Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons ('Feia' and 'Vermelha' lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third ('Caraís' lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the 'Caraís' lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the 'Vermelha' lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the 'Vermelha' are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. 'Vermelha' lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
Reef fish play an important role in the community dynamics of coral reefs and maintaining healthy reefs. This study aimed to (1) assess coral recovery at reefs around Racha Yai Island after the 2010 mass coral bleaching event and (2) compare the fish community indices (Shannon diversity, evenness) and fish trophic functional groups between low (Patok Bay) and high (Khonkae Bay) environmental disturbance sites during 2013-2019. The fish surveys and the percent live coral covers from both bays during 2013-2019 were collected using the fish visual census method and a permanent quadrat method along 50-m transect lines. Our results showed that the percentage of live coral cover at both bays increased by 6-8%. At Khonkae Bay, there were 69 reef fish species and 10,684 individual fish belonging to 5 orders, with 27 families and 54 genera observed from 7 orders: Perciformes (91.03%), Tetraodontiformes (5.54%), Syngnathiformes (1.24%), Beloniformes (0.26%), Beryciformes (1.25%), Scorpaeniformes (0.70%), and Aulopiformes (0.06%). Fish community indices at Khonkae Bay increased during 2013-2019 and were composed of species richness (3.65-10.53), the Shannon index (0.65-3.49), and species evenness (0.49-0.91). At Patok Bay, there were 60 reef fish species and 10,362 individual fish belonging to 3 orders, with 22 families and 50 genera observed from 4 orders: Perciformes (93.04%), Tetraodontiformes (5.92%), Syngnathiformes (0.55%), and Anguilliformes (0.53%). Fish community indices at Patok Bay increased during 2014-2019 and were composed of species richness (4.69-8.62), the Shannon index (1.36-3.30), and species evenness (4.92-8.62). Our results suggested that the 2010 mass coral bleaching event had large impacts on both the coral and reef fish community at both low and high environmental disturbance sites with good recovery over nine years.(AU)
Animais , Recifes de Corais , Fauna Marinha/classificação , Fauna Marinha/estatística & dados numéricos , Poluição do MarResumo
Reef fish play an important role in the community dynamics of coral reefs and maintaining healthy reefs. This study aimed to (1) assess coral recovery at reefs around Racha Yai Island after the 2010 mass coral bleaching event and (2) compare the fish community indices (Shannon diversity, evenness) and fish trophic functional groups between low (Patok Bay) and high (Khonkae Bay) environmental disturbance sites during 2013-2019. The fish surveys and the percent live coral covers from both bays during 2013-2019 were collected using the fish visual census method and a permanent quadrat method along 50-m transect lines. Our results showed that the percentage of live coral cover at both bays increased by 6-8%. At Khonkae Bay, there were 69 reef fish species and 10,684 individual fish belonging to 5 orders, with 27 families and 54 genera observed from 7 orders: Perciformes (91.03%), Tetraodontiformes (5.54%), Syngnathiformes (1.24%), Beloniformes (0.26%), Beryciformes (1.25%), Scorpaeniformes (0.70%), and Aulopiformes (0.06%). Fish community indices at Khonkae Bay increased during 2013-2019 and were composed of species richness (3.65-10.53), the Shannon index (0.65-3.49), and species evenness (0.49-0.91). At Patok Bay, there were 60 reef fish species and 10,362 individual fish belonging to 3 orders, with 22 families and 50 genera observed from 4 orders: Perciformes (93.04%), Tetraodontiformes (5.92%), Syngnathiformes (0.55%), and Anguilliformes (0.53%). Fish community indices at Patok Bay increased during 2014-2019 and were composed of species richness (4.69-8.62), the Shannon index (1.36-3.30), and species evenness (4.92-8.62). Our results suggested that the 2010 mass coral bleaching event had large impacts on both the coral and reef fish community at both low and high environmental disturbance sites with good recovery over nine years.
