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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1921, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443977


Background: Hematological analyses are seen as more preferred laboratory analyses in canine transmissible venereal tumor studies. There is no information about the availability of platelets and their indices in routine practice in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. Taking this as a starting point, this study analyzed the usefulness of platelet indices in dogs with transmissible venereal tumor in clinical laboratory diagnosis as well as examined the relationship between white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets (PLT), main platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT), and the ratio of main platelet volume to platelets (MPV/PLT). Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 42 bitches of various breeds were used. Nineteen healthy bitches were used as a control group, and the others 23 with cTVT as a study group. Metastasis was not observed in any of the bitches involved in the study. History, clinical findings, and cytological examinations were evaluated for the diagnosis of cTVT. In animals with hemorrhagic discharge and neoplastic lesions, a vaginal cytological examination was performed. Typical TVT cells with large nuclei and intracytoplasmic vacuoles were observed in the vaginal cytological examinations, and the diagnosis of TVT was made. Healthy bitches (19) and those with TVT (23) were 39.16 5.37 months and 47.61 5.14 months old, respectively. From all animals, 2 mL blood samples were collected from V. cephalica to evaluate PIs in the complete blood count (CBC). Collected blood samples were analyzed using an automated hematology analyzer. As a result of the analysis, WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, and MPV/PLT data were obtained. Mild leukocytosis, an increase in PLT, and a decrease in MCV and MPV/PLT were determined in the study group compared to the control group. Cut-off values in CBC of bitches with TVT were determined as WBC: 13.35 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 90%); MCV: 67 (sensitivity: 57%; specificity: 95%); PLT: 315.50 (sensitivity: 65%; specificity: 74%); and MPV/PLT: 0.028 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 58%). In CBC analyses, a strong negative correlation between PLT and MPV/PLT was detected in both groups. Discussion: Canine transmissible venereal tumors are common in both stray and pet dogs. It is naturally transferred from animal to animal during mating by live tumor cells. This tumor can commonly affect the external genitalia and internal organs in some cases. It generally has the look of cauliflower, and its surface is ulcerated, inflammatory, hemorrhagic, and infectious. More preferred laboratory analyses are complete blood count and blood chemistry analysis in cTVT for to evaluate the success of treatments. Platelet indices have been investigated in many diseases such as endotoxemia, chronic enteropathy, mammary tumor, parvoviral enteritis, septic peritonitis, lymphoma, pyometra, visceral leishmaniasis, and babesiosis in dogs. There is no information available for either diagnostic or prognostic use of the PIs in canine TVT cases. Ultimately, in light of the presented study's results, platelet indices, especially PLT and the MPV/PLT ratio, seem to be notable laboratory markers in terms of easy accessibility and low-cost assessment techniques in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. New data, however, should be established by a thorough follow-up study using a larger sample size and addressing its usefulness as a diagnostic or prognostic marker in canine transmissible venereal tumors.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Contagem de Plaquetas/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/diagnóstico , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1903, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415246


Background: Pyometra is a bacterial and hormone-induced reproductive disease that occurs in the post-estrus luteal phase in intact queens. Pyometra is more common in the diestrus period due to the high progesterone concentration (in queens that mated, spontaneously ovulated, or were induced to ovulate). However, it can also be seen due to the use of exogenous hormones such as progesterone for the suppression of estrus. More research is needed in cases of pyometra in queens, as well as in bitches. Because, considering that the pathogenesis and characteristics of feline pyometra is similar to bitches, studies on pyometra-affected bitches are taken as reference in studies and applications on queens. From this point of view, the aims of this study were to reveal the changes in complete blood count, blood gas, and serum biochemistry parameters in feline pyometra cases and to determine the correlation between the mentioned parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 25 female cats of different breeds were used, between the ages of 6 months and 7 years, 15 were diagnosed with pyometra, and 10 healthy. Anamnesis, clinical findings, and ultrasonographic examinations were used in the diagnosis of pyometra. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on queens brought to the clinic with complaints such as anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal tension, and fever. The control group (n =10) consisted of queens that were introduced to the clinic and were reproductively healthy. Before any treatment in queens with pyometra and the control group, 1 mL blood samples were taken from v. cephalica to evaluate complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemistry parameters. In complete WBC, Lym, Mon, Gra, RBC, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH and PLT parameters and, blood gas parameters such as pH, pCO2 , pO2 , sO2 , Na, K, Cl, lactate, glucose, HCO3 , and BE were also evaluated in taken blood samples. Biochemical parameters BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, amylase, T.BIL, D.BIL, P, CHOL, TG, LDH, TP, CPK, ALP, Ca, GGT were measured in serum samples. After examination and laboratory analysis, ovariohysterectomy was performed on queens as a treatment. Granulocyte, WBC, HCT and MCH levels of the pyometra group were higher (P < 0.05) and Lym levels were lower (P < 0.05) compared to the control group. According to these results, pH, HCO3 , and BE were lower (P < 0.05) in queens with pyometra than those in the control group, while Na and lactate parameters were higher (P < 0.05). According to the results of biochemical analysis, it was determined that BUN, creatinine levels, GGT, and LDH enzyme activities were found to be higher in the pyometra group compared to the control group, while the Ca level was found to be low (P < 0.05). A positive correlation was observed between BUN and creatinine and LDH, WBC, granulocyte, HCT, and lactate, and a negative correlation between lymphocytes, pH, and BE in the correlation analysis performed on queens with pyometra and control group. However, a positive correlation was observed between creatinine and LDH and HCT, and a negative correlation between lymphocyte, pH and BE. Discussion: There is not enough information about pyometra in queens. As a result, it was determined that there were significant changes in complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemical parameters in queens with pyometra in this study. These changes were generally thought to be related to dehydration and sepsis or endotoxemia. In addition, it was evaluated that prerenal azotemia occurring in pyometra affected queens may cause renal dysfunction. For this reason, it is thought that the results obtained in the presented study may contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of pyometra cases in queens.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Piometra/sangue , Piometra/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Gasometria/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e269571, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439660


Bloodstream infections are among the most serious and frequent infections, and the people most exposed are patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactate) are resistant bacteria to penicillins, cephalosporins and monobactams. It´s necessary to know how often and which microorganisms are involved, checking their susceptibility. This study was carried out at the University Hospital. Data collection was performed in the Adult and Newborn ICUs, with assessment of microorganisms and their resistance profile. During six-month period, 156 samples were studied, and 42 were positive with microorganism isolation. Isolated species include Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Many resistant to carbapenem.

