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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220076, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418557


The establishment of epigenetic marks during the reprogramming window is susceptible to environmental influences, and stimuli during this critical stage can cause altered DNA methylation in offspring. In a previous study, we found that low levels of sulphur and cobalt (low S/Co) in the diet offered to oocyte donors altered the DNA methylome of bovine embryos. However, due to the extensive epigenetic reprogramming that occurs during embryogenesis, we hypothesized that the different methylation regions (DMRs) identified in the blastocysts may not maintain in adulthood. Here, we aimed to characterize DMRs previously identified in embryos, in the blood and sperm of adult progenies of two groups of heifers (low S/Co and control). We used six bulls and characterized the DNA methylation levels of KDM2A, KDM5A, KMT2D, and DOT1L genes. Our results showed that all DMRs analysed in both groups and tissues were hypermethylated unlike that noticed in the embryonic methylome profiles. These results suggest that embryo DMRs were reprogrammed during the final stages of de novo methylation during embryogenesis or later in development. Therefore, due to the highly dynamic epigenetic state during early embryonic development, we suggest that is essential to validate the DMRs found in embryos in adult individuals.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Epigenômica
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230064, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444264


Genomic selection has transformed the livestock industry, enabling early-life selection of animals. Biopsy sampling of pre-implantation embryos has been described since 1968. However, it was only after 2010, with the advancement of molecular biology techniques such as whole genomic amplification and SNP Chips, that next-generation sequencing became commercially available for bovine embryos. It is now possible to make decisions about which embryos to transfer not only based on recipients' availability or embryo morphology but also on genomic estimates. This technology can be implemented for a wide spectrum of applications in livestock. In this review, we discuss the use of embryo biopsy for genomic selection and share our experience with Gir and Girolando Brazilian breeding programs, as well as future goals for implementing it in Brazilian bovine in vitro embryo production practices.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Biópsia/veterinária , Bovinos/embriologia , Seleção Genética , Melhoramento Genético/métodos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(2): e20210629, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375178


ABSTRACT: Treatment with prostaglandin F2α (PGF) induces ovulation and increases conception rates in cows, while improving embryo production in buffalos. However, its effect on superovulated cows is unknown. This study verified whether single PGF administration concurrent with artificial insemination (AI) improves fertilization and embryo production rates in superovulated cows. In each replicate, embryo donor cows were equally allocated to two groups: the untreated control and PGF groups. The latter of which received 482 µg of cloprostenol concurrent with the first AI. Each cow (n = 35) was subjected to two superovulations (SOV) in a crossover design (total = 70 embryo collections). In the control and PGF groups, respectively, the observed responses were [median (95% CI)]: 12 (10-18) and 15 (12-18) total structures, 9 (7-11) and 7 (6-10) viable embryos, 1 (0-1) and 1 (1-3) degenerated embryos, and 1 (0-3) and 2 (0-5) oocytes (P > 0.05). In conclusion, single PGF treatment concurrent with the first AI did not affect embryo production in superovulated cows.

RESUMO: A prostaglandina F2α (PGF) pode induzir a ovulação e melhorar tanto a concepção em vacas, como a produção de embriões em búfalas, mas o efeito em vacas superovuladas é desconhecido. Esse estudo teve como objetivo verificar se a administração de uma dose de PGF na inseminação artificial (IA) após a superovulação (SOV) melhora as taxas de fecundação e produção embrionária em vacas. Em cada replicação, vacas doadoras de embriões foram equilibradamente alocadas em dois grupos: controle, não tratado, ou PGF, que recebeu 482 µg de cloprostenol no momento da primeira IA. Cada doadora (n = 35) foi submetida a duas SOV em um delineamento crossover (total = 70 coletas de embriões). Nos grupos controle e PGF, respectivamente, foram observados [medianas (IC 95%)]: 12 (10-18) e 15 (12-18) estruturas totais; 9 (7-11) e 7 (6-10) embriões viáveis; 1 (0-1) e 1 (1-3) embriões degenerados; e 1 (0-3) e 2 (0-5) ovócitos (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que uma única administração de PGF no momento da primeira IA não afeta a produção embrionária de vacas superovuladas.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230034, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452377


It can be assumed that the natural processes of selection and developmental condition in the animal provide the best prerequisites for embryogenesis resulting in pregnancy and subsequent birth of a healthy neonate. In contrast, circumventing the natural selection mechanisms and all developmental conditions in a healthy animal harbors the risk of counteracting, preventing or reducing the formation of embryos or substantially restricting their genesis. Considering these facts, it seems to be obvious that assisted reproductive techniques focusing on early embryonic stages serve an expanded and unselected germ cell pool of oocytes and sperm cells, and include the culture of embryos outside their natural habitat during and after fertilization for manipulation and diagnostic purposes, and for storage. A significant influence on the early embryonic development is seen in the extracorporeal culture of bovine embryos (in vitro) or stress on the animal organism (in vivo). The in vitro production per se and metabolic as well as endocrine changes in the natural environment of embryos represent adequate models and serve for a better understanding. The purpose of this review is to give a brief presentation of recent techniques aimed at focusing more on the complex processes in the Fallopian tube to contrast in vivo and in vitro prerequisites and abnormalities in early embryonic development and serve to identify potential new ways to make the use of ARTs more feasible.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Meio Ambiente
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 234-237, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435326


