An experiment was conducted to assess how hatchability performance of eggs is affected by line and age of female broiler breeders. Response variables analyzed were hatchability, infertility, pipping (i.e., pipped shell but not emerged), embryonic mortality (1st, 2nd, and 3rd wk), and embryonic malposition. The trials involved a total of 2,880 fertile eggs from two broiler breeder lines (Ross 308 and Cobb 500) at two different ages (30 and 50 wk). A 2 x 2 factorial design was used, where the broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age were the main effects. The hatchability in the Ross 308 line was higher than the Cobb 500 line, but its infertility was higher than the Ross 308 line. Hatchability in interaction (50 wk age of the hen in the Cobb 500 line) was less, and their infertility was higher. Embryonic mortality, pipping, and embryonic malposition did not present differences for the interaction between factors. The results suggest that hatchability performance of eggs can be improved, if egg management and incubation procedures are adjusted to account for the interaction between broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
The control of Salmonella in the poultry production chain combined with biosecurity measures is an important tool to maintain and guarantee the sanitary status of Brazilian flocks. The aim of this work was to compare official laboratory data on molecular typification of Salmonella isolates from poultry breeding flocks in different Brazilian states between 2016 and 2018 and identify the production category with the most positive flocks, in light of current legislation. Surveillance data of positive samples from the official Brazilian Salmonella Control Programme sent to Federal Agricultural Defence Laboratory of São Paulo (LFDA-SP) after molecular characterization were analysed. These data were subject to an exploratory study, undergoing a descriptive statistical analysis followed by the use of frequency and non-parametric hypothesis tests. Overall, 49 serovars were detected in poultry broiler-breeder and layer-breeder flocks. Salmonella ser. Heidelberg, Salmonella ser. Anatum, Salmonella ser. Newport, Salmonella ser. Schwarzengrund and Salmonella ser. Mbandaka were the five most common isolated serovars. The data shows that there is an opportunity to improve biosecurity measures in parent breeder flocks. A total of 16 serovars were identified in turkey-breeders. Salmonella ser. Anatum, Salmonella ser. Newport, Salmonella ser. Brandenburg, Salmonella ser. Litchfield, and Salmonella ser. Livingstone were the most common ones. The four official controlled serovars represented a small part of the isolated strains. These data demonstrate the importance of an official program in Brazil for Salmonella surveillance in breeder flocks combined with biosecurity measures.(AU)
Animais , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Aves/microbiologia , Brasil , Contenção de Riscos BiológicosResumo
The aim of this study was to predict production indicators and to determine their potential economic impact on a poultry integration system using artificial neural networks (ANN) models. Forty zootechnical and production parameters from broiler breeder farms, one hatchery, broiler production flocks, and one slaughterhouse were selected as variables. The ANN models were established for four output variables: "saleable hatching", "weight at the end of week 5," "partial condemnation," and "total condemnation" and were analyzed in relation to the coefficient of multiple determination (R2), correlation coefficient (R), mean error (E), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE). The production scenarios were simulated and the economic impacts were estimated. The ANN models were suitable for simulating production scenarios after validation. For "saleable hatching", incubator and egg storage period are likely to increase the financial gains. For "weight at the end of the week 5" the lineage (A) is important to increase revenues. However, broiler weight at the end of the first week may not have a significant influence. Flock sex (female) may influence the "partial condemnation" rates, while chick weight at first day may not. For "total condemnation", flock sex and type of chick may not influence condemnation rates, but mortality rates and broiler weight may have a significant impact.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer os indicadores de produção e determinar o seu potencial impacto econômico em um sistema de integração utilizando as redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Quarenta parâmetros zootécnicos e de produção de granjas de matrizes e de frango de corte, um incubatório e um abatedouro foram selecionados como variáveis. Os modelos de RNA foram estabelecidos para quatro variáveis de saída ("eclosão vendável", "peso ao final da quinta semana", "condenações parciais" e "condenações totais") e foram analisados em relação ao coeficiente de determinação múltipla (R2), coeficiente de correlação (R), erro médio (E), erro quadrático médio (EQM) e raiz do erro quadrático médio (REQM). Os cenários produtivos foram simulados e os impactos foram estimados. Os modelos de RNA gerados foram adequados para simular diferentes cenários produtivos após o treinamento. Para "eclosão vendável", o modelo de incubadora e o período de incubação aumentaram os ganhos financeiros. Para "peso ao final da quinta semana", a linhagem também demonstrou influencia no retorno financeiro, o que não aconteceu com o peso ao final da primeira semana. O sexo do lote possui influência nas taxas de "condenação parcial", ao contrário do peso do frango no primeiro dia. As taxas de mortalidade e o peso do frango apresentaram influência na "condenação total", mas o sexo do lote e o tipo de pinto não tiverem influência.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Inteligência Artificial , Redes Neurais de ComputaçãoResumo
Abstract The poultry sector in Pakistan is contributing mainly in bridging gap between demand and supply for protein. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is an emerging bacterium causing serious problems in poultry industry of Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the M. gallisepticum load in poultry populated regions of Pakistan. Total 600 serum and 600 swab samples were collected, 200 from each broiler, layers and breeders poultry in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad districts. Serum samples were analyzed through ELISA for seroprevalence. Swabs were cultured on Freys medium followed by PCR and partial mgc2 gene sequencing. Results of seroprevalence of M. gallisepticum showed that layers (75%, n=150) are more positive as compared to breeders (70%, n=140) and broilers (50%, n=100). Typical colonies of the M. gallisepticum were observed in breeder (26.5%), followed by layer (21%) and broilers (9%). A total of 37.1% (n=42) samples were identified positive through PCR out of total 113 cultured based positive samples. A total of six M. gallisepticum isolates of current study showed 98-99 percent similarity with previously reported isolates on the basis of mgc2 gene partial sequencing. The M. gallisepticum was found highly prevalent in different poultry breads. Results of this study would add into basic data and provide a direction for livestock sector to strengthen a control strategy for mycoplasmosis in poultry farms.
