The aim of this study was to predict production indicators and to determine their potential economic impact on a poultry integration system using artificial neural networks (ANN) models. Forty zootechnical and production parameters from broiler breeder farms, one hatchery, broiler production flocks, and one slaughterhouse were selected as variables. The ANN models were established for four output variables: "saleable hatching", "weight at the end of week 5," "partial condemnation," and "total condemnation" and were analyzed in relation to the coefficient of multiple determination (R2), correlation coefficient (R), mean error (E), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE). The production scenarios were simulated and the economic impacts were estimated. The ANN models were suitable for simulating production scenarios after validation. For "saleable hatching", incubator and egg storage period are likely to increase the financial gains. For "weight at the end of the week 5" the lineage (A) is important to increase revenues. However, broiler weight at the end of the first week may not have a significant influence. Flock sex (female) may influence the "partial condemnation" rates, while chick weight at first day may not. For "total condemnation", flock sex and type of chick may not influence condemnation rates, but mortality rates and broiler weight may have a significant impact.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer os indicadores de produção e determinar o seu potencial impacto econômico em um sistema de integração utilizando as redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Quarenta parâmetros zootécnicos e de produção de granjas de matrizes e de frango de corte, um incubatório e um abatedouro foram selecionados como variáveis. Os modelos de RNA foram estabelecidos para quatro variáveis de saída ("eclosão vendável", "peso ao final da quinta semana", "condenações parciais" e "condenações totais") e foram analisados em relação ao coeficiente de determinação múltipla (R2), coeficiente de correlação (R), erro médio (E), erro quadrático médio (EQM) e raiz do erro quadrático médio (REQM). Os cenários produtivos foram simulados e os impactos foram estimados. Os modelos de RNA gerados foram adequados para simular diferentes cenários produtivos após o treinamento. Para "eclosão vendável", o modelo de incubadora e o período de incubação aumentaram os ganhos financeiros. Para "peso ao final da quinta semana", a linhagem também demonstrou influencia no retorno financeiro, o que não aconteceu com o peso ao final da primeira semana. O sexo do lote possui influência nas taxas de "condenação parcial", ao contrário do peso do frango no primeiro dia. As taxas de mortalidade e o peso do frango apresentaram influência na "condenação total", mas o sexo do lote e o tipo de pinto não tiverem influência.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Inteligência Artificial , Redes Neurais de ComputaçãoResumo
This research was performed to ascertain the most suitable Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to quantify the degree of fraud in powdered milk through the addition of powdered whey via regular standard physicochemical analyses. In this study, an evaluation was done on 103 samples with different quantities of added whey powder to whole milk powder. Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy the fat, cryoscopy, total solids, defatted dry extract, lactose, protein and casein were analyzed. The hyperbolic tangent transformation function was used with 45 topologies, and the Holdback and K-fold validation methods were tested. In the Holdback method, 75% of the database was employed for training, while 25% was used for validation. In the K-fold method, the database was categorized into five equal sized subsets, which alternated between training and validation. Of the two methods, the K-fold method was proven to have superior efficiency. Next, analysis was done on three models of multilayer perceptron networks with feedforward architecture. In Model 1, the input layer contained all the physicochemical analyses conducted, in model 2 the casein analysis was excluded, and in model 3 the routine analyses performed for dairy products was done (fat, defatted dry extract, cryoscopy and total solids). From Model 3 an ANN was derived which could satisfactorily predict fraud calculated from using the routine and standard analyses for dairy products, containing 64 nodes in the hidden layer, with R² of 0.9935 and RMSE of 0.5779 for training, and R² of 0.9964 and RMSE of 0.4358 for validation.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o melhor modelo de rede neural artificial (RNA) para quantificar fraude em leite em pó, pela adição de soro em pó, por meio de analises físico-químicas de rotina. Foram avaliados 103 níveis de adição de soro lácteo em pó em leite em pó integral. As análises de gordura, crioscopia, sólidos totais, extrato seco desengordurado, lactose, proteína e caseína foram realizadas por espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier. A função de transformação utilizada foi a tangente hiperbólica, em que testou-se 45 topologias e dois métodos de validação: holdback e k-fold. Para o método holdback, 75% do banco de dados foi utilizado para o treinamento e 25% para a validação. Para o método k-fold, o banco de dados foi dividido em cinco subconjuntos de mesmo tamanho que se alternavam entre treinamento e validação. O método k-fold se mostrou mais eficiente. Três modelos de redes perceptron de múltiplas camadas com arquitetura feedforward foram analisados. No modelo 1 a camada de entrada constituía todas as análises físico-químicas realizadas, no modelo 2 excluiu-se a análise de caseína e no modelo 3 utilizou-se as análises de rotina em laticínios (gordura, extrato seco desengordurado, crioscopia e sólidos totais). O modelo 3 obteve uma RNA capaz de predizer satisfatoriamente a fraude avaliada a partir de análises consideradas de rotina em laticínios com uma RNA contendo 64 nodos na camada oculta, R² de 0,9935 e RMSE de 0,5779 para treinamento, R² de 0,9964 e RMSE de 0,4358 para validação.
Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Redes Neurais de Computação , Leite em Pó Integral , FraudeResumo
Forecast the price of agricultural goods is a beneficial action for farmers, marketing agents, consumers, and policymakers. Today, managing this product security requires price forecasting models that are both efficient and reliable for a country's import and export. In the last few decades, the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model has been widely used in economics time series forecasting. Recently, many of the time series observations presented in economics have been clearly shown to be nonlinear, Machine learning (ML) modelling, conversely, offers a potential price forecasting technique that is more flexible given the limited data available in most countries' economies. In this research, a hybrid price forecasting model has been used, through a novel clustering technique, a new cluster selection algorithm and a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN), which had many advantages and using monthly time series of Thai rice FOB price form November 1987 to October 2017. The empirical results of this study showed that the value of root mean square error (RMSE) equals 14.37 and the Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) equals 4.09% for the hybrid model. The evaluation results of proposed method and comparison its performance with four benchmark models, by monthly time series of Thailand rice FOB price from November 1987 to October 2017 showed the outperform of proposed method.
Prever o preço dos produtos agrícolas é uma ação benéfica para agricultores, agentes de marketing, consumidores e legisladores. Hoje, o gerenciamento da segurança desse produto requer modelos de previsão de preços eficientes e confiáveis para a importação e exportação de um país. Nas últimas décadas, o modelo Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) tem sido amplamente utilizado na previsão de séries temporais da economia. Recentemente, muitas das observações de séries temporais apresentadas em economia têm se mostrado claramente não lineares. A modelagem de aprendizado de máquina (ML), por outro lado, oferece uma técnica de previsão de preços potencial que é mais flexível, apresentados os dados limitados disponíveis na maioria dos países. Nesta pesquisa, um modelo híbrido de previsão de preços foi usado, por meio de uma nova técnica de agrupamento, um novo algoritmo de seleção de agrupamento e uma rede neural perceptron multicamadas (MLPNN), que teve muitas vantagens, e usando séries temporais mensais de preços FOB do arroz tailandês de novembro 1987 a outubro de 2017. Os resultados empíricos deste estudo mostraram que o valor da raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) é igual a 14,37 e o erro percentual absoluto médio (MAPE) é igual a 4,09% para o modelo híbrido. Os resultados da avaliação do método proposto e a comparação de seu desempenho com quatro modelos de benchmark, por séries temporais mensais de preço FOB do arroz tailandês de novembro de 1987 a outubro de 2017, mostram o desempenho superior do método proposto.
