Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.
O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.
Animais , Gatos , Glicemia , Gatos/sangue , HemócitosResumo
Abstract Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease throughout the world in which there is persistently high blood glucose level from the normal range. The diabetes and insulin resistance are mainly responsible for the morbidities and mortalities of humans in the world. This disease is mainly regulated by various enzymes and hormones among which Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a principle enzyme and insulin is the key hormone regulating it. The GSK-3, that is the key enzyme is normally showing its actions by various mechanisms that include its phosphorylation, formation of protein complexes, and other cellular distribution and thus it control and directly affects cellular morphology, its growth, mobility and apoptosis of the cell. Disturbances in the action of GSK-3 enzyme may leads to various disease conditions that include insulin resistance leading to diabetes, neurological disease like Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Fluoroquinolones are the most common class of drugs that shows dysglycemic effects via interacting with GSK-3 enzyme. Therefore, it is the need of the day to properly understand functions and mechanisms of GSK-3, especially its role in glucose homeostasis via effects on glycogen synthase.
Resumo O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença não transmissível em todo o mundo, na qual existe nível glicêmico persistentemente alto em relação à normalidade. O diabetes e a resistência à insulina são os principais responsáveis pelas morbidades e mortalidades de humanos no mundo. Essa doença é regulada principalmente por várias enzimas e hormônios, entre os quais a glicogênio sintase quinase-3 (GSK-3) é uma enzima principal e a insulina é o principal hormônio que a regula. A GSK-3, que é a enzima-chave, normalmente mostra suas ações por vários mecanismos que incluem sua fosforilação, formação de complexos de proteínas e outras distribuições celulares e, portanto, controla e afeta diretamente a morfologia celular, seu crescimento, mobilidade e apoptose do célula. Perturbações na ação da enzima GSK-3 podem levar a várias condições de doença que incluem resistência à insulina que leva ao diabetes, doenças neurológicas como a doença de Alzheimer e câncer. As fluoroquinolonas são a classe mais comum de drogas que apresentam efeitos disglicêmicos por meio da interação com a enzima GSK-3. Portanto, é necessário hoje em dia compreender adequadamente as funções e mecanismos da GSK-3, principalmente seu papel na homeostase da glicose via efeitos na glicogênio sintase.
Humanos , Resistência à Insulina , Diabetes Mellitus , Quinase 3 da Glicogênio Sintase , Glucose , HomeostaseResumo
Assessment of fish health is one of the efforts of farmers in minimizing losses due to disease. Rapid tests on fish health can be done through blood observations. This study aimed to determine the blood glucose profile of koi carp due to ectoparasite infestation from the level of blood glucose. The results showed that reported parasites from Blitar's koi carp were Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius, and Argulus. Trichodina showed the highest prevalence (100%) in this case while Thelohanellus was the highest intensity level (93.8±16.3). The results of blood glucose level measurement based on parasite infestation levels showed no significant difference (p>0.05) though the health problems caused by parasites in light, medium or heavy infestation. This research also indicated that the blood glucose profile could be used as a rapid method to detect fish health caused by parasites. We suggest that other variables such as nutritional status, life stage or feeding must be conducted to ensure the glucose role in parasite identification as a rapid method for the future work.(AU)
A avaliação da saúde dos peixes é um dos esforços dos produtores para minimizar as perdas por doenças. Testes rápidos de saúde de peixes podem ser feitos por meio de observações de sangue. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o perfil glicêmico de peixes "koi", devido à infestação de ectoparasitos a partir do nível de glicemia. Os resultados mostraram que os parasitas relatados de peixes "koi" de Blitar foram Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius e Argulus. Trichodina apresentou a maior prevalência (100%) neste caso, enquanto Thelohanellus foi o maior em nível de intensidade (93,8±16,3). Os resultados da medição do nível de glicose no sangue, com base nos níveis de infestação parasitária, não mostraram diferença significativa (p>0,05), apesar dos problemas de saúde causados ââpor parasitas em infestação leve, média ou pesada. Esta pesquisa também indicou que o perfil de glicose no sangue pode ser usado como um método rápido, para detectar a saúde dos peixes causada por parasitas. Este estudo também sugere que outras variáveis, como estado nutricional, estágio de vida ou alimentação, devem ser conduzidas para garantir o papel da glicose na identificação do parasita como um método rápido para trabalhos futuros.(AU)
Glicemia/análise , Carpas/fisiologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , IndonésiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.
RESUMO: O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.