ESBL in Positive Hemoculture of a Southern-Brazil Teaching Hospital's Intensive Care Units As infecções da corrente sanguínea estão entre as infecções mais graves e frequentes, e os indivíduos mais expostos são os pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). As ESBL (Beta-Lactamase de Espectro Estendido) são bactérias resistentes a penicilinas, cefalosporinas e monobactâmicos. Se faz necessário saber com que frequência e quais microrganismos estão envolvidos, verificando sua suscetibilidade. Este estudo foi realizado no Hospital Universitário. A coleta de dados foi realizada nas UTIs Adulto e Neonatal, com avaliação dos microrganismos e seu perfil de resistência. Durante o período de seis meses, foram estudadas 156 amostras, sendo 42 positivas com isolamento dos microrganismos. As espécies isoladas incluem Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis e Klebsiella pneumoniae. Muitos resistentes aos carbapenêmicos.

Animais , beta-Lactamases , Sepse , Hemocultura , Hospitais Veterinários , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220415, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434798


Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.

O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.

Animais , Gatos , Glicemia , Gatos/sangue , Hemócitos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 365-375, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436899


The present study aimed to assess the influence of physiological exposure to erythrocyte indices; the morphometric parameters of the size of erythrocytes, as well as synergistic effects on the erythrocyte spectrum changes in various species being reared in different strip-wasteland conditions. We collected samples from 400 animals from the jugular veins and made 2000 blood smears, sample blood was taken by an expert veterinary doctor and transferred into an EDTA vacutainer. Blood smears were stained through the Pappenheim procedure and slides were photomicrographed under 100x objective. The parameters of morphometry of erythrocytes were largest in cattle after buffalo, sheep, while goats have the lowest one. The influence of age was significant p<0.05. The influence of sex was not significant in Cattle p<0.01, values of a parameter of erythrocytes were higher in young than in adults in sheep, goats, cattle, and buffalo. The size of erythrocytes in males was higher than females in sheep, goat, and buffalo but in cattle values of female erythrocytes were higher than in males. Further, gender, altitude, and age have a profound influence on the morphometric attributes of erythrocytes. It will be helpful in interpreting etiopathogenetic conditions in human beings and other animals.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da exposição fisiológica nos índices eritrocitários; os parâmetros morfométricos do tamanho dos eritrócitos, bem como os efeitos sinérgicos sobre as alterações do espectro eritrocitário em várias espécies criadas em diferentes condições de terreno baldio. Coletamos amostras de 400 animais das veias jugulares e fizemos 2.000 esfregaços de sangue, a amostra de sangue foi colhida por um médico veterinário especialista e transferida para um vacutainer de EDTA. Esfregaços de sangue foram corados pelo procedimento de Pappenheim e as lâminas foram fotomicrografadas sob objetiva de 100x. Os parâmetros de morfometria dos eritrócitos foram maiores em bovinos após bubalinos, ovinos, enquanto os caprinos apresentaram os menores. A influência da idade foi significativa p<0,05. A influência do sexo não foi significativa em Bovinos p<0,01, os valores de um parâmetro de eritrócitos foram maiores em jovens do que em adultos em ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e bubalinos. O tamanho dos eritrócitos nos machos foi maior que nas fêmeas em ovinos, caprinos e búfalos, mas em bovinos os valores de eritrócitos femininos foram maiores do que nos machos. Além disso, sexo, altitude e idade têm uma profunda influência nos atributos morfométricos dos eritrócitos. Será útil na interpretação de condições etiopatogenéticas em seres humanos e outros animais.

Animais , Sexo , Eritrócitos , Altitude , Criação de Animais Domésticos
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 29: e20220088, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1440485


Abstract Background: Twenty-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) and Modified Lee and White (MLW) method are the most routinely employed bedside tests for detecting coagulopathic snake envenomation. Our study compared the diagnostic utility of MLW and 20WBCT for snakebite victims at a tertiary care hospital in Central Kerala, South India. Methods: This single-center study recruited 267 patients admitted with snake bites. 20WBCT and MLW were performed simultaneously at admission along with the measurement of Prothrombin Time (PT). The diagnostic utility of 20WBCT and MLW was determined by comparing the sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), positive and negative predictive values, likelihood ratios, and accuracy at admission with an INR value > 1.4. Results: Out of 267 patients, 20 (7.5%) patients had VICC. Amongst those who had venom-induced consumption coagulopathy (VICC), MLW was prolonged for 17 patients, (Sn 85% 95% confidence interval [CI]: 61.1-96.0) whereas 20WBCT was abnormal for 11 patients (Sn 55%, 95% CI: 32.04-76.17). MLW and 20WBCT were falsely positive for the same patient (Sp 99.6%, 95% CI: 97.4-99.9%). Conclusion: MLW is more sensitive than 20WBCT to detect coagulopathy at the bedside amongst snakebite victims. However, further studies are necessary for standardizing bedside coagulation tests in snakebite cases.