Oryza , Algoritmos , Análise por Conglomerados , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Redes Neurais de Computação , Aprendizado de Máquina/economiaResumo
In recent years, egg production has had an intense growth in Brazil, and Brazilian egg consumption per capita has significantly increased in the last decade. To reduce sanitary and financial risks, decisions regarding the production and health status of the flock must be made based on objective criteria. Our aim was to determine the main "input" variables for the prediction of egg production performance in commercial laying breeder flocks using an ANN model. The software NeuroShellClassifier and NeuroShell Predictor were used to build the ANN. A total of 26 egg-production traits were selected as input variables and eight as output variables. A database of 44,120 Excel cells was generated. For the training and validation of the models, 74.9% and 25.1% of the data were used, respectively. The accuracy of the ANN models was calculated and compared using the analysis of coefficient of multiple determination (R2), mean squared error (MSE), and an assessment of uniform scatter in the residual plots. The models for the outputs "weekly egg production," "weekly incubated egg,", "accumulated commercial egg," and "viability" showed an R2 greater than 0.8. Other models yielded R2 values lower than 0.8. The ANN predicts adequately eight egg-production traits in the breeders of commercial laying hens. The method is an option for data management analysis in the egg industry, providing estimates of the relative contribution of each input variable to the outputs.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas , Redes Neurais de Computação , Ovos/análise , Produtos Avícolas/análise , Simulação por ComputadorResumo
In the last decades, a new trend to use more refined analytical procedures, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), has emerged to be most accurate, efficient, and extensively applied for mining and data prediction in different contexts, including plant breeding. Thus, this study was developed to establish a new classification proposal for targeting genotypes in breeding programs to approach classical models, such as a complete diallel and modern prediction techniques. The study was based on the standard deviation values of an interpopulation diallel and it also verified the possibility of training a neural network with the standardized genetic parameters for a discrete scale. We used 12 intercrossed maize populations in a complete diallel scheme (66 hybrids), evaluated during the 2005/2006 crop season in three different environments in southern Brazil. The implemented MLP architecture and other associated parameters allowed the development of a generalist model of genotype classification. The MLP neural network model was efficient in predicting parental and interpopulation hybrid classifications from average genetic components from a complete diallel, regardless of the evaluation environment.(AU)
Plantas/genética , Melhoramento Genético , Desenvolvimento Vegetal/genética , Seleção Genética/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of the intake of a mixture of fish and sacha inchi oils (iOM), organic selenium (iSe), and organic chromium (iCr) on egg production (EP) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of Isa Brown second-cycle laying hens (SCLH) for 16 weeks (91-106 weeks old). Egg production and FCR were evaluated using multivariate models that included conventional equations and artificial neural networks (ANN) to study multiple nutritional interactions as alternatives to univariate dose-response models. Based on the best models, iOM, iSe, and iCr levels were optimized, and a global sensitivity analysis was implemented to quantify their influence on EP and FCR. The modified logistic model was selected as the best strategy to represent EP. In the case of FCR, an ANN model with a feed-forward architecture and softmax transfer function was selected as the best alternative. One of the scenarios to simultaneously optimize EP (89.1%) and FCR (1.94 kg feed/kg egg) at 16 weeks of production was established with 3.3 g/hen·day of iOM, 0.132 mg/ hen·day of iSe, and 0.176 mg/hen·day of iCr. However, optimization considering only FCR results in much lower optimal iCr levels (between 0.083 and 0.105 mg/hen·day) with a slight decrease in EP (87.9%). The global sensitivity analysis showed that iSe is an essential factor associated with the increase in EP, and iCr is the most influential factor for the decrease in FCR. When both criteria were taken into account simultaneously from a desirability function, iSe was the most critical factor.(AU)
Animais , Selênio/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Cromo/efeitos adversos , Ácidos Graxos Insaturados/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Análise MultivariadaResumo
In Brazil several digital soil class mapping studies were carried out from 2006 onwards to maximize the use of existing maps and information and to provide estimates for wider areas. However, there is no consensus on which methods have produced superior results in the predictive value of soil maps. This study conducts a systematic review of digital soil class mapping in Brazil and aims to analyze the factors which can improve the accuracy of digital soil class maps. Data from 334 digital soil class mapping studies were grouped and analyzed by Student's t-test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. When conventional maps were used for validation, the studies showed average values of 63 % and when field samples were used, 56 % for Overall Accuracy. Studies compatible with the Planimetric Cartographic Accuracy Standard for Digital Cartographic Products (PEC-PCD) averaged between 4 % and 15 % higher accuracy than those of the incompatible group. There seems to be no evidence that increasing the number of variables and samples results in more accurate soil map prediction, but studies using variables related to four soil-forming factors enhanced accuracy. From a density of 0.08 MU km-² and upwards, it became more difficult for studies to obtain greater accuracy. Artificial neural network classifiers and Decision Tree models seem to be producing more accurate digital soil class maps.(AU)
Solo/classificação , Análise do Solo , Características do Solo/classificação , Características do Solo/métodos , Ciências do SoloResumo
Genomic selection (GS) emphasizes the simultaneous prediction of the genetic effects of thousands of scattered markers over the genome. Several statistical methodologies have been used in GS for the prediction of genetic merit. In general, such methodologies require certain assumptions about the data, such as the normality of the distribution of phenotypic values. To circumvent the non-normality of phenotypic values, the literature suggests the use of Bayesian Generalized Linear Regression (GBLASSO). Another alternative is the models based on machine learning, represented by methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Decision Trees (DT) and related possible refinements such as Bagging, Random Forest and Boosting. This study aimed to use DT and its refinements for predicting resistance to orange rust in Arabica coffee. Additionally, DT and its refinements were used to identify the importance of markers related to the characteristic of interest. The results were compared with those from GBLASSO and ANN. Data on coffee rust resistance of 245 Arabica coffee plants genotyped for 137 markers were used. The DT refinements presented equal or inferior values of Apparent Error Rate compared to those obtained by DT, GBLASSO, and ANN. Moreover, DT refinements were able to identify important markers for the characteristic of interest. Out of 14 of the most important markers analyzed in each methodology, 9.3 markers on average were in regions of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to resistance to disease listed in the literature.