As biotécnicas de produção in vivo e in vitro de embriões bovinos permitem aumentar significativamente o número de descendentes de fêmeas genética e/ou zootecnicamente importantes. Porém, antes de se optar por um dos métodos, deve-se avaliar suas peculiaridades. A produção in vivo pode ser empregada de forma satisfatória tanto em zebuínos quanto em raças sintéticas e taurinas, permitindo a obtenção de, em média, seis a sete embriões viáveis por coleta, com boa tolerância à criopreservação. Já a produção in vitro é mais eficiente em raças zebuínas e sintéticas, visto que possuem maior número de folículos antrais aspiráveis. Além disso, esta técnica permite a produção de embriões sem estímulos hormonais exógenos, porém com menor criotolerância. Desse modo, a presente revisão discute os desafios atuais e perspectivas futuras na produção de embriões in vivo e in vitro com base nos dados da rotina de uma central de doadoras e laboratório de produção de embriões que desenvolve simultaneamente ambas as técnicas de produção de embriões na região Sul do Brasil.(AU)

Biotechniques for in vivo and in vitro production of bovine embryos allow to significantly increase the number of descendants from cows genetically and/or zootechnically superior. However, before opting for one of the methods, one should evaluate its peculiarities. In vivo production can be used satisfactorily both in zebu cattle and in synthetic and taurine breeds, allowing to obtain, on average, six to seven viable embryos per procedure, with good tolerance to cryopreservation. In vitro production is more efficient in Zebu and synthetic breeds, since they have a greater number of aspirable antral follicles. In addition, this technique allows the production of embryos without exogenous hormonal stimuli, but with lower cryotolerance. This review discusses current challenges and future perspectives in in vivo and in vitro embryo production based on routine data from an embryo production center and a laboratory that develop, simultaneously, the two embryo production techniques in southern Brazil.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Criopreservação/métodos , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/tendências , Superovulação , Biotecnologia/tendências , Brasil
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230092, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452378


Currently, gonadotropin products (follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, and luteinizing hormone, LH) used in animal reproduction are produced by extraction and purification from abattoir-derived pituitary glands. This method, relying on animal-derived materials, carries the potential risk of hormone contamination and pathogen transmission. Additionally, chorionic gonadotropins are extracted from the blood of pregnant mares (equine chorionic gonadotropin; eCG) or the urine of pregnant women (human chorionic gonadotropin; hCG). However, recent advancements have introduced recombinant gonadotropins for assisted animal reproduction therapies. The traditional use of FSH for superovulation has limitations, including labor requirements and variability in superovulation response, affecting the success of in vivo (SOV) and in vitro (OPU/IVEP) embryo production. FSH treatment for superstimulation before OPU can promote the growth of a homogenous follicular population and the recovery of competent oocytes suitable for IVEP procedures. At present, a single injection of a preparation of long-acting bovine recombinant FSH (rFSH) produced similar superovulation responses resulting in the production of good-quality in vivo and in vitro embryos. Furthermore, the treatment with eCG at FTAI protocol has demonstrated its efficacy in promoting follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI, mainly in heifers and anestrous cows. Currently, treatment with recombinant glycoproteins with eCG-like activity (r-eCG) have shown promising results in increasing follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI in cows submitted to P4/E2 -based protocols. Bovine somatotropin (bST) is a naturally occurring hormone found in cows. Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), produced through genetic engineering techniques, has shown potential in enhancing reproductive outcomes in ruminants. Treatment with rbST has been found to improve P/IA, increase donor embryo production, and enhance P/ET in recipients. The use of recombinant hormones allows to produce non-animal-derived products, offering several advantages in assisted reproductive technologies for ruminants. This advancement opens up new possibilities for improving reproductive efficiency and success rates in the field of animal reproduction.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Indução da Ovulação/métodos , Ruminantes/embriologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacologia
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 191-194, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435244


O Brasil destaca-se por ser um dos líderes mundiais na produção in vitro de embriões, o que é decorrente do rebanho nacional ser predominantemente composto por raças zebuínas, que possuem maior número de folículos antrais aspiráveis. Por outro lado, vacas taurinas apresentam menor população folicular antral, o que limita o número de ovócitos obtidos por seção de aspiração folicular (ovum pick-up; OPU). Portanto, na região Sul do Brasil há demanda para produção tanto in vivo como in vitro de embriões de doadoras de raças taurinas e sintéticas. Este texto discute estudos recentes que buscam estratégias para aperfeiçoar as etapas envolvidas na produção de embriões bovinos, bem como para aumentar o aproveitamento de receptoras utilizadas nos programas de transferência de embriões (TE), com foco em vacas taurinas e sintéticas.(AU)

