The environment is vital to the agricultural sector since it can cause adversities throughout the entire productive chain. This study evaluated the geographical distribution of zebu breeds in Brazil and correlated their occurrence with environmental variables and the human development index. Herds of purebred zebu cattle (Bos indicus) in Brazil were classified as beef, dairy, and dual-purpose breeds, and all breeds were spatialized in the ArcGIS program. Environmental (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity index) and the human development index (HDI) were examined. We conducted regression and logistic analyses. Zebu cattle showed a lower distribution in the Northeastern states compared to other locations, possibly due to harsh weather conditions, namely long periods of high temperatures and lower precipitation, directly affecting local livestock. Beef breeds were evenly spread throughout the country in regions influenced by environmental variables of higher precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), temperature, relative humidity (RH), and temperature humidity index (THI), as well as properties without smallholder farmers and rivers and streams with riparian vegetation. The regions for dual-purpose and dairy breeds were predominantly cultivated with cutting forages (e.g., sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum), with the integration of crops, livestock and/or forestry (i.e., combining different activities in the same area) and areas with a rotational grazing system (i.e., grazing management), indicating a higher occupation in fertile lands. The Gir breed, the only dairy breed evaluated in this study, was seen in establishments with smallholder farmers, characterized by small to medium farms, and in regions at higher altitudes.
Animais , Bovinos , Estatística , Gado , Desenvolvimento HumanoResumo
ABSTRACT: Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
RESUMO: A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between behavioural activities and sperm parameters in modern and local breeds of Ukrainian boars. Visual observations were conducted on 30 boars, aged 12 and 24 months, with five boars from each of the following breeds: Large White, Landrace, Ukrainian Meat, Pietrain, intrabreed type of Duroc breed of Ukrainian selection "Steppovyi", and the terminal line "Maxter". Behaviours such as rest, movement, feed, and water intake during 24 hours were recorded. Semen samples were manually collected from each boar and evaluated for quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm quality and fertilizing capacity according to the "Instructions for Artificial Insemination of Pigs", which included parameters such as ejaculate volume, sperm concentration in the ejaculate, percentage of correctly motile spermatozoa, survival of spermatozoa, and fertilizing ability of boars. The study found that certain behavioural activities significantly influenced the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm parameters in boars of different breeds. Specifically, time spent on rest and movement, as well as the index of movement activity (at 12 months of age), significantly (P < 0.05) influenced ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and the percentage of correctly motile spermatozoa. Moreover, the effect of these behavioural acts on ejaculate volume had a curvilinear character. On the other hand, the survival of spermatozoa and fertilizing ability of boars were mainly determined by their time spent on feed and water intake (at 24 months of age), and the relationship detected in this case was asymptotic.
Animais , Sêmen , Comportamento Animal , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Sus scrofa , UcrâniaResumo
Climate change is shifting rainfall patterns, air temperature, river flows, and sea levels globally, resulting in changes in ground and surface water quality due to salinization, especially in arid and semiarid regions. During dry periods, the main water quality issue is a high quantity of salt in the water. Whilst water with fewer than 3,000 mg/L total salts is beneficial to all livestock species, tolerances vary greatly based on conditions and circumstances. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Thus, this review examined the physiological, behavioral, hematological, and biochemical responses of sheep and goats in dryland areas under climate change scenarios. Despite changes in physiological, blood, biochemical, feed and water intake, sheep and goats adapt to salinity levels to drinking water in arid environments. Adaptable and native breeds are known to be more tolerant of saline water than selected exotic breeds. Small ruminants experience a decrease in food intake and weight, a decrease in breathing rate, and an increase in blood metabolite concentration when the salt in their drinking water increases. The concept that native and adapted small ruminant breeds can withstand high water salinity is gaining popularity in scientific research worldwide. More research is needed to investigate the water tolerance capabilities of adapted breeds, especially in dry and water-saline regions affected by climate change.
