans andpostoperative patient comfort. Several techniques can be used for this, and multimodal analgesia protocols such as guidedlocoregional blocks provide a balanced effect, as they enable the use of low-dose anesthetics and offer rapid recovery. Thebenefits of specific nerve blocks in domestic animals are well known; however, there are few reports that have ascertainedtheir safety in wild species. This report is aimed at describing the successful use of neurolocalizer-guided sciatic andfemoral nerve blocks during tibial osteosyntheses in a chinchilla.Case: A 9-month-old chinchilla weighing 0.56 kg was referred for surgery for proximal and mid-diaphyseal tibia fracturesresulting from trauma. Following preanesthetic evaluation, the animal received intramuscular dexmedetomidine (15 µgkg1) as preanesthetic medication. Sedation was apparent after 15 min and was verified by a decreased activity, the animalallowing manipulation, absence of the eyelid and righting reflexes, and limb movement after clamping removal of limbafter clamping. After achieving sedation, anesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane (FiO2 = 1.0), suppliedthrough a nasoral mask. Sciatic and femoral nerve blocks were performed with the aid of a neurostimulator. A needle wasinserted into the femoral triangle, cranial to the femoral artery, and into the depression between the sciatic tuberosity andthe greater femoral trochanter. The neurostimulator was set at a pulse frequency of 1 Hz, pulse duration of 0.1 ms andinitial current of 0.6 mA. The needle was advanced toward the nerves until muscle contractions were observed, and thecurrent was gradually reduced until contractions were manifested at a minimum current...(AU)

Animais , Chinchila , Nervos Periféricos/efeitos dos fármacos , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Nervo Isquiático/efeitos dos fármacos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas da Tíbia/cirurgia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(2): 315-319, fev. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20073


This paper pretends to demonstrate the effect of the combination of transversus abdominis plane block (TAP block) and Serratus plane block (SP block) techniques in analgesia of 4 dogs undergoing total unilateral mastectomy. Dogs were premedicated with methadone ( intramuscularly. Anesthesia was induced with propofol ( and midazolam ( and maintained with isoflurane. SP and TAP block were performed unilaterally using ultrasound by the injection of bupivacaine 0.25% (0.3mL kg-1) diluted with NaCl solution 1:1. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), non-invasive arterial pressure, esophageal temperature (T), oxygen saturation (SpO2) and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously. Animals were monitored for two and four hours after extubation for pain by using the Canine Acute Pain Scale from Colorado State University. Two hours after extubation, tramadol ( and dipyrone ( was administered to all dogs. It was not observed any alteration on cardiac rhythm. HR, f, T and mean arterial pressure remained below the preincisional values for all dogs. No dog required intraoperative rescue analgesia. Recovery from anesthesia was without any complication. All animals scored 0 (0/5) at pain scale, two and four hours after extubation and none of them expressed concern over the surgical wound. Dogs were able to walk before two hours after extubation. The combination of both techniques is effective in anesthetic blocking the thoracic and abdominal walls and it is suggested both may be included in the multimodal analgesia protocols for this type of surgery.(AU)

Este trabalho pretende demonstrar o efeito analgésico da combinação das técnicas de bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal (TAP block) e bloqueio do plano serrátil (SP block) em 4 cadelas submetidas à mastectomia unilateral total. Os animais foram pré-medicados com metadona (0, por via intramuscular. A anestesia foi induzida com propofol ( e midazolam (0, e mantida com isoflurano. Os bloqueios SP e TAP foram realizados unilateralmente, utilizando ultrassonografia, pela injeção de bupivacaína a 0,25% (0,, diluída com solução de NaCl a 1:1. A frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (f), pressão arterial não invasiva, temperatura esofágica (T), saturação de oxigênio (SpO2) e eletrocardiograma foram monitorados continuamente. Os animais foram monitorizados durante duras e quatro horas após a extubação para a dor usando a Escala de Dor Aguda Canina da Universidade Estadual do Colorado. Duas horas após a extubação, tramadol ( e dipirona ( foram administrados a todos os cães. Não foi observada qualquer alteração no ritmo cardíaco. HR, f, T e pressão arterial média permaneceram abaixo dos valores basais para todos os cães. Nenhum cão requereu resgate analgésico intra-operatório. Não houve complicações na recuperação anestésica. Todos os animais apresentaram escore 0 (0/5) na escala de dor, duras e 4 quatro horas após a extubação e nenhum expressou desconforto com a ferida cirúrgica. Todos os cães foram capazes de caminhar antes de duas horas após extubação. A combinação de ambas as técnicas é eficaz no bloqueio anestésico das paredes torácica e abdominal e sugere-se que ambos podem ser incluídos nos protocolos de analgesia multimodal para este tipo de cirurgia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Músculos Abdominais , Anestesia por Condução/veterinária , Anestésicos Locais/análise , Isoflurano/uso terapêutico , Mastectomia/veterinária , Midazolam/uso terapêutico , Propofol/uso terapêutico
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(2): 315-319, fev. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895564