Brazil stands among the leaders on in vitro embryo production, as the Brazilian herd is predominantly composed by Zebu breeds, which have a greater number of antral follicles available to ovum pick-up (OPU). On the other hand, taurine cows have a lower antral follicle population, which limits the number of oocytes obtained by each OPU section. Therefore, in the Brazilian Southern region there is a demand for both in vivo and in vitro production of embryos from donors of taurine and synthetic breeds. This text discusses recent studies that seek strategies to improve the steps involved in the production of bovine embryos, as well as to increase the use of recipients in embryo transfer (ET) programs, focusing on taurine and synthetic cows.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Superovulação/fisiologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Brasil
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(2): e20210629, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412057


Treatment with prostaglandin F2α (PGF) induces ovulation and increases conception rates in cows, while improving embryo production in buffalos. However, its effect on superovulated cows is unknown. This study verified whether single PGF administration concurrent with artificial insemination (AI) improves fertilization and embryo production rates in superovulated cows. In each replicate, embryo donor cows were equally allocated to two groups: the untreated control and PGF groups. The latter of which received 482 µg of cloprostenol concurrent with the first AI. Each cow (n = 35) was subjected to two superovulations (SOV) in a crossover design (total = 70 embryo collections). In the control and PGF groups, respectively, the observed responses were [median (95% CI)]: 12 (10-18) and 15 (12-18) total structures, 9 (7-11) and 7 (6-10) viable embryos, 1 (0-1) and 1 (1-3) degenerated embryos, and 1 (0-3) and 2 (0-5) oocytes (P > 0.05). In conclusion, single PGF treatment concurrent with the first AI did not affect embryo production in superovulated cows.

A prostaglandina F2α (PGF) pode induzir a ovulação e melhorar tanto a concepção em vacas, como a produção de embriões em búfalas, mas o efeito em vacas superovuladas é desconhecido. Esse estudo teve como objetivo verificar se a administração de uma dose de PGF na inseminação artificial (IA) após a superovulação (SOV) melhora as taxas de fecundação e produção embrionária em vacas. Em cada replicação, vacas doadoras de embriões foram equilibradamente alocadas em dois grupos: controle, não tratado, ou PGF, que recebeu 482 µg de cloprostenol no momento da primeira IA. Cada doadora (n = 35) foi submetida a duas SOV em um delineamento crossover (total = 70 coletas de embriões). Nos grupos controle e PGF, respectivamente, foram observados [medianas (IC 95%)]: 12 (10-18) e 15 (12-18) estruturas totais; 9 (7-11) e 7 (6-10) embriões viáveis; 1 (0-1) e 1 (1-3) embriões degenerados; e 1 (0-3) e 2 (0-5) ovócitos (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que uma única administração de PGF no momento da primeira IA não afeta a produção embrionária de vacas superovuladas.

Animais , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Estruturas Embrionárias/efeitos dos fármacos , Fertilização
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(2): e20210074, mai. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370131


This study aimed to determine the effect of presence of the corpus luteum (CL) and its influence on cumulus­oocyte complexes (COCs) obtained from the ipsilateral or contralateral ovary in bovine on the recovery and capacity of the oocytes to sustain mono-spermic fertilization, undergo preimplantation development, and develop to the blastocyst stage. Ovaries were collected at a local slaughterhouse and kept in pairs corresponding to the same animal. In the first experiment the variables evaluated were compared between cows with (CCL+) and without (CCL- ) CL, and for the second experiment, comparisons were made between ovaries with an ipsilateral (CL+), contralateral (CL−), and no (NCL). The recovery rate of COCs was higher in ovaries from CCL− cows, and a higher proportion of grade 1 COCs were recovered from this group. A higher proportion of metaphase I oocytes at 7 h of maturation, and a higher rate of cleavage were observed in the CCL+ group; however, a higher proportion of embryos were obtained from the CCL− group. Besides, COCs from the CL+ group had a lower proportion of grades 1 and 2 morphological qualities, lower rate of metaphase II oocytes at 22 h of maturation, and lower rate of formation of two pronuclei, whereas a higher proportion of unfertilized oocytes after in vitro fertilization. On the other hand, the COCs from the CL− group displayed a lower proportion of oocytes with more than two pronuclei, higher cleavage rate, and higher final blastocyst production were obtained when compared to CL+. Thus, the effects of CL on the competence of bovine COCs are different depending on the anatomical proximity of their location in the animal, negatively affecting the quality of COCs located in the same ovary, but not having negative effects on the competence of COCs in the ovaries contralateral to their location.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Oócitos , Fertilização in vitro , Corpo Lúteo , Estruturas Embrionárias
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e71762, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384501


Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa, a vine plant found in Brazil, has been correlated to outbreaks of poisoning in cattle and buffaloes, generating economic losses related to the death due to heart failure, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality. The aim of this study was to examine the embryotoxic potential of the aqueous plant extract on in vitro bovine embryos. In vitro study was performed in five replicates of bovine embryo culture assigned in two groups: control, in vitro embryo culture medium without the aqueous plant extract; treated group, with addition of 2.7mg/mL of aqueous plant extract (10%) to the embryo culture on the sixth day of culture. Cleavage rate was evaluated at day 2 of the cell culture. Viability, hatchability and underdevelopment of blastocysts on the seventh, eighth, and ninth days (D7, D8, and D9, respectively) of culture were assessed under stereoscopic microscope. On day 7, blastocysts were submitted to TUNEL assay to determine apoptotic index. In vitro exposure of bovine embryos to of N. multiglandulosa resulted in reduced embryo development and survival, evaluated by dark cytoplasm indicating poor morphology and poor quality with marked reduction of hatchability. We observed a significant reduction of blastocyst production/number of cleaved embryos (60.6% vs 41.5%); reduction of blastocysts production/total number of matured bovine oocytes (35.1% vs 21.3%); and embryonic hatching rates (38.0% vs 10.0%). However, no effects were observed on the apoptotic rate. In conclusion, aqueous extract of N. multiglandulosa leaves reduces bovine embryo viability in vitro, suggesting possible detrimental effects on embryo development.(AU)

Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa, uma videira encontrada no Brasil, tem sido correlacionada a surtos de intoxicações em bovinos e búfalos, gerando perdas econômicas relacionadas à morte por insuficiência cardíaca, aborto, natimorto e mortalidade neonatal. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o potencial embriotóxico do extrato vegetal aquoso em embriões bovinos in vitro. O estudo in vitro foi realizado em cinco repetições de cultura de embriões bovinos distribuídos em dois grupos: controle, meio de cultura de embriões in vitro sem o extrato aquoso da planta; grupo tratado, com adição de 2,7mg / mL de extrato vegetal aquoso (10%) à cultura do embrião no sexto dia de cultivo. A taxa de clivagem foi avaliada no dia 2 da cultura de células. Viabilidade, eclodibilidade e subdesenvolvimento de blastocistos no sétimo, oitavo e nono dia (D7, D8 e D9, respectivamente) de cultura foram avaliados em microscópio estereoscópico. No dia 7, os blastocistos foram submetidos ao ensaio TUNEL para determinar o índice apoptótico. Observamos redução significativa da produção de blastocisto / número de embriões clivados (60,6% vs 41,5%); redução da produção de blastocistos / número total de oócitos bovinos maturados (35,1% vs 21,3%); e taxas de eclosão embrionária (38,0% vs 10,0%). No entanto, nenhum efeito foi observado na taxa de apoptose. Em conclusão, o extrato aquoso das folhas de N. multiglandulosa reduz a viabilidade do embrião bovino in vitro, sugerindo possíveis efeitos prejudiciais no desenvolvimento embrionário.(AU)

Animais , Oócitos , Intoxicação , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Técnicas In Vitro
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(1): e20220018, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1367886


SexedULTRA-4M™ is made using an improved method of sex-sorting sperm in a less damaging environment for better retaining sperm integrity throughout the sorting process. The objective of this research was to compare conventional (CONV) and SexedULTRA-4M™ (ULTRA-4M) semen for bovine IVP using four Angus bulls. Matured slaughterhouse oocytes (n = 4000) were divided into the CONV group and the ULTRA-4M group (2000 COCs for each semen type). The IVF process was implemented with CONV and ULTRA-4M semen from the same bull. The cleavage rates, eight cell embryos and blastocysts on day 7 of culture were evaluated for each semen type and each bull. The statistical analysis was carried out with the ANOVA procedure SAS software. The results were 54.45% ± 1.03 and 58.10% ± 1.07; 35% ± 1.57 and 39.15% ± 1.62; 22.8% ± 1.09 and 27.15% ± 1.12 for CONV and ULTRA-4M, respectively, for cleavage rate, eight cell embryos and blastocysts on day 7 for the average of all bulls, comparing only the semen type. Concerning only the semen type, ULTRA-4M was significantly superior to CONV for cleavage rates (P = 0.01) and blastocysts on day 7 (P = 0.009). There were no significant differences between the CONV and ULTRA-4M groups (P>0.05) for all variables analyzed for Bull 1 and Bull 4, however, for Bull 2 ULTRA-4M was significantly superior to CONV for cleavage rates and blastocysts on day 7 (P< 0.05). In Bull 3, ULTRA-4M was significantly higher (P< 0.05) for blastocysts on day 7 compared to CONV. In conclusion, under the conditions of this research the ULTRA-4M and CONV semen produced similar bovine IVP results overall.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Técnicas In Vitro , Análise de Variância , Análise do Sêmen , Tecnologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1891, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401087