O jejum pré-anestésico de cães é de suma importância, pois com ele podem ser evitados problemas antes, durante e após o procedimento cirúrgico. Como o animal encontra-se em uma posição jacente, o jejum inadequado pode ocasionar refluxo, que pode levar a uma broncoaspiração e esofagite, causando complicações pós-cirúrgicas, como: apatia, pneumonia, regurgitação, êmese, disfagia e emagrecimento. Um dos carboidratos fundamentais no jejum é a glicose, que tem como função básica o fornecimento de energia. Para que o procedimento aconteça de forma equilibrada, a mensuração da concentração de glicose é indispensável, pois a identificação de um animal hiperglicêmico ou hipoglicêmico possibilita o diagnóstico precoce de inúmeras morbidades, além de atuar diretamente na terapêutica. O ideal é que o cão esteja com os níveis glicêmicos adequados (60 a 120 mg/dL), dessa forma, evita-se a ocorrência de adversidades.(AU)
Pre-anesthetic fasting of dogs is of paramount importance, because with it it is possible the avoidance of some problems before, during and after the surgery procedure. Since the animal is in a recumbent position, inadequate fasting can cause reflux, which can lead to bronchoaspiration and esophagitis, causing post-surgical complications, such as: apathy, pneumonia, regurgitation, emesis, dysphagia and slimming. One of the fundamental carbohydrates in fasting is glucose, because its basic function is to provide energy. For the procedure to happen in a balanced way, the measurement of glucose concentration is essential, since identifying a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic animal helps the early diagnosis of numerous morbidities, in addition to acting directly in the therapy. The ideal is that the dog has adequate glycemic levels (60 to 120 mg/dL), thus avoiding possible adversities.(AU)
Animais , Glicemia/análise , Cães/fisiologia , Anestesia/veterinária , Jejum/fisiologia , Esofagite/diagnósticoResumo
Artificial light, as one of the environmental factors, plays a significant role in regulating the synthesis and secretion of hormones related to the coordination of parameters of life, growth, immunity, and reproductive functions of hens. The article aims to study the influence of monochrome light with different wavelengths on the biochemical parameters of hens` blood serum. Four groups of "Hy-Line W-36" crossbred hens were formed. Hens of the 1st group were kept using monochrome light with different wavelength lamps with a wavelength of ~ 460 nm, the 2nd group ~ 600 nm, the 3rd group ~ 630 nm, and the 4th group ~ 650 nm. It was found that the use of light with different wavelengths for keeping hens in cages of multilevel batteries affects hen' biochemical parameters, according to the research results. It was established that when using light with a wavelength of ~ 630 and ~ 650 nm, the indicators of clinical biochemistry of hens' blood serum were within the normal physiological values. Whereas, with the use of light with a wavelength of ~ 600 nm, an increase in the level of glucose, creatinine, total protein, total bilirubin, and phosphorus, a decrease in the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase, were observed in the hens' blood serum. The use of light with a wavelength of ~ 460 nm was accompanied by a further increase in the level of glucose, creatinine, total protein, urea, total bilirubin, phosphorus, the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase, a decrease in the ratio of calcium and phosphorus.
Animais , Bioquímica , Galinhas/sangue , Luz/efeitos adversosResumo
We compared the effect of the treatment with strength training (ST) and raloxifene (RALOX) on bone weight, blood glucose, lipid, and antioxidant profile in ovariectomized rats. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into four groups: ovariectomy + VEHICLE (control); ovariectomy + RALOX; ovariectomy + ST; ovariectomy + RALOX + ST. Thirty days after ovariectomy, the animals underwent the treatment with RALOX (750 µcg day-1) and/or ST (three sessions week-1). Thirty days after, all groups were scarified, tibia and femur were weighed, and the blood was collected for analysis of the lipid profile, glucose, and antioxidants catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH). The ST group showed greater femur weight (0.82 ± 0.18 g) and RALOX + ST had greater tibia weight (0.61± 0.17 g) than CONTROL with femur weight of 0.65 ± 0.08 g and tibia of 0.49 ± 0.08 g with no differences between treatments (p > 0.05). ST group showed significantly higher catalase (181.7 ± 15.4 µM g-1) compared to the other groups. In contrast, the GSH value was lower in ST group (89.2 ± 8.1 µM g-1) compared to RALOX (175.9 ± 17.1 µM g-1) and RALOX + ST (162.8 ± 12.1 µM g-1), but the values of these two groups did not differ from CONTROL(115.3 ± 21.1 µM g-1). Total cholesterol did not differ between groups (p > 0.05), but exercise alone(54.3 ± 2.5 mg dL-1) or with RALOX (53.0 ± 1.5 mg dL-1) resulted in higher HDL cholesterol than CONTROL (45.5 ± 2.5 mg dL-1). Only RALOX+ST presented lower glucose (140.3 ± 9.7 mg dL-1) values than CONTROL (201.7 ± 30.6 mg dL-1). In conclusion, ST promotes similar benefits on bone and metabolic parameters compared to pharmacological treatment in ovariectomized rats.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos Wistar/fisiologia , Cloridrato de Raloxifeno/efeitos adversos , Treinamento Resistido/efeitos adversos , Glicemia/análise , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , AntioxidantesResumo
Abstract Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease throughout the world in which there is persistently high blood glucose level from the normal range. The diabetes and insulin resistance are mainly responsible for the morbidities and mortalities of humans in the world. This disease is mainly regulated by various enzymes and hormones among which Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a principle enzyme and insulin is the key hormone regulating it. The GSK-3, that is the key enzyme is normally showing its actions by various mechanisms that include its phosphorylation, formation of protein complexes, and other cellular distribution and thus it control and directly affects cellular morphology, its growth, mobility and apoptosis of the cell. Disturbances in the action of GSK-3 enzyme may leads to various disease conditions that include insulin resistance leading to diabetes, neurological disease like Alzheimers disease and cancer. Fluoroquinolones are the most common class of drugs that shows dysglycemic effects via interacting with GSK-3 enzyme. Therefore, it is the need of the day to properly understand functions and mechanisms of GSK-3, especially its role in glucose homeostasis via effects on glycogen synthase.
