Background: The brachycephalic dog breeds have been increasing in Brazil, and these animals are predisposed to present the brachycephalic dog syndrome, consisting of anatomical defects that lead to physiological changes and clinical signs such as wheezing, dyspnea, and hypoxia. Electrocardiography (ECG) is a simple test that can detect disturbances in the electrical activity of the heart, including changes present in hypoxia. The brachycephalic dog syndrome can lead to pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxia. Based on this, the present work aimed to evaluate the ECG of brachycephalic dogs in search of significant changes in heart rhythm, ECG waves, and cardiac axis. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-nine dogs were evaluated in this study, 19 brachycephalic and 10 mesaticephalic, after approval by an ethics committee the animals were selected. Electrocardiographic examinations were performed in 2 stages, at rest and immediately after a 3-min trot. The exam was performed with a computerized electrocardiograph, with a standard time of 5 min. The standard positioning for performing the examination was the right lateral decubitus position. To improve the electrical conductivity, 70% alcohol was used between the animal's skin and the electrodes. In statistical analysis, paired t test was performed for comparison of the same group before and after exercise and unpaired t test between groups at the same moments, considering P < 0.05 as significant. Nineteen brachycephalic animals were evaluated, 10 Pugs and 9 French Bulldogs, 9 males and 10 females. The mean age was 3.4 ± 1.8 years; and the mean weight was 12.5 kg ± 2.7 kg. In the control group, consisting of ten mesaticephalic animals, all were non-breed, three males and seven females; the mean age and weight in this group were 4.4 ± 1.5 years and 7.5 kg ± 0.5 kg, respectively. There was a significant increase in heart rate (bpm) after exercise in brachycephalic dogs (baseline: 119.3 ± 4.3; after exercise: 135.1 ± 4.9; P = 0.0005). The same occurred for P wave amplitude (mV) (baseline: 0.20 ± 0.01; after exercise: 0.22 ± 0.01; P = 0.0001). These differences were not found in the control group. There were no alterations in the duration of the P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval, and all were within normal values for the species in both groups. The R-wave amplitude remained unaltered and within normal values in both the control and brachycephalic groups. Discussion: The elevation in heart rate may be associated with the chemoreflex secondary to the increased demand for oxygenation during exercise and the hypoxia generated by it. The increase in P amplitude suggests right atrial overload. The P wave corresponds to the atrial depolarization and its amplitude corresponds to the electrical activity in the right atrium. Thus, it is possible to relate the increase in P amplitude and heart rate to the hypoxia caused by exercise in brachycephalic, since this hypoxia results in chemoreceptor activation that increases chronotropism and heart rate. Also, there may be increased pressure in the pulmonary trunk, this increased pressure occurs due to vasoconstriction generated as a reflex to hypoxia in the pulmonary alveoli, leading to a possible picture of acute pulmonary hypertension that, in a cascade effect, leads to hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle, increased strength of contractility and ejection affecting the tricuspid valve causing a reflux and consequent overload of the right atrium.
Animais , Cães , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Craniossinostoses/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipóxia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a tropical fish species widely used in research, worldwide. The development of genetically modified animals and the increasing number of zebrafish breeding facilities due to their emerging use in several research fields, opened room for new ethical challenges for research carried out with this species. It is necessary to raise the scientific community's awareness of the ethical standards and laws in force, on animal research. Thus, the aim of the current study is to describe 10 Rs ethical principles by using zebrafish as model system in research. The classical 3 Rs concerning animal welfare, namely replacement, reduction and refinement; and the added 7 Rs related to scientific (registration, reporting, robustness, reproducibility and relevance) and conduct principles (responsibility, and respect) in zebrafish research are herein presented and critically discussed. The use of these 10 Rs by researchers, institutions and the Animal Ethics Committee is recommended to support regulations, decision-making about and the promotion of zebrafish health and welfare in research.
O peixe-zebra (Danio rerio) é um peixe tropical amplamente usado em pesquisas em todo o mundo. Devido ao seu uso emergente em várias áreas de pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de animais geneticamente modificados e o aumento das instalações de peixe-zebra, novos desafos éticos surgem na pesquisa com o peixe-zebra. Além disso, é necessária a conscientização da comunidade científica sobre as normas éticas e leis vigentes na pesquisa com animais. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever os princípios éticos de 10 Rs usando o peixe-zebra como sistema modelo em pesquisa. Os 3 Rs clássicos relativos ao bem-estar animal (substituição, redução e refinamento) e 7 Rs adicionais relacionados aos princípios científicos (registro, relatório, robustez, reprodutibilidade e relevância) e de conduta (responsabilidade e respeito) na pesquisa do peixe-zebra são apresentados e discutido criticamente. Recomendamos o uso desses 10 Rs pelos pesquisadores, instituições e Comitê de Ética Animal na regulamentação, decisão e promoção da saúde e bem-estar do peixe-zebra em pesquisas.