Coffea/genética , Coffea/parasitologia , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/patogenicidade , Inteligência ArtificialResumo
Genomic selection (GS) emphasizes the simultaneous prediction of the genetic effects of thousands of scattered markers over the genome. Several statistical methodologies have been used in GS for the prediction of genetic merit. In general, such methodologies require certain assumptions about the data, such as the normality of the distribution of phenotypic values. To circumvent the non-normality of phenotypic values, the literature suggests the use of Bayesian Generalized Linear Regression (GBLASSO). Another alternative is the models based on machine learning, represented by methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Decision Trees (DT) and related possible refinements such as Bagging, Random Forest and Boosting. This study aimed to use DT and its refinements for predicting resistance to orange rust in Arabica coffee. Additionally, DT and its refinements were used to identify the importance of markers related to the characteristic of interest. The results were compared with those from GBLASSO and ANN. Data on coffee rust resistance of 245 Arabica coffee plants genotyped for 137 markers were used. The DT refinements presented equal or inferior values of Apparent Error Rate compared to those obtained by DT, GBLASSO, and ANN. Moreover, DT refinements were able to identify important markers for the characteristic of interest. Out of 14 of the most important markers analyzed in each methodology, 9.3 markers on average were in regions of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to resistance to disease listed in the literature.(AU)
Coffea/genética , Coffea/parasitologia , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/patogenicidade , Inteligência ArtificialResumo
An experiment with 23 diets was performed to evaluate the effect of digestible lysine (Lys), digestible methionine + cysteine (Met+Cys), and digestible threonine (Thr) on egg production of H&N Brown second-cycle laying hens (SCLH) for 20 weeks (92-111 weeks of age) in cages under environmental conditions. Body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), egg weight (EW), number of hen-housed eggs, and livability were also evaluated during the experiment. Diets were formulated from a central composite design that combined five levels of Lys, Met+Cys, and Thr ranging from 727 to 1159, 662 to 1055, and 552 to 882 mg/kg, respectively. Egg production (EP) data were evaluated through three different modeling strategies: egg production models, multivariate polynomial models, and artificial neural networks (ANN). A cascade-forward neural network with logsigmoid transfer function was selected as the best model according to goodness-offit statistics in both identification and validation data. One of the best scenarios for EP of H&N Brown SCLH under specific outdoor conditions was established at Lys, Met+Cys, and Thr levels of 1138, 1031, and 717 mg/hen·day, respectively. The ANN model may be an appropriate tool to study and predict EP of H&N Brown SCLH based on the combination of three different levels of essential digestible amino acids. The strategies included in this work may contribute to improving poultry performance based on modeling techniques to study other production parameters in terms of different nutritional requirements and productive conditions.