Animais , Mudança Climática , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Efeitos do Clima , Desidratação/veterináriaResumo
Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
Animais , Ovinos , UruguaiResumo
The aim of current study was to survey genetic variability of PALM gene'sexon 3 and 4 by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing in Zel and Lori Bakhtiari sheep breeds. TheSIFT(Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant) and PHyre2 program were used to predict the possible impact of amino acid substitutions on performance and structure of the paralemmin protein. A total of 140 animal's from 2 Iranian sheep breeds with different fat metabolisms, Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel sheep breeds were considered. The results showed that there are two polymorphic sites including a nonsynonymous substitution and an insertion mutation (49bp). Non-synonymous mutation deduced Thr20Ala amino acid exchange and ensuing two different structures for paralemmin protein that could be potentially affect protein structure and function during the interaction with glutamate in the cytosolic surface of plasma membrane. PALMgene, according to evolutionary path, is classified into two separate categories. In first covey, Gallus gallusand in second one, other species in several branches, so that the sequence of cow and sheep is placed in a sub-branch which forms a clade beside goat. Comparison of illustrated coding region sequences, PALMgene among different species, is of orthologous which are derived from a common ancestor.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Polimorfismo Genético , Ovinos/genética , Proteínas/genética , Mutação/genética , Variação GenéticaResumo
Investigations into LDH-A and DR-D4 genes polymorphism, neurotransmitter values and cytogenetic indices of 3 sexed pigeon breeds; non-racing pigeons, (wild rock), racing long distances pigeons (Jan Aarden) and racing short distances pigeons (Janssen) have been performed. The long-distances pigeon showed the highest brain neurotransmitters concentration (p<0.001) among pigeon breeds. Both LDH-A and DR-D4 genes polymorphism indicate the presence of different biodiversity values among pigeon breeds. The variations appeared on the position length 389bp for LDH-A polymorphism, and on two positions length of 418bp and 524bp for DR-D4 polymorphism of long distances male pigeon indicate the presence of unique diversity and overall differences in the amino acids structure in this breed. The protein sequence of both genes showed that in the position of 60 for LDH-A gene the amino acid K (lys) was converted to E (glu), while, in the positions of 117 and 153 for DR-D4 gene the amino acid R (arg) and L (leu) were converted to S (ser) and F (phe) only in long distances male pigeon compared to the other breeds. Moreover, there were slight differences in cytogenetic indices detected among the three pigeon breeds. It can be concluded that both DR-D4 and LDH-A genes polymorphism and neurotransmitters estimations in the brain tissue of racing pigeon would be useful indices for the differentiation and genetic characterization of pigeon breeds and provide a foundation for developing sustainable genetic improvement and conservation programs of the breeding and selecting racing pigeon breeders.(AU)
Animais , Columbidae/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Neurotransmissores/análise , Análise Citogenética/veterinária , Biotecnologia/métodos , Receptores de Dopamina D4/análise , Lactato Desidrogenase 5/análiseResumo
This article presents the results of the culling of cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research was to study the actual number of culled cows of dairy productivity in the farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan to determine its norm. The object of research were cows of Simmental (18,462 heads) and Holstein (17,862 heads) breeds in various regions of the republic. The research was carried out according to generally accepted zootechnical methods using statistical data processing using RStudio. The results of the studies showed that the percentage of culling increases in cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds and amounts to 19.7 and 22.9%, respectively. The analysis of the retirement of full-aged cows of the Simmental breed showed that the main causes are hoof diseases (up to 26%), low reproductive function (up to 21%), low productivity (up to 18%). Holstein cows had an increase in disposals in all categories except for disposals for various reasons, for problems with reproduction, the disposal is up to 21%. The determination of the relationship between productivity and retirement in the Simmental breed cows showed that with age and increased lactation, the proportion of retired cows also increases, in the Holstein breed, with increased productivity, the percentage of culled animals also increases.