Animais , Fauna Marinha/classificação , Fauna Marinha/estatística & dados numéricos , Poluição do Mar , Recifes de CoraisResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the parasitic fauna of Opisthonema oglinum (Lesueur, 1818) from Southeastern Brazil. Between September 2017 and March 2018, a total of 100 specimens of O. oglinum from the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°54'S, 43°34'W) were examined. Ninety one specimens of O. oglinum were parasitized by at least one species of metazoan with a mean of 5.84 ± 7.98 parasites/fish. Seven species were collected: 2 digeneans, 2 monogeneans, 2 copepods and 1 nematode. The digenean Parahemiurus merus (Linton) was the most abundant and dominant species, representing 43% of metazoan parasites collected. The parasite species richness was positively correlated with the total length of the hosts. Only Neobomolochus elongatus Cressey showed a positive correlation between host's total length and parasite prevalence. The mean parasite species diversity was not correlated with host's total length, but significant differences among the mean parasite diversity between males and females was observed. Opisthonema oglinum represents a new host record for Caligus mutabilis Wilson, Hysterothylacium sp. and Cribomazocraes travassosi Santos and Kohn. The copepod N. elongatus is recorded for the first time on the Brazilian coast.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a fauna parasitária de Opisthonema oglinum (Lesueur, 1818) do Sudeste do Brasil. No período entre setembro de 2017 e março de 2018, um total de 100 espécimes de O. oglinum provenientes da Baía de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (22°54'S; 43°34'O), foram examinados. Noventa espécimes de O. oglinum estavam parasitados por pelo menos uma espécie de metazoário com média de 5,84 ± 7,98 parasitos/peixe. Sete espécies foram coletadas: 2 digenéticos, 2 monogenéticos, 2 copépodes e 1 nematoide. O digenético Parahemiurus merus (Linton) foi à espécie mais abundante e dominante, representando 43% dos metazoários parasitos coletados. A riqueza parasitária foi correlacionada com o comprimento total do hospedeiro. Apenas Neobomolochus elongatus Cressey apresentou correlação positiva entre o comprimento total do hospedeiro e a prevalência parasitária. A diversidade média de espécies de parasitos não apresentou correlação com o comprimento total do hospedeiro, mas foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a diversidade média de parasitos entre machos e fêmeas. Opisthonema oglinum representa um novo registro de hospedeiro para Caligus mutabilis Wilson, Hysterothylacium sp. e Cribomazocraes travassosi Santos and Kohn. O copépode N. elongatus é registrado pela primeira vez na costa Brasileira.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Parasitos/classificação , Trematódeos/classificação , Peixes/parasitologia , Brasil , Baías , EcologiaResumo
Comparisons between the implications of commercial and recreational fisheries for estuarine conservation have been a topic of debate. A review on the available data from Guaratuba Bay, Southern Brazil, identifies six threats for conservation, other than those concerning the fishing effort on target resources. Differing from the popular view that fishing for pleasure could be innocuous for the environment, the identified threats concern both commercial and non-commercial fisheries: (1) catching of reproductive individuals; (2) catch of big old fat fecund females; (3) loss and abandonment of fishing gears; (4) use of natural baits; (5) bycatch of rays, turtles and non-target finfish; and (6) bad practices associated with catch-and-release or discarding. Environmental disturbances and fauna depletion are detected as potential impacts. Recommended actions for estuary conservation include fishing closures in mangrove and shallow waters areas, release of fish larger than the critical size, and measures against abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gears.
As implicações das pescas comercial e recreativa para conservação dos estuários têm sido largamente discutidas. Uma revisão das informações disponíveis para a Baía de Guaratuba, sul do Brasil, identifica seis ameaças à conservação, que extrapolam aquelas concernentes ao esforço de captura sobre as espécies-alvo. Contrariando a visão comum de que a pesca de lazer seria inócua para o ambiente, as ameaças identificadas referem-se tanto à pesca comercial como à não-comercial: (1) captura de indivíduos em atividade reprodutiva; (2) captura de fêmeas grandes e mais fecundas; (3) perda e abandono de materiais de pesca; (4) uso de iscas naturais; (5) captura incidental de raias, tartarugas e peixes não-alvo; e (6) práticas inadequadas associadas a pesque-e-solte e descarte. Impactos potenciais são perturbações ambientais e depleção de fauna. Ações recomendadas para conservação do estuário incluem interdição de pesca no manguezal e áreas rasas, soltura de peixes com tamanho superior ao crítico, e medidas contra abandono, perda e outras formas de descarte de materiais de pesca.
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pesqueiros , Brasil , BaíasResumo
The species of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) has been studied in the present study. The female can be differentiated from the male by the absence of the cephalic penis and a complicated genital aparatus visible through the mantle skirt in both the sexes. In other aspects of the external features of female are quite to males. In both species the digestive system was similar with few differences in structure between each other. It consists of buccal mass, proboscis, salivary glands, accessory salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. The nervous system in both P. cochlidium and P. erecta is constituted by six ganglia which forms the circumoesophgeal ganglionic ring. Among the neogastropods there is a similarity in the organization of the reproductive systems. The female reproductive system is more complicated than that of male. The sexes are separated in these two species. The gross morphology of the reproductive system of P. cochlidium and P. erecta was almost similar. The present study aims to describe the digestive system, nervous system and reproductive system of two gastropods species P. cochlidium and P. erecta.