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas , Dieta , Ovos , Aminoácidos Essenciais , Treonina , Dinâmica não Linear , Cisteína , Lisina , MetioninaResumo
In Brazil several digital soil class mapping studies were carried out from 2006 onwards to maximize the use of existing maps and information and to provide estimates for wider areas. However, there is no consensus on which methods have produced superior results in the predictive value of soil maps. This study conducts a systematic review of digital soil class mapping in Brazil and aims to analyze the factors which can improve the accuracy of digital soil class maps. Data from 334 digital soil class mapping studies were grouped and analyzed by Student's t-test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. When conventional maps were used for validation, the studies showed average values of 63 % and when field samples were used, 56 % for Overall Accuracy. Studies compatible with the Planimetric Cartographic Accuracy Standard for Digital Cartographic Products (PEC-PCD) averaged between 4 % and 15 % higher accuracy than those of the incompatible group. There seems to be no evidence that increasing the number of variables and samples results in more accurate soil map prediction, but studies using variables related to four soil-forming factors enhanced accuracy. From a density of 0.08 MU km-² and upwards, it became more difficult for studies to obtain greater accuracy. Artificial neural network classifiers and Decision Tree models seem to be producing more accurate digital soil class maps.
Análise do Solo , Características do Solo/classificação , Características do Solo/métodos , Ciências do Solo , Solo/classificaçãoResumo
The adulteration of milk by the addition of whey is a problem that concerns national and international authorities. The objective of this research was to quantify the whey content in adulterated milk samples using artificial neural networks, employing routine analyses of dairy milk samples. The analyses were performed with different concentrations of whey (0, 5, 10, and 20%), and samples were analyzed for fat, non-fat solids, density, protein, lactose, minerals, and freezing point, totaling 164 assays, of which 60% were used for network training, 20% for network validation, and 20% for neural network testing. The Garson method was used to determine the importance of the variables. The neural network technique for the determination of milk fraud by the addition of whey proved to be efficient. Among the variables of highest relevance were fat content and density.(AU)
A adulteração do leite pela adição de soro de leite é um problema que diz respeito às autoridades nacionais e internacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o teor de soro em amostras de leite adulterado por meio de redes neurais artificiais, usando como variáveis de entrada os resultados de análises rotineiras em amostras de leite. As análises foram realizadas com diferentes concentrações em relação à adição de soro de leite (0, 5, 10 e 20%), e as amostras foram analisadas quanto à gordura, sólidos não gordurosos, densidade, proteína, lactose, minerais e ponto de congelamento, totalizando 164 ensaios, dos quais 60% foram utilizados para treinamento em rede, 20% para validação de rede e 20% para teste de rede neural. O método de Garson foi utilizado para determinar a importância das variáveis. A técnica de redes neurais para a determinação da fraude ao leite por adição de soro provou ser eficiente. Entre as variáveis de maior relevância estavam o teor de gordura e a densidade.(AU)
Leite , Soro do Leite , Redes Neurais de Computação , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Fraude/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Background: Eggs have acquired a greater importance as an inexpensive and high-quality protein. The Brazilian eggindustry has been characterized by a constant production expansion in the last decade, increasing the number of housedanimals and facilitating the spread of many diseases. In order to reduce the sanitary and financial risks, decisions regarding the production and the health status of the flock must be made based on objective criteria. The use of Artificial NeuralNetworks (ANN) is a valuable tool to reduce the subjectivity of the analysis. In this context, the aim of this study was atvalidating the ANNs as viable tool to be employed in the prediction and management of commercial egg production flocks.Materials, Methods & Results: Data from 42 flocks of commercial layer hens from a poultry company were selected. Thedata refer to the period between 2010 and 2018 and it represents a total of 600,000 layers. Six parameters were selectedas output data (number of dead birds per week, feed consumption, number of eggs, weekly weight, weekly egg production and flock uniformity) and a total of 13 parameters were selected as input data (flock age, flock identification, totalhens in the flock, weekly weight, flock uniformity, lineage, weekly mortality, absolute number of dead birds, eggs/hen,weekly egg production, feed consumption, flock location, creation phase). ANNs were elaborated by software programsNeuroShell Predictor and NeuroShell Classifier. The programs identified input variables for the assembly of the networksseeking the prediction of the variables called outgoing that are subsequently validated. This validation goes through thecomparison between the predictions and the real data present in the database that was the basis for the work. Validation ofeach ANN is expressed by the specific statistical parameters multiple determination (R2) and Mean Squared Error...