Tempo de Protrombina/métodos , Mordeduras de Serpentes/diagnóstico , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/diagnóstico , Fatores de Coagulação Sanguínea/análise
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(2): e2023014, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434781


Artificial light, as one of the environmental factors, plays a significant role in regulating the synthesis and secretion of hormones related to the coordination of parameters of life, growth, immunity, and reproductive functions of hens. The article aims to study the influence of monochrome light with different wavelengths on the biochemical parameters of hens` blood serum. Four groups of "Hy-Line W-36" crossbred hens were formed. Hens of the 1st group were kept using monochrome light with different wavelength lamps with a wavelength of ~ 460 nm, the 2nd group ~ 600 nm, the 3rd group ~ 630 nm, and the 4th group ~ 650 nm. It was found that the use of light with different wavelengths for keeping hens in cages of multilevel batteries affects hen' biochemical parameters, according to the research results. It was established that when using light with a wavelength of ~ 630 and ~ 650 nm, the indicators of clinical biochemistry of hens' blood serum were within the normal physiological values. Whereas, with the use of light with a wavelength of ~ 600 nm, an increase in the level of glucose, creatinine, total protein, total bilirubin, and phosphorus, a decrease in the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase, were observed in the hens' blood serum. The use of light with a wavelength of ~ 460 nm was accompanied by a further increase in the level of glucose, creatinine, total protein, urea, total bilirubin, phosphorus, the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase, a decrease in the ratio of calcium and phosphorus.

Animais , Bioquímica , Galinhas/sangue , Luz/efeitos adversos
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 71-78, jan.-mar. 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434509


A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é uma enfermidade silenciosa que pode afetar gatos e cães. Embora bastante descrita em felinos, a "Síndrome do Jaleco Branco", ou hipertensão situacional, é pouco relatada em cães. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do estresse na aferição da pressão arterial de cães adultos. O estudo foi realizado com 46 cães de ambos os sexos, dóceis, adultos, e aparentemente saudáveis. Após anamnese, exame físico, ambientação e manejo amigável dos animais, mensurou-se a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) pelo método Doppler no membro torácico. Foram feitas várias aferições para obtenção de média aritmética. Animais com até 160mmHg de PAS, na primeira aferição, foram considerados normotensos (36 cães, correspondente a 78,26%). Para os que tiveram PAS maior ou igual a 160mmHg (dez cães, equivalente a 21,74%), realizou-se um segundo momento de aferição, após 15 a 30 minutos, com os animais em repouso. Assim, seis desses cães apresentaram PAS entre 154mmHg e 200mmHg, sendo, então, um considerado pré-hipertenso e cinco hipertensos, e outros quatro considerados normotensos. Para o animal com pré-hipertensão e para os hipertensos, realizaram-se exames complementares, pelos quais quatro cães foram diagnosticados com doença renal crônica e dois com dislipidemia familiar dos Schnauzers. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que, dos 46 cães avaliados, 36 apresentaram-se normotensos (78,26%), um pré-hipertenso (2,17%), cinco hipertensos (10,87%) e quatro com hipertensão situacional (8,7%). Portanto, para cães em ambiente hospitalar, é importante realizar um manejo amigável e, quando necessário, mais de um momento de aferição de PAS para evitar diagnósticos errôneos de HAS.

Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is a silent disease that can affect cats and dogs. Although well described in felines, "white coat syndrome", or situational hypertension, is little reported in dogs. Thus, this paper aims to show the importance of stress in the measurement of blood pressure from adult dogs. The study was conducted with 46 dogs of both sexes, docile, adults, apparently healthy. After anamnesis, physical examination, ambiance, and friendly management of animals, systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured by the doppler method in the thoracic limb. Several measurements were made to obtain an arithmetic average. Animals up to 160mmHg of SBP, in the first measurement, were considered normotensive (36 dogs, corresponding to 78.26%). For those with SBP higher than or equal to 160mmHg (10 dogs, equivalent to 21.74%), a second measurement was performed after 15 to 30 minutes, with the animals at rest. Therefore, six of these dogs presented SBP between 154mmHg and 200mmHg (one considered prehypertense and five hypertensives) and four normotensives. For the animal with prehypertension and the hypertensives, complementary examinations were performed, in which four dogs were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and two with family dyslipidemia of the Schnauzers. Thus, it can be concluded that among the 46 dogs evaluated, there were 36 normotenses (78.26%), a one prehypertense (2.17%), five hypertensives (10.87%), and four with situational hypertension (8.7%). Therefore, regarding dogs in a hospital environment, it is important to perform friendly management and, when necessary, more than one moment of SBP measurement to avoid erroneous diagnoses of SAH.

Animais , Cães , Estresse Psicológico , Doenças do Cão , Pressão Arterial , Hipertensão/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220415, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430200


ABSTRACT: Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.

RESUMO: O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e264570, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417484


The constant intensification of aquaculture has considerable increased the stress levels of farmed fish and, consequently, the number and intensity of diseases outbreaks. Thus, studies on fish immune response, especially regarding the interaction of fish leukocytes with potential pathogens and xenobiotics are of great importance in order to develop new prophylactic and curative strategies. We isolated leukocytes from the head kidney of Astyanax lacustris­an important Neotropical fish species for aquaculture and a potential model for Neotropical aquaculture research­using a Percoll centrifugation protocol. The isolated leukocytes were incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the expression of genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, and LysG were measured. We assessed the phagocytotic activity of leukocytes using Congo red-dyed yeast, a novel and cost-effective protocol that has been developed in this study. The isolated leukocytes responded to LPS induction, exhibiting strong IL-1ß and IL-8 upregulation, two of the most important pro-inflammatory interleukins for vertebrates immune reponse. The optimal concentration of yeast for the phagocytic assay was 106 cells mL-1, resulting in acceptable phagocytic capacity (PC) but without excess of yeasts during the counting process, ensuring a high precision and accuracy of the method. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to investigate the in vitro gene expression and phagocytic activity of leukocytes isolated from A. lacustris. Our findings will serve as a reference for future studies on the immunology and toxicology of Neotropical fish.