Resumo O setor avícola do Paquistão está contribuindo principalmente para preencher a lacuna entre a demanda e a oferta de proteína. Mycoplasma gallisepticum é uma bactéria emergente que causa sérios problemas na indústria avícola do Paquistão. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido para avaliar a carga de M. gallisepticum em regiões de avicultura do Paquistão. Um total de 600 amostras de soro e 600 amostras de esfregaço foi coletado, 200 de cada frango de corte, poedeiras e aves reprodutoras nos distritos de Rawalpindi e Abbottabad. Amostras de soro foram analisadas por ELISA para soroprevalência. As zaragatoas foram cultivadas em meio Frey, seguido de PCR e sequenciação parcial do gene mgc2. Os resultados da soroprevalência de M. gallisepticum mostraram que as poedeiras (75%, n = 150) são mais positivas em comparação com matrizes (70%, n = 140) e frangos de corte (50%, n = 100). Colônias típicas de M. gallisepticum foram observadas em reprodutoras (26,5%), seguidas de poedeiras (21%) e frangos de corte (9%). Um total de 37,1% (n = 42) das amostras foi identificado como positivas por PCR de um total de 113 amostras positivas baseadas em cultura. Um total de seis isolados de M. gallisepticum do estudo atual mostrou 98-99% de similaridade com isolados relatados anteriormente com base no sequenciamento parcial do gene mgc2. O M. gallisepticum foi encontrado com alta prevalência em diferentes pães de aves. Os resultados deste estudo acrescentariam dados básicos e forneceriam orientação para o setor pecuário fortalecer uma estratégia de controle da micoplasmose em granjas avícolas.
Background: A cutaneous or superficial myxoma is a benign neoplasm of dermal or subcutaneous fibroblast origin. Although rare, it has been previously described in several species, including poultry. It presents as a single node or soft mass with a gelatinous cut surface. Histopathological analysis is essential for diagnosis and to differentiate it from other mesenchymal neoplasms and inflammatory or degenerative processes. Microscopically, it consists of dermal or subcutaneous lobules of plump, stellate, or spindle-shaped, bland-looking cells embedded in a basophilic myxoid matrix. This report describes the pathological findings in a rare case of cutaneous myxoma in a 42-day-old broiler flock. Cases: During ante mortem inspection of a 42-day-old broiler flock at a slaughterhouse under the authority of the Federal Inspection Service (southern Brazil), nodular lesions or encrusted areas with yellow and black areas were observed in the head skin of less than 1% of animals. These lesions, approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, were observed on the comb, in the periocular skin region, and close to the animals' nostrils. During the breeding period, no health or epidemiological events were observed. Fragments of the lesions in the comb and periocular skin were collected and fixed in buffered 10% formalin. The samples were sent to the laboratory, routinely processed, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Alcian blue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of irregular multifocal proliferation of connective tissue showing spindle cells with poorly demarcated borders and scarce cytoplasm in a slightly basophilic myxoid aspect matrix. The adjacent epidermis is compressed due to neoplastic proliferation. No areas of epithelial hyperplasia or inclusion bodies were observed. According to the pathologic description and considering its descriptive epidemiology, our main clinical suspicion was cutaneous fowl pox, a pathology characterized by the appearance of nodules in regions devoid of feathers. However, the microscopic changes observed were compatible with those described for cutaneous myxomas. In addition, the extracellular matrix was positive for Alcian Blue staining, which is an indicator of myxoma. In the present case, the SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same origin. Discussion: Connective tissue tumors, including myxomas, occur considerably less frequently under field conditions. In addition, these neoplasms are more frequent in mature birds and are not usually described in broilers, as observed in this report. The cutaneous myxoma described in broilers is usually a sporadic neoplasm that does not cause zootechnical losses, as observed in the case report. Its etiology is unknown and has been associated with various factors, such as local trauma and foreign bodies. Some fragments of plant material from the breeding environment were microscopically detected in the encrusted areas, which may indicate previous trauma or a foreign body. Myxoma has been associated with avian leukosis virus (ALV) subgroup A, but SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same breeder hen's origin in the present case. Furthermore, sporadic connective tissue tumors associated with the virus occur in mature chickens but not in broilers. Myxoma lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other connective tissue tumors and infectious agents that cause lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Animais , Galinhas/lesões , Mixoma/veterinária , Abate de Animais , Neoplasias de Tecido Conjuntivo/veterináriaResumo