As espécies de Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) e P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) foram tomadas no presente estudo. A fêmea pode ser diferenciada do macho pela ausência do pênis cefálico e um complicado complexo genital visível através da saia do manto em ambos os sexos. Em outros aspectos das características externas da fêmea são bastante semelhantes aos dos machos. Em ambas as espécies, o sistema digestivo era semelhante, com poucas diferenças de estrutura entre si. Consiste em massa bucal, probóscide, glândulas salivares, glândulas salivares acessórias, esôfago, estômago, intestino, reto e ânus. O sistema nervoso em P. cochlidium e P. erecta é constituído por seis gânglios que formam um anel ganglionar circunoesofágico. Entre os neogastrópodes, há uma semelhança na organização dos sistemas reprodutivos. O sistema reprodutivo feminino é mais complicado que o masculino. Os sexos são separados nessas duas espécies. A morfologia macroscópica do sistema reprodutivo de P. cochlidium e P. erecta foi quase similar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever o sistema digestivo, sistema nervoso e sistema reprodutivo de duas espécies, P. cochlidium e P. erecta.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Sistema Digestório/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Genitália/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares , Baías , ÍndiaResumo
Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Biodegradação Ambiental , BiotaResumo
ABSTRACT This study describes the reproductive and recruitment patterns of the swimming crab Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) in the Ubatuba region of the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Crabs were captured monthly from January 1998 to December 1999 in 18 sites located in three bays (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba, and Mar Virado), using a commercial fishing boat. In each sampling area, bottom temperature, salinity, and organic matter content were recorded. A total of 1,911 individuals were captured: 350 adult males, 475 non-ovigerous adult females, 584 adult ovigerous females, and 502 immature individuals. Reproductive females were more abundant in deeper areas; this migration might be a strategy to improve larval dispersion and survival. Ovigerous females were found year-round, indicating a continuous reproduction, and their abundance was positively correlated with temperature. During the 2-year survey, crabs with all gonadal development stages were found. We can infer that this region provides suitable resources for the development of A. spinimanus.
RESUMO Este estudo descreveu os padrões reprodutivos e de recrutamento do siri Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) na região de Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo, Brasil. Os siris foram coletados mensalmente, de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 1999, em 18 locais em três enseadas (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba e Mar Virado), utilizando um barco de pesca comercial. Em cada área de amostragem foram registrados a temperatura de fundo, salinidade e teor de matéria orgânica. Um total de 1.911 indivíduos foram coletados: 350 machos adultos, 475 fêmeas adultas não ovígeras, 584 fêmeas adultas ovígeras e 502 jovens. As fêmeas reprodutivas foram mais abundantes em áreas profundas; essa migração pode ser uma estratégia para melhorar a dispersão e a sobrevivência das larvas. As fêmeas ovígeras foram encontradas durante todo o ano, indicando uma reprodução contínua, com sua abundância positivamente correlacionada à temperatura. Durante a pesquisa de dois anos, foram encontrados caranguejos em todos os estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal. Podemos inferir que a região de Ubatuba fornece recursos adequados para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de A. spinimanus.
Age and growth of two populations of Pugilina cochlidium were studied. to address the lack of basic information on the growth rates and the size at sexual maturity of organism in a commercially harvested area, which will be important in considering the size limits to conserve this resources in future. In the present study the results showed more or less similar growth patterns in the males and females of two populations of Pugilina cochlidium. The age and growth estimation of these two populations of Pugilina cochlidium were completed using several methods and the outcome of one method will act as a check and control over the other using the FISAT 1 software. The values of asymptotic length (Lα) values obtained in the present study using various methods did not vary greatly. Lα values obtained for the first population of Pugilina cochlidium was 95.55 mm for males and 106.05 mm for females and the growth rate (K) for males (0.588 yr-1) and females (0.620 yr-1) was given by k-scan routine in ELEFAN. Similarly, the values of asymptotic length (Lα), obtained for second population of Pugilina cochlidium, was 96.15 mm for males and 106.05 mm for females and the growth rate (K) for males (0.540 yr-1) and females (0.950 yr-1) was given by k-scan routine in ELEFAN.(AU)