Animais , Peixe-Zebra , Bem-Estar do Animal/normas , Experimentação Animal/ética , Comitês de Cuidado Animal/legislação & jurisprudência , Ética em Pesquisa , Animais de LaboratórioResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the morphological, biochemical, and histological effects of aqueous extracts of peanut (skinless and added to 1% skin) in Swiss mice submitted to a high-fat diet. Methods: Forty male Swiss mice were divided into four groups (n=10 per group): GI) normocaloric diet; GII) high-fat diet; GIII) high-fat diet + 0.5 mL of peanut extract; GIV) high-fat diet + 0.5 mL of peanut extract + 1% peanut skin. The animals were weighed weekly and euthanized after 12 weeks for histopathological and biochemical analyses. The study was approved by the Animal Use Ethics Committee. Results: The animals in the GIV group had higher body weight when compared to the other ones. Increase in total cholesterol in GIII, increase in blood glucose in groups GII, GIII and GIV, decrease in serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) concentration in groups GI and GIV and increase in serum concentration of C-reactive protein in GII were seen. The presence of vacuolar fat deposits was found in animal livers from GII. Conclusions: The extracts improved the plasma concentrations of animals that received a high-fat diet, including preventing morphological damage to liver tissue. These benefits were enhanced by the association of peanut shells with the extract.
Arachis , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Sobrepeso , FígadoResumo
Background: Manatees are the most endangered aquatic mammals in Brazil. The current conservation scenario, together with their biological characteristics, raises concern with the future of this species. Pyothorax, also known as septic pleural effusion or pleural empyema, is characterized by the accumulation of a septic purulent exudate within the pleural space. Although this infection often has a multifactorial etiology, it is most commonly associated with respiratory tract disorders and trauma. Here, we report a case of pyothorax in a Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) held in captivity for acclimatization in Brazil. Case: A young, male Antillean manatee, aged 4 years and 11 months, measuring 227 cm in total length, and weighing 258 kg was held in captivity for acclimatization (natural environment) in Porto de Pedras in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. The animal died in February 2013 and was sent for necropsy at the CMA/ICMBio laboratory. The study was developed with authorisation from the Ethics Committee on Animal Use (License number 020/2009) and under the license SISBIO/ ICMBio number 20685-1. Externally, the carcass of the animal showed swelling and bulging of the right antimere and purulent secretion from the right nostril. After external examination, a window was opened in the layers of skin, fat, and muscles from the level of the anus to the navel. Subsequently, the abdominal cavity was opened for inspecting the internal organs. The subcutaneous muscles had a slightly friable, swollen, and pale texture, in addition to petechial hemorrhage, suffusions, and marked edema of the subcutaneous tissue. The right hemidiaphragm was elevated, filling the abdominal and thoracic spaces. Depending on the elevation, all organs were moved to...
Masculino , Animais , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Empiema Pleural/patologia , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Trichechus , Exsudatos e Transudatos , SirêniosResumo
Background: Manatees are the most endangered aquatic mammals in Brazil. The current conservation scenario, together with their biological characteristics, raises concern with the future of this species. Pyothorax, also known as septic pleural effusion or pleural empyema, is characterized by the accumulation of a septic purulent exudate within the pleural space. Although this infection often has a multifactorial etiology, it is most commonly associated with respiratory tract disorders and trauma. Here, we report a case of pyothorax in a Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) held in captivity for acclimatization in Brazil. Case: A young, male Antillean manatee, aged 4 years and 11 months, measuring 227 cm in total length, and weighing 258 kg was held in captivity for acclimatization (natural environment) in Porto de Pedras in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. The animal died in February 2013 and was sent for necropsy at the CMA/ICMBio laboratory. The study was developed with authorisation from the Ethics Committee on Animal Use (License number 020/2009) and under the license SISBIO/ ICMBio number 20685-1. Externally, the carcass of the animal showed swelling and bulging of the right antimere and purulent secretion from the right nostril. After external examination, a window was opened in the layers of skin, fat, and muscles from the level of the anus to the navel. Subsequently, the abdominal cavity was opened for inspecting the internal organs. The subcutaneous muscles had a slightly friable, swollen, and pale texture, in addition to petechial hemorrhage, suffusions, and marked edema of the subcutaneous tissue. The right hemidiaphragm was elevated, filling the abdominal and thoracic spaces. Depending on the elevation, all organs were moved to...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Empiema Pleural/patologia , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Trichechus , Exsudatos e Transudatos , SirêniosResumo
Background: Arterial blood pressure is one of the most commonly variables monitored during anesthetic procedures in veterinary patients. The most reliable method for measuring arterial blood pressure in dogs and cats is the direct (invasive) method. However, the oscillometric method is less complex and more practical for clinical routine in small animals. Nevertheless, oscillometric monitors present great variability in accuracy. The present study aimed to determine the accuracy of the Delta Life DL 1000 oscillometric monitor for measurement of systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressures (SAP, MAP and DAP, respectively) in anesthetized dogs of different weight ranges. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Animal Use. Fifteen female dogs of different breeds, weighing 11.6 ± 10.0 kg and with a mean age of 48 ± 51 months were used. All animals were scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia in the Institution Veterinary Hospital. Dogs were anesthetized with morphine, propofol and isoflurane and had a 20 or 22 gauge catheter introduced into the dorsal pedal artery for continuous, invasive monitoring of SAP, MAP and DAP. A blood pressure cuff was positioned over the middle third of the radius and connected to Delta Life DL 1000 monitor. Oscillometric readings of SAP, MAP and DAP were registered every 5 minutes, and invasive values were simultaneously recorded. Values obtained with both methods were compared (invasive versus oscillometric) by use of the Bland Altman method to determine the bias, standard deviation of bias and 95% limits of agreement. The percentages of errors between the methods within 10 mmHg and within...