Thirty-two Arbor Acres (AA) cockerels aged 27 weeks were used to determine the effect of vitamin E (VE) on the semen characteristics and sperm quality during hot season. The birds were fed diets containing 0, 50, 100 and 150mg VE kg-1 feed. There were 4 replicates and two birds per replicate. Semen collection was done thrice a week for three weeks in all birds. Dietary vitamin E significantly (p < 0.05) increased the semen volume (SV) and number of sperm cells (NS) in AA cockerels. CONTROL birds (0.71 mL) had lower SV than birds fed 150 mg VE (0.94 mL). Birds on 100 and 150 mg VE recorded similar NS, which was higher than 0 and 50 mg VE groups. The least NS was in the CONTROL group. Sperm abnormality gradually (p < 0.05) decreased as dietary VE increased from 0 to 150 mg. Significant (p < 0.01) effect of dietary VE was recorded in percentage live sperm (PLS). Semen from cockerels on VE treatment had higher PLS than the CONTROL. In conclusion, it may be beneficial to supplement the broiler breeder cockerel diet with VE up to 150 mg kg-1 feed during hot season as it increased SV, NS and PLS and decreased sperm abnormality.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Vitamina E/análise , Tocoferóis/química , Aditivos Alimentares/químicaResumo
The poultry sector in Pakistan is contributing mainly in bridging gap between demand and supply for protein. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is an emerging bacterium causing serious problems in poultry industry of Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the M. gallisepticum load in poultry populated regions of Pakistan. Total 600 serum and 600 swab samples were collected, 200 from each broiler, layers and breeders poultry in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad districts. Serum samples were analyzed through ELISA for seroprevalence. Swabs were cultured on Freys medium followed by PCR and partial mgc2 gene sequencing. Results of seroprevalence of M. gallisepticum showed that layers (75%, n=150) are more positive as compared to breeders (70%, n=140) and broilers (50%, n=100). Typical colonies of the M. gallisepticum were observed in breeder (26.5%), followed by layer (21%) and broilers (9%). A total of 37.1% (n=42) samples were identified positive through PCR out of total 113 cultured based positive samples. A total of six M. gallisepticum isolates of current study showed 98-99 percent similarity with previously reported isolates on the basis of mgc2 gene partial sequencing. The M. gallisepticum was found highly prevalent in different poultry breads. Results of this study would add into basic data and provide a direction for livestock sector to strengthen a control strategy for mycoplasmosis in poultry farms.
O setor avícola do Paquistão está contribuindo principalmente para preencher a lacuna entre a demanda e a oferta de proteína. Mycoplasma gallisepticum é uma bactéria emergente que causa sérios problemas na indústria avícola do Paquistão. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido para avaliar a carga de M. gallisepticum em regiões de avicultura do Paquistão. Um total de 600 amostras de soro e 600 amostras de esfregaço foi coletado, 200 de cada frango de corte, poedeiras e aves reprodutoras nos distritos de Rawalpindi e Abbottabad. Amostras de soro foram analisadas por ELISA para soroprevalência. As zaragatoas foram cultivadas em meio Frey, seguido de PCR e sequenciação parcial do gene mgc2. Os resultados da soroprevalência de M. gallisepticum mostraram que as poedeiras (75%, n = 150) são mais positivas em comparação com matrizes (70%, n = 140) e frangos de corte (50%, n = 100). Colônias típicas de M. gallisepticum foram observadas em reprodutoras (26,5%), seguidas de poedeiras (21%) e frangos de corte (9%). Um total de 37,1% (n = 42) das amostras foi identificado como positivas por PCR de um total de 113 amostras positivas baseadas em cultura. Um total de seis isolados de M. gallisepticum do estudo atual mostrou 98-99% de similaridade com isolados relatados anteriormente com base no sequenciamento parcial do gene mgc2. O M. gallisepticum foi encontrado com alta prevalência em diferentes pães de aves. Os resultados deste estudo acrescentariam dados básicos e forneceriam orientação para o setor pecuário fortalecer uma estratégia de controle da micoplasmose em granjas avícolas.