A idade e o crescimento de duas populações de Pugilina cochlidium foram estudados. abordar a falta de informações básicas sobre as taxas de crescimento e o tamanho na maturidade sexual do organismo em uma área comercialmente colhida, o que será importante considerando os limites de tamanho para conservar esses recursos no futuro. No presente estudo os resultados mostraram padrões de crescimento mais ou menos semelhantes nos machos e fêmeas de duas populações de Pugilina cochlidium. A idade e a estimativa de crescimento destas duas populações de Pugilina cochlidium foram completadas usando vários métodos e o resultado de um método funcionará como uma verificação e controle sobre o outro usando o software FISAT 1. Os valores de comprimento assintótico (Lα) obtidos no presente estudo usando vários métodos não variaram muito. Os valores de Lα obtidos para a primeira população de Pugilina cochlidium foram de 95,55 mm para machos e 106,05 mm para fêmeas e a taxa de crescimento (K) para machos (0,588 yr-1) e fêmeas (0,620 yr-1) foi dada pela rotina k-scan na ELEFAN. Similarmente, os valores de comprimento assintótico (Lα), obtidos para a segunda população de Pugilina cochlidium, foram 96,15 mm para machos e 106,05 mm para fêmeas e a taxa de crescimento (K) para machos (0,540 anos) e fêmeas (0,950 anos). 1) foi dado pela rotina de k-scan na ELEFAN.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gastrópodes , Baías , ÍndiaResumo
This study describes the reproductive and recruitment patterns of the swimming crab Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) in the Ubatuba region of the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Crabs were captured monthly from January 1998 to December 1999 in 18 sites located in three bays (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba, and Mar Virado), using a commercial fishing boat. In each sampling area, bottom temperature, salinity, and organic matter content were recorded. A total of 1,911 individuals were captured: 350 adult males, 475 non-ovigerous adult females, 584 adult ovigerous females, and 502 immature individuals. Reproductive females were more abundant in deeper areas; this migration might be a strategy to improve larval dispersion and survival. Ovigerous females were found year-round, indicating a continuous reproduction, and their abundance was positively correlated with temperature. During the 2-year survey, crabs with all gonadal development stages were found. We can infer that this region provides suitable resources for the development of A. spinimanus.(AU)
Este estudo descreveu os padrões reprodutivos e de recrutamento do siri Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) na região de Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo, Brasil. Os siris foram coletados mensalmente, de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 1999, em 18 locais em três enseadas (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba e Mar Virado), utilizando um barco de pesca comercial. Em cada área de amostragem foram registrados a temperatura de fundo, salinidade e teor de matéria orgânica. Um total de 1.911 indivíduos foram coletados: 350 machos adultos, 475 fêmeas adultas não ovígeras, 584 fêmeas adultas ovígeras e 502 jovens. As fêmeas reprodutivas foram mais abundantes em áreas profundas; essa migração pode ser uma estratégia para melhorar a dispersão e a sobrevivência das larvas. As fêmeas ovígeras foram encontradas durante todo o ano, indicando uma reprodução contínua, com sua abundância positivamente correlacionada à temperatura. Durante a pesquisa de dois anos, foram encontrados caranguejos em todos os estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal. Podemos inferir que a região de Ubatuba fornece recursos adequados para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de A. spinimanus.(AU)
Animais , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Decápodes/genética , Decápodes/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , PesqueirosResumo
This study describes the reproductive and recruitment patterns of the swimming crab Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) in the Ubatuba region of the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Crabs were captured monthly from January 1998 to December 1999 in 18 sites located in three bays (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba, and Mar Virado), using a commercial fishing boat. In each sampling area, bottom temperature, salinity, and organic matter content were recorded. A total of 1,911 individuals were captured: 350 adult males, 475 non-ovigerous adult females, 584 adult ovigerous females, and 502 immature individuals. Reproductive females were more abundant in deeper areas; this migration might be a strategy to improve larval dispersion and survival. Ovigerous females were found year-round, indicating a continuous reproduction, and their abundance was positively correlated with temperature. During the 2-year survey, crabs with all gonadal development stages were found. We can infer that this region provides suitable resources for the development of A. spinimanus.
Este estudo descreveu os padrões reprodutivos e de recrutamento do siri Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) na região de Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo, Brasil. Os siris foram coletados mensalmente, de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 1999, em 18 locais em três enseadas (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba e Mar Virado), utilizando um barco de pesca comercial. Em cada área de amostragem foram registrados a temperatura de fundo, salinidade e teor de matéria orgânica. Um total de 1.911 indivíduos foram coletados: 350 machos adultos, 475 fêmeas adultas não ovígeras, 584 fêmeas adultas ovígeras e 502 jovens. As fêmeas reprodutivas foram mais abundantes em áreas profundas; essa migração pode ser uma estratégia para melhorar a dispersão e a sobrevivência das larvas. As fêmeas ovígeras foram encontradas durante todo o ano, indicando uma reprodução contínua, com sua abundância positivamente correlacionada à temperatura. Durante a pesquisa de dois anos, foram encontrados caranguejos em todos os estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal. Podemos inferir que a região de Ubatuba fornece recursos adequados para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de A. spinimanus.