Resumo O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença não transmissível em todo o mundo, na qual existe nível glicêmico persistentemente alto em relação à normalidade. O diabetes e a resistência à insulina são os principais responsáveis pelas morbidades e mortalidades de humanos no mundo. Essa doença é regulada principalmente por várias enzimas e hormônios, entre os quais a glicogênio sintase quinase-3 (GSK-3) é uma enzima principal e a insulina é o principal hormônio que a regula. A GSK-3, que é a enzima-chave, normalmente mostra suas ações por vários mecanismos que incluem sua fosforilação, formação de complexos de proteínas e outras distribuições celulares e, portanto, controla e afeta diretamente a morfologia celular, seu crescimento, mobilidade e apoptose do célula. Perturbações na ação da enzima GSK-3 podem levar a várias condições de doença que incluem resistência à insulina que leva ao diabetes, doenças neurológicas como a doença de Alzheimer e câncer. As fluoroquinolonas são a classe mais comum de drogas que apresentam efeitos disglicêmicos por meio da interação com a enzima GSK-3. Portanto, é necessário hoje em dia compreender adequadamente as funções e mecanismos da GSK-3, principalmente seu papel na homeostase da glicose via efeitos na glicogênio sintase.
Background: Pyometra is a bacterial and hormone-induced reproductive disease that occurs in the post-estrus luteal phase in intact queens. Pyometra is more common in the diestrus period due to the high progesterone concentration (in queens that mated, spontaneously ovulated, or were induced to ovulate). However, it can also be seen due to the use of exogenous hormones such as progesterone for the suppression of estrus. More research is needed in cases of pyometra in queens, as well as in bitches. Because, considering that the pathogenesis and characteristics of feline pyometra is similar to bitches, studies on pyometra-affected bitches are taken as reference in studies and applications on queens. From this point of view, the aims of this study were to reveal the changes in complete blood count, blood gas, and serum biochemistry parameters in feline pyometra cases and to determine the correlation between the mentioned parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 25 female cats of different breeds were used, between the ages of 6 months and 7 years, 15 were diagnosed with pyometra, and 10 healthy. Anamnesis, clinical findings, and ultrasonographic examinations were used in the diagnosis of pyometra. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on queens brought to the clinic with complaints such as anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal tension, and fever. The control group (n =10) consisted of queens that were introduced to the clinic and were reproductively healthy. Before any treatment in queens with pyometra and the control group, 1 mL blood samples were taken from v. cephalica to evaluate complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemistry parameters. In complete WBC, Lym, Mon, Gra, RBC, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH and PLT parameters and, blood gas parameters such as pH, pCO2 , pO2 , sO2 , Na, K, Cl, lactate, glucose, HCO3 , and BE were also evaluated in taken blood samples. Biochemical parameters BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, amylase, T.BIL, D.BIL, P, CHOL, TG, LDH, TP, CPK, ALP, Ca, GGT were measured in serum samples. After examination and laboratory analysis, ovariohysterectomy was performed on queens as a treatment. Granulocyte, WBC, HCT and MCH levels of the pyometra group were higher (P < 0.05) and Lym levels were lower (P < 0.05) compared to the control group. According to these results, pH, HCO3 , and BE were lower (P < 0.05) in queens with pyometra than those in the control group, while Na and lactate parameters were higher (P < 0.05). According to the results of biochemical analysis, it was determined that BUN, creatinine levels, GGT, and LDH enzyme activities were found to be higher in the pyometra group compared to the control group, while the Ca level was found to be low (P < 0.05). A positive correlation was observed between BUN and creatinine and LDH, WBC, granulocyte, HCT, and lactate, and a negative correlation between lymphocytes, pH, and BE in the correlation analysis performed on queens with pyometra and control group. However, a positive correlation was observed between creatinine and LDH and HCT, and a negative correlation between lymphocyte, pH and BE. Discussion: There is not enough information about pyometra in queens. As a result, it was determined that there were significant changes in complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemical parameters in queens with pyometra in this study. These changes were generally thought to be related to dehydration and sepsis or endotoxemia. In addition, it was evaluated that prerenal azotemia occurring in pyometra affected queens may cause renal dysfunction. For this reason, it is thought that the results obtained in the presented study may contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of pyometra cases in queens.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Piometra/sangue , Piometra/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Gasometria/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemic effects of whole kumquat (Ku) powder in diabetic rats fed a high-fat-high-cholesterol (HFHC) diet. The antioxidant activities were evaluated using stable 1,1-diphenyl 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method, 2,2´-azinobis (3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical cation (ABTS) and Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Total phenolic content was (51.85 mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid content was (0.24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE/g). DPPH and ABTS values were 3.32 and 3.98 mg Trolox equivalent (TE)/g where FRAP value was 3.00 mM Fe2+/kg dry material. A total of 90 albino rats were used in the present study. Rats group were as follows: normal diet; normal treated (2, 4, and 6% Ku.), diabetic rats (non-treated), diabetic + HFHC diet (non-treated), HFHC (non-treated), Diabetic (treated), HFHC (treated) and Diabetic + HFHC (treated). The diets were followed for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment. Serum glucose was recorded and thyroid hormones (T4, Thyroxine and T3, Triiodothyronine) were conducted. Diet supplemented with Kumquat at different concentrations have a hypoglycemic effect and improve the thyroid hormones of both diabetic rats and HFHC diabetic rats.