Animais , Aves Domésticas/genética , Aves Domésticas/sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Mycoplasma/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
The poultry sector in Pakistan is contributing mainly in bridging gap between demand and supply for protein. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is an emerging bacterium causing serious problems in poultry industry of Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the M. gallisepticum load in poultry populated regions of Pakistan. Total 600 serum and 600 swab samples were collected, 200 from each broiler, layers and breeders poultry in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad districts. Serum samples were analyzed through ELISA for seroprevalence. Swabs were cultured on Freys medium followed by PCR and partial mgc2 gene sequencing. Results of seroprevalence of M. gallisepticum showed that layers (75%, n=150) are more positive as compared to breeders (70%, n=140) and broilers (50%, n=100). Typical colonies of the M. gallisepticum were observed in breeder (26.5%), followed by layer (21%) and broilers (9%). A total of 37.1% (n=42) samples were identified positive through PCR out of total 113 cultured based positive samples. A total of six M. gallisepticum isolates of current study showed 98-99 percent similarity with previously reported isolates on the basis of mgc2 gene partial sequencing. The M. gallisepticum was found highly prevalent in different poultry breads. Results of this study would add into basic data and provide a direction for livestock sector to strengthen a control strategy for mycoplasmosis in poultry farms.(AU)
O setor avícola do Paquistão está contribuindo principalmente para preencher a lacuna entre a demanda e a oferta de proteína. Mycoplasma gallisepticum é uma bactéria emergente que causa sérios problemas na indústria avícola do Paquistão. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido para avaliar a carga de M. gallisepticum em regiões de avicultura do Paquistão. Um total de 600 amostras de soro e 600 amostras de esfregaço foi coletado, 200 de cada frango de corte, poedeiras e aves reprodutoras nos distritos de Rawalpindi e Abbottabad. Amostras de soro foram analisadas por ELISA para soroprevalência. As zaragatoas foram cultivadas em meio Frey, seguido de PCR e sequenciação parcial do gene mgc2. Os resultados da soroprevalência de M. gallisepticum mostraram que as poedeiras (75%, n = 150) são mais positivas em comparação com matrizes (70%, n = 140) e frangos de corte (50%, n = 100). Colônias típicas de M. gallisepticum foram observadas em reprodutoras (26,5%), seguidas de poedeiras (21%) e frangos de corte (9%). Um total de 37,1% (n = 42) das amostras foi identificado como positivas por PCR de um total de 113 amostras positivas baseadas em cultura. Um total de seis isolados de M. gallisepticum do estudo atual mostrou 98-99% de similaridade com isolados relatados anteriormente com base no sequenciamento parcial do gene mgc2. O M. gallisepticum foi encontrado com alta prevalência em diferentes pães de aves. Os resultados deste estudo acrescentariam dados básicos e forneceriam orientação para o setor pecuário fortalecer uma estratégia de controle da micoplasmose em granjas avícolas.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas/sangue , Aves Domésticas/genética , Mycoplasma/patogenicidade , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Abstract The poultry sector in Pakistan is contributing mainly in bridging gap between demand and supply for protein. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is an emerging bacterium causing serious problems in poultry industry of Pakistan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the M. gallisepticum load in poultry populated regions of Pakistan. Total 600 serum and 600 swab samples were collected, 200 from each broiler, layers and breeders poultry in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad districts. Serum samples were analyzed through ELISA for seroprevalence. Swabs were cultured on Frey's medium followed by PCR and partial mgc2 gene sequencing. Results of seroprevalence of M. gallisepticum showed that layers (75%, n=150) are more positive as compared to breeders (70%, n=140) and broilers (50%, n=100). Typical colonies of the M. gallisepticum were observed in breeder (26.5%), followed by layer (21%) and broilers (9%). A total of 37.1% (n=42) samples were identified positive through PCR out of total 113 cultured based positive samples. A total of six M. gallisepticum isolates of current study showed 98-99 percent similarity with previously reported isolates on the basis of mgc2 gene partial sequencing. The M. gallisepticum was found highly prevalent in different poultry breads. Results of this study would add into basic data and provide a direction for livestock sector to strengthen a control strategy for mycoplasmosis in poultry farms.
