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Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 12(1): 10-16, 31 mar. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453128


Stray dogs are part of the scene in many cities, including Viçosa, where they gather at UFV campus. In order to understand the relation people have with stray dogs, 385 individuals answered to a semi-structured questionnaire. The number of stray dogs is high for most people; this dog population is mostly composed of adult males of undefined breed. Dogs perform most of their activities in the campus. Food sources appear to be varying and lure dogs into central territories, thus reducing the predatory pressure on wildlife. Interviewees are concerned with the low well-being level faced by stray dogs, although just half of them would adopt a dog to minimize the problem; most interviewees are against euthanasia. People acknowledge that stray dogs in the campus are an issue to the community and to dogs themselves. It seems that people are willing to find solutions to the stray dog issue.

Humanos , Animais , Cães , Comportamento Animal , Pesquisa Comportamental , Psicologia Social , Vínculo Humano-Animal
Acta Vet. bras. ; 12(1): 10-16, 31 mar. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734734


Stray dogs are part of the scene in many cities, including Viçosa, where they gather at UFV campus. In order to understand the relation people have with stray dogs, 385 individuals answered to a semi-structured questionnaire. The number of stray dogs is high for most people; this dog population is mostly composed of adult males of undefined breed. Dogs perform most of their activities in the campus. Food sources appear to be varying and lure dogs into central territories, thus reducing the predatory pressure on wildlife. Interviewees are concerned with the low well-being level faced by stray dogs, although just half of them would adopt a dog to minimize the problem; most interviewees are against euthanasia. People acknowledge that stray dogs in the campus are an issue to the community and to dogs themselves. It seems that people are willing to find solutions to the stray dog issue.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Cães , Comportamento Animal , Vínculo Humano-Animal , Pesquisa Comportamental , Psicologia Social
Ciênc. vet. tróp ; 11: 31-35, 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480353


In this presentation, some aspects of the human-animal relationship and its articulation with Veterinary have been discussed. It is an attempt to encourage the dialogue between this science and the new area known as Anthrozoology, since they are intrinsically connected by common themes and methods, which include knowledge production, focus on the same object of study, and concerns about good practice in different performance contexts. Besides that, new data have been presented, especially about cognitive and social skills, and subjectivity. Such aspects, which are currently acknowledged, reflect on the interaction of dogs with humans and should certainly be taken into consideration in clinical veterinary practice.

Nesta apresentação, discutem-se alguns aspectos da relação humano-animal e sua articulação com a Medicina Veterinária. Busca-se encorajar o diálogo entre esta ciência e a nova área da Antrozoologia, uma vez que são campos intrinsecamente conectados por temas e métodos em comum que incluem a produção de conhecimento, o foco em um mesmo objeto de estudo e a preocupação com as boas práticas nos diferentes contextos de atuação. Além disso, apresentam-se novos dados e, em especial, sobre habilidades cognitivas e sociais e subjetividade. Reconhecidos na atualidade, esses aspectos repercutem na interação de cães com humanos e devem certamente ser considerados na prática de clínica veterinária.

Ci. Vet. Tróp. ; 11: 31-35, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-479736


In this presentation, some aspects of the human-animal relationship and its articulation with Veterinary have been discussed. It is an attempt to encourage the dialogue between this science and the new area known as Anthrozoology, since they are intrinsically connected by common themes and methods, which include knowledge production, focus on the same object of study, and concerns about good practice in different performance contexts. Besides that, new data have been presented, especially about cognitive and social skills, and subjectivity. Such aspects, which are currently acknowledged, reflect on the interaction of dogs with humans and should certainly be taken into consideration in clinical veterinary practice.

Nesta apresentação, discutem-se alguns aspectos da relação humano-animal e sua articulação com a Medicina Veterinária. Busca-se encorajar o diálogo entre esta ciência e a nova área da Antrozoologia, uma vez que são campos intrinsecamente conectados por temas e métodos em comum que incluem a produção de conhecimento, o foco em um mesmo objeto de estudo e a preocupação com as boas práticas nos diferentes contextos de atuação. Além disso, apresentam-se novos dados e, em especial, sobre habilidades cognitivas e sociais e subjetividade. Reconhecidos na atualidade, esses aspectos repercutem na interação de cães com humanos e devem certamente ser considerados na prática de clínica veterinária.