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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(1): e2023002, Jan. 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434674


The four fish species, Trichogaster pectoralis, Barbodes schwanenfeldii, Osphronemus gouramy, and Wallago leeri have the same body size, representing different habitats. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the four species swimming abilities and speeds, including sustained, maximum sustained, prolonged swimming speed, and burst speed. The four species were brought using oxygenated plastic bags to the Aquatic Resources Utilization Laboratory at Riau University. Then it was acclimated in an aquarium measuring 100×50×50 cm with an aeration and filtering system to maintain water quality. The four groups of species were forced to swim in the swimming channel of the flume tank, with different current speeds for each individual tested. The swimming activity of the fish was recorded using a high-speed video camera (Casio HS Exlim, EX-ZR400, Casio Computer Co. LTD, Japan). The results showed that the swimming speed of B. schwanenfeldii was higher than O. gouramy, T. pectoralis, and W. leeri. The maximum sustained swimming speed of B. schwanenfeldii is about 5.1 BL/s, and 14.2 BL/s for the burst speed. Meanwhile, the sustained swimming speed of O. gouramy (1.6 BL/s) and the burst speed is 7.2 BL/s. The maximum sustained swimming speed of T. pectoralis was 1.6 BL/s, and the burst speed was 5.7 BL/s. In addition, the maximum sustained swimming speed of W. leeri is only 0.5 BL/s and 2.4 BL/s for the burst speed. The ability of these four fish to swim was influenced by the morphology of the tail fin, body shape, and the habitat where they live.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Fauna Aquática , Peixes/fisiologia , Locomoção
Sci. agric ; 80: e20220052, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410178


Global positioning and geographic information systems are essential for studying foraging animal behavior. This study aims to implement a fractal self-similarity and chaos game computational efficient methodology to determine the behavior-associated fractal using GPS data of activity sequences in spatial ranges of livestock movement trajectories in interaction with habitat factors. Six cows were randomly selected with an average weight of 480 kg, maintained under the same conditions, and a GPS-equipped collar was installed, programmed at intervals of 1 min and an average of 9 h daylight. Roughly 192810 registries and an average of 32135 signals per cow from trajectory tracking in spatial activity sequencing were used as a variable of interest in the fractal characterization methodology. Spatial patterns were evaluated using the Morán's spatial autocorrelation indices, cluster, and non-parametric statistics, evaluating deterministic spatial patterns of preferential activities associated to spatial ranges of less than 7.1 m (resting 42 %, grazing 38 %). GPS information was refined through spatial ranges and changes in activities under resting, eating, traveling, and complementary schemes associated to the fractal displacement behavior of grazing cattle. This information was processed and mapped using fractal self-similarity rules in the Sierpinski triangle to determine the typical fractal of spatial activities per animal in the habitat. The particular fractal record of each bovine as a function of trajectory sequences was mapped for binary image matrices, registering a good classification (83 %) of the animals by breed and climatological cycle, using information from the sequencing of spatial activities associated to the preferred behavior in the habitat.

Comportamento Animal , Gado
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023024, 2023. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509953


Understanding wildlife behavior, including accurate identification, processing, and interpretation of activities or cues, is important to behavioral biology and corresponding conservation strategies. We characterized the breeding activities of the critically endangered White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis following a sequential pattern from courtship to fledging. We recorded 4,160 visual observations of 20 behaviors of eight pairs of White-rumped Vultures from September 2021­April 2022 and constructed Markov chain models to model three composite behaviors (i.e., breeding, foraging, and roosting). We found that vultures at four nests displayed >70% of the time in breeding behavior, and each nest produced offspring, indicating a potential correlation between breeding behavior and successful reproductive outcomes. Our model explained each composite behavior with high accuracy. Identifying behaviors White-rumped Vulture have practical applications for developing management plans for their conservation, including the timing of critical reproductive events. Our findings and approach can improve our understanding of White-rumped Vulture behavioral ecology and conservation and have applications for other species.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologia , Falconiformes , Cadeias de Markov
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023021, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509897


Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) production in Mexico has generated particular interest in understanding the bases of the development of this species. As a result, alliances have emerged between scientific, governmental, industrial, and productive sectors and other organisms involved with this species nationally and internationally. We must recognize that thanks to specific anatomical characteristics, water buffaloes present a low incidence of complications during calving, though they are not exempt from obstetric and perinatological problems that can end in morbidity and mortality for mother and/or offspring, with losses for both branches of dual-purpose production systems: calves-milk and meat, and draft animals. This article analyzes scientific advances related to water buffalo production in Mexico, including productivity, thermoregulation, behavior, and physiology, and key subthemes like obstetric and perinatological handling, imprinting, milking, and dual-purpose production systems. It highlights features inherent to milk production and the neurophysiological and metabolic processes involved in obtaining meat and milk. Finally, it presents a brief overview of current legislation and summarizes key areas of opportunity.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , México
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023020, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509909


t Livestock body weight (BW) and average daily weight gain (ADG) are primary indicators of beef cattle productivity. The conventional method of weighing involves moving the cattle to a weighing location, which is labor-intensive, stressful for the animals and has a negative impact on their growth. An alternative approach is to use special weighing platforms attached to the drinkers to weigh the animals. This method enables daily monitoring of BW and ADG without incurring additional labor costs or stress. In this study, an experimental weighing platform, previously developed at KazATU and named after S. Seifullin, was employed to measure livestock's partial body weight (PBW). The weighing platform recorded the weights of the animals on the front legs at one-second intervals, allowing for subsequent calculation of the animals' total weight. However, due to significant weight fluctuations observed when the animals were on the platform, the accuracy of calculating the weight based on a simple average of the one-second measurements was questionable. Hence, an algorithm was developed to determine live weight by analyzing the primary data from the scales and identifying moments of animal immobility during drinking. The calculated results were compared with both mean and median values and data from Kazakhstan's information base of selection and breeding work (IBSBW). The experimental method exhibited a stronger correlation (r = 0.925) with the actual IBSBW data compared to the mean method (r = 0.887) or the median method (r = 0.921).(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Pastagens , Cazaquistão
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-17, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468832


Behavior is a useful trait for comparative studies that provide the comprehension of phylogenetic relationships among species. Here, we present a description of two spiny-rats species' behavioral repertoire, Clyomys laticeps and Trinomys setosus (Rodentia: Echimyidae). The affiliative and agonistic behavioral patterns were sampled during a three-year study of captive populations of wild animals. Observational data were collected in two phases under different arrangements of individuals in groups. We also compare the behavioral traits of T. setosus and C. laticeps with the known behavioral patterns of Trinomys yonenagae. We add categories to the previous descriptions of T. setosus and a standard ethogram for C. laticeps. Trinomys setosus showed a visual and vocal display we called foot-trembling, which was not described in this form and function for other species studied until now. We discuss the differences in their sociality levels and similarities and differences among behavior patterns and repertoires.

O comportamento é uma característica útil para estudos comparativos que fornecem a compreensão das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies. Apresentamos aqui uma descrição do repertório comportamental de duas espécies de ratos-de-espinho Clyomys laticeps and Trinomys setosus (Rodentia: Echimyidae). Os padrões comportamentais afiliativos e agonísticos foram amostrados durante um estudo de três anos em populações de animais silvestres em cativeiro. Os dados foram coletados em duas fases sob diferentes arranjos de indivíduos em grupos sociais. Comparamos as características comportamentais de T. setosus e C. laticeps com as da espécie mais conhecida, T. yonenagae. Adicionamos categorias às descrições anteriores de T. setosus, e um etograma padrão para C. laticeps. Trinomys setosus mostrou uma exibição visual e vocal que chamamos de saltitar, que não foi descrito nesta forma e função para outras espécies do gênero estudado até agora. Discutimos diferenças nos níveis de socialidade e similaridades e diferenças entre os padrões comportamentais e repertórios.

Animais , Ratos , Comportamento Animal , Roedores
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 40: e22033, 2023. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1450615


Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 is a semi-aquatic carnivore widely distributed in the Neotropical region. Understanding their diet contributes to an indirect understanding of their ecology and the composition of the local fauna. To this end, we analyzed 109 fecal samples and identified 238 morphological structures; these samples were collected between May 2006 and September 2007 from the Santa Lúcia Biological Station (SLBS) in southeastern Brazil. The area is intersected by the Timbuí River, which arrives at the site after crossing the urban perimeter of the city of Santa Teresa in the state of Espírito Santo. We found a predominance of fish in the otters' diets (82%), mainly cichlids (50%), which are fish with sedentary habits and low mobility levels. The crustacean Trichodactylus fluviatilis Latreille, 1828 was the third most consumed taxon; this occurred mainly during the rainy season, corresponding to the crustacean's reproductive period, when it is more vulnerable to predation. Otters exhibited a seasonal variation in their prey selectivity. Furthermore, they displayed opportunistic foraging behavior, as the most preyed fish were those with both low mobility and a high frequency in the environment, followed by fish with high mobility and high frequency, and then those with low mobility and low frequency. We concluded that the feeding habits of the otters in the SLBS are in line with the optimal foraging theory since prey selection was optimized through the balance between net energy gained and the energy costs of foraging.