Animais , Cães , Anestesia/veterinária , Monitores de Pressão Arterial/veterinária , Oscilometria/métodos , Oscilometria/veterinária , Peso Corporal , Pressão Arterial , Confiabilidade dos DadosResumo
Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is considered one of the largest and most beautiful canids in South America, inhabits the Cerrado biome, and presents nocturnal habits, especially during the twilight period. It is in danger of extinction, mainly due to anthropic activity in its habitat. What certainly raises the importance of studying and better understanding its biology. The mammalian Facial Nerve is the seventh cranial pair and controls the functions of facial expression muscles and others. Once the anatomical descriptions of this canid are scarce, this paper aimed to describe the anatomy of Facial n. in Maned Wolf and correlate it with that of domestic canids, a phylogenetically close species whose anatomy is well known. For this research, four adult specimens were used, whose carcasses were collected along highways in southeastern Goiás State - Brazil (SISBIO 37072-2), or donated by the Wildlife Screening Center (CETAS) in Catalão - Goiás State. The specimens were fixed in a 10% aqueous formalin solution and stored in the same solution. Dissection was performed by macroscopic anatomical methods. The research was carried out with a favorable opinion of the Animal Use Ethics Committee (CEUA) of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) (under n° 067/12). Anatomical preparations of post-mortem Maned Wolf did not reveal the presence of Caudal Auricular, Internal Auricular, nor Stylohyoid n.. Small ramifications of Facial n. can be considered as collateral branches. The Facial n. emerged as a single trunk, Facial n. Trunk, which branches into Auriculopalpebral, Dorsal Buccal, and Ventral Buccal n.
O Lobo-Guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) é considerado um dos maiores e mais belos canídeos da América do Sul, habita o cerrado e apresenta hábitos notívagos, com preferência crepuscular. Motivado, principalmente, pela atividade antrópica em seu habitat, encontra-se em risco de extinção, o que, certamente, eleva a importância de se estudar e compreender melhor a sua Biologia. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que o Nervo Facial de mamíferos é o sétimo par craniano e se envolve com o comando da função dos músculos da expressão facial e outros, porém como as descrições anatômicas desse canídeo são escassas, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever e correlacionar a Anatomia do N. Facial de Lobo-Guará com canídeos domésticos, espécie esta filogeneticamente próxima. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram utilizados quatro exemplares de Lobo-Guará adultos, cujas carcaças foram recolhidas às margens de rodovias do sudeste goiano (SISBIO 37072-2) ou doadas pelo CETAS-Catalão. Os espécimes foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e conservados em igual solução. A dissecação foi realizada sob a luz de técnicas usuais em Anatomia Macroscópica. Ressalta-se que a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o parecer favorável do CEUA/UFU nº 067/12. As preparações anatômicas envolvendo o Lobo-Guará não revelaram a presença dos nervos: Auricular caudal, Auricular interno e Estilohioideo, apenas pequenos ramos, considerados como ramos colaterais. O n. Facial emergia como um tronco único, o Tronco do N. Facial, o qual se dividia em n. Auriculopalpebral, Bucal dorsal e Bucal ventral.
Animais , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Nervo Facial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologia , Dissecação/veterináriaResumo
Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is considered one of the largest and most beautiful canids in South America, inhabits the Cerrado biome, and presents nocturnal habits, especially during the twilight period. It is in danger of extinction, mainly due to anthropic activity in its habitat. What certainly raises the importance of studying and better understanding its biology. The mammalian Facial Nerve is the seventh cranial pair and controls the functions of facial expression muscles and others. Once the anatomical descriptions of this canid are scarce, this paper aimed to describe the anatomy of Facial n. in Maned Wolf and correlate it with that of domestic canids, a phylogenetically close species whose anatomy is well known. For this research, four adult specimens were used, whose carcasses were collected along highways in southeastern Goiás State - Brazil (SISBIO 37072-2), or donated by the Wildlife Screening Center (CETAS) in Catalão - Goiás State. The specimens were fixed in a 10% aqueous formalin solution and stored in the same solution. Dissection was performed by macroscopic anatomical methods. The research was carried out with a favorable opinion of the Animal Use Ethics Committee (CEUA) of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) (under n° 067/12). Anatomical preparations of post-mortem Maned Wolf did not reveal the presence of Caudal Auricular, Internal Auricular, nor Stylohyoid n.. Small ramifications of Facial n. can be considered as collateral branches. The Facial n. emerged as a single trunk, Facial n. Trunk, which branches into Auriculopalpebral, Dorsal Buccal, and Ventral Buccal n.(AU)
O Lobo-Guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) é considerado um dos maiores e mais belos canídeos da América do Sul, habita o cerrado e apresenta hábitos notívagos, com preferência crepuscular. Motivado, principalmente, pela atividade antrópica em seu habitat, encontra-se em risco de extinção, o que, certamente, eleva a importância de se estudar e compreender melhor a sua Biologia. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que o Nervo Facial de mamíferos é o sétimo par craniano e se envolve com o comando da função dos músculos da expressão facial e outros, porém como as descrições anatômicas desse canídeo são escassas, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever e correlacionar a Anatomia do N. Facial de Lobo-Guará com canídeos domésticos, espécie esta filogeneticamente próxima. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram utilizados quatro exemplares de Lobo-Guará adultos, cujas carcaças foram recolhidas às margens de rodovias do sudeste goiano (SISBIO 37072-2) ou doadas pelo CETAS-Catalão. Os espécimes foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e conservados em igual solução. A dissecação foi realizada sob a luz de técnicas usuais em Anatomia Macroscópica. Ressalta-se que a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o parecer favorável do CEUA/UFU nº 067/12. As preparações anatômicas envolvendo o Lobo-Guará não revelaram a presença dos nervos: Auricular caudal, Auricular interno e Estilohioideo, apenas pequenos ramos, considerados como ramos colaterais. O n. Facial emergia como um tronco único, o Tronco do N. Facial, o qual se dividia em n. Auriculopalpebral, Bucal dorsal e Bucal ventral.(AU)