Animais , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/organização & administração , Produção de Alimentos , Economia dos Alimentos , Galinhas , OvosResumo
Background: Eggs have acquired a greater importance as an inexpensive and high-quality protein. The Brazilian eggindustry has been characterized by a constant production expansion in the last decade, increasing the number of housedanimals and facilitating the spread of many diseases. In order to reduce the sanitary and financial risks, decisions regarding the production and the health status of the flock must be made based on objective criteria. The use of Artificial NeuralNetworks (ANN) is a valuable tool to reduce the subjectivity of the analysis. In this context, the aim of this study was atvalidating the ANNs as viable tool to be employed in the prediction and management of commercial egg production flocks.Materials, Methods & Results: Data from 42 flocks of commercial layer hens from a poultry company were selected. Thedata refer to the period between 2010 and 2018 and it represents a total of 600,000 layers. Six parameters were selectedas output data (number of dead birds per week, feed consumption, number of eggs, weekly weight, weekly egg production and flock uniformity) and a total of 13 parameters were selected as input data (flock age, flock identification, totalhens in the flock, weekly weight, flock uniformity, lineage, weekly mortality, absolute number of dead birds, eggs/hen,weekly egg production, feed consumption, flock location, creation phase). ANNs were elaborated by software programsNeuroShell Predictor and NeuroShell Classifier. The programs identified input variables for the assembly of the networksseeking the prediction of the variables called outgoing that are subsequently validated. This validation goes through thecomparison between the predictions and the real data present in the database that was the basis for the work. Validation ofeach ANN is expressed by the specific statistical parameters multiple determination (R2) and Mean Squared Error...(AU)
Animais , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/organização & administração , Produção de Alimentos , Ovos , Economia dos Alimentos , GalinhasResumo
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento em diâmetro do coleto e altura, e a produção de matéria seca total de mudas de Myracrodruon urundeuva, Jacaranda brasiliana e Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia. Concomitantemente, desenvolveu-se uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) do tipo Multilayer Perceptron que seria capaz de estimar a H e a MST das mudas das espécies estudadas. As mudas foram cultivadas em ambiente protegido com 50% de sombra. Assim, os tratamentos foram considerados com cinco proporções do material orgânico (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% v/v) na composição do substrato final (solo da área desertificada). Aos 120 dias após a semeadura, as mudas foram coletadas para determinação das variáveis biométricas. A rede MLP foi utilizada empregando-se o algoritmo de treinamento Levenberg-Marquardat. As variáveis utilizadas como entrada da MLP para a estimação da altura e massa seca das mudas foram: diâmetro do coleto, diâmetro mínimo, médio e máximo do coleto, as espécies e fontes de resíduos orgânicos (esterco bovino, esterco caprino e palha de arroz), totalizando dez entradas. Foi utilizada a função de ativação tangente hiperbólica. Como resultados, recomenda-se a proporção 80:20% (esterco bovino e/ou esterco caprino:solo da área degradada) ao substrato de cultivo para o crescimento das mudas das espécies. A adição de doses de esterco bovino e esterco caprino influenciaram o DC do...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stem growth in diameter and height as well as the production of total dry matter from seedlings of Myracrodruon urundeuva, Jacaranda brasiliana and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia. Concurrently, an Artificial Neural Network (RNA) of Multilayer Perceptron type that would be able to estimate the H and the MST of the seedlings of the studied species was developed. The seedlings were cultivated in a protected environment with 50% shade. Thus, the treatments were considered with five proportions of the organic material (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80% v/v) in the final substrate composition (desertified area soil). At 120 days after sowing, the seedlings were collected to determine the biometric variables. The MLP network was used with help of the Levenberg-Marquardat training algorithm. The variables used as input of the MLP for height and dry mass estimation of the seedlings were: stem diameter, minimum, medium and maximum diameter of stem; and species and sources of organic residues (cattle manure, goat manure and rice straw), totaling ten entries. The hyperbolic tangent activation function was conducted. As a result, a 80:20% ratio (bovine manure and/or goat manure: soil from the degraded area) is recommended to be used in the growing substrate for seedling growth. The addition of bovine manure and goat manure doses influenced the Jacaranda brasiliana DC...