Animais , Lontras/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes , Caça
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e59307, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428317


The objective was to assess the physiological and behavioral variables of pasture-raised Holstein heifers on the basis of their coat color. Eight heifers were used, four with black coat, and four with white coat. In the morning and afternoon periods, their physiological variables were measured, namely respiratory rate (RR, mov min. -1), rectal temperature (TR, ºC), and coat surface temperature (TS, ºC). The behavior analysis considered the site (sun or shade), position (standing or lying down), and activities (idleness, rumination, grazing, and others). The data of the physiological variables were assessed through analysis of variance, and significance, through Tukey's test at 5%, while behavioral data were assessed using the Chi-squared test (SAS Software). There was a difference for all of the heifers' physiological variables as a function of coat color (p < 0.0001) and period (p < 0.0001), with black ones showing greater results than white ones as to all physiological variables in the afternoon period (p < 0.0001). Grazing behavior is reduced during the hottest hours of the day. We conclude that solar radiation changes the physiological variables and grazing behavior of pasture-raised Holstein heifers.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Pastagens , Radiação Solar , Comportamento Animal , Modalidades Fisiológicas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(1): e2023005, Jan. 2023. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434663


Overexpression of abnormal behavior among captive primates indicates poor management practices. The type, frequency, and contributing factors of abnormal behaviors vary highly across individual animals in captive settings. This study explored if sex, rearing history, the number of visitors, and type of visitor-monkey interactions affected the behaviors of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed at the Central Zoo in Kathmandu, Nepal. Behavioral observations of six adult rhesus macaques (ages 4­12 years; two were rescued from the wild, and four were born in the zoo) were conducted using the focal animal sampling method. Observations were collected daily in two conditions (7:00­10:00 AM, without visitors present; and 10:00 AM­1:00 PM, with visitors present). During the visitor presence condition, instantaneous scan sampling also was implemented every 10 minutes to record the number of visitors and the type of visitor-monkey interaction. Resting, feeding and grooming were the most prevalent activities, and abnormal behavior ranked fifth throughout the observation period. Significant differences were observed in abnormal or stress-related behavior by sex and rearing history: females engaged in abnormal behavior more than the males, and rescued monkeys engaged in more abnormal behavior than the captive born. Abnormal behavior decreased, begging behavior increased as the number of zoo visitors and the extent of visitor-monkey interaction increased. We conclude that captive rhesus macaques respond to zoo visitors as a source of enrichment, and visitors' presence helps decrease abnormal or stress-related behavior levels.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Macaca mulatta , Animais de Zoológico , Nepal
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(1): e2023008, Jan. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434669


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between behavioural activities and sperm parameters in modern and local breeds of Ukrainian boars. Visual observations were conducted on 30 boars, aged 12 and 24 months, with five boars from each of the following breeds: Large White, Landrace, Ukrainian Meat, Pietrain, intrabreed type of Duroc breed of Ukrainian selection "Steppovyi", and the terminal line "Maxter". Behaviours such as rest, movement, feed, and water intake during 24 hours were recorded. Semen samples were manually collected from each boar and evaluated for quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm quality and fertilizing capacity according to the "Instructions for Artificial Insemination of Pigs", which included parameters such as ejaculate volume, sperm concentration in the ejaculate, percentage of correctly motile spermatozoa, survival of spermatozoa, and fertilizing ability of boars. The study found that certain behavioural activities significantly influenced the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm parameters in boars of different breeds. Specifically, time spent on rest and movement, as well as the index of movement activity (at 12 months of age), significantly (P < 0.05) influenced ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and the percentage of correctly motile spermatozoa. Moreover, the effect of these behavioural acts on ejaculate volume had a curvilinear character. On the other hand, the survival of spermatozoa and fertilizing ability of boars were mainly determined by their time spent on feed and water intake (at 24 months of age), and the relationship detected in this case was asymptotic.