Resumo O setor avícola do Paquistão está contribuindo principalmente para preencher a lacuna entre a demanda e a oferta de proteína. Mycoplasma gallisepticum é uma bactéria emergente que causa sérios problemas na indústria avícola do Paquistão. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido para avaliar a carga de M. gallisepticum em regiões de avicultura do Paquistão. Um total de 600 amostras de soro e 600 amostras de esfregaço foi coletado, 200 de cada frango de corte, poedeiras e aves reprodutoras nos distritos de Rawalpindi e Abbottabad. Amostras de soro foram analisadas por ELISA para soroprevalência. As zaragatoas foram cultivadas em meio Frey, seguido de PCR e sequenciação parcial do gene mgc2. Os resultados da soroprevalência de M. gallisepticum mostraram que as poedeiras (75%, n = 150) são mais positivas em comparação com matrizes (70%, n = 140) e frangos de corte (50%, n = 100). Colônias típicas de M. gallisepticum foram observadas em reprodutoras (26,5%), seguidas de poedeiras (21%) e frangos de corte (9%). Um total de 37,1% (n = 42) das amostras foi identificado como positivas por PCR de um total de 113 amostras positivas baseadas em cultura. Um total de seis isolados de M. gallisepticum do estudo atual mostrou 98-99% de similaridade com isolados relatados anteriormente com base no sequenciamento parcial do gene mgc2. O M. gallisepticum foi encontrado com alta prevalência em diferentes pães de aves. Os resultados deste estudo acrescentariam dados básicos e forneceriam orientação para o setor pecuário fortalecer uma estratégia de controle da micoplasmose em granjas avícolas.
Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/epidemiologia , Mycoplasma gallisepticum/genética , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Aves Domésticas , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Galinhas , Estudos TransversaisResumo
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of ambient temperature (T) and feeding time (FT) on eggshell thickness (ST) and egg weight (EW) of broiler breeder hens. Thirty 44-week-old Ross 308 broiler breeder hens were randomly distributed into six environmentally controlled chambers and kept in individual cages. Three thermal treatments were applied: 20 ºC (T1), cyclic 20-30 ºC (30 °C between 1000 h and 1800 h) (T2), and 30 ºC (T3). Birds received 180 g of commercial breeder food at 0730 h (FT1) or 1530 h (FT2). There were two replications per treatment and egg collection was performed for seven days. The eggs from the birds at T1 and T2 fed at 1530 h (T1FT2 and T2FT2 respectively) were significantly heavier than those laid by hens at the same T when fed in the morning (T1FT1 and T2FT1); eggs from T1FT1 and T2FT1 were heavier than the eggs from T3, but there were no significant differences between them. Both T and FT had significant effects on ST, but no significant interactions were found. Birds fed at 1530 h had the highest ST, whilst birds at T3 showed the lowest. Birds on T2 produced the thickest shells due to a higher ST in birds fed at 1530 h. Birds fed at 1530 h consumed their food between 1800 h and 2030 h, resulting in a higher dietary Ca2 + available during shell mineralization. The effect of FT and biphasic T treatments on ST in feed restricted broiler breeders should be interpreted considering the length of the high T phase to the actual food consumption time.(AU)
Temperatura , Ingestão de Alimentos , Casca de Ovo , GalinhasResumo
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) is a dominant serotype among non-typhoidal Salmonella which renders poultry products unsafe for human consumption. Due to frequent reporting of egg associated outbreaks, broiler breeder flocks are understudied although farm environment present supporting conditions for the growth of SE. In this study, two rapid detection techniques for SE were compared in terms of analytical sensitivity and the extent of SE contamination in broiler breeder farm environment was determined. Analytical sensitivity as limit of detection (LOD) was evaluated quantitatively for serotype specific PCR based on amplification of Sdf I gene and a commercially available sandwich ELISA for antigen detection. In triplicate experiments, tenfold serial dilutions of SE were prepared and tested with each technique. Using pure cultures, analytical sensitivity of PCR and ELISA were found to be 18.6 CFU/ml and 2.77×105 CFU/ml respectively. PCR (LOD, log 1.2) was found to be more sensitive and rapid than ELISA (LOD, log 5.4). Environmental swab samples (n = 260) were collected from 22 hen houses representing 8 broiler breeder farms located in and around Lahore and Sheikhupura districts of Punjab province. From each hen house swab samples were collected from litter, nests, feeders, drinkers, fans, pads, ceiling, walls and walkways. Following selective enrichment, pooled swab samples were subjected to PCR. Results showed that 36.3 % (8/22) hen houses were detected positive for SE. These findings suggest improvement in farm biosecurity measures and advocate implementation of integrated Salmonellosis control programs in broiler breeder houses to minimize carcass contamination.(AU)