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados do abate de vacas Simental e Holstein na República do Cazaquistão. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar o número real de vacas abatidas na direção da produtividade leiteira nas fazendas da República do Cazaquistão para determinar sua norma. O estudo incluiu vacas Simental (18.462 cabeças) e Holstein (17.862 cabeças) em diferentes regiões da República. A pesquisa foi conduzida de acordo com métodos zootécnicos geralmente aceitos, adotando o processamento estatístico de dados, usando o RStudio. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que as vacas Simental e Holstein aumentaram a taxa de abate para 19,7% e 22,9%, respectivamente. A análise da alienação de vacas Simental de meia-idade mostrou que as principais causas são doenças dos cascos (até 26%), baixa função reprodutiva (até 21%) e baixa produtividade (até 18%). As vacas Holstein tiveram um aumento na alienação em todas as categorias, exceto a alienação por várias razões; devido a problemas reprodutivos, a alienação é de até 21%. A determinação da relação entre a produtividade e a alienação em vacas Simental mostrou que a proporção de vacas eliminadas aumenta com a idade e o aumento da lactação, enquanto a porcentagem de animais eliminados aumenta com a produtividade na raça Holstein.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Abate de Animais , CazaquistãoResumo
O Brasil destaca-se por ser um dos líderes mundiais na produção in vitro de embriões, o que é decorrente do rebanho nacional ser predominantemente composto por raças zebuínas, que possuem maior número de folículos antrais aspiráveis. Por outro lado, vacas taurinas apresentam menor população folicular antral, o que limita o número de ovócitos obtidos por seção de aspiração folicular (ovum pick-up; OPU). Portanto, na região Sul do Brasil há demanda para produção tanto in vivo como in vitro de embriões de doadoras de raças taurinas e sintéticas. Este texto discute estudos recentes que buscam estratégias para aperfeiçoar as etapas envolvidas na produção de embriões bovinos, bem como para aumentar o aproveitamento de receptoras utilizadas nos programas de transferência de embriões (TE), com foco em vacas taurinas e sintéticas.(AU)
Brazil stands among the leaders on in vitro embryo production, as the Brazilian herd is predominantly composed by Zebu breeds, which have a greater number of antral follicles available to ovum pick-up (OPU). On the other hand, taurine cows have a lower antral follicle population, which limits the number of oocytes obtained by each OPU section. Therefore, in the Brazilian Southern region there is a demand for both in vivo and in vitro production of embryos from donors of taurine and synthetic breeds. This text discusses recent studies that seek strategies to improve the steps involved in the production of bovine embryos, as well as to increase the use of recipients in embryo transfer (ET) programs, focusing on taurine and synthetic cows.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Superovulação/fisiologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , BrasilResumo
As biotécnicas de produção in vivo e in vitro de embriões bovinos permitem aumentar significativamente o número de descendentes de fêmeas genética e/ou zootecnicamente importantes. Porém, antes de se optar por um dos métodos, deve-se avaliar suas peculiaridades. A produção in vivo pode ser empregada de forma satisfatória tanto em zebuínos quanto em raças sintéticas e taurinas, permitindo a obtenção de, em média, seis a sete embriões viáveis por coleta, com boa tolerância à criopreservação. Já a produção in vitro é mais eficiente em raças zebuínas e sintéticas, visto que possuem maior número de folículos antrais aspiráveis. Além disso, esta técnica permite a produção de embriões sem estímulos hormonais exógenos, porém com menor criotolerância. Desse modo, a presente revisão discute os desafios atuais e perspectivas futuras na produção de embriões in vivo e in vitro com base nos dados da rotina de uma central de doadoras e laboratório de produção de embriões que desenvolve simultaneamente ambas as técnicas de produção de embriões na região Sul do Brasil.(AU)