Resumo O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a composição química, a atividade antioxidante e os efeitos hipoglicêmicos do pó de kumquat (Ku) em ratos diabéticos alimentados com uma dieta rica em gordura e colesterol (HFHC). As atividades antioxidantes foram avaliadas usando o método de eliminação de radicais livres de 1,1-difenil 2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), 2,2'-azinobis (ácido 3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfônico) radical cátion (ABTS) e antioxidante redutor férrico potência (FRAP). O conteúdo fenólico total foi (51,85 mg GAE / g) e o conteúdo total de flavonoides foi (0,24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE / g). Os valores de DPPH e ABTS foram 3,32 e 3,98 mg equivalente de Trolox (TE) / g, em que o valor de FRAP foi de 3,00 mM Fe2 + / kg de material seco. Um total de 90 ratos albinos foi usado no presente estudo. O grupo dos ratos foi o seguinte: dieta normal: tratados normais (2, 4 e 6% Ku.), ratos diabéticos (não tratados), diabéticos + dieta HFHC (não tratados), HFHC (não tratados), diabéticos (tratados), HFHC (tratados) e diabéticos + HFHC (tratados). As dietas foram seguidas por 8 semanas. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas ao final do experimento. A glicose sérica foi registrada e os hormônios tireoidianos (T4, Tiroxina e T3, Triiodotironina) foram conduzidos. A dieta suplementada com kumquat em diferentes concentrações tem um efeito hipoglicêmico e melhora os hormônios tireoidianos tanto de ratos diabéticos quanto de ratos diabéticos com HFHC.
Animais , Ratos , Rutaceae , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/tratamento farmacológico , Pós , Hormônios Tireóideos , Glicemia , FrutasResumo
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease throughout the world in which there is persistently high blood glucose level from the normal range. The diabetes and insulin resistance are mainly responsible for the morbidities and mortalities of humans in the world. This disease is mainly regulated by various enzymes and hormones among which Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a principle enzyme and insulin is the key hormone regulating it. The GSK-3, that is the key enzyme is normally showing its actions by various mechanisms that include its phosphorylation, formation of protein complexes, and other cellular distribution and thus it control and directly affects cellular morphology, its growth, mobility and apoptosis of the cell. Disturbances in the action of GSK-3 enzyme may leads to various disease conditions that include insulin resistance leading to diabetes, neurological disease like Alzheimers disease and cancer. Fluoroquinolones are the most common class of drugs that shows dysglycemic effects via interacting with GSK-3 enzyme. Therefore, it is the need of the day to properly understand functions and mechanisms of GSK-3, especially its role in glucose homeostasis via effects on glycogen synthase.
O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença não transmissível em todo o mundo, na qual existe nível glicêmico persistentemente alto em relação à normalidade. O diabetes e a resistência à insulina são os principais responsáveis pelas morbidades e mortalidades de humanos no mundo. Essa doença é regulada principalmente por várias enzimas e hormônios, entre os quais a glicogênio sintase quinase-3 (GSK-3) é uma enzima principal e a insulina é o principal hormônio que a regula. A GSK-3, que é a enzima-chave, normalmente mostra suas ações por vários mecanismos que incluem sua fosforilação, formação de complexos de proteínas e outras distribuições celulares e, portanto, controla e afeta diretamente a morfologia celular, seu crescimento, mobilidade e apoptose do célula. Perturbações na ação da enzima GSK-3 podem levar a várias condições de doença que incluem resistência à insulina que leva ao diabetes, doenças neurológicas como a doença de Alzheimer e câncer. As fluoroquinolonas são a classe mais comum de drogas que apresentam efeitos disglicêmicos por meio da interação com a enzima GSK-3. Portanto, é necessário hoje em dia compreender adequadamente as funções e mecanismos da GSK-3, principalmente seu papel na homeostase da glicose via efeitos na glicogênio sintase.
Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus/enzimologia , Fluoroquinolonas/análise , /análiseResumo
Pregnancy toxemia has a high mortality rate and few cases with effective treatment are reported, especially when associated with secondary diseases. Therefore, the present work reports the case of a sheep, which was referred to the veterinary hospital of UFMG, in the last month of pregnancy, presenting apathy, hyporexia and sternal recumbency. After the diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia, the fetuses were removed while still alive, but did not survive. Monitoring was started with blood gas analysis, blood glucose assessments and laboratory tests. The results were consistent with liver damage, which was justified by the condition of lipolysis. Treatment consisted of electrolyte replacement plus 50% glucose and potassium chloride, along with administration of antibiotics (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 days), flunixim meglumine (2.2mg/kg/SID/IM first day and 1.1mg/kg/SID/IM on the second and third days) and omeprazole (4mg/kg/SID/oral). The patient had secondarily clinical laminitis, which was treated with cryotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition to mastitis, using a single dose of intramammary antibiotics. The work demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment of pregnancy toxemia, when performed early and intensively, associated with daily clinical and laboratory monitoring of the animal.