Animais , Sêmen , Comportamento Animal , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Sus scrofa , Ucrânia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(2): e2023016, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434779


The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) population is decreasing, with less than 10,000 individuals in the wild because of habitat destruction, fragmentation, and illegal hunting. Captive breeding has become an increasingly crucial strategy for conserving endangered species, but efforts to generate self-sustaining populations have failed despite ample resources being allocated. Animals are often stressed in captivity, and it is necessary to examine reproductive behavior relating to the complexity of habitat requirements, dietary preferences, and, in particular, pregnant mothers and their sensitivity to disruptions. Using videography, we observed the reproductive behavior of two red pandas along with other behavioral activities in the Central Zoo, Kathmandu, Nepal. We collected behavioral data from December 2020 to June 2021 using scan and focal sampling. Reproductive behaviors (e.g., scent-marking, allogrooming, chasing, running, aggressiveness, mating, and feeding feces) were observed, along with behaviors like locomotion, climbing, standing, self-grooming, feeding, sleeping, self-play, and stretching. We observed 1­2% of reproductive behavior from total activity. Copulation was attempted on three occasions suggesting reproduction can be successful if animal husbandry is properly managed. We recommend zoo managers further refine strategies for captive breeding endangered species such as red pandas. Successful captive breeding benefits the zoo, and captive-born animals can mitigate extinction in the wild.

Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Animal , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Ailuridae/fisiologia , Animais de Zoológico , Nepal
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363002, 2023. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419202


In Colombia, few studies have focused on nest architecture, behavior or sociality of wild bees. This study provides ba-sic information on the nests of Caenohalictus alexandrei and presents behavioral observations outside the nests, derived from direct field observation of 40 nests and 39 male sleeping cavities in two localities of the Savanna of Bogota, Colombia. We rec-ognized four different behavioral activities carried out by adult females: foraging, guarding, opening and closing of the en-trance of the nest, with foraging being the most frequent of them. The observed activities were carried out more frequently from 9:00 h to 13:00 h. Males were observed performing two behavioral activities in the sleeping cavities: staying at the cavity entrance and cavity departure. A third male activity, corporal grooming, was carried out outside the sleeping cavity. Our field observations indicate that more than one adult female was active simultaneously performing the different tasks within a sin-gle nest. The nests presented different levels of complexity in their architecture, depending on the age of the nest and num-ber of adult females in them. Descriptions of the nesting sites and behavioral activities as well as illustrations of the nest ar-chitecture are provided.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Ecossistema , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Animal , Colômbia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-17, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765409


Behavior is a useful trait for comparative studies that provide the comprehension of phylogenetic relationships among species. Here, we present a description of two spiny-rats species' behavioral repertoire, Clyomys laticeps and Trinomys setosus (Rodentia: Echimyidae). The affiliative and agonistic behavioral patterns were sampled during a three-year study of captive populations of wild animals. Observational data were collected in two phases under different arrangements of individuals in groups. We also compare the behavioral traits of T. setosus and C. laticeps with the known behavioral patterns of Trinomys yonenagae. We add categories to the previous descriptions of T. setosus and a standard ethogram for C. laticeps. Trinomys setosus showed a visual and vocal display we called foot-trembling, which was not described in this form and function for other species studied until now. We discuss the differences in their sociality levels and similarities and differences among behavior patterns and repertoires.(AU)

O comportamento é uma característica útil para estudos comparativos que fornecem a compreensão das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies. Apresentamos aqui uma descrição do repertório comportamental de duas espécies de ratos-de-espinho Clyomys laticeps and Trinomys setosus (Rodentia: Echimyidae). Os padrões comportamentais afiliativos e agonísticos foram amostrados durante um estudo de três anos em populações de animais silvestres em cativeiro. Os dados foram coletados em duas fases sob diferentes arranjos de indivíduos em grupos sociais. Comparamos as características comportamentais de T. setosus e C. laticeps com as da espécie mais conhecida, T. yonenagae. Adicionamos categorias às descrições anteriores de T. setosus, e um etograma padrão para C. laticeps. Trinomys setosus mostrou uma exibição visual e vocal que chamamos de saltitar, que não foi descrito nesta forma e função para outras espécies do gênero estudado até agora. Discutimos diferenças nos níveis de socialidade e similaridades e diferenças entre os padrões comportamentais e repertórios.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Roedores , Comportamento Animal
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 40: e22023, 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1424771


The giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man, 1879), is a species of great commercial importance. It is farmed under different conditions that translate to a great range of light environments, which impact their behavior and productivity. We present the first study employing both visual modeling and beha vioral data to evaluate the ontogenetic changes in color preferences of juveniles and adults of M. rosenbergii. We offered ten shelters of different colors to juveniles and adults and registered their preferences. Our results show that shelter preference changed with ontogeny: juveniles chose shelters based on chromaticity (preference for blue), while adults based their decisions on brightness (preference for dark grey). This preference adults show for dark colors is probably associated with light avoidance behavior. We recommend providing blue shelters for juveniles and dark shelters for adults.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Aquicultura/métodos , Palaemonidae/genética , Estimulação Luminosa , Bem-Estar do Animal
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023019, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509916


The examination of maternal qualities in the ethology of cows and their young offspring, derived from the study on adaptability and productivity of second and third-generation Aberdeen Angus cattle imported to Kazakhstan from Canadian and European selection, is presented in this paper. The findings indicate that Canadian heifers, belonging to the second generation, displayed extended feeding behavior throughout the day, dedicating 33.2 minutes or 2.2% more time to feeding compared to their European counterparts (P < 0.001). Similar disparities between groups were observed in the duration of the ruminant process. Moreover, Canadian heifers consumed water for an additional 2 minutes or 0.6%, which can be attributed to their higher daily feed intake. The calving process of Aberdeen Angus cows generally proceeded smoothly, demonstrating a well-developed maternal instinct towards their offspring. Notably, calves born from Canadian cows exhibited greater agility and achieved the ability to stand on their feet in a shorter time, with an average duration of 41.0 ± 1.60 minutes, which was 11.7% faster than European calves. Additionally, Canadian calves displayed a shorter time to locate their mother's breast, with an average duration of 68.0 ± 7.70 minutes.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Carne , Instinto
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e272328, 2023. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439658


The Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) is a columbid bird commonly found throughout most of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, India and Australia. Its preferred habitat includes scrubland, agricultural lands, and human settlements. Despite this species' extensive breeding range, very little information is available regarding its breeding ecology. The main objective of this study was to investigate the breeding features of the Laughing Dove in Taif City, Saudi Arabia between March and May 2018 and December 2018 and May 2019. The results indicate that this species constructs its nests at a mean height of 2.74 ± 0.1 m from the ground. The average number of nesting materials used for building a Laughing Dove nest was 109.3 ± 11.25. This study recorded that this species starts breeding in the middle of February. A clutch of two eggs comprised 72% of all the nests, with a mean of 1.75 ± 0.06 eggs per clutch. The average egg size was 25.27 ± 0.43 mm x 20.25 ± 0.19 mm, with an average egg volume of 5.01 ± 0.13 cm3. In total, 39.5% of the eggs hatched, and 64.7% of hatchlings reached the fledgling stage, resulting in an overall breeding success of 25.6%. This study suggested that nest desertion and predation were the major factors contributing to nest failure.

A rola-do-senegal (Streptopelia senegalensis) é uma ave columbídea comumente encontrada na maior parte da África, Oriente Médio, Ásia Central, Índia e Austrália. Seu hábitat preferido inclui cerrado, terras agrícolas e assentamentos humanos. Apesar da extensa gama de reprodução desta espécie, muito pouca informação está disponível sobre sua ecologia reprodutiva. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as características reprodutivas da rola-do-senegal na cidade de Taif, Arábia Saudita entre março e maio de 2018 e dezembro de 2018 e maio de 2019. Os resultados indicam que esta espécie constrói seus ninhos a uma altura média de 2,74 ± 0,1 m do chão. O número médio de materiais de nidificação usados para a construção de um ninho de rola-do-senegal foi de 109,3 ± 11,25. Este estudo registrou que esta espécie começa a se reproduzir em meados de fevereiro. Uma ninhada de dois ovos compôs 72% de todos os ninhos, com média de 1,75 ± 0,06 ovo por ninhada. O tamanho médio dos ovos foi de 25,27 ± 0,43 mm x 20,25 ± 0,19 mm, com volume médio de ovos de 5,01 ± 0,13 cm3. No total, 39,5% dos ovos eclodiram e 64,7% dos filhotes atingiram a fase de filhote, resultando em um sucesso reprodutivo geral de 25,6%. Este estudo sugeriu que a deserção do ninho e a predação foram os principais fatores que contribuíram para o fracasso do ninho.

Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Animal , Aves/fisiologia , Arábia Saudita
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220057, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1449866


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of intronic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) on temperament traits in a Brahman cattle population. The SNP located in CACNG4, EXOC4, NRXN3, and SLC9A4 candidate genes were genotyped in 250 animals with temperament records of exit velocity, pen score, and temperament score. Rs3423464051:G>A in the CACNG4 gene was associated with exit velocity and temperament score. An in silico analysis of the five intronic SNP showed that alternative alleles of CACNG4-rs3423464051, EXOC4-rs109393235, and SLC9A4-rs109722627 SNP could alter branch point sites during splicing, while a protein-protein interaction network analysis demonstrated a GRIA2 gene-mediated interaction between CACNG4 and NRXN3. The present results support previously reported evidence regarding bovine temperament-related candidate genes, particularly CACNG4, which is a confirmed candidate gene in need of more detailed analyses to reveal its role in temperament-related traits.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único/genética , Temperamento , Marcadores Genéticos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(3): e220119, 2023. graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448730


Feeding ecology studies are crucial for understanding energy flow in reef ecosystems. In this study, we used an integrative approach to investigate the diel-feeding ecology of the sergeant-major Abudefduf saxatilis. To examine the possibility of diel-periodicity and size-class differences in foraging behaviour, we tracked fish individuals until their first bite on two subtropical reefs. During each observation, we recorded the substratum that was bitten and estimated the individual's total length. To assess the diet, we analysed the stomach contents of five individuals from each location. In total, we observed 2,703 individuals biting seven substrates. Our results showed no significant differences in substrate use for diel-periodicity. However, we found significant differences between two size classes. Despite this, both populations tended to forage near the surface in the water column in the morning and on the benthos in the afternoon, although this tendency was not statistically significant. Smaller individuals fed mostly in the water column, while larger individuals foraged on all substrates, likely due to their different energetic demands. Our findings indicate this species has an omnivorous, generalist diet, comprising 12 items from both benthos and plankton. The lack of differences in diel-periodicity is likely due to the sergeant-major's opportunistic behaviour.

Estudos de ecologia alimentar são cruciais para entender o fluxo de energia em ecossistemas recifais. Neste estudo, usamos uma abordagem integrativa para investigar a ecologia alimentar do sargentinho Abudefduf saxatilis. Para responder se há periodicidade ou diferenças relacionadas a classes de tamanho no substrato forrageado, acompanhamos indivíduos deste peixe até a primeira mordida, em dois recifes subtropicais. Durante cada observação, registramos o substrato mordido e estimamos o comprimento total do indivíduo. Para estudar a sua dieta, analisamos o conteúdo estomacal de cinco indivíduos em cada recife. No total, observamos 2.703 indivíduos mordendo em sete substratos diferentes. Nossos resultados não mostraram diferenças significativas no uso de substrato para a periodicidade diária. No entanto, encontramos diferenças significativas entre duas classes de tamanho. Apesar disso, ambas as populações tenderam a forragear próximo à superfície na coluna d'água pela manhã e no substrato bentônico à tarde, embora essa tendência não tenha sido estatisticamente significativa. Indivíduos menores forragearam principalmente na coluna d'água, enquanto os indivíduos maiores forragearam em todos os tipos de substratos, provavelmente devido às suas diferentes demandas energéticas. Nossos resultados corroboram que o sargentinho tem uma dieta onívora e generalista, composta por 12 itens de ambos os compartimentos, bentônico e planctônico. A falta de diferenças na periodicidade diária é provavelmente devido ao comportamento oportunista do sargentinho.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Perciformes/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 735-743, July-Aug. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447337


This study aimed to investigate the effects of animal type, on-farm handling, and transport conditions on temperament of beef cattle pre-slaughter. The study evaluated 4,061 cattle batches, averaging 49 animals, with a total of 199,026 cattle. Temperament was evaluated through a behavioral assessment carried out based on the temperament shown by cattle when approached by humans. One of three different temperament scores were assigned to each batch: calm, anxious, or excitable. Excitable temperament was reported in animals subjected to long transport time and distance and high loading density. The degree of carcass fatness was higher in calm animals, followed by anxious animals, with the excited temperament animals having the lowest carcass fatness degree. Older animals showed more excitable temperament, while younger animals showed calmer temperament. The excitable temperament was more evident in horned animals in relation to polled animals. Animal temperament was more reactive in batches with older cattle, low carcass fatness degree, and with more than 20% horned animals. Good handling and loading facilities and procedures at the farm contributed to adequate cattle temperament expression prior to slaughter.