Salmonella enteritidis , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/instrumentaçãoResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the effects that breeder age has on digestive and immune system development; the transfer of immunoglobulins to egg yolk, yolk sac, and neonate chicks; and the immune response of chicks up to 35 days old. Three ages (32, 42, and 52 weeks) of Hubbard breeders were studied with ages as treatments. A total of 425 eggs were weighed for each of the three treatments and incubated. After hatching, a total of 300 1-day-old chicks were used in each treatment. We studied the development of the gastrointestinal tract and immune system of progeny and IgY transfer from breeder to progeny. Chicks from 52-week-old breeders had greater gastrointestinal tract growth up to seven days of life and greater body weight at 14 days. Older breeders (52 weeks) had higher amounts of IgY in serum and egg yolk. Chicks from the youngest breeders (32-weeks-old) had a better immune response at two weeks post-vaccination. It can be concluded that the older breeders have a greater capacity to immunize progeny up to 14 days. Strategies can be developed to increase IgY in the serum of young breeders and, consequently, increase the innate immunity of the newly-hatched chicks.(AU)
Galinhas/imunologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Sistema Imunitário , Imunoglobulinas/efeitos adversos , Fatores EtáriosResumo
ABSTRACT In any broiler breeder flock, there is always some mortality that is considered to be normal during the life of the flock. The aim of this study is to summarize the prevalence and patterns of mortality during the production period. To evaluate the mortality, each dead hen was systematically and completely examined via necropsy. In addition to post mortem evaluation, weights (whole body, liver, spleen and heart) were recorded to correlate the birds physical condition with the mortality category or lesion. In general, the variation in mortality was not associated with the specific weight of the organs. However, for specific diseases like fatty liver, septicemia and ascites, there was a correlation with the organ weight of the liver, spleen and heart respectively. Ovaritis was observed to be the most prevalent lesion found in dead hens during the production period followed by ovarian regression (atrophy), peritonitis, internal lay and vent pecking. The two periods with the higher total percentage of morality were onset of lay (25-30 weeks) and end-stage of the production period (56-61 weeks). During the laying period, we mainly observed metabolic disorders followed by infectious lesions. Infectious lesions, including ovaritis and septicemia, were the predominant cause for mortality at the onset production. Vent and feather pecking were also primarily concentrated during the first weeks of the production period. Metabolic diseases were observed in higher prevalence during the latter half of the production period.
Birds develop thermoregulatory control during the last days of incubation. Different temperature conditioning programs have been proposed to prepare broiler chicks for post-hatch life. This study aimed to investigate the effects of short-term temperature (STT) stimulation and breeder age on hatching performance, embryo development, yolk absorption, and post-hatch performance of male and female broilers. A 2 × 2 factorial completely randomized design was used, with two breeder ages (30 and 60 wk), two temperature incubation programs (control and STT), and 2,520 eggs per treatment. Eggs were distributed in two large-scale commercial incubators with a capacity of 120,960 eggs. The control group was subjected to a standard single-stage incubation program (37.2-37.4 °C), whereas the STT group was subjected to a temperature increment of 1 °C for 4 h on embryonic days 16, 17, 18, and 19. Embryos were analyzed at 16 and 19 days of incubation, and chicks at hatch. At 19 days of incubation, STT conditioning resulted in lower yolk sac weight in embryos from 60-wk-old breeders and higher relative weight of the gastrointestinal tract in embryos from 30-wk-old breeders. At hatch, males had lower residual yolk weight, females had greater length, and chicks from 60-wk-old breeders subjected to STT had higher body weight and relative weight of the gastrointestinal tract. Eggs from 30-wk-old breeders showed higher fertility and hatchability and lower infertility, mortality, and second-grade chick percentages. Regarding performance, it was found that males had higher body weight from 7 to 42 days of age and higher whole leg yields. Females, on the other hand, had higher fat yields. Breeder age and sex influenced gastrointestinal tract development, carcass yield, and performance. A 1 °C increase in incubation temperature for 4 h from days 16 to 19 of incubation affected yolk absorption and digestive tract development in chicks from 60-wk-old breeders without, however, influencing performance results.(AU)
As aves desenvolvem o controle do sistema termorregulatório durante os últimos dias de incubação, dessa forma, diferentes programas temperatura de incubação têm sido descritos para preparar os pintos de corte para a vida pós-eclosão. Objetivou-se nesse estudo, estabelecer os efeitos de alterações curtas na temperatura de incubação e da idade da matriz no desempenho de eclosão, desenvolvimento embrionário, absorção da gema e desempenho pós-eclosão de frangos de corte machos e fêmeas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em fatorial 2 x 2 com 2 idades de matriz (30 e 60 semanas) e 2 programas de incubação de temperatura, controle (CT) e grupo de treinamento de temperatura de curto prazo (STT) e 2.520 ovos em cada tratamento. Os ovos foram distribuídos em 2 incubadoras comerciais de grande escala com capacidade para 120.960 ovos. O grupo CT seguiu um programa de incubação de estágio único padrão (37,2-37,4°C) e o STT teve um incremento em + 1 ° C por 4 hs nos dias 