A toxemia da prenhez possui alto índice de mortalidade, e poucos casos com tratamento eficaz são relatados, principalmente quando associados a doenças secundárias. Diante disso, o presente trabalho relata o caso de uma ovelha, que foi encaminhada ao hospital veterinário da UFMG, no último mês de gestação, apresentando apatia, hiporexia e decúbito esternal. Após o diagnóstico de toxemia da prenhez, os fetos foram retirados ainda vivos, porém não sobreviveram. Iniciou-se um monitoramento com análises hemogasométricas, avaliações de glicemia e exames laboratoriais. Os resultados foram condizentes com lesão hepática, a qual foi justificada pelo quadro de lipólise. O tratamento consistiu em reposição hidroeletrolítica associada à glicose 50% e a cloreto de potássio, juntamente com administração de antibióticos (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 dias), flunixim meglumine (2,2mg/kg/SID/IM no primeiro dia e 1,1mg/kg/SID/IM no segundo e terceiro dias) e omeprazol (4mg/kg/SID/oral). A paciente apresentou secundariamente laminite clínica, a qual foi tratada com crioterapia e antinflamatórios, além de um quadro de mastite, sendo utilizado antibiótico intramamário em dose única. O trabalho demonstrou a eficácia do tratamento da toxemia da prenhez, quando realizado de forma precoce e intensiva, associado a um monitoramento clínico e laboratorial diário do animal.
Animais , Toxemia/veterinária , Prenhez , OvinosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of partial replacement (750g/kg) of Tifton hay by two cactus cladodes (Nopalea or Opuntia) on the metabolic profile of lambs. Thirty-six uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs (22.0±2.9kg initial body weight) were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three treatments and 12 repetitions. The animals were fed a control diet (Tifton hay as exclusive roughage), Miúda cactus cladodes-based diet or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (O.E.M.) cactus cladodes-based diet. Blood samples were collected one day before (baseline) and 45 days after the introduction of the tested diets. The Miúda cactus cladodes caused an increase (P=0.055) in the serum activity of the gamma-glutamyl transferase enzyme (53.66U/L) and in the blood content of glucose and fructosamine. The O.E.M. cactus cladodes caused lower (P=0.038) serum cholesterol content (41.33mg/dL). Regardless of the variety, there was a decrease (P=0.001) in the serum content of indirect bilirubin, urea, and sodium, and increase in the serum magnesium concentration. The partial replacement of the Tifton hay by Miúda or O.E.M. cactus cladodes in lamb feeding increases the enzyme activity, indicating liver and/or kidney changes, but does not cause relevant damage to energy, protein, and mineral metabolism.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da substituição parcial (750g/kg) do feno de Tifton por duas variedades de palma forrageira (Nopalea ou Opuntia) no perfil metabólico de cordeiros. Trinta e seis cordeiros Santa Inês, machos, não castrados (22,0 ± 2,9kg de peso corporal inicial), foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e 12 repetições. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta controle (feno de Tifton como volumoso exclusivo), dieta à base de palma forrageira Miúda ou dieta à base de palma forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas um dia antes (baseline) e 45 dias após a introdução das dietas testadas. A palma Miúda causou aumento (P=0,055) na atividade sérica da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase (53,66U/L) e no teor sanguíneo de glicose e frutosamina. A palma OEM causou menor teor (P=0,038) de colesterol sérico (41,33mg/dL). Independentemente da variedade, houve diminuição (P=0,001) do teor sérico de bilirrubina indireta, ureia e sódio, e aumento na concentração sérica de magnésio. A substituição parcial do feno de Tifton por palma Miúda ou por OEM na alimentação de cordeiros aumenta a atividade enzimática, o que indica alterações hepáticas e/ou renais, mas não causa danos relevantes nos metabolismos energético, proteico e mineral.
Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Cactaceae/química , Ração Animal/análise , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Zona SemiáridaResumo
Background: Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle result in significant economic losses due to reproductive performance deficiencies caused by gastrointestinal, respiratory system infections, and transplacental infections. BVDV is one of the most important and widespread pathogens in cattle worldwide, including Turkey. Methods such as virus neutralization, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are used for the detection of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease in its subclinical form is challenging due to the lengthy and costly procedures involved. Investigating oxidative stress parameters in ruminants with various diseases contributes significantly to diagnosis and prognosis. This study aimed to investigate some oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in cattle infected with BVDV. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, blood samples were collected from 80 Simmental breed cows aged between approximately 4 and 8 years to determine the presence of BVDV antibodies using the ELISA method. Based on the results obtained, study groups were organized. The study included a group of 10 animals with positive antibody levels as the infected group, and a group of 10 animals with negative antibody levels as the healthy group. Blood samples were taken from the animals, and serum separation was ensured. In the obtained serum samples, levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-Carotene, catalase, GSH-Px, and MDA were determined using spectrophotometric methods. In addition, serum total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) were measured using commercial test kits and an autoanalyzer. In the study, it was observed that the differences in serum MDA, vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, and catalase levels were statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). The activity of GSH-Px was also found to be statistically different between the groups (P < 0.01). Among the biochemical parameters, HDL, LDL, and AST levels were found to be statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). Additionally, ALP and glucose levels were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). However, although there were differences in the levels of total protein, albumin, Ca, and P between the groups, these results were not statistically significant. Discussion: Although the diagnosis of the disease was partially made based on clinical observations in BVDV infections, the ELISA method was used for accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant difference in MDA concentration between the healthy and infected groups, indicating oxidative damage caused by the virus. Similarly, significant differences in vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, GSH-Px, and catalase levels were observed between the groups, indicating a decrease in antioxidant values due to the infection. In addition, differences in ALP, AST, glucose, LDL, and HDL levels were found between the groups. This difference is thought to be related to the effects of the disease agent on the liver and systemically. This study demonstrates that, in addition to the viral pathogen, antioxidant and biochemical values are important criteria in the detection of the disease.