Biotechniques for in vivo and in vitro production of bovine embryos allow to significantly increase the number of descendants from cows genetically and/or zootechnically superior. However, before opting for one of the methods, one should evaluate its peculiarities. In vivo production can be used satisfactorily both in zebu cattle and in synthetic and taurine breeds, allowing to obtain, on average, six to seven viable embryos per procedure, with good tolerance to cryopreservation. In vitro production is more efficient in Zebu and synthetic breeds, since they have a greater number of aspirable antral follicles. In addition, this technique allows the production of embryos without exogenous hormonal stimuli, but with lower cryotolerance. This review discusses current challenges and future perspectives in in vivo and in vitro embryo production based on routine data from an embryo production center and a laboratory that develop, simultaneously, the two embryo production techniques in southern Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Criopreservação/métodos , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/tendências , Superovulação , Biotecnologia/tendências , BrasilResumo
A agressividade e o medo são repertórios conhecidos do comportamento canino. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a associação entre a agressividade e o medo em cães e como estas características variaram entre diversas raças de cães. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal com dados de 27541 cães, obtidos do Dog Aging Project2020, disponibilizado pela University of Washington, nos Estados Unidos. Dois constructos foram desenvolvidos a partir da teoria de resposta ao item: índice de agressividade e índice de medo. A partir das medianas, as razões de prevalência entre cães com índice de agressividade acima e abaixo da média foram ajustadas pelo modelo de regressão linear generalizada bayesiana. Baseado nos resultados, 43,8% (ICmdp95%: 43,3-44,4) dos cães tinham agressividade acima da média. Após ajuste do modelo regressivo, uma maior prevalência de cães com agressividade acima da média foi associada com os cães machos, castrados e de pequeno porte, especialmente quando o medo acima da média esteve envolvido. O contrário aconteceu para cães idosos e de raça pura com prevalência significativamente menor de cães com agressividade acima da média. Quatro grupos de características comportamentais foram apresentadas entre as raças avaliadas: cães mais agressivos e mais medrosos, menos agressivos e menos medrosos, e as duas discordantes. A principal conclusão deste estudo foi que cães com agressividade acima da média foram associados com o medo acima da média.(AU)
Aggression and fear are known repertoires of canine behavior. This study aimed to evaluate the association between aggressiveness and fear in dogs and how these characteristics varied among different breeds of dogs. This was a cross-sectional study with data from 27541 dogs, obtained from the Dog Aging Project 2020, available by the University of Washington, in the United States. Two constructs were developed fromthe item response theory: aggressiveness and fear index. From the medians, the prevalence ratios between dogs with above and below average aggressiveness index were adjusted by the Bayesian generalized linear regression model. Based on the results, 43.8% (CI 95%: 43.3-44.4) of the dogs had above-average aggressiveness. After adjusting for the regression model, a higher prevalence of dogs with above-average aggressiveness was associated with male, neutered and small dogs, especially when above-average fear was involved. The opposite happened for older and purebred dogs with a significantly lower prevalence of dogs with above-average aggressiveness. Four groups of behavioral characteristics were presented among the evaluated breeds: more aggressive and more fearful dogs, less aggressive and less fearful, and the two discordant ones. The main conclusion of this study was that dogs with above-average aggressiveness were associated with above-average fear.(AU)
La agresión y el miedo son repertorios conocidos del comportamiento canino. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la asociación entre la agresión y el miedo en los perros y cómo estas características varían entre las diferentes razas de perros. Este fue un estudio transversal con datos de 27541 perros, obtenidos del Dog Aging Project 2020, puesto a disposición por la University of Washington, en los Estados Unidos. Se desarrollaron dos constructos a partir de la teoría de respuesta al ítem: índice de agresión e índice de miedo. A partir de las medianas, las razones de prevalencia entre perros con un índice de agresión por encima y por debajo del promedio se ajustaron mediante el modelo de regresión linealgeneralizada bayesiana. Según los resultados, el 43,8% (ICmdp95%: 43,3-44,4) de los perros tenían una agresión superior al promedio. Después de ajustar el modelo de regresión, se asoció una mayor prevalencia de perros con agresividad superior a la media con perros machos, castrados y pequeños, especialmente cuando se trataba de un miedo superior a la media. Ocurrió lo contrario para los perros mayores y de raza pura con una prevalencia significativamente menor de perros con agresividad por encima del promedio. Se presentaron cuatro grupos de características comportamentales entre las razas evaluadas: perros más agresivos y más temerosos, menos agresivos y menos temerosos, y los dos discordantes. La principal conclusión de este estudio fue que los perros conagresividad superior al promedio estaban asociados con un miedo superior al promedio.