This paper pretends to demonstrate the effect of the combination of transversus abdominis plane block (TAP block) and Serratus plane block (SP block) techniques in analgesia of 4 dogs undergoing total unilateral mastectomy. Dogs were premedicated with methadone ( intramuscularly. Anesthesia was induced with propofol ( and midazolam ( and maintained with isoflurane. SP and TAP block were performed unilaterally using ultrasound by the injection of bupivacaine 0.25% (0.3mL kg-1) diluted with NaCl solution 1:1. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), non-invasive arterial pressure, esophageal temperature (T), oxygen saturation (SpO2) and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously. Animals were monitored for two and four hours after extubation for pain by using the Canine Acute Pain Scale from Colorado State University. Two hours after extubation, tramadol ( and dipyrone ( was administered to all dogs. It was not observed any alteration on cardiac rhythm. HR, f, T and mean arterial pressure remained below the preincisional values for all dogs. No dog required intraoperative rescue analgesia. Recovery from anesthesia was without any complication. All animals scored 0 (0/5) at pain scale, two and four hours after extubation and none of them expressed concern over the surgical wound. Dogs were able to walk before two hours after extubation. The combination of both techniques is effective in anesthetic blocking the thoracic and abdominal walls and it is suggested both may be included in the multimodal analgesia protocols for this type of surgery.(AU)

Este trabalho pretende demonstrar o efeito analgésico da combinação das técnicas de bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal (TAP block) e bloqueio do plano serrátil (SP block) em 4 cadelas submetidas à mastectomia unilateral total. Os animais foram pré-medicados com metadona (0, por via intramuscular. A anestesia foi induzida com propofol ( e midazolam (0, e mantida com isoflurano. Os bloqueios SP e TAP foram realizados unilateralmente, utilizando ultrassonografia, pela injeção de bupivacaína a 0,25% (0,, diluída com solução de NaCl a 1:1. A frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (f), pressão arterial não invasiva, temperatura esofágica (T), saturação de oxigênio (SpO2) e eletrocardiograma foram monitorados continuamente. Os animais foram monitorizados durante duras e quatro horas após a extubação para a dor usando a Escala de Dor Aguda Canina da Universidade Estadual do Colorado. Duas horas após a extubação, tramadol ( e dipirona ( foram administrados a todos os cães. Não foi observada qualquer alteração no ritmo cardíaco. HR, f, T e pressão arterial média permaneceram abaixo dos valores basais para todos os cães. Nenhum cão requereu resgate analgésico intra-operatório. Não houve complicações na recuperação anestésica. Todos os animais apresentaram escore 0 (0/5) na escala de dor, duras e 4 quatro horas após a extubação e nenhum expressou desconforto com a ferida cirúrgica. Todos os cães foram capazes de caminhar antes de duas horas após extubação. A combinação de ambas as técnicas é eficaz no bloqueio anestésico das paredes torácica e abdominal e sugere-se que ambos podem ser incluídos nos protocolos de analgesia multimodal para este tipo de cirurgia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Músculos Abdominais/efeitos dos fármacos , Anestesia por Condução/veterinária , Anestésicos Locais/análise , Isoflurano/uso terapêutico , Mastectomia/veterinária , Midazolam/uso terapêutico , Propofol/uso terapêutico
Ci. Rural ; 48(8): e20170659, 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-736484


The objective of this study was to investigate the echocardiographic changes during anesthesia induction in dogs sedated with acepromazine (0.05mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.3mg/kg) (AB). Twenty-four male dogs, with a mean weight of 12.40kg±3.1kg, were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n=6). Fifteen minutes after administering pre-anesthetic medication, anesthesia with diazepam (0.5mg/kg) and etomidate (1mg/kg) (group DE); diazepam (0.5mg/kg) and ketamine (3mg/kg) (group CD); propofol (4mg/kg) (group P); or ketamine (1mg/kg) and propofol (3mg/kg) (group CP) was administered to the 6 dogs in each group. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured and echocardiography was performed immediately prior to the application of the sedation protocol (baseline), 15 minutes after sedation (M1), and immediately after anesthesia induction (M2). No significant differences were observed in SBP and in hemodynamic variables such as cardiac index, shortening fraction, and ejection fraction, between groups at all time points (M0, M1, and M2) evaluated. The SBP was significantly reduced after anesthetic induction in the dogs of the DE and CP groups. It can be concluded that the protocols DE and CP reduce similarly to SPB in dogs medicated with CD and P to SBP remain stable after anesthetic induction. All anesthetic induction protocols maintained a stable IC in premedicated dogs. None of the protocols evaluated promoted significant echocardiographic changes. Furthermore, the ketamine and diazepam combination had a negative impact on myocardial relaxation.(AU)

O aumento crescente da expectativa de vida dos cães, faz com que muitos animais cardiopatas necessitem de um procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico. Os objetivos do estudo foram investigar as alterações ecocardiográficas de protocolos de indução anestésica, em cães sedados com acepromazina (0,05mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,3mg/kg) (AB). Foram utilizados 24 cães, machos, SRD, com peso médio de 12,40±3,1kg, os quais foram alocados aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (n=6). Após 15 minutos da medicação pré-anestésica, foi realizada indução anestésica com diazepam (0,5mg/kg)/etomidato (1mg/kg) (DE), ou diazepam (0,5mg/kg)/cetamina (3mg/kg) (CD), oupropofol (4mg/kg) (P) ou cetamina (1mg/kg)/propofol (3mg/kg) (CP). Aferiu-se a PAS e ecocardiografia imediatamente antes da aplicação do protocolo de sedação (basal), 15 minutos após a sedação (M1) e imediatamente após a indução anestésica (M2). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na PAS e nas variáveis hemodinâmicas como índice cardíaco, fração de encurtamento, fração de ejeção, entre os grupos, em todos os momentos avaliados. A PAS reduziu significativamente, após indução anestésica, nos cães do grupo DE e CP. A FC reduziu, após indução, em relação aos valores pós sedação, somente no grupo CD, mantendo-se estável nos demais grupos estudados. Conclui-se que os protocolos DE e CP reduzem de maneira semelhante a PAS, nos cães medicados com CD e P a PAS mantêm-se estável, após indução anestésica. Todos os protocolos de indução anestésica mantém estáveis o IC em cães pré-medicados. Nenhum dos protocolos avaliados promove alterações ecocardiográficas significativas. Aassociação cetamina/diazepam tem um impacto negativo no relaxamento miocárdico.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Ketamina/análise , Diazepam/análise , Anestésicos Combinados , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Hipnóticos e Sedativos , Cardiopatias/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 11(4): 200-204, Dec. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453113


This study evaluated the effects of various combinations of dissociative drugs, tranquilizers, and sedatives in four male coatis (Nasua nasua) with an average age and weight of 4.8 ± 1.3 years and 6.02 ± 0.56 kg, respectively. We studied six groups with different anesthetic protocols: CX (10 mg/kg ketamine-S and 2 mg/kg xylazine); CXA (10 mg/kg ketamine-S, 2 mg/kg xylazine, and 0.04 mg/kg atropine); CM (10 mg/kg ketamine-S and 0.5 mg/kg midazolam); CMAc (10 mg/kg ketamine-S, 0.5 mg/kg of midazolam, and 1 mg/kg acepromazine); C(20)M (20 mg/kg of ketamine-S and 0.5 mg/kg midazolam); and TZ (7 mg/kg of tiletamine and zolazepam), with a 30-day interval between the completion of each procedure. We evaluated heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), saturation of oxyhemoglobin (SpO2), body temperature T (°C), and muscle relaxation, using a scoring system. There was no statistical difference for SpO2. T (°C) was progressively reduced over time in all groups (p< 0.0001). The groups CM, C(20)M, CMAc, and TZ demonstrated the greatest effect on HR and T (°C). With respect to respiratory rate reduction, groups CM and TZ showed similar results. The best degree of muscle relaxation was observed in groups CM and C(20)M. We concluded that the combination of 20 mg/kg ketamine and midazolam 0. 5 mg/kg (group C(20)M) is an option for dissociative anesthesia of coatis, producing smaller changes in T (°C) and HR, and promoting better muscular relaxation when compared to other combinations.

Animais , Anestésicos Dissociativos/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Dissociativos/análise , Procyonidae , Relaxamento Muscular