A constante intensificação da aquicultura tem aumentado consideravelmente os níveis de estresse dos animais cultivados e, consequentemente, o número e a intensidade dos surtos de doenças. Logo, estudos sobre a resposta imune dos peixes, especialmente relacionados com a interação dos leucócitos de peixes com potenciais patógenos e xenobióticos, são de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias profiláticas e curativas. No presente trabalho, nós obtivemos sucesso ao isolar leucócitos oriundos do rim cranial de Astyanax lacustris ­ uma importante espécie de peixe Neotropical para a aquicultura e um modelo em potencial para pesquisas em aquicultura Neotropical ­ usando um protocolo de centrifugação com Percoll. Os leucócitos isolados foram incubados com lipossacarídeo (LPS) e, a expressão dos genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, e LysG foi avaliada. Ainda, um novo protocolo para avaliação da atividade fagocítica dos leucócitos utilizando leveduras coradas com Vermelho Congo foi estabelecido. Os leucócitos isolados responderam à indução com LPS, exibindo up regulation dos genes IL-1ß e IL-8, duas das interleucinas pró-inflamatórias mais importantes para a resposta imune de vertebrados. Além do mais, a concentração ótima de leveduras para a avaliação da fagocitose foi de 106 células mL-1, resultando em uma capacidade fagocítica (PC) aceitável, mas sem excesso de leveduras durante o processo de contagem, garantindo maior precisão e eficácia do método. Até o presente momento, o presente estudo é o primeiro a investigar a expressão gênica e atividade fagocítica de leucócitos isolados de A. lacustris através da abordagem in vitro. Ainda, nossos resultados servirão de referência para futuros estudos em imunologia e toxicologia de peixes Neotropicais.

Animais , Fagocitose/genética , Expressão Gênica , Interleucinas/análise , Characidae/sangue , Leucócitos , Aquicultura
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(2): e014622, 2023. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428782


Assessment of fish health is one of the efforts of farmers in minimizing losses due to disease. Rapid tests on fish health can be done through blood observations. This study aimed to determine the blood glucose profile of koi carp due to ectoparasite infestation from the level of blood glucose. The results showed that reported parasites from Blitar's koi carp were Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius, and Argulus. Trichodina showed the highest prevalence (100%) in this case while Thelohanellus was the highest intensity level (93.8±16.3). The results of blood glucose level measurement based on parasite infestation levels showed no significant difference (p>0.05) though the health problems caused by parasites in light, medium or heavy infestation. This research also indicated that the blood glucose profile could be used as a rapid method to detect fish health caused by parasites. We suggest that other variables such as nutritional status, life stage or feeding must be conducted to ensure the glucose role in parasite identification as a rapid method for the future work.(AU)

A avaliação da saúde dos peixes é um dos esforços dos produtores para minimizar as perdas por doenças. Testes rápidos de saúde de peixes podem ser feitos por meio de observações de sangue. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o perfil glicêmico de peixes "koi", devido à infestação de ectoparasitos a partir do nível de glicemia. Os resultados mostraram que os parasitas relatados de peixes "koi" de Blitar foram Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius e Argulus. Trichodina apresentou a maior prevalência (100%) neste caso, enquanto Thelohanellus foi o maior em nível de intensidade (93,8±16,3). Os resultados da medição do nível de glicose no sangue, com base nos níveis de infestação parasitária, não mostraram diferença significativa (p>0,05), apesar dos problemas de saúde causados ​​por parasitas em infestação leve, média ou pesada. Esta pesquisa também indicou que o perfil de glicose no sangue pode ser usado como um método rápido, para detectar a saúde dos peixes causada por parasitas. Este estudo também sugere que outras variáveis, como estado nutricional, estágio de vida ou alimentação, devem ser conduzidas para garantir o papel da glicose na identificação do parasita como um método rápido para trabalhos futuros.(AU)

Glicemia/análise , Carpas/fisiologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Indonésia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 894, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444632


Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America and the only representative of its genus. The scientific literature presents studies referring to the management and anaesthesia of the species but is scarce in case of emergency procedures, and to date, there are no reports of anaesthesia for emergency procedures in a neonatal maned wolf. Thus, this study aimed to report xenotransfusion and emergency anaesthesia for thoracic limb amputation in an approximately 8-days-old maned wolf pup. Case: A maned wolf pup, approximately 8-day-old, with a history of an accident with an agricultural machine, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná - Palotina Sector (HVP - UFPR) with a grade III open fracture of left radius and ulna. At the physical evaluation, bullous rales were observed in the right caudal lobe on pulmonary auscultation, hypoglycemia and severe dehydration, the latter being determined by the occurrence of enophthalmos, increased capillary refill time and skin turgor (3 s). The hemogram revealed regenerative hypochromic macrocytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, and the chest radiograph showed alveolar pattern opacification, associated with the presence of air bronchograms in the caudal lobes, more evident on the right side, suggestive of pulmonary contusion. Considering the laboratory alterations and the need for amputation of the thoracic limb, xenotransfusion was chosen before the anaesthetic procedure. The animal was pre-medicated with methadone 0.2 mg/kg and anaesthetic induction was performed with propofol titrated to effect, requiring 10 mg/kg. This was followed by endotracheal intubation and anaesthetic maintenance using the partial intravenous technique with an infusion of 5 µg/kg/h of remifentanil and Isoflurane vaporised through a non-rebreathing system in oxygen at 0.6. Anaesthetic monitoring included heart rate and electrocardiogram tracing, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, systemic blood pressure by the oscillometric method, and oesophageal body temperature. Although the blood tests after the transfusion showed an increase in hematocrit, changes suggestive of a delayed hemolytic reaction because of the transfusion were also noticed. Discussion: Preanesthetic stabilisation is critical, as anaesthesia of unstable patients may result in a higher risk of anaesthetic complications. Critically ill patients may present systemic imbalances that can trigger pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes of anaesthetics and analgesics. Neonates have several marked physiological differences, since some organs are still immature, have a high body volume of water, and present a reduced amount of total fat and concentrations of circulating proteins, making it necessary to adjust protocols and doses used for these patients. Blood transfusion between the same species is always the best option, though xenotransfusion becomes an option when there is no homologous donor available. However, it can present a great risk to life, as there is a lack of studies regarding the blood typing of the species and blood compatibility tests. We concluded that there was an increase in hematocrit after 24 h of xenotransfusion and, even with signs of delayed hemolytic reaction observed in the blood test, the patient did not show specific clinical signs of transfusion reaction. The pup was sensitive to methadone but required a high dose of propofol for anaesthetic induction. The use of methadone as a pre-anaesthetic agent and the infusion of remifentanil provided adequate analgesia based on the parameters evaluated.