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Comportamento Animal , Cães , Agressão , MedoResumo
It is well known that the concentration of the thyroid hormone thyroxine increases as day length increases, and the other way around, in Karagouniko and Chios ewes but based on openly international English literature, nothing is known about this hormone on the rams of the breeds mentioned above concerning a meticulous analysis of their aerial environment. So from this perspective, the current research was conducted to investigate the thyroxine concentrations of Karagouniko and Chios rams, taking into account two periods, January-June and July-November, when the day length was increasing and decreasing, respectively. Apart from photoperiod, the meteorological variables air temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine were taken into consideration in the farm of the Artificial Insemination Center of Karditsa (39021Î18ÎÎN, 21054Î19ÎÎE), Greece (temperate climate zone), where the experimental animals raised. The possible change of thyroxine concentration in both sheep breeds and the possible changes of the abovementioned meteorological variables between the examined periods were detected using t-tests. Higher thyroxine values (P < 0.05) were confirmed in JanuaryJune (55.11 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 47.72 ng/ml in Chios rams), in comparison to July-November (49.03 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 44.14 ng/ml in Chios rams). Air temperature and sunshine followed a reverse course (P < 0.05). In both periods, Karagouniko rams were characterized by higher concentrations of thyroxine than Chios rams (P < 0.01). Our results add more insight into the physiology of Karagouniko and Chios sheep related to thyroxine and temperate aerial environment.
Animais , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tiroxina , Ovinos , Clima TemperadoResumo
Although the epizootiological profile of canine distemper in Goiânia is unknown, there is clinical evidence for a high incidence of canine distemper virus (CDV) infection among dogs. Therefore, this study determined the epizootiological characteristics of canine distemper in naturally infected dogs. Data of 46 dogs that tested positive for the CDV based on immunochromatography or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction were collected. Data on the sex, breed, age, and vaccination status were obtained from these dogs, and extraneural and neural sign analyses were performed. Although, the infected dogs belonged to both sexes, different breeds, and different age groups, a greater proportion of cases were seen in adults (1-6 years), undefined breeds, and unvaccinated dogs. Among the CDV-positive dogs, 10.87% had been vaccinated. In addition, 4.35% showed neural signs, 8.69% showed extraneural signs, and 86.96% showed both. High lethality was observed, with viral antigen and/or DNA detected in 82.61% dead dogs. Only 8.70% of the total CDV-infected dogs remained alive at the time of their assessment.
Embora o perfil epizootiológico da cinomose canina em Goiânia seja desconhecido, há evidencia clínica para alta incidência da infecção pelo vírus da cinomose (CDV) nos cães. Este estudo objetivou determinar as características epizootiológicas da cinomose em cães naturalmente infectados. Dados de 46 cães positivos por imunocromatografia ou reação em cadeia da polimerase via transcriptase reversa para o CDV foram coletados. Dados sobre sexo, raça, idade, estado vacinal foram obtidos desses cães, e os sinais extraneurais e neurais foram analisados. Animais de ambos os sexos, diferentes raças e idades foram acometidos. A maior proporção de casos foi vista em adultos (de um a seis anos), sem raça definida e não vacinados. Dentre os cães positivos, 10,87% haviam sido vacinados. Em adição, 4,35% apresentaram sinais neurais, 8,69% sinais extraneurais e 86,96% mostraram ambos. Alta letalidade foi observada, com o antígeno viral e/ou DNA identificado em 82,61% dos cães que foram a óbito. Apenas 8,7% dos cães infectados permaneceram vivos até o momento da avaliação.