Animais , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Decápodes/fisiologia , Decápodes/genética , PesqueirosResumo
As afecções do sistema respiratório são a segunda causa de queda de desempenho e afastamento dos equinos do esporte ou trabalho, as quais estão atrás somente das desordens musculoesqueléticas. A estabulação e a alimentação à base de fenos predispõem os equinos à inalação de grande número de agentes irritantes às vias aéreas. No intuito de avaliar a influência dos tipos de cama utilizados em baias, estudaram-se três grupos de cinco equinos cada, durante 45 dias. Dois grupos foram mantidos em cocheiras com forrações diferentes à base de madeira (maravalha de pínus autoclavada-MA e serragem-SE) e o terceiro grupo permaneceu no pasto. Foram realizadas avaliações quinzenais, que incluíram exame físico, hemograma, hemogasometria e lavado broncoalveolar. Ao exame físico, notou-se a presença de tosse e espirros em animais do grupo SE. No lavado broncoalveolar, a contagem de células nucleadas totais apresentou maiores valores nos animais a pasto, seguido do grupo SE e, por último, o MA. Concluiu-se que as duas camas testadas neste estudo não apresentaram diferença com relação à capacidade irritativa das vias aéreas superiores no período analisado.(AU)
Respiratory system affections in horses are the second cause of decrease in performance and removal from the sport or farm work, which are behind only the musculoskeletal disorders. Stabling and hay feeding predisposes horses' airways to inhalation of large numbers of irritating agents. To evaluate the influence of bed types used in bays, 3 groups of 5 horses each were studied for 45 days. Two groups were kept in stables with different wood beds - based rafters (autoclaved pine - MA and sawdust - SE) and the third group remained in the pasture. Biweekly evaluations with physical examination, hemogram, hemogasometry and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed. On physical examination, the presence of cough and sneezing was observed in animals of the SE group. In the bronchoalveolar lavage, the total nucleated cell count presented higher values in the animals in the pasture, followed by the SE group and finally the MA. It was concluded that the different beds used presented no difference with respect to the irritative capacity of the upper airways.(AU)
Animais , Sistema Respiratório/patologia , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/veterinária , Cavalos/fisiologia , Hipersensibilidade/veterinária , Abrigo para AnimaisResumo
The Gymnotus inaequilabiatus is a Neotropical fish widely distributed in marginal areas of bays. The aim of this study was to describe the main histological and histopathological traits in the head and exocrine kidney. Here, histometric and structural density techniques were associated with renosomatic index (RSI). The kidney was processed for light microscopy. Lipofuscin and hemosiderin content were visually estimated in the melonomacrophages centers (MMCs). All the biometric body variables were correlated with RSI, especially the kidney weight and gross lesions count. The general architecture of head and exocrine kidney was similar to that described for other teleost species. MMCs were prevalent in both portions and correlated with RSI in the head and exocrine kidney. Granulomatous structures were often observed in both portions; however, they were associated only in the exocrine kidney with RSI. Of all the structures hystometrically estimated, only proximal tubular diameter and thickness, and distal tubular thickness were correlated to renosomatic index. The RSI is an useful biometric variable that represent some physiological and morphological characteristics of kidney in G. inaequilabiatus. These findings may be used in future studies to evaluate the effects of environmental stressors on the renal adaptative physiological process.(AU)
Gymnotus inaequilabiatus é um peixe neotropical amplamente distribuído em áreas marginais de baías. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever características anatômicas, histológicas e histopatológicas no rim cefálico e exócrino. Análises histométricas e a densidade volumétrica estrutural foram associadas ao índice renossomático (IRS). Fragmentos de ambos tecidos foram processados para análise e microscopia de campo claro. O conteúdo de lipofuscina e hemossiderina foi estimado visualmente nos centros de melanomacrófagos (CMMs). Todas as variáveis corporais biométricas foram correlacionadas com o IRS, principalmente o peso renal e a contagem de lesões superficiais. A arquitetura geral do rim cefálico e exócrino foi semelhante à descrita para outras espécies de teleósteos. Os CMMs foram frequentes em ambas as porções e correlacionaram-se com o IRS. Estruturas granulomatosas foram frequentemente observadas em ambas porções; no entanto, foram associadas ao IRS apenas no rim exócrino. De todas as estruturas estimadas histometricamente, apenas o diâmetro e espessura dos túbulos proximais e distais correlacionaram-se ao IRS. Este índice mostrou-se uma variável útil associada a características fisiológicas e morfológicas do rim de G. inaequilabiatus. Esses achados podem ser empregados em futuros estudos a fim de avaliar efeitos ambientais bem como processos adaptativos fisiológicos.(AU)
Animais , Gimnotiformes/anatomia & histologia , Gimnotiformes/classificação , Gimnotiformes/fisiologiaResumo