O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de variáveis relacionadas às condições de manejo e de transporte na expressão do temperamento pré-abate de bovinos de corte. Foram avaliados 4.061 lotes, com média de 49 animais, totalizando 199.026 bovinos. O temperamento foi avaliado por meio da expressão comportamental dos lotes diante da aproximação humana. Foram atribuídas três diferentes classificações de temperamento: "calmo", "ansioso" ou "excitável". Verificou-se temperamento excitável em animais submetidos a longos tempos de transporte, a grandes distâncias e à alta densidade de carga. O grau de gordura na carcaça foi mais elevado em animais "calmos", seguidos dos animais "ansiosos", e menor em animais de temperamento "excitado". Os animais com temperamento excitável eram mais velhos, e aqueles com temperamento calmo eram mais jovem. O temperamento excitável foi mais evidente em animais com a presença de chifres. O temperamento animal foi mais reativo em lotes de bovinos mais velhos, com baixo grau de gordura de carcaça e com mais de 20% de animais com presença de chifres. Boas instalações e condições apropriadas de manejo e de carregamento dos animais contribuem para a expressão adequada do temperamento dos bovinos no pré-abate.

Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Abate de Animais
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 293-302, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434123


This study aimed to evaluate methane emission, milk yield and behavior of ewes kept exclusively on irrigated pasture of Tifton 85 grass (Cynodon spp.) or supplemented with ground corn or whole cottonseed (WCS) based concentrates. Twelve Lacaune x Santa Ines ewes (43.07±0.83 kg of body weight, 77±24 days after parturition, on average) were distributed in replicated 3x3 Latin square. Treatments consisted of three diets: pasture (no concentrate supplementation); corn (pasture + corn-based supplement); whole cottonseed (pasture + whole cottonseed-based supplement), offering 0.5 kg/ewe/day. The WCS group showed the highest concentrate dry matter intake (DMI) (p=0.049) and crude protein (CP) intake (p=0.001) compared to the others. There was no difference on total DMI (p=0.115) for the tested diets. Animals exclusively kept on pasture had the greatest forage DMI (p=0.004), lowest CP digestibility (p=0.015), showed longer grazing time (p=0.01) and shorter idle time (p=0.01) compared to the supplemented groups. Milk yield (0.36 kg/ewe/day) (p=0.15) and methane emission (33.12 g/ewe/day) (p=0.95) were similar for all three evaluated groups. Supplementation with concentrate based on corn or whole cottonseed does not improve productive performance nor decrease methane emission. However, lactating ewes kept exclusively in pasture show longer grazing time, without changes in milk yield and methane emission.

Objetivou-se avaliar a emissão de metano, a produção de leite e o comportamento de ovelhas mantidas exclusivamente em pastagem irrigada de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) ou suplementadas com concentrados à base de milho grão ou caroço de algodão. Doze ovelhas Lacaune x Santa Inês (43,07±0,83 kg de peso corporal e 77±24 dias após a parição, em média) foram distribuídas em quadrados latinos 3x3 replicados. Os tratamentos consistiram em três dietas: pastagem (sem suplementação concentrada); milho (pastagem + suplemento à base de milho); caroço de algodão integral (pastagem + suplemento à base de caroço de algodão), oferecendo 0,5 kg/ovelha/dia. O grupo caroço de algodão apresentou maior consumo de matéria seca (CMS) (P=0,049) e consumo de proteína bruta (PB) (P=0,001) em relação aos demais. Não houve diferença no CMS total (P=0,115) para as dietas testadas. Os animais exclusivamente em pastagem apresentaram maior consumo de forragem (P=0,004), menor digestibilidade da PB (P=0,015), maior tempo em pastejo (P=0,01) e menor tempo em ócio (P=0,01), em relação aos grupos suplementados. A produção de leite (0,36 kg/ovelha/dia) (P=0,15) e a emissão de metano (33,12 g/ovelha/dia) (P=0,95) foram semelhantes nos três grupos avaliados. A suplementação com concentrado à base de milho grão ou caroço de algodão não melhorou o desempenho produtivo e não reduziu a emissão de metano. Entretanto, as ovelhas lactantes mantidas exclusivamente em pastagem apresentaram maior tempo em pastejo, sem alterações na produção de leite e na emissão de metano.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Ovinos , Zea mays , Gossypium , Dieta/veterinária , Metano