Animais , Bovinos , Doença das Mucosas por Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/fisiopatologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/isolamento & purificação , Estresse Oxidativo , Malondialdeído/administração & dosagem , Análise Química do Sangue/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemic effects of whole kumquat (Ku) powder in diabetic rats fed a high-fat-high-cholesterol (HFHC) diet. The antioxidant activities were evaluated using stable 1,1-diphenyl 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method, 2,2´-azinobis (3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical cation (ABTS) and Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Total phenolic content was (51.85 mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid content was (0.24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE/g). DPPH and ABTS values were 3.32 and 3.98 mg Trolox equivalent (TE)/g where FRAP value was 3.00 mM Fe2+/kg dry material. A total of 90 albino rats were used in the present study. Rats group were as follows: normal diet; normal treated (2, 4, and 6% Ku.), diabetic rats (non-treated), diabetic + HFHC diet (non-treated), HFHC (non-treated), Diabetic (treated), HFHC (treated) and Diabetic + HFHC (treated). The diets were followed for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment. Serum glucose was recorded and thyroid hormones (T4, Thyroxine and T3, Triiodothyronine) were conducted. Diet supplemented with Kumquat at different concentrations have a hypoglycemic effect and improve the thyroid hormones of both diabetic rats and HFHC diabetic rats.
Resumo O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a composição química, a atividade antioxidante e os efeitos hipoglicêmicos do pó de kumquat (Ku) em ratos diabéticos alimentados com uma dieta rica em gordura e colesterol (HFHC). As atividades antioxidantes foram avaliadas usando o método de eliminação de radicais livres de 1,1-difenil 2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), 2,2-azinobis (ácido 3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfônico) radical cátion (ABTS) e antioxidante redutor férrico potência (FRAP). O conteúdo fenólico total foi (51,85 mg GAE / g) e o conteúdo total de flavonoides foi (0,24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE / g). Os valores de DPPH e ABTS foram 3,32 e 3,98 mg equivalente de Trolox (TE) / g, em que o valor de FRAP foi de 3,00 mM Fe2 + / kg de material seco. Um total de 90 ratos albinos foi usado no presente estudo. O grupo dos ratos foi o seguinte: dieta normal: tratados normais (2, 4 e 6% Ku.), ratos diabéticos (não tratados), diabéticos + dieta HFHC (não tratados), HFHC (não tratados), diabéticos (tratados), HFHC (tratados) e diabéticos + HFHC (tratados). As dietas foram seguidas por 8 semanas. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas ao final do experimento. A glicose sérica foi registrada e os hormônios tireoidianos (T4, Tiroxina e T3, Triiodotironina) foram conduzidos. A dieta suplementada com kumquat em diferentes concentrações tem um efeito hipoglicêmico e melhora os hormônios tireoidianos tanto de ratos diabéticos quanto de ratos diabéticos com HFHC.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease throughout the world in which there is persistently high blood glucose level from the normal range. The diabetes and insulin resistance are mainly responsible for the morbidities and mortalities of humans in the world. This disease is mainly regulated by various enzymes and hormones among which Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a principle enzyme and insulin is the key hormone regulating it. The GSK-3, that is the key enzyme is normally showing its actions by various mechanisms that include its phosphorylation, formation of protein complexes, and other cellular distribution and thus it control and directly affects cellular morphology, its growth, mobility and apoptosis of the cell. Disturbances in the action of GSK-3 enzyme may leads to various disease conditions that include insulin resistance leading to diabetes, neurological disease like Alzheimers disease and cancer. Fluoroquinolones are the most common class of drugs that shows dysglycemic effects via interacting with GSK-3 enzyme. Therefore, it is the need of the day to properly understand functions and mechanisms of GSK-3, especially its role in glucose homeostasis via effects on glycogen synthase.(AU)
O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença não transmissível em todo o mundo, na qual existe nível glicêmico persistentemente alto em relação à normalidade. O diabetes e a resistência à insulina são os principais responsáveis pelas morbidades e mortalidades de humanos no mundo. Essa doença é regulada principalmente por várias enzimas e hormônios, entre os quais a glicogênio sintase quinase-3 (GSK-3) é uma enzima principal e a insulina é o principal hormônio que a regula. A GSK-3, que é a enzima-chave, normalmente mostra suas ações por vários mecanismos que incluem sua fosforilação, formação de complexos de proteínas e outras distribuições celulares e, portanto, controla e afeta diretamente a morfologia celular, seu crescimento, mobilidade e apoptose do célula. Perturbações na ação da enzima GSK-3 podem levar a várias condições de doença que incluem resistência à insulina que leva ao diabetes, doenças neurológicas como a doença de Alzheimer e câncer. As fluoroquinolonas são a classe mais comum de drogas que apresentam efeitos disglicêmicos por meio da interação com a enzima GSK-3. Portanto, é necessário hoje em dia compreender adequadamente as funções e mecanismos da GSK-3, principalmente seu papel na homeostase da glicose via efeitos na glicogênio sintase.(AU)
Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus/enzimologia , Quinase 3 da Glicogênio Sintase/análise , Fluoroquinolonas/análiseResumo
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effect of maternal protein supplementation during mid or late gestation on energy metabolism of the skeletal muscle of beef calves. Sixteen pregnant cows were divided into 3 groups: CTRL (not supplemented); MID (supplemented from 30 to 180 days of gestation); and LATE (supplemented from 181 to 281 days of gestation). The supplement contained 30% crude protein. Thirty days after birth, blood and muscle samples of the calves were collected for analyses of gene expression, proteins, and metabolites. No differences (P ≥ 0.15) in birth weight, performance at weaning, or muscle expression of the genes evaluated (P ≥ 0.21) were observed. Calves born to CTRL cows had a lower ratio (P = 0.03) of p-AMPK/AMPK protein in the skeletal muscle. Calves born to MID cows had lower (P = 0.04) glucose concentration than those born to LATE cows. Changes in p-AMPK/AMPK protein, indicated a possible metabolic inflexibility in the skeletal muscle of calves born to CTRL cows. These results indicated that lack of protein supplementation in pregnant cows alter the energy metabolism of their calves and reflect in a metabolic inflexibility.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação proteica materna sobre o metabolismo energético do músculo esquelético de bezerros de corte. Dezesseis matrizes gestantes foram divididas em três grupos: CONTROLE (não suplementado); MÉDIO (suplementados entre 30 e 180 dias de gestação); e FINAL (suplementado entre 181 e 281 dias de gestação). O suplemento continha 30% de proteína bruta e foi fornecido em quantidades totais iguais aos tratamentos. Trinta dias após o nascimento, amostras de sangue e músculo dos bezerros foram coletadas para análises de expressão gênica, abundância de proteínas e metabólitos. Não foram observadas diferenças (P ≥ 0,15) no peso ao nascimento ou parâmetros de desempenho ao desmame, bem como na expressão dos genes avaliados (P ≥ 0,21). Os bezerros nascidos de matrizes do tratamento CONTROLE apresentaram menor proporção (P = 0,03) de proteína p-AMPK/AMPK no músculo esquelético. Os bezerros nascidos de matrizes do tratamento MÉDIO apresentaram concentração de glicose menor (P = 0,04) do que aqueles nascidos de matrizes do tratamento FINAL. Os resultados observados indicam que a ausência de suplementação proteica em matrizes gestantes pode alterar o metabolismo energético da progênie e refletir em uma inflexibilidade metabólica, a qual pode ocasionar limitações quanto à eficiência energética do tecido muscular esquelético e consequentemente, limitar o desempenho da progênie ao longo da fase pós-natal.
Abstract The study was aimed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Zizyphus oxyphyla leaves methanolic (ZOX-LME), on serum liver, kidney and hematology along with other serum parameters in Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxicated rabbits. Experimental animals were divided into five groups, six rabbits in each. These were: group NC (normal control), group, TC (toxic control) and group ST i.e. silymarine administered group at dose rate (50) mg/kg body weight (BW). Group ET1 and group ET2 treated with (ZOX-LME) at dose 200 mg/kg BW and 400 mg/kg BW. CCl4 administration caused significant (P> 0.05) impairment in serum liver enzymes, blood factors and other serum indices. Treatment with (ZOX-LME) significantly (P 0.05) reduced and normalized the levels of serum alanine transaminase (ALT) aspartate transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and hematological indices. Also significant (P 0.05) reduction was observed in creatinine, urea, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and albumin and glucose concentrations. The altered levels of lipid profile and serum electrolytes (Ca, Mg, Cl, Na, K, and P) were significantly (P 0.05) change toward normal levels with (ZOX-LME) feeding. In addition (ZOX-LME) ingestion caused significant improvement in GSH, GST and CAT levels, while reducing the TBARS levels, exhibited antioxidant capacity. Also (ZOX-LME) showed increase inhibition against percent scavenging of 2, 2-diphenile-1-picrylehydrazyle (DPPH) free radical. Significant (P 0.05) normalizing effects were observed with high dose 400 mg/kg BW of (ZOX-LME and were equivalent to silymarine administered groups. The histological study of liver supported the hepatoprotective and renal curative activity of (ZOX-LME).