Animais , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Canidae/fisiologia , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(1): 48-60, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416490


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of partial replacement (750g/kg) of Tifton hay by two cactus cladodes (Nopalea or Opuntia) on the metabolic profile of lambs. Thirty-six uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs (22.0±2.9kg initial body weight) were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three treatments and 12 repetitions. The animals were fed a control diet (Tifton hay as exclusive roughage), Miúda cactus cladodes-based diet or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (O.E.M.) cactus cladodes-based diet. Blood samples were collected one day before (baseline) and 45 days after the introduction of the tested diets. The Miúda cactus cladodes caused an increase (P=0.055) in the serum activity of the gamma-glutamyl transferase enzyme (53.66U/L) and in the blood content of glucose and fructosamine. The O.E.M. cactus cladodes caused lower (P=0.038) serum cholesterol content (41.33mg/dL). Regardless of the variety, there was a decrease (P=0.001) in the serum content of indirect bilirubin, urea, and sodium, and increase in the serum magnesium concentration. The partial replacement of the Tifton hay by Miúda or O.E.M. cactus cladodes in lamb feeding increases the enzyme activity, indicating liver and/or kidney changes, but does not cause relevant damage to energy, protein, and mineral metabolism.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da substituição parcial (750g/kg) do feno de Tifton por duas variedades de palma forrageira (Nopalea ou Opuntia) no perfil metabólico de cordeiros. Trinta e seis cordeiros Santa Inês, machos, não castrados (22,0 ± 2,9kg de peso corporal inicial), foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e 12 repetições. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta controle (feno de Tifton como volumoso exclusivo), dieta à base de palma forrageira Miúda ou dieta à base de palma forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas um dia antes (baseline) e 45 dias após a introdução das dietas testadas. A palma Miúda causou aumento (P=0,055) na atividade sérica da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase (53,66U/L) e no teor sanguíneo de glicose e frutosamina. A palma OEM causou menor teor (P=0,038) de colesterol sérico (41,33mg/dL). Independentemente da variedade, houve diminuição (P=0,001) do teor sérico de bilirrubina indireta, ureia e sódio, e aumento na concentração sérica de magnésio. A substituição parcial do feno de Tifton por palma Miúda ou por OEM na alimentação de cordeiros aumenta a atividade enzimática, o que indica alterações hepáticas e/ou renais, mas não causa danos relevantes nos metabolismos energético, proteico e mineral.

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Cactaceae/química , Ração Animal/análise , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Zona Semiárida
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468879


During this one year study, blood and fecal samples of doves (Zenaida asiatica), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), pigeons (Columba livia), partridges (Alectoris chukar), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and goose (Chen caerulescens) were collected to assess the parasitic prevalence in these birds. The birds were kept at Avian Conservation and Research Center, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. All these avian species were kept in separate cages and their entire body was inspected on regularly basis to record external parasites. For internal parasites, 100 blood and 100 fecal samples for each species were analyzed. During present study, two species of ectoparasites i.e. fowl ticks (Args persicus) and mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) while 17 species of endoparasites; three from blood and 14 from fecal samples were identified. Prevalence of blood parasites was Plasmodium juxtanucleare 29.3%, Aegyptinella pullorum 15% and Leucoctoyzoon simond 13%. Parasitic species recorded from fecal samples included 6 species of nematodes viz. Syngamus trachea with parasitic prevalence of 50%, Capillaria anatis 40%, Capillaria annulata 37.5%, Heterakis gallinarum 28.3%, Ascardia galli 24% and Allodpa suctoria 2%. Similarly, two species of trematodes viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus having parasitic prevalence of 12.1% and Prosthogonimus macrorchis 9.1% were also recorded from fecal samples of the birds. Single cestode species Raillietina echinobothrida having parasitic prevalence of 27% and 3 protozoan species i.e. Eimeria maxima having prevalence 20.1%, Histomonas meleagridis 8% and Giardia lamblia 5.3% were recorded. In our recommendation, proper medication and sanitation of the bird's houses and cages is recommended to avoid parasites.