Animais , Cães , Doenças Transmissíveis/veterinária , Cinomose/epidemiologia , Vírus da Cinomose Canina , Doenças do CãoResumo
Brain is the most vulnerable organ in the body to the ageing processes which operates at variable levels between organs and species. In this study we examine brains histopathologically for architectural changes in four Nigerian cattle breeds. Brains from 246 cattle (Bunaji=80, Muturu=78, Rahaji=62 and Sokoto Gudali=26), aged 1≥12years were examined at 8 different neuroanatomical locations. All the cattle used were obtained from Abattoir in Ibadan, Nigeria. They were examined at ante-mortem and those without clinical signs suggestive of neurological disease were sampled. Major changes observed were intracellular accumulation of substances (61.4%), neuronal and or axonal degenerations and loss (51.6%), perivascular cuffing (50.0%), extracellular accumulation of substances (29.7%), hypercellularity (19.1%) and spongy state (0.4%), malacia (0.0%), demyelination (0.0%) in 233 cattle. Intraneuronal vacuolations (35%), lipofuscin accumulation (42%), axonal spheroids (50%), inflammatory changes (50%), and brain sand (22%). Although perivascular cuffing was high, there was low incidence of lymphocytic infiltration in the pineal gland in both sexes. Intracellular accumulation of substances, neuronal and or axonal degenerations and loss, and extracellular accumulation of substances display levels of significant changes with age (p<0.0001). Changes starts at the age of 2 years in life in these breeds of cattle due probably to the adverse stress exerted by the tropical climate. The description of histological findings in the brain of symptomless cattle in the present study provides a useful background for diagnostic bovine neuropathology in the tropics.(AU)
Bovinos , Cérebro/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , NigériaResumo
Abstract Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek) for describing the growth of Ri chicken. The bodyweight of Ri chicken was recorded weekly from week 1 to week 19. Growth models were fitted using minpack.lm package in R software and Akaikes information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used for model comparison. Based on these criteria, the models having four parameters showed better performance than the ones with three parameters, and the Richards model was the best one for males and females. The lowest and highest value of asymmetric weights () were obtained by Bridges and Brody models for each of sexes, respectively. Age and weight estimated by the Richard model were 8.46 and 7.51 weeks and 696.88 and 487.58 g for males and for females, respectively. Differences in the growth curves were observed between males and female chicken. Overall, the results suggested using the Richards model for describing the growth curve of Ri chickens. Further studies on the genetics and genomics of the obtained growth parameters are required before using them for the genetic improvement of Ri chickens.
Resumo O frango Ri é a raça de frango de quintal mais popular do Vietnã, mas pouco se sabe sobre a curva de crescimento dessa raça. Este estudo comparou o desempenho de modelos com três parâmetros (Gompertz, Brody e Logistic) e modelos contendo quatro parâmetros (Richards, Bridges e Janoschek) para descrever o crescimento do frango Ri. O peso corporal do frango Ri foi registrado semanalmente da semana 1 à semana 19. Os modelos de crescimento foram ajustados usando o pacote minpack.lm no software R e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC); critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) e erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram usados para comparação de modelos. Com base nesses critérios, os modelos com quatro parâmetros apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os com três parâmetros, sendo o modelo de Richards o melhor para homens e mulheres. O menor e o maior valor dos pesos assimétricos () foram obtidos pelos modelos Bridges e Brody para cada um dos sexos, respectivamente. A idade e o peso estimados pelo modelo de Richard foram de 8,46 e 7,51 semanas e 696,88 e 487,58 g para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Diferenças nas curvas de crescimento foram observadas entre frangos machos e fêmeas. No geral, os resultados sugeriram o uso do modelo de Richards para descrever a curva de crescimento de frangos Ri. Mais estudos sobre a genética e genômica dos parâmetros de crescimento obtidos são necessários antes de usá-los para o melhoramento genético de frangos Ri.