Animais , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Nervo Facial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Dissecação/veterinária , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The species Bradypus variegatus is known as the common sloth, an endemic mammal from neotropical regions, which has been suffering from devastating anthropogenic activities. Our study aimed to describe the brachial plexus of B. variegates, regarding the origin and distribution of nerves, through the sampling of 10 adult females. Analyses were carried out at the Anatomy Section, "Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", under license no. 034/2015 of the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. The results determined that the brachial plexus of the common sloth starts from the fifth cervical spine segment until the second thoracic segment. This area contains the long and suprascapular thoracic nerves, which originate immediately from the medullary segment 5 and 6, respectively, and from the pectoral, subscapular, axillary, radial, musculocutaneous, medial, forearm and ulnar medial cutaneous nerves, arising from a trunk comprised of cervical spine nerves (C) 7, C8, C9, and thoracic (T) 1 and T2. Regarding other wild and domestic animals, different suggestions were observed about the origin of the plexus in B. variegatus, however, the constituent nerves and their innervation areas did not demonstrate any discrepancies.(AU)
A espécie Bradypus variegatus é conhecida como preguiça-comum. Trata-se de um mamífero endêmico de regiões neotropicais que vem sofrendo com a ação antrópica devastadora. Esses Bradipodídeos possuem três dedos nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, são arborícolas consagrados e descem ao solo apenas para excretar e trocar de árvore. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o plexo braquial de B. variegatus em relação à origem e distribuição dos nervos. Para tal, utilizou-se 10 fêmeas adultas. As análises foram realizadas no Pavilhão de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, sob a licença nº 034/2015 do Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais. Os cadáveres foram obtidos após morte natural, fixados em formaldeído a 20%, conservados em solução salina a 30% em tanques e dissecados para a visualização dos nervos destinados a inervar os membros e músculos torácicos. Uma vez feito, constatou-se que o plexo braquial da preguiça-comum se origina do quinto segmento espinal cervical, se estendendo até o segundo segmento torácico. Sendo formado pelos nervos torácico longo e supraescapular, de origem imediatamente do segmento medular 5 e 6, respectivamente, e pelos nervos peitorais, subescapulares, axilar, radial, musculocutâneo, mediano, cutâneo medial do antebraço e ulnar, decorrentes de um tronco formado a partir de nervos espinais cervicais (C) 7, C8, C9, e torácicos (T) 1 e T2. Em comparação a outros animais silvestres e domésticos foram observadas diferentes disposições em relação à origem do plexo de B. variegatus, todavia, os nervos constituintes e suas áreas de inervação não apresentaram discrepâncias.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Espinhais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The species Bradypus variegatus is known as the common sloth, an endemic mammal from neotropical regions, which has been suffering from devastating anthropogenic activities. Our study aimed to describe the brachial plexus of B. variegates, regarding the origin and distribution of nerves, through the sampling of 10 adult females. Analyses were carried out at the Anatomy Section, "Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", under license no. 034/2015 of the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. The results determined that the brachial plexus of the common sloth starts from the fifth cervical spine segment until the second thoracic segment. This area contains the long and suprascapular thoracic nerves, which originate immediately from the medullary segment 5 and 6, respectively, and from the pectoral, subscapular, axillary, radial, musculocutaneous, medial, forearm and ulnar medial cutaneous nerves, arising from a trunk comprised of cervical spine nerves (C) 7, C8, C9, and thoracic (T) 1 and T2. Regarding other wild and domestic animals, different suggestions were observed about the origin of the plexus in B. variegatus, however, the constituent nerves and their innervation areas did not demonstrate any discrepancies.(AU)
A espécie Bradypus variegatus é conhecida como preguiça-comum. Trata-se de um mamífero endêmico de regiões neotropicais que vem sofrendo com a ação antrópica devastadora. Esses Bradipodídeos possuem três dedos nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, são arborícolas consagrados e descem ao solo apenas para excretar e trocar de árvore. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o plexo braquial de B. variegatus em relação à origem e distribuição dos nervos. Para tal, utilizou-se 10 fêmeas adultas. As análises foram realizadas no Pavilhão de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, sob a licença nº 034/2015 do Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais. Os cadáveres foram obtidos após morte natural, fixados em formaldeído a 20%, conservados em solução salina a 30% em tanques e dissecados para a visualização dos nervos destinados a inervar os membros e músculos torácicos. Uma vez feito, constatou-se que o plexo braquial da preguiça-comum se origina do quinto segmento espinal cervical, se estendendo até o segundo segmento torácico. Sendo formado pelos nervos torácico longo e supraescapular, de origem imediatamente do segmento medular 5 e 6, respectivamente, e pelos nervos peitorais, subescapulares, axilar, radial, musculocutâneo, mediano, cutâneo medial do antebraço e ulnar, decorrentes de um tronco formado a partir de nervos espinais cervicais (C) 7, C8, C9, e torácicos (T) 1 e T2. Em comparação a outros animais silvestres e domésticos foram observadas diferentes disposições em relação à origem do plexo de B. variegatus, todavia, os nervos constituintes e suas áreas de inervação não apresentaram discrepâncias.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Espinhais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Wounds are disruptions of the normal continuity of anatomic structures, generally due to local trauma. Theyare extremely prevalent in animals, especially horses, and a common reason for seeking veterinary attention. Their management aims to restore the function and integrity of the affected area in the shortest possible time and cost, while providingsatisfactory cosmetic results. This task becomes challenging when working with horses, considering the contact betweenwounds and contaminated environment is common. Thus, the present study aims to report the case of a traumatic equinewound treated with Nile Tilapia Fish Skin (NTFS).Case: A male 27-year-old horse previously castrated, with no defined breed (NDB), and weighing 400 kg presented a 6.0 x5.5 cm superficial wound in the distal left anterior limb (LAL) due to skin laceration. The animal belonged to the cavalry ofthe Military Police of Ceará, a public institution in Fortaleza, Brazil. Although in excellent general health, with no previouscomorbidities or restriction of movement, the animal was removed from its role in equine-assisted therapy (EAT) until completewound healing, aiming adequate evaluation of the novel biomaterial via lower influence of external factors. After informedconsent from the owner was obtained, Nile Tilapia Fish Skin was applied to the lesion. The Ethics Committee on the use ofanimals of the Drug Research and Development Center of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, approved the studyprotocol. Compliance with regulations on the ethical treatment of animals was performed. Nile Tilapia Fish Skin applicationfollowed a protocol similar to that established in human clinical studies. Initially, the horse was submitted to wound cleaningwith tap water and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate, with no requirement of pre-treatment surgical...
Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Ciclídeos , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds are disruptions of the normal continuity of anatomic structures, generally due to local trauma. Theyare extremely prevalent in animals, especially horses, and a common reason for seeking veterinary attention. Their management aims to restore the function and integrity of the affected area in the shortest possible time and cost, while providingsatisfactory cosmetic results. This task becomes challenging when working with horses, considering the contact betweenwounds and contaminated environment is common. Thus, the present study aims to report the case of a traumatic equinewound treated with Nile Tilapia Fish Skin (NTFS).Case: A male 27-year-old horse previously castrated, with no defined breed (NDB), and weighing 400 kg presented a 6.0 x5.5 cm superficial wound in the distal left anterior limb (LAL) due to skin laceration. The animal belonged to the cavalry ofthe Military Police of Ceará, a public institution in Fortaleza, Brazil. Although in excellent general health, with no previouscomorbidities or restriction of movement, the animal was removed from its role in equine-assisted therapy (EAT) until completewound healing, aiming adequate evaluation of the novel biomaterial via lower influence of external factors. After informedconsent from the owner was obtained, Nile Tilapia Fish Skin was applied to the lesion. The Ethics Committee on the use ofanimals of the Drug Research and Development Center of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, approved the studyprotocol. Compliance with regulations on the ethical treatment of animals was performed. Nile Tilapia Fish Skin applicationfollowed a protocol similar to that established in human clinical studies. Initially, the horse was submitted to wound cleaningwith tap water and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate, with no requirement of pre-treatment surgical...(AU)
Animais , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Ciclídeos , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterináriaResumo
The objective was to evaluate the associative effect of monensin sodium to virginiamycin on the performance, dry matter intake, apparent digestibility and ingestive behavior of steers in the initial feedlot phase. The experiment lasted for 30 days, divided into two experimental periods. Thirty-six Angus Nellore steers, non-castrated, with a mean age of 10 months and an average weight of 300 kg, were divided into 18 pens. Animals were assigned to three treatments with six replications each, with the inclusion of the following additives: T1-monensin sodium, dose of 200 mg day-¹; T2-monensin sodium, dose of 125 mg day-¹ + virginiamycin, dose of 125 mg day-¹; and T3-monensin sodium, dose of 200 mgday-¹ + virginiamycin, dose of 125 mg day-¹. All experimental procedures were previously submitted to the UNICENTRO Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CEUA), and were approved for execution (Official Letter 021/2019). The combination of monensin sodium with virginiamycin at adose of 200 mg + 125 mg animal day-¹ showed greater (P < 0.05) average daily weight gain (1.919 kg day-¹) and better feed conversion (4.27 kg DM kg of weight gain-¹) compared to diets with monensinalone (200 mg animal day-¹) or monensin combined with virginiamycin (125 mg + 125 mg animal day1), even with no significant (P> 0.05) difference in DM intake, with a mean value of 7.88 kg animal day-¹. Regardless of the isolated or combined supplementation of the additives, no significant differences were detected in the analysis of the feeder and feces scores, ingestive behavior, and rectal temperature or infrared thermography during the evaluation period. The combination of monensin sodium with virginiamycin at 200 mg + 125 mg animal day-¹ proved to be efficient in the initial feedlot period, determined by the greater weight gain and better feed conversion observed in this study.(AU)
O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito associativo da monensina sódica à virginiamicina sobre o desempenho, consumo de matéria seca, digestibilidade aparente e comportamento ingestivo de novilhos na fase de inicial de confinamento. A duração do experimento foi de 30 dias, divididos em dois períodos experimentais de 15 dias cada. Utilizou-se de 36 novilhos inteiros ½ sangue Angus Nelore, com idade média 10 meses e peso médio de 300 kg, divididos em 18 baias. Os animais foram divididos em três tratamentos com seis repetições cada, com a associação dos seguintes aditivos inclusos as rações: T1 monensina sódica, dose de 200 mg dia-¹; T2 monensina sódica, dose de 125 mg dia-¹ + virginiamicina, dose de 125 mg dia-¹; e T3 monensina sódica, dose de 200 mg dia-¹ + virginiamicina, dose de 125 mgdia-¹. Todos os procedimentos experimentais foram previamente submetidos à apreciação do Comitê de Conduta Ética no Uso de Animais em Experimentação (CEUA) da UNICENTRO, tendo sido aprovados para execução (Ofício n° 021/2019). A associação de monensina sódica com virginiamicina na dose de 200 mg + 125 mg animal dia-¹ apresentou maior (P < 0,05) ganho de peso médio diário (1,919 kg dia-¹) e melhor conversão alimentar (4,27 kg de MS kg de ganho de peso-¹) comparativamente as dietas commonensina isolada (200 mg animal dia-¹) ou monensina associada a virginiamicina (125 mg + 125 mg animal dia-¹), mesmo não tendo sido observada (P > 0,05) diferença na ingestão de MS, apresentando valor médio de 7,88 kg animal dia-¹. Independentemente da suplementação isolada ou associada dos aditivos, não encontrou-se estatisticamente diferenças na análise dos escores de comedouro e fezes ,comportamento ingestivo e temperatura retal ou termografia infravermelha durante o período avaliativo. A associação de monensina sódica [...].(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/metabolismo , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Virginiamicina/análiseResumo