Durante este estudo de um ano, amostras de sangue e fezes de pombos (Zenaida asiatica), patos (Anas platyrhynchos), pombos (Columba livia), perdizes (Alectoris chukar), perus (Meleagris gallopavo) e ganso (Chen caerulescens) foram coletados para avaliar a prevalência de parasitas nessas aves. As aves foram mantidas no Centro de Conservação e Pesquisa de Aves, Departamento de Vida Selvagem e Ecologia, Universidade de Veterinária e Ciências Animais, Lahore. Todas essas espécies de aves foram mantidas em gaiolas separadas e todo o seu corpo foi inspecionado regularmente para registrar parasitas externos. Para parasitas internos, foram analisadas 100 amostras de sangue e 100 amostras fecais de cada espécie. Durante o presente estudo, duas espécies de ectoparasitas, ou seja, carrapatos de aves (Args persicus) e ácaros (Dermanyssus gallinae), enquanto 17 espécies de endoparasitas, três de sangue e 14 de amostras fecais, foram identificadas. Os parasitas sanguíneos prevalentes foram Plasmodium juxtanucleare, 29,3%, Aegyptinella pullorum, 15%, e Leucoctoyzoon simond, 13%. As espécies parasitas registradas em amostras fecais incluíram 6 espécies de nematoides viz. Syngamus traqueia com prevalência parasitária de 50%, Capillaria anatis, 40%, Capillaria annulata, 37,5%, Heterakis gallinarum, 28,3%, Ascardia galli, 24% e Allodpa suctoria, 2%. Da mesma forma, duas espécies de trematódeos viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus com prevalência parasitária de 12,1% e Prosthogonimus macrorchis, 9,1%, também foram registrados nas amostras fecais das aves. Espécies de cestoide único Raillietina echinobothrida com prevalência parasitária de 27% e 3 espécies de protozoários, ou seja, Eimeria maxima tendo prevalência de 20,1%, Histomonas meleagridis, 8%, e Giardia lamblia, 5,3%, foram registradas. Em nossa recomendação, são indicados medicação adequada e saneamento das casas e gaiolas dos pássaros para evitar parasitas.

Animais , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Columbidae , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/sangue , Gansos , Perus
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765456


During this one year study, blood and fecal samples of doves (Zenaida asiatica), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), pigeons (Columba livia), partridges (Alectoris chukar), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and goose (Chen caerulescens) were collected to assess the parasitic prevalence in these birds. The birds were kept at Avian Conservation and Research Center, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. All these avian species were kept in separate cages and their entire body was inspected on regularly basis to record external parasites. For internal parasites, 100 blood and 100 fecal samples for each species were analyzed. During present study, two species of ectoparasites i.e. fowl ticks (Args persicus) and mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) while 17 species of endoparasites; three from blood and 14 from fecal samples were identified. Prevalence of blood parasites was Plasmodium juxtanucleare 29.3%, Aegyptinella pullorum 15% and Leucoctoyzoon simond 13%. Parasitic species recorded from fecal samples included 6 species of nematodes viz. Syngamus trachea with parasitic prevalence of 50%, Capillaria anatis 40%, Capillaria annulata 37.5%, Heterakis gallinarum 28.3%, Ascardia galli 24% and Allodpa suctoria 2%. Similarly, two species of trematodes viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus having parasitic prevalence of 12.1% and Prosthogonimus macrorchis 9.1% were also recorded from fecal samples of the birds. Single cestode species Raillietina echinobothrida having parasitic prevalence of 27% and 3 protozoan species i.e. Eimeria maxima having prevalence 20.1%, Histomonas meleagridis 8% and Giardia lamblia 5.3% were recorded. In our recommendation, proper medication and sanitation of the bird's houses and cages is recommended to avoid parasites.(AU)

Durante este estudo de um ano, amostras de sangue e fezes de pombos (Zenaida asiatica), patos (Anas platyrhynchos), pombos (Columba livia), perdizes (Alectoris chukar), perus (Meleagris gallopavo) e ganso (Chen caerulescens) foram coletados para avaliar a prevalência de parasitas nessas aves. As aves foram mantidas no Centro de Conservação e Pesquisa de Aves, Departamento de Vida Selvagem e Ecologia, Universidade de Veterinária e Ciências Animais, Lahore. Todas essas espécies de aves foram mantidas em gaiolas separadas e todo o seu corpo foi inspecionado regularmente para registrar parasitas externos. Para parasitas internos, foram analisadas 100 amostras de sangue e 100 amostras fecais de cada espécie. Durante o presente estudo, duas espécies de ectoparasitas, ou seja, carrapatos de aves (Args persicus) e ácaros (Dermanyssus gallinae), enquanto 17 espécies de endoparasitas, três de sangue e 14 de amostras fecais, foram identificadas. Os parasitas sanguíneos prevalentes foram Plasmodium juxtanucleare, 29,3%, Aegyptinella pullorum, 15%, e Leucoctoyzoon simond, 13%. As espécies parasitas registradas em amostras fecais incluíram 6 espécies de nematoides viz. Syngamus traqueia com prevalência parasitária de 50%, Capillaria anatis, 40%, Capillaria annulata, 37,5%, Heterakis gallinarum, 28,3%, Ascardia galli, 24% e Allodpa suctoria, 2%. Da mesma forma, duas espécies de trematódeos viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus com prevalência parasitária de 12,1% e Prosthogonimus macrorchis, 9,1%, também foram registrados nas amostras fecais das aves. Espécies de cestoide único Raillietina echinobothrida com prevalência parasitária de 27% e 3 espécies de protozoários, ou seja, Eimeria maxima tendo prevalência de 20,1%, Histomonas meleagridis, 8%, e Giardia lamblia, 5,3%, foram registradas. Em nossa recomendação, são indicados medicação adequada e saneamento das casas e gaiolas dos pássaros para evitar parasitas.(AU)

Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/sangue , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Columbidae , Perus , Gansos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 858, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434578