Resumo O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos terapêuticos das folhas metanólicas de Zizyphus oxyphyla (ZOX-LME) no fígado, rim e hematologia séricos, juntamente com outros parâmetros séricos em coelhos intoxicados com tetracloreto de carbono (CCl4). Os animais experimentais foram divididos em cinco grupos, seis coelhos em cada. Estes foram: grupo NC (controle normal), grupo TC (controle tóxico) e grupo ST, isto é, grupo administrado com silimarina na taxa de dose (50) mg / kg de peso corporal (PC). Grupo ET1 e grupo ET2 tratado com (ZOX-LME) na dose de 200 mg / kg de peso corporal e 400 mg / kg de peso corporal. A administração de CCl4 causou prejuízo significativo (P > 0,05) nas enzimas hepáticas séricas, fatores sanguíneos e outros índices séricos. O tratamento com (ZOX-LME) reduziu significativamente (P 0,05) e normalizou os níveis de alanina transaminase (ALT), aspartato transaminase (AST) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP) e os índices hematológicos. Também foi observada redução significativa (P 0,05) nas concentrações de creatinina, ureia, ácido úrico, nitrogênio ureico no sangue (BUN), albumina e glicose. Os níveis alterados de perfil lipídico e eletrólitos séricos (Ca, Mg, Cl, Na, K e P) foram significativamente (P 0,05) mudando em direção aos níveis normais com a alimentação (ZOX-LME). Além disso, a ingestão de (ZOX-LME) causou melhora significativa nos níveis de GSH, GST e CAT, enquanto reduzia os níveis de TBARS, exibindo capacidade antioxidante. Também (ZOX-LME) mostrou inibição aumentada contra a eliminação percentual do radical livre 2, 2-difenila-1-picrilehidrazila (DPPH). Efeitos de normalização significativos (P 0,05) foram observados com altas doses de 400 mg / kg de peso corporal de (ZOX-LME) e foram equivalentes aos grupos administrados com silimarina. O estudo histológico do fígado confirmou a atividade hepatoprotetora e curativa renal de (ZOX-LME).
Purpose: Nontransmissible chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and nephropathy, affect a significant portion of the population, often treated due to injuries that require healing and regeneration. To create an experimental model of associated comorbidities, for healing and regeneration studies, protocols for induction of nephropathy by ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) and induction of DM by injection of streptozotocin (STZ) were associated. Methods: Sixty-four mice (Mus musculus), female, adult, Swiss strain, weighing approximately 20 g, were divided into four groups: G1: control (n = 24), G2: nephropathy group (N) (n = 7), G3, DM (n = 9), and G4: N+DM (n = 24). Arteriovenous stenosis (I/R) of the left kidney was performed as the first protocol. The animals received a hyperlipidemic diet for 7 days after the injection of STZ (150 mg/kg, via i.p.) and an aqueous glucose solution (10%) for 24 h. The animals in the G3 and G4 groups were observed for 14 days before receiving the diet and STZ. The evolution of nephropathy was observed using a urine test strip and the DM, through the analysis of blood glucose with a reagent strip on a digital monitor. Results: The ischemic induction protocols of nephropathy and DM with STZ, associated, were sustainable, low-cost, and without deaths. There were alterations compatible with initial renal alterations, in the first 14 days, such as increased urinary density, pH alteration, presence of glucose, proteins and leukocytes, when compared to the control group. DM was confirmed by the presence of hyperglycemia 7 days after induction and its evolution after 14 days. The animals in the G4 group showed constant weight loss when compared to the other groups. It was possible to observe morphological alterations in the kidneys submitted to I/R, regarding coloration, during surgery and after the end of the observation period, in the volume and size of the left kidney, when compared to the contralateral kidney. Conclusion: It was possible to induce nephropathy and DM associated in the same animal, in a simple way, confirmed with rapid tests, without losses, providing a basis for future studies.
Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , Nefropatias Diabéticas/fisiopatologiaResumo
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularly known as jabuticaba, is rich in polyphenols. Phenolic compounds exhibit several biological properties, which reflect on biomarkers such as biochemical parameters. In the present study, we evaluated the plasmatic levels of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid of Chinese hamsters fed for 45 days with a regular diet or cholesterol-enriched diet supplemented with a liquid extract obtained from P. cauliflora fruits residues standardized in ellagic acid and total phenolic compounds. The results showed that the concentrated extract obtained from jabuticaba residues increased the glycemia of animals fed with a regular diet and reduced the plasmatic uric acid levels of animals fed with a cholesterol-enriched diet. Since hyperuricemia is considered to be a significant risk factor of metabolic disorders and the principal pathological basis of gout, the liquid extract from P. cauliflora fruits residues would be a promising candidate as a novel hypouricaemic agent for further investigation.
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularmente conhecida como jabuticaba, é rica em polifenois. Os compostos fenólicos apresentam diversas propriedades biológicas, que refletem em biomarcadores, como os parâmetros bioquímicos. No presente estudo, avaliamos os níveis plasmáticos de glicose, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos e ácido úrico em hamsters chineses alimentados por 45 dias com dieta regular ou dieta enriquecida com colesterol suplementada com extrato líquido obtido de resíduos de frutos de P. cauliflora padronizado em ácido elágico e compostos fenólicos totais. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato concentrado obtido dos resíduos de jabuticaba aumentou a glicemia dos animais alimentados com dieta regular e reduziu os níveis plasmáticos de ácido úrico dos animais alimentados com dieta rica em colesterol. Uma vez que a hiperuricemia é considerada um fator de risco significativo de distúrbios metabólicos e a principal base patológica da gota, o extrato líquido dos resíduos de frutas de P. cauliflora seria um candidato promissor como um novo agente hipouricêmico para investigação posterior.