The objective was to evaluate the associative effect of monensin sodium to virginiamycin on the performance, dry matter intake, apparent digestibility and ingestive behavior of steers in the initial feedlot phase. The experiment lasted for 30 days, divided into two experimental periods. Thirty-six Angus Nellore steers, non-castrated, with a mean age of 10 months and an average weight of 300 kg, were divided into 18 pens. Animals were assigned to three treatments with six replications each, with the inclusion of the following additives: T1-monensin sodium, dose of 200 mg day-¹; T2-monensin sodium, dose of 125 mg day-¹ + virginiamycin, dose of 125 mg day-¹; and T3-monensin sodium, dose of 200 mgday-¹ + virginiamycin, dose of 125 mg day-¹. All experimental procedures were previously submitted to the UNICENTRO Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CEUA), and were approved for execution (Official Letter 021/2019). The combination of monensin sodium with virginiamycin at adose of 200 mg + 125 mg animal day-¹ showed greater (P 0.05) difference in DM intake, with a mean value of 7.88 kg animal day-¹. Regardless of the isolated or combined supplementation of the additives, no significant differences were detected in the analysis of the feeder and feces scores, ingestive behavior, and rectal temperature or infrared thermography during the evaluation period. The combination of monensin sodium with virginiamycin at 200 mg + 125 mg animal day-¹ proved to be efficient in the initial feedlot period, determined by the greater weight gain and better feed conversion observed in this study.
O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito associativo da monensina sódica à virginiamicina sobre o desempenho, consumo de matéria seca, digestibilidade aparente e comportamento ingestivo de novilhos na fase de inicial de confinamento. A duração do experimento foi de 30 dias, divididos em dois períodos experimentais de 15 dias cada. Utilizou-se de 36 novilhos inteiros ½ sangue Angus Nelore, com idade média 10 meses e peso médio de 300 kg, divididos em 18 baias. Os animais foram divididos em três tratamentos com seis repetições cada, com a associação dos seguintes aditivos inclusos as rações: T1 monensina sódica, dose de 200 mg dia-¹; T2 monensina sódica, dose de 125 mg dia-¹ + virginiamicina, dose de 125 mg dia-¹; e T3 monensina sódica, dose de 200 mg dia-¹ + virginiamicina, dose de 125 mgdia-¹. Todos os procedimentos experimentais foram previamente submetidos à apreciação do Comitê de Conduta Ética no Uso de Animais em Experimentação (CEUA) da UNICENTRO, tendo sido aprovados para execução (Ofício n° 021/2019). A associação de monensina sódica com virginiamicina na dose de 200 mg + 125 mg animal dia-¹ apresentou maior (P 0,05) diferença na ingestão de MS, apresentando valor médio de 7,88 kg animal dia-¹. Independentemente da suplementação isolada ou associada dos aditivos, não encontrou-se estatisticamente diferenças na análise dos escores de comedouro e fezes ,comportamento ingestivo e temperatura retal ou termografia infravermelha durante o período avaliativo. A associação de monensina sódica [...].
Animais , Bovinos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/metabolismo , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Virginiamicina/análiseResumo
At the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil, preliminary surgical training involving live animals has been replaced by the use of embalmed canine cadavers. This study aimed to improve the embalming technique based on the modified Larssen solution by altering the original formulation. Twenty-four canine corpses obtained according to the norms and resolutions described by the animal research ethics committee were used in this study. The cadavers were randomly allocated to two groups, G1 and G2, and treated with modified Larsen solution containing 20% and 10% formalin, respectively. The Larssen solution used in G1 contained a higher volume of distilled water and higher formalin concentration than the one used in G2. Cadavers were used in hands-on surgical training labs for four weeks. The following evaluation criteria were considered: general appearance, muscle tissue color, tissue texture/consistency, joint flexibility, odor development, and skin integrity in the abdominal and other regions involved in surgical training. The cadavers in both groups showed good general appearance and retained satisfactory organoleptic properties for surgical training throughout the experimental period. There was no significant difference between the groups treated with 20% or 10% modified Larssen solution (p > 0.05; chi-square test). The present findings were considered positive, because the dilution of the original formulation exhibited similar efficacy and required smaller amounts of chemicals, thus reducing the formulation cost.