Background: Being the major cause of bovine abortion in the world, Neosporosis is considered to be a very important protozoal infection in dairy cattle. Vertical transplacental transmission is the major route of the infection causing either abortion or birth of calves with persistent infection. As the seropositivity in individual cows and in fetal serology only indicate exposure to the protozoa, the diagnosis of the infection has to be based on histopathology of aborted fetuses. Additional techniques such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and PCR are required for the detection of the etiological agent. The purpose of the current study was to diagnose Neospora caninum infection in aborted bovine fetuses in Trakya Region of Turkey. For this purpose, serological, histopathological, IHC, and PCR methods were used. Materials, Methods & Results: The blood samples and the fetuses of 55 aborted dairy cattle from various farms located in 3 provinces of Trakya, Turkey constituted the material of the present study. The sera obtained from the blood samples were tested using a Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit cELISA and anti-N. caninum antibodies were detected in the sera of the dams of the 8 aborted fetuses (8/55; 14.54%). Following the necropsy, samples from the brain, heart, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, and placenta of 55 fetuses were routinely processed for histopathological examination and evaluated under a light microscope. Nonsuppurative encephalitis (15/55; 27.27%), necrosis (5/55; 9%) and gliosis (1/55; 1.8%) in the brain, mild to severe nonsuppurative myocarditis and epicarditis (14/55; 25.45%), and portal to mid-zonal nonsuppurative hepatitis (13/55; 23.63%) were the relevant findings. PCR analysis was performed on fresh frozen fetal tissues. Nested PCR detected N. caninum DNA in the brain, heart, liver, lung, and kidney tissues of 6 fetuses (6/55; 10.9%). IHC was performed on the brain, heart, and liver tissues of all the fetuses using avidin-biotin-complex peroxidase method. Immunoreactivity was observed in the brain of 1 fetus (1/55; 1.8%). Discussion: In the present study, histopathological, immunohistochemical and PCR analyses were performed to detect N. caninum in 55 spontenously aborted bovine fetuses in Trakya Region, Turkey. Histopathologic hallmark of the study was nonsuppurative inflammation found mostly in the brain, heart and liver followed by kidneys and lungs. No protozoa was observed in the microscopic examination supporting the fact that definitive diagnosis of N. caninum infection requires ancillary techniques such as IHC and PCR. Nested PCR detected N. caninum DNA in the tissues of 6 fetuses (6/55; 10.9%). Brain was the most reliable organ for detection by PCR (6/6; 100%), compatible with the previous reports. IHC diagnosis revealed only 1.8% positivity in the present study which was remarkably lower than found in the previous studies. Even though histopathology in conjunction with IHC are accepted as the "gold standard" methods to detect N. caninum infection in aborted bovine fetuses, there are studies claiming that IHC is relatively insensitive in the diagnosis of neosporosis as parasite numbers can be low and thus, false negative results can be obtained. Other factors affecting the sensitivity of the technique are thoroughly discussed by many authors. Supportively, the findings of the current study showed that using both IHC and PCR as complementary techniques, increases the success of detection of N. caninum as recommended in previous studies. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated the first molecular diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in bovine aborted fetuses in Trakya Region of Turkey which has a critical geographical location bordering Europe.

Animais , Bovinos , Infecções Protozoárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Coccidiose/diagnóstico , Neospora/isolamento & purificação , Feto Abortado/microbiologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 28(1): 1-8, abr. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400925


Anaplasma marginale (A. marginale) is a worldwide pathogen that infects a variety of ruminants, but mostly cattle. The present study aimed to describe an isolation technique for A. marginale, using chicken embryo Þ broblast (CEF) cell culture. Blood and tick samples were collected from 5 calves from 2 to 3 months old, which were considered to be infected with A.marginale due to anemia, jaundiced mucous membranes, and prostration. DNA extraction and PCR were performed for diagnosis using blood and tick samples. All tick and blood samples tested positive in PCR. Additionally, ticks were crushed with the aid of a blender for inoculation in CEF cell culture. After inoculation, the cultures were kept at 37ºC and 5% CO2 for 15 days. The cell supernatant of cell cultures was again analyzed using PCR and Wright stain method to conÞ rm A. marginale isolation. Cell cultures tested positive in PCR, and the presence of the agent was demonstrated by Wright stain. Therefore, by using CEF cell culture it was possible to isolate and amplify the A. marginale in a concentration of 1.3 x 107.2 bodies per mL. The CEF cells are undemanding and easy to preserve; they are an option for isolation and production of A. marginale under laboratory conditions.(AU)