The Gymnotus inaequilabiatus is a Neotropical fish widely distributed in marginal areas of bays. The aim of this study was to describe the main histological and histopathological traits in the head and exocrine kidney. Here, histometric and structural density techniques were associated with renosomatic index (RSI). The kidney was processed for light microscopy. Lipofuscin and hemosiderin content were visually estimated in the melonomacrophages centers (MMCs). All the biometric body variables were correlated with RSI, especially the kidney weight and gross lesions count. The general architecture of head and exocrine kidney was similar to that described for other teleost species. MMCs were prevalent in both portions and correlated with RSI in the head and exocrine kidney. Granulomatous structures were often observed in both portions; however, they were associated only in the exocrine kidney with RSI. Of all the structures hystometrically estimated, only proximal tubular diameter and thickness, and distal tubular thickness were correlated to renosomatic index. The RSI is an useful biometric variable that represent some physiological and morphological characteristics of kidney in G. inaequilabiatus. These findings may be used in future studies to evaluate the effects of environmental stressors on the renal adaptative physiological process.(AU)
Gymnotus inaequilabiatus é um peixe neotropical amplamente distribuído em áreas marginais de baías. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever características anatômicas, histológicas e histopatológicas no rim cefálico e exócrino. Análises histométricas e a densidade volumétrica estrutural foram associadas ao índice renossomático (IRS). Fragmentos de ambos tecidos foram processados para análise e microscopia de campo claro. O conteúdo de lipofuscina e hemossiderina foi estimado visualmente nos centros de melanomacrófagos (CMMs). Todas as variáveis corporais biométricas foram correlacionadas com o IRS, principalmente o peso renal e a contagem de lesões superficiais. A arquitetura geral do rim cefálico e exócrino foi semelhante à descrita para outras espécies de teleósteos. Os CMMs foram frequentes em ambas as porções e correlacionaram-se com o IRS. Estruturas granulomatosas foram frequentemente observadas em ambas porções; no entanto, foram associadas ao IRS apenas no rim exócrino. De todas as estruturas estimadas histometricamente, apenas o diâmetro e espessura dos túbulos proximais e distais correlacionaram-se ao IRS. Este índice mostrou-se uma variável útil associada a características fisiológicas e morfológicas do rim de G. inaequilabiatus. Esses achados podem ser empregados em futuros estudos a fim de avaliar efeitos ambientais bem como processos adaptativos fisiológicos.(AU)
Animais , Gimnotiformes/anatomia & histologia , Gimnotiformes/classificação , Gimnotiformes/fisiologiaResumo
As afecções do sistema respiratório são a segunda causa de queda de desempenho e afastamento dos equinos do esporte ou trabalho, as quais estão atrás somente das desordens musculoesqueléticas. A estabulação e a alimentação à base de fenos predispõem os equinos à inalação de grande número de agentes irritantes às vias aéreas. No intuito de avaliar a influência dos tipos de cama utilizados em baias, estudaram-se três grupos de cinco equinos cada, durante 45 dias. Dois grupos foram mantidos em cocheiras com forrações diferentes à base de madeira (maravalha de pínus autoclavada-MA e serragem-SE) e o terceiro grupo permaneceu no pasto. Foram realizadas avaliações quinzenais, que incluíram exame físico, hemograma, hemogasometria e lavado broncoalveolar. Ao exame físico, notou-se a presença de tosse e espirros em animais do grupo SE. No lavado broncoalveolar, a contagem de células nucleadas totais apresentou maiores valores nos animais a pasto, seguido do grupo SE e, por último, o MA. Concluiu-se que as duas camas testadas neste estudo não apresentaram diferença com relação à capacidade irritativa das vias aéreas superiores no período analisado.(AU)
Respiratory system affections in horses are the second cause of decrease in performance and removal from the sport or farm work, which are behind only the musculoskeletal disorders. Stabling and hay feeding predisposes horses' airways to inhalation of large numbers of irritating agents. To evaluate the influence of bed types used in bays, 3 groups of 5 horses each were studied for 45 days. Two groups were kept in stables with different wood beds - based rafters (autoclaved pine - MA and sawdust - SE) and the third group remained in the pasture. Biweekly evaluations with physical examination, hemogram, hemogasometry and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed. On physical examination, the presence of cough and sneezing was observed in animals of the SE group. In the bronchoalveolar lavage, the total nucleated cell count presented higher values in the animals in the pasture, followed by the SE group and finally the MA. It was concluded that the different beds used presented no difference with respect to the irritative capacity of the upper airways.(AU)
Animais , Sistema Respiratório/patologia , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/veterinária , Cavalos/fisiologia , Hipersensibilidade/veterinária , Abrigo para AnimaisResumo