Agricultura Florestal/estatística & dados numéricos , Biometria , Brotos de Planta/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mimosa , Redes Neurais de ComputaçãoResumo
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento em diâmetro do coleto e altura, e a produção de matéria seca total de mudas de Myracrodruon urundeuva, Jacaranda brasiliana e Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia. Concomitantemente, desenvolveu-se uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) do tipo Multilayer Perceptron que seria capaz de estimar a H e a MST das mudas das espécies estudadas. As mudas foram cultivadas em ambiente protegido com 50% de sombra. Assim, os tratamentos foram considerados com cinco proporções do material orgânico (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% v/v) na composição do substrato final (solo da área desertificada). Aos 120 dias após a semeadura, as mudas foram coletadas para determinação das variáveis biométricas. A rede MLP foi utilizada empregando-se o algoritmo de treinamento Levenberg-Marquardat. As variáveis utilizadas como entrada da MLP para a estimação da altura e massa seca das mudas foram: diâmetro do coleto, diâmetro mínimo, médio e máximo do coleto, as espécies e fontes de resíduos orgânicos (esterco bovino, esterco caprino e palha de arroz), totalizando dez entradas. Foi utilizada a função de ativação tangente hiperbólica. Como resultados, recomenda-se a proporção 80:20% (esterco bovino e/ou esterco caprino:solo da área degradada) ao substrato de cultivo para o crescimento das mudas das espécies. A adição de doses de esterco bovino e esterco caprino influenciaram o DC do...(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stem growth in diameter and height as well as the production of total dry matter from seedlings of Myracrodruon urundeuva, Jacaranda brasiliana and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia. Concurrently, an Artificial Neural Network (RNA) of Multilayer Perceptron type that would be able to estimate the H and the MST of the seedlings of the studied species was developed. The seedlings were cultivated in a protected environment with 50% shade. Thus, the treatments were considered with five proportions of the organic material (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80% v/v) in the final substrate composition (desertified area soil). At 120 days after sowing, the seedlings were collected to determine the biometric variables. The MLP network was used with help of the Levenberg-Marquardat training algorithm. The variables used as input of the MLP for height and dry mass estimation of the seedlings were: stem diameter, minimum, medium and maximum diameter of stem; and species and sources of organic residues (cattle manure, goat manure and rice straw), totaling ten entries. The hyperbolic tangent activation function was conducted. As a result, a 80:20% ratio (bovine manure and/or goat manure: soil from the degraded area) is recommended to be used in the growing substrate for seedling growth. The addition of bovine manure and goat manure doses influenced the Jacaranda brasiliana DC...(AU)
Redes Neurais de Computação , Biometria , Brotos de Planta/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura Florestal/estatística & dados numéricos , MimosaResumo
Objetivou-se diferenciar amostras de soro obtidas de muçarela de leites de vaca, búfala e com misturas de leites entre as espécies. Foram elaboradas formulações com leite de búfala, vaca e com inclusões crescentes de leite bovino ao bubalino, às quais foram utilizadas na produção de queijo muçarela, gerando o soro a ser analisado. As amostras de soro foram avaliadas a partir da Espectroscopia no Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier, associada a Análise de Componentes Principais e Redes Neurais Artificiais. Foi verificada a separação espacial do soro dos tratamentos búfala e vaca. A Rede Neural garantiu a identificação da presença de leite de vaca nas amostras de soro avaliadas, porém sem indicar com precisão os níveis de adulteração.