Anaplasma marginale (A. marginale) é um patógeno mundial que infecta uma variedade de ruminantes, mas principalmente bovinos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever uma técnica de isolamento para A. marginale, utilizando cultivo celular de Þ broblastos de embriões (CFE) de galinhas. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e de carrapatos de 5 bezerros, entre 2 e 3 meses de idade, os quais, devido a anemia, icterícia de mucosas e prostração, foram considerados supostamente infectados com A. marginale. Ethics Approval This study was approved by Credenciamento Institucional para Atividades com Animais em Ensino ou Pesquisa (CIAEP: 02.0420.2021). Consent to participate Not applicable Consent to publish Not applicable Data availability Not applicable Para o diagnóstico, realizaram-se extração de DNA e posterior PCR a partir das amostras de sangue e de carrapatos coletados. Todos os carrapatos e amostras de sangue foram positivas para o teste de PCR. Além disso, os carrapatos foram triturados com o auxílio de um liquidiÞ cador para inoculação em CFE. Após a inoculação, as culturas foram mantidas a 37ºC e a 5% de CO2 durante 15 dias. O sobrenadante celular das culturas foi novamente analisado por PCR e pela técnica de coloração de Wright para conÞ rmar o isolamento de Anaplasma marginale. As culturas celulares foram po sitivas por PCR, e a presença do agente foi comprovada por meio da coloração de Wright. Portanto, utilizando CFE, foi possível isolar e ampliÞ car o A. marginale em uma concentração de 1,3x107,2 bactérias por ml. As células da CEF são pouco exigentes, de fácil manutenção e uma boa opção para isolamento e produção de A. marginale em condição laboratorial.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Anaplasma marginale/isolamento & purificação , Fibroblastos/microbiologia , Anaplasmose/diagnóstico , Células Cultivadas/imunologia , Embrião de Galinha/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(1): e20200028, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285116


Abstract Extracellular vesicles are nanoparticles secreted by cell and have been proposed as suitable markers to identify competent embryos produced in vitro. Characterizing EVs secreted by individual embryos is challenging because culture medium itself contributes to the pool of nanoparticles that are co-isolated. To avoid this, culture medium must be depleted of nanoparticles that are present in natural protein source. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the culture medium subjected to nanoparticle depletion can support the proper in vitro development of bovine embryos. Zygotes were cultured in groups on depleted or control medium for 8 days. Nanoparticles from the medium were characterized by their morphology, size and expression of EVs surface markers. Isolated nanoparticles were labelled and added to depleted medium containing embryos at different developmental stages and evaluated after 24 hours at 2, 8-16 cells, morula and blastocyst stages. There were no statistical differences on blastocyst rate at day 7 and 8, total cell count neither blastocyst diameter between groups. However, morphological quality was better in blastocysts cultured in non-depleted medium and the expression of SOX2 was significantly lower whereas NANOG expression was significantly higher. Few nanoparticles from medium had a typical morphology of EVs but were positive to specific surface markers. Punctuated green fluorescence near the nuclei of embryonic cells was observed in embryos from all developmental stages. In summary, nanoparticles from culture medium are internalized by in vitro cultured bovine embryos and their depletion affects the capacity of medium to support the proper embryo development.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(4): e20210054, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355649


Abstract Early mammal embryogenesis starts with oocyte fertilization, giving rise to the zygote. The events that the newly formed zygote surpasses are crucial to the embryo developmental success. Shortly after activation of its genome, cells of the embryo segregate into the inner cell mass (ICM) or the trophectoderm (TE). The first will give rise to the embryo while the latter will become the placenta. This first segregation involves cellular and molecular processes that include cell polarity linked to intracellular pathway activation, which will regulate the transcription of trophectoderm-related genes. Then, cells of the ICM undergo the second event of mammalian cell differentiation, which consists of the separation between epiblast (EPI) and hypoblast or primitive endoderm (PrE). This second segregation involves paracrine signaling, leading to differential expression of key genes that will dictate the fate of the cell. Although these processes are described in detail in the mouse, recent studies suggest that the bovine embryo could also be an interesting model for early development, since there are differences to the mouse and similarities with early human embryogenesis. In this review, we gathered the main data available in the literature upon bovine and mouse early development events, suggesting that both models should be analyzed and studied in a complementary way, to better model early events occurring in human development.

Anim. Reprod. ; 18(1): e20200028, fev. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30920


Extracellular vesicles are nanoparticles secreted by cell and have been proposed as suitable markers to identify competent embryos produced in vitro. Characterizing EVs secreted by individual embryos is challenging because culture medium itself contributes to the pool of nanoparticles that are co-isolated. To avoid this, culture medium must be depleted of nanoparticles that are present in natural protein source. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the culture medium subjected to nanoparticle depletion can support the proper in vitro development of bovine embryos. Zygotes were cultured in groups on depleted or control medium for 8 days. Nanoparticles from the medium were characterized by their morphology, size and expression of EVs surface markers. Isolated nanoparticles were labelled and added to depleted medium containing embryos at different developmental stages and evaluated after 24 hours at 2, 8-16 cells, morula and blastocyst stages. There were no statistical differences on blastocyst rate at day 7 and 8, total cell count neither blastocyst diameter between groups. However, morphological quality was better in blastocysts cultured in non-depleted medium and the expression of SOX2 was significantly lower whereas NANOG expression was significantly higher. Few nanoparticles from medium had a typical morphology of EVs but were positive to specific surface markers. Punctuated green fluorescence near the nuclei of embryonic cells was observed in embryos from all developmental stages. In summary, nanoparticles from culture medium are internalized by in vitro cultured bovine embryos and their depletion affects the capacity of medium to support the proper embryo development.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Nanopartículas/análise , Embrião de Mamíferos , Expressão Gênica , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas In Vitro
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(4): 799-811, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285263