The current research investigated triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams in a temperate climate zone, considering the periods January-June and July-November, characterized by a gradual increase and decrease of daylight length, respectively. The animals raised in the farm of the Artificial Insemination Center of Karditsa (39021Î18ÎÎN, 21054Î19ÎÎE), Greece, and the meteorological variables air temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine, as well as photoperiod, were considered for a more detailed analysis. T-tests were used to detect possible changes in the concentration of triiodothyronine in both sheep breeds and in the abovementioned meteorological variables. January-June coincided with significantly higher (P < 0.05) triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams (0.82 ng/ml and 0.77 ng/ml, respectively) compared to July-November (0.72 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 0.67 ng/ml in Chios rams). Air temperature and sunshine followed the opposite pattern (P < 0.05). Karagouniko rams showed higher triiodothyronine concentrations than Chios rams, irrespective of the season. Our findings shed light on an important aspect of the thyroid gland function in Karagouniko and Chios sheep under temperate environmental conditions.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tri-Iodotironina , Clima Temperado , Efeitos do ClimaResumo
Este texto discute as estratégias farmacológicas para a manipulação do ciclo estral de fêmeas taurinas de corte, com foco na inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Os zebuínos, rebanho predominante no Brasil, apresentam características de ciclo estral diferentes das raças taurinas, o que justifica a busca por estratégias hormonais adaptadas para o controle do ciclo estral nas subespécies. O estradiol combinado com a progesterona (P4) e prostaglandina F2 alfa (PGF) é o esquema hormonal mais comumente utilizado para a manipulação do ciclo estral em protocolos de IATF. Porém, o uso de GnRH combinado ou em substituição aos ésteres de estradiol vem sendo considerado. Coletivamente, os dados do nosso grupo reforçam a necessidade de customizar as abordagens para o controle do ciclo estral de acordo com a composição genética das fêmeas bovinas.(AU)
This text discusses pharmacological strategies to manipulate the estrous cycle of taurine and synthetic females, with a focus on timed artificial insemination (TAI). Zebu cattle, the predominant herd in Brazil, have different estrous cycle characteristics than taurine breeds, requiring different synchronization hormonal strategies for each subspecies. Estradiol combined with progesterone (P4) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF) is the most used hormonal scheme for estrous cycle manipulation in TAI protocols. But the use of GnRH instead of estradiol esters is being considered. Collectively, our group's data reinforce the need to customize approaches to estrous cycle control according to the genetic composition of bovine females.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovulação/fisiologia , Ações Farmacológicas , Ciclo Estral/efeitos dos fármacos , Progesterona , Inseminação Artificial/métodosResumo
As malformações ou defeitos congênitos são alterações estruturais ou funcionais de órgãos e estruturas presentes ao nascimento. Essas alterações têm um grande impacto sobre a mortalidade e viabilidade neonatal e nem sempre são investigadas a fundo. O presente estudo descreve a incidência de malformações congênitas em cães neonatos provenientes de canis da cidade de Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana Minas Gerais, Brasil. No total, foram avaliadas 170 ninhadas com 745 neonatos e as malformações foram presentes em 21% (36/170) delas. Dos 745 neonatos, 6,4% (48/745) possuíam algum tipo de defeito congênito. Foram descritos 13 tipos de malformações, registradas em 50% (6/12) das 12 raças avaliadas. Das matrizes, 6% (11/170) apresentavam infecção por hemoparasitas, 2% (3/170) possuíam dermatopatias não diagnosticadas e 3% (5/170) estavam com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, mas não foram testadas. A exposição materna a agentes teratogênicos aconteceu em 3,5% (6/170) dos casos. Todos os casos de malformações foram diagnosticados em cães de raças puras, fortalecendo a hipótese de causas genéticas.(AU)