Na Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, o treinamento cirúrgico inicial em animais vivos foi substituído pelo uso de cadáveres caninos quimicamente preservados. O objetivo deste estudo foi melhorar a técnica de embalsamamento baseada na solução Larssen modificada através de modificações em sua formulação original. Vinte e quatro cadáveres caninos obtidos conforme as normas e resoluções descritas pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa animal foram utilizados neste estudo. Os cadáveres foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (G1 ou G2) e tratados com solução modificada de Larssen contendo 20% e 10% de formalina, respectivamente. A solução de Larssen usada em G1 continha um maior volume de água destilada e maior concentração de formalina em comparação com o utilizado em G2. Os cadáveres foram utilizados no laboratório de treinamento cirúrgico prático durante quatro semanas. Foram considerados os seguintes critérios de avaliação: aparência geral, cor do tecido muscular, textura/consistência do tecido, flexibilidade das articulações, desenvolvimento de odor e integridade da pele na região abdominal e outras regiões envolvidas no treinamento cirúrgico. Os cadáveres em ambos os grupos apresentaram boa aparência geral e mantiveram as propriedades organolépticas satisfatórias para treinamento cirúrgico ao longo do período experimental. Os cadáveres tratados com 20% ou 10% de solução modificada de Larssen não diferiram significativamente (p> 0,05, teste de qui-quadrado). Os resultados deste estudo foram considerados positivos, visto que a diluição da formulação original produziu eficácia semelhante e, no entanto, exigiu quantidades menores de produtos químicos, diminuindo o custo da formulação.
Cadáver , Embalsamamento/métodos , Materiais de Ensino , Cães , UniversidadesResumo
At the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil, preliminary surgical training involving live animals has been replaced by the use of embalmed canine cadavers. This study aimed to improve the embalming technique based on the modified Larssen solution by altering the original formulation. Twenty-four canine corpses obtained according to the norms and resolutions described by the animal research ethics committee were used in this study. The cadavers were randomly allocated to two groups, G1 and G2, and treated with modified Larsen solution containing 20% and 10% formalin, respectively. The Larssen solution used in G1 contained a higher volume of distilled water and higher formalin concentration than the one used in G2. Cadavers were used in hands-on surgical training labs for four weeks. The following evaluation criteria were considered: general appearance, muscle tissue color, tissue texture/consistency, joint flexibility, odor development, and skin integrity in the abdominal and other regions involved in surgical training. The cadavers in both groups showed good general appearance and retained satisfactory organoleptic properties for surgical training throughout the experimental period. There was no significant difference between the groups treated with 20% or 10% modified Larssen solution (p > 0.05; chi-square test). The present findings were considered positive, because the dilution of the original formulation exhibited similar efficacy and required smaller amounts of chemicals, thus reducing the formulation cost.(AU)
Na Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, o treinamento cirúrgico inicial em animais vivos foi substituído pelo uso de cadáveres caninos quimicamente preservados. O objetivo deste estudo foi melhorar a técnica de embalsamamento baseada na solução Larssen modificada através de modificações em sua formulação original. Vinte e quatro cadáveres caninos obtidos conforme as normas e resoluções descritas pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa animal foram utilizados neste estudo. Os cadáveres foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (G1 ou G2) e tratados com solução modificada de Larssen contendo 20% e 10% de formalina, respectivamente. A solução de Larssen usada em G1 continha um maior volume de água destilada e maior concentração de formalina em comparação com o utilizado em G2. Os cadáveres foram utilizados no laboratório de treinamento cirúrgico prático durante quatro semanas. Foram considerados os seguintes critérios de avaliação: aparência geral, cor do tecido muscular, textura/consistência do tecido, flexibilidade das articulações, desenvolvimento de odor e integridade da pele na região abdominal e outras regiões envolvidas no treinamento cirúrgico. Os cadáveres em ambos os grupos apresentaram boa aparência geral e mantiveram as propriedades organolépticas satisfatórias para treinamento cirúrgico ao longo do período experimental. Os cadáveres tratados com 20% ou 10% de solução modificada de Larssen não diferiram significativamente (p> 0,05, teste de qui-quadrado). Os resultados deste estudo foram considerados positivos, visto que a diluição da formulação original produziu eficácia semelhante e, no entanto, exigiu quantidades menores de produtos químicos, diminuindo o custo da formulação.(AU)
Cadáver , Embalsamamento/métodos , Materiais de Ensino , Universidades , CãesResumo
The aim of this paper was to conduct a bibliometry search about Brazilian scientific publications that describe experimental orthopedic surgeries in dogs. It was analyzed 14 publications, and there was wide variation in the number of experimental animals, showing that there is no consensus on the appropriate number for science experiment with dogs. Most articles had been reviewed by an ethics committee (13/14, 92.85%) and only two articles (2/14; 14.28%) did not report the use of analgesic protocol. Among analgesics, morphine was the most widely used, noted in seven studies (7/14; 42.85%). In six of the articles (6/14; 42.85%), the final destination of animals was not informed, but in four experiments (4/14; 28.57%) the dogs were euthanized. In four studies (4/14; 28.57%) the animals were sent for adoption. In conclusion, the ethics in animal research in Brazil has advanced, but is necessary proper planning in sample size.(AU)
O objetivo do presente artigo foi realizar uma pesquisa bibliométrica sobre publicações científicas brasileiras que descrevem cirurgias ortopédicas experimentais em cães. Foram analisadas 14 publicações, havendo grande variação no número de animais experimentais, demonstrando que não há consenso sobre o número adequado para um experimento científico ortopédico com cães. A maioria tinha sido analisada por um comitê de ética (13/14; 92,85%) e apenas dois artigos (2/14; 14,28%) não informaram o uso de protocolo analgésico. Entre os analgésicos, a morfina foi a mais utilizada, tendo sido observada em sete estudos (7/14; 42,85%). Em seis publicações (6/14; 42,85%) o destino final dos animais não foi informado, mas em quatro experimentos (4/14; 28,57%) os cães foram eutanasiados. Também em quatro estudos (4/14; 28,57%) os animais foram encaminhados para adoção. Em conclusão, a ética em pesquisa animal no Brasil avançou, mas há necessidade de planejamento adequado no número amostral.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Bem-Estar do Animal , Procedimentos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Comissão de Ética , Analgesia/veterinária , Experimentação Animal/ética , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper was to conduct a bibliometry search about Brazilian scientific publications that describe experimental orthopedic surgeries in dogs. It was analyzed 14 publications, and there was wide variation in the number of experimental animals, showing that there is no consensus on the appropriate number for science experiment with dogs. Most articles had been reviewed by an ethics committee (13/14, 92.85%) and only two articles (2/14; 14.28%) did not report the use of analgesic protocol. Among analgesics, morphine was the most widely used, noted in seven studies (7/14; 42.85%). In six of the articles (6/14; 42.85%), the final destination of animals was not informed, but in four experiments (4/14; 28.57%) the dogs were euthanized. In four studies (4/14; 28.57%) the animals were sent for adoption. In conclusion, the ethics in animal research in Brazil has advanced, but is necessary proper planning in sample size.