This study aimed to evaluate the ultrastructural morphometry of bovine embryos produced in vitro grown at different concentrations of antioxidants. After in vitro maturation and fertilization, the presumptive zygotes were assigned into five treatments. T1) without the addition of any antioxidants (negative control); T2) addition of 50µM/mL cysteamine; and T3, T4 and T5) adding 2.5µg/mL, 5.0µg/mL or 10.0µg/mL of the antioxidants derived from the oily extract from Lippia origanoides, respectively. On D7 of culture, the embryos in the blastocyst stage were fixed and prepared for electron transmission microscopy. These were evaluated for the proportion of cytoplasm-to-nucleus, cytoplasm-to-mitochondria, cytoplasm-to-vacuoles, cytoplasm-to-autophagic vacuoles and cytoplasm-to-lipid droplets. Blastocysts cultured in media containing oily extract of Lippia origanoides presented morphological characteristics such as high cell:mitochondria ratio and low cell:vacuoles and cell:autophagic vacuole ratio, possibly been morphological indicators of embryonic quality. Inner cell mass (ICM) from blastocysts cultured in media without any antioxidants had the highest cell:vacuole ratio. Similar results were found in the trophectoderm (TE) cells of blastocysts from treatment 2. Embryo culture media supplemented with antioxidants derived from Lippia origanoides oil produced embryos with a higher cytoplasmic proportion of organelles, such as mitochondria. Also, treatments without any antioxidants or with the addition of cysteamine presented cytoplasmic vacuolization, a characteristic related to production of poor-quality embryos.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a morfometria ultraestrutural de embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro e cultivados em diferentes concentrações de antioxidantes. Após a maturação e a fertilização in vitro, os possíveis zigotos foram divididos em cinco tratamentos: T1) sem adição de antioxidantes (controle negativo); T2) adição de 50µM/mL de cisteamina; e T3, T4 e T5) adição de 2,5µg/mL, 5,0µg/mL ou 10,0µg/mL dos antioxidantes derivados do extrato oleoso de Lippia origanoides, respectivamente. No D7 de cultivo, os embriões em estágio de blastocisto foram fixados e preparados para microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Estes foram avaliados para a proporção entre citoplasma e núcleo, citoplasma e mitocôndria, citoplasma e vacúolos, citoplasma e vacúolos autofágicos e citoplasma e gotículas lipídicas. Blastocistos cultivados em meio contendo extrato oleoso de Lippia origanoides apresentaram características morfológicas como alta relação célula:mitocôndria e baixa relação célula:vacúolos e célula:vacúolo autofágico, possíveis indicadores morfológicos de qualidade embrionária. A massa celular interna (MCI) de blastocistos cultivados em meio sem quaisquer antioxidantes teve a maior razão célula:vacúolo. Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados nas células do trofectoderma (TE) de blastocistos do tratamento 2. Portanto, o meio de cultivo embrionário suplementado com antioxidantes derivados do óleo de Lippia origanoides produziu embriões com maior proporção citoplasmática de organelas, como mitocôndrias. Além disso, tratamentos sem antioxidantes ou com adição de cisteamina apresentaram vacuolização citoplasmática, característica relacionada à produção de embriões de baixa qualidade.(AU)

Blastocisto , Cisteamina , Lippia , Embrião de Mamíferos/ultraestrutura , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Antioxidantes
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200141, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443449


The objective of this study was to determine the efficiency of Ringer's lactate solution (RL) and RL + 1% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and compare them with the efficiency of Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (D-PBS). Twenty-two Wagyu female cattle were subjected to superovulation and were randomly distributed to form three groups: group 1 ­ uterine flushing with RL (n = 8), group 2 ­ uterine flushing with RL + 1% FBS (n = 7), and group 3 ­ uterine flushing with D-PBS (n = 7, control group). Cows received a CIDR® device containing 1.9 g of progesterone at random stages of the estrous cycle (day 0). Progesterone withdrawal occurred on day 8 in the morning. For heifers, 160 mg of porcine follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH-P) was used and for cows, 200 mg. Prostaglandin F2α was also injected on the eighth day of FSH-P administration. On day 9, in the morning, hCG was administered. Females were superovulated and inseminated twice in a fixed time for embryo transfer. On the 16th day, females were subjected to uterine flushing for embryo collection. We collected 76 embryos from 22 females subjected to superovulation, of which 52 were transferable and 24 had degenerated. The total of embryos collected was 23, 16, and 23 for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The embryo recovery rates per group were 13.86±4.23, 15.39±4.61 and 27.16±13.33%, in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The means for the total structures collected per female were 2.88±0.85, 3.00±1.23, and 4.57±1.72 in groups flushed with RL, RL + 1% FBS, and D-PBS, respectively. We conclude that Ringer's lactate solution and Ringer's lactate solution + 1% of FBS and Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline showed no significant differences in terms of embryo quality or quantity, suggesting that Ringer's lactate solution is an alternative for collecting embryos in cattle.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Superovulação , Corpo Lúteo , Embrião de Mamíferos , Lactato de Ringer , Solução Salina , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(4): e20210054, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765791