16, 17, 18 e 19 de incubação. Os embriões foram analisados aos 16 e 19 dias e pintinhos na eclosão. Aos 19 dias de incubação, embriões de matrizes com 60 semanas apresentaram menor peso do saco vitelino e embriões de matrizes com 30 semanas apresentaram maior porcentagem de trato gastrointestinal quando em STT. Na eclosão, os machos apresentaram menor vitelo residual, e as fêmeas apresentaram maior comprimento, pintinhos mais pesados e maior trato gastrointestinal quando originárias de matrizes de 60 semanas de idade e expostos ao STT. Na eclosão, os ovos com 30 semanas de idade apresentaram maior porcentagem de fertilidade e eclodibilidade e menor infertilidade, mortalidade e pintos de secunda categoria. No desempenho, os machos apresentaram maior peso corporal do 7° ao 42° dia e maiores valores de porcentagem de pernas e as fêmeas maiores valores de porcentagem de gordura. A idade das matrizes e o sexo influenciaram o desenvolvimento visceral, o rendimento de carcaça e o desempenho dos frangos de corte. O aumento de 1°C durante 4 horas entre os dias 16 e 19 de incubação afetou a absorção da gema e o trato digestivo em pintos de matrizes com 60 semanas de idade, sem refletir nos resultados de desempenho.(AU)
Animais , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Peso Corporal , Galinhas , Trato Gastrointestinal , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of digestible valine supplementation in pre-starter and starter diets on the productivity, nutrient metabolizability coefficient (NMC), and immune response of broilers from breeders of different ages. Experiments I and II were conducted with broilers in the pre-starter (1 to 7 days of age) and starter (8 to 21 days of age) phases, respectively. Broilers were fed diets that differed in their digestible valine content. In each trial, 400 male Cobb 500® chicks were randomly housed in a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement with eight treatments and five replicates of 10 birds each. The main effects were breeder age (37 vs. 52 weeks) and the digestible valine level in pre-starter (9.2, 10.2, 11.2, and 12.2 g/kg) and starter (8.3, 9.3, 10.3, and 11.3 g/kg) diets. Productive performance, intestinal histology, and immune response of broilers were evaluated. Supplementation with 11.2 g/kg valine in pre-starter diets improved NMC and increased villus height and villus:crypt ratio in the duodenum, jejunum development, and lymphocyte proliferation in the spleen of broilers at seven days of age, without improving performance (body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio). In the starter phase, valine supplementation reduced feed intake but did not affect NMC, intestinal development, or immune response. The present results suggest that the same level of digestible valine should be used in the diet of broilers born to breeders of different ages, and the use of 9.2 and 8.3 g/kg digestible valine in pre-starter and starter diets, respectively, is sufficient to ensure satisfactory broiler performance. However, to improve the duodenum and jejunum development and immune response of broilers in the pre-starter phase, higher digestible valine levels are required.
Animais , Valina/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/imunologia , Dieta/veterinária , Aminoácidos/administração & dosagem , Sistema ImunitárioResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ultraviolet light in reducing bacterial load of eggshells and the impact of experimental disinfection on hatching, embryo mortality, and time-borne distribution using broiler breeder hens of different ages (38, 42, and 48 weeks old). Fertile eggs were subjected to different exposure periods (5, 7, and 9 minutes) of UV light (UV-C) with a 254 nm wavelength. For controls, eggs disinfected with paraformaldehyde (5.3 g/m3) and eggs not disinfected (NC). After subjection to disinfection protocols, the eggs were placed into sterile plastic bags containing 20 mL of peptone saline solution (0.1% m:v) and massaged for 1 minute to release the bacterial load. Aliquots of this solution were incubated in specific medium for bacterial growth for 48 hours at 37ºC for subsequent CFU counts. To evaluate the effects of disinfection on production, eggs previously disinfected by UV-C (9 min) and paraformaldehyde and NC eggs were candled between incubation days 10 and 13 and at the end of the incubation period to assess embryonic mortality. Hatchability distribution was performed every 8 hours. The 9 minutes 254nm UV-C light exposure was able to disinfect viable eggs and matched the effectiveness of the paraformaldehyde technique.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia da luz ultravioleta na redução da carga bacteriana de cascas de ovos e o impacto na eclosão e na mortalidade embrionária observando-se a idade das matrizes (38, 42 e 48 semanas). Os ovos foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de exposição (cinco, sete e nove minutos) à luz UV (UV-C) com comprimento de onda de 254nm. Os controles foram ovos desinfetados com paraformaldeído (5,3g/m³) e ovos não desinfetados (NC). Após a desinfecção, os ovos foram colocados em sacos plásticos estéreis contendo 20mL de solução salina peptonada (0,1% m:v) e massageados por um (1) minuto para descolamento das bactérias. Alíquotas dessa solução foram incubadas em meio para crescimento bacteriano por 48 horas a 37ºC e contagem de UFC. Para avaliar os efeitos da desinfecção, ovos previamente desinfetados por UV-C (nove minutos) e ovos com paraformaldeído e NC foram submetidos à ovoscopia entre os dias 10 e 13 de incubação e ao final do período de incubação, para avaliação da mortalidade embrionária. A distribuição da eclodibilidade foi realizada a cada oito horas. A exposição à luz UV-C de 25nm de nove minutos desinfetou os ovos férteis e coincidiu com a eficácia do paraformaldeído.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas , Desinfecção/métodos , Ovos/efeitos da radiação , Ovos/microbiologia , Raios UltravioletaResumo