Congenital malformations or defects are functional or structural alterations of organs and structures present at birth. These abnormalities have a major impact on neonatal mortality and viability and aren't always thoroughly investigated. The present study described the incidence of congenital malformations in canine neonates originated from kennels from Belo Horizonte and metropolitan region Minas Gerais, Brazil. In total, 170 litters with 745 neonates were evaluated and malformations were observed in 21% (36/170) of them. From 745 evaluated neonates, 6% (48/745) had one or more congenital defects. 13 types of malformations were described, registered in 50¨% (6/12) of the 12 evaluated breeds. 6% (11/170) of the bitches were infected by hemoparasites, 2% (3/170) had undiagnosed skin diseases and 3% (5/170) had suspicion of hemoparasitosis but weren't tested. Maternal exposure to teratogenic agents happened in 3,5% (6/170) of the cases. All malformation cases happened in pure dog breeds, strengthening the hypothesis of genetic origins.(AU)
Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cães , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , BrasilResumo
Abstract The poultry sector in Pakistan is contributing mainly in bridging gap between demand and supply for protein. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is an emerging bacterium causing serious problems in poultry industry of Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the M. gallisepticum load in poultry populated regions of Pakistan. Total 600 serum and 600 swab samples were collected, 200 from each broiler, layers and breeders poultry in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad districts. Serum samples were analyzed through ELISA for seroprevalence. Swabs were cultured on Freys medium followed by PCR and partial mgc2 gene sequencing. Results of seroprevalence of M. gallisepticum showed that layers (75%, n=150) are more positive as compared to breeders (70%, n=140) and broilers (50%, n=100). Typical colonies of the M. gallisepticum were observed in breeder (26.5%), followed by layer (21%) and broilers (9%). A total of 37.1% (n=42) samples were identified positive through PCR out of total 113 cultured based positive samples. A total of six M. gallisepticum isolates of current study showed 98-99 percent similarity with previously reported isolates on the basis of mgc2 gene partial sequencing. The M. gallisepticum was found highly prevalent in different poultry breads. Results of this study would add into basic data and provide a direction for livestock sector to strengthen a control strategy for mycoplasmosis in poultry farms.
Resumo O setor avícola do Paquistão está contribuindo principalmente para preencher a lacuna entre a demanda e a oferta de proteína. Mycoplasma gallisepticum é uma bactéria emergente que causa sérios problemas na indústria avícola do Paquistão. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido para avaliar a carga de M. gallisepticum em regiões de avicultura do Paquistão. Um total de 600 amostras de soro e 600 amostras de esfregaço foi coletado, 200 de cada frango de corte, poedeiras e aves reprodutoras nos distritos de Rawalpindi e Abbottabad. Amostras de soro foram analisadas por ELISA para soroprevalência. As zaragatoas foram cultivadas em meio Frey, seguido de PCR e sequenciação parcial do gene mgc2. Os resultados da soroprevalência de M. gallisepticum mostraram que as poedeiras (75%, n = 150) são mais positivas em comparação com matrizes (70%, n = 140) e frangos de corte (50%, n = 100). Colônias típicas de M. gallisepticum foram observadas em reprodutoras (26,5%), seguidas de poedeiras (21%) e frangos de corte (9%). Um total de 37,1% (n = 42) das amostras foi identificado como positivas por PCR de um total de 113 amostras positivas baseadas em cultura. Um total de seis isolados de M. gallisepticum do estudo atual mostrou 98-99% de similaridade com isolados relatados anteriormente com base no sequenciamento parcial do gene mgc2. O M. gallisepticum foi encontrado com alta prevalência em diferentes pães de aves. Os resultados deste estudo acrescentariam dados básicos e forneceriam orientação para o setor pecuário fortalecer uma estratégia de controle da micoplasmose em granjas avícolas.
The present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the growth performances and meat quality of three indigenous chickens phenotypes reared under extensive conditions in the region of Chlef in Algeria. A week after hatching, 3 random groups of 35 chicks from each phenotype; normal plumage free-range chicken (NPFRC), crested free-range chicken (CFRC) and naked neck free-range chicken (NNFRC) were chosen and reared in free-range conditions for 18 weeks. The highest growth performance was shown by the crested free-range chicken (CFRC). In terms of meat quality, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that crested phenotype (CFRC) showed the best nutritional qualities especially proteins and moisture. The discriminant analysis revealed that CFRC and NNFRC were better in terms of tenderness and overall acceptability. As consequence of these very interesting qualities, these local breeds should be considered for extensive production in order to provide a good quality meat, while assuring their preservation.(AU)