Early mammal embryogenesis starts with oocyte fertilization, giving rise to the zygote. The events that the newly formed zygote surpasses are crucial to the embryo developmental success. Shortly after activation of its genome, cells of the embryo segregate into the inner cell mass (ICM) or the trophectoderm (TE). The first will give rise to the embryo while the latter will become the placenta. This first segregation involves cellular and molecular processes that include cell polarity linked to intracellular pathway activation, which will regulate the transcription of trophectoderm-related genes. Then, cells of the ICM undergo the second event of mammalian cell differentiation, which consists of the separation between epiblast (EPI) and hypoblast or primitive endoderm (PrE). This second segregation involves paracrine signaling, leading to differential expression of key genes that will dictate the fate of the cell. Although these processes are described in detail in the mouse, recent studies suggest that the bovine embryo could also be an interesting model for early development, since there are differences to the mouse and similarities with early human embryogenesis. In this review, we gathered the main data available in the literature upon bovine and mouse early development events, suggesting that both models should be analyzed and studied in a complementary way, to better model early events occurring in human development.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Camundongos , Embrião de Mamíferos , Camundongos , Bovinos , Diferenciação Celular , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Blastocisto
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 600-607, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492714


A L-arginina (L-arg) é o principal precursor da síntese do NO, contudo, é precursora também da síntese de creatina, agmatina, ureia, síntese proteica, L-ornitina, poliaminas, L-prolina e L-glutamato. Nesta breve revisão, vamos falar de alguns resultados que estão sendo obtidos sobre o papel da L-arg na capacitação de espermatozoides bovinos e seu impacto na produção in vitro de embriões. Estudos in vitro mostraram que a adição de L-arg ao meio de capacitação espermática está associada a um aumento na produção de NO, que se correlaciona com aumento da motilidade e vigor, integridade da membrana plasmática e acrossomal, atividade mitocondrial, capacitação espermática, peroxidação lipídica, bem como com a produção de blastocistos. Além disso, a adição da L-arg ao meio de capacitação in vitro, altera o perfil de proteínas importantes ligadas ao processo de capacitação, fertilização e desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estes efeitos da L-arg são GMPc dependentes e independentes. Na maturação in vitro, entretanto, embora já tenham sido encontrados bons resultados com o uso do L-arg, mais estudos são necessários para determinar a concentração ideal a ser adicionada ao meio de maturação in vitro e seu impacto na produção de blastocistos. Visto que a pré-capacitação de espermatozoides induzida pela heparina em presença de L-arg foi o método mais eficiente na produção in vitro de embriões, sugerimos sua utilização. Mais pesquisas sobre o metabolismo da L-arg no espermatozoide e CCOs de bovinos durante eventos ligados à fertilização são necessários para se identificar novas vias que atuem nestas etapas in vitro visando o aumento da percentagem e qualidade de embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro.

L-arginine (L-arg) is the main source of NO synthesis; however, it is also a precursor of the synthesis of creatine, agmatine, urea, protein synthesis, L-ornithine, polyamines, L-proline, and Lglutamate. In this brief review, we will discuss some results obtained previously about the role of L-arg in the capacitation of bovine sperm and its impact on in vitro embryo production. In vitro studies have shown that the addition of L-arg to the sperm capacitation medium is associated with an increase in NO production, which in controlled levels is related to an increased motility and vigor, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, mitochondrial activity, sperm capacitation, peroxidation lipids, as well as with the blastocyst production. Furthermore, the addition of L-arg to the in vitro capacitation medium alters the profile of important proteins linked to the capacitation process, fertilization, and early embryonic development. These effects of L-arg are cGMP dependent and independent. In in vitro maturation, however, although good results have already been found with the use of L-arg, further studies are needed to determine the ideal concentration to be added to the in vitro maturation medium and its impact on the production of blastocysts. Since heparin-induced pre-capacitation of spermatozoa in the presence of L-arg was the most efficient method for in vitro embryo production, we suggest its use. More research on L-arg metabolism in bovine sperm and OCCs during events related to fertilization is needed to identify new pathways that act in these in vitro steps aiming to increase the percentage and quality of bovine embryos produced in vitro.

Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Arginina/análogos & derivados , Blastocisto , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Óxido Nítrico , Técnicas In Vitro