This study was carried out to determine the effects of coating with chitosan film and storing at different periods (7, 14, and 21 days) of broiler breeder eggs on growth performance and carcass characteristics of the chicks. The present study was arranged as three different storage periods (7, 14, and 21 days) and coating or not the eggs with chitosan film. In total, 1800 hatching fertilized eggs were used. These eggs were divided into six groups with 100 eggs in each and 600 eggs in each replication. A total of 751 chicks obtained from the hatching were used as material in this study. As a result, all chicks in the coated chitosan groups were alive during the 42-day growth period. The average hatching weight was determined as 42.7±0.1 g. The mean body weight (BW) of chicks on the 42nd day was determined as 2541.8±12.3 g in all groups. The effect of repetition on weekly BW and body weight gain (BWG) was found to be significant in the growth period. The differences between the groups for the BW were significant on day 1. While the weekly BWG varied, the growth performance was similar in the growth period in all groups. The differences between the groups in terms of slaughter weight and carcass characteristics were insignificant. It was determined that coating broiler eggs with chitosan and storing them in different periods does not have significantly negative effect on growth performance and carcass characteristics.(AU)
Quitosana/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Carne/análise , Peso Corporal/fisiologiaResumo
The aim of the current research was to study the effect of canola meal processing methods on the traits of egg, fertility, cecal microbial population, and the carcass of broiler breeder hens. Canola meal was processed by fermentation and enzymatic hydrolysis methods, then was fed to the hens. Four hundred and fifty broiler breeder hens of Ross strain weighing 3300±150 g (40 weeks) were used for 12 weeks. A completely randomized design was used with 6 treatments (unprocessed, processed by Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bacillus Subtilis, Aspergillus Oryzae, Neurospora Sitophila, and Alcalase enzyme) and 5 replications. Fifteen hens were included in each pen. The data collected were analyzed using the LSmeans procedure of SAS software. The treatment effect was significant on the fertility hatchability (p 0.05). The highest fertility hatchability was observed in the processing method by Neurospora Sitophila fungi (85%). Experimental treatments had significant effects on the germs and pH of the caecum (p 0.05). The use of processing methods reduced the population of salmonella and coliforms and increased the population of lactobacillus in the caecum. Most of the population of salmonella, lactobacillus, and coliforms of the caecum was observed in the treatments of unprocessed, Bacillus Subtilis bacteria, and unprocessed, respectively. The effect of the experimental treatment had significant effect on abdominal fat (p 0.05). Processing methods of canola caused the reduction of abdominal fat. The highest decrease in abdominal fat was observed in the treatment that processed Aspergillus Oryzae fungi (1.89%). Processing of canola meal improved its digestibility and reduced its anti-nutritional factors.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Óvulo , Brassica napus , Fármacos para a FertilidadeResumo
The aim of the current research was to study the effect of canola meal processing methods on the traits of egg, fertility, cecal microbial population, and the carcass of broiler breeder hens. Canola meal was processed by fermentation and enzymatic hydrolysis methods, then was fed to the hens. Four hundred and fifty broiler breeder hens of Ross strain weighing 3300±150 g (40 weeks) were used for 12 weeks. A completely randomized design was used with 6 treatments (unprocessed, processed by Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bacillus Subtilis, Aspergillus Oryzae, Neurospora Sitophila, and Alcalase enzyme) and 5 replications. Fifteen hens were included in each pen. The data collected were analyzed using the LSmeans procedure of SAS software. The treatment effect was significant on the fertility hatchability (p 0.05). The highest fertility hatchability was observed in the processing method by Neurospora Sitophila fungi (85%). Experimental treatments had significant effects on the germs and pH of the caecum (p 0.05). The use of processing methods reduced the population of salmonella and coliforms and increased the population of lactobacillus in the caecum. Most of the population of salmonella, lactobacillus, and coliforms of the caecum was observed in the treatments of unprocessed, Bacillus Subtilis bacteria, and unprocessed, respectively. The effect of the experimental treatment had significant effect on abdominal fat (p 0.05). Processing methods of canola caused the reduction of abdominal fat. The highest decrease in abdominal fat was observed in the treatment that processed Aspergillus Oryzae fungi (1.89%). Processing of canola meal improved its digestibility and reduced its anti-nutritional factors.