The research intends to detect sources of contamination by Yersinia enterocolitica in the abattoir flowchart and endeavors to study its relation with the contamination in the farm. For this purpose, sixty pigs were followed up. In order to carry out the study, samples of faeces were collected from the animal farm, where the animals were originally kept and from the abattoir, directly from the animals rectum, after desensitization. Additionally, samples were also collected from the carcass, after passage into the hair removal machine, after evisceration, prior to entry into the cold chambre, from the jowls, and water of the scald tank, before the commencement of the abattoir as well as after the passage of the animals. Further, the isolates were obtained through microbiological analyzes, upon being identified by PCR and compared via rep-PCR. Basically, Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from three bays in the original farm (20 %) and from 20 samples (6.67 %), obtained in the abattoir flowchart. Comparison made via rep-PCR revealed that the contaminated pigs on the farm could carry the microorganism to different points in the abattoir flowchart. However, apart from the farm, other sources of the contamination were reported to be more frequent and diverse. Indeed, the chins and the carcass at the entrance of the cold chamber were identified as the most critical points. Therefore, we concluded that Y. enterocolitica present in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs on the farm, cannot be eliminated throughout theabattoir flowchart and remain in the chambers intended for the cold room.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar fontes de contaminação por Yersinia enterocolitica no fluxograma de abate e sua relação com a contaminação na granja. Sessenta suínos foram acompanhados. Foram coletadas amostras de fezes dos animais na granja de origem e durante o abate, diretamente do reto, após a insensibilização. Também foram coletadas amostras da carcaça após a passagem na depiladeira, após a evisceração, antes da entrada na câmara fria, da papada e da água do tanque de escaldagem antes de iniciar o abate e após a passagem dos animais. Os isolados foram obtidos através de análises microbiológicas, identificados por PCR e comparados através de rep-PCR. Yersinia enterocolitica foi isolada de três baias na granja de origem (20%) e de 20 amostras (6,67%) obtidas no fluxograma de abate. Após a rep-PCR, observou-se que os suínos contaminados na granja podem carrear o micro-organismo para diferentes pontos do fluxograma de abate. No entanto, outras fontes de contaminação que não a granja são mais frequentes e diversas. A papada e a carcaça na entrada da câmara fria são os pontos mais críticos. Conclui-se que Y. enterocolitica presente no trato gastrointestinal de suínos na granja pode não ser eliminada ao longo de todo o fluxograma de abate e permanecer na carcaça destinada à câmara fria.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/microbiologia , Yersinia enterocolitica/isolamento & purificação , Yersiniose/veterinária , Abate de Animais , Matadouros , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The Llanquihue lake is included in the called Araucanian or Nord Patagonian lakes located between 38-41° S. These lakes are characterized by their oligo-mesotrophic status due to human intervention which takes to the increase in nutrients inputs from industries and towns. Effects on zooplankton assemblages are observed with marked increase of daphnids abundance. The aim of the present study is to analyze the trophic status and zooplankton relative abundance in different bays of Llanquihue lake. It was found direct associations between chlorophyll a with daphnids percentage, total dissolved nitrogen with reactive soluble phosphorus nitrogen/phosphorus molar radio with cyclopoids percentage, and an inverse relation between daphnids and calanoids percentages. The occurrence of three kinds of microcrustacean assemblages and environmental conditions was evidenced: the first one with high calanoids percentage, low species number and low chlorophyll and nutrients concentration, a second with moderate chlorophyll and nutrients concentration and moderate daphnids percentage; high species number and a third site with high chlorophyll and nutrients concentration, high daphnids percentage and high species number. Daphnids increase under mesotrophic status, agree with similar results observed for southern Argentinean and New Zealand lakes.
Resumo O lago Llanquihue está incluído nos chamados lagos araucana ou Nord Patagônia localizado entre 38-41° S. Estes lagos são caracterizados pela condicao oligo-mesotrofica debido a intervencao humana, com aumento da carga de nutrientes provenientes de industrias y areas urbanas com efeitos sobre as assembleias zooplantonicas sao observadas, com aumento acentuado de dafnideos. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o estado trófico a abundancia relative do zooplancton em diferentes compartimentos do lago Llanquihue. Foram encontradas associações diretas entre clorofila a com percentual de dafinídeos, nitrogênio total dissolvido com fósforo solúvel reativo molares razao molar nitrogênio / fósforo com percentual de ciclopóides, e uma relação inversa entre percentuais de dafinídeos e calanóides porcentagens. A ocorrência de três tipos de assembleias de microcrustáceos e as condições ambientais fora: a primeira com alta porcentais de calanóides, baixo número de espécies e baixa clorofila e a nutrientes, uma segunda com concentracoes moderadas de clorofila e nutrientes percentual moderado de daphnideos e alto número de espécies; e uma terceiro local com alta concentração de clorofila e nutrientes, alta abundância dafinídeos e número elevado de espécies. Resultados similares com aumento de dafnideos em condicoes mesotroficas também foram observados para lagos da Argentina e Nova Zelândia do sul.