Queijo/análise , Redes Neurais de Computação , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier/métodos , Soro do Leite/classificação , Búfalos , Bovinos , FraudeResumo
The length of the hypocotyl has been highlighted as a potential descriptor of the soybean crop. However, there is no information available in the published literature about its behavior over several planting times. The present study aimed to identify soybean cultivars with stability and predictability of hypocotyl length behavior through neural networks and traditional adaptability and stability methodologies. We analyzed 16 soybean cultivars in 6 planting seasons under greenhouse conditions. In each season, a randomized block design with 4 replications was adopted. The experimental unit was composed of 3 plants. The plot mean was used in the analysis. Hypocotyl length data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukeys test. Then analyses were carried out using the Traditional Method, Plaisted and Peterson, Wricke, Eberhart and Russell, and Artificial Neural Networks. A significant effect (p<0.01 by the F test) was identified for Cultivars versus Planting Season and Planting Seasons and Cultivars. Cultivars BRS810C, BRSMG760SRR, TMG1175RR, and BMX Tornado RR showed lower averages, high stability, and general adaptability regarding soybean hypocotyl length whereas the cultivar BG4272 presented higher mean, high stability, and general adaptability. Identification of soybean cultivars of predictable and stable behavior as to hypocotyl length contributes to Soybean Improvement as it further our knowledge on the potential descriptor and the possibility of increasing the number of descriptors.(AU)
O comprimento do hipocótilo tem-se destacado como potencial descritor da cultura da soja, no entanto, não se tem informação sobre o seu comportamento ao longo de várias épocas de plantio. Diante disto, objetivou-se identificar cultivares de soja com estabilidade e previsibilidade de comportamento quanto ao comprimento do hipocótilo por meio de redes neurais e metodologias tradicionais de adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Analisou-se 16 cultivares de soja em seis épocas de plantio, em condições de casa de vegetação. Em cada época, adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo a unidade experimental composta por três plantas e usou-se a média da parcela na análise. Os dados de comprimento de hipocótilo foram analisados por meio da análise de variância e teste de Tukey e, posteriormente, procedeu-se análises por meio do Método Tradicional, Plaisted e Peterson, Wricke, Eberhart e Russell e Redes Neurais Artificiais. Identificou-se efeito significativo (p<0,01 pelo teste F) para Cultivares x Épocas, Épocas e Cultivares. As cultivares BRS810C, BRSMG760SRR, TMG1175RR e BMX Tornado RR apresentaram menores médias, alta estabilidade e adaptabilidade geral quanto ao comprimento do hipocótilo de soja; enquanto que, a cultivar BG4272 apresentou maior média, alta estabilidade e adaptabilidade geral. A identificação de cultivares de soja de comportamento previsível e estável, quanto ao comprimento do hipocótilo, contribui para o Melhoramento da Soja no tocante ao melhor conhecimento do potencial descritor e à possibilidade de incremento do número de descritores.(AU)
The present study aimed to apply artificial neural networks to predict the breeding values of body weight in 6-month age of Kermani sheep. For this purpose, records of 867 lambs including lamb sex, dam age, birth weight, weaning weight, age at 3-month (3 months old), age at 6-month (6 months old) and body weight at 3 months of age were used. Firstly, genetic parameters of the animals were estimated using ASReml software. The data was then pre-processed for using in MATLAB software. After initial experiments on the appropriate neural network architecture for body weight at 6-month age, two networks were examined. A feed-forward back propagation multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm was used and 70% of all data used as training data, 15% as testing data and 15% as validating data, to prevent over-fitting of the artificial neural network. Results showed that the both networks capable to predict breeding values for body weight at 6 month-age in Kermani sheep. It can be concluded that artificial neural network has a good ability to predict growth traits in Kermani sheep with an acceptable speed and accuracy. Therefore, this network, instead of commonly-used procedures can be used to estimate the breeding values for productive and reproductive traits in domestic animals.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/genética , Ovinos/fisiologia , Peso Corporal , Perfil GenéticoResumo
The present study aimed to apply artificial neural networks to predict the breeding values of body weight in 6-month age of Kermani sheep. For this purpose, records of 867 lambs including lamb sex, dam age, birth weight, weaning weight, age at 3-month (3 months old), age at 6-month (6 months old) and body weight at 3 months of age were used. Firstly, genetic parameters of the animals were estimated using ASReml software. The data was then pre-processed for using in MATLAB software. After initial experiments on the appropriate neural network architecture for body weight at 6-month age, two networks were examined. A feed-forward back propagation multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm was used and 70% of all data used as training data, 15% as testing data and 15% as validating data, to prevent over-fitting of the artificial neural network. Results showed that the both networks capable to predict breeding values for body weight at 6 month-age in Kermani sheep. It can be concluded that artificial neural network has a good ability to predict growth traits in Kermani sheep with an acceptable speed and accuracy. Therefore, this network, instead of commonly-used procedures can be used to estimate the breeding values for productive and reproductive traits in domestic animals.