Background: In the routine care of non-human primates, ocular trauma is frequent, however, unlike the small animal clinic, the prevalence of corneal ulcers is not documented. Among the numerous therapeutic options available in dogs, blood serum is being increasingly used as an adjuvant treatment in these conditions, due to its tear-like properties. Based on this, the present study aims to describe a case of corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans) attacked by a porcupine, and the use of heterologous serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment. Case: A southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans), which had been attacked by porcupine quills, was treated at a University Veterinary Hospital. During the clinical examination, the presence of blepharospasm and secretion in the right eye was noticed. The ophthalmological examination, through the fluorescein test, detected the presence of an extensive superficial corneal ulcer in the right eye. After removing the spines, the corneal ulcer was treated with tobramycin-based eye drops, 1% atropine sulfate eye drops, and serum from equine blood in the form of eye drops, as an adjuvant therapy. After 5 days of treatment, the fluorescein test was repeated, which was negative in both eyes due to complete healing of the lesion, and thus the treatment was concluded. Discussion: The scarcity of scientific literature on wild animals is one of the factors responsible for the difficulty in advancing clinical and surgical procedures in non-human primates. Corneal ulcers are characterized by the loss of corneal epithelium with exposure of the stroma. The main clinical treatments adopted include antimicrobial therapy, analgesics, lubricating agents, and antiprotease drugs. Widely used as an adjuvant therapy in corneal ulcers in small animals, blood serum presents some advantages, as it is rich in growth factors, vitamins, immunoglobulins, and anti-collagenolytic substances, in addition to being obtained for a low cost. Considering the aforementioned, in the case reported, it was decided to use blood serum obtained from an equine as an adjuvant treatment of the corneal ulcer in a southern brown howler monkey. Complete healing of the corneal ulcer was confirmed in just five days, contributing to the well-being of this animal and contributing to the evolution of ophthalmology in this species that is still poorly studied.

Animais , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Antígenos Heterófilos/sangue , Alouatta/lesões , Ouriços , Cavalos/sangue
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 72-77, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426337


The endurance discipline has the shortest history in Bulgaria compared with other disciplines of equestrian sports. Endurance competitions are held over distances from 40 km to 160 km. The present study focused on the effect of exercise on horses over a distance of 120 km. Changes in the following hematological parameters were investigated:Leukocytes (WBC, g/l); Erythrocytes (RBC, T/l); Platelets (PLT, g/l); Hemoglobin (Hb, g/l); Hematocrit (HCT,%); Mean corpuscular volume(MCV, fl); Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH, pg); Mean cell hemoglobin concentration(MCHC, g/l), Leukogram (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lym; Mon,%) as well as some electrolytes and hormone concentration. The study aimed to establish the changes in these indicators' values before and after the competition. Analysis of the haemogram showed a significant increase in the mean values of 4 of the indicators under study. No significant differences were established in MCV, MCH and MCHC. A decrease was found in the number of Lym, Eos, and Mon and a significant increase in Neu after the competition. The concentration of electrolytes (Ca, Na and K) in the blood serum decreased, and the levels of CK and LDH significantly increased.(AU)

A disciplina de resistência tem a história maiscurta na Bulgária em comparação com outras disciplinas de esportes equestres. As competições de resistência são realizadas em distâncias de 40 km a 160 km. O presente estudo focou no efeito do exercício em cavalos em uma distância de 120 km. Foram investigadas alterações nos seguintes parâmetros hematológicos: Leucócitos (g/l); Eritrócitos (T/l); Plaquetas (g/l); Hemoglobina (g/l); Hematócrito (%); Volume corpuscular médio (VCM, fl); Hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM, pg); Concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média(CHCM, g/l), Leucograma (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lin; Mon,%), bem como alguns eletrólitos e concentração hormonal. O estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer as mudanças nos valores desses indicadores antes e depois da competição. A análise do hemograma mostrou um aumento significativo nos valores médios de 4 dos indicadores estudados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no VMC, HCM e CHCM. Foi encontrada uma diminuição no número de Lin, Eos e Mon e um aumento significativo em Neu após a competição. A concentração de eletrólitos (Ca, Na e K) no soro sanguíneo diminuiu e os níveis de Creatina Quinase (CK) e Lactato Desidrogenase (LDH) aumentaram significativamente.(AU)

Animais , Resistência Física/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Eletrólitos/efeitos adversos , Hematologia/métodos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 313-323, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434368


The aim of study was to determine the relationship between metabolic parameters, body weight and body growth of piglets at birth and weaning. The experiment included 80 piglets obtained from F1 generation sows. Body weight was measured at birth (BW0), 24h (BW1) after birth and on day 25 (at weaning, BW2). Blood sampling was performed at the beginning of life (3rd day after birth) and at weaning (21st day after birth). BW0 and BW1 positively correlated with cholesterol and negatively with urea values at the beginning of life and RBC values at weaning. BW2 positively correlates with albumin and cortisol values at the beginning of life, total proteins, and globulins at weaning, and negatively correlates with erythrocyte values at weaning. Piglet growth from birth to weaning (BWG2-0) correlates positively with total proteins, albumin, and cortisol at the beginning of life and total proteins at weaning. ROC analysis shows that MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL and AST at the beginning of life can distinguish fast-growing from slow-growing piglets from birth to weaning period. The use of blood parameters enables early recognition of growth rate in piglets, which can help to optimize all further steps to achieve the best possible growth.

O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a relação entre parâmetros metabólicos, peso corporal e crescimento corporal de leitões ao nascimento e desmame. A experiência incluiu 80 leitões obtidos de porcas da geração F1. O peso corporal foi medido ao nascimento (BW0), 24h (BW1) após o nascimento e no dia 25 (no desmame, BW2). A amostragem de sangue foi realizada no início da vida (3º dia após o nascimento) e no desmame (21º dia após o nascimento). BW0 e BW1 correlacionaram-se positivamente com o colesterol e negativamente com os valores de uréia no início da vida e com os valores de hemácias no desmame. BW2 correlaciona-se positivamente com os valores de albumina e cortisol no início da vida, proteínas totais e globulinas no desmame, e negativamente com os valores de eritrócitos no desmame. O crescimento do leitão desde o nascimento até o desmame (BWG2-0) se correlaciona positivamente com as proteínas totais, albumina e cortisol no início da vida e com as proteínas totais no desmame. A análise ROC mostra que MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL e AST no início da vida pode distinguir leitões de crescimento rápido de leitões de crescimento lento desde o nascimento até o desmame. O uso de parâmetros sanguíneos permite o reconhecimento precoce da taxa de crescimento em leitões, o que pode ajudar a otimizar todas as etapas posteriores para alcançar o melhor crescimento possível.

Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/sangue , Peso Corporal , Aumento de Peso
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469095


Abstract During this one year study, blood and fecal samples of doves (Zenaida asiatica), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), pigeons (Columba livia), partridges (Alectoris chukar), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and goose (Chen caerulescens) were collected to assess the parasitic prevalence in these birds. The birds were kept at Avian Conservation and Research Center, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. All these avian species were kept in separate cages and their entire body was inspected on regularly basis to record external parasites. For internal parasites, 100 blood and 100 fecal samples for each species were analyzed. During present study, two species of ectoparasites i.e. fowl ticks (Args persicus) and mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) while 17 species of endoparasites; three from blood and 14 from fecal samples were identified. Prevalence of blood parasites was Plasmodium juxtanucleare 29.3%, Aegyptinella pullorum 15% and Leucoctoyzoon simond 13%. Parasitic species recorded from fecal samples included 6 species of nematodes viz. Syngamus trachea with parasitic prevalence of 50%, Capillaria anatis 40%, Capillaria annulata 37.5%, Heterakis gallinarum 28.3%, Ascardia galli 24% and Allodpa suctoria 2%. Similarly, two species of trematodes viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus having parasitic prevalence of 12.1% and Prosthogonimus macrorchis 9.1% were also recorded from fecal samples of the birds. Single cestode species Raillietina echinobothrida having parasitic prevalence of 27% and 3 protozoan species i.e. Eimeria maxima having prevalence 20.1%, Histomonas meleagridis 8% and Giardia lamblia 5.3% were recorded. In our recommendation, proper medication and sanitation of the birds houses and cages is recommended to avoid parasites.

Resumo Durante este estudo de um ano, amostras de sangue e fezes de pombos (Zenaida asiatica), patos (Anas platyrhynchos), pombos (Columba livia), perdizes (Alectoris chukar), perus (Meleagris gallopavo) e ganso (Chen caerulescens) foram coletados para avaliar a prevalência de parasitas nessas aves. As aves foram mantidas no Centro de Conservação e Pesquisa de Aves, Departamento de Vida Selvagem e Ecologia, Universidade de Veterinária e Ciências Animais, Lahore. Todas essas espécies de aves foram mantidas em gaiolas separadas e todo o seu corpo foi inspecionado regularmente para registrar parasitas externos. Para parasitas internos, foram analisadas 100 amostras de sangue e 100 amostras fecais de cada espécie. Durante o presente estudo, duas espécies de ectoparasitas, ou seja, carrapatos de aves (Args persicus) e ácaros (Dermanyssus gallinae), enquanto 17 espécies de endoparasitas, três de sangue e 14 de amostras fecais, foram identificadas. Os parasitas sanguíneos prevalentes foram Plasmodium juxtanucleare, 29,3%, Aegyptinella pullorum, 15%, e Leucoctoyzoon simond, 13%. As espécies parasitas registradas em amostras fecais incluíram 6 espécies de nematoides viz. Syngamus traqueia com prevalência parasitária de 50%, Capillaria anatis, 40%, Capillaria annulata, 37,5%, Heterakis gallinarum, 28,3%, Ascardia galli, 24% e Allodpa suctoria, 2%. Da mesma forma, duas espécies de trematódeos viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus com prevalência parasitária de 12,1% e Prosthogonimus macrorchis, 9,1%, também foram registrados nas amostras fecais das aves. Espécies de cestoide único Raillietina echinobothrida com prevalência parasitária de 27% e 3 espécies de protozoários, ou seja, Eimeria maxima tendo prevalência de 20,1%, Histomonas meleagridis, 8%, e Giardia lamblia, 5,3%, foram registradas. Em nossa recomendação, são indicados medicação adequada e saneamento das casas e gaiolas dos pássaros para evitar parasitas.

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428473


O jejum pré-anestésico de cães é de suma importância, pois com ele podem ser evitados problemas antes, durante e após o procedimento cirúrgico. Como o animal encontra-se em uma posição jacente, o jejum inadequado pode ocasionar refluxo, que pode levar a uma broncoaspiração e esofagite, causando complicações pós-cirúrgicas, como: apatia, pneumonia, regurgitação, êmese, disfagia e emagrecimento. Um dos carboidratos fundamentais no jejum é a glicose, que tem como função básica o fornecimento de energia. Para que o procedimento aconteça de forma equilibrada, a mensuração da concentração de glicose é indispensável, pois a identificação de um animal hiperglicêmico ou hipoglicêmico possibilita o diagnóstico precoce de inúmeras morbidades, além de atuar diretamente na terapêutica. O ideal é que o cão esteja com os níveis glicêmicos adequados (60 a 120 mg/dL), dessa forma, evita-se a ocorrência de adversidades.(AU)

Pre-anesthetic fasting of dogs is of paramount importance, because with it it is possible the avoidance of some problems before, during and after the surgery procedure. Since the animal is in a recumbent position, inadequate fasting can cause reflux, which can lead to bronchoaspiration and esophagitis, causing post-surgical complications, such as: apathy, pneumonia, regurgitation, emesis, dysphagia and slimming. One of the fundamental carbohydrates in fasting is glucose, because its basic function is to provide energy. For the procedure to happen in a balanced way, the measurement of glucose concentration is essential, since identifying a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic animal helps the early diagnosis of numerous morbidities, in addition to acting directly in the therapy. The ideal is that the dog has adequate glycemic levels (60 to 120 mg/dL), thus avoiding possible adversities.(AU)

Animais , Glicemia/análise , Cães/fisiologia , Anestesia/veterinária , Jejum/fisiologia , Esofagite/diagnóstico