ABSTRACT Fish exhibit morphological, physiological and behavioral specializations which enable them to display different ways to explore the environments and resources. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify how four Auchenipteridae species differ in the distribution, feeding habits and morphological traits: Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Günther, 1864), Auchenipterus nuchalis (Spix & Agassiz, 1829), Tatia intermedia (Steindachner, 1877) and Trachelyopterus galeatus (Linnaeus, 1766). This study was conducted in rivers and bays of the Anapú Basin, Pará State (Brazil), where these species are abundant. Specimens were collected using gillnets, and after caught the stomachs were removed for the contents analyzes. Eighteen morphometric measurements from ten adult specimens of each species were taken, combined into fifteen ecomorphological attributes. The species distribution showed that A. longimanus was restricted to rivers, while the others were exclusively caught in the bays. All four species had their diet composed of allochthonous insects, but A. longimanus also exhibited a great frugivorous habit. The most important ecomorphological attributes were relative to the consumption of larger food items (for A. longimanus and T. galeatus) and to the longer swimming capacity (for A. longimanus and T. intermedia). These morphological differences and the trophic diversity presented in this study highlighted some important information about how ecomorphological similar species behave and share resources, which may play a significant role on the coexistence of these species in the Anapú Basin.
RESUMO Peixes apresentam especializações morfológicas, fisiológicas e comportamentais que permite a exploração do ambiente e dos recursos de diferentes maneiras. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar como quatro espécies de peixes da Família Auchenipteridae diferem quanto à distribuição, alimentação e traços morfológicos: Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Günther, 1864), Auchenipterus nuchalis (Spix & Agassiz, 1829), Tatia intermedia (Steindachner, 1877) e Trachelyopterus galeatus (Linnaeus, 1766). Esse estudo foi realizado nos rios e baías da Bacia do Rio Anapú, Estado do Pará (Brasil), onde essas espécies são abundantes. Os espécimes foram coletados com rede de espera, e após a captura os estômagos foram removidos para a análise dos conteúdos. Dezoito medidas morfométricas foram aferidas de dez indivíduos adultos de cada espécie, posteriormente combinadas em quinze atributos ecomorfológicos. A distribuição das espécies evidenciou que A. longimanus foi restrita aos ambientes de rios, enquanto as demais foram exclusivamente capturadas nas baías. Todas as quatro espécies tiveram a dieta composta por insetos alóctones, mas A. longimanus também apresentou hábito frugívoro. Os mais importantes atributos ecomorfológicos foram relativos ao consumo de itens alimentares grandes (para A. longimanus e T. galeatus) e a maior capacidade natatória (para A. longimanus e T. intermedia). Essas diferenças morfológicas e a diversidade trófica apresentada neste estudo elucidam importantes informações sobre como espécies ecomorfologicamente semelhantes compartilham os recursos, desempenhando um papel significativo na coexistência dessas espécies na bacia do Rio Anapú.
Background: The main challenge in raising cattle in Brazil is related to ectoparasites, that cause negative effects on milk and meat production, and in severe cases, animal death. Sheds known as crèches attracts large number insects mainly due to milk residues in the environment. The housefly is a major problem due to act as vectors of many other diseases, and so there is the possibility of control of infestations with natural products. Andiroba and copaiba oils may act as natural biocides, there are only a few studies on their effect on biological soil parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of andiroba and copaiba oils against flies and on biological soil parameters.Materials, Methods & Results: The repellency effect of oils of andiroba and copaiba was tested at a concentration of 5% in lambs shed maternity, containing 64 bays (1.8 m2). It was sprayed 30 mL per pen, where they were housed five lambs each. Pre-treatment counts were taken before the treatment (mean 46 per pen after Musca domestica), and post-treatment count was made on 2, 24 and 48 h. The data collected at 2 and 24 h was evaluated and the number of flies was reduced significantly (P 0.001) in the pens treated with oil of copaiba and andiroba compared to control (untreated) pen. After 48 h, no difference was observed between treatments in relation to fly numbers (P >