RESUMO: O objetivo do presente artigo foi realizar uma pesquisa bibliométrica sobre publicações científicas brasileiras que descrevem cirurgias ortopédicas experimentais em cães. Foram analisadas 14 publicações, havendo grande variação no número de animais experimentais, demonstrando que não há consenso sobre o número adequado para um experimento científico ortopédico com cães. A maioria tinha sido analisada por um comitê de ética (13/14; 92,85%) e apenas dois artigos (2/14; 14,28%) não informaram o uso de protocolo analgésico. Entre os analgésicos, a morfina foi a mais utilizada, tendo sido observada em sete estudos (7/14; 42,85%). Em seis publicações (6/14; 42,85%) o destino final dos animais não foi informado, mas em quatro experimentos (4/14; 28,57%) os cães foram eutanasiados. Também em quatro estudos (4/14; 28,57%) os animais foram encaminhados para adoção. Em conclusão, a ética em pesquisa animal no Brasil avançou, mas há necessidade de planejamento adequado no número amostral.
Background: The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a medium-size, semi-aquatic rodent, valued in skin and meat industry. The brain circulation has been well studied in rodents but not in nutria. To understand and compare the phylogenetic development of the arteries of the base of the brain in rodents, this paper aims to describe and systematize these arteries, establishing a standard model and its main variations in nutria.Materials, Methods & Results: Following approval by the Ethics Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, thirty nutrias from a commercial establishment authorized by Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) were studied. For euthanasia, was applied heparin (10000 U.I for animal), intraperitoneally, and after thirty minutes the animals ware sedated with acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg) and meperidine (20 mg/kg), intramuscularly. After sedation, they were euthanized with thiopental sodium (120 mg/kg) and lidocaine (10 mg/mL), intraperitoneally. The heart was accessed, the cardiac apex was sectioned, the aorta was cannulated via the left ventricle and clamped close to the diaphragm, and the arterial system was washed with saline solution and filled with latex. The animals were submerged in water for latex polymerization, the trunk was sectioned, the skin removed and a bony window was opened in the skull vault. The pieces were fixed in formaldehyde. The brains were removed, and schematic drawings of the arteries from the base of the brain were made for elaboration of the results. The nutrias brain was vascularized by the vertebro-basilar system. The terminal branches of the right and left vertebral artery were anastomosed on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata, forming the basilar artery, and caudally the ventral spinal artery.[...]
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Adulto , Artérias Cerebrais/fisiologia , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Encéfalo/irrigação sanguínea , RoedoresResumo
Background: The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a medium-size, semi-aquatic rodent, valued in skin and meat industry. The brain circulation has been well studied in rodents but not in nutria. To understand and compare the phylogenetic development of the arteries of the base of the brain in rodents, this paper aims to describe and systematize these arteries, establishing a standard model and its main variations in nutria.Materials, Methods & Results: Following approval by the Ethics Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, thirty nutrias from a commercial establishment authorized by Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) were studied. For euthanasia, was applied heparin (10000 U.I for animal), intraperitoneally, and after thirty minutes the animals ware sedated with acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg) and meperidine (20 mg/kg), intramuscularly. After sedation, they were euthanized with thiopental sodium (120 mg/kg) and lidocaine (10 mg/mL), intraperitoneally. The heart was accessed, the cardiac apex was sectioned, the aorta was cannulated via the left ventricle and clamped close to the diaphragm, and the arterial system was washed with saline solution and filled with latex. The animals were submerged in water for latex polymerization, the trunk was sectioned, the skin removed and a bony window was opened in the skull vault. The pieces were fixed in formaldehyde. The brains were removed, and schematic drawings of the arteries from the base of the brain were made for elaboration of the results. The nutrias brain was vascularized by the vertebro-basilar system. The terminal branches of the right and left vertebral artery were anastomosed on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata, forming the basilar artery, and caudally the ventral